UFO Hunters: SECRET NASA FILES EXPOSED (S1, E13) | Full Episode | History

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since it was launched in 1958 some believe nasa  has encountered evidence of ufos and some ufo   researchers say they're covering it up the notion  that we're alone in the universe becomes absurd after roswell ufo sightings increase at an  incredible rate our astronauts seeing things too official nasa videos capture possible  anomalous objects on film they are   objects that are out there obviously not  stars but nasa dismisses the sightings   why did they finalize a report on unidentified  flying objects without finding out what those were   astronauts rarely come forward with their  stories but now details are coming out   the policy was that we should stay quiet  about such things frankly i don't see why   they would fabricate this kind of material  it's almost a negative career-wise for them   has nasa discovered proof of ufos we're not  entirely convinced that all the nasa footages   is a bunch of dust particles and are they hiding  what they found he said well we have to airbrush   these out this is case number 58306 the nasa  files we have an unidentified flying object since the beginning of the manned  space programs in the early 1960s   ufo researchers have claimed that  nasa missions are seeing ufos in space cameras aboard nasa spacecraft photograph  and videotape numerous large solid objects according to some experts these objects appear to  accelerate change direction and even evade danger   nasa's explanations say that these are images  of ice crystals or other normal space debris   but others are convinced that nasa  is not disclosing the entire truth don't you guys find it strange that nasa  is not interested in ufos at all nasa has a   limited budget and ufos is just considered to  be so unlikely that nasa put their resources   towards other areas they feel are more likely  to yield fruit they say they're not interested   in ufos and yet they've got all this footage of  strange things flying around what exactly do we   have to do to prove that there is a ufo cover up  at nasa you've got to find people who are credible   witnesses inside nassau and we've got to find  the documents that say nasa knows there are ufos   that's what we have to investigate ted wants  a smoking gun let's go look for a smoking gun the team heads to denver colorado  to speak with a former nasa employee   who has a unique insight into nasa's relationship  with ufos good to see you again come on guys john   schuesler worked in the engineering department  at nasa during the gemini and apollo programs   from 1962 until his retirement in 1998. he was  awarded the nasa public service medal in 1997. if anybody knows about a nasa cover-up  from the inside it's john schussler were   you inside the nasa machine i did have  a top secret clearance i'm interested in   solving this mystery i'm trying to find out why  somebody that's really responsible for our space   program wouldn't be interested in something  else up there and all i got was stonewall   what's the nasa policy on ufos i never saw a  written policy but the unwritten policy was don't   go there now that's a policy it's a non-subject is  a policy whether you want to say it or not i found   that nasa had a list of organizations outside  of nasa those organizations were supposed to be   able to give me the nasa policy that's pretty  strange nasa should be speaking for themselves while nasa has no official policy on ufos  other government and military agencies found   the perfect way to dismiss any talk  about the subject the condon report   the report commissioned by the air force  in 1966 was led by physicist edward condon   after two years of studying ufo information  gathered by both government and civilian groups   the report determined that all cases had rational  explanations and that no further study of such   phenomena was necessary quote the subject of  ufos has been widely misrepresented to the public   by a small number of individuals if we came  across any evidence whatever that seemed to   us to indicate a defense hazard we would call  it to the attention of the air force at once   we did not find any such evidence we do not  think at this time the federal government ought   to set up a major new agency as some have  suggested for the scientific study of ufos why did they finalize a report on a study of  unidentified flying objects without finding   out what those were his executive summary said  forget it all you know there's nothing to it   so you're saying the condon report was far from  objective there was a air force influence on   the report to make sure that that it came up  negative and the air force used that statement   by condon to shut down project blue book and  say for the next 40 years ufos didn't exist   with all government agencies including nasa  no longer officially interested in studying   the ufo phenomenon it became difficult for  astronauts or anyone else working for nasa   to speak about anomalous  events they possibly witnessed if you look at the the index to this chapter  six of that is visual observations made by   u.s astronauts the very first case  i ever heard of was on gemini four   and on gemini four you had an outstanding pair of  astronauts up there this was uh james mcdivitt and   james mcdevitt and then white one of them said  hey there's something up here june 1965 ed white   and james mcdivitt are passing over hawaii in  the gemini 4 spacecraft they suddenly spot a   metallic object with long arms protruding  from it mcdivot takes a series of pictures some hours later mcdivot is on duty while his  partner sleeps he sees something strange over the   hawaiian islands a round object with a comet-like  tail and manages to take some movie footage according to the official nasa transcript  mcdivit contacts nasa quote gemini 4   capcom responds quote how are you doing  up there mcdippit reports back quote fine   i just saw something else up here with me but  just as i was getting close enough to take a   good picture the sun got in the way and i lost  it the official mission audio reveals that the   capsule communicator or capcom acknowledges  and shows interest in what mcdivot is seeing mcdivitt says quote stand by and let  me see if i can find this thing again   capcom responds back quote that's a firm you  still looking at the thing up there mcdivitt   reports back quote no i've lost it it had big  arms sticking out of it it looked like i only had   it just for a minute i got a couple of pictures  with a movie camera and one with the hasselblad   but i was in free drift before i could  get the control back i drifted and lost it after the gemini 4 mission concludes mcdivot is  surprised to find that nasa releases only one   picture and one still frame of his footage to the  public he maintains the released picture is not   what he saw and denies nasa's explanation that  the object is simply a reflection on the window mcdivot believes he may have accidentally  photographed a secret defense satellite the astronauts themselves are talking about  ufos well some of them did well not very many   pilots generally will not speak out about ufos  even though they encounter them on a regular   basis it's taboo they just won't do it their real  business is flying in space they don't want to   talk about anything else but this is not the only  time a gemini mission will spot something strange december 1965 astronauts james lovell  and frank borman in the gemini 7 capsule   see a ufo on their second orbit around the earth   gemini control at cape kennedy explains it  away as the final stage of their titan rocket but once again official mission  audio tells a different story borman's co-pilot notes that he sees the  booster rocket on his side of the craft according to the official nasa audio  transcript of the mission lovell says   quote i have the booster on my side capcom  responds quote what direction is it from you   lovell reports back quote it's ahead of us  at two o'clock slowly tumbling later audio   shows capcom convincing borman and lovell that  this is part of the booster rocket after all   but despite this explanation nasa rarely addresses  this or other early astronaut sightings i was told   one time by a director that you have to make a  decision in what you really want to do do you   really want to follow ufos or do you really want  to be in the space program it wasn't accepted   or given as a thread it was given as more  like this is the way it is this is life here   since the beginning of nasa's manned  space flights the agency has refused   to officially comment on the possibility  of ufos encountered during their missions   but there are a few who've been willing to come  forward and talk on the record about nasa and ufos the team sends pat to pick up an inside contact   who claims that she has witnessed nasa  covering up the existence of ufos firsthand hi donna hare claims to have worked at nasa  as a subcontractor with security clearance   she has recently gone public with her alleged  encounter at the johnson space center in houston   i became aware that there were crap at  nasa and it's being kept sacred and i had   seen pictures in the lab the team is aware  that donna's story is a controversial one   but she strongly believes in  what she claims to have seen while at nasa her work focused on graphic design   during her tenure she believes  she saw someone suppress evidence can you describe what you saw in some  detail i was working in building eight   and uh one of the technicians there who's making a  mosaic one of the things that i noticed was a spot according to donna the technician was making a  mosaic map of an undisclosed area a satellite   in orbit was taking numerous pictures of the  location and sending them back to earth so   that they could later be put together to form a  grid of the entire area in one of these pictures   donna claims to have noticed a strange  object that seemed out of place i said is that a bubble on the emulsion he said no  bubbles on the emulsion don't leave round shadows   on the ground he said well we have to airbrush  these out before we sell them to the public   she wondered was this just protocol to  airbrush normal objects or distortions   making the photos more clear or an  attempt to erase errant pictures of ufos   they did have a protocol in place so obviously  other things have gone through that they've taken   out i mean are we talking about a nasa cover-up  here donna's story has never been independently   verified and if this was a ufo airbrushed out of  existence does this mean the entire organization   is in on the cover-up all of nasa is not  covering it up but i do believe specific people   in there are keeping it covered up  which is more scary than a ufo to me   did anybody at nasa ever tell you don't ever  talk about ufos there was two gentlemen that   did come to my house and they basically told me  it was not a good thing for me to talk about it now they didn't say you're going to die but  i was getting my phone tapped a lot and i was   getting followed if it's intimidation it  shouldn't be done to me that's completely   against the american way of life we should  be talking about this i think this is one   of the most serious subjects that we're  ever going to see these allegations of   a nasa cover-up are extraordinary but those  who come forward stand by their experiences the team turns to the history of nasa shuttle  encounters in an attempt to find more answers   when the space shuttle columbia  launched into space on april 12   1981 astronauts were spending not hours but days  and later weeks in outer space it would be logical   to expect anomalous sightings to increase as  well that's exactly what happened as the number   of reports from shuttle astronauts increases  nasa continues to search for explanations space debris was a common explanation  but nasa soon discovered that the shuttle   itself could be having an impact  on what astronauts were seeing the team heads back to california for a  first-hand look at an astronaut's point of view brick price has built an exact duplicate  of the control room of the space shuttle   which is often used in hollywood films oh here's  the space shuttle what do you think wow the   mock-up was constructed from the original shuttle  blueprints so every square inch of it is accurate   brick has set up a cross section  of the space shuttle's windows   and set up a camera to film through  them displaying its point of view   on a separate monitor his experiments will explore  a theory of what the astronauts could have seen a lot of people have seen this nasa  footage say that these objects flying   around are just bits of debris or even chunks  of ice that have sort of been chipped off the   space shuttle and is that something that  could actually happen sure and that's a   possibility the space shuttle's windows are  typically four to five window panes thick   and because of this the view  outside can easily be distorted with these panes of glass we're going to be able  to show you reflections eamon is going to be   shining a bright light here and trying to mimic  what might happen with sunlight moving around   the glass is very thick what you have then is  you have an inner surface an outer surface on   each piece of glass that has separation and  then you have four or five pieces of glass   now each of those surfaces will reflect light with  light reflecting through several different panes   it can make debris on the windows  appear to grow in size or move you'll see as the sunlight moves around is  going to pick up different aspects of this   on the computer monitor the team can clearly see  how easily light can distort the smallest particle as you'll see on here note that this one  fades out that particular one right there   so it looks like it's growing it looks like it  might be coming towards us because as the light   increases in intensity it appears to be growing  bigger now the best stuff you're seeing coming   across in between the lens and the sheets of  glass the window it's being eliminated from   the light that's coming on the window side not  only is there debris outside the shuttle but   there is also debris between the window panels  how would debris get inside the panes of glass   here you can see how the panes of glass are  vibrating at different different frequencies   and that translates of course to the edges  here so if again if it pushed against it like   that sheet of glass and caused it to a little  piece to just break free it could be anything   it could be a paint or a piece of aluminum or  maybe some dried up insulation or something so aberrations are common not only can there be  debris magnified on the outside of the window   any internal debris that breaks  off in between the glass layers   can appear as a strange object as well stark sunlight coming you know at acute angles  into the field ice particles you know all these   add up to me to a pretty good set of candidate  explanations for what we're seeing in these in   these photos so all this goes to show that when  you're looking through these multiple panes of   glass you're looking at a lot more than just  what's outside oh absolutely it's much more as   i said is much more than meets the eye there's  clearly a lot of objects that are far off in the   distance from the space shuttle and uh those may  not be uh little pieces of ice or dust particles   i'm not entirely convinced that all the nasa  footages is a bunch of dust particles there   there may be some stuff out there bricks demonstration may explain  some of the objects seen by   astronauts but it doesn't explain official  nasa footage taken outside the space shuttle   footage that shows objects which some  claim are moving under intelligent control august 6 2005 just before dawn over the pacific  waters that separate hawaii and the u.s mainland a   camera on space shuttle mission sts-114 discovery  photographs several unidentified lights in the sky   one of them appears to come to a halt and then  reverse direction the video has been sped up   10 times to more clearly show this change in  trajectory nasa gives no official explanation   for what this object might be but their most  common explanation for sightings of this kind   are ice crystals breaking off from the shuttle in  this case that explanation seems highly unlikely   but dr jack casher a professor emeritus of  physics at the university of nebraska has examined   this and other nasa videos and he believes  this is not always an adequate explanation   there are several key ideas that led me to at  least be satisfied with the concept that these   are not ice particles you see an object coming to  frame from the lower right it seems to stop but   it's not stopping right jack nope it's moving  away at this point it's circling back around every other object in frame is almost as if it's  stationary except for that it passed right about   through here that's the earth and it's going  to come back down lower than it was before you   really have an object under intelligent control  arcing around and heading back toward the earth could there be another possible explanation is this object a meteor or comet a comet or meteor moving in the vacuum of space   will continue to travel on its existing course  unless it's affected by an outside force for this object to change  direction it needs to hit something   but this object doesn't appear  to collide with any other object when i first look at this i thought these  were stars and that we were looking we're in   orbit looking out into space it looks to me like  it's following a perfect arc moving away from us   on an orbital plane that and the  plane is above our our point of view i'm disagreeing and saying no it looks like this  is actually changing direction before our eyes to   be intelligent to me it would have to do something  that was outside of a natural orbital arc   it's like a nice natural continuous arc that would  be a function purely of a of an inanimate object   just in standard gravitational orbit whether  this object is in a natural orbit or actually   changing direction is difficult to determine  even if this object is in orbit it is highly   unlikely to be a satellite or space junk neither  of which would have this type of orbital path since 1981 actual nasa footage taken during  space shuttle missions displays what some   ufo experts believe are objects  behaving in an unnatural manner september 15 1991 space shuttle  mission sts-48 discovery near 8 30   greenwich meantime this video was captured by  a camera mounted on the bulkhead of the shuttle   a glowing object appears near the horizon   it moves toward the left of the screen but then  quickly moves to the right at an incredible speed   a tv camera mounted on the outside  of the shuttle records the scene a light flashes at the left of the screen and  the object changes direction and streaks away later two streaks of light  flash through empty space what did the space shuttle camera capture this was the video that convinced nasa not  to release the video right away this became   famous and what makes this so interesting is  that we're out in space so we don't have many   too many options if the main object is an  ice particle it's about up here the camera is   back here pointing up at a 45 degree angle we're  left with this vernier rocket firing down here   as the only possible cause of an ice particle  up here accelerating up and around like this vernier rockets are small rocket engines  originally used on these missions to help   keep the shuttle on its correct trajectory  there were four vernier rocket thrusters on   the space shuttle discovery during sts-48 two  that point outwards and two that point down   when these were fired to help  keep the shuttle on its path   they would often cause ice particles to  break off from the shuttle into space there are a couple of the objects that you  can track if they are being accelerated   by rocket away where those trajectories  meet that has to be the location of the   the rocket and the trajectories actually diverge  when they come back so they couldn't possibly be   accelerated by vernier rockets if a  vernier rocket caused ice particles to   accelerate then these objects paths  could be traced back to the rocket but in the footage the object's  paths go in opposite directions   making it nearly impossible for the  vermeer rocket to be responsible then you'll see there's a half second pause and  ice particle can't pause when it's being pushed   we have some vernier rockets that actually  did fire about that time but there is a   1.2 second delay between when the rocket fired  and when the main object started to accelerate in your history of doing projects  like this have you ever been wrong   from what i can tell from this data  that i got it stopped for half a second since these objects paths do not coincide  with the origin point of the vernier rockets   and they also appear to stop in mid-flight   the team believes that it is very unlikely  these are ice particles from the shuttle it stops that means there's some  intelligent control going on but some ufo researchers theorize  there is a darker story behind the   flash at the top of the screen and  the sudden movements of the objects one of the theories about what the objects  are that seem to come from earth and the nasa   video is that it's some kind of a missile or  a projectile something comes up from the lower   left of the screen towards the object that just  moved out of its way the people who know the   weapon systems that were around when sts took  place say we didn't have any of those weapons if there were weapons aimed in space  if those weapons existed those would   be the very weapons aimed at a ufo  coming to earth from outer space nasa would help a lot of us  to understand this better   and maybe eliminate a lot of this ufo  speculation if they had some people   that would come out and offer us their  explanations for some of these things but is there an explanation for what the team  believes is the most compelling nasa video yet february 25th 1996 a 12 mile long tether  accidentally breaks and floats away   from the shuttle columbia when the  tether is between 75 and 100 miles away   the shuttle camera records dozens of  small orbs suddenly surrounding it   the standard explanation is space debris but why  would debris cluster around an object and why does   it seem to keep circling the tether see those  little uh snowflake or those disc shapes going   right behind the tether this ufo must have been  at least 100 miles across flying behind this town sts-48 captures an object that  changes direction in an instant and sts-114 films an object traveling a very  unusual path but in the case of sts-75 the team   finds the footage so compelling that they seek  insight from experiments producer john tindall today we're going to demonstrate a difficulty  that a three dimensions of being captured   by two-dimensional cameras john believes this  experiment will shed light on the images captured   by sts-75 a tether broke off from the space  shuttle and was seemingly surrounded by small orbs   he has set up a spatial representation of  the tether and the windows of the shuttle all right now you can see that's the tether it's  broken loose see those little uh snowflake or   those disc shapes going right behind the tether  right now other ones are appearing to be in the   foreground which leads a lot of folks to believe  that they were real and they were out there   these particles may be nothing more  than ice and debris from around the ship   that are out of focus because a telephoto lens was  used nasa maintains that this is nothing more than   uh ice and debris that's around the ship that's  out of focus because this is a telephoto lens   the camera was using a lens a telephoto  lens which incorporated a mirror this hole   that's in the center of this mirror uh which also  leaves an artifact the same artifact that you see   in the discs light illuminates these objects  from behind and then this light bounces off   the mirrored lens the objects will now appear to  have the form of the lens even though this is not   their actual shape this can be seen by tyndall's  example he has prepared a small piece of fishing   line that is backlit by a green light however  when the line is passed in front of the camera   it doesn't look like fishing line it takes  the form of a circle with a hole in the center sunlight was coming across and hitting ice  crystals and and backlighting them and causing   them to illuminate any shape that's around the  lens of a camera or around the optical path   will it will impinge on those circles of confusion but even if the object's shape can be explained   why do they appear to pass  behind the tether and circle it john has set up a mock tether inside  a three-dimensional environment   and will show how this optical illusion occurs you see how overexposed  the tether is at this point   even though this is in the foreground it  gives the illusion that it's passing behind the image on sts-75's camera  is overexposed meaning that   objects appear brighter than they actually are this gives the illusion that they are behind  the tether when they are actually in front so you mimic the ufo i think john tindall did a good job demonstrating  a number of potential optical aberration effects   that you might see in the conditions  of taking photographic or videographic   imagery through the space shuttle windows the team successfully recreated some  images from the sts footage but others still   remain unexplained the only source besides nasa  left to offer any further information are the   astronauts themselves despite what some refer  to as a code of silence amongst nasa employees   especially pilots and astronauts some have  decided to come forward with their own stories   i'm edgar mitchell i'm one of  12 men who walked on the moon edgar mitchell is the sixth  man to walk on the moon   and a believer that extraterrestrial  intelligence is likely so dr mitchell you are not the  first astronaut to speak out about   ufos and extraterrestrials can you tell me  about some of the others through talking with   astronauts and individuals in both government  and intelligence agencies over the years i'm   quite confident we have been visited the notion  that we're alone in the universe becomes absurd because you have to be so highly  skilled to be an astronaut   do you think that these reports of  ufos should be taken very seriously   virtually all of the sightings by pilots and  test pilots should be considered credible   mitchell suggests that government agencies  like nasa are not telling the entire truth the literature in the ufo field even though  covered up and denied by official them it's full of sightings how does a disinformation  program work the standard tactic has been   releasing a little bit of valid information with  an off with a great deal of false information   to cast dispersions and to cast  doubt on on the real information   most people in government don't know anything  more about this than the man on the street   it's only a certain individual  that really has all the details the team has uncovered evidence on  both sides of their nasa investigation   evidence that may explain reported  astronaut sightings and nasa videos   but some astronauts remain adamant that the  ufo phenomenon is a reality and that nasa   has known about their sightings from the  very beginnings of manned space missions nasa pilot joseph walker told the national  conference on the peaceful uses of space search   that he had filmed five cylindrical objects  during his historic flight in april 1962   when his x-15 climbed 50 miles above the  earth's surface then he told the stunned   audience that the previous month he  had filmed two disc shaped objects only one still image was ever released by nasa walker's statement was a rare  discussion by a nasa pilot   regarding sightings of ufos and not the only one gordon cooper one of the astronauts from  nasa's original mercury project claimed   to have witnessed several strange aircraft  throughout his career they're just typical   uh saucer shape double lenticular shape  metallic so i knew that we didn't have any   vehicles of that kind and i was 99 19 sure that  the russians didn't have any of that type either   and according to his memoirs he said that nasa  and the government quote swept these and other   sightings under the rug gordon cooper uh was  very bitter that the secret had been kept from   the american public and he went so far as to  address the united nations about this topic   there's no way within the military  or within the government of keeping   track of something that is classified unless  you're directly involved in it and i was not   frankly i don't see why they would be wanting  to fabricate this kind of material it's almost   a negative career-wise for them to be  coming forward with this sort of evidence in 2008 yet another former  nasa astronaut has come forward i'm dr brian o'leary former nasa astronaut  not only is the phenomenon very real but   there's also a very elaborate cover-up brian  o'leary a nasa astronaut from 1967 to 1968   originally slated for a manned mission to mars has  also come forward but he wasn't always a believer   i myself was once a skeptic totally rejected the  ufo phenomenon i thought they were hallucinations   marsh gas venus i was on carl sagan's bandwagon  during the 1960s and while i was an astronaut   after i left nasa i really began to learn of  what it's like to be the target of scoffing   by people who would normally  be my friends my colleagues   just because i would inquire into areas that  were outside of their box of inquiry but were   these attitudes passed on to all astronauts  or just to those who are interested in ufos some of my fellow astronauts and  scientists astronauts who did go up   and who have observed things very  clearly they were told not to report it it is these reports which leave ufo researchers  and other experts without a solid answer to   their biggest question why does nasa  continually avoid the subject of ufos we've got documents here the content reports uh  the uh the testimony of ed white and james mcdavid   the ufos they saw i think i've moved beyond uh  believing that there are mere contradictions in   nasa's ufo policies to believing that there may  in fact be some kind of ufo cover-up cover-up   at nasa uh i doubt it i i'm not sure there  is that much on record to cover up at nasa   besides some of these sort of very spurious  videos and a few testimonies what about the   testimony of the astronauts themselves i mean  can you ignore that you can't ignore it no has nasa already gained knowledge  of extraterrestrial intelligence   the team believes that until all nasa  photographs and video evidence are released   and open discussions on the events are  allowed the nasa files will remain open you
Channel: HISTORY
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Keywords: history, history channel, history shows, history channel shows, ufo hunters, history ufo hunters, ufo hunters show, ufo hunters full episodes, ufo hunters clips, full episodes, ufo, ufo video, ufo sighting, ufo videos, ufo video clips, aliens, extra terrestrials, spaceships, history clips, UFO Hunters s1 e13, UFO Hunters se1, UFO Hunters season 1 episode 13, UFO Hunters history, UFO Hunters se1 ep13, UFO Hunters s01, UFO Hunters 1X13, UFO clips, Secret NASA Files Exposed
Id: 81Gi-X76y9I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 54sec (2574 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 14 2020
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