+100 Photoshop Tips &Tricks You (Probably) Don't Know! | PTH #10

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hey everyone welcome back to another very exciting episode here at the photoshop training hour i am your host jesus ramirez it's so great to see all of you today in the chat let me know where you're watching from i'm watching from the beautiful san francisco bay area it's great to be back here with you all as you probably already know i had a little bit of a medical emergency so i was away for about a month but i'm back feeling strong feeling healthier better and better each day i appreciate all the comments from everyone who left a comment in my previous video on how to colorize a video using photoshop i talked a little bit about that there and i appreciate all the well wishes but thank you so much for watching um this episode of the photoshop training hour is sponsored by our good friends at msi you can see the logo on this side actually you can see the logo there and on my shirt so thank you so much msi for sponsoring today's photoshop training hour episode this is going to be a 100 photoshop tips and tricks episode i hope that i can get through all of them i might stay a little bit past the hour if i can't get through all of them in time i want to show them all to you but i have a list here with me so that i don't forget and i get to show you a hundred photoshop tips and tricks that i hope that you don't know so that you learned something and if you know them that's okay i do have one favorite to ask if you see a tip or trick or technique that you think will benefit you in your workflow make sure that you hit that like button and let me know what that tip or technique it is in the comments also let me know how my voice is before we get started i want to make sure that we have good audio so let me know in the chat and i just quickly want to say um hello to everyone there's so many comments in the chat that i really can't get to all of them but thank you so much we have people watching from estonia belgium maryland brazil palm springs california i used to live in um palm uh oh my god a thousand palms for a little bit when i was a child so not too far from palm springs california there's so many comments coming through that i can't read them all but i do appreciate everyone being here with me today so i have a lot to show you and i also want to talk a little bit about msi a little later on but why don't we just jump right into today's session and get started with the photoshop tips and tricks again if there's something in here that i show you that you don't know that you'll enjoy and that you'll use in your work make sure to hit that like button and let me know in the comments which one it was great so and also thank you for letting me know that the audio is okay and yes the stream will be saved on my youtube channel so you can come back and reference it later if you need to so let me switch over into my screen here i am and the first thing the first trick that i want to show you is that you know that you can select colors from anywhere in photoshop obviously inside of photoshop if you uh have a photo selected you can press i on the keyboard to enable the eyedropper tool and you can click and drag to select the color right well that you know that you can also select the color from outside of photoshop so this could be your desktop or a web browser or anything that you want all you need to do is click inside of the photoshop application frame and then go outside of it notice that i'm now selecting the yellow and now the blue and the green from my desktop see that see so i'm selecting the colors outside of photoshop again you can do that with any other application as long as you drag from inside of photoshop first and then drag out also second tip make sure that you have sample all layers selected sometimes you just might have current layer in below so i have all layers selected so that's here in the options bar and if you don't want the the ring you can see the ring here if you want to disable that you can just click on this icon and then the ring will no longer show i like the ring so i like to have that enabled so that's three tips there for you cool so um let me move on into the next tip like i said i have a list here that i'm going to be referencing um because as you might imagine my memory is not all there um in case you were wondering what my medical emergency was i had a stroke about a month ago thankfully my body is recovering well both of my sides are working about the same so it's all good but my memory is a little a little off um so the next thing i have for you is assume interactive pixels so sometimes when you're working in photoshop you may have a bunch of different layers and you might not necessarily know what a layer contains and sometimes a layer might contain something so small that you don't even see that like right now this layer contains that tiny little dot so if you don't know what a layer contains just hold alt on windows option on the mac and click on the layer thumbnail and photoshop will zoom in to that specific area notice that in this case it zoomed in just because i have that tiny little dot but if i do that on the actual background layer it will show me the entire image so photoshop will zoom in and show you all the pixels that are active in that layer in this case it was the entire layer so it zoomed all the way out in this case here it zooms in just to that tiny little portion by the way this is a new feature it i believe it came out in photoshop 2020 if i'm not mistaken so if you're in an older version this particular technique will not work the one i showed previously should work on older versions of photoshop so yeah it's a super super cool technique for you to figure out if there's something there another thing that you might want to do in case that you have a bunch of layers and you don't know what they're in there you might want to just delete all the layers that don't have anything there how do you do that very simple if you go into filter scripts you'll see that you'll have the delete all empty layers option when you click on that photoshop automatically removes all the layers that are completely empty notice that it left layer number three where we have that tiny little dot even though it's just a few pixels photoshop left it because there is content in that layer so this is something you may want to do on those big large photoshop documents that have a bunch of layers just make sure that you don't have anything extra that you don't need cool let's see somebody was saying photoshop needs uh to identify an empty layer so i guess this is a way of identifying them it deletes them it doesn't really identify them but yeah i agree it'd be kind of cool that maybe photoshop would put like a red label on them or something but yeah that would be a cool feature the next thing is the precise flare center so a lot of you probably know that you can go into filter render lens flare and from here you can click and drag over the image right to to place your flare anywhere that you like and you can select all these different options but that you know that you can hold alt on windows option on the mac and click on this preview window and this precise flare center will bring up the coordinates for the x and y coordinates for your image how do you find out what the x and y coordinates are on an image very easy when you're working on a photo you can just go into the info panel and from the info panel notice that as i move my cursor around the image the x and y coordinates right here move accordingly so you can just remember what the x and y coordinate is for something so 20 80 by 4 14 we'll say so we can go into um window oh sorry about that we can go into filter render lens flare and you're gonna have to remember help me remember here what was that like 20 40 by 414 or whatever it was the point is is that you can put in whatever values in there that you want and photoshop will move the flare to that location automatically you can press ok and that will appear on there now some of you may be thinking well yeah you can do the same thing right now that i've applied the filter on there i can now fill the layer with black this this other layer here this one and then just repeat that same filter it appears in the same spot and change it to screen you can do that if you want um totally up to you another thing that people do is do basically the same thing and then just move the layer around accordingly and that can also work but the downside of that is that i feel that the flare doesn't have the appropriate angle for the scene so if you're going to do either of these techniques make sure that you have the appropriate angle for the scene and i forgot to turn off my phone so let me disable that i apologize let me change that to um do not disturb but anyway so that's something that you can do precise flare center yeah so let me know in the chat if this is something that um you knew about one of the questions says can you copy that i'm assuming you're referring to the coordinates unfortunately you cannot copy the coordinates i think it'll be great if you can copy the coordinates in fact i think it will be even better if the render filter on on the lens flare just have the coordinates here on the side i don't understand why you have to know this you know secret handshake just to get you in there but it would be so cool that you could just have the the flare center here and you can just copy and paste or maybe even set a pin or something so that the um coordinates were already pre-filled but i agree with you unfortunately you're gonna have to remember it cool um let me move on to the next one somebody wrote was that a tinder match that was not a tinder match that was just the email notification actually um that's the notifications i believe that comes standard with um [Music] gmail if i'm not mistaken on android i have the new by the way i just haven't i just got a new phone so i have the brand new google pixel 6 pro just got it in i don't even have a case for it yet um but yeah so next let's talk about the spot healing brush tool and some uh modes so i know that i have a photo of a gentleman here and he will make a great example for this next technique that i want to show you so if i can't find them there he is so i have this guy and you know his face looks okay there's a few blemishes here and there that we can try to remove and one of the best things about this about the spot healing brush tool is that you can use it to remove blemishes and things like that but when you start removing blemishes sometimes you'll get these smudgy areas see how i destroyed the texture you want to try to avoid that when you're retouching so obviously you want to work non-destructively so you can create a new layer and from the spot healing brush tool make sure that you have content that we're enabled and that you're sampling all layers but the technique that i want to show you is this here under mode make sure that you select the appropriate mode for what you're trying to do in most cases you're going to select either darken or lighten so what are you trying to do are you trying to darken the skin or align it well it all depends on the blemish or the distraction if the distraction is darker than the skin tone you want to lighten it if the distraction is brighter than the skin tone then you want to darken it in this case i want to lighten some of these distractions so when i paint notice that i don't necessarily destroy the texture i'm not really removing anything because there's no blemish but i want you i want you to see that i'm not really destroying the texture so when i come in here i can remove all these little blemishes and hair but i'm not really damaging in this case i did because this is an extreme uh adjustment obviously i'm removing one of the smile lines so i don't really want to do that but for these smaller ones it works great as you can see before and after see that see how great that is it's not going to remove this bright one because that's light if i wanted to remove that little white dot i need to go into darken and then darken that up a little bit and there you go see that before and after so i recommend that you look at the skin and look at the distraction and determine if you need to darken it or brighten it and then select the appropriate mode here in the options bar cool let's go over into the next tip uh vanishing point okay so actually i just did a i guess i'm going to plug something so i just did a tick tock video and a youtube short so i'm doing youtube shorts and tick tock videos um if you're into that on basically this technique but um what you can do actually you know what i'll do a different one than the one i had in mind just because i already did a video on it and i'll do something i haven't shown that way you get to see something brand new that i haven't shown on any on my social media so it's gonna take me a little longer to find the file just because i want i just thought about it now and why not do something completely completely new so what i want to show you is how to place um a logo using vanishing point so i have this bag here with this logo what if i wanted to put this logo on the front inside of the bag and keep it in perspective well you can use a filter called vanishing point so what you can do first is make a selection out of the logo so i'm using the spacebar to move the selection as i create it that's another tip there for you it's going to be more than 100 tips i feel like i give tips inside of tips but anyway so i'm going to make a selection around the logo like so and i'm just going to copy it or you can cut it it doesn't really matter make sure you're in the right layer though i was in the wrong layer so you can cut it or you can copy it totally up to you doesn't matter as long as you have it in your clipboard then you can make uh deselect ctrl d on windows command d on the mac to deselect create a new layer and on this new layer we can go into filter and we'll select vanishing point from here you can create a grid around the front face of the bag try to match the perspective as best as you can you don't have to be perfect but get it close enough once you have it you can press ctrl on windows command on the mac and click and drag on the other side to extend the other face and then adjust the points here so that they match the perspective of the bag as best as you can again it doesn't have to be perfect but get it close enough and that that would work what i can do now is press ctrl v on windows command v on the mac to paste and there's my logo see that and i can put that in there ctrl t command t to transform it and i can transform it just like i would transform any other thing in photoshop so now i have my logo there in front of the bag and i can paste another one in there and make it even smaller and place this one here on the side of the bag maybe we'll go lower and much much smaller on this side but see that super super cool and then i can just press ok or tap on the enter key or return key and you can see the before and the after there and all i need to do now is change the blending mode to multiply and then maybe even reduce the opacity a tiny bit and you can of course add a displacement map or anything else like that you know what i said displacement map so why don't we why don't i show you what a displacement map is um i was that's another tip i wasn't thinking about showing you guys so a displacement map is basically a photoshop file that will help you bend objects around the surface of another photoshop file so all you need to do is go into file save as and save this as a displacement map i'll just call it displacement there we go so this is now a displacement map and on this image on the one that will become the displacement map make sure that you blur it but keep the actual edges so that you get a better blend and it's a little smoother and not so jagged so what you can do is go into filter blur surface blur and just blur it i might be a little too much so maybe a little less i just don't want to have a lot of the fine detail but i do want the larger detail so you can adjust it accordingly actually we were pretty close at 18 or so so something like that and press ok i'll close it and save it then i need to open up my vanishing point logo thing again oh i didn't save it see not very smart on me but that's okay i can go into the this displacement and it should still be there yeah there it is so what i'll do now just because i didn't save the original one i'm just going to drag this layer and place it here and that should work so that's the same thing right like same thing anyway so with the logo layer you can convert it into a smart object if you want to work non-destructively but then you can go into filter distort displace and you're gonna have to play around with these numbers i'll start with 10 it might be too much it might not be enough but 10 is a good place to start press ok and select that displacement map and notice now how photoshop is bending the logo accordingly and if you wanted to make it even more realistic you can double click to the side of the layer and under the underlying layer here hold alt on windows option on the mac and click to split these in half like so and also on the other side just to get some highlights in there more or less like that and this is a result before and after so not very difficult as you can see obviously you can play around with it and get better results but i have a hundred things to show you so there's more stuff on the way let me see if there's any questions in the chat um let's see thank you so much i see a lot of comments about my recovery thank you i really appreciate that uh grant i think is who just and the comments are flying by so fast i'm sorry if i uh said the wrong name um uh yeah so there's a comment in the chat that says you don't need to press ctrl t command t on the mac if you see the transformation handles so on transformation sometimes the handles are on you can see that here see this so the transformation handles are on you don't need to press ctrl t command t on the mac if they're off you do but it just depends on where in photoshop you are and if you can see the transformation handles or not so if you can see the transformation handles you don't need to press the keyboard shortcut that's correct cool um next let's talk about seamless patterns so let me close some of these files just because i have too much stuff here and i don't want photoshop slowing down on us so what i'm gonna do now is on this uh document i'm just gonna fill it with um you know whatever color purple should work and if i have these assets here you might have seen my video on this already but that's okay so we have this little little guy here and we have this guy and we have this guy right and if you want to make a seamless pattern out of this how do we do that well in photoshop you can now go into view pattern preview photoshop will then show you a preview of what this would look like as when it's tiled and now i can just adjust it accordingly and we get a live preview of the pattern see that's super super cool and of course you can transform it rotate it and do whatever you want to create your seamless pattern really really cool stuff so yeah make sure that you check that out and actually talking about seamless oh i should mention this if you want to save this as a pattern go into edit and select define pattern give it whatever name that you want and now you can use this pattern anywhere in photoshop that you can apply a pattern like in a layer styles or you can go under window and select pattern and there it is and i can just drag and drop it there and there's my pattern see that there it is and i can change the scale to 25 percent or whatever percentage i want but anyway so that's one way of creating a pattern another way of creating a seamless pattern this is very specific but i thought i would throw it on there is to create seamless clouds with the filter render menu so if you create a document um that is uh to the power of two so two by two four by four sixteen by uh 128 by 28 256 by 256 or in this case i'm going to create a pattern that that is um let me just see how the size that i decided to make it for this tutorial 10 1024 by 1024 you will get seamless clouds so 10 24 by 10 24 i can click on create and we have that that square that's a perfect square to the power of two if i go into filter render clouds these clouds and actually let me make it black and white so it's easier to see so these clouds should theoretically be seamless let's see if that's the case if i go into view pattern preview we should get seamless clouds and yeah you can see that they're seamless there is absolutely no seam on those clouds so again if you want to create a clouds pattern that is completely seamless make sure that you create the document size to the power of two again two by two four by four sixteen by sixteen uh sixty what is it 128 128 and so on and so forth um so yeah you can you can do that if you want also if you want to create clouds that have more contrast you can go into filter render clouds and hold alt on windows option on the mac and click and that should create clouds with more contrast as you can see so holding alt on windows option on a mac as you go into that command just gives you clouds with more contrast there you go in case you're someone who likes to use the clouds pattern for your projects cool let's see what is next okay so i have something for uh composites i don't really have a composite here but that's okay i think that you'll get the idea so when you're comp not just compositing when you're doing any type of work sometimes your eye can get a little tired just because you're just looking at an image over and over and over again and you might not necessarily see any mistakes so photoshop added this feature maybe two three versions ago called flip horizontal and that just flips the image horizontally that's a preview so you're not actually distorting pixels so it's just the way that photoshop is displaying the image before artists used to go into image image rotation and then flip canvas or horizontal to do the same thing and the problem with doing that is that you're actually distorting pixels so in larger documents with a bunch of layers this process will be very slow and even to revert back it could be slow so photoshop just added this feature called flip horizontal and you're not again you're not changing the pixels if i were to close this file open it up again it would be back to its normal location so or its normal orientation so the view feature is only the way that photoshop displays the image to you it's not really changing pixels and this is valuable because you can see your image in a new eye so things things might pop up that you might have not seen before so make sure that you use this flip horizontal feature to see things that you probably didn't see before when you're working on your images not just composites cool let me see what's next we cool so now we have um one of my new features uh favorite new features and i'm looking for a photo that i like using for this but if i don't find it that's okay i saw another one that i could use yeah this is not my favorite photo to use for this actually you know what um [Music] i think um i might be able to find it in if i do all libraries and let me see if i can oh here we go there she is so this is the the image that i like using for this and i'm gonna make it smaller just so it doesn't take so long as we're working here and actually maybe even 25 so if you're ever working with an image and you want to remove a color cast you can actually use one of the new neural filters to remove that color cast let me show you how that works you can go into filter neural filters and you might already know of that technique that i talked in just my last video which is colorize you can take a black and white photo or video by the way if you don't know how to do that look at my last video i show you how to colorize an actual video in photoshop but anyway you can click on colorize to colorize a black and white image but if the image is colored already you can still use it and what that does and that just neutralizes the image see that see how i remove that weird color cast and it just completely neutralized it right now it's not perfect if you notice she's wearing a green shirt but that's okay we can easily fix that so i can just press ok and now i can disable this zoom in and make sure that i select that same color green that one right there i can create a new layer set the layer to color and i can just now colorize that shirt obviously i'm going super quickly here i'm not going to do that great of a job but i think that you get the idea see that so now there she is so this is um before and after obviously not perfect since i didn't spend a lot of time fixing that another thing that i could do is look at other details like the background here that was actually blue so i can come in here and then paint that in with blue here as well if need be so you know you can take your time and just try to match it as close as you can to the original if you want and if you're happy just with what photoshop generated then you can use that as well can we do it without the filter the only way of doing it without the filter that i can think of at the top of my head is doing basically what i just did here just painting it which will take forever and it probably won't look that good so the filter does save you a lot of time let's see can you make uh i want to make a complete guy for beginners so that might be coming soon as you could imagine i'm working a little slow right now but that is something that i definitely want to do cool um so stefan is asking when the ptc lives are i was doing them more frequently in the past now they're a little less frequent i'm gonna start i'm gonna i want to do them once a week so maybe next week i'll have another one but you can see on the photoshop training channel youtube channel um when my next stream will be so far i don't have another one scheduled but some of you saw this one scheduled from a few days ago um cool um somebody's talking about the curves trick i'm going to show it later but that's a little different um the curved strip actually works better to neutralize the image this one has just different color lights so it's a little bit different but we'll talk about that in a moment i'm using photoshop 2022 but a lot of the things i've shown work in older versions clearly the neural filters are all for the newer version of photoshop but some of the things i've talked about already work on older versions cool let's see what's next i'm so glad i have this list because i would have forgotten something i wanted to mention is that you can actually apply neural filters to video so let me just open up a file here that i have and it's a video file and that video file will open up on a neural filter and again a lot of people didn't know that neural filters work with video and you kind of have to trick photoshop a little bit into into doing that um give me one second here i'm just trying to find that file that i thought i had right in the tip of my fingers but i guess i do not here we go um let me just open that up in photoshop actually you know what even better i'll show you how to open it up from photoshop you can go into file open in photoshop and then you know go to wherever that file is and i have an mp4 that's a video file so with that video file all i need to do is just open it up in photoshop and photoshop will open it up just like any other image and you can see that this is indeed a video super cool right so actually one of the things that you can do that i wasn't even going to talk about but i'm going to mention it is well two things i'm just getting all over the place here so one thing at a time first is i wanted to show you the skype replacement feature but before i go into that i want to show you something else but a caveat if you go into edit notice the sky replacement is disabled photoshop can't apply the sky replacement on video but if you convert it to a smart object photoshop will think as an image and then there you go sky replacement we're going to go back to that but now that it's a smart object i can go into filter neural filters and i don't know how this is going to work i haven't tried it but we can try the same thing we can try to apply the colorize feature and there you go see it applied some water and the color of the sky you can actually click on here and then maybe you know we'll make this super blue water this is not really how that looks but i don't know how many people in the chat live in london or near london but we know that that water is not that blue but let's just assume that it is when you add a point you can also hold alt windows option on the mac and drag to the other side and then photoshop will colorize that i can click on the top here that's way too blue maybe we'll leave this like you know like light blue something like that i don't know the point is is that now we've uh colorized this video and obviously it'll take a while for photoshop to to render oh i made a mistake so my mistake was when you want to do this to a video file what you need to do is on export you need to make sure that you select um output to a smart filter so make sure that you do that if you're doing this to a video the reason being is that when you do that to when you set it to a smart filter it will apply the filter to all the frames and not just the one so now if i were to move over here you can see how the video is moving and it's you know colorized see that i mean not not the best colorization in the world but there you go anyway so let me go back to the one thing i really wanted to show you is after you convert the video into a smart object you can now go into edit sky replacement and you can replace the sky in photoshop and i'll just press ok you can use any sky that you want and as you can see there's a new sky and the reason that that's not showing all the way through is that you need to extend the video file of the images so that they're as long as the video see that and obviously this is not the best sky replacement in the world i didn't choose an appropriate image and i didn't adjust the settings but you can do that on your own i just wanted to show you that if you have a video file that was shot on a tripod photoshop will not motion capture so you need to shoot on a tripod you can trick photoshop into thinking this is an image and you can apply a skype replacement super super cool see that so again if you didn't know if you've seen something that you enjoyed so far make sure that you hit that like button now and let me know which one it is cool what do you do if new filters are grayed out okay so good question it depends on which neural filter it is but if you're trying to use this this filter that i just try to use the um colorize filter and let me see if i can black and white i think i have a black and white image here i don't know if that one will work um oh man i don't think i have a i mean i guess i can fake it for you but yeah i guess i'll fake it for you so so if you have an image um like we'll say this one right and you change the mode to [Music] grayscale so a lot of black and white images will have grayscale and notice now that on the tab here you have the word gray if you try to apply some of these neural filters it will not work so notice that i have a colorize feature disabled to that i can't i can't use it and the reason being is that we need to be in an rgb mode so the way to do that is simply by opening your image going into image mode and selecting rgb and once in rgb you can see that here in the tab then this will work so filter neural filters and we have now the colorize feature enabled then we can click on that and see what photoshop does and it does an okay job it didn't do as good as a job as another the other videos but that's okay you can or the other examples excuse me but that's okay you can come and fix that again by clicking on here and selecting a color for a sweater maybe we'll change it to green for whatever reason i don't know i think green might look good and then you can just hold alt on windows option on the mac and then apply the green all over his his uh body there until we have a green sweater but anyway you get the idea cool let me see what we have next and to be honest i don't even remember at what time we started oh yeah i remember now i was gonna say i don't even know how much time we have we have about half an hour but i'll still i stay a little longer to mention more uh tips and tricks cool so the next thing i wanted to show you is just a new feature in photoshop that you might not be aware of and it's one of my favorites actually one of my favorite new features which is the object finder so with the object selection tool you have this option now you can see that the little checkbox make sure that object finder is enabled and when it's enabled you can just hover over over an image and it will highlight the main subject see that i'm highlighting these cute little dogs if you click on it photoshop will make a selection i can hold shift and click on another dog and photoshop will select that second dog and if i want to deselect i can hold alt on windows option the mac and click and i just have this dog selected and i can do anything i want right i could create a layer mask i could add an adjustment you know anything whatever you want but there it is so this is a new feature that i really really enjoy and if you haven't used it i recommend that you check it out cool um so there's a question about one of the neural filters i'm not going to spend too much time on it just because i wasn't planning on it but the question regards the style transfer neural filter so let me just open it up and i should have done it with a um with a with a different um filter actually you know what maybe i can i guess we'll go with this one so i can enable the style of transfer and then photoshop has these files that i could download or i can use to apply the style of my image onto the current image that i'm working with i can select custom and i can upload my own image from my computer or just use one of the presets totally up to you and then you have these sliders to control that style of your image that's basically how that works cool um let me see what i have next okay so i guess it'll you know what i haven't tried this next technique with this image but we'll see how that works so something so you can use a filter to create motion and usually when i use this filter i like to just duplicate the layer ctrl j on windows command j on the mac and on this background layer what i'll do is i'll just make a selection out of like my main subjects so here i am selecting all of them by holding shift and clicking on them with the object selection tool with object finder enabled i'm going to expand my selection just a little bit and i think that should be good it might not be perfect but that's okay and then i can go into edit content aware fill and it should remove the people from the image just screw exactly what i want press ok and there we go so now i have the people in a new layer and in one layer without people which is great so what i'm going to do now is just create a layer mask on this layer so now i have the people and the dog of course and then the background and then this looks a little a little messy so what i can do is just make a quick selection here and there's so many ways i can get rid of this something that i just haven't talked about today that will work just as fine as any other method is using the patch tool and i can just click and drag this to another side and there you go so whatever method you want this patch tool is super cool because you can just make a a selection around an area like for example the shadows here right and then just drag it to a new location and photoshop will copy the texture onto that but i want to keep the shadows but anyway so now what i can do is you know work non-destructive destructively so i'll convert it into a smart object by right clicking on that then i can go into filter and i can select blur gallery path blur and i have this blur here and i can just select you know the the the way that my blur is going so i don't know maybe blur going this way i guess i don't know whatever whatever whatever seems best to for you and your image so i think in this case maybe my i want my blur to go this way like so and i can maybe create one going that way and then one going this way like so and obviously spend more time fine-tuning uh the details of your of your image see that going faster and i'll press okay this is obviously extremely exaggerated and stylized but the point is is that i'm creating motion by using these paths and then i can just add my people in there and now it looks like they're running super super fast see that before and after and the reason that i took them away from the background that i removed the main subjects from the background was that the blur wouldn't create any ghosting so for example if i let me show you what would happen if i would have just kept this layer here i'm going to filter actually what i'll do just to show you convert it into a smart object and you can duplicate a smart object by holding alt on windows option on the mac clicking and dragging it to another layer so there you go another tip that i wasn't planning on showing you that's just going to duplicate that filter and see how we have ghosting now see that ghosting effect so that's why i removed the people from the background that i blurred so that i wouldn't have that ghosting see that you might want the ghosting for some things that's totally cool in this case i didn't want to ghosting cool uh ari's asking will this video be available online later yes it will it will be online forever and ever and ever it's time to talk about msi so let me bring that up so msi is the sponsor for today's session you can see their logo here on my shirt and on uh here on my top right or left i'm not sure where above my head it is and i'm currently using uh for a laptop i'm using the msi creator z16 as a professional laptop the link is in the description it's a really fantastic laptop it has a dedicated video card and it's great for creators so make sure that you check it out also i just wanted to mention one thing about msi a lot of you may not be familiar with msi it's a brand that might not be recognized by a lot of you but readers choice 2021 on pc mac magazine rated msi on top of overall satisfaction right up there with apple as you can see and you can scroll on this page if you want to check it out but basically it just puts msi right up there with some of the best brands and even on some marketing material with apple you'll notice that they compare their high-end pcs with uh msi computers so msi is definitely a big player in the game if you're a pc user and you are looking for a new laptop then i highly recommend the msi creator z16 like i said it's the laptop that i'm currently using as you can see this is it is right here this is it msi creator z16 obviously i'm not using it for the stream but it's the laptop that i that i use as my desktop i have an msi aegis ti 5 which is a powerful machine this is the one that i'm currently using to stream and to do everything that you're watching me do so make sure that you check it out link is also in the description and the monitor when i'm reading your comments the monitor here on my right is the msi creator ps321 urv is a mouthful but it is a fantastic fantastic monitor so make sure that you check out all these products um there might be some sales going on because of the thanksgiving holiday but again if you are new to msi just know that it is a reputable brand and as you can see from pc mags uh reviews for 2021 they're they're right up there with brands such as apple and above pretty much all other windows brands so make sure that you check it out awesome let's try to get back to where we were there we are what i was trying to show you is if you press ctrl a on windows command and the mac it will make a selection around the canvas when you have the move tool active you can click on these icons here on the center ones to center your object that you selected horizontally and vertically to the selection and since the selection is around the canvas it's going to center it to the canvas cool what i wanted to show you though is that you can load a layer as a selection by holding ctrl and windows command on the mac and clicking to load that as a selection then i can come here and make a black fill with black alt and backspace to fill with the foreground color that's option delete on the mac and as you can see now i have just basically the same thing in black and what i can do now is go into filter blur gallery and select path blur and i can now create a long shadow effect just by increasing my speed see that and i can just center the blur like so and look at that super super cool and obviously that might be a little too much but you get the idea maybe something like that see that it's interactive and very cool so you can just create a cool long shadow effect that way and obviously after you create it you can change the you know blending mode to maybe multiply and adjust the opacity and stuff like that but this creates a really cool long shadow effect and it looks much more realistic than almost any other technique cool so there's a question about style transfer so i'll answer it the person is asking if they could be used for color and lighting matching i wouldn't use it for that there's another feature um that i'll talk about in a moment that should be better for that and it's the new what do they call it um oh god um i guess i'm gonna have to double click on an image and see what they call it but you can use the filter neural filters you could use the harmonization you can use the [Music] style no not harmonization yeah you can use the harmonization filter for that so if you want to color match and all that use the harmonization filter that's the one that will be better for that rather than the style transfer cool so let's see what i have on my list now we are give me one second while i open up the next file so there's so much to cover that i can't believe i said i would do a hundred things i feel like we're barely like 20 things in but with the bonus things i've shown you that's probably like 50 things in um let's see so the next thing that we are going to look at is um some of my favorite algorithms uh for photoshop oops that's not the right truck i do want to open a truck but that's not the right one okay we don't need a truck we can use this image so one of the things that i like changing as soon as i open up photoshop is the default algorithm so with the curves adjustment layer there's this auto button here if you hold alt on windows option on the mac and click photoshop will show you the algorithms that it's using by default photoshop uses enhanced brightness and contrast so whenever you create a curves adjustment layer and click on auto photoshop will apply oops sorry about that i didn't change the algorithm enhanced brightness and contrast save as default so when you create a curves adjustment layer photoshop uses that algorithm automatically by default and that's not my favorite one in my opinion there's a better one you saw it already if you hold alt on windows option on the mac and click you'll see the find dark and light colors algorithm and to me that's the better one i like checking snap neutral mid tones and i like to save that as default so that when i click on auto photoshop uses that algorithm so let me show you how that works curves auto and there you go much much better it doesn't always work though if you ever have an image where you use that algorithm and it doesn't quite work that's okay click on this icon on the gray point eyedropper and click somewhere in the image it should be a neutral gray and it should fix the image for you you're probably wondering well why do all that work can't i just create a curves adjustment layer and click on the gray point eyedropper and then click on a neutral gray you can the color the image is much better obviously but there's no contrast so you you would still need to adjust the contrast in the image so i think it's better to just click on auto see what happens and if need be then click on a gray point in the image and you can neutralize it much much faster cool let me see what i have here on my list next cool cool awesome so i'm gonna skip one because i already talked a little bit about that um so so with the curves adjustment layer just a few keyboard shortcuts that i wanted to show you so you probably know that you can click on a on one of these points and you can use the arrow keys on the keyboard to fine tune those points see that up down left right or you can hold shift and then click and they go much faster see that left right but you know that you could also press the plus icon and it goes up see that how now i'm now i'm now selecting the top one and i can control it i can press the minus key and go down see that so you can use the arrow keys on the keyboard to control the positioning of the point that you have selected and you can control what point is selected by pressing on the plus or minus keys it just goes up and down the list cool let's see ah this is this is what somebody was talking about but i need to find the right image for that so give me one moment while i find this image so i want to find a really good image for this so it might take me a second here um just because now i'm going to talk i was going to talk about just the curves adjustment layer but now since somebody brought up the filter i want to talk about the filter as well and basically they are filters in photoshop that allow you to um harmonize images and there's an old way of doing it and a new way of doing it so i want to show you both you know what i think i'm wasting too much time here so i know that i have images here on my libraries panel that can help us with that so there's this image here and there's this mountain image here so we have these two images right and i'll put it here and maybe i'll transform the image because the guy is looking the wrong way but whatever and i'm going to remove the background there it is so we have this guy you know burning his eyes because he's looking right into the sun but can we color match this guy to the background well there's one way of doing it with curves with curves you can go into the curves adjustment layer clip it to a layer below hold alt on windows option on the mac and click on auto and instead of snapping neutral mid tones you do find the dark and light colors and for the shadows just select the darkest color in the image notice how it didn't work that's because i have the layer mask selected i needed to select the curves adjustment layer if you forgot to click on it like i did no biggie hold ctrl and windows command on the mac and click and then that'll look at the layer not the layer mask so you know you can just select whatever color you think the shadows would be and you can adjust it if need be and do the same thing for the highlights like so you know just find something that's not a specular highlight and again you can adjust it accordingly and move it any way that you want if you think you can do it better manually press ok and press ok one more time photoshop will ask you if you want to save these as a target colors usually you don't want to do that so press no and you can just do some adjustments with the contrast here and you can see the before and the after so that's one way of doing it another way of doing it is with the neural filters with the neural filter you can go into filter neural filters and you can go into the harmonization enable it and let me move this over to the side so that you can see what's going on and select the layer i'm going to select a layer to reference so i'm going to select the background and photoshop will process the image and it will try to color match it and you can adjust the strength if you want and you can adjust all the other settings in this case i don't think photoshop is doing that good of a job so probably not the best image to show this this example but there you go so you can maybe fine tune it so in this case maybe i'll add more yellow and i think i like the saturation where it was but the point is is that you can use this adjustment layer to control the harmonization so i don't really like the blue that photoshop is giving here maybe i can add a little bit of red here to try to off balance that and that seems to be working a little bit but the point is is that you can make all these adjustments to try to harmonize the image and when you're done you can just press ok and that's the result so i like doing it the manual way better but you can use the filter if you want to as well sometimes a filter gives you great results so it's just a matter of trial and error so the question is is there a way of so i mean that's a very general question so i'm not exactly sure how to answer it but someone is asking about adding very specific queues i mean so i know what you're trying to say but i'm going to answer the question how you said it just so hopefully that helps me helps people understand the problem so if i wanted to make something a specific color right so let let's just work with this image and if i wanted to make say his shirt a specific color and say well i want this red right this hue you know with zero degrees right when i paint on it you know well why isn't it why isn't this looking realistic right why doesn't it look like the red i want to well i can change it to color right but then when you're when it's set to color it doesn't really look real either so why is that well colors have three components right we have hue which we match we match you 100 um saturation and brightness the problem in this case is the brightness so a lot of times we're trying to color match a lot of people are so focused on on one thing which is the the color the hue and you're not really thinking about the brightness and all these other things how they would look in the real world so a lot of times uh on top of adding hue or trying to match the hue you also need to match the um color of the image and actually to go like right here um and notice that when once i start you know darkening and brightening you know the shirt in different ways it starts to look a little more realistic so yes hue is very important to match but you also have to think of the highlights and shadows and how those would look in the real world as well which is why thinking about how can i match the hue it's not really thinking about the entire problem because a color will look different under different lighting conditions so if i just want to steal that red from a different image and place it here it may or may not work depending on the lighting conditions and the colors in the ambient of the image so i hope that that sort of explains the quite the the the answer to the question how do i match you well matching hue is very easy right i just i just matched it but in most most of the times most of the times that's not enough you have to think about the lighting conditions which is why you need other adjustment layers and you know in some cases even a hue and saturation adjustment layer and i'll copy the layer mask alt windows option on the mac and drag a layer mask to copy it because again it all depends on the on the lighting condition so that the the saturation might be too strong or not enough depending on the lighting conditions so i hope i hope that makes sense okay we can use this document for this um that you guys know that in photoshop and i'll close some of these other ones just so that we don't have too much stuff here but that you know that in photoshop we can open up the same document in two windows so that we can work on detail and on the overall image at the same time so if you go to window arrange at the bottom you'll see a list of all your open documents in this case i have one open document so i only see one but i can create a new window for that document so now i have the same document in two windows this is not a different file this is exactly the same file and then i can go into window arrange workspace i'm sorry window arrange and then select either two up horizontal or two up vertical a little two up vertical in this case and now i have the same document in two windows so what i can do now is you know zoom in really really close here on his shirt for example and then over here i can just see the entire image i'll zoom in more maybe like that so then i can come in and i can start working on this on these little small details but notice that when i work on the small details on the left when i'm zoom zoomed in i can see the changes applied on the right hand side so i can see how the entire image looks when i'm making tiny little details and that just avoids you from having to zoom in and out so you know usually what you do is you zoom in you make up an adjustment you're like oh man how does that look with the entire image i'll zoom out and see okay well that looks good i'll zoom back in and you can see the problem right you don't you don't have to keep zooming in and out anymore another keyboard shortcut is if you hold alt i'm sorry if you hold the space bar you can obviously you know pan right but if you hold shift and the space bar you'll pan both at the same time see that see how both are moving so spacebar shift and click and drag will move them both at the same time now i have the zoom tool enabled if i hold shift and click it zooms in on both at the same time and if i hold shift alt and click it zooms out on both at the same time so there you go i already lost track on how many tips and tricks i've shown but i'm sure it's more than the number i see on here because i keep thinking of new things to show you as we go along um cool let's see i thought i had disabled my phone i am sorry i don't know what happened um let me now talk about a couple free things that you can get in photoshop so in photoshop when you have the brushle enabled you can go into this gear icon and select get more brushes and it will bring up this window this window here are brushes from calte webster they're professional brushes from adobe a thousand brushes and they're updated so often so they have a fall 2021 brush set i haven't even downloaded this brush set so let's take a look at it together but they have a whole bunch the one i recommend before we look at that one is the concept one they have some really good brushes for compositing but there's all kinds of brushes so select the ones that you enjoy the best but click on download it'll just download an abr file and all you need to do is just click on it and photoshop will install it and it's installed so i can just go in my brushes here and all the way at the bottom all the way at the bottom you should see the fall 21 brushes there they are so i don't even know what these are but the point is is that we have these these cool brushes that you can download for free so let's see what this one looks like actually where's my wacom tablet my wacom tablets over here but you know you can see let me just um let me bring my welcome i wasn't planning on using it but i have a medium intuos pro welcome tablet um for those of you that are wondering i actually also have and somebody's gonna let me know in the chat because i forget the name but the wacom tablets with the actual screen on it um whatever they're called um i have it and i've only used it once i actually prefer this one but those are also really cool but anyway this is one of the brushes that came in [Music] that i just downloaded so as you can see they're pretty pretty cool so make sure that you check them out um talking about brushes actually you know what before we move on let me show you another free thing and then we'll come back to brushes so another free thing in photoshop is um skies so if you have an image like the one we were just looking at and i'll make it smaller so it doesn't take so long so i'll make that smaller 50 should be good and i can go into image sky replacement oh edit sky replacement edit sky replacement and under this under this drop down you can select the skies that you want for your image right super super cool but what you can also do is click on get more skies and you can download free skies there you go see that free skies and it'll bring you up to this window and from this window you can download more sky packs for free so yeah there you go see sunsets spectacular skies night skies blue skies storms they were created by these wonderful artists including russell brown from adobe by the way my first in-person conference will be with russell brown next april in monterey california um so yeah russell brown is holding an event which will i will attend um i don't have the link for it yet but keep an eye out for it um but anyway so you can download those and then you can use them here so you can as you can see i already downloaded them so we have like these spectacular skies so maybe i can add you know maybe this one to this image and see how that looks like or maybe this one and see how that looks like but free stuff that you can get directly from adobe other free stuff that's in here that it's hidden and i'm not sure why is legacy patterns brushes and presets and layer styles so with the brush tool there's a lot of really good brushes that are inside of photoshop they're just hidden for some reason so when you have your let me just show you the easy way so you can click on this down pointing arrow and click on the gear icon and you can click on legacy brushes and press ok and then when you go to the very very bottom of the list you'll see legacy brushes there they are see that all these brushes that are just hidden that you can just use look at this look how many brushes they are and for what for whatever reason um adobe likes to hide those i don't know why same thing with uh patterns you can go into window patterns and then on the flyout menu legacy patterns and you can see them right here see that see how many patterns are from 2019 so many and even more from before you can do the same thing for styles you can go into the layer style styles here and you can see i've already installed them but you can click on the flat menu and select legacy styles and more and it'll place the older ones in there um so yeah so make sure that you do that with the patterns layer styles brushes and if i'm forgetting something else and then you can still go to the flyout menu click on legacy and it will install them for you let me see if there are any questions in the chat cool [Music] um me see what i have next okay so i have a few things here that i want to show you also regarding brushes so let me close this if you find the brush like right now that you might download some of these brushes from kyle webster and every or you know whoever it doesn't have to be kyle if as long as maybe brushes that you created the point is is that if you have a brush that you really really like so let's say you're working on in photoshop and you're working with this brush and you love it and you think it's great um what you can do is save it into your library so you can just you know these fall 2021 brushes maybe i'm working with this wonky brush whatever this is and i'm like oh my god this is amazing i'm going to save this brush you can save it as anywhere you want but also on your libraries panels you can just click and drag it into your library so then you can have a library with just your favorite brushes so you can create a library called my favorite brushes and just load them up on there and that way the library has your brush and it's synced with everything else all the time so something that i recommend that you do also let me select a different brush so that i could show you something so let me see with this brush what i'll do is i'll flatten it like this you can flank your brush and rotate it with this icon here what you can do now is um you know paint right but if you press the arrow keys on the keyboard it rotates it see that see how i'm rotating it see that in older versions of photoshop you would need to go into here and then rotate it from here in the new versions of photoshop you can just use the keyboard shortcut to rotate also something new in photoshop is with the tilde key on north american keyboards that's the top left-hand side of the keyboard next to the number one underneath the escape button you can let me just create a new uh do it all over again so you could see you just paint this you can hold a tilde key again to the left of the number one to erase see that so i'm erasing with the same brush and that is different than going into the eraser tool but because when i go into the eraser tool i have a different brush right so i would have to match that same brush size rotation all that stuff if i wanted to get the same brush to erase but with the tila key that works now if you're in an older version of photoshop there's a trick of doing the same thing so the trick is by going into the mode menu and selecting clear that does exactly the same thing so if you're an older version of photoshop that's what you need to do there's also a different blending mode called behind and the behind blending mode let me change it to red so you can see the behind blending mode only paints on transparent pixels not opaque pixels so it's not going to paint over pixels that you already painted on so that is the difference with those blending modes see that so behind only paints and transparent pixels and clear deletes pixels which is the same thing as holding the tilde key and you know painting uh and erasing pixels see that super super cool um i'm sorry i don't have a full course on my photoshop channel training channel for beginners but that's something i want to do this coming year so there's questions in the chat about the best way of color matching i have color matching videos on my youtube channel if you go to my youtube channel just look under the compositing playlist and you'll see a bunch of color matching videos cool um i know i've gone over time here but let me let me see i'm not even like halfway of everything i wanted to show maybe we can do a part two to this but there's so much more i wanted to show you so um i've been going for about an hour now if i'm not mistaken so somebody in the chat will let me know if i've gone about an hour but yeah i definitely gone over an hour um so what do you guys think should we just do a part two just because there's so much more on this list that i didn't really have time to get through at all uh maybe i'll do a couple things i'll do one more um what would be good to show you guys that would be good okay so i i think i know what i can do now um this one should be a good one so just a feature that not a lot of people know it's there let me just open up a couple photos and and you'll see so we'll do one more and then we'll do a part two so we have this this cool looking thor dude we have this truck right so oh my god the file names are so long but if um if i wanted to make um let's just assume let me just make this smaller so if we wanted to if i have an image right like this image here and it's a specific size and i have a different image with a completely different size and aspect ratio but i want them both to be the same what do i do well there's a feature in photoshop when you select the crop tool called front image so when you have the crop tool selected you can see that there's a front image option so what i'll do is i'll select front image on here and then go to the next image and then when i crop see that see how the crop is just that same aspect ratio and when i let go no matter how small or big i go it doesn't matter when i crop photoshop will stretch or make the image smaller or larger depending on what it is so that it matches the the other image you'll see that so they're now both exactly the same size in some cases you'll stretch the image to make it larger in some cases you'll um minimize it to make it smaller it all depends on on the image and the size obviously but yeah that is the other thing i wanted to show you guys so we went about an extra 30 minutes almost and i still didn't even show you half the stuff that i had so maybe what we'll do is next week we'll come back to to the list and continue going there's so much more stuff i want to show you again if you saw something on this stream that you enjoy make sure that you hit that like button now and let me know in the comments which tip or technique that was let me switch my screen over to the to the main screen i would like to thank our sponsors msi again for sponsoring this video you can see msi right up here i'm wearing the shirt the laptop is here so make sure that you check out the links in the description as you saw for earlier msi compares to brands like apple and others like that so if you're looking for a new computer i highly recommend the msi brand especially the msi creator series which are meant for creators and they're designed to work better with adobe applications like photoshop premiere and all the others anyway thank you so much for joining me with me today i look forward to seeing you again next week and i guess we'll continue with the list because i didn't get to all the tips and tricks i apologize for that i probably need like a through a stream for 100 tips i think i was a little ambitious but anyway thank you so much for watching i appreciate it and i'll see you again very very soon
Channel: Photoshop Training Channel
Views: 73,982
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: i_oRDIsjzlU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 26sec (4226 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 24 2021
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