UFC's Anthony & Sergio Pettis | Hotboxin' with Mike Tyson | Ep 41

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Listened for 10 minutes...neither Pettis brother said a word 🤔

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/Dack_jagnells 📅︎︎ Aug 20 2019 🗫︎ replies

Every episode:

Tryhard host: “that’s why you gotta do the toad.”

Guest, confused: “Yeah man”.

Tryhard host: “do you know about the toad?”

Guest: “not really, no.”

tryhard host goes on 6 minute rant about DMT and ego death

👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/McTitties420420 📅︎︎ Aug 20 2019 🗫︎ replies

Tyson's podcast is heavily driven by his friend, it feels like it needs a guest that's really good at talking for long stretches (Uncle Joey for example) for it to be really enjoyable.

Yeah I can't stand the host's voice.

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/Babybaybeh 📅︎︎ Aug 20 2019 🗫︎ replies

Why aren't the Diaz brothers on this show

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/McHomer 📅︎︎ Aug 20 2019 🗫︎ replies
did you smoke leave Japan my life even with no place everything only one or two fighters did it help man I swear asleep but the sleep you get from weed and like just a recovery you get off it like to talk about before I mean he broke the students [ __ ] spine right he broke a vertebrae all right everybody welcome to another episode of hot boxing I'm Evan Britton and Mike Tyson hell yeah we got a great guest today brother great couple of guests the pedis and aney and sergio but that's pretty interesting welcome guys want to put these headphones on put the headphones on these dudes were smoking weed before the show brother got a little stove crap the only way to go yeah not for real that's good so brother UFC fighters yes pretty awesome it's pretty awesome yeah I mean you start first why started outside at first we started with Taekwondo yeah what do you say now he was my basketball coach before he started he was a stop basketball coach to me and has his first fight I was addicted after I saw amazing oh he's snap dude you got knockout what 24 second 24 seconds first fight yeah yeah some good fights haha damn dude so you guys did you grow up fighting each other kinda yeah well you train with each other so I mean we should be spar everyday we spar like twice a week so it's like that's more like bowling you know well let me the reason I ask is that we've got one of our buddies is Cody gar Brant yeah Cody and his brother Zach I don't know if you've ever met Zach now I haven't saxophones heart of gold but they grew up literally beating the [ __ ] out of each other dude damn and I'm like [ __ ] dude it's just a hard brotherly relationship you know my brother and I we got into a lot of fights it was always cool I brought the beat the living [ __ ] but you guys in real life real like I going to make people like say I'm gonna playing with him on the roof when I'm coming out of 5 ski and I go knock my house and he's in the back if he in the shower or something and I see his [ __ ] money on the death come on dogs I'll take his money my dad died when I was 16 is killed in a house robbery across the street from my house man so like at a young age I was 16 he were 9 years old 10 years old so um you know it was like at that point in my life I had to figure out like how for me was like I was lost you know I'm like 16 in high school I'm like now I don't know what I'm gonna do with my life but then I knew I had a little something looking up to me kind of and I I wouldn't say I filled my dad's shoes but I kind of made sure he was good you know I did whatever I did I included him you know and so changed our dynamic of a relationship immediately I brought his clothes really close I was the youngest of my family I didn't like my family structure and stuff so I went to look I looked up to the people in the streets and stuff you know no one ever questioned them they have to be they didn't have to give answers to nobody and stuff I said why that's cool yeah yeah you won't even have yeah you accomplished a Fisher makes sense how old are you guys 1:32 25 [ __ ] [ __ ] thought I was old and can I get to get Fitness at 32 it's beautiful trust me you guys are beautiful yeah let's say advantage yeah yeah almost like this I mean when you get our certain things probably in your forties you got you know every [ __ ] coughs you gotta be careful which [ __ ] might be a laugh [ __ ] [ __ ] count holder you gotta choose you can't say I'm gonna hit that for the fullest and I gotta hold it you gotta plant them out before I hit that today baby no I'm a with that one or that one no more laughing told me that [ __ ] only good for two I just try to soak up the wisdom of Mike now ya may know cuz I feel that way too I'm 31 and I'm like [ __ ] dude I've lived a thousand years a lot coming so how's learning some experience of life oh yeah I'm excited it's a hell of a ride man it's beautiful you know it's being just this stone highway this is where it gets tricky you know it's a beautiful ride then sometimes it's a nice away where the [ __ ] am I going this can dig fit you know the words that I'm talking right now Harley that no one hears I hear only in my brain this can't just end like this I get old like dying I don't going away is it black and this is that's gonna be enough next test of your journey where do I go from here you think about that was [ __ ] what the [ __ ] happy when this is over we only have a certain life expectancy yeah sure say we get to a hundred that's nothing you know me yeah so what do we do after that do we get don't exist anymore you can't believe that we can't you know you don't exist it's just talking we don't exist no more damn those deeper deeper we go deep we go deep way that's why some people that's why some people get high in the reality of the world that's about subconscious tumblers this is too deep for us to handle sober yeah you know some people kill themselves good said hey I won't take me back subconsciously saying I want to go back home I can't take this mmm it's just how that's why things happen the way it is why would somebody that's living the greatest life in the world have all the money of all the [ __ ] all the cars nice home with myself [ __ ] this boom I can't do this it's a good question that's my dream what he's talked about if that guy just killed themself in here's everything I manage this guy this guy's a [ __ ] in my mind what I [ __ ] this problem you know but then coz it's deeper things in life you feel you haven't accomplished them you know you feel you have everything life told me I need to be the man to be gratified that beasts be happy and this doesn't make me happy something that came from my Vista and then you start to worry real fast I'll never find it instead of start looking outside of what we believe is our greatness you know exactly you guys think about that yes I think well my career man I had the highest highs lowest lows I was on the cover of the weeds box man and then I lose three fights in a row and lady Sanders just caught like this can't be it like I don't I can't identify myself as just a fighter you know there's more to it than that there's more to it than my happiness it has to come from something else than my career so uh that's crazy man especially the fight game termite those most like we're especially with social media man we're judged so hard like you anything we do is judge so hard people are our honor so I mean what people can't handle depression to kill themselves yeah they being judged by too many people they can't take it they can't handle the pressure which they believe is negative negativity or the fact that they are failure it may appear that their faith because too many people are telling they were wrong and they may have been wrong but that doesn't mean you give up yeah if somebody exposure to something you don't want people to know about your life that don't mean you give up and kill yourself I wanted to told them if I did the toll right they were here but the toll [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh God die [ __ ] [Music] the only gift that you do Patito died left before is the quietest was so like that the glorious death I felt the feeling no one said nothing as expose me but I felt the feel of it all my secrets were exposed to everybody I ever knew and never wanted to know what I knew or what I did and that's so far everybody know I said oh [ __ ] I'm not [ __ ] I'm oh [ __ ] everybody knows this about me oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] and that's just what it was I was worried about what everyone thought about me I've had these secrets all my life I don't want knowing and so I took the total in it and I received the feeling of everyone knowing you know the toad DMT yeah yeah yeah how long is that less well 15 minutes but dig that's you get a thousand a thousand years of experience and 15 minutes let our path that's coming at you mouthing is coming at you feels like forever no it goes really fast and a real fast right and then when I go it's thought from you being a baby do you being old then you evaporate you're nothing but you still exist you have nobody you still existing you existing that's know you are ready brother you already that's what we all think that we're not ready you know yeah how'd you set that up yeah how do you set that experience well somebody was being interviewed with me and named talking me about this [ __ ] this can do to us get the [ __ ] out of here where did that you know me and anything already later then because we did more of then where's the [ __ ] I really want to take this cuz he was talking about it we going to another dimension and it's meeting God and all this yeah yeah and then when I took it I smoked it and I said well they hit me out in exhale in the hit boom right I said I [ __ ] up these white [ __ ] guys [ __ ] trying to prove I tried to prove I [ __ ] up oh [ __ ] I [ __ ] up I [ __ ] up I'm dead I'm [ __ ] they're [ __ ] up they killed whoa I'm serious I never thought did you do it I haven't done that yet I've done DMT and ayahuasca I was that ayahuasca that's same kind of powerful this is right it's slower though needs an hour listen when this stuff hit you right you're gonna feel every feel of anything you ever did in your life candy drugs sex bug you feel every feeling of all of it if you'll a bit there we go yeah baby mother hugging you milking you every oh sheesh Nega here for Oh what are you doing over here that's it I could feel that dude so ayahuasca that was where'd you do that if you were to start with something that's what you would go with that Wasco you think well I'm getting ready to do combo now I was now you just go straight to the big time you go straight to the toes you're not gonna get any any intense feeling than that all that's just leading up to the total yeah Sam I don't know the toad is the top of the pyramid yeah is it like this is like mushrooms like kind of that feeling or Z wait let's just do not listen you whatever you want you going and say boo myself tennis I want power but you can't believe it when you're feeling every feeling you think you have that we're hiding or everything's out the feeling so so sensational you just it's like you feel like you're a star or a Sun just exploded it sounds amazing it sounds well when you're ready for it it'll come to you Memphis yeah definitely Tia's of people doing it I'm like I don't know if I'm ready for that know that show on voice right yeah all that stuff moving around you don't feel that now i skabble my head can I hit my head cuz I fell off the bed she's been on the floor but um yeah you don't know anything listen you forget everything you forget everybody you love your kids you bear everything you go with the bigger thing your life and you can live without you don't even forgive forgot it doesn't exist anymore sounds free yeah that's crazy it's imagine everything that you holding deep in your mind and your heart right now that makes you still it doesn't exist no more now you're dealing with you it's all about you getting to know who you are you none of that exists nothing gets you dealing with who you are statement yeah I mean I feel like you are who would you but we think we are our parents okay it's all that stuff who are you who you're thinking right now whoever you think whatever you thinking right now is who you are whatever it is mines powerful man oh it's inconceivable maybe for every fight my coach Duke my coaches do rivers he sent me a quote that uh your coach told you about mindset Oh a ball like your opponent like he's you know he's gonna I'm I had to call my phone but how he's you in your head you build them up to be this crazy no absolutely mine is not to friend exactly I quote exactly I read that every for every fight in mind to be your friend your mind beautiful things about yourself and I think about yourself all the time because if you slack a bit tell you ain't [ __ ] [ __ ] you gotta leave [ __ ] fool but I'm not food [ __ ] my inner self right that's the deepest really [ __ ] ever met every training camp I feel that Walter that right now I've got two back-to-back losses mine's a little all over the place don't don't don't look at it keep that and do the Adam yeah keep that belief and deep down confidence in yourself for sure you know me listen we don't tell nobody they could they could be scientific that you lost the fight that you did this move but we know in fact why we lost the fight but I spit a little bit we didn't give her a hundred bucks 110 we're after a true person that we're capable of being in that particular moment we know why we lost nobody could tell no announcing those trainers guitar cuz they're not in our soul we know why we lost who is we who we ballin' the name of the game when especially a fighter an athlete or something and then life in general a businessman we have to overcome ourselves to fight us within ourselves have to beat ourselves the discipline yeah you know don't what you hate to do Badou like you love it yeah you know yeah absolutely and our brain is programmed needed to hear that to make us scared to keep us alive you know that about it our brain is programmed to constantly be assessing and analyzing the data that's coming in so that it can best figure out if you're in a safe situation so as a fighter if you're getting ready to go into a fight a situation that you know is going to be violent your mind the whole time is trying to figure out how to talk you out of doing that you know so that's up to you like Mike said through that positive visualization yeah to overcome that it's a battle every every fight man every every time especially an MMA UFC like in boxing if you lose it's a different than the UFC like UFC you got ten losses and still be the man like it's just it's just so quick of a sport or just fans are quick to forget but um like throwing off two losses I've done that - coming off of two losses it's really mental man so all the time he's in a spot where are you I have been there before yeah the biggest tragedy in fighters is not when he lose to a better fighter that's not a big tragedy the big tragedy and fighting is when a person loses to himself you know when he defeats himself that's the biggest tragedy in fighting you know a whole purpose my life ISM to challenge ourselves and challenge the belief that we were told who we were what we were which is not necessarily true you know we don't lose really the actions are why my hair Who am I besides my first and last name and my mother's know who the [ __ ] am i why am I here for what reason Steve how about after fighting when you retire did you do you miss that feeling of like getting ready for competition and that that that like challenge of a training camp you say that no one I myth I'm not a myth doctor I hated training I don't wanna fight that hated training and stuff and um I used to gonna fight you know train a little biscuit that might wake up normally when I again I was I had the train just to lose the way you know but sometimes I will just going fight do not trim my training it's because my ego I'm a superior fighter he's [ __ ] guys not either [ __ ] infected bugs and I said crazy about [ __ ] my stuff and taking the total a felt all the pain of everyone I have a hell hurt when I wasn't old and stuff and things I said to him I humiliate them in front of people the world and the television if I beat them with something because I was so insecure about who I was and stuff Sam it exposes you know yeah yeah Steve you guys believe in the afterlife I really believe it is I do you have to believe in it yeah someone someone that says they don't believe it it's not because they're looking for a safe place to go when they die it's because they haven't came in touch with who they are how could I down how could I not exist I'm no I'm a child of God I can I not exist it's not in this world another world I cannot really how can the energy that you have right now and the stuff that you could hear in your mind when you're not talking nobody else is talking how could this die how could the feeling you have when your body could have a hunk of that energy up you get shot to just die I think my dad died man like I went through this phase of like questioning a religion question like why did it happen to me at 16 years old like it was crazy the crazy time of my life but um man I feel like I could feel him touching me and blessing me man like I'm a kid from Milwaukee Wisconsin and I'm doing this right here smoking doing this interview with Mike Tyson like I shouldn't be here and I could feel like maybe that's just my connection with my pops like we were we were very close but like I could feel him guiding me still man like I really feel it like I really feel his presence in my everything I do absolutely man in my opinion we've been brainwashed in this material society that we live in like there is nothing that you can't see that's all make-believe but these bodies that we have are such tuned antennae - this sort of energy this ethereal energy spirit higher power the connection of everything we feel all this [ __ ] but everybody just goes mad it's not a now it's not it but it is it yeah you know who do you guys think about yeah and it has to be something something more than the Hobby sitting over just this is this life I feel like did you start thinking that like at your age now or before we started smoking weed I've always had this connection since I was a little kid I've thought about this I find myself doing that now I take myself back in like moments of like my last month my last fight and we're walking out and I kind of like saw myself walking out and I was like a conscious a level of consciousness that I've ever been to before like I already saw the fight I saw my myself walking out to the fight and I just I started smoking weed about a year ago so like he's been smoking longer than I have so uh once once I started smoking weed I feel like it opened this level of consciousness up like when I went even when I trained now I could see the stakes I make and I could see like the the things I need to change as far as wondering if like weed to help you with that or is that something what eight maybe it's age I don't even know it could be an age thing - I think we'd cannabis is a tool I use frequently because it puts me in a state of consciousness where I have access to information like what you're talking about does that make sense to you Mike big-time did you smoke when you prepare my life even with no spice everything only one or two fighters smoked when I was fighting did it help beat the [ __ ] [ __ ] man I swear asleep at the sleep you get from weed in like just a recovery you get I feel like it's Mike's talked about before I mean he broke this dude's [ __ ] spine right you broke a vertebrae [ __ ] them up listen while before before I started smoking weed and stuff weights again the fights all the [ __ ] time off out of the ring yeah all the [ __ ] time again fight the fighters brother animal did you feel like intuitively mike weed was always something that helped made you feel better well listen I know when I was aired about smoke that I felt good I loved everybody yeah you know yeah yeah sometimes after I did some fucked-up I supposed to do and I wound up going by a guy cars I'm like you realize that type of [ __ ] is why you're so legendary man that it's how you could've been you know you could have just been a fighter you know but you were like you were helping people out beyond anybody's idea of what that meant at that time man no I was just I had so much and I get in I thought that this is my mindset right I said um maybe somebody needed something what do you need um I called the fifth too big a car apartment or something a car whatever you need that and I had so much nothing and by my mind I would say you got all I have to give you don't you or the [ __ ] you or something hmm you know that tripped me out so I said oh wait you're really hot you're really beautiful you have substance but huh take this car take this house that was just my that was just some a really dark way of um understanding humanity yeah this and I own you you take this I want you it was never anything connection no connection with my emotion on the emotions was my dick well it makes sense well and I felt like you know that's what can you just give it to them instead of [ __ ] them that's real [ __ ] you know but I you know I guess a young kid and I didn't are talking a [ __ ] girl and I just had money I was Champa it's never had a really girl I think the first time really I was 18 19 was I'm really building I was really did I became champion you know yeah I didn't know I didn't know what it was I take I felt guilty getting given to people giving me all this [ __ ] and [ __ ] for free huh take this you know you did that with girls but you also were doing that for other reasons with dudes like the game yeah you know like bringing young rappers on and just like helping a mountain show yeah you know poor they'd have no money I used to be pretty let's go there you have this sweet calling in your girl them you can do whatever you want everything's on the house order anything is to live your life and that's so awesome hockey I can't I never understood how could you be somebody like me to come from where I came from and have so [ __ ] much in the [ __ ] guy next to you don't got [ __ ] yeah now you hung out with it got you Paulie if we got hired with drink together hung on you know got [ __ ] oh that's [ __ ] ripped my soul a bar I don't think life is [ __ ] fair life can't be fair there can't be a [ __ ] god yes I I know that feeling man I just [ __ ] all my life really bashing this guy's never done nothing never stolen for it's always been good his whole life nothing yeah yeah yeah and I used to come back to my neighborhood I used to say [ __ ] this is where I'm from this should have disguises sickness are you come on man let's get some money let's get dressed let's go wireless cuz I'm carless I saw clubhouse man get us out awesome [ __ ] apartment building by thought let's do some [ __ ] man before he died yeah get a [ __ ] [ __ ] room full of [ __ ] naked girls go for it ha ha my friends have never done anything like that don't care how tough they are gangsters how many people they killed they've never been in a room with a bunch of necklace and beautiful women shooting out every day in the street watching their block they've got enough dead that was so uncomfortable yeah with a bunch of naked women around they were so [ __ ] uncomfy you would think they would take the car they were like [ __ ] we kept it cold what the [ __ ] going on they don't know what they weren't like happy they were like whoa what the [ __ ] going on yeah mr. Schock no idea about aliens what about alien yo aliens remember in Canada we saw some may not see my wife my wife think we're aliens yeah my wife think aliens planet is here yeah in did they engineer us like they made us or they or we are we respond by them I think um I don't know I think we're their flunkies with a [ __ ] leaf we're like the workers yeah no name to [ __ ] work at the airwaves we're the work of David Phoebe there still be here well manga yeah yeah we can even work but we can't do [ __ ] for the Manley's we're useless to them total [ __ ] on planet Earth aliens are still here orchestrating [ __ ] but in like human suits listen I don't know you tell me you think this is the only um you think this is the only uniform God can create I'm like it could have been anything right now why don't we [ __ ] how come we don't you know when we when we belt sometimes it smells like [ __ ] but why don't they come out of our mouths after I ask ya dude why do we have two arms why do we have two legs why do we have these things why don't we have tentacles why sometimes when people are born they're born with an extra arm but it's never it's never mature enough to work yeah if that's something that we that we're born with there one particular time I won I don't know one [ __ ] pie from [ __ ] we had three arms three legs how come some people are born with the tail trying to come out the ass yeah it's real you know how it's amazing stuff something that we want that and they took away and it's still trying to come out yeah oh no come on people you know some people dictate bigger than other people what about the elongated skulls yeah that's all yeah yeah that was interesting to what I'm feeling you and yeah when people are doing that to themselves oh yeah that's yeah I don't know dude I don't think that makes sense like they'd make theirs goes on no like their that was like another race I think that was another race of beings yeah maybe those the first aliens were the first humanoid aliens ah so laughing faintest can't explain Mike I've said this before but I'm gonna throw it out to you again so you know there's this tribe in West Africa called the Dogon tribe I'm not hip tell me about them they believe they worship cannabis and every year they have like a month-long cannabis festival in this tribe and it's because in their folklore they have these ancient cave paintings of aliens coming down and they believe that these this alien race from the Sirius stars Sirius A and B for two stars they're the dog stars they brought this alien race brought this cannabis plant to humanity to the people of Earth and gave it to them and said this will bring you peace you'll be able to use this this is a very sacred plant that will help Humanity in great ways now cannabis translates to two dogs canna this the two dogs from the to dog stars serious a and B what if cannabis is from the aliens what is the toad might be from the aliens yeah you know listen there and Darin side um animals maybe the animals are the gods right I think my dogs are like guardian angels all the time listen um I always explained that my wife hate and hate bugs and she's always killing bugs and in fact I think that could be your grandmother you're so excited to see you and think that she's the [ __ ] bug I've never thought of that somebody that we're happy to see they forget the consciousness today I'm [ __ ] bug and they're irritating you and you smash them not knowing this dump that'd be so kill anything don't kill anything anymore I'm just a [ __ ] dog guy because you find out I'm at the time I come to my life called a paradigm shift that we all come doing this in our life because we find out everything we were taught in our life was a lie and now we got to figure out I hope there was not too late for it to figure out what's really going on who the [ __ ] I really am you feel like you've had that Mike oh absolutely my whole life I thought I was a badass [ __ ] ferocious savage don't give nobody no [ __ ] pity [ __ ] though and I found out just the scary [ __ ] didn't want those guys to pick on me anymore I wasn't going to do another his hope that could scared him enough to pick on me anymore and then wanted me to see that little boy anymore sometimes I see him because he comes out sometimes and I think they saw so sometimes I gotta get in that [ __ ] chest just in case they saw a little boy trying one day I have to live your life like that it's how hard man you're worried about what somebody think about - you ready to [ __ ] rip his [ __ ] eyes out cuz you're so insecure oh god life my family my they did a number on me [ __ ] I'm glad you're here about me - [ __ ] you're the man like [Music] thank you I'm big time glad I'm here we're really glad you're here so who who are you guys outside of being fighters because you know the world wants to put a label on you yeah and say $25 of this and I don't even know if that's true this is the country might be a contradiction then listen to the hi explain it then I don't know if this yeah yeah just put it out there man now that I had all the [ __ ] in all the sex that I wanted that I thought that I needed to have in life right I think I could have done without it right but what kind of person I would have been if I never did that because you're saying you would still have been a guy who had the desire but you if you were a guy who didn't exercise it no who were you then yeah I've been an ass everybody I think right all of us do haven't some kind of desire yeah desires an interesting thing you know physical desire lust it's an interesting you know it's very primal it's very old but it's like an instinctual but and no but um we only needed for increments of our life yeah but it leaves us [ __ ] unreliable you you know learning it doesn't last long yeah from a poem it's over yeah what's my obligation to this what did what did I what did I commit for this feeling right it's crazy when I commit to for this feeling yeah at this moment I don't like [ __ ] anymore but I just had it and now I gotta get commit something to it mmm I don't have that shot my load I don't like pushing away they can't do me any favors and get hard right now so what the [ __ ] that commit to real night he committed to the remote to the illusion that I love you right I get I commit to that that's now this is no losing I if not I got nothing else to do I can't say not into what do I say to you I'm not gonna say thank you I'm I said I love you right but I don't love you but it seems like the right thing to say that feeling just gave me made me say I love you I haven't gotten it from no one else yeah but sometimes I think I want I want I want to express that feeling when I her over here okay I will do that no yeah isn't that it's so complex emotionally sex no sex in the meals no I know it's simple but like what you're saying few women of [ __ ] pigs most men a pig but if you want me to pick yeah and if she is the biggest you you wrote it you you pushed in that direction most men push women in that direction for them to cheat I'll be pigs and stuff they're not going to be overtly pegs either because the man is abusive oh he's so weak one of the other hmm yeah she despised his weakness so she does that because a weight the weakness allows him to get away with that but that doesn't mean the weakness is bad yeah you know I heard this thing once that when you have sex with a person their energy stays with you for seven years I do believe when we have fective juices that go between each other and then go inside you and it goes inside huh and it makes a bond yeah it doesn't have to be a sexual bond our lower self get attracted to the to the sexual bond the Fremen enemy but it gives you more feelings a connection with that person without being a side of her you know yeah yes yeah yeah yeah yeah feelings an empathy for you don't know how to feel any pain yeah but you don't want to be with uh sexually anymore yeah how do you explain that how do you explain it how do we keep this feeling I want to keep this feeling I have with you but the only way I can have it if I have to [ __ ] you I can't be friendly which I can how you can kiss you the way I want to unless we have to have sex but I don't have a sexual desire for you have a loving desire to attach and I don't understand now I don't [ __ ] like you because I don't want to [ __ ] be attached to you I can't control this [ __ ] feeling [ __ ] you [ __ ] you can't deal we can understand why I know me [ __ ] you yeah fellas dude that was a perfect illustration like nation shape around our conflict leads with a woman because we can't possess her sometime yeah she can't understand the fact why I need to possess about I can't [ __ ] convey to her why she needs to let me possess her because as a man do you even know why no something deep maybe it maybe and listen maybe she's somebody from my life in another world and God is giving me the instinct to talk to her stuff I don't know [ __ ] - there's always bigger than that that is so unforgiving yeah the act of sex with so insignificance the wife that leaves us to ever laughing feeling it's not love right happy time I love like I don't know lovers could be just an something that we made up in our mind well why is that why does it have to be the word love hate weather that's why I'd love it why I love it on in that demanding respect even if you tell a girl hey baby I love you stop [ __ ] playing alright here you love me she can't believe the fact that some I even love her because it's so overwhelming not even from a friendly perspective that's overwhelming they wanted to be known hey you love me - you know cuz we all have a different perspective of love it's good stuff yeah now no it's not knowledge just we have time to figure it out or smell it yeah I know I know I don't know it know respective movies like deep makes you think about it a different level yeah yeah your brain is complex this stuff it seems like this stuff's been coming up Mike a lot no because I say to myself from sometimes why don't my wife love me feel much hmm I've been so bad I've done so many bad things so why does she love me so much if my wife went out here and [ __ ] a couple of guys it would only be right I would have no I would have no reason to be mad but of course I probably might be me about what I've no reason to be mad you know why do I do this might be totally lawyer to me and I wasn't lawyer to no and why would I did why would they did I ever try to be Lloyd to me even though I wasn't lawyer to them because I'm Who I am who the [ __ ] am I in my head if somebody should be Lloyd to me for being a scumbag you know what disease vaccine did I discover the heads love ma'am yeah you know that's love that's like a sacred bond you know I feel that with my wife I'm just like blown away all the [ __ ] we've been through she's she's still with me and loves me the way she does I'm just like [ __ ] man I can do it but someone else do it is [ __ ] wrong you know that's just what I think sometimes you know why is it like that why should it be like that why is which part like what like why in human nature sometimes we don't know you know we evaluate ourselves you know you know we don't assess I felt what we do wrong you know yeah well we will we can figure heighten our subconscious that's what my whole life has been about man for the last few years it's like everything you know everything that everywhere that I can take responsibility for my side of the story I just have to surrender to that yeah you know that's what I've tried to figure out you know me if I try to keep my fabulous treat clean that's it I can't worry about other people with my wife do with my kids doing stuff that's it man and I've realized this thing like you know you guys are talking about as fighters and playing offensive line like you know I really I resonate with a lot of what you guys say about when you lose you know because an offensive line you know you're going 70 five times against another guy hand-to-hand combat whether it's a run play or pass play and if that guy beats you as an offensive lineman gets a sack you look like a [ __ ] [ __ ] you know you might have kicked that guy's ass 474 plays and one play he beat you for a sack and that's all anybody talks about you sucked and you know I've realized man and this is not this was not during my playing days because you know I would definitely get pissed off about you know negative things that were said if they were you know but there's what everybody thinks there's what everybody says it's all out here there's what you think in what you believe about yourself and then there's your relationship to what everything that's going on outside so if you can learn to master this part of it because what everybody else says and what everybody else thinks doesn't have any [ __ ] effect on you it doesn't it has nothing to do with anything real about your experience of the world you know you only think that it does you know especially as an athlete you know and you start to and that's what gets [ __ ] up and that's why it's always about coming back to the battle within you know because all these people man nobody [ __ ] matters this all might be in my head this whole thing yeah this might all just be a dream and when you can master that voice in your head man and say you know what this happened that's why I got beat and that's okay you know everybody [ __ ] gets their ass kicked at some point everybody and if you don't you're kicking the [ __ ] out of yourself there's no doubt about that you know cuz it's like we deal with my opinion there like that we deal with it's just challenges for us you know you're great fighter you've been beating people for a while that's great let's see you handle loss let's get obliviated boom let's get up just get the [ __ ] beat out here and down bones all right now that's cool - yeah see how you handle that now we're not fighting them when I was dealing with life man go out go out the dressing room go to your house take a shower go sleep now you gotta get the next one [ __ ] you gotta do man yeah dude you got you got to do with your broken Joey I do with your cut I'd it's got to be done everywhere you go life continues yeah look at the movies like your child's school everybody's talking about what happened in your file yeah we don't get to play next Sunday if it takes five months for these guys gotta wait happy you'll have six months for six months with this life I don't care no one say you know but it's nothing like being in the myth of the Beatles done it and even Fairlight trying to accomplish it it's just not no feeling like it it's the feeling of objective of trying to become great its greatness in itself imagine want to take for your first step to say I'm gonna be a fighter I'm gonna follow my brother suddenly the first [ __ ] step you gotta code with the steps I go to the gym and see all these other kids fighting there any more experience than you laughter how am I gonna get to that [ __ ] level this guy's not gonna let me get to LA he's gonna kill me you know I mean watching these guys - hi I'm gonna buck i'ma gonna get like he's gonna kill me you know then little by little get the grass bit more grass and when morning stand this guy is human and he believes and he he has problems - and you realize that psychologically I can do this stuff yeah you know see somebody always it's always somebody say I hate these guys found my I never looked up to any but if somebody sees whoa that's what I want to be right there you know yeah it's always somebody you see you know when I first saw I live here that's who I wanted to be like I know wanted to be a fighter but then I sort of a burden around I said that's a little [ __ ] I want to be no I said that's the way I want to be a mean [ __ ] people scared to look at him devil yeah did you like use that in your fighting style or the outside of the cake outside you're both just that was once an animal outside of the ring I mean I've seen it yeah but that's the one it's the little boy has to go do the rest of Ron Victor's whole Cafe Cuban restaurants go to everything sit outside to wait to feel I had too many bodyguards so I became famous fighter I came chairman and I started going there and I'd say whatever Duran eat show me the food that he put to sleep me with you gave the round steak steak yeah rice that states rights and stuff yeah I said I made them in the restaurant my hero he that [ __ ] Sirhan was a monster surveillance among listen let me tell you something man listen Duran this guy was giving the ran a tough fight so that the 14th round around knocked him out boom he's in a coma he's in a [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] up right and then everybody said and so the Duran says when they said man what are you sillies in a coma the possibility may not live and then the rancid pull next time I be in shape he won't go to the hospital go to the [ __ ] morgue so awesome that's dope much he was gonna fight this one guy named via Web my game another tough fight it went the 15 rounds so Duran shook the got a 40 should give hand but when this corner punch it's [ __ ] father in the faith shoot the fight an but in the fighter corner punched his father in the face holy [ __ ] monster Sam do you see his movie I made it about his life yeah did you like it was crazy I I look at the rank greater than that yeah what was that movie got the name I forget the name a few years ago yeah as commuters ago his life story but it's good ya see man it's crazy you gotta look at the fact you may be in a boxing fanatic and stuff right Durant was lightweight champion for seven years couldn't be matchy lost one fi'ty revenge they lost it extra banda Hazel's right didn't under seven years he was champion and then he fought the great carlos palomino was welterweight champion and non-title fight boom he beat him and then he came to fight sugaring and that was the biggest fighting of my world in 1980 i watch these guys fight in montreal can that turn onto the screen of course that turned me out i wanted to be a fighter that would died and said no way I'm not gonna be a fighter enough fight I want to die so I wanted to be a fight after out of 1414 Rita bottom I still watch Peter go upstair the reader to read about and read about goes running so doing push-ups it and so I'm reading about watching him fight on Tobin's so I did nasty just like he was [ __ ] you I'm the best fighter in the world air you think you he was a [ __ ] you like brain your brain washer so yeah big time yeah that's awesome so sad to do and know everything about the way hung out where nobody that knew the people that train from the stuff it's dope as hell you guys have any idols like that anime the lifted you up when you were coming up for me it was like GSP and Anderson Silva guys good guys SP lost yeah it was a the martial arts for them for me was like more subtly shows respect like I come from a Taekwondo background so I think that's what I draw took me towards him yeah respect value for that but then there's gilman guys are monsters yeah they're to the best yeah no I really like her life and finally has to be it something that happened in the beginning of humanity something because I'm everything is all about submission and is giving you know praise to God you know I'm gonna fight him talk about being humbleness you know there's some guys that are [ __ ] and come out of fighting and they're arrogant cuz you know we're insecure but it's all about your some being humble fighting because we all fight we all win we all lose you know yeah and fighting spirit and its emotions and stuff about controlling your emotions controlling everything people being controlling the fight and we lose when we lose our concentration that's when we lose when we lose our [ __ ] concentration a moment of thought it's deep it's exactly how fighting is I think like now that I started smoking I look at fighting like that like in moments like you know natural instinct from a punch is to pull away but like we train ourselves to stay in it and like that little that thought process right there is what you're training to be able to do for the duration of the flight if I can keep doing this and stay and I can I can actually win this fight so it's it's really mental man it's like it's crazy for sure anybody could be big but you know it's all about control your [ __ ] bodies on the purpose of the cavity your brain [ __ ] bodies you have your brain we're like the robot yeah so I went up weight class and I saw all that that that mindset I used that in my last training camp just understanding like my the guy fought was way bigger than me was supposed to win and number three in the world and I was my first time fighting in that way class I love that that mine said I just took another training camp I knew what I had to do it I know how discipline I had to stay at it and I just it weed I swear I'll help me stay focused on that game that guy I'm gonna fight for the title guy he did Wonder Boy yeah yeah I thought I would Li twice link with the years month he's a guy that me would think about listen my mind my ego will go like this hey see what I did to see what tyron woodley did to I [ __ ] my better than champion for the [ __ ] champ bring them on that's really that's why you got there doing exactly do you guys meditate man I try my brain is just so all over the place man like I supposed to be I run a lot I have a couple other businesses I own the barber shop so my gyms and nice dude so my mind like when I'm not fighting I focused right on that because like I need the next the next thing is we're upgrade something yeah well that's great going back to you know breaking out of that identity is a fighter exactly and being more than none another way to challenge myself because like when I was only fighting that yeah yeah I need like a challenge that was like all right now what's after that after my training camps done I get my result if I didn't have the businesses after that I something to focus on I'd live in that moment like either I was the champ and I was the man I won the fight I've been the champ before I got was I was man then when I put these businesses in place I felt like it gave me something else to focus on give me nothing identity and like another thing too just to get involved in so I mean it helps a lot absolutely man I mean as athletes we get so locked into what we're doing that you know you forget that you're a human being you know and having businesses that's really creative and you're working other parts of your mind and you know you're expressing more of your spirit into the world man it's important to do do you have any businesses no not yet I'm working on it right now I just want to keep focus on fighting nice thing about something with him hopefully soon yeah absolutely Pettis Bros incorporated fighting is such a [ __ ] mind [ __ ] you know why because sometimes you fighting that got it looks like [ __ ] either monster yeah it's gonna be easy fighting this guy the [ __ ] monster yeah you think the first time I talked him he's gone back he's still come back he's like oh [ __ ] no you know [ __ ] [ __ ] for my fight Val look at the guy in his faith or look at his eye and I was after finding the referee would say go to your corner come on fight I would turn around and I would say oh [ __ ] to my dad he's come in the fight oh [ __ ] it's [ __ ] come in the fight oh oh [ __ ] [ __ ] I'm ready but favorite laughing cause I know he's gonna come in and say oh [ __ ] [ __ ] is nothing look at the guys they always have gonna come you know I'm in with hell holy [ __ ] Wow yeah I just have one I'm Tony Ferguson's one of them guys I bought him you just know like you're going to the hospital after that fight we're about touch gloves you leg up the hospital's coming after this fight you know it Wow that's intense - Wow hell of a feel but you know you're at your best to love exactly right ready - he's going I'm going he's going when that woman looking at this [ __ ] guy and going to the corner I'm saying my trains a wife it's [ __ ] come in to fight I said but [ __ ] meme I said no [ __ ] I'm in the fight he coming fight yeah [ __ ] dude well that's how they had to be man that's how you have to be I mean [ __ ] no matter who you're facing you got to just be coming ready to [ __ ] fight ready to go to the hospital exactly especially like back in his days like somebody fought him they're like trying to get his name so they were the best of the best that could ever be for their fight you know my Dyson is there anything you guys want to shout out before we wrap this thing up people things how to get in touch with you anything I want all my stuff is so Showtime Pettis Instagram Twitter Facebook and that's it just want to give a shout out to everybody at Rufus port all my training partners on my teammates everybody Milwaukee thank you guys for the love and support team Pettis and follow me at Sergio Pettis pretty much everywhere awesome man Mike I appreciate this is an awesome conversation you guys are two awesome young awesome individuals man and we should have better than anything we appreciate yeah thank you for having us Munoz I learned a lot so thank you guys thank you thank you guys beautiful they can appreciate you guys all right everybody that was another episode of hot box and I'm Evan Britain Mike Tyson super Pettis Anthony Pettis ha ha are your only two sisters anything now the Pettis fan yeah all right y'all bye guys subscribe to the YouTube channel hot boxing with Mike Tyson don't forget to toad never exhibit oh yeah we're out of here I'll be talking to incident [Music]
Channel: Mike Tyson
Views: 358,810
Rating: 4.8808174 out of 5
Id: L0ZmxFrMpPE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 55sec (3475 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 19 2019
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