UFC Champion Cris Cyborg | Hotboxin' with Mike Tyson | Ep 37

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Man that was heavy, Tyson is a real one. It takes a real man to admit their mistakes. It honestly had me emotional because Tyson was really pouring his heart out there laying it out for everyone to see. At least he’s talking to someone and not letting these emotions eat at him.

👍︎︎ 67 👤︎︎ u/Atillak 📅︎︎ Jul 23 2019 🗫︎ replies

Cyborg is a cool person.

👍︎︎ 70 👤︎︎ u/barc0debaby 📅︎︎ Jul 23 2019 🗫︎ replies

Tyson got real depressing during this and Cyborg is trying to comfort him :(.

edit: Seriously this has gotten dark as fuck. he has the cohost crying.

edit 2:FUCK hes sounding suicidal and Cyborg is looking really uncomfortable.

👍︎︎ 83 👤︎︎ u/kizentheslayer 📅︎︎ Jul 23 2019 🗫︎ replies

Mike went from 0 to 100 to -100 in this podcast.

👍︎︎ 35 👤︎︎ u/MH_John 📅︎︎ Jul 23 2019 🗫︎ replies

Man I wasn’t expecting to feel such emotion with these two.

Cyborg is legit one of the best person it seems. Yes she fucked up taking roids, but it was cool of her to admit her fuck up to help Mike with his own emotions. That’s a trait of a truly empathetic persons.

She uses her platform and helps so many fucking people all over this flat earth (👀).

She’s a real one. Not to mention she is so fucking kind to her fans and just people in general. I hope she gets the strap back.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/KimboSlicesChicken 📅︎︎ Jul 23 2019 🗫︎ replies

Damn this shits a must watch?

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/jordan1023 📅︎︎ Jul 23 2019 🗫︎ replies
you know and this is just a motion this is uh this is the kind of show this is very emotional this show they said it's ignited with a bunch of passion a bunch of love and stuff but it's dealing with the truth too and dealing with the two human beings and with the two for human being the floor then you know we beat ourselves up some time alright everybody will welcome to another episode of hot boxing i'm evan britain's and i'm mike tyson oh yeah my brother awesome guest today awesome guest we've got chris cyborg in the house nothing welcome my pleasure thank you it's great to have you here with me from Brazil I born in Brazil I live America now a million years yes you like it here yes is it place it then give you the opportunity for me to show my job it's nice really nice excellent where do you live what nice that's awesome well aside from being a UFC champion you're also you've done a ton of incredible work with fight for the Forgotten and Justin Ren's organization another UFC guy and tell us a little bit about that I know you do a lot of great work over in Africa with children and helping people bring reefs bringing resources to those areas so tell us a little bit about that you know the first thing I always like to tell my tell my fans I'm out the champ a long time but the most important be the champion the people champion you know like make the difference it's not just the champion all the belt but make the difference and I will do missionary work in Brazil and this time I went to Uganda and very special we think we help people to help us cause you see a lot of things there and have Mays experience and I work with fight for golly we put like a into village water well okay and we went to that for celebrate to water but very nice because you see like you cannot complain about anything the worst case in your life you hear is not same there you know and they just okay I was known I don't like to do videos anything I do like this because a show I want to show off no no I want to maybe open the people how to do the same you know and then I think work for just as nice because the fight forgot because I put the water and I went there see it works because there's simply a lot of things people complain okay but to help but we don't see that you did or not you know and and I gonna be for every chamber for then for sure you know they're gonna have clean water all the time when they wake up this is the more special yeah it's so important bring clean water to yes don't have wait because we really don't think have people in the world having this problem because we wake up every day I didn't know I know you just turn on a faucet yes yes good for granted I mean yeah um I've been to UM South Africa before so wait oh that's the way it goes oh wait oh and I seen this little baby kid like Mikey like seven years old and it's playing with a giant pig around 500 pounds I pick a capable of eating that kid is a vicious animal but he's playing with it smacking it around jumping back putting it ahead likes wrestling it and I'm saying what a life and he lives in shambles he lives in shambles he lives like in the tenth house when it's hot it must be boiling in there and it's just no clean water and he's ravish yes oh forget it and this people are happy yes this is true yeah you know I don't expect it if you got like me and you we expect something they don't expect anything they're happy without any yes something that we can never comprehend cuz we're never yes we taught that way we never took grateful we were always beaten into submission and no gratitude you know you know young age gratitude this is the one thing changed like touch my heart because when they look at the kids they're then I have shoes I saw a girl going to school she just is having one like left size of shoes and they look her I feel my heart like I want to cry because I just but then don't know on the other life it didn't appreciate what they have and look at then everybody smile it's true yeah it's very great it's very nice yes you know there's another grace and think that I see kids they're very food kick bit ones and ones naked one little snake the place I went the water plays the village we saw we filmed that and they were saw the little kids bad food cumin snakes stepping on oh wow we forgot what that comes in yeah so what you guys go and you dig water wells what it's the other work that is done on these trips I went to South Africa place we went and then I have a having good team there and then I'm training there because I was thinking I'm gonna fight in Brazil ok may 11 and I went to set up for training and you come and I hear about just are gonna beat Uganda say no I want to go with you and I always put the water and it's ok if you come it will celebrate and I did celebrate we visit the pygmies because just as like the big the big pygmies and the pygmies it's like it's normal people but the people's more it does more oh yeah I'm heard but never seen where that freaked me out some people are giants to the right thumb track that a giant and it's crazy because Justin leave it for there like one year in Congo and the job and these people we helped then then pass it to the border in the jungle but past Uganda and then the people put it in like it some jail then can don't leave that then put 300 now then 160 because out signals IDs and a lot of bad things drink bad water and when they went that will help with this people but like in Congo have like 400,000 pygmies and they all this late because people don't see them like people human being then think then any more slaves yeah didn't live in Congo and these people now in Uganda we help then you're gonna help it inform teacher then for him because that was a hunting you live with the jungle and they're gonna help y'all so gonna help it inform with the water the kids start sturdy like in English they probably have the independence 100 years yes if not even last year did it yeah I probably had the independence in the 60s or the 70s probably maybe for something like that in the Congo then they had what then they had we D I mean he with the dictator and they ravaged the country and all that stuff yeah but you know the girls did we help with newer ones and on some people gonna help with you but nice you're gonna give you because they don't know another life to their hunting then eat what they hunt and then now we're gonna the kids start to learn English there it's really cool we can talk to the kids and they will now help the village they're gonna help you form you know let's change the life somebody knows yeah that's amazing yes that's amazing work I mean but we never think you had people living this to live in the jungle net these days like they have tribe have never been in contact with people yeah yeah that's great I know I was afraid a little bit yeah absolutely because you know sure I start to read you I was in gonna start to read I was weeping my knife recited me and then pass and I know they're gonna work a lot but you know my son does what she does he um he goes to Haiti and stuff and I had one time to my son please don't good I would never go to hell you know this and then I understood um the blessings that you get for going there my son's just the kiddie 16 he he doesn't know what he's doing but he does know what he's don't get oh wow Africa with the Haiti whales the world's and all that stuff fresh water especially it's nice I mean we just get so caught up in the rat race of life and America you know like trying to make money and trying to be successful and you know trying to look good and all this [ __ ] and we don't even stop to think for a minute that there are people across the world that don't even have running water yes you've got to walk miles to get water listen hey if you sent them a thousand I'll do the left in my lifetime yes okay mister $1,000 life dining you know what we've done with $1,000 before all right a lifetime $4,000 there'd be a ball over there yeah okay that's good good because it's awesome we care it's nice when you go visit someplace because we stopped believing in the bubble because some people think they bubble never seen anything think this or do we leave it's the only disorder I have a lot of a lot of things you know yeah I I imagine that's an amazing lesson to see you know like you were talking about you go there and these people are living in such dire conditions yet they're still finding happiness I know well yeah that is such a god shot yes where do they go to the bathroom they have sewage system where did they go in the woods no no then because now then okay like then they want a village it cannot get out but then they make one hope it's a one hole in the floor and they don't have a restaurant in theme like like then certain parts of Europe it like that too you just go somewhere as a hole in the floor India's like yeah yeah that's insane I mean we take our bathrooms for granted - yeah that's crazy do they have shamans and these like villages or their home should they do they invented this stuff pretty much are they like village doctors who have like traditional medicine the faith against the widow I'm sure they do yeah waiter has become like almost a tourist attraction you know I want to see so many Europeans in as in the middle of the jungle yeah I think that one over there then the village then it like leaves some leaves I think that leaves they make no hungry interest and maybe happy yeah I'm like I guess like what I'm asking is like what's the medical access if somebody needs like medical care and I here does then die and oh no listen I'm the disease whatever they have now only thing they needed a shot them right yeah yeah hey then they think his little place is too big and now it's not just the place I went to gun that's a lot of please go on Congo right and when I went to gun and I see I check it out and then we see he's not the worst place it's like a number seven then imagine number one remember one whole village is disease infected people Muslim beacon now it's really bad after all village man kids the kids deaf young 13 12 I've been attacked I'm molested and the whole village is infected with diseases yeah some of them believe if they have sex with a virgin that this disease would dissipate we disappear that's some of the rumors yeah and then in Congo have said Congress some people believe you should then like have a relationship sex to be fifty guineas big on that court a JV you'll catch it yeah like your friend yeah wow he must kill them in the street yes yeah they mean nothing to them yeah yeah bad stuff that's Dutch bad stuff how long have you guys known each other have you met before and I have before yeah yes sandwich I went to your place in Las Vegas yes yeah yes yeah we take a picture together and I am i funny but we take one picture together when did you guys meet man maybe two no far I think yeah I was known in the FCS when I met you know I met you at the fights too yeah yes yes well tell us about your fighting career Chris like how did you come into how did you come to fighting you know I I never want to be a fighter before like I don't have a dream in anything and when I was teenager might but my dad loved boxing and he's always watched - Mike - Mike fights and then his house I waited for him for watch but I was a fall asleep because in Brazil it's like 3 a.m. is very late and but I never connect to the fight but I always like to sport before I do tracking field I play and ball and more events on track I do like it that low it's like a seven okay seven we do 200 meadows okay metres 100 metres 800 meters and I could to careful yes seven because yes and we start I started playing handball I play handball like but everybody think his hand about you think you playing the wall no no it's a good real game yeah six again takes a serious yes yeah and then stacked of 12 and then play home I won high school college and then when I was in university I was playing handball and this is like save me because I have a scholarship I really want to be the best what I'm doing make me put out drugs out to do bad things and when I was playing handball University one guy saw me his black belt for shooter box gym mmm-hmm and he told after the game he say you know I think it can be great fighter and he's give me a give me a shoot the Box card I look at him crazy and I'm not and because I have bad bad bad situations when I go to school I have my ass kick all time you know I never think you're gonna be a fighter and then look at him like me okay and then all the time he saw me University tell me you went to the gym went to the gym okay one day I show up to the gym and there was my tight ring i watch and then i say maybe we can do that I was strong but I have like coordination for punch anybody and and the one I did my first training it's nice because when people punch me I don't know much but I want to punch back and then this is the one thing you cannot teach people you can teach you techniques you can teach you then you know you can say this and what's the first thing that happened when you got punched in your face how did you feel I won't punch back yeah push back a like a you know Mickey anger makes me angered and then okay I start learning and then in three months training I told my coach you know I wanted one fight because I was complete I come to race a I do handball and I like to compete and challenge you'd like compete and it's the milk race I'm gonna see what can do for you okay and then one month later he told me Chris we gotta fight for you but have a problem he's know my tights Mamie you're gonna have to learn little things come on heifer okay cool I didn't know I was 19 years old I was the know wasn't gonna be a fight that was going I'm stressed nothing and I did my first fight I I was doing good but I lost the first fight because in Brazil in the event you can step on the face when the people in the floor you can step on the head yeah and the shitty box very clear about this because in Pride other events and then we train a lot and then when is go steppin and then under her head and the floor she push me and then I fall and I dislocated my elbow but I didn't mean I I was like I said you know and after the fight I put my albumen place and ask for rematch same night and in my heart saying no I born for this this is not have a right card I can do whatever I want I born for this and after this day I stopped doing handball I stopped running track and field and just me me I love it that's awesome story and that's because I'm not looking for like something that God put in my life you're a fighter because and I felt my heart I bought for this you know another sport just helped me build Who I am but yeah yes that's awesome Mike and I talked about all that that all the time see I wanted that's so strange after the Custis planes the significance of being this individual to champ every champ then I read about them and then I wanted to be these guys I read about their lives and what they had in a glamorous lives they had you know all the women all the cardi thought all the parties all the girls little cars or and yes wow this guy like these guys didn't even have lost obey or like jobs yeah and this is what I want to be I want to be like these guys yeah you know that's I wonder you dedicate my life being like these guys yeah me too man I remember that feeling too but that's so funny that you were like a woman because we gonna you know have an example yeah like Mike like is that the example look okay I want to be like anyone was a heart because this is one I did in my I did cup of fights Brazil and the one I have the / to DeSimone fight in America and they see how the cement these people like my job yeah he's really job because in beginning my career I trained at the gym like only me to grow it's 40 guys yeah and my mom don't agree she's yeah I want you be dentist I'm a dentist I told okay I'm not the answer but I can take four to four you know I love her but yeah and then and then when I start I started a fight SMA I born for this and then see the opportunity America and they moved to America for stay six months and they almost ten years away yes awesome yes that's so cool and I mean I'm sure you feel like the universe has put you on this path to now with where you're traveling the world and helping people yes then this is the one thing I think you want God to bless you I think you have to bless be somebody people yeah because if you location do God choose you bless you anyways if you don't have money my bless to you the people around you you know be happy motivate people try changing to do your word you leave I think when god bless you something blessed people because why is gonna bless you if you're not gonna do anything you're gonna stuck in you okay gonna change you're gonna get for another person you know because I like to use my platform for share my faith for share motivate people do something different make the difference and know around you I think this is the most special because champio is nice you can have the belt but cannot get held about forever you know I still like 10 to 13 years in the field but I know in my heart before say you know champion are gonna be for about to get be cheaper paper lives be champ you know remind about you what you did for sure that place village I went there gonna be the champ for then the mad you have a water you know this is a special yeah you never underestimate you know I know you're saying to Nina can't be champion forever but never underestimate the power of the championship belt yes it lives forever in people's minds yeah uhm rather than some people's mind yes I don't know I know that's true I don't think it's right sometime but I can't stop this is who it is of what it is people's mind they always make it may make you the Fox go to you you need to use this plataform in US and then absolutely I always remember you people will always remember yeah yes yeah absolutely Mike's totally right about that I mean I really look at my life now as whoever I am I want to spread blessings to people having positivity yes you know as much if I can lift somebody up every day everyone that I talk to that I mean if I can just lift them up a little bit to be a little bit better for themselves every day it's like I'm like those are I'm just giving it's giving people blessings like you're talking about you know and spirit gathers around that person to help them rise and to lift their vibration because of this were there are people more bully bully bully people chatter and then like like it you can because everybody allow Instagram you see you you know have the perfect body you see a lot of teenage when suicide because bully you know because like you have to support in ya know you can support somebody look close to you know doesn't matter if no money but your attitude you know you do and then I bring one shirt because before a big for both I am for I make the shirt like Chris I work against words love one fun action I send it to me and I useful a little while but because the water we make a plan and I feel my heart you know maybe we can be against a word but we can change the words you and they make different I take out the diverse and they put your change I love that yeah I love it and having the gift T for you guys thank you so much together you can change yes word some people that's so awesome thank you now come Mike how do you feel about that man tell me because I feel like you're just mister spread the love these days especially like don't forget to ship out those hoodies [Music] [Music] what's up I'm not gonna get the hoodies out in time man Evan I'm busy okay and then photoshoot wait tight ship station comm ship station right now hotbox and listeners can try ship station free for 60 days when you use promo code hotbox them there's absolutely no risk you can start your free trial without even entering your credit card info so use code hot box and and get your ship together that ship station dot-com I'm aware that a lot of people next to me watch me and may look up to me and think I'm a certain kind of guy I'm I'm good guy but they have to understand that I'm not worthy of praise I think God is worthy of praise sure they do these things they look at YouTube and I see you guys have mike tyson immortal mike tyson God and I'm not worthy of that you're like hey stop I know me you can think what you want but I know not for somebody that worth it appraised me anything now I'm always just Mike I were one of those people that worship people because I had nothing man that low I had to be the worship but nothing somebody from nothing and I worship them well I think you've seen that to the utmost that anyone can do anything that they want to do and when I did the total last time mm-hmm what I did was um my whole life is telling me that all my when I die all I must do is apologize I felt all the pain I have a cause for my tea all the pain ever cause people and my journey in this world I didn't see anybody thought the pain I couldn't no pilot I wasn't enough I was so happy that I woke up you know well it's beautiful that you can look at that man painful stuff now ugly stuff too told us [ __ ] ugly stuff to put that realness rain your faith I don't want to [ __ ] you up I'm sorry [ __ ] this interviewer but I'm saying that's my experience like oh you know everybody do mistakes and then but God know your heart and now in fulfill your heart he's listening you and then he's gonna forgive you the one person can only hear me know it's hey I'm doing it well know anything about God you know I don't know anything about God and then you you you did a lot of good things and then you it sparked a lot of people me myself like be the champ a bit everybody and do your best you can and you exempt for a lot of people you know and looking like this yeah I get my life like that you know come now I'll never be forgiven you you will God forgive everyone you swap her heart for having God I believe I exist no no he's my only 9 that I think I'm somebody it's my ego my own self love and now he loved you and then before he born he knows you're gonna born his nose everything you know and okay because you say people know about me some mistake you say because you everybody look to you you know like me if it doesn't mistake you're gonna be ever seven page in the newspaper you know but a lot of people who mistake all the time but because because if they don't see they're never day and then of no famous you know like but if you're polite forgot that you know where they open your heart maybe you see don't open for God because it didn't know you you didn't know him but he know you he is for gonna forgive you like I learned it I follow him and then I believe we have to pay for a friend you you got you can pay I haven't paid enough I haven't paid enough is death if I died tomorrow I've won I have to write the world a check I was never paid I have to pay for my sins no no if it whooping heart to God yeah forgive me yeah he's gonna forgive you you know you're gonna forgive you I I believe this you know we you know gonna but it have to be some action like what you doing is action is not me a thing action for forgiveness because I'm what are you doing now what are you doing now this read you you open your heart for sure opening the heart a lot of people you know and then change sometimes you for people say you know I did a lot of mistake and if you sorry there's not a lot of people can do that if you're doing this now because you special and because you read you you can change your life about doing this what are you doing like you God give me a pretend now for you can do this you doing you do something cool hey yes because you whoop her heart now some people know what their heart maybe somebody now listen the video cow somebody know forgive me to think I did I'm sorry you know because it touched some heart and then this is this your portunity doing you know it is amazing what you do you do Europe her height a lot of people know one eye open no I do it out of fear okay I know I'm for my experience I know I'm a wind-up app and some way I have to be um questioned for this you know it's gonna be a challenge you know and then we're gonna be praying for you thank you yes God guide you touch your heart put the beautiful people in our life and talk to you in it I'm gonna be always be around if you need talk mercy yes sure oh [ __ ] can I say something you saying anything I'd love for you to talk to me brother you you had to go through all of that so that you could change the world dude well yeah I don't see that you don't realize how many lives you're changing saving because of who you are and what you've been through and how you're willing to speak about it now you know I speak about now because I'm afraid I did the told of the day and they do it in my face nobody can judge you like but people do you put us people with us but no matter a lot to do didn't I change anything only god can judge you because the only one perfect you know and you just need to forgive yourself yeah because you're loved yeah yeah people can forgive themselves - we do what I do for myself I want to be I'm a megalomaniac yeah forget myself I'm [ __ ] perfect but the reality of it is that you did something [ __ ] you guys pay up yes this is my world that's just what I'm experiencing now no no man well I love you dude I love you as well you know I don't know I don't know why but it's like you're my brother angry I am your brother I want to be your brother and I mean that's what we had together with succeeding as brothers and striving his brothers you know and this is just most this is uh this is a kind of show this is very motion of this show this it's ignited with a bunch of passion a bunch of love and stuff but it's dealing with the truth too and dealing with the truth of human beings and but the true for human beings were floor then you know we beat ourselves up some time and sometimes we have to forgive ourselves and loves us love ourselves regardless stuff you gotta be um maybe for ourselves as well maybe you remember just the things you think it'd be the bad things but you do where you come from and then what you did first fort you you in a lot of teenaged mind you know like a lot of people maybe came through a lot of things you've gone on before in your life and as you know Mike Tyson did his being champion he's did fight great I can do that if he did I can do that you know and that you can you know he couldn't be mad at yourself will you he God can forgive anybody who just open your heart you are doing you know and this is the more specialty well I don't know um I just the world I'm trying to is we are we examine myself you know I mean I do I don't know what do you call it and you annually resource of myself and I check myself out and sometimes you know life is difficult even live you know my life is pretty difficult and after and then besides I mean just will you have to be responsible individual have to be established so for your children and your family and your wife and everything and like some time and come fast at me come real fast yes sorry about that Chris no I'm really happy you know I was I believe like there's nothing happened for no reason no this is a good yes this is just dealing with the realness you know and then another thing but I think bad things is if you happen our life I think for changing you know God change you make you better know everything you pass through for sure make you better you better than before what food yes I have a great support system family and yes and now it this is a good thing you know I will don't remember about this but the one time I fell dropping and I feel very sad people judge me people I say a lot of things but the only people know who you are if you use your shoes and they're never gonna feel this and a lot of people judge me a lot of people give back from me and I have some days I'm in my room I was crying because people judge you and do you know and then say but after passed everything through God just changed making me better you know I I don't feel bad about that happen but I feel I feel bad that I'm a better person before you know and this has happened like once something bad happen your life like you have to see you okay what I need to learn from this for sure you learned a lot of things you know a different mic and and this is the most special you know like it their life happy stuff at first but for we cannot quit we have to continue and use this for changes I agree my own self inventory you know do my self interests so are the back saying I wasn't question you did that today yeah you know yes you have to do that - so what's your diet like how do you eat you know hours I have to I walk who's not usually 70 75 kilos 77 but I thought more 45 you're like six six kilos and I usually like to stay on eat healthy all the time vegetable someone I I know it I don't like too much fast food you know sometimes like after fight you died long time you know but to really might have my money helpful clean healthy and then with very clean like clean like vegetables salad fish and for keeping my weight low no no because if I started eating I'm gonna the kilos easy I was when I was a fighter I would after fight like you said I will go to eat and drink every anything everything eat drink yeah everything like a priest right so I have to always lose from 260 to go down to 17 damn my homeboys doing a six-week poem six weeks six weeks yeah nice I have to I need I need the legs 810 weeks yeah six seven weeks yes that's hard yeah nothing the water nothing pretty much pretty much a vegan so a lot of faster doing a lot of fat and I spawn a lot of running not sprinting a nine exercise you just didn't yeah destroying ready for war yeah you're getting focus when you have a fight you Fox Run tank and the help you don't have a lot of food you can keep new folks nice no doubt man Chris is there anything that you want to shout out before we wrap this thing up and one people not to get into contact with you yeah you know go my Instagram Chris I bore you fun to know about fight for garden you can go my my website by ciphered fight for garden for lifting for god yeah fight for the you can go my website Chris Cybercom and we'll throw all that stuff in the show notes yes and I have my pink Buffy's the last week I doing like for to help woman's with trainee I share my experience like I'm a fighter show leader be max of mixed martial arts for then help then for self-defense unless a think for the girls and all the help my team if you want my shirts change yours and the blue one like us no yeah go to my website and I just say thank you and my youtube to you guys can check also I will invest in my youtube because people usually sometimes see me they say met me the secret you will nice I say how's your thinking what I am people call it what I fighting these people would never come near me before they know me now you know I believe I'm talking to you is that your [ __ ] evil I mean I know and then the people say are you really nice to see me I cannot be like it or not KJ KJ I'm there for war I know like you am I gonna die and but it's nice because YouTube it can show little be Who I am the real like no I'm seriously gonna kill somebody by now you smile you're beautiful yeah and then and then because my nickname to cyborg and the pizza this girl not have hard she's ever no I have a hard heart and and it isn't YouTube channel and then say thank you for you guys for they have the opportunity I feel very blessed to be here and talk to you that mic amazing spirit and if I spoke with you as well yes and I mean you know I mean I'm merely happy bu you example for a lot of teenagers a lot of kids and I'm a example for me and I just say blasphemy here thank you guys thank you so much nice thanks Mike no thank you buddy hit for athlete with that about this is one of our shirt yeah oh yeah I like that cannabis baby safe protect the brain he's to check the brain THC CBD neuroprotective baby alright everybody well that was a [ __ ] wacky one until next time I'm Evan Britain I'm Mike Tyson your side we're out of here everybody thanks [Music]
Channel: Mike Tyson
Views: 395,912
Rating: 4.9080949 out of 5
Id: ZipbOLLrISk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 51sec (2331 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 22 2019
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