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[Music] like how am i sounding welcome to another edition of hot boxing with Mike Tyson Mike what's up my brother another day in paradise and today we've got the man Tito Ortiz in the house Zito thank you so much for being here yeah now thank you so much for having me man appreciate it you know I was just telling you before this I grew up playing a video game with you in it the UFC video game on Dreamcast and that's a trip but man I mean I think that the best way to start this thing off is to you know for me knowing a little bit about your life story you know you've faced a lot of adversity in your life and to get to you know the point where you're a UFC champion you know you were at the you were at the pinnacle of your profession of your art form and you know what's that like man how did you get from you know a kid in Huntington Beach California to UFC champion and and who you are today Wow how much time do we have to I guess it started you know at the age six living in Huntington Beach life was normal you know my father was a carpenter my mother was live at home mother and life was just I got to school my mom picked me up dropped me off I come home play with my friends you know we grew up in the punk rock era my brother just smoked weed they drank and pushed weed on me and you know at a young age like that I got exposed to it but at the age of about seven my father had a hernia and he had to go get surgery and they had him morphine and when he got out of the hospital he was addicted to morphine and his brother actually introduced him to heroin and he can't became addicted to heroin from age of seven I think to date you probably still use and I've talked to him a long time but from 7 to 13 I lived in Santa Ana with him we moved out of motels people's garages little trailers I live really really a hard life I see a lot of stuff his super young age that probably should have never seen my mother and father brought me along you know at the age of 13 I was in Natick gangs one of my friends got shot and killed and my mother's seen that and she told my father he gets sober I'm taking her son away and a week later he still would get sober and she packed her stuff up when we left she got remarried we back we moved back down to beach and I seen a lot of stuff at a young age I grew up at a super fast at a young age I think I never got to enjoy a childhood but at 13 to about 15 I was hanging on the wrong people you know smoking weed doing cooking here and there drinking alcohol I'd be super young age like that and I just exposes something that the adults are exposed to so I was just doing it to be cool or to be a part of the gang or be a part of the people I was hanging out with my freshman year in high school I found wrestling or wrestling found me my true name is Jacob I'm in the Bible Jacob wrestled against angel angel be Thomas he had his life and wrestling has saved my life I grinded at wrestling it was just something that I knew I could become great at it and I started varsity my first year there and I was just when I walked into the wrestling room I've always been a huge WWF fan which didn't mean ow I watched cold Colgan Macho Man Randy Savage Tito Santana junkyard dog I mean I grew up watching his guys and walking to the wrestling room one wow where's the ring in the coaches laughing I mean that's the different type of wrestling man that's very fast and this is this is college or pick style dress and I was like I still get the slam guys in their head right it goes well if you can you can do it and I go I'm not gonna get in trouble right they go now of course you can not gonna get in trouble this competition I was hitched I was hooked I was I was just something I had thought that I could become great at and like I said I started varsity in my first year and I just got better and better each and every year and it was just from the hard work and dedication through wrestling and um CIF champ yeah CIF champ took six in the state third in the Masters on my senior year I was only after three years 3.5 years of wrestling that's awesome when I graduated high school I told my mom you know I'm gonna go live on my own and I thought life was easy I thought it was just kind of walk in the park and kind of realize it's savage out there man life is hard life is tough you there's a lot of demands mercy no mercy and and everybody will walk all over you if they can they'll take everything from you they'll rape everything from you and I didn't understand that and I got a job at a light moving service I was a mover I worked 16 hour days and there were hard long days how old at 18 years old well and I couldn't keep up with the time I was like I had to wake up super out of the morning out of work super late at night and in high school we'd dab around with crystal methamphetamine and all of a sudden I started doing it again out of high school and I got addicted to it and that was making me work you know I was grinding 16-hour days no problem partying at night wake up the morning doing it every single day I'm at probably at the end of that year I was at a club and one of the wrestling coaches that I seen when I was growing up in high school came out to me he's like Tito hue man yeah what's up coach what do you do with yourself now well I'm just making ends meet you know I'm paying my bills my apartment and you know working had a moving service place you'll see me thought about coming back in wrestling I was like I would love to I just don't really have no financials to take care of the college not know for the books he's all I could possibly get your financial aid man cuz you looking good looking good flying not recognizing it at all huh I went home that night and I looked in the mirror and I was saying hi to them now 63 you know 185 pounds I'm on 230 right now whoa and I was sucked up pimples all over my face and I look in the mirror I didn't recognize myself and it scared me because I was turned into my parents hmm I had a really heart shaking reality that I had to check myself and it was just a question I still do to this day always question myself I look in the mirror and I say what are you doing yourself right now do you want to turn to your parents and I was like no I mean thank God my mother's sober now my father I'm not Hardison sure if he is but it was hard it was a challenging point in my life that I had to make a decision and at that point I made the decision I called my work I got home that night slept all day Monday when I wake up call my work and I said I'm not gonna better come in today they're like well we need you here I'm gonna go check out this College thing no we need you here we need it for this shift I was like I can't come in like well you're fired ago you know what I guess I quit walking to the wrestling room actually walked into the coach's office at Goldman's junior college and I said I'm here I want to try I want to see what this college can really give back to me I want to wrestle again I want to get to I want to get a college degree and he smiled he says do you know I think we could help you how many financial aid and I got a stipend because I'm Mexican American I got went through college I won the state title that year and good Golden West junior college and then I started training with the guy in two by the name of tank Abbott thank ya you know back in he's in the beginning stage yeah I do see six so his wrestling coach is Paul Herrera who was my high school wrestling coach and he was like hey coach n come train with tank early he's not gonna punch me right boxer all the wrestlers I never understood the Bison crazy is a monster but a wooden wrestle with him and I would take him down at will I mean it was it was easy and people the coach was like looking but who is this kid and like I said I was a state champion at the time for Golden West Junior College 195 pounds and I just thought that you know maybe I could do this fighting thing I watched a UFC 13 I think it was Jerry Bohlander who won the tournament he's submitted Kevin Jackson who was a gold medalist in wrestling for the United States and he submit him in the finals and all that kind of change Bolander it's been named what's really familiar and I look back at my high school wrestling God beats and I wrestled him and I beat him I think I was like attended to well I was like wow I want to get chance to this I told tank it would take man gave me a fight of this I want to try this man he was huh huh you want to fight in this you sure you know I want to own travel the travel trailer with you I mean I got boxing guys I'm working with I got my hands are pretty heavy I mean I want to learn I don't want to do this because alright well see we can do and then May 30th in 1897 I got my first try as an alternate I was in college I was a scholarship student at the time so I couldn't compete as a professional and so I fought for free well first and only UFC fighter to ever fight for free and really that's how much I mean I love to compete I want to see how good I truly was and I fountain was it Augusta Georgia Yosi 13 May 30th 1997 and I stopped the guy Wes Allbritton in 22 seconds and also I think that day a star was born man I was those fortunate you know I came back home and I went back to college cuz I went to golden RC able to Cal State Bakersfield I got a full ride to Cal State Bakersfield me and the coach didn't see eye to eye there and I end up leaving coming back to Huntington Beach I got a job at Spanky's adult novelty store I sold I sold porn came back and I fought three times dominate my next three opponents I fought Frank Shamrock for the world title and I lost in the end of the fourth round it was just by exhaust and he was just professional who understood the game and I was just a young kid who just had a ton of heart and I pushed him as hard as I possibly could but I end up losing to him I went back to work at Spanky's and the owner there poking his sinuses Tito We Need to Talk and I thought I was in trouble is like what do you mean We Need to Talk he's a guy coming off to sit down I sat down he's like I don't this jobs for you because I he goes out I watched you fight he goes you're very impressive and you're vicious I go but I need this job it pays for my apartment piercer Midas plus cell phone pays for my food I got I need this job because I just don't these jobs for you got dude I need this job please calm down okay but I'm here I'm early all the time I work overnight shifts I mean I put it in extra towers I mean I I need this money goes how about this I'll give you a sponsorship where I'll pay for your apartment I'll pay for your phone I'll pay for your food and all you do is train I swim the biggest smile on my face it was just like oh my god are you serious yes yeah I watched you fight against Frank Shamrock who's professional and you always beat him because if you won't work in the night sleep the night shifts here I think he could have been ready for the fight you would have been killing the world champion I was like wow dude and it was Dyer blessing I mean in total and an angel or looking over me or something but he took care of me financially for the next year my next fight was against Wanderlei Silva for the vacant world title and I became the first middle weight world champion met skin' American middle a world champ for UFC and I defend him about five consecutive times one of the longest reigning him until Jonny bones Jones beat it but I think a star was born and I of hard work and dedication of always doing the right thing and I've I've 21 years fast forward now I'm still competing man so much in there dude I mean that's just that's just a little highlights you understand I mean the stuff that I treasure the stuff I went through as a young kid I mean that's what makes me work so hard and the not only just nothing I'm just in life yeah life in general yeah you know I I'm not a religious person I have gone to a Christian Church I have followed some Mormon people I mean I have looked in every sample dabbled in everything kind of understand that it's a whole realm of it all means the same thing as being a good race and treating people the way you want to be treat it and always be respectful and never step on anybody to get ahead hmm and I've kept that to my heart and you know at the other day I I'm an American who works hard I work hard for what I have you know I paid millions and millions and millions of dollars in taxes and I've made millions of dollars but when my children are happy and they have smiles on their faces I'm gonna have three boys Jacob who's sixteen Jesse and journey who are nine years old when they could come home and they can hop on me and saying dad I love you and they put a smile on my face and it's like I know I'm doing the right thing when they're only in the fourth grade my youngest and they're reading at a sixth grade level their grades are as my oldest his grades are A's I'm doing the things my parents weren't doing you know I'm looking out for their education which is super important and I was spending time with them not being there with them they're not gonna feel the want for love and I could feel the want for affection from their father as I missed out on it and I missed out a lot of it and it it's my doubt not my downfall I think it's my strength that I try to bring that I try to give them everything that never had as a kid yeah I mean but at the same time I make it through hard work and dedication I don't give them things that's like okay here here you go here's clothes here's an item or I am iPad or an iPhone they don't have iPhones they'll have Xbox they don't have none of that no it's not another 15 years old they can't do any of that maybe on the weekends we'll play just a little bit if they earn it they got earned they got to earn everything everything they have they earn anything yeah and I took these little working checking point just to actually realize to notice that because my oldest Jacob I would give him everything and I come to realize that he felt entitled he's a sure he gave it to me that time I can have it now it's alright I got had to kind of revamp it completely and redo it and I'm ready right with my twin boys yeah my oldest son actually is in Arizona with my ex-wife and she does an amazing job as a mother with him but it's just one of those things we all get second chances in life yeah I want to wear another a lot of things we do yeah and you giving your your eldest son everything that he could possibly want was out of you know that desire for you to make a better life for your kids yeah well it can you had it was just uh I knew it the dirt tastes like right I know it wanting something felt like you know I had to steal for things know I had to steal for food I had to steal for clothes my parents never give a [ __ ] you know they've made tried roof over my head that was pretty much it you know my mom did the best that she can do my father as best as he can do with a drug problem my mother got clean for me and I was lucky for it she changed my life and we've had a mini sit down and talks because I came out the book called this is gonna hurt it's kind of an autobiography of but I lived through hmm and I had to tell her because I had there are some secrets in there that no one knew and she was like I can't believe you said this thing so like mom can understand those are the things that I lived through she was yeah but that made me look bad I go but mom you did those things to make sure that I always be able to survive it was super tough for you understand but there's other kids that are growing up that live in exactly the same lifestyle exactly the same realm and they don't think I'm my self-worth they don't think they can make it add the ghetto they don't think they can make it out of the streets or their parents being drug addicts and being able to make something of themselves and I have been able to do that you know and I've watched Mike's history of the things he's done in person who I look up to and I admire because we all have our demons on the inside of us we try to make the best we possibly can for our futures and Mike is gonna hand and fist over like no other and I'm still trying to work to make that happen I just it's this challenging to be a human being on this earth yeah and to be beat in a respectable way and um okay I'm still doing a good job though yeah so there were some turning points in your life where somebody believed in you and were able to like inspire you to do better um yeah you know I there was a couple you knows of course wrestling coach Paul Herrera who helped me out in wrestling and those are the times that he would wake up I'm kind of my house at 7:00 in the morning we had to go cut weight I'm gonna had 15 pounds to cut to make the wave he would sacrifice he was doing it for any extra money he was get paid any extra money he was doing it just to I don't know challenge me or to give me the opportunity to make the weight to wrestle as hard as I possibly could but there was the wrestling coach at Goldman Junior College who looked out and see a troubled kid who was gonna go down the wrong area it gave me an opportunity but you know at the end of the day I think I had to look in the mirror myself and recognize those things to take responsibility for my action and not blame it on anybody else yeah that's super important that's what our organization standing and I did that's what we do is there's a lot of people out there struggling and they don't know which way to go because when they're stuck with their demons all day just tripping on stuff and they don't know way out and they get involved in you know with the gangs and the mad and the heroin and what we do is we're out there in the trenches you know and when someone raises their hand and they want some help we're able to guide them and show them the way out you know get a minute detoxes or programs or jobs we work a lot of homelessness we worked a lot of facilities out there that you know that'll give these guys a shot and you know that was the greatest thing that ever happened to me and my life was a mentor somebody to show me the way out just like I had the privilege of hearing you at the treatment center giving back to the guys there and motivating and inspiring them that they can change it's super important that they hear that because when they're out on the streets or they're you know just listening to their own brains trying to figure a way out they a lot of times to go back to heroin they go back to meth and they need an example and you're definitely an example of overcoming adversity yeah you know I have a few many many many times I mean as many challenges I mean there's times where I go back and I mean would speed help me at this time and I was like no I was so it was a horrible feeling to be like that to be dependent on something um you know and I at a young age to have that I'm glad I did it at a young age because as I'm older I know what's right from I could confuse right from wrong and make sure all the right things but at the same time it's just having the will you know yeah free will as a saying hi I think about it every single day and my kids is what saved my life my children and their any people out there who don't have children and they're suffering by themselves and they needed just responsible for their actions and they were responsible for themselves I am I think that's so important is you know what you're saying that's such a difficult thing for people and I think increasingly difficult with technology and all the [ __ ] that we see and you know trying to aspire to this idea of perfection but you know it's all about looking yourself in the mirror you know and going you know what do I want Who am I gonna be in this life you know what am I gonna do with this life and it says setting goals you know somebody the point us in the right direction yeah we need some guidance his mentor people to believe in us yeah I mean like a higher power yeah believe in a higher power I mean at the same time I was always a guy to look outside of television was my learning curve I learned the facts of life from literally watching the facts of life seriously watching it because I didn't understand what love was you know watch sure be watch that film I that's what me understand what love was I'd understand to know what hate was I got mad at things but I don't understand I would hate wasn't I watched a movie that was that show but hate truly was and how a person was able to get away from the hate and to accept things that they were doing and that's through my whole childhood and I still do it I'm 43 years old and I still do it while I watch movies I don't watch a movie for excitement for action I watch a movie to see what the storyline is and what they're trying to get out of it what is it a per director producer trying to explain in the film and I've learned so much that I could actually you know realize what's going on and what's the truth and things no doubt man I think movies and movies in particular have had that played that role in my life for sure yeah there's a film outlet called The Shack and that's all that that movie was just gone it was a deep deep deep film you know it's about this guy who actually goes out and he has hatred because his daughter was killed was raped and killed and he goes out and he someone writes him a note and he actually goes to the shack and he falls hits his head and the story kind of gets a little turned right there but he falls his head and he goes back and it shows the person who raped his daughter and he says how can you judge this person if you don't know his history and it shows his history where his father was doing the same thing to him hmm and that's how the kind of the cycle continued on and the movies great you guys got a watch called The Shack right don't waste too much time reading about it but it was just almost things that who was the star in the Sam Worthington yes yeah yeah yeah it was like forgiveness you know it was for forgiveness isn't always about like forgiving the other person it's a lot more forgiving yourself for carrying around this tree hugger came around this anger you know and it's and then that's some that I've learned I mean I think it learned just this last year because I've had so much hatred towards my father mmm I never really understood it as I get older now that I am 43 and I do understand how a man I have kids and I forgive him finally I like this you're just this year I mean 43 I mean it's been God 32 years that took me this long just to forgive him because he was only doing as good as he knew yeah as having an addictive personality or having having an addiction period to do as good as he only could do and now it's hard to accept things like that but a lot of people if you live your life in the agony pain of hatred it's gonna consume your body completely be a negative things like you're at I mean it'll consume your body completely and it's funny because I always look at people and I say no I wonder how I can help this person mm well that person has it hard you know I can just help just a little bit of so saying I guess it probably that guy's a drug addict Allah that guy's all that guy has some shitty clothes on you know the way he carries himself all that guy's horrible once again it's feeding into the negative ideas of things and I think that is something that a lot of people should not do is go out of your way of saying walk to you person hey how you doing how's your day today right just to do just that little thing that took you two seconds yeah a little kindness can do clients will change someone's life completely cuz I do it all the time ago I mean I I'm a bigger guy 6 3 2 to 5 I walked by and girl walks by I'm like hi how are you that's it she's like hi how are you and just like put a smile on her face like wow and a nice guy come walking by I'm not saying a word I just being standoffish to another person and I think that's what humanity truly should be is just being a good person and reaching out to others and sometimes they do need help or sometimes they knew hey you're doing all right man today you can make it through today man today yeah this is a tough day but you can make it through today and being willing to give back that's super important absolutely sometimes it's really difficult like a lot of people say you know like love compassion kindness forgiveness you know sometimes it doesn't always come real easy and it takes a lot of courage courage to practice I mean courage is primary you know they should step out and be tolerant of people to be you know loving towards people and to be compassionate you know it sometimes it's uh you know it does take a lot of courage to do those things you know it can make the difference between life and death sometimes with someone giving them five minutes sometimes you know we're talking about our demons you know someone will be wrapped up and you know I got a lot of different treatment centers and you'll see people that are just wrapped up in confusion and pain and they want to leave and sometimes just five minutes of talking to him can make a humongous difference in somebody's explanation you know they don't wonder why you know wondering that they're not the only ones go dilling through that stuff yeah I had a super interesting experience the other day I was going on a hike with my wife and we go over on Fryman Canyon and in the valley and we're getting ready to start on the hike and I see this dude peeling out of the parking lot and his trunk is like flying open and I could tell it's not like he has something in there that doesn't fit and he's got it tied or something you know you might see that sometimes so I like point because I noticed it and I'm like I don't want this guy's stuff to start flying all over the place you know and he peels out he's waiting at the stop light before turning onto Laurel Canyon and he sees me pointing and I'm like yo you know about to say your trunk is open and this guy full of piss and vinegar even with his car around makes a u-turn flies up next to my wife my wife is so she's like freaked out she's like I thought he was gonna [ __ ] hit us and I'm totally chill dude you know I've been diving deep in my meditation I met Emily I'm calm as hell and I realized when this guy flips this u-turn like he does I'm like oh this guy's pissed and he's a young african-american dude and I in my head I'm like he thinks I'm some big white racist who's trying to start some [ __ ] and he comes up he flies up he's like yo yo [ __ ] what's a [ __ ] problem and I'm like now dude your trunk is open and he just like couldn't believe checking reality that I just was trying to help the guy out and he's like and I'm like you want me to close your trunk for you man and I go over there I close this trunk and he was so it was like he was frothing at the mouth to have this confrontation and I was like dude I'm just I didn't want you to lose your stuff man cookies guy and he was totally I felt like in that moment I'd really sort of shocked him because he was expecting to have this aggressive confrontation and yet it was just another human being trying to help him out now you know it was really interesting and it was cool man but something you said Teta you know I want to hit this you know with Danny here your dad's heroin addiction started with him going to the hospital and getting hooked on morphine Greg you know that's crazy that that happens to so many people you know and well I mean I've had eight surgeries myself I've had a CI replaced my left knee ACL replaced my right knee l 405's one fused on my lower back C was giving me a t3 t2 t2 t1 and c7 disc replacement well I meant C 67 fused I've had C 4 C 5 disc replacement and he gave me fight boys I can't walk sometimes yeah fight I challenged my mind I think it's about a body challenge but I just challenge my mind knowing that I could do it I I believe in it and when I believe in it and I let my body accept it it happens you know I've been in 21 years of competition but after having all these surgeries every time I get down with the surgery the pain goes away and I'm on painkillers on vicodins you've been prescribed you've taken up taking them and it got to a point where just this last year after my last neck surgery I've had the three disc replacements that I was on you high above it's 1,200 milligrams of vicodin per day and I got to a point where my pain was gone but I could feel I was always agitated and I was yelling at my kids yeah and I was like man I got to stop yeah New Year's Eve in Las Vegas I said I'm when I'm done I can't do this anymore my my girlfriend went out with a couple of friends and I stayed in the hotel room and I cold turkey bit well I sat in the hotel we were in there for five days and then finally got our car and drove back I remember hurting on the way home sat in my room for another two weeks and it was the hardest thing and I ever gone through but I was able to kick it I was able to say you know what enough s'en up and I wasn't in pain anymore rolling the only pain that I was was the addiction of eating painkillers right and I was able to walk away from it and you know I as a kid young kid you know I was introduced to marijuana super young but something to kind of take the agitation of having the withdrawals from pain cause was marijuana before him in bed at night hotel you know there's yeah there's so many people out there right now that want to get off the heroin that want to get off the painkillers but that fear of withdrawal that fear of detoxing it just and then a lot of people they get on the painkillers and then they go back to their doctor and their doctor won't prescribe him anymore and so now they're withdrawing and lots of people they wind up going to heroin right you know and then they get strung out on heroin for years yeah and a lot of them don't make it you know an epidemic right now I think that that was one of the things that I would suffer so bad from the detox out the pain cuz you like sit up after eight surgeries I've gone through eight times yeah but seeing how my parents were and see how they had my dad had everything he had his own business everything and he lost everything everything was lost our our family was lost everything was lost but that was my fear to never do not heroin heroin was always the one don't ever do it hammer because you will lose everything because it's the worst addiction that anybody could ever try everywhere of anything I know and I've always was lucky enough to stay away from it but the painkillers were something that I was subscribed by a doctor you know my ex Jen and Jameson she actually was addicted to is or I don't know I haven't talked to her in five years to oxycottons okay and brutal she after one of my fights I fought in 2012 against Forrest Griffin I was bruised up my face was banged up I was I was a little bit of pain actually a lot of pain and she went to go hand me wanna know what says she goes that's an oxycontin and my trainer was next to me so then I go and I gotta clean it I knew exactly what it was I mean it's yeah there is synthetic yeah hormone and I don't know you take us back you're not taking these rashes no not you gotta for my friends and that's when it all started I was in 2012 and it just got worse and worse and worse and I can't see how people like I can't see how people do it but I just run I wish a lot more people would recognize it and seeing how hard and how bad it could change a person's life or a family I mean Roy's family's just one of those things that you know the doctors don't realize what that prescribed because they're making money from it at the end the day it's the high mighty dollar for them and you know all the prescriptions everything that are given out to America or people across the world in general you know there's other ways of helping with those pains right I think marijuana can fill that void definitely man definitely that's a big thing that you know I advocate for I played in the NFL for six years you know handful of surgeries back shoulder you know neck pain and all that's dealt with is pillow in the league you know and so addictive goes yeah they do stuff in the violent no no and that can all be remedied with cannabis right now Mike you've had I mean you've had your struggles with painkillers what was that what was your experience dealing with opiates and stuff like that I love this stuff awesome it took away the pain right away I couldn't walk and the next thing you know I could walk so I'm saying wow this is heaven sake heaven taken that so I went one day I was hanging out with my wife and I just threw up I can't take it anymore but I still love this the buddies do up and I started getting sick oh they started me out with like yeah yeah we're on detoxing yeah it's brutal man what'd they do to you I mean they can help numb the pain Italian um yeah just putting a bandage over yes actually the temporaries doesn't let you heal crazy yeah sometimes you know they'll you'll have an injury and they'll give you some therapy where you could probably get out of that pain and recoup in like three weeks maybe a month but they'll prescribe you six months worth of freaking oxycontin you know hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of pills that's like it's it's insane it's crazy seeing you know how you take the pain I can't just do the pills my wife won't let me take the pills we all get free scaring the doctor give us the pills yeah yeah yeah no needs either I see a cotton I just don't understand how a doctor could prescribe that knowing the side-effects knowing the things that people go through from it and how it ruins our country love that stuff believe it Lima and you love it boom take the way that pain right away yeah but I mean hopefully that thinking can get fixed and you know with Canada making marijuana legal you know hopefully the rest the United States will follow the suit as I think they had a pause the future yeah yeah as Jennifer has I mean all the other states are following so I you know look at was it Hollan I mean Holland man yeah no problem with it yeah Portugal the same they've legalized all drugs and drug addiction has gone down you know it just it's it's a wellness it's a well-being issue for human beings you know I mean and I think it separates people who don't want to do it they won't do it exactly people who are gonna do it they're gonna be on a level of not wanting to steal or not causing trouble or right not doing the things that is wrong in our laws right where there's a lawful side of it that it's controlled and I think that's super important yeah no doubt have you dabbled in the CBD stuff at all I did I am actually there's a CBD drink that I just started sweet yeah so that that was because I yeah I do the lotion every night for my neck of course I'm gonna have to have it all on my disk yeah fused in disc replacements I go through pain because I wrestle him yeah doing jiu-jitsu guys are pulling on my neck snapping me down front head get in chokes on me and I gotta fight them off yeah double legs hitting single legs taking punches taking jabs right hands uppercuts I mean head kicks too much going on and you know like it's like you get a boxing in the box these checkers and then you got MMA or being chest and you got two games you gotta figure out who could win the game the right way and in chess that's our game and it's so hard because there's so many ways to win the game but in boxing it's forward back side to side with you you made a little difference where it was for back side to side up down I mean you changed angles like no other I mean I still watch all your network stuff your bag works thank you and there's nobody in the world who's ever hit a bag or hit mitts the way you hit the FRA the frosya are ferocious punches that you do yeah I try to mimic when I train on my boxer my boxing trains like what are you doing I'm like oh I just say things Mike doing man I stay you know I'm still trying to get it just that mentality though it's that mentality going out either kill or be killed sure that's the way you know in competition or in life in general sometime it's like you know it's a vicious cycle and I just I look up to Mike a lot because through my whole career I've I've always never wanted to be the person that couldn't do it I've always wanted to be the one to do it and exactly I mean I remember back in 2001 at the MGM I seen a Mandalay Bay Mike came walking in and you know he came sat in my dressing room and he was sitting down on the floor watching me hit pads and I'll never forget this and he looked up he goes you kick like a [ __ ] mule and I was like dude this is Mike Tyson on my [ __ ] dressing room right now I was I mean I got a fan boy I'm not pointing right there oh he's like it was the coolest thing I came a t-shirt and I said Spanky's xxx on acid Tito Ortiz on it and I had a flame beanie and then his next bite when he felt fast while both are you can walk him out with the punishment flame beanie Mike that was uh I was one of those times in my life where I was like man this is pretty damn cool as a kid what not watching you in high school and then through my career and just always being that one that wasn't able to make it I mean I I don't think my life compared to yours just you've been through some great many great things made challenges but I kind of compare it as we've came from nothing and we weren't supposed to make it and we made it and we continued to do it and were able to do it by showing through our kids you know and they said the best resemblance of a man is through his child's and my children I'm happy about it and make it man you are the same thing I'm happy yeah that's great I mean I just it's just one champ talking to another one I just like I said I'm still competing I still love it I still have the hunger I still have the grind and I remember Mike said not to quote exactly but he's talking about walking to the cage and people saying how do you feel when you walk into the cage and he said I'm in such fear of losing for my fans losing for my family but by the time I walked into the cage I'm stoppable I walk into the ring I'm unstoppable and every time I'm I fight every time I walk out every single time I get ready for my fight I had that same mentality I'll be walking out I have tears coming down my eyes because it's I have the fear is leaving my body so once I do step into the cage yeah I feel invincible amazing and there's no feeling in the world like it and I think Mike's the only one could fill a feeling like that or other fighters can feel it feel like that because it's most loneliest feeling in the world to be a fighter yeah because it's do only you you out get it up and train you got to get up and run you got to get up and do weight training you got to get up and spar you got to get up and wrestle you had to go through all these things and then you go to get in the ring no one else to help you survive oh yeah and then it's a vicious vicious competition but you know at the other day I got to make sure I prepare for it and they say I mean that's not a little story about my amazing dude No thank you for sharing that man what else man what what's on the horizon for you as far as what do you what are you doing with your life acting oh yeah yeah mom I'm getting opportunities you know I got to turn down a lot of them cuz I won't be stereotyped to the fighter guy I pronounced someone fighter film so I I want to get an opportunity just to show my acting and it's still in a development I still got to learn I still got to work for really really really really hard I mean the memorization of lines I'm making sure you get the same feeling of the lines they're trying to get out of it the characters you got to build I mean yeah I think I excuse me in the acting classes that I took helped out a lot to find the character building the 20 questions of who this person is where he's from who's his brother his dad what was he doing he was 14 years old just kind of love filling that character I'm still learning it's still a process he's acting coat um actually I worked with Erin McPherson and of Beverly Hills grief and use actually helped me on a lot a lot of things another guy Patrick Barbic that set of Beverly Hills also nice and but I have other things that I've worked on of course in 2005 I did this Celebrity Apprentice with Donald Trump our guys and I was I was a guy questioning them I was other guys asking him you know how do you become a billionaire pretty super done thank you appreciate thank you juice delivery yes my former world champ former UFC world champion ever dude very very cool that's awesome that's how we throw down at Tyson ranch man right that's awesome man acting yeah blowing like say when I went back and I was doing this every apprentice with Trump and I I always got next to his side and everybody else that were there doing it they were just partying and doing their thing and I was the guy next to him asking questions not even sell a million how do you become a billionaire what do you do to make your businesses I mean I was question him everything and he said well Tito one thing I never stopped working mm-hmm even when I'm sleeping I have people working for me mm-hmm because if you want to continue to stand a millionaire you gotta have five sources and kumkum told me everything Ross yeah five sources of income streams of revenue five standard revenue coming in every year so I was like hmm so now the sudden he staples something in my mind he bran is up my mind that I have not stopped working on since he told me that cool so I have my clothing company punishment athletic wear huh is strictly for at them this tank yeah it's anchored that's dope dude I'd Rock one of those yeah I'll get you got seen you guys some gear hello um and then I started my car business it's actually hotel car business at Mannheim in Fontana cauti Auto Group we run Lane nine we run 150 cars a week every Thursday I have a management company which is called primetime 360 with my partner Jorge crazy gene we manage about 922 fighters now I think we just signed her second one Don mad she just fought in the last UFC one by knockout Cris cyborg eating Talent oh yeah cuz I work to ice but there's some a lot of new up-and-coming talent but it's just made here if you got any yeah but you know I'm it's just one of those things that are still looking for that fifth one you know this recur this fourth one maybe this promotion with Oscar De La Hoya doing Golden Boy MMA cool but the acting thing I think is the fifth but still it's just I could say it's a process I mean it's it's a grind you got to work every day doing and hotel but it is an art you got to make sure you just perfected it you know I look guys like Dwayne Johnson oh great yeah he's awesome yeah just shows the hard work that he does he's always working working working working and I respect that so much it's the same grind that I've had through my career of a fighting bud Rhodes well if I'm able to kind of transit that into that type of career I would love to but you got to put in the work no doubt man I've thought about that myself getting into acting after my NFL career and it's like man I busted my ass on a straight line trajectory for 12 years before I made it to the NFL and you know it's like okay if I want to be an actor it's gonna take another decade and ten years of hard ass work and focus you know just chiseling away a little bit at a time like you said man well man I think that's it's pretty awesome dude thank you for coming in today really thank you yeah Mike I appreciate it Mike yeah another great one brother thank you as always awesome all right guys until next time we're out [Music]
Channel: Mike Tyson
Views: 327,617
Rating: 4.8101487 out of 5
Keywords: Mike Tyson, Mike, Tyson, HotBoxin', UFC, Boxing, Tito Ortiz, Eben Britton, Danny Lansdale, Standing United, Tyson Ranch, CBD
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 26sec (2726 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 28 2018
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