Uebert Angel - We Are Not Human - Part 1

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that which we have handled which we have seen with our eyes this is the word of truth we have not followed cunningly device to fireballs we were eyewitnesses of this thing we walking bible but we have seen the lord our eyes have seen the lord i don't know about you when you have become a supernatural christian god gets into you and starts walking himself he no longer leads he is now ayakara [Applause] hundred percent true i saw german written on your forehead like germany october yes 1981 and you know everything if i be a prophet of god miracle monday now declared miracle money there's 55 000 in his background oh my jesus 150 and i only had items supernatural weight loss [Applause] somebody who is sick can just be healed like that this is the good news we preach a good news world with hubert angel provoking a reaction and always worth hearing verse number one of ezekiel eight and it came to pass in the sixth year in the sixth month in the fifth day of the month as i sit in my house notice here he says i was sitting in my house that's exactly as i sit in my house and the elders of judah set before me that the hand of the lord god fell there upon me imagine the prophet is actually standing with people in one location sitting with them talking at the same time they're having a conversation and the lord takes him while he's there in other words he's at his house and he's in another place there are men who are dangerous given an ability by god that they can speak to you and be speaking to hundreds more people you think the conversation is ending here yet the man is having another conversation with someone else this is the reason we are able to tell if somebody is lying to me or not because you can be talking to me and lie about another person and i'm already questioning that person while as we are talking here it is and the elders of judah said before me at the hand of the lord and the head of the lord what fell there upon me let's go then i beheld and lo and likeness as the appearance of fire from the appearance of his loins even downward fire and from his loins even upward as the appearance of brightness and the color of emperor let's go and he put forth the form of a hand and took me by the lock of my head in other words by the end god grabbed him and the spirit lifted me up between the earth and heaven are you flowing and brought me in the visions of god to jerusalem the door of the inner get that looked toward the north where was the city of the image of jealousy which provoked to jealousy imagine the prophet is there with the inhabitants sitting in their house in his own house with his wife there and god decides i'm taking you from here and the people he is discussing with don't even know the guy is gone they are continuing a conversation and the man is not there so it is possible to have a sunday service with you now i'm talking to somebody under the evidence of my voice i'm dealing with spiritual dynamics [Applause] the jewel life of a prophet that i can be sitting there and know about what you are saying you can lie to me about your name and i argue with you this is the reason why i can call somebody and say your name is this and they try to argue and say call your mother and the mother is called and confirms that was his name he just doesn't know it you wonder what happened i'm talking to you but your mother is also listening to my conversation i decree and declare nobody shall lie to you or cheat you all the days of your life i came to give you something i wish there was somebody here who understood what we're dealing with listen brothers and sisters the born again life is not a story listen it's god changing your life for his your life is not changed god didn't come to change you god came to replace your life with his own life tend to your neighbors say christians are not human beings on this earth there are 5.4 billion human beings 2.4 christians we are counted 7.8 billion no we are not no human beings are not 7.8 they are counting christians among human beings [Applause] watch this let me [Applause] listen brothers and sisters we are not human i don't care how they look at us we are not human we are beyond what they see we are not human [Applause] how on earth listen how on earth does a person with cancer get to a hospital and they do chemotherapy for years for months and you come here i touch the back of your head and the cancer is in your stomach [Applause] and the doctor says way way way way way way way we are not human brothers and sisters we are not human we operate by a different set of rules we are not human you might feel human one day but you are not human god supplanted you removed the old you see this is why i hate preachers when they say those who want to give their lives to christ give what you [Applause] it's christ giving you a life a new one tend to yourself you know don't just go like this i'm not human i might feel like one but i'm not human [Laughter] you're not hearing me that's something to shout about i don't know about you but there's something to shout about i don't know if you're hearing me palusi caballon de graciasoma i want you to go to ezekiel 3. i want you sure exactly three verse number one and they will get to 11 and keep going moreover you say it unto me son of man eat thou that finest eat the roar and go speak unto the house of israel let's go so i opened my mouth and he caused me to eat that roar in other words the scroll that he was given the lord said eat it scrow eaters we speak into trees no human being in their right mind can speak to trees we speak to money to appear money [Applause] you think we are we are no more guys the moment you start telling yourself i'm not normal i'm very abnormal the reason why christians have lacked power is because they have not conscious themselves to a reality you can sit down because i know you [Laughter] what's this so i opened my mouth and it caused me to do what to eat the raw what's this and he said unto me son of man cause thy belly to eat fill thy bowls with the roll that i give thee then did i eat it and it was in my mouth as hand for sweetness let's go and he said unto me son of man god get thee unto the house of israel and speak with my words unto them and for thou art not sent to a strange to a people of a strange speech or of hard language but for the house of israel i said you i'm sending you to your people not too many people of strange speech of any hard language whose words thou cannot understand surely had i sent it to them they would have hackened unto thee he says if i send you to foreign people they will hear you your own people won't hear nothing this is the reason why if a pastor happens to congo to be congolese the congolese in the church are the noisemakers if he so happens to come from zimbabwe somehow [Applause] i'll just you finish that for yourself someone from kenya will be standing there going like he's a man of god one from your own country will be sitting there i'm still analyzing for free yes [Applause] god help your stupidity but the house of israel will not hack an unto thee for they will not hack an unto me for all the house of israel are impudent and hard-hearted god knew let's go oh we are about together behold they've made thy face strong again as their faces and their forehead strong against their foreheads and as an adamant heart are than fleeing have i made thy forehead fear them not neither be dismayed at their looks do they be a rebellious house moreover you said unto me son of man all my ways that i speak unto thee receive in your heart and hear thine ears let's go and go get thee to them that have captivity unto the children of thy people and speak to them and tell them that says the lord whether they hear or whether they will forbid are you getting this now then the spirit of the lord took me up higher and i had behind me a voice of a great rushing saying blessed be the glory of the lord from his place let's go i had also a noise of the wings of the living creatures that touched one another the man is sitting there and is now somewhere else and the noise of the wheels over against them and a noise of great rushing watch this so the spirit lifted me up and took me away and i went in bitterness and in the heart of my spirit but the end of the lord was strong upon me then i came watch this now i want you to never miss this then i came to them of the captivity of tel abid that dwelled by the river of chiba is in the spirit he was in his house and now he's with the inhabitants of tel aviv that dwelled by the river chamber and i sat there where they sit and remain there astonished among them seven days [Applause] the guy is at his house and is taken by god to go to a location where he's sitting with people for seven days they think that he's there yet he's at home brothers and sisters we are not human you just need to look at your case if it's a court case just say i'm not human i'm not human you look at your data and say i'm not human i'm not human hello we are the new superman in christ oh sometimes clark kent will even wear a little bit of suit and pretend to be a reporter somewhere but then he will remove his glasses and begins to see we will be seeing in a few seconds and it came to pass at the end of seven days that the word of the lord came unto me saying what's this son of man i've made thee a watchman unto the house of israel therefore hear the word thy mouth and give them warning from me when i said unto the wicked thou shalt surely die don't give us not a warning watch this now now the lord is now giving him a warning to one of the people he sat with they were discussing while he got astonished notice he never said they went to them but he was hearing what they were convincing it is possible as a christian to go in the camp of your enemy and sit there wireless you are sleeping at home and you are sitting there and you hear everything they are saying you no longer hear this one said this one said this one said you know the whole conversation you can see there's not this one not this one but this one yeah but not this one that's why i'm a very dangerous man to lie to you [Applause] before you utter a lie i already know you are about to lie hear this are you here pastor chris my spiritual father was in a meeting before he got into a meeting he was in a hotel room you know he's lodging before the before the conference while he was praying for the conference the lord took him to a location and the lord said all i have to do is part a kitten and the lord went and grabbed the kitchen of time and opened it like this and he said look what's happening and he began to see paul peter abraham sitting on the grandstands and the lord said chris tonight paul will be watching your meeting [Applause] hey you even thomas will make you excited apostle paul is watching you tonight peter is watching you tonight what causes men like that to have a conversation like that he said i looked and i began to see the saints of out taking their seats imagine the lord opens and said watch and they were now taking their seats what are you talking about when you get to a certain level in the spiritual it becomes so easy to decipher to know exactly what somebody's planning before they plan it you can actually run away from danger before danger comes it's so easy to do so let me repeat this so for those who are not here with us do you know that every accident that happened every crash that happened every air craft crash that happened you paid for it the ones who died in an airline accident paid for it they worked for months to save money to put in a bank and save for a ticket today [Music] not only that they even had to drive from their own homes to catch a flight that would kill them oh you're still here you were wondering what did i pay for everything you are going to die in you paid for it no god is killing nobody when i was taken to to hell in a v station i saw the guests of heaven and they were written welcome to hell i said who is being welcomed here the lord said i don't send anyone to hell they sent themselves so they are welcomed for the that's where they wanted to come we are welcoming them they booked the seat i decree and declare in the name of jesus i decree and declare whatever you are going to die of you should have seen it before it happens marquito bacter gustalis are you hearing what i'm talking about [Laughter] my spiritual father called me one time he said angel did you sleep well i said yeah i'm good and you say he said i didn't sleep i said what were you doing he said i was actually sitting down having a meeting with so-and-so and i know that so and so can he have a meeting with him because the so-and-so is not on this earth he said i can't tell you because if i tell the world they don't get it said we had meetings what sort of meeting is this in your dream you are just running away from someone some men of god some christians are seeing things that you should never you can never see on this earth your concentration is the one that is off sit down sit down sit down and hear me well never accept criticism never even if they call it constructive criticism constructive criticism should only come from people who have been in construction [Applause] because at least they know something about building i can't take constructive criticism from somebody who has never constructed anything because if you have never constructed anything then you are in the demolition crew and it takes no intelligence for a wrecking ball to destroy a building never take it we have wisdom from another world we listen to rumors from another world we are hearing a rumor from another world the bible you are holding is rumor from another world that's the only constructive criticism i'm gonna take hear this hear this how on earth would paul be told go to a place where somebody will pray for your eyes to see and then when he got there the men already had a meeting with god somewhere he said how can i pray for this man since he kills believers and the lord said no while he's talking to paul god is talking to him it seems as if there is a certain location a position where they can go and speak to god whilst they are talking to you we live in two worlds that's what the bible says we are common to mount zion unto an innumerable number of angels to the spirits of just men made perfect are you still flowing are you still flowing i remember the lord took me to a place that i called heaven so many times and he showed me william marion branham maria woodward etta wigglesworth kenneth e hagin all these alexander dowie john alexander darwin and he put them in one place they were sitting in one place as if around a holy fireplace and from afar maybe three meters away he said who do you want to be like among these there were seven of them i said i want all of them combined you know the bible says elijah said of elijah you asked he asked a hard thing there is a time to ask for a hard thing it depends which church you go to it depends which preacher you listen to you can actually ask for a heart thing based on the word you receive and god's word and the lord said imagine yourself with a small prayer and at that time i was doing seven hours a day he said imagine yourself loaded armed with a small prayer ah armed with a small prayer so i imagined myself armed with a small prayer are you flowing or you've gone home now after years i'm writing now my book on going to heaven i went to heaven i would i went to hell coming soon but on i went to heaven i wanted to and i went to heaven i wanted to actually write that story that i was shown this in heaven and god said no that was in heaven said you are in mount zion you said all these things that are taking place that you think i'm telling you from heaven's perspective you are on mount zion i said are these special people that exist in this monster instead every christian is there now imagine he said every christian is there but they don't realize they are there since we are coming to mount zion and an innumerable number of angels to the spirits of just men made perfect do you even know what that means it means the ones that went home to be with the lord they are still now look at you now you think that person is dead from your house when they were prayerful person when they were a christian no they are on mount zion and where are you you are on mount zion [Applause] last your corporate tacos sit down see now when her son when her son died and they said for 40 minutes declared dead rushed to my hotel room here in in in town here i don't know what is that called kanerwav and i'm in there they knocked with a problem she's crying what is happening uh my son has been declared dead i said don't worry i'll talk to god now listen to me some death you keep quiet some death you know were my position now i know i'm in that moment when i heard it something was triggered in my system i knew who i was i said don't worry about it call now called it's back to life what is taking place why do we leave others and why do we speak on others the reality is when you know you are in a certain location when you are conscious of it sometimes you are not conscious of it his friend died in dubai there he said what do i do he took a wristband wristband that he was wearing for spirit members him now you don't earn nothing this one 40 000 pounds a week is a footballer he's thinking i have a wristband playing around with it he takes it puts on a guy and they are there i don't know he had or did or something on some nonsensical nonsense subject that he was and he just put the person wristband back to life listen imagine somebody repeating repeating and nothing is taking place and then boom one did he call me no he knew something that was connecting this to that there is a world we are in you just don't feel it that you are there but you are really there we can talk to you on a scale of one to zero or zero to one and it's still the same speed your money can actually listen to you i know you see one thing the problem is while it's you're doing it the devil knows how to press the gears he knows where you end i was dealing with some leaders yesterday and i'm about finished say we are not human we're not human i was dealing with some leaders yesterday and i was dealing with this issue of the worst case scenario all right so you call it wcs worst case scenario so one of the young men said as my spiritual father how do i know how do i really operate the way you operate before your spiritual father i think it was jordan right yeah brother jordan i said that's a very good question but the thing you need to do is to deal with the worst case scenario he said what is that i said what i've done with pastor chris is i deal with what is called the worst case scenario from a young age i knew exactly was my spiritual father even when i detoured i knew exactly that even the person i told you testified that i told him who my spiritual father was even posted reality this is true so there was no father i ran away from even the further people think i ran away from is the one testifying that uh-uh i was told this is the father but i had no access now hear this are you flowing are you flying i said the thing i did for me to go back was because of the worst case scenario worst case scenario is what if pastor chris comes to my house beat up my children beat up my wife beat up my mother worst case scenario i tell them myself that i won't i will be angry then i know i have not reached their sonship then i practice myself towards that thing no you didn't get that until i say if he does it he's my father do i like what happened no but would that make me really be bad no it's a worst case scenario some of you have not reached the worst case scenario a believer here says you're no longer my father guess what i don't even need to convince him whether he climbs up a mountain a tree my dna is crying in there my son my son ain't nothing changed my dna is inside it's lodged in there whether he cries and runs around they say whatever i know young men if the doctor comes here and takes your mind this is the biggest problem some of you have not you have not dealt with the worst case scenario so when the devil does what he does to you he knows exactly that if you're confessing you're confused you know you can get to a level you know you got this thing you have confessed it enough now it's about to come if it was money it would take two weeks and the second week the devil brings a bill you can't even pay your confession will run away like something jesus got to his disciples says where is your faith in other words the faith he looked for the faith heated that gun it flew away from his own disciples what is it that you actually will stand if the devil tries you no you didn't get it they didn't get that the bible says what can separate us from the love of god is it poverty is it persecution is it drought what was that scripture dealing with worst case scenario what is your worst case scenario if it's a headache if you notice if he's a head again you just feel this headache and you walk i'm healed i'm healed the more you say i'm here they're more painful i'm telling you it will take you two minutes to reject your own confession you end up going like a god to honestly god help me now you have cancelled the equation because pain has gotten into you let me tell you something if you maintain it in pain you maintain it when his head when it hits you maintain it when it gets to another level you maintain it one day the devil will know this one is not somebody to play with the bible says he will leave but notice what the bible says he will live for a season if if the devil could leave jesus for a season not forever for a season i told you before there is a mountain where the devil buys human beings the bible says it this way and i was taken the lord was taken to a mountain and was shown everything in the world and he was told god being told i'll give you all this if you can only kneel down the mountain of finances is where the devil is stealing your souls some of you are not even here in this church now why because they are waking money the devil has already said if you can only bow to me on sunday and wait for money instead of going and worship god i'll give you what you want you can even hear someone having so many reasons like you know in my rent you know it's just sunday you know sunday there is no job you cannot tell the boss i'm a christian that will be religious discrimination you can actually win that in court but because you like money so much more than god you have been bought by the devil you have sold your soul he tried it with jesus imagine the devil was not even afraid of jesus met him and saw him this is the guy that i worshipped in heaven let me tempt him you you from from benin from allah you actually think the devil will be scared of you no the mountain of finances is where the devil is stealing all your souls but i'm here to tell you something there is also a location where god can actually prove to you that those finances that you're looking for that money you're looking for is easily obtained i decree and declare right this minute pasuge mangrati labangus ze couche mangratucia jesus something is happening in the realm of the spirit how we speak to sickness and sickness stops how we speak to cancer and cancer leaves yes jesus said if you say to this mountain a specific mountain say to this one don't go to another one to this mountain be thou removed and be plugged up be thou removed if you say to what to this mountain it shall obey you no notice he didn't say it shall obey jesus you who speaks who does it obey not jesus but notice when he doesn't obey we always go god god did not say to obey me if you just sit in your house and tell yourself i'm not human i think this is a confession i want everyone who has gotten a in any social media just hashtag i'm not human i'm just not human sit down supernatural power of the believer [Music] discover the secrets to growing in the five dimensions of god's power order your copy of this best-selling book with over 100 000 copies sold by hubert angel from the amazon kindle store or visit our online shop at www.uberangel.org thank you our partners and friends for making it possible to bring this message to you those wishing to partner with hubert angel please visit www.uberangel.org i'm not human i said i'm not human i'm not human just just i'm not human it doesn't need to be something else i'm not human i remember in um in a place called ashlander line in manchester and i've told you several times this story and i it's one of those days i used to be broke now you see when you have money and you say i used to be broke people think you are showing off but if you get a job and you come here i've got a job people think it's a testimony now if i say i'm rich now it's showing off it's just dimensions of testimonies that are now different just different dimensions may your dimension also be bigger may your dimension be higher may your dimension be greater than your enemy's dimension [Applause] sit down i'm i'm sitting there all right where is a check are you sure if i sit there i'll be able to see later on now i'm sitting here like this and i'm sitting and we've got one step second step in the third because of course god created me long now he needed more space to anoint now listen i'm sitting here and i'm i know exactly who i am but my money is not agreeing with my level you know you can actually be at a certain location where you know the way the taste i have have you ever wanted a lamborghini and you know you are a toilet cleaner you know what i'm saying where you have extra virgin test but the money in your bank does not agree with you i decree and declare in the name of jesus for your appetite to make your budget oh may your test match what is in your bank [Applause] you think i'm begging it i'm begging this thing to happen you know begging god for this thing to happen i'm already declaring it in your life it's already happening as i'm talking to you sit down and i'm sitting there and the bailiff is coming and this bailiff was collecting a few amounts every week for something i ordered oh trust me i owed little stuff maybe i'll come for 50 pounds or something and i didn't have it that week 40 something 48 pounds or something i didn't have it me he is approaching and i'm just saying jesus of angola why why would why would why would this god not just give me money i need to you know and i knew i had a car that they could actually just repossess i'm sitting there like this and the man comes to the stadium and i started speaking in tongues not as a way of going anywhere just you know when you don't have anything to do have you ever driven a vehicle without a license [Applause] do i have testimonies here and people witnesses and you know your insurance and britain is crazy if they catch you and you have no license your insurance is now in void even if it's there your mot is no longer valid your text for your car is no longer valid because you are a disqualified driver you can't you are an unqualified one so i'm sitting there like this and i'm just speaking in tongues you know when you're driving with no license when you see the police behind you the prayer you do there angels will be encouraged you get into some tanks you yourself you've never gone into just a police now car people don't know they you know they did the right thing from beginning but some of us we just got in this country no one changed any license anywhere and you see a police car you just go like jim mahankara killer and when it goes past you go like thank you jesus [Applause] so there is a prayer you do because you need an answer then there is a prayer you do because that's the only thing that can come into your mind you know it's not going to work but let me just do whatever i can do you find your words going ahead of your brain so i began to speak in tongues my mind was behind and the men stepped on the first step i'm thinking something is happening here he went on the second step and stood there my door i'm sitting by the door three steps i'm sitting on the third step high and my legs are on the the other last step the third one two three three and he steps on the first steps on that stands between my legs knocks on my door something told me he is not seeing me why should i answer the door the bible says and i find a way of escape a way of escape said there is a way of escape and i'm i'm looking at this guy he's knocking he starts writing you know that one that that small letter that says you know i was here and i'm just looking at him like ah the guy is not seeing me where was i mount zion brothers and sisters mount zion hey mount zion i'm not trying to make you people who run away from bailiffs [Applause] i'm just trying to prove to you there is a real world called mount zion sit down sit down sit down i'm about to finish did i say that i there is a place called mount zion a way of escape is it will provide even then a way of escape something that can cause you to run away what are you talking about i know of a man whether in the flesh or in the spirit i will not say how the devil got into the house just here salford manchester got into the house a room got in there and appeared physically to the men and the man is looking at the devil you know this is the devil and that's the devil masculinity is a angel of light he looks like an angelic being because he's an angel and remember his name is lucifer and lucifer doesn't mean darkness it means he's light so when god created the devil he called him light not darkness that means he wasn't created to sin he was the perfect one with symbols and and musical instruments in his bowers that if he says hello it would god music would follow when he speaks and the devil made chaos the light bulb blew up smoke turned upside down the tables and the chairs and the plates in there and opened the window himself by supernatural force and left and god whispered to the men and said how can you allow such things to happen in your house physically happening and immediately the men thought what can i do if the devil has done this to my bed to my light he said okay close the door lock the door and stood in the middle of the room and said devil come back with no seconds the devil came back and stood there he said can you make sure my table is nicely picked after you are done you can leave i tell you there is a power inside of you that the devil himself will listen when you start talking i was in tbilisi with pastor ricky went to this cameraman and this cameraman was we proved to the cameraman into place who is muslim that god speaks to this day after that he was quiet he was just shocked he went home he went on his own page and wrote and put my photo and says he knows everything [Applause] something about your life you can access any file you need if god can access volumes of what the devil says watch this in punjab india we are prophesying and muslims came to the meeting not only muslims even uh sick all right hindu they came to the meeting and i said muslims you are all business people come to the front i know you like business and they went to the front then i asked what what business are you in they said their businesses and i said look i believe in jesus christ that is lord and you believe in what you believe in but let's do a bet today your business people if i prophesy about your life and your god does not close my eyes to see your secrets then you have to worship my god what's this and i said now i'm giving you an opportunity to talk to your god to close my eyes so that me who is using jesus will not be able to see you who is using allah they said it's okay it's a good deal it's on video i shook their hands like this i said now i'm starting are you okay now that it's done now you've closed all those they said yes i started from one going into the bedroom getting to what was in the bedroom the conversation they had even some dreams and all of them were shaking hands like this so yeah now believe it or not pastor my greatest i don't know if you're hearing what i'm saying there is a power in us that all we need to do is listen it doesn't mean to say i have arrived paul says i fought a good fire then he says to go to heaven is actually gain for me but to stay with you is more advantageous for you since then i'm caught in between two things imagine a man who didn't want to go and who wanted to go have you ever been homesick i know a guy called sengwayo who was a founder of a church in zimbabwe and his favorite song was i've never been homesick before the men got home sick wanting to go to heaven imagine praying that god please take me when you miss zion so much that you don't even want your flesh here anymore you want your spirit there don't pray that prayer it can be answered quickly just imagine are you sure you can actually pray that prayer you say god please you know i'm just a young boy let me enjoy a little bit god said no but heaven is more enjoyable than this one when we started saying just a few months a few weeks right do you see him he says he knows everything he was convinced by god what causes us to be like this what causes it he received christ before we left that's what he's saying he received christ it's easy when god begins to speak it's easy sit down sit down sit down a minute left a minute just one minute just one minute i can't wait for a time i was so excited to see some of our youth going into into uh into town healing the sick i like that let me just say this i'm one person who wants to impart something in my people let me tell you something if i'm the only one who is healing the sick then this church is lost if i'm the only one who is able to prophesy then this church is lost if at any time listen to me good if in any time you hear you bear angel opening his mouth and saying to you i'm the only one on earth who hears from god please take me to a mountain put me in chains the same oil i put on you in prayer pour on me tie me to a tree pray for me i would have lost it that's what we call building a couch when a man begins to think he's the only one who hears from god when a man begins to think i'm the only one everyone else does not know god you are the only one who is you are the one now speaking for him only one no other person can hear you have a pastor here pastor ronnie he hears from god he speaks pastor titus still speaks to god pastor felix is prophesying so many in our ministry prophesying now what causes it to happen is because we know i'm not the only one we should be hearing from god you should hear from god every believer it's your opportunity this is the time to hear from god but what world are you in right this minute what world are you living in can you honestly say i know for sure my god can take me to another level where i hear god clearly let me tell you something you might not like to hear god didn't even need to send prophets if christians really do their duty you don't need prophets and i'm a prophet telling you that you honestly do not need a prophet you have the holy spirit you don't need a prophet the bible does not say you shall be led by prophets says you shall be led by the holy ghost your spirit attuned to the holy spirit is what you need you don't need a prophet the reason why you still need a prophet is one reason because you're failing to do what a christian should be doing and because of that christians now prophets now will control you until you die and will take advantage of you until you die this oil today this oil tomorrow this special water tomorrow if the water is sold out now they go for the mother of all waters after you buy that one super unended water after you buy the super anointed water the granddaddy of water and you will be buying as long as you keep buying they keep selling it's supply and demand if you demand it they supply so it's so easy to be fooled am i against prophets not one minute am i talking against other prophets not one minute but christians who are dumb wake up they will sell it to you until one day you open your bible and realize and also wait a minute it's written here i can actually hear god by the holy ghost on my own i don't need another man somewhere so you're still acting like you're hearing i want to get to a level where i have a church where everyone says god was speaking to me and he told me this this is the main reason we do not we do not this is the main reason we are not hearing god speak to us clearly and the other reason is simple you got born again to christ not to a preacher so when a preacher disappoints you you divorce christ [Music] how do you know me you're my spiritual grandfather uh what happened when i was in uganda i went to prison i was wrongly accused the family set me up and i saw you in a vision and you came to me in prison and you said grandson so you were in prison yes i was in prison and you said you have a mission jesus remember what we're ministering this man here was in prison and i'm not in any prison and i visit him in prison yes and you came and then i i was going to the church when you were on a good news tour and so you were in the good news tour meeting yes i came i said i have to go and then you came and you prayed for me and i felt something come out of my body i was dying it's like something was sucking my blood and you prayed for me and i was delivered and i said i have to come and testify this is second this is the second time jesus saved my day listen just imagine that somebody is somewhere i visit them in prison how how does it happen that you visited many in prison and why is it that i left the main auditorium to come to an overflow to meet a man who is actually preaching or proof of what i preached listen to me you don't need this person yes sir huh yes perfect you don't need this lady okay i'm listening sir ah give me give me direction what should you do to this lady what the lord has said that's what we are asking prophesied today is my day in the realm of the spirit you need to understand this lady here there is a failure for you to even do anything for her to be here yes you love her so much yes it's true but now she is another man yes it's true the name is john john john or something yes yes leave this one alone now yes prophet i'm listening yes i heard you i decree and declare yes prophet prophesied prophet same as your go deeper how do you know you have somebody that is trying to come to you that is trying to come here you have done everything everything yes i've done everything peppa's applied everything yes i'm just jesus christ there is a pregnancy you are sure it's yours okay i'm just saying happy maybe pastor luke would tell us prophesy grandfather today is my day keep looking keep looking whatever you tell me is the truth keep looking it's already starting keep looking keep looking my miracle my miracles say i receive it i believe it i receive it my miracle financially god is about to take you to another level i receive that things are about to change in your life i receive that the devil himself will be shocked i receive i'll spend my prayer [Applause] you know one thing come come come look stand here roll the mic hold the mic yes now you see this now if i say you see this right do you know why i said do you see this you no i don't know i saw see johan john is what is this lady yes now watch this watch this what's your say williams that's his name [Laughter] that financially you are going to take another form i receive things are going to change over your life that the enemy will never do anything to displace you to remove you to do anything to kill you i speak life over your life [Applause] you came together came together wait i will tell you what to do with this beautiful lady i will tell you what to do with this beautiful lady yes grandpa and then whatever god says you take it if your god says take it back that's all right if he says it's up to you then it will be up to you if he says leave leave yes grandpa you don't need to do anything that god never says do don't worry about it it might look like wow i'm about to lose it might look like everybody's going to be against you yes it's true it's true that's just by the way you need to do what god says yes just do what god said [Applause] [Music] there is also something happening yes let me tell you something yes tell me prophesy i'm putting a relationship between you and your father in the right direction yes please that is the truth wrong direction because of this very true very true because it's like you used your father yes i mean it in the right way okay to secure a money really yes so that it gets into your father and like your father's company or your company yes exactly and this is the cousin of yours yes that's exactly that's very kind of it took money it was in like three yes exactly it was hundred thousand u.s dollars yes professor and that hundred thousand usually the reason why you went to jail yes exactly and the person who was supposed to go did not even go to jail no in fact he even [Applause] [Music] [Applause] raise against everyone here father in the name of jesus i decree and declare for this that i hear right now every increase you desire it is given to you now every prosperity you prayed for it is done now you thought you were in the overflow but let me tell you something overflow is happening to you now don't worry mama [Applause] listen to me sometimes you don't even need to see me prophesy to you yes thank you it's so simple i told you before prophets you don't need them you just need god all you need is the word you don't need prophets we need the prophetic but prophets today is what sunday yes sunday saturday friday thursday yes thursday tuesday thursday night you say you're coming baby myself came into your room not came into my room but in the dream [Applause] and when i walked in here i touched your face yes thank you lord but imagine your deliverance took place on tuesday there was no service listen to me you might think i went to a house no there is a location we meet it's mount zion [Music] there is a location where you stay i said it and we meet there and then we meet physically on earth we have a jewel alive we are not human you need to go home and tell yourself i'm not human i'm not human i'm not human don't say you've been dangerous not human you are not men go beyond i love you [Applause] god is about to take you to another level don't worry what the enemy has done and or said it is not what the enemy is doing that you have to worry about i saw in the realm of the spirit something bigger than you you are here in the overflow here right yeah but something bigger was taking place and i saw the angel writing in the air and said right on paper what you see and i saw things moving to an extent where your finances in your family you are struggling if i look at the people that are in your family you are the one struggling yes everyone is successful it's you [Music] that the kit of the family is going to devote i don't know much about him okay all i know is there is one prophecy i have for him money is about to change hands man is about to check [Applause] because even the thing is trying is trying to buy this and sell this and buy this and sell this and things are not taking place even get things from from india take this thing from china let's see if we order here we order here and we go here listen to me i saw in the realm of the spirit sir i even saw somebody this is for you to know i know you somebody was moving and people had guns around the men people had guns and every he comes out of it of a car they want to follow he comes out of this they want to follow and the lord said ask him who is ben it's like somebody in the government he's my brother your brother second grade emily back home he's a minister in a he's a minister of the government like a politician yeah politician prophet alice scuba yeah and the lord minister to me don't worry about this something is about to take shape your relationship is about to be tightened with ben yes because it has been broken some things were taking place and some people had said a lot of things that when they look at you and look at life of ben they think ah what's the difference here why are people like this and i saw another one like male and grease like first born benjamin is number two yes personal lacrosse [Applause] as i'm talking to him now if i talk right now how many children do you have three three okay now you have three three children that's a good number what is the name of my pet son that son is jude is jude do you know it my eldest [Applause] the enemy was trying to do but the holy ghost is going to change and shift everything that you you begin to walk people would say look at this man look at how things have changed look at how it is turned around look at how the world is sent around because of you it's money is coming money shall come also to you [Applause] this money listen to me this time there was a time a business came along it was to sell things that were like like computer things and stuff like that and guess what he didn't quite get into the grasp of it but now god is saying i'm moving something but into being textiles i'm moving something into clothes [Music] [Applause] may your hands grab money may prosperity know you everyone that has left you has nothing to do with what is happening in the future god is unchanged for greater things you see when when you move and you see somebody and go say that's a great person but it seems as if they were preventions people preventing preventing people just preventing things to happen that it was like in what africans would call an almost anointing when you are almost getting there and somebody closes the door when you're about to get to the money that you're looking for somebody closes the door when you're about to get to the breakthrough you need somebody closes the door but i decree and declare right this minute persuitalist in the name of jesus that power must change his prosperity right [Applause] later father in the mighty name of jesus paulo general christ i speak finances over your life every demonic influence that try to prevent prosperity it is canceled right now punished in the mighty name of jesus rejoice be glad put the devil on the run and have a lot of fun it is your time love you love you love you love you something is about to take place over your life and there is a change taking place when i first laid my eyes on you i began to see that things have not been moving the way they were supposed to move that's true but the reality is god is planning things behind the scenes and as i look at you right now you are a great man you are a very very great man save the father this is your first time here it's my second time i was here last sunday papa you were here last sunday yes sir wow how just imagine how good god is that you are able to be sitting here in this ministry hearing what god is saying and all of a sudden god says i want to talk to you the lord said don't worry about your application ah relax don't worry don't worry i know the application you see listen there is a big difference in me focusing and and zeroing in on an issue like this is your issue why you are here that's what i decided to do in my life just focusing on one issue boom this is it that's why you are here you are here for one thing you are here for one thing that application don't worry about it amen i receive it this is another application you should not worry about the other one way [Music] this is working for this company this oil company yes sir yes sir don't worry about it because in the same place where the company is god said i'm raising you to even on your own this is this is angola we are talking about yes angola and this is something to do with energy and oil oil and energy yes papa is my dream and i've applied for an for an internship position in the supply chain management for what for children in angola an oil company chevron is what it's an oil company [Music] the lord minister to me don't worry the one we are looking at right now is already a multi-millionaire we listen listen to this we are not human i said we are not human you we are not human we are not human raise your hands wherever you are listen don't worry about this this lady here don't worry god is about to do something amen amen something great amen over your life go deeper should i go deeper yes sir she's my first daughter okay listen to this the lord ministered to me there was a time when you were really really praying hard for her yes and things began to move and she had the connection with god at that time and something shifted not because she's no longer listening but she's no longer as spiritual as she was beginning that's very true now and the funny part of it is when you were naming it god gave you a reality in your head because i saw it written divine divine divan she is my daughter yeah this is the name that i've given you sin in the name of jesus i decree and declare something good is about to take place watch this there is also something you need to understand with she's it's like she's doing let me tell you something god said i'm taking here and i saw a name written you might not know the name yourself listen this is in congo brazil we are coming from congo brazil and i saw like instruments like like something that she would get into but right now she was stuck with doing small things like you know like little little things but the main issue is she's using like uh you know cubic zirconia you know like small stones that are not precious stones or or just using these things and and decorating things and even for the house for the white exactly this is what she's doing and the lord minister to me that is about to do something that is beyond that amen because i saw precious materials amen precious minerals coming into your hands and the lord said you're looking at money it's not money only it's real money amen glory because of time raise your hands good news world with hubert angel provoking a reaction and always worth hearing
Channel: Uebert Angel
Views: 61,546
Rating: 4.9313307 out of 5
Keywords: uebert angel, bebe angel, beverly angel, the goodnews church, prophecy, prophetic, spirit embassy, christ embassy, prosperity, prophet angel, prophet uebert angel, pastor chris, chris oyakhilome, prophet bushiri, Major1, money, bill gates, hollywood
Id: iNO2nSUU38M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 45sec (4545 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 31 2021
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