Prophetic Timeline - End of the Age 6

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[Music] i'm [Music] my hallelujah songs [Music] i want to sing for ya [Music] [Music] let me sing for your [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign we are [Applause] [Music] we are [Music] of you [Music] [Applause] [Music] we [Music] you [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah foreign [Music] we worship you we worship your lord we will save you lord [Music] greetings and welcome to this international online sunday service to you children of the light to whom perfect knowledge is given as we study the matter at hand the rapture amazing that you're here grateful the lord has created this chance in this moment that we do not deserve but we need to be a part of as we sit under the ministration of his friend the great prophet prophet emmanuel macandia my name is pastor karamba joined by pastor chikuni and in a few moments the prophet will be leading us on in the service today now before we begin make sure that you subscribe to this channel click on the notification icon make sure that each and every moment a message specially designed for you is posted on this channel you are the first to receive it man of god good times shalom global missionary natural network what are what what an amazing creation of our father a platform meant specifically for those that would want to partner with the word of god you know all of us would have wanted to hold the microphone at some point in life in time in life and our father is creating that platform where we win souls for the kingdom like he said last week through partnership and partnering with who the voice and you look at history and it tells your login as far as winning souls is concerned bringing people to the kingdom is concerned and what a platform to imagine that the lord has designed the systems of heaven and earth where how you live eternally is fit into a small time frame that is measurable and all you need to do is to make sure that within the time that you are given you work towards rewards that are eternal in a place where there is no time and so really what should i do now that i know rapture is coming it's close it's near how do i prepare myself is it prayer is it fasting is it a certain type of lifestyle yes the latter is true it is a certain type of lifestyle giving now giving us to be accelerated far beyond what we were doing before and now just a general reminder that there are five categories find yourself in the highest category this is time for giving this is time for sewing global mission network a thousand us dollars under that 500 below that 200 below that 100 and the last category is 50 us dollars but if i were you i'd do my level best to make sure that i'm above 1 000 us dollars now the banking details are displayed on your screen right now make use of those details as we begin this service this morning it's important pastor calama that people do partner and don't be limited to what we have just mentioned i think it's very important you understand your capacity you understand what god has been saying to you and yes you really wanted to partner with even more the door has been open the opportunity has been created by the voice for you to be able to partner and create value for yourself you know in life there are times when we ask ourselves is this all about life this is all and god has given us an interpreter of his times his seasons our father the voice and he's coming and he's giving us the heart of god today the mind of god today and he has opened that opportunity for us to create value for ourselves even in the life to come and this is an opportunity that i believe answers that question is this all about life and sometimes you ask that because you feel like there is more that is supposed to be done more than what you you are doing what you may understand and our father is coming and is telling us this is what we ought to be doing and what an opportunity so wherever you are the banking details on the screen please make it a point that you don't make a mistake and as far as the details are concerned like what pastor karambe said just said the five categories one thousand dollars five hundred dollars two hundred dollars a hundred dollars and fifty dollars please make sure you do your best make sure you do your best that's right it's one thing to to be valued here on earth and it's one it's another to be of value in the life to come and the left comes pretty long to have the value that you're not impressed by exactly exactly now some of you may be asking um i have kind and i want you so unkind please contact um our team that's on standby on the number displayed on the screen explain to them how you'd want to sew maybe you don't have cash readily at hand they'll help you through the process of sowing in kind and as well if you sown in cash please go ahead and send your name and your proof to the whatsapp number as well displayed on the screen so that they can have your details remember where our names are the person on the secret place like you've just already passed it's important that people note that we are not saying you send your details or your partnership on this platform the whatsapp number on the screen the contact details on the screen i think it's very important global missionary network sunday the 5th of september 20 21 we're about to get into the second part of the teaching on rapture as promised by the prophet of god we are elated to be in this place and we know that you are too and curious to find out what is the timeline where are we exactly exactly but we know perfectly and that perfection is about to be revealed by the great prophet of god this morning it's good pastor karen but we are not the children of darkness and we have the light shining through our father giving us understanding of the times and seasons and most importantly you see whatever we decide to do as men as children as sons and daughters is determined by our understanding of the time and knowing exactly what to do and when to do it is determined by the level of information that you have not just about yourself but about your environment and as children of the kingdom our father is coming and he's shining that light he's giving us that understanding that allows us to do the right thing at the right time and what what what a season our father is teaching us about when how and who is going to be going up there yes and what a season what a season pasakuramba we we're really grateful to god given the situations that we we've been going through generally around the world around society around our communities and we thank god for the voice we really thank god for the voice because sometimes when our thinking ends we give up on a lot of things the things that we don't understand when we fail to lead into our environment well we quit and we have a man that has sustained us through all this and not only has he sustained us he sustained us through the word of god and he's coming now and explaining that there is a group of people you and i we are going to find ourselves up there one day meeting him in the clouds wonderful now allow us to introduce our father this morning greetings our father greetings and a wonderful day indeed thank you thank you so much father we are we have now taken a dive into the subject that we've all been waiting for the rapture to understand the matter and thank you for helping us too to realize apart from that being a burning question we all wanted to know now what can i do in order to prepare myself for that place um and it felt like a very difficult question before you give us the outside global missionary network thank you so much father for an opportunity to invest in in the kingdom to invest in eternal value sure we're so grateful for that opportunity father but thank god thank you so thank god father we thank you for giving us time and for giving us your word we thank you even for giving yourself and we pray that even as we get into your word right now you up in our understanding and you bring us to a better place where you look at us and we are excited and you are happy with the kind of people that you will be having after this knowledge in jesus name okay so just so that people get to understand what really is needed in terms of preparation in his eyes he's coming he's concerned you don't get to heaven on the basis of uh your contributions financially even into god's work you are not ruptured on the basis of money or support or even on the basis of fasting or prayer life all these things are so that even after you are raptured you become somebody who is significant in that in that community but what makes it possible for you to be ruptured is the new breath you simply have to be born again and it's not a complicated issue it's something that you can do [Music] right away immediately there and there and this is so instant you get born again right on the spot the moment you confess the lordship of jesus you are born again your sins are forgiven if rupture is to okay immediately you are absent you are taken so there is not much in terms of preparation that is required um as we speak you have to be born again there isn't any other answer there isn't any other name given to men by which we might be saved save the name of jesus you just have to be born again it's a must you have to be born again and once you do that you are guaranteed of heaven that's it and you can walk around telling people i've done it and i'm ready for heaven and salvation is not an experiment we are sure once you've received him no matter you will have people misunderstanding you but you have the right to tell them boldly that you will see me in heaven because you're born again yeah it is that certain but the issue now is who are you after you are object that's the key we are not going to enter into heaven based on our work it is not what we did that would then qualify us unless what you did was to be born again that becomes a qualification but you have to be born again and then you have his righteousness transferred down to you and god accepts you you enter into his presence with boldness because of the cross because of jesus okay so once that happens you will notice as we begin to settle in the kingdom of god that something else will be then considered there's going to be a session where you were so much happy that it was because of what he did for you that you entered into heaven and suddenly they begin to talk about what did you do and you say i thought it wasn't about works they say yes as of entering here it is what he did for you but as of staying here who you are your worth your value we consider what you also did for him do you know that in as much as what he did on the cross he was doing it for us you must also realize that he also did it for himself yes he didn't just die for us he got something out of it yes of course [Music] you need scriptures to support that we need them the bible says you see if you if you notice the 24 elders and the creatures when they were singing a new song in the presence of the lamb they said worthy is the lamp that was slain to receive glory and power and blessings [Music] he was slain to receive [Music] revelations 5 don't want to get into that we were definitely going to spend the day there you can read it if you if you want and i beheld and heard the voice of many angels round about the throne and the beasts and the elders and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand and thousands of thousands yeah saying with the loud voice worthy is the lamb that was slain to receive slain dwarf to receive so don't be fast when you get there he was laying in and the death is followed by the reason why he was laying slain toward to receive slain to receive he was laid to receive he was slain to receive to receive what power and riches and wisdom [Music] and strength he died for riches he died for power he qualified himself for the owner that you wouldn't ordinarily receive unless you qualify for so it wasn't just because of you there's something that he got in exchange to receive as much as he was his son but he was still unqualified for a certain measure of power okay [Music] until he had to work for him to end it same applies in as much as we are now the sons of god there are certain measures of power and riches and glory that we are never going to receive unless we qualify ourselves for that so don't just look at what he did for the father so that the father would receive us to himself he also received something else that was that is not ourselves to himself by reason of his death to receive what he was slain he was slain to receive power there's power and riches and riches and wisdom and wisdom and strength and strength and honor and honor and the glory you see all these things this this is a package and blessing what he got don't tell me he had all that don't tell me that he had all that before he was laying because that scripture now ceases to make sense if he was slain to receive why would you be slain to receive what you already have yes it's a different measure okay it's a level that you attain that you work for you charge towards it [Music] look at the things that are there you are not there you are not the power you are not the owner you are slain to receive so even if you do not accept him as a sacrifice and you are not born again still he is not going to lose had he died only for you and for you alone probably you'd say let me just punish him by not responding to what he did right even if you choose not to be born again still he's never on the losing side he got the power he got the wisdom but what kind of wisdom is this that he wouldn't have received until he dies we have to talk about that today thank you thank you before we get into the rapture thing thank you thank you to receive what power and riches yes and wisdom yes and strength yes and honor next time people ask you why did jesus die don't leave out these things don't leave what reaches okay go by scripture and glory and blessing this blessing there there's a blessing that he got after he was slain again don't tell me he had it because he received it after just like the name for god has highly exalted him and he gave him a name when did that happen when he humbled himself unto death so he never had that name before until he humbled himself unto death then god highly exalted him so jesus is never operating at the same level his gears are changing his dimensions are changing his power is improving every single day by reason of his obedience to the instructions of the father so likewise we become better as we obey [Music] our power is increased as we obey our glory gets more and more as we obey but let me show you something very critical why do we have to talk about works and yet it is based on what he did why should we then be talking about me doing something if it is all about what he did for me again i'll keep on repeating this what he did guarantees your place your place not your condition not your status what he did on the cross is what guarantees your place you enter into heaven based on what he did that's the price that he paid now that you've entered the question is who are you who are you there in the kingdom of god where do you stay what do you specialize in what are you capable of doing in that kingdom who do they call you what title do you carry in that kingdom so for a moment you're so excited you are happy because we are all being raptured at the same time but then there is a session that you are not going to enjoy so i will explain what begins to happen after we are raptured and then what is happening down here at the same time we look at what is happening in the sky okay thank you i i have many things to share today so probably the way that i'm going to end is just a abrupt ending because it's not going to be in organize this service because everything wants to be saved okay notice that the letter that paul writes to the saints in thessalonica okay second thessalonians chapter two from verse number one now we beseech you brethren by the coming of our lord jesus christ right now we want to address the timing because there are those that believe that there's going to be a pre-tribulation rapture by pre-tribulation means the rapture has to occur before the tribulation begins and there is the mid tribulation rapture this is a view that people are going to be ruptured in the middle of the seventh week of the 70th week or the seven year period just before the last three and a half years in between then the church gets ruptured so that it doesn't go through the great tribulation which is the three and a half and there's the post uh tribulation rapture it's a view that after the tribulation the judge has to go through the tribulation and then gets ruptured after that okay but so now we have to analyze scriptures and see whether the rapture happens first before we get into the seven year period of the tribulation so we want to look at the scriptures today okay so now he's writing a letter now we beseech you brethren by the coming of our lord jesus christ and by our gathering together unto him that ye be not soon shaken in mind or troubled neither by spirit nor by word what did he say in verse number one i believe now we beseech you brethren by the coming of our lord jesus christ concerning the coming of our lord jesus christ and by our gathering to end unto him our gathering together unto him so he's trying to present two things here there is the coming of the lord here and there is the the gathering our gathering together unto him okay so this is the subject that he wants to address in this letter never forget that because we have two major events that are going to take place our gathering together unto him so we are now with him forever and the coming of the lord so in so many places you might find where jesus talks about his coming and yet probably that coming is not the second coming it's referring to rapture okay and then there is the coming which is the second coming of the lord is the second because the first coming was when he came and he was born and then he died then there is this second coming the second coming is not the rapture because at rapture he doesn't come here we meet him in the air but the second coming he has to set his foot on mount olives okay he has to arrive on the earth in the second coming we are coming with him but now there is a misunderstanding that's the reason why paul had to write them a letter because there is already confusion in the body of christ the members of the church are really confused because of what is being said concerning the coming of the lord i wanted to understand that background he's writing because they are in a state of confusion the sequence of events have fallen out of place these are people that are being told that jesus has already come he's here we're already in the day of the lord so paul now is writing them a letter trying to remind them of what needs to happen first before he comes so he's correct in that situation listen now brethren by the coming of our lord jesus christ and by our gathering together unto him yes that ye be not soon shaken in mind don't be shaken where in mind or be troubled don't be troubled neither by spirit either it's a spirit that is troubling you nor by word or by word nor by letter as oh by later you might have received a letter that suggests that it was coming from us somebody gave you a letter that and said this leader is coming from paul as that the day of christ is at hand you see that don't be confused when it comes to the day of the lord because there are people telling you that we are already it's at hand we are already in the day of the lord let no man deceive you by any means by enemies so there are many ways of deceiving people for that day shall not for that day shall not come except they come a falling away first so he's repeating what he's already taught to them you don't have that day coming until you have first first so these events are in their order you must know what comes first and what comes second so we're not just folding our hands waiting to see what is going to happen first we have to know what should happen first then what happens after that so he's insisting that the day that you think he's already here cannot be here unless there is what a falling away you first yes and that man of sin the men the men the men i'll get to the men when we begin to talk about what is happening on the earth whilst the church is gone [Music] then probably that is going to be the beginning of this seminar oh unless the man so so he's placing the second coming the day of the lord after the man okay yes okay so what you have to see first is not the lord coming you have to see the man first so unless you see the man don't expect to see the lord there is no day that is coming it will not arrive until the day of the man there is a man the son of perdition the man of sin the men of sin be revealed that's the antichrist unless he is revealed the revelation first of the men the antichrist has to take place before the revelation of the lord that's the order so already you can see that the second coming is placed right after the revelation of the antichrist which means we have to expect the second coming after the seven year period of the tribulation i hope people are following so far so keep that in your mind the day of the lord is after the revelation of the men of sin the son of perdition yes who opposeth and exalted the himself above all so he has to do all these things first before the lord comes oh that is worshiped so that he as god sitteth so that he is god seated in the temple of god of god showing himself that he is god so these are things that are going to happen while the church is no longer here he will have to sit in the temple he will have to be worshipped he will have to introduce himself as god this is before the second coming the second coming the day of the lord remember ye not oh remember that when i was yet with you i told you these things i told you these things and now you know what with whom now you know what what withhold death you now know the thing that is stopping him from being revealed the men the men the men of sin he really wants to be revealed but you now know i've told you what is stopping him from being revealed that he might be revealed in his time in his time for the mystery of iniquity doth already work that is the mystery of iniquity that is already working but he is yet to be revealed only he who now letteth only he who now letteth only he who now let it or who allows will allow only he who now letteth will let until he be taken out of the way you see so you have the he which is the holy spirit that's what i believe who is stopping him from being revealed before his time so the holy spirit his work in the church or by the church is what is stopping him from being revealed before his time so the he the restrainer he is the one the presence of the holy spirit right now and the church is what is stopping him the man of sin from being revealed before his time because his time is coming but he's trying by all means remember he he will try to alter times and seasons he would love actually to be reviewed at such a time as this but because of the presence of the holy spirit and the church there is a withholding that is taking place okay he's stopping the men of sin from manifesting until when and then shall that wicked be revealed ah and then and then afterwards go back for the mystery of iniquity doth already work only he who now letteth will let until until he is what he be taken out of the way when he's taken out of the way whatever is stopping the men of sin from being revealed that force will have to be taken out of the way first before his what before he is revealed so already you see the removal of the restrainer first before the revelation of the men of sin so you must expect the holy spirit and the church to be at some point taken out of the way to pave way for the men of sin to be revealed there is no revelation of the men of sin as long as he the holy ghost and the church are still in the way they would have at some point to be removed i hope people are understanding this ah please follow this please follow this some would want to um put it this way that he there that's in reference to the devil it's something it's it's so hard to look at it from that angle how how the devil would would become the restrainer and and and stop the antichrist from being revealed that's his agenda that's his mission that's that's his company that's his organization he would have wanted to destroy this earth many many years ago you see so you have the holy ghost there you have the church now because he is standing in the way and until he is taken out of the way then after that three days again the mystery of iniquity for the mystery of iniquity doth already work only he who now letteth will let until ye be taken out until and then and then shall that wicked be revealed you see whom the lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth and shall destroy it with the brightness of what is coming so there are two things there the taking away of the he when he is taken out of the way the holy ghost and the church when they are taken out of the way then what follows is the revelation of the man of sin and then the man of sin will be destroyed by the brightness of his coming clear you see so you see so you see now the rapture is not the second coming otherwise the men of sin would have been destroyed at rapture the church is taken away so that he the man of sin is revealed and he's given his tenure his period of time to reign over mankind and he gets destroyed by the second coming after having set in the temple so he will have enough time to exercise his authority until the second coming it is the brightness of his coming that will then uh put an end to his era not its rapture rapture is what marks the beginning the church is ruptured so that he is revealed and second coming jesus comes back so that he is destroyed so slowly we are moving i want us to keep on reading slowly now even him whose coming is after the working of satan with all power and signs and lying wonders already it's getting into the seven year period which i don't want to talk about now i will talk about that in detail what is happening on the earth okay now the biggest question is if these people in thessalonica were not expecting rapture first before the second coming why are they in a shock why are they worried about the second coming if they were not taught before that you have to be raptured before he comes and now they are hearing he has come i know you have to follow this one you have to follow this one if there was no such teaching before because the people who are saying you know the teaching on rapture just started some few years ago it wasn't there before okay let's look it for let's look at these people why are they surprised why are they not just happy that he has come why are they being troubled in their spirits that we are already in the day of the lord why are they being troubled because something has been omitted they were expecting rapture first before the day of the lord and now that we have the day of the lord around they are wandering and paul is saying don't be troubled by that i have to remind you the sequence of these events [Music] if they were not expecting rapture before the second coming why are they uncomfortable with the second coming is the disturbance coming from because they were expecting something come before to be raptured before the day of the lord so what is the step in them now is to hear that we are already in the day of the lord if my understanding of that passage is wrong then you at least have to find for yourself any other reason why these people are so much disturbed by the day of the lord why are they worried about the day of the lord it will say don't worry you guys don't be don't be soon shaken because they're trying to say according to what he taught us look at what has finally happened he is here before we are taken so he starts reminding them that unless the he is taken out of the way in this church there is no revelation of you you are yet to see the men of sin being revealed so why are we talking about the second the day of the lord forget about the day of the lord days of now because these are things that are supposed to happen first the taking away out of the way of the restrainer the church followed by the revelation of the man of perdition followed by then the coming that destroys him help me help me father help me i'd want to be lost along the way yeah i'm trying to put myself in the position of the people that were ministered to by poor and looking at his response from this particular scripture he says until you see the son of perdition so there's an aspect of them witnessing or seeing the son of petition we have to we have to let's let's read it and see and see whether that's that's what he's saying exactly thank you verse 7 for the mystery of iniquity doth already worked only he who now will let until he be taken out of the way yes and then shall that wicked be revealed whom the lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth and shall destroy with the brightness of his so you have to keep on looking and and see whether he said you see he's talking about the revelation he's telling them what is supposed to happen because when he reveals himself there will be those to experience that to see that to witness that okay okay [Music] so he's telling them okay notice something unless maybe maybe maybe you saw itself so he's not saying wait for them the men of sin to be revealed first okay okay that's not what he's saying he's not saying wait until you see him coming no he said it by saying you have to be taken out of the way yes yes yes okay yes then he will be revealed to those who are going to remain okay you will have to be reviewed okay and then he'll be destroyed by the brightness of his coming okay i'm good thank you all right so but it's good that you also try by all means to come in at any point and [Music] because you are representing thousands of people that are watching us today so any place where you feel i need to slow down just please try to slow me down because it's important that we don't lose some of our brothers and sisters along the way there is something very interesting here that i want us to look at so our gathering together i'm thinking what i need to share with you um just pray for the capacity to embrace it to to receive it just pray for the capacity you need more capacity to receive what is coming from this point one he says something again first thessalonians 4 and verse 18 but i would not have you to be ignorant brethren i don't want you to be ignorant concerning concerning what them which are asleep so we must have sufficient information with regards to dead people i don't want you to be ignorant concerning the dead or them that are asleep what is he saying god help me here notice there is information concerning the dead that we are supposed to have even before we are dead there are things and activities taking place in the world of the dead that you don't need to die first for you to know what is happening he's insisting he says i don't want you to be ignorant consuming those that are asleep but the people that he is writing this letter to are still alive so he wants them to know concerning the dead the things that only the dead are supposed to know and he wants them to know he wants them to know he wants them to know he wants them to see what the data see things that you only have to die first for you to know you say i don't want you to be ignorant concerning their matters [Music] concerning them that are asleep what what is this what is coming here [Music] so i can right now in this state know what the dead knows see what they are seeing i don't want you to be ignorant concerning them that are dead now he begins to explain that ye sorrow not you mustn't sorrow even as others which have no hope so if somebody dies and you become sorrowful that sorrow is not as a result of a loss the sorrow according to paul is as a result of ignorance not knowing what has become of your brother who has just passed on you are crying you are sorrowing not because you have lost but because you are ignorant of his state what is making us cry is not knowing what has become of the people that have died all that crying that you see people rolling on the floor they are yeah there's dust all over is an ignorant man that's ignorance does ignorance make people cry yes attain funerals that's what he say he's saying the way that you sorrow compare yourselves to the people without this information it must never be the same don't be like them because now you know what they don't know because you have access to that information that concerns the dead slowly let's move uh-huh for if we believe that jesus that is if you believe that jesus died and rose again and he rose again even so if you believe that that what you have seen your brother doing which is dying you believe that jesus once did that and he rose even so them also which sleep in jesus so if your mother slept in jesus not in a grave if jesus is the grave [Music] so you have a sister that you have lost and you know she was born again she is sleeping in the lord she she's not in some kind of a graveyard somewhere she is in the lord this is where she is now what is going to happen will god bring with him god is going to bring with him that's jesus himself bringing you bring you want to know where they are they are in jesus god will bring those people those spirits yes for this we say unto you by the word of the lord that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the lord shall not prevent them which are asleep okay for the lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout now i'm describing the rapture to you the lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the archangel there is a shout that is the voice of the archangel and with the trump of god yes and the dead in christ the dead where in christ the dead where in christ shall rise first they shall rise first everyone else is going to rise but there is a rising even those that are not dead in christ they will still rise notice that this is happening at rapture there is the resurrection of the dead so what i want you to see now first so that you know that this is happening probably before i would say before the seven year period and then maybe let me try to justify that in detail and then we get into the event the rapture itself where we've just read thank you and i'll explain to you what exactly is going to okay the day the rapture takes place you want to know that it's okay see this jesus said something very profound likening he's coming to the days of noah there's been uh so much disagreement in the area of when before tribulation mid tribulation post or after tribulation when is the church eruption the good thing is the majority of people believe that the church will have to be raptured at some point which is which is good whether we argue over when at least we all believe that the church at some point will be taken which is the greatest thing okay so jesus talking about his day let's read matthew 24 verse number 38 and then first i want you to go to luke chapter 17 verse 26. maybe instead from verse number 35 heaven and earth shall pass away but my words shall not pass away but of that day of what that day but of that day so he's talking about the day there is a special day that he's talking about yes but of that day and hour knoweth no man no not the angels of heaven but mighty that day all the hour no with no men no one knows about that day not the angels of heaven but my father only which day is he referring to it's not the second coming he's referring to the rapture [Music] why why am i saying is not referring to the second coming because the second coming the year is known [Music] you count seven years thank you after the signing of the peace treaty so when he talks about a mysterious day that is not known it cannot be the second coming because we all know we have that information you can calculate from the beginning of the seven year period until the breaking of the covenant until they enter into the great tribulation until there is another trumpet that is sounded after that so he can't be referring to that particular day of his second coming because that one is not the day that is not known or the hour that is not known is when the rapture takes place but he gives you now a clue for you to know it but as the days of noah were so shall also the coming of the son of man be ah [Music] see this he wants to give you a clue so you study the days of noah because he's likening that to his coming with rapture no why choose no because that that was when judgment fell upon the earth and people died right here on the earth as the days of noah so you study the days of noah then he begins to explain because he felt some of you probably are less you're never going to try to find out he says what for as in the days that were before the flood days before the flood so take note days before the flood days before the anger of the lord days before the wrath of god days before what happened they were eating and drinking there is eating there is drinking marrying and giving in marriage marriages are taking place so when you begin to picture that the coming of the lord in the air you have to bring into that view what was happening events happening in the days of noah there is eating there is drinking there is marrying until until drinking until marrying until eating until a day that noah entered into the earth until noah entered so there is a restrainer who had to be taken out of the way before the judgment could take place wow until now so there is merit drinking eating until noah so when you begin to think of rapture you must think of marrying eating drinking until you are taken out of the way then judgment comes after you must understand this aspect now because if jesus is talking about the second coming that the second coming is going to be like in the days of noah it means you don't understand what is happening during the seven year period let me repeat for this day to really mean rapture it means rapture can happen right now while this drinking is possible eating is possible marrying is possible then noah you would have to get into the act and you studied the ark of noah everything about it was the picture of jesus until noah was received into the lord then judgment came and if you look at noah his judgment was coming he had to be elevated he had to be taken up i wanted to see that picture he had to be in a higher position as judgment was happening down here that's why the ark is supposed to float he was supposed to be above his people below were dying understand this but he can be referring to the second coming that it would be as in the days of noah why because second coming he's coming during the greatest of all the tribulations you can't be talking of marrying you can't be talking of drinking you can be talking of partying so if you think is referring to the second time it's because you don't understand what is going to be happening during the tribulation yes the tribulation during the tribulation pastors you have the men of sin killing people number one is destroying mankind number two you have what is called the wrath of the lamp okay where you have the seven seals that's what jesus started with opening the seals remember people used to preach to you about the lamp that is worth to open the book and to break the seals when jesus begins to open seals okay there are seven seals and there are seven trumpets okay and there are seven bowls [Music] now those things when these seals are being removed you must look you look in the heavens you see the lamp opening a seal when the seal is opened you must look at what happens on the earth catastrophes will be occurring during seven year period so we're talking of seals we're talking of uh cups there are cups jars of the wrath of god seven of them and they are seven trumpets that are supposed to be blown and whilst all this is happening this is the wrath of god upon mankind so down here you have that i don't want to talk about what is happening during the tribulation uh i just want to give you a clue but when you have horses running up and down stars falling people are dying from plagues on the earth during seven years there is no more drinking there's no more eating than marrying so jesus cannot say as in the days of noah while his people are drinking and partying so shall be the coming of the son of man it's not referring to the second coming he's referring to an event that can only happen while he's drinking is still possible yes right now yes yes i hope people are following this during the seven year period it won't be like in the days of no brother there is no drinking there's not much of drinking in in looking at a woman your understanding of what is happening during the seven year period is limited if you think it's referring to the second coming you don't know what is going to be happening i'll explain to you what is happening during seven years then you know it can never be like in the days of no thank you so so if you are thinking of rapture think of the days of noah because the seven year period is not just the persecution of people by the antichrist it's also the wrath of god on the earth so if you believe that the church is supposed to be here during the wrath of the lamb we need to begin to study the nature of god why would god be angry with the people who have received him why would god want the obedient to be punished for what because when they say we have to go through tribulation most of these people they are focusing on the persecution by the antichrist yes they are not thinking of the wrath of the lamb on the earth during the seven year period why would the church be punished for receiving him for believing in him i wouldn't want to follow that kind of a god if we are supposed to enter into the tribulation first and then be ruptured after the tribulation then as in the days of noah we have to study was it after the flood that god instructed him to enter into the ark it was before because if the flood was the judgment the bible says the day noah entered into the accident judgment came follow the events follow the events so before water comes down no one is supposed to be in a safer place that's god's character because he's not supposed to be judged together with non-believers it won't be fair for believers to experience the wrath of god before i give you a chance to even argue and cite some other scriptures for me those that believe that we're going to be here during this every day period they they also believe that god is going to have a way of protecting his people from his wrath so this is why they believe in as much as god is also pouring his anger upon the earth there is a way that he is going to spare his church [Music] but i wonder that kind of a miracle it doesn't it doesn't sit well in my in my mind maybe it's because [Laughter] but how is it that god can protect his people from stones lightnings that are coming from plagues that he is causing he doesn't want his people to be touched that's a miracle right like in like in goshen yes that's what most people think that yeah we are going to be here and still be protected from the wrath of god so he'll protect you from his anger and then expose you to the anger of the antichrist what kind of a miracle is that where he's protecting his people so that they're not killed [Music] by the horsemen they are not killed by the trumpets and yet he allows them to be beheaded what kind of a protection is that what kind of a protection is that how is that going to because if you can explain that to me then i will believe you that probably you are going to be here during the tribulation who is going to enjoy that kind of protection where god protects you from his anger and then he exposes you to the anger of the antichrist what am i doing there it doesn't make sense but again if you say we'll have to experience the judgment the anger of the lamb what that what do we do let's find another religion what are we doing [Laughter] there was no need then for god to elevate no he was supposed to be in the water and still survive god took him up as in the days of noah read it but as the days of noah you go to the book of luke yes so shall also the coming of man be for as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking marrying and giving in marriage until the day that noah entered into the ark and knew not until the flood came and took them all away so shall also the coming of the son of man be then shall two be in the field the one shall be taken and the other left two women shall be grinding at the mill the one shall be taken and the other left watch therefore for ye know not what hour your lord does come you see you don't know that hour the second coming you know because you'll be with him [Music] but know this that if the good man of the house had known okay all right now go to look chapter 17. luke 17 26 and as it was in the days of noah so shall it be in the days of the son of man they did eat they drank they married wives they were given in marriage until until what stopped them was the day okay no not the tribulation until the day that noah entered into the ark and the flood came and destroyed them all likewise also like wise also as it was in the days of lord he brings in another example again ah in the days of fool so observe again if you want to study when rapture is going to occur study noah and who again lost because in both instances you have the wrath of god coming upon mankind now we are lord what has happened they did eat again drank that's our time you know what they bought they sold they planted they business it's business as usual it's not like that during seven years for you to think this is the second coming buying and selling everyone is enjoying himself but the same day that lot went out of sodom lord was taken out until you are taken out of the way until there is a meeting there is business until the church is taken and the day lord went out of sort he went out of he's not in sodom god did not perform a miracle that remained here i'm going to raid fire and then i will preserve you he had to be taken out before the opening of the series yes before so how do you know rapture is going to happen before the seven year period i have to learn is it was in the days of noah it is it was in the days of lord we are studying the character of god he's into delivering his people first before he pours down his wrath on mankind that's his nature unless if you're telling me he's going to change but why would he why would he ask me to learn from the days of noah if it's going to be different why would you use the days of lord if our case is going to be different so everything is happening in sodom until but the same day that lot went out of sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all even thus shall it be in the day when the son of man is revealed [Laughter] oh my god okay how do i know that god will never punish his people he will never punish his people he will never punish the obedient let's look at two other scriptures here you read for me um revelation chapter number 6 verse 16 and you go to first thessalonians number five yeah from verse one i want us to focus match one verse number nine and said to the mountains and rocks this is during the tribulation when the seals are being opened when the seals are being opened during seven years this is what the people are going to say fall on us follow us and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne and from the wrath of the lamb for the hide us from the wrath of the lamb yes for the great day of his wrath is come and who shall be able to stand who is going to be able to stand so you see the wrath of the lord now let's go and read first thessalonians chapter 5 from verse 1. we read it last time but of the times and seasons brethren ye have no need that i write unto you for yourselves know perfectly that the day of the lord so cometh as a thief in the night for when they shall say peace and safety and then sudden destruction cometh upon them as travail upon a woman with child and they shall not escape you see when they say peace so it's it's going to just like it's in the days of no then it comes like a thief and then from that moment you have the beginning of bath pains the lesser tribulation getting into the greater tribulation yes but ye brethren are not in darkness that that day should overtake you as a thief he are all the children of light and the children of the day we are not of the night nor of darkness therefore let us not sleep as others as do others but let us watch and be sober yes for they that sleep in the night and they that be drunken and are drinking in the night but let us of the day be sober putting on the breastplate of faith and love and for and helmet the hope of salvation for god has not appointed us that's the thing for god have not appointed us untoward to wrath but to obtain salvation by our lord jesus christ so if we are coming from revelation chapter number six verse number 16 where they will cry and say who shall deliver us from the wrath of the lamb so seven year period is where you have the manifestation of the wrath of god so if god is not appointed you to wrath why would you allow you again to go through the period where we have the greatest manifestation of his wrath some would want to believe that the wrath of the lamb is the second coming but study study study when people are screaming when they are crying over the wrath of the lamb is that the second coming some would want to think that maybe the wrath of god is hell they must have a scripture to support that [Music] you see the seals the cups the trumpets that is the wrath of the lamb upon the earth so god did not appoint us and to wrath then he what he did was to provide salvation hell is not the only wrath of god we have the wrath of god during seven year period and god has not appointed you the church and to that wrath let me remind you again do you know if you look into the conversation that god had with abraham he asked god the question wanting to know his character his nature so if you find righteous people are you going to destroy both the righteous and the wicked study god's character before you believe that the church has to go through [Music] will you i want to know you you're thinking what kind of a god are you are you going to destroy both and he said what no that's not me he's telling you what he's going to do during rapture that's not me i don't do that because all those trumpets if you study them this destruction then they begin to discuss trying to get to a certain number but because the number was so little because the number was so little actually before god was saying if i find this particular number i will not destroy the entire land so i will preserve the land because of a certain number of righteous people no no no i just wanted to follow this but when the number got to 10 he never went below that then god just disappeared to him he's saying the percentage of believers i would rather take them out that was the decision they would rather be taken if i still want to insist on punishing the city of sodom then the next strategy is to remove the fuel so that the left doesn't come down in the presence of the obedient we are studying the bible that's god's character ah how many christians we are not the majority for all information god go to a certain number and he said okay but this number instead of sparing the city because of this small number i'd rather take the number out and then i'll let it rain fire and brimstone do we still have lord in sodom do we still have god performing a miracle of preserving him from the fire it was taken it was taken out what was the direction mountains up up those are pictures he was taken up first in the clouds in the air before fire came down it has to be before unless if things are going to change but give me scriptures please i did i did the opening so let's have some scriptures it has to happen before because we're studying not just the bible but the nature of god in the world he doesn't punish his people he doesn't destroy cities together with these people okay there's a point that most people usually raise that if you say that the church is not going to go through tribulation what are you saying about those that have already suffered tribulation because they say christians are always being killed so what makes you think that god is supposed to take them first before they are killed during the tribulation they go by that to say already even now as we're speaking some are already in the middle of a certain tribulation some christians are being killed yes so based on that they say already you can see that god is never going to deliver his people what they don't realize is that whatever is happening to christians that is not the wrath of god being poured upon them it's not the wrath of the lamb yes that's on the left of the lamb number one number two this is the only tribulation you can't compare it to any persecution that christians have ever had before because jesus said so he said from the beginning of the world there's never been such a time so don't compare the two in as much as christians are dying today you can never compare that to what is coming until he said unless those days were shortened no flesh was going to survive so that calls for a rescue you will have to remove this church otherwise it's going to be so terrible so don't compare the truth the persecution that christians are going through and what is coming jesus said it has never been like that meaning whatever we have gone through as a church in history you can't compare that to what is coming during that uh period of time therefore another strategy has to be put in place to ensure that the church doesn't go through them why would even even without scriptures why would god punish his people where would he reign his anger over his church i'm just saying the intensity of the torture by the antichrist and also by god during that period of time you rather not have the church present probably because of people like us i've been studying the bible for years now i came to a certain conclusion sitting at home just looking at scriptures and i said okay what is the danger if i'm to believe that church will be taken before the tribulation what is the danger of believing that and then ultimately the church goes through the tribulation what's the danger the danger probably is going to be unpreparedness when we have not enough prepared people for the pain that is coming so they're going to be disappointed [Music] they finally see the arrival of the antichrist and then the mark is introduced there's no rapture that has occurred they thought they were going to be delivered before the persecution so they are not geared up to resist him so we have a weak church but those that are also expecting to go through tribulation what if their rapture occurs before tribulation it's also good for them because those ones i'm sure they are prepared for the tribulation but the problem also is if i'm encouraged to watch if i'm encouraged to be ready and i'm supposed to be ready not for rupture but for the second coming why should i be ready now did i know we still have seven more years to go if jesus encourages me to be ready if i'm supposed to be ready for his coming why should i be ready now because there's still confirmed the concrete seven year period that is supposed to come unless we're talking about being ready for my death but i'm talking about being ready for his coming why should you be told to be ready for his coming if it's going to be after seven years that i already know yeah i should be ready after six years not now why should i be ready now if he's telling me to be ready for the second coming that i know he's coming after seven years it's referring to rapture whenever he tells you to be ready he's referring to rapture not a second coming you can't be ready now i might as well just enjoy myself for the next six years okay the last to one year then i'm ready okay look at matthew 24 verse number 44 24 verse number 44 therefore be ye also ready for in such an hour as ye think not the son of man cometh you see why should i be ready now if he's referring to the second coming yes because that hour will be part of that hour we can't be ready for the second coming we don't have to be ready for the second we are coming with him okay so he's referring to to rapture so i'll explain what is happening on the earth while is the church is gone but notice god's character he's consistent i will not destroy the city so what is he saying i will not pour my wrath my anger upon the earth and punish the righteous together with the weakened that's the god that we are saving that is the god that we are saving and those people that are going to be born again christians and so on they have to after the tribute let me show you another uh maybe scripture method chapter number 24. let me show you what makes most of these people believe that the church is supposed to go through tribulation that's in matthew 24 verse number 27. this is one of the passages of scripture that most people look at in days they all agree that then obviously rapture has to happen after the tribulation okay for as the lightning cometh out of the east and shineth even unto the west so shall also the coming of the son of man be for wheresoever the carcass is there will the eagles be gathered together [Music] immediately after they immediately hear that immediately after what the tribulation immediately after not before so based on that scripture they're saying immediately after now look at what follows after after the tribulation immediately after the tribulation of those days of those days shall the sun be darkened and the moon shall not give her light yes and the stars shall fall from heaven yes and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken that's after the tribulation notice what is going to happen again after and then and then shall appear the sign of the son of man jesus appears in heaven and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn yes they shall see the son of man coming in the clouds yes of heaven with power and greatness and what happens at that time and he shall send his angels with the great sound of a trumpet you see now and what is he doing and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds from one end of heaven to the other you see now because there is a gathering together of the elect from the four corners of the earth yes after the tribulations of the so because of that they believe rapture is happening after the tribulations of those days what they don't realize is the third rapture we are coming at the second coming with him and there's the blowing of another trumpet which it's not the lord himself blowing it as a rapture but those people that are going to die christians that are going to be made christians during the tribulation are going to be also ruptured at the second coming i will explain in detail so that's the last rapture that is supposed to occur [Music] father help us to count the first rapture was according to the feasts the first fruit this was when the lord ascended into heaven with the clouds yes and those were the generals that had died in him yes the second rapture is the one that we will experience yes before the man of sin is revealed yes the third rapture is when immediately afterwards after those days after the trip after the relationship of those days those days which is the second coming yes there's a couple of things in the second coming at the same time he said understood yes understood i wanted to say something i hope i will have enough time to explain it today if you study in the book of the letter to the corinthian church again first corinthians chapter number 15 first corinthians 15 verse number 51 behold i show you a mystery we shall not all sleep but we shall all be changed we shall not all sleep but we shall all be changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last trump for the trumpet shall sound and the dead shall be raised incorruptible and we shall be changed we shall be so there's a changing [Music] there's a transformation that is going to happen and the last trump so i said i i tried to show you the difference in these trumpets there is one that you have the lord himself is the high priest according to the jewish culture it was the priest not a ninja the one that we see immediately after the tribulation of those days is an angel that is sounding it hmm because it's an inferior group of people i will give it to you in detail the church that gets raptured before the tribulation and the church that is ruptured after the tribulation these are two different groups of people with different rewards they're not the same but notice he's focusing on something critical that has to take place at the rapture that we are going to be all changed when the trumpet sounds what really is going to happen there you might want to know when the trumpet is sounding when you hear the sound of a trumpet like let's say we are here right now you're watching me and then the trumpet is blown what sort of a sound do you think you're going to hear what exactly is going to happen can i explain to you this [Laughter] notice his his focus is on change we shall all be changed yes now things that i want to share with you here i'm not i'll find out whether i did the right thing too by telling you these things [Music] i don't want to be in trouble you know i don't want to be in trouble if you study revelation chapter number four revelation chapter four pastor you can do it relationships are four phases number one revelation chapter number four verse number one after this i looked this is john in a vision now i'm not saying he's the picture of the church don't get me wrong but let's just see what happens to him after this i looked and behold a door was opened in heaven now after this revelation we never get to hear about the church again that's just the part that i want you to be aware of whether it's a picture of rapture or what but after this there's no mention of church until he comes back [Music] it's important that we we consider this part it's a critical part okay he's seeing either vision but john is not just john you must also understand what he represents he sees in a vision what did he see what is happening he looked a door was opened in heaven so there's an opening of a doorway in heaven picture this a door opens in heaven and and the first voice which i heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me a trumpet talking and what did the trumpet say which said come up hither and i will show the things which must be hereafter [Music] if oh my god the first thing the heavens open and then a voice like a trumpet then the voice spoke to me why marrying the two the voice in a trumpet and then he's called up he's taken up he's caught up the same word rapture and he's called up and he's told that the reason why i've brought you up here is so that you will see what to begin to happen here after so after it was taken up if you want to picture that as the church it's taken up as the heavens open and the sound of a trumpet and then from there we'll see what will begin to happen during the seven year period from up there but notice what i want you to understand is the sound of the trumpet what you we're always thinking of is [Music] maybe that is that's what you're thinking notice the trumpet spoke so if that kind of a trumpet is going to sound right now it might not be a trumpet that you hear christians are going to hear a declaration there is going to be a word spoken universally and only christians are going to hear it what is the trumpet likely going to say come up here oh child of god hear this oh yes so it's not just a strange sound that that people are going to no christians are going to hear god's voice jesus is going to open his mouth and speak it's going to be like the voice of a trumpet and jesus is going to give us instructions on how to take off let me let me show you what is happening let me show you what is happening i know oh [Music] see if right now if we were to go by that scripture i want you pastor to read it again slowly i want people to hear what is happening because there is something strange that happens to us at that time after this i looked and behold a door was opened in heaven and the first voice which i heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me which said come up either and i will show the things which must happen now soon after that wallis john was there you read chapter 5 chapter 6 that is when you see the lamb coming forward to open the book and to break the seals and then things start happening on the earth while john was there you read the following chapters while still was up there that's when the seals were opening up and all these trumpets were being blown but it was yet to be taken to an elevated position by the trumpet first and the trumpet said the trumpet is supposed to say when it's blown what kind of a trumpet that when it is blown you hear words it's it's a kind of a trumpet that when when you when it's given to you first and they ask you to blow it and you pump air through that trumpet what comes out are ways that that are in your mind you speak through the trumpet it's a specially made trumpet that speaks it carries information what you want to behead comes out it's a speaking trumpet now in corinthians he's saying what he's saying he's saying behold i show you a sign we shall not all sleep but we shall all be changed i'm showing you a mystery in a moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last trump at the last trump for the trumpet shall sound and and the dead shall be raised incorrupt incorruptible so there is a changing now let me ask you a question let me ask you this question what do you think is going to happen first the sounding of a trumpet the transformation of our bodies and the rapture these three things these are things that are supposed to happen first you might think that we are supposed to hear the trumpet and we are changed and we are taken up you are thinking we are supposed to hear the trumpet and we are changed and we are taken up yet in actual effect we are supposed to be changed there's a miracle that is performed where we are changed now it is when we are in that form that we get to hear the trumpet that is why it's only creatures that are going to hear the trumpet because they will be now in a different form these things are going to happen instantly you are given a body that hears what the trumpet is saying so when the trumpet is to be sound that's why it's going to be a private operation of extracting believers from the earth they will be changed the first miracle that is going to happen even before you hear the trumpet is this body that you have is going to be transfigured you are going to be changed when you are now in that form you are now different from your brother and you begin to hear the sound the utterance of the trumpet things that you hear immediately the person next to you cannot hear that is how they are going to cord that that trumpet if it's going to be a public trumpet everyone is going to hear the whole world is going to hear a trumpet but why is it that only believers are going to hear that trumpet it's because they're going to be put in a state where now they can relate they can understand the language of the trumpet so we will hear the voice that is calling us up and it would be so easy for us to obey that instruction it would be i'm being told to come up in in the same way that john went up immediately he says immediately i was in the spirit that's what the june says yes you don't come up here immediately we will actually hear jesus telling us to leave the earth come up that's one second coming he's telling us instructing us the same way it's not the lord coming down it's john going up come up it's not the second coming come up here and i will show you things to come because i want to open up seals but not until you come up here to a safer place we are going to hear [Music] right now it's it's so hard for you to hear his voice but that day you are going to be changed the reason why you have to be changed is so that you begin you hear immediately an instruction by the commander for all of us to ascend into the sky and when you are told to come up it's it's just like the day peter had jesus saying come and a miracle was performed he went out of the boat walked on water a supernatural life started happening from the day he had a command come and on the basis of that power the power of that trumpet you'll be raised up we are going to be changed so when the rapture occurs the day that is going to occur we hear but we don't have enough time to tell our friends to tell our neighbors that oh this is what we are hearing it's going to be one statement that will pull us up in a twinkling of an eye then it's breaking news on the earth we are going to be in heaven [Music] seven years probably if i start from the next time and explain to people what is happening in heaven and at the same time what is happening on the earth seven years we are not coming back immediately after seven years it is most likely that we are going to be there for 10 years before we come back why then where's the tent coming from because you said the jewish wedding would last for seven days if that is a picture of seven years then we're supposed to be seven years in heaven and then we come back one is the seven year period of tribulation down here there's seven years period of the uh wedding taking place in in heaven but i think that we are most likely going to be there for some time why because when we when you observe the feasts that i presented to you last sunday and you have the feast of atonement representing the second coming usually according to the jewish calendar the feast of atonement would come 10 days after the feast of trumpets so if the feast of trumpet is representing rapture then we cannot come back until we've completed the 10-year period 10 days before we come for the feast during the feast of our tournament powerful father so it's most likely that if rapture is to happen today that is not the beginning of the seven year period of tribulation probably three years after rapture then the antichrist surfaces because also we must understand there must be enough time for the gathering of the ten kingdoms okay and the appointment of that one world leader look at if you are to analyze the conflict that is happening in israel right now right now the war it's calling for a man who comes to stop that the peace treaty all that chaos that you see follow the news all those events are gravitating towards one signature one man who comes and he guarantees peace in the middle east and that becomes the beginning of seven years one week 70th week of dunya [Music] so already we are seeing that before we are raptured some of us were even wondering oh what is happening now what is happening because there is need right now even today there is need for one man so if you think when is rapture going to happen because that should not be signed the wireless we are still here we must be taken at least three years before the signing of that peace treaty so that seven years we are in heaven and then we come back right at the time of the fist of atonement so after rapture if rapture is to happen now every media house is going to carry this there's not going to be any argument it's going to be a reality that indeed the feast of trumpet has been celebrated christians have been gathered they are gone properties are left houses are left [Music] so already you see there is chaos on the earth confusion on the earth people are wandering running up and down at that time when you know that others are gone then you know the trouble has begun ah the trouble has begun what you do from that time so the next presentation that i'm going to do is material that is going to be helpful even if you are not taken during rapture you listen to the teaching that i'm going to do you are going to find it so helpful whilst we are gone because i have to still tell you what to do to still make it into heaven even after missing rapture you still need information on what to do after the church is gone today when people hear what we are saying here they think it's a joke these people they don't they have brain washing again people disappear but if you ask them while is they are laughing so where are people going when they die right now what is happening where are we coming from they have no answers this earth is not your project god is the husband man he's in charge of the affairs of the air there is coming a time when he wants to take over and he wants to reign on this earth and the rapture is going to happen and when that happens all these people that are laughing today they think we're joking these are some of the people that are going to die for for him because it would be a reality that now these people are gone what do we do that's the reason why we're going to have christians during the tribulation because rapture is going to become the greatest sermon that will bring many into the kingdom people are going to be ready to be killed because if if you can remember that this thing is not a lie and you see the antichrist signing a peace agreement with the jewish people and you know seven years from now those people that have that that have disappeared are coming back you'll be ready to die but god is going to provide the kind of salvation which is a terrible type of salvation that is going to be there unlike the one we have right now we believe in it we receive we mean so there is still salvation that is going to take place during the tribulation people are going to be born again during tribulation but the way god himself he will make sure that you get born again in a in a way even us that are taken during that wouldn't want you to just be easily born again don't you say if you are left and ruptured and you still make it to heaven your way to heaven it has to be a different one unbearable for it to be fair because you can't be born again the same way we're born again it's not fair so whether you think you're going to hide you study your bible we'll talk about the events god will make sure that you are found and you qualify yourself for heaven according to the prevailing salvation at that time and it's something that you don't want to don't want to do now this is my this is my understanding of this matter if if i'm supposed to go through the tribulation i'm born again today pastors you're born again ready to go if god doesn't take you during rapture and he allows you to go through the tribulation and he's pouring his anger even upon you then i i'm going to raise quite a lot of questions probably i was wrong in some certain passages of scripture especially if if he came and what he did he did it for me also if he also died for me [Music] our pastors hear me on this one if he died for me then i also have to die for him why only preach about his death and not mine for him if he does that it's up to him it's something but i'll raise that i want to know if right now i believed in him and i believed in his work and then he tells me but in as much as i died for you you also have to die for me so it's now his cross for me and my cross for him when he said carry your cross said follow me was he referring to the same cross are we supposed are christians supposed to go to calvary and be hanged and be crucified is that what he's talking about he's talking about assignments this is my issue i know you is going to be ready to answer me on that one because he has all the answers but i want to know if he died for me he died so that he could have me to himself and then i also have to die so that i can have him to myself why is his cross that important thing [Music] these these are the things that i'm going to raise before the lord if i'm given a chance to say you came [Music] you died for me only to realize that i also had to die for you to me it's a confusing exchange now because you were supposed to be my savior it's supposed to be you saving me dying for me but if it happens that i also have to die so that i can have you i have a question [Music] you died for me i also died for you because then we died for each other whose price did you pay whole thing did you die for why should i celebrate the work that you did for me knowing that i worked for myself to enter into heaven that belief undermines what he did with the cross it undermines what he did on the cross peaceful and for all information can i tell you something yes please please do if he died for me and then i have to die for him they must also be very careful in the kingdom of god that my death doesn't become superior to his death why because when he came and he died for me he even needed assistance where angels would come and strengthen him okay so if i'm going also to die for him i need the same supply same support i also need angels during seven years of tribulation that will have to come and strengthen me whilst i'm dying for him if i don't receive that aid then that proves that probably we are more courageous than he was these are these are just presenting them to you as they are am i saying that our death is superior to it and i'm not saying that i'm just saying this matter has to be treated wisely otherwise that is going to become the picture imagine people in heaven sitting there knowing that we worked we died for us to be here why look at christ and thank him for what he did for us he paid the price we are supposed to be delivered from the wrath of the lamb so what is going to happen to the people that are going to die for him during the tribulation that's why they're going to be different it's a different class of people [Music] because don't forget we are in heaven having a wedding before the last group is ruptured so not everyone in heaven is going to be jesus's wife anyway i will elaborate that's interesting that's really really interesting let me finish by showing you something because you know when the trumpet is blown and the trumpet speaks and the dead are raised i wanted to notice something there is something about death that we never understood there are different types of deaths okay that's fine even in the bible when people die and we whip we mourn he has told us that we must not sorrow like those with no hope without hope yes but we now have hope we know that if jesus died and then he was raised from the dead so will he bring with him those that are asleep in him not every death is evil there is death that we have to die which jesus did not die for not every death our concept of death is wrong we think all of it is evil yet there is the kind of death remember what god said to moses tonight i will walk personally he said i will walk in egypt okay yes and i will keep the festival and the bible says and the angel of death came okay it was the angel of death that came into egypt and people died and that was the presence of god there is an aspect of death that we never studied we never we never looked into there is the kind of death that brings promotion [Music] john chapter number 12. john chapter 12. john 12 number 24. john 12 is number 24 verily verily i say unto you except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die except the corn there's a seed of wheat fall into the ground and what and die there is death he's talking about death unless the seed dies it abideth alone so jesus what is teaching here is the the process of death that will result in multiplication where you become better bigger and more as a result of having died i'm saying this to help you understand that not all deaths are evil there is one that brings promotion unless except a corn of which fall into the ground and die it abideth alone so there is loneliness to the seed that is not willing to die you abide alone it's just you by yourself until you are ready to fall and to die and what happens after but if it die but if it die it bringeth forth much fruit so look at one seed that falls to the ground it dies after that it brings forth so it's talking about death and resurrection your form your manifestation after resurrection okay [Music] so that goes i i could teach so many things from that there is a certain death that you have to die that will result in you becoming a community there is that becomes the beginning of a union or relationships that will never happen until you die it is in a state of death that when you come out of that state you are no longer alone you don't want to die you abide alone okay if you already even looking at you you're not one there's the spirit component that is the physical component to yourself yes okay god has given you so far three different manifestations from being a spirit before you are spirit in god and for you to be transferred into this physical body there is a type of death that was supposed to occur because death is separation where god breathed you out and you entered into the body so now you have another physical manifestation given to you by god you're manifesting on the earth as a physical being okay when you die also physically there is a transition into another manifestation we shall all be changed not into this same form these bodies are going to change again so first you're a spirit and you entered into a physical body you become a physical manifestation you die see from god is a spirit it's like death because you're separated from god into the physical body but it's another type of death which is not evil it's a transference of a spirit into the physical body you are there in the physical body the two of you you are still two okay so you're manifesting using this physical body when you die physically it's not your spirit dying it's your flesh now that dies now when you are resurrected is the same physical body that is supposed to be resurrected when that physical body when jesus is coming it rupture he's going to bring down with him spirits of the dead people that have died already their bodies are still here down here okay but he's going to bring those spirits with him so when he comes down that's why he's saying we will not go up before those that are dead would not go ahead of them so he'll descend with their spirits first and their spirits are going to rush to the graveyard wherever that person died so when the spirit enters into that body everything is brought together and immediately as they are raised they are changed now it is in that manifestation that we are taken into heaven and we are rewarded whilst in that manifestation and then we come back on the earth the reason why the body is needed it is because we are going up to calm down it's a law that we need the physical body to function on the earth after rapture we are coming back to earth so our physical bodies are still needed so we will be changed into another form and we are taken up and that body is a unity of the spirit and the flesh so whatever you want to do things that you want to do right now is a physical person that you can do then you'll be able to do things that you also want to do right now is a spirit that you can't do because you're limited by the flesh you'll also be able there won't be any conflict so when we are transformed we are given another new body where the spirit and the flesh are so interwoven we we are one thing you can perform both the supernatural and the physical why because we are coming back to earth to do both physical and supernatural things so i want people to understand this these are three i just give i've just given you three different manifestations you a spirit before he breathed you into the body that's fine right yes and you stayed in a physical body physically manifesting on the earth when you die physically when you are resurrected you are given another third manifestation [Music] so how many lives have you lived who said this one if it is appointed for men to die once and after that judgment we have to look at the kind of death that is appointed unto men to die once there is a kind of death that is referring to help us form i want to help you but you know there are things that i'm not supposed to say you know masters do you know when you die the death that kills you let me put it that way you only require 40 percent of death to die 40 percent when death comes it's 40 percent of the death that kills you and 60 of the same death is the part that ushers you into your enola in your life instead of looking at death like something that is coming to end your life death is something that is coming to begin to help you start another life because [Music] death is not always coming at the end of life death is coming at the beginning of life adam was dead huh yes well yes that's where he started he was dead first before he became alive before he was quickened so when we picture death we are seeing something that is coming to stop us from living and yet 40 percent of that is coming to stop the previous manifestation which is inferior to the upcoming manifestation of yourself which is more glorious because here you are abiding alone there you become much in terms of everything in terms of the glory so god is saying if you want to be more glorious allow this seed to fall to the ground it has to die first [Music] are you following this yes yes yes yes yes so you are alive right now you are having a life that you want to go on forever is a sin but he's saying you are lonely so the only transition from this life to that other life the event is called death but instead of whipping over that thing and and casting it away and in praying against you must understand what death is coming to do half of it is coming to end the previous life that you had and then the majority of the death it becomes that death becomes like an angel that escorts you that ushers you into another because the day you you you you might think this is i'm biblical but wait until you die you will realize the day death arrives there's a life that begins from there so you were misplacing this event to think that death comes at the end of life no it comes right at the beginning and dead people don't die one day no people are dying every day because if you look from the day that you were born you are born here and and you're moving on with your life if i ask you a question you were young growing up and the cells in your body are dying your body's becoming weaker and weaker and weaker your tooth are falling your hair is falling everything is going are you living or you die i die you die so death is at the beginning this whole life is dead it's death until you begin to live after this whole death is gone you can't say you're living you're dying because your sails are dying every day [Music] life really comes after this until the process of this death is over then we enter into the real life most people they don't know what death is you see because death is not really it's not what you think it is it's indeed it's showing us death what death does is death is actually it goes into a place where it knows that i'm not known it's a force that is just invisible you can't pass it you can't see it but what death does is death has a very massive wardrobe okay it wears different uniforms it's diseases accidents suicides and so on poisonous things and so on so when death is coming he knows people are going to investigate what has killed this person so there must be a camouflage so death has to first send an event something has to occur to this body that justifies the arrival of death because people want to see the reason why the person has died indeed it is death that kills not diseases it is death that kills but because you want something that justifies death so death gives you something and the person is sick for months in the hospital you expect him already expecting his relatives death to arrive and then he dies and you think it is the disease that killed the person not disease can kill a person is the manifestation of death diseases and accidents because now death wants to come in he wants to usher you into another life but there must be a reason why the spirit is supposed to depart and the body is crushed in an accident then death is asking the spirit in you why would you want to stay in such a body then the spirit departs so death comes to dismiss the spirit this man has been too sick for a long time you can't stay there you won't be effective on the earth you need another body go out let him die let him rot until he is transformed jesus will bring you back and then you will function again on the earth using the same body when it is changed father can i ask something yeah as you continue to explain so in the case where jesus says that he has power to kill himself to lay his life together lay his life down pick it up what's that transaction look like what's the negotiation with death there because in your presentation you made us understand that it is a life we can live now where death cannot come and demand that we live but you can volunteer yourself to be released across instead of death having to how to negotiate you okay what you need to understand is this when you begin to understand the benefits your life after probably you might not even argue with death okay yes that's the problem arguing with death now is because probably you are not aware of who you are going to become after this [Music] this so-called life when you know now if you can see yourself after now you'd want to die immediately so sometimes god doesn't show you that part because he wants you to enjoy at least this part so we are in this life for instance remember what god said i gave you the scripture before i've said before your life and death choose what life life okay the person who is supposed to choose life is in one state that's the question right to think that we are in a state of death but in that state we can choose to live again the same thing jesus he lays down his life and he has the power to still pick it up in that this state that we think we are alive we are enjoying life we are dead it is in this state that god brings what life and death before us and he says do you want to live or you want to to to die meaning you choose to remain where you are by choosing death note that you die after choosing death you remain where you are you're dead [Music] but if you choose life you are choosing what comes after now to say i want to be alive so when the trumpet the trumpet is going to give us instructions on how to do to do that we'll be commanded to change in a certain way you tell us what to do that's what the trumpet is all about so i'm just on the area where the people are taken the dead are raised we are given new bodies so that we are ready for what for the bridegroom okay and while this were taken we must also understand they are those that were supposed to have been taken during that time and they are not taken they remain they want to go with us but our advice is guys you don't have enough oil you have to go and buy it for yourself it has to be your own payment for this kind of salvation we are going they try to knock they are not welcome in that celebration party but they have to go and buy what is to enjoy [Music] the last group of the five virgins okay but yes yes before we close this one because i want two people to understand this aspect breathe for a moment so that i tell you something before we close just breathe for a moment just just for a moment just for a moment just just for just for a moment just for a moment okay you notice that when we come back to jerusalem reigning with christ for a thousand years before the white throne judgment even before sin has ascended to hell after that there's going to be distribution of land remember the parable of the talents the one who utilized his the most [Music] jesus went on to say he will be in charge of many cities territories are going to be allocated hear me child of god because it's not all about being raptured can i talk to some people just for five minutes masters concerning sowing into the kingdom of god if you are to go offline right now you have missed quite a lot hear what i'm about to say you are happy to enter right now but you won't be happy after entering you wish you had done more regions are going to be owned by some of us territories are going to be distributed how do i know scripture scripture the bible tells me that when you become a ruler of a region of a territory when is that going to happen already we've seen that happening before we have abraham's bosom it's his territory and other spirits are they are actually renting in his apartment he is in charge of a region we are never going to be the same just like if you study the 24 elders that are before the lamp with golden crowns those are not angels if you hear what they are saying they tell the lamb that you have redeemed us no angel has ever been redeemed these are believers individuals who are highly ranked you will see that when we get there we are never the same what will make us different is the works we don't enter by works we are rewarded according to works hear me on this one hear me on this one hear me on this one now that you know that trap is going to happen please i'm encouraging our people please please don't don't stop investing don't stop building your house please please i beg you oh keep on enjoying your life don't destroy what you have built because it is coming because rapture is going to happen should i still send my child to school please do so occupy till i come that's what he said work till i come even when he talks about he's saying two women shall be grinding don't stop grinding don't stop working too shall be in the field he has to rupture you from the industry from the office keep working keep looking after your children don't stop because rapture is about to take place no don't don't don't don't i just felt i needed to say that yeah it's very important but whilst you're doing that i'm encouraging you to consider investing in the world to come because you are now closer to that investment than you were before you are about to enter into another manifestation where everything you have there is what would have come from the previous death or from the previous life what am i saying this global missionary network this is a platform that allows you to partner with the right trumpet the right message for the end times and i have taken so much time here but this is very critical hear me child of god when you partner with the right message not only you partnering with the men you're packed out and with the right trumpet you can give to the poor you can give to orphans you can give to widows you can give to the greatest investment is when you first analyze the soil and you say i want to be part of what god is doing in the now i will show you a scripture for the next time you know where it is in the book of daniel where some are going to shine like the light of the firmament and some like the light of the stars forever and ever but the condition there is many shall bring many unto righteousness [Music] should we read it today yes from daniel 12 3 and they that be wise say that what be wise you why is your wife shall shine as the brightness of the firmament and they that turn many to righteousness they that tend many to what right what are we doing right now we are turning we are turning many to righteousness as the stars they will shine like the stars forever and ever your glory is going to be determined by your service you find a man who is drawing many to righteousness and you partner with him you receive the reward of the righteous jesus talks about that jesus talks about that yes so if you find a group like for for instance let me give you another scripture in the book of samia first samuel chapter 30. we're going to read from verse number 21 but hear this first the background of the story you know when david came back to ziklag and it was bent with fire everything was taken okay everything was taken so his city was lacking ashes he's lost everything but where they are coming from they had spoils they're coming from victory back to ziklag and their own city was ravaged by enemies now what he needed to do was to ask god should i pursue should i follow and god said what you what you overcome and you overtake and you what you recover oh right and then as they were going charging against the enemy there's a group that david head of soldiers that got to the river and because they were fainting they were weak and some of them were even afraid they stayed behind and david went with just a few and he overcame the enemy and brought back more spoils now i'm giving the background as they were now coming back notice what is happening in verse number 21. and david came to the 200 men which were so faint that they could not follow david whom they had made also to abide at the brook vessel and they went forth to meet david and to meet the people that were with him and when david came near to the when david came near to the people he saluted we saluting david david is saluting the people that they left we did not fight with them he is saluting he is congratulating he is honoring these people because they did something this is partnership this is partnership because if you study when they said we are tired they made them to do something at the river they said now you become the keepers of the previous spoils [Music] so they kept the spoils at the river waiting for these ones to come back so david coming back he salutes them because of a service that they've offered in as much as they were weaker than him follow now notice what is happening he salute them yes he saluted them then answered all the wicked men now here what the wicked men these are wicked men the sons of belia yeah and men of belial of those that went with david imagine david went to even with the sons of belia wicked men who were so victorious david was working with wicked people hear what they are saying and said because they went not with these people 200 people they weren't not with us we will not give them out of the spoil that we have recovered what do we got from there we're not going to give to them save to every man his wife and his children only give to children and so on yes that they may lead them away yes and depart yes now hear what david said then say david you shall not do so that's not allowed my brethren yes with that which the lord hath given us you don't do that with that which the lord has given to us if we owe money unless no you have to follow this what the lord gave to us the spoils that god gave we don't behave like that if if we got it from the lord that's not how you you that's not how you treat your wealth if you got it from the lord what did he say who has preserved us who perceived us the god who preserved us yes and delivered the company that came against us into our into our hands it was the lord for who will happen unto you in this matter this matter that you have raised who is going to listen to you this matter that you have raised that you now want to spend everything that you got from the lord that's not how god's money is spent but as his part is that goes down to the battle the part that is given to the men that goes into better social is part b that carries by the staff the salary that is given to the men that goes to war must be the same with the uh money the salary also that is given to the men that stays behind keeping the staff that's the condition they were they partnered with us whilst we were fighting they were keeping our staff so what you get as a reward they must also get as a reward so what david is saying is you don't have to start your own crusade you don't have to start your own ministry all you need to do is to look after staff of those that are already ministering those that are already evangelizing that's that's i don't know how to explain that you remain behind you are behind the scenes you identify a wing that goes out to win when we are coming back we have people that are going to be rewarded as evangelists and yet they never held the microphone they were in charge of stuff and the evangelist himself when he sees you in heaven he's supposed to salute you it's a principle that david is establishing the salary has to be the same imagine the preaching that i've done how many sermons yet the man who chooses to look after me will have to receive the same reward you shine with the same light that i will get because every soul that i want to christ in every man that i brought back to righteousness will be put into your account it's a principle they were not there in the forest yet they sponsored that missionary work thank you i hope people are getting this because this is the last investment available you can only invest into this and you are guaranteed of getting your harvest back [Music] he didn't end there he made it alone let me let me read it yeah for who will hack an unto you in this matter yeah but as his part is that goes down to the battle social is part b that carries by the staff they shall pass alike and the same and it was so from that day forward from that day forward yes that he made it a statute and an ordinance for israel unto this day and to this day meditate law so whoever that has gone to war if what they are fighting for there is land it shouldn't just be those that fought for the land we should have access to land everyone even those that remained that never fought for that land the distribution they share is supposed to be fair especially those that remained were doing something keeping the staff that's partnership child of god hear me you don't have to buy your own equipment [Music] your own pa system the way that we do it you start today you be in trouble the bible is not this book is not easy you know forget about it leave those that are preaching all ready to go on and preach what you need to do is to identify the man with the right word and then you partner with him you know i'm going to have a share in his part i'm going to have a shame it's an investment available in the kingdom of god these last days it's no longer time for you to listen to preachers who who who don't who don't have anything to talk about when people start criticizing the issue of sowing just go ahead and sow just stop giving them pastors we no longer have time to look at what people are saying and try to find scriptures to support and to attack them and so on our ministry is not to attack them yes because we know already they've attacked themselves yes yes that's what i do i've heard people most people wanted me to really um give them some some scriptures and and text them and say read that one read that one they know all those scriptures are there if you give me a principle you start a ministry right and your ministry teaches me or teaches my ministry to not receive offerings i've said this over and over again i'm ready to obey i'm ready to drop whatever i'm doing and follow your script and do it the way that you're doing it if you say it is wrong to receive offerings from god's people don't let me catch you don't let me catch you receiving and receiving an offering from the people it doesn't matter i preached for 74 hours against offerings at the end of 74 hours if i see an offering basket if you ask for the same money that you are drinking i don't need to respond to the gms you are already responding to yourself that you don't know what you're talking about because you are not doing what you are saying there is no organization on the face of the earth that survives down here without financial funding from football all the [Music] groups that you can think of you need money yes so while this we are here on the earth we need people who can partner with the ministry it's a missionary work where god hires you he anoints you to support his work and what we're doing here is to bring many to righteousness look at how many people right now that have stopped sinning because of what we are saying here people are so righteous these days because they are ready for for the rapture you see so we are not going to be raptured because we are giving money to god no you don't buy rapture you don't buy it still do you hear somebody saying that's what i say you see you enter because you're born again but who is this man that has entered who are you there how many regions you govern in heaven i'll explain this part again next week in detail so that you know the importance of partnering and sowing your seed into the kingdom of god into missions into evangelism if you if you know that right away you will not wait until i finish right away you have to send your seed and say if this is the only man that i'm going to get in the next life i might as well go ahead and invest right now you see that's the best way that you can utilize the money that you have make sure you become a better it's not all about entering into heaven who am i some of us we really want to be sure who am i in heaven who am i in the kingdom of god do i have a region that i control yes you see yes i'll give you a scripture next time when a place when you find yourself in a place there is a way that you have to conduct yourself in order to seize that place and it becomes yours and you begin to reign and rule over it [Music] it's a teaching that i cannot start now but most people they have entered into regions and they've studied businesses and they're failing because they didn't do what it takes to own the place to overpower the place because places are owned by previous owners who did the right thing to own those territories abraham asked god so how do i know you give me this land and god said okay he gave him a list of things he said build an order [Music] people take over territories by altars that they erect [Music] can i give an example why would god say to the prophet that came from judah to bethel we're not going to read it today that came from judah to bethlehem to prophesy against the old he found jeroboam offering incense there burning some sacrifices on the wood then he delivered the prophecy right yes and then he prophesied against the altar and it broke into pieces yes notice when the king said come to my house and i'll give you something to eat he said god has charged me not to eat or drink anything from here follow what was the principle what was the secret there is something about the place that when the place gives to you you become the extension of that place it now owns you but when you give to the place the place becomes your extension and you own it there was a massive case in bethlehem so the land is under a curse so this is what cursed territories usually do when they see a blessed man approaching the cast the place is the first to give it contributes into your life so you are contaminated no it's something that you that most people might not get to what i'm saying when you're approaching a place that you want to conquer and then the place that you want to conquer sponsors you and it gives you its water and its bread you already have in your body an extension of the territory you can't have power over it that prophet had he arrived first and eat and drink from he was never going to perform those miracles in that territory so what limits every other prophet in that region was going to limit him because once it's bred and it's water is in your body you are now an extension of bethel so you prophesy from the limitation of that region because you have the land giving you so much that you are giving to the land that's why before jesus himself went into the grave as a seed what he did first was to give his blood his blood touched the ground because the ground is cursed if the ground is cursed if you saw your seeds they're not going to germinate so what he did was do what to make sure that he deposits his blood into the uh case the soil before he goes in there himself as a seed otherwise he would have remained in the grave forever so he gave to the land first so that he owns the land and he controls what happens underground so we've allowed people to give us and automatically they own us there's a lot to be said there but i don't i don't have time anymore but i'm saying if you give like if you give to the ministry right now you can never out give this ministry this ministry will always give you more than you are giving to the ministry in terms of what you get from the ministry it's always big what you're getting from the ministry and if it is the ministry sowing into your life you become an extension of that ministry and those little ministers that you see one person who is doing everything and the person is giving more than what the ministry is giving in their ministry is like that there is not much word nothing is happening supernaturally it's just a small ministry whoever goes to join that church and you give to that church and what you give becomes more than what the church is giving to you that church becomes an extension of yourself you are helping the church the church has nothing to help you with but if the ministry is big if the ministry is huge and if it is if it is strong and then you partner with that ministry in the ministry partners with you because you are getting more from the ministry you become an extension of that ministry and you prophesy from that ministry you do wonders from that ministry you become a wing and arm of that ministry why because it is also invested more in you what is you're also investing in that word in that ministry i want people to get this part why would god say to the prophet don't eat there don't drink there because the moment you do that you fall under the same bracket the prophet's in that land already why didn't god raise them to go and profess against the old because they are together with the territory stephen so don't let accused land make contributions into your life because you become an extension of that territory that's the principle [Music] i want people to learn this because this is very very very very vital when a ministry is blessed you allow that ministry to preach to you and to teach you the word you become an extension of that ministry thank you why is it in all these people like abraham they get to a place the first thing they ought to do in a territory was to build the north that is taking over regions before the place gives you anything you give to the place first when you give given to the place and you have given more to the place than the place is given to you what happens you now own the place yes when the place is now owned by you you know what then you now own the place when you own the place the place is now dependent on you the lifespan of the place is decided by you that's why god said if i find any righteous people in there i'll not destroy this city so the lifespan of the city is determined by the citizens because the righteous they have attendance of taking over territories so it will live longer based on the people so the nation the country relies on an individual [Music] that's deep father that's huge the grace of an individual is what helps the nation to survive it sustains the nation yes why because it's that person giving more to the nation giving more to the land than he is receiving so people must hear this it's a very powerful principle very powerful principle what did god say to adam he said to the dust you shall return from dust you were taken you will turn back to earth for you were taken from dust what does he say he's saying every investment that the earth did you never lose yes the earth contributed to existence so at the end of the day you have to return there are no losses in the kingdom so if the physical body is being told to go back to earth because that's where it came from that same instruction god gives it to every seed that you saw everything that once came from you first it has a divine instruction to return to you because it was taken from you i don't want to keep on confusing people with straightforward things here you will return to earth for from the earth you attacking yes so when the earth gave birth to you it was a seed that it soared but everything eventually will have to be returned back to earth so there are no losses that's why we have to stay here on earth even after rapture you have to come back here so that earth recovers every peace that it lost same applies with every money that you have given into the kingdom of god that money has a divine instruction to go back to pastor jacob for from pastor jupo you were taken there are no losses it will have to locate you it will not go to be given to somebody else no no no the dust that came from earth never was it given to to mass it's not mass it's earth that gave you the dust and that dust will have to go back so whatever investment that you have given into the kingdom of god it has a divine instruction return back where it was taken from so imagine you're now in the kingdom of god everything that you once gave it's coming back because god has instructed it to go back to earth where it came from how much are we going to have how much are you going to be worth right now child of god i'm encouraging you you have already joined the first time that you send your seed all those uh five categories right yes you have already become a member all i'm asking you to do now is to do what you did last time just add i said even a dollar on top of what you did and i gave an example i said if you gave 50 i'm not saying this time just give a dollar and then you are 51. no i'm saying give 51 dollars i want you to become a member this is not just a once-off thing we are going to continue doing this as the lord blesses you you are not seeking the blessing god has blessed you you're supporting his word because he's blessed you i want you to repeat what you did fight so hard just repeat what you did and then add just a dollar to that and you fall under these categories very soon we're going to have a website for you and we are going to have messages that are going to be put there from me specially made for your category you will not get to hear what i say to another group of people there are things that we need to share with partners those that are financing the kingdom of god i will not speak to you from here i will speak to you from there where you watch certain messages i know people might end up of course recording them and then spreading them everywhere but obviously it won't be the impact of what i'm saying there won't be the same but if i come to you and you're within your category and then i'm addressing your situation it's going to be very very important because you are so special to me also are you going to respect others over david saluted those men that looked after the staff so i have to salute you for the good job that you're doing so i want you today right now as i'm ministering to you remember what you did do that right away and then your name again we need it so that we attach it to the name that you've already sent and the seed that you've already sent and it's going to be a wonderful thing this time around it's a community unless a seed falls to the ground divided alone you want god to multiply you whatever you have let it go sow into the kingdom of god don't allow people to lie to you that yeah these churches are stealing money from people even governments are stealing money from people yet you can never deserve governments it's a principle they are sanctioned they are allowed by god to receive taxes from the citizens we are equally allowed by god to receive from the citizens of the kingdom of god i'm not asking people from the streets to give us what to say no this is a family beta send your seed right now support the evangelism that is taking place some people if you tell them so into evangelism and they see what we are doing they say when are they going to evangelize they don't even know what evangelism is all about support this television ministry is so expensive the people providing this service they don't ask us for prayers okay that's their problem when they meet us they don't they don't know down and say lay out their hands they ask for money yes they control the airwaves so it's important that we give unto caesar what belongs to caesar support god's work and i i promise you you are going to become better even after this situation is done be strong in the lord okay be strong in the lord now before i hand over to you there could be some people of course i know sometimes we preach and people are so heavily abandoned even those that are already born again they feel like they are not born again oh my god you want to be born again you say lord jesus you just repeat what i'm saying you say lord jesus lord jesus i receive you i receive i receive your life i receive your love you are my lord you are my lord you are my savior you are my savior thank you for forgiving me thank you for forgiving all of my sins all of my sins now i'm a new creation and i am a new creator i'm born again i'm born again thank you for saving me thank you for saving in your name jesus in your name jesus amen amen it's done right now if the trumpet is to sound nothing is stopping you [Music] nothing nothing it's as simple as that you see it's as simple as that remember last time we weighed our crusade i think in um was it in high fields also after that we we baptized about 6 000 yes yes close to 7 000 people that we baptized who came and received the life of god what a ministry what a department to join if you're looking for the best bank to invest with you have it you have it we are bringing many to righteousness so partner with us right now send your seed it's as simple as that rapture i told you don't worry much about that you're going to be some of you are going to be ah where am i where am i going people that you never thought would be raptured to be raptured because it's it is his work but rewards i'll talk about what is happening in the heavens that's when you notice oh you should have taught me much on partnering with god and sowing into the kingdom look at what other people are getting now look at where i am i needed to know more about investing into the kingdom of god so we start from there next week from the moment we are ruptured what begins to happen up there and down here you don't want to miss that service you don't want to miss that service thank you thank you for today thank you so much pastors i had so much to say father but let me try and just summarize what i really wanted to say in a few words father i've seen a man soaked in the word of god sitting close to me and ministering to me because all this information to say you had actually planned for this particular service like we do that will be a lie father this is coming from the inside father to have a man who is soaked this much in the word and able to give it to us in this way at some point i was trying to think to myself that is this just the word or is this man so engulfed in the spirit that sometimes he forgets where we are also we are at a certain level or platform different to you father father what you've given to us is just amazing you look at how you've interpreted the shadows or the four shadows that are in scripture and applied them to today and to scripture via scripture and you bringing to us the nature of god to validate your end time debate or end time argument further the consistency of how god does things you look at the scriptures that you gave to us matthew and luke and as far as reference to noah and lord is concerned father you look at that and you look at the nature of god and you look at the argument that you've presented to us in as far as the rapture being pre-po mid or opposed tribulation further that on its own is i can't call it something that can be drawn from men's intelligence it is god speaking to us through you father it is the word of god at magnitudes that we never thought possible and i believe that this is the trumpet father thank you so so much thank you so much for this word father oh thank you you're welcome welcome back follow our hearts of bernie we we want to get to investing yeah if you can just give us a few moments yes you want to get to this global missionary network child of god the banking details on the screen invest now invest now this is the trumpet now the details on the screen if you have any challenges if you want to get in touch with the team they'll stand by right now the whatsapp details are on the screen to send them a message let them know if you want to so in kind they'll be ready to assist you as well so let's get to this right now as this the clarion call has gone out let us sow our seed into this marvelous marvelous work it's an opportunity for somebody to partner with the right trumpet with the right voice and i believe that wherever you are please this is an opportunity that has been created for us and we are watching right now but there are those that are not watching as well that you believe deserve this opportunity just that's right this is a network please encourage your friends relatives to ensure that this word goes out you will be part like our father highlighted you'll be part of this team you will benefit from this evangelism and please please make sure make sure you do it at the right time like our father is highlighted the details will continue to flight on the screen right now even as this service is coming to an end please utilize them take screenshots and use the backing details if you're in the web we're using eco cash three five two one two that's the biller code you'll be able to access that and invest until we meet again next time [Music] the [Music] hey fill this place lord filthy space occupied this place [Music] be enthralled [Music] we [Music] please [Music] me [Music] hallelujah i [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] be [Music] the angels [Music] everybody licks it say hallelujah [Music] [Music] me [Music] everybody [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] we need your [Music] your voice [Music] [Music] [Music] she [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] oh [Music] [Music] come on [Music] here [Music] [Music] you will be done [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] lord heal the sickness your will beaten not the will of the enemy no no no no jesus [Music] you will be done [Music] you
Channel: Emmanuel Makandiwa
Views: 71,576
Rating: 4.9263158 out of 5
Keywords: emmanuel, makandiwa, prophetic timeline end of the age, rapture, prophetic timeline, end of age
Id: Ltrs5ULoRPU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 207min 23sec (12443 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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