Uebert Angel - The Mystery of Prayer

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that which we have handled which we have seen with our master Hanus this in the weight of truth we have not followed cunningly devised to farmers so we were eyewitnesses of the same we're walking back but we have sinned a lot our eyes have seen the Lord I don't know about you when you become a supernatural Christian God gets into you and starts working himself in all of the leads he is now [Applause] scent and lip isn't true I saw German written on your forehead like Kevin sent in October 1980 if I be a prophet of God miracle Mandy now declared miracle money there's fifty five thousand in [Applause] somebody who is sick and just be you'd like that this is the good news we've reached a good news world with Buford and Jo provoking a reaction and always worth hearing you [Applause] [Music] alright Leggero Nancy Namba Kira Madison John 14:13 and whatsoever how many things how many things any disease and whatsoever he shall ask in my name that will I do Norris Norris Norris the specification is they did that will I do not anything else you see most people get logged on the whatsoever but they have no idea that Jesus says that specific one you ask not any other thing not a buy one get free system rats which you ask I will do that's all I wanted you to see them hallelujah Jesus I'm excited [Music] [Applause] Salo on freddy gala Ukraina husky Adagio I want to teach you something very very paramount remember we did what we call encounter with power through prayer are you hearing me and now we are doing something that is called the mystery of pray I tell you about the mystery of prayer the reasons why we pray why do we pray so you never understand that prayer is important until you understand why we pray and are you missing this now don't miss this place I pray may God help you never to miss what I'm about to say to you we understand that God is omnipresent the word omnipresent means is every word behold if I make my bed in hell you are so God is everywhere in fact the book of Ephesians chapter number 4 tells us that when you wait up on high he went far above the heavens so that he can feel everything I'm in the wrong place a thing that means God is everywhere and if you were here if you were here and you have come to church listen most of you want to jump up and down when the preacher said money is coming jump this one is happening jump all over the place and then you go home is to Brok because what you need is a kitchen and you're going for preaching that's why every believer that you know of every Christian that you know if rather is not really doing well because all you are here for is a miracle it should be ashamed of yourself so I want to deal with the facts that surround prayer and men of prayer is a minute change a woman of Prayer is a woman of change the ones who understand pray I'm not talking about the the the crazy prayer prayer prayer team masters you have the Priya warriors I'm not talking about that priya is no warrior I would say no prayers no warrior we should just pray is Christian prayer is no warrior what are you a warrior for the Bible says we are more than conquerors in other words we have more than warriors what are you becoming a prayer warrior for I've said so so often that most prayer warriors are broke you go to any church you hear this is the prayer warrior you'll be waiting for the lift where to go home you know you know what I'm talking about and some of you here with Priore as someone else you understand what I'm talking about because prayer warriors thing is so prayer they have no understanding of the technicalities of prayer now I want you to see something here there is a reason why we pray when God Himself is omnipresent when God knows what we shall say is to wants you to pray I wish I had people now lega months I want you to see something get in the book of Genesis in the book of Genesis Genesis 1:26 I want to show you that two most powerful verse in the Bible I think one powerful verse in the Bible with two most important words in the Bible and God says let us make many on image after our likeness and let them show let them those are the two most crucial word in the mystery of Prayer God said let them not me so immediately you see that when it came to the issue of the earth God said let them do you know why you are Kody you made the when human is two words you must men oh jesus said let us make man in our own image that's what God said right let us who is us they try in God Father Son and the Holy Ghost the one God woman first in three not the three goes you can't chop God in the tree and give him to a Jew so if God is the big one Jesus the smaller one the Holy Ghost is a smaller smaller smaller one one preacher in that country so I told God I have matured in the Lord I don't want these small boys Jesus I want God himself what rubbish buna said because people have no idea the Jesus we are talking about is the same God the Bible says the same spirit is the same Lord there is a technical it in prayer a mystery or prayer is led them the word human is the word from a yuma's men the way you must there is the word that means death so you you must you are a you must men and the Bible says let us make man in our own image in other words men is a spirit that leaves in a yuma's that's why you are called human yeah you're not hearing so you have a man that leaves inside a body made of death then God did something so amazing what God did was to give the ability to control the earth to a man who lives inside a yuma's that means God Himself is no authority on earth you didn't hear they didn't get in today I want to tell you the mystery of Prayer so God Himself he has no power on earth no wonder when women don't know how powerful you people are to the extent that God said you have deceived my man called Adam but guess what the woman shall produce a seed that will crush you imagine the agenda of God was carried by a woman no no no no no I understand we talked about Eve being deceived but we don't talk about the woman crushing the deceiver so God was saying what I would do later on is to borrow the womb of a woman people don't understand that Jesus is the man Christ is the God Jesus Christ Jesus is the body borrowed from Mary Christ is God inside the body Jesus that's why it's called Jesus Christ but imagine this imagine God Himself could not come to earth Oh God Himself could not come to heaven just like yeah where are you I'm just going to ask now Oh he needed to deal with the parameters that control the earth the earth is controlled by a man who is inside a human and was there for me to come there and need to operate under the same moves as this question why is it that you never talk is it from the book of Genesis in the book of Revelation I told you I've been talking nothing nonstop that's all I did and then I compiled my word [Music] sixty-six books of the Bible that's my word I don't need to talk nothing here then it says the problem with my weight is this my word disturbs my serenity they didn't get it I know you serenity means God cannot be controlled or influenced by anybody so why didn't we pray if a goddess of rain because you do whatever he likes anyway so immediately you see something here that God Himself is the problem in fact he say to Adam Adam lie on the ground and it caused a deep sleep on him and then he took a rib out of Adam and created a woman I did not say a food some of you the way you use your wives you would think the wife was taken from your big board just a rib he took a rib informed if why are you taking a ribbony of the soil why don't you make men women out of the soil just like you did Adam so that means a woman is a byproduct of the man oh you don't like to hear that so that means if your husband tells you you are crazy say I'm just a byproduct of your Christmas [Music] so we have a problem because God is not taken from the soil why because before he thought of making Eve he had already given the power of soil of the earth to a man so he does not own the earth anymore in our getting it so Adam owns the land but Adam is sleeping so he's not creating it from the land because he has no right has not been given permission by a man to use the soil have you ever wondered how many people walk around and say if God is God he would do something for me man who just come away that's why God says walk in the spirit why because he goes on the end he has no power another it's very very difficult so he said to me my words limit myself rennet II he said the reason why I don't talk and the reason why I never prayed with my disciples is because my words limit my ability Oh God cannot do what is outside his word so if he speaks he is limited to that area of his speech that's why I don't want to pray with a lot of people here because when I talk to God about owning countries owning islands owning towns and places they are praying to get a mortgage so when your prayer is to get a mortgage God is limited to the prayer his who is power is confined to your words since what sure and why you say the same thing will you do you are limited by your mind these things you think that's what limits you that's why it's so important to be everywhere so he says I can't just show up boom I'm showing up like I'm here Mia Mia la Alyssa you are Nations look at what the width of God look at the ways of God you will lend to Nations you mean me and you are busy with the prayer requests in spirit embassy looking for a loan for 3,000 yet the Bible says you shall lead two nations so there is no way God can come to earth without permission from a man so this is the reason why even the angel had to go to Mary and said you shall be pregnant with a child of the Holy Ghost and enjoy waited for reply do you know what Mary said be it unto me is US aid I have agreed if Marian said to fear [Music] Jesus would be the child of ELISA who knows isn't it amazing how God would even ask me for permission and Mary adore does it you say yes I agree who are you because she knew I need to give this permission to come here so prayer prayer is is a kind of an exchange a change of jurisdiction where the man gives permission to get the precedence of God over the earth God says the man says I give you precedence over my issue notice when we get born again what do we say I accept I believe in my heart the one the lordship of Jesus Christ what are we saying we are saying I want him to Lou in my office I have agreed why do I pray why do I pray because prayer is giving God license to be able to operate you God never listen to this God is limited to his word the power of God is limited to his words in the book of Psalm he says I have made my word to be above my own name in the book of Philippians 2:10 he says what he says at the name of Jesus every knee should bow of things in heaven of things in the earth of things under the earth everything should so if you look you realize that the power of the woman was so important to God that God prophesied it that this woman's child see Oh crush your head even sound crush your head Oh since since it's on earth where I can reach without a body they'd ever himself knows it all the time the devil is tempting Eve he's trying to get the authority to be here even the devil cannot stay here without a body this is why all these demons are possessing people like I was just walking like this then I just submitted the Mona said hi where was this demon since it gets out and goes to the drylands but it will go and look for seven and go and inhabit one person imagine lydiana no you say it 6000 if you really read the Legion is 6,000 to 36,000 the number one person they can be comfortable so look you know we need to be together here why are the most possessing people they possess people because they can be here on their own they have to be in a body because a body like yours this is why when your body is sick and they say you have cancer they say of this disease and you get it you don't get healed what happens you die and what happens to your spirit it leaves why because the spirit can leave you without your body the moment your body gets messed up your spirit is to live you are now illegal on earth so God is illegal without the body oh I know you didn't get that have you ever now some people are now you're getting it now are you were thinking you know just go just do something for me you know just show up Lord show up what it's like no I need to show up inside you that's why I always say it's not what Christianity does for you it's what have you done with your Christianity what have you done you are not flowing very well are you here isn't it amazing that after all this time with the disciples the only thing that the disciples asked was this question Lord they saw Jesus walk on water or posing viscosity molecular density of water the man is walking on water like is concrete they saw him do crazy stuff they saw him saying Talitha koum i and a little girl dead rose from the dead this way everything they saw him look at a tree and cut it from the roots and the tree dried up they'd seen it they saw him take bread they even asked Philip was even asked and they suggested a little boy with his lunch on it they saw him 10 lead small loaves and feed into many many many many thousands they saw it but when they came to Jesus they didn't say Lord can you explain to us the how to walk on water listen no they realized there was something Jesus did before it one time they are moving from the mountain and they see this child was demon-possessed and the parents said they father said this young man thrown into the water and thrown into the into the fire help us we have called your disciples to do it by they couldn't jesus said this one this kind comes by prayer and the disciples said a statement Lord teach us how to pray they figured out we are spending hours trying to cast out the demon because we spent no our prey but you spend our spraying and the second casting out a demon so we know your secret is prayer the people who are most powerful in their prayer life I the people who are most powerful at transferring license to God to operate in their face imagine when you pray and realize what I'm doing here is transferring but you see that's the first stage of revelation he is the higher revelation Ephesians 5 34 we are word we are body limbs so God said no I don't need you to pray to transfer license anymore they didn't get that I don't need you to transfer the license anymore that is a junior revelation just as I was in Jesus Oh for people to think Jesus Christ was in Jesus I know you are you some people here like Jesus is the body that he borrowed from Mary Christ is the God inside the body the one on the cross is Jesus and he gave up the ghost in Christ left he went to hell is a sinner flesh man you must warmed in like this defeated the devil without being born again you are you can defeat him with being born again so the body is Jesus Jesus Christ is in Jesus he borrowed the body from Mary and ended the woman and at the body and such operating as Jesus Christ as well about was the main Jesus he knows what he's talking about now listen to this now as he did that that's exactly what he is now in you exactly as he did with Jesus the body he got from Mary now by that verse it means now Jesus is inside you just as he was in Jesus that's a very difficult thing to take because human nature we want to find somebody to blame when things don't happen so for you to think me Marion me Jeremy me Susan me me me you mean like me me like standing here and if you Jesus Christ today and I stand here same-same the next question you ask me is why can't I walk on water I don't you getting this are you even getting this do you understand what Jesus was trying to say to you he was trying to say you and me you Jeremy you Susanna you Alyssa you Giovanni uoq or if we are put in one queue ladies and god is supposed to point Christ go to say all of your guys already did I didn't get it you mean with Jesus in the same queue yes why because Jesus is the body Christ is inside now the Bible says Christ in you the hope of glory oh the word glory is the word doctor and the word doctor means the highest status of being God since the Christ in you makes you the good for you to think me in my console house I'm Jesus because you are more in touch with the flesh than the spirits yes this flesh is to occur but the resident now is Jesus just as he was as he is so when in this world but for you to think this is exactly what it is like for you to imagine it you can't because you want somebody to send your prayers to when you pray where your prayers go to heaven and where is Jesus in heaven but I thought he was inside you if you pray to Jesus all right and Jesus is the one inside you who answers but this Jesus remember you are the flesh or maybe Christ in you so when you pray who answers with the and the answer so you see what we need to do is to give God His Word and we he gives us back his with for my weight that got out of my mouth will not retain unto me void that's why I don't like people say I receive Hebrews 13:5 this is the mystery of prayer it's giving God a license to operate in the affairs of men but that mystery is a union revelation to the mystery just give you this one is not about giving God a license now this one is understanding that the god we are talking about is now inside us so you no longer leads my steps no he's the one walking them I knew I talked I'm just talking to a few people now let your conversation be without covetousness and be content with such things as you have for he said I'll never leave thee nor forsake this normally preachers would tell you go and confess this in your house I will never leave you nor forsake you I'll never leave you nor forsake you you have said it could you said you'll never leave me that's junk that's rubbish is a lie look at what the Bible says I will never leave you nor forsake it so you may say what the Lord is my helper it says when God says I'll never leave you nor forsake you don't tell him you said you never leave me rose say in this way then Lord you are my helper ah let's go back let's go back to five so it tells you that if you want to response to that you don't repeat those ways I will never leave thee nor forsake thee that's what the Lord said so that we may so that verse was spoken to us so that this vest comes from our lips not a previous with so we are hearing the you never leave me nor forsake thee and we pray never leave me nor forsake one says I don't want to hear that part I'm the one who said it so that you have the ability to say these words so in God hears you say these words he thinks you have already said v - V since this is the thing that you need to say in order to respond to what I said now the church is full of people waiting like you never leave me nor forsake me you never leave me nor for everyone is running around saying that no that is the weight from God for you and that word should invoke these words but it's not invoking this words because you don't know the weight so you keep talking God's word that one in verse number five which word was given to you so that it can provoke this statement but because you don't know the word you are limited in your abilities God cannot go beyond your level of maturity in the word the Bible says without faith it is impossible to please him anything that is not of faith is a sin since the Bible so if you are getting miracles because of a pasta you are sinning and definitely not got involved because God you dot every I and cross every T so understand this the mystery of prayer is understanding who you are in Christ God knew that the kingdoms have one problem that's the problem with kingdoms they have one problem the King can not make his children kings in the same kingdom that's why the British monarch would send people to go and colonize other countries Zimbabwe South Africa and all that and these people become the rulers there and then we have if you go to South Africa you go to Zimbabwe you go to Zambia you find schools named after Prince Charles Prince Andrew airports Prince Edward Airport why because the Queen was trying to get the son out of this house which is controlling and then she sends you to another place that's what God did he realized if he creates a human being in heaven and the heaven stays with human beings yet is a king a king should be a father of kings God can create anything lower than himself [Applause] so you said you are a king and you I Queen and the only way we can do this is if you leave my house so he created the planet called Earth in San Diego and the king day that's why it's called a lot of lords King of Kings it's not talking about king so Solomon empty no he's talking about you you are the king he has made us kings it is not possible because it's no not in his domain so knowing that he knew when I give you the place to rule you are now a king there and I'm no longer responsible you are responsible and you go to earth and you're responsible you call the shots on earth and guess what human beings do you in trouble god what have I done good says no speak to that thing uh yeah aya talked to that rock are you are you flowing and let me just reiterate faith is not wanting something to happen the most Christians of them a mindset that is really really best on an erroneous idea that faith is wanting something to happen I want it so bad I believe Jesus would do it for me I believe it no that's not faith faith is intelligence the Bible says faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God that means them word of God's quantity in my spirit is the amount of faith I have most Christians don't get it they think I just I have faith I just believe just believe I believe it I believe I just believe Jesus no do we have the information to back up your belief no how much of the weight is inside you to claim your faith for this faith is not a feeling it's not an idea where you I just I just feel I'm gonna be a millionaire no that's your need that's you wanting to be a millionaire there's nothing to do with faith but I go to church every Sunday your faith you don't faith is tantamount the amount of wedding you people of great faith are people of great weight people who can say I have a lot of faith are the ones we have read the way they understood it highly that's why things don't happen when you want them to happen because you told yourself your faith but the information in you contradicts that statements a good news world with you bird angel provoking a reaction and always worth hearing
Channel: Uebert Angel
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Keywords: uebert angel, bebe angel, beverly angel, the goodnews church, prophecy, prophetic, spirit embassy, christ embassy, prosperity, prophet angel, prophet uebert angel, pastor chris, chris oyakhilome, prophet bushiri, Major1, money, kim kardashian, R Kelly, bill gates, hollywood, should i pray, how to pray, when to pray, prayer for covid, praying, prayer, should I pray, pray for corona virus, covid prayer, corona, mystery of prayer, types of prayer, different types of prayer
Id: awsJX9REfOU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 4sec (2284 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 01 2020
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