Season For Signs & Tokens - Part 6 with H.E. Ambassador Uebert Angel

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[Music] so [Music] thank you so much thank you so much thank you so much thank you so much we we're excited to see everybody here everybody's live and everybody's excited and a lot is happening uh most people don't understand that the distance between london and here is about three hours that means we we drive to get here uh into the studio that's a three-hour distance and a lot of people just think you know maybe it's just around the corner you know you just go like this and we hear a lot of christians going like oh you know it's too far to come to church because i live one hour away we drive three hours every sunday to go then three hours to go to the studio all right then we go home after that all right so you can actually do anything if you love god anything can be done anything can be done and why is it that uh i'm in london number one you cannot touch the tail of a snake yes you have to get to the head first if you cut the tail it can still run it can still move rather slither it can still bite so we hit the head and that's why we're in london and after the hitting the head we can go everywhere else and we're already everywhere else that's why you are here so we appreciate you so much and welcome to this 6 p.m service welcome welcome welcome so welcome welcome it's so good to see you it's so good to see you we seeing people from all over the world i can actually just look at the faces you can see by how they look you can actually tell this one is from from this area we see africans we see uh we see people from europe we see people from asia it's just amazing it's just amazing thank you so much for being part of uh this service now i want you to understand something here before we get any anywhere with this we want to you to understand that the tokens are so important for the prophetic i don't know if they're getting this yes sir tokens are so important for the prophetic because tokens highlight what god does when he wants to skyrocket your faith or to boost your faith in other words it is an emergence boosting remember faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of god but there is something that strengthens and establishes your faith something that reminds you of what god said that's why every time when we have a talk and we link it to the word because it is the word that then brings faith so why does god institute um tokens it's very simple it's very simple it's very simple he issued tokens because that is to boost your faith i don't know if you are getting this css on youtube we've got simba nilly saying i'm connecting from south africa in cape town where we have a very exciting cell group right now and we've also got um saga sindhu who says i connect with you from pakistan carol machindo says spirit embassy is a global church alex peters is also commenting sin um thank you so much the good news this is i'm from good news church in uganda they're watching from uganda wow yeah george is also live from tanzania so things are happening things are happening things are really happening things are really happening thank you so much it's a lot of things happening it's a lot of things happening as well and naveen is joining from india where we've just launched also two branches you guys are doing it we are doing it around the world i'm telling you this message is going we kept on saying networking the world [Applause] networking the world with god's healing power and networking the world with what with the demonstration of power with the word of god we are networking the world and it's happening right now it's happening if you knew if you were in the background and knowing exactly what's taking place you will be excited you'll be excited there's a lot of movement a lot of movement and we actually now have about 85 85 i believe [Music] new preachers that are being trained right now 85 that's a lot of numbers 85 and you you understand that's a daily thing and it's happening around the world and the only thing that's left is to send them out send them out the bible says the harvest is ready yes but the harvest harvesters and what changed me is when i looked at the word look up for the harvest is ready and i looked at the word look up and i saw that the word look up actually means wake up rise up yes arise from your stupor make a certain educated understanding analysis and you will see that it's not the harvest it is there it is the harvesters god is not having a problem with the way the harvest is he's having a problem with where the harvesters are so there is no department no country that is difficult to win souls the bible actually says there is already a harvest souls are there oh it's the people that win the souls that are missing right not that souls are oh my town is so difficult oh the country we are in is so difficult you don't understand no you're the one who is not understanding the bible he says wake up in other words you're stupid if you say that statement souls are dead there is no difficult nation souls are there yes there is no difficult nation it might be difficult that the government wants to kill you it might be difficult that the police will arrest you that's a difficult thing not to say souls are not found that the hype is ready yes sir you are not getting it here it is now so we want to get to a point now where we understand when we talk about tokens listen to it get to a mod where you say i need to understand these tokens how come people are giving testimonies and the user is not coming men are giving testimonies they're actually telling us right now things are happening things are happening i've gotten this in fact we had a very very wonderful one i don't know do we have that i think it was ivan simba was saying that uh oh yes oh yes with the legs i just want the topping the can possibly can you hear about so that you understand it was after the sort um the salt uh token so you you can see some of things that it's not a video so it's just two photos that you can actually see before and after so you can get it so important so important are you hearing me somebody yes sir are you hearing are you hearing a lot of hearing a lot i can see people around the world i can see people around the world and when when you see that you realize people are giving testimonies and some of you haven't even gotten to the testimonies yet you haven't and many are getting them what's the reason why some are not because some just are trying to figure out what is really taking place why a talk is important let me just show you the before first right just show that before look at those legs do you see them right if you see them raise your hand you can see them you see that's that's before the so when we did the seoul tokens uh-huh she couldn't walk in since march i believe it was since march i'm hearing uh-huh just imagine and that's before this just that's during this the service yeah the tokens yeah and when we started doing the talking after that service what happened right there it looks like it's a lie right it really looks like it's a lie it's like these are someone else's legs we just put there it's just it's just crazy there they are i can actually see them there it looks like it's a it's a fake effect one way is it fun i was going to say a van might be on zoom yeah i can see him there i can see him there they are how are you i think he's on mute but uh he needs to do it himself just to mute yourself evan and mute yourself i think we've uh you have to admit yourself there i think it's this side that is unmuted that is on mute but just just those that is a couple anyway you can see them oh i can see because yeah i think i can hear you a little bit speak we can hear you hear you we can hear you we can hear you oh now it is going again anyway you can see them but guess what that's the power of the spirit how many are hearing us right now sir that's the power of the spirit yes when you can actually get to a point where you know god is actually there and is doing something but just that that's just that's just the tokens yes sir just the tokens what is happening with god god is doing something right here miracles that you will never believe but what is happening why did it take all this long for that to happen it's a simple thing tokens quicken your processes imagine imagine you have done 20 years trying to get him a degree and somebody tells you oh we can actually do one in five months that's shortening your process shortening the process that's exactly what we're doing when we're doing tokens so when you hear talking and talking just be excited no i'm not working for 20 years i'm not going for prayer in that sense i'm not going for intercession for 29 days i'm not fasting for 40 days one service can change everything one service can change everything i decree and declare right now wherever you are this service taloski backer will change your life in the name of jesus this token will change your life man jose cruz julia de la manchester uncle delegates gotta foreign in jesus night name we pray even in the studio here we have water here your talking is what it's water i said you're talking is what water water let me see your water let me see your water let me see your water parrots socially grate in the name of jesus hope you're here hope you're here that's good everybody you should actually have uh black gold but anyway we'll forgive you today we'll forgive you today anyway any water is water you know watch this this thing is so important into your life it can be put into your life and things will change it can be put in any product and things will change it is the difference between life and death and let me explain to you something when you open your bibles in the book of genesis i'm talking about the first chapter of genesis in fact the second verse of the bible you find water and when you end the bible in the book of revelation i don't know if they are getting this are you getting this in the book of revelation in the last chapter in fact in the 17th verse you will find water so the water opens the bible verses and water closes the bible everything that did not find a new way of manifesting in your life i cause it to manifest right now by the token of water i cause it to manifest right now in the name of jesus in the name of jesus a new day is coming for you a new day is coming for you right this minute right this minute a new day is coming a new day is coming it's happening right now it's happening right now a new day is coming right now it's happening it's happening it's happening a new day is happening right now it's happening right now marco te open that water open that water open that water open that bottle if you have that bottle open that boat if you have already uh opened the bottle just pour water into your hands and begin to decree and declare that there is a shift in a change a movement coming over somebody's life right now if it opened the bible yes and closes the bible that means the first thing that god thought of was water amen and the end of the bible god thought of water in fact he says be washed by the washing of the water of the world that means he likens the word to water i decree and declare the fluidity of water may you flow like water in your business like water in your company like water amen when you walk like water you shall flow everything even in your finances when you are doing your business it shall be like water less your practice i decree and declare in the name of jesus right now let this faith booster of water yes cover you and touch you in the name of jesus christ ra telego skis album it is not the water with the power no water is simply a symbol we are using hallelujah is it for sale no nobody's selling it to you no so we decree and declare yes sir right this minute write this minute that in everything you do yes you are covered carlos underscore i want you to understand that your body is over 75 percent water you are not hearing me i don't know if you are here i don't know if you are here your body is saving over 75 percent water that means you are water yes all right so by way of touching this yes i touch your health in the name of jesus i touch your health in the name of jesus wherever you are i touch your being in the name of jesus you were formed of this thing unless you're no man greater lesson if you are more than 75 water it means i'm touching you now malika everything that was not in alignment in your body it comes into alignment today everybody every deformity we straighten it right now by the authority of the spirit in the name of jesus begin to pray begin to pray begin to pray begin to pray it's going to be a short one by the powerful one man rosotolian foreign in the name of jesus yes when naman had a problem yes when naman had a problem the bible says it this way the bible says it this way naman himself was told go and wash yourself go and wash yourself are you here god and go and wash yourself and clean yourself yes sir the water was getting he even said i'm not going there he said but go to the same place yes the servant said why would you not listen to a prophet just go into that water it wasn't the water that was removing leprosy it was the instructions [Applause] what our siblings are talking yes sir now hear this a man was told go and watch call in a pool called salem now when he went to watch he thought what is the actual meaning of that word it means what it means to watch so it was a place where everyone went to birth but the instruction to go and do it and following that instruction produced a different in fact the guy had already watched in the morning right and nothing happened right but now he was being sent by a prophet to just touch the water from his own house and it looked like it's a stupid thing and two miracles began to arrive i speak now in the name of jesus miracles come to you now miracles prevent them present themselves now in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus they shall wash every impurity it shall go in the name of jesus christ genesis 1 2 and void and darkness covered the first of the deep while a wind and the spirit of the lord covered the waters and darkness covered the earth and the spirit of the lord flattered above the deep what was the fluttering over the water brooding over the water that means water is a creative thing in fact if you keep going you realize that then he called animals to come out of the water i speak now anything you need by reason of this token may it be provided in the name of jesus remember this is a talk and it has nothing to do with the power in the water yes in a water glass or power in a bottle nothing it is all about a talking machelos kitabas he says it's happening right this minute it's happening now i tell you it's happening the bible tells us and he went and washed and got clean another man could not see said go he took his spito and put it in another one could not be healed they'd go and wash and washed the eyes are clean the body's clean listen water brings visualization okay this month of visualization yes sir i said this month of visualization may your power to see be able to open in the name of jesus you shall be able to see the things that you never saw you shall visualize the thing and it shall happen in the name of jesus i decree and declare by reason of this token your mount of visualization is come to effect amen in the name of jesus it is happening right now it is happening right now it is happening right now it is happening right now understand revelation 22 17 says the spirit and the bride say come and let everyone who here say come and let everyone with this to come let anyone who wishes to take the water of life as a gift take it i don't know if you're getting this so water flows throughout scripture now i don't want you to understand this i don't want you to miss this right 722 times is what i mentioned wow that's more than faith hope prayer worship wow the thing you're holding right now yes it's mentioned 722 times more than prayer worship in hope wow i speak now yes sir this same token may it rest in your house amen around the world around the world if you're watching by way of television i want you to be able to put your glass somewhere male 1 at the end of the service i will tell you if you are watching me right now you are in your house just take the glass of water and pour that and put it away from you are you away from where you are right now right now right now right now right now it's in your house i'm not even there myself just do it now just do it now helecos ka dalek ronamandes bandos malicio creva no creta para bellenon graphetosca hallelujah amen you put it somewhere right put it somewhere put it somewhere put it in your own location you know the location if it was the bedroom if it is just further away from from you two three four meters away from you put it somewhere don't don't even don't even in fact look at it nicely when you put it down just look at it nicely just check it out all right i want you to look at it so you remember what it looked like before i pray imagine that water is likened to the word i don't know if you're getting this somebody is getting it somebody's getting it are you getting this now [Music] and water can purify i pray for your purity to be defined that whosoever can meet you can see you can say surely there is spirit in him there is spirit in here in the name of jesus when they shall see you let them see the best person that they have you ever seen in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus cabolia por aguero telescatas you shall never have anybody begin to talk bad about you if they do it shall be proven to you and to everyone that they lied everyone who spoke bad about you yes an expose is coming over their lives your sign your character your proof of miracles your life will prove it was a lie i ancient you with an ability to walk everywhere with the power of god that when people say he is like this it is proven otherwise by angels angelic manifestations to prove it now in the name of jesus wherever you have put your water i decree and declare that glass you're put somewhere right now i decree and declare now in the name of jesus i'm praying now i'm praying now i'm praying now i'm praying now in fact some of you right now when i decreed and declare you shall begin to see even your water will test it will taste sweet some will taste like wine for those who know what wine looks like and tastes like i decree and declare right now i've not told you to go and do it relax for now i haven't prayed i decree and declare right now there shall be a sign in your house i have not entered in that house but i'm doing this so you know god has an ability to come into your house you think it's not the body is there you think it's not there i tell you is there right this minute i speak right now in the name of jesus i send angels and deploy them now i deploy angels right now to come into your house as i speak to you now all around the world for those who are watching right now by way of television by way of zoom every one of you every one of you on our social media on atom gram i decree and declare now that water will begin to test differently ma losing in fact angels troubled the waters i send angels to trouble the waters right this minute to trouble the waters that a supernatural thing will happen in your life a supernatural thing will happen to that water and you definitely know definitely somebody has been here ma ro de gamo begin to pray before i send you to go and do it begin to pray begin to pray begin to pray don't go yet don't go yet don't go yet and some of you have not done it your own water you're holding or begin to test differently malicious and the moment where you see it happen send your testimony send your testimony and some of you are getting healed as i speak to you now some of you are getting healed as i speak to you now because water is a purifier water is a healer in the name of jesus some of you are getting healed right now a supernatural wind is coming into your life a supernatural wind is coming into your family right this minute man get the ghost cardelis in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus it's happening right now it's happening right now it's happening right now it's happening right now may your eyes open in the name of jesus your eyes are opening your eyes are opening i decree and declare right now wherever you are around the world i believe on our screens you have got a number that you can call you can text i believe so on our screens la i decree and declare right this minute change is coming to you change is coming to you now martel veruna greta le gotta preta coulisse in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus it's happening right now it's happening right now it's happening right now it's happening right now it's happening right now change is already happening change is already happening i speak now by the spirit every problem in your body healing is taking place now in the name of jesus in fact for the bottle that you have if you're feeling anywhere some somewhere on your body was actually having a problem you're having a problem with any part of your body i want you to take that water put that water on that location on that body part put that water right this minute i did not say drink it as i put it somewhere just take a little bit and touch that place right this minute right this minute i'm not talking about the other water i will send you to that water in a few minutes i will send you there i will send you there i will send you there my refinance lujeta gretelska and kevan mole put it there now put it there now it's happening now it's happening now logic protect yourself in the mighty name of jesus i speak healing to happen now by reason of the water talking is taking place yes it's happening by reason of this is happening it's simply a faith booster we are using only faith boosters to boost your faith to another level it's happening right now it's happening right now it's happening right now marcreti lagosia regiatoria park da carlo and for those who have their water somewhere go test it do whatever you can do now go test it go check it go in fact before you test it just check it out just see something would have changed in many places what's happening what's happening you said that you prophesied that this water was going to begin to taste sweet and it's happening right now so this is on youtube it's gray she says says my water is tasting different i drank water before but this one i'm holding in the glass is tasting different my tongue is tasting sweet right now as i'm typing i'm telling you now i want you to understand one thing just imagine people ask me how can jesus turn water into wine you think it's difficult if it was done it could be done again i'm telling you now it's happening now there is listen to me if you have had an opportunity to watch the service today we were talking about the genesis of men if you watched last week we were talking about also uh things to do with superior spirits and we're dealing with the ability of a christian to do mighty wonders just imagine the power we can have yes sir if in your house you have no drink you say bring water yes sir children sit here i'm i'm giving you all water you you're imagine if this is what you are like there is nothing that christians can actually make if we decide to be who we are oh glory to god we make a decision that i will not buy another drink in my life yes what am i going to do i'm using water i make my own drinks you can then go from this miracle to flavoring the drink it shall taste like orange juice it shall taste like apple juice now you can even flavor by means of talking no don't get me started don't get me started don't get me started i don't know if you understand christians are not human beings they are not we are not human we are not yes sir we definitely are not the bible says you shall die like me amen says though you're children of the monster you die like me amen because you've already accepted that it's okay to die like this you have already accepted that we also go to the shops like others and buy no you're not hearing me what's happening what's happening just as you said this is youtube this is this is youtube only at the minute sir this is john john says prophet i sipped the water it tasted like wine do you now i don't know if you are you are here i decree and declare to somebody here pastor pastor ricky would understand how wine tests uh some of us we never got there but anyway we thank god we thank god i decree and declare right this minute amen somebody under the influence of my voice your healing is coming now miracles are taking place now and not watch this this is water in their house it's not in mine in the house and we say it if you if you you've got youtube you can actually go and get the names there and send the message that's up to you more more coming in more coming in yes adanai puri says just got cured from a very nasty headache right now just by putting that water in the water now the headache is gone that's it listen to me it's it's not the water cameras there is an instruction based on a talking it's happening right this minute marcolo is excited not in regina it's exciting day inside is excited that we can we can we can see that we can see that we can see more coming in says my water is tasting so sweet right now just imagine imagine if we want to make it test wow another one is strawberry we can put strawberry flavor right this minute at any time it can happen it looks like it's a joke what do we do no it's not a joke no it's not sir this is a reality there is a reality in what we do there is a reality the reason why some of you don't experience this reality is you're analyzing before you test analyzing so how does this even work how can it be like this you are too lenient you know strawberry flavor does not come from thin air so you are learning too much some of us have lost logic what we do does not make sense it makes faith oh i speak to someone here by the authority of the spirit amen your power your power your power shall be realized your power shall be realized what's happening amazing this is youtube as well kennedy messieurs says prophet you said angels are coming and an angel stood behind me on my left side your eyes shall be opened your eyes shall be of visualization demand of visualization some already visualizing whoa i am a prudhomme says my water is tasting like cherry flavor right now sherry flavor says my water formed a lot of bubbles bubbles like soda started coming so i tasted it and it tastes like it's got glucose in it imagine somebody takes their water put them up two meters or three meters away and they go to it and it's bubbling glucose is in there who put the glucose this is your house where the glucose we didn't manipulate your house we're not there we don't even know where it is we're in the studio you can see us say my phone my phone there's nobody we are standing there to do anything my phone is going off the hook yourself yeah the testimony is coming in maggie the reborn says my i had a decayed tooth that was so painful right now it's just been healed pain is gone it's happening it's happening it's happening it's happening what's happening says profit my water is tasted like anointing oil oh my god hey oh jesus christ la jo templar says water is so sweet it tastes like sugars being poured inside now imagine you took your own water yes you put it somewhere you put it in a certain location that's you not us pastor rick was not there we are here in the studio and this is your own house you know there is nobody in that house anywhere and yet sugar is there in you don't think it's just water that changed angels are doing things manipulating systems jesus that means your own houses angels and imagine you wonder every day how can can god send angels can god send you they are doing it right now it is in your house we don't even know these names it's happening right now yes sir it's happening right now i like that guy who said who said bubbles went to the glass and saw bubbles it was bubbling bubbles tested it like glucose how can it be like glucose how how did it turn into glucose who turned it into glucose for what reason resonance telecosca diaz is also on facebook right now says ignacious hov says i'm healed of my eye which was painful the pain has gone because of the water wow yes sir and remember we opened your eyes and now they are being healed i speak right now and the bible says and i looked and i saw and i began to look and i saw and i continued looking and i saw things were changing as they look so sometimes you need to keep testing hey this is zoom church on the zoom chat joseph and kasima says my wife and i water has just turned and smells like alcohol whoa right now just imagine imagine this is like what this is like wine just imagine the issue of wine you you have wine yes in your place you think jesus miracle is so difficult no say and this is all one after another this is pranuti on the same zoom chat from finland my water tastes like apple soda i have no idea what that is but but just imagine joseph and kasima is excited says i don't know what's happening but this water is now tasted metallic and tingly i don't know how to describe it but it's nice and it doesn't taste like water anymore how can something be metallic and nice nice you they are being they are testing new different types look at nandu there they are tasting different types of lis these are flavors of heaven says when they were in the desert they ate the food of angels jesus jesus imagine angels eat this and god texts them and says here it is for you for your family oh lord ah yeah yeah yeah yeah every nutrient we've been there i speak to somebody under the influence of my voice this god we save yes is doing wonders for you now every miracle you so desire amen by reason of this token margaret by reason of this token i speak now by the authority of the spirit by reason of this token yes sir it is done now in the name of jesus miracles are taking place now in the name of jesus this is atom gram bridget 1993 says her water isn't tasting salty salty just imagine now we finished the salt you did salt we did sugar we did oil set we did oil only thing now we are doing wine someone under the influence of my voice yes it is happening right now now if this is happening yes sir what do you think is failing to happen when we decree what we are nothing nothing zero i speak now you will see this you have not seen anything yet you have not seen anything yet the spirit of the lord like a mighty russian wind yes now hear this water is an excellent solvent okay it is able to dissolve other substances yes sir a sovereign is something that acts to weaken on dispel particular attitude or situation in other words in other words it is something that can dissolve your situation [Music] whatever situation you're going through bite the token of this water by water as a token it is dissolved now in the name of jesus it is dissolved now in the name of jesus and this is on it looks like youtube said no it's facebook this yes i'm sorry i got frank i've got here what is tasting salty and the pain in my left leg that i broke i broke my leg three years ago has just gone the pain is just gone right now imagine you know you know you know when you say heroes is a different thing than gone gone means you try to look for it you know you hear it you can say oh yeah i think the pain is i don't have pain anymore and now when you say gone it means i look for it and it's not there you know when you are healed you can say i'm still left with a little bit now this guy's saying he's gone took a hike i decree and declare right this minute every pain will go yes sir this is facebook as well sir cheapo says i'm in zimbabwe my mother's arm was sore but it's now healed glory to jesus wow and somebody's in zimbabwe yes sir and they use it for their mother it is happening i'm telling you something this is also says praise god my shoulder muscle has just been healed after using the water wow yes now here water is high heat capacity it helps but in regulating temperature in the environment water can regulate temperature hallelujah in other words anything that was out of line you don't know why there is an up and down may this water regulate you up and down may you become consistent consistent consistent miracles coming consistently there is nothing right now that stops you we are regulating your temperature in the name of jesus it's happening it's happening it's happening we're about to finish right now you better catch this now we don't have time for all these testimonies there are going to be testimonies and testimonies we'll leave so many people to give testimony we'll leave paso rican and sia will give testimonies and testimonies here something will be happening galoshi taba ricardo claista ascartes yes yes yes yes on facebook it is masimba says glory be to god i am healed from pain in both of my knees after putting water on my knees right now water is responsible for carrying nutrients oxygen to your cells hey hear this by reason of this water yes sir it is used to carry nutrients to your blood cells amen i decree and declare by reason of this water every form of income [Music] may it be carried into your bank account every stream of income every blockage that it was having i pray right this minute and decree and declare that it shall be smooth from now onwards by reason of the water talking malay gosa pray pray pray pray it's happening it's happening right now this is one of the most powerful tokens yes don't miss the miracles in it don't ever miss the miracles in it around the world never miss the miracles in this market juliet mangratinde when you get to the hospital even if they don't know what disease you have you know one thing they will do iv yes they put water in you yes i decree and declare water is a symbol for life by reason of this talking longevity is given to you you shall live long and not die in the name of jesus christ lay saturia you shall live long and not die you shall live long and not die you shall live long and not die my great again in jesus mighty name when you are sick they will tell you even if you have a stomach upset they can tell you drink water if you take poison drink water because it is the ability to flush bacteria ability to flush the poison in the name of jesus every poisonous stuff that somebody is aiming at giving you whether spiritually by licous attack or naturally we flush it out by reason of this talking now in the name of jesus by reason of this talking it is fleshed out in the name of jesus by reason of this token flush it out round now flush it down right now manga parka proctegiramando siapa le caramongreta malogete le mongre le mangra in jesus mighty name water helps in digestion if there is an issue that was so difficult for you to go through no listen there are other issues and other things that we pray for them to disappear but if this one cannot disappear remember it is not what you go through it is what you are in well is going through if i'm going through that wall and there is no protective measure that i've put in place guess what it'll be bloodiness but if i'm in a bulldozer and i go through a wall the world will be the one to be sorry not me so i decree and declare right now by reason of the water talking i speak any issue you're going through any story you're being involved in in the name of jesus you shall be able to conquer you shall be able to go through mark right now some people are taking this declaration to be just declarations there is a big difference when a prophet speaks it's different it's different it's different that's the difference between pastor teacher and all that there's a big difference in what i'm saying you see you understand that that that a priest was the one to support david's son the first born was supposed to be king yes but solomon and his mother they went to a prophet yes and yet zadok was busy anointing the first son of the man who was supposed to be king but because he went to a priest and this one went to a prophet and god said the one who went to a prophet will be king i decree and declare in the name of jesus some of these declarations they are changing your best life if you were the last born in your family it doesn't matter you might have been the second boy it doesn't matter you today by reason of this token i give you a new bet right testimony here on zoom sir prophet s charity says that she poured water on her hand and suddenly a flame of fire dropped on her hand fire no no see right now it's like it's like some story i'm telling it's like some story and it's happening so listen to this anushka valentine sir says it started raining when prophet touched the water the first time and now it's raining even harder give jesus a begin wherever you are now you see he said there is a certain move that is happening i told you when we do the token of water we'll do a lot of just supernatural happenings things that are are ridiculous this this is not this is not miracle miracle this is a ridiculous miracle ridiculous sense it's ridiculous it's like it's like why it's like what's the purpose of doing this are you just trying to show off yeah yes we're showing off with our god and god will show off and show up in your life in the name of jesus and for some of you show up and show off yes david's angel says before the service my eye was so painful and tears were coming out but i'm now fully healed wow there it is it's happening it's happening wow listen by the fire of the holy ghost by a token that the lord instructed me to put here i decree and declare fluidity prophet this is another bubbles one moses cause that bubbles in my glass of water right now is making it look like sprite soft drink let repeat that because they are not hearing this before says bubbles in my glass of water right now look making the water look like sprite soft drink just imagine did we touch it no why is it there you keep thinking it you keep thinking wow oh what's what is even happening listen those who are of faith they know what it means they are not looking for a reason hear this hear this hear this water normalizes blood pressure if water normalizes blood pressure here's what the bible says he says be careful for nothing you shall never be anxious for anything in the name of jesus you shall not worry about anything in the name of jesus there is no blood pressure coming to you because of any issue in the mighty name of jesus christ we are about to finish we are about to finish maybe two more declarations then we are done for lying says i kept on drinking the water because it wasn't tasting normal so i kept tasting it and drinking it and drinking it and all of a sudden the water had gone and i hadn't even realized because it was tasting not like water so they finished the whole glass yes sir because it was tasting not like water so they kept drinking drinking drinking and then it was gone and all of you are giving this testimonies we want to see we want to see your faces when i say everything that's good this is this is on facebook purity angel purity is the username says i'm in uk uh i'm in london in the uk and i can see fish in my water this is not a joke my eyes are open oh now hear this does it sound like normal it's not no i told you what we're going to do with this water is going to be very very irrational it looks like mentally you're mentally disturbed oh jesus it is going to be like oh jesus they're getting crazy this is thunder ramiel and and mary who's on zoom church and then zoom chat says they keep drinking their water and it's refusing to finish whoa there it is ah wha what can we do they're saying it's coming at exactly the same level sir the level's not going they put some uh some emerge for laughing yeah like they're laughing like how is it happening that water doesn't get finished the bible tells uh talks about it that the oil did not finish now here's water not finishing and you're sitting with us here you're wondering what's happening why are we doing these things and we tell you what what is that is that on youtube zoom church okay now just imagine these people are there they're right there you can actually go there and click and say where are you what's happening on your own you can do this it's important when you hear youtube you can actually go there on youtube and say this how are you doing how do you feel uh very shocking because we didn't they the glass keep leveling up both our glasses these are the guys yes just imagine they keep leveling up the same level like we drank differently but they keep leveling i think so otherwise i don't know maybe do we see the same thing as our screen [Music] neanderthals but now [Applause] somebody i can't believe it that's a very good thing when you can't believe after healing yes not before healing after hallucination can't believe it but before elixir i can't believe this i decree and declare this i could see someone is jumping up and down on the screen i'm like something is definitely happening here so i looked on the screen and she's going like this like please call me please call me do something call me oh my god yes some people are saying me me there is any saying me or who is saying me here it's like oh i will decree and declare to anish let it happen he just imagined the power of god it's happening love you so much thank you love you so much love you so much may god bless you and increase you you are seeing what do you think of what is happening now this is amazing my waters taste sweet and then after some time i taste it like soda water it tastes like soda water sweet it's sweet to soda just imagine one glass can be different flavors of drinks one glass i decree and declare now by the authority of the experience it is happening right this minute you people you think this is some joke we do no no real we are not human christianity is not a joke it's not a small thing you think it's small when we say we are christians you think we are just saying some people who believe in something no we have jesus with us it's happening it's happening it's happening it's happening people are excited we can actually see a lot of people excited yeah thank you so much anish thank you so much thank you so much love you so much happy birthday thank you so much you just reminded me tomorrow is my birthday thank you so much anushka's got a hand up i don't know if that's for testimonial if you ever end up just say i want to my hand up that right because we might have a problem anus how do you feel i know with what is happening right now what is happening right now anuska was just right there in the corner something is happening i speak right now in the name of jesus malushi khalid my new skills yes hello talk to you hello hello my dad how are you we are doing very very well how are you doing i'm excited it is raining it is pouring on my head i just opened the window wherever you are in the sky something big is taking place hallelujah showers of blessings over your life showers of blessings what what country are you in what country are you i'm originally from south africa but i'm in scotland in scotland i like scotland i decree and declare right now in the name of jesus may the power of the almighty be with you right this minute right this minute now watch this i want to show you something i want to show you something water itself pro protects organs and tissues i speak now everything that was failing to move right yes i speak right this minute any body deformity yes it is fixed right now it is fixed right this minute it is fixed right now in the name of jesus things are taking place now things are taking place right now man grote gala angra garcatella fundis pray pray pray pray pray thank you father jesus blood pressure dizziness confusion if there is ever a confusion in your life if there is confusion in your life i decree and declare martial tabel i decree and declare in the name of jesus that confusion is ending now it's ending now anything that was not working in your life it's happening right this minute mark alocia ratolegrato increase in anything that you already have now ingress the one you did not have made come right this minute it's happening you see see just imagine the power i pray for ray henry lately i pray for your your belly in the name of jesus amen your stomach in the name of jesus i pray right this minute pastor by by the authority of the spirit let healing come now in the name of jesus put that water right now there's pain right there it is happening right now in the name of jesus it's happening right now in the name of jesus it's happening right now in the name of jesus christ we are not seeing it in this on the screen right my logic no he doesn't need to unmute he needs to be on the screen that's it maloshita bretta klitomano it's now in the name of jesus yes in jesus mighty name we pray amen if your finances were not in the right place for henry something is happening financially oh he muted himself or you meet him he unmuted what yes we can hear you now yes um i had an incident recently of blood uh oozing out of my penis and um i was looking at your picture and prophetess during the night um just a clot came out and all blood whoa and then um that night i could not urinate i called my urologist and they told me to drink lots of fluid but long and short of it is that i did an ultrasound and there is a lump in my right kidney i go sometime this week to do the ct scan but um i want to say thanks to alessia and thanks to pastor bevan we prayed together yes spoke in tongues and i know that i am healed amen just imagine you are there i want you to stand up again stand up touch that that that place just imagine he says he was looking at the picture and the clot came out just imagine this is a clot just coming out for look you're looking at the picture this is not a person this is the picture of a person there is power right now coming to you now in the name of jesus sydney we are fixing it right now in the name of jesus i receive every problem that you have right this minute when you even get to that hospital they shall be shocked in the name of jesus in the name of jesus love you so much love you so much love you so much love you too prophet happy birthday thank you so much thank you so much thank you so much every one of you every one of you raise your hands raise your hands raise your hands raise your hands catalyst water can prevent and alleviate headaches every confusion you had every hardship everything you are thinking that is troubling your mind you are losing sleep over i decree and declare it rest now water leads to energy levels increased amen i increase if you feel like you're losing power you're just losing hope i bring hope and inject it with warp by reason of this token in the name of jesus it is happening now in the name of jesus raise your hands right this minute right this minute i speak by the authority of the spirit by the authority of the spirit we are invited by god says come and drink if you are tasty come and drink jesus said this statement he said if you drink this water you'll never be taste again if you drink this water now i want you to drink that water if you drink this water you will never be tested again wherever you are around the world wherever you are around the world wherever you are around the world drink that water that you have right now drink it now just take a sip amen and the bible says you'll never be taste again something that was lacking in your life may it never come to the left position again in the name of jesus right now i want you to do it again thinking of that thing that you lack the most it might be rent it might be something that you always miss it might be something that you say if it becomes consistent in my life i would be able to do exactly what god has sent me to do i speak right now in the name of jesus maluji kirama break tagucia in the name of jesus i speak right now in the name of jesus you are already set you are already set in the name of jesus right now as you raise your hand just i want to see zoom on zoom and everyone else i just want to see zoom already i'm looking at people just so mumbango is there abraham cabe is there flavius gill emmanuel victor douglas blair peter azor louis fortizzo blomi uh kangoote shaniga everybody is palestine romani question q is it's happening everywhere it's happening every year matthew ayodele it's happening everywhere lia jury is happening everett dexter tamuka dean gladys it's happening everywhere in the name of jesus timothy it's happening i'm telling you i'm winnie james patricia are they caroline and esther it's happening everywhere uh okay precious molex munda avumul elijah lawrence body it's happening right now a melee latyanara is a teamwork team of salaam it's happened wisdom thompson it's happening now amen every one of you around the world i can call all your names out everyone on zoom over a thousand of you i decree and declare right this minute by the power of the spirit by the power of the spirit by the power of the spirit change is coming now right now right now right now right now it's coming around it's coming now it's coming now as you're praying begin to pray i'll be talking as you're praying and i want to see zoom only zoom only right now as you're praying and we're getting into this mod i want you to appreciate what god is doing i want you to appreciate what god is doing pray pray pray begin to pray begin to pray everything has already been canceled in the name of jesus you see this is one of the most powerful services that's right that's right if you see the supernatural is happening things that convince you that god can do anything it's happening catherine elsa fearing is there harlem mary marine charion is there it's happening everywhere it's happening everywhere it's happening it's happening it's happening farana brett is happening it's happening it's happening it's happening i decree and declare now you will never lack in your life every source of income stream of income every blockage that was in it is the disengage now man carlos as you are watching me now as you are around the world and you are praying right this minute i want you to understand this was one of the most powerful declarations most powerful service one of them not the best but one of them where angels will come to your house water changed his test amen that's right thank you imagine what the men said i was looking at your photo yes and i had a problem yes and cloth came out came out right there right there he's having a problem i speak now by the spirit by the spirit something is taking place something is taking place and kaelin there i love that couple i love that couple and and i i believe god is in your giving because he has told me that you will be part and parcel of it don't let a blessing person say i'm not part of this no you can be part of it anytime any minute you want i'm seeing chris angel i like the name i decree and declare right this minute something big is happening something henry goodman is there a shock is there a decree in the club prophet luca beatrice is there in the name of cathlecolon angel you see this is a brilliant name too i decree and declare it's happening right now it's happening right now the spirit of the lord like a mighty rushing wind will touch every giver every tither every person who has given their offering right now let miracles that others pronounce and say it and decreed let their miracles be yours in abundance and multiplied over your life may happens come to you multiplied in the name of jesus begin to pray begin to pray begin to pray begin to pray begin to pray begin to pray yes in the mighty name of jesus amen amen come on somebody celebrate wherever you are the miracles here the miracles it's been awesome wow it's been crazy wow this this season of signs and tokens has been phenomenal every single week miracle upon miracle and look at the ones today amen rain starting amen flames coming on water amen wow fish fish [Applause] fish appeared in somebody's glass of water no listen listen listen this is the time this is the season with our man of god his excellency ambassador euban angel this is like none of the time that has ever been experienced in the history of christianity and we get to experience it we are blessed you are blessed wherever you are watching from i'm telling you more testimonies are here see more testimonies are coming in so let's begin hallelujah all right i have a testimony on facebook and this one is saying first before i start i have to say thank you to my man of god for this opportunity like pastor ricky has just been saying it's been an eventful season of science and tokens it's been really crazy so facebook this is colin's ease and he's saying my prophet it just happened i was having pain in my stomach but now it is gone after testing the water after tasting the water the pain in his stomach is gone in the next healing just like that listen to this one albertina on zoom church see ya says my water tastes like river water wow that means she she's tasted river whatever yeah yeah that's good that's good and also we've got here we've got joy says i would not have water ever on an empty stomach but i've just drank the water and i feel like my stomach is full like i've eaten food oh hallelujah the water food hallelujah hallelujah taiwan as well on the same zoom chat before the service i was feeling so tired that my mouth was tasting bitter but after drinking the water the bitterness is gone and i'm better don't doesn't feel tired anymore come on somebody and i've got a testimony on facebook this is from grace yeah hallelujah that one that's the one she said thank you jesus as i drank the water i felt the heat on my chest going down to my bed hallelujah thank you is this this one it's mambo molotegi on facebook there is a light that looks like a star in my water that's what they're saying on facebook right now wow a star looks it's light that looks like a star in their water oh come on somebody come on somebody testimonies are just coming in look at kelly gonzalez she's also seeing fish she says my fish are jumping in the water okay okay okay she's got fish in the water and they're jumping come on somebody amen and i'm on uh youtube right now and let's go is saying i had a stomach pain before this service now pains are gone in the night jesus and there's another one here on looks like facebook opera chioma says had a pain in the side of my throat immediately they put the water there that the pain has gone just like that come on somebody amen and on youtube attila esther saying i don't understand why i felt like i am drunk as i have kept fee i've kept drinking my water that tasted sweet wow miracles are taking place it's phenomenal this is phenomenal there's another one here it's coming and it looks like atom gram right now and it is isaac says i drank my water and after a while i felt salt in my mouth don't know where it came from but it was there it came from your water brother that's where it came from amen and stefan indigo on youtube is saying i rub the water on my chest and the back and the pain disappeared i am healed this is heaven hallelujah another one here naomi pleasant says i'm in iraq and my my water tasted like rain water not normal water rain water wow they're still coming in as well now and this person on youtube and neil you do you want to read the name show me i know you like this name let's see it this one here that's the anil sorohi all right perfect just want to test something my sister got healed of stomach ache she was suffering from the last four days and now it is gone in jesus name four days four days of suffering ended amen all right we'll do we'll do a few more here all right we've got um oh there's another one here on facebook grace says that water is tasting like strawberry flavor come on now amen this is the signs and talking season this is what we are experiencing miracle after miracle i've got a amen of people off on youtube saying my my water tastes sweet essola fernandez is saying my water tastes sweet uh valley is saying my water tastes like honey honey hey there we go cabello's live on facebook says after drinking water my eyes began to itch and i oh no they had itchy eyes and it was healed after drinking the water amen it's happening and pathu matemala if i butcher your name i'm very very sorry my water tastes like grape that's what she's saying congratulations amen and prophet said these are the flavors of heaven that's right i'm telling you is it it's powerful it's a powerful service today of signs and talking and michelle miranda is saying testimony i've been suffering from boils i drank the water and immediately my stomach started hurting and i'm passing gas it is done by the word of the prophet jesus name and this is also on facebook and look at this is one after another one two three four uh bole esther says my tongue tastes so sweet then you've got annam ifika says my water tastes like wine wreath cow this is all one after another comment after coming my water tastes like flavoured water and then you've got bungalow commissary says hallelujah it's happening my water is purified and sweet amen it's powerful see shall we talk to one or two people and then and then we'll go for it let's see people on zoom zoom church you're still here yes good good good who should we talk to i think we need to talk you know if thunder's already spoken otherwise we were going for thunder right there brother obina let's talk to brother bina in dubai how are you doing good pastor ricky yeah tell us about today's service uh it's something else it's amazing it's amazing i don't know how water tastes metallic but it's metallic yours was metallic yes i don't know what kind of taste is that never tasted before metallic tingly it's just yeah but you knew it was metallic now you know what metallic tastes like yes yes what a phenomenon what a phenomenon i'm telling you what a phenomenon and how is things going in spirit embassy dubai oh it's amazing we are preparing for the good news global day this saturday and uh we are getting things ready to go out uh regardless and we're applying things so that we don't you know you know mess things up here but we are going out to speak to people and get more souls into spirit embassy hallelujah you guys are doing a great job thank you so much all right we've got another testimony here that's come from magdalena says my husband just came upstairs and said to you i'm coming with you to church next sunday wow that's the miracle yeah this is somebody i think who was not coming to church and she wanted them to come to church and bomb there it is talking of water amen it's been powerful who else should we talk to sir all right who else should we talk to just wave your hand if we should talk to you maybe people don't actually want us to talk to them yeah you can see all right um even uh yes they had the testimony we couldn't hear them earlier i'll really hear them now yvonne how are you it's not working uh we've had an issue with the van never mind next time next time uh let's go to all right let's go to uh suran siran how are you hello i'm good how are you wonderful did you hear me how was today's service oh my god it was amazing thank you pasta ricky and sia by water tested like glucose so weird and i was wondering when you testified via the comments i was wondering how do you know what glucose tastes like i tested once it's like salt and sugar at the same time okay so weird wow what do you think of today's understanding it was powerful i had the testimony every time we had uh tokens and signs and tokens so i'm expecting something huge this time amen thank you so much all right one more person and then and then we will say goodbye for today who would like to talk look at prince prince is right there let's go for prince he was quick prince maparanga prince will mute yourself so we can hear you sir costa ricky yes how are you finding how are you how are you i'm doing well how are you wow yes tell us about today's service oh awesome and marvelous uh we just said also um a powerful service this morning oh yeah so this evening just talked um it topped everything uh spirit embassy namibia that's what i was gonna ask all right all right and you were there with pastor keith is that right oh yes oh yes oh yes with pastor keith and pastor t praise god praise god all right thank you so much prince thank you so see ya what a service it was an amazing amazing a powerful season of signs and tokens it's been a blessing to even hear the words of the prophet yes speak about deep things and i hope all of you caught exactly what he was saying because i've been writing my notes and even after the service i've been going back and writing some more so i have been blessed as a result of this wonderful and we are back of course next sunday that's right before then we are back on wednesday wednesday evening we are live so make sure you are there we love you so much wherever you're tuning in from we love you so much and thank you zoom church goodbye for now zoom church and listen we are never never out of good news we're just out of time so we'll see you on wednesday evening bye for now it's our man of god's birthday tomorrow man to remind him that it's his own birthday we are busy with the signs the miracles and the wonders and it's our man of god's birthday tomorrow it's the day that the prophet was brought into the world amen our prophet the prophet to christianity was brought into the world it's such a big day it's a big game it's a very big day and you cannot let the day go by without sowing a seed in our man of god's life it's so important because this ministry has been going over for over for 10 years over 15 years and simply the reason why this vision is moving is simply because god gave it to a specific person and that specific person is prophet angel so it's so important that you don't miss this specific time to seed your seed your uh sow your seed in his life in the mighty name of jesus it's so important yes and you can do it it's very easy go to and saw your seed it is as the singer was just saying it is prime time prime time for the ground the fertility of the ground because this is the season that god gave us the prophet all of these miracles signs and wonders that we are witnessing this the depth of the word of god that we are learning from the man of god and it is his birthday tomorrow so listen do what you can do we are all in the studio we are doing what we can do as well to soar into our man of god's life and this ground tomorrow for the birthday so go and you've been and do what you can do if you haven't done already and don't wait do it now now have you done yours done it already oh my god yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh yeah me too do it now do it now do it now do it now do it now we love you so much all right see ya go for it can i prophesy prophesy i'm joking listen guys you guys know me listen you know prophet made us territorial commanders correct all right so any opportunity to speak i would take it all right so you know recently i was made international director for miracle tv good news tv ministry and partnership yes but don't worry about that because because you know when i went to college i got my diploma but that's another story for another day that's another story for another day but listen you see the partnership system is very different now yes you're no longer just partnership in partnership with anything you can actually change your partnership to partnership in a specific department so it's so important important that you choose your department to partnership in and the most important department is the good news networks the reason is without good news networks without miracle tv good news tv you wouldn't be watching us right now it would be physically important so i urge you to be a part of this vehicle that pushes the vision all around the world so it's so important if your partner you can change your partnership to partner with the good news networks and you can go to or and do your partnership change your partnership into a different department join me on this journey to overtaking everyone's department all right so because of you guys we think i thank you so much my department thanks you so much because because of you guys purely because of you guys we are able to go live every sunday to over millions all around the world every single week every single day just by a press of a button and that is simply because of your giving into the good news networks department and i thank you so much from myself and my whole of my department i thank you so much so remember to become a partner with good news networks thank you very much now we can end thank you very much [Music] you
Channel: Uebert Angel
Views: 15,267
Rating: 4.9705448 out of 5
Id: -P3EJwB1Dm0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 50sec (5210 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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