Prophetic Service - with H.E. Ambassador Uebert Angel & Uebert Angel Jr (THE SEER)

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i hear somebody [Applause] all right [Music] watch this i know some of you are wondering where's profit watch this i'm right here [Applause] listen this service is not like any other service it's quite extraordinary because after the prophet's departure there was only one man he could think to take over the sunday after and it was a young boy 17 years old by the name of hubert jr [Applause] so watch this this service is not a service where we will jump around of course we're going to jump around every service but it is a very unique service what i'm going to be speaking about today is very deep and you have to catch it it's not a service where you go home without actually catching something there is so much substance in this service that you can't physically and spiritually afford not to hear the words that are coming out of my lips today watch this i know i'm young in age but i've seen things that people that have been 30 years in ministry have never seen and just like paul said to timothy don't let anyone despise your age so when you see me like this speaking with so much confidence and so much boldness i know what god has put in and placed inside of me watch this i thank my father for this opportunity for this purely by his grace that i stand before you this morning and uh is able to preach a message and really teach a message but before we get into this i want you to begin to raise your hands i want you to pray for the spirit to fill you up wherever you are because like i said today we are here to disrespect distribute the holy spirit and you can't leave this place without catching something you can't leave this place without something being distributed and deposited inside of your spirit so as you begin to pray i want you to pray that the holy spirit fills your spirit up begin to pray that your the holy spirit fills your spirit up begin to break begin to pray begin to pray right [Music] this is is foreign i said are you ready somebody i said are you ready somebody because as for me i'm turned on in my spirits [Applause] for some reason it feels like there's some jealousy watch this [Applause] watch this listen today is a different service like i keep on saying because it really is and i think my man of god prophet angel and my woman of god prophet is beverly angel for this opportunity to speak to you this morning it is simply by grace and without wasting time i will continue in what i want to say all right are you ready somebody what's this all right because of time time is running out already watch this prophet angel is here every sunday sunday in and sunday out the only time prophet angel is not in london branch is if he's gone to a different country but i want to tell you something so so peculiar that the prophet angel that you see every sunday is not the prophet angel i personally know the prophet angel that i know is very different and today i guess you can say i'm exposing him [Applause] you've not seen prophet angel like i've seen prophet angel and watch this when i say this it's not to this any pasta here but nobody no pasta here no elder here no evangelist here can tell you what i've seen watch this whether you like it or not for the simple fact i'm a biological son of the prophet i've moved with him and i've been with him in times where you've not been with him that's the reason and there's one specific reason i want you to watch this are you hearing me somebody this one day in manchester ashton underlined a small town and i'm around the age of seven i believe and those times their prophet of course wasn't as big as he is now spiritually and to the world so i used to be able to follow him anytime i just wanted to be like the man this is my father and one thing about him is i knew he was special so anything he would do i would do what's this anything the man of god would do i would also do so when he would always he would always talk about angels i would be so fascinated because he was the only one besides my mother that would see angels i couldn't see those angels there were specific things that he talked about when he prayed i would also pray but whenever he prayed this at the age of seven whenever he prayed he used to pray for seven hours and he even talked about it here he spoke about it he would pray for seven hours and because i was young at the time i could never do to the extent he would do and sometimes i would actually just leave the room sometimes i would fall asleep then in the room ways praying at i didn't want to be left out if he was praying i would be praying i couldn't do to the extent he would do but i would try but watch this he would always talk about an angel of the lord an angel of the lord is with me i'm speaking to the angel of the lord to the point where guests in our own house at that time in ashton underline you would come wait to see prophet be downstairs hear prophet's voice and think he was on the phone you would think this man loves the phone so much but yet he was speaking to an angel of the lord and watch this watch this take your seats take your seats because now you're beginning to cram my style maybe it's the suit i'm wearing today [Music] watch this seems like there's some jealousy in this front row watch this watch this watch this watch this i want you to listen to what i'm saying watch this i only have a few minutes watch this so i'm at the age of seven and this specific day he gets into this well it's not necessarily a prayer room but it's a place where he would also every time he would pray right next to the living room he enters this place and that son in me i followed him followed pursuit and copied exactly what he did and he prayed seven hours of course i didn't you know get to the extent of seven hours not even an hour because it's getting dark and i need to go to sleep it was getting dark and the only thing coming was the natural light from the window so i fall asleep and i was awoke but my father's is like my father's body on top of my face like his whole chest covering my face that's how i woke up and i'm walking up and i'm wondering what's happening and my father is silent for a minute or so silence filled the room he did not say a thing the only thing i'm seeing is his chest i cannot see what's behind him and watch this he says to me slowly and very peacefully he says to me i always talk about you said remember i always talk about an angel of the lord he is behind me now he said i'm going to move but you must not fear when i move and so you can see this angel watch this i was too young to fear at those those times you could bring any type of lion you know seven year olds just do nonsense right you can bring a dog to a child and they start pitching the dog yet you are scared of the dog yourself so i was too young to fear anything and as i saw this it's like a man covered in light it was the biggest men i'd ever seen and it was like liquid light just filled the room and it was i just it's undescribable i can't describe it but i just felt in awe of what i was seeing watch this and that was at the age of seven years old and ever since that ever since that day every single year my father and mother made a vow to always tell me that story so i will never forget it so i can't forget it but this is a man that has walked in the spirit that is constantly in the spirit watch this one thing that will surprise you is prophet is more of a prophet outside of church but you don't see it i have personally seen it he opened my eyes to see what was there i'd never seen an angel but he opened my eyes to see the light and today i prophesy that you also see listen i said i prophesied that you also see that light in jesus name are you hearing me somebody i feel some jealousy sit down you're cramping my style again watch this listen elijah watch this watch this hear me now elisha is with gaza and gaza is thinking they are under attack and it took elisha to open the eyes of gerhazy so that he could see that we were not under attack watch this it took prophet angel to open the eyes of uber jr to see that they were angels oh sir i don't know if you're feeling watch this so the problem is people walk with prophet for two minutes listen you can be with prophet for two minutes and if you've not seen miracles it's not that the power is not there it's because he doesn't want you to see there are people that walk in the spirit then there are people that control the spirit people that are the spirit and i tell you now prophet angel is a spirit [Applause] sit down you're grumpy master again listen it took him to open the eyes and remove the eyes of my flesh to see what was always surrounding me that there were angels already around me so you can move with prophet angel and trust me just because he doesn't tell your name doesn't mean he doesn't know it listen this flair conference we just had the one back with viveka a fox some of you are there i'm with prophet that time prophet was there the whole service just behind the scenes he wanted to be there i know he did listen one lady watch this we're walking and before the service starts he says give me your phone she literally says no she was scared of what he could see inside the phone he didn't need any password he told her exactly at that moment what was in the phone the contact in the phone was this so just because you see prophet angel as a normal man and you see prophet angel can shake your hand it doesn't mean that he's a normal man it doesn't mean that he's your friend he sees everything trust me listen that lady she's even in that role i'm joking don't worry what's this just because prophet angel grabs your hand hugs you it doesn't mean he's your friend you think just because he didn't address you doesn't know what's going he knows what is going on he knows it they are men of god that control the spiritual realm what's this i was with brother christian right there and pastor femi pastor family i think he's at the back look look just look at pastor femi there waving your hand wave your hand i was with pastor femi brother christian right there and pastor bevin we are outside watch this that night in fact the service that night before prophet said to everyone watching live you will see angels that's right he said you will see angels right watch the next day we had barbecue everyone was eating there except me because i only eat the word i'm doing i hate to partake watch this brother christian you can come here watch this we are there barbecue with prophet right surrounded is like chairs all here and there's fire right and he tells us as we are there sitting there you're going to see angels he tells us begins to explain that there are men that control the spiritual realm that i can open your eyes even for two minutes and you can see angels this is why prophet can impart on a son today that son leaves and after that service the son no longer says ever again why because prophet angel is able to control the spiritual realm the certain dimensions that you enter into so watch this i'm with brother christian we're hearing prophets say this a few minutes later we are walking away pastor bevin brother christian pastor femi at the back myself we're walking away we are outside of the main house and immediately we see a big sharp light that's right go into the garden watch this we get the two angels right there one day one day physical angels after a word released after the man of god thank you thank you you can sit down watch this he has reached a spiritual dimension where he can control the natural are you hearing what i'm saying are you hear somebody it's so it's so powerful it's so deep how is it possible i with prophet in zimbabwe and prophet always used to love hunting and there were certain occasions where he would not catch any bed nothing at all and of course he wanted to prove something because sometimes bb angel was there [Applause] also me as his son i want to see my father just shoot something quickly and he's failing to shoot a bed so what does he do evangelist is there all the protocols guys are there they decide we're going to put snares on the ground watch this this is around 2011. i'm very young at this point but these are moments i can never forget he begins to put snares on the ground so that when the birds descend onto the snares in the commotion one can get trapped and we can have a bed not to eat just for fun all right so as we're doing that we try to do it and profit will do it every time running for beds prophet angel [Applause] and no bed would get caught this is really exposing not one bird would get caught why and prophet angel said this why because the birds had learned to switch from a natural law to a spiritual realm i i i feel i feel like i'm just by myself right here listen they had learned how to switch from a natural law to a spiritual realm this why prophet angel that same sunday was in zimbabwe branch right there harare branch and yet people in london here are seeing him preaching here why because he had reached a different level a spiritual level where he could be in two places at once i feel like i'm just by myself right here i might hear somebody how he had reached a spiritual level this is a man that controls the spirit these are beds they had reached a level where they switched from a natural realm to a spiritual realm so this service you are also speak i said you are also switching to a spiritual realm are you hear somebody how is it possible he's in zimbabwe yet people in london are seeing him there are people that control the spiritual realm there are certain occasions that i can't even tell you with my father that have happened that i could never say prophet angel is in congo eldawashi is there and i remember elder why she called me directly before that is calling me watch this he is the one that keeps the key to prophet angel's room so when you know the hotel that was staying him just rob him all right watch this he carries the keys for prophet angel he might attack back though but so he gets to the room of prophet angel's door puts the key inside and prophet angel with him walks inside and elder washing if you know otherwise he's not making any move he's standing right there so he decides i'm standing outside of the door for some hours and then i'll go to what my own room a few minutes later keep in mind i'm on the phone with eldowashi at this point because i need to know that everything what is happening a few minutes later a few moments later prophet angel who has just walked in the room is coming out of an elevator i don't know if i'm here i don't know maybe this side maybe this side listen there are men of god that control the spiritual realm are you here somebody that take control of the spiritual realm prophet angel has held it and is an owner of the spiritual residence trust me he's a prophet outside of church more than inside of church some of you sit down don't worry some of you saw the video it doesn't even show the full extent this one is even a small thing with my exam results anybody can be told they're going to pass anybody can tell i can tell 5 000 people here and maybe four thousand five hundred out of the four five thousand will pass but everyone will see it as a sharp prophecy anyways but on my exam day nobody had the exams we didn't have the exams they did not send the exam results yet to nobody yet he told me the exact results description after description listen watch this not just that the way the exam was written he wrote it on the paper as well the columns where it said distinction he wrote it exactly the exact way as well watch this there is much deeper than that that you don't see but we can't talk about that there's deeper things even for me to come on the stage to tell you about these deep things it's very hard for me it's not easy but there are deep things that prophet angel has shown me so when you see don't just see an ordinary man these are men being used by god [Music] watch this and because of what he's shown me i know who god is inside of me this is why it doesn't matter if anyone says anything about my age you will see i will begin to prophesy and do what [Applause] listen it doesn't matter what you say or what you do i know who i am in christ simply because of prophet angel's teachings to me personally to me to sit me down and show me sun this is how the word is written deep things that i can never say i can never explain it's too deep it's it's it's so deep the things that i can't i can't even say if i tell you prophet angel i saw him walk in a war you won't believe it but it's true listen in this church you have never seen prophet angel walk through a world but i have because prophet angel is more of a prophet outside of church this man's residence is in the spiritual realm he stays in the spiritual realm are you hearing me watch this go to daniel 7 verse 1 quickly because of time are you hearing in the first year read it all together let's go three two one in the first year watch this just in case you don't know that word vision is hazard are you watching this huzzah go to daniel 8 verse 1 quickly because of time are you there in the thirty of the reign of the king the shazam i want you to go to daniel 9 verse one go again i don't know if it's earnest at the back today in the first year of darius the son of acharyas the seed of mercedes which was made king over the realm of the character watch this i want you to watch this i want you to watch this are you hearing me okay watch this now go to daniel 10 verse 7 quickly because of time quickly because of time i don't have any time i was told it's a prophetic service last week so i have to do what i need to do and i daniel alone saw the vision and i daniel alone saw the vision now watch this when he says vision he is no longer talking about hazard this is called talking about mara i hear what i'm saying hazard deals with senses it is when you now actually are expecting to see something just the same way when you get to the door of your house and you are expecting to see demons you always think there's something does someone have keys keys quickly because of time which guy is this don't worry i'm joking some of you get to the house late at night [Applause] you have torch you think someone is coming to your house the same way you are so expecting watch this for me to tell you prophet angel i saw him walk through a wall you can't believe it but if i tell you i saw a demon you believe it all of you will believe it the same way you are expecting for that is the same way hazard is an expectant type of level you must expect angels to come when you go to sleep i'm seeing angels right now angels surround me but watch this in daniel chapter 10 verse 7 when he's talking about mara he's talking about a physical kind of level i don't know if you're hearing what i'm saying where you can see an angel and you can actually bump into an angel are you hearing me somebody watch this so you envision it's like you can have a dream about you in a bank getting money and when you wake up you're not in the bank but the millions [Applause] what's this you can have a dream you are driving mercedes bentley museum ferrari f8 and when you wake up you are not at the showroom but when you look into your kitten ferrari is that's a marat type of level and prophet angel controls that mara type of level so this evening this morning wherever you're watching from i pray that you enter into the same realms i feel like i'm just by myself right here i'mma hear somebody those are different realms prophet angel has entered into we have seen it there are people that control this thing great ministers of the word that control this thing how is it possible that prophet angel can say come walk through this shadow and people are healed sense of smell is healed better hearing is healed just by a shadow the same way in the bible where the people would go to peter just to catch his shadow [Applause] am i here somebody that same grace upon my father prophet angel is working upon me this morning [Applause] prophet angel controls a marrow level he controls that dimension and one thing's scary or exciting whichever way you want to describe it is prophet angel is no longer in a dimension he is the dimension himself [Music] there are things that we can't talk about it's too is too it's too sensitive to even talk about it's too sensitive to talk about prophet angel is more of a prophet outside of church than inside of church don't think just because prophet angel can pass you like this and you have your problem it doesn't mean he doesn't see your problem he knows it and it's already done those are people that control a mara level but it's it's a gradual thing you can't just get into that type of dimension you can never just be a dimension prophet angel is the leader of this dispensation and this is not something to just joke about this is not something that started it yesterday this is something that has been happening his whole life his whole life with prophetess beverly angel his whole life just them too just them too they had a vision and they followed it people spoke but they did not hear what they said they knew the vision and they followed through and so much deep things have happened along the way it's so powerful i always talk about how the doctor said about your son and the reason why i talk about it it may not be deep for you but it's deep for me so sensitive because just imagine if the prophet and the prophet has decided to abort me because of what the doctor said right now what i'm telling you right now would have never been said but watch this prophet prayed and he knew who he was in the father he knew the power that god had installed inside of him and that whatever he declared with his mouth then surely it would be so listen this ministry started in the year 2007. yet he prayed for my birth in 2003. it just shows you it's just to show you that this prophet that you're seeing didn't just start two years ago it didn't just start five years ago his whole life he has been a prophet listen i'm at the age of 17 years old but i've seen more than people that have had 70 years of life 30 years in the ministry 50 years in the ministry i've seen more and i've experienced things that i cannot describe with my own mouth if time would permit i would speak but we have a time limit today but if time would permit i would speak about the certain things that i can't even just tell anybody my own siblings i can't even tell some people it's the first time they've heard me speak about these stories because it's so crazy these experiences rather it's so powerful and so profound and above all things i'm thankful to prophet angel [Applause] because without him there is no me you have to know that it's not about the stage it's not about the age it's about the stage i've seen prophet angel in action listen millionaires footballers would come to the house say to prophet angel's fake say he's fake to his face i'll be right with him they'll say it's impossible for to do what you're saying you can do impossible i'm talking about real millionaires if i begin to say the companies they own you'll be so shocked some of the clothing you're wearing they own it and you don't know about it these are the type of millionaires that have come i'm not talking about 20 years ago i'm talking about in the last five years in the last three years in the last two years with everything that prophet angel has done they still deny it it only takes one word to say who is this and they immediately are so in awe we were here i'll speak about it i know he doesn't want me to speak about it i'll speak about it some of you maybe don't remember there was an expected judge here that came here she didn't she didn't believe in this thing it's only that time prophet angel began to speak deep things deep things began to prophesy into her life by the spirit of god and she was so shocked she later then came to the house prophet angel prophesied to her again prophetess prophesied to her then he called me to prophesy to her and watch this at the end of all that she was asking for impartation listen this is no word of a lie she asked she asked prophetess i also want to prophesy trust me there's no word of a lie she could be watching right now she knows but just imagine so deep listen the things that were said to her the things that were said to her if you hear the things that you were saying a normal person would run away to say stop prophesying but she could understand she had a grasp at it and i understood it and i want that same gift in him i want that same functioning in him and this thing is not a thing where you can get it today what prophet angel has i won't lie to you but it can be a gradual thing and i prophesy that it shall happen to you in the name of jesus i said i prophesy that the same ancient upon my man of god prophet angel lay upon you in the name of jesus wherever you are i pray that it touches you in the name of jesus and i pray that you can be a partaker and a witness of the same experience as prophet angel has experienced in jesus name amen [Applause] [Music] i've seen the grace of god at work i've seen it with my own eyes at work so there's nobody that can physically convince me anything about being fake or anything i've physically seen it for my own life for my own life i'm his son but the same words he speaks i apply them to my life i apply them to my life i've walked with my dad for a long time a long time and when these experiences began to happen that's when i realized this man is special and he is more than a father to me he is my personal man of god and this is why you can see me i will kneel down i will honor my father so mightily yet i'm his son if i don't nothing happens to me prophet moving around he never told me to to follow him it was in south africa at prophet boshiri's church that i decided if this man can follow i'm the onsen i should be also following that was the way it all happened until this day it will never change it doesn't matter how much money i accumulate doesn't matter how much money i can have today i know that this is my man of god [Applause] there's so much wisdom in him and it's so powerful to see him work i'm so privileged to be his son [Applause] it's really a blessing i've walked with him i've seen things that no one else has seen experience things that no one else has experienced simply by being with him simply by walking with the prophet simply by walking with him if you stand with prophet angel if you get the chance to speak to prophet angel for even two minutes and you don't experience anything it's because he doesn't want you to experience it like i just said with elijah and gehazer gaza could always elijah could always open the eyes of gaza but he chose not to until it was necessary so it's not that it wasn't necessary all this time and since a young age it was this was a certain time that it became necessary that you could say i'm opening your eyes now and my eyes were surely open that's how the prophetic works is how the prophet works he's a world surgeon you can sit down don't worry are you here somebody don't worry we're prophesying in a few minutes [Applause] i only have a few minutes today i have another contract to sign i'm joking but it's so it's so it's such a precious thing to see the men of god move it's so precious how is it in this church in london branch people cannot walk they cannot walk and just by a laying of hands they are running there was that guy in the back there and instantly not two minutes later not a minute later but instantly his body was made whole listen in these end times we can't play with something so precious it's so important that we get to a level where we recognize who our man of god is it's physically impossible for you to seem to the extent i exceed him it will never happen for that simple reason it's impossible i've moved with him you have to know that prophet angel can do anything today he won't but if he kills someone even in this church even a leader here i will clean the knife but seriously it's not a thing where i have to protect it i i know what it's done in my life i've seen it it's not necessarily to protect the man but the man of god that this man has to speak what what he he deposited inside of me he needs to express to someone else so they can also feel the same way i feel not the same way as feel believe the same way i believe whatever he says i take his words as scripture the time where i found out i was preaching in london branch was yesterday literally yesterday listen i did not complain once why because i know this is my mission listen this is my mission it's not a thing where i have to complain it's an honor to preach and minister in his absence and anyways he's not going he's right here all right but watch this as i close this segment off the service today is a short service not two minutes no extra two minutes as i close this part of the service this segment rather we're gonna get into the prophetic just now because the prophet last to be coined this service as a prophetic service watch this and it even went to the extent to say that no one will be found preaching on the pulpit but it's grace watch this before we get into this segment i want you to just trust god for a miracle and a blessing to happen in your life because surely something is being deposited into your spirit it's so critical that you receive what is coming to you this service as we move around is so critical know that this is not any ordinary but this is the service where you are filled up with the holy spirit [Music] so when we begin to move around pray that the holy spirit can be filled up inside of you on the inside of you that the holy spirit can be filled can be made manifest it's so deep it's so deep because like i say i'm operating under the action of my father but today it's like no other so when you see me don't make a mistake of despising my youth when you make the mistake you're doing it for yourself you're the only one that gets gets hindered in the whole scenario as for me i know what god has placed inside of me [Applause] and i know what the prophet has put on the inside of me and truthfully don't worry sit down i'm still talking now i still want to talk who knows when i'll be given this opportunity again [Music] what's this [Applause] we're going to get into the prophetic segment just now just now just now but you really have to get to a point where you hear me when i say prophet angel has impacted my life truly impacted my life and being a son i know some people will say ah you will say that yes i will it's even deeper because i have seen those things and watch this you can witness it yourself if only you can open your spiritual eyes and leave the eyes of your flesh behind i'm at a point where i use my spiritual eyes only and prophet angel is not a person that switches from the natural realm to a spiritual realm he is a person a spirit that operates only in the spiritual realm this is exactly why we can be watching a football game with profit and a football game seems cano to be watching a football game yet you're a prophet but yet he will tell you the exact results and tell you who's going to score why because he's never left the spiritual realm he operates in the spiritual realm when you see him move talk speak he's speaking in a position of authority in the spiritual realm and that's a different dimension it's a dimension that you cannot play with you have to be sensitive to the things of the spirit and truly i am thankful to my man of god prophet angel now i will actually close on this what i've told you today is not even a glimpse into what actually happens at my own home when you are not there when it's just him and i in a room together in prayer doing whatever we're doing we can even be watching a film to that extent and things begin begin to occur things begin to change but some of those things i can never tell you because i've not been permitted to tell you i have to get permission first to say those things what i'm saying to you what i said to you about the story of the experience i had with that angel is a very deep experience that i had that's one that i didn't even ask him to say i just had to say it but i thank him watch this that he exposed me to the lord at such an early age and now i cannot depart from him i thank him that he also exposed me to the power of the lord at such an early age now no one can convince me of anything and that same power that i saw installed in him since that day my biggest desire was just to have that same was to have the same heart that he has for god installed in me so prophet angel has imparted over me since the day i was born he did just the same way the great prophet william branham did for his child prophet angel did for me and before watch this before the service prophet angel imparted a special gift upon my life deeper than any gift so this service i will do my best to manifest manifest what he is installed in me just before this service but i thank my man of god for this opportunity i promise you that i would never see it coming i never imagined and even though i saw my man of god do all these crazy ex crazy exploits in front of my own eyes there was a time where i departed off my course and a lot of you guys know about it i spoke about it a lot of times how i was expelled from school not expelled from school for some nonsense i was trying to don't worry [Music] [Applause] better watch this for him to take me from that time where all people lost faith in me there was no one that believed in me at that time he was the only person that believed in me and knew in my ability the first thing after that he put me in a room put his messages on put pastor chris's messages on it was not a punishment he was just installing something in me and i truly i truly thank him for taking a chance on me because it was really not a good place where i was going and i thank him that he he was part of what you see right now all right if it wasn't for those experiences if it wasn't for those experiences there would be no seer and that is purely by god's power that is purely a miracle a pure genuine miracle from god and that wouldn't have been possible if god didn't do it through his prophet who was prophet angel so so when we prophesy today we prophesy knowing what got me here how it was possible for me to be here are you hearing me somebody so without further ado i would do what my father sent me to do all right so just like i told you guys before i told you a story of an asha here he's white and the only man in the usher department not him not every white man so just look for a white hashem that's him we're going downstairs and we're getting to the kai and he asked me this was prophet when he first went to zimbabwe he asked me where is prophet when is he coming back and i tended him and i said i'm here watch this watch this and no word of a lie i then followed the statement by saying when you have seen me you have seen the father so when you see me you are not seeing necessarily the son of prophet angel you are seeing the product in everything of prophet angel in one man [Applause] because being a son of prophet and prophetess beverly angel they would deposit everything they have in me so that i can be greater than them so when you see me moving i'm walking under the ancient of my father but also the anointing that god has anointed me with so can i prophesy [Applause] are you here somebody watch this i just need pastors of honor to sing fill me up and as we move around i want you to all be on your feet we're going to prophesy we're just going to be here for a few minutes so it's so important that whatever we prophesy you take it for yourself receive it for yourself don't wait for anybody else receive it for yourself so let's begin fill me fill me [Music] so you feel me [Music] so you feel me [Music] [Applause] oh fill me fill me [Music] [Music] we [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] don't fill me fill me [Music] oh [Applause] fill me me [Music] tell me [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] i wanna run fill me [Music] oh [Music] you feel me [Applause] me [Music] [Music] me [Applause] [Music] kill me [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Applause] [Music] me me [Music] [Applause] me [Music] feel me [Music] feel me please [Music] [Music] somebody are you here watch this can i prophesy i said can i prophesy maybe i should be in manchester branch or something [Music] watch this today i want to do spiritual gymnastics [Music] simply because it's what my father told me to do we don't want to do just prophecy for fun these days we want to get to the actual issue are you hearing what i'm saying so watch this i hear me can i prophesy as i was moving around the spirit of the lord was leading me around and wherever you are receive it for yourself receive that word for yourself watch this brother come here quickly justin there in the realm of the spirit under the action of my father prophet angel can i prophesy prophesy [Applause] this is how i saw it it's like i saw the troubles of the enemy surrounding you yes that's true because it was just like gaza in the bible the enemies were surrounding you and you feel as if there's no way out prophesied and i even saw you at your bedside praying for god to just change something i've been doing that but god is saying because of this service just like a hazard just like jehazai your eyes are opening into a different round thank you i receive i receive sia1 aka the new prophet watch this can i prophesy because this is how i saw it even you receive what i'm saying to him are you hearing me receive exactly what i'm saying to him coming what's this this is how i saw it can i prophesy prophesy listen i only have a few minutes this is how i saw it watch this it's like the lord said we need to pray for your life even your family's life because it's like the same thing with her the enemy has been targeting your family members even with the issue of death the enemy has been targeting your father your family members even your father watch this because i went to the year 2017 watch this and i moved from the year 2017 and i went to 2015 and then i stood in a year just move one go back one it's like i went back one step and i stood in 2014. that's true that's what my father died that's when your father died because watch this it was like i saw a coffin with his name on it it's true it's true that's how i saw it a coffin and it's the same thing with this lady here the enemy has targeted your family members with death death is what i'm saying true yes where is your father right now my father died and your mother my mother's dead all right what's this this is why we need to cancel the spirit of death upon your family listen i said as i prophesy receive it for yourself you don't seem happy you don't seem excited you're excited all right watch this watch this because the enemy had targeted your family even with the issue of death even with her and now from death the enemy is trying to target you yourself watch this are you hearing what i'm saying because this can i do what i was born to do can i really prophesy listen i feel like i'm just by myself right here listen this is how i saw it in the spiritual realm i saw the enemy targeting you and this is how i saw him targeting you because put your hands behind your back just do like this do it like this this is like i saw you being arrested it's true watch this and what you are being accused of whether it's true or whether it's not i won't say it's robbery i hear what i'm saying it's true that's what they're accusing you of it's true are you hearing what i'm saying it's true watch this and this is what the spirit of the lord revealed to me are you hearing me i'm hearing are you hearing it i didn't even watch this i'm hearing you god reveals in order to redeem so hear me closely hear me closely i'm hearing you thank you i saw you in cough in cuffs are you hearing in handcuffs i'm hearing and they want this court case to happen next year but they even contacted you to move it forward they want to move it before this year ends they want this court case to happen yes i got told the week before last week a week before last week all right let's go can i prophesy prophet a second professor but watch this using the eyes of the spirit i saw those handcuffs breaking in [Applause] can i prophesy proper time watch this because you brought your problem to the solution ground because i'm a son of prophet angel under the action of his grace they will not take you to jail watch this thank you thank you bro i will i will not fear everyone listen they caught case they will say we don't know what happened this evidence that we we thought was there come on [Music] listen what's this whether you did it or not it doesn't matter the grace of god is sufficient i receive thank you sia thank you so much sia i am not afraid from today thank you from this day it is done in the name of jesus watch this just to prove to you what i'm saying is true can i prophesy but otherwise the lord says after this one don't go back to what you were doing never focus on the word dwell in the word yeah because the next time you do it it will be out of his control you have come out of his will nah that would be no problem are you here today i'm a new man thank you you're human thank you cr1 thank you sir what's this i said i saw the handcuffs breaking i can see it as well [Applause] you will not die you will not die don't worry about this because you have a lot of worry in your head whatever if i also go yeah same with you what if i also go that's your biggest worry what if this happens what if this happens the lord ministered to me something watch this are you hearing what i'm saying this is how i saw it this is your sister watch this sister come please here don't worry listen don't cry ma'am it's done in the name of jesus amen thank you jesus thank you prophet watch this if you can only believe the words that are coming out of my mouth then surely we believe we believe and watch this remember these people remember these people remember these two people i want you to remember his name because this is how i saw that so like t t t that's my name cannot prophesy don't worry don't worry don't worry don't worry remember this guy can die remember him amen you'll see he will come to the front there and testify [Applause] [Music] that this is what happened whether true or false this is what happened but i'm here not in jail i said you will see it by god's grace amen by god's grace it is done in the name of jesus watch this big sister i hear my big sister big sister your big sister i am and last born last one all right watch this big sister watch this big sister if i lie just tell me okay watch this big sister i've already proved to him that it's done but i want to prove to you that it's done as well are you hearing what i'm saying under the action of my father prophet angel the lord said this young man he will not die like his father he will not die like your father thank you because you've been worrying there's a lot of worry on your heart about death what about if this happens what about if this leads to this and this person my brother ends up dying yes that's true but the lord is so faithful and merciful amen thank you jesus thank you thank you don't worry don't worry anymore all right he will not die thank you like your father died he will not die not in this world not in another you shall both live until rapture thank you thank [Applause] and watch this thing i receive it i receive it and i believe amen thank you jesus we receive it you will not die like your father because i saw this coffin and the enemy wanted to place another coffin and he wanted to write your name as well but the moment you stepped here that coffin was broken thank you thank you thank you the enemy came too late because it was like they were put in your name tendai and then they were putting it next to like felix or something like that yeah that's my brother my older brother all right that's your brother's name yeah and that's the father's name all right come on can i prophesy because that's what they wanted to do they wanted to put like coffee next to coffin but you will not die in the name of jesus i'm not going anywhere and watching what you came for is done in the name of jesus thank you the grace of god is sufficient for you and wherever you are whatever court case whatever issue in your life it is done away with in the name of jesus [Applause] are you hearing me don't worry don't worry don't worry thank you don't worry god has done it for you in the name of jesus thank you thank you are you hearing me don't worry god has done it for you in the name of jesus stand up don't worry thank you even these kids that you're praying for yeah these kids that you're praying for because they're so far from both of you yeah two girls arie and ayah two two girls yeah ari and ayah yeah then you have two kids yes my my daughter maya and my son like all right you told me all right i already know but it's okay it's okay watch this this is why i said there's fire from fire because two kids two kids i hear what i'm saying you talked to me first there and then when you were talking about me you said m and s m and s is listen i want you to watch this when we go up to people there's certain things that we say that we cannot say everywhere i hear what i'm saying there's certain things that i can prophesy and he can confirm that i cannot say because i have to also protect him and the integrity of god above all things the integrity of god i must protect this is the good news church we are not here to prophesy your mistakes we are here the only time we do so is to reveal in order to redeem i revealed it so that he could have faith and so that she could have faith as well that it is done amen i understand thank you don't worry all right don't worry watch this one don't worry ma'am what you are praying for is being done in the name of jesus [Applause] are you hearing me [Applause] your only thing that you need mom is faith you need to have faith because just like him with this situation he was worrying and you are a very worried person to a normal person you are your worry is justified but not for christ don't worry in your life because you are always worrying for tomorrow yet the bible let us know to let tomorrow worry for itself all right it's what i'm saying true if i lie just tell me because it can even be with work finances whatever how am i going to live like this this this my kids don't worry don't worry that's the specific word god told me to minister upon your life don't worry because god is surely fixing your life and even watch this are you hearing me the enemy had targeted your life as well but you are all right because even like with people with you even in your own circle they have left you and you feel like you are the only one even family members sisters brothers everybody it seems as if you're just by yourself and that's why i say you feel as if your your worrying is justified that's what i'm saying it's not justified for christ because listen you may feel alone but christ is with you are you hearing me watch this watch this use okay what do you want to confirm when you said death like the enemy was attacking my family with death we talked about my parents but also one of my sisters died last year she also died in her sleep just imagine this year another one of my sisters nearly died about three times like a month ago watch this this is so profound this is why i brought her and i brought him and i said this connection and i said we need to cancel death listen the enemy had surely targeted your life but by the grace of the man of god of this house everything you have prayed for is being made whole that target of the enemy don't worry stand up don't worry mom stand up the enemy has no more hold on you watch this [Applause] and by the authority of god himself god alone any chain of the enemy that connected him to you is broken in the name of jesus [Applause] listen wherever you are any chain of the enemy that was connected to him to you is broken in the mighty name of jesus [Applause] that connection is gone watch this don't worry don't worry don't worry don't worry because even the enemy wanted to target you with like because this is how i saw it starting watch the sky do what i was born to do this is how i want to just target you it's like you would breathe normally like we're all breathing but then sometimes it would just become hard to breathe that's how enemy wanted to attack you and it would feel like your chest is clogged up yeah are you having pains in mind you've been having pains in your chest watch this listen we will pray for you now and i say we are mean myself and god god inside of me because i'm simply a messenger and god is the healer it's going to be done just now watch this but even with this i saw it can i prophesy [Applause] listen god is fixing everything in your life there's a restoration in your life there are things that were put out of place that have been happening for so long problems that have been happening for so long issues that have been happening for so long that now you are becoming accustomed to those problems let me tell you diabetes is not a normal thing are you hearing me i hear me yeah diabetes yeah it's not a normal thing so we pray for you to go in the name of jesus [Applause] and surely god is faithful enough to do so and wherever you are if diabetes is your problem then it's done in the name of jesus are you hearing what i'm saying watch this stand right here don't worry don't worry even with this lady in green right here look at me rich just raise your hands god is using you as well in the mighty name of jesus and what you've been praying for is being done in the name of jesus because your biggest prayer is just to be used the way prophet angel is used you want the healing action to be upon your life and this is your words this is the word for you today you have an action and a grace you have a grace are you hearing me you have a grace for an evangelist all right [Applause] [Music] so from this day forth receive that action and evangelize in the streets don't waste any time and i pray in the mighty name of jesus i thank you lord jesus i pray that it is made a whole inner in the name of jesus i pray that your word is manifest in our life in the mighty name of jesus god is going to continue to use you and he's going to use you mightier than you realize all right watch this don't worry ma'am it's done in the name of jesus all right don't worry right you're also an evangelist when you were saying that to her i just felt that the connection you know there's fire moving in this place all right this is why i said receive it where you are all right i only have a few more minutes to move around so i'm going to do the best i can all right so can i prophesy even with you don't worry god is fixing everything in your life properties are going to be beginning to be yours all right with businesses watch this watch this this is like online businesses you begin to start to do everything online online my testimony is coming your testimony is here already don't worry [Music] are you hearing what i'm saying watch this there's anointing upon you properties are yours and same thing with you property with yours properties properties real properties expensive properties watch this it is done in the name of jesus all right don't worry about this receive it in the name of jesus thank you lord jesus come to me to receive answers from my lips i am shining i'm a city on here and my greatness it cannot be the glory of the ladder is greater than the former the blessing you see [Music] it's all here the glory say the glory of the lord is greater it's greater than the foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it's a new level there's [Music] is is [Music] [Music] [Applause] because a new grace has been released [Music] the blessing you see it's all [Music] is is [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] for taking over i am flavored [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] that's another place we're taking over [Music] foreign [Applause] is is supernatural supernatural supernatural supernatural it's supernatural [Applause] [Music] is thank you [Music] moving with the speed of the holy ghost we are favored we are favor we are working in prosperity we are moving with the speed of the holy ghost yes [Music] i am [Music] baby is [Music] we're taking over [Music] see yourself walking into that contract sing it again now it's a new season it's a new level [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] supernatural supernatural supernatural supernatural supernatural supernatural supernatural supernatural supernatural supernatural [Music] life [Applause] [Music] [Applause] take it [Music] [Applause] [Music] i [Music] [Music] you deserve all the praise [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] hello [Applause] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh god [Music] what [Music] with [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] flour flowering [Music] faithful god [Music] god let me hear your church saying faithful god you are worthy [Music] say you do mighty things you please [Music] you are are worth it you are [Music] sing it to the lord save your faith [Music] [Music] i said are you here somebody [Applause] watch this it's so important that during this service you just let go and worship god let go of your flesh and take a hold of your spirit become a full spirit being right all right so when we move around and give you a chance to worship is really to be connected to to jesus to god it's so important that you are sensitive to the things of the spirit this is why i can walk to someone and tell them the exact details of their life [Applause] at that exact moment why because my spirit is sensitive to that person are you hearing what i'm saying watch this so i will just prophesy right now and then we'll continue but begin to close the service because of time we actually need to go all right are you hearing me somebody are you excited you're not excited [Music] all right so can i prophesy [Applause] watch this there are times where will god come up to you and we'll say do you believe do you believe do you believe even if you watch prophet angel do it he will say do you believe when we say that we have already noticed that your faith is not where it needs to be so when we say that we're trying to boost your faith prophet angel already knows the details of your heart by his spirit being sensitive and yours being sensitive as well he already knows the deals of your heart but when we say do you believe we want your spirit to get to a certain level and your faith to be at a certain level are you hearing what i'm saying so i would just like i was moving around and just begin to prophesy can i prophesy [Applause] watch this can i do what i was born to do just because of time i've only got one two five minutes left all right madam please just stand here watch this stand right here when i first laid my eyes on you can i prophesy [Applause] do you believe yes you believe yeah i do believe all right don't worry i'm not going to do too deep all right can i prophesy but this is the one thing that the lord told me to tell you that all the commotion that has been happening around you with problems and whatever that commotion is coming to a cease in the name of jesus amen and when i saw you because your heart is really pure and god is really blessing you amen i want you to know that god sees everything that you do when you help other people even if they're not their child you're not your child not your sister not your brother god sees it all amen and because of that he is blessing you mightily amen listen money is going to start to become yours [Applause] watch this don't worry stand up don't worry listen like my father always says you also begin to experience it just now so don't look at her in that type of way you'll also begin to feel it in in a few moments watch this but there's a certain anointing upon your life and anointing for positive change around your life because there's been a lot of commotion and a lot of wins around your life but god is surely blessing you watch this i did not say a miracle is coming to you a miracle comes when there is trouble just like this brother here he is in deep waters he was rather but that miracle has come and it's done but watch this sister with you god is surely using you now man and even with your lineage now and your lineage to come he's using them more than you all right watch this stand right there i'm coming back to you can i prophesy can i do what i was born to do [Music] [Applause] i feel like i'm just by myself right here [Applause] [Music] what's this gentleman just come quickly i was just moving around quickly come come quickly infect can i you want this all right come here all right stand right next to that woman quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly watch this can i prophesy prophesy watch this gentlemen come quickly just come closer don't worry i'm not going to prophesy anything that will don't worry can i prophesy watch this this is how i say it raise your leg your right hand raise your right hand i saw when you raise your right hand in the spiritual realm it means ministry and god is using you in the action for ministry there's a grace for ministry upon your life because this is how it is can i prophesy for years you've watched the prophet you've watched prophet angel you've studied his word and you've been waiting for that certain impartation to happen up on your life as well you've just been if i can only meet prophet if he can only shake my hand then surely it is done it's true but watch this prophet is here [Applause] [Music] what's this it's very true for years you've watched him for years you've watched prophet and watch this i want to tell you this that right now the biggest problem is the thing where you know why you've not studied this ministry right here is because there are few missing pieces that you need to align yes problem sometimes i'm not saying you don't have money but to get to where you want what you want there's not enough finances for it at times yeah that's true it's what i'm saying true that's true it's not saying true no no no all right but watch this my god is faithful enough to supply all your needs and men of god what you came for it is surely done amen i want you to focus on your ministry when this ministry gets established don't come to this church anymore focus on your ministry only when you have a few minutes to come come but make sure you focus on your church but remember that grace is from a man of god called prophet angel are you hearing me from a man of god called prophet angel watch this just to prove to you what i'm saying is true can i prophesy the lord took me to a specific place and as i was moving there like i said to you certain things we mentioned that we cannot mention out there and he immediately told me he said i've been watching i i said have you been watching prophecy i want you for they said from ghana right and this is what i said i said don't tell me now relax because now when he tells me he's from ghana i have to go deeper so i stood in ghana can i prophesy [Applause] i stood in ghana and i went to a place like akra from akra the lord then took me and it's like i'm passing junctions and passing buildings the lord then took me to a place like kumasi when i stood in komasi i saw your family members in kumasi it's true this is like your brother yes i have a brother in kumasi he's a lecturer all right can i prophesy [Music] but watch this when i stood in comassie can i prophesy the lord said this brother of yours keep him close because this brother can help you push your ministry where it needs to go you need to kick him included in everything that you do and i will tell you one thing one of the best decisions that you made so far in your life was marrying your wife are you hearing what i'm saying yes burying your wife yes [Applause] because there's missing pieces to your ministry and she was one of the biggest missing pieces to your ministry you must keep this woman close to you tell her your plans because surely she will help you in your plans are you hearing what i'm saying remember your grace is connected to prophet angel and right now as people see you with their natural eyes your ministry doesn't look like anything there is no church to talk about but when i look with my spiritual eyes i saw a building filled with thousands of members and hundreds of members that prophetic action that you came for it is being done and released onto your life watch this can i prophesy just to prove to you what i'm saying is true can i go deeper can i prophesy i said can i do what i was going to do because this is how i saw it the lord said there's money coming to you even with this ministry thing it will happen through ministry where you meet this person meet this person get connected to that person and these business deals they happen but the lord ministered one thing to me because it's like i'm seeing you signing a contract and as i'm seeing you signing this contract i'm seeing you using a different name then what's your name watch this because like you're using like heaven something like there's something people call you all right can i prophesy yes but just to prove to you what i'm saying is true in the room of the spirit i removed heaven's spirit and the lord then showed me a name if i could pronounce it i would say it but these are the initials i saw i saw like k and i saw a it's like kwame something like and then a this is probably all right [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] son of emeritus i was born to do this nine months in my mother's womb listen how is it possible that you have your own name here in britain yet the lord can see your name that people don't use it's true that's very true listen it's only by god it's just to prove to you that god is using you in these times here that he is surely using you even where's your wife is she here please wife just come quickly not my wife but come i have my own [Applause] watch this god is going to bless you in a mighty way in a pure mighty way but have faith in this man because i saw the lord taking him to different realms in the spirit different dimensions in the spirit but this is how i saw it i saw him walking into different realms in the spirit but it was as he was walking come hold my hand man of god but as he was walking he was walking with prophet angel extended grace is connected to perfect angel don't forget it and don't misuse that grace don't misuse it because many a times people become ministers of the word and they become in love with the things of the world instead of the word they depart from the word this is why it's very hard to mention not big man of god but genuine man of god it's very hard but watch this [Applause] you shall not be a part of them in the name of jesus and watch this when you start this ministry of yours and when it begins to grow the only time you should come back here besides this visit is to testify here i hear what i'm saying because you will surely testify in the name of jesus amen all right don't worry take this one all right it's done in the name of jesus what you came for is done in the name of jesus all right thank you jesus it's done don't worry man thank you so much all right gentlemen just the gentleman that's right that one day are you here can i prophesy professor listen right now i'm getting i'm getting ready to retire i need to go home america for real for real for real what's this this is listen listen watch this god is using you mightily but when i saw it it's money coming to you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] listen i feel like i'm just by myself right here [Music] yeah this is money i saw coming to you because watch this it's like let me use this chair it's like i began to see you sitting down at home and you begin to count money count money count what's this and it became to affect where it was too much too much where you now needed an accountant to even help you put this listen whatever you are receiving for yourself i received i said receive it in the name of jesus listen brother you're going to be working in money working in money but that grace is connected to the man of god prophet angel listen stay loyal to the word and surely i tell you you will be the testament to this word i'm saying right now amen amen listen i won't even talk too much that's all that's the all the lord told me to tell you money is yours amen because all the problems that you're facing right now are just about money everything that you're facing right now everything is just about money yes it is and god says that money is coming amen in amounts and amounts and amounts and amounts listen i'll say one thing don't forget to pay tithe yeah don't forget seed because this money is coming to you in a amen in abundance even with this lady here the same way i prophesied to that lady properties are going to be yours but one thing is this there's a certain thing that our man of god said in this month of visualization even the prophetess coined it when she was talking about it she said visualize it declare it and act upon it so when i tell you these prophetic words don't just sit at home abraham was told go to a place i will show you and without being showed shown he began to walk so the same thing with you don't wait do it look at these properties research about them because you're going to be owning a lot of them you need to amen i receive it you know what i'm saying you need to know okay this money is coming like this this is my passive income all of this thing because these properties are yours trust me amen and let me tell you something this young lady here she's going to be used mightily by god all right dino that's why i said to you your lineage will be used more than you all right amen but everything she's going to get into is going to be set up by you amen are you hearing me so stay close i know this sisters brothers whatever that can be there there's friends even father parents whatever but your relationship cannot be taken by anyone the relationship you have for each other keep it it's too close all right amen but remember jesus should be at the center of it all right everything you're doing now it's up it's for her but it's going to be used even in ministry just because when i say it's like i saw the one of god prophetess beverly angel just beside her all right so begin to operate like prophet beverly angel amen even in the world read her books because i promise you i promise you under the authority of god you will be used even more than prophetess is being used all right don't worry can i prophesy listen i only have a few more minutes can i do what i was going to do what's this lady there in green in green quickly and let the lady there in blue come quickly lady you're seeing me don't think i'm talking to anyone else don't worry you're just going to be embarrassed for two minutes then it's done all right come on come quickly all right don't worry i'm praying for you i'm coming back all right let me do this one at the front since it's my last one can i prophesy prophesy watch this just stand right there and listen everything i say receive it for yourself all right receive it for yourself woman everything i prophesy to this lady you will see that it's very connected all right you will see that it's very connected this is how i saw it can i prophesy prophesy all right can i prophesy prophesy watch this in the realm of the spirit the lord said we need to pray for families when i saw you when i first laid my eyes on both of you because i saw fire from here to you because as i was moving around it's like i saw her first then the fire from here jumped to you amen and allah said we need to pray for relationships families everything because this is how i saw it can i do what i was born to do as i saw it i begin to see relationships when i talk about relationships i mean marriage husband and in your life there's nothing to talk about nothing nothing all right it's good you're answering at the same time because the prophecy is the same all right there's nothing to talk about at all because with you can i do what i was born to do it's like there's a guy that just came into your life yes promise you these things yeah are you hearing what i'm saying left you with a child this child you love the child right but he never it's like this marriage just dissolved yes i hear what i'm saying it's like to the extent right now can i prophesy prophesy where the children are yours but as i saw the children in the realm of the spirit it's like i didn't see them staying with you at this particular moment on this day because like this listen if i'm wrong just say i'm wrong all right watch this today they were dead today all right that's exactly what i'm saying because like they come to your house these days then end of week they go to his house yeah it's like split it's true it's what i'm saying true yes no no can i prophesy better watch this god is fixing relationships in the name of jesus amen and he's making everything in your life that was not whole whole in the name of jesus jesus everything that was broken is being fixed in the mighty name of jesus amen amen are you hearing me yes don't worry about what people say don't worry because this is how i saw it can i do what i was born to do do it do it i said can i do what i was going to do do it watch this walk okay i'll start start counting when i want one come one two stay like that move one step backwards one all right go back to where you're standing all right can i prophesy how many children do you have two you have two kids all right that's what i was saying right there watch this just to prove to you what i'm saying i said walk two steps and then walk one backwards how many child do you have how many children you only have one all right watch this listen seems like there's some jealousy [Music] i know some people are not happy i'm continuing now i want to continue go deeper can i professor grapple listen i told you i'm operating under my father's anointing so i forgot i would take this long i forgot this prophet's anointing listen i'm crossing on this god is fixing everything in your life restoration is yours amen you will testify shortly amen because businesses are starting to align themselves amen because as i show you it's like finances are a problem yes you want to do things and finances are just problems there's nothing to talk about are you hearing what i'm saying yes it's like you want to go to this place you don't even have enough money for this thing not even enough money to for this thing and you're just praying it's true cannot prophesy see japan listen you've just been praying for god to fix something and god is saying because of this service it is done in the name of amen from this day onwards are you hearing me yes from this day onwards can i prophesy i speak supernatural speed to what i'm saying hallelujah you will no longer worry about money a day in your life man hallelujah i receive it listen what i prophesied to hear receive it for yourself because this is how i saw it can i do what i was going to do this man of yours where i saw him this is what i saw can i prophesy prophesy i saw nigeria nigeria yes he's from nigeria all right don't worry that's just to prove to you what i'm saying is true all right with you watch this i'm closing this on this are you hearing me there's a restoration coming to your lives listen when we prophesy it's just to confirm what i've already said amen but don't leave this service without taking what i'm saying right now there's a restoration coming to you amen right now same thing with her these finances you're trying to fix them because this is how i saw it can i prophesy prophesy and i will pray for you because this is very serious it's like you came to this country from a different country watch this this country is like i went to south africa from south africa i moved to zimbabwe and when i was stood in zimbabwe it's like connected to this country hear me don't worry it's like the border side it's just connected to that country it's like i can move i'm from botswana all right watch this video when i saw this botswana it's like you came to this country listen if i'm lying just tell me i'm lying all right it's okay you came to this country i wanted to fix things and this is a child your child yes you left them there yes i hear what i'm saying yes you left them there that's true and the plan was for this child to also come what here yes and be with you here yes but things did not work out that's true so now what you want to do is to what go back that's true because now your child has not seen you for many years i haven't seen her for three years for three years you've not seen her watch this god is causing restoration to happen in your life amen and now it's like as i'm asking the lord where is this girl because i didn't see it in your arms i then went to the mother and the lord says the mother is not there and it's like then it's like the sister i'm just in connection i don't know yes my mother died a long time ago and she lives with my sister she lives with your sister all right watch this there is a restoration coming to you in the mighty name of jesus amen both of you hallelujah and what you came for it's done in jesus mighty name amen amen not by my power not by my might but purely by god's spirit purely by god himself it is done so don't worry my niece that is ill that we are praying for all right i will give you this and it's done in the name of jesus all right don't worry don't make the mistake of not hearing the prophetic words i'm saying because of my age receive the word for yourself amen and receive the words for yourself are you hearing me yes so don't worry it's done in the name of jesus [Applause]
Channel: Uebert Angel
Views: 26,826
Rating: 4.9198608 out of 5
Id: lfArqs8Yy9Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 125min 29sec (7529 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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