Uebert Angel - Spiritual Dimensions

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say I received what I mentioned this is good news with you bird angel a man who God continues to use mightily in working spectacular miracles signs and wonders and ridiculously precise prophecies stay tuned and be uplifted as he ministers on spiritual dimensions we are cross with major there is a distance you are not hearing how men are ready those in the overflow in the miracle tens we are here with you and if your shout is lower than those in the tens we go to the tents [Applause] take out your Bible take out your Bible see prologue Isaiah Norman is Kayaba resolume or Cydia comprar of ESA sakura mahadji a pea pero según hi I challenge every spirit of poverty your prosperity is coming tonight your increase is coming tonight I open your eyes to greater heights to greater things to greater manifestations in the name of Jesus second Kings chapter number 6 2nd Kings chapter number 6 la Rozier wahdahu Gina hi I see somebody getting promoted now I see your business changing now I see business accumen changing now your mind being enlightened to greater heights in the name of Jesus c0t Epona akagi's see you're about to see something I said you were about to hear something verse number 8 of second Kings chapter number 6 verse number 8 and I was thought from Fresno by Adan and then skip to other scriptures so that we move quickly then the king of Syria Ward again is Israel to cancel with his sevens saying in such-and-such place shall be my camp and the men of God sent unto the king of Israel saying beware that our past not such a place 40 the Syrians are come down in the king of Israel sent to the place which the men of God told him and warned him of and saved himself there not once nor twice therefore the heart of the king of Syria was so troubled for this thing and he caught his sevens and said unto him will you not show me which of us is for the king of Israel you not hearing me you are not hearing me and one of his seven said none my lord or King but but Shepherd which sorry but Elijah [Applause] [Music] sorry I read it in the wrong way but this is the Angel King James Version are you hearing me but Elijah the Prophet that is in pretty sorry in Israel tell her the king of Israel the West that thou speakest even in your bedroom verse number 14 therefore send a heath feed the horses and chariots and a great house and they came by night and compass the city about and when the seven of the men of God was reason Ellie and confort behold and host compass the city pot with horses and chariots and his seven said unto Him alas my master how shall we do it and he answered fear not for they that be with us fear not for they that be with us are more than they that be with them verse number 17 and Elijah prayed and said Lord I pray thee open the eyes that he may see and a lot opened the eyes of the young men and he saw and behold the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha you can take your sis but don't sit on your mouth we need your mouth to say hallelujah once in awhile I said I came to open your eyes I kept to open your eyes to the spiritual realm my message tonight is God's spiritual dimensions I said my message tonight is on spiritual dimensions in the name of Jesus may you open the eyes of these people open the spirits of these people to hear this message may it be easy for you see the Bible says and the servant of Elijah saw that there was a war going on and the soldiers were all around the mountain and he went to his master and said I lost my master there are too many horses and chariots in the mountains the people have come to kill us now I feel like these people can hear me more than you this is just from spiritually mature people only and I think I came to the right location this is the only Church you learn physics in church dr. major come of its anub arak ideas for one preacher to remember one line that he says in physics to fear gone anyway now listen are you here let's go with the message now the Bible says and the servant of Elijah seeing the mountain full of horses he said to his master I'm afraid because there are a lot of horses and chariots and soldiers coming to attack the men of God and the Prophet said open was this was this was this I think they're gonna get missed they're missing this one stand eosin open the eyes of the young men I want you to notice the English it says when the eyes of the young men listen they are together like this I'm trying to release it to you but it's too heavy it's too much you won't catch it you won't touch it the Bible says they are standing like this and he looks on the mountain and assists Cheerios I wish I was in another place [Applause] and then he says something he says opened the eyes of my seventh watch this was it they are standing together and he says open the eyes of this man and when the eyes of him were opened the Bible says he saw Charles around Elijah not around Elijah if they are standing close like this where can you feed Cheerios that means when his eyes were opened in spirit he realized that although in the natural we are close with measure there is a distance you are not hearing what I'm saying oh no you are not you you are not getting the message the biggest problem in Christianity is not realizing that I can eat with you I can talk to you I can smile [Music] but if my eyes are open in the spirit I can see that they are miles apart we are miles apart Cheri oats can fit I feel something going on in my spirit listen these are dimensions these are not levels there is a difference between a level and a dimension the disciples came to see Jesus and say we could not cast out a demon jesus said these kinds of demonic comes by fasting and prayer he was not talking of dimensions he was talking of levels a dimension what I'm operating in this is not a level is a dimension this is another country brother you need a visa to get to my country I changed somebody's level into a dimension this is a different dimension altogether and the problem with dimensions is this if this man is in a dimension or I'm in a dimension the dot we're dimension is not locked from outside it's locked from inside so the person who is in the dimension is the one who invites you to come in I'm talking to myself I wish I could get some people here dimensions you can I have somebody like major inviting you inside there is no doorknob from the outside that's why Jesus said knock and the door will be opened that means the person who is opening is inside you can't open [Music] there is a lever brother then there is a dimension I can eat with you here and speak with you here but when I move into my dimension you see what we did when we studied miracle money we opened a dimension of money and then opened it all so that money can be found for those in levels that's why any other path I can do miracle money now when we did it nobody was doing it we opened a dimension so that we can give the leftovers to the others you didn't hear what I say there is a dimension over this place now you will never enter a level let me give you a big word the reason why you cannot see that there is a difference is due to something God revealed to me that you will never find anywhere change your neighbor say is called spiritual reality distortion field a spiritual reality distortion field is like a gap between the two of us that makes you not to know the reality of the spirituality I mean that's why you can find a pastor who doesn't do no miracle opposing measure [Applause] because of the spiritual reality distortion field he is not aware that there is a distance between me [Music] I wish I could speak for more minutes but but I'm ready to minister to somebody as I am ready [Music] I remove the spiritual reality distortion field may you be able to see your lip for a Danish dose of your family may the leper between you and your brothers be so fast that they can see it what's this what's this are you here the biggest problem with eyes is it is not it is not Gaza who prayed for his eyes to open it is Elijah who chose to open the eyes I wish I couldn't choose it I wish I could choose it just for one moment when angelic beings begin to manifest in your eyes are looking at you see the thing that makes you argue is what we call spiritual reality distortion field because your mother never did it you think it cannot happen I've got news for you this is not your mother's place there is a reality coming to you and so there is a level coming to you there is a level coming to you this is not a level it's a dimension mm dimension with touching you miracles and the others just copying the others who copy us to spiritual but they are in a level in dimensions you can only be invited I invite you I said I invite you I invite you to a dimension of money dimension of prosperity and I mention of deliverance I mention in the name of Jesus and I mentioned to be a pioneer not to be [Applause] [Music] can I can I do this do you give me two more minutes sir give me two more minutes when your eyes are closed you cannot post everything that a man of God does but if you want to see a many in dimensions you will not go down because a dimension is on this level and you are trying to hear PAP there it won't touch me let me give you something there are some cars when you get inside persecution can't get through no sorry I wanted to say dimension I'm hearing something I hear something way back it used to be like this that when major moves from ma cities bands and buys a Ferrari you an access to the messages bands but a lot Minister to me because I moved into a dimension now you can even buy that jet yourself you I think I need my people know at this side [Applause] my people are really decide whatever you see the men and a woman of God too because I moved you to a dimension of prosperity you can see it and you get it [Applause] are you ready for a dimension are you ready for a dimension [Applause] [Music] Hubert angel Ministerial Association for mentorship teaching an impartation for those in ministry or those who have a calling register at www.a ma co for the good news church call the number on the screen for more information [Music] thank you our partners and friends for making it possible to bring this message to you those wishing to partner with Hubert angel please visit www.un.org/webcast number 10 you just memorize they don't open it if you want to open it you were ready listen to me it says a day 24 hours in god Scott it's like twenty four thousand hours elsewhere I know wait a minute they didn't get that get that if I to 24 hours before God the Bible says is like a thousand days arrows way these hours you just did you are beyond somebody out there no matter how rich they are you have to a day in the court is better than a thousand Nana washes what's this how can a day 24 hours be better than 24 thousand hours spiritual reality distortion field that's the thing that makes you go out there and think you're just a normal human being we are beyond normal I said we are beyond normal we are beyond normal I said we are beyond normal see I remember my son when it came to to the prayer mountain and we were sitting there around the fire and an angel appeared like maybe the way that guy is tall angel I don't know how many meters and holding his waist like this he could see about 15 other people could see one person I took him by the hand to say let's go like this he was there to go to the angel to stand behind the angel the angel standing there there's a can see 15 people are crying seeing the same thing as that come let's go there spiritual reality distortion field because he has just finished eating with us [Applause] [Music] everybody who fights power is in a spiritual reality distortion field they don't know what they are doing do you know what God's saying God say nobody wins not from the tribe of Judah can be king in Israel Samuel a different prophet who God said whatever Samuel says will come to pass even if God didn't want it now watch this Samuel seesaw wheels from the tribe of Benjamin since we are the king God say nobody can be king if it's not from the tribe of Judah this soul listen brothers and sisters sons and daughters grandsons and granddaughters I don't know maybe another day not today I want to teach you how to manipulate the spiritual laws you didn't hear what I say [Applause] Moses knew he will never be removed from the book of life it's not possible cording to scripture to be removed I know there is the Lamb's Book of Life then there is a book of life listen you gotta understand the text of the context before you understand the protects of the context and you understand the protects of the text of the context you get what I'm saying so you can't just understand the context before you understand the protects and the protects is to be understood before you understand the text of the context you understand the point and the context of the text for you to understand the context of the text you have to read the protects you get a point what I'm saying now are you hearing what I'm saying are you really getting it Moses said God remove me from the book of life if you're gonna cue Israel remove me from the book of life do you know what he was doing manipulating spiritual laws he knew God could not remove him Hanna you is for God if he doesn't give you anything make a deal with him he says I know you one day profit and I one day son we both want something you like a profit I like a son give me a son I give you a profit manipulating spiritual laws after I'm done with you you will be a spiritual hustler I I want to create spiritual mafias easycap Ron de la gasolina mass of piranhas in Donna hi de la Rosa Bayaka hisk sit down before you cramp my style there is something beyond when I start doing my prayer day you will see something during the course of this week some of you just fall down day and the heaven or open to you like that I think this is not the place that is gonna happen I think it's this side the men said open the eyes of this man so he can see please open they brought Barabbas and Jesus in front and said which one do you want the problem was not because they could not find who was it forward the problem is Barabbas is bad Abba meaning son of God and Jesus is also Son of God now they have two sons of God in front of them but because of spiritual reality distortion field they did not know which one to release [Applause] when you understand the spiritual reality you manipulate lose if a man can stand there and the Bible says and these search areas between around Elijah not around them God is something isn't it at least God should have surrounded this event no only around the men of God because this is for you you got protected by Elijah I protect elation God protects that dimension and you are protected by a person inside the dimension you didn't get that this is why I don't understand fools who say there is no spiritual father would listen I agree with them though if we have a tack shop a corner shop with five biscuits to sweets you don't need an accountant [Applause] but when you start having shops and shops and shop now you say can I have an accountant please when you are going somewhere you will look for a for that day and night when you are going somewhere somebody come to me said but the Bible says and Elijah the Tishbite appeared he had no spiritual father said are you ia tishbite you get it when you get home are you at this by t1 it says in a lodge at the Tishbite are you Elijah I anticipate any reason the Elijah appeared way was the appearing room did you go there and find a father I was not there the Bible never says you should eat breakfast lunch and supper and you do it are you following the Bible there are some things that are not written they are implied something beyond I see it LF where you are coming to and I see a lot of people counting numbers and counting numbers you get to a point where you get tired you people you get tired brother with a handkerchief like this come come come quickly stand from there stand x10 there I see you there the prayer you today is not the prayer you start it now it's the prayer you even started before you came here Amen that I want to see this man so you can impact on me so that I can go back into miracles signs and wonders amen is true because you said then you say I'm tired of all these people they don't really have the anointing of senior major I want to follow through I want to Cote and check what yes it's very true I was supposed to go home wait stand up you my brothers in a rural areas where do you come from Osaka what what is the province where do you come from much thing all right what wait listen there is a certain level you are about to get in a few seconds I'm just I'm just talking what is anybody here wait here you will see something we'll go to your house when you go back I see awake starting amen are you hearing what I'm saying yes may I see a work setting and not work when you studied I want you to really learn because the problem of many people is they never submit to a dimension many people are submitting to a level two men of God was still on levels they have not moved to dimensions so they wonder why things are not moving that right direction that they want whereas we have to go through levels they mentioned that countries and dimensions do not take stages to get into they take a knock and somebody inside invites you in amen we want to invite you we want to invite you my son has got am a very big company some way in another country what's wanna write what's one all right I mean are you in your family you're three you and do you Andrew praise praise me and my two sisters praise praise all right what's the name of your sisters my other one is progress the other one is Deborah the other one is Ruby type race now watch this what wait where is Ravi time [Music] I see money coming to you beyond what you expect oh you didn't hear that I said I see money coming to you see is Cory feels like ever known sister the caucus what what is it about these code cuts raise it up raise it up I just raised it up I'm sorry has seen a mahes stand here father oh you know each other all right they know each other they know it's at any right-wing [Music] he made a bad decision is a bad decision you make even and go deeper all right let me give you list this is what happened humidity cannot prophesy precise you made a decision instead of going for retirement you asked for an le package and go this was a police commissioner because I got here and I saw somebody change so this was the police commission and it shows a quick retirement package now money is not there hi wait day I mean are you in your family too so the other one became a policeman the other one became a teacher is on pension and you know now you are nothing now what do the front but the front go this this family something is beyond listen I don't see you holding this anymore I see you starting your own thing this is not something where you wake for wait wait your brother what does he do again no just answer the question wait I saw you as an inspector day and I saw a teacher wait wait the sister the wife your wife is teacher okay yes your wife was a teacher not only your wife there is a brother or something this the wife is like retired a person who is retired like a teacher as well because this one I don't know I used to working as a teacher no you retired okay okay because I saw a teacher in an inspector so I said so you chose to be an inspector in your brother a teacher okay now if we fix the problem that's why I said not only this one that's correct because I know people but I say finance is coming to you as they sing I want to move around here and lift the prophetic to another level but I also want to go today to the miracle tent and overflow [Music] there there you see me rock or tender overflow - okay overflow to overflow and miracle today we are coming to you sorry I left out the overflow send a brother send a brother because of time because of time if you are here another influence of my voice you are hearing your your miracle how do you see I said you are hearing your miracle heresies and he comes in here in the realm of the spirit Zuffa if we get the hi can i prophesy bro first side in the realm of the Spirit follow me brother follow me don't listen to these people are you ready for your miracle raise it up like this can this photos be shown on the screen please Harvey Topol Olli he's so hot that poor man in the realm of the Spirit it's like I see you there but you are like not here yes the problem is this people in your family have been dying wait when I look at these photos here pero visit a AMA high ISO like in the remoter spirit I was lifted from here and I stood in the middle of Nigeria wait and to be exact I went to a place called a mustard I am from me mustard [Music] when I got to Iman States I saw angels guarding you they were like protecting you protecting your wife ma'am even though you are bringing your children like this I see this woman here and that that was written in the spirit 2004 towards 2005 this woman died 2004 mysteriously she died mysterious she died this and this is your wife yes prophet 2004 - was 2005 yes and your father died my father is two brothers died your uncle died exactly your wife your in-law died yes my uncle died I buried my mother December I cancel every premature death I challenge over your life all the spirits of witchcraft and by the Pope Jesus we destroyed him now what is Chinna do can I do she need to is your son that means you are a born yes prophet wait money was already set for you but that money did not come the way it was supposed to come exactly even right now you are here trying to take care of this children but a lot of fights and lot of battles with family even when the wife died they started accusing accusing naive okata here I see in the realm of the Spirit those who accuse thee are not going to be able to stand before you I said they are not going to be able to stand before you the product with a painted beard here painted beard come I like to be a painted beard come here grab this one hand grab this one sent a clip iam represent hug each other hair like that now you where do you come from from States so you are a born okay [Music] in the realm of the spirit it's like you chose the right way but you missed the right way yes yeah because right now this is a studio you are sitting in yes trying to produce if in for these small boys in in South Africa here yes that's mixing mixing here but a lot minister to me that I'm moving you into film mmm I'm seeing him in film and I see policy I receive because you were thinking I need to make more money than I'm making now yes all right and when you stood next to here here when did you get married 15 years now and when I first laid my eyes on God said separate them like this that means you are from a different country you are from a different country she saw come forget yes all right senior major professor but the Lord is gonna bring you to another round sorry you should not have money for that money to come I will tell you something for that money to come whether it's clever Hubert angel Ministerial Association for mentorship teaching an impartation for those in ministry or those who have a calling register at www.a ma co for the good news church call the number on the screen for more information thank you our partners and friends for making it possible to bring this message to you those wishing to partner with Hubert angel please visit www.un.org/webcast [Music]
Channel: Uebert Angel
Views: 595,541
Rating: 4.8526292 out of 5
Keywords: uebert angel, the goodnews church, spiritual dimensions, beverly angel, bebe angel, goodnews revolution, the emeritus, snr major, major, prophecy
Id: WssVahsqnec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 2sec (2462 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 09 2017
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