Uebert Angel - Superior Spirits Part 2 - Teaching Message

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that which we have handled which we have seen with our eyes this is the word of truth we have not followed cunningly devised fables we were eyewitnesses of this thing we walking bible but we have seen the lord our eyes have seen the lord i don't know about you when you have become a supernatural christian god gets into you and starts walking himself he no longer leads he is now ayakara [Applause] hundred [Music] if i be a prophet of god miracle monday now declared miracle money there's 55 000 in his background oh my jesus supernatural weight loss [Applause] somebody who is sick can just be healed like that this is the good news we preach a good news world with hubert angel provoking a reaction [Applause] and always worth hearing [Music] joshua 10 and let's read from verse number 12. paulo and praville go host yes then speak joshua to the lord in the day when the lord delivered up the amoris before the children of israel and he stayed in the sight of israel sun stand down still that's it personal god watch this he says then speak joshua to the lord in the day when the lord delivered up the amorites do you understand what joshua was doing joshua was fighting the enemy until he ran out of time he knew for me to keep winning i need more time in the day and joshua said let's extend the day no no no some people don't get this from 24 hours to 36 hours increasing the day you don't need more years they didn't get there they didn't get that you can get one full day that is more than the 24 hours i decree and declare miracles that defy understanding oh i'm talking to myself i think this is this is this might actually be my people sit down [Music] how on earth can a man ask for 36 hours in a day we talk about 24 7. joshua is talking 36 7. [Applause] i decree and declare to somebody yours shall be 36 7. others we have 24 hours in a day but you will look like you did a year in a day that's why the bible says one day in the house of god shall be like sit down the point is superior spirits you see when we started with miracle money everybody was complaining that there is nothing like this it it's not real it's what we did then was to open a season so this series opens up a season i know i'm talking to myself listen the world has come to a certain position where things are now difficult you can't even shop without something being done to you i'm talking to myself now you can't travel without something and when you come from countries that they call red lists what do they do they will put you in a hotel that looks like just another form of jail if you try to come out there to just go out there is a god following you but just imagine if we had the spirit of a senior spirit a superior one like philip who could disappear and be in another location i'm talking now i'm talking sit down sit and say to see them imagine imagine imagine if we could have the superior spirit of of ezekiel who could be with his wife in another location and visit another town stay there for seven days [Applause] and nobody knows he's there [Music] that means that means son i can be in the hotel you put me in near heathrow and you think i'm dead because you see me but i'm just right here preaching i'm talking now we don't need to disobey them we just need to be superior spirits that we bend the rules they see us but we're not there [Applause] catch me now i feel somebody here on there you calum underscored sit down i'm about to finish i'm ready to close um yes i am now now i want you to understand it is possible like the prophet himself elijah what did he do he could predict share prices imagine the money the church will have if everyone here will have the superior spirit like that of election who said tomorrow by this time the share of amazon sorry sorry am i talking to somebody now [Applause] imagine if i can sit here and tell you nearby tomorrow they didn't listen sit down imagine that the prophet could actually declare that this day on this day price of shades should be this say tomorrow by this time there was no food tomorrow by this time it shall be like this word of jesus they wanted to push him off a cliff and the bible says it this way that he turned around and vanished where is jesus they were imagine trying to push somebody like this and you are left with listen to me what these messages do they open a portal before i started this miracle money every preacher was quiet christianity was thinking it's one of a fluke until they saw it happen and every church now starts acting like it has been happening no i opened the season [Applause] even this one requires a season to open up [Applause] look at what the apostles they said we are killed every day so that you may leave yes do you know what he's saying sit down what about ephesians since we are his body and members we are we are his members do you know what that means that means jesus is wearing us now on this earth they want us to feel it philip i want to ask the lord where is the father so that we will be satisfied you know what philip said you know what jesus said he said if you have seen me you've seen the father if you've seen me you've seen the father so that means we have to get to a level when people ask where is jesus if we have sin [Applause] [Music] and there should never be an argument because after i say that i disappeared you didn't hear me [Applause] sit down am i talking immediately after i say that i go would you doubt it would everyone you know when we do evangelism in in this on the streets and and thank you for those guys that are doing evangelism pastor aquila and tim and everybody that is in evangelism thank you so much imagine you are there and they say what can christ do you say okay see me now do you see me again so how did you move from here today say jesus the difference between christianity and islam right now is lack of power we are the same so even if a muslim says allah is good you say jesus is good it's now an argument in the intellectual argument there's nothing to do with superior spirits that means i can stand there and say wait bring anyone you like i'll be able to tell what they ate in the morning what they are who they are where they are coming from what is in their pocket and what is in their hearts what dream they had last night i can be able to tell you that and i'll be telling some few people in a few minutes now now that's then the muslim will stand and say i can't do that you say you see what i mean it's jesus but when you have nothing absolutely nothing so i came here to open a season not for myself but for you to open a season that you can come here in the next few weeks and queue up there and say i have a testimony to say to tell you that that on monday i was doing this and then somebody came to me tried to beat me and when they threw their punch i wasn't there that's what we were talking about when i looked at the shim at the stock market i looked at all this and it became lights began to appear in percentages and i traded and the following hour it went up twenty thousand percent one thousand percent one hundred percent why because we are superior spirits sit down my lucia palais rift angry via tala couscous word of time will not allow me to talk to you and inform you of a man called saint patrick you only know saint patrick's day but do you know saint patrick how he got to the king and the king was crying for his father who was dead six months in the grave and then patrick said bring me my stuff the one he was walking with he said let's go to the grave of your father and he went and signed his name on the grave he said dig him up six months is back what are you talking about there are people that have walked with this god i'm talking to myself now imagine when i talk like this it seems legendary it's just some some legend you have taken you know ramplings you picked up and pocketed because it's not common in christianity this is the reason when somebody dreams that it happens they think they're a prophet here the bible says for god speaks once or twice in a dream of the night to everybody because it's rare for you to see so you think if you got a dream it should be you're a prophet because it's rare that season is past you know you don't want to catch it listen to me there is an avenue there is a location up there that you can actually choose to live in sit down sit down sit down even pertinent details small things like being handsome saint patrick would take care of it one ugly man came to him and said i need a miracle everyone was queuing up i can't see healed them one guy at the request i need to be as handsome as that guy that's all saint patrick say bring me a blanket call the guy you want to be as handsome as they put him here you understand put him there and put the ugly guy there and cover them with a blanket and said in the name of jesus he never said anything he just said in the name of jesus and said remove the blanket they removed the blanket they looked identical except for the height and the man said i need my height increased to be like this guy he said go back in the blanket cover them back superior spirits listen to me you don't need plastic surgery no no ah you can inform your own body [Applause] what were you thinking we're doing when we're doing leg lengthening when we're doing height lengthening what are we doing when we're doing fat transfer you can see videos and videos of people that were 150 kgs going to 95 kgs in an instant in namibia sit down in namibia those were namibia namibia crusade you were there and the usher had to put to pick up the the undergarments of a woman she was wearing a dress and lost weight and the undergarments fell that's true that's true and now the asha didn't know how to give the testimony out she's just pointing i you know i act like i don't know what you're saying i'm like what are you really saying she said today i said what is there [Laughter] listen to me that means we the plastic surgery is not important we were doing fat transfer removing it from here putting it there distributing here putting it i decree and declare [Applause] but that's a season we opened somebody else can take it and put another season [Applause] yeah sit down sit down my mentor pastor chris had a wound gushing wound you know blood gushing out and he was flipping like this and he sat with reverend tom and everybody was watching and he said you know i can put a bandage or i can do this so what can you do so i can just touch it and you disappear and he put his hand and covered it like this and brand new skin listen now is christianity to you nah is that true can that happen why because that season is not open the season for salvation opened that's why everybody believes if you say i believe in jesus christ i'm born again you they will believe you're born again because that season of believing that is open imagine until this day we have oversee just over 600 million people who believe in speaking in tongues yet christianity is over 2.5 billion people that means it's less than half of christianity that believes in speaking in other tongues less than a quarter to this day christianity has more people that don't believe in speaking tongues because that season is not open to them it's open to you [Music] look at joshua 10 12. he said and he said sun stand still uh i wish you knew i wish i could study where is my team where am i now sit down you're my people sit down sit down let's let's leave these guys alone sit down so just imagine sit down sit down and see the cinema just imagine do do i do i have people that went to school a little bit when we went to school let me let me deal with these ones [Applause] i can see this one's like wait wait a minute wait a minute because some things that i want to talk about right now let me say it in layman's terms sit down sit down i'll say it in layman's terms how do i even say it in layman's terms the bible says joshua stood up and said son stand still the problem is you argue with joshua because you are you are really really really really unlimited when it comes to science so we were told the sun doesn't move that's a lie then we were told the earth revolves around the sun that's a lie [Laughter] if you understood what we talk about when we say the the sun revolves around the sun it's a lie and we say the sun doesn't move it's a lie one two three let's read again then speak joshua to the lord in the day when the lord delivered up the amorites before the children of israel and he stayed in the side of israel sun stained seal upon gibeon moon in the valley of agelon for you to we were we were in israel uh with the guys that went to israel with me about skis of us and we got to gibeon and the valley of agilent to stand there and just look this is exactly where the men said it you start to think what on earth entered him right now you have a problem because you're thinking it's easy to just say sunstain still and some of you have been told by signs that that's wrong what is said in the bible according to nasa no you don't even know who nasa is no you see some of these things when we read them we extrapolate a lot of information from that same miracle and realize the way greater miracles inside the miracle you hear from the bible wish i had people [Music] so when you hear sun stand still joshua performed a greater miracle than what you see for status it is possible to stop the sun from moving because according to nasa according to nasa the earth the sun is moving it revolves around its own axis every once every 27 days the sun is not like other planets where it's like a rock no it's a it's a combination of gases 1.3 million earth can actually fit inside i'm talking to myself i know you know you know what sometimes when you begin to talk about these things and and somebody missed school [Music] they just look at you like yeah yeah no yeah yeah that's correct yeah this is very very correct and somebody will be there you know when we were in school and you hear quadratic equation y plus a over x you'll be like y just put numbers there so you begin to understand things from a certain perspective that the teacher wants to make it difficult for me let me try this again so that you understand i can see my usual sport is like [Applause] if you understand that if we bring to ratio down to ratio the size of the sun is like mount everest the size of the earth will be like a golf ball now if you think of how many golf balls can fit in mount everest it will be 1.3 million so a 1.3 million earth planet earth can fit inside the sun now just imagine when the men stopped they didn't stop the golf ball he stopped the sun from moving [Applause] now now i understand like i said before the sun itself travels on its axis revolves around the sexes once every 27 days because it is formed of gas it is a combination of gases but the gases are a plasma most of them are plasma because that means they're ionized sit down see don't see them so it looks like it's a solid thing when it's not a solid mass no earth revolves around the sun i repeat they revolve around a certain thing called the berry center and the berry center moves based on the positioning of the planets on that day or that time so the very center can be in the middle of the sun can be outside the sun can be 800 000 kilometers away from the sun so when you look at the solar system you are looking at something that is actually being pulled towards the saturn center called the berry center the gravitational pull force is in the very center not in the center of the sun so the sun itself is also being pulled but because the sun has got 90 percent of the solar system's weight the planet is weight it has it wins the tug of war even if you put all the planets in one line and the sunday and you say let's do tug of war the sun will win so when scientists begin to look at that they thought it meant it is going around in a certain way the sun is also revolving so everything is moving although yes we can move i'm being pedantic in other words just just scrupulous getting getting to the tiny details of the situation now just imagine when you know that that the earth travels at the at this axis right the equator side of it on the surface it travels 1 000 miles per hour now hear this if you put your foot on the brakes of your car at 80 kilometers per hour you know what that happens what happens you will go through the windscreen now imagine if the earth stops moving you're getting it everyone on earth will die a million plus tsunamis will be created it will be cut in pieces all the seeds will be cut in pieces everyone will die in a second the earth moves stops moving right this minute like abruptly bomb we are dead and yet joshua stopped no no no no no no see they're still not getting it they're still not getting it that means he stopped the earth from moving he stopped it from actually killing us then he stopped the sun from moving listen if you stop the sun from moving that means the biggest gravitational force has been removed meaning to say the planetary bodies will spiral out of control the whole galaxy will blow up and joshua did not just stop the [Applause] [Music] what i'm talking about is this he had the ability to stop the solar system he didn't stop the air from revolving he didn't stop the moon the whole solar system was stopped by one guy from israel sit down and this is a protocol of moses listen this guy was not a preacher he was a protocol of moses he would bring food to moses every time that's the guy who stopped the whole thing it wasn't the pastor one guy in the ushering team and you're sitting there praying to be promoted to become a pastor so you can show power i decree and declare there is a season coming where people in the protocol will begin to show you miracles before you come to church in the ushering department will begin to show you miracles ma should play calabar on their fellas larouche bucket of soupless agakusha mola yes pro caesar now imagine if we could if we could have even the people in the merchandise department the people responsible for your merchandise books and and and reading materials you walk they say i want this book i just want to get rid of my my chronic headache they say wait a minute before you buy the book we can do something better here it's a season i'm opening for you [Applause] it's a season i'm not here to talk to you about some big people that changed the world no i'm here to show you it's not with the pastor no this is the reason sometimes i wear shirts and i just come to church because you might think it's in the suit it's not there there is a power you will thank me for ages to come sit down and philip was walking like that and philip ended up in another city that's more than 30 kilometers away the guy left the chariot after baptizing you jumping on eunuch and ended up in another location in a second jesus was walking on the water and he told his disciples to go to the other side you read one time when he walked on water no the bible says when the ship landed on the other side he was there that day he did not walk he was just founded now just imagine if they tell you in order for you to travel in these times and seasons am i talking to you now you say don't worry. i've heard a lot of people ask me what if they say this prophet what if they say this god has not given you the provision they didn't hear this what if they say this what if they say this what if they now automatically what if people come and put triple six in your on your hand and for you to work what will we do nothing because god never intended you to receive that mark of the beast now hear this so your mindset is how am i going to deal with it that question should not be there because you shouldn't be working there your money should not come from there promotion does not come from the east the west they're not the south it comes from [Applause] what about travelling i can get there without a plane oh i can get in that place we talk about miracles here he was in the london branch i was in zimbabwe preaching in the london branch he was and they had to tell the pastor to stop preaching the person don't see me it's not in the title amen so they were so shocked how the pastor continued preaching when i'm preaching beside him and it's not even the issue that the pastor could not see no it's not she wasn't spiritual no very spirituality but the reality of it is this there is an extra sensory perception that superior spirits can turn into that you ought to really wisen up and see this is a different being this is a different being sit down i was talking to one of these apostles last night and he said you know prophet there's so many people that can fight you without knowing without knowing they're fighting hagin i said what what are you talking about he said i saw a vision of yours where you had a vision where kenneth again handed over everything to you listen to me and i i've said it over and over again where the angel came i was in terms side action on the line and sitting there just in this park children's park and i look to my left and i see kennedy again i don't know can you think and went home to be with the lord and kennedy again then beside him i saw an angel and they were walking towards me and when they got there they put he put um a suitcase full of all his books he said you can have them now and i'm thinking what is this in this pack i'm seeing can i take it now now imagine you will be fighting a man like that without knowing you're not fighting kennedy again imagine this imagine this i told you several times several years back when i was in zimbabwe one person accused me i've been having accusations for a long time this accusation this accusation this accusation and and made a big mistake all right and like i've told people here when you want to accuse me of having a girlfriend okay understand one thing bring someone beautiful not some ugly cow you meet you say this one ah i'm tired bring me somebody now hear this now hear this so [Music] [Applause] and by the way you know somebody what kind of man of god calls people cow the bible tells us in there it tells us of ugly people beautiful people faith people in there and of course prophet prem they told you some are wonderfully made some are fearfully created hear this so i'm looking at it and i'm saying god what will i do and the lord visited me immediately she's talking they are talking and i'm sitting there and the lord is standing there and they can't see the lord and the lord said take tithe and give them i said tithe money say take my tithe money give them a few thousands we took tithe money we gave it and they turned around to go to give the person because these were people were reporting on behalf of them to give the person and god said i will tell you what will happen the moment they received almost the same hour god came back and said now he's fighting me now she's fighting me she has taken my money she's taken my tithe within 13 days she was dead listen this is not something a story no i'm the one who actually paid for the funeral so so superior spirits can receive information and tactic and strategy to end you very simple strategy you don't have can be obtained in the presence of god strategy for business can be obtained based on how you want your spirit to really mature where have you been what if what miracle have you performed in the presence of unbelievers that they said wow you are a christian right nothing all you do is when you talk about the bible it's all arguments it becomes a mental ascent thing it's not something that is coming from the spirit of god where you actually prove that this jesus we're talking about israel ah you're not getting me i was in in dubai with pastor ricky and other guys and we're in dubai we got into this into this shop i was trying to change my ring and and and when i got in there they were talking about this price and this price you know i'm one person that it doesn't matter if there is uh twenty dollars in the account if you say a ring cost one dollar i will negotiate trust me there's no reason i need to feel like i've won something some of you you're not like me i don't care it might be george and cabana i will be negotiating today don't go with me you'll be embarrassed [Applause] i'll be trying to figure out okay what about this amount and so you mean that's the this is the final pricing like is there no special for me who are you why should they be special for you today i don't know if you're getting this and i decided with my guys i said no let's let's move from this shop and go to another location we went to another location and this guy in that location same ring was more expensive they said let's go back to that same guy when we were going there he kind of thought we were passing by he said come in come here come here come here we got in there he closed the door he locked the door after locking the door he told all his workers to leave and go in the other room and he locked their door and now we are left in there and this muslim is behind the counter it's like i know who you are and i'm trying to figure out um are we in trouble of uh messing up our last name you know you never know not this muslim don't play that game and he says this he says uh can you can you prophesy to me i'm thinking how do you know me all the time away because maybe the price of the ring or whatever that is he tried to figure out who is this person and he asked the name when we left so i think he figured out he had he had the name written down and then when we left you you must have jumped onto google got your videos and you know google is your friend so so so i stood there and told him that it was wednesday on wednesday you received a letter that said this about your mortgage he looked at me he's wondering how do you know this i said now the gravesite of your mother and i read everything written on the gravesite of the mother and the man is standing there and is muslim he's asking these guys what is he doing that's what the prophet does trust me we had a discount now listen to me listen to me now are you hearing the reality of it is the man was convinced to the dot until he realized jesus works we had go now into superior spirit mode what can you do if somebody argues about your christ what can you do what can you prove with what can you show them this is my question and i need that question answered don't don't say it out loud but what can you do to prove it some of you will just know you for gossip that's all you are good for your mouth if it's not for eating is gossiping there is no day you've ever done an exploit not one not one day may i cheat even in exams what's the purpose of being a prophet and you can't predict oh what's the reason i want to figure if it is not helping me why should it be helping you how am i being used by you to predict your own future and i can't predict my own shares i will stand there and decide what will come in the exams my son was opening his exams and i'd already written them on the side all the results i put them there say here he's rolling on the floor he's funny he's rolling on the floor you know and i'm just thinking yeah now stand up you know tell me what does it mean i say okay open this page i'd already written your results he didn't even need to go to school we finished the results there you see the guy who who plays for uh what's the name middlesbrough you remember you came here and yeah he's walking now how are we able live on tv not pretending say because it might fail when people are watching but i don't go with the mindset of failure i go with the mindset of superior spirit we have a certain way ayah we have a certain way brothers and sisters we have a certain way sit down i'm about to finish how how is a man how does a man really get to that mod they get to that moment by consciously getting there consciously waving in something that is of value in the spiritual realm and realizing i'm different i know who i am i'm different i know who i am i'm different i know who i am i'm not human i'm different what's this enoch began to walk with god and the bible says it this way and enoch was not you know when your history is like that and enoch was not for god took him that's your history the all-complete done and robert walked with god and he was not for god took him imagine that's your history it is the day you were born and the dashing between that matters that dash is that is there is there is there is the day you were born and the day you die that dash in the middle enoch's head he walked with god and he was not for god took him how do you get taken that's when your spirit begins to yen for rapture before rapture is even revealed what about jonah how he was in the fish the belly of the fish symbolizing the death of jesus and the resurrection of jesus and yet he had no idea of it but he experienced it before resurrection was experienced by jesus three days and three nights it would have taken him 40 days to get there but there was speed because superior spirit and the man was even running away from god but he was a superior spirit read the book of jonah it doesn't take many prophecies to become a superior spirit no jonah had only one prophecy which he failed he was told to go and tell the people i'm gonna kill them and he told them you're gonna die and they didn't die only one prophet the book of jonah jonah is a prophet yet the only prophecy he had failed it doesn't matter how many prophecies you failed if you were called as a prophet you are a prophet the bible says if there is a prophet among you and he speaks the word and it doesn't come to pass don't fear him he didn't say don't say he's a false prophet says don't fear him that means if those ones like us will whose prophecies have come to pass the bible says fear them it is i respect them fear you've never feared anything that's what your problem is respect knowing there is a speed that god can come up with you know nepkaneza grow feathers and nails like animal you know god has got a new way of embarrassing you something you've never seen before you become a new embarrassment i decree and declare anybody that shall fight you may they meet a new embarrassment a certain level of embarrassment god is not running short of embarrassing ways no he can embarrass you until even the embarrassment fears you i don't know if you're hearing this i don't know if you're getting this enoch opened a possibility of the rapture opened it just by walking by word with god open a possibility of rapture you can move to a certain level where you are a superior spirit it doesn't come easy you show me your wounds i'll show you a man that is already a woman that is ready to experience that level of spirit superiority in the spirit you can get to a point where you say this person here pastor aquila i can move with him and he can experience a glimpse of it sit down i'm moving with young man of god and at that time he was coming up you know we call him pb and he's moving with we get into one place in south africa all right and we had a city lodge at that time sitting there and he started i want to help you i proper to pack your bags and and i'm sitting there and i can't find my socks i can't find them and i'm just like where are they everyone called in and they're starting to search and i'm just sitting there like this and i said look guys we are we are about to miss we can miss our flight and we need to be in zimbabwe and minister to this morning so we have to we have to go just give me my shoes and i'll go i don't i don't have to wear socks all right and it is at the airport the the hotel and god said tell them to look at your feet i said everyone look at my feet now and everyone is looking at the feet like no socks nothing within a second they appeared now listen to me they didn't appear on the ground on my feet already one day i already done small things that don't make sense i was a prophet corpus church a minister to we're ministering to this is a white church and i'm ministering to these people talking to them about gadget repairs you know cache repairs that we do here where if your phone has got a crack and it fixes itself yeah in front of everybody now imagine imagine those one you are like we are not we don't use logic here we are all mad logic left us long time back even those in the in the overflow even responding better than you guys now hear this sit down listen to this listen to this and and and i begin to minister and miracle gadget repairs and stuff like that and i realized we're dealing with the farming community so i began to decree anything dead at the farm do this anything this anything this anything this one guy just stood up he was sitting with his wife in the third row for throw there he stood up and ran out and i was like this guy where is he going so 30 minutes whatever i'm ministering he comes back rushing and he's celebrating and i'm in the midst of the world and the guy is happy ever seen a white man acting like a black man oh it catches your attention doesn't it and this guy is celebrating you know you know why people in britain when when soccer matches are going on and and manchester schools where good people go blake people like white people like come on like come on are you happy like that what is this anyway so so imagine imagine this guy comes in celebrating and so excited and as he sits down i said what's happening he said i went home my irrigation system that doesn't that wasn't working is working here that's just gadget repairs the wife starts celebrating and celebrating so i'm singing the wife is hearing it for the first time so she's celebrating i'm preaching i preached i preached i come back the wife is just go like and he's happy and i said sister who do you think this is that they have done this because i don't i'm i'm referring to one miracle and the wife says it's not the irrigation this man when he left here he was bored now he's here [Applause] imagine the power that miracles are happening without us being conscious of them sit down i have people that will be asking me can we do this man of god my my credit scoring has gone down my grade is going is too up what can we do what can we do listen to me even today if we had time we'll do that imagine that we have a power that can actually make hair follicles hear our voice hair follicles why are we so positive it happens it's because we are superior spirits we know exactly when to heighten it moses brought darkness for three days almost is darkness just a duck what is helping you in this message if we could control weather and we can control everything that's happening i remember standing at the eastern hall and it was raining it became raining torrents i needed no ceiling at that time and i said to people in this one video and i said to people wait let's stop now and everybody stand up and be quiet i'm going to the door and stop this rain and not only will i stop it i'll bring sunshine immediately and when the city itself will see sunshine they think the weather changed yet i changed it from here now imagine wait imagine that i could change the weather of the whole city in one location what stops me and what stops you what stops you from changing weather patterns imagine if christianity was really christianity the way it should be do you understand when the bible says so that we're gonna have life in abundance it doesn't mean what you think like it's spiritual life it actually means we should not die it should be taboo for a christian to die oh now we just started another story a sign called margaret in who was in the roman catholic remember the roman catholic he was the only church at that time so there were no other choices died in the 1300s there are you getting this what i'm saying in in in rather in 350s whatever that and in the 500s rather they opened a coffin and guess what they agreed to try and move the body to another location and the coffin was no longer there over 200 years later and the coffin was gone termites and the body fresh the body itself refused to decay what was what about what the roman catholics right now are calling the saiyan patron of of pilots do you know what he did you don't even know you don't even know the guy the guy people would pray and you hover on top of people flying no listen to me he wasn't the pop the people be sitting on his throne going like and the guy will be flying everywhere and one time they wanted this the builders were trying to put a cross on top of the of the church and he was in his flying mod he picked it up with one hand and erected it on top of the temple of the catholic church these are people who had no revelation they had only the roman catholic revelation you are the one with the revelation and you are useless purely useless if i say it in my own language rubbish all you are known for is talking gossip you are a very good you are a superior spirit today your mouth you need deliverance that's why the bible when it comes to ex of the apostles paul himself was told go into that city for i have delivered you from the people in other words he didn't need deliverance from demons anymore there were people possessing him you can be sitting there with your phone like any ringing in church you are possessed by that person the word is going on you are trying to text them on whatsapp i'm still in church i'm coming don't worry you've been possessed you don't need demon deliverance you need you to we need to deliver you from that human being somebody who can replace jesus oh i knew i was talking to myself you see this is the this is from that this affair is whatever how can somebody walk with god to a point where he disappears how can somebody be a person who walks with god to the point that his funeral only god attends is like excovered funeral nobody's attending this one except me just imagine god says yes for this guy's funeral no one is attending i'm attending it see you was buried by god imagine where is he or he died did you go to the funeral oh no no it's only jesus was there now if you are buried by the person who raises the dead now you know you didn't die [Applause] that's a superior spirit imagine the superiority of jesus spirit that jesus borrowed the grave no you know you can borrow a belt but when you borrow a grave you know you are retaining it and if you're going to return it that means you know you're not going forever i speak right this minute increase in everything you do that your spirituality shall be live and direct that direct current of the lord will begin to well upon you in the name of jesus christ allah what about saint denis in france they cut his head listen to me they cut his head are you hearing this saint denis they cut his head cut like with a sword and the man is dead and his body is lying prostitute on the ground and people are celebrating that it just happened and some are crying and the body stood up and picked up his own head and walked six miles away to a place where kings are beginning to be buried to this day if you go to france there's got the statues of decapitated head with his hands holding what about a nine-year-old man nine-year-old called justice they removed the head listen to me and he grabbed his head and the head spoke to his own father just stood six miles preaching on his way the people are shocked people are running the friends are wondering what's happening but they knew he was a he was a mystic you follow a man who is holding his own head after cutting don't talk about that you know john hagee you know brother john hagg in america who preaches fire fire and men walked in the in the church and he was preaching like this emptied six clips on him six bullets shot shot shot and the bullets fell there and the man is on the platform no bulletproof listen this power is not for the people who have not done anything wrong it's not like that it is power you already have you have just not practiced it because you think look look okay let's let's be real here we have people who are having problem with us if witches can take their own wives straight have a picnic in the cemetery all night when last did your husband take you out i decree and declare somebody somebody here under the influence of my voice you will be taken superior spirit doesn't end on this [Applause] a man was caught in zambia a man was caught in zambia fell at somebody's house in the morning naked with a basket what happened i was flying flying what they charged him with piloting an aircraft with no license i'm telling you now it looks like imagine if witches can travel with no visa somebody heard me somebody heard me somebody heard me somebody hit me [Applause] you when you see the immigration knocking at your door you are shaking you are shaking oh yeah yeah yeah this guy is traveling with no visa whatsoever nothing he doesn't care the the airline rules and the traffic control no it doesn't care he knows my aircraft doesn't need that see them arch bishop nicholas dungan williams not something i had something i witnessed he's ministering on the stage and begins to say i control the airwaves in this place in the whole area he began to talk about why when when obama traveled to south africa there was an airspace an area a certain area like 50 miles and 50 miles that is became enough fly zone because he was there so he controlled the airspace said if he could control the airspace i mean the spirit controlling this espace what's this no witch what's this this is around 12 1 am no witch will be able to fly around here watch this he started praying and he's a praying machine he began to pray began the prayer he said now i shall go out and take all the witches and bring them there listen to me watch this all night is over he's walking out we are walking out everyone is walking out guess what in the streets naked people trapped they couldn't go anywhere trapped flew the wrong zone sit down i decree and declare every witch [Applause] that will try to do anything to you by fire by power we stop them now stop them now we capture them now in the name of jesus say i'm a superior spirit i'm taking up my position listen in the air of ruach which was the year of the wind of god in zimbabwe a lady came to the to the new year's eve and collected and picked up this posters we were putting out there she took the poster and took it home are you hearing this and she came back and said uh that was before the the new year's eve said i took the picture and but my my clothes were stolen so your clothes were stolen so that but i've got a picture of the year of ruach which was that year and we're going into another year i said people have stolen your clothes and you have the year of work day of the wind of god said yes as i believe in yourself believe god is in you she went home she closed the door after the new year's eve she closed the door guess what she says when she brought a bag the following day a brand new bag watch this with the stolen clothes inside i said what really took place said i was sleeping after church right and i had wind like i've never seen in my life that i woke up to close the windows to try to see if the windows were closed and they were closed but the door was open i said you mean your door was open he said the main door was open and when i tried to close it it couldn't close and i realized it couldn't close because there was something barricading it i said what was barricading it said my bag i said what do you mean you're back do you have to say no this is a new bag that was barricading it i said what what what do you mean in your bag said it was a new bag and when i opened all clothes that were stolen were in there i said wait a minute it's the beginner said no new beg he said and the surprising part of it is on top of the beg was my poster year of ruach sit down so when we tell people this is the year of the god kind they think we we just looked for a nice name if we look for a nice name it will be the year of delivering you from demons and stuff like that we were told this is the god kind in other words what will make you survive is your spiritual you nothing else but spiritual you imagine how we suffered this year imagine people don't have jobs people lost jobs do you know what last year and pastor ricky can tell you last year our company made more money than it has ever made ever i'm talking about in its existence last year and the year before we made more money than any other time to think how this is the time we should be suffering no we call the rise i said we call our eyes so as i say there shall be a casting down we shall speak there is a lifting up sit down what are you talking about kenneth hagin would stand up in church like this and will get on the stage when he gets on the stage he will just stand here and the lord would come walking and stand by him he said come up here let's leave this place i want to talk to you about something he will be left preaching to you yet he is not there imagine thinking the pastor is there with you and the person is not there how do you feel having a pastor preaching yet you don't know the guy is not even here himself he's gone what do you think will make me stand there and live here and travel there and tell you what is in your phone what is on your phone who you text in the morning what you said what do you think is that do you think he tells me when i stand with you no when i'm preaching here that's when i see these text messages it's not later on no it's right this minute that's when i'm seeing it and when i get to somebody like um you know they will lie lie like a dog lied to you like no you know what i was doing yesterday where did that go you know when somebody goes like where did i go you know they know exactly where they were [Applause] my brother didn't want to tell me something and i said to him you're lying he said no i'm telling you the truth he said i've been there several times and i knew was lying to me i said brother no no you have not been there several times how many times do you think said about him about twice i'm like ah several times about twice imagine several times then someone says about twice so i look at people lying and i just know i've just been lied to but the person doesn't get it and since i know it's spiritual i can't argue with you physically i can only get disappointed but remember the proof is coming from god but you are producing what you say is your physical proof but i'm receiving what is called truth so now your physical facts are antagonizing my spiritual truth so the only thing there is i leave you alone but deep down i know what god said so i stand with god's word not yours listen to me you can wake up a superior spirit it's a decision you make right now how many of you speak in tongues raise your hand do you know you decided oh trust me you decided there's nobody who just woke up i can't stop i can't stop i don't know how it's coming out the bible says and they begin to speak with other attacks they begin the way it began means they started it someone said how do i speak begin it how do you speak in punjab how you speak isn't it how do you speak in in the belly you speak it how do you speak in zulu you speak out you speak english you speak let your mouth move things will come out now somehow like ah it's not coming out i don't know it's not happening how many have you ever studied speaking english by going you can't you have to let your mouth move your lips move for tanks to come out and by faith it rises and it comes out but guess what you think you think spiritual things are very very technical they are not it's a decision you make from now onwards this natural flesh will not change anything pastor chris came to to to uk here and at the airport it was so cold he said god changed the weather for me and sun came out when he got to where he was going he said the british people loved their weather turn it back no no listen to me so this a child as long as you see a child is in bondage to the elements of the earth elements in other words weather patterns you become a servant of weather patterns until you decide today i'll feel warm no not there is a jacket inside there is another t-shirt then there is a some of you are here you have layers 15 clothing pieces on you then we have other christians who go i'm a woman but i'm a woman what do you understand that it wasn't god's idea to create a woman let me let me just let me i know right there we might be the reason god created a woman was because of a mistake yeah he didn't go let me just say this the bible says it this way and when he found that the man was alone he then created a woman a woman was not supposed to be created now so when we say that because you are flesh in your head you're saying is he saying we shouldn't be created no your body is the woman you inside you are a spirit so so so listen if god had not created women you will still be in existence but in a different body i was seeing women's rights flaring this is a suit you have that's why death should be you know treated a certain way if your father walks into the house like this with a wet suit and removes his wet suit and puts it there and you walk into the house and see a wet suit will you cry this body is a wet suit whatever relative of yours died they only remove the wet suit they are very much in existence it's like walking into another door this is why modi said you shall hear one day that moody is dead don't believe it for a second for in that day i'll be more alive than now yeah you're not getting this now ah [Laughter] says when you're here you'll be an angel of lincoln is dead don't believe it for a second on that day i'll be more alive than now in a better location than this one [Music] don't believe it for a second you cry like fools where did you go what meanwhile the guy you are crying for he does not even know you exist now he is enjoying the stress of you and going and god is saying do you want to go like never never and you are there going like bring him back this is the reason why many resurrection miracles don't happen it is not because of lack of power on the prayer no it is lack of power on the wheel of the person who is now with jesus he doesn't want to come back and imagine trying to get somebody who has been promoted to be ah demoted said to be with the lord is advantageous of misgain but to be with you is for your advantage not mine so he's saying me i want to go he said i'm caught between two things to go which is more advantageous for me but to stay which is for you so i i i'm deciding imagine having an argument with yourself like what do i do do i go do i stay do it the christian of today will never have a problem to where to choose you start thinking where to show up all these nandos some of you can't see people you start thinking of it because you can't imagine a place that is more beautiful than this you can't let's all stand up you were superior spirits you can actually decide today to become that superior spirit you can decide i said you can decide lake takazu liana moncrate pascuba and crevity gala hondus something good is about to happen to you in the realm of the spirit yes sir it's like the enemy was trying to fight you yes sir but your prayers i pray i love you sir let me know down below stand up and stand up sitting up let me tell you something let me tell you something where you are let me tell you relax what let me tell you why you are here let me tell you why you're here do you see this do you see this this one i gave you this last week yes sir is it how many how many weeks have you been here to church i've been here since 2019 before 2019 before before covered before all right now hear this hear this i don't know where you were sitting yes i was going to see that this location has nothing to do this location has nothing to do with what i remember it has everything to do with prophecy and this as i'm talking to you now it got somebody a job yes yes and this is friday my daughter a big big job listen this listen i'm the one telling her a permanent one big permanent she was in africa they called her over here said we want you to be she didn't even apply but it seems as if [Applause] it seems as if she put something here [Music] [Laughter] [Music] why are you crying mama don't worry listen to me is this your own phone that's his phone no that's your only phone all right no no okay where is your phone take your phone because ish imagine holding your phone someone's phone and they are giving me a phone and i know it's not the phone it disagrees with your hands it's simply iphone i believe yeah now hear this hold this another one listen nothing nothing oh it's happening you can air it right yeah i can hear you listen to me you hear that huh nothing you hear nothing at least you hear something it's called nothing nothing now just imagine what eas can do that do you really think i need to get in your phone to get it listen to me in the morning you spoke to someone in prison my son and listen just so you know this this person is a name like christ his name is christian did he leave the phone home did he leave his phone home before he got here yes this is his phone this is his phone okay [Applause] let me tell you something on your other phone the other phone that i was not holding this one there is a message from a company you oh it's actually a text message from a comment called lowell yes i'm going to open it now malaguskina [Music] [Applause] you can go there yourself yes sir the top message is from a company called lowell and you own money there l or w e double l and you own money in that place just as the prophet prophesied come on somebody now pastor ricky i want you to ask mama there in her ear how much she owes puzzle me crazy i have it sir okay and it's lower that's where you owe money yes okay and trust me i don't work for lowell if i did i wouldn't know who we who owes us money but just imagine three thousand pounds i'm giving you listen raise your hands [Music] someone prevented you from an opportunity you from an opportunity somebody has prevented you from an opportunity here yes my let me tell you what happened like there is um somebody prevented you there is an access you had in america somebody closed it thank you now you can't even get there to try and see the same people you saw before i know that's true i open it now thank you jesus thank you jesus thank listen i'm talking about politician i'm talking about politicians right now you know what i'm saying uh-huh the president of america biden himself thank you let's say this one this one this one don't even the people who could actually put you there they blocked today you're my prophet he's my prophet yes it's true it's okay it's all right [Applause] now imagine you're moving here because of time because of time i'm coming to you mama i'm coming to you a good news world with hubert angel provoking a reaction and always worth hearing
Channel: Uebert Angel
Views: 21,937
Rating: 4.9106145 out of 5
Keywords: uebert angel, bebe angel, beverly angel, the goodnews church, prophecy, prophetic, spirit embassy, christ embassy, prosperity, prophet angel, prophet uebert angel, pastor chris, chris oyakhilome, prophet bushiri, Major1, money, bill gates, hollywood
Id: j_xonC9a-EQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 1sec (5041 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 01 2021
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