Marriage Seminar Part 1 with Prophets Uebert & BeBe Angel

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[Applause] somebody we are lying and this is gonna be something exciting this is the first day of our marriage conference we use a marriage seminar part one part two tomorrow and it's gonna be exciting it's gonna be exciting tell someone we alive Oh Adam Graham autumn Graham Facebook miracle TV good news TV good news TV app I hope I didn't leave any out but we are live please share this broadcast well you do that right now so many people we say share this broadcast they think may be just talking you know che che che che che share the broadcast that's right very very important very very important because there's some people it's special on our Facebook we found something we found that so many people have followed us but they have not like this yes that's so we have about almost a million follows and the difference between the follows and the likes is like seventy thousand Wow that means some are told when we alive some so do you you really like they just need to go and press like that thumbs up like on the page that's it really and some people just lazy to go and just like and some people don't even know what they did did they follow Oh like difference I enjoy you this is on Facebook and like like on Facebook yeah yeah yeah so some also have not given have not pressed the the unlit button for YouTube so nobody notification so you don't know where the my for your life people are liking it people are liking it but you're liking it subscribe to all our channels and turn your notifications on because some of the broadcasts are going to be impromptu you some of them we won't even tell you we're live so it's good to subscribe amen and people are joining from all over the world as usual I have my atom gram screen right here I can see people watching in Kenya case 10 is in London and I agree with Kelly who is on a trip Graham she's saying item Graham really is the best thing we say is the best people think oh you own him so Dan and this thousands and thousands were spent on this watching from Africa we have a lot a lot of people watching yes sir a lot of people who are chilling in we've got B Virginia all the way from Namibia we've got people Vincent's Jedidiah watching all the way from India Hyderabad we've also good Alvin windowed Namibia people are tuning in from all over yes on item Graham we've got Cynthia mind are watching from China priest on watching from Harare Zimbabwe Asia medicine from Latin and on you children got Molly from South Africa Elvira from Miami Florida yes we have shared with her Dubai Jennifer from Lincoln Lincoln if you P is in the house Bangalore is in the house Zambia is in the house Belgium need just ease in the house winter from Egypt is in the house from ivory coast kg 35 is in the house what happened DC's in the house Srilanka is in the house is about with South Africa's Belgium pretty much every continent is represented that's well guys we we are here talking about Mary how much exactly what makes it tick what makes it fail married remarriage and we're gonna be talking about it all through this broadcast and then yes moral so if we answer your your thing today tomorrow be here tomorrow so it's gonna be exciting Monday the arrival of the new the trailers have been amazing to watch it is important you ought to watch it yes and could game watch it tech notes and listen don't be in there with your wife and say look you know I don't agree with what it's being saying just because maybe we we did something to your ego the facts are gonna be released what the scriptures say you might not like it be brave enough to say I don't like what's being said well I have no option you know I have to follow at the end of the day you are here to be helped to make something work I know so many people have already been saying this hasn't been working for me so you were here to be helped so everything else you have heard or learned sit it aside and learn a new we also have some single people who are saying I don't want to have a bad prayer point later so I'm going to listen in and live my husband's that our prayer points put your head over here please you know so are you married to a man or you're married to a prayer point are you married to a woman or that woman is a prayer boy we need to be talking about that's right but anyway anyway we see a lot of people coming onto the broadcast right now so dr. Quinn favor is there we have surround react Thank You effects of no feelings Lanka also tuned in and ready hey man hey man I see a little bit by journey right now tell somebody we're live and you can just press the share button and it goes to all your people right now that's what we are telling you to do now press that share button if you're on YouTube YouTube also Facebook you can share as well thank you yes you can you whatsapp groups you can share to your wall everybody will be able to see it exactly that's very very important share press a button and take on your what's up it doesn't cost you anything but you definitely sometimes it's very good to get people to know even if they don't watch us when you do that in they listen to awesome misses they start wondering okay they said realizing yeah wave yes actually decipher so as we call ourselves the end we are code here words exactly operating the way all right [Applause] quickly tuning in from quickly I like what Nana is saying she's saying I'm holding my iPad and I'm ready to take notes that's awesome share that broadcast now share the broadcast now share the broadcast now we can see if you're doing it so share the broadcast now if you press anxia you will see what happens I feel Jesus every way using our tongue Graham and I don't have to worry been exposed to negative posts and information that is not useful to me because on on an autumn gram when the Nephilim's come join with Bandhan yeah so you need to decide immediately you can actually see if somebody does something we take it out um Graham takes it and exposes the account this one be careful about this one yeah and then we block it usually within 5-10 minutes it's gone if you report it to autumn Graham it's gone sky there's no two days to wait 24 hours no we're we block it immediately all rights right and never give anyone money who's coming to you invest I have a business I'm very good you know when when somebody posts like you know you can make twenty thousand degrees I want to think the everyday yeah John yeah didn't yeah I just go him like wow I saw the last one you did it was so funny like what I did going dancing Wow Wow some big money you're talking about you know undo the person blogged uh say my notebook and Bible is ready to learn from the best and we need men's conference after this please please we still have men were Caucasian yeah it's just that men world convention cannot be done on on we need we need you to be there all right we want to talk about marriage all right how we hope we are ready hope we are ready Susan is saying I'm ready to hear and this is on somebody says we how do we go to certify our accounts I don't see that part on on Adam Graham it's right there you go to your menus you can actually see says verify right there if they just go to your menu every time just go to your menu if you don't know what to do it'll be this is verify your account in big letters make marriage great again she's actually prophesy prophecy prophecy prophecy Wow someone is saying that's color she's saying how wedding is next week Oh Lynn Lynn Lynn Lynn Lynn it's important and we have Auto Club people are really really on fire as usual the on fire is usually on fire now we want to deal with this marriage issue so that we we really fix your problems with regards to it very very very important that's right my rodent son-in-law needs marriage restoration gasps please watch it and I think the biggest problem is when we pray for marriages right and people say so just pray for it so it wakes it's not just pray no no it's not like that it all in knowledge notice what the Bible says he says he says since a good woman by the word the words in my mouth build a house by the same words she destroys it means a by love okay so we're studying here II think it's giving you a second principle that she is using that's accomplished what she needs in marriage I want to just start by that abstract point that you blend well where is he going with this the point is the point is most people think the love makes marriage work okay okay and that's the biggest problem that is happening in the church today Wow love makes marriage work love is what is needed I understand the way we explain love in the way we explain it here it will get you straight you understand it but the biggest problem is to think love makes it but what is love what is described as love in this thing what is described the definition of it so we have problems where people think but they got married not using that kind of love that they want to keep the marriage okay so he said they got attracted to somebody using one kind of love we're using one kind of love and then they want to suck my reins using one kind of love okay and then they became close and radically using a lot of kind of love so there are four kinds of love in the Bible that makes a relationship work okay that make a relationship work rather so four kinds of love there is what is called eros where we get the word erotic they will get feelings you know I want to kiss somebody I want to hug somebody I want to sleep with somebody I want to do this all these things there is this arrows then you get to a point where you feel which is the relation family relationship Riley connections right you know like your family is now my family that's Philly all right well we get when you get to the book of Revelation it says end to the church in the Philadelphia it is a page of family relationships okay we prepare but you know my job somewhere all right that's what we get the that Kitsch age kind of okay now watch this now and you you can understand that is past is gone it's no longer there anymore you can say I'm waiting for my angle I'm going to arrange something look your angles and we're taking care of his own kids is already gone from Vegas that's right so we get to with eros figlio then we get to something called strago teri go Strega the story go is friendship that's my best friend okay that's my best friend that's my best friend so there is teri go so out of this trigger then so you've got stages all combinations of that then we have one which is called agape right so you have one eros eros strago agape so the problem is you've got your wife using arrows so eros is the one way it's feelings it's feeling I can't touch it that's why you want to sleep with this woman you want to kiss this woman you want to hug this woman you just look at the at the shape of the body I'm like that's my wife then when you get in there the wife starts doing something you don't like and oh I see nothing now to keep the marriage except eros except arrows it doesn't apply or your wife becomes bigger than what she was when you got attracted the shape is God the ship is gone now you find somebody who is waist better shape outside and for you to stay with this one inside is no longer working why because your attraction that's what you want maybe some people say okay but but me and my wife we are so we're friends you are only doing with Diego so that's still it's still not enough yes then one day you find it she's gossiping about you with their friends or with their mother or she lies to you that friendship thing gone now somebody outside is really really giving you a tangent and telling you that truth from beginning to the end now stare go alone cannot keep you in a marriage or enough either eros alone cannot because the Samba is out there who is more beautiful than your wife and some than your husband so so sexual attraction can't keep you indie okay friendship can't keep you in their relationship that all my family and your family they knew each other so we are yeah we are united no that's why that's why people can take a marriage certificate and a nap and like no it's done yeah and they don't even call your parents and you don't call their parents yeah you just walk away walk away so people are operating on these three but what prohibits divorce is a copy so agape is able to to forgive a cheating spouse a lying spouse it is able to forgive the the things that make you divorce so wherever you see divorce it is a lack of a guppy that's why people get City and say we are divorcing so I do first thing I don't like the way she talks she also tends the runs that I don't like the way he does this I don't want the way there's then the console asks you do you still love each other do you love him say yeah I do but I just can't live with him what kind of life are we talking about which the love you love it I do with that so you people I love each other how does what I say we we have an amicable amicable whatever we are now in an amicable but we're free yes we even love each other exactly that's why we have baby mamas and I don't know where they Accord baby Papas they sleep with each other they divorced baby this thing of other this single mother they have a baby together a child together and if to meet each other later on like what you were like when you're sleeping with emoney you're divorced yes why Aeros is what gets them to go back to bed together but our gap is not there to bring them into a marriage because I got excuses every fault it stops everyone wants me to go to the divorce side of it so I don't know if they're getting you maybe if they're getting it you tell me this is very interesting Wow this is Joseph Andy saying dropping bombs already thank you I've been waiting for this all day and Joseph is saying this is a revelation of the highest prophetic standard my god do you think this topic is very exciting I was so excited from morning and I'm ready to learn more awesome you know I have always wondered why couples will be at a crossroads and they tell you in no uncertain terms that it's over the husband will say I really you know long the hell about differences the wife will say we have II but then they say I love but reconcile about differences so it's the differences that are not reconcilable the differences so there are things inside this marriage that make it not possible for them to come back together there are reasons so the reasons are the ones that not that won't make them come to back together but the people can be together but the difference are the ones but the differences cannot cannot be forgiven by eros love is it whatever for do you do whatever for I do can only come back to a point where we sit down and say there was not there why there is a debate but the realities you have found enough reasons it may have found enough reasons and you'd say ah I'm not staying with this person but I got me now text you to a point where you say sit down you can advance like this with a gabber because there is no imagine when you have something that says there is no divorce so you have to kind of fix some some all the problems that's right cause you're gonna be in there for a long hole that's right so so many people are just no arrows oh I'm attracted to it I just miss it right now then that's that's arrows people who are married their relationship is in the bedroom it's not outside you get to a house and you see the wife is playing with the kids the man is reading a newspaper watching football at night that's when they see each other in the bedroom so you realize this eros in that eros ended then strago can be fact it's two dead bodies can be amplified as a lie that means they can go through a wedding together they are wearing nice clothes together and all this between twinning and photos photo up and boom boom boom is friendship back there is no agape so it's useless imagine what the Bible says for God so loved the world he gave His only begotten Son so I've got it now that's a god but then he says it then he says while we were yet sinners yeah yeah so I know she got before Seanie that's true I didn't say ignores you see because God loved us first before blowing and wagging we didn't last in us so we were 40 and a guppy manage to love us but arrows now if you are a sinner it can't forgive and you can love you hey it has no capability there's no capability because your actions and your body and your hips and your whatever don't do nothing - eros eros likes that it doesn't correct problems a man might think no your fault for 20 minutes well is you're having sex with him and that's it afterwards he goes one thinking you did this you did that you do Stu is there but I gotta say is while you are yet infinite I love you so a lot of people die yeah losing right now is the result of you having three types of love and licking and neglecting the most important that's it the one that says if all this does not work I'm still here to cover for these same people don't know something let me just tell you something there is there is something here that that people don't understand scientifically if I'm looking at my wife like this and I look at her and she's looking beautiful all good like like she always does what happens is her beauty he'll look gets into my mind all right triggers chemicals in my body and my body says I want it but people don't understand they have made decisions based on those chemical reactions only problem is scientifically chemical reactions happen every five seconds so they can change they change any times every five seconds you own one minute you are happy one minute gonna be something else okay one minute you want somebody one minute is like I wanted to kiss you but you delayed you know the whole thing is gone is gone why because chemical imbalances are taking place Wow you see and this is so crazy because there are some psychologists marriage psychologists in the world they ask you do you have chemistry exactly know what did what it means I mean are you are you chemical reaction to operating right to them that's the the main thing you need to sustain a marriage no wonder people are divorcing because it's all based on chemistry chemistry so if reaction if things didn't don't happen in your body when your every five seconds you can change so every five seconds I can look at you and boom every five seconds I can look at that person boom everything another woman can cook it that minim like wow that's a guy and then he turns around outside and another man appears boom reaction and the reaction happens every five seconds five seconds five seconds again happen so we have people who are married reaction of chemicals chemistry chemistry that's it like you say do you have chemistry what they're talking about here is they should they should just say do you have biology because the whole thing is happening in your not to me that's it everything is taking place every detail and so I just love that come and adjust the moment I see when I see is like my whole world yeah what you're describing there is not love is what we call infatuation so you confused it for love yes is infatuation then you get home and get married to somebody you are infatuated that's it so you wonder why is not working the way you failed before I just don't feel the way I felt before yeah chemical reaction I just don't love him the way I loved him before chemical reactions I'm not taking place then one day after you say I don't love two weeks one bit boom that day you're like yeah [Laughter] so you're basing a relationship on Kimmy Kimmy goes you can't control those your eyes looked in you saw it you know adrenaline and you wanna keep your marriage based on adrenaline it's not gonna work like that alright let's see what people are saying so yes people are getting it it is the day of transformation in my marriage live from Germany I love you all this is a prophetic bombs to my marriage Denise or not you're promising we are in a biology class this is real what's so pricey saying this is very insightful these are important nuggets useful before and during and my Nona is saying when I talk Graham this is my well of wisdom I'll never go wrong in this life Thank You prophets people are sending text messages right now and if you see us liking is because we like you happy keeps marriage from divorce thank you sir I'm gilded is also saying oh my god I never knew all this sensitive yet giving true insight thank you so much unfortunate is saying very dangerous marriage foundation chemistry love info tuition this is amazing Moses Meredith I want to break up I don't want to show you something here most people say you know says if you divorce if a woman divorces the husband accept it before for fornication now noticed what the Bible never say the woman is power to do so what was this amen has departed it was the wife want that basis but it didn't really quite say so we're gonna deal with it in a few minutes see some people like I want it I want it I want to hold out let's just see what the Bible says all right please pray for my marriage life we are praying we are praying we are praying yes and take time to learn I like what you said at the beginning that just about we pray alone you have to also then get into the inside yeah this seminar this is where you practice everything that you're learning right now put it into practice done if you see and I like how you were really breaking it down showing us the different types of love now I'm sure a lot of people can see where they have ADD you can see that I'm mostly on the errors kind of love and it's not quite on the agape side of it exactly and and with a lot of people that just go for the cherry go like you know you my you oh my god you know you know you're my friend you know you know my body you know you know and people say no I will not wrong my husband because we are friends you know when I'm about to do wrong I think that's my friend I used but it's to go its he didn't sustain it isn't sustain it doesn't doesn't imagine somebody is imagine somebody bringing his or family into the family house yeah and in fact we know you yeah and the mother is shouting at the wife the mother of the husband and the husband comes from wake and the mother lies that the wife spoke to you some kind of way yes like my mother you mean my mother you there's no proof of anything but the mother spoken so the whole thing is taking place here and it destroys the stir ago we were closest buddies how can you say that to my mother strago yes this Torito can even with people with a gap a stereo can also happen that it can be disturbed but when it is disturbed a gap it comes and says ah if she messed up still because of a gap it you forgive so even the confrontation that is gonna happen there we already know the end result the end result is there's no divorce there's nothing that will happen except fixing the issue now when people are fixing the issue they were already that ready to press an exit button like I'm going if you you just just just do what you're about to do and I'm going you know that's where the thing is all right wow that's very interesting Wow exactly that's why Vinson says that's why people crush on any woman they see that's exactly what it is I'm getting it now after ten years of separation and I'm naming everything in this message thank you for feeding us and also good which is the saying I'm glad I came across this teaching before I've got married now I know that someone I like was only eros hey man I just wish all the youth were following this teaching it's really helpful that's why we say to people because we know how loaded the Lord has made us so that's why we say to you if you see that share button just press share and go to everyone on your on your on your whatsapp give them that link you never know you never know how many people would thank you for doing so but this one lazy you know the black are praised and then come back in and stuff like that now I don't know if we have people aren't getting it getting it Konrad anyone or not don't go missing professed in queue a million times you're the one who held three years ago when I first heard that a man must love and will submit I had for a long time desired to be loved and I got my deliverance through you would Wow okay and I can see someone here Joe sure Andy yes Joe and I think saying is divorcing oh there it is is divorcing a sin is divorcing a sin hundred percent now I know what you are struggling with and let me read it because I understand where you are but remember there's a big difference is divorcing a sin or is being divorced a sin big difference okay people miss it that if I'm the one who has been divorced if I seen no but if I'm the one who pressed the button for sinning for for divorce I have seen all right some people are not getting it right asking for elaboration on that one elaboration yes okay let's read what they want us to read because I know what what they already thinking let's read where they want us to read Matthew 19 verse number four Matthew 19 verse number four I want you to read so that I know where you are allowed to divorce okay so that I give you that so we go forward all right matthew 19:4 it says any answered and said unto them have ye not read have you not read that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female exactly now we see that right made them and said for this cause shall a man leave his father and mother and shall cleave to his wife not as the wife does not leave the father and mother that's right is the men that know the meaning of that verse number six wherefore they are no more two but one flesh what therefore God hath joined together let no man put asunder now that means if God is the one who joined you don't let anybody to put us on about if you were joined by the visual they say under him why did Moses then command to give a writing of divorcement and to put her away people don't understand what is written here he's talking to the Jews [Music] they Jews are the ones who asked and they said but we followed the law of Moses he is speaking to a Jew before we got there for you to understand something because I understand so many people what do you mean 1 Corinthians 10:32 I want you to just get it so that I I I'm still gonna go back to to that but I'm dealing with 1 Corinthians it says here give none offence neither to the Jew nor to the Gentiles nor do the Church of God policies when you minister the word don't often the Jews don't offend the general the genders don't even the Church of God that means you are dealing with three groups of people when you preach always know that in your head so when you read scripture you know you are dealing with three groups groups it's three groups not that for effect you are dealing with three groups so some scriptures are four genders sometime after the Church of God some are the Jews so you have to read it in context in context and then the Bible also says it this way love everyone now you look at this love everyone then it says , especially those in the house of God that means there you might struggle somewhere but when it comes to people in the house of God there is no excuse there is no chance an option for hatred of anyone in the house of God I mean saying the Bible saying you have a hatred for outsiders but it's already telling you if you are having trouble day let you not have trouble when it comes to the house of God it's already telling you different positions of what and where all right now here now let's this go again we're going to we're all nervous I think we were seven right Moses commanded you right then they said why did Moses command to give a writing divorcement and put it away and he said under the Moses because of the hardness of your heart which was which happiness of what we never had happiness of ours we are new creatures in Christ that means is to talking to the Jews you were so hard you Jews he has not died so his Old Testament for the Testament is not a testament it was 917 so it's not possible for him to be speaking to Christians he is speaking to the Jews now hear what he says now where's number 8 be and he said unto them Moses because of the hardness of your hearts suffered you to put away your wives but from the beginning it was not salt was not he says Moses changed the beginning I don't know he's talking doing it to the world to the Jew verse number 9 I say unto you who he is got an audience this is but look at is it Moses did this for you Jews Moses was the Prophet to the Jews that's right I am come to the Jews and then they received him not that's John 1 to 12 yes in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was with God right it was gone the same time for a witness all things were made in fact all things were made by him and without him was nothing in him was life in the life is the light of me until I said it in darkness and darkness company do not skip skip skip skip skip skip he came unto his on the wood yes the Jews Jews that's right Jews received him now and then he passed the grace to anyone who would believe to become the child of God so who did he come for Jews and when they just refused he gave it to us so we are not part of the Jews they Jews with the ones all right now so he is talking to the Jews and it says I say unto you when he's speaking Jesus Christians are not yet dead because Christians come only when Jesus dies and resurrect so he's not writing for for Christians his writing is speaking rather to Jews and he says ant to you specifically more social put away his wife except for fornication who is he talking to they change all the Jews should the Jews have a route that was given by God the Son of God and he says if you divorce except for fornication who divorces it he did not say they were the woman in this verse and churches are taking this verse and say it's for us if you take it and same for Christianity then no woman can divorce any man for fornication because this creature was only for men divorce in women because in the Jewish religion only a man could say I'm writing a divorce me the woman could not write it in writing no the woman couldn't that's it was the man that's true doesn't mean say they were not generals who left or me but according to the law that was to married but only a man could write a letter and say here go now he he say he comes and I say unto you what sort of I shall put away his wife not his husband no dear husband his wife all right yes except it be for fornication and shall marry another committeth adultery and marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery so people end on fornication should divorce or engagement now this but if the peasant goes out there and gets married well if you're still alive what is he talking about Romans 7 is what is coding Romans 7 verse number 2 says for the woman which has in the husband is bound by but I know her husband do you see that yes so long as the husband leaves she can't get married they already knew you can run away said if you go don't worry if you get married you're committing a terror you go to hell for sure so that Romans 7 is dealing with what with what Jesus said here in Matthew 19 is the same thing Paul is talking but notice Paul says if you had you have married to a husband you are bound by the law of your husband you can go any way if you choose to live in get married some way you've committed that out early but we have said verse number two before we read verse number one it says know ye not brethren what for I see to them under the law so he's talking to Jews even Paul is talking to Jews Jesus is talking to Jews and the church is taken these two verses and made them doctrine for the church some people getting my marriage is amazing because of your teachings thank you mom and dad and I can see dr. same saying you are rectifying the societies because these things most of the mistakes are coming from society yes you know you grow up hearing all the big names the celebrities on TV talking about chemistry when you get married or divorce and things it's it looks fashionable so is like it has like no it's a relationship is just like okay you my girlfriend just stay together and let's go we are not Jews I am blessed to be living in 20 20 BC thank you profit and profit and I can see a lot of people just going my god Wow you know you know it means they really didn't know this that's you know now I got it okay some people getting idiot you just crash the hard hell out of me thank you now imagine how many people divorce based on these two verses which are spinning in front is a yes if your wife if your wife commits adultery divorce not wife because the Bible says Amen can give us a woman for this yes table saying no are you a Jew I'm talking to a juice Paul comes witnesses I'm speaking to a Jew those that know the law that's right and the Caribbean says what remember you are preaching to Jews and agenda into the Church of God so in your writing noise that's why you find this I not the Lord the Lord not I to the Jew and to the church I say so he is trying to differentiate and say no no no I know youse are operating under a certain covenant and he it is what you do and you guys are operating under this and I can take it you and say I know in your lloyd does this then if you want to come to Christianity is the way and he's giving examples in the what in the law because it's changing the Jews to Christianity that's right and some Jews were already in the Church of Christ he's trying to use the examples of what they used to do and trying to say this is exactly what happens when you are with Christ okay not not not like the same divorce thing or the same marriage thing no it's just the giving us typology in a type or a typing shadow you know like okay this divorce then it comes to the church the relationship with the church and God see the difference yes yes people are getting it on the Hudson Graham yeah the same mixing up grace and Lloyds and messing up everything and saying I just fell from my chair revelations from the beginning from the beginning itself loving it by my marriage will add more spices now Thank You prophets so say a group of youth from Zambia the Borah male thank you so much I'm Tony this is I think you're missing what we are trying to say so if somebody remarries after they living available in sin we are saying that's for the Jews these verses were reading after the Jews if you are a Jew you are sinning but when we say Jew here we're talking about those who practice Judaism so many people miss it when you say Jew if they do is the Christian they are now operating on occasion rules yes that's right all right now yeah it is yeah so that you let's read it let's read it but remember we are dealing with the juicier or some people okay whosoever marries air which is put away does commit adultery now now but I want you to see one thing year myth you 19 verse 1 2 3 before we go to 4 while we start reading 4 or 5 6 to 9 we left 1 2 3 okay and it came to pass that when Jesus had finished these sayings he departed from Galilee and went way that cost of what Judea way the Jews beyond Jordan and a great module followed him he healed them there their Pharisees who are the Pharisees they Jews rulers of the law the Pharisees also came unto Him tempting him they knew exactly what they were trying to do they wanted him to break the law so he said to the Jews to you to you Moses a Moses said he knows they believe in Moses so he's not touching any scripture that shall come for us he's seeking to even know what they know because they wanted to trick him and he's even rewriting what we have been taught all our lives thank you same and never the same great revelation I never had before Thank You Brenda I don't know if they're getting it Moses Julie is singing I open a to marriage principals getting the nitty-gritty of what marriage is and should be Thank You prophets the law is the tenor in the sense that it came from god i think somebody saying is it because the law is eternal you're missing the whole point forget the law the jews want to follow they're not by choice by choice so we are dealing with what they follow all right there are so many people that I do Messianic Jews that have already moved from Judaism in unity yes so you can't say since they follow the laws because they followed a lot because of this no it's not like that at all people are moving inwards talking about a lot of them are moving from from Judaism into Christianity they are doing so right now as we speak people have been changed right now as we speak why because the Bible says in the reading of the Old Testament there is a value that still remains on the Jews the more you read the Old Testament a various built and so many preachers so many preachers preach from the autism it that's right no matter what you do and so many preachers there are not even teachers are confused for teachers in Africa because Africans don't know what a teacher is when it comes to and if your pasta main place of choosing and vases or testament you are dealing with the preacher not a teacher very simple you are dealing with the preacher not a teacher if we come as a dog David Abraham you know for sure one ninety percent seventy percent of what is preaching or Testament you are dealing with the teacher thank you so much and I don't care how soft T is in his teaching it's to a preacher not a teacher is the same thing as worship songs and and and praise songs yes it's not the speed of it yeah it's the width I think they're in a worship in a worship know you might be any praise well it's it's the words that make the thing so it's not the speed of a teacher or the speed of a of a preacher that makes you say oh that's a preacher know somebody can be bending or piping what from corner to corner preaching preaching in teaching and teaching and the teacher can go from day to day teaching real teaching so I guess we have a lot of people who I think people don't listen don't listen to this preacher these verses and think they are yours they are for they do we are coming to you so people again can I am marry a divorcee these are Jews we are talking to you a Jew don't listen okay so if we mean somebody who is divorced oh my god it's a sin we've just mentioned he is talking to did you some people are getting your prophets Hamilton's Tutera saying true prophets as divorces that we made to fill divorce is the unpardonable sin like we are living it's so amazing how youth can sleep with a woman using protection right and children are left in the pepper they didn't get that and yet a single mother he has managed to keep the child in their womb and then we look down upon a mother and prays a person with no child who killed the children in the pepper they are all right yeah so yeah the single mothers are meant to feel very bad like yeah yeah how can you have a child with no father mmm how many children did you live in a bedroom with your husband how many with your with your boyfriend sorry how many how many children you just chose not to give bed to them yeah that's true some explosive teachings there so many people are lazy tandem the ice saying thank you so much I thought preachers are those down corner to corner now I know what a teacher and the preacher either my eyes you see did you say you if you go fire fire from corner to corner they call you a preacher and preach I can preach well it's beings very snow tweeting but you can tell that the way to see it is the way I just told you of course I'm not saying that's the preaching unrep SN fireproof way to see it no but you can tell after you are done listening to them you don't you can't go and practice what they just said they can they can encourage you in you gossip we were taught to pray you go in go in the house you'd kneel down you said praying the same way you were playing you don't really know the way to pray right because we're not taught so it's like the motivational kind of preaching they can even touch scriptures and you be like wow I never knew that Scripture but still your life will not even move to another level okay this is why preachers are getting rich and the church members are getting poor because the preacher knows how to do it but can't deliver to his congregants so the congregants I encouraged they've written notes yeah but they go home they're still broke all right that's why we have our test one Sunday every week where people come in and say I started the business I'm like this now I got this I got this thing it's like the principles are working yes we had quite a number today oh my vision the Word of God we had exactly so this is our waking the oh yeah so I don't need to start praying using mine own language yes what do you do I start praying using tanks then fly into my own language where is it written ah what is the conclusion then sighs Paul I will start with thee with with the spirit and with the understanding also so the smaller part is what nice so with describe all those wave in the hand and explain the root meaning of this and the root meaning of this and give you other scriptures to support this point so you go home and like I was wrong at mama kind of preaching but you come from a preaching place they will tell you preach please and pray you need to this one praying this one prick even give you some small verses in the New Testament go home how free you pray the same way you were praying all disease that's the same thing or just changing tweaking it [Music] right I don't know if they they're getting it right when I started following you I am reading the word like never before and getting revelations thank you profit from Joe well Anand amen amen now and I want you to see something here I want you to see something here now matthew 19:9 he made it clear that moses was actually specifically referring to fornication or sexual sin that is specifically saying as moses who said this is adding to something that nobody kind of it put into consideration no I'm now telling you why you were told you can't divorce well it was because of this reason but Moses did it for the what because you're hot so what was it in the beginning Oh in the beginning God yet said it's only for fornication that you can divorce your wife I don't know getting it so it is saying you've missed the point with Moses Moses knew they had nosov your heart and he said it was for any reason but in the beginning there was only one reason allowed one occasion and notice what Paul was saying he is not saying the woman can do it to the man no he's saying only the men gain decide to divorce they missing it then you see the change in Christian it in a few minutes but you need to understand when when you're writing Greek you write from here going that backwards yes that's right right right like this yes from right English usually lists whereas English is left to right yeah so some verses you read them here or read them back for you to understand them all right now if we get to first corinthians table number seven [Music] and unto the married I command yet go first Martin right and to the married I command yet not what does it mean it means this one now this is not me not me telling you this yes now if you notice if you go to to verse number five this deep-fry defraud ye not one the other except it be with consent for a time that you may give yourselves to fasting and prayer and come together again in sudden tempt you not for your inconsistency right you know what six between married couples yes then it is to be it is to be regular but always give time for fasting and prayer all right but is telling the Corinthian church that means they had problems day where they would go for days or some insourcing spiritual we are fasting for four months so this is not technical it must be yeah yeah you did this we do it this way yeah is that briefing a church that was me yes but it had those issues those issues every minute every second Yahweh every day now now I don't know if they are getting this but then he says him and then he says what's this he says but I speak this by permission not commandment the things I'm telling you just missing it not that God told me yes then he says now what he means by that he says for I would rather that all men were as I am this is what he's talking about not the fasting but this one okay you saying it's better for you to be single yeah this one is it's not good with speaking it's me now when it comes to verse number 10 watch this now says unto the married I command yet not I do you see now do you see what he's just changed he's changed you said okay the previous with it was me it was me thinking it yes Minto yes it lead but I don't have a comment made directly from God but this was married so thank you the married I command I but the Lord so we know what is about to be mentioned is the Lord with commanding what did you say not the wife depart from her husband first upload is finished not divorce that means you can still start that verse from the end going back if you read it in the in the in the Greek it actually says let not married people divorce remember that's why Isis aunt to the married I say not unto the wife and to the married I say there is no no rule with Christ for the first to happen I don't know if let's do this billing in easy yeah I think I'm short of words Thank You prophet I am learning how they're getting it yes a lot I saying we are getting it dead amen and no divorce in Jesus name they are getting amen amen amen amen they are getting it I need to say wonderful sessions you are conducting your teachings are precious pearls and you're distributing that you are distributing to others loving you for this he's saying I've never seen this scripture before or headed from any pastor thank you sir amen amen amen amen so if you look at them at the way we read Matthew Wright Jesus is talking about interpreting the law to the Jews okay when we get to the book of Corinthians Paul is explaining what love would do because the now the thing that operates in Christianity is love they won that operated during Moses is the law so Jesus is interpreting the law to the Jews and Paul comes in to interpret to the Corinthian church that are Christians what love would do if the wife does not want to do this well then it's okay for you to stay with the husband the worker to stay with the wife but I'll tell you what the commandment of the Lord is the thing that he judges you to do the order from God no it was so it's better to choose the right guy because when it comes to Christianity no divorce but if the wife does it if the husband does it it is happened but just like God says do not steal people still would you do that when the Lord said no you steal you lie you go see the Lord no nothing like that should happen what I was saying thank you for saying the truth without cutting any corners and melody saying is better to have a broken relationship than a broken marriage thank you for the teachings period empathy is more than a church it is the University of the Holy Spirit Himself we are where no one can go wrong and David bada is saying or not I'm chief angel this meal is too expensive thank you so much and I'm only seeing I am hearing you profit at least I'm not separated I'm only separated and not divorced thank you so much Matthew 10 to 11 want you to see something that Jesus did that that is very freaky we have gone to Matthew Matthew 19 right Matthew 19 with the 19 vest we were on verse number 9 right is interpreting the low body does something it does something watch this now he does something to the Jews that is so controversial because he told them what Moses was saying then he told them the beginning Moses brought the law but before Moses there was just God yeah so God didn't give the law he gave words that's right yes you know let's read from verse my name and I say unto you whosoever shall put away his wife except it be for fornication and shall marry another commits adultery all right based on my team now watch this now he's when you do notice Moses is bringing the law yes Jesus then says I say unto you do you notice what is it yes he didn't say that's the law said I'm saying I know people are missing this you know the technicalities also kind of them they look basic yeah when they change a lot of things that's true he finished interpreting the law then he says you were told by Moses this law because he knew they had yes right yes the people who are talking to him right now I know the ones Moses so yeah yeah okay it's coming through obvious lady yes over 2000 from the book of Genesis yeah now and he gets there and sees and since since the Jews that I in that time this Moses gave you this but because of the hardness of your hearts so they have to be continuously hard from Genesis that's why them says I will give them a heart of flesh no they had a stone like the Jews so they had a hard heart and mostly I know my people are hard here is the rule divorce your wife is in for coffee it's okay so God allowed Moses to change these because no had now Jesus a bad bad before this before the law came remember the Bible says grace and truth came by Jesus but the log came by Moses so Moses mentioned something but before Moses mentioned something there was something operating sayings that were operating now he says now I say unto you before they locate this is the issue that was said by God watch this what's this now since these disciples say unto him if the case of the man be so with his wife it is not good to marry while the disciple so concept because they are used the Bible says as was Jesus custom to go to the synagogue so what what was Jesus operating on his own on earth who was the operating s hey Jew Jews he wasn't a Christian what would the disciples following that's what they were always with Pharisees and were calling him rabbi yes yes Pharisees Pharisees every way yes what were they trying to say they were trying to say we are in the same religion so what are you saying that's why they were confronting him nobody is there going to do to to to the Imam of whatever of Conda I'm like yeah why are you not following the Scriptures was that two different religions we are dealing with but in this time Jesus what this disciple with his disciples going to the synagogue he knew the mentally 80s limp and found him in the synagogue he was there also listening to the word Jesus not in the church change is not here yet because Jesus had not died so he's operating under the law so the disciples are shocked under the law one thing in no way I'm taking the disciples is better than this and freer than this eeeh what the disciples are saying his disciples say unto him if this be the case of the men of Wu of demand man so to be so with his wife it is not good to marry you know what the disciples are saying so I need to wait for my wife to commit a doubter for me to divorce this woman what about all this problem that she is old anyway if you are giving this ruse to the men Dena look at how Jesus flipped it immediately no the second day but he said unto them all men cannot receive this saying not the law except they to whom it is given you need revelation for this one since the thing I'm talking about require revelation not the law not even nothing not all men who even catch this revelation [Music] I don't know if you very good so he is literally saying it is not a commandment it is the law it is not a commandment on a lot it is the same he's not giving to those who cannot receive it let's convince them at work for the sub units oh you see now is going immediately not to the normal human beings with no reproductive organs huh there are some eunuchs which was so born from the mother's womb and there are some eunuchs which were made eunuchs of men and there be eunuchs which have been made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake he that is able to receive it let him receive it I don't know if you're getting it castrated men is what he's talking about I do si castrated by men so that they won't produce nothing no they used to have eunuchs where you castrate a man and then the men doesn't have in people to inherit his wealth or his money yes so that man is then he used in the kingdom by the king one slip with the wives of the king once - money from the king why he has no children to leave the world with no need no need for it so someone made by men according to God there isn't someone made by God straight from their mothers from the mother's womb nothing to do anything with yeah all right well people are getting it some people getting in listen yeah people are getting it John la la la missing I'm really happy to hear this I wish I got this information before I parted ways with my baby mama and Titus - Billy saying I have been teaching in I've been teaching in marriage seminars but today your teaching is made me speechless I am humbled by this baby I can see Queen Jane here on a Tom Graham sing I'm glad I'm learning from our man of God as a single lady I know what I am getting myself into in the future yeah thank you for this prophetic teaching in revenue and monkey lion is saying good news generation of hawaii's chrétien raising up being led by the good news man learning much dad thank you a man man I don't know if they're getting it that they're getting it right I guess somebody's like this is great alright to dip some people Emily thing this is a powerful teaching a rectifying eras in our marriages okay so Moses Duane sir say can you elaborate the last phase the last base is talking about eunuchs it's talking about eunuchs to say this to say there are so many people you guys have just said it is difficult for a men to do this but trust me it's not as difficult as you think why there are some eunuchs who can even do it because of physical in abilities that's what is trying to explain by bringing in the eunuchs crystal okay crystal some people might need some revelation to go up like you know wow you know that's exactly what he's trying to say he's trying to say it is difficult but to the some who is this verse is easier for those who have been given it say there some we've been made eunuchs I'm gonna admit eunuchs these guys if they don't want to marry they do in a minute we don't have any way of doing it yeah so it's okay some people like this are given from it from above and some people were made by men to do this so it's difficult for you to receive it but look at these guys an option is easy for them alright being held prophets superrepo dimke on atone grammar saying today has saved me from the thought of leaving my marriage wow this week is for me though my wife will not wash with me but my mind has been changed a man and amen anyway I don't know if I huh I can see Charlene is seeing something on Integra I now understand where my parents might have gone wrong in their divorce I'm not married but I can relate to the teaching you just reset our ignorance and talk to the same sweet scrolls of revelations dripping fresh oil thank you so much sir and Henry's saying is not even just my religious mind before but my ego has just been squashed no divorce you know and when you know imagine when you know there is no divorce you'd do anything to spice up that marriage you do anything you I'm telling you do anything you buy a jacuzzi you buy a hot tub you buy a car you buy a bike just just to try and find ways of making this work you know you don't even need to buy all this expensive stuff there's very small things that you can learn to do together watch a movie together or watch a series together that everyday you know that's my series in that series somebody is goddamn best actor in there and stuff like that you kind of know what you're doing and when you come to the Bible if somebody said what's your best buy you know and it happens like that okay and before you know it it's working can a wife a wife can't it's already written they in the wife cannot do it did I read it wrongly you guys hate it right that the Bible says has the commandment of the Lord says a wife cannot put away his wife it's just not possible according the Bible [Music] it is ready yes yes but you see the point is we have this equal rights mentality that is going into the church yeah so the Equal Rights mentality is what in the church to the point that the woman thinks I'm at the same level with the man which is alive from the pits of veil and it's being perpetrated by people who preach about marriage because they've gotten into this world inside of black the words are all it's a now you know we are now in the we need to be progressive well it is a comedy progressive what finish the bag Wayne is already set it in motion they want a message that fits everybody like one size fits all it fits everybody if you don't get into a marriage the moment you get in that's why process it is my commandment that you state you still single it's better so there are some people who by nature of their disposition their disposition should never get into a marriage because their minds that thinks a man and wife are the same it's a life on the pit Sofia you're only the same before before you get married you are the same when you get into a marriage the man is above you it's a very simple thing but because you like arrows in marriage so you're going in there for arrows not for what God is giving you so if you got them following the principles of God you definitely know your place yes so that's why we say is better to make get married to somebody who a better boss yeah because if you get you know there are some bosses that will never give you no extra break no nothing nothing so you have a horrible master that will just make life very miserable for you it's very important if you are single and I think we also mentioned this during the singles conference choose wisely because once you are in that's it you are in so it's important to choose wisely it's very very important you think about it and know what you're getting yourself in so it's really that's why we're telling those that do those things to singles now factor reset in factory reset yeah and if you are already married because this is for married couples essentially if you are already married start afresh cuz I don't brand-new a clean slate husbands and wives talk about these things and I'm so glad that we have couples who are watching right definitely so you can start afresh it's not about fighting or arguing about anything remember it's the agape kind of love that we are talking about a gap aid that looks beyond everything the agape that can see beyond somebody's mistakes the agape that can see beyond somebody's shortcomings that's what's important but how then does a couple that married for errors for example and they now want to really get this thing right this a gap a kind of love is there a special way of getting in acquiring it it's just being born again but being born again is different so many people here are born again yeah but they don't practice agape okay so they already have it already a bit I go to Roman's everybody Romans my father 5:5 the love of God provided by the Holy Ghost you are marinated in the in your heart was taken and marinated in love but you are refusing to make it work I'm not talking about marriage here I'm talking about the a gap a kind of love everything is gross by practice everything everything if right now you I used to work very hard and and I moved from how many cages was it 86 cages to 80 no 76 cages to like 83 or 84 85 85 cages in about three weeks of going to the gym two weeks of going to the gym that's like oh that's like nine kgs muscle gain no fat muscle gain and then I got so busy after that I got so busy got so busy trust made muscles I got so busy I got so busy I wake up I'll sleep late around maybe five Agger bed wake up at 9:00 and that's like you know just a few hours sometimes 7 a.m. that's when I go to bed and then 9 I have to wake up and then sometimes I'll go to bed at 8 a.m. and then wake up around 11 o be walking up but more I'm like yeah the your gym instructor is here because we have the G made house and then this personal instructor would come to the house and I'm just thinking what it is this guy coming to do it my house at 15 am I need to be sleeping so I kept on saying til that day just go go go she said you're spending money just see for him to come here instant relax I'm not stinking nobody no fix it we'll fix it I'll just do it I'll just do it the muscles left there in black yeah but you're paying the guy so we'll stay here until you already know they left why there was not practicing it I didn't go to exercise the same muscles so love of God is your your your heart is shed abroad the love of God is she'd abroad got pay they're capping it abroad but are you practicing it okay are you putting it into operation that's what the problem is with a lot of people how do you do it you continuously read description continuously read scripture use find that you now have a broken spirit your spirit is now open more than your flesh broken spirit simply means you have managed to get the spirit to sprint a country see the breaking of your of your flesh is the exposure of your spirit is the release of the spirit that's your spiritism can now tune into the frequency of God can now tune into the frequency of God yes I don't know if Judas and they're gonna be imbalances in marriages they're gonna be imbalances because listen when I got married to you how old were you 19 19 I was 20 21 23 23 yeah just imagine just imagine so I had 23 years of experience in other words my parents told me what was the right thing any head over 19 years of experience from a house now these two people who are strange I'm meeting with different experiences what they call brilliant at the house we call rubbish from where I come from what they call what I call brilliant at my house she's like that's mental sickness sure so we meeting we love each other but then there was a problem the experiences we have are different totally different now I'm trying to get here to accept what she was told is rubbish and she's trying to unmake me understand how I'm thinking is stupid so she's in love she's trying to teach me look look now that's not how it's done in my love for her I'm so I'm feeling very sorry for ever being taught all the stupid things that I think are stupid but it's a experience it is my experience so the biggest problem we are doing is we are measuring experience your mother told you this my mother told me this my father told me this who is Right who is right but if we realize from anyone if we'd realized that okay we will never agree because you have 19 years experience and then now five years in marriage you were trying to convince me that what you were thinking is correct so 19 plus five not of experience yeah she's gaining now I'm on 23 plus four years I'm on 27 experience yeah then all our life is trying to get it to understand my parents were right but I'm not seeing my parents were right I'm just thinking is my thinking where is this - conditioned by my environment where I went to school the bodies who I went to the friends I had my parents everything my brothers they they made this person same with you now 35 years she's still thinking I don't get these things even if she's gonna submit to me as a wife to say okay okay okay we doing follow your pattern she's only following because she has submitted some truth of the Bible that is a wife in the house the husband is the priest she's only accepted that part but she is not accepting the principle that you are trying to bring in so you think my wife is listening when she doesn't she only listened to submitting to your nonsense but she's two things your nonsense is still nonsense until one day you realize wait a minute we'll never agree so what we need to do is to have one book here that stands in the middle we read the principles here and we say okay if your mother told you this is okay yeah is a vest that contradicts your money now I'm reading the Bible if my father told me this is this is okay I'm now finding a face that contradicts it's my father so what I need to do is to get the word of what is the central thing where we make it as a reference point if you don't believe what I said it's been yes go back to the word if she I don't believe what she says if I find it in here my pride has to go I have to get off my high horse she has to get off your high horse and say what is God saying so too many people are trying to compare experiences Wow and this is so amazing because yesterday during Girl Talk we did say something similar to what you're saying and I'm very happy that you've mentioned it because they all go I was funny yes it's very important so I was saying to the ladies it's not possible for a product to ask another product how to function it's like getting a toaster to ask another toaster how are we supposed to make toast maybe why exactly for all you know one toaster bends DOS and he thinks it's a good thing to do and the other one does it right so you can't ask I'm not the product how to function unless imagine if we go [Laughter] he's like yes an inside joke right so you see when we go back to the manufacturers guide we're not just listening or taking each other's opinions when I tell you as a woman woman to woman you know people like to say that we are talking woman to woman yeah like like you need to support me because I'm yeah yeah because you see it doesn't work that way unless what the woman is telling you if it's woman to woman based on this then that's good based on the manufacturers guide and you know sometimes women think oh I think the bamboo is bashing women I explained was it on was it on Wednesday when we dealt god changing rules to support women and you realize oh the reality is God knows you are the same I don't know if they're getting it it's spirits but the body I put you in is different this body as long as it's not married to a men is the same level with the men but the moment it gets into a marriage this spirit that is equal to the spirit there is a spirit called bevel angel and then there is a spirit called uber angel they were put in two vessels and those vessels are the same same level same important send everything until they get into marriage then God says now in this company yes subordinate now when we get into marriage with two asking God to do the same when we are outside marriage we are the same no one is special than the other God said no well then is the priest of the home not everyone remember we are holy priests we are holy mission that's right right right we priesthood so we are priests all of us but now the Bible is when you get in the house you priest there is one priest I want to see operating in that house who is the priests husband it makes so much sense because imagine two heads to the weight division in the way divorce comes from the word die yes it means to two visions that's right so it happens when two people begin to think differently imagine trying to sing you sing your song I sing my own it doesn't matter how beautiful each song is individually but if we sing it both at the same time it's noise it's chaos so we can't get to a point where she's saying something I'm saying some cooling different they should be a priest in the home and somebody leading following know okay what I what are we gonna do we do it this way okay that's tip home the moment she comes out goes into the street day let not a calamity and say you a woman you're under me no your own husband yes so so many was a yeah there's a verse that says women should not should keep writing the church unless other to their own husband's and yet a person who is talking to me about my wife keeping quiet it's somebody's husband not all the other men that she can teach all the other men except me [Music] she's only to submit to hear own husband and she is submitted and I told you after submitting to me I told you under submission to preach so I'm the only one who can allow you to minister because there's a husband and she's unto me I have commanded it to go out they do it so no man should be desi why is he preaching why is he doing this the Bible says go ye into all the world and preach who is that statement for everyone he came and said if you keep quiet even the rocks the stones themselves shall begin to speak so you mean a woman is less than arrow see people don't get it anyway it's amazing very very amazing people are getting it some people are really really really really getting it yeah Marcin by saying thank you profiting properties for this timely teaching we are deeply enriched amen amen amen uh-huh there's some questions are we going to question yeah definitely jarred oh he's saying what happens when the men does not take up the priests role in the house how can they the woman who's made a mistake you made a mistake that mistake you can't correct it by divorce the bible has already said there is no divorce I don't know you see people want to come out that's all they are trying to do come out of a problem Baba has already told you the commandment of the Lord is no divorce he has told you the perfect will of God is never to have a divorce but like I said if somebody chooses to divorce you the purposes they shall drag you they shall drag you to synagogues to this long they shall drink you to open place to be long they shall drag you now if you have the one being dragged it intrigues of day okay so if you have husband because I can see it's a whole lot of similar questions mm-hmm one person was saying he doesn't allow me to go to church even to read the Bible where were you were you blind when you saw that bozo what if they were born again after that's the point if you're born again after remember the Bible says the communication of the wife in the way be communication doesn't min-width no it does not Herald it means character let me explain to you something I'm by no means saying it's a uniform thing now some generals are just general some people just demon-possessed okay but what I'm trying to say is this the general thing is this the communication of the wife are right there what I just said right there it's the whole big subject that if I start ministering you not have time to listen and you you even get bored notice what he says he says the communication of the wife why is it not saying the communication of the men why is it not saying the communication of the means is the communication of the wife it simply tells you number one cause of divorce is women men check marry love is what respect women check love in a different direction all together I can bring my wife Lois and she'll be like wow if she brings me flower make sense it's just like okay all right yes I can go to like we went to my son enum in profit Jerome and Melanie yes beautiful people and we went there to give us those who I don't know what those things are called I know them sometimes not sometimes I don't yes I guess I don't know what their name trust but I don't want to say it right now the flower the flowers all right to me ACK intellectually I can look at it and say I don't know why it's being done that's what they do when I go to countries that's what they do in presidents come to a country this one I know honor respect I'm receiving that based on respect but but I'm not receiving that because like the I like the flowers do you understand if something happened today this is just something that was doing to make it love we were walking in the garden somewhere there and you go to these flowers I don't do you like the flower yes what are they cold days daisies and when should I like the daisies what did they do you trampled on them I thought I'm going like moving they're looking at me like wow you know what was she loved anyway but flowers like weeds you know the way the concept is different we have differently in this body that we were given she saw flowers you know oh you know so I'm actually looking for a way with the killer if I go there if I had gone there on my own or possibly even or without her I would have seen them is with well manicured ten you know and then some flowers I'm wanted popping up every I'm like no let's go at some weeks so but I understand what should be trying to say I don't know if you're getting this so the the point is I know the difference between her and me best on what the scriptures say that there is a problem here then you go back to the beginning it was not so in the beginning because I made them male and female guess what so I know he made us different he made us different as well as demonic spirits as male and female bodies different now since he made us different I need to understand the engine is going to send me I respond to respect she responds to what we call life remember everyone responds to love but remember the the way I'm explaining here she responds to what she calls love I respond to respect if you say respect of course we have comes out some people that about that way about a divorce and then somebody just season say how can she say I don't love it I bring groceries every month in actually come home every six o clock I'm sitting in the house I never go out beer or anything and you say I don't need and the woman is lucky he doesn't mean touch me touch it we have four keys would you think this was mine the touching is different she wants these hearts closeness just being an affirmation the moment I take my wife and do like this in public - hey it's affirmation - a man is like why here - do you listen men don't act that way but the man has to learn that process that's why the Bible says husband's learn to love that means it's not coming naturally learning also to the wife I know some some preacher said no otherwise we never taught to learn to love I know it's written as well they love naturally there but they also need to understand we is he receives that's true I don't know if you're getting the point now so in the beginning it wasn't so who started in the beginning who was they what who was next forget about the Angels so talking about family here family like angels are not you know Adam yes that's why angels are lower than us that's right Adam the Bible says for a little while mid lower than the Angels in the word angels is Elohim that means we're a little lower than God but the Bible calls it a rotted Angels was the people that that was in the plane well idea Oh Adam right yep then if I don't know if you descend the process so we respect God he was there before he created us then who created Eve Adam why because it came from Adam that's right so I don't know if you understand the point so if it's a byproduct of Adam now the woman gets into the marriage and tells the men you also need to understand our you know it doesn't work that way it doesn't work that way I come on earth and I respect God because God said the rules that's right now when you get into marriage the woman wants to say you you also do what I like for us to move well no way you do what a woman needs to do for the husband to respond so that's the problem that happens when people get into marriage the woman is taught by worldly virtues world these systems that we are the same so she gets in there like we have fifty-fifty okay and she gets in there she gets in there for 50/50 that's all right that's what the statement says and that's what the inheritance thing if you divorce you're given its CC but that's not good so right day is there boom and the woman says you also need to respond it wasn't to love me like this no getting the house don't try to give the duty roster to the men you are cooking on Monday I cook on Tuesday you cook on Wednesday I cook on taste it guess what you've already messed up the whole system a simple disrespect makes the men say you don't love me then it starts thinking maybe you are here for the car maybe you just got married me because you're sisters I have never been married so you want it to be different maybe you got married because of this maybe you got married because of this if you don't show respect immediately the moment you get into marriage men will respond well the moment you act your position that's that's why you find Marisa a problem that's why you always here then the wife should do this the one should do this and it's in the New Testament you think you Old Testament New Testament in to addressing the woman and people are wondering why the bad boys is really really you know very bad it's just kind of praises men know it knows it is actually protecting the woman trying to say when you get in there know your position if you know your position you have manual control doesn't in fact you know I I the way I see it is not even about the Bible just bashing women mm-hmm it's harder to lead for a man to be a priest to be called the leader and the priest in your home the responsibility - great it's a huge responsibility no now see people missing say what about my brother this is no no bad boy Goomba in saying anything like that there is no bad was saying nothing about submitting your brother he didn't say submit - Amen sister has husband oh I think we dealt with it just a few minutes ago when we said if you go out there you can't control my wife she's not with the moment she gets into the marriage that's when she becomes lower than the men not every men husband the moment she is not in the mirror that's why process is better to stay single cause if he's tasting will you give all your time to God that's right that's right all right all right I don't think I don't know what that is so essentially a man's duty in a marriage used to be what exactly is it just to be the priest and the provider what is the one who provides is the leader of the house you have to carry the vision you're the one who has the vision we will do this you already know right now the vision for this year yes you yes I gave you this is where we are trying to get to been in the process of this visit you give your suggestions inside the vision oh I think yeah I think that's a good one I will do this how do they send you have already looked for things that fulfill the vision I didn't look for them you came out okay with this we have this we have this we have this we have this have already done this thing I've made the payments for that I've made the payments for that I'm actually tracking the payments with this why it's in the vision in the process we already know what's taking place next week we're outside they're planning for that company what are we doing we are planning for the vision that is already set for who said the vision I did so for men who don't set a vision yes the problem is still simple number one you chose the wrong man to start with you just went for what for hours you went for filio and steri go you never went for a copy so because of that you didn't combine all the loves that involved and say this is I have looked at this man I've looked at him and I'm ready to forgive him if he does this I'm ready to do this with you so let's get into marriage but guess what does he have a vision as the Papa says all right because Adam needed a vision and Eve came to a man with a job in other words a vision not just implement a vision and then followed the vision of the man messed up a little bit here and there yes because she started leading the men that's why this thing happened she took from from what from the death from that episode and when I have the husband who is controlling why and they were all just from the garden why because the wife took the leadership role so it's essential for the men who are watching yes they may be okay before before you say this and keep that thought yes sure now if you look at Sarah Sarah loved in the 10th god this day yeah Abram is standing here yeah the tent is here yeah Sarah laughs God hears it what is good say to Sarah no why did your wife laughs why who is an authority the left that your wife is doing she's not schooled by you you are responsible for a message so if my wife messes up the responsibilities mine why would she do that God is saying something and she loves like that so what I'm saying and it's it's the same thing even with Adam God asked Adam he didn't go to eat yeah he didn't go to evil like what happened when Adam and what did Adam say the wife you gave me blamed God what zero he was right is the world that God gave him but ultimately house 20 was but it was yours so I mean even the Bible says I believe it's timid dances if we did not form all right all right all right right all right all right leg demand rotate my big thick behind claw the treasurer says well thank God for these teachings I would have bombarded my marriage with my women rights equality mentality now I know better my ignorance is being confronted exactly they qualities demonic it's demonic no one says no one says the woman is lower than the men the wife is no other than the husband not the woman not the woman that's what they think that's where a lot of people are don't want it yeah but good knows what is doing is protecting the woman the moment you know your position this is my position I've been put by gaudí following is is we lead every day following suit easy you just wake up you're told go do this black okay I finished to think of what is going to coming ahead very very difficult that's why in this country managerial consultant is the largest is paint job if my wife messes up I am to be blamed it's my responsibility yes now one team of is number four talking about yes 1 Timothy 2 of Islam of what but remember there are some demonic ones but for back to get to the demonic ones that means you really did not ship at the person in the word all they refused want to me to verse number 13 and 14 I want you to see this I want you to see this form was first formed then all right let's go to but I suffer not a woman to teach do you see the way this June icons which means wife to teach in order to escape authority over the husband but to be in silence over the husband what is the reason why a woman should submit like that it's New Testament not why is what it was this now the only reason why you submit to the men ready for Adam was first people assume that only reason warmed with order it's just the order why I'm in so special oh yeah that's it whether you cry or what it is which came first that's what good then who then hunters if an Adam was not deceived another reason number two that means if the woman was not deceived guess what Adam are still gonna be rolling fist why because he was from the fifth yeah so he's given you two reasons why the wife is lower than the men in the marriage number one Adam was home phase number two he was not the one was this you know the one was deceived I forgive you and Adam if we deceived by the devil no says but the woman being deceived was in sin so the person who sinned is not adam it's but because adam listened to the wife window post the order of god they were all just row away from the Garden of Eden we have more questions actually we have several people asking the same question a new Percy is prophet please shut up shed some light for women in a physically abusive marriage and some the marriage was arranged not based on yeah arranged marriages what the bat was talked about there's no sin in arranged marriage see people don't expect me to be saying these things this is not arranged marriage we arranged it with God but the point here is the point is even the things that you're saying are not arranged marriages if they come from God God arranged them I had a vision of eight years before I met it doesn't arrange marriage is they getting this so now watch this now watch this people think if it's arranged is wrong that's the only one in the Bible there's no other marriage in the bible does not arranged this is arraigned except of course you get Samson going day looking for Delilah and other women and stuff like that you know and they all turned up crowding in disaster you know what it was all arranged was going so it's only now where we don't arrange it the the Indians are still doing it but why they arranged this because they could tell these families could good morose no just a child this one of course there were some people were doing it because there was money involved but they grow up and stuff like that and they know that's your wife so your wife kind of cross and you know them you know them but because of the rights that are being now it's a problem and they spread it out day as if it's more than you know but we know in the Bible people who thought for themselves got a wife and it was wrong for them we're reading about Ruthie a the Madame la San Diego de planet planet data right even the girl you meet you arranged it you went and met someone you knew exactly where to go and stood by a certain place in a certain place and so here come maybe it was in a in a in a pub like I'm gonna get my yeah day and you got a nice leave friends recommend friends to others it might not be family arranged but your friends arranged yeah so everything you're doing really is already alright so there was something that I wanted to say about Adam and Eve in the garden because we're going back to the original it's also important for people to note that Adam was in the presence of the Lord constantly exactly so when Eve was introduced to Adam when Eve was introduced to the Garden the atmosphere already was soaked in God's presence definitely you see so this is another issue but it goes back to the singles how do you choose the man you choose is he always in God's presence is he a prayer for men does he love God genuinely as well I think that one we're gonna answer it when we're dealing friends with benefits on Tuesday you need to you need to watch that one friends with benefits the other part of that question was why should a woman do if she's in a relationship which is a advice which is abusive I will be explaining this over and over again that if you I think I said it before but you know when I say this the biggest problem is I know every person that is come to me with a marriage problem it's mainly there is a problem of not checking their positions the wife is not taking the position the s-1 is not taking the position now so it seems as if I'm just supporting men and that's a problem because I'm going back to the beginning and looking at what the Bible says here Adam was formed first make sure whatever you do with your communication with your husband does not entertain the for in him run if you getting the point yes make sure whatever communication you do with your husband doesn't entertain the fool in you my mentor said something said when you start talking nonsense instead doing all this and acting funny stuff like this you are the one who suffer you are the victim so your tent and say you can't do that to me you can't do that to me guess what at the end of this argument you'll be the victim so now is going to be the victim here the Butte of a man is building such a different in a different way a minutes built differently because we will to protect of course there's I'm generals are very shot but when the main build of the men is huge all right of course there is another son of yours do that son [Laughter] so most men are built to protect even the ones who are shortened not heavy build guess what they text my wife to protect and protect and protect that's now the protector now is having one lady in front of it of you pointing at him he's thinking what a man responds when he has got somebody following them the moment somebody stands in front of them they become an obstacle to em men you have to be beside him or behind him if you stand in front you ain't obstacle and men are hunters men are Chivas men want to do something they want to achieve something and they want to remove everything that is in their way and if you get instant and be on in their way guess what they attack that's right there is a point where in men men men with words but most women really talk this is reality ladies laughter yeah for the hours that Adam stayed that long to the point of animals being brought to him and no one was found all that time the dev was there trust me nothing the moment he say hi he said hey you mean me immediately Eve is in a conversation never seen five women trying to talk it's like double dutch you know men will talk about football all of us to be staff yeah an ting and stuff like that in all the other things but we men Oh finish finish yes don't get it twisted all these things so they poked now becomes too much women who talk I've seen women sit talk to their men and you just bleh oh she was telling me to tell me just a few minutes before the broadcast how to to a couple rather came to was trying to go back with this way you know and the wife was talking and if you think back talking a lot this man is just begging why because men don't have those ways they want to act in action is what yes doesn't mean that he did not messed up it messed up a lot but what causes a men to mess up he is the issue now still remember we are really talking about no more men here not talking about demons yeah we're talking about some big crazy ones that are there because we are not trying to say yeah everyone is and in these rules there are some people who are just demonic people some people don't fit to the teaching that is happening tonight some people just don't fit there are some people maybe who are married to serial killers who are extremely violent no matter what you do ever since in your killers will be married to women for 15 years I mean there is something that woman is doing that protects hair from him we're trying to say the the way you talk when the Bible says communication doesn't mean just the way you talk all right all right let's deal with oh it's a very good one and Gloria says this is priceless information thank you others paid therapists but with your love you are teaching us let's go to proverbs fish arch 14 verse number one it's better we don't have the previous myth yeah every Wise Woman builds a house but the foolish plucks it down with the hands every wise woman lose her house but the foolish fool knocks it down with her every every one wise woman build one house but a foolish one she is down with your own hands notice what the Bible is saying in Proverbs is nothing the husband would destroy it saying there is a problem here that the husband has got some conditions that are around him that if you play around them in the wrong way then you become the benediction so when we do this marriage semanas we we're dealing with men tomorrow right now we're dealing with women we didn't although all these things and we're dealing with men tomorrow tomorrow yes but we're dealing with this we started with the person that was made fest then we went to the person was made second so tomorrow we'll reverse it so you know some characteristics in men that we need them to understand all right so many here are you getting it all I think they are getting it some people are getting let's see what people are saying yes rubies is saying or not some ground Thank You prophets I'm learning a lot to have been married for 33 years I'm learning a man that's good that's good karate saying thank you mom and dad for such an amazing teaching we have learnt a lot today people I excited people I excited yeah and Latasha saying speechless everything we have been to 20 minutes and we are done 20 minutes and we're done 20 minutes and we're done yeah she's saying I'm speechless everything we've been been taught about marriage and divorce is being untold so clearly thank you sir yes Monica is saying this is powerful indeed thank you for the teachings Pahlavi Singh thank you I know how to choose a partner wisely amen amen olivia is asking something here she's saying what about my husband divorced me for another woman and I got married again am I singing should I divorce oh my god we said we are reading verses sent to the Jews you are not a Jew because people would listen II when you read they just wanna go gay there is a vest that is a vest there is a no we are trying to show you what was written to the Jews is not for you the first verse we gave was to try and explain there is a difference in these scriptures there are scriptures meant to the Jew Scriptures meant to the Gentiles and Christians meant to Church of races meant to the Church of God meaning us so within read Wade says you can divorce yes and no the Jews thank you and you even went further to say there are some preachers who are basing the doctrine for marriage and remarriage on this scripture men for Jews not for you will read reveal Romans 7 and read verse number 2 Lewis's if you go and get divorced and then you marry somebody yeah you have committed a daughter it then we said read this number one of it so you know which this which which people is talking to then he says I am speaking with them that not the law of Moses that are under the law of Moses so it's for them law of Moses for Jews not for you don't confuse use of the Jews Rami see my question prophet what if you had negotiations with a woman's family and paid part of the lobola is it a sin to leave each other because of too many fights concerning submission equality heated arguments et Cie thank you prophet please help let me just explain again what did they say are the Glatt gave a commandment to do what to never divorce you know that one we is it Jesus gave exceptions you can leave us like this you can leave us for this you can give us for this reason you can leave us for this reason but this was Moses because he did it for this he did with this this was Moses and I'm speaking to you guys who are Jews then Paul comes and says this commandment I command you not i but Allah no divorce and it was was a command but divorce happened yes and if then you divorce if you committed a sin yes but if we then go and get married to somebody it doesn't mean to say it's a sin you forgive them but the point is if you are if you get into a court and they say you have and you killed somebody yesterday said yeah I just the gun went off the gun went off they'll say what it was just something that it was a fluke it went the gun went off without you wanting to do it then the lawyer comes and says um sorry say Your Honor we have realized that the two days ago is send an email to his brother and in the email you said he wants to kill someone so you have the years we have it here exhibit five nine what about then what happened then he went and bought a gun just a day ago in this shop when he got they said I want something that can cure a human being we have the shopkeeper here he says I saw this man and I was confused why it was a gun that can kill a person you know not so many people quest not okay and many but what again I bought a scope is that glad I want a scope that will go 20 meters that can catch our 200 meters then they look at the crime scene it's actually a hundred ninety nine meters ah then they say no no no it wasn't the extent of the gun this is premeditated that means you sinned knowingly you want it is you planned it that all there is that vests that give me an exit ah so now you get into your house the woman just maybe you were sitting like this and she you want to say hallelujah and the woman hits you on the face ah I've had enough of you Nam Huynh you actually hit me on the face so you are now looking for an excuse for just one small thing she would do that will flip you that will make you mad that's what you are looking for now now you're looking for that opportunity to say something you do for 15 years so this woman's only problem was she was about to praise God and she hid your mouth and you've been looking for this opportunity for a long time now this is no longer its dinde this is pretty you planned it so right now some of you are here not tool in marriage some of you are here to look for that opportunity to divorce your wives that's exactly they they are they oh yeah yeah men don't say hallelujah in Texas the same takes their women mezcla women are the one thing hallelujah yes men of God what do you mean men are just beyond like yes I like I think we are going we are going the right direction men of God keep talking keep talking that's it you know because you are premeditated you are premeditating they're getting it I think some people are getting it she's talking about ministry there was a question I don't know whether mm-hmm okay it's actually Julianne saying how about a couple where the wife is called as a minister and the man isn't how do you handle that I don't handle anything you're not allowed to minister if you get married to somebody who doesn't want you to get minutes to minister it's a very simple thing you know people want what they want who they are trying to do right now is to say but but this is God's calling no God is the one who put in order maybe so the moment you got married you traded your calling for your marriage in other words mm-hmm right so if your husband says no then there is no court listen listen listen the calling is today but you're not operating but you cannot operate it's as simple as 1 Corinthians 11 verse number 1 let's read it so that you get your answers correctly 11 verse number 1 be followers of me even as I also am of Christ does he say follow Christ no say follow me follow me why because you're not allowed to follow Christ you are allowed to follow somebody who is following Christ how do you get to know that is Christ and how can they know unless there is a preacher since the Bible so we are already following someone right are you like it right don't fold by differed you're following someone you're not following good straight straight okay I know some people that they go like me I just me and my god who told you that is a good who told you that is Jesus somebody you might not know it you might not know the guy who convinced you but you follow the peasant supposes follow me as I follow Christ all right let's go you know I I just made the technical thing there you can follow Christ on your own if you want but for you to know that it's great there's someone you need somebody to prick you I praise you remembering me in everything and folding tradition right yes that's not true right mm-hmm now I praise you brethren that you remember me in all things and keep those no just listen because the problem is they don't listen and then yes so I'll read the scripture again it says now I praise you brethren that you remember me in all things and keep the ordinances as I delivered them to you but I would have you know that the head of every man is Christ the head of every man Christ Christ is the head of every man not woman woman you are not under Christ if your wife you know right day somebody's fuming in the house incredible angel the verses they no no no this is Scripture when he says a woman it doesn't mean every woman it means married once why yes it was the ruler of that marriage of that man husband it is Jesus Christ and who is the ruler of the my wife and head of the woman is the man that's it alright and the head of Christ is God cry submit to God husbands submit to Christ to Christ we my-y submit to husbands I don't know if you understand what is it for the men is not of the woman but the woman was came out of the men now what is he say in verse number seven for a man indeed ought not to cover his head for as much as he is the image and that not of God but the woman is not that's exactly what it is since the glory in the image of God is who is the man and the woman came from the men this is New Testament stuff and the woman is the glory of who of the man what about the husband's husband is the glory of the God is the Gerudo what about the husbands since the image and the glory of God we as they have in this family I am the image and the glory of God she is the glory of me big difference notice notice notice what is missing on the woman the woman is the one they lured the man what about me the image and the glory of God the image is missing image is missing that means the woman is the image of God but when it comes to the glory to me that's where the it's switch so your desire your desire should be to fulfill what I want my desire is to fulfill what now people are saying we have the same no we are not when it comes to marriage the moment you enter into marriage you give up their rights to be equal to in it that's right that's why you need to think about it well before you step into it because most people fail to submit because the world is telling you something else and also the world is got discrepancies on earth alone even people who are not married women as a priest so when they are given empowerment in the world they want it again in marriage so we should be the same No [Music] Wow Marion on atone Graham says mom please advise a young lady who is new in marriage and is getting shock waves with chores mannerisms and is feeling frustrated how does she recalibrate and balance up some men ain't groomed for this which display of character helps him to get with the program what I have no that was quite long it was it about chores I think it was a question about sure see this is somebody who's over well new in marriage they're new but they feel overwhelmed there's so much to do you know I was saying something I think in the household sheets in with my wife she can be in the kitchen for how many hours a lot of I was nobody like what is honestly taking place in this place you know it's like it's a very small room but if she's if she decides to clean the whole house and it's a whole lot of house it's a bit of house where she can clean it with four boys within a few hours she could you be done but if I give you one small room in the kitchen ah I do tomorrow you will pour in coal what are you doing in there what's happening can you people have eaten whatever their their lunch or whatever did five plates to whatever six spoons it will be fifteen hours building those are long does Oh guys know what I'm talking about what's happening here you're like what what are you doing so sometimes you can just be a busybody really you are doing yeah sometimes it was one room it's one who called the kitchen honestly you move from cleaning the plates how many hours would a please be clean honestly the plates and and there is a dishwasher remove the dishwasher is do the same time this is to the same time like what are you doing so sometimes it happens with me sometimes it's genuine because obviously you know we have in our house personally speaking we have a very huge household just like what my husband is saying it's a massive massive household so many going take the whole day in the kitchen no no not really during lockdown usually I would day starts with lessons we teach the boys up till about 3:00 or 4:00 or 5:00 p.m. sometimes depending on how they're keeping up and then we usually get into the kitchen we cook and because we are cooking for a major please I didn't say as small wait somebody try to find the ours it realized I was itching agent like okay now now we are doing this you know doing anything in that kitchen for him to our there has to be exceptional exceptional and he has to have the meals have to be aware that he eats them or not it has to be restaurant quality so everything we do I mean I wasn't talking about you all in all maybe for good hours but are we saying women spend four hours in the kitchen and we think that some don't some I agree with you so many easy busy for novices busybody I'm just gonna honestly too much even for hours what I do it's too much it's too much so so so this lady is newly married be careful that you're not a busybody my dear sometimes you can be a busybody yes you can be that's very very true you can be a busy when you're touching this you finish with that school down do your things systematically sit down enjoy your new home and don't give yourself too much credit don't be like you are fasting with a long dress up to be yes in a new home you have to really be loved - yes arrows to move the way it has to move alright so be careful that you're not doing as your husband has been a thwack exposed to women with short skirts up to here I'm not saying is an excuse but come home in the big drum my wife is so so also our husbands as well when we deal with it tomorrow when you put yourself in a position in your position and you don't complete the problem is women warned you might have complained too much work to the husband immediately when you say that everybody messed up the whole thing the mean is like we waste the respect men cannot just disrespect like that you are thinking that's my lover but it doesn't stand by that eat thinking look at what the Bible says just be like your mother Sarah who called Abraham what my lord the word Lord means my master or no but you see probably one who owns me do you know is that you test them in that statement Audra New Testament yes we were dealing with that uncle talk as well yesterday but do you see why I think that is a problem it's because these young ladies don't have Mentors you see when you get into a relationship the only person you have around you is your husband it's not healthy you need a woman every woman needs a woman which looked at the book of Titus chapter 3 yesterday during the session and Titus was saying the older women make sure you teach the younger ones talk to them you need someone you communicate with that's why we have avenues like whoa 100 Julie they need to join it but isn't the point is people even if go 100 cost $200 or $300 the story $50 too much so it's okay for me not to learn what I'm what I'm gonna do for the rest of my life because 200 no but people get to people get to my book didn't so that you for $15 you can get somebody somebody who knows nothing about spiritual warfare is the one complaining yes they wanted to be $5 yeah or $2 also free yeah yeah that's the main principle behind it you need mentorship yes as the Oh me you see because it's only two of them in the marriage you see she can't go asking her mom my sister's I do not advise that either because your mom can be sipping and the president should be spiritual but yes and the person should be spiritual find somebody that you know this person loves the Lourdes person is spiritual that's why God created Adam and even got them married without an aunt no no uncle no whatever in fact after he created them he created them after creating a chimpanzee a chimpanzees better than what they needed with spiritual principles from God a godly principle so you need to look for women that carry godly yes in suppose there are some conversations that are not for husbands but you see sometimes even in core 100 they're men they're women that they found their their husbands in true 100 exactly they assume there are some conversations you can't be talking about certain things with your husband and it only to them because this is my husband we are newly weds we can talk about anything whereas you see they need to be taught that it's not everything that you can discuss with your husband so you need a mentor in your life . you just need a woman all right every woman needs a woman it's very important someone says you see what we're saying right now some of these the Bible says they deserve the woman shall be to the husband they deserve the whatever if the principle still day in the old new testament all the visas we are reading right now are telling you is supporting that vase in the autism in when we talk about autism and remember what autism in is according what's this according to the book of Hebrews eight eight the Old Testament starts in Exodus 19 see where you missed it okay we missed it getting get they miss that lesson I think somebody was there I don't know who they are so that we can actually mention your name you missed that statement what Old Testament is and what law is Exodus eight eight he Bruce eight it tells you the Covenant which I met back with their fathers on the day I took them out of Egypt that means the Covenant which is called the Old Covenant did not start in the book of Genesis he started in Exodus 19 because it was signed on the day they came out of Egypt okay so what was there before it's not Old Testament it's not Old Covenant it's all the books so people get confused by saying this is the Old Testament because they saw this written some easy I don't know where the mine is that this is the nonsense that you are following with written autism and that's not part of the Bible let me put it here that's not part of the Bible these are pre in deaths will rot Old Testament it's printers according to Hebrews 8 8 it's not Old Testament so people look at that and say oh oh Testament that's not autism II read Roman rule read Hebrews 8 8 then read Hebrews 9 17 then you know when new Testament starts so New Testament doesn't start when mithya starts it does not is that's when Jesus resurrect simple things like that you see what I was saying every Christian should know Hebrews 8 8 Hebrews 9 70 for them to no way they ended the Old Testament if the end of the New Testament but people don't react that I'm telling you even pastors do know that someone was asking me why did you choose to get married that's my number one that was my choice and I am very happily married and I am so glad to be able to submit to an amazing man of God so for me I am very happy very very happy and blessed indeed you know submission is easy it's easy if it also becomes easy when the minute of tense is position and the woman gives the man that's the point that's the point of what we're trying to do that's why I find us we are if you if you ask anybody we are always together always from morning to until whatever always I mean this has been the pattern since we got married the exact working together going to university - it's not necessary go no stereo is there and everything is there so but also that's why we're saying tomorrow we got a deal with the issue of husbands so they know how to understand women that's why the Bible says treat a woman like what you would treat an egg as delicately so when people is and to what is untoward vessels weaker weaker vessels now is that what I've just mentioned isn't to weaker vessels the way the Wicca means precious resource it means what you do if you're holding a glass if glass is a very bad example but let's say this is the twenty million of us this take them is if you're holding a week of is the weight wicked a people think weak amines really weak like if I go like this it breaks no it means they are special that means you hold them in a certain way a views that vest to push women down and say they're wicked resource so you have to understand also that she has responsibilities you have responsibilities and you might bring the food at home but she has also desired to also be left tax is the thing but we're gonna deal with that another day Robbie and I say oh my god zip what miss de público I need to beat you up I'm telling I need to get in my hand a since there is one Testament I've just given you Hebrews 8 8 tells you there is an Old Testament by this pack some way it was 9 7 tells you there is in New Testament but it doesn't start weight thing it starts read way - you realize there - Testament but they don't start what you think they start that's right and most preachers don't know this truth and they mix it up in some marriages husband submitting some husbands are submitting and acting like wife is that right the husband is the one submission okay let me come to that um I think of Theodore II missed something here how Christ submits to God remember Christ is a manifestation of God exactly and in the order of that manifestation alright something with me here I'm a spirit I possess a what I saw alright and I live in a body I'm one person how come my body submitting to me so you're asking how does Christ admit to God yet we are formed in the same way God is formed father son Holy Ghost we spirit soar body and yet your body can submit to you and you don't ask how and you wanna ask how Christ God was in Christ on the cross reconciling the world unto himself and God is the same spirit that lives inside you yet the body went to heaven estate day yet the Spirit of Christ is now in us as God the Holy Spirit is in us as God Jesus was on the cross God was inside him reconciling the world unto himself you read the book of Acts he says for feed the Church of God which God purchased by his own blood we never saw God bleed on the cross Jesus was bleeding but God says I was the one bleeding it's manifestations of the same God but those manifestations have got also levels no but I understand what open your during also doing because sometimes we say this statement and some people day our moderators they need to say what about this what about this so we make it clear to the people all right so sometimes the question that I ask enough questions to to the person to understand but to get 10 minutes left all right he was saying in some marriages husbands are submitting to the wives be acting like the wives is that right someone says prophet you better angel baby and your digital library we have it right yes we've it I don't know if it's even up it's a sigh discord you better enjoy digital library your calm you better angel dis da library calm so you can get it there it's there it's a site is they eat it's got some messages you can get that no you you answer the question so we get up to you in some marriages husbands are the ones submitting and acting like the wife is this right it's not right that means that person is not really read the Bible remember so mightily grew the Word of God and prevailed you need to get your husband in the wait get your husband to understand the win you see when you love your husband and you love your wife you cause even if she wasn't a Christian and I come home and I act Christian she was that thinking why is this so nice like this why is he doing this one day to be like you are so nice to me so yeah that's what the Bible tells me to do before you know it she realized that's my advantage church is my advantage that's why I say is so wrong if husbands drink to take their wives and teach them to drink beer be excited that your wife is not drinking it's okay you at least you have somebody who can pull you back now so your communication will change somebody always caught this Roman Catholic priests having those francis of assisi or said preach the gospel and only when is necessary use ways that means your preaching of the gospel should not be with words it should be by actions I get into the house and everything is safe everything is in position everything and when you go crazy on me I would rather bent myself roll myself into a ball to show you you are the king of the house and then I realized who you are you submit you know my authority and you did that guess what I now want to really get you to even know this women when we have people that kneel before us and we kind of grip them and push them up like this every time we put them up why because we are trying to know it's not the kneeling it's in the heart you have already done what is in the heart I don't know if you're getting the point she was saying she wanted to pay her tight if a wife wants to give her tight but her husband doesn't allow it then you then you can't do nothing if this is truth you listen we would show him we we really want you your contributions in money and also it helps it helps the ministry but we also have to understand look if the husband says no you are stealing if you do it you have to get your husband to understand who you are there are so many in our church that the husband doesn't come to church but their husband will never stop them from tithing why they explained what their God is they explained that as for this I have no look prevent me from this prevent me from this but my husband please on this one we can't God we can't go back on this one and the husband understands okay you give in there you give in the end here you are asking me as for this one leave it as it is there are many yes no my husband allows me to come and give my type in my husband allows me to attend church don't think they just said in their house like this my husband doesn't want change they found a way look at Queen Esther went to the husband and at the time she wasn't supposed to see the king yes and she explained to him why she was in the husband understood it so if you explain well sometimes it's the way you respond listen men simply need respect and people don't get it if you gotta say no yes we are married but but you need to understand my God is the biggest go to a major good of middle of the record-breaker you know trust me that husband will look at you and think you're crazy until you get a point of learning how to speak to your king exactly and then the king will make you the queen and there are also extremes with some of the ladies who are a bit too extreme when it comes to their men of God their pastors it's always my pastor my prime is extreme and remember it go remember the it becomes the wife says the husband says I'm the King here and if we get into the Bible you put the same scriptures and bring them to you I'm the head you are my glory and I'm the glory of country that's what your Bible says right there in the book of Corinthians you mean Paul himself what the grace yes is the one who is telling you to follow I'm this and you have that so what do I do explain well doesn't mean to say when we when we say she's under me doesn't mean say she doesn't come up with idea like let's do this no she does but experience that years in it all right and yes submission is cause there to take a position that is like this where she can now talk about I don't think that's a good idea that because if we do that that might happen then I say oh no no no no but this but that but that but that she's now going like no no I've taken money off taken in and sometimes she doesn't even kill me of course we are blessed enough to do to get to that level but that that we don't really let you know so she can do something she can give somebody money and not tell me it's not an issue it's nothing easy at all because I won't even miss it alright not stealing it we're not talking I was telling anything all right oh I can take money and our don't even need to tell you anything showing here the president say oh I was actually really in trouble and profit gave me this amount and guess what she won't be like so you didn't tell me this thing we have a mouse that we definitely know as for this one I can I need I need to to talk to my husband or my wife about it and I can actually I come to normalize a goat or be the figure you you what figure should we give that person she comes and we're talking about it yes every time is the same figure every time that's okay I'm hearing I should give that guy money what around tell me and I can write it down some way and they tell me and she's she says it as a yeah here it is yeah that's it alright so exactly that's that's what I've been do we have anymore saying can we talk about sex in marriage wives are refusing to have sex with their husband in some time no wives or your wife we need to be asking all the men here like is it happening in your house is a very good way of asking Oh manipulate notice what the Scriptures said when we when we when we read it in 1 Corinthians chapter number 7 this number for the wife has no power over your own body now now he said all women again it goes way back again but the husband and like also the husband there is no power over his own body but the wife now that's a very big problem because if she says we were we want to do this right and she tells me then I said to look and I need to do this and she says are you sure then I said are you get get this get this then I say yeah your body's not yours but mine she can turn a bit around and say you're bored too you guys not yours it's mine and I don't want to use so you can't use that voice as an excuse because if you caught that waste we are all dead you know someone like yeah it's your body's mine so I do what I want if I say let's do it let's do it then somebody says yeah but your body's mine I say let's not do it because I don't want to use my body which is your body which is my now here let's go so now base number 4 now confirms it yes the wife is not power over on board right this number 5 defraud ye not one the other I was going to sex now it said be with consent for a time so we need to agree when we are stopping if somebody does not agree then there is a problem if somebody says look I am not willing to go into this store stoppage then the Bible says they should bear it stopping and yeah it gives you the only reason know that I'm tired I have a headache now the road you won another X acceptable of with consent for a time but you may give you souls for fasting and prayer notice the reasons prayer fasting and prayer is the only reason where you can refuse okay and come together again that Satan tempt you not for your inconsistent that means the Bible is already told you through Paul that there is something called inconsistent that will cause a person to go and look for another person so when the wife says I don't want to do anything their husband says they are not doing anything don't listen brother you know that special the thing you are refusing with is every way for million billion men you have got it and you are telling one woman that I I'm not interested I'm just thinking of too many things yeah somebody will find some way to get it it's not like it's a special commodity don't only apply to you all right it's a one-size-fits-all sometimes and you think you are so special even though I said they seem like ah I'm not doing it you're not doing it women use children or headaches the entire Dennis we have so many women that say I'm not doing it then a week later the wife is with someone the husband uses someone what happened inconsistent inconsistency yes you that thing is not special trust me that's why I said errors can't keep the relationship it's not official it's not that special there's nothing amazing about two people jigs of eating nothing amazing about that they're people another person can do it that's why they say Amen can sleep with anything that works and after finishing is like oh my god give me back my sex anyway but they've already died women now need kind of accepted of course there are few generals remains and you know pampering and to be fair in stage but men can just two things all right and here you are saying I'm not doing it I'm not doing this is why this is why if was found alone the snake found Eve alone well that's that's a big revelation this neck was where they the men was found alone and God said I need to fix there is a gap here there is a man and there is something missing so here is he is Eve and and and Adam and they are together and there is a gap created yet when he was alone there was a gap found in him and God said I need to find a woman this man will be miserable now created the woman the woman should be where we was so men taken inside the man so his part of the flesh of the men even Adam said bone of my bone lovely is my flesh now here those the flesh is gone this now here comes another one another flesh that fused the gap so what every woman does you Mendez especially men there is a gap that was created and that gap is what the devil is taken advantage of and trying to find somebody to fill the gap that's right now here what it says in the fraud you're not one another acceptable for time for your inconsistency somebody wants me to to answer face number six I know you know come on not doing that we did with the body heads and a woman should wait and head come on he's talking about a hit yet no head okay that she should be covered covered not with a head all right we'll do that another day you know we deal with these things so many times so what about the marriage without a child and wife being blamed all these things that we are doing right now because somebody doesn't have the weight in them exactly and some of you husbands all right that's what you mentioned it last week during the singles conference when somebody is the width a really huge thing yeah pretty have you read what was in the beginning it is no rings you know Jesus cried three times in the Bible all right the other time it is when he was crying out to the Lord right why he was in anguish praying for the world they were so ignorant trying to kill their what they must the second time he was at the at the death of Lazarus he cried why need to explain to the disciples that is a sleeping they could understand it did you say look at the mean loved him he looked at them and he had just explained to the sister he was there is errection and she couldn't get it so he is crying because of ignorance the third time is on top of the mount mountain and he's looking at Jerusalem Jerusalem Jerusalem who I wish to gather as a hen gathers its chicks but you would not let me he cried based on ignorance the three times Jesus cried it is all because of the ignorance of the people most people cry in marriages because they are ignorant of what makes marriage work just ignorance and ignorance is only cured by the word my people perish for lack of knowledge what is lack of knowledge ignorance why do people die ignorance white people divorce ignorant what is why are people brought ignorant no ignorance if you get to the word you realize oh this man can change if I go here this man can change if I follow the word people don't want to follow the word if you follow the way sure for I'm talking about specifically follow doing in some summers gwang-soo black don't go to that church I don't like that church I don't like this wives also bring all the gossip to the men about what's happening and to the husband start acting that change so in saying the church was gossiping about us guess what you're telling the husband church is bed then the husband has been looking for a reason not to go to church every Sunday you've been dragging the same guide to church and now he just repented now it's good doing the church now you start telling him what the pastor so-and-so is doing with Pastor swing so in this path I said this about you about this one about this one now you are feeding him with all the gossip from church you know the LHH didn't have gossip to the extent that the the the husband died and the wife didn't know an amazing cefiro do you know the distance two meters is too much from the houses the homes the church is a church in the homes that is there I think we're talking about maybe the whole kind of thing like maybe 30 meters to the whole kind of the we see the little seat meters and people sitting right did the house that they the changes day and then husband dies by the doorstep of the church yeah and dragged to be buried in the city and nobody said anything she doesn't even know it she comes in lies the same way she died the same way nobody reported the issue no one carried the no one right here people buttocks Dobin on Instagram with pictures clean IDs with a dead Buddha phone and yes I'm telling you don't go sleep don't talk too much you talk too much you talk too much you are telling in men that is not good then you start saying yeah we need to you need to act like the Bible what you are talking about with all these churches that are just doing these things don't share gossip be a woman humans in the mouth of too many ways the Bible says a few words and if their husband says shush shush don't add another wind the moment you end is disrespect your King is now reducing himself to your level and you suffer you're the only victim do you ever get into a conflict or how do you deal with it we are dealing with it right now exactly to know your position makes you know I can't get into a country with that one doesn't mean say you agree with everything it does mean she agrees with everything that I would suggest but we have learned over the years that some things that I suggest end up exactly the way they should have been suggested by me I don't know if you're getting this so you get to learn that oh this is the person that was called by God to be my priest this is the person that is called by God to support the vision so if she is supporting the vision what conflict would be there then exactly I mean unless it's conflict on which ice cream to eat is it a cone or is it if you talk about those conflicts yeah we have a lot sorted yeah she like sorted mango I have no idea it's an insult to God I'm sorry man but it's the best it's the best Wow definitely of conflicts a lot of them but is about mangoes sorted mangoes and things one of the things again raisins raisins I don't understand the reason of of taking a grape drainie trap for what I didn't you know for a long time I'd even know what raisins wait yeah I just like no I'm not doing this then I said what are raisins anyway then I got it when she explained to me I was like that's that's why I didn't like them what the reason I'm taking a whole grip dry it up and then it with no juice in it amazing and I don't like sorting what it was you know tea you can push again tea we don't agree with those thing on those things so if she's gonna make that mistake of bringing that oh you know I don't yeah she always say you need to train your palate I'm like no you train used to be like no all right so yes you we you you know you tend to have disagreements on what to do this how to do that how to do that but one thing we know and she knows is if we are having some agreement on how to do this not a heated agreement or or fight an argument know that she thinks this way she thinks this way on basic stuff when I end up saying that's enough she already knows mine is going it's only mine that goes there's not democracy there's only love love is not democracy theocratic theocratic means God is big so we follow what God says and God says I am the head so if we get to a point where we don't agree we go with me that's right Democrat agree I don't know excellency she's got a yeast called excellence or whatever he is very excellent but someone also agrees with me Cosima Pete I love salt [Music] I think we dealt with it right this is yours but does not want you to go to judge without Arizona Bar is in that one has already been answered he is your king he's your pastor he's the beauty of your hotel level where you submit to a point we have 10 churches they open him yes I will see you as my king yeah you said myself why are you calling me King since the Bible says it is that thing you mean your Bible actually says you should respect me like this yes your Bible actually says this your Bible addresses the moment he realizes that the by boy is a benefit to him he thinks okay so the church is helping me to be the King not to take away my kingship this is what the trouble is with men right now in the world we are here - did Matthew like men even injecting oestrogen in in food maybe they don't can you explain that nowadays these genetically modified foods are being injected with oestrogen why so that chickens instead of taking the normal duration for a chicken to mature they wanted to mature in two weeks or three weeks maximum so because of that they will inject oestrogen which is a female hormone for growth so some of the chickens you buy in supermarkets have female hormones in them that's why you'll find young men developing breasts or young lady starting their menses early we have people studying their menses at seven years old eight years old it never used to happen in previous generations it's because there are female hormones that are being injected in food nowadays exactly no wigs in attachment wise put on is it biblical please this is good [Laughter] okay wigs and okay personally I don't do any wigs or weaves but it doesn't mean they're demonic or wrong but you but it's still okay if somebody chooses to be a bit okay so it's not a bad thing what about wearing cubic zirconia in pretending it's demos that's okay too deception no yeah so if you like your weave if you like your wigs no problem you see also men don't get it twisted okay women should put we should color our nails we should do the things that we want to do we should have pink lips red lips we are women we should also enjoy being feminine allow the ladies to prune themselves if they want to put little beads in their hair let them do it if it's a wig maybe today she wants this style tomorrow allow them to prune themselves that's all part of puzzle of being a woman and that's what we enjoy we enjoy going to the spa we enjoy having our nails and it's a girl thing let the girls be girls if they want to put weaves wigs braids whatever color yellow green blue purple let them do what they wanna do it's all part and parcel of being a woman I think you hear you hear that so many people are being helped by this hobby and is saying thank you so much for reminding us to remain in our positions as wives and that josh is saying wow I was raised by a single mother and I didn't know or realize the power or the importance of a husband in a marriage this is really eye-opening oh yeah okay okay okay saying I and I asked the question because I've seen some ministries that say no two weeks they're evil or whatever demonic the problem is um you know [Laughter] can plant the same before given yes it can be forget buddy you need to understand what the Bible says said for the sins of the amorite have not come to completion in other words there is a point where there is a tipping point were you just not longer showing your born again remember what the Bible says again that there are some we have crept in unawares for this is false brethren so you need to weigh yourself are you not a fourth Christian so you'll be talking about forgiveness right now but if we we done an introspection and say are we not false Christians that's right before we talk about being forgiven by God for the sin we are committing what you are pretending you are you have made a preconceived idea that you're a Christian yet you eyesores Christian so we need to do with your false Christianity first then get you to be born again then move you to say you are now being forgiven go see a Christian so you have gone straight into I'm doing some plantings will I be forgiven but are you not a false Christian amen Heather thank you so much for that revelation ladies just don't overdo thank you but some some is not makeup is mess up all right three more questions and we are I want to know I believe I can him can I may remove than one voice and still have salvation and I may be more than one voice why should you just once more that means this eros eros it's not it's not the Bible says a husband of what a husband of one wife right that's that does one team of three to a bishop then must be blameless the husband of one wife yes but you say some people like but I'm not a bishop I understand that part and I say that a lot I swore that you know I'm not officially me prophet that's one question but also understand here we are also we are also priests right an overseer Amen charged with a duty of seeing the things to be done by others are done rightly any curator guardian is a bishop in Aerodyne in oversee of a Christian Church is a bishop and then when we we get there with six times the size Bishop anyone who is in charge of something in the Bible says you are the priest of the home you are the pastor of the house exactly so he says guardian mm-hmm a man is a guardian to his wife so it applies to it and the one thing that we are priests of the house finishes it all the four different kinds of love that is it just finishes almost every question it answers almost every question now some of this is what what about being born again after backsliding look how we're not dealing with that but it's just stupid if you want to get one again for this again time please go ahead it's always better the second time wanna be baptized after it's always be baptized blow it's better the second time but big sliding simply means sinning all right do you still believe in Christ yes are you a Christian yes but you're no longer doing the way you're doing so how many times will you be baptized my friend every time you see new gum begin Bob Dave the water finish alright yeah yeah a purity Nowacki saying my husband divorced me in 2015 with four kids from that day I've never loved any man but still love the father of my children how can I be helped to get back to my husband alright the point is this you can not Wieck we we are not which is means we can force that guy to love you we can't because you're operating under something that you call maybe that is agape and he divorced you based on errors in there's no agape so you can come back so it requires him to really be the person that worships God and sometimes we use children to try and get him back and I becomes a bigger problem now he doesn't see you change maybe it was you for no reason and if a man can leave you for no reason don't accept him to come for without the reason and with one reason don't even in fact or even profit you've just touched something there that I just want to quickly advise the women who are watching today if you are if you are let's say coming from a background where you are divorced and you have children with somebody don't deny someone their children a lot of women are using children as bargaining chips see they split up and they say you are not going to see the children because it's one day that child grows up the best thing that he or she wants to see his the father it's dangerous gift to the father problems now if he sits down and say this is what was happening with your MA yeah you lose that child yeah and the thing that will make him come back to you it's so easy will you act Christian yeah let him see his children nicely no I'm not there you always do this you know with another woman condition give me the child after a true p.m. exactly not ten tiny lakhs it's show him you tell the children that's your father respect your father guess what the children would speak one day for you without you knowing but we always mess up because anger gets it we remember that I think the way the wife was talking talking nonsense and so it's just a joke and this man left there lived the woman and went for I think the bank tailor with some structure that he liked and he's standing with this Bank tailor and the woman that I found this meant they'd make the woman turn around layer the woman turn around you know what the wife was like what was I going to do you're not gonna win a person like that based on arrows because maybe she looks better than you but the only thing you that would turn him around research i've around the god-kind of love big love is good heavy yes that's right you one shortcuts this is the problem do we have any more questions some questions please just frame them nicely we don't know and this is the last question but before we get to the last question get to WWE world that and if it's also online right now on and you can actually give you seat give your offering during this marriage seminar it's very very important that you do that that's right and you know the website address and for those who don't it should be on your screen right now because I am looking at it right now good news worldcom or call the number on your screen as well to give it's very important for you to invest you are investing in the knowledge that you're receiving so it's very important for you to do so and like what profit has been saying every single broadcast we are continuing helping people around the world blessing finally we have a again Sunday we are back again on the streets we will continue until this whole situation is over and it's been a blessing I'm telling you some of the pictures we've not even posted them there's just so many you want to see them you go to you go to these branches that we if we say Zimbabwe we say Namibia we say Botswana we say us you know and UK and the UK what you do is even you've arranged your foundation UK you been angel foundation America TJ and C Washington DC t antigen C+ as you see new new J's new just when talking about New York City you can just check these people posting but in these four countries that we are talking about you see a huge amount of work being done America huge amount of work being done by that team is brilliant we are walking the talk yes to be able to do it like in one of these countries we are actually spending about fifteen thousand dollars every week on charity only fifty thousand dollars a week and that's not a joke one country only then we have other countries as well but one country we are going fifteen thousand dollars every week every Sunday all right and that's us donors so we're spending a real amount of money and don't think that amount is coming from here now we have we have you burying the foundation partners partners that are really really seriously doing it yes and we have also on money as well yeah we love you partners love you do there's a question here on a team Graham don't we Clawdeen is saying what can you say about oh man now we want to beat you up all right you're asking questions we have answered you look at that no it's not we've already said it before remember the scripture was referring to one category of three three groups of people so they Jews the Gentiles talking to Jews Paul comes with his I'm talking the Jews are you Jewish I think they might be Jewish maybe they practice Judaism so the question was what can you say about a woman always hanging up out with with friends again I want a very dangerous thing to do though we dealt with this during gold talk yesterday every man who's watching me right now make sure your women also follow us on Instagram don't just sit at home tell your wife follow this we are always teaching women we are always gathering for the women there is no way here with the doctrine we hold which is biblical we stick to the Bible we don't go with there's no these waves that go like this yeah we do not we stick to the word and you can rest assured your women will be taught that she is she's my wife submit to me guess what we have the same degree when did the same college in the same class doing the same degree there was no like I'm the big one you do a lesser one I do a higher one nope it's not like that at all same thing she runs a bank I don't run it I'm not even part of the people that I registered it is an owner not so don't this is simply an order of how things are money in the house it has to be followed it's not the way we know in lavona no it's not like that at all there is somebody who is respected somebody who is a subordinate to that person who is respected it's only in marriage but you have to also understand when we kneel down to pray I even give you my own prayer request what you yeah that's why I tell you even around the world as they pray for me all right why is it happening like that my son usually I say pray for me on this one freedom on this we're going to this country pray and the boys pray for conferences we're doing around the country around Iran the nation's how just little boys how can they pray for me as long as ritual law I understand that prophet is is at church and this is what I was telling the ladies are more prophetess at home it doesn't work like that and this person who was saying for a married woman to have single friends we dealt with this yesterday during Girl Talk it's a no-go area there's no way a married woman your whole bunch of friends are single girls what do you have in common with say no women you see because the conversations are totally different the flesh is too interested in a single life but marriage was also required for some reason which is not the main reason all right maybe your friends some of your friends got married just got excited I need to get married too and then you you end in and then your friends are still out there and you still want to play and also for a meant to say I've got a best friend of mine with the woman just my best friends we get our own so well you arrived one mid tail where were you oh you syndra or a wife to say oh I was just with we're just hanging out at Tempe a break up there yeah we're so much it doesn't work that way and all those are feelings being wasted you talked about feelings being spent elsewhere you have no business hanging out with friends that are not married it doesn't work that way be friends with your spouse that's your number one friend that someone says we're very lucky to have found it a thank you so winner but we are very blessed to have found this so you read it it fixes it all the arguments that people say in marriage their arguments they stop yeah there's no way you see I submit to Pastor Chris there is no way let's say there is everything that I would say Pastor Chris I don't agree with you know you're a saint listen to me I had no opinion on on five G on coronavirus on what was happening with the world I had no opinion whatsoever I just knew this the people are saying that is coronavirus people saying there is this and I knew what God had told me way back about some disease that was coming what definitely when I told my wife though it was some two or three things in there that I found in this coronavirus but no not quite and this was way back in 2012 11 11 then 12 a Megan big yes continually end of last year in London and London changes no let the lemon check knows so imagine all that then but two things that are already happening with this one we're in the vision that I realized no it's not part it it's not it I don't know if you're getting the point yes but when I was dealing with a she came and said no no no this too they are happening but they're happening my little in very few countries well in your vision is like this is like this like this it happened in many countries yes three countries that it happened in many too many is true so 2/3 is many but the point is but she came and managed to say no this is another thing that's coming so I do go back to God and said God what is happening God told me something errors and we talked about he said oh that's not this one another one coming but not this one so I left it I said to my guys don't produce it but we will loaded it and now unloading it now we'll load things that we blanket that when it happens we just remove it and you see when it was loaded on the internet so we no longer lot prophecies the time they happen no we will not prophecies when they are made on YouTube now all right yeah so possibly say something about this and immediately what did I say I said my wife no wait a minute what is processing image and the image and boom boom boom as a death hour 20 of you now that's it my mentor said it that's not my point of view my authority is spoken and I'm going that direction then he then said I headed the angel stood and said the angel flew by right and say covet what Fiasco when you said it that was it I don't have an opinion I just mean you know something that was gonna happen and we'll pray and we had people that are one couple that idea why the wife and the child yeah we're already in intensive care and they send a message we prayed for them knock of it whatsoever and they were coming up there saying it right on the yes but on what caused it I only had a vision that I knew what God had said in the vision but he then said it's not this one so I I was like let me deal with the inconsistencies in the comedy story and I dealt with that but then when we came now to this level now of this what really happened what is really happening in the world my mentor Spock I had no opinion when my mindo spoke that it was done it was done my stance is my mentor so when you have an authority how can I argue with Pastor Chris I can't that's my authority so arguments in marriage II don't even happen when you know who is the authority if your husband is the authority how do you how do you stand in argue so people ask the question in many G about arguments in marriage how are you arguing with somebody who is bigger than you in authority you own priests you're arguing that's an argument only happens when a wife doesn't understand who the husbandís he thinks is another woman or is the brother of his father no this is your priest in the whorehouse and you stand face to face like this and add you see there's a big difference between discussing and arguing exactly where we everything he was talking about I was thinking if we need to be the example I want to buy a Tesla very good I want to buy a Tesla so that the money is not there but this woman for some reason now she actually argued for two years now and two I had to just buy shares from Desna you saw that I just have taste like but this is okay the shares are good yeah but what the car the guy is brilliant possibly what do you think about a car it's a brilliant girl right what about you what do you think about Tesla it's the best what about you I have tried everything like what you see Tesla but isn't it overpriced what no for its money you can buy a better car just explain this issue all right you guys you can just the new Tesla the two-door one yeah in comparison with what's the name of this Bugatti bugatta think to skip the second one three three point five two point eight in point two or something and this one if after two seconds one point nine so it's and this is two hundred thousand this is three point something mini oh yeah just do one with you your your lumber was one was zero to 60 in three point two point eight three point something Mac and it Tesla ed which was forty thousand pounds mmm-hmm you would not follow that's crazy yeah and this was two hundred twenty thousand so you understand what I'm saying about this line I said I wanted it I can go buy it and just bring there and say look at our car and you're like wow but no we sit down like I need a Tesla because I wanted here to surprise me but I needed to tell you this at night you know where are you busy you'll really be surprised in life you know that right there's someone getting surprised in love with something you really don't like surprise surprise life so you best tell them what you wear you really show them you know disappointed in the same time so he flatly refused when she flattery fries I realized the person I'm gonna enjoy take this car with it's gonna be here and I'll be mega like diamonds with my Tesla and she doesn't like it that's an argument we can have is a discussion and we'll laugh about it with this chocolate here is today everybody I tell you and then I get like some cuff links Wow it becomes a joke wine because the way she presents they know is different cause she knows who I am biblically spiritually she knows who I am in Scripture she knows wine and also on that he doesn't have to ask me if he buys the car without my knowledge that's still ok I don't have to be told and I understand that so it has to be balanced like that just to be balanced you have to but also the man has to understand now we set the order correct she knows the order I know who I am I don't need note it to impose why and because she already accepted Who I am so now we are at pan out at the level so what you're thinking is so she just start with everything G just like this no how do we know how she got those earrings there are two cows that buy some things and I just see the postman coming like is that my good like then I remembered in order nothing I think you guys have seen Yuki I'm not gonna tell you the price for Yuki but you've seen yogi I have no contribution in that you see but see but she she loves you oh yeah she does I think she knows I don't like it [Laughter] like a small rate or something like that you know but she likes you here and then she convinces the boys to convince me and then you get was bought you know pretending to like it and but the reason why I to buy it was because I knew she had wanted this Bulldog these things I'm like so I look for it happens to be light but she also doesn't like you now only because I'm training her no I didn't give the reason so I have to be strict I just don't like them I think they just - I don't like something I can't tell do this you know at night you be crying trying to be taken no intrusion so but I know she likes that small kind of dog it's expensive you know and then the kids like the dogs so I'm gonna do it because she likes it but me I don't to this day I don't that's what marriage is you give up the I for we but for that to happen somebody has to submit to the first person who was created first and that person when realizes I've been given Authority what did Jesus say all power in heaven it is given unto God then he says the the board of unto the end the government shall be upon the shoulders he give the power away to the church he had the power over the church over everything then he took the power and every do that when you submit to the husband the husband will get the power and when you do it perfectly as the scriptures say you take the same power you have given him vivid picture and now you are controlling the man but guess what you are struggling to control him because you are trying to control him before the time all right I love you so much guys I love you so much and this is you were enjoined baby and you're saying we believe in goodness because and we are not we just out of time remember tomorrow we see you again same time discussing this issue now we are now dealing with discussing a whole lot of things dealing with those generals we're talking about here and if you didn't give your seed remember you can sow your seed towards your relationship you owe everything that you are doing but remember the city alone does not work it is the heart that gives the seed God is not after your cities after the heart and you see this the photograph of your heart the photograph of your faith and remember we are feeding thousands around the world and we are doing it so the money we're collecting is not not for the Tesla and have enough money for a lot of Tesla's now so what you need to understand is a global vision requires a global budget we won't be able can't be able to do this on our own you have to do it with your body and when we post these pictures check them and say alright any churches are not doing it don't think mine is better no they might be doing it their own way alright and I understand some people are now doing it now so that they can also oh I think you were angels now taking over we we also want to do it do it for the right reasons do is you ghost you know it helps people who are let's briefly go you you go out of budget we have partners who give all right you're not are brilliant love you [Music]
Channel: Uebert Angel
Views: 87,734
Rating: 4.9544072 out of 5
Id: Qp54RpLbiF0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 201min 53sec (12113 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2020
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