Uebert Angel - How To Make The Word Work

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oh here's good news [Music] you lift me up even when if you are never condemned me [Music] I am [Music] and they do here you're a better guy so tint your name by just tell them neighbor how to make the word wick I said the book of Genesis chapter number 1 verse number 1 and I'll read it's as if the beginning God created the heaven in the earth and the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters you may as well take your seats don't sit on your mouth blessed be his holy name both now and forever Papa Kenneth Hagin used to say more darling forevermore are you here are you here somebody are you here pal ro decoupler oddest I am you see when your spirit is active you can catch these tongues and put them somewhere in your spirit you know there are some tongues that when they are spoken you can actually tell this is for me I might not know what it is but this is for me receive it receive it wherever you are now when the Bible says in the beginning God created the heaven in the earth which was my people where where my see if it says God created the heaven in the earth where was God before he created the heaven and the earth where was his tending maybe they didn't get that if God created the heaven and the earth where was God where was he released and what was he doing in what location was he in it then tells you specifically that if God created the heaven and the earth then the earth is in heaven you say you didn't get that see how difficult that is to receive because God is standing in way stays and as the great preacher said the old preacher said he reached out into Norway and gripped something that was not there and made something out of nothing because he had not created there anything to create there something you're hearing here man dadada now it tells us that if he is there in the spiritual realm and it grabs something that is not there and creates the earth and then tells it stay there way is there past you can just do like this you have just passing your hand through the spiritual wrong it's not as far as you think it is it is next to you you see then your neighbor say God is nearer to you than you want yourself if God can create the world out of nothing so so so he is in a space some way he is in a location somewhere and forms the earth out of nothing and puts it in a location way he is and then he stands outside of it and says here is the earth way that's why I asked job where you day when I put the Pillars of the Earth can you locate them in other words they God Himself knows the earth is spherical since do you know where I put the Book of Isaiah says the asteroid chest around its axis way back when the earth was thought to be flat as I said that fix this thing already job says I know what it is am I talking to somebody now am i talking to somebody but one thing you do not understand is going to use this word I wish I wish I had people who could understand it God used to is word to create something that was not there that's what the Bible says God those things that be not as if they were right there let me correct some few intellectuals he calls those things that are not as if they were he does not call things that are as if they were not nananana I know you missed that one I know you missed that one God is not trying to say the cancer you have is not there no no is there see see people suffer from cancer and diseases and they say I refuse that is there it is there he calls those things that be not as if they were not those things that are as if they were not our and I know you didn't see see people get messed up so so I agreed that there is effect that I got this disease but the truth is truth supersedes the fact there is a fact that you got cancer there is a flag that you have got diabetes that's a fact but the truth now is Jesus you knew of that disease since the yeah I don't know if you're hearing me so my argument is not fighting what the doctors say my Agassi say there is a brother here was it a brother that we prophesied to a bodies ISM was it last week we had that testimony where the brother came here know about about the the court case or know the system or the court case that it was a court case about this about this about this an asset here you have come to the higher court actually sitting in the back there we were not refusing the facts of the case we just say the truth that is bigger than the effect of the case now you didn't hear and you see the funny part of the truth is the truth doesn't care whether she is in the right place whether she's holy in the sense of she is acting right that truth remains I see somebody here with a certain truth that your money is coming that's just the truth your miracle is coming that's just the truth your stay in this location is coming that's just the truth your healing is established us yes see don't sit on it call it those things that be not as if they were and I'm excited to see some people with not books and stuff like that it shows you're ready to really put that thing in your head say anything that you do not write is a wish anything you decide to put on paper becomes a decision and it's decisions that make the world it's not wishes if wishes were horses beggars would ride you think that things you learn from spirit numbers you can just put them in your head you don't know us you really don't know this church this church is a revelation Church we don't call ourselves a church we are more than a church we are revelation and the apocalypses and opening of the eyes that's me remembers that's why we are when you come here we open your eyes we remove your scales suddenly you begin to see way where your blessing is located suddenly you see something suddenly your miracle is located while we open your eyes see down we haven't even started the message so God is standing outside of time create something there and puts it there that's why God is Alpha and Omega do you understand what Alpha and Omega is in fact God loves the word so much he calls himself the word how to make the word work the Bible says we are doing of the wait if the word day is practice do you know what that means doers of the word it means engineers manufacturers see is it weird Factory that's what it means it means we are engineers we met the word produce what we wanted to produce so the word is productive yes it is a proof for adjusting entity but reality is it needs a person to manufacture you see that's why the Bible talks about the working of miracles let me give you an example a funny one let me give you an example maybe you don't understand how many understand evaporation and water coming and then how many understand you you understand you wanna say look at Elijah what was he doing he said pour water then he put fire and a Bible says and it consumed the water and it put his head between his knees and they to his seven go look there are no clouds the water we used is too little too foam glue clouds when the men of Godhead is now like a a cloud like a Hindi realized that what I used the heed evaporated to that cloud you didn't hear me see see the Bible says wicking of miracles how to wake out a miracle he now has a sign to tell God now use that one God uses what you have in your hands Moss is it just as tough instead put it down I'll make it his next um let's Nick came out what do you have in your hands you might say nothing can you greet somebody can you wave it somebody that's a city you have can you smile if somebody that's a seed you can use now and God can use it sit down sit down sit down that's just for you to understand the Bible saying waking up the miracle I'm trying to get to the real meat of the word I was very difficult to get to the real meat of the words especially with people who haven't matured to the level I want them too much or too very difficult sometimes to read a verse anything I don't think I need to go and teach now because these people are just starting out the all the one is a miracle see there's one thing my pastor said when I was with him in South Africa I said something said be careful to notice watch this I want everybody to listen what's your church see clearly do you have a church or a mob you said open your eyes and when you begin to teach them notice look around see if you have a church and it churches an army we fight the same enemy together but a mob is simply there for what they want from you and that's exactly what it's taking place in the church today where people come for what NGO can do for them people come for one another men can do for them they are poor so the profit and all that we are simply working we are being used by you when angel is going through a hard time do we have people in the church that say we are gonna pre-created a prayer group somehow so we can pray for no no no they will be happy in their house like our gone Sunday you give me a miracle they can meet you at Harrods outside Herald a new dawn men of God my visa men of God to think this man is a husband and a father he needs to be doing his duty right now oh no fix my issue we don't have an army in the church we have a mob so the men of God comes out in Nigeria he's in a service and everybody is touching everybody touching everybody thousands that when you got into the stadium nobody he had no space we're talking about there was no space even the stage was mobbed everybody's around to the extent that is he it felt something you know he's like all the place I mean is to it you know you know when when when there is no air coming in and he's just all these guys open up and let me rush it today and went out and what is it they Evo meted because it was just too many couldn't breathe because everybody was on him they could not even preach everyone was like fixed my issue the people left the stadium to follow him out the vomit is day and they see the vomit and they say help me nobody said wait a minute lists let's take care about the of the men of God that's when you have a mob you have no army you have no army whatsoever is just what a mob I speak to somebody in spirit embers may you become an army of God [Music] Hubert angel Ministerial Association for mentorship teaching an impartation for those in ministry or those who have a calling register at www.att.com/biz to you those wishing to partner with Hubert angel please visit www.un.org/webcast [Music] see this is a site issue that I'm teaching my people who are watching and those who are here it is not part of the message but it is important that we have been a me not a mob you are here for what you want that's it this is why people give after they get their testimony they call you we're initiate serum remember there is a guy who beat his wife you see remember I don't think he's even here now they got beat his wife remember they sort of wonder why a guy will beat his wife he came here should I said you you beat your wife you did this you did this you said yeah I'm actually going to cut on me and they might put me in jail I said because you came here promise me one thing you come to church after the court case because they are gonna release you because of what I'm saying now it was released and cold pasta tight as day is like men of God the prophet said the correct thing said are you coming to church said oh I found another one [Applause] that's exactly what people do they come to use you and that's it done when they wonder now don't use him don't worry you said we know his face that's exactly what people do they are never here to worship God they are here to get the America and walk somewhere else that's it miracles with mobs spiritual prostitutes wherever there is another hot anointing that they hear of in a big or night where somebody's praying hard now when we got there now when the oil that does not work they know exactly where to go this is why I'm no longer one you see you see listen to me you see what I'm saying there is a one big problem here let me tell you tell your neighbor the biggest thing demons want they want attention this is the reason why you better angel does not respond to enemies they are demonic demons are looking for they are looking for attention they want you to respond to them I can be healing somebody they're praying for somebody for healing day and somebody starts manifesting on that side and you wonder can she not shut up canino shut up no they can't help themselves the demon knows you're about to help somebody day so it's six attention they saw you run from the end go that side and if we ever respond to every demonic manifestation our churches will be deliverance lenders as why we have churches with deliverance name deliverance ministry are you joking you've given the devil so much attention that your old church is named after demonic operation imagine in my America fighting Iraq and then calling its of United States of Iraq that's exactly what the church is doing I knew you were never gonna be excited because that's where you're coming from right now our changes will become deliverance sinners because we are simply trying to deliver somebody from a demon yet the Bible says we've been delivered from the kingdom of darkness in the kingdom of light no more deliverance for a Christian to do what the only deliverance for a Christian that is needed is when your ignorance is confronted most deliverance is what demons are coming out is simply stupidity living you're seeing the men of God I don't even have anything Amen of God I'm not getting married everyone in my class is getting married okay so you want to be married yes I think I need deliverance no bath oh I just use perfume once in a while somebody will stop you you say very simple stuff like that look at you look at you now like you don't know my issue I I need deliverance you don't need it where do you go after church I keep telling you this question where do you go after service oh yeah you think you're gonna meet a boyfriend in your house you don't need deliverance you need tactics ritual tactics to be able to get there oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I keep saying this you know people expect you see just one day you are in your house after pray our Father father bring me my husband knock knock knock who is that angel Gabriel I think in that type that's where you speak the King James language what sickest down I brought thy husband gonna be like that you gotta make this thing work be a doer of the word act upon what you believe faith is a vamp faith is a verb and if you are from an African origin you understand that Webb we always describe the web as a doing word you do something for something to happen my target is somebody now are you here with me oh my god what's what the Bible says and the F was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep and the Spirit of God moved and we moved there is the winner half Raghav means to flatter or to brood like a chicken over his sheets to flatter in constant imagination of an outcome did I say too many ways sir means good sit on it and begin to think of where to put way what to put way how and after he had everything done he said let there be there was a time of planning even God planned you you don't plan nothing just a Chaka Chaka black color practice room by fire by power my job should come now where God from heaven planned what he was doing and something happened the word we're gonna give you in a few minutes time you ought to receive it with everything in you you thought this was the way no that's what that's not the wind Jesus I mean I happy to be in this location now I know it's Testament Sunday I'm excited open your Bibles in the book of Proverbs making the word work change your neighbors I'm making the word work cheer up the word works I said making the word work how many of you have read the word and you are trying to apply it to a situation and the situation never changed see there are people here in front here will say many times because some of you are too saved you can be that honest you have tried it several times even before you came to this church some of you have tried to make the word work and it's not working because the Bible says be a doer an engineer a performer of the word so the word needs to be performed but how do you perform the word this is for today Jesus proverbs 4 verse number 20 proverbs 4 verse number 22 27 I want us to read it together it is of paramount importance that we do that look at what it says my daughter yeah [Music] the way it works my son my daughter attend to my words incline your ear to my sayings let them not depart from your eyes keep them in the midst of your heart for they alive and to those that find them and health to all their flesh let's all stand up listen up listen up I want you to pray that you get that revelation begin to pray begin to pray begin to pray be in the brain welcome to Osbourne Institute of theology founded by u word angel and fully accredited by trans world accrediting commission international oh I T provides an award-winning online learning platform that equips men and women with the revealed Word of God to share and bear witness of Jesus Christ to the church and the world the Institute aims to provide the foundation for a life of public ministry through the rigorous integration of spiritual and personal development theological learning ministerial and practical experience provide high-quality teaching for all engaged in ministerial formation ensure that our common life is framed and fashioned by the word work in a dynamic partnership with institutions and agencies which are committed to the flourishing of local churches and the transformation of society and roll now at wws born institute comm [Music] are you hearing let me start by saying in making the word work you gotta understand one important fact the word was never meant for you to use on your situation or over your situation never God never expected you to use the word to change your situation you see this Bible here when you read it it shows you what God is you discovered the person of Jesus in the world because Jesus is the word and in the process of discovering Jesus through his word you discover who you are and when you discover who you are and your potential and your abilities you change the world none I didn't get that they didn't get that since they didn't get that this is why you are trying to use the word to no avail it's not working and you wonder why because the word was meant for you to discover Jesus when you discover Jesus then you discover you you discover yourself and you know what power you have the dynamic ability Dunamis power that explodes bullets when you see it then you say oh my how can turn this situation around I will not allow this disease to be in my body I can never be broke another day in my life it is now impossible for me to be broke impossible for me to be sick I refuse to be sick you get my point now are you are you hearing me are you getting me now but there is a trick in this situation are you are you flowing remember what the Bible says search the Scriptures for in them you think for in the scriptures you think you have eternal life oh my god for in them what you do you think you have eternal life but it is in them then you find me no maybe they didn't get that I know you didn't get that I know you didn't get that what does this a study the word search the Scriptures for in them you think in other words the Scriptures don't have life in them you don't want are you or maybe there's some people who are very they're very very see when you come here you will tell you something that you never thought will be saved by people like I told you last see it's like this on spiritual vocabulary explain to you something it's like people say Jesus said a new commandment I give unto you that you love one another that's not for Christians who was he talking to disciples when the decide was born again never the Bible says the Testament can never be a Testament until the testator dies so John 19 is not yet here and Jesus is telling his disciples a new commandment I give unto you love one another we don't need to love one another no no no no no wait a minute I'm not right there oh this row here is now confused this ones are wondering is he talking watch what the Bible says in the book of Romans the love of God is she'd abroad in our hearts we don't need a commandment love is something we do we just do oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah when I see a Christian not being able to love the Brethren I know for sure your salvation is suspect do you think we need a commandment to love know the love of God is she'd abroad good actually mean love vain that your your heart with love so when I see somebody say that's what about says we know we have passed from darkness to light when we speak in tongues never people think speaking in tongues is the proof never it's not proof that you are born again there were people we're not speaking in tongues and they said we have not hear that there is such a thing called the Holy Ghost they'd never heard of it they were Christians but it never heard of anything like that since we know we have passed from darkness to light when we love the Brethren not when we are being taught to love so any Christian that is opposing another man another person another whatever guess what not a Christian the love of God is she'd abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost mmm Scripture now go to John 5:39 John 5:39 really day I want us to read it together right are you here people say the word works yeah the word works search the scriptures let's read it together search the scriptures now watch this do you see what the Bible says since going into the wedding session scriptures such devices uh-huh for in them you want so you are the ones thinking that in the scriptures you'll find life it's not what God is saying it's you would think that way hello oh yeah you're reading the scriptures or let's read it together search the Scriptures for in them you think you have eternal life and yet they are they which testify of me wait in other words that verse is simply that verse of scripture is simply saying you searching the Scriptures because you think inside the scriptures is life you are lying to yourself there is no life in scriptures he's saying the scriptures point to me the real life maybe you didn't get that now are you getting it now so-oh is the real life geez does not dissuade you you you read it huh this is what some people like this they take their Bible who is gonna copy all the Bible not these electronic ones so you put like this Bible it's like something thank you so so so people have their Bibles like this when they have got through some big problem before they sleep they put it under the pillow you know you know you you know huh you are here I know you I know you you get sick your stomach in spin for you go like this father I know you this is what you do every day you want your visa to come before you apply you put your Bible on top like this I decree in the clay you are under the weight ah yeah yeah yeah this is not the word no the Bible you are holding now is a signpost to the real way who is Jesus Christ nothing more nothing less this is Jesus Christ the world I knew I came to the wrong branch [Applause] it's like the men who opened his Bible you know that trick that you do when you want good to speak and you don't have prophets you go like this somebody I will not point to but they said guilty and they read like whoa this is my scripture for me just for me and funny part is when you know you don't like the thing it says when you know you don't like the thing is you say no no no I need to start again say father speak to me please please anywhere well I DS before you points this one is not the word Jesus is the word this scriptures I a signpost it's like you go to Manchester and you're standing at Trafford Centre one of the biggest one one of the biggest shopping malls in in in Europe in just 10 there and you see a sign written 250 miles to London you see they so where are you I'm in London are you sure you're in London is even written London II you haven't arrived by just holding this there is the person of the world who is Jesus Christ the Express image of God Jesus Christ the great I am the one who said I am the Alpha and Omega I am he who was who is who is to come ah yah yah yah I even know what the Alpha and Omega means let me just go on you on the Alpha Omega the Alpha and Omega means the one was tasked with the end before he begins now they didn't get that how did I come to that conclusion because the Hebrew is written from this side going that side you know English when you write it you go like this the Hebrew they write from their going that side so when you see the elfin Omega it says the Omega and alpha didn't get that in other words when God's when you come here and you're praying for that million God is not trying to send angels to find the million he has already created a million just for you now he says go boy the money is there now pray to get there that's all that's all you're getting me now so now watch this another guy opened the same way and he pressed it and he said then Judas hung himself on the tree it's like no no no not this one and they opened another one and guess what happened on that page when you open that page guess what happened opened another one umm and it found Jesus with the disciples remember when the Last Supper when Jesus said to Judas what you do do quickly hang yourself quickly sit down 0-0 it doesn't work that way they should always be an understanding that the Bible you are holding is simply a signpost to the person of Jesus you can smoke a mean marijuana piece on that bus the inference can testify you know that pepper had the pepper in the bamboo is so thin see some people like mmm don't expose us men of God you can really create one ganja pepper nicely and nothing will happen to you you won't die you'll do nothing you just get high it's a pepper written with written on it but those words when you make them jump of the pages they possess a power that is bigger than any drug bigger than any ganja tend your neighbor say there is no high like the Most High [Applause] [Music] Hubert angel Ministerial Association for mentorship teaching an impartation for those in ministry or those who have a calling register at www.a ma co for the good news church call the number on the screen for more information thank you our partners and friends for making it possible to bring this message to you those wishing to partner with Hubert angel please visit www.un.org/webcast [Music] [Applause] into the tail end of the table you know you read some scriptures anything but this is for me but it's not really me I'm not seeing myself yet you shall not borrow you shall lend to Nations even your MN could not come out of you you know you've already just in two days ago in fact some of you were before service you were on what's a borrowing right why is it not agreeing with you is it because God is a liar you know he's not lying so why is it not working why is it that I was looking in this church is simple when it comes to the word cheer up the way it works why is it that you even agreed to say those things and yet the word is not working in your life here is the trick for the word to wake oh my god [Applause] proverbs 4 verse number 20 proverbs 4 verse number 20 and I'm about to finish I'm about to finish soon an ego seeker no carrots otherwise we won't lend we won't lend anything people be on the floor doing whatever now here go back to this Paula do G calendar agaf Lottie olga under disc rally no hustla hostage that says the Spirit of the Lord if you shall listen to this one you all will do tending to another thing you shall be changed into another man [Music] hey sit down sit down sit down I remember days when I was broke thank God for pastor days I said thank God for busted ends and as some people are not excited about about my past days okay thank God for your ex-boyfriend then I never forget about that somebody was like yeah now we are on some we are all something now listen I used to be I was broke one time and my wife is in the house and I'm sitting outside there and we had borrowed this money kept sitting there by the steps and I said look you know you know there are times where you you don't want to meet the person who comes to collect the debt collector and then you think he doesn't need to need to knock I'll meet him outside so I knew he was coming I said outside like this the guy walked from day and I began to speak in tongues speaking the way to myself and getting got into tongues la raza colfra leader in solar deacon on Oprah articles later the men came I'm sitting like this the men came stood like this year knocked on the door and I'm standing there and I was invisible to him I said the word wax cheer up but in the words some people are already trying to become invisible never listen she don't this is real truth I'm sitting then the men is knocking and my wife is looking on and think because the the one we had was 87 was 87 Kingsley and the DOE is like you have got glass you can actually see my husband is sitting than the guys knocking invisible to the debt collector in Canada was it Canada Canada we the the students loans it wasn't Canada the kid student loans people with student loans and are called student loans in the front student loans be removed debt cancellation student loans be written off you remember that yes sir and people queued up like this and I'm praying for them praying for them praying for them and they would go to the computer and when they would go to the computer the computer I would say zero zero zero now watch this now what is that's not even the one part that I liked one lady comes with the whole printout which is a lecture from the University a letter from the University of the Dead she taught and we look at it there everybody saw them they I don't know how much it was thousand Ariminum thousand fifteen thousand or something I don't know how much it is in in u.s. dollars Wayne whatever and it's right there written there and I decree to it using the word that it be gone what's this I said go and check on your computer now wait a minute what happened what did she see wait is soar that on the paper on the B was now on zero zero the paper the computer the paper papa all the paper oh come on somebody killed Jesus a big head what system listen listen sometimes I don't even know why God loves me see let me tell you a secret I'm actually God's favorite prophet then let me tell you another one I'm good favorite Christian he loves me more than he loves you and make that your confession to confess it to yourself say about yourself say you are God's favorite nobody loves you like he'd nobody loves anybody like he loves you camera he doesn't love anybody else he just loves me say if I was the only one left on earth you'd have come to die for me I'm that special take your seats take your sis am I talking to somebody I'm just sitting me in my house something begins to happen in the men comes in stands they can't see me turns around and left you you are found the home office will just find you in the house knock knock knock I'm here oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I'm creating a Church of supernatural [Applause] a church of spirits you don't just walk you make a big entrance I said you don't walk you make a big entrance sit down sit down sit down I'm sitting in my house in in Dane in in Dane fan is the other one in Bora dog office then and I'm sitting in there and this guy who had just come you know to know about us when we moved to to Southern Africa the child died and the only I had given him the phone a previous the previous day I'm giving you this testimony so that you some something happens in your life and it comes to the to the to the get you know they won't allow you they have to call our house for them to allow you and while he was there I said what's happening said no I can't open there is something that happened in my family I just want you to help my said what is it he is crying said my child is not breathing I said no no no explain explicitly what do you mean is not breathing is she dead said dead I said put the phone this phone on the ear of your childhood like that and I spoke through the phone the Word of God and resurrection power kick deal now listen I definitely know it's not me the wind is gonna sit in a way of wicking when we started this ministry I'll tell you a funny story when we started this ministry the day we started this ministry I'm ministered on a subject that I had I had called from Pastor Chris or a Columbus message code Pat T cos I think it was particulars of the divine nature that was my first message I just copied what purse a crisp reached and appreciated in my church I began to preach in that message exactly the things are believed but I wasn't expecting my church to respond quickly partakers of the divine nature participators in the divine characteristics of a divine God do you know how many we were six you don't expect out of six people to believe everything I've believed what I was preaching and I know is real but I expected him to take time to believe it not the same day guess what I said we can heal the sick can make people with no legs grow this I'm saying all kind of things I was young the following Sunday not after four months my wife is just one year because she was the control of the PA system she was the worship team her she was my ash oh yeah yeah yeah sit down sit around so now now what's this now are you hearing so so this guy believed me so much more than I wanted him to do on the day I was preaching I really wanted him to believe immediately the right day right that time believe me please think I believed it too much and I'd received a vision from the Lord of me praying for the sick and I would see arrows come out of my spirit and the arrows would come like guesses on a computer they will come into my hands and they get in the person the person who dries up if they were sick if they were dead they would just come up to life and that was a vision to your neighbor vision it wasn't like physically vision so I explained to my congregants six but six it means my wife in you J and four others following Sunday I'm a ministering thank you for clapping a ministering I'm in front I think I studied again on the particles of the divine nature party too and I noticed in church we are short one of our members is not dead so we had the ones are brought from my house my wife and UJ and three others I'm wondering who is the other guy we expecting to increase how this guy is not here she up the way it works I'm right there and end and I look towards the job because the dog was like you know in the back you know so when you are preaching to four people in a room that should have 150 an inner room like that all this for in our five all these five people the moment he is sitting sound from the back everyone tense and I'm like what on earth I see my member coming you know he just ended like you know I'm like ha we are back to 6 I see him turn around like this he hints he puts his hands like that I'm like what on earth is he bringing the 82 year old white lady in a wheelchair I'm like not today many say I told you I was gonna tell you some stories like this guy should have waited a few weeks you know and at least bring a black light you know a white lady you're not likely to understand the man of God let me try white people who sit in that will July this if there is no movement they will not try our black people we even try to stand up some way and when I hero as the name of the the lady you know I fix it no I preach that girl like nothing is happening you know I just preached III I prayed that God should have given me a message to talk about you don't just you quickly you know but I know this worry you know and I'm there just young and I'm just on fire and my men of what has preached a message and I'm ready to demonstrate that message and and I believe that message so my and I've seen him perform those miracles and I'm now on my own the man of God is not dead what do you do in that case you're looking at this you don't know how to run away from the message you preached and this is part two of it you know Patra is always higher you know [Applause] part two is no longer which a level we are raising the dead now the word works [Applause] so I'm innocent I'm innocent and I said you know the church finished so quick I don't know what happened and when the church go to the end everybody remained there you know when you want everyone to just go if this thing does not work this people should not see it and you know preachers will always blame the faith of the guy anyway I said no no you see this person did not believe me so so I'm sitting there I'm standing there in front and these guys continue singing why are you singing so I've been gathered enough courage forget about faith as I bring the word Shahir ah everyone is like yes our men of God partakers of the divine nature now it's working now I brought a watcher there I removed those flips you know yeah I hadn't been done - and if the video you not watch it nicely let me tell you what happens the guy who took the video was actually going like it actually goes like this the video the guy was brain would be like oh my men Oh God Oh what's happening as the only guy I respect you know now I removed the flips day and I said see I kid you not what I've been to the choir Mike yes just hear this this is true she didn't even know was giving this testimony everyone everybody fell down other than is not really power I looked at them and realize this ones are not falling under the power these ones realized the only way to escape this embarrassment is to act like we are under oh my god I'm telling you now I told you I was gonna tell you some secret sir I remember the ladies sitting there and I'm gripping the legs and guess what I'm waiting to see arrows they never came out and I saw that in the vision I'm not waiting for hours to get into this lady now they never left my spirits the only thing I was waiting is those Karen are waiting for arrows now I got so disappointed I can't tell anyone everyone is on the floor was left with her and I gripped a hint that that was your hand I was using right it was and I was using a hint to so I'm expecting arrows to what we hand so I removed their hand thinking this is now it's a barrier but the arrows are coming out but the hand is disturbing ha ha I had no idea this because of the word not because of an arrow in my hands the way it works when you wake it after a few nothing is taking place I stood back like this and I had God is clear as day you do not hear the sick I hear the sick so I called you to lay hands on the sick and they shall recover you don't make them recover they recover just lay hands I'm like God the arrows you people don't understand nothing you put yourself in my shoes and and you I profit we as just in a vision of animals coming out of you healing the sick and I thought the vision had to be real but the vision was real in accordance to the world in line with the word and God said I am the way I hear the sick that's when I got the word the word wakes speak the word to this woman and she will rise up from the world speak the word and I kept on speaking do it and I'm like this is in confusion this is like a contrary to what I received I should see arrows not I think time because of time or finish this next week give me two more minutes just two more minutes all right two minutes I kid you not as clear as day the lid looked in my eyes and I told you the Lord Jesus Christ tells you to stand up and walk right now what's this I forgot the arrows I didn't care about nothing now got it freed me because it told me you don't hear them I hear them through my word if you speak the word it so happened I spoke the word she believed and guess what when I was asking you before has it to stand up I said where do you come from guess what she added even more problems she said I'm Jewish being Caucasian is what being white is another issue being British now she's Jewish she's not even Christian and I'm mentioning Jesus the moment they hear Jesus the Jews think you're talking about somebody from another country immediately she stood now look when she stood I remember standing back ladies like we are used to this this is what we do everyday here oh my god what's this immediately all the choir that was down stood up and began to sink back I'm telling you the word words the wet words welcome to Osbourne Institute of theology founded by you word angel and fully accredited by trans world accrediting commission international oh I T provides an award-winning online learning platform that equips men and women with the revealed Word of God to share and bear witness of Jesus Christ to the church and the world the Institute aims to provide the foundation for a life of public ministry through the rigorous integration of spiritual and personal development theological learning ministerial and practical experience provide high quality teaching for all engaged in ministerial formation ensure that our common life is framed and fashioned by the word work in a dynamic partnership with institutions and agencies which are committed to the flourishing of local churches and a transformation of society and roll now at wws born institute comm [Music] the end of the testimony and they choose date they were supposed to amputate - amputate the leg right yes they were supposed to amputate there were names or something that did I don't know what they were saying they tried to construct one Nathan it wasn't happening and was now rotting and then went to Ashton underline thames-side hospital and they went to tim side and they said you know before they do the they check again they said what happened did you go for any operation no so we can be ready - that was my first ever miracle to perform something that happened when I never expected one of my members to take me seriously host thing he should take time for them to take me seriously I should pray for headaches and some joint pains you know then we get to the real deal a person said you said we are partakers of the divine nature I'm bringing you a kiss that was it huh kiss number one fix imagine but imagine the mistakes I made in front and God was so merciful to tell me right there is the word that here is not you and I spoke that word if we can till a leg that is about to be amputated be restored and it resolved if we can tell cancer to stop and cancer stops if we can tell diabetes to leave and it leaves if we talk blood pressure to reduce and it reduces the normalize I can tell your finances to normalize by the same word the way Twix people I can tell it right now I can tell you right now I can swing that way to your finances that way to your marriage that way to ever you want it this is the spirit embers we know the spirit embers we know is the word church see know how we say it people here proverbs proverbs remember we're in Proverbs a I'm about to finish off about a finisher gotta finish I'm about to finish lega nickel ore idea pakka do just the word the word of God you're holding everyday is called the logos when the word comes out of your mouth is a Rhema a specific word for a particular person in a specific location rehme watch what it says let me read it the way I have in the predator my son attend the word attender is the word Kishan do are you here it means to prick your ears it's a primitive verb break your ears have you ever watched in anymore have you ever gone to to the zoo and you see a gazelle when its hears the sound you see the ear going ladies so that way that is our tent to my width is the same word break your ears position your ears it's different from listen it's different from listen it's now trick your ears get them ready clean them open them up let them be attentive let them listen let them be in a position where they never lose a word how you hear that's not where we are going and to my words and the West day is the word dhaba which means my chronicles my utterances the things I have said are you are you listening are you listening I know you might miss this one I know you might miss that part but never miss the part I want you to really get alright be a person of the word I said what be a person of the word just be a man and a woman of the word alright never lose that sense never lose what never be a person of the word calorie D Allah dose to qiyam oaxaca clara de su d automa epilogue of lakitu Tisa Laser laser troppa troppa troppa lea residual Giggy yes soprano caesar practice at opera my son attend Kasab break your ears to my words incline not by god-- read it for me read it for me read it for me the words sayings them is the way the Aimie which means promises I understand what the word is saying I wish I wish I had people here oh my god I wish I wish I had people here oh we are my people really where my people because this is the revelation where a lot of people miss their miracle just because of this part it says my son attend the word day is Kasia break your ears position your ears to hear get to a level where you never lose a word of what I'm about to say incline not ha dine it to my sales my weight is dhaba my sayings they is the word that means my promises my Amma dhaba words Emma promises my son our tenth cash up to my wealth prick your ears to my words to my debar to my utterances oh yeah incline your ear to my promises the word incline day is the word that is so amazing it's the with Nutella it means to bend from the prescribed order no no no you didn't get that they didn't get that in other words I'm listening to the words I'm listening to the debar I'm listening god is great I'm listening to the dhaba I'm listening I'm listening he created heaven in the end I'm in line but he says whenever I speak my promises run away from that line Bend on the other side I wish I could talk to that was it it means every time God speaks about promises I become biased towards the promises I got the promise side of it this is why I'm encode a man called am a Mike monoxide whenever you want to believe the Bible why believe the bending pad since there are some Christians who believe in hell more than the prosperity why do you believe in something that is been him at least believed the prosperity part how do you doubt prosperity so the Bible says incline your ears bend to once you are in line like this my son attend to my words cash up to my words my double my utterances incline your ear not turn incline your ear unto my sayings and to my promises whenever the promises of God amid I got the direction I look like I am not listening to anything I am rich greater you see that it's me that means that is in the world I been I put blinders I don't want to see anything else after somebody in this location who inclined their ear to their visa incline your ear to your prosperity incline your ear to your health not ah whoa let's go to anyone let's go to anyone I wish I'd I had real I think I wish I was dinner area or South Africa or Venezuela spirit embers Venezuela would respond better Oh Puerto Rico now listen to this let them not depart from thine eyes the way to keep there is the word that means that is the word Shama which means to keep near to God to protect to garrison to put an army around it now watch this now what's this what's this Telemark oblique reduce the ante men or Kidani either steer past aya where's my Bible the omen can tell me did you say this one is like the one I like let me hear who who is good what's your voice you like it is God that giveth the power to get wealth that's what you like in him I live I move and I have my being this that's what she likes are you getting it and what's the difference between her and her what is the difference him he likes it is God that giveth the power to get wealth it doesn't mean she doesn't like prosperity because I know she's very resourceful when it comes business I'm telling you if you want to talk to somebody who tell you do you want this business do this talk to this lady now but here this has nothing to do with him this men's money he likes the prosperity but she lacks in him I leave I move I have my being you say that when she is listening she might draw on the floor and Blackie yes that's the whole Bible for her who else enlarge my territory imagine she's singing large my children maybe you know the prayer of Jabez if you look at the prayer of Jabez from beginning it says and this one beget that one in this one big it's like the whole book of begetting things it just means this one gave birth to this one this one gave birth to this one this one compared to this one and Jabez was more honorable than them the author of the biography changed when I go to Jabba's that's what she likes what's the difference between hey hey and him because those scriptures they are saying they like and they are set up at scriptures it's God who put them in there specifically for these people wow you didn't get that you didn't get that now the Bible says maths are those scriptures detect what is for you when the men of God is ministering detect it be able to be of you is open for everything this is why I say some people don't dance you see say I make jokes ooh you know my son Rick where is he then you know rather please white people forgive me I always say the the way we dance is different white people and black people you know forgive me but I understand black people got more rhythm for yes they just say freedom just so you can just play anything they don't be like our cousins from this country will be going you wonder what happened to them you know and sometime they'll be holding an effect Qatar you know look no we don't need this year you understand it's just the way we are met there are other things that they do perfectly that we wonder how do you do this remember well is they were building or if you're going to into London it if you've been to land we're in London right now aha I know some people just go around it like we took some postures we just wanted to remove them from the spirit go to Harrods we end the Harwich like this and the puzzles were waiting by the door like are we allowed to to get in I was like huh who say no see now you get into London here you see buildings 18 2011 51 they were already building do this while you were chasing each other with Spears in Africa they have their lines that are good if we give everyone but on the dance part but you can understand they have to build buildings that's what children do isn't it because everyone was found in odd Vigo gin Africa you remember that that's where life began go to the Museum London Museum and you hear the same story is Otto by gods that's where you manatee studied Africa now and as usual when you give birth to your children they run away from home anyway forget it and they go to Europe and all these places in America forget it you is some people like what is this thing you get it when you get home [Music] welcome to Osbourne institute of theology founded by you bird angel and fully accredited by Transworld accrediting commission international oh I T provides an award-winning online learning platform that equips men and women with the revealed Word of God to share and bear witness of Jesus Christ to the church and the world the Institute aims to provide the foundation for a life of public ministry through the rigorous integration of spiritual and personal development theological learning ministerial and practical experience provide high quality teaching for all engaged in ministerial formation ensure that our common life is framed and fashioned by the word work in a dynamic partnership with institutions and agencies which are committed to the flourishing of local churches and the transformation of society and role now at wws born Institute calm now I understand the lack of freedom is the same thing that will lack in spiritual things we don't have rhythm the man of God preaches a message and people will just end up with their seeds they don't know what he said but because that's what we do in this change sit go home sit down hallelujah where do you just put this seed for is it yours how much for marriage you have two ways already did unison doesn't make sense but because this is ritualistic I have to stand up give us it look at your weight inside if you are ever to stand up from where you are sitting let it be because the word you detected touches your spirit and you want to sew on that way not just yeah yeah everyone is happy with this one oh my cousin is going now I also need to be seen putting 20 pounds sit with your money until you detect something that is yours that might require you to stand up and claim this is my money and this is my declaration no your stand up yeah what I would hide it and the minute what is on fire today I am sorry Oh for what read them this is where we are going Gugu in your wing you're getting my point now so I need you to get into the revelation of the word now before we finish before I finish let me just give you some two more minutes give me two more minutes oh my god give me two more minutes right are you are you are you giving me two more minutes steady says keep your heart with all diligence if you wonder when to start working on in your life keep your heart with all diligence don't just put things in your spirit even some scriptures should never be in your heart right there like what if ever seen there's some people who just good at bed verses and the Lord shall punish you you are in pain something is happening they send you a scripture that you have to call them to say can you please explain because this is the bed into my heart now what are you saying the Lord shall punish you with the Boches of Egypt and with the itch that will never end oh yeah I know you know you have got some relatives that when you miss them up they send you vases of fire the Bible says keep your heart with all diligence are you hearing me now so you have to protect what enters your heart and I told you before what Jesus said said behold I stand at the door of your heart and knock if you hear my voice open so even Jesus he has to knock to get into your heart why do you allow stupid people to get into your heart why why do you open the door for the enemy the guy who is who you know this one is fake and I received that with a lot of a lot of Gaussian who are my daughters they allow people who definitely they know this one does not love me and less I released my paycheck they go to work they go to work and they know the person I'm staying with is here for the Paycheck yeah you are quiet cause you're sitting next to him that's all you definitely know that they I didn't I withdraw my money is gone but you open your heart and after I opened your heart you locked it so the men cannot go out he's inside now the day you say I don't love you anymore you feel strong but guess what when you go home you start getting this but if I let him go what will happen to my life is through inside is not out is it but I dumped him two weeks ago yeah but removing him from your heart is to guard your heart with all diligence whatever you hear be among people that talk positive my wife is sitting there you can ask any time if she is if I had me say Umbraco like poor no poor wait wait wait wait look at this wait wait wait wait wait how sick wish but I don't speak that language I don't not even I one one guy wanted to me to speak that language and mercedes-benz one time I went there and I'm and I'm standing there and I'm getting this I think I was I was with Ricki and I'm getting there and and this this guy is like oh yeah I said no look I'm going to Africa and I'm coming back in three weeks and I just want this car and I'm gonna give you I think about 82,000 pounds the kisser and I'm gonna give you 40,000 pounds now and when I come to pick up it up I'll give you the foot 2000 it's like no no no no no we can't allow it storm as I said look I'm not in this country I'm actually go into the airport now I just want to put this money here and come back I've done that several times when I'm going out of the country yes the guy started making all this kind of you know when I realized what these guys were thinking was I was broke I said alright give me the car now so I know our rules say I said no no no rules you wanted money I'm giving you money he says so you give all the money of course who do you think I am would you want me to start you want to give you for me to give you my biography from the book of Genesis or from the book of Revelation how's that here it is yes you're aided mm take it from there we haven't allowed to say okay no problem if you're allowed to take 25 from each cut upward cuts we take 25 from you take 25 from here high then you take that 2 from here pop pop pop Wow so you own it and buy this walking in blue you that's the kind of talk and men of God automata they kind of talk a Christian ought to utter not a he II today yeah yeah this month I don't even know if Randy's gonna be paid oh I was filled with fear one time and they say to me they said to me no but you can't take it today I said hey I left my money and I left my car no give me back my money within five minutes they say don't worry your cow be ready in a few minutes what are you talking about I said what are you talking about I would never talk to you are you hearing me now one time I was filled with fear some way and I thought what is happening to me I woke up early in the morning in my house in Newark and I said by the bed Lemmy's edge of the bed thinking we need to pay rent I think I missed like three four months I stood up to run to the main house with my wife was in the middle of the way I said I'm the landlord may God give you that blessing I decree and declare somebody here may go and give you that same blessing and guess what the Bible says he has blessed us with all blessings in heavenly places see them they can never listen to me listen that's what about was is all things work together for good or what of all things now I want you to write something hello Kay piloti Jenna hi I like what process it's a process we know i we a doe we have a spiritual awareness that all things work together for good and when you hear all things work together the way together day is sin in cynic Jo and I want you to write this it is the interaction or cooperation or two or more organization organizations they the cooperation cynic all things work together for good they work together they synergy oh that's where we get the word signage all right that's what we get the word work that's where we get the word word since it's all things were together attendant you never say we know say we know we are away we have an awareness that all things work together all things synergy synergy is an interaction of two or three organizations substances or agents to produce a combined effect greater than their individual some how are you here so synergy you a cooperation mm-hmm I like what poor does it points got a certain level of top I need to be like Paul here a way of using his language in a certain way he had a Greek play of words in every sentence to the extent that Peter said this man is difficult to understand look at what it says since we know we know we are way Palelei the streak we are aware we know we have this on divine fact we have this on good ground we know spiritually away that all things work together for good they seen ejo we will get the word word signage and signage means a cooperation of two or three organizations all right organizations agents or substances to create something greater than their individual zone or the individual value in other words he is saying everything that you see happening to me needs to happen to me because all these things that are taking place oh yeah this one is say this this one is going against me this one is moving this this one is moving this all these things if they don't happen there is no calculation there is no ending up to their glory so you can never put me in a disadvantage now they didn't get this all things they all things work together for good so when you some people say oh oh how are you saying I'm doing well under this circumstance what are you doing under the circumstances be on top of this that comes and is in the name of Jesus glory be to God under the circumstances what are you doing anta we are on top even the devil is on our feet what are the circumstances doing on top of you I decree and declare no circumstance shall be over me no sir comes and shall be over you say it yourself I'm all for my cigar sir this sit down sit down sit down zero you say you put me in a corner way way what corner let's say angel all these enemies and put them in a corner which corner which gonna have you seen the canal all things what is they are pushing you in a corner like this all things including them they are working together for my good they are my employees oh yeah yeah ayah you see anybody working again issue you see somebody talking again issue the Bible says all things they have just included themselves in my things they are now my employees my instruments my tools for my good glory be to God [Applause] see how all things work together for good Oh things you want you want you want to mess me up you want to mess me up you just move from a being a human being to anything all things work together for good Oh work together so you move for yourself from you mayn't been to think all things all things work am I talking to you now now verse number Isaiah 55 and does the last we are gonna do with Isaiah what 55 verse number 8 and I want us to read it together and then something good is gonna happen in de la meheeco Dahlia hello Mary get your protein attaboy echo are you there let's read it together for my thoughts are not your thoughts ready to go please please PLEASE let's act like cool down where there is a comma you stop here's the problem with people when they speak in tongues here if I say speak in tongues you hear people say Papa Papa Papa honestly that cannot be tongues honestly tongues are a language where is the comma where is the full stop where is the punctuation mark where is exclamation mark pray in tongues imagine you got this standing in front of you and you want to ask woman good man right everyone together for a say wait a minute let's talk okay you know just chill okay put coma in your tanks riddim la raza khovrakh leader is no second dear Atia polycrystalline maze of Veronica frowned a dropper top o top Lea LaRouche suka suka suka suka suka suka win anyway let's read it together now for my thoughts are not your thoughts neither are your ways my ways says the Lord he imagined people like that vessel Oh God toss toss that's nonsense he just said nonsense it is in the wind because the way do you need to continue reading remember always for you to understand the text you have to understand there pretexts of the texts and the protects or the context of the text before you understand the text understand the context but for you to understand the context you have to read the pretext are you here for my thoughts are not your thoughts neither are your ways my ways when you hear the word for is because or but let's go but as the heavens but cancels the previous miss you can come to Britain but okay so I am allowed somehow do you understand that now but as the what let's really together but as the heavens are higher than the way so are my toes than your thoughts and my toes let's do it again attain this is listen to the for but it cancels again the other one we just read I read get that see now let's put it in context are you here my thoughts are not your thoughts as the heavens are higher than the earth so are my thoughts higher than your thoughts but rain comes down from way from heaven that means now that thing we say it is higher than the earth is now coming from here to join the earth that means the thoughts of God that were higher than our thoughts and now coming down from that level to our now letting get that for as the rain cometh down in the snow from heaven and returneth II did not either but water in the earth and make it bring forth the but that it may give seed to the sower and bread to the eater let's go so shall my word be that goeth out of my mouth wherever we were remember his with I like his thoughts that's I in heaven and the heavens are higher than the earth now saying my Wade that comes out of my mouth will come down it shall not return unto me void but it shall what accomplish that which are please any shop shall prosper the thing way to I send it now I imagine what the Bible says how to make the word wake the Bible is saying my thoughts are not your thoughts my ways are not your ways as the heavens are higher than the earth so are my thoughts higher than your thoughts we all care right we are told we ain the same but my same thoughts will come through my width to you so there no longer is a higher as the heaven they are now same level because I'm now getting them there is no more gap now now but watch this watch this give me that what about thank you sir thank you sir khadeem stand a so this is the Word of God right this is the Word of God so when the Word of God comes okay let's say this God huh so the God throws the word to me I am prosperous all prosper the Lord is saying when you hold it in your house it will never do nothing unless I give it back to God so what happens God says I shall prosper I say huh I shall prosper I tell God I'm agreeing with what you are saying no no no you didn't hear me now so when my mouth begins to after what God said about me I didn't change my situation the wind only works on a return journey and it again so when I'm speaking it there a lot of problems with you people as you say I receive I receive if I say you shall be reached say I am rich it would take only two days you will be back to a decision did the Bible say say I received there what is this a say exactly what God says then I know that when I gave to you is now on a return journey so the weight is like tennis ball ice God saves I said back you are rich I am rich you are you are huge I am real I'm greater than anybody on my enemies I'm greater than you are big I am big I speak what God speaks to me yeah yeah I need to go home now so you see now I speak that's what about us is the Word of God is sharper than it to any two-edged sword capable to separate the spirit from the soul that means spirit and so are two different things because there are some people who mix them up as soul and spirit the Bible says the weight of God is ever when you have the weight you will not think they so in the spirit of the same because the weight is able to separate the two to the joint do you know where it goes to the mark because that's where the the manufacturing plant of of blood so the weight is higher than the blood it can produce new blood do you have HIV do you have diabetes the Bible says the weight can go to the ball Morrow in creating new stuff out of it the word is so powerful so powerful you have seen us send people to the back there we have diabetes and they get tested and they come back here and they I say move past my shadow and they go back they any better with doctors with mrs. day and the blood is no longer they be like what has changed it's the weight it's not a shadow I know you are seeing a shadow but it's the weight this is what the Bible says and Moses grabbed easy stuff in his hand and spoke to the sea people think is the stuff that actually opened the sea read the Bible it says he grabbed this stuff he did not extend it the Bible says and if you read again in the book of Psalm and you read again you notice I mean he says by the blast of his nostrils the lord parted the sea what happened when he spoke the way to the sea God got into action it was in Moses the problem with the church today is the men of God bathe become celebrities and superstars not the word the word is not a supersized the men of God so the men of God becomes so powerful that people say oh if you just go to him every situation will be tending oh you just go to him like this miracles that guy oh there is no anointing for healing there is no anointing for prosperity there is nothing like that no I know what you think that guy is anointed along this direction nonsense there's only one unwitting have you ever gone into your house into your in your car and there is that TomTom in GPS and you press the GPS is not set to go to anyway as they anointed then you press the address that's grace so the grass on top of the anointing is the grass comes to direct they anoint in a certain direction so when I say I'm anointed for Prosperity all I am saying is I'm dressed for prosperity the unwitting is the same and guess what the anointing does not increase does not decrease does not change sighs I know I know what you think I'm gonna what increased momentum of my head because they made the Spirit of the Lord rest upon you yeah you can play it but nothing happens the Holy Spirit came way back so when I rest on anyone ever preacher say I pray the Holy Spirit to rest upon your houses the old ghost is in the house is thinking what I'm already here what am i resting on anyone see now our angry wha you thought it was resting on you it's not resting on anyone and can never rest on anyone the Holy Ghost came that's why I had that song that says Holy Ghost come upon you know how holy ghost coming from heaven came way back in the book of Acts it's already he is not coming from knowing so sorry the preacher comes to changing like we welcome you Holy Ghost we're in his house you are the one who should be welcomed you are the one who came to his house we work of it I've ever visited you know you allow someone to come to your house and they sit in your house like this I mean of God we welcome you so ah this is my house your welcoming me to my house I II invited you you are welcoming me that's what people do it there are some stupid things we just do as Christians that really mess up the word Woodridge open the floodgates of heaven let it rain people go ladies they get in the spirit rain away how open the floodgates of heaven you don't know what to do tight and I will open no singing you'd need to do singing what you like singing when God's day is already tight in our open the windows they know we are not tithing we're just singing open the floodgates of heaven let it ray brain away said nonsensical mindset I told you last week how people's seeing the weather Zion we are marching to Zion but was as we had come unto Mount Zion we're not marching to Zion my as I own is not a destination we're going to we already here now that's Mount Zion don't go home saying I said this building is Mount Zion I mean I mean spiritually we are already on Mount Zion we are not matching to Mount Zion Hubert angel Ministerial Association for mentorship teaching an impartation for those in ministry or those who have a calling register at www.a ma co for the good news church call the number on the screen for more information thank you our partners and friends for making it possible to bring this message to you those wishing to partner with Hubert angel please visit www.un.org/webcast [Music]
Channel: Uebert Angel
Views: 319,344
Rating: 4.8504972 out of 5
Keywords: uebert angel, bebe angel, beverly angel, the goodnews church, prophecy, prophetic, pastor chris oyakhilome, spirit embassy, christ embassy, prosperity, kenneth e hagin
Id: iMWyqBL1l54
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 19sec (6499 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 17 2018
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