TYRANIDS (40k) vs. THE FLOOD (Halo) | Who Would Win?

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on today's vs. episode we put the tyranids from Warhammer 40k against halos flood hey guys this is our cart slaughter hello and welcome to another vs. episode and no you guys did not miss read the title or miss hear the introduction we are finally doing it today the tyranids from Warhammer versus the flood this has been a request that I've gotten pretty much every day since I've started doing verses videos so if you liked today's content make sure to leave a comment and a thumbs up down below I'm trying something a little bit different today I want this to be a comprehensive matchup so not only are we going to look at which one of these factions would win in a head-to-head matchup I'm also going to be considering them in three different circumstances which one is deadlier as a new infection on a single planet which one is a deadlier invasion force for a high-tech universe and which one is deadlier for a mid to power universe like Halo or Star Wars before we get to all of that though we need to take some time to profile these two species we'll start first with the tyranids the tyranids are extra galactic spacefaring aliens or xenos from the Warhammer 40,000 universe very much like the flood they have a central hive mind and exist basically solely to consume legends say the tyranids were born in the space between galaxies and by the time they've reached the Milky Way they've also supposedly already consumed entire galaxies whole explaining their almost unending numbers most of the tyranids we know aren't actually purely biological but rather a biomechanical hybrid with each ship or creature designed for a very specific purpose tear Nets travel the universe in hive fleets unstoppable collections of Tiran it ships hi chefs are not only a means for travel but also reproduction with new tyranids being grown within the hearts of the massive vessels themselves the species is probably most well known for its unstoppable quantity and its ability to wholly consume worlds and tyranids aren't interested in planets for colonization or for strategic purposes rather only for obtaining new organic material when a high fleet comes across a new world their first step is you to quickly rain down spores from space now these spores or pods typically contain a variety of tyranids the smallest of which infiltrate every bit of the planet from rocks and oceans to plants and animals the organic material is prepared for collection and sometimes Newt irritants already start growing on the planet's surface by this point even the atmosphere will show early signs of corruption which not only makes the eventual main tyranny invasion easier but also causes mass fear among the planet's inhabitants assuming the planet is actually populated at this point the main assault would occur beasts and creatures varying greatly in size land on a planet from the hive ships and work to destroy all resistance so organic collection can be done in peace biomass is collected into capillary towers which start sneaking their way through the planet's crust and also into the atmosphere by this point the tyranids have the world in their grasp the capillary Tower is fully root themselves and integrate into the planet not only collecting more biomass but also pumping out reinforcement troops with resistance now finally eliminated all collected matter is then sent up to the hive fleet which then continues on to the next planet this whole process has the effect of not only feeding the race but also improving them upon the consumption of a civilization or sapient population the tyranids will gain access to their skills and memories useful information will be translated into for example a new more effective Terran in form or a type of form that will complement the other tier in its soldiers other hive ships and beings as I mentioned will also be created of course out of any accumulated bio matter however when facing a particularly well defended world the tyranids can make use of several advanced techniques to help them gain a foothold before the initial invasion often they will attempt to infiltrate species through deception getting into the population and weakening them from the inside before the arrival of the fleet gene stealers literally work their way into organic beings and populations while other creatures like lick doors are specifically bred for stealth through the tyranids special evolutionary abilities basically anything is possible and they are extremely adaptable the hive fleets themselves also create a psychic bubble when invading planet this not only disrupts warp travel in communication throughout a solar system but also causes fear and panic in local populations something that is built upon by ground-based forces speaking of the warp it is worth noting that tyranids don't actually use the warp for faster than light travel they instead use a ship called a narwhal we don't know exactly how quickly the tyranids can travel using a narwhal things in 40k tend to take an extremely long time but again the species are apparently intergalactic in nature regarding individual troops within the tyranids there are way too many varieties for me to actually look at in any sort of depth again the tyranids are masters of evolution and genetic manipulation creatures are created for any type of situation imaginable and are typically a mixture of biological and mechanical matter most prefer to use weapons like knives teeth claws or spines all of course grown from their body but some form of tyranids also use ranged weapons or even psychic powers tyranids also use psychic powers to communicate with their hive mind although tear dead fleets do appear to work mostly independently they do also serve one greater consciousness within a single hive fleet individual beings operate according to basic biological instincts unless given direct orders from the hive mind often the hive mind will operate specifically through advanced beasts like hive tyrants or tear net warriors and synaptic creatures allow the communication of orders through hive beings allowing totally coordinated local actions however the key aspect of the tyranids and the one thing i haven't talked about yet is their sheer numbers a single high fleet is almost an unstoppable force and new fleets are being discovered all the time the tyranids have likely consumed several galaxies worth of material these sheer numbers combined with the visceral variety of a tear net horde I think makes the fate of the Milky Way galaxy fairly obvious next up we have the Halo universe and the flood I actually had a really in-depth discussion of the flood just a couple of days ago in a previous video I think I covered most of the important points pretty well so I'm going to be a little bit lazy and just use that for this video if you've already seen that video which is about whether a single flood Spore could destroy the earth put a timestamp on the screen go there and you can get on to the actual matchup everyone else let us learn about the flood to flood our parasitic life-forms whose sole goal is to consume all matter within the universe they are extremely relentless very powerful and one of the toughest enemies in science fiction what makes them so tough though you might be wondering well they spread extremely quickly once an infection starts it's extraordinarily hard to stop their conventional means and the flood becomes more intelligent as more members and more biomass is added to its group consciousness the infestation is sort of like an exponential slippery slope where things get far more dangerous as the flood further propagates let's talk about the species on a physical level though the most basic non-cellular type of flood and the one that will be starring in this video is the flood infection form infection forms are really the floods movers and shakers they're typically the ones who start off any large-scale infestation they target organic and typically large sentient beings killing them and using Barb's and stalks to take over their nervous systems basically turning their victim into a zombie infected hosts will then be transformed by the flood virus taking a variety of forms the most common of which is likely the combat form this makes the hosts extremely strong durable and gives them incredible regenerative properties the lure I think is a little unclear on this but it appears that combat forms can then go on to infect other organic beings for their propagating the flood some beings will also be transformed into carrier forms which as the name would suggest focus on infection rather than combat initial transformed flood appears mindless zombies however the flood grows further intelligent through the consumption of matter when an individual's body is taken over by the flood their mind is also given to the shared consciousness which gains not only their knowledge but also their memories thus the larger the infection the more effective the flood becomes as a whole that can use strategy onto grand level and even individual infection forms seem to become more intelligent as the flood grow typically mindless low-level flood forms will start collecting biomass in a single spot in order to form a central intelligence the degree in seriousness of a flood infection can actually be measured by the sophistication of these intelligences which seems to be directly correlated to the amount of sentient beings which have been consumed on a low level you have a proto gravemind which is composed of perhaps a few dozen organic beings proto grave minds will control troops on a local level they'll start infusing some actual tactics and strategy into the actions of the flood and it also allows individual forms to do things like operate vehicles or machinery on a much much larger level you have something like key mind which basically represents a planet's worth of organics in a single flood form key minds were intelligent and tactical enough to rival even the most advanced forerunner AI so when a flood infection gets to that level it's certainly no laughing matter because of everything I've just mentioned you probably wouldn't be surprised to hear that defeating the flood is very very difficult you can kill an individual form by destroying the nervous system opt in the head but the infection won't truly be defeated until every form in every sport has been destroyed this can be done of course through brute force but the much more effective way is to starve the flood of their food removing organics all right with that out of the way I'd like to look at the several questions that I posed at the beginning of the video but I think before doing that it might be helpful to make some general observations about the two species and how they work together the tyranids as a faction have several main advantages over the flood I think their combat forms are much deadlier even flooded pure forms I don't think can compete the fact that they're also geared towards basically any situation due to their numbers and their ability to control their own biological evolution is another huge advantage the flood on the other hand are literally parasitic they rely on organic matter to grow at all what's more the flood relying on sentient organic matter it hugely benefits them but if they reach a planet with no living sentient beings they're in big trouble the Terran it on the other hand can consume basically any biological matter whether plants or anything however the floods parasitic nature is also their greatest strength as a flood infection grows larger it gets exponentially more dangerous now the flood able to reproduce more quickly with more organics but the more beings they consume the more intelligent they become overall with the formation of grave minds and key minds the flood become almost incomprehensible sophisticated in my mind then the flood have actually a higher ceiling more potential overall than the tyranids when looking at overall size of the two factions we run into some difficulty the flood never really have a stated size I mean depending on the history during the forerunner war obviously there were many flood but I don't think they ever came close to rivaling the size of the tear in it faction with that being said let's put the flood and the tear in his head to head and I think literally the only question that we need to ask here is whether the flood are advanced enough to actually consume and transform the tyranids and vice versa and people might not like the answer but I actually think that they are the flood were the creations of the precursor an incomprehensible advanced alien race or arguably I guess you could say they are the precursors but that's a discussion for a different day the important bit is that their biology is so complicated and so advanced that even the forerunners were unable to develop a cure for the flood the tyranids also have a focus on numbers I believe that this actually works against them in this situation as we saw with the forerunners unwieldy and large empires are basically prime targets for a flood attack but it all comes down to that initial question which one of the factions will consume the other one I believe the flood especially in its pure form is the more virulent of the two and is the one that will win I also think the flood do have an advantage if there's a small infection on a single planet but let's just do two they're parasitic nature I also think they have an advantage in a universe of an extreme tech level although I think that point is arguable the tyrannies also make use of memory and skills adapted from consumed populations and their sheer numbers offer an advantage that the flood wouldn't have at least at the beginning of an infection looking at a mid-level universe like Halo or Star Wars I give the advantage back to the tyranids again because of their sheer numbers again being parasitic the flood are somewhat women by the actual organic beings in the universe that they're invading both of these species are incredibly dangerous they're basically end game villains for 40k in halo they're both also mindless hive mind as consumers of matter I think the flood infection gets more noticeably dangerous as it gets larger not only through increased numbers or genetic diversity as we have with the tyranids but also exponential increases in intelligence I think if the flood had managed to consume all biomass within a single galaxy that they'd basically be trans dimensional beings a single ki mind is set to rival forerunner AI what can entire galaxies worth of matter do but as always that is just my opinion you guys have wanted this video for quite some time so make sure you give it a thumbs up if you got to this point also let me know what you thought of my analysis if you agreed disagreed in any future videos you'd like to see on the channel thank you guys so much for watching until next time this has been at hearts ladder may the force be with you [Music]
Channel: EckhartsLadder
Views: 673,468
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tyranids, warhammer, warhammer 40k, 40k, wh40k, halo, the flood, flood halo, who would win, vs, versus, vs., flood, eckhartsladder, eckhart's ladder, lore, warhammer 40000, warhammer 40, flood vs tyranids, tyranids vs flood, halo vs warhammer, wh40k vs halo, 40000, flood infection, flood vs, warhammer 40k vs halo, warp, galactic versus, halo 3, eck, halo lore, warhammer lore, 40k lore, universe, space marines, Halo who would win, warhammer who would win, halo flood, gravemind, halo game
Id: rjy5rb5oVRA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 30sec (870 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 10 2018
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