The Covenant vs the Galactic Empire in TOTAL WAR, Who Would Win? | Halo vs Star Wars Galactic Versus

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hey guys this is that card slider hello and welcome to another episode of Star Wars galactic versus the series where I take two factions sometimes from the same universe sometimes from different universes sometimes even from the real world put them together and try to predict which one would come out on top today we have one of my if not my most requested matchup we're looking at the covenant empire from the Halo series and putting it against the bad guys from the Star Wars series the other Empire the Galactic Empire I feature these two factions probably more than anyone else in these vs series so this should be an interesting one and because I do feature these two so much I thought it would be interesting because everyone is pretty familiar with them if we voted on the winner before I actually did my analysis so take a second right now vote in the upper right hand corner and let me know who you think would win also post down in the comments and tell me why you think would win and if you want to post afterwards or edit your comment after I do my analysis sure if not that's cool too before we get too far into the matchup I just want to say something right recently and I guess just yesterday in the comments soft launched my patreon page and I decided now that YouTube is gonna be a full-time thing for me at least for a little while so I'm at the point now where I feel comfortable asking you guys to support me if you want to I also feel where YouTube ad revenue is completely unstable with for example the recent ad pocalypse and then the other day we'll just yesterday actually I had one of my videos fight for copyright and I totally lost all revenue that I do need to find some alternate sources of revenue if I'm gonna do this for a full-time job because I've got a family I've got a house and well this is super fun right now it's not reliable enough so if you guys do want to support me on my patreon page where you can give a recurring monthly donation follow the link down in the description also probably put it up on the screen right here if you have any ideas for we play for patreon rewards I'm still figuring that out and the patreon itself is still very raw let me know down in the comments or feel free to send me an e right now I don't have any formal rewards actually listed but there will be some I'll get that figured out within the next couple of days all right so on to the actual battle because I think we're a bit more familiar with the Galactic Empire and the covenant Empire than we are with most of our factions on this show I'm gonna take this episode a little bit differently instead of highlighting and focusing on each Empire one by one I'm gonna look at several key categories talking briefly about how I think the two stack up and deciding whether one side has any serious advantage over the other as for rules we're just gonna pretend as we often do with these matchups that the two factions and all the resources are plugged down next to each other and they've got to fight it out until the death that being said we're looking at the factions not the universes they inhabit so for example the halo rings will not be included in this matchup although the forerunner dragged on at the center of High Charity will be so the first category of things that we're going to look at and now that I'm doing this it kind of reminds me of one of my old starship versus episodes that I haven't done for a while so by the way give any good suggestions for that leave down in the comments and guys upload any really good ones sorry totally off topic but what I was saying at the very first category that we're looking at is Empire the size of the Empire the capabilities of the Empire the civilian infrastructure things like that let's start with the very basics size so we'll look first at the Galactic Empire the galaxy in star wars is very very large and very densely populated specifically the Star Wars galaxy has a diameter of about a hundred and twenty thousand light-years that's larger than our actual galaxy the Milky Way galaxy which has a galactic diameter of about a hundred thousand light-years now all of this territory could be attributed to the Galactic Empire but I think that would be very disingenuous but we know that the Galactic Empire exhibited a large degree of control over many planets within the galaxy this wasn't true everywhere and certainly especially as you radiated away from the galactic core Imperial control heavily diminished in places and often quasi governments or corporations controlled large portions of space Star Wars legends does actually give us some numbers specifically that the government had take control over one to two million worlds with some control over dozens millions of other colonies or small outposts still an imperial controlled world is likely different than that of a covenant controlled world much of this does come down to fanaticism with the covenant the worlds were probably happy to send most of their member species into the Covenant no problem in the Empire the Imperials were doing more of a policing role and more of a government role that being said covenant territory was miniscule when compared to that of the Galactic Empire the covenant existed primarily on the Orion arm of the Milky Way galaxy and this is only about 10% of the Galactic territory still even the small amount of territory was not totally populated by the covenant that's obvious given the fact that the UNSC before the war also existed in the Orion Arm quite heavily another problem is that the species that actually made up the covenant were much less propagated than humans who made up most of the Empire are in the Star Wars universe the Covenant didn't heavily colonial eyes new worlds there wasn't a continual stream of new species being added in and in total they probably only had a hundred to perhaps a couple of thousand established colonies and this is really gonna be a threat that will run throughout this entire matchup the Empire is almost comically large and although as I mentioned they don't exhibit the same degree of control over everyone within the Empire they're just so big and they have so many soldiers it's gonna be very very difficult for the Covenant to keep up we've never really been given an exact number for either to covet an empire or the memories of the covenant Empire within the military but just for reference before the war the UNSC had a population of approaching 40 billion obviously we can't do a one-to-one comparison between that and the covenant Empire but even if the Covenant outnumber humanity 10 to 1 their population only approach is 400 billion I mean I still think that it's quite drastically less than that of the Empire and most likely drastically less than the active fighting force of the EM fire so really in my opinion the Covenant are going to need to have some major technological advantage to really win this battle either that I guess or they're far more militarized than their Imperial counterparts so let's talk about that both Star Wars legends and Canon have put the number for Imperial starter stores only and that's not auxilary ship support ships or dreadknots at 25,000 and someone rightly pointed the other day that the cannon number does come from a mobile game but still I see no real reason to ignore what has been established does kind of make the small size that Endor a little bit unbelievable but my head cannon has always been a that of course there is plot armor and B that the Empire couldn't afford to move any more ships less the Rebel Alliance notice the fleet movements and not spring the trap also in both Canada and legends we see that the Empire really was not defeated after the Battle of Endor that was just when the New Republic was established vampire was along for much longer their forces were eventually whittled down through some fighting both with the Republic and with Imperial splinter groups but the military presence survived for a very very long time I don't necessarily think that there's anything that would suggest that the Covenant have a larger Navy than that the largest collection of covenant ships ever seen is the fleet that protected High Charity or rather the collection of fleets have protected High Charity I went over all the calculations for this in a previous video but based on my estimates this fleet had less than a thousand ships alternatively the Republic which was significantly less militarized than the Empire was able to produce thousands of ships for the Battle of Khorasan again we're seeing what happens when a Galactic spanning Empire goes against one that has a Secretary's but let's continue I guess the next question is his covenant technology they're warriors or perhaps their leadership good enough to make up for this pretty serious sized efficiency the Covenant are clearly superior ground waters I mean elites alone are incredible when you add brutes which are so strong and hunters which are just also very powerful you have the Covenant absolutely dominating ground below again there's a lot more stormtroopers than there are elites when you look at technology that covenant have some advantages and they have some disadvantages going for them they have artificial intelligence which helps seriously with tactics and with weapons aim and slipspace everything else like that then you have the fact that personal energy shields are a lot more common but that kind of goes back to the ground warrior thing and then you have the fact that covenant can do pinpoint slipspace jumps now this is possible within the Star Wars universe we see thron do that sometimes but it seems like he needs help from Joris abaya often it's not really something that's very common and there are a lot of risks the Covenant also most likely fight at longer ranges and they do have a couple of exceptional ships most notably I'd say the CSO class carriers and the CIS class carriers they're very large and they output a lot of power I will say though otherwise I'm not convinced that the Covenant ships are much better than their Imperial counterparts I mean both seem to output similar levels of power of course Star Wars legends does have those crazy numbers but when you look at things realistically both are capable of glassing a planet I think covenant shielding technology is probably also not as impressive as that seen in Star Wars but I'm not gonna go heavily into that all in all I think wealth covenant ships may be more impressive they're not so much so that they completely dwarf what the Empire has and that they make up further sized efficiency making matters worse is the fact that I think hyperspace is superior to slipspace it's faster and with slipspace you have to stop periodically especially when you have a lot of mass this is what's known as reconciliation and it will be somewhat of a burden in this case still even at their max speed covenant ships typically max out at about 1,000 light years per day of travel that is noticeably slower than star warships which can cross the galaxy in several days with the case of the one in Falcon and probably in about a month for some of the slower some of the larger ships tech wise for the Imperials we also have several super weapons depending on exactly which era that we take that would differ but most likely the Death Star one the Death Star 2 perhaps some other secret projects I don't think the Covenant really have answers further large weapons like these although they most likely could destroy it's straight up assaults also on the Empire side is production capability they unquestionably have more construction worlds and we saw they built the Death Star 2 in an extremely quick amount of time although admittedly it wasn't finished which really is just another benefit of being such a large Empire finally we have strategy tactics and the leadership this one is interesting because the covenants in the Empire could not be more different the Covenant is highly fanatical but in the end is led by religious leaders still covenant warriors and covenant ship masters are very effective arguably besides for the grand admirals of the imperial military i would say that empire strategy and empire tactics are on a lower level that being said these grand admirals could have exerted a lot of control over the empire if they wanted I mean we saw after Palpatine's demise that thron basically controlled the entire military himself and I'm sure he would have taken a large role in a full-scale conflict we also of course at Emperor Palpatine and his foresight and of course his force abilities provide a huge advantage it should help them predict covenant movements while also using things like battle meditation in any direct conflicts so let's now talk about the battle and this one I think is a little inherently unfair we've got a Galactic spanning Empire going against the rather comparatively small covenant the Covenant are very fanatic and you know especially with their religious motivations they will never stop but I think they are gonna run into a brick wall here they've got very impressive technology and you know what I wouldn't be surprised if one CCS class battle cruiser could take one or two Star Destroyers head-to-head I'm not saying that that's necessarily what I think would happen but I think that that's something you could argue however more realistically a single CCS for the Covenant to be successful would have to take on 10 Star Destroyers and yes things like the use of covenant AI or the CSO class super carrier or even slipspace jumping during battles will earn them some victories however every ship that they lose in they will lose some is going to be a devastating loss because their production output just will not match the of the Empire when we add to that number disadvantage just the sheer power and intelligence of Palpatine and then things like their super weapon and the effect that a loss of high charity would have on the Covenant I think it just becomes clear that in most situations the Empire is gonna take this battle are things impossible for the Covenant though no I mean the Rebel Alliance won some of that was due to plot armor but a large part of that was also due to the type of warfare they used if the Covenant can use guerrilla tactics like they did you know small surgical strikes really spread the Empire out in their own galaxy I think that that could be successful however I will say that the Covenant in my mind is not quite as mobile as the rebel alliances they have established home worlds and although high charity is quite easily moved I just don't see them strategically using hit-and-run tactics although admittedly I might be biased because we've only really seen them in a war with humanity even if they do employ these tactics though I think it is gonna be very hard unless they borrow some of the rebel alliances plot also problematic on their end is that the Covenant will not have a Jedi they won't have sources within the Imperial hierarchy like the Rebel Alliance did and they won't just know the Star Wars universe I mean the same is true for Star Wars when they're attacking the Covenant but they can get past that just for sheer numbers it's not already clear the way I'm leaning you haven't been paying attention because I think it's pretty clear just due to their sheer size and no crazy technological discrepancy that the Empire takes this matchup and I think they take it quite easy so yes I'll give it to the Star Wars universe I think they win nine times out of ten the only way that the Covenant really have a chance is if they can do like the moral Alliance did and make use of really a pretty big discrepancy in resources and also get lucky but that's just my opinion I know I said vote earlier but you can still let me know down in the comments did you like this video did you think I did a good job and of course what would you like to see next give me your suggestions guys like to do some Star Wars lore videos perhaps a few top fives if you have any idea for those especially let me know anyways thank you so much for watching guys as always this has been a crowd slider may the force be with you [Music]
Channel: EckhartsLadder
Views: 1,034,411
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Star wars, halo, covenant, empire, empire vs covenant, covenant vs empire, galactic empire, covenant vs galactic empire, versus, vs, halo vs star wars, elites, stormtroopers, darth vader, halo video game, halo franchise, video game, star wars vs halo, space battle, galactic versus, star wars galactic versus, eckhartsladder, star destroyer, covenant halo, halo factions, star wars vs, halo vs, science fiction, battle, who would win, could, would, beat, palpatine, emperor, brutes, prophets
Id: m64ghe7DLBI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 20sec (920 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 07 2017
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