Could the Earth Survive a Flood Infection? (One Single Spore) | Halo Lore

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on today's halo lore episode we look at whether modern-day earth could possibly survive the flood infection hey guys this is our carts letter hello and welcome to another halo lore video today we will be talking about one of my favorite topics the flood I'm sure some of you guys looked at today's video and thought obviously modern humanity wouldn't stand a chance against the flood we know in halo that the forerunner and incredibly advanced ancient race weren't able to beat back the parasite and in a previous verses episode I've also said that I don't think the combined Star Wars universe could either however both those scenarios are fairly different the forerunner lost their war against the flood largely due to the sheer number of flood and the degree to which they integrated with forerunner technology the forerunner Empire was also massive perhaps even unwieldy they were fighting wars at various points and perhaps most importantly they allowed the flood to develop early on with the parasite accumulating a massive amount of information the Star Wars universe also has some key distinctions the most notable one I think is how prevalent FTL technology is which allows a flood infestation to spread extremely quickly star wars also doesn't make heavy use of automated technology so perhaps earth which is fairly sparsely populated with slower means of transportation and automated systems could fall into that sweet spot where we could actually survive an infection if we acted early enough that being said as we learn in Halo 3 one single the flood Spore can destroy a species so the question is is there anything we could do to stop a small scale infection from taking over the planet the rules are as followed will assume that the infection starts somewhere isolated let's say rural Australia with a single spore earth will recognize the flood danger relatively quickly and will unify to fight it geopolitical rivalries or concerns won't really play into effect here that being said the flood is totally alien to their and our scientists have no understanding of it with the rules and the basic premise out of the way let's now talk about how the earth would react before we do so though we have to have a good understanding of the enemy to flood our parasitic life-forms whose sole goal is to consume all matter within the universe they are extremely relentless very powerful and one of the toughest enemies in science fiction what makes them so tough though you might be wondering well they spread extremely quickly once an infection starts it's extraordinarily hard to stop through conventional means and the flood becomes more intelligent as more members and more biomass is added to its crude consciousness the infestation is sort of like an exponential slippery slope where things get far more dangerous as the flood further propagates let's talk about the species on a physical level though the most basic non-cellular type of flood and the one that will be starring in this video is the flood infection form infection forms are really the floods movers and shakers they're typically the ones who start off any large-scale infestation they target organic and typically large sentient beings killing them and using Barb's and stalks to take over their nervous systems basically turning their victim into a zombie infected hosts will then be transformed by the flood virus taking a variety of forms the most common of which is likely the combat form this makes the hosts extremely strong durable and gives them incredible regenerative properties the lure I think is a little unclear on this but it appears that combat forms can then go on to infect other organic beings further propagating the flood some beings will also be transformed into carrier forms which as the name would suggest focus on infection rather than combat initial transformed flood appears mindless zombies however at the flood grows further intelligent through the consumption of matter when an individual's body is taken over by the flood their mind is also given to the shared consciousness which gains not only their knowledge but also their memories thus the larger the infection the more effective the flood become as a whole they can use strategy on to grant level and even individual infection forms seem to become more intelligent as the flood grow typically mindless low-level flood forms will start collecting biomass in a single spot in order to form a central intelligence the degree in seriousness of a flood infection can actually be measured by the sophistication of these intelligences which seems to be directly correlated to the amount of sentient beings which have been consumed on a low level you have a proto gravemind which is composed of perhaps a few dozen organic beings proto grave minds will control troops on a local level they'll start infusing some actual tactics and strategy into the actions of the flood and it also allows individual forms to do things like operate vehicles or machinery on a much much larger level you have something with the key mind which basically represents a planet's worth of organics in a single flood form key mines were intelligent and tactical enough to rival even the most advanced forerunner AI so when a flood infection gets to that level it's certainly no laughing matter because of everything I've just mentioned you probably wouldn't be surprised to hear that defeating the flood is very very difficult you can kill an individual form by destroying the nervous system offed in the head but the infection will truly be defeated until every form in every sport has been destroyed this can be done of course through brute force but the much more effective way is to starve the flood of their food removing organics so let's talk about the early stages of the flood infection and stopping the flood here is really the Earth's only chance and I think it's very possible that the first five minutes are actually what decides the fate of humanity at this position the flood is most vulnerable because their entire species is basically encapsulated in a single or perhaps a few flood forms so with the flood landing in rural Australia I think they have a few options if they wanted to they could probably bolster their numbers but not their combined intelligence through the consumption of organic material of low sentient value say they attack some wildlife this basically gives them a backup although it doesn't really further the development of their species their first major step will be taking over a human being now if they come across the wrong person perhaps someone wearing thick clothing or who's very strong and coordinated they could be destroyed but I think more likely than not the average flood infection form will be able to take over a human it'll be this one human who could save the entire race but I don't think they're likely to do so so at this point the flood still have the advantage along with the strength of a flood combat form along with their speed regenerative properties and their durability I think the only thing limiting the spread of the plague at this point is how many people they come in contact with if the first person infected is a hermit then the flood could have some trouble and perhaps even starve but that seems to be something that takes quite a long time more likely the individual will be a part of a community whether it's a community of persons who live close together or just him and his family and his friends after some time he'll likely have visitors or the flood will be able to walk to another potential victim because of the ineffectiveness of projectile and thus human weapons when fighting flood forms and the advantage that the average flood has over the average human I think it will be fairly easy for the flood infection to start collecting biomass building up a communities worth of intelligence for their shared consciousness however by the time they do so and again assuming they're in a rural location this whole process will have taken several days perhaps even a week I think it's likely that people start to have some idea that something is going on especially if some small village or town goes completely black however I don't think the authorities will be on high alert until the flood have at least formed a small proto gravemind with this increased sophistication as well as the general knowledge of everyone who's been consumed I believe the flood will then try to come in to your vehicles and haphazardly make their way towards Australia is the largest cities this really is the tipping point the corruption of a major city like Sydney I think alone could be enough to totally compromise Earth's atmosphere with flood spores flood spores start to accumulate on a planet which has a sufficient flood infestation and makes infection of further beings incredibly easy as the virus becomes airborne if the authorities haven't mobilized by this point and nothing major is done then I think the earth is Bay Scalise crude however even if everyone is attentive and fully mobilized I think once the flood has formed a proto gravemind there's really nothing humanity can do let's look at the obvious option you evacuate Australia and quarantine the continent for logistics reasons this is just totally not practical and it assumes that the world leaders actually take the threat seriously there's also the fact that the flood have shown an incredible ability to not only repair but also perhaps build vessels for transportation countless boats aircraft and other vehicles left behind which the flood would repair and commandeer to try to infect the rest of the world by the time the militaries of the world are in position to cut off Australia from the rest of the planet the flood will have slipped through they're just too resilient it's also very likely that a single spore would manage to slip among the evacuees causing humanity to unknowingly spread the flood to other continents the other obvious option is a massive nuclear strike on Australia I don't think that humanity would recognize the extraordinary danger possessed by the flood and even if they did I'm not sure if they would strike out against a civilian population even if they did or if the nuclear strike was accompanied by an evacuation I don't think the radiation would be powerful enough to kill the flood it would only be the energy yields from the nuclear weapons themselves which would do any harm unfortunately the amount of nuclear weapons that you'd need to detonate to cover all of Australia and kill every single flood form would surely be enough to compromise Earth's atmosphere and I just don't think that that's a practical approach either regardless I still think the flood would find some way to survive again the only way I believe Humanity could hope to stop the flood infection is before the creation of a proto grave mind if even a single flood Spore manages its way into a populated city it will spell the end for Humanity individual flood forms themselves are hard to destroy thousands or millions are impossible the flood with all of that intelligence would be too smart to be trapped on an island and would find a way to the rest of the world if they do make it into a major city I also think it's very likely that the virus becomes airborne infecting the rest of the world even more quickly all in all I give you men beyond Earth a 15 percent chance of survival maybe the individual who runs into the first flood form will get lucky and manage to kill it or perhaps the government will be very quick and noticing something going on and perform a tactical nuclear strike or other military option against the very early flood infection as I've made clear though I think both of those scenarios are fairly unlikely I'd also like to briefly talk about a few techniques that won't work for modern-day humidity they won't be able to develop a cure though they will surely try the forerunners which were incredibly more advanced than we are weren't able to do so so I have no faith in our medical system conventional military operations won't work the flood are just too strong and bullets are basically the worst weapon for fighting the parasite and finally AI and other machines won't be able to save us artificial intelligence is not sufficiently advanced and I don't think we have enough drones or autonomous vehicles to really stop the flood although they certainly would help all of that however is just my opinion what do you think let me know by voting in the upper right hand corner and also leave me a comment if you guys like this video make sure to give a like and if you want to support the channel check out my links down in the description thank you guys so much for watching until next time this has been at carte slaughter may the force be with people [Music] [Music]
Channel: EckhartsLadder
Views: 400,708
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: halo, halo lore, the flood, halo flood, flood earth, one single flood spore, halo explaind, halo video game, earth, planet earth, 2018, earth 2018, spore, flood, infection, flood infection, who would win, versus, vs, halo 3, halo 2, halo wars 2 flood, halo 4, halo 5, halo ce, flood infection form, halo 3 flood, eckhartsladder, eckharts ladder, lore, explained, sci fi, space, halo eckhartsladder, halo versus, halo vs, halo vs earth, could the earth survive the flood
Id: 9GReZ3lbN7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 5sec (725 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 03 2018
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