The Flood (Could) Devour the 40k Galaxy - HaloHammer Part 3

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you knew this was coming I kept teasing it and if nothing else if I was ferociously fanboying over Halo for the Covenant and forerunners I couldn't have just ignored the faction that is pretty much responsible for everything we see in the Halo Universe I mean come on without them we'd have no anything there'd still be Foreigner domination of the Galaxy and Mankind would actually I don't know part of the reason for the foreign or human war was because Humanity was simultaneously retreating from and eliminating these parasites who knows it would have happened had they not intervened there's something you should know though while they will of course talk about what you're likely familiar with in this mini-series and without spoiling it too early I'll actually give the factions some 40K some credit for once the creatures you know from the original Halo Trilogy ruins far different for their modern iterations what became a cruel and corruptive zombie-like hive mind was once the most dominant race in the Halo Universe and yes I mean universe so in a way this is a bit of a two-for-one video the first portions will largely be lower in the precursors because in order to understand the main subject of the video I feel obligated to do my best to explain what we know about him and of course the more I'm talking about Halo the happier I am I'll try not to focus on them too much when they were the precursors and I'll chapter the video so if you just want to skip to the 40K bits feel free but to finally stop beating around the bush on this matter allow me to tell you how the flood of Halo could Devour the 40K Galaxy but first a word not from a sponsor haha I [ __ ] gotcha didn't I no sponsor of this one everyone I just wanted to say thank you all nearly 200k and a New Year's coming up so I hope everyone else has a good New Year and I hope this channel does as well insurance issues that'll haunt me for the rest of my life aside this has pretty much become my full-time job and I couldn't do without all of you how fitting the decks can't be talking about insurance [ __ ] but seriously thank you all for the support now then I hope you're wearing a cholesterol combat skin because otherwise you're in for a rough time never mind unlike 40k's own devouring hive mind race the flood were not always well what I just described they were once a race known as the precursors I'm tempted to describe them as the forerunners on steroids but that doesn't come close to what they were because what they really were were HP Lovecraft Gods to say they ruled the universe as a funny way of putting it because they had interesting outlooks on reality but if they wish to I'd no doubt they could have before I get into their Tech and all that stuff you're no doubt terribly interested in so you could explain how Kato sicarius could One-Shot them I want to talk about them for a bit they seeded life in the Galaxy billions of years ago so already we're on a time scale well past 40K Zone they could accelerate the evolution of life as fast as or as slow as they wished it to be and the reverse was true as well they would oftentimes spend their lives as devolved humble farming races for the form they took was of no consequence to them one day they might decide to be Cthulhu the next day they're Gilgamesh and then a hundred thousand years later their Farmer Brown counting his space chickens for the yearly Harvest don't don't think about that sentence too much I grew up in the suburbs alright they believe that the universe itself was alive in a way only in a way in scale far different from you and me they believe that the consciousness of living beings serve to enrich the universe as a whole a concept in Halo known as neural physics if this is sounded like some real hippie [ __ ] to you then you're probably right but if the hippies are able to throw galaxies at you like ping pong balls maybe they're on to something but before that a bit of how they viewed life they weren't good or evil strictly speaking but they considered suffering strife and indeed evil as necessary parts of life they believed it added to its sweetness which is the only word I can give you because whatever word they would have used didn't really cross the language barrier so goodly now for their Tech abilities and all that good stuff part of what helped them be able to live so many different lives is that they could reincarnate and live Anew deaf after all is just another part of life so of course they wish to experience it every now and then and in a rare moment of me actually dissing The Eldar the precursors managed to do this for billions of years without murder [ __ ] a god into existence good job precursors they also were to hive mind by the way not yet anyways so this was straight up reincarnation not having your brain waves void back into a collective Consciousness they could do pretty much everything that foreigners could do you know across into different universes throw planets of people to piss them off the usual except with the precursors it wouldn't be a planet it would be a Galaxy now that's a good way to tell someone to [ __ ] off I'm not making that up by the way the Foreigner noticed that Didact had a freak out when he learned what they could do I.E throw galaxies around just moving them around like Minecraft blocks and creating life from nothing their FTL methods were described as leaving lingering multiversal residue when they entered real space again I have no idea what the hell that means but I'm going to assume that means they just Waltz through other realities to reach their destination like a goddamn nether portal system and there's my favorite invention of theirs as well star roads now that sounds kinda boring I admit what they were were roads between planets and potentially even different star systems Miles and Miles thick and immune to all forms of attack let the scale of that sink in a bit erode between a star system not like a Stellaris hyper travel Lane a physical thing these things stretch between planets that's something billions of billions of miles long and these things were everywhere they could also change their mass at will not as in they could shed bits of themselves as required so they were lighter or heavier one section of the road might be a hundred pounds one minute the next is ten thousand and then after that it's ten nothing about the road was changed there was no rearrangement reality has been Rewritten so this thing is now a different mass that shows a complete Master of the Universe like no other because it's just rewriting reality on a whim and while the precursors didn't really use them for violence the flood used them to strangle planets they did that with the first Arc the foreigners built which was itself bigger than the one in Halo 3 which was in turn itself several dozen times the size of a planet imagine being some Foreigner just chilling out on a planet living life then the galactic Autobahn comes screaming out of space and strangles your planet into a black hole before smacking your Fleet out of orbit like a game of whack-a-mole and the domain I discussed in the Foreigner video was their creation they wanted to store all they had gathered about the universe and one giant sentient supercomputer that used the very Milky Way galaxy to run itself aside from doubtlessly being able to run Doom it was also able to shut out those it didn't like this is why the foreigners despite being able to access whatever they put into it notice massive blank spots of information they couldn't access the domain itself was telling them to go to hell they just didn't realize it now if they were so powerful how did they disappear like all ancient precursor civilizations to well the foreigners wiped them out so how did they do that great question there are several answers presented and none of them come from a completely reliable source what I can tell you isn't true is what the foreigners largely believed they thought the precursors peacefully faded away and left them in charge that theory is historical revisionism to the highest that Foreigner commanders spread after they murdered all the precursors to make foreigners feel good about themselves after this one though the theories get screwy a precursor Survivor and I use that term very Loosely says that the foreigners attacked them unprovoked imagine if every single insect in your backyard suddenly marched into your room and started devouring you that's essentially what this kind of precursor said had happened doesn't matter how strong you are if you're 110 blindsided meanwhile Foreigner accounts by those who actually know a bit about what happened say that instead of passing the role of Guardians of all life onto the forerunners they were going to give it to humanity instead and genocide the forerunners out of existence in this version of the story the foreigners just got to jump on them before they could do it so using that insect analogy again imagine it's largely the same Only The Bugs Got wind that you were going to call an exterminator in a few days there's also the possibility that many precursors simply let the foreigners kill them because of that whole life is both Joy and suffering being the head going whatever the case the specifics are both incredibly violent and lost to time as shown by when the Didact found out just what they could do and he freaked out and wondered how the hell the foreigners ever beat them of course this was still a race of lovecraftian beings that only technically aren't Gods kind of hard to kill him and indeed at least a few of them were treated out of the Milky Way in some form or another one of the forms many of them took was as a power that would eventually coalesce back into precursors proper but be it the ravages of time or sabotage something happened to this powder and it was corrupted instead of reforming the precursors it created a new form of life that was hell-bent on Revenge one that would assimilate Allah to itself so that never again could its Creations rise up against it this powder as you've no doubt guessed became the flood the Warhammer scenario is coming soon I promise but to explain the flood imagine the tyranids okay now instead of them just eating you they shove a toddler-sized ball of popcorn in your chest and you become one of them everything you know of value is then assimilated into the hive mind of the flood everything useless to them is discarded not shoved to the back of your mind not moved around in your neurons gone deleted error 404 fond childhood memories of your mother not found the novelization of Combat Evolved shows Captain Keys going through this as he desperately dredges up memories from his past that the flood has to go through before it can find the location of Earth as well as him constantly repeating his military identification number over and over so he always has something to use as a shield to almost keep sane as they grow in number they begin harvesting corpses to form a grave mine the true guiding intelligence of the flood and intelligence far beyond any AI if there is anything remotely biological the flood can consume it while there are beings in Halo that cannot be infected by the flood due to lacking a central nervous system most prominently the hunters their biomass can still be absorbed and used by it all of your secrets are learned all of your tactics your battle plans that you're aware of how your logistical networks run everything to get back to Halo when this powder came back ancient Humanity decided to give it to their pets to make them more attractive and fertile I [ __ ] wish I was kidding I mean is that not the first thing you think of too oh wow look at this cool mushroom I found in the forest Bape Fido come lick it for me I think it'll give me some real cute puppies the Halo lore gets weird man then their puppy started getting a little silly just a little bit wacky then Space Zombies happen in ancient humanity and the rallies the ancient prophets just gonna skip past that without explaining it no time waged war on the flood when it spread to four other planets they started getting rid of those planets for some reason they didn't explain that there was a zombie apocalypse going on in ancient Foreigner Society so they thought Humanity was just randomly invading them for shits and giggles Humanity fights a two-front war and loses the flood pretend to be driven off so the foreigners think they're secured to the flood and then they hardcore prank the foreigners by revealing that no there's not a thing like that before reactivating all of their dormant Tech to wipe the foreigners out and it nearly worked as the foreigners were losing ground the flood's absorption capabilities meant that they learned more and more about Foreigner tag as well as how to use and counter it every killed Foreigner was another flood to worry about classic zombie stuff and eventually the flood hit critical mass and formed a key mind if a grave mind is smart a key mine makes xinji look like gork and Mork it is the ultimate intelligence capable of guiding the flood across the Galaxy simultaneously and infecting space-time itself yeah the flood have their own form of chaos corruption if you let him get out of control as they devoured huge swas of the Galaxy the foreigners also learned the hard way that the flood could control the tech they had as precursors and that's when Foreigner planets started getting strangled by those fancy star roads even their AIS became infected remember what I said about them being smart the key mind is so [ __ ] intelligent that they just corrupt machines despite it being purely biological the main Foreigner AI in charge of the military metacon bias was turned to their side as being locked in the science fiction hyperbolic timetable with a grave mine for a few years so don't think you're safe just because you've replaced your lungs with a forge below Tech priests as for how the flood were defeated it was because the Halo array was almost accidentally designed to utilize neural physics for its firing sequence which turned all those fancy Breakers or weapons into soup and also killed everything Left Alive in the Galaxy by that point which meant the flood were starved out much like the tyridids would have been in this situation unrelated but there was a bit in the Foreigner novels where right as the Rings are being activated the iso Didact hears the signals of a race that was just beginning to reach the Stars which is both incredibly depressing and Incredibly funny imagine you move into a new neighborhood and the day after you finish setting everything up you walk outside to go say hi to your new neighbors and immediately get hit with the Spirit Bomb alright I feel like there's more I can say but I'm over eight pages of script into the video and I haven't started the actual Warhammer crossover bit didn't plan on this video just being half Halo lore but here we are so how would the flood fare in the 40K Galaxy I won't be doing the precursors themselves as they were because to be frank I think it'd just be a guaranteed win for them they'd leave the Galaxy and toss another one at it if they failed they'd do it again and again and again or just create a race with the sole purpose of influencing the warp and creating their own chaos God if not outright descending themselves to become a new race of the old ones more so than they already were anyways now if you look at the title of this video which I assume you did you probably noticed the big glaring could in the title because unlike the Covenant and forerunners I don't think the flood is guaranteed to either hold their ground or sweep the Galaxy they could do either but to show what I mean let's start with scenario one the flood gets wiped from the Galaxy pretty quickly let's start the scenario off on an imperial world doesn't matter much which it is don't worry about how it got there it's not important it shut off a flood ship on their way across the Multiverse to go curb stomp sub Foreigner or something don't think about it what's important is what it's going to do namely infect some poor schmuck in his way to work or something like that could be a high world could be an aggro world doesn't matter rapidly the flood begins to infect others as it does it can spread through spores in the atmosphere as well as the popcorn balls it's just that either for technical or balancing reasons it never does this in the Halo games if only so the Arbiters that get turned into a zombie when it shows up to give you a lift out of high charity in Halo 3. but that does mean that even if you don't get caught by infection forms you're still joining their ranks when the air turns to cancer now taking into account both the flood's capabilities and my intense favoritism of Halo I'm I'm going to say this scenario is in the middle of the three in terms of which is most likely to happen it also relies heavily on one thing competent Imperial officials as the flood infects more and more people someone important realizes that [ __ ] is about to hit the fan hard if this problem isn't taken care of quickly let's say there's an Inquisitor like Amberly Vale or Krypton into the system while the outbreak is happening the flood are many things and they can be subtle on a grand level after all the foreigners can really know about the flood's true capabilities at first and weren't really aware of it at all when the humans and prophets were trying to take care of it that being said on the local level it is anything but subtle You Can't Hide a flood infection I mean look at this thing this doesn't exactly fit in with the imperium's ideal of the Holy human form now does it unless I missed something in the 9th Edition core rules that says Taco Bell diarrhea is now considered sacred as the parasite spreads across the planet so important manages to order what needs to be done exterminatus of the planet doesn't really matter what kind of bomb you use either way the end result is that the planet is bathed in Fire and the flooded perish alongside everyone on the planet with it an anti-climactic end to the Galaxy's greatest threat I say this could happen because unlike the Covenant and forerunners who are not only Advanced but also established Powers the flood in this case start off with basically nothing the potential to create and tap into their hive mind intelligence exists in every single flood Spore and indeed despite them being almost completely eliminated in The Foreigner flood War the grave minor in Halo seems to have perfect memories of it so clearly there's something psychic going on with their intelligence but nevertheless they have to go through a fairly lengthy process to actually reach it starting off with nothing but a single Spore it's entirely possible that the Imperium could deal with it before it reaches critical mass additionally the UNSC and Covenant are capable of preventing it from reaching truly Galactic proportions it has been able to wrong foot all factions in Halo before but if a shotgun can keep a combat form down then a Bolter certainly can as well this scenario is also more or less likely depending on which world the flood starts on of course worlds like Hive worlds while having a much higher amount of people to infect on it also have a higher chance of attracting the attention of someone with a Planet Killer when half of a hive suddenly looks like the worst kind of person at a convention smells like you're gonna notice same goes for if they end up on a towel world I don't think the greater good is likely to include the flood in it trying to infect the crafter with Eldar initially would lead to them being sensed out and Darth Sidious to death most likely they would probably have a field day with the Orcs to be totally honest with you while the average boy could certainly take on a combat form it's the matter of them getting infected and truth be told in my opinion I think the flood spores are going to be able to out fight the York spores or whoever you want to word that if I have to explain to you why the flood wouldn't get anywhere with a two moral then please kindly direct your attention to the nearest wall and headbutted until the neurons in your brain realign themselves and as for them spawning in a tyrannated fested planet honestly it could go either way the flood could doubtlessly absorb slain tear into dioforms I mean when they're dead they're just meat hell infecting dead corpses is a valid way of gaining soldiers in biomass slash intelligence for a grave bind as far as the flood care but as for living tyranids I'll leave that up to whatever you want to think maybe the flood can infect them like any other maybe the tyrants can't be infected maybe they can but the chair nids might be able to combat it or adapt to it up to you and your answer to this question determines How likely the flood can spread in the scenario and there's always a couple of ways other factions could hinder the flood at this stage as well the flood can infect demons any more than the tyranids can eat them so this first flood Spore spawns on a planet that's having a chaotic problem it probably won't end well for the flood and if the flood are really unlucky the necrons might catch wind the flood spreading on an imperial world and use that fancy Star Destroyer button they have system goes Supernova Before the Flood spreads neck runs are laughing the whole time did you know it's more like a galactic yard charmer than a weapon needs stuff entirely unrelated but I felt like throwing it in there for you now for scenario 2 the flood are able to become another faction and Warhammer not stomping but not advancing much much like everyone else in the setting now this one will go ahead and say is the least likely in my opinion but for the fun of it I'll talk about the situation much the same as the first but there's no intelligent and or trigger-happy Inquisitor around to blow the flood-infested planet to Kingdom Come the flood takes over the world and begins spreading across the local sector fleets are dispatched to Halt the spread and eliminate the threat but the Imperium underestimates the capabilities of the flood each regiment said to combat them just ends up joining the ranks and as the flood grows more or numbers its intelligence rises in equal measure tactics of those sent to face that are memorized and dealt with as they come up Anew eventually a slew of planets are firmly under flood control infested to be on repair and never to be reclaimed however in the scenario the flood comes to a halt after an initial surge of growth once the Imperium and other races of the Galaxy become accustomed to the threat they learn a few key things one for the love of God limited any ships with flood on them that are inbound security is going to need to be tied into hell and back and you better get used to shooting Ships coming out of flood contested systems on site but it can theoretically be done two if they land on a world devote every bit of resources you have to eliminating them assuming you can't just blow it up there is no threat higher than a flood infestation on a planet and if they show up you need to eliminate that entire area even in Halo 3 when the UNSC was down to pretty much just Earth they were willing to let half of Africa get glass because the flood was just that much of a risk three if the planet looks like it's going to be a goner just nuke the entire thing while it be an incredibly difficult to manage it's entirely possible that the flood would become just another faction in the 40K setting if proper containment is followed containment of the traditional sense of course not containment and the destroy the entire galaxy with giant hula hoops since funnily enough this is one of those threats that might cause some of the factions to show some Unity with each other much like the tyranids I see no reason the Tao and Imperium wouldn't work together against the flood same with the Eldar hell if it was bad enough maybe even be like with the war of the beasts where iron Warriors and Imperial fists fought alongside one another that'd be wild now I say this is the least likely situation to happen because the flood in my mind aren't really a threat you can stall like this you can either get rid of them or you're getting turned into fungal stew since they're not only going to gain numbers and intelligence but knowledge of whatever they're infecting is true by how they could drive vehicles of the Covenant and you want to see no problem as well as hijack 400 ships you'll have a major problem where once they hit critical mass there's no stopping them for some reason Google Docs auto-corrected critical mass to critical ass which isn't important at all but it made me chuckle so I thought I'd let you all know that happened anyways this critical mass problem is the same as in any zombie related media granted most zombies can't clear buildings in a single jump and out math Isaac Newton but it's the same problem of after a certain point the apocalypse is coming by sheer weight of numbers as for their intelligence absorbing a million Guardsmen might not tell them anything important they might gain some colorful new words to call the regimental commissar but that's it but they still gain the intelligence of all those Guardsmen added on top of one another for the grave mind additionally he absorbed the right Tech priests and they know all about how the weapons they're facing and absorbing work absorb the right Officer and you've got knowledge of the Imperial tactical and strategic plans for the area at that man's time of death and do I really need to tell you why a flood infected and enhanced Space Marine would be bad news for anyone in a light year radius though for all my talk of this being the most unlikely scenario this is the one that would be the coolest but the flooding as an Army in 40K since they certainly got the potential to be a kick-ass Army flood pureforms would be fantastic models and imagine something on tabletop like the flood carrier form you send one or two of them into a unit of Guardsmen and if all goes well you can infect them to your side imagine how cool of an army that would be one that might start off we can absorb the enemy under their side to turn the tide Imagine The Arrogant face of someone who brings a Titan to the game board now imagine that smug grin being wiped off as a swarm of popcorn models clamor over the thing and infect everyone in it and turn it against them that would be cool I don't care if it's on balance it'd be [ __ ] awesome wouldn't it now scenario three the one that is both the situation I think is most likely and the one that is going to once more rare accusations of me being a biased Halo fan to address that second one first yes now let the jerking off of Halo comments [Music] great welcome in it the flood begins on a planet and completely devours it unlike scenario 1 the imperimer tower where whoever is in charge cannot eradicate the threat and it begins rapidly spreading across the sector aside from them gaining strength in numbers as they grow the main issue is their assimilation everything they assimilate not only gives them that creature's abilities and knowledge but enhances their strength and Agility as well it's how a standard UNSC Marine that's infected can slap the master chief across the map despite him being a goddamn Demi got a war additionally them being perfectly able to use the tech of a race they assembly means that if you don't eliminate the flood with an arm you send after them they're going to know how to deal with you after the fact the flood hive mind begins as a proto-grave mind a largely defenseless blob creature that being said once one of these things are formed the flood vastly increase in intelligence and it will undoubtedly make itself impossible to reach or at least as close to impossible as it can therefore ensuring the flood's intellectual capabilities rise alongside their physical ones as for how a single flood Spore can grow to take over a whole species it's the same way as every zombie thing ever their exponential growth one begins two begets four if he gets a whole [ __ ] lot more I think appearance massive scale would screw them over in this case in both the large scale and the small scale in the small scale I mean that literally in the case of all the big [ __ ] that they build imagine a single flood sport getting into a night with just a single infection form or Airborne Spore the flood have a death machine now scale that up to a Titan Legion much like nurgle and the tyranids to some extent they create a biosphere to spread themselves with it even looks like a nerd Glide chaos infection funnily enough I'll sick and gross and nasty ass looking so any guard's been deployed to a flood infested world might just find themselves feeding the grave mind the flood also have their own pure forms that are more than capable of holding their own in a fight you've got stalkers the range things they turn into that shoot needles at you the flood tank and of course the flood Juggernaut it was cut from Halo 2 and that's probably for the best because beating that thing on legendary would make me cry the boulevard of Jackal snipers is already bad enough but in terms of Warhammer this thing is more of a damn Dreadnought it's the size of one and it hits like one on top of all the other crap they got from Halo Wars 2 I mean look at these things just to go a bit more into their infectious capability as I mentioned earlier it's important to remember that Foreigner AIS are fully sentient artificial people at least in terms of how advanced they are if the flood can infect those I see no reason the flood would have any issues infecting machine Spirits once it devotes effort to it they might not even need to infect the pilot of a knight or Titan for instance just its machine spirit and if nothing else part of the reason Vatican bias was corrupted by the flood is because the key mind convinced him to turn against the forerunners some machine Spirits are pretty damn close to just being AI if they aren't already and the flood might is so goddamn charismatic that it can convince them to betray the Imperium this Charisma naturally being helped by a healthy dose of corruption and if you're thinking that something like this might take a while remember the flood are capable of infecting space-time itself even it were to be the case that the key mine has to individually talk to every single Titan spirit for years on end that's not as much of a problem when the year-long conversation takes place over the course of about five minutes and depending on how prevalent machine Spirits truly are the Imperium is even more [ __ ] a lot of what the Imperium calls machine Spirits are actually just something like programs and stuff like in computer nowadays so that's not that big of a issue the flood can probably infect it with the oldie computer virus and making that work but that's just a single piece of equipment not working not well but if the other end of that scale is true and AI is truly a part of almost every major piece of Imperial equipment the flood may vary will kick-start a second men of iron rebellion and as far as things like servitors go they can just affect those the old-fashioned way of popcorn ball to the spinal column that's a computer and a person infected all at once just eat the guy plugged into the battleship's navigation system and you've not only got yourself a pilot you know how to Pilot every other ship of its type as the flood infest more and more of space they only become more and more powerful there's no spreading themselves out too thin here much like the tyranids the flood Hive mine can be directing an entire Battlefield all at once however it's much harder to disrupt the key mine's presence amongst the flood there's far less in the way of synapse creatures amongst the floods so you can't just shoot the big one and the flood I'll turn into mindless beasts at best you can destroy the grave mind overseeing the flood but there's a couple of problems with that problem one the grave mine doesn't even need to be on the same planet to direct the flood in a key mind undoubtedly hasn't and larger range as well problem 2 the grave mine is minimum the size of a damn Titan some things I've read say its body might be hundreds of kilometers large and if that's the case nothing short of an orbital bombardment is killing that thing either way you're gonna need some big guns to kill it problem three it's not just a giant blob a protograve mind is but a grave mind proper isn't and in this scenario the flutter long past the sage of proto-gravemind a grave mind meanwhile can launch things across space if it needs to as in pick up a flood combat form stuff it in a fleshy drop pod and just catapult that [ __ ] across the solar system it does it in Halo 3 pretty frequently in the last level aside from that meaning that it can theoretically spread infections across the system it's in without even needing to send any proper flood combat forms there there's the much more direct issue of if it can do that anything that tries to fight it is going to be turned into a Dark Souls bloodstain real goddamn quickly good luck fat rolling around this thing as for the larger scale working against the Imperium the flood absorb their enemies as they do the problem this poses for the Imperium is that there's a whole lot of people to infect and as I keep saying saying everyone infected is another Imperial that's now working against it it's kind of like how in the World War Z book China kept throwing men at zombies not knowing that every time they lost a man they gained a zombie to fight or rather not really caring which I doubt the Imperium would either given that it's the you know the Imperium hell if the flood begins somewhere in the ghoul stars or another region of space Uncharted to the Imperium and microtocritical mass and then suddenly entire swaths of Imperial space are under attack by the parasite additionally the flood are more than capable of figuring out how to repurpose equipment to suit itself and in the case of 40K there is a lot of Hive worlds Forge worlds and more that can be taken over to produce armaments and ships for the flood once the know-how of doing this is figured out by the hive mind its endless supplies of stuff for the flood to produce to help their war effort more effort never-ending Buffet same difference you know and something I think is pretty neat is that I think it's likely the flood will produce the exact same issue as a tyranid high Fleet Invasion the shadow of the warp it is after all a massively complex and overreaching intelligence stretching across time and space who's to say that the flood can do the same thing as the nids in this case albeit against the flood the cycers go insane because some [ __ ] won't stop speaking an iambic pentameter at them every time they try to use magic no matter what the Imperium throws at the flood in this scenario it can't be stopped world after World Falls to it until they have devoured the majority of the Imperium and Mankind's fate is sealed along with the rest of the Galaxy the other present Orcs will only present more food and soldiers for the flood the schemes of the Elder are no match for the intelligence of the key mind clearly the Tau Will Survive and repopulate the Galaxy and I can't I can't even finish the joke they get stopped straightforward space and time itself will begin to corrupt itself into a living hell potentially preventing Demons from manifesting in real space this same issue will also plague the tyranids if space and time are absolutely smekledorff then the tyrannos travel across the Galaxy can be splintered and disrupted enough to make them easy pickings regardless as industrial Center's fall and armies are infected the flood will have more than enough manpower to handle tyranid High fleets Kamara on the black Library likely won't even be safe as the moment a web boy gate is found it's time to go ballistic with the flood spores even the forces of chaos will be forced to bow to the unending tide of the parasite pouring across the Galaxy with cultists and Marines being infected and turned while demons are gunned down by their former servants as for the end game the flood will begin to finish with the rest of the holdouts amongst the Galaxy depending on how powerful the flood's absorption really is there's a very real chance they might develop psycho powers in which case the precursors as they were are back now just a lot grosser you may say that being the God that he is the Emperor could handle the flood and individually of course that's true there's no flood form that'll manage to harm him but as a God he is weakened as his worshipers die off and as the flood consumes more and more not only will we lose worshipers that deprive him of power which denote is the same issue the chaos Gods will face he will also receive less and less psychers to empower him the daily dose of psychers he needs to sustain himself will dwindle from the thousands to the hundreds to the dozens to finally none the end of the Imperium of this scenario may not come from a flood invasion of Terror but a warp storm as he finally dies and Chaos overtakes the Cradle of man as for the necrons you might think they'll be the inheritors of the Galaxy as robotic beings should be relatively safe but this won't be so the average necron Warrior could potentially be infected by the flood's logic plagues they used to infect the Machinery of other races even disregarding that the flood aren't just Predators like the tyranits they're hateful they want an unending hell of subjugation for all life and the necrons will not technically alive anymore are not likely to be spared the Wrath of the insane remnants of the precursors as the flood takes over the industrial centers of other Realms that will turn them towards the necrons to eliminate them it will learn the secrets of the necron's ultimate weapons and turn them against not only them but the Katan some of the only beings capable of threatening them that in their sharded state will be easy pickings for a mass flood Invasion as the last of the Mortal beings in the Galaxy are consumed on multiple levels it becomes an unrecognizable hell not only are infected planets turned into flood worlds covered in their biomass but space and time itself warp beyond recognition the library in the Foreigner Trilogy mentions that looking at the stars they looked off somehow whatever the flood were doing as they were wiping out the forerunners they were causing the Galaxy to become wrong at a fundamental level however they managed to do it the end result is a Galaxy becoming something closer to to health than anything we would know physics are entirely Rewritten much like how their star roads could rewrite reality to change their mass and life may very well become impossible any chaotic incursions attempting to combat the flood are dealt with easily either by the unending tide of combat forms banishing them back to the warp or because once in real space demons need to at least somewhat follow the laws of physics the flood can simply rewrite these laws to be to their advantage the eye of Terror will more than likely end up close as will the Great Rift whether that be due to the flood being able to build something similar to the necron pylons or the sheer psychic weight of the flood hive mind shutting it down like the tyranid Shadow and The Wharf either way the end result is the same as the last of their followers and Mortal beings they draw sustenance from are infected the chaos Gods begin to wither and fade the 40K Galaxy is subsumed into the flood it may have taken another forty thousand years from the days of the human Covenant war and 140 000 years from when they nearly consume the Galaxy the first time around but their Victory is inevitable We Exist together now two corpses in one grave and with that I am done with the three Halo Hammer videos I do hope you've all enjoyed the video series as it was very fun to write and make as I've said many a time I love me some Halo and even if you hated it well you can always make fun of me Elsewhere on the Internet or in the comment section I don't advise that one for your sake because it'll just boost me in the algorithm and keep my garbage opinions I hate so much floating around but if you really want to let me know how unbelievably stupid I am for these videos then go for it don't think I'm done with the Halo yet of course there's all sorts of lure videos about them I'd love to make between this series and the one about the human Covenant War it's been proven to me that people will watch it I think next time I dive into Halo we'll take a look at your friendly neighborhood Office of Naval intelligence they do some [ __ ] the Imperium would say is too much but that'll be sometime in the future this was quite the long video as you can probably tell so I'll be taking a break from Halo for now not for too long of course but long enough to get back to what you expect from a Warhammer Channel you know Warhammer and maybe some stuff about a phone company if I have time thank you as always to my wonderful channel members you are the random person to my flood infection form I don't know how I can turn this into anything resembling complementary so use your imagination but in all seriousness thanks for the first time in a while I'm excited for what the new year will bring and that wouldn't be the case without all of you watching my crap thanks for watching and take care out there all right now hear me out grave mind right big scary monster hateful and manipulative beyond belief wants nothing more than to consume all life in the Galaxy I bet and again hear me out he gives the sloppiest toppy in the universe absolute Mad Head game that good old Gluck look 3000 you might say that's bad I say that's probably not even the top five most shameful things I've said on this channel I know it can make that list though grave minducy now I can do better than that floodusi wait wait wait wait wait precursive
Channel: PancreasNoWork
Views: 625,707
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 40000, 40k, WH40k, PancreasNoWork
Id: bnbxBFsMtZQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 18sec (1938 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 29 2022
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