Which sci-fi MECH / TITAN is best? | Factions Compared: Halo, WH40k, Titanfall and Mass Effect

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[Music] today we look at mech suits in a factions compared episode suggested by gentleman Jo on the air carts latter discord and you guys have been asking me to talk about mechs or Gundams ever since I branched out from Star Wars and started covering other universes and although it's not my strong suit I do see the interest so let me know your feelings on the subject by not only watching this video and leaving a comment but also voting in the poll I've included on the upper right-hand corner regardless today we're looking at four universes that I am familiar with specifically halo Warhammer Mass Effect and titanfall let's start with Halo which has several mechs utilized by both the UNSC and the Covenant instead of picking just one I want to look at the best that each universe has to offer on a small scale we have the Goblin a battle suit utilized by the covenants grunts this thing is a nice mix of deadliness and hilarity I think a Halo Waypoint article put it best the Goblin is AB allahö born battle suit that embodies the pillar that enjoy themselves universally agree their species is known for ruggedness agility and lethality now obviously that's a bit of ironic humor as the grunts are none of these things the article further calls the Goblin a bipedal mech that UNSC forces universally agree is deadlier than an entire combat Lance of unsuited grunts but a little less than a file if you want to get technical all agree the government can handle even the most dire combat experience with the grunt jockey inside cowering or protected by a dedicated energy shield and thick plates of armor however the UNSC does mechs a little bit better and there are two that I want to focus on right now there Hrunting egged Raziel and the Colossus the most powerful version of the Hrunting egged Raziel the mark ii is 20 meters tall protected by an energy shield and armed with a nice combination of missile launchers and machine guns allowing it to be effective against both infantry and armor and I know what you're thinking there's no way that the Mantis is 20 meters tall and that's right the Mantis you can pilot in halo 2 is the mark 9 however in the Halo 4 map adrift we can see a much larger variant the mark 2d which some have estimated to be about 20 meters tall however I think they're fronting a Brazil has been overshadowed by the Colossus another mech suit which is best explained in the Halo Wars to Phoenix logs the Colossus is a next-generation exoskeleton combat unit designed by materials group and Hannibal weapon systems for the UNSC army it is a super heavy vehicle unit which can be deployed by sergeant Johnson in place of the scorpion it is relatively slow but fitted with a devastating arsenal capable of taking down almost any foe the Colossus is primary weapon is a long-range heavy railgun a massive weapon originally designed for installation on fortified structures well the rail cannon can only target ground units its autocannon has an all environment engagement profile so this thing is essentially a walking armored and shielded weapon emplacement however while the description refers to it as lumbering I don't think the Colossus is as heavily armored as one might expect and I think the same thing can be said of the power for its main weapon it's not like the gun can one-shot a heavily armored vehicle like you'd expect with a dedicated heavy mech however it still probably is the most effective UNSC mech ever created in the use of the energy shield and the actual degree of mobility it has is certainly an upside next up is titanfall which as you might imagine has mechs and exoskeletons galore specifically called Titans now Titans come in many varieties from both allure and I suppose gameplay perspective and both titanfall 1 and to treat the mechs somewhat differently the first game gives the Titans a bit more flexibility and extra movement and energy shielding the second game on the other hand opts for ultra specialized designs but we'll get to them later more than any entry on this list Titans are essentially mechanized super-powered suits of armor an extension of the pilot who controls the Titan with a neural link they come in varied forms though are generally balanced against each other there's no one Titan that is objectively more powerful than the others so as I alluded to earlier in titanfall 1 there is a small degree of specialization between Titans with a focus on either speed armor or all-around ability however even the slowest Titan is fairly maneuverable and the exosuits can be augmented with different thrusters jets and general countermeasures titanfall 2 sees more heavily specialized machines with titans based around specific weapons like rail guns close range weapons and swords quick firing machine guns and different explosive weapon types besides for many different types of countermeasures primary and secondary weapon systems different tools Titans can also be armed with energy shields also as a note the pilots of the titanfall universe are extraordinarily talented well-trained and deadly in their own right the Titan supplements their abilities with ejection and self-destruct capabilities quick pilot loading features and the option for fully autonomous control within the lore there is also a different degree of AI sophistication depending on the Titan model so far it's not clear whether there are larger or more powerful Titan variants other than those seen in multiplayer and singleplayer within the universe so Titan falls entry onto this list will just be the generic Titan next up we have the Warhammer 40,000 universe and I think we all know how this one will go so let's be quick Titans are the holy revered war machines used by the Imperium of man's military they are among the most powerful and most impressive pieces of machine are used by the entire Imperium and represent in their greatest almost unimaginable levels of power Titans vary wildly in size however even the smaller variants are over a dozen meters tall larger models including the Imperator and any Emperor great Titan generally may alone be over 100 metres tall depending on the size of the Titan different strategies and weapons are utilized smaller machines often rely on speed and are designed to destroy either light vehicles or enemy foot soldiers in the US often support Boulter's or flamethrowers larger but still medium sized Titans like the warlord come multiple sub patterns but typically feature a mix of artillery style and close-range armed mounted weapons the largest Titans those of the emperor grade feature army killing weapons and are extraordinarily effective especially at long range of course aside from being able to shoot things Titans often use their extraordinary size to crush or attack their foes sometime employing melee weapons like chainsaws or power fists defensively besides for extraordinarily thick armor plating Titans use void shields as a primary form of protection not unlike Yuuzhan Vong Dovan basil the reference my Star Wars fans will understand larger Titans have larger shield generators which is why they're often seen as not unkillable despite the complexity of these machines however they're often primarily controlled by two or three pilots and Gunners with others on board to help with any secondary functions finally we have Mass Effect which uses a variety of mechs for both industrial and combat roles interestingly most of X are controlled by a droid brain which perhaps makes them robots rather than true mechs however a notable exception is the Atlas I will say the Alice is certainly on a much smaller and simpler scale than these other universes in to me it seems almost like a futuristic forklift with some guns strapped on on that note it is armed with a quick firing mass driver cannon a rocket launcher and smoke grenades with of course like all mechs also the option of crushing opponents with its sheer weight it is pretty well armoured and it is shielded but the mech does have several notable weaknesses the first is as we can see in Mass Effect 3 some sort of exhaust port on its back which when combined with its slow speed makes the weapons platform vulnerable even to foot soldiers albeit only very skilled and well-armed ones for that reason the mech will often be deployed alongside foot soldiers which will not only protect the more sensitive areas of the machine but also flush any enemies out of hiding another weakness is the main view pod which can be pierced by high-caliber weapons after the mech shields have been depleted so this thing is less well armed and less durable than the other mechs on this list and it's surprising that it takes on mostly an anti-personnel role in Mass Effect well tanks or other weapons typically perform the anti vehicle duties that some mechs on this list would do for that reason the lack of a machine gun or flamethrower style weapon in the slow and cumbersome nature of the Atlas kind of leave me scratching my head and made me think that perhaps it's a poorly designed weapons platform however we can see in Mass Effect 3 that the Atlas is capable of being deployed from aircraft which could certainly be useful to halt enemy advances or even cover troops so with these descriptions out of the way let's now rank them from worst to best and I do think it's really clear that the Atlas from Mass Effect is in the fourth spot it's just less technologically advanced and on a smaller scale than the others on this list next up we have three and two and this one I went back and forth on the mechs in Halo may be more powerful outright but I just think the amount of shirred gadgets in capabilities that the mechs from titanfall have give them a distinct advantage sure they might not have the same heavy railgun but they can hover they can move autonomously they can be outfitted with a variety of different weapons and to me I just think they're more flexible but also possibly specialized depending on the situation weapons platform so I think titanfall gets number two well halo gets number three of course that leaves Warhammer to take the number one spot to the surprise of no one and to be honest I wouldn't have even included it on this list but I have put Warhammer 40k on time out for a few videos and you guys have been asking me to talk about their mechs for a while now that is of course just my opinion I am curious though I think I got number four right and I think I got number one right however which do you prefer the hunting a grizzle or the Colossus of Halo or a Titan from titanfall Specht out to your desires let me know that down in the comments today's question comes from Kyle Murphy who asks about the heip in military and I'm gonna take a cheap out here I'm not gonna answer the question but instead refer you guys to an older video where I comfort the hape and military and three other sort of obscure legends factions in a video that I put a lot of effort into but wasn't seen by as many people as I would liked unis waffle one also asked what's it like in Canada and it's great I love it here anyway if you guys have your own questions you can use the hashtag ask a canned maybe I'll answer them next time until then may the force be with you [Music] you
Channel: EckhartsLadder
Views: 437,424
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: factons compared, sci fi factions compared, factions compared eckhartsladder, titanfall, titan titanfall, halo mantis, halo colossus, warhammer, warhamer 40k, warhammer titan, 40k titan, atlas, mass effect atlas, mass effect, titan fall titans, eckahrtsladder, warhammer 40 000, warhammer 40k lore, halo lore, mass effect lore, titanfall lore, factions compared best titan, titan mech, mech, mech suit, mech titan, halo mech, mech lore, which titan mech is best
Id: rPzI_rWiriA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 04 2018
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