Which Sci-Fi Faction has the BEST DEFENDED HOMEWORLD? | Sci-Fi Factions Compared

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today we look at the basis of four sci fi factions hey guys hello and welcome to day two of the eckhart slaughter factions compare to week today we look to for different sci-fi universes in an effort to determine which has the best well defended base today's video is sponsored by the AK hearts ladder Twitter if you want to see my daily thoughts about Star Wars and just the world or if you want to interact with me personally follow me on Twitter and feel free to send me a DM anyway today we'll be looking at Khorasan from Star Wars Earth from halo Tara from war hammer and the Citadel from Mass Effect without getting into big debates about the different power levels between universes we are going to try to determine which one of these locations is most well defended and again we're gonna try to keep things logical and fairly objective let's start with Star Wars and the economic political and social heart of the galaxy Coruscant chorus aunt was really an extraordinary planet and the faction that held the Akuma Napoles usually ruled the galaxy both practically and symbolically unsurprisingly throughout most of its history Khorasan has had a sophisticated defense system most of what we know about Coruscant comes from the rogue squadron novels and the Yuuzhan Vong war in the former we hear wedge say that a direct attack on Coruscant would be more costly than both Death Star rates combined that's just how well defended the planet is Khorasan s-- defense was multi-layered first was the powerful planetary shield unlike Hoth for example where the shield only covered a portion of the planet Coruscant had dozens if not hundreds of powerful shield generators the entire planet during times of war could be protected course on shield could be manipulated to completely cover the planet open up small holes or drop the shield entirely it was fairly sturdy and individual portions could only be destroyed if overloaded by continual turbo laser Burridge's the shields were effective against both energy and particles preventing vehicles from entering or leaving the at fear outside of the shield orbital facilities struck out against any invaders goal and weapon platforms reused extensively around Khorasan and were typically equal in power at least to an imperial star destroyer in addition Khorasan would have also made use of fighter bays weaponized sky hooks and other unknown stations the final element of the space-based defense would have been any orbiting fleets depending on the capabilities of the faction holding Khorasan the size of the fleet could have varied greatly in legends during the days of the Republic even as the outer rim sieges waged on over 1,000 capital ships protected the planets the New Republic also had a dedicated course on home fleet as did the Empire needless to say it's likely that there would be a substantial force orbiting the planet finally we have ground-based defences and I don't think it's ever been confirmed that Corus aunt had any ion batteries or ground-based turbo lasers we do know however that there would have been smaller turbo laser batteries used for anti-aircraft purposes stationed on the planet's surface which would only really help if the planetary shield was pierced next up we have Earth from the Halo universe by the 25 50s humanity had experienced fairly substantial advances in technology especially space-based technology however despite humanity's many colonies their homeworld is still the most important place in the galaxy Earth's defenses start at Jupiter and Beyond where Humanity has set up advanced listening posts these are used primarily to identify any approaching vessels but don't seem to be weaponized in any way Mars also has a full shipyard and planetary defenses but it's unlikely that those would act as first line of defense during any attack on earth the planet's defenses practically are to prompt first is the orbital defense platform earth made use of 300 oh D PS these were extraordinarily powerful capable of taking down a covenant ship in one shot orbital defense platforms however were not without vulnerabilities even when fired by AI they weren't effective against smaller ships and although they did have some point defence cannons we see during the attack on earth that they can be taken down by strike teams and any smart attacker will just stay out of range bull the cannons are destroyed and a hole is pierced in the orbital defense array supporting the O DPS was the earth home fleet the UNSC was pretty much always spread fairly thinly across the galaxy but there were always substantial forces left to protect home we see the home fleet most directly in the 25 50s so that's what we'll use for this matchup I think it's safe to say that proportionally even taking into account differences in power the UNSC and the home fleet was smaller than say the fleets that protected Khorasan we've never seen sabre platforms or any other orbital stations other than the O DPS above earth nor have we seen any major ground-based structures other than the elevators next up let's go to Mass Effect's Citadel the Citadel is a gigantic space station created by the Reapers of the Mass Effect universe in modern Mass Effect it's used as a capital and meeting place for the Citadel races as has traditionally been the case for thousands of cycles for this video we'll be ignoring any Reaper shenanigans associated with the Citadel including the Reaper back door and instead we'll be focusing on the defense ability of the station itself the Citadel only has one way to directly repel any invaders and that's the Citadel fleet which at its peak was a substantial force made up of dreadnaughts and other ships contributed by Citadel member races when accounting for differences in the universe power the Mass Effect Citadel fleet was very large and we know that Saran's attack on the Citadel and Mass Effect one was only possible because much of the Citadel Defense Force had been shifted across the galaxy there are however other aspects that make defense of the Citadel easy first off it's near a Mass Effect relay Junction so it's easy to get reinforcements near the signal with only a moment's notice however the Citadel's best aspect is its ability to close its outer shell this makes the space station nearly indestructible and protects everything on the inside including individuals and important system components from anything short of a week Viraj however besides for some small point defense systems on the Citadel surface it doesn't seem like the station has any other way to directly repel invaders so I can imagine a scenario where if the surrounding fleet was defeated the inhabitants of the Citadel could basically be starved out although that would definitely take some time finally we have Terra or earth the ancient home of humanity in the Warhammer 40,000 universe I'd like to thank everyone from the warhammer channel on the a cart slaughter discord for helping me out with this topic especially you do it's said that resistance and defenses of the planet Terra increases in lethality the closer one gets to the point itself at the edge of the soul system thousands of deadly mines cyborgs servitors and others stand against any intruders as one approaches earth the density and ferocity of fortresses legions and weapons platforms increases dramatically here's a quote you guys might like over to their left the vast curve of an orbital plate gently turned its withered grey armor stretching off into darkness defense stations loomed further up each the size of cities studded with the gate mod Nova cannons and graviton world Enders a colossal grand cruiser bearing the symbol of the battlefront Solar crawled off into the middle distance escorted by wings of frigates between those giants swam shoals of lesser craft fleet tenders guide tugs the hundreds of orbital lifters all of them fat and clumsy writing on dull red cushions of plasma glow from this quote alone we see that the planet is exceptionally well defended protected by Nova cannons and other super weapons along with multi kilometer long stations Terra was also defended by fleets of thousands of vessels many of which were among the largest available to humanity orbiting above Earth was also the moon sized failings and almost unstoppable force on its own add to this countless legions of Space Marines and members of the adept discus toady's the fact that Luna the Earth's moon is totally weaponized in the fact that all information and people within the solar system is tracked directly I think it's understandable why the solar fastness calls the defenses of the sol system almost unpenetrated incredibly impressive and you verse as large and powerful as that a 40 K with my description of these four factions out of the way let's now rank the defenses from worst to best coming in at number four is humanity from the Halo franchise I honestly never thought I'd say that because I love the orbital defense platform so much but they're definitely fairly vulnerable we see during the first attack on earth that just a couple of Covenant cruisers were able to pierce the defensive grid and make their way to the planet's surface covenant reinforcements also managed to totally overwhelm anything protecting the planet but that's not really a knock against earth they were totally outmatched I do think however that even proportionally the fleet protecting earth was a lot smaller than the other ones on this list which along with ODP design issues in the fact that Earth's defenses aren't very varied is why halo gets the number four spot coming in at number 3 we have the Citadel from the Mass Effect universe now if the Citadel couldn't close it would be number 4 but i think its ability to totally shrug off any attacker at will is pretty impressive still relying on your fleet only to directly repel invaders is not preferable but i think it's enough to earn mass effect the number three spot coming in at number 2 we have Khorasan from the Star Wars Legends universe Khorasan has a multi prong defense system the orbital shields the goal and defense platforms typically a large and developed fleet and anything available on the ground however it cannot compete with Terra for more hammer 40k even ignoring differences in power the fact that there's a planet in Warhammer which is basically sort of safe tells you a lot about the total amount of resources just dedicated to defending Terra that however is just my opinion what do you guys think let me know by voting in the upper right-hand corner also make sure down in the comments you can let me know any future facts in the compared episodes you'd like to see on the channel remember this is day two of seven days of pure factions from bear so make sure to subscribe with notifications on if you haven't already anyway thank you guys so much for tuning in as always this has been a karts ladder may the force be with you [Music] [Applause] 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Channel: EckhartsLadder
Views: 1,256,044
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sci fi factions compared, sci fi, factions compared, eckhartsladder, best base, homeworld, base, space battle, halo lore, warhammer, warhammer 40k, 40k, lore, halo, 40k lore, imperium of man, coruscant, star wars, star wars lore, halo earth, battle for earth, mass effect, mass effect lore, the citadel, which sci fi faction, which star wars faction, has the, best, star wars legends, legends lore, galactic empire, lore explained, factions, compared, warhammer 40000, citadel, holy, terra
Id: AYyIk4xwdPw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 18sec (678 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 28 2018
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