Ghost Hunters: Hugged by a Spirit | Full Episode (S1, E1) | A&E

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Producer: Here we go. You ready? I'm Grant Wilson, and I've been investigating the paranormal for 30 years, 8 of which was on a show called "Ghost Hunters." I co-founded a paranormal investigation group with one simple goal in mind -- to help people who are terrified to live in their own homes. I'm always ready to get to a family and help them out. I got a 2-year-old. I'm terrified to leave him in his own room now. Woman: We noticed scratches on his back. Fingers under my ribs. Something gouged my leg out. I need your guys' help. Grant: People whose lives were disrupted by the paranormal. I've asked to sell the house. Woman: I looked at the person I was with, and she said, "I'm getting out of here." I don't want them to be stuck. Grant: But what you got to understand, Kristen, is this is good news. We wanted people to feel comfortable in their own homes. Hopefully it brings you a little bit of peace. Actually, it does. But after a decade on the road, I realized that the people who needed me most were my family. So I did the only thing I could. I said goodbye. Jay and I have been talking, and it's been a very difficult decision to make, but, uh, I'm gonna be leaving "Ghost Hunters." And then... [ Laughter ] ...came the best years of life. Hey, buddy man. Boy: Hey, Daddy. [ Laughs ] But now the kids are grown, they're independent, and I can answer the call again. Here we go. After seven years, back at it. Bye. Good luck out there. Take it easy, man. Help as many people as you can. I'll do my best. A principal at a high school in Pocatello, Idaho, reached out to me, and she needs some answers. And what better way to kick off this journey with my new team than to help all these people in a high school? --<font color="#FFFF00"> Captions by VITAC --</font><font color="#00FFFF"></font> CAPTIONS PAID FOR BY PILGRIM FILMS AND TELEVISION, INC. [ Telephone rings ] Daryl: Hello? Grant: Daryl, man -- just got in. Great, be right there, man. Awesome, cool. See you soon. Over the years, I was fortunate enough to work with some of the best paranormal investigators. And most of them are off doing great things in the paranormal world. And that meant starting fresh, which allows me to pick a new team of skilled investigators and lead them. It's really clear. Hey! Hey, Grant. How are you? How ya doing? Kristen Luman has worked with "Ghost Hunters" in the past. Who's here with us tonight? Kristen: My name Kristen Luman, and I'm one of the co-leaders on the team. In my day job, I'm a hypnotherapist. I work with the brain, especially the subconscious mind, and I really do believe that my knowledge in the subconscious mind and understanding how the brain works helps me to work with clients who've had paranormal experiences. Come on in, Daryl. How you doing, man? Grant: And Daryl, he's led many paranormal teams over the years. Come on in, man. My name is Daryl Marston, and I'm from Middletown, Delaware. Yeah, we got a skeptic here named Steve. [ Steve chuckles ] Make them believe you're here. I'm a natural-born leader, and able to hone in on the logistics of the case and keep everything moving forward with the team. I'm excited to hear what you've got for us. Yeah, can't wait. So, this is Pocatello High School. There's a lot going on here, but I want to show you the message I got from the principal. <i> This is Lisa Delonas.</i> <i> I am the principal of Pocatello High School,</i> <i> and I really need your help.</i> <i> Our school is over 125 years old.</i> <i> It was built in 1892, and there's always been rumors</i> <i> that we have ghosts in the building.</i> <i> But lately, there have been some things going on,</i> <i> and I was called to the school in the middle of the night,</i> <i> the lights were going crazy.</i> Oh. Okay. <i> We just saw some stuff that was, you know,</i> <i> very concerning and alarming,</i> <i> and then since then there's been an increase</i> <i> in activities and stories --</i> <i> rumors like somebody has died in our school,</i> <i> and I would appreciate if you guys could come check it out</i> <i> and let us know if there's any substance to any of this</i> <i> or if its just, um, people's imagination gone wild.</i> Alright, let me show you the footage she was referring to, and it's not just the lights. Watch closely around this door right outside the bathroom. Daryl: Wow. It's weird, right? That's not a typical blackout. Yeah. That's good evidence right there. Yeah, it's one thing when you hear these stories, but then when stuff starts to happen -- Right. ...that's why I think the principal's taking action here. Yeah. Oh, yeah. And as you know, I mean, we both have kids in high school. I would be worried. It's hard enough to get your kids to focus on education... Mm-hmm. Right. ...without ghosts swirling around you, you know? It's a good reason to go check this place out. Awesome. Well, you guys ready? Yeah, this is a great first case, I think, you know? It's a perfect first case. Alright, guys, after you. Let's do this, yeah? Okay. Great, Grant. [ Elevator dings ] Man: Hey! Good to see you guys. Man, how are you? I've got this wonderfully skilled, talented team from all across the country. They've got real-world knowledge, they've got experience, they've got a lot of heart. Guys, let's get in these vehicles, and then once we're going, Mustafa -- Three-way call -- I'll download all of you on everything I learned about this place. Excellent. Alright, guys, here's what I learned about Pocatello High School. The school's been a huge part of the town's history. Mustafa: My name is Mustafa Gatollari. For my day job, I work as a viral media journalist. My main role on the team is that of a research historian. So the claims at Poky High date back to the '50s, and some of them even before. The ones that are really prominent are the urban legends of a student who drowned in the school's pool. The second most prominent claim is that of a librarian who hanged herself in the school's library from the chandelier. Urban legends is something that's just kind of plagued the paranormal for a long time... Mm-hmm. ...'cause you don't know if they're true or not. Alright, guys, one other thing is, you know, it's a Saturday, so the school's closed down for the weekend, so let's get in there and get to the bottom of it. Hi. How are you? Good, how are you guys? How you doing? Great, great. Grant. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you. Yes. Thanks for having us. Thanks for coming. This is Daryl. Daryl. Nice to meet you. Hi, Daryl. Brandon. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you. Grant: Beautiful school. We're all floored. It is a beautiful school, yeah. So, our goal here is to sort fact from fiction, 'cause there's a lot of fiction... Absolutely. ...with students. But we want to try to get to the truth, and we want to empower you, the faculty, and the students with information. I mean, fear's just a lack of knowledge, right? Sure. So, we're really, really excited to come in here and do our very best for you. Excellent. You want to show us around? I would love to show you around. Delonas: So, this is the bathroom that a lot of people though they saw something coming out of. What happened was that night -- I get a call every time the alarm system goes off. [ Alarm blaring ] So I get here, and there are lots of police cars here. The police said, "Hey, have you had troubles with your electrical system?" I said, "No." And they said, "Well, when we got here the lights were going crazy." [ Electricity buzzing ] So, they came in with me. We walked through the building, swept the building, found nobody, locked everything up, and went home. Next day I come to school, and I go into my office and we pull up the security footage. And you can see this screen with, I think, 9 or 12 cameras, and all the lights are just going crazy. And then I noticed something on one of the screens, and it was there area, and it was just something, you know, kind of going like this. And about that time, another employee came in, and they said, "Wha-- Was that a ghost?" And so a few of them asked if I'd share it with them, and I said yes. I didn't think a thing about it, and then somebody posted it, and it just went crazy. Oh, man. Wow. Some bizarre footage from a local high school shows what could be a paranormal Pocatello. Reporter: Well, here you see one of the students pointing to some dark, shadowy figure, and it's been haunting the halls of Pocatello High School. We've got an electrician on standby, and we'll get with them and see if we can... Okay. ...figure that out. So, we're gonna go into the auditorium here. Lisa, this is amazing. Isn't it beautiful? It's beautiful. So, the claims here are mostly visual, right? I have talked to many of our night custodians... Mm-hmm. ...and they would report of a female in a dress. They think it's a kid, a student, and they're like, "She was up in the balcony. We yelled at her, 'You can't be in here, you need to get out of here. She was kicking in the seats.'" And always female? Always female. In a dress. Okay. Wow. So this is the gym we call The Pit. Awesome. There is one claim in this gym, and it's from a teacher that used to be in our building, and she'd come to work in her classroom on the weekend, and she brought her two young sons over here to play basketball while she was working. And an hour or so later, she came in here to check on them, and they were sitting in the corner not moving, obviously scared, and she said, "What are you doing?" And they said, "Well, they said to be quiet." "So we were just sitting here being quiet." They were really afraid. Wow. You guys have all grown up in the area for the most part? Mm-hmm. Yeah. Okay. Did you hear about this high school being haunted from when you were children... Yes. Yeah. ...was supposedly haunted? Does everyone kind of talk about it? Yeah, for the most part, with people like, "Oh, you go to Poky? It's the haunted school." Oh, so it's known for being the haunted school. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Do you think that there's something here? I think they're ghosts. [ Chuckles ] You do think they're ghosts? Yeah. Do you think there's more than one? Oh, yeah. Okay. Do you think it's true? Yeah. Oh, yeah, I do. Too many stories told for so many years, you think there has to be some validity? There has to be some truth to it. Okay. There's a story that's come up that there was sometime a swimming pool in the high school. Um, yeah, So, we -- It's called now the Diamond Gym where baseball and softball practice indoors. The Diamond Gym? Yeah, and before that it was a swimming pool. And in that swimming pool -- a girl died in it, and now it's haunted. Delonas: This bank of windows right above us is the library upstairs. There's an urban legend of a librarian that had some love story gone wrong. And so there's a domed stained glass ceiling, and in the center of that is a chandelier. Supposedly, she hung herself from that chandelier. [ Rope creaking ] We do have some claims of people seeing something in the windows. [ Electricity buzzing ] Grant: Alright, so we can definitely check that out. I swear, every place has a legend of somebody who just couldn't make life work, and they hang themselves so dramatically. But we'll look into it and just verify that for you. Excellent. Good. I really appreciate Lisa and her mentality with all this. She's very down to earth, very grounded, but open minded. She's actually concerned about her students and willing to do what it takes to get to the bottom of it. We want to say thank you for showing us around and telling us the claims. We're honored to be here. Thank you for the trust. We'll do our best for you and those students, okay? Thank you, I know you will. Thank you. Alright, thank you. Daryl: Nice to meet you. See ya. Alright, see ya. Alright, you ready? Sure. Here's the plans for the whole building. My name is Brian Murray. I'm from Godfrey, Illinois. My role on the team is an investigator. Because of my day job, a construction worker, when I go into a house I understand the inner workings of your plumbing, your electric, your concrete. I know how houses are supposed to sound. I just want to make 'em crooked just a little bit. I know you do. Terrorizing. You'll be okay. My name's Richel Stratton, I'm from Godfrey, Illinois, and my role on the team is an investigator. I've known Brian for three years. I joined his paranormal group, then me and him just became best friends. Is that the straightest you can get it? Yes. Good to go? Leave it tilted slightly down. Me and Brian make a great investigative team because we get each other. Are you ready? I'm pumped. It's just great knowing that someone has your back 100%. Alright, guys. So we're gonna go set up a few cameras here in this main building. There's a lot going on in this school between electrical activity, these crazy urban legends, so it's overwhelming, but you just work with what you know... You got it? Yep. ...and just do your best. Perfect. Just keep it on like that. My name is Brandon Alvis. I'm from Ventura, California, and I am the tech manager. There it is. Perfect. Perfect. Hard evidence is so crucial to this field and what we do especially because we have to supply that to a client. We have to have hard data. Having the skills that I have helps us capture these things to show the client and help them in any way we can. I'll take these up first. Grant: When we investigate a place like this with such a rich history, a lot of people come to us with certain claims. So it's just a lot you have to dig into and I'm anxious to just get in there with our equipment and the team and sort fact from fiction. Alright, guys. Okay, team. It's time we go lights out. This is my favorite part of the night. Grant and Brandon entering the 2nd floor hallway. Alright, let's -- let's find out what's going on in this school. So, this is the camera, right, that caught that footage of what looks like a figure coming out of that path, pacing back and forth. I got to be honest. When I first looked at that footage, you -- you know what it is. Oh, yeah, absolutely. It's what? Cobweb. Cobweb -- simple, right? Yeah, easy enough. Simple. So we got to get up there. Yeah. Get you some light up here real quick. There you go. Thanks. Would you mind holding the ladder just in case? Alright, let's see what I got here. Brandon, there's actually a piece of a cobweb hanging -- Is it really? Are you serious? It's like a dust bunny right here right now. It's right there. I went up there, and there was already a cobweb or a dust bunny hanging from the camera already. It wasn't hanging in a place that was directly in front of the lens, but the fact that it was there already shows that -- I mean, that's a slam dunk. I think that explains everything. That's definitely got to be it, but -- It's red-handed. Like, that figure coming out of the bathroom and going back... Exactly. not an apparition. It is a cobweb moving back and forth like this. Absolutely. You know, again, that doesn't explain the light situation, but -- Right. The light situation, completely separate. Yeah. We'll have to talk to an electrician to get to the bottom of the situation with the lights. But solidly disproving that apparition is a big win. That's done. Absolutely. With that out of the way, I'm gonna send Brandon up to meet with Mustafa, and they can start investigating the gymnasium, and Daryl and Kristen can head into the auditorium and see if they can get to the bottom of the claims in there. Mustafa: Alright, this is, uh, Brandon and Mustafa. We're gonna perform a short-burst EVP session in the gym. So, Mustafa and I are in the gym investigating the reports of two kids who were told to be quiet by a man from the bleachers. Do you visit this school often? Do you watch the students play basketball or any other sport? Is there anything you'd like to tell us? Alright. Daryl and Kristen in the auditorium, and it is 1:10 a.m. Daryl: Kristen and I head to the auditorium to investigate the claims of a woman in a dress who has been seen by the custodians up in the balcony. There's no windows in here, so it's not gonna be car lights or anything from the outside. So what could it be? Think we need to do is we can get up on that balcony from over here. Okay. So I'm gonna get up there, unless you want to go up there and try to create it, and I'll watch, but -- Well, I'm a lady. There you go. There I am, so maybe I should be up there. Oh. Oh. What was that? That's interesting. Yeah. Is that supposed to happen? We have lost light in the theater. Yeah, this doesn't seem to be sensory lights, Daryl. They just all -- Yeah, they all just went out. The interesting thing is they went out slowly. Did you notice that? Yeah, I did notice that. They just all slowly -- like, they dimmed. Is someone in here with us? Who's in here with us? If you're feeling up to it, feel free to play with this ball over here or move it for us. [ Tapping ] Did you hear that? Yeah, I did. Was that you up there? [ Tapping ] Hear that? We started to hear what initially sounded like settling of the wood in the bleachers. We have to go up there. But it continued. It almost seemed to respond to our questions. It's cold up here. I was just gonna say that. I didn't -- It's, like, really cold. Yeah, very cold. [ Exhales sharply ] You alright? Yeah, yeah. It's just kind of hard to move up here, man. Is that you making Mustafa feel this way? [ Tapping ] We heard that. Yep, exactly. Brandon, are you hearing it on the other side now? Yep. It moved. It moved. I think we're gonna have to go on opposite sides. That's fine with me. I'll head over there. Alright. Keep that recorder rolling. So, the theater lights were turned on to just be able to see around, and the only way that those lights would go off, if somebody actually turned them off from this room. Daryl: Okay, so there's a monitor up here. That's what's giving off that light. It could be an electrical problem. Kristen: It could, but the way that they dimmed -- I mean, this is the -- they -- they moved to dim. Front of the house. No. So, now none of the lights are going on. Mustafa: Brandon? Yeah? There's a lot of wood creaking next to me, man, directly next to me, and I'm very cold. So, Mustafa and I split up. I came to the second set of bleachers over here, and as soon as I sat down I heard a few noises not too long after that. Mustafa started having the same sound right over by him, so -- Brandon, something's touching me, dude. What? It's right above me. I'm coming over there. Dude, my vision's blurry, man. Something's touching my head. Dude, this is crazy. Brandon: You alright? Mustafa: Yeah, dude. It's -- it's fine. I'm not -- Like, I'm not scared at all. I don't get a bad feeling from it at all. I felt like something went like this over my head like this and were just touching my cheeks like this and all my head. And I was overcome with emotion. The crazy thing is I didn't get any bad feeling. I wasn't scared, but very interesting. I say we get out of here, man. Get you out of here for a bit, get a little breather. Yeah. Alright, cool. Okay. Mustafa: So, the main claim in this gym is that there was a man standing in the bleachers who scared a couple of boys playing basketball but my experience here wasn't scary at all. It was actually almost loving in a way. Again, it's only an experience, so we're gonna have to really review the footage around that experience. But it is something definitely worth looking into. I'm just trying to see if I get these lights back on, 'cause I thought -- I think it's so weird. Nothing. Nothing, nothing. Yeah, I mean, I don't know. I don't know why this light system went out on us like that. Okay. Grant: Great work tonight, guys. Let's get some rest and hit it again hard tomorrow. So, I just got up, and I couldn't help think last night's investigation went really, really well. Let's see what I got here. We solidly debunked that figure that was seen on the security footage. But there are two aspects to that. There's the figure moving in the footage, and then there's the lights flickering really ridiculously, so I want to get an electrician in and see exactly what's going on with those lights. When Kristen and Daryl, last night, were in the auditorium, the lights shut off for no reason. Oh. Oh. What was that? Now, if the lights in the auditorium drained because an entity did it, could that be what powered the experience that Mustafa had around the same time in the gymnasium? Mustafa: Something's touching me, dude. Brandon: What? It's right above me. So, you know, I'm excited to get back in there, get an electrician, and hopefully get some answers. Brandon: Marty, how are you doing, man? Stark: Good. How are you? Good. So, I have some footage here that I'd like to show you. It's from the school where they collected lights going on and off, so I'd like to get your opinion about this and your expertise. Sure. So here you go. This is just an electrical connection that's trying to make connection and not quite making it. Fluorescent fixtures, which is what the fixture was the time of that video, uh, they run off of a ballast, and that ballast, if it doesn't have the correct voltage, could cause the lights to flicker on a very irregular basis. So, Marty, could a power draw cause what we just saw in this footage? Absolutely. One of the many theories with the paranormal field is that entities are using power to manifest. So this being a power draw makes it really interesting. Yes, absolutely. Marty, fantastic, man -- really appreciate it. Mustafa: So, there are a lot of claims and stories surrounding Poky High that even predate Principal Lisa, which is why I'm really stoked that we were able to book a meeting with local historian Arlen Walker. And here's the thing, he's not just a local historian. He worked in the school, so he's going to be able to tell us whether or not there's any validity to a lot of these urban legends and myths that are surrounding Poky High. I'm sure you heard some of the urban legends surrounding -- Yes, I've heard that supposedly a librarian's -- bad love or something -- hung herself from the chandelier. But the library didn't look like it does today until 1974 when they remodeled it and hung a chandelier in the middle of it. So, they hung a chandelier in 1974? 1974. But I was there from 1972 clear till 1998 or '9, and nothing like that ever happened while I was there. Nothing? Nothing. It wouldn't have happened in the school anyway, or it would have been in the newspaper. I mean, in this town... Yeah. know, they even -- a lady's card party would be reported in the newspaper back in the '20s and '30s complete with what they were wearing and what they had to drink. Oh, wow. Then there's something about a drenched boy or a drenched student. Right, I've heard the drowning boy story. Okay. But the fact is there was never a swimming pool in Pocatello High School. When that small gym on the back was built in 1916, it was always a gymnasium. It was never a swimming pool. So it'd be pretty hard for someone to have drowned there. So, like, just to recap all these urban legends, there's no reports of any deaths going -- occurring on the school, the grounds that we know of, no names -- No names. Wow. It was awesome meeting up with Arlen. He was able to debunk two of the biggest urban legends associated with this school. Thank you so much. So, now that we can rule out that these deaths occurred at Poky High, we can pursue other parts of this case. It's awesome. Richel: Watch your step. Brian: Brian and Richel, heading into the gym. We're gonna allow you to watch us if you want to watch us. You can actually come down and play, if you want. So, I'm gonna set this -- this thermal up over here. Okay. And you want to introduce yourself to him? Alright. To whoever's here? Yep. Alright. My name's Richel. Me and Brian are gonna play some basketball if you want to watch or come down. I set the recorder over here, okay? Yup. I do not have a strong basketball game. But I can spin that sucker. So, in analyzing the claims here at the high school and based on our own experiences last night, we're starting to see this emerging trend of a power draw and then paranormal activity. Grant: So, think about it. If the lights going off in the hallway, the electrician said that it can be caused by a drain... Mustafa: Right. ...and Daryl and Kristen were in here, and the lights were on just enough to help the IRs, and they shut off. Really interesting. You have this correlation with all this electricity, a lot of electrical problems, so... Right. I mean, this is a theory. Yeah. I mean, time and time again, you'll be on an investigation. When stuff draws from the batteries, that's when all hell broke loose, you know? Yeah, yeah. But if we can figure out a way to give this entity here some energy, maybe he'll appear for us. It's worth a shot. Let's do it. Brian: So, like we were talking, it's Brian and Richel. We're here in the gym. We're here just to talk to you, man. Just want to hear your story. Brian: Richel and I decided we were gonna go into the gym and do an investigation. The initial claims were two kids were playing basketball, and this person yelled at them and frightened them. Where do you like to sit? If you're in here, just come on down. I'm gonna go farther up. If you can try to talk to me, I'd really appreciate it. Brandon: Find an outlet. Grant: Let's see if we can get in that back room. If this is indeed an entity that is using energy and drawing energy... Okay, so you can put it right here. ...Grant said, "Why not provide energy to this entity?" Okay, we're good, we're good, we're good. Grant: The Tesla speaker will allow us to fill the air with a lot of energy, to just make a lot of available energy for an entity to potentially draw from to manifest. This is Brandon, Mustafa, and Grant way up at the top of the balcony. We've got the Tesla speaker going. Hopefully we can get a name here. Let's see. That thing's cranking electrical energy out. It's really pushing a lot out. If this pattern is real, then let's fill a small space with a lot of energy. I think we set up a couple flashlights, too. Let's make a smorgasbord of energy that this entity could draw from. We'll set a couple of these out. Brandon: Sure. Grant: Is there somebody here that looks a little bit different than us? My name is Grant. This is Mustafa, Brandon. [ Tapping ] Bam, did you hear that? Brandon: That was loud. What was that? Shh, shh! Did you hear that? It sounded like it was a voice. Yeah. Yeah. Someone, like, warming up. [ Vocalizes ] Go out there. Okay. Hello? Grant: So we're sitting there trying to interact with this entity, and right off the bat we started hearing noises from downstairs. The guys went and checked it out, and we couldn't figure out what that noise was coming from. Wait, this recorder's not on. Grant: What? The recorder's not on. It was recording and going. Yeah, look. It was recording the whole time. It's dead. They took it from the recorder, not the lights. Yeah, we're looking at the lights waiting for it to drain, and it drained it from the recorder. Those are brand-new batteries, too. Half. It's got half now. Half now? But why would it have died? Here we go again. Yeah. The draw situation. It draws that down enough where this shuts off, I can't power anymore. He's not draining the batteries, it's the draw. You understand the difference? Yeah, I understand. Okay, started again -- This is Brandon, Mustafa, and Grant up at the very tip top of the balcony, Pocatello High School, 1:52 a.m. Oh! The light just went off? Whoa. The light just flickered. What the frig? There it is. There it. Lights went off. Light just went off. That one just went off. Light down. What the hell? Richel: This is the weirdest feeling ever. Brian: What is it? I feel like I'm getting a hug. Do you really? Yeah. Look at this. Like, I'm about to cry. Like, not in a bad way, though. Like... It's, like, comforting. Like, don't want it to stop. Like it... Definitely whoever is here is, I feel like, a good person for sure. Are you okay? Yeah, I'm good. Your hugs are good, too, Bri. Good. It's just really, really weird. Keep going. Take it all. Did he pull from a different source? This is not the flashlight technique that you saw in the original "Ghost Hunters." I brought these toys. They're flashlights. They're pretty easy to play with. See how I'm twisting the top? I want you to do that for me. These are on. Brandon: It's off, man. So, you're gathering all this energy. Can you please give back and let us know that you're here? Oh! Oh! Now's where we look at the flashlight. Well, it's on full. Grant: These flashlights weren't set up for this classic communication with the flashlights where it's very delicately -- just barely on. They were turned on. Like it's solid. So when that flashlight turned off, it should only be because the battery died. But it turned back on... Oh! Oh! ...which means that it's powering something else at the same time. Alright, team, that was a great investigation. Let's wrap it up. I'm looking forward to checking out this evidence. So, it's great to be back, and it's great to have this new, fresh team. It's one heck of a start. The investigation of Pocatello High School has been amazing. We've gotten some stuff solidly disproven, and then we just have these experiences that happened. I feel like every piece of equipment we brought out to investigate experienced some type of battery drain, but we don't know what it means yet. So we have to take our experiences and the evidence we review, and hopefully some sort of narrative comes out of it. Oh. Oh. What was that? Lights went off. Light just went off. Look at this. Okay, so the team is downstairs analyzing all the evidence in their rooms from the Pocatello High School case. I'm kind of anxious to see what they find. What I'm really looking for is information, you know? [ Slurping drink ] Keep it down over there. [ Laughs ] 'Cause we did have some strange things, unexplainable things, happen. That's a whistle. That's -- that's crazy. Unbelievable. I don't know what they'll find, but, uh, we'll shoot down what we can and hopefully have some answers for them at the reveal. Hey, Lisa. Good to see you again. Delonas: Hi. Good to see you guys. So, the first thing we want to talk about is some of the things we were able to disprove. Okay. Because coming in here, like any high school, you know, the rumor tree started to grow and overgrow, and I think that's why you called us in here. Absolutely. So we trimmed it back a little bit, like kids drowning in a pool. There's never been a pool here. And as far as someone hanging themselves from the chandelier from the media center, our historian said that that chandelier wasn't actually installed until 1974. Oh. And, of course, there's been no documented deaths since 1974. Okay. So, thankfully, they're just urban legends. So let's get that out of the way, done, right? Absolutely. Good. So, one of the main reasons we came out here was because of the security footage of the lights blinking and this figure walking and pacing back and forth. Yeah. And we actually -- When we got up there to that camera, there was a cobweb on it. So they're forming, I think, a little groove around it. So we're not worried about that, nothing paranormal with the figure. Sure. But as far as the lights going crazy in that footage, we brought an electrician in. He checked it out. So, Marty, could a power draw cause what we just saw in this footage? Absolutely. Okay. It happens time and time again in the paranormal realms that you'll have a device with a battery in it, and that device is on, and all of a sudden the power will drain from that device. To continue this theme, we had a situation where these guys are in the auditorium. Yeah, basically, we were starting a session, and there's these row of lights on the top of the auditorium, and they all just went out and dimmed within, like, three or four seconds. Yeah. So we proceeded to go into the front room where the control panel is with the lighting board and everything, tried moving everything, trying to restart them, hit all the buttons, couldn't figure it out. Well, I thought was interesting that usually, when, you know, a light goes out it just goes out. These actually dim. We actually have the footage of it. <i>So, you know, get up there, unless you want to go up there</i> <i>and try and create it, and I'll watch.</i> Here. <i> Well, I'm a lady.</i> Watch. There it goes. Oh, yeah. Grant: Now they're in the dark. So, do you think that it pulls this energy which gives it more power to make a noise, you know? We feel that's what it was doing that night. We kind of noticed in our own investigation this happening a lot. We had flashlights fully on, ready to go, turn off and then turn back on, video cameras turning off, not being able to stay on, again, with full battery. It doesn't make any sense. We started to say, "You know what? Let's -- let's test this out." So we got this device called a Tesla speaker. We plug it in, and what it's doing is it's pumping out a lot of energy into the air. And then we put five different flashlights out, just trying to put an energy source for this entity to work with, and we had a voice recorder, and we put that down there, too. We're asking for names, we're trying to see if anything would happen, and then we realize, like, none of the lights are turning off, nothing. We're like, "What's going on?" And then our investigator Brandon realized that the voice recorder had drained. What the heck? So, while this was happening, we caught some voices. I'll play them for you. Okay. <i> Piece of crap.</i> See this area? Uh-huh. Isolate it, and you can listen on headphones. That was pretty clear. I thought it was you saying something. He wasn't even there. I wasn't even there. Gosh. That's amazing. I still get those goose bumps up my spine. It's clearly a voice. We wanted to show it to you for how strong it was rather than for what it was saying. I hear something negative like "no" or "don't" or -- Yeah, yeah. Then we got this one. [ Indistinct voice ] Do know how close that was to the microphone? Here, I'll let you listen on the headphones, okay? Go ahead. Something with a "go." Yeah, it's maddening. We listened to that so many times. I don't know. The end sounds like "go," but I don't know what the beginning -- "Time to go." Kristen: Mm-hmm. I think it says "We have a cool principal." [ Laughter ] So, with all of this being said, let's look at what's really here. Nobody was harmed, nobody was attacked. In fact, two of our investigators had some pretty amazing experiences here. Okay. So, our investigator Mustafa was in the gym with Brandon. He got to the point where he was on one side of the bleachers and Brandon was on the other, and he felt like something was sitting near him -- like, could feel it. And then he felt like somebody was holding his face. Not in a bad way, just like -- like a grandma would, you know? Yeah. And then he felt, like, this sensation wrap around him like somebody was hugging him. And he said that was nice. Now, our investigator Richel, she went in the gym, had the same exact experience, except the hug was from behind. She even felt it on the face, and then the hug came from behind. Oh. So, I mean, that's crazy. The only experiences we had were people reaching out to us or, quite honestly, giving people hugs. Like, I can't imagine it being more positive than that. Very positive experience, this -- this whole building. Everything's fine. Yeah. So we trim away the rumors, and what we get is somebody who is knowledgeable enough to draw power from here to enjoy the school. Right. You know? Even though a place may have activity, it's not bad. And honestly, the people who come around here probably love this school. Yeah. I really feel like your school spirit is, quite literally, alive and well. I think it -- I think you might literally have some school spirit here, and it couldn't be in better hands. You've got the right mentality, and if you ever need anything, you can always get in touch with us. We'd love to come back. Yes. Great. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, Lisa. You guys are great. Thank you for coming. Appreciate it. Nice meeting you. It was nice meeting you. Thanks for being here. [ School bell rings ] I was so excited to do this investigation in Pocatello High School, and it was a wonderful experience. Can't bounce off me -- bounce it off me, you lose. When you assemble a team of people from all walks of life from all over the country, there's a lot that can go wrong. You'll sneak up. Just getting that many people to simply have each other's back and to trust each is nearly impossible. But this team did it, and they did it instantly. I was truly blown away. I can't wait to help a lot of people with this team that I love and admire. Brandon: Oh! Brian with a double arm! Alright, guys, recess is over.
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Length: 42min 30sec (2550 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 08 2020
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