Unsolved Supernatural Season 5 Marathon

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no no no please don't come in i think we've lost him i think ryan's uh finally taking the leap were you making horse noises back where it all began back to ghoul hunting in the spot where we began ghoul hunting we came here as boys now we return as men i'm happy to be back it is uh dressed up for a halloween right now so that's going to add a little bit of spooky fun to it yeah but that makes it almost better because gekko lanterns everybody loves them right you have anything to say to her shane the man of the house yeah let's tango baby let's dance oh man it does feel like we're coming back home yeah i do feel i feel right being here and we're sleeping here well in case any of you needed a reminder this place is a twisting nightmare that's just a hallway shut up hello just so all of you know in this house we've been here before my name is ryan uh my name's shane and uh we're just here to talk so if you want to come out maybe show yourself you know just chill here and hang out with us yeah uh i'm already lost great oh look here we got a shane door and orion door [Laughter] digging myself this week on the season premiere of buzzfeed unsolved we reinvestigate the winchester mystery house in san jose california as part of our ongoing investigation into the question are ghosts real avid fans of the show may remember that this is the site of our first paranormal investigation ever and tonight we return to once again tangle with sarah winchester and her cast of ghouls this time stronger faster more prepared and tonight we're actually going to sleep here unlike last time i was a little too chicken for that uh we're going to sleep individually too i love it so you'll actually sleep i'll get a great night's sleep i won't probably i'm going to be in her bedroom trying very hard to not die i think i'm just going to what are you going to do i don't know rip out your spine the worst she'll just give you a little kiss on the cheek or something i'm trying to challenge myself mentally this season because last season a little too cocky i got a little too uh calloused yeah you stopped believing in ghosts i think i did not stop believing in ghosts you're just getting used to hunting rules afterwards if you really believed in them you'd still be pretty scared but anyways uh let's break down some history huh you ready oh yeah let's get into it okay the 24 000 square foot winchester mystery house is a twisting turning puzzle mansion with 161 rooms and bafflingly bizarre design as a general proof of concept for the mansion's haunted reputation harry houdini toured the winchester home in 1924 his visit occurred close to halloween and he went late at night nearly midnight houdini was known to routinely go out of his way to try to debunk mediums and other purveyors of the supernatural as charlatans but he reportedly said nothing defamatory after visiting sarah winchester's home jumping forward to present day one hallway on the third floor of the winchester house is said to be particularly active as of late our static cam placed in that hallway picked up a bat flying but also picked up what appears to be a black object thrown at the camera i'm going to call it a bat but where's the bat huh then where's the bat you see it kind of go from there to there i'll call it a pet hard to tell a bit inconclusive as is most of the things i think this one is a truly on the fence we don't know what that is yeah born circa 1840 sarah lockwood pardee was from new haven connecticut sarah was bright and well educated she could speak four languages and played three instruments she married william wart winchester in 1862 in 1866 william's father oliver winchester renamed his new haven arms company to the winchester repeating arms company the winchester rifle was a staple of westerns it was beloved by annie oakley buffalo bill and president theodore roosevelt it is perhaps the most iconic weapon of america in the 1800s and the ultimate weapon of death in wars to come over 8 million winchester 1886 1892 and 1894 models were manufactured and sold the same year that the winchester repeating arms company was started sarah gave birth to a daughter annie her only child who died six weeks later of merasmus or malnourishment generally caused by a calorie and protein deficiency in 1880 william's father oliver died one year later william died leaving 50 of the company and over 20 million dollars in inheritance to sarah instantly making her one of the richest women alive shortly after sarah moved from the east coast to the west coast where she purchased 161 acres of orchards on this massive plot of land set an eight-room two-story farmhouse and it's here that the story of the winchester mystery house begins to this day you can visit an attic that used to be on the land at that time so right now we're going up to the hay house this wasn't part of the original farmhouse but it was part of the original property was there when sarah first bought the land i remember this funny set of stairs and we're about to go up our old friends the switchback stairs just another fun part of this house is there anybody up here with us we're coming up ah this place well we're back the ghoul brothers whoever lives in this house or whoever may be in this house now or in the past we know this was one of the more original places when this place was first built and not uh a weird little fun house that it is now now that you know we know who you are but do they know that we know that they know that we know we know who they are that's the trick oh we're gonna kneel down yeah sure anybody's in here with us let us know say something 20 seconds you think something's funny i like that you give them a warning 20 seconds left get your [ __ ] together tell me a little more about bye bye that was disappointing oh god [Music] oh [ __ ] well that's gonna happen a couple times tonight just there's there's halloween stuff around we got is that a crow a raven it's ryan's biggest fear in 1884 sarah began to compulsively build onto the farmhouse and would continue to do so until her death in 1922. sarah paid contractors handsomely sometimes three times the going rate to work in shifts up to 24 hours per day on the near consistent expansion of her queen and revival style home it's estimated that 500 to 600 rooms were built but due to her constant remodeling only 161 remain to further contextualize the scale of the mansion the home has 2 000 doors 10 000 windows 47 stairways 47 fireplaces 17 chimneys 6 kitchens 3 elevators and 13 bathrooms what caused this sudden obsession you might ask no one knows for sure but a legend grew around sarah winchester and the mysterious expansion of her house which says that after losing both her husband and a young daughter sarah sank into depression at the suggestion of a friend she consulted with a renowned boston psychic adam coons who held the seance sarah wished to commune with her late loved ones instead coons revealed that sarah was cursed by the countless lives killed by winchester rifles and the spirits of those victims had already caused her child and husband to die the legend contends she was warned that if she ever halted construction on the house or as many retellings of the legend put it if the hammers ever ceased she would die and conversely as long as she continued to build non-stop she would live this would offer an explanation for the bizarre floor plan and nonsensical features of the house the house features a dead-end staircase plastered over rooms doors that lead to brick walls and a door that leads to nowhere one of the uh greater novelties of this home if you want to call it that except this novelty could kill you so really goes there yeah careful man i just don't think any ghost is going to like open this door and go and fall out like wiley coyote going to ghost work honey see you later not again the wacky floor plan would confuse the ghost haunting her home and would prevent them from finding sarah the story goes that she would often follow circuitous past through the house to lose any spirits who might be tracking her however some historians say that the legends about winchester's motives and unconventional methods are overblown citing letters from sarah that support the fact that she actually took breaks from building the house furthermore after things did not work out with multiple architects sarah did much of the sketching for new additions herself but she lacked proper training which sometimes led to mistakes does that equate to building a door leading to nowhere in my opinion not really but there's also speculation that it was simply her grief that motivated her to keep busy but enough history let's get into the hot spots of this mansion that some believe are filled with the souls manifested by the winchester rifle as a whole the mansion is said to be home to lights turning on by themselves disembodied voices breathing and footsteps as well as the sound of nails being removed and dropping to the floor the seance room is located at the center of the house it has one entrance but three exits it's said that sarah always carried the only key to this room and that she always went in alone sometimes referred to as the blue room this is where the legend says sarah winchester would hold nightly seances at precisely 2 am to receive building instructions from spirits for her mansion one thing i find odd about that like the fact that maybe she gets building instructions from the spirits in the seance room yeah kind of seems contradictory to the idea that she's building a house that's winding to escape spirits yeah this guy a contractor just shows up he's like all right check out these blueprints these are really going to confuse us uh so i think maybe a windy thing here i drew it out try not to look at it too much i really tried to go nuts with it so i don't i don't have like a photographic memory so if you build this it's going to confuse the living hell out of us so this is like a spirit from brooklyn it's coming you're going to need a bunch of two by fours last time we were in here we just did a simple investigation but since did we even do that what did we do we stood in here and we're like look at this room yeah we were really bad at ghost hunting yeah i just took out a brand new battery i just took off the plastic from it and put it in this is highly unusual but now we're gonna actually conduct a legitimate seance let's rock and roll let's do it oh right that was a firm grip okay spirits of this room we're here to communicate with you yes we are welcoming yes and we have nothing but good intentions and good vibes yeah we have uh some food for you here we go a rice crispy treat a treat from the future we also uh have this uh this this board here in fact why don't i just show you how it works see you see that oh look how fun that is hello h e l l oh cool i'm gonna move the rice krispie treat off the board because it's getting kind of sticky that's for them see how that works i just want to know it's food [Music] yum yum now all right here we go if there's anybody here with us you could use this board you could take some of the food you can move these candles you could say something you could touch something this is all for you sarah if you're hearing this right now we'd like to speak to you in particular so i i'd like very much to meet you have some of the rice crispy can you say your name is there anything you'd like us to know is there anything you're scared of and that's that nothing sarah winchester was reportedly fascinated by the number 13 and the number pops up several times throughout the home there are 13 bedrooms and 13 bathrooms several stairways have 13 steps some of the ceilings contain 13 ceiling tiles the 25 000 room holds several of winchester's commissioned tiffany glass pieces one of which is made with 13 precious stones the glass pieces in this room are said to be worth about three hundred and fifty thousand dollars today well sarah we're here in your one i would assume one of your more uh favorite rooms and if you're thinking well i'm not gonna talk to these guys please no we're gonna be here all night the sooner you get it out of the way heck if you do it now this guy will go he'll go running whoever is in this room whether it be sarah or somebody who worked at this mansion let us know you're here shatter every piece of stained glass in this room okay i'm gonna give you a minute just uh just a dealer's choice here do whatever you want here we go one minute of silence coming right up starting now hmm i will say that i don't feel like i'm being watched right now no have you felt that another who's that who just spoke that old familiar face [Laughter] if that was anybody can you say it again who was that i heard what sounded like a little whisper do you hear a little whisper yeah are you but i think you're just appeasing me right now i don't think you actually heard it it's a little bit of both but i did hear what appeared to sound like a little whisper i don't think it was a ghost it was a female voice if they were whoever that was could you say it again if that wasn't anybody in fact you don't have to be scared of us i assure you i am more scared of you than you are of me that's it folks lovely glass love the glass thank you for showing us a nice really good glass you got there good ass glass that's good glass behind that glass i'm gonna steal i'm gonna steal that glass i won't i respect this house on the third floor of the winchester house is a room referred to as the witch's cap an unusual space it's unknown what this room was used for perhaps just an attic space the conical ceiling is constructed in such a way that if you stand in the middle of the room and talk the echo of your voice supposedly surrounds you oh this is cool oh oh i love this can i sleep here stand in the middle speak upward oh oh yeah right there right yeah let's see if i can also hello hello hello yeah hi uh we're here to communicate with whoever is in this room right now he's invited his little spirit box here he's gonna let her rip and you're gonna hate it three two one yahtzee ah [ __ ] did they take your clothes off we got a lot of chatter in here a lot of chatter what the [ __ ] is going on in this room can you say our names back to us can you say the name of the woman who built this house or if you are the woman who built this house can you say your name well i'm not sarah winchester but it's patrick hey all right who was just speaking the past two times very clear can you say what your name is what optimal what's optimal you're not making this easy i'll tell you that a scream they're excited ryan don't bother with ryan right now it's not worth it wait till he's alone what did it say i don't know who is a full sentence [Applause] all right hostile away ago turning this off and i'll tell you what goes if any of you are protective of this room not gonna do it on purpose but there's a good chance i'm gonna fart in here one of the more active areas of the mansion is the basement earlier in the night our static cam and evp device placed in the basement picked up these footsteps when nobody was in the house that's your proof yeah there's nobody in the house okay and it also sounds like they're in the basement and they also sound like it's it also has the sound of high heels yeah this is pretty big evidence in my opinion but i'm going to agree to disagree i think it's uh the sound of someone walking through a house okay there's no point in arguing with you about this i mean i knew you know there's not you knew you were gonna try and wiggle out of it the best you could is it likely that someone we didn't know was walking around was walking around no what's more likely undead souls wearing high heels the basement is also where a male ghost named clyde is said to be seen pushing a wheelbarrow near the coal chute since this is one of the most active areas we'll investigate this section of the house individually you look great man thank you what do i do down there try and find clyde oh well adios yeah i'll see you later man now we wait oh boy i forgot about these low ass ceilings down here oh [ __ ] ah [ __ ] i hit my head all right i gotta fix oopsy-doopsy now this is the worst because normally i'm like all right i just gotta get through 10 minutes and it's over but here it's 10 minutes and then two hour three hour however long it is till sunrise you know what it's easy to take a lot for granted in this life and i'd like to just take this moment to be thankful that i've been given the opportunity to hang out in the basement of the winchester house all alone after this there's no reprieve for me i'm just gonna go straight into sarah's bedroom so i'm gonna go down to the very end of this narrow passage i'm gonna turn out my light spend the last two minutes in total darkness so i think that'd be a blast the idea of seeing something that breaks the laws of reality is gonna mess with your head i don't know why it scares me so much it just does there's anybody down here you know i'm here so speak up hang out you got time all right that's it i'm not playing your game i know exactly what you're doing right now not gonna happen bud i'm not walking down there to find you i know what happened last time i was down here oh my god what are you hey man calm down new piece of [ __ ] my mic went out and then i was looking for you he's crouching in here like some kind of cave creature your number's up well you look great you look ready get down there have a good time [ __ ] oh god damn it don't like this not a fan of this at all it'll be fine he's not gonna be fine well this is horrifying and i'm only a minute in so how about that do i dare say is there anybody down here with me my name's ryan if you could do me a big favor and not respond to me or show yourself that would be amazing because i don't want to see you if you're scared of me no i'm very scared of you so let's just do each other a favor and not show ourselves to each other how about that time really flies when you're down there in the darkness um at some point i just turned off all my lights and let the darkness wash over me what if i just make nonsense noises right now what the [ __ ] is going on down there i think we've lost him what was that i'm losing my mind [Music] all right ah what the [ __ ] was that my [ __ ] gopro thing fell off i'm gonna sit down i'm sitting down it sounds like it's really escalating i'm gonna turn on the spirit box now come on come on oh there's a spirit box is there a clyde down here that used to work here a former caretaker ah what anybody here i hate this do you say i love you my name is ryan could you say ryan back to me i love you who's this if there's anybody else down here hi did you just say hi hi hello to you who is this who am i speaking to can you say your name i'm going to turn off my light ryan what two minute warning great i'm going to turn off this light for the last minute here once we get to that minute mark i will turn off my light and uh i will be at your mercy truly if you could just do me a big solid and not do anything that would be sublime here we go lights coming off i hate myself well this is just as horrifying as i thought it would be i guess you could uh maybe you could come out and say hello after all i am trying to find a ghost all right you can't do two minutes come up what you failed can i come up yes oh thank god yes you couldn't do two minutes of silence could you what i heard you talking i was talking quietly i don't care you talk to hide from the silence you know you do i was merely trying to communicate get ready for uh an all-night nightmare now perhaps the most active area of the house is sarah's bedroom a group of investigators once witnessed a red ball of light quote that seemed to explode and then fade end quote within sarah's bedroom a psychic within that group also claimed to see a couple dressed in servant's clothing standing in the corner of the bedroom on october 31st 1975 a psychic named jeannie borgen and a medium named joy adams visited the winchester house and held a seance in sarah's bedroom while appearing to be in some kind of trance borgen said she felt mrs winchester's overpowering spirit and reportedly aged for a brief moment as her hair grayed and her face became lined with wrinkles perhaps one of the reasons that sarah's spirit is so strong in this room is due to the fact that sarah actually passed away in here and with that we enter the final phase of the investigation something we didn't dare do during our first encounter with the winchester sleeping in the house and for me this will be the first time i've ever slept alone in one of these horrible buildings i feel like i'm about a half a mile from ryan hope he's doing fine probably not this freaking doll is just sitting there staring at me i got some peanuts so here we go is anybody in here with me please don't answer what the hell what was that [Applause] huh it's the same voice god damn it this is the worst this is the worst any advice are you asking me for advice do i look like the kind of man that could give advice you're a big dude you're thick dude several bad choices have led me to this moment [Laughter] let's play look at the ceiling tiles hey who is that no no no please don't come in here oh jesus christ oh my god so in this place right now it is me shane and then uh a caretaker who's just making sure we don't set the place on fire and that was him and i think i might have peed a little bit in my sleeping bag i'm gonna try and go to sleep try being the operative word there that's it that's that we did it morning time i slept great for an hour i slept not even a second so uh another investigation in the books uh adios winchester house where the heck is it it's behind us i can't i can't even think it's very large yeah uh yeah let's get out of here yeah sounds good our second investigation at the winchester mystery house now complete we are still left with many questions why did sarah construct the house in the manner she did was it because of vengeful spirits or grief is the house even haunted one thing's for sure we can investigate this house 10 times and still have rooms unexplored and the question of whether or not the winchester mystery house is definitively haunted will remain unsolved [Music] alrighty so mission san francisco solano our first mission actually our first mission yeah kind of reminds me chosen to accept it sorry this is a little more ominous than it was in pictures i'll say that are you spooked uh out by the mission is this uh yeah this is kind of long for you living childhood nightmares right now i guess when it's this old i'm not all that rattled by it i feel like i'm at a log cabin or something i guess shall we go inside let's do it that is a very spooky door sound they got this thing rigged up to be spooky or something i think it's just old well we're in yeah we're here you do know the rumors of this place right why what's what do you got i don't even want to say it well you should because that's that's what people are watching for demon this week on buzzfeed and solve we investigate the mission san francisco solano in sonoma california as part of our ongoing investigation into the question are ghosts real this mission is the site of many tragic desks contributing surely to the high population of ghosts and alleged history of demonic possession in sonoma county making it my one demonic investigation sacrifice for the season so it's a ghostopolis with maybe a demon mayor you use whatever scenario you want to to make your silly little game in your head and uh once it's done i'm happy and we can move on with our lives i can wash my hands of the demondom go take a shower uh you know light some candles and i'll get a little pumice on there sure i'll get on my life hopefully we'll see in 1542 the spanish claimed the land that became california and by the mid-1700s there were groups of spanish soldiers and friars exploring and colonizing the area the friars believed they had to convert indigenous peoples to catholicism to quote save their souls end quote spain regarded the missions as an important first step in colonizing some have suggested that forcing the natives onto the missions and then forcing them to work in agriculture and european trades was a way of building a peasant class of laborers additionally they worked to assimilate indigenous peoples to european customs and ideas believing their lifestyle was the superior one during the time of spanish colonization in the region they built 21 franciscan missions and the last of them is the one we're investigating now which was established in 1823 the mission san francisco solano was actually founded illegitimately through improper channels by a man named padre jose altamira who was known for his systematically cruel methods when it came to converting native peoples the mission san francisco solano reportedly baptized 300 natives over the span of 12 years but just two years after its founding altamira was forced out of the mission by a rebellion of the native peoples due to his terrible mistreatment of them so this guy is laughably bad he kind of sucks and we may run into him i hope so i'll make fun of him good i may join you for once because he was kind of an [ __ ] and to make the long violent and tragic history of the franciscan mission system very short the spanish colonizers forced indigenous peoples into what some have described as a form of slavery with diseases and mistreatment leading to the deaths of thousands while systematically attempting to annihilate their cultures the death toll at mission solano is said to be nearly 900 lives that's a bad record remember that it was 1300 that they baptized it's a bad mission it's a bad mission and unfortunately most of the buildings we go to are bad places yeah according to patricia cullinan president of the sonoma valley historical society it's inferred that the bodies of those who perished were said to have been buried adjacent to the mission church and quote since there were two churches at different times it has been assumed that there were two cemeteries end quote one local history buff a dentist named dr peter meyerhoff has cited historical maps of the mission that would place a graveyard under sonoma plaza which is several hundred yards from the mission okay i'm not laughing about mass graves what i'm laughing about is being at the dentist and having your dentist with his tools in your mouth saying you know there's a mass grave around here don't you would you like to see my maps it's just a creep your dad's a dentist he is a dentist he doesn't have maps of missions and cross-referencing them by like putting lights under them like just filling cavity he's just feeling cavities drilling he's going to drill town maybe cutting a head off here and there that's the worst he's done though so as i said to you when this was a mission there was an unfortunate amount of deaths here yeah and i didn't they didn't really bury them i would say properly they buried them in unidentified mass graves so you could just see names here and we're standing over where the grave may have been it was said to be next to the church back in the day and chapel's right here so it's a lot of names it is a lot of names pretty sad yeah but if as you say paranormal activity does follow tragedy even just standing here i feel very uncomfortable yeah that's plenty that's plenty one particularly active area of the mission is a part of the building that staff members call the priests quarters not because priests actually stayed here but because the apparition of a priest is frequently seen walking around who this priest is nobody knows but some believe it may be the spirit of the diabolical father altamira anybody in here [Music] padre padre altamira [Music] esta we come in peace um shane miyama ryan how do you say where the ghoul brothers like uh hermanos phantasma something like that hermanos phantasmos is that it i don't mean that we may have just made that up i'm gonna look this up because this is yeah you better i guess because it's important i know [Music] hola what what did you did you say something no you're gonna stay stupid but just yes they spoke in english though that's why i'm weirded out by it that shiver went up my spine hola amigo i never thought i'd be speaking spanish in this state of mind okay we have a laser grid here maybe we could let's see that he walks around or it's not he doesn't say that but people say they see him walking around i'm walking around i do walk around so bring your laser grid let's hit him with everything we got all right liam orion i almost said what is this here me nombre okay [Music] okay repeat that okay all right let's get to the courtyard all right we're leaving nice to meet you in 1834 the mission was secularized and power was seeded to a mexican general named mariano guadalupe vallejo he built two homes in sonoma one of which was built on mission property and is referred to as casa grande very very creative name there that means a big house big house big house i'm the big general here's my big house look at me i have big yard big house big house big drink big muscles also near the mission are the two-story adobe barracks facing the central plaza that were built to house general vallejo's mexican army troops all right so these are the barracks this is where vallejo kept his soldiers but prior to the barracks i'm actually not quite sure what function this ground served in the mission it was probably just nothing let me just take a look at it though it's crazy it's quite gorgeous a lot of space yeah who knows what we're going to run into in here or who huh all right into the barracks we go so this is the room where the barracks are actually still set up oh wow yeah that's just a oh hi it got me too this man looks so dapper this is what it would look like back in the day for vallejo and his uh all his troops shall we yeah let's do it hola amigos oh god that scared the [ __ ] out of me all right well i'm still recovering yeah that was a lot i think i'm gonna poop my pants a little bit yeah uh i think security turned off the alarm only one way to find out so let's just do a little step of faith or leap of faith [Music] hey you did it good good good i thought that was a banshee yeah i said hola amigos and immediately just sit here at the table all right i'm gonna turn on the spirit box now if some weird people came into my house and started speaking a foreign language i would say things back to them yeah true all right miyama ryan mayamo shane paul conombre don't listen how do you say nice beds [Music] is bad bueno camas thomas buenos buenos nothing well you know thick walls i think we'll have better luck out in the courtyard or something also you know it's night time maybe they're asleep for a brief period the barracks were the headquarters for the rebellious bear flag party a group of u.s horsemen that called themselves osos who captured slash kidnapped general vallejo from his home they declared an independent republic of california for 25 days as the u.s pioneers in california could not own land legally or run for office by law with mexican government the bear flag revolt was the origin of california's first state flag which was made by william todd and a copy of the flag is on display in the barracks today this is the flag room oh it's quite quiet in here actually though but back here you could actually see the original bear flag for california oh very nice well uh my name is ryan i'm shane and uh we're reaching out to whoever resides in these quarters whether that's faceless soldiers or general vallejo himself the big man if you would like to speak to us maybe you could make a noise uh you could say something you could touch something you could touch us you probably just get a bunch of nerdy school kids coming through here getting excited to eat their pb and j sandwiches yeah yeah yeah we're a couple of cool dudes so i don't know about that we're gonna give the floor to you right now we're gonna be silent and this is your cue to uh show us your moves i don't know show us your moves all right here we go going silent now good cricket noises though it almost sounds fake you hear those crickets kinda yeah imagine back in the day when they were in here just hearing the coyotes out there why are you saying coyotes i'm saying can you imagine them just yipping out there in the middle well i'm just i'm i'm that's fine i was just kind of baffled at your pronunciation of coyotes coyotes yeah which one is it coyotes or coyotes yeah settle a bet i guess it doesn't matter you don't got a nitpick it's coyotes that's like the greatest evp ever caught another active area is the mission courtyard where bizarrely the apparition of a bear is often seen which if you know me in my debilitating fear of bears this is my worst nightmare uh ghost bear yeah a ghost bear so that's two of two of your least favorite things that's double trouble for me that would be like a avocado pit made of heroin for me i guess so yeah a ghost bear that's got to be pretty easy to spot well i have my thermal cam so hopefully hello well i'm talking to a bear so yeah sort of like just a oh have covered ourselves in ghost piss yeah does noise attract a bear um [Music] actually it it keeps them away what if you made the noise of like a what does a bear eat berries salmon you can't or like it like a deer [Music] is that sort of a deer noise i don't know what the hell that sound like make weird noises you think you know what a beer sounds like and then you hear one and it goes like it's frigid out here yeah it really is i'm not picking up anything on thermal you can't even say come here boy to a bear no you can't can you imagine if you could no because i would never want to see a bear is this like a well or is this just a big fire pit let's just take a moment to appreciate the ambience right now yeah i guess it is pretty good ambience you know what's really interesting to me is on a night like this there's not a lot of you don't hear a lot of modern sounds out right now maybe some cars in the distance but you put yourself in the minds of people hundreds of years ago and think they were hearing almost exactly what you hear right now that is true you listen to that just be silent for 20 seconds and imagine you're 100 years ago maybe look up into the stars yeah [Music] well now that we've shared that tender moment should we go inside and try and find a demon let's do that the final place we'll investigate is the chapel this is where this historical story veers into lore in a town with a history of demonic possession is this chapel a known hotbed of tragedy and misery the home of a demon or is it perhaps the malevolent spirit of padre altamira one thing is for sure if there's a demonic entity that is reckless enough to reside in a house of god it is not one to be trifled with and yet here we are so what's in here ah yeah all right just give me a second what are you doing what are you what are you what are you gonna do revving myself up man what are you gonna oh i'll tell you it looks creepy from here yeah no [ __ ] oh boy so we had our static cam set up here hello this is large so what we're going to do in here is we're going to take our mag light and use it to communicate with i don't even want to say it whatever is in here the demon sure we have two flashlights here one that's white and one that's black um okay i don't think you understand what we're meddling with right here yeah i do turn off the black one and turn on the white one exert all your power you've been dormant for too long what is that sound like footsteps demon i command you to turn off the light it looks like he's having fun with us yeah i'm having so much fun do i look like i'm having fun are you having fun i really don't i would like very much to leave if you want us to leave turn off the black flashlight and turn on the white one right now nada what's gonna need to happen for you to be convinced there's something in here for me i would need to see those turn off exactly when we see them turn off in the order that we say okay we'll give it a shot turn the black one on in five four three two one that sucks i guess there's no demon inside here yeah that's good that's the end oh hold on turned on that's great all right maybe he's a little late to the turn the white one on in five four three two one chill chill all right this is good this is this is good for my mind because we're about to investigate this place individually and if that if that stuff starts happening i don't think i can do this so maybe there's just a delay it could be like skype into the shadows just give me a holler you know what are we doing 10 minutes yeah hello demon it's me shane midday has arrived and i'm here to teach you a lesson except i'm really not because i i don't think there's anyone here your whole team you're pal down by the little bridge in texas your bro over at the sally house you guys uh don't got a good record you can't stand up to a lanky old doofus like me i'm looking at your little lights your demon lights why don't you turn them off for me oh oh oh can you do it no no you can't oh is that hard for you oh i'm trying the best i can i'm just a little demon unbelievable i'm gonna be quiet now this is the part where i invite you to do your very best to kill me um that's what i'm asking of you give it a go here we go nothing hmm fine [Music] come on what are you doing here stop wasting my time demon have at me kill me hurt me your little stomping grounds here i'll tell you what i don't give a [ __ ] demon you hear me um shot in the dark is there a ghost pair here any kind of ghost bear well how was it um it was it was uh very challenging uh this demon is unlike any demon we faced before so tread lightly i don't even know why i asked you these kind of things i'm just there's nothing in there it's an empty room yeah you'll be fine all righty you've been waiting for this moment i feel like you wanted me here i am and already i'm not even in the chapel yet and i immediately regret this decision come on ryan you can do this what's in here my name is ryan and i'm in a house of god why are you in here why do you remain oh my god if those motion lines turn on i'm gonna lose my damn mind all right we got our flashlights here this is such a what a fun thing we've done here i'm standing on an altar alone in a in a demon-infested church oh and it suddenly got really cold that's fun if there is something in here turn off those lights can you estas muerto [Music] jesus christ come on man where are you i've just got the chills where are you you don't belong here estoyaki [Music] i'm not afraid i'm not afraid oh gee you got to be kidding me i'm not afraid i'm in a house of god i'm in a house of god i don't even want to look behind me because i feel like something's behind me all right ryan oh thank god that's time getting getting pretty good with this demon stuff the two of us sure we should start doing like uh unless it's latched itself onto us and riding us like a little boat back to l.a and you wouldn't even know maybe you'll wake up in the middle of the night and you'll eat your cat i don't know i feel like we're giving father tommy a run for his money i don't think you should say that yeah tripods over there yep any last things you got to say to this thing uh see you later buddy you got nothing you got nothing on the ghoul boy adios demon you blew it you had your chance to bag you a burgmeister and you blew it okay all right that's plenty see you later this is insufferable is it is it yes you're never gonna see this bug again goodbye i am so glad that's over let's go eat taco bell after spending the night roaming the corridors of this tragic san francisco mission i can certainly see why it's believed to be haunted i can only hope that if there is indeed a demonic presence within the chapel that it will not follow us home but for now whether or not mission san francisco solano is definitively haunted will remain unsolved one of these days i'd love my eyes to turn black i would like that day to never come i'm telling you right now if my eyes turn black murder me i'm telling you right now i will not kill you why because i need to save you no and you'll come back and then there's two reasons for it one you're my friend and i need to save you two kind of you yes two i need you to eat crow when it comes to demons being real because then after i save you from being possessed you'll be like oh what happened did i eat too many hot dogs or something and pass out and i'd be like no a demon went inside your body and danced you around like a little puppet man are you gonna wheel me out like hannibal lecter with like a like a straight yeah like a straight jacket and a muslin see sarah he's fine look at him he's shane let me take off his muzzle for a second see say some shane things here he goes oh [ __ ] okay yeah he's fine you know he's just a little tired from the flight now the thing about bats and see they're all over the place it's just bats they're just bats i've lost the ability to feel they're gonna [ __ ] murder you all right so we're here yuma arizona for the famous yuma prison famous yeah 310 to yuma you've never seen that film i've seen the picture yes this prison housed a lot of famous outlaws from the the old west it would get transported here on a train taken here some where they uh met their demise okay big gate we see a lot of big kids do we yeah this week on buzzfeed unsolved we investigate yuma territorial prison in yuma arizona as part of our ongoing investigation into the question are ghosts real this prison has seen its fair share of death despair and famous outlaws we're seasoned vets at this point when it comes to prisons huh we are we've been to several prisons but we haven't been to an old west prison that's true a fun little a fun little way to mix it up there yeah a way to see uh ghouls behind bars that were good with a sick shooter cool let's get into it constructed in 1876 yuma territorial prison overlooks the colorado river on a bluff a few miles away from the confluence of the gila river and colorado river over the course of its 33 years in operation 3069 prisoners 29 of whom were women were incarcerated in the prison the first seven prisoners actually built their own cells some of the most infamous old southwest outlaws were held in yuma including buckskin frank leslie buckskin murdered his girlfriend while drunk and is remembered for being quote the only man who could compare to doc holliday's blinding speed and accuracy with the six gun end quote famous stagecoach bandit pearl hart was sentenced to five years at yuma territorial but was pardoned after serving only two years after allegedly using her feminine wiles on everyone from prison security to other prisoners elena estrada legendary for reportedly ripping her unfaithful partner's heart out and throwing it in his face was sentenced to serve seven years at yuma as well that seems like a bit much i don't know if she tried to feed it to him she shoved it in his face which seems kind of like overkill at that point because i imagine i don't know how many seconds you have left to be alive after your heart is being ripped out unless you just really just eat it we're going to go visit her prison cell whoa as well as a pearl heart okay she'll steal your heart let's go to that cell okay so if anybody is in here that would like to communicate with us perhaps pearl or maybe elena feel free to do so you could uh you could make a noise you could throw a rock at us you could push us you could talk to us you could tear our hearts out i'd prefer you not elena i mean i've said that before to various ghouls but you might take that together she's got some experience ah let's just let's just get to it huh yeah every time is a vessel for you to hop into use this energy to talk to us and then we could just talk i just want to know if you're here though lovely home you got here it's quite nice i'm not hearing anything there's a lot of radio silence right now can you say the name of the prison we're at i know you might be scared right now we are trespassing on your space i apologize for that we are professionals i'll turn this off for a second there's a guitar right there i imagine you like to play i saw pictures of you guys playing in here can you play us a song i love music pluck it pluck it all right here's what we're gonna do we're gonna leave now thank you ghosts descriptions of the conditions of the prison vary depending on who is telling the story the people of yuma refer to the prison as the quote country club on the colorado end quote resentful of the fact that the prison had better amenities than the majority of their homes amenities included forced ventilation electricity a sanitation system with three showers and two bathtubs a prison band and a 2000 book library the largest library in the territory at the time in fact yuma territorial prison was home to yuma's only three flush toilets at the same time the prison was feared by inmates it was described as quote impossible to endure more impossible to escape end quote temperatures could reach a whopping 118 degrees in the summer and the prison was surrounded by desert quicksand and rivers over its 33 years in operation 112 prisoners died while incarcerated at yuma territorial prison though numbers vary it's reported that almost 50 percent of these prisoners died of tuberculosis one-third died of natural causes other than tuberculosis eight were shot while attempting to escape six killed themselves five were killed in work accidents two were murdered by another inmate and one was executed by yuma county events in particular that may have residual hauntings include the 1887 gates riot that left four inmates dead and one wounded this is the uh the spot of the 1887 gates riot um four people died one was wounded and uh one inmate during the riot stabbed the superintendent in the back of the neck and twisted the knife around and he lived still a resilient neck you think when that happens your face does a lot of like funny little like yeah is there anybody out here with us that would like to speak with us i know four of you lost your lives here during uh an event that was quite violent is there anybody that would like to make their presence known that has anything to say maybe some unfinished business a riot huh this is where i guess a majority of the conflict happened some of these pris did you hear that i did hear that i can't yeah i know you're humoring me right now i'm not humoring you okay let's go let's go check it out hello who's there that was a pretty distinct footstep from over here was that a ghoul you going to make me go by myself oh no i'm coming up here hello where's that ghoul here what the [ __ ] was that yeah it was curious did you hear it again what's going on with you you got the funny eyes hello all right we're going to leave but once again we will be here all night just tonight because we are not locked up uh we're law-abiding citizens you know you're the way you shushed me was quite rude was it yeah yeah good it's very dismissive one inmate thought to haunt the prison is a man named john ryan around 1900 ryan was imprisoned on charges of crimes against nature he reportedly committed suicide in cell 14. state historian marshall trimble says quote tour guides say they feel a cold chill when walking by the cell end quote the majority of those who see his apparition describe it as a light white glow where his body would be and shining eyes and say they also feel the air get noticeably colder so right now we're approaching john ryan's cell this is actually other than the solitary cell the punishment cell this is said to be the most active cell in this entire building or prison i should say okay it said that he was an outcast the prisoners did not like him the prison guards did not like him tough to be in prison and not have any friends all right john we're coming in we're we're entering it's quite hot in here and the air is it smells funny deathly still yeah i just uh just imagine i mean we're uncomfortable and we've been in here what 10 seconds can you imagine living in here the cell is said to be the place where john took his own life is this graffiti in the walls is this historical well does that say 1932 yeah that's a fat spider that's a chunky boy kind of unnerving anyways john if you would like to communicate with us just show us a sign you could move something you can knock on the wall you could close this cell lock us in here with you rattle the door a bit if we got locked in here i'd be pissed off yeah it's very warm anything you want to say john i get it if you don't did you hear something talk to us did you hear something he's got the vision hello focus ryan focus shut up open your ears would you shut up was that what was that i have very very strong ears right now john i could hear everything i believe i just heard a voice is that you or am i just losing it what did it sound like what did it say sounded like a voice i don't know what it said it was like a whisper whisper hi my name is john no it didn't whisper that maybe it was the spider the gift shop is also said to be a place of activity all righty so right now we're in the gift shop and weirdly enough this is actually one of the most active places in this entire prison for ghosts or people both okay people perusing and people in jail and people in jail and they say sometimes things just fall off the shelves and you know this is kind of like not that impressive to you like this falls off maybe there's like an earthquake whatever sure but there's something like this on here yeah and it comes off that which they say has happened a couple times yeah what do you think about that that's good if something's falling off one of these it's also highly likely that one of them you know is on the edge or something and falls you know they're not i don't know i'm not it's so good of a stretch i mean again it's less of a stretch than the dead walking the ears i don't know about that i mean this is like a lot i mean look that's fine i know and then it goes up yeah i know okay well if there's anything in this gift shop could you knock something off we won't get angry we just want to see it could you move one of these things off of uh off of these i don't know what would you call this um i don't know do those have words there's got to be a better word for it than that that's not our fault what about this grow a girlfriend is it just like an add water situation yeah i think so i don't think it grows into it well they also have grow a boyfriend and a therapist this is a dark section of this gift shop yeah if you could knock anything off of this wall that would be great it would help me prove that there's something in here to this man this is the the dumbest scene we've ever filmed the outside isolation cell is another area of the prison it said that misbehaving prisoners would be placed in this cell under a tin roof forcing those inside to endure the miserable weather conditions in plain view of the other prisoners shall we okay let's get in the box all right let's do it we're here to find out why you're still here and uh if there's anything else that you wanted to say now's the time can you say either of our names back to us what was that she said murray i'm gonna need to hear more than one word for me to think there's somebody in here who was that the last two voices there was a male and a female do you two know each other what are you trying to say do you love each other when you're gonna pop the questions come on come on is that good oh does that do did that do something wait it says stop all right we're gonna get out of here now thank you ghost the guard watch tower is also said to be active is it possible that guards continue to stay at their post on this tower well this is actually really cool this is the first time we've ever been in a guard tower we've been to so many prisons and we've never been in oh i see what you're saying yeah well so now here's their view of the riots because you could see the gate down exactly this is the view they would have had shall we do a spirit box let's reach out whoa hello who was that most of the night you've been pretty quiet we're here up in your guard tower and right now we're trying to reach out to any prison guards who watched over this prison that's right can you say our names back to us just to let us know that you would like to talk to us again ryan shane what was that i bet some of you were decent guys just cashing a check but some of you were probably real ass wipes huh what'd you say to me speak up that's what i thought i'm sorry i thought this was a tower full of people who knew what they were doing huh what'd you say speak up coward cowards all of you you hear me jesus christ your cowards up this is the kind of man that you shouldn't be pushed around by i'm strange and off-putting i should not feel confident in the face of any man yet here you are smiling in the face of the devil because i've triumphed once again [Laughter] however the most feared part of the prison both in present day and back when prisoners were actually incarcerated there is an area referred to as the snake den the snake den was a 10 foot by 10 foot punishment cell carved into the hillside with an iron cage inmates could only wear their undergarments and only received water and bread once a day for some this punishment would last months they had no contact with others and light came only from a small ventilation shaft it got the name snakeden and scorpionden because legend has it that a cruel guard would drop a snake or scorpion through the air shaft perhaps due to this extended period of suffering many feel this cell is the most active area in the prison according to state historian marshall tremble quote one reporter planned to stay in the cell overnight shackled to a ring bolt for 48 hours with a jug of water and a loaf of bread but after 37 hours called for help to be released insisting that she felt she wasn't alone in the cell end quote to finish off our investigation we'll investigate the snake den individually i'm walking into the dark uh dark cell that's the one oh it stinks i'll tell you that a lot of bats in here now the thing about bats you see they're all over the place i hate bats oh god damn that's a lot of bats there are so many bad synthesis uh oh yeah i'm a ghost hunter uh hi if there's any ghosts in here i've been a little preoccupied with all the bats and the large train going by but if you have a moment now would be a good time to make yourself known you know bets sometimes carry rabies it's a thing i'm afraid of oh that one was low that was a low one now they're now they're getting cocky okay guys so uh how was it in there ryan i know we've done this a lot of times and i've told you you're going to hate it in there this this may take the cake for you i think so i was in there briefly just to look at it and i'm not excited right now how many bats were in there when you looked at it earlier about a dozen okay oh [ __ ] i don't know if i'm gonna be able to do this man all right do not be afraid [Music] it's just bats they're just bats sometimes i do a thing where when i'm scared i just i locate the part of my brain that is terrified and i just sort of shut it off not today devil birds not today i hope he didn't piss them off when he was in there and there it is the dark cell it's not welcoming or inviting you don't want to go into that room oh my god i could already see them oh oh boy they're everywhere oh my god oh my god okay so this is awful what the f frick am i doing in here man this is just this is not even a ghost hunt this is just ridiculous i guess they're kind of fun little birds right i'm just your friendly neighborhood ryan bass oh my god okay swarming right by my head ryan at this point has gotten braver with the ghosts i'm really not sure he's gonna make it through this i am trying to remain calm oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god is there anybody in here with me besides these bats i think i'm blacking out right now i don't think i'm gonna remember this moment there's so much fear inside of me that i've lost the ability to feel i think i'm gonna cry oh i keep forgetting there's ghosts in here oh my god that bat is huge all right that's your time oh god thank god uh can't get up at the moment oh my god yeah you can okay okay just get up ryan and walk out that's all you got to do oh my god oh god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh [ __ ] this one going for your ass ah how was it [Music] you did it [Music] it's quite taxing isn't it no no right i can't my heart's beating so fast that was the worst i'm just overwhelmed by emotion right now it's a lot i think i'm crying yeah it's quite quite a bit to deal with well anyways let's get the hell out of here i'm good i'm so done with this place though it's been many years since yuma territorial held prisoners it's easy to see why some believe those who were incarcerated remain the idea of spending years in this old west prison is unpleasant to say the least whether it's uneasy spirits or hordes of bats no one can say for sure what truly resides in this prison and whether or not yuma territorial is definitively haunted will remain unsolved this week on buzzfeed and solve we once again tackle the age-old question do aliens exist to attempt to answer that question we'll take a deep dive into the government's newly uncovered advanced aerospace threat identification program and in particular we'll examine some recent video evidence that has emerged from the program and it's good footage is it some good stuff i think your little peepers on it dare i say is it undeniable i have to say this every single time we do an episode about aliens but i do believe in aliens and i have to say this every time as well he believes in aliens but in a very boring way i just don't think they're bipedal i think they're probably clouds or a little bacteria they're intelligent do you think they have belly buttons i'm not going to play this game with you i'm not i refuse i just want i know what you're trying to do i know what you're trying to do right now i just want to know if you think they have belly buttons i'm opening the file we're going to get into it didn't answer it in 2007 three senators ted stevens a republican from alaska daniel k inouye a democrat from hawaii and harry reid a democrat from nevada and the senate majority leader at the time worked to secure funding for a new secret but not classified government program to investigate reports of ufos or as they've been more recently dubbed uaps unidentified aerial phenomena why why change it there are people crazier than me that have tarnished the reputation of ufos to the point where they now have to rebrand it to uaps and even when i say uaps does not does that not sound military yeah i guess people like you have sort of tarnished yeah yeah that makes sense senator reid's interest in the unexplained phenomena stemmed from a meeting with nevada billionaire robert bigelow who has stated that he is absolutely convinced aliens have visited earth years after their meeting bigelow received a letter from a senior member of a federal national security agency with a phd according to reed the letter expressed interest in bigelow's fascination with ufos the individual told senator reid after meeting with both him and bigelow that studies should be done on the matter and he created an outline for what should be covered in the study it was then that reed connected with fellow senators stevens and inowe both of whom had long been a part of the defense appropriations subcommittee the three met for what reed described as quote one of the easiest meetings i ever had end quote steven's interest in ufos stemmed from his time in the military he said that he never reported seeing suspicious things for fear of damage it may cause to his reputation or career to fund the project reed stevens and inowe decided to use black money as reid calls it or black budget as it's more commonly referred to which is government money used for classified programs and projects that way the formation of the program would not be debated on the senate floor and just like that the advanced aerospace threat identification program was created in 2007. and why that's crazy is because you know as a society we haven't seen the government even emit ufos are real and now we're learning that they essentially we now know they were lying to us one of my big dreams is to work at a place like this where it's like secret but the entrance to the place doesn't look like the place where you're going oh so you go behind like a bookshelf yeah it's like a bagel shop and you walk to the counter and you're like i'll have a sesame and the person behind the counter just says like we're all out of sesame and then you have to say something like huh love a sesame on a tuesday and then they're like right this way i think it would be cleaner if you just had to order a specific order like i'll take a bagel with lox and two chives oh two trees and they'll say the cold brew is right over there and you take the cold brew handle a big pneumatic tube comes down you get sucked down you're sucked up and has that great noise like in all at least 22 million dollars was spent on the project with most of it going to bigelow's company bigelow aerospace the company's underground las vegas complex would be home to the research it conducted for the program while the program itself was operated out of the pentagon in 2010 military intelligence official luis elizondo took over the program elizondo was an experienced department of defense employee who worked on classified counterintelligence missions and operated with top level security clearance he claims that the program was so secretive that even some of those inside the pentagon were unaware of its existence the program's mission was to investigate detection eyewitness sightings and or military video footage of unknown items identify them and then according to elizondo quote ascertain and determine if that information is a potential threat to national security end quote anomalous aircrafts that would operate outside the normal laws of aerodynamics would be investigated elizondo describes aircraft's quote that don't have any obvious flight services any obvious forms of propulsion and maneuvering in ways that include extreme maneuverability beyond i would submit the healthy g-forces of a human or anything biological end quote the information the program collected came mainly from military personnel in particular military pilots who witnessed the bizarre occurrences when you're in the military you're probably uh probably got a lot of discipline probably um not rattled by too much yeah they see planes fly by them every day i'm imagining for the past like 20 years of their life i see that all the time so they're up there in the air they're seeing things move in ways that defy the laws of physics things that would make their bodies implode if they were inside that vehicle and they have footage of it so i just don't know how you could look at that kind of stuff i can't wait to hear these folks holler are they hollering what do you what do you think they're they're all pulled from some kind of rally or something these are trained professionals yeah but you said they they go nuts they go crazy for these uads what are they called uaps see this is it's not catchy enough what is it called it's not supposed to be catchy it should be somewhat catchy if it gets catchy then it starts to slip into the you know i guess start saying uaps all the time let's make it just as crazy as ufos jesus christ those investigating the incidents were highly trained and qualified according to elizondo quote we had phds we had ci people we had trained intelligence officers and human case officers pretty much a full range of talent most of us tend to be by nature skeptical because we are in the field of intelligence and national security but i think once you get into the data itself and the specifics regarding what we're actually seeing we begin to realize that there may be something here a little bit more than just what people think are drones or whatever people may chalk it up to be end quote he went on quote there's a lot of rigor and diligence that's placed in looking at these we look and say oh that's xyz and the reason why it looks this way is because of abc but unfortunately there are some other incidents that can't be explained and what our job is to do is to figure out really it's very simple what is it and how does it work end quote the previous director of the advanced aerospace threat identification program created a briefing summary in 2009 on the program that stated quote what was once considered science fiction is now science fact end quote that's a good quote that's ballsy that should be on a t-shirt the logo should just be like an alien just giving the middle finger like that seems like something he practiced in the mirror several times that morning yeah he was probably way less cool about it he was like he was a science fiction his wife walks in on them when he's practicing i was just knocking around here it's a big day for me uh yeah i'm sure he delivered it with some kind of gravitas i don't know even better if zero gravitas gravitas gravitas is gravitas gravitas around the same time promising discoveries were made by the program and in an attempt to limit access to the information reed requested that it be given a special designation of quote restricted special access program end quote but his request was denied the brief summary also stated that if some of the discovered technology were to be used against the us we would have no way of defending ourselves against it according to elizondo the sightings often took place near nuclear facilities be it power plants or ships the program investigated unidentified flying objects and metal alloys and other debris picked up from encounters elizondo said of the program and the objects investigated quote if you're asking my personal opinion from here look i've got to be honest with you i don't know where it's from but we're pretty sure it's not here now what does that mean it's out there whether or not it's russian or chinese inside or little green men from mars or frankly your neighbor's dog i wanted to purposely steer away from that because i wanted to focus on truly the raw science what were we seeing and did it pose a threat to national security end quote love it this guy he knows how to level with with people you pepper in a couple times you saying i'm in it for the science and skeptics will just have a big old boner for that they'll love it yeah they'll have their full attention you got me i just don't think that there's another country so far ahead of us that they could like lap us like this um who made fidget spinners where'd those come from that's probably u.s that's not tech now that we've covered the genesis of the advanced aerospace threat identification program let's get into a few of its many discoveries we'll dissect three videos recently released by to the stars academy of arts and science from the department of defense that are both exciting and dare i say unearthly for the first video dubbed gimbal little information has been released to the public what we do know is that it is footage taken from a navy fa-18 super hornet during an encounter with an unidentified object however there is audio capturing real military pilots reactions to what they're seeing bro there's a whole fleet of of look on the assa my gosh they're all going against the wind the wind's 120 knots west dude it was interesting when you see it just sort of rotate yeah yeah you know that was merely to whet your appetite is your appetite wet now is it are you ready for some more yeah i'm excited for more videos there's a good one the next video known as go fast was released by the department of defense in march of 2018. what we know about go fast is that this video was taken in 2015 somewhere along the east coast the footage is also from a fa18 super hornet and has audio of the pilots experiencing the encounter [Applause] okay oh my gosh dude [Applause] yeah it would look like it was going very fast it looks very small yeah i mean it's from a distance were they up very very high and it was allegedly closer to the water it was closer and most people have the same description and that kind of looked like the other object where they kind of looked like tic tacs like flying little tic tacs and once again no signs of visible propulsion wouldn't it be cool if aliens were really small like a like a coffee cup like a coffee like if we were shooting this episode and something just hovered by our head right here yeah that'd be cool if they were real little and then a cat like jumps up and grabs it now on to the last and perhaps most compelling video titled flare 1 also known as the nimitz incident on november 14 2004 commander david fravor a commanding officer of the vfa 41 black aces and lieutenant commander jim slate were told to go check out mysterious aircrafts that had been spotted multiple times over the past two weeks interviews and reports about the craft noted aerial feats that the us military was not capable of maneuvers such as dropping from more than 60 thousand feet to just about 50 feet above water at supersonic speeds then stopping abruptly and hovering in that position as forever and slate made their way to the aircrafts fragra says that he looked down at the ocean and saw a disturbance in the water that looked like boiling water over something that just barely submerged above that he noticed an oval-shaped hovering aircraft just 50 feet above the water measuring about 40 feet in length which he likened to a tic-tac the aircraft seemed to be moving irregularly over the water in all directions forever started to descend in a circular motion toward the mysterious aircraft but it began ascending when he tried to go directly toward the object it darted off quote it accelerated like nothing i've ever seen end quote the pilots were then instructed to make their way 60 miles to a meet-up point known as the cap point moments later the pilots were radioed quote sir you won't believe it but that thing is at your cap point end quote the aircraft had reappeared in their radar the two pilots were still over 40 miles out from the point the object had disappeared before the pilots were able to reach the meet-up point this is a great example of you know they're being called out there to go it's not like they were just like doing something else and they saw the tic tac flying by like what's tic tac doing here someone called them and said hey we got tic tacs we need you out here stat yeah like we got a tic tac call let's go check out these tickets well they also asked them do you guys have missiles on board in case they had to blow it out of this guy these are some serious tic tacs these are some with some tactical tic tacs we need your missiles out here so they get out there they're hunting down tic tacs and they don't bring better cameras they just got this dumb thing it's in the moment i know but and frankly the the camera that locks onto it it's less impressive get a nice wide shot of that thing zipping past upon his return to the uss nimitz forever became the butt of jokes as news of his encounter had made its way around the ship forever told another pilot about the incident quote i have no idea what i saw it had no plumes wings or rotors and out ran are f-18s i want to fly one end quote those ranking higher than fravor did not investigate the incident further in 2017 fravor recalled his experience saying quote i don't think i was a nut job as an officer in the navy i wasn't drunk i don't do drugs i got a good night's rest it was a clear day i think someone should have looked into it having talked to some of the other folks it's a big frustration that it's coming out now and wasn't discussed back in 2004 end quote forever spoke of the technology he witnessed saying quote this is revolutionary technology to be able to accelerate go up and down think about the advances that would bring to mankind what if it actually starts to get people to think outside the box end quote can you imagine seeing the ocean boil and then just having to you know you get back everyone's like oh yeah you saw the ocean boil oh yeah did you oh my god you're like i'll tell you what if you're out there and you're [ __ ] if if you're out there and you see something extraordinary and you look around yourself and you see that you're the only person seeing this extraordinary feat just know that you are going to be crazy from then on that's what you're going to be labeled as no one's ever going to believe you saw anything and that is the most frustrating thing on earth and on that note let's get into some theories as to what these pilots could have been seeing there seems to be two camps there are those very encouraged by these encounters and what they could mean for the existence of extraterrestrials and then there are those that are not so convinced that they indicate anything let's start with the latter the first theory is that perhaps these unexplained phenomena are simply unexplained happenings that don't specifically indicate anything including aliens mit astrophysicist sarah seeger on unknown object origin quote when people claim to observe truly unusual phenomena sometimes it's worth investigating seriously what people sometimes don't get about science is that we often have phenomena that remain unexplained end quote it's also possible that these encounters are of completely terrestrial origin another country could be creating and testing advanced technology that we are simply unaware of an anonymous former congressional staffer claims this was a reason for forming the program in the first place posing the question quote was this china or russia trying to do something or has some propulsion system we are not familiar with end quote andrew simeon the director of the search for extraterrestrial intelligence institute center in berkeley says that after years of studying we're still short on research indicating that aliens do exist quote objective description of any phenomena should be backed up by compelling evidence and despite many decades of reports of various ufo and abduction phenomena we don't have much evidence moreover astronomers spend their lives looking at the sky with a wide variety of telescopes and techniques and we have never snapped a picture of an unexplained spaceship end quote and neil degrasse tyson simply says quote call me when you have a dinner invite from an alien end quote well i'll tell you what i don't like being lumped in with him why is that you not on the neil degrasse tyson train he's always a little too pleased with himself and i know i'm often pleased with myself you're quite pleased with yourself i think you dig the smell of your own farts that's not true um good theory though the second theory is that the encounters like the ones shown in these videos perhaps suggest extraterrestrial life people in this camp claim the videos are just scratching the surface and our grounds for even more research into the topic those who come out about their involvement with the program all seem to criticize the government and its research or lack thereof elizondo states that there were senior officials in the department of defense that objected to the program for various reasons elizondo explained quote in the end however i couldn't carry out that mission because the department which was understandably overstretched couldn't give it the resources that the mounting evidence deserved end quote christopher mellon the deputy assistant secretary of defense for intelligence under both clinton and bush cites embarrassment or potential damage to a reputation as a reason for the lack of attention on the issue within the pentagon quote nobody wants to be the alien guy in the national security bureaucracy nobody wants to be ridiculed or sidelined for drawing attention to the issue this is true up and down the chain of command and it is a serious and recurring impediment to progress end quote in the end the government said the program was shuttered in 2012. however its existence was not made public until late 2017. that means the program was mostly hidden from public knowledge for 10 years spokesperson thomas crossin for the pentagon on the closing of the program quote it was determined that there were other higher priority issues that merited funding and it was in the best interest of the dod to make a change end quote however since its official closing program supporters say officials that worked on the project continued their work in investigations on top of their other assigned tasks in the defense department elizondo resigned in october 2017 as a protest to the secrecy surrounding the project elizondo wrote a resignation letter to secretary of defense jim mattis in which he described the problems with the government's operation of the program quote despite overwhelming evidence at both the classified and unclassified levels certain individuals in the department remain staunchly opposed to further research on what could be a tactical threat to our pilots sailors and soldiers and perhaps even an existential threat to our national security end quote elizondo entered the private sector to continue the research he wasn't able to further with the government quote i left to find an environment where investigating these phenomena is priority number one end quote this is typical you know in every disaster movie or alien movie or whatever something along those lines there is a character in it that everyone thinks is crazy always and then and everything goes to hell yeah and everything now people are running to this dude for answers and he's not so crazy i'm just saying i know that's a movie obviously but it seems that you know reality is mimicking fiction here yeah along with a few other people involved in the program including christopher millen elizondo has gone on to become part of the to the stars academy of arts and science to continue their study of the unexplained the academy's president and ceo is tom delong formerly of the band blink 182 the corporation's mission is to look into quote exotic science and technologies end quote by blending and utilizing science aerospace and entertainment melanin claims that those involved in the military are approaching to the stars academy to investigate more happenings similar to those he's described because of the department of defense's poor handling of reported incidents it's admirable to maybe hang your hat on your belief so strongly and devote this amount of time in research to the aid of everyone else i'm gonna assume he's doing it to aid everyone else not just to be like i told you so well but at the same time these people probably have fat stacks right blink 182. yeah sold a lot of yeah a lot of albums he had a lot of wrestling he's living a cozy life what if aliens this is bringing it back full circle what if aliens are small like you said before i'd still love it and tom de long sings all the small things and we look back at all the small things and we see that inside the song is actually a coded message that explains aliens or small things i let's examine the lyrics after this but i think we might find a code in here i think we can national treasure this so do aliens really exist despite numerous sightings it seems that no one can agree on this topic until we get a clear visual hard evidence and maybe even a declaration from aliens themselves the mystery will remain unsolved when it comes to trying to prove aliens existence this program and its findings are the best chance we have it doing that it's definitely offered the best case i would say yeah it seems like they're going about it in a somewhat respectable way well because think about it when you're trying to prove aliens what do you need you need proof number one you need paramount you need video and you need uh people of stature or people with uh credentials yeah to believe that that proof this has both of them i feel like the videos speak for themselves i feel like they show things that are clearly unexplainable and i think that's enough to make the jump at least to say maybe we should research this a little more i think we should research it more because we don't know what it is probably aliens no can't say that it might be aliens it could be it could be a thousand things could be i'll take it i'll take it right big guy here we are we finally did it tombstone arizona this is a big moment for you this is a big moment for me this is one of my favorite historical sites i've always wanted to come here and now i'm here hunting ghouls with my big pal your big pal yeah this is a very famous street we're on right now it's called allen street this is where all of the all of the big guys walked john ringo doc holliday wyatt earp shane mcday ryan bergara the old birdmeister the old burghmeister is what they would have called me hey you know what it really smells like horseshit it does did we step on horseshit i don't know it's really following it's quite possible [Music] this week on buzzfeed and solve we investigate tombstone arizona as part of our ongoing investigation into the question are ghosts real this town was home to one of the most famous shootouts in wild west history the shootout at the o.k corral but we'll also explore other tales from this once lively and basically lawless ghost town saddle up what are we doing we're doing cowboy actions round up all them rules i can't wait to shoot me a ghost cowboy in the street i don't even know how that works but i'll be right there beside you buddy okay that's right well that's getting interesting the city of tombstone was founded by ed schieffelin in 1877. ed was involved in a scouting expedition against the chirikawa apaches and was staying at camp wachuka according to legend while at this camp edward set out into the desert to look for areas to prospect despite his fellow soldiers warning him that he'd instead quote find his tombstone end quote but much to the surprise of his friends ed did not find his tombstone but instead ed came upon what he would make into a whole mine of silver not one to shy away from a good roast ed named this mine the tombstone a nod to his friend's jokes as word spread about his find people began to flood the area leading to the creation of the town tombstone in 1879 named for its proximity to that first mine very funny could you imagine if uh your friends gave you a bunch of uh they razzed you for doing one really gave me the business and then that one thing they razzed you for doing ended up making you a fortune yeah i'd buy all their land and turn it into a railroad or something really just keep on keep on humiliating them for the rest of their lives by the mid-1880s as many as 27 000 people called tombstone their home making it one of the fastest populating cities of its time along with the population boom the town saw at least 100 saloons opened and a large red light district as the u.s expanded to the west after the civil war class and economic tension began to rise up specifically in tombstone a political power struggle formed on one side was the country living ranch families led by the clantons and the mcglory's cowboys who reportedly had the sympathy of coaches county sheriff john behan on the other side was the wealthy mine owners and businessmen of tombstone backed by the family of morgan wyatt and virgil erp who was the town's marshal at the time both sides blamed the other for corruption and collusion you gotta imagine there's not a lot of checks and balances back then the checks and balances were holstered on the hips exactly right i got your checks and balances right here i got you well i didn't know we were starting okay you know wait a second is that how a gunfight works you have to say when wait wait wait wait i'm dirty you're not saying i'm dirty i got you there is respect to a gunfight not with dirty shane comes into town that's what your name would be dirty [ __ ] oh dirty shane i don't know if i like that it doesn't matter because you're dead the stage is now set for the main reason tombstone is still considered legendary today the gunfight at the ok corral the lethal gun fight occurred on october 26 1881 at the time there was an ordinance in tombstone barring the carrying of guns in public the earps set out to disarm a gang of cowboys hanging out in a vacant lot behind the o.k corral the cowboys consisted of their rivals the clantons and the mclares the earps were joined by their friend john henry doc holliday a dentist with a reputation as a gambler and a drunk but also as one of the fastest pistols in the west dog holiday wyatt earp virgil earp and morgan herb each carried a revolver holliday also had a concealed shotgun in his coat on the side of the cowboys billy clanton had a revolver but his brother ike was unarmed having been reportedly disarmed by virgil erp earlier in the day similarly frank mclaury had a revolver but his brother tom is thought to have been likely unarmed their friend billy claiborne was also unarmed when the two posses met face to face they were only a few feet apart from one another allegedly virgil earp warned the cowboys quote throw up your hands i've come to disarm you end quote billy clinton reportedly replied quote don't shoot i don't want to fight end quote wyatt earp came back with quote you sons of [ __ ] have been looking for a fight and now you have it end quote it's unclear who fired the first shot but 30 seconds later billy clanton tom mclaury and frank mclaury were mortally wounded wyatt earp and doc holliday were charged with murder testimonies differed and town people were split over their allegiances emblematic of the difficulties in enforcing laws in the west all parties were acquitted in time urban holiday's actions would even be glorified as heroic well shane this is a pretty big moment for me i've always been a fan of old west history and right now we are actually on the exact spot where the infamous shootout at the okay corral happened that's a that's pretty crazy we're walking through history right now i'm trying to contain my excitement but this is a it's kind of hard there's a boyish glee that's washed over me it's evident yeah i mean look at that this is the exact positioning this is based off of wide herb sketch it's the only sketch from a participant of the shootout that exists yeah all right my name's ryan i'm shane and we're here just to find out what happened here there's lots of different tellings of how this went down we want to find out the truth so if any of you fellows want to tell us what actually happened here particularly billy frank and tom please let us know now how did you die tell us your side of the story why not what do you got to say for yourself is that thing broken i'm getting bump kissed with that we've got some stuff as much as i hate the spirit box i hate it even more when nothing happens with it this is just going back to what i was saying that on every side it's going to be active if it was radio channels like you suggest it would be talking all the time wouldn't it is it is it killing you right now yeah a little bit hey what do you got for us sir here's the face i make when i hear the spirit box too i get it about you with the boyish face what do you got to say for yourself shaved this morning didn't you on the day you died well folks i think we've had our fun here clearly none of you wanted to talk to us and that's fine i got to stand in history and that's enough for me maybe i'll find something later i won't say i'm not disappointed it has been an honor to meet you sir he just gives you a hug okay don't smooch him while the earps escaped the fight bloodied but alive the actions of that october night would follow them the rest of their lives on december 28 1881 eight weeks after the gunfight virgil was ambushed as he was crossing the street he was shot in the back with three rounds and his left arm was shattered virgil survived but was permanently disabled on march 18 1882 about five months after the gunfight morgan erp was playing billiards in a saloon only a block away from the o.k corral from a darkened alley morgan was shot in the back by assassins within the hour morgan was dead they really don't like these earps well you know i mean that's what happens when you feel like you were wronged in a gunfight that's why you gotta adhere to the code otherwise things uh evolve into chaos see got him again that's not impressive no one's impressed so here we are this is the site where morgan erp was gunned down while he was playing billiards obviously this is continuing with the fallout of the okay corral shootout this was the cowboys revenge they killed morgan urban here in cold blood on white earp's birthday on his birthday brutal kind of eerie to just be in the spot where people are just gunned down like all day that's what we've been doing i mean it was a long time ago so that's true well we're here to reach out to morgan erp i know you probably get a lot of people coming around here asking for you i i regret to inform you that the the spot of your death is now a uh a lovely gift shop pretty good one it seems like yeah they've got they've got some good merch just disrespectfully glance here we got some items that i'd probably wear but you know i'm not that picky is there anything you would like to say morgan i'm gonna give you a minute here anything you want us to take back to sunny los angeles and maybe tell your brother's ghost sort of like a ghoul telephone yeah i think that's about it i think i'm going to cut that short that's a picture wrap on morgan erp morgan's brother wyatt wanted vengeance in march in april 1882 wyatt set off on a vendetta ride murdering cowboys searching for suspects in the attacks on his brothers indicted for murder wyatt and doc holliday rode out of arizona in april 1882 leaving the citizens of tombstone to tell their tales another area of interest in tombstone is a saloon now known as big nose cates which was originally the grand hotel allegedly the mclare brothers were registered guests at the hotel the night before their deaths in the shootout the saloon on the site in operation today is named after kate elder aka kate holliday who called herself doc holliday's quote one and only wife end quote who was often an accomplice in his exploits the bar and dining area of the saloon has several reported instances of paranormal activity staff and servers reported feeling unseen hands touching pinching shoving and even choking them some have witnessed drinks they were meant to be served levitate off of their trays and then hit servers in the chest or face other times objects will fall on their own accord and silverware will fly off tables bartender jerry fowler detailed the ghost encounter of a fellow bartender who as a result of the incident ended up quitting and never returning to the saloon in it the bartender was locking up at the end of the night when he noticed a cowboy wearing a duster at the bar he urged the cowboy to leave but then realized upon second reflection that he was the only person in the bar again oh boy classic saloon doors this is the moment i've been waiting for when i envisioned this shoot i envisioned myself walking through saloon doors and here we are we should say something cowboy when we walk in right oh yep okay oh boy oh [ __ ] i really messed it up there was there was there was a step there i didn't see it i want to do that again that's fine take two hello ghouls i'm your huckleberry it's me ryan oh that looked good here i come hey ghouls horseshoe jesus christ that that's what your cowboy saying was horseshoes i don't know good enough they use those you ain't no daisy you know daisy at all so here we are in big nose cates this used to be the former site of the grand hotel back in the day which was the building that existed back when this was all going in fact the mick lorries and billy clanton stayed here the night before they were killed at the okay karaoke fight well they were killed a bit of a ways from here yeah yeah yeah also a small town so yeah you know if you die a few blocks away maybe you're haunting over here sure maybe they got a good breakfast in if i died then i you know had a choice to go to any of the places i went that day chipotle or you know or wherever i had bacon and eggs that's probably where i'd go i don't eat it that often you know that you're not a big breakfast guy i don't like waking up okay i don't like waking up okay what are you doing here what's he got right here standard whiskey glass i'm gonna put it on the table oh look what he's done now to the folks in here who like to move things i would appreciate it if you did not move that glass oh i see what you're doing you can't see i see what you're doing when i'm sorry well now it's ruined please move the glass no they don't know i mean you know yeah we don't want you to move that glass we gotta get on the same page here man what we hear that you uh there's a trickster among us here that likes to move silverware and glassware right there you might recognize it a whiskey glass oh they recognize i'm sure they recognize that this town why don't you show us what you can do if you can move that glass it will let us know that you want to talk to us no way ryan a ghost move a glass yeah shane i'll believe it when i see it me too shall we [Music] sure hope nobody moves that glass you know i know this is destined to be an l for me here but i'm going to do my due diligence because something like this would only happen i feel like if we weren't here you're a very committed ghost hunter no i just believe other areas of interest include the stage where a pair of bull horns reportedly flew off of a wall crashing into a nearby table so right now we are in a very interesting part of the bar this is where there's a story that i will admit i'll be the first to admit it's pretty outlandish apparently these bull horns that are on uh the wall over here were sent careening off the wall and into a table and it wasn't just shoddy oh you're saying that maybe the table was closer maybe they just didn't have them secured up there they went flying towards somebody sure all right will it happen i don't know you don't put money on if it'll happen or i would like not to but thousand dollars yeah i'm not gonna take that let's do one dollar buck fifty sure i'll do a bug figure okay all right good okay let's sit down if there's something in here that sent those bull horns towards people please do it again send them toward these people because i believe in all this and frankly i do not believe that happened you're gonna have to show me why don't you drop the horns drop the horn throw a folding chair at us they're light-ish what is this the wwe yeah it's a tlc match it's a table lighter chair match a pack of sugar a ghost has entered the impact zone the ghoul of big news case as god is my witness he snapped them in half all right we could sit here and rifle all day but we're here to do a job and i know it may not seem like we're serious right now but i seriously want you to throw something right at my face please come on drop the horns one minute you got you know what 30 seconds 30 seconds to drop the whole yeah 30 seconds to throw anything and i mean anything just wiggle them give us a little wiggle that's got to be a better way to say that too this is your chance this is your chance to grab glory or should i say throw glory throw it right into my stupid face five seconds come on just wiggle them drop them three two one blew it you owe me a buck 50. another rumored story at the former grand hotel is that of a former janitor a man called the swamper as part of his pay he was given a room in a dark corner in the basement cool what a perk what are the benefits for working as a janitor at this bar you can live in the cave well we got a room prepared for you in the basement when he applied on his resume did it say the swamper i imagine him with the job you know i imagine he had a real name i don't know why they decided to just make his name the swamper that's pretty good sure i guess i don't think i'd like to be called the swamp i would i mean i'm not telling you to call me the swamper because it feels like you're telling me i'm not i'm not because it's not cool to make your own nickname but i will say the swamper does not sound like he's quick on the gun you didn't reach i think you're just a little embarrassed no because you got caught in your so you're already dead though no you're all okay this is uh this is stupid unbelievable when renovating floors in the basement tunnels were discovered that were dug beneath the hotel in an attempt to gain access to the silver mine shafts that ran beneath the town some believe these tunnels were the work of the swamper who according to the story would take silver nuggets from the mines and bring them back whatever happened to his cash is unknown but some believe it may still be hidden somewhere beneath big kate saloon apart from the treasure staff tourists and locals alike claim that the swamper still wanders the dark corners of the basement when employees explored the tunnels they could hear moans of distress echoing throughout the basement though the building had been empty and locked when they had left it to enter the tunnels in general the basement is said to be one of the most active areas of the building as usual with the most horrific parts of buildings we'll investigate this area individually i'm gonna watch this falcon wood okay oh jesus tell you what if you want to set a nice creepy vibe right off the bat how do you do that well a big old pile of baby shoes is how that's inviting all right so we're down here in the basement i'm going to turn my light off just for kicks and just spend some time bathing in darkness come on swamper don't got all day [Music] you know i've met a lot of ghoul swamper and by met a lot of ghouls i mean i've met no ghouls but i've heard a lot of stories about ghouls and you take the cake in that i'm a big fan of your name and that's basically about it also the fact that you steal it's very funny to me so look i'm gonna level with you ryan really wants to find a ghost but you could show up just for me and then i'll delete the footage and ryan will never know can you imagine how funny that would be oh you swamper i know you like to steal from people you know what you'd be stealing from ryan satisfaction isn't that funny that's the greatest thing to steal a man's joy imagine so come on give me all you got come on swamper how was it it was fine pretty boring boring there's a dark it's a dark room no swamper action no swamper action and i really wanted it have fun i'm not going to but that's what we're here for you're down there to have fun with a guy like the swamper you're going to have a good time i'm here to get evidence i'll say hi to the swamper for me okay here we go here we go here we go he's a goner all righty all right swamper i know you probably don't like being called that oh why would you put a gift shop next to the most haunted part of the building there it is there's the uh swampers creepy decrepit dusty old bedroom and uh of course the entrance to the mine shaft what a fun thing i've stumbled upon thank you thank you so much for this opportunity i'm going to give you one minute of silence because i'm a masochist if there's anything down here show yourself i'm going to regret this this is your one chance to show that you're here if that's what's your if that's your prerogative jesus what am i doing how about it boy i really wish my time was up i feel like my time should be up i hear footsteps is that you shane shane ryan yep you didn't meet the the was his name the swamper not that i know of not that you know of do you mean somebody else i think i blacked out did you i know i got a little too boisterous down there for my own good yeah that happens um yeah that was i don't like it i mean i don't like my time down there you look messed up right now yeah i'm like riddled with adrenaline right now so yeah well well that's been that yeah thanks tombstone it's been a it's been a dream i fulfilled my childhood dream of roaming the streets of tombstone arizona one of my favorite historical sites oh look my name's carved into this door oh it must be a timmy okay anyways stay golden swamper i'm out it's been over 136 years since 30 seconds of gunfighting secured tombstone's place in american history books but our fascination with the town remains is it merely our obsession with the old west that keeps tombstone going or are the ghosts of a violent past as much a part of today's city as they were when wyatt earp and his brothers patrolled the streets the answer remains unsolved five four four holy water three three we're being watched two two i hate this one [Music] this week on the season finale of buzzfeed unsolved we're going to be doing things a little bit differently in the past we've investigated famous houses buildings attractions museums but what all these places have in common is that they either were only active in the past or because they're famous they've been thoroughly investigated it occurred to me that to find a place that is truly active we'd have to investigate a home that is not only active now but is currently lived in we'd have to make a house call so here we are a home to a family of four that reached out to us to hopefully help them find out who or what is inside their home who are these people the mother who reached out to us is a colleague of ours hannah williams hannah has given us the opportunity here to do two things one find and document evidence of a ghost and prove once and for all that ghosts are real yeah you like that keep going two we could finally help somebody and uh judging by what hannah has told me she's gonna need a little bit of help and uh frankly this house uh kind of terrifies me i don't know if you could tell how nervous i am right now but without further ado shall we get this over with let's let's slink on in my heart's beating so fast well i've thought about it i hate it yeah you got a funny way about you right now yeah let's take a seat in the dark what was that there was a noise over there yeah no [ __ ] what was that i don't know let's go find out we don't live here we hear what you've done here i know what you're up to there was a noise i'm not scared of you where's that noise again it's coming from over here somewhere well let's set up camp here why are these picture frames now that's a handsome man okay let's sit down all right we're here on the couch i will show you what i've brought to protect myself because i have a feeling that whatever's in here may not be that nice holy water yeah shall we get into it i don't know in july 2018 hannah williams her husband matt and her three-year-old and six-year-old sons moved into a new home in los angeles california at first the move was stressful as all moving situations are but overall ordinary and for the first three weeks in the home things remained exactly that ordinary but then one night hannah and her family started to hear what sounded like footsteps coming from the attic loud enough that it woke her up in the dead of the night it made it a little difficult to sleep at first just because oh they were that loud yeah like new but new noises too i think where i'm like new noises i didn't hear this in my old house oh i see so it's weird to me so it took a little adjusting being skeptical in nature hannah and her husband assumed it must have been the typical woodcreeks that come along with the home but as time went on the footsteps continued and got undeniable around this time hannah would start to notice lights that she turned off would be on when she returned it started to become clear that this was perhaps beyond the normal circumstances of a house i want to set the record straight right from the jump here seems like they got a lot of smart technology in this home i want to make sure that these lights aren't hooked up to some sort of alexa or a google lady it's the light switch okay this is our first house call so i thought it would be wise to offer all we could to try and solve this so i called in a psychic hi how's it going how are you doing aj ryan nice to meet you i'm shane this is the osmo nice to meet you yes that's uh he uh he doesn't believe in any of this so that's awesome just so you know sorry man in case you're wondering why he's being an a-hole it's gonna be a tough time tonight one night hannah and her husband were awoken by the sound of their alarm system being triggered when they went down to investigate the alarm disarmed itself the alarm system monitors all entries such as windows and doors the way it works is when it sets off the alarm trips for 30 seconds and you have 30 seconds to disarm it before it goes into full blown alarm mode so one night at about four in the morning the alarm tripped and man i both bolted up and he ran to like we both didn't know what to do either because i'm like if someone's breaking in do we turn the alarm off or what like do we see if someone's breaking in it was just very confusing you are also worn thinking i bet you there's a ghoul inside my house you're there oh someone wants to steal my big screen tv or exactly okay so he gets up and he starts looking around and he doesn't see any doors open so he goes to disarm the alarm and it just stops before he goes to disarm it and that was weird um but what was weirder is when we went to look at the log to see what sensor tripped it there was no record of the alarm ever tripping is your first ghost hunt aj uh no oh we've never worked with a medium before so how does it work you walk in you give a you give like a reading of the room maybe what you're sensing yeah kind of so what i do i kind of go through each home or location i pick up hot cold spots or the vibration that i pick up here there's also residual energy of the home the land and also the people that live in it so typically what i do pick up is either the people living in the home their energy their loved ones the home itself what happened here or what happened here on the land itself before this home was built so we did the investigation uh this is all the stuff that we found i'm going to present it to you room by room i'm also going to tell you the things that the psychic said so if any of that is relevant to you then we could talk about that so i mean my hope has always been that you guys would go spend the night nothing happens we all move on well i will say this and this is not hyperbole in in the slightest this is by far the most evidence we've ever found in any place by a considerable margin oh my god are you serious okay boy let's just jump into it we'll see aj had mentioned that there is a mischievous energy in this house with that person or thing like to present itself you can present yourself as a full-bodied apparition or fba we just want to talk and that's it we're not here to hurt you so we're going to give you a little bit of silence right now and uh you can do whatever you like what are you working at shane what do you say what are you smoking at looks like that dresser has eyes i just saw him looking at me if anyone is here can you tell us your name if it's too hard to speak can you move something there's two flashlights on that table could you move one of the flashlights um i don't know if you guys are connected to the homeowners you still talk with him but i do believe there is a father figure that is passed over because it feels like there's like a father figure that is connected here to the home i keep on hearing the name don or ron like don or donald is connected here that's not stuff so oh my gosh that's crazy oh my god i'm sorry sorry that was just so surprising are you okay yeah that's that's dad don donald wow for the record off camera he also identified my grandpa that just passed a couple weeks before this investigation and told me things that um i said to him on his deathbed and i don't know how he knew those things so wow oh my gosh that's incredible yeah i mean it was it's a lot okay oh wow moving on i'm like shaking right now yeah i know i was too oh if we need to stop you could let me okay all right now this is a weird departure we're now we're going straight to ghost town okay okay got some spooky rain falling outside let's close this door let's close this door oh yeah that's a ghost well it's not one of us that's very distinct that's a very distinct shush this is gonna be a long day this is gonna be a long day however up to this point the footsteps the lights turning on and off and the alarm malfunction could all be chalked up to coincidence but one night in august something would happen in hannah's bedroom that would change that so what started happening is every night jackson would come he'd come into our room in the middle of the night go around to my side of the bed and stand there until i noticed him totally creepy one night he i felt him standing next to the bed and i rolled over and it was not jackson it was a a girl a little bit older than jackson just standing there where he stands she was the 11 year old maybe my first instinct was more annoyed like what are you like and so then i just rolled back over it was like not gonna happen for you you saw the specter of a little girl in your room and you were like i gotta catch up on some z's see you later the next morning i woke up and i was like what was that because my first instinct always as a skeptic i'm like i was dreaming so i woke up and then jackson was in bed next to me and he sits up and starts waking up and the first thing he does is turn to me and ask who's blank and he says a girl's name what was the name he says it was matilda initially my thought was it seems like maybe that could be sleep paralysis you wake up you see something in your room that's very common in a lot of sleep paralysis stories that i read but to have two people say the same thing without you know talking to each other prior about it it's an odd coincidence that's kind of hard to explain okay so right now we're heading into the master bedroom obviously this is another one of the big players in this house this is where also the little girl presented herself to hannah we just got a chills all right we're gonna put this the obvious on phonetic mode yeah this investigation marks our first time using a device referred to as the ovulus the ovulus is a device used to communicate with spirits that takes environmental readings such as electromagnetic fields and temperature and then through those environmental readings produces phonetic noises that sometimes form words the theory being that spirits can manipulate the environment to speak through the ovulus okay i'm just gonna put it right on the bed right before hannah sleeps oh look at all the mirrors in here too i know this is probably why there's a lot of activity in here because the mirrors yeah mirrors are said to be portals right openings doors hi hi we're talking directly again to matilda if that's actually her name we're talking to the little girl that keeps showing herself in this house if you are in fact a little girl can you please show yourself can you prove yourself that you're here in this room with us can you check the back of my um my arm are you getting a scratch oh that was weird here like right there is there anything there no no okay it just started to burn started to burn it could be my head oh probably who's here is it matilda we don't got all night dork yeah that's it who are you here for who are we talking to all right nothing no one and me they may be scared of you do you fear the tall man if this was an other scenario and they thought we were ghosts could you imagine how frightening you would be i see a tall man he wears squares just to really razz them just or if they do think i'm a ghost i'm gonna give them the scare of their life right now okay [Laughter] i feel like there's a family still kind of connected here as if they're stuck here in some unique way and i don't feel like that they're stuck in a negative way that they don't want to leave i just feel like because they died in a tragic event here so they don't like that they're here set boundaries is what you guys need to do and say look we live here we're protecting the family we're looking out for them this is what we need to do it feels like as if like someone's hanging in some way so i don't know if this wall was here originally or this was all open but for some reason i want to walk through this and kind of walk through here so i don't know what they know about the property or the home itself the attic is above us right now but i don't is it okay but how do you get to the attic um oh i see it in the closet oh boy [ __ ] that with a capital f yeah what does it look like [Music] here what why do you not want us to do this what'd you say this is just comically horrific right how are we going to open it i don't know i want to peek up there i don't think i could physically fit up there no no no no it's impossible no no but we want to open this first okay let's do it you know it's a lot of wood what's with your eyes right now what are you doing huh what are you doing it feels like that we need to go back into august i don't know why august is significant but it feels like it was a turning point like july august feels like it was a turning point for the family they moved in july and in august is when they first saw the little girl this is what i mean i don't feel like there's a little girl here and even though they may see this little girl i'm not getting a little girl here has jackson ever said what she looked like whenever i bring it up to jackson he does not want to talk about it he gets very upset like teary-eyed yeah i think i'd be upset too i actually asked him before coming here just if he would talk to me about it a little bit and what he this is real creepy he said well you know i see people in my room a lot and then what he said was somebody asked him that night are you ready for matilda wait so this is a second party that's asking this i don't know and he was truly so upset talking about it so what he said and i'm getting like chills what he said he saw was men and women women wearing white and men wearing white pants and women wearing white dresses and they were standing facing his closet there was like some sort of murder homicide there's that type of feeling that is connected here but there's hands that cause the situation to happen here and i feel like there's actually two males that are involved here in some unique way as well he said he wasn't afraid but he said he didn't want to say anything and he didn't want them to turn around but it was it's just a weird visual like why are all these people facing his closet after telling this story jackson was visibly upset and hannah being a concerned mother trying to get to the bottom of what was happening to her family in her home asked jackson to draw a picture of the little girl i'm scared to unfold this okay so it's a crude drawing it's a six-year-old drawing sure thank you that's good i like it now i will say a lot of negatives it's definitely an interesting use of the real estate uh it's a very big piece of paper well your kid's got small hands you know yeah it's a child's drawing it's essentially if someone drew a smiley face and you said yeah that looks like the guy that robbed me oh i thought you were going to say someone drawing you in which case this amount of paper would make sense just for the head alone although crude the drawing reflected what hannah saw the outfit and the hair specifically due to the fact that both jackson and hannah saw the same girl it became fairly difficult for hannah to deny that there was something strange going on inside her house acknowledging such a fact is inconvenient and beyond that what could hannah and her family do besides tried to live through it hannah continued to sleep through the loud noises in the night continued to ignore lights turning on and off and tried to not think about what entities could possibly be visiting her son while she slept after telling these stories to friends one concerned friend decided to sleep over to see if she could help hannah confirm that she wasn't going crazy in the middle of the night alex awoke to her surprise to the little girl standing in front of her but bizarrely much like hannah she felt a sense of calm wash over her and the little girl reached out her hand alex reached out to touch it and when she made contact she felt a jolt of energy and suddenly the little girl was gone this is where hannah's friend was sleeping over on this couch and they saw the apparition once again of the little girl you said you had felt something around the fireplace correct really it's kind of like a negative energy that's that's connected here in some ways fun all right is there anything in this room anybody that lives in this house or resides in this room in particular that wants to present itself to us right now uh you could touch one of us hell you could even uh you could even scratch the big guy hell scratch the big guy he's the big guy a lot of skin to scratch matilda give it your best what was that did you hear that it could be the wood creaking convenient oh that's fun little tap tap up there that's right where he was saying he thought maybe something was hanging but okay can you step forward please can you make one of these devices i heard that too right from up from above you're saying all the time you hear the bangs all the time does that sound like what it normally sounds like yeah okay and it's one and it's like a yeah come step forward please who's over there follow the light follow my voice i'm over here is it happening has the haunt begun please come out right now instead of later please i'm begging you well i guess i'll just go [ __ ] myself then huh right funny joke demon ghosts i don't know assorted ghouls traveling circus i don't know what the [ __ ] going on in this house i'm gonna be alone later that's gonna be fun it'll be hilarious yeah laugh it up you're laughing over on the other side hahahaha very funny i'll tell you one thing i'm gonna have this flashlight in my hand i'll whip you across the the ghost skull are you talking i don't know god damn it you're going crazy man i'm scared yeah i know alex's experience was confirmation for hannah after alex's sighting of the little girl that made three different people that had all seen the same thing in separate locations in the house what was the most odd to hannah was the fact that whatever this little girl is it seems to have a calming influence on people which offers the greater question of what are these entities intentions is it dangerous shortly after alex's experience hannah got somewhat of an answer our master bedroom has a lock from the inside so you can lock somebody out and there's a keyhole on the outside and for us having little kids that's not safe because i i know one of my kids will lock us out from the inside of the room and think it's very funny so we decided to leave the key in the keyhole it opens inwards so there's no way the key would hit the wall or anything if somebody flung the door open a little bit after my friend had her thing in the night i heard my husband asking the kids if they had done something and i went to look and he showed me that the key in the keyhole was bent at about like a 45 degree angle which i think could happen if it was like smashed into the wall or something um but it opened inward and so first of all it's not something a kid would have done without like having a lot of damage to themselves like if they had hit it with their hands or something like that would hurt yeah um so we went to try to bend it back and it just it would not budge we tried or i tried matt tried it would not bend back and you were trying to do this with what like tools or even your hands we got tools hands and i know i didn't do it and he knows he didn't do it and the kids could not have done this and there's no way it hit the wall so that was the one physical thing that was just hard to explain hannah felt that whatever was in the house may be a little aggressive and it's during this time that she came into contact with us in hopes that we would find out what was truly going on inside her home and that hopefully we could fix it looking into the house's history i found that only two families lived here before and found no reports of paranormal activity so either the activity started when hannah arrived or perhaps prior residents could have been reaching out to entities themselves before hannah and her family moved in when looking into the history of the land before it would become a home it appears that the house is situated on a plot of land that was once part of wheat fields so nothing sinister there which brings us to the original question who and what is this entity that haunts hannah's home based on the timeline of events the showing of aggression and prior cases we've investigated namely the sally house in kansas i'm unfortunately inclined to believe that the entity presenting itself as a little girl is not a little girl at all our past research indicates that often times the spirits of children are in fact demons in disguise all right so right now we are entering jackson's room which as you know shane is uh swear at all the more active rooms in this house i will not pretend that i have the vision of any sort or i'm not spiritually sensitive but i hate the way i feel in here yeah i was gonna say that there is some sort of old energy that's here old yeah like ancient yes i mean for me it feels like it's weight it's not even just the homeowners it's not their loved ones not now that's connected here so i think there's multiple layers that are that are happening is it human i believe it takes form of a human that's the best way i can describe that very good because it feels very good because it feels like it like overlays itself in some ways it's saying like yeah pops and bangs right do have my vial of holy water here so great good good they here walking out there huh what they hear walking the owners they hear walking everywhere yeah i hear walking like now yeah it's she said it's so loud that it wakes her up no like i hear it like with my oh like i hear it like psychically as if i'm hearing walking not of physical like spiritually how does that don't like that so i believe there's actually foots like like shuffling is the best if i can describe like someone shuffling their feet like dragging their feet in some ways but i feel like i'm also dragging something on the floor so there's something very heavy with it that i feel like that's also connected here boy that's a good that's sort of a good campfire tale here in the uh feet but also sort of a drive for a second huh i thought her whimpering sorry go again say what you were saying i don't know i just have this is it her i just heard that devin are you are you speaking out there i swear i just heard that as well yeah i thought she was laughing i thought so too were you laughing what the [ __ ] i i did hear it i thought it was down okay so that's matt me and aj all hearing the same like laughing but what's weird is we don't catch it on we don't catch it in audio uh i don't know what that is it's messing with your brains when we're talking about this kind of stuff and we're maybe exposing whatever is in here are they aware of that or they don't do they not like us you know exposing their ruse i suppose no they love it because what you're doing you're feeding into their energy so if you're like saying like hey i'm afraid of it but let's try to contact it like you're feeding to that so you're giving them more power more energy in some ways to say like well see the language let's [ __ ] with you now hmm so let's feed it let's feed it yum yum we hear that there are two men two women in here and we also hear that there is a little girl in here and the little girl in particular is who i'm talking to perhaps goes by the name of matilda can you say your name are you actually a little girl i think you're not i heard no just wrapped up in my head you just heard no no well that's fine what are you stop hiding you coward and also why the pigtails it's a little it's a little cliche oh god i don't want to say this what i'm not scared of you so please say your name he's lying but please say your name i have a vile holy water what do you have me well here's uh you put this hippo pig that's gotta be tough to okay how about like a teddy bear all right i wasn't expecting it man i was grabbing the teddy bear jesus criminy oh my oh put your ghost hunting light back on so we now give you the room please communicate with us and step forward okay we're leaving almighty why do every time i get near this stupid box like i said your name yeah i know it's not like i said right and yeah it did kind of sound like it said my name okay we're leaving i'm turning it off here's your chance three three are you kidding me it's not done what do you want to say i'm going you oh my hair's just rising like this what the [ __ ] dude ah yeah the hair is rising up in my arm too wow actually i've actually got goosebumps right now too oh i actually see that's involuntary i'm not like i don't have chills i think there's just an energy in the room do you not want me to leave i'm going to turn this off one more time please can you say that again please i'm talking to you can you say that again please who are you i don't know if you caught that but this lit up red oh the temperature changed what do you want with this house what do you want with me oh this just ran out why are you playing with me just speak why do i have to threaten every time i'm going to turn it off for sure this time do you hate ryan does he know i hate this last chance five five he's mocking you're mocking me huh you think this is funny because i don't do you want me to say i'm gonna you want me to count down again i'm gonna turn it off in five seconds five four three two stop i think so not sure i would go back and listen to that audio is there a matilda here are we speaking with matilda all right you're gonna make me do it again i'm gonna turn this off in five seconds and i mean it this time five five you don't have anything on your hands are you that's triggering it or no that's oh i'm holding it my entire entire time that's crazy are we talking with matilda you are shut up this is [ __ ] crazy this is crazy uh if that's true say your name i need to hear your name otherwise i'm not going to believe it if you're really taking this uh this whole i'm a child thing this far i respect the method but i'm starting to get frustrated you're going to make me count down again all right okay here we go i'm turning it off in five four three two one wow all right that's out of here that is freaking crazy and on that note we enter the final phase of the investigation sleeping in the house shane will be sleeping in the master bedroom and i will be sleeping in jackson's room well that is horrifying not doing that [ __ ] that i'm gonna open this uh closet since we've got access to the attic here this way if there's any sort of demon or malevolent spirit they can slink out of the attic and into my body the pairing of the spirit box brings me comfort oh jesus i'm tired all righty ryan's at the other room doing the spirit box think tonight may have changed him he got uh rattled i guess specifically i'm talking to uh matilda now what was that i wonder if he's gonna sleep tonight i have this with me a big old bottle of holy water would hurt quite a bit if i dash it oh you don't like that huh who was that say something again speak i'm gonna sleep tonight i know that much uh oh it suddenly got colder in this room i'm going to sleep now i'm just scared to close my eyes because when i close my eyes i'm scared when i open them there's going to be something standing in front of me good night ghouls if there's any demons in here feel free to slither into my heart alrighty it is morning time exhausted slept in my contacts for an hour just another day at the office for the unsolved boys i hope hannah finds some sort of solace in the work we did here tonight um and we did do work just reflecting back on it let's reflect back on it for just a brief moment yeah we probably didn't do much but uh see you later whatever's in there you had your opportunity you blew it you messed up man you blew it and now you're dead already was dead but yeah well double dead you have now seen the evidence of our investigation what are your thoughts to that what's your reaction to that i'm kind of confused still it's it's a confusing it's confusing because it's like it might be bad but not frankly it sounds like there's a ghoul war going on in your home and different ghouls from different areas different identities yeah and they're all vying for ownership i would really like to to know for sure like what what it is i don't know if you're ever going to get that no but you can't what you can do is you could take the precautions between the psychics readings and the plethora of evidence captured i feel safe in saying that there is definitely something haunting hannah's home i can only hope that our investigation provided answers for hannah and her family at the very least proper steps to cleanse the home have been taken to ensure their safety yet shane and skeptics believe that the evidence captured is by no means definitive and consequently whether or not hannah's home is definitively haunted will remain unsolved [Laughter] you
Channel: BuzzFeed Unsolved Network
Views: 5,995,749
Rating: 4.7803936 out of 5
Keywords: BuzzFeed, BuzzFeed Unsolved, BuzzFeed Unsolved Network, Cold case, Creepy, K_fe, Mini doc, Mystery, Ryan bergara, SffZ, Shane madej, Unsolved, buzzfeed, buzzfeed ryan, buzzfeed shane, buzzfeed unsolved network, buzzfeedunsolvednetwork, crime, haunted, investigate, investigation, investigative, supernatural, theories, true crime, unexplained, unsolved, unsolved mysteries, unsolved mystery, unsolved season 5, unsolved true crime
Id: q5jnslfwazg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 156min 8sec (9368 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 25 2020
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