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check that out guys this thing is just loaded with blue crystals yeah pretty cool [Music] blue crystals from arkansas incredible this looks like it could be a huge oh my gosh it goes way up in there all right here we go we'll pull this out about 35 degrees for the high hey welcome back to another video miners prospectors and rock counters it's great to see you back at the channel as always and if you're new to my channel i hope you like what you see in this video and you decide to subscribe it's sprinkling at the moment but i was completely soaked because i forgot my rain pants and i actually got to dig in the blue phantom pit and found some amazing pieces and my camera died on my battery i was soaking wet getting up there so i decided to come back to the truck get my rain pants get some batteries for the gopro and we're gonna head back up to the blue phantom pit some people have been digging in it which is great that's why i like making these videos so other people can enjoy digging the same type of crystals i'm not trying to keep anything a secret unless it's the diamond mine yeah they dug a lot of the blue phantom pit out see for yourself versus the other video that'll pop up right here you can click on that it'll take you to the blue phantom video that i made recently and you're not going to believe how much material has been dug out that kind of helped me out the areas that i wanted to dig to are only a few inches to dig they've dug out two feet in spots so you're not going to believe the pit how opened up it is and that's cool i've already found some amazing blue phantoms we're gonna go up there and get some more if y'all like these videos from the crystal vista be sure and drop a thumbs up if we can get this video to 2000 likes i will give away some blue phantom crystal points okay i'm at a new location out here at crystal vista would you fold you all ah anyways take a look at it check out this huge chunk right here you can see down in here it's just loaded blue phantom points this thing is like the size of a lawnmower look at that surface fine and they're just crystal laying all over here on the surface not a blue phantom but that right there is a really nice clear point with really good clarity look at that wow but we got a small one here that small crystal and i'm just seeing blue a lot more blue than that other spot anytime you see really big chunks like this you're in some good stuff that's all silica sandstone you got your silica right here you got some quartz popping out of that the crystals here's a blue phantom off the surface not the best one but you can definitely see the darkness here we have some more blue phantoms sticking out of this mud and i just dropped it crap here it is here it is yep that's a good one i have to clean that off and take a look at everything here at the end of the video but they're just crystals popping out all over this cliff there's some stuff adam found just a few minutes over here i'm gonna work on this material around this huge chunk just look at all that popping out there they call him the plastic bag man i'm gonna go down here real quick i'll be right back sometimes you will dig and dig and dig before you find any crystals but remember keep on digging so i picked around by the big chunk made my way over here and i'm seeing nothing but blue these right here this one right here for sure really really dark blue to it got a lot of mud i'm trying to get wiped off but you can kind of see the darkness to them this little one here a good one this thing lots of blue like right in here see all that i'm gonna pick around in this spot leaf oh look at that right there on the surface broken putting everything in the bag quite a few things down in there whoa check that out sitting by my rake that's a huge facet right there there's a point there's another small point right there possibly just sitting there crazy we have right here might have some blue phantom change some little windows popping up when i wipe my glove across it but not much clean it up see what we get could be something could be nothing i'm just seeing little points everywhere wow what's that look at that we have here a huge cap dang not a blue phantom there we go got it cleaned off pretty good nice cap good clarity up here popped right out of that mud i'm gonna focus in this area see what we can get i have a good feeling we're gonna get some blue phantoms just because i'm seeing some good indicators on the surface that'll really help you find the phantoms i made about four to five rakes no joke around in this spot and look right there check that out look at that facet this looks like it could be a huge oh my gosh it goes way up in there all right here we go we'll pull this out please be a point oh my gosh look at that wow that's the biggest crystal i've ever found before a scene found at crystal vista look at that guys i'm gonna give that away to somebody oh my gosh that could be a blue phantom it's dark inside but i really don't see that well so it may just be milky let's get this cleaned up and take a look at it this is the biggest crystal point i've ever found at crystal vista unbelievable i don't really see any there may be some nicks on the very tip there but not too many that thing is amazing wow there's gonna be more that is so cool let's put that in the giveaway bag so here it is semi cleaned and it's not a blue phantom but it has some really good champagne bubbles and it even has some rainbow tint to it this is an absolutely amazing crystal and i'm going to give this one away to one lucky subscriber let's get this video to 2000 likes within one week of being uploaded all right we're back at it just found a huge crystal down here was not expecting to find that that's why i love doing this you never know what you're gonna get to get out here and start digging that would have been so awesome to be a blue phantom normally your blue phantoms are small though they're not going to be big like that but i guess they could though there's a nice uh really small point that's got some darkness that's possibly a blue phantom right there i'll throw that in the bag made my way over in this area and this one right here popped out of the mud like right there you kind of still see where it came out i've been working on getting it cleaned to show you because it was really muddy but it's a nice crystal point got a facet right there on the tip facets all the way around it incredible not a blue phantom but it does have some dark to it down here at the very base really nice crystal and that going in the giveaway amazing all right we picked around at this new spot found some amazing crystals got some blue phantoms out of this area as well but now i'm going to jump back over to that other pit earlier i was finding some really good blue phantoms just one after another really good crystals for uh pendants and whatnot so i'm gonna head back over there see if we can get and hopefully continue on where i was because i was seeing some amazing blue phantoms earlier and i'm gonna add all of those to the giveaway blue phantom pit number one and check it out it's changed quite a bit since we've been here last as you can see all of this has been dug out and it has helped me out a lot so i came over here and i started digging down right in here and i found quite a few blue phantoms let's take a look at what i found out of this pocket this amazing blue phantom cluster was at the bottom as soon as i got there this popped out of the mud really nice specimen that's just unbelievable this specimen is loaded with blue crystals it has some mud that could be removed that'll really help give out better detail but for now that's the best that i could get it incredible crystal vista free digging site and we found some more blues this one here was laying on the tailing pile whoever dug that hole missed a lot of points adam found several large crystals that are blue phantoms we got blue phantoms all the way over here that one's not bad got some blue right there here is everything that i found from the blue phantom pit number two got a couple blue phantoms out of that but not really good detail and here is the large cap that popped out of the mud i'm going to give that one away you know what i'm going to give all of these crystals away i'm keeping this one the rest is for all you subscribers that leave a comment even these blue phantoms water clear here's that longer one i found from the pit number two yep i'm gonna give all these crystals away let's get this video up to the goal all of these up in here and down to this cluster are the blue phantoms that i was able to collect that's some really nice ones here i'm gonna give all these away i'm gonna give all these crystals away what am i talking about you're just not getting this one yeah this one here that came from the piece of grass ah that came from the pit number two that came from pit number two it's a full point there's a nice facet right there that's all faceted and right there is the blue phantom really cool blue crystal here's all the clusters i was able to recover not bad that one's got a blue tint to it really cool so that's part of the blue phantom the druzy unreal on that one and the quartz are kind of like yellow stain i guess it's the iron more druzy really cool crystals so i'll be giving a lot of those away as well and some of these crystals will be going to my supporters over on patreon there'll be a link in the description below if you'd like to sign up we have random giveaways every wednesday monthly giveaways you know if it wasn't for my patrons i wouldn't have enough money to eat i wouldn't even have enough money to sleep [Applause] all right so i'm gonna work in this area some more and see what else i can get right up here along this huge chunk of silica you got some sandstone there's some silica i think i saw a couple crystal points coming out of this stuff a little further down yep that's where we're gonna dig now okay i never get the falls on video something on the surface broken piece all right well that's it here at crystal vista we found some amazing blue phantoms i hope you liked the video thank you for watching my battery's about to die see you on the next video i slept in my truck like i always do i'm here at the crystal park campgrounds it's just south of mount ida about 15 minutes or so off of highway 27. somebody camped over here and left a mess [Applause] beans and cans and all kinds of stuff that's a shame people come out here and do this i don't have any trash bags with me this would require a trash like a big bag and i don't have trash bags but you can go up that path and follow it up in the mountains you can find crystals up and all these mountains you can surface hunt and collect it's blm property and if you walk down this ridge far enough you can get to the crystal caves that way we'll find some amazing crystals along the way i had trash bags i'd pick all that stuff up right now we're over here cooking breakfast trying to get my coffee to perk it's just not gonna do it so yeah this is what i'm doing right now the best bacon in the world is right here folks arkansas it rained all night last night got down to about 38. it's about 41 degrees right now here's breakfast cheese eggs tortillas yummy
Channel: Diamond Miner Ivins
Views: 36,380
Rating: 4.9558692 out of 5
Keywords: Quartz, Crystals, Diamonds, Amethyst, Aquamarine, Blue, Phantom, Rockhounding, Prospecting, Gemstone, Gems, Mine, Miner, Mining, Dig, Digging, Searching, Treasure, Adventure, Silica, Formation, Arkimer, Rare, New, Age, Video, Arkansas, Crystal vista, Blue crystals, Free dig, Quartz Crystal, Arkansas quartz, Mining quartz, Digging quartz, Mining blue’s, Finding blue’s, Double terminated, Water clear crystals, Krystal, Mind, Diamon
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 43sec (1183 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 23 2021
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