Lots of GOLD In The Hole - Mining Gold - Cache Creek Colorado

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[Music] bucket coming out of the hole [Music] here's some gold from the first couple buckets i worked welcome back to another adventure miners prospectors and rock lovers it's always good to see all of you and if you're new to my channel big warm welcome i hope you like what you see and you decide to subscribe behind me is catch creek this is powerline road it's known to have lots of gold so let's go get some of it before i get started mining for gold it looks like i got to pick up some trash lazy people showed up these are porta potties not trash dumps all right i'm gonna pick up this trash i got several trash bags i'm gonna waste a brand new pair of gloves i don't have any latex gloves now that larger container i'll just put in the back of my truck but for now and get all this other stuff in my trash bags freaking lazy people all right get that picked up i'll just set that in the back of my truck or dump it into some bags that'll just blow out going down the highway all right i'm gonna get that picked up and get out there i can't stand people that are lazy and trash out the earth all right we've got the trash picked up i feel better first off just gonna walk around scope out the place find a good place to dig just gonna take my number eight classifier a gold pan a shovel four buckets probably won't be using my stream sluice today runoff season's over with so getting enough water flow could be a problem but we'll head on down to the creek check it out okay i made my way to the war zone as you can see people have been tearing this place up and this is pretty much coming right off the mountain where they blasted all the material and when they stop the operation this stuff right here basically may have never been worked i think i want to jump down in this hole see if i can't find some good material all right i thought we'd get down here and check out the layers all packed in there there's that sandy stuff i might work on some of that see a lot of black sand coming out of here lots of black sand right in there like we got some dark color up in there when it gets like this in your undercutting you definitely want to be ready for a cave in different layers if you can find that clay layer they say that the gold is above the clay layer i'm going to do some different sampling different types of layers and we'll see which one has gold dark colored rocks are good so i'm getting the material right down in here and it's really moist so i'm having a hard time getting it to go through my number eight classifier i really need a 3 8 which would be around a number 4. i'll see you all down at the creek i'm gonna head on down to the water do a quick sample see if there's even any gold in it we don't want to be wasting our time you're not far from the hole just right over that cobble piles i'm going to pan some of this material classified i had to set up this panning station you need deeper water than what this right here is and if you dig a hole it normally just fills in so yeah that'll help out a bunch let's get this material worked i did two test pans not much black sand a little no signs of gold i'm gonna go dig into a different layer so i've gotten down past all this stuff we first started on and i've hit like a hard pan this could be the clay layer i'm not sure it's like really different color here's a piece of it so i'm getting the material that's right above this you can see that where the line starts i'm just scraping all that right there and taking some of this and we'll go get a sample see what it contains got four buckets out of the hole let's jump down in here it's gonna be really hard to see so i stopped working on that layer that that lighter material i just don't think there's gonna be much gold in it our better chances are gonna be everything above that and i found this really interesting layer right here it's about oh a couple inches thick right in here might get thicker over here but it looked really good so we're gonna get some samples of that right there and all the stuff right in here above that lighter layer this is the material i've already scraped and broken up [Music] [Music] okay that was full bucket coming out of the hole and all the material that's falling i'll scoop that up later all right good thing to keep in mind it's always better to classify your material when you're looking for gold wet not good to dry sift you're missing gold you want to liquefy the material that way the gold drops to the bottom you got to get the two other buckets it's mainly that lighter colored material this stuff is that layer that i found up above and there's quite a bit to get if i go horizontal into the hole so let's work that first do a couple of sample pans and see what we get just got two more buckets out of the hole we're gonna skip that material that's below all this gravel this stuff is looking really good so we're just going to stick with this but right now it's starting to rain and i'm out of breath i'm going to get to some dry area it's around 3 30 i've been washing bucket after bucket i've been breaking it down through the number eight classifier and out here you want to go over your top screen for nuggets there have been known to be nuggets found out here scanning through that dumping it but then i'm taking that material and i'm storing it in my truck and i'll work it when i get home starting to sprinkle again the rain's kind of delaying me where i'm at we got several washed i would say maybe four or five buckets classified and got these three if it starts to rain i'll just load those up in my truck it has lots of larger rocks that's what i'm trying to eliminate take out the weight there's my dump pile lots of quartz of course is a really heavy mineral so that's a good indicator anytime you get some iron we don't need to go get the magnet and see if we have any iron for sure there's iron but not all these black rocks is iron most of the rocks are granite and the gold is coming out of the granite so basically what i've been doing is classifying the material dumping it into this tub youtube supporters help pay for looks pretty good one more bucket to dump into that tub and then we got about four buckets that have not been classified and we'll do that at the house we're in texas i'm going to now work this material as you can see there's a lot of large rocks i need to classify all this through my 3 8 which is around a number 4 classifier and then i'll run that material through the 30 classifier get the blue bowl going here in a minute and see what kind of gold we get and pan out the larger stuff we should see some larger gold from catch creek versus the arkansas river i've got my buckets filled up looks like we i get maybe two or three more buckets out of that tub probably a total of six buckets okay it turns out i have four buckets to work yeah that was about halfway full anyways it was raining so i had to bring this material home i want to show how i lock up my equipment when i'm out way off from the truck and don't want to haul everything back i can wrap these cables around some trees and i have mounted these padlock little thingies here uh just a rivet and it seems to be on there pretty good but this will at least slow the thief down they're trying to take off your with your equipment definitely make some noise anyway that's uh like when i'm at catch creek i don't like to carry all my stuff back to camp when i'm gonna be down there every day for two weeks wanted some way to lock it up and that's what i use i even have one on my stream sluice because carrying that thing back and forth to camp sucks roll up the mats take those back other than that i'll leave the tub my classifier my sloughs just to make it easy on me all right so now i'm going to classify this material through the number four classifier this is one of my prototypes now my classifiers don't have all this riveting and two pieces of aluminum it's all one piece custom bent there is no cracks like that so my classifiers have come a long ways but this one here is still working good it's over seven years old i've washed a lot of material at the diamond mine with this classifier i've washed a lot of material from catch creek with these classifiers no repairs ever needed and i just noticed a while back it seemed like i could have trimmed that piece off which i did well now it looks like the water is going to just pour out and my classifier is not going to be submerged in water like i want we might get an inch of water normally it's supposed to be all the way up here i can't believe i cut that off that was dumb [Applause] this material has not been ran through a sluice straight out of that hole so there'll be a lot of dirt in other words that you'll have to deal with versus running a stream solution runs all that lighter material all for you looks like i brought home a big bug yeah you're not in colorado all right bucket number one sifting your material this is the best way to do it you never really want to work material dry and at catch creek you will find nuggets on this top tray [Applause] see the courts that come out of this place but there's been gold nuggets found on the top classifier okay ready all right i'm gonna get these buckets knocked out and i'll catch back with everybody in a little bit [Music] run it through the number eight and then run that stuff through the 30 mesh be ready to start getting gold got it all worked down through the number four time to take my big scooper and i'll scoop all that material out put it in the buckets and then work everything through the number eight and then everything in here will go through the number 30. so once we get all that worked we'll be able to see what kind of gold we got out of the hole scooping out the last of it well i have four buckets to work through the number eight it smells great probably the best smell in gravel unless you're at the diamond mine when you get to that really good gravel got that old 1930 smell from a movie theater that's when you know you got some diamonds bringing everybody in just to let y'all see my setup and bucket on a bucket yeah i'm using these little classifiers it takes forever to work your material with these but that's all i got for gold i'm gonna design some classifiers out of aluminum like i do for the diamond mine don't quite have time yet we've got that to run through the 30 the number 30 and this is the plus material and then the minus material is of course in here so that's the material is going to go through the blue bowl we'll pan this stuff out should see some little chunky pieces of gold in that stuff i hope we can find something over here in this material because it's a lot larger but the odds are slim the odds are very good to find something in this material that did not go through the 30 mesh and here we are we have the material that did not go through the number eight the material that did not go through the number 30 and here is the material that did go through the number 30. and what we will work through the blue bowl how you get the really fine gold hopefully panning this out we will see some small flakes and chunkies in here uh it'd be nice to see something in here but you never know it's catch creek it's happened many times it's the last of the cons i worked around i would say three buckets of material through the blue bowl here's some gold from the first couple buckets i worked while i was in colorado it got really rainy and snow was coming in so i had to leave so my solar panel system wouldn't work yeah that's not a bad amount we'll definitely be able to weigh this out on a scale and get a reading got it all cleaned up you can see the gold and my shadow i'm going to suck all this up with my little sniffer and there's a little bit more over here some of the bigger chunks one little speck right there all right that got it all now time to work the larger material and get the flakes and the nuggets and the chunkies and here's the gold out of four to six buckets i am very surprised to see that amount that's the best i've ever done at catch creek i've been out there now three times four times and i normally come home with something like that days and days of course you know each trip i make i learn new things out there i meet different people i find better places to dig so yeah i'm very pleased to see that much gold now let's put it on the scale and see what we're going to get on a total weigh-in see i'm going to take a guess i'm going to say that's about looking at what i've already got from catch creek here's what i already have recovered over the years viogram gram and a half and four buckets one day i wasn't there for two months okay enough of me yakking let's get this on the scale as you can see there's still some iron mixed in with that i'm going to work on that a little bit it would help if i had a hundred mesh classifier and you really want to classify it down to 100 mesh then you can get all the iron out a little bit easier time to get this gold on the scale dump everything on this piece of paper smaller i'm sure that piece of paper doesn't weigh a whole lot well 2.5 grams if y'all can see that but it is at zero the paper was 2.5 grams wow and it looks like it turned out to be 1.72 grams very pleased with that i've heard of stories 2 grams a day at catch creek and i've almost got it gotta keep on digging keep on chasing that gravel layers if we can get this video to 3 000 likes i will give all of this gold away to one lucky subscriber unreal man that is so cool and yes there's some iron mixed in that so it could be about you know 1.65 now it's time to get the gold in the vial i'm gonna put this in a separate vial just in case this video gets up to three thousand likes somebody's gonna own over a gram and a half of gold from colorado get the gold and the vial my little funnel oh i love that sound hey there's the gold awesome something i like to do with these glass vials i'll put dotch tape just so in case you drop it it won't shatter and lose everything you can still sometimes get your minerals or your gold without it busting all over the ground there's been a lot of people drop their vials lose their gold tons of stories from the crater diamonds there's diamonds in the parking lot to this day in the grass along the parking lot so many people have dropped their vial either showing someone or they drop it and there's just diamonds out there in the parking lot shouldn't be a problem at all should it i didn't think so i know you all want the gold that's it from catch creek i hope you all enjoyed the video it's so crazy how there's so many different types of layers of gravel and sand and you really don't know which one's going to pay out until you do your sampling and work the material i hope you all enjoyed i'm getting soaking wet so it's time to pack up and get out of here thanks for watching thanks for watching thanks for watching thanks for watching the sun just now coming over the top of the mountain okay i made my way to the war zone see people have been tearing this place up and this is pretty much coming right off the mountain see if i can't find some good material so i'm getting the material right down in here and it's really moist
Channel: Diamond Miner Ivins
Views: 79,131
Rating: 4.889936 out of 5
Keywords: Gold, Element, Panning, Mine, Mining, Miner, Dig, Digging, Nuggets, Quartz, Iron, Garnets, River, Bedrock, Rockhounding, Prospecting, Gold mining, Gold prospecting, Gold nuggets, Placer gold, Flower gold, Black sand, Pay dirt, Colorado gold, Gold flakes, Gold miner, Gold pan, High banker, Stream sluice, Gold trap, Gold hog, Gold cube, Gold wheels, Blue bowl, Concentrated material, Goal, Mind
Id: 4_Mdy3FHJFI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 35sec (1655 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 01 2021
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