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huge rumors say there's a million dollars every mile worth of gold on this river okay we got gold on the first sample but you can see down there those rocks are huge bigger than my hands bigger than my head welcome back to another adventure miners prospectors and rock counters it's always good to see all of you and if you're new to my channel welcome i hope you like what you see and you decide to subscribe i am back in colorado along the arkansas river north of buena vista right off the gpa a claim and we're going to tackle this inside bend in my last video there'll be a pop-up you can click on we found some really good gold out of that hole also i noticed a really large boulder wider than a school bus and it's just packed with material that nobody has touched this year i might be able to get out there with my waders but it may be too deep we're going to get out there and find out let's go check it out if you'd like to see more videos of me finding gold along the arkansas river or any river be sure and drop a thumbs up working my way over to that inside bend from that last hole i dug in the river and you gotta be kidding me oh gosh this thing is has gone up i was just here last night and you could literally see that boulder really big huge boulder out there in the water oh yeah i can definitely get that material i was just up a little ways where i dug the hole and got some gold and i noticed all this right here has been pushed up against this huge rock so if i could remove all the larger rocks and if there's gravel there could be a good chance of a lot of gold right in here got a nice inside bend and all the flow just drops out right here and this is like a huge trap the sun's about to come up over the mountain around 7 30 a.m i better get to it it's going to be around 80 degrees today catch back with everybody in a few all right it's time to get the gear down here and get to work getting all that equipment down here got me winded let's step out here on the rocks yeah so i'm going to go ahead and tackle this spot get some samples at least that may be good it may not lots of gravel but first i got to remove all the larger like that one and all these larger rocks it looks like it's maybe three feet deep hard to tell some buckets i need to go back up to the truck which is way up there get the classifier in the pan okay time to gear up and get in the water time to get in the water and get some gold get on out here a little bit oh yeah we got this up to my knees let's go for a swim and see exactly what we're looking at up against this huge boulder all right hold your nose oh i bet that water was chilly i know my hands cold but you can see down there those rocks are huge bigger than my hands bigger than my head so i'm going to remove all these larger rocks and hopefully there's whoa gravel i don't need a bath i just had a shower all right so i'm gonna get out of here and go get the shovel i got to get my hands freezing cold and get these large rocks out of the way or i can use my shovel it might be a little easier oh that water is ice cold the sun is still not out about eight o'clock getting rocks out like that out of my way continue on with this and bring y'all back in once i got them all out of the way just those few rocks that i moved i'm already seeing gravel all right a few more rocks to go and we'll be ready to get gravel whoa that's some cold water most of the larger rocks are out of the way let's go back for a swim and take a look at the gravel hold your nose [Music] [Music] so yeah that water is freezing trying to warm up a little bit oh like my hand is hurting so cold if you all enjoyed the swim okay as you can see there's lots of gravel to get and the deeper we go hopefully more gravel and gold there will be i'm gonna take a quick safety meeting get out there all right before i get too carried away filling up buckets i want to do a couple of samples with my pan and see what's going to be here here's the material out of the water i'm gonna get right up against this big rock that huge boulder may come out this way i can't really go down there we go good shovel all right let's pan that out see what we get over here where it's nice and calm so all right [Applause] all right i'm gonna go pan this out okay we got gold on the first sample pan at least 10 colors and there could have been a lot more in that black sand i went through it pretty quick and i don't have a snuffer bottle sniffer bottle whatever you want to call it and so for right now we'll just be dumping all the cons in a bucket and run them through the blue bowl that way we get all the gold that's right we won it all rumors say there's a million dollars every mile worth of gold on this river bedrock is 60 feet down okay the sun has come out uh we've got gold out of the first pan so it's time to fill up buckets and see what we get oh need a classifier and a bucket so lots of gravel small small gravel all right it's like a piece of cork looks like a really big chunk of quartz i'm gonna get the top classifier wash and bring you all into it see what the rocks look like look like i saw a really big piece of quartz let's check it out all right let's get this material a little bit more liquidy that's nice that's not the course though i'm talking about it was bigger something kind of like not that size but oh my gosh what whoa that's a chunk of quartz holy cow look at that if you'd like to win this just leave a comment you got to be subscribed and remember like share and comment and you're entered to win that looks like something from ron coleman arkansas huge [Music] got a little wet almost went under we've probably got close to a half a bucket that's what we'll go with about a half a bucket and take it up to the truck four half buckets would be two buckets total man there's some bigger rocks down there i gotta get out of the way about a quarter bucket so far ah dang it okay the wind's starting to pick up so you may have some wind noise but check this out i found out that if i scrape my shovel along this huge rock right at the gravel and then go that way i'm able to get a lot of good material clean this trap out see some gold in that pan right once again i started a hole i would straighten the shovel against this large rock and just keep working the hole and all this other material will fall into it i went a little bit more than half full [Music] take another safety meeting grab some lunch come back and fill up another bucket and probably call it a day it's hard to work in water like this this current really strong these drops keep falling into my hole i got to keep moving them out it's exhausting i'll try to get a i'll try to get two full buckets to work can't count on it my elbow is feeling much better i just don't want to overdo uh it that's about halfway not bad it's pretty handy all right here's bucket number two let's get this filled up i'll catch back with everybody once i'm done let's take a look at the hole i got going i've been scraping a lot of material right off that huge rock all the way over to here even i've got some several scoops i'm going to keep working this whole rock [Applause] okay so i'm washing the rocks on the second bucket and i believe this is it's a green rock it's a really good indicator for gold if you know what this correct name is please leave a comment but that's a really good indicator saw another piece in here you know i think i lost your work it's a good indicator just removed a large rock that was wedged in between this huge boulder so things like 30 pounds there's gonna be some good material where that came from so let me get it oh yeah there's a lot more larger rocks so it's just crevices and cracks i'm working we should see some good gold come out of here i've just seen a really large piece of that green rock boy these rocks just don't stop coming i was taking another break and i was looking where i've been working and this huge boulder makes a curve a huge trap you know it goes in like that like a horseshoe let's take a look at it underwater so [Music] just dug out another huge rock huge piece of granite in there we just finished the second bucket it's over halfway full we got quick i'll see you at camp over halfway full we got two buckets pretty much one's three quarters one's about half full let's take a look at the damage i've done by this huge boulder [Applause] as you can see i got up underneath that cave where all kinds of materials been trapped all right one last time hold your nose here's all the green rocks of whitish but it will be green once they're once they're wet they really turn green and check that one out full of mica it's another type of rock it's just full of mica thought it'd be cool i'll be throwing these in with my patreon giveaways so if you're a patreon be looking out for some of this green rock in your thank you bags to the uh giveaways that i do so be looking out for them let's go ahead and put water on these and see what they look like wet that's a piece of quartz on the end but yeah that one right there really really glitters caught my eye in the water so i picked it up yeah you see how they really turn green that one is really green and they're heavy really heavy so that's why they're a good indicator for gold compared to this piece of quartz you can't this little bitty rock is almost as heavy as that big rock but this one weighs more than that quartz so it's a really good indicator when you see the green rock okay i got all the gear up to the truck except for the bucket of material the last oh jeez man i got all the material i got all the equipment picked up it's all up at the truck and i got this bucket get the haul up boy what a day this thing right here is heavy full of gold but as you can see a lot of material has already pushed into the hole [Applause] i mean these rocks just slowly move downstream all right i got all the gear up at the truck except for that bucket i still got a haul up we will run all this material through the 30 mesh classifier and then all that will go through the blue bowl and get the really small gold and then i'll pan out the larger material and we'll get a final clean so don't go anywhere just about to grab my bucket there's a lizard on that rock he's gonna move maybe he won't be camera shy hey there guys hey he's looking at us oh don't go nowhere [Music] [Music] and it turns out we do have some gold all right there it is nice little pile nice oh we have gold gold gold and you know it's not a whole bunch of gold like from the hole but there's still some gold unfortunately i don't think there's going to be enough gold to really weigh so i'm going to save that and when i get back from my next trip from the arkansas river i'll add that after i get finished weighing what i get i'll add this right here to it who knows i may come back with a gram or two i'll add that little bit to it definitely had a successful trip i hope you all enjoyed spending the time out on the river it's been a lot of fun that huge boulder ended up forming a horseshoe type cavity so that was really interesting to get the material out from underneath it and this may be my little honey hole if you'd like to win that quartz crystal all you got to do is subscribe like this video share it out and leave a comment and you're entered to win once again thank you all for the support and i'll see you on the next video thanks for watching okay i got all the gear up to the truck except for the bucket of material the last oh jeez [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Diamond Miner Ivins
Views: 3,709
Rating: 4.9396987 out of 5
Keywords: Gold, Nugget, Diamonds, Amethyst, Aquamarine, Opal, Hematite, Indicators, Mining, Miner, Dig, Digging, Prospecting, Rockhounding, Gemstones, Quartz, Crystals, Herkimers, River, Stream, Creek, Placer, Minerals, Gold prospecting, Gold mining, Gold miner, Gold pan, Panning gold, Gold nugget, Placer gold, Metal detecting, Gold adventure, Black sand, Flower gold, Gold dredging, Pick axe, Pay streak, Pay dirt, Colorado gold, River gold, Micro gold, Bedrock, 18k gold, 24k gold
Id: LT0VxOnii3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 41sec (1601 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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