Turned Earth Into A Giant Star And This Happened in Universe Sandbox 2

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isn't it amazing just the way it looks you have all the planets that are circling around the Sun all of the different things you have that even the asteroid belt what happens if we change that though you guys gave me a very very good suggestion in the last video about turning in earth into a black hole and it sounded amazing so I think we're gonna think we're gonna do it now in order to make a black hole you basically have to explode a Sun but if earth is a planet how do we make it a Sun that's a good question probably by exploding it with other planets is that gonna work okay oh oh there there goes mercury ooh whoo oh that did good so what I need to do is I need to get up this and we need to figure out how many moons worth yeah we're making earth so we need to make it larger oh we totally crashed everything why what did we do to it Oh a surface temperature we've made it a little bit warm whoopsies okay what happens if I hit up with another mercury like this right here and oh right on the same spot yes oh look at all that junk fly off that was amazing that was amazing now where's all that stuff gonna go all those fragments oh we're making it go away from the Sun - Wow look at all those fragments go oh and we're heating it up nicely look at that now the temperature we're getting smaller and smaller and smaller we'd better add some more stuff to it how about some tennis balls yeah like a bunch of tennis balls though that that really probably didn't do anything or maybe the Great Pyramid of Giza yeah that oh that actually did something we're making nice rings oh the planets exploding I like it is it getting bigger not really jack-o'-lanterns no they don't do anything an individual marble okay what else do we have in here what else there's like these things oh that was a decently sized Oh still getting smaller and smaller isn't it we need to add more mass to the planet what happens if I just make it still orbiting if I put it in orbit a bunch of them in orbit will that work just make it into small orbits that doesn't quite look quite right whoopsies are some of them trying to go in maybe oh wow we have a lot of really little frame and it's dark and we've moved away from the Sun substantially yeah it's not getting any bigger at all um I'm gonna turn on man the orbits yeah the orbits look good let's keep adding some more things to it Pluto oh that's a good explosion oh is that thing where did that come from oh it's like a bigger planet Oh or a bigger moon one of these things that hit it or that was it just collected all the junk from Pluto maybe some of them are getting bigger oh wow a massive earth is getting significantly smaller - look at all the fragments are flying everywhere we're creating another moon right now this thing's getting big it's actually at nine-tenths of the moon right now oh she's gonna hit another one all that was close and the earth has got water back what how did that happen oh it's getting really close to touching one of these times is gonna hit whoa he just got shredded by earth oh that was amazing oh look at all the particles are coming back in - yes that's what we needed we needed a particle to put our put our not fragment we need more more mess oh boy maybe that's not good how do I add mass without cheating while just thinking shredded again oh oh just ripped apart by gravity that's awesome here comes again oh maybe maybe oh there yep a little bit more mess we lost a little more mess so what happens if I add mercury is that gonna is that gonna mess things up maybe a couple Mercury's oh yes we're makin trinary system here well not really a system oh yes that was oh we got a double we got a double oh this one's gonna crash badly - oh wait I want to orbit mercury with mercury and then crash them together into Earth to make earth hurry while those two just combine very nicely is that gonna work are we getting oh wow are we getting more and more mass in Earth no 20 moons okay good so it is growing oh it's ripping apart mercury this is fantastic we have to create a star somehow there it is looking at shedding its mass right into the earth well what's left of Earth even though it's 900 degrees so direct crashing does not work but putting it in slight orbits or it steals from the other does that means we need more another one another one right there oh this would be fantastic oh okay we we got earth together this is good no or did you get into the same ring I think so so we add a third of Earth's regular mass no because the rest of its escaped into space oh this is amazing everything's just ripping apart each other's gravity wills okay here comes another good one look at all these oh oh those two are gonna crash oh just dissolve it come on pull all that fragments back into Earth oh no that's not it I don't want to crash there oh maybe maybe yes it grew bigger perfect what happens if I put five more Mercury's now we just need to keep feeding the earth to make it super big I don't know what's happening but I love it I think it's getting super heated no everything's eating up perfect perfect half the earth these two have escaped goodbye cruel mercury well maybe not no nope they've they're gone they're gone there we go keep feeding it yes it's getting bigger it's getting bigger and hotter so we're not gonna talk about other Mercury's that have kind of left cuz there's one two three four five it's like six that have disappeared from our little experiment here we're almost up to the same size of Earth which is good whoo look at how fast that one's spinning he took a close encounter with earth oh look at this this would be good right here come on in come on oh there's a good hit and perfect oh that's amazing it's absorbed everything we're almost back to earth sighs we're just feed it we're just gonna feed it it's like whoa where'd that one come from I have no idea whoa it's gonna leave no bye so we're bigger than an earth I'm gonna I'm gonna do it I'm gonna give it a Venus to feed on I might not be a good idea I don't care we have to feed Earth okay as Venus oh come on come on get back up there yes it's climbing it's climbing okay this is really cool no joke you put it on the outside and then you let it come around the back side and it just kind of slowly heats up yes and then it'll come around again when it hits that next side is just gonna rip apart here it is watch Oh just touched barely come on rip it apart this time oh oh so close but earth is kind of cooled itself down again that's not it that's not what we want so I'm going to add oh I didn't rip okay let's add another Venus heat up Oh just dissolved it good good we're getting bigger and bigger okay that Venus is now leaving the system it's like peace out dudes I don't like what's going on here I'm just gonna leave and then I might come back in a couple of a million light-years been amazing you were just sharing Venus with earth we got it's just shredding Oh perfect that was amazing now look at all the like another shrapnel from the the planet coming in what would you call that - debris it's going around we got point two or two point eight times bigger earth than what it normally is and as soon as we put down - Venus look oh it just messes up the gravity for everything and then there it goes is sharing some more perfect three-point - we're gonna start getting some bigger things in here pretty soon - Oh Mars the smaller they realize Mars the smaller in Venus still not to Jupiter levels though that wouldn't mess up our little earth looks like it might be cooling down slightly kind of surprised with that yeah it's only 500 degrees Celsius now so I might have made Venus into a small Sun a little bit warm Wow how hot is this thing hey come back here come back at Venus I need you 7000 degrees Celsius I'm not entirely sure how that happened but it did and it's amazing I feel like it's taking all of the heat away from regular earth here uh Earth's cooling down even though it's eight times bigger than normal Earth it's still getting colder let's feed earth to earth oh yes yes this is what we needed Oh heating up it just wanted to cannibalize itself not sure how this works hey we're at 24 earth sizes no that's awesome ooh just absorb the other one I like how it slows down the process ah perfect twenty-five hours ooh this is gonna get better now twenty five point one now you'd think for every earth that I dissolve I would grow the earth by one mass it doesn't look to be that way because not all of it actually makes it and then if it hits just wrong it expels a lot of fragments into space well here we go see just like those fragments watch some of them just get flung out or not I I I'm not I don't know what I'm talking about oh there's the fragments getting flung out that looks good it's almost like a starter for a little galaxy here except we have much bigger things in our galaxy so I'm at 82 now Wow how big is Jupiter actually in real life others Uranus what else do we have Neptune oh wow we're still a little bit smaller than Neptune I just got a fee keep feeding it more Earth's more earths I like something about cannibalizing earth the earth just as amazing to me this is a fun graph it shows how big it is and how fast it's growing it's not very growing very fast with Earth's anymore ah here we go I guess we're gonna risk it with another planet let's go with Neptune oh boy so if this goes badly we could cannibalize earth and it'll destroy it here we go oh no okay it's just these it just needs to pull and pull and pull and pull oh no way oh it worked we created a gas giant look at earth the gas giant okay we got to give it a little bit farther away maybe oh wow no it's now it's sucking up the wrong stuff we earth-sized came down a little bit oh it's heating up look at it keyed up oh that's awesome come on there it goes it's pulling in it's pulling in to earth come on come on keep feeding earth come on Neptune I don't even know you're not even Neptune I grabbed the wrong planet no you are Neptune never mind I thought it was this one for a second okay about Uranus here here we go Earth's gonna blow up your anus oh boy please please yes it's venting off 182 we're getting there oh it's heating up must have been burrito night oh there oh wait is Earth which one's absorbing what okay I think earth is taking your innocent Oh just evaporated wow so that's kind of the problem here some of them aren't doing very good and then the core is around I think the games starting to chug because there's a lot of particles hanging out in the world it's amazing it's absolutely amazing oh here comes here comes beckon Oh perfect look at it keeps getting smaller and smaller your anus does and then it's all absorbing into Earth sort of I'm gonna put a third one in we're gonna risk it right there okay this could this could destroy everything I I mean it's been a long time since I've messed with planets in real life but oh that was awesome now hopefully that this big one out here oh yeah hopefully this big one out here doesn't destroy Earth because it looks to be bigger hi kitty do you want to destroy earth you she does she wants to destroy Earth I think we can increase oh we can't increase the Saturn yet not quite wait a second so is this by radius I'm gonna check so earth we're at 3.6 Earth's Wow in radius were only 3.6 Earth's but our mass is 326 Wow so it's like a third of the size of Jupiter but our mass is significantly stronger that's amazing so what happens if I put Jupiter in I don't like that I don't I don't like doing that I'm not gonna put Jupiter in yet maybe Saturn well we'll try Saturn here we go oh okay we made a small Saturn they got ripped apart oh okay there it goes there goes 326 Earth's yes it's working it's working up there goes Uranus it's disappeared and now Saturn is a giant ball of fire oh wow we ignited the atmosphere that's awesome there goes there it goes oh that's so cool we're up to 400 no and its venting off its atmosphere - Wow so I wonder well at what stage are we gonna get super hot and turn into like a black hole oh this could be really bad this could be really oh whoa whoa oh no we turned earth into Saturn it can bind him what word my earth go I think this is Earth but it renamed itself to Saturn well just rename it back that was cool we like wow we destroyed Earth by turning it into Saturn and Uranus hit it at the same time and we're 546 sighs now that's cool okay I bought how about we give it a Jupiter to dissolve oh here we go here we go there it goes Jupiter is now being absorbed into our earth conglomerate thing yes Jupiter is lighting on fire - 608 Earth's big-eyed bye mass radius is climbing pretty quickly to only is six times bigger but 600 times bigger on mass Wow and we're still only half the size of Jupiter but two times heavier than it the earth grows very big when he can feed it and tell your Jupiter's at a time he go little Jupiter go oh yeah three five five yes okay take that back after after long enough he doesn't grow too much quicker anymore I think it's time to feed it a Sun where's the Sun at the Sun oh no maybe not maybe not maybe not time to feed it the Sun is there a smaller one in oh there's a small star that's a little bit more dense oh shoot oh there's this moment good night oh no that's not small enough I want to Alpha Centauri nope well we're getting I mean it's on the same level as a star though okay so I got to feed it a lot more small planets or large planets I guess any of the kepler planets any bigger not really oh this is a big one Pete Pig 51 pig eight beat whatever that means you're pretty sure the earth isn't the only thing oh I think we just turned the earth into a star okay pretty sure that my computer is also gonna light on fire just like Earth just combusted Wow look cinematic slow-motion whoo right before the planet incinerated beautiful you know it's kind of interesting is putting something small in here and watching it grow pretty quickly Wow I used Titan before that wasn't it Europa maybe oh yeah watch him grow just a little bit they're absorbing all of that weird stuff that's outside and then we'll just blow it up with another giant planet there's a carrot that's not the right one oh wow here whatever this thing is uh this could be bad I'm gonna do it though we're gonna do it we're gonna bring it out here oh no we have created something new I guess not quite what I wanted to do that was kind of bad it's a little bigger than Jupiter though yeah Jupiter no I'm feeding supermassive planets to the earth hey just feeding it hopefully it gets Oh what's gonna happen here nice little explosion oh no it's gonna bypass it goes right oh that was excellent now this one's gonna go right into beautiful Wow did that create a star now to start nope not quite yet so a cool down enough we also have supermassive planets I'm just you know venting out into the universe somehow oh oh that almost made it there we go oh it's getting so close it gets hot and then cools down right away I think I did it yes we've got ourselves a son oh come on come on ah so close yes whoa Oh a supernova okay that was really really cool I didn't quite make the black hole that I wanted to but we managed to blow up a sudden I managed to create earth into a Sun into a star and then supernova it that's amazing that's amazing where's it oh there's a couple extra little masses out here 25 times the size of Jupiter what's all this stuff oh there's there's a Sun Hey but the regular Sun oh it's so cute and tiny so when we blew up the earth or when we blew up the earth yeah it was 200 times bigger than Jupiter wow that's not even that big I'm gonna delete this supernova there we go just delete it yeah oh there's a couple supernovas doesn't it look amazing what we did in the solar system anyway guys that'll wrap it up for today's video of this beautiful game universe sandbox do you hope you've enjoyed our adventure today if you did I'll let me know give me a tip about what we should play next time and keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you later goodbye supernovas [Music]
Channel: Blitz
Views: 1,782,148
Rating: 4.8177519 out of 5
Keywords: blitz, universe sandbox 2, universe sandbox, universe sandbox (video game), universe sandbox ², terraforming mars, jan2019
Id: dtrSl_mA67s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 51sec (1071 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 25 2019
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