Humans Escape The Apocalypse In Simmiland

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snoozing your alarm mmm that's right getting your cup of coffee after you wake up brush your teeth and become a God kind of we're playing a game called semi land to date one of my favorite games of 2018 and I wanted to try it out today cuz there are a lot of things that I didn't get to do in the last video like make a lightning rod have science research gunpowder guns telescopes windmills I did the windmill writing laws and currency really interesting game with a lot of cards let's spawn into humans and have some fun doing it we're gonna start off with our tree make a tree make a mineral make a plant they love it everything's wonderful and then we're gonna take an inspection of the X and then we're out of faith hey would you little nerds hey would you pray to me for a little bit like give me some faith I'm gonna I'm gonna do you're right thank you thank you thank you thank you and I'm gonna sample this perfect and now you can put 1 & 2 together a and B and make potatoes actually no you're gonna make you're gonna make an X and they're gonna chop down that tree it'll be good yeah we you're not you're not doing what I told you to do hey we got a meteor that's awesome we're gonna wait until they make me a church that I'm gonna blow up the church with meteor no joke look at these turd nuggets they already chopped down my tree I'm gonna burn that card so I can get more money having to sample this rock no I need to inspect the rock which is 40 points um wow this is kind of weird with that let's turn this into no we gotta wait we gotta wait for that 40 faith thank you thank you we need it we're gonna inspect that rock you're gonna make a pickaxe and it'll be wonderful I hope now we can use this up here we're gonna make this into a desert island so we can hit it with an earthquake and make oil look they made a baby Oh Vic you're gonna die I'm sorry let's see would you guys oh we can make another tree that's what we'll do on this island we'll make a tree forest plant I can do some of that we can make some critters I could give them chickens would that be a good idea probably not you know it would be a good idea is making it you know what we really need we really need fire let's burn some of these cards so we can get fire there's a tree put the tree over here and then we'll hit the tree with the Sun it'll burn it and they'll be like hey look there's fire up there that's pretty cool stuff we'll take a sample of that which we will inspect so we can make it open and then we'll inspect that to make a boat actually we need to inspect it would do you have any wood in your house no they don't have any wood right now mankind has a kind nature till I kill them one of the killing card oh there we go okay and then inspection as soon as we get a log here we're gonna click on it and they'll make us out of it and nope never mind he died up charcoal let's start putting in some fish in the water to cool a plant that makes seaweed good Oh perfect rain is what we need over here let's turn this into a nice beautiful oh yes swamp plant oh they got four waters too which is great can I inspect that to make a cooking pot beautiful and then they can cook up all the stuff I've done for them oh they love me they love me so much and next up or put that down we're it inspected because it makes us meds and that's a very good way to do extra stuff we have another inspection too and they don't have any poop so they need to eat something here eat this eat that wow we're already at Ellen stage I seriously need you guys to poop corny the dude's name is corny what a bad name I feel bad for him oh yes we have poop perfect poop time inspected so we can make a farm oh no some of the starve to death oh man everyone's starving to death hey is that is that a field Oh an oven hey that's okay we got our first field too good so the next thing I want to do is I want to make another plant in here potential for bad berries which well inspect that so they don't eat it give us a little more IQ and I need more trees no cool we're making bricks that'll help out our house or our city let's put that down again let's take a couple samples of this oh I'm out of faith again that's okay we'll get more okay so we'll have lots of that to make lots of bricks with I'm gonna inspect that to get the hammer quick and then the next thing I'm gonna expect inspect is these to make a windmill I was like to get a critter going we get a critter let's see how many I got 190 okay let's put a critter down there's a chance it's not a critter if I put a critter down here there's a chance it'll be a bear and they both kill the bear nope that was good I'm gonna do that again that's a bear kill the bear oh good we got it do we have the cooking pot yet I don't see it let's pop the water out I don't have an inspection oh yeah we do have the cooking pot we just needs logs and rocks oh I haven't been giving them know they have it pickaxes so we need twigs is that our is that the holdup now we have twigs we don't have logs we don't have rocks we need more logs which requires more trees let's take some samples of the trees there we go everyone's just hanging out here in the poop filled swamp making medicine that's not what I want him to do at all they finally decided to cut down the trees and get the apples out of it which is good because we need the food Oh perfect there's that dead bear there too I want to sample the dead bear boy yes lots of goodies out of that oh wow I think they actually cut up the did do we have we don't have the knife how did they cut that up if they don't have the knife I'm not entirely sure ha let's get some more see we going on into our little fish pond here we got another kill not great to begin with um here let's keep making let's make some more of these oh wow if they want to make a house over here except they don't know how to make a boat yet if I could if I would I promise okay I can make another inspection I need to make the windmill okay we can make some rain let's make it rain the dam in these islands are so bad make it rain right here in the desert could be good I need any tropics I need tropics no no tropics here we got some more critters damn gonna dry this out again hmm just to see if we can get come on come on oh wow they're gonna build a house up here that's terrible idea people just died again okay and then nuke this one up make it hot come on give me some tropics yes tropics we need the tropics in the future wow we're getting a ton of of stuff we need to start using up these plants we're gonna make a nice little food zone if you put a fish next to the seaweed they'll replenish in the future which is kind of cool we'll get some rain just kidding we'll get some just kidding we'll get a tree sure trees are good keep rolling with trees we don't want any wind we can not use in the rain right now we could use another tree just gonna spam a bunch of cards till I get what I want I don't need any plants but I'll put them down anyway do we have any sticks in our bases we do eight oh and we're losing so many points 50 points for another human another human for a hundred another tree for another twenty we're down we're going down get that in mind going get that - ooh a coral reef that'd be a good idea except that's more faith just a bad idea we can inspect it for a boat we can inspect it for a fishing rod and go fishing now perfect I'm flying I'm flying go away wind rain we're gonna use the rain out of here tree more trees hope man so many things happening all at one time make it make it or break it we need to use all our cards so we're gonna oh there's still oh we got another meteor oh they don't even know what's about to hit them okay let's take a look at the Compendium we can make cactus needles so that's a plant in the desert and then we inspect it medicines which is the coal vaccine which is automatic we get domestication from inspecting the animals which we could do really quick chick in domesticate it then we get another critter let's put this in here maybe we'll get a sheep if not we'll kill it we did get a sheep hopefully they'll domesticate it med kind has just gotten smarter beautiful exactly what I like to see let's do a plant up here and then I can inspect that plant I can't yet I'll have to wait oh they got a boat never mind we might need to remove it I can't remove it it might kill some people another critter let's do this let's get regular once all they killed it dead sheep that's not good okay they're building Oh like crazy up here crazy right now Wow they're building like super crazy I can inspect another thing there we go to the cactus needles perfect and I can remove it since we don't really care about it oh they're gonna build me a church please don't please don't right now I'm gonna build you clothes there we go that'll work shoot Hey actually kind of did it oh man they're building like crazy up there that's amazing okay bring that back bring everything over and then we'll just use more win that way and then we'll use more ah they got it no they got over a thousand that's when they start building me a church should we wait for them to build a church so we can hit it with a meteor I think so uh yeah there goes the church please don't be right there fencing construction okay where's the church at farm farm spinning wheel Church okay so we can hit that with a meteor haha in our beautiful city will not be impacted at all man the first thing I want to do is build that church up isn't it it's ok James I'll strike it down we don't need a church in the desert oh he's gonna eat pizzas oh that's fine trying to make another sheep Oh beautiful instantly team two okay I like this so when they're down here that's good stuff do we don't have a market yet because we need the gold so what I want to do is I want to try to get a bunch of inspection things going on I'm gonna be a little difficult I really want them yeah to group up and get all of this stuff we can't inspect anything right now because if we do our faith is capped and our intelligence is capped at 107 we got to be smarter than 107 so we need to really hold onto some things we don't use the plague that's for sure hey I got an achievement to the colonies I don't know what that does I that means oh yeah it does mean I have different houses on different islands that's cool we have so many kills I don't think I'm gonna use them ah oh we got another son I'm just turning this island into my my wasteland here alright we're going for it we need to blow up the church which is sad okay blow it up come on blow it up yes oh man that destroyed like a lot of stuff what's this child Center under construction they didn't take long at all so we need to inspect some things like the currency whoop we got currency now we can get oh yes we started over oh my word whoa it's still going okay we started over on that we have peaceful nature but we need to keep going like as fast as we can with some of this other stuff so I'm gonna keep burning these cards out we're getting minerals where to put in that in there samples let's make a bunch of samples of that or to make some samples of this we're gonna put an earthquake right in here try to get volcano and a lava which is beautiful that's exactly what we needed we got a mind that's what they call it these days and I keep putting that down here we have some plants sure another human because we just killed off some we can inspect this stuff right here oh oh we're not smart enough let's inspect this thing get a knife sample let's get a sample nope iron to sample Oh remove I can remove something I don't know what to do I'm lost Oh kill for the kill card inspect okay keep inspecting there we go smelting time got it we got the Thunder no we're gonna need thunder in the end game we will if we can make it that far I don't need anything else so let's kill the quake I hope I didn't need that anyway we're gonna make some more of that stuff we got another critter card I have another kill so let's try it no that was good I want to make this island into like a ice and then put in a polar bear I think that would be kind of fun yeah we can make samples of that to get some sulfur we can inspect the refinery good I have another tree I know I'm with some wind okay I need that I need to hold off I need to think for a second what do we need advanced medicine vaccines clothing oh I still haven't made clothing I can inspect um where is it nope not that one cloth can inspect cloth to make clothing where'd it go did you guys throw it in already I didn't see it where'd it go how about leather there's leather I can inspect the leather yeah we got clothing now everyone will be well done ah perfect let's get some rain happening over here and we got minerals I'm gonna make more minerals here 600 again yeah I did the best I could to get as much as they could it's not enough that enough we needed metal and glass we could maybe do that quick but I don't have any more don't up let's blow that over there I don't oh we got a market nice markets are good for getting in random resources another critter card sure another black card sure another sun card we had tropics sample of something let's make a sample right here okay can I do any more inspections there I can metal good good new level of intelligence even more skeptic ah we've reached a sky towers what's this sky tower in construction great they don't like me anymore okay good we have to smell trees that's fantastic please don't please don't make another Church in my name all right we'll be forced to blow it up although I think if they get two separate skeptic they're never gonna build a church which I think we might be at right now I barely got that enough time so next stage we're gonna do is advanced medicine I thought oh we need to sample it first and then we can do the investments on the coral right like so advanced meds good that makes me even smarter I think 150 your peaceful that's amazing medical understanding and do I have I do have sand so let's pop some sand out we'll inspect that kick glass and I think we've finally made it into endgame which is kind of cool though look at all the glass and gold coming out of here awesome we do need to make an oil refinery though suspect that glass I don't want to telescope yet we have other things to do like electrocute you ha ha yes we did it did we get the thing I hope so ah there we go mankind understands conductive properties perfect oh that was good i electrocuted a guy and i can research gunpowder now but i don't think that'll matter too much i don't think that'll matter cuz we have a peaceful civilization not a mean one speaking of which there should be some bones around here do we have any bones yeah we got some bones we can make here we go and make a fertilizer oh they're gonna build over here they're building this guy I mean if you want to I was gonna turn that into a snow globe oh nice we have a we have a lightning rod check this out lightning um my name is Thor you peasants shall make batteries for me which I can inspect to make a computer oh my oh my look at all this junk we have down here too there's so many things yes we have made a computer or we will be maybe the build is somewhere I've got a bit of a concern that they're not gonna make me an oil refinery and that can only be attached to there can I remove like the roads no no every finery is obviously attached the oil like these smelters are and [Music] refinery what's it required one metal is built in your oil reservoir outputs oil I do have metal don't I I don't have metal it's just on the ground okay they're picking it up and using it for other things no they've been upgrading all of the houses that's what's going on okay so we need to give them more minerals here and they need a sample in a few times to get some more or maybe I don't want to use up all my samples since we only have 73 cards remaining they've colonized it that's amazing I didn't know you could build those on a beach that for dudes all there all by himself cool look at all this food yeah oh what's this a factory oh yeah oh we have the giant computer - I wasn't even looking at then nice I'm sorry I'm sorry little chicken you've escaped oh never mind you came back in okay now I got a sample you now give me a feather so we have to inspect your feather to make writing we've built a computer but we don't know how to write yet sounds about sounds about right in the Blitz dopey an empire that's what we do here we don't know how to write I really wish we can remove these houses they're kind of bad huh I really want I really want it the next stage which we can't get I really want the oil refineries Hey look I made it snow Hey Oh tundra nice can I put a critter on the tundra oh yeah make a polar bear nope just a sheep that's a little annoying yeah he's got clothes on No that works I want it I want it oh please don't be dying hunger faith wishes for wind harvesting get ya leave said sheep gonna die I wanted a polar bear I'm gonna try it again give me a polar bear I think I just got two sheep let's warm it up a little bit sorry sheep I didn't mean to get you all cold and stuff turn it into a wasteland how's that feel yeah I think that was the last right there I think that was last one yes yes they're making the refinery we're gonna have oil oh yes it's working it's working can I inspect it no I think it has the make gonna actually poop out an oil drum I think we got an oil drum no or not oh yeah there's no oil drum there do I have to poop out the batteries where's the battery yet okay there's the battery do I inspect that no I can't interesting oh the car research automatically when a factory is built in there's at least one metal one oil drum and one battery in stock Oh that'll be fun so now I can get the telescope over the laws I think that's an automatic one yeah if we're a mixture aggressive okay we got rocket science computer telescope or built and gunpowder is researched so it sounds like it's time research the telescope inspect it yes research my telescope I hope I've got enough stuff is that the telescope yes we're automatically making a telescope there it is Wow it's awesome and now I got to prepare the Thunder city ho shoots we just upgraded into his city oh there's a UFO ha ha stop for a second we got a blast it just stopped yeah oh yes I hit it what's going down it's going down oh it crashed hey we got a little alien dudes Hey oh no it burned up my whole place oh it burned up my whole my everything but I got aliens oh what's that plutonium Oh hot dig can i sample the aliens the creator of many things I don't know what that one is either but I got plutonium and glass oh yeah we got cars there's another UFO I heard a car where is it that I really need I really need to turn that back in we're gonna be maybe not in trouble for food hmm we don't have any trees though that's okay wait you can go to space pretty soon this is honestly the farthest I've made it in-game where's the car at oh there it is it just drove away do you see that oh I should blow up another UFO wait you know what we should do is thunder on the telescope oh we got more stuff so the saddest thing that we have right now is we have to do the plank we have to survive the plague can we do that we have discoveries let's see we have advanced medicine we have medication and if we have what's it called and if we have the players present one coral one herb and one venom are needed okay so we have to have quarrel let's see do we have any coral we have quarrel do we have any herbs we have herbs do we have any venom I don't see any venom beep beep there's a venom right there okay so we need oh boy this is rough we need to make tropical island somewhere oh wow okay we need wind we don't need wind son no we needed like water in here there we go we got some rain no okay now please please turn it into tropic I just yes tropic we got tropic okay so make a critter and then I kill the critter before it eats anyone and then we sample the snot out of it there we go we got three Venom's now okay we got cars everywhere maybe an apple good okay we got we got a bunch of venom we can unleash the plague they're gonna love me I hope I hope they're gonna love me the vaccine okay I got to make sure we have everything here one coral one herb and one venom so we have we have venom we have lutonium I need to research that before everyone dies I've never done that okay space time we're gonna make we're gonna make a spaceship I think well yes space-time continuum portal what they're making a portal is that what this is no that's a farm this is so chaotic no everything's got so weird there's the space-time continuum portal I have no idea what that'll do are we gonna be a spacefaring race we didn't make the space construction oh I've never built this thing space-time portal okay now it's time to unleash the plague maybe I don't want to though I want to see what that portal does it's on fire so I'm gonna do it I'm gonna unleash the plague oh this is so bad playing time oh no all right I'll eesh the plague today not unleashed on a person Oh terrible disease is spreading Oh No hey they found a cure for it already okay that's good and we're just dancing around with the alien dudes cool I mean we did it we beat we beat the blank nobody died either what happens at the portal do we need to like go through everything I think I've been spected like literally there's nothing else in the compendium to do except build a rocket and I believe the rocket is under rocket science enables construction to rocket for metal 400 drums okay we have four oil drums oh we need more metal okay I'm gonna try another critter over here maybe just maybe we'll make the polar bear or should we wait another one I think we'll wait another one I don't need inspect anymore I've got everything we can get some more batteries though we don't want batteries because we have enough oil right we have enough oil to make the rocket okay we'll try another one no go for the aah didn't work I was gonna go for the kill of it did I love how they get into little cars oh we made a bunch of sushi oh wait that's not sushi this is sushi is the best food in the game it's rice from the market as fishing in seaweed pretty cool picking up the cars dude dude me me park on I love it here we go another one please give me a polar bear oh no this is so chaotic know there's UFOs flying around cars honking everywhere boats going like crazy now the question is are we gonna get enough metal here we're gonna get enough metal to build the rocket and I don't see them building a rocket anywhere oh is that it home under construction we add for metal and for oil drums for metal for oil drums we have those we have 12 and metal we have 2 because they keep using it on houses oh we got more oil rigs no I guess that's fine I want a rocket you dorks I'll just use up the last of my minerals in the hopes that we get more metal oh hey they built the rocket we got a rocket hey I got a click on it yet but everyone's sharing base info skytower wow we got so much junk - no poop they keep using it yes are they loading the rocket it looks like they're loading the rocket full of stuff that's awesome oh did we make something for the little alien dudes or maybe they're loading up the thing behind it oh that's so cool so I mean we can go through the rest of these we don't have to you all the cards we can just hit the end and see what happens III don't know I'm a little bit nervous what I kind of like to do is it is save the game and see but I'm just gonna go the end because I think that's the way the game is meant to be played whoo so here we go save in the end the good life rocket science and back to the future achievements oh look they're all running to the space portal we're driving to it oh nice that's so cool we've made a space portal the space probably to where the aliens came from because the planet was gonna blow up and then we got away con Chuck back here or Alec come on Alec no more blacksmithing for you let's go oh I hear UFO - did we do it oh there's someone else leaving tan-tan what Stan doing good by 10 that's the way to do it although we did almost all the treatments okay we didn't do Ice Age we didn't even eat a chicken either Wow interesting anyway guys oh we did it back to the future no one has gotta wait there's plenty of it anyway that'll wrap it up for this game I really really enjoy this one I would encourage you to check it out no it's not sponsored I have a lot of fun with it so thanks for watching keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time [Music]
Channel: Blitz
Views: 521,066
Rating: 4.9070907 out of 5
Keywords: blitz, simmiland game, simmiland gameplay, simmiland god game, simmiland ep 1, simmiland part 1, simmiland steam, dec2018, simmiland planet, planet building, world building
Id: mXUAPPcaKdw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 29sec (1649 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 30 2018
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