I Made Earth 1000x Bigger Than The Sun!

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i'm gonna make it i don't know a thousand times the size of the sun oh my goodness gracious i might have broken the game what is going on tfg squad my name is brandon and welcome to universe sandbox so ever since i played solar smash a bunch of you guys have been asking me to play this basically it's solar smash on steroids there's so many more things i can do look at this if i zoom out i could actually see the sun i could see all the other planets i want to see i know i can delete entire planets i can make explosions so you know what i know you guys love explosions let me show you a darn explosion let me slow this down a little bit oh my goodness gracious let's go to add let's go to launch and let's go to i can launch a basketball okay what would happen if i launch a basketball okay it burned up in earth earth's atmosphere that's kind of what i expected to happen let's do something a little bit bigger than a darn basketball let's do uh the moon why not let's launch the moon at planet earth so let's slow things down a little bit let's aim for let's aim for me philadelphia pennsylvania bam okay this could be a problem this could definitely be a problem oh oh this is way more realistic than solar smash okay so the planet's average surface temperature is now 1400 degrees celsius that's um probably a little too warm for humans to survive okay i reset things we're back to normal i want to see if i can delete entire planets i think i actually can so let's slow things down a little bit let's uh let's go mercury nobody really cares about mercury anyway uh how do i delete here it is delete so let me see if i zoom in a little bit i'm just gonna delete mercury and you know what does anyone really like venus anyway i don't think anybody likes venus either so let's delete venus and mercury so now earth is the closest planet to the sun let's back things up a little bit let's do kind of a little bird's eye view okay i don't want to delete other things accidentally uh so let's let's turn the delete button off what happens if mercury and venus aren't there wait really nothing happens okay i was kind of joking around when i said mercury and venus are kind of pointless but i thought they were sort of important wait let's zoom into planet earth let's see if things are still able to survive okay let's let's move in here let's click here what's the earth's temperature uh where's the earth's temperature again 13.6 degrees celsius i think that's normal okay um composition is there anything that tells me how many people are alive oh here we go likelihood of life 99.3 percent i think that's what the earth normally is okay you know what if we delete mercury and venus apparently will be unaffected okay well obviously the only thing i can do now is delete all of the planets other than planet earth and see what happens so mars see you later sorry elon musk but we're not going to mars anymore because it's um been deleted uh what are these moons vesta uh i i don't know what those things are but let's delete them anyway sorry you know mia sorry vesta jupiter okay i feel like jupiter is gonna have a very bad effect let's pause things really quickly because i don't want to miss anything exciting happening let's back up a little bit uranus you're gone neptune see you later and i'm not really sure if pluto decided to be a planet or a dwarf planet by now but we're getting rid of pluto also okay so it's only the sun and planet earth and then a bunch of these weird asteroids with names maybe their moons i don't know i actually really liked astronomy back in college but i wasn't particularly good at it but whatever okay let's let's speed things up again here we go let's select no i deleted earth oh no is there an undo button can i undo the deletion of planet earth okay that could be a problem a few moments later i can't believe i deleted planet earth accidentally okay so we're back we're deleting mars uh jupiter see you later uh what else do we have saturn uh cheer on okay i don't know what that was we've got uranus neptune and pluto which again may or may not be a planet and vesta get out of here i don't i don't trust vesta okay let me get out of the delete tool so i don't accidentally delete planet earth again what am i doing here okay this is my first time playing universe sandbox you guys were really recommending it uh now let's go select planet earth and let's see how the stats are going let's speed things up a little bit let's go around planet earth so now we've got uh i don't know how fast we're going it looks like two years per second so every second we're going two years everything looks normal wait what's the likelihood of survival likelihood of survival 99.3 so you're telling me i can just delete mercury venus mars neptune uranus jupiter pluto and we'll be completely fine okay i gotta figure out some way to destroy planet earth and all of the humans on it ah what a beautiful solar system time to blow something up okay let's let's do something a little bit more exciting so i think i could change the sizes of planets and the sun and a bunch of things like that let me actually just select planet earth i want to see what i can change okay so the likelihood of survival is 99.3 even if nothing bad is happening so apparently there is a 0.7 chance of us just dying i have a feeling before 2020 that number was a little bit higher but that's okay why is why is mexico frozen did i do something wrong why is mexico frozen right now oh maybe that was a cloud i'm not entirely sure okay let's see what we can do with planet earth uh let's go back to overall let's go average surface temperature and let's make it um a cool negative 50 degrees celsius bam oh no oh no that's india that we're looking at they're frozen we've got saudi arabia africa is a sheet of ice it might as well be the north pole oh no the ocean is freezing um okay that could be a problem that could be a problem uh the entire planet is is now frozen while there's only one thing we can do if the entire planet is frozen we can make the sun bigger to warm it up it's like a blanket when you're sleeping oh wait what's the uh what's the percentage of survival it's got to be close to zero 88.1 okay that's negative 58 degrees fahrenheit there's no way we have an 88 chance of survival with a negative 58 degree planet you know what that's fine uh let's go let's zoom out really quickly let's go to our good friend the sun which keeps us alive every day this is the sun is our blanket uh so whoa it's making like a sound okay well there's a lot of things that i can do with the sun too i can make the sun go away and if and if they tell me that we're fine after deleting the sun then i'm calling a load of barnacles so the sun is about 10 000 degrees fahrenheit let's make it 25 000 degrees fahrenheit let's pause really quickly because i want to see whoa um why did everything turn blue okay i just made the sun like two and a half times hotter uh and i want to see how that affects the earth so keep in mind the earth is in an ice age right now so if we zoom in on our friend the earth uh everything's just frozen so now let me hit play can i speed it up is anything happening oh the average temperature is going up i think i'm just going too slow let's speed it up a little bit all right we're at negative 45 degrees celsius that's about where spy cakes lives he lives up in north canada so it's it's very cold there oh we're warming up now negative 20 degrees celsius the oceans are coming back wait wait let me slow this down let me slow this down so um yes most of the planet is still in an ice age but at least the oceans aren't frozen and let me go to uh present percent chance of survival uh 95 now it's 96 degrees every single continent on planet earth is frozen and they're saying that there's a 96.5 percent chance of survival that just shows you how bad 2020's been if that wasn't much better than an entire ice age i don't even want to know what's gonna happen in 2021 we're almost back to reality 13 degrees celsius beautiful uh oh oh wait this could be a problem oh no this could be a problem now the earth is getting really hot so we went from an ice age to the complete opposite what's the opposite of an ice age a fire age i've definitely never heard about that in science books but oh no i don't know how hot this is gonna get okay so we're at 35 degrees celsius which is very warm it it's definitely very warm oh no okay let's speed this up and see how hot planet earth gets okay we're about to surpass 200 degrees celsius which is definitely not habitable uh oh uh oh wait why does planet earth look different wait let me pause for a second i don't know how to explain why but the planet just looks different the oceans look kind of like a a teal color and i don't think anybody has survived let's go to percent chance of survival zero percent oh no oh no okay well you know it's bad when this game says there's a zero percent chance of survival okay so we're at 422 degrees celsius and our oceans are starting to evaporate wait let me pause for a second uh okay well i have now invented a new continent i'm gonna call it frustrated land i don't really know what to call it this is crazy so the oceans are like around the south pole um and that's about it there is there is no longer an atlantic ocean there's no longer a pacific ocean there is just one ocean and it's very small might i add oh geez well that was fun but anytime i do something crazy you know i have to do it even crazier so let's go back to our good friend the sun let's pause the simulation let's do this and let's go so what was it again 10 000 degrees let's make it a million degrees like what would happen if i make it one two three one two three enter okay well it's blue again so this sun is a million degrees fahrenheit which is like i don't even know how many times hotter let's go back to the earth uh so far so good right we got a 99.3 chance of survival of course we still have that 0.7 because of the 2020 effect let's uh let's zoom in here we've got a lot of ice actually let's slow things down i want i want to see this in a nice bite size speed um i i think planet earth just exploded in like an hour there is no longer a planet earth oh no all of the inner planets are gone mercury gone venus gone earth gone mars not even a thought in elon musk's brain because planet earth was destroyed what happened to jupiter what happened to jupiter i don't know kids in school used to say um that's not what jupiter's supposed to look like i don't know what jupiter looks like in real life but that's not it why is half of jupiter frozen and the other half looks like it's on fire uh that could be a problem let's see how pluto's doing if pluto is not frozen then you know we have problems what's the surface temperature of pluto oh no i made pluto a fire planet i just made pluto a fire planet it's over 2000 degrees celsius i want to see if i can make planet earth the size of the sun and just see what would happen okay so this says planet earth is .00916 the size of the sun you know we're gonna make it bigger than the sun let's go um one point uh let's make it one point one it's gonna be ten percent bigger than the sun let's hit enter oh geez oh my goodness gracious okay we're paused right now planet earth is bigger than the sun let's zoom out a little bit where is the sun okay so we're still far away from the sun actually i kind of want to make it bigger i kind of want to make it so big that it like eats up the sun but you know what this is fine for now what's gonna happen let's slow this down a lot because i have a feeling something bad is gonna happen and it's gonna happen fast so we're gonna go one minute per second now 30 seconds per second so this is almost real time is anything happening oh no what's happening to all the other planets i feel like all the other planets would be effect why does it look like there is a black hole emanating from planet earth let's speed things up and just see what happens it's got to throw off the rotations of the other planets right no wait a silly second oh yeah oh no oh no i just saw mars or no i guess it wasn't mars i i think it was mercury mercury just launched wait a second wait a second wait a second mercury is mercury is flying away like it is terrified of the earth right now some of the other planets do not seem to be doing what they're supposed to be doing venus is now the third farthest planet from the sun maybe the fourth i the sun is rotating around the earth hey you know what maybe the people way back when that thought that the planet earth was in the center of the universe maybe they weren't wrong well that was fun but the only logical thing to do next is make planet earth so big that it eats up the entire solar system right like that like you guys were probably thinking the exact same thing as me so let's go here let's go here let's go sun where's the sun size sun sun sun there we go let's zoom out because we're gonna make this pretty darn big i'm gonna make it i don't know a thousand times the size of the sun oh my goodness gracious i might have broken the game okay so it's eaten up the sun mercury mars and venus and jupiter's almost there so you know what we're gonna make it even bigger we're gonna make it 10 000 times the size of the sun bam okay yep planet earth is now bigger than the entire solar system what if i zoom out what's this thing uh let's just hit play and and see what happens this is not going to be good oh no the entire solar system just flipped out it was just like no no this does not make sense planet earth should not be 10 000 times the size of the sun we're out they they're just floating off into other oh geez oh my goodness wait where did the other planets even go well i'm in love with this game if you guys want to see more don't forget to hit the like button don't forget to subscribe if you guys are new check out my vlog channel tfg vlogs i have a new vlog every single week go over there and subscribe right now and i will see all of you in the next video what if i made the earth and the sun [Music] collide
Channel: The Frustrated Gamer
Views: 1,096,575
Rating: 4.8804913 out of 5
Keywords: universe sandbox, universe sandbox 2, universe sandbox gameplay, solar smash, solar smash gameplay, universe sandbox earth bigger than sun, the frustrated gamer universe sandbox, I Made Earth Bigger Than the Sun, solar smash game, solar smash the frustrated gamer, universe simulator, universe simulator gameplay, universe sandbox earth, universe sandbox earth destruction, universe, space simulator game, universe sandbox 2 black hole, simulator games, the frustrated gamer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 20sec (920 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 21 2020
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