Terraformed Mars By Crashing A Moon Into It in Universe Sandbox 2

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every once in a while there's a game that comes out that gets a lot of really good reviews and it's really amazing to play but I never play it and this is one of those games it's a game called universe sandbox - and isn't it amazing look at this I've got I've got the whole earth like in well not in my fingertips cuz it's a game but I've got it like in control where I can where I can edit things I can change its mass to you know two times Earth's size and now it's two days and then 20 times bigger and then it's like almost as big as well the Sun that might be a long ways away or you know it's 35 times bigger than Jupiter and it turned into a gas giant hey that's actually kind of cool oh oh I turned it into three times bigger than the Sun is it gonna is it gonna burn uh Kelvin let's turn it to Celsius 400 degrees Celsius interesting so it's not technically on fire yet but it's really hot oh I might have dunst I might have made it into a black hole whoopsies I'm sorry Earth I didn't I didn't mean make you into it oh my word it's a giant black hole now all and it's sucking in did you see that oh here comes Saturn I bet Saturn's gonna come into it oh yeah Center just got ripped apart Hey and it goes right into all Jupiter just got pulled in and there goes Uranus Uranus will be coming in all there's fragments that's amazing I think we're about to get destroyed too bad you can't see I mean it's a black hole you can't really see oh look there's a giant black hole wow that's so cool I don't worry Pluto's fine out here all by its nope Pluto's even gonna be sucked into the pool and it never might bear win nope that is blue oh cool look it's got the new model on it from that Rover that pass by or the the picture takers satellite thing and right before your anus it's our giant black hole of Earth let's drop this down in the sighs there I made it the size of Earth again sort of 13 earths how about there 1.3 earths and I don't know what's gonna happen now that's kind of weird we just shrunk a black hole into itself don't think we can quite unblock cold the black hole I think we're now stuck with a permanent black hole that just destroyed everything whoopsies one thing I always thought would be fun to do in real life is well terraform Mars except I'll never have the money finances or time to do it so I thought we'd try it today oh there's Mars hey Horace how are you today look at that oh it's beautiful looks like we already have some ice on the top what is our what is our water ratio here water zero kilograms think that's probably the main thing got to get water and temperature and then we probably need like the magnetic field so if I remember correctly I think your ropa has a lot of water let's uh put Europa here in orbit around Mars wow that's kind of cool oh yeah Europa's got some some decent water to it so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna Ram Europa right into Mars this should work pretty good I think if I took the launch and we go Kabang go was a massive explosion oh look hey we changed things we changed things how's the temperature look now it's four times bigger in the moon climate 130 degrees Celsius okay did we get any more water to it a little bit 1% water that actually might be enough now we just have to see if if this climate stays and we we don't burn off the atmosphere so we do have a problem it has no magnetosphere which is probably why Mars lost its atmosphere in the first place we're gonna have to increase that but I don't know what to increase it to we should maybe match what it is on earth oh look we have all the different fragments here - that's awesome the fragment - Europa just blasting through space we also knocked it off its orbit just a little bit so that's what the magnetosphere should look like something like that we have 2.38 radios with a point three gusts whatever that means if I turn on three that's good and then the Gauss was that about right I think it was point three cool check it out we gave us a magnetosphere now the climate is still cooling from that gigantic asteroid strike we still have like a massive amount of heat over here seemed to break the planet into pieces which could have happened if we hit was something bigger so I think it's time to just speed it up and see what happens go go go okay I just it just cooled way down uh it needs to be hotter let's drop this now this the reflection there we go it's heating up so it's gonna absorb more sunlight now it is farther away from the Sun than Earth so it needs to absorb a little bit more of the light does look like our water has not evaporated away so that's awesome we just need to figure out a way to warm it up a little bit and I think maybe launching a bunch of asteroids at it might help so let's see what this does we have a bunch of them coming in plus we've already hit quite a few maybe they're gonna miss I'm not sure speed it up yes maybe some of a mist oh that was cool and it did nothing for a surface temperature great that's great I've always hit it with them like straight up to the moon now here it is moon that's maybe not the moon is like almost the same size as Mars that would hurt it probably really bad or are we can smack it with Neptune that's probably a bad I ups I just accidentally put Mars in Neptune hey oh wow what are these other things look at this I don't even know what it is but I love it oh that's awesome I need to make one of those feel like we lost a lot of size let's check I think it might have gotten a little too small here let's put up Mars next to Mars how do we lose so much size our planet just shrunk okay we're eight point seven times bigger than the moon yeah we lost half our planet size so 82.7 got it nailed it we have that that's how that's in real life that's how we terraform Mars we just push buttons and it gets bigger so something we could pretend to do is have like a lot of heavy industry say we set the first colonists here to Mars and it was their job to pollute the atmosphere using greenhouse gases so I'm just gonna you know artificially inflate greenhouse gases by yeah sixty degrees then it's about freezing now average surface tip is above freezing yes we're doing it we're doing it okay let's heat it up oh I think we're getting water are we getting water are we eating an ocean speed it up go now I gotta be careful that I don't speed it up too much cuz we might kill our Sun the Sun might run out of juice inside of it and the battery the big battery of going it does look like it has a pretty sizable atmosphere now doesn't it check this out I'm on I am on it sort of oh that is a gorgeous sight the Sun coming up over the edge of Mars oh that's beautiful I think we might need some more water I think we might I don't see any Martians living down there yet although it's got a lot more water than Earth does let's increase the hydrogen oh don't we just made a hydrogen gas giant now whoopsies I totally missed this whole thing up totally messed it up now what we could also do is we can go out into the asteroid belt and we could like hook up some and drive them in here but I don't think I want to do that I'm just gonna I'm gonna hit Europa again I totally missed what happened to Europa here we go alright hopefully this one works and third time's the charm yes oh that's fantastic I love it now it's got good water supply it didn't get a small flop back the magnetosphere on there I love it it's amazing and we'll crank this up no we wanted to go the other way right yeah we wanted to absorb as much as possible I really wonder if I shouldn't hit it with a bunch more so we could wake up its core good news as it is warming up a little bit it's warming up oh okay got farther away from the Sun again hey that's what happens when you have orbits warms up or up okay was this 16 negative 16 I guess give us some good old fashioned greenhouse gases that could do it let's give it 40 well you have 40 degrees in greenhouse gases yes we're doing it we woke it up we woke it up and now as 0.5% chance having life and it's 80% similar to earth that's pretty good does make me wonder though if there's too much water because if we go to the composition of earth it has like 0.2 percent water by I guess mass and we have 1% here so I might need to drop that down Oh point okay point to do that and then we'll see if it changes I didn't really want to do that that way but whatever it'll work now we do have clouds that's cool we've got clouds here also all that dark spots where we hit it with Europa temperatures good might have a little bit too many greenhouse gases in there but that's okay it'll be fine oh yes if I turn off the atmosphere we have land we have land we must we gotta drop the water Composition down just a little bit of thing okay we're losing some of the water now it's not burning off in the atmosphere oh we gettin more land I hope so oh shoot I took it down even more we have oceans we have oceans oh look at this place oh wow those are all the micro craters that's cool well I guess they're probably gigantic craters oh we've done it we've terraform Mars by hitting it with the planet and a moon a satellite whatever we want to call it but we have continents here let's drop it down one more time oh no don't oh no I did that backwards oh oh I got rid of its oh I messed things up again I gave it extra hydrogen now I don't have clouds Oh No hey but I got a giant Pangaea like continent here oh that's so cool I think we've done it Oh No it froze over just in that little bit of time did we lose we lose our heat what's crashing temperatures are crashing I'll tell you what that's the last time I messed with hydrogen we'll just make it a giant a hydrogen guess yeah that'll work or can I make it a giant water sphere Oh No what did I do oh no it's completely solid ice awesome now if I crank up the temperature what happens does it melt surface temp you're kind of funny to watch the entire planet just disappear so this is kind of cool this is what somebody put on the steam workshop what Mars would look like in its current situation if it had vegetation and clouds on it I don't think it's in a solar system here no so we can't quite put it on a rotation but they got cities on here too look at this it's amazing I love it how they even looks like there's like old remnants of giant canyons on the planet I'd be so cool to see what it would look like and in real if we could ever terraform it anyway guys that are wrap it up for today's video hope you've enjoyed this adventure and universe Simoneau and keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time [Music]
Channel: Blitz
Views: 527,606
Rating: 4.8964086 out of 5
Keywords: blitz, universe sandbox 2, universe sandbox, universe sandbox (video game), universe sandbox ², terraforming mars, jan2019
Id: 6Y8vW_IYTZc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 20sec (680 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 19 2019
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