Merged the Rings of Two Saturns Together and This Happened - Universe Sandbox 2

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all right so we're back with the only game that likes breaking the rules of physics like it's no big deal it's universe sandbox - this is Saturn Saturn is cool because it has rings so today I figure I'm gonna try and break my computer because I'm a sadist and by proxy my computer is a masochist I find it interesting that when the game completely overloads Saturn's rings it looks more like Saturn than like the average Saturn rings are amazing and I want to mess with them I think that the very first thing that I'd like to do to the Rings is throw something through them of course at the speed of light people had mentioned they said great it's impossible to go faster than the speed of light it probably is that's why we have video games yeah I remember that universe sandbox - does whatever the hell it wants it really doesn't care universe sandbox - is the game that steps up to the pedestrian crosswalk when the little red light is on and it walks across anyway gotta launch a planet today I'm gonna pick mercury today because we picked on Pluto a lot last time launch velocity fast someone else had mentioned like tunneling when stuff moves so fast that there's a there's a Blake - potential that the object will just pass through another object without actually damaging it that's kind of cool all right mercury I know I don't have the best aim in the universe but I swear to God if you let me down you're out of the freakin family in the beginning here I just want to see if I can force mercury to pass through the rings and see if it does anything unusual okay that's a pretty good aimed up mercury ring thing yeah mercury is just phasing through the rings like it doesn't really care it's just kind of like perfectly manipulating itself through the rings I don't believe this for a second hold on let me slow mercury down a little bit okay yes see this is a much much slower mercury this mercury kind of like got held back in school and stuff and you could clearly see now that as the particulates hit the surface it is lighting this it's like the fourth of July down here on the surface of mercury it's fantastic now mercury has like a perfect semicircle hood I just noticed did the other mercury absorb the particles look look at the little pathway over here it looks like a pathway leading up to someone's front door I think that's where our other mercury went through and told all of the ring particles to go to hell did I shoot this mercury into Saturn I hope I didn't shoot it directly into Saturn but it looks like it's going into Saturn oh it's probably because of the the gravitational pull well that's unfortunate got a little bit of a Nike swoosh going through here not sponsored I had no intent on doing this when I originally wanted to throw a planet so Saturn is slightly sad due to getting hit by a planet but not as sad as it's about to be because now I want to see what happens when I throw a black hole a really tiny black hole at the speed of light past the Rings a black hole moving at the speed of friggin light what does it all mean see it's a sad black hole this is like the little brother of the normal black hole's all right one times the speed of light tiny little black hole go all right right over here is our light speed moving black hole also I'd like to take this opportunity to mention that this is the this is the first time I'm not killing him anyone see you guys are always saying I'm murdering the entire universe but right now I'm just kind of destroying Saturn and nothing's on Saturn anyway y'all ever seen space balls with the big-ass vacuum cleaner that's like what's happening here well everyone we did it we turned Saturn into a sperm I guess it could also be like a water droplet if you look at it this way what happens if I fire another black hole say right about here what the hell oh sweet baby Jesus that's amazing the Rings just went wild it shot saturd and all the chunk was all in place all the other black hole is pulling back now it's like sucking all of the ring and shooting it out the other side it's creating like a what the hell is it like reforming the Rings Saturn is super unhappy right now but this looks amazing I don't really know what to say you can see the black hole over there kind of just making the Rings do this giant orbit but like half of the Rings are on this side where it got pulled from the first black hole and the other chunks of the Rings are over on this side okay this looks like some space-age frickin street art up in here Saturn is also super unhappy right now I mean Saturn's always unhappy I don't think it ever has like a good day per se but right now it's like extra annoyed as all of its rings do like a friggin rainbow over the black hole that's moving Lightspeed that's a friggin sweet arc where's the where's the rest of the ring it's they've kind of spread all over the place right now oh oh oh what the hell oh sweet Jesus okay I think finally the Rings may be I think Saturn just got completely obliterated yeah there's nothing left of Saturn it's just it's just particles now it's just additional pieces of ring as we back up we get to see what it's like when Saturn gets flushed down the toilet all of its ring fragments creating one hell of a one hell of a show man I always knew I should have been playing with rings this whole time it's like hula hoop but better with the guy from men in black always say we're not we're not hosting an intergalactic kegger here this is this right here is the intergalactic kegger and this is why you should be hosting it at least once a year there is so much going on on the screen right now my computer hates this I can feel its anguish right now as it moves it like 18 frames a second if you're wondering what it looks like from the surface of the black hole looks kind of like this from here it doesn't look that wild but as you go further and further in you can see just how far the black hole has moved the Rings from their original point of origin well made a space tornado pretty happy alright so that was pretty good now what you know if it hates this many particles in the first place what happens if we put one awful Saturn like this next to another awful Saturn like this alright here we go double Saturn I'm sorry computer but we had to do it man all right things are gonna start moving here in just a second now obviously gravity is gonna be kicking in here in just a little minute but I've also got it positioned where the Rings are like just touching it's like just the tip you know what I mean like there just barely involved with one another oh yeah you can see like I'm just it's like Saturn one and Saturn two you know it's like brother and sister Saturn but Saturn one's rings are already starting to just annihilate the surface of Saturn - the same thing should be happening over here I'm actually kind of surprised that the Rings aren't colliding with each other more which is kind of unusual let's go ahead speed if this thing can handle me speeding this up that's the stuff right there - Saturn's making sweet love in such a way that shouldn't be possible into something that's even better than I had previously anticipated again if I was gonna have like a picture on my wall of something space oriented this would probably be it because it's pretty damn awesome see we always said that we could make Saturn better and stronger see - Saturn's went in and only one Saturn is left standing but the Saturn is that it's the more powerful Saturn see it's better than the original set I wonder if the Rings will like reconstitute themselves around this Saturn over here they're starting to do it like it's it's crazy but they're starting to get sucked up and surround the Saturn like it used to be you know I would say Saturn is mostly the same I mean other than the fact that it's turned into a glowing fiery ball of satanic death three hundred thousand degrees Celsius no big deal come on Saturn you're missing some of your rings get all the rings up in there nice and smooth some of the Rings are getting away this calls for a black hole my answer to everything is more black holes it's like more cowbell that's slightly more destructive I guess all right Saturn I'm sorry have fun okay so it should pass by right like so anything happened is it pissing today I was gonna say is it pissing the saturd rings off the answer is yes it just took a long long time because of how fast it's moving it is shooting the Saturn ring particles all across the universe so what if I launch a much much much much bigger black hole like a much bigger black hole race the entire simulation I'm not gonna lie I'm kind of curious what happens when we give other stuff rings here's the Sun it's pretty cool yeah I think yet if you give the Sun Saturn rings yeah see how it immediately gets destroyed so like it doesn't even count so um how about a spiral flat what does that do oh that looks pretty cool okay what exactly is it it seems to be getting closer and closer to the Sun I imagine given enough time it's going to eventually run into the Sun okay I was totally wrong it is going to create deep rip iya stricken mesmerizing pattern of weirdness I've ever seen what if you add more and more and more and a lot more more huh I gave the Sun rings well that's pretty cool this would probably be a really bad time to do a moon swarm but ah we're gonna do it alright so there's the Sun with its kick-ass rings boom moon swarm and this is where all hell begins to break loose as the moon's just freakin run straight into all of the pieces oh that's awesome oh yeah yeah I love the Sun and everything like that but quite frankly I love seeing random crap like this a little bit more oh the sun's getting a lot bigger the Sun is really starting to get pissed off the Sun is changing color oh the Sun just went supernova like I'm pretty sure it's a hundred percent supernova right now yep so I went supernova whenever the Sun goes supernova you always have to put an earth in there welcome everyone to earth temperature five degrees Celsius like it's no big deal when I unpause this I'm imagining that the earth is going and get completely obliterated pretty quickly ah mmm there goes the temperature I'll let me go ahead and throw a little flash light on the earth so that we can see it a little bit better you can do like velocity and all kinds of colors too but I'm just gonna leave this like it is yeah three degrees Celsius that sucked not much we can do about it though the gray was busy throwing moons over here at at a ring infused Sun so this is pretty much the result of me getting to play with the universe as I often do I'm kind of surprised the earth still looks pretty good considering it's 5,000 degrees Fell's it how hot does this get you guys know a lot in the comments section is there a point where heat cannot heat any more if that makes any sense like a point where we're measurement no longer is valuable for Heat like it just it's it can't get that hot cuz we're at almost 10,000 degrees Celsius that seems like a lot there we go man it took a long time for the earth to be separated what happens if you throw a black hole through a supernova hold on supernovae don't go too big now again just just a just a little black hole not a big not a big black hole just an average really tiny black hole ah don't look ladies doing too much how about a big-ass black hole oh well I'm starting to get stuff out okay but other than that it's the supernovae still no thing this weird crap is like double supernova I don't know black hole V Nova which one wins so this is two galaxies like dancing together but we need to do something else here so I'm gonna throw black hole it put it right about there go so how does that how does that feel how does it feel having a black hole somewhat near the two galaxies well it's not really somewhat near it's actually pretty far because we're dealing with galaxies here so the pretty damn big well if I put it like over here about that did that piss anyone off you guys care about that no you're just gonna do the whole conglomerate Ori awesome thing kind of looks like the galaxies are hanging out in the smoking section like there's a lot of black smoke goo particles space dust whatever you want to call it kind of flying off over here I don't know how about the old black hole to speed of light adding nothing okay we're gonna go crazy with the Rings now okay this is good this should be wild so this is a Sun with a ring of a hundred and twenty Earth's in the perfect orbit for climate so what we're gonna do is we're gonna take the Sun and we're gonna increase the mass by 1000 the explosion just vaporized all the Earth's instantaneously okay let me uh maybe let's let's mess with the mass a little bit slower I went through all the trouble saying that like I wasn't going to end any lives and then I just killed a hundred and twenty Earth's okay so here just just just a little bit now how about how about x two there we go oh okay all the Earth's are starting to get pulled in in like a giant swirling death spiral and that looks freaking awesome will increase it just a little bit more we'll go we'll go four Suns how about that that should bring all the Earth's back in again the orbit is turning into like this awesome cross Thach work of insanity all the Earth's are coming and they should all be like Co joining in just a second here well some of them did some of them obliterated each other a couple of them just went flying off okay 16 times the normal Sun right now how many earths are left I wonder I don't know how many how many have have survived the culling at this point Earth's are getting shot out into the universe here as they all slowly begin to like it's basically like an earth shape effectively like a milkshake I guess like a milky way shake all right I'm gonna do three this time so three three suns mass and I want to see I'd like them to like all hit together at exactly the same time not still not enough to bring them precisely to the middle alright so we're at 4 times now everything's kind of roping inside getting real close all right how about 6 times this looks promising oh it looks damn promising oh I'm gonna see what happens over time here I just kind of want to see if ah damn it they keep they keep like slingshotting all over the place okay here we go I managed to get it 16 without going supernova oh Jesus well that worked pretty good view of the earth kind of remained in the the Rings here but the rest of the earth went flying out all right here's what we're gonna do I'm gonna bring the Earth's in real slowly it's taking a long time but they're getting pulled in they're getting pulled in I just need to hope that the Earth's don't all disintegrate on me a lot of the Earth's it looks like are just turning into into dust flying out into the universe this is the basically like the sphincter of the universe clenching up the all the Earth's are just starting to smash into one another as they get closer and closer to the Sun unfortunately the Sun has now turned into a black hole and everything that is left the ring of originally climate stable Earth's is now just turned into a firestorm of flaming bits well I hope I've shown everyone why rings are cool and basically every planet needs rings because it just looks awesome with them anyway folks hope you join this episode of universe sandbox 2 until the next time stay foxy [Music] [Music]
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 4,562,097
Rating: 4.8792486 out of 5
Keywords: graystillplays, best vr games, gray still plays, graystillplays vr, gaming, video game, video games, universe sandbox, universe sandbox 2 gameplay, universe sandbox 2 gameplay pc, universe sandbox 2 workshop, universe sandbox 2 update, causing the apocalypse, ways the world could end, greystillplays, supernova, universe sandbox 2, and this happened, universe sandbox 2 rings, universe sandbox 2 saturn, saturn rings
Id: 1-cG32jiNG8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 3sec (963 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2019
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