DESTROYING EARTH Every Possible Way in Solar Smash

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oh hey there i'm blitz welcome to a game called solar smash it's a game about smashing things in the solar system as you probably could imagine we're going to be smashing some planets today because that sounds great you probably know of this one it's called like earth or something like that or terran is that the name i don't know what's the actual name of the planet we live on i know it's earth but i think it has other names this is mars i've never been there you probably haven't i don't know what this one is there's also the this thing i kind of like blowing that up because it reminds me of star trek and wow you can't blow it up okay i have lasers and it it has like a shield what happens if i call in like a giant celestial worm will that will that do anything oh it's trying it's trying go little worm guy eat some of the weird planet sphere oh it couldn't it couldn't do it we must hit it with meteors maybe i can break the shield down eventually if i smack it with enough meteors and nope oh i can just hold down the button and i eventually overwhelm it yes yes the giant mechanical sphere of death is this a black hole that's a black hole i totally hit this thing with a wait how does the shield defend against the black hole that's a little sus oh i cracked into the middle of it can i crack into the middle of it by shooting it with a moon or does it bounce off i think the moon just bounced off wow i need one of those in real life but no we're just going to go back to the boring old earth planet and we can take this nice little laser and put it right over india oh how did that do it's kind of boring i mean it's a gigantic crater what happens if we pause the game and put it in like five of them at the same time does that work can we put in a bunch of them and then release the pause oh hey that was good what happens if we take this little gear and we we change the color to blue because blue lasers are fun and how hard can i take this oh wow five times bigger lasers wait we need to go somewhere in the sunshine like africa and right here on the equator oh i like it i just destroyed the entirety of africa in one blast what happens if i keep hitting this thing over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over oh look i turned the earth into a donut there's a hole all the way through it there's that old adage like can you dig a hole to china probably wow can i take a i'm gonna try to do one right over here and we're just gonna go right through here oh oh there's another hole i got another hole all the way through did i match yes okay then we got to go over this angle right like right such as this right here goodbye antarctica all seven people that live there are gonna get destroyed i have done it oh no i kind of uh well i think i think it just killed everyone huh that's too bad time to send in the aliens there they go oh whoa do they have lasers they do have lasers whoa they're glassing the planet's surface like the covenant in halo what are they doing oh they're they're sent off they went away yeah they blast a couple things and then they just leave it's not nearly as exciting what does this one do i feel like this guy's cool hey we can we have gear on this one too oh it's an orbital satellite laser do something cool it'll be funny oh it's drilling through the planet what no way goodbye earth it was nice to know you i need to increase the i turn the earth into a sun wait what how does how is that possible do it again it'll be fun i know oh we just created like an earth supernova whoops and reset oh it was just a nightmare just a bad dream but our alien friend was still here he just glassed the surface of the planet with one blast that was fun what happens if i hit it with like a meteor now can i just like crack it like an egg yep he just takes one little crack like an egg now you're probably wondering what this one is it's called system smash yeah there's the sun where'd it go where's the sun where are you wait stop hold on hold on now you gotta go back to where you're supposed to be everyone knows that the sun doesn't move and then if i do this and i go and then it just kind of flies towards other planets uh-huh and then i can move these ones around too that's good yeah uh-oh this little fella he's like i just want to go straight into the sun what happens if i go straight into the sun will that do anything cool no it doesn't really do anything i don't know which one this was probably like jupiter or something i also would like to zoom in more but i'm incompetent and can't figure out how to do that yeah hey look the sun's eating everything there goes earth right into the celestial fireball what happens if i take the sun and shoot it directly at saturn just like that and then i go fast forward mode oh okay we gotta we gotta change that a little bit okay i'm so sorry saturn i didn't mean for it to happen like this actually i did because it's kind of exciting okay just go regular mode whoop okay and then we're gonna go like head to head here saturn versus the sun and the epic galactic battle actually solar battle because it's not a galaxy it's eating the ring up wow like like nothing ever happened it's just kind of bulldozing its way through the solar system come here uranus let's see if we can meet oh you're going too fast dude you're going slow yourself slow yourself down sun boy like seriously just stop for a second go boop okay i want to go in like a super tight little orbit here bro bro you gotta go orbit mode would you stop please this reminds me a lot of universe sandbox okay we'll try that that might actually get orbital and fast forward oh it's making it it's making it good job little uranus i'm proud of you you're following the sun probably burning up into a thousand fireballs of fiery death i wonder if it's ever gonna just connect and they'll be friends and then the sun's just gonna pretend he's gonna be like the imposter wants to be his friend and then he's just gonna absorb him no i actually think i made an orbit somehow okay if you stop what happens can he stop dude there goes uranus now here's an interesting experiment we have these missiles now we can change this i don't know what this means but i think this means more missiles i think we can send a 100 missiles with five times firepower at each one let's just pause it real quick and we'll rotate earthy boy right like so and let's go for hawaii because it's kind of in the sun time if i just press right here i just clicked one time and then if i unpause it okay wow whoa i was i was not expecting i was not expecting that wow looks like it has a tumor oh don't worry this side of the air is fine africa is all good to go and then part of like brazil here it's like we're good everyone's fine except temperatures are probably like 110 million degrees and then we'll do it again i should pause it and like send 17 of these at once well that's good here keep flowing the missiles keep the missiles going oh i feel like i'm gonna crash the game if i do this too much oh there's the implosion did we do it did earth explo oh seven frames per second oh look it's there's earth how'd you like to live there i kind of feel bad okay i don't even know what really happened okay what's this one the laser oh yeah just regular laser we can just write our name here they like blitz was here and then all of the aliens that are gonna fly by be like we need to stay away from that intergalactic blitz guy who left like a space ball on what is that what is that thing can i need to send more i don't even know what it is oh but it's going right to the it's going right to the core like the gravitational core is still in the middle i want to hit that with a laser yeah oh oh they're bombs they're bombs that was fun oh they're not only gone yet yay more bombs feel bad for earthlings sometimes so we'll come in with the aliens the aliens will get stuck in the core no they're just getting absorbed right into the planet's surface i feel like i need to finish the deal with one of these like space satellite guys oh i didn't even play with one of these guys hold up all right all right mr satellite just destroy earth get it over with 2020 has been enough for us already and laser of death is it gonna shoot the middle it did yep that's the most 20 20 thing ever even the death laser from space can't even hit the planet but it still manages to burn it up and do it like a sun huh it's awkward it still blew up yeah go team oh that's so pretty look at that so there's one thing in here i don't know what it is it looks like a worm is this like a a galactic worm what's it do i clicked up there in the north pacific oh i don't like worms oh no it's like a a planet-sized tapeworm oh that's that's terrible oh and it drills through the planet no way that's cool in a gross sort of way wow it is so long oh there goes russia oh and then we dove down into the mantle where is it going to come out i don't know if i want to know where it's this is it just gonna where's it at hello hello earthworm okay it's kind of going straight i feel like it is going to come out over here somewhere or not oh it came out down here oh that's cool and it's going back in what happens if i give it a few more oh no there's like seven of them wow yeah i would not want to be on this earth oh is it freezing it looks like the planet nope that's hot it's getting hot they're disrupting the magnetic field they're not doing a good enough job though we need to ascend more worms oh what's happening down here what is happening to the oh is it one cracking through the surface i'm not sure ah okay that's gross that's really gross some of them are leaving but just imagining an apple and biting into it there's a bunch of worms inside oh everyone's dead again why can't the space worms just have fun with people i know a good way to finish them off yeah we'll just kill all the space worms with meteorite strikes or how about just crashing the moon into the planet so much for that moon oh oh that's so cool oh disintegrated though we must increase more moons if only we had just a convoy of moons oh they're gonna go right through the planet it's like uh elon musk's like cyber truck tunnel or whatever he's building under la just send it a bunch of moons right through the planet don't worry about this earth guys we'll make a new one actually we think we can is this one is this the moon maker no this one is over here we can make a new earth look at that we can turn can we like increase the sun yes yes burn it burn it and we can increase the water this is what happens when you don't pay attention to global warming hey look i made a water world oh does water world stop fire world let's find out and the answer is no so if i remove the water oh maybe i'll just try to paint it blue yeah we're gonna paint it blue oops that's not what i wanted oh i can change the color of the water [Laughter] yes just now acid we'll get rid of it okay so all the water is blood now fantastic and we'll change the desert to like whoops purple for f why are you doing this to me game how'd you like earth to look like a bowling ball alright earth that i made now is your last chance to survive or to turn up the sunshine oh that's the coldness an ice planet i kind of like that idea although technically if the whole northern and southern hemisphere like turned to ice wouldn't the sea level go way down because that's how like the bearing straight froze right i think it kind of looks good yeah we turned it into a giant frozen ball of death now we have to have a fun way to play with it how about a black hole what happens if we launch a black hole on earth oh oh i like it yes look what we did and then that would heat up the planet and all the snow would melt and it'd probably boil off all of the water and we turn into this big desolate ball whoops i didn't want that i just wanted to turn it into a big fiery red ball of death and there goes another black hole i done it i have done it i have successfully destroyed another earth time to send in the space worms who seem to like taking chunks of our destroyed planet and sending them back to their space world nice well that was a fun game see you next time bye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Blitz
Views: 374,094
Rating: 4.9023852 out of 5
Keywords: blitz, solar smash, solar smash game, solar smash gameplay, destroying earth
Id: I5fBXy2z6Hc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 21sec (861 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 06 2020
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