JUST for small biz owners - March 2023 Canva updates that YOU need to care about

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new updates are so great until we don't know how to use them or they're not relevant to us so if you haven't heard canva has just released a heck of a ton of new updates which is really really exciting but for everyday business owners which is who I work with as a graphic designer I love teaching them how they can use canva for their business you don't need all of them and so I've gone through and I've worked out what ones are going to be relevant for you which ones are going to change the game for you going to save you so much time Gonna Save you so many headaches and frustration I'm going to actually just make designing a little bit more fun for you so I'm going to go through the top updates now plus a couple of bonus ones that I think are still a little bit fun while slightly less relevant for you so let's get into it thank you so if you don't know me my name is Jackie Norton and I am a graphic designer and Coach that help business owners how they can make their own Graphics they're in standout branding their own business Graphics that transform their business into looking really professional and drawing in their ideal client and making the money that they want to be making so I'm going to teach you now a couple of the things that I've Loved about the new updates with canva now these updates are still even rolling out on my platform so there's two of them I can't even show you what I'm going to tell you about them as much as I can um and there are some really really great ones for you so I'm going to go through the really basic ones first and then some of the really cool AI things that have been released that are going to save you a lot of time in your business so this first one here I've just got up a random design that I've had in the past because I wanted to show you a brand new feature around layers now this is something that business owners have had access to if they've got something like Photoshop but for those of you have used canva it's been really fiddly for example if I've got say this balloon here and I want to move it around layers I can press position and I could have pressed forward or backwards and all these different things but that was the extent of it whereas now you might see this extra little tab there's a layers tab here that is a game changer this layers tab will show you every single layer within your design and all you need to do to move it around is click it so if I grab this bubble here and drag it up to where I want it to go and boom it's there and it's so much easier to grab use and move around and you can even just go to the overlapping section so if there's one one section like I just need to find the overlapping Parts you can click here and you can see these are the different sections that overlap each other and lower it down a little bit if you've got way too many layers going on so that is one of my favorites because that's going to be such a Time Saver and such a headache saver I know that so many of my students come to me like Jackie I just can't find this graphic it's lost behind everything else this is a great way and a great workaround for that the next thing I want to show you is gradients this is incredible because usually the workaround I would say if you want if you had a plain design like this and you wanted to bring it up a notch make it have a bit more depth to it I would usually say go to elements find a blur feature from the blur element and pop it all in and kind of create some depth now you can do that right within your colors so I'm just going to click on this background color here you can do this with any element that you're changing the color of and go to Colors here and I can click if I hover over my color you can see that there's a little like a filter button or a little levels button if I click on that you're going to see there's a solid color so I can go around to do my normal features of picking colors or there's this gradient feature where I can change the gradients of the design I can do straight diagonal radial all these different things and I can edit the colors of that so for me I love doing it just slightly darker and lighter tones of the same color for a really subtle gradient so I'm going to click on this one and I'm going to change it to being one of my other branding colors so I'm actually just going to grab this eyedropper tool here and actually just go down to this purple here and you can see that it's it's really really subtle so I'm going to make it a bit darker just for your reference but I love using the subtle look because it creates so much depth without and looking professional without being like overwhelming and too obvious and taking away from your design I'm going to break this a bit darker just for your reference so you can really see what's going on so you can see here that this gradient has now made it lighter in the middle and darker on the outside if this is in the wrong order you can move it around and change it like that or if you want multiple colors you can even do that like say I wanted to add in a blue so then wanted to add in a pink like anything is possible here with these gradients which is so so exciting and such a Time Saver so that's going to be one of my favorite ones to use on the regular the next one I want to show you is an incredible AI feature so if you've been keeping up to date with all the AI updates in the world at the moment it's pretty incredible what can be done now and at the moment I'm using chat GPT a lot of my business to kind of help me to draft content to get content ideas help me refine my content but now that's all within canva in anywhere you canva used to have it inside their canva dock section but now it's in any design so if I'm interested in a social media template here I can press this little canva magic kind of assist over here and I press this you can see there's a magic right button here if yours isn't here just kind of search it up here and it hopefully will pop up press magic right and what I can actually do is is literally say write me five tips for keeping plants alive if I write that down Kim is going to generate that for me I'm going to pop in five different tips here but say I'm like oh that's a little bit too long this one here is so so helpful because I I've been talking to a lot of my students recently and they're designing flyers or posters and they've got just a little bit too much text and it's getting they don't know how to shorten it down what you can do is select any paragraph of text whether it's an AI written one or something that you've written yourself and so all you need to do is click on whatever text box you have and go down to this canva assistant again and press summarize text you can see this is these are most of these are going to be Pro features so if you haven't updated to Pro yet this might be the time to do so I do have an affiliate link down the bottom if you are interested and would like to use my link I'd be very grateful but there's obviously no pressure to do so anyway back to this press summarize text and what it's going to do is do its magic and you'll see here it just summarized it into a couple sentences rather than a couple of paragraph or two just like that and so you can do the same thing if you want to expand something you can expand this text into something that's a little bit longer it'll kind of ad-lib and do its look at that it gave you like 18 different tips got a little bit stuck here on six and eight but that's a pretty good effort or what we can do here is rewrite it so if it needs to be a little bit different we can do that as well and so there's so many different options for how we can use AI directly inside canva to do things and so as I said like this is a great way to do it or like my favorite option is literally just to grab some text that you've already got if you've got a flyer that's got the paragraphs that are too long just press summarize and it can do half the work for you obviously read over it check that it's all okay but this can hopefully save you a lot of time and bring you a lot of clarity into this piece the next two I want to show you are photo editing ones and so you might have seen this if you've been inside Canberra in the past few days but pretty much if you go to you click on a photo and press edit photo you'll see there's alongside background mover there's now two new ones you've got Magic Eraser and Magic edit so let's try it now I've got the magic eraser and what I'm going to do is pretty much brush over parts of the image that I want to disappear this I need to put this caveat in here this isn't a really really great tool yet I think it's still getting built and still getting better but it's okay for a couple of really basic things like throw some birds in this guy I was the example can be used I'm actually going to use it for this clump of Cutlery and condiments back here in the kitchen behind me so I'm going to paint over it make sure you don't lift up your mouse any point in this time it needs to be all in one kind of click in one drag so I've dragged over that and now I'm going to wait for it to do its work this is going to take a few moments so make sure you're patient with this but in essence it's not going to do a perfect job but for me this part of the image was distracting and I wanted to take it away and the taking away of it should hopefully do a better job than what it was there but for example I've also tried to remove the strawberry it didn't do a great job of doing that so make sure you're not trying to do anything that's super intricate with a super difficult background for canva to use but you can see here that's done a wonderful job and it's gone it's not taking away attention from me in the part of the graphic anymore the next thing you can use is Magic edit and this one's really fun um for business owners I'm not sure when you're probably going to use it but what I can probably say is if you've got some images that just aren't quite perfect have a go at maybe fixing them so if you press magic edit what you can do is pretty much like we did before we can paint over part of an image but instead of removing it we can replace it we can tell the AI to create anything we want it to make so for example I'm going to paint over this strawberry here like so and then once I've done that it's going to prompt me to press continue if I'm happy with where I've painted I'm going to type in here what I want it to be replaced with so I have a quite a um a Whimsical brand and so I'm going to actually write in here a miniature zebra because I love zebras I'm gonna write miniature zebra so I'm going to press generate so this will take a few moments again but you just got to wait and then it'll prompt you with a few different options of what you can replace it with so for me last time I tried this I didn't like all the options but one of them was actually really spot on and I loved giving it a go so I'm going to see what it comes up with this time it's a bit funky um hopefully some of these other ones are better oh this one here look how cool this is almost looks like it's drinking out of my strawberry so if I click on this one you'll see it's got this original one here first it's popped it in here if I click on this one it will replace it with this one here and now it looks like there's a little zebra just sitting on my bench with me I'm gonna press done and now I've got this new super cute image and so you can use this from far more normal things than me but in essence even if you wanted to replace I'm sure lucky you could replace the strawberry with a different fruit or a watermelon or something the next one that I haven't got yet is the layout feature so technically very soon hopefully you can keep on checking on this inside this design panel in between templates and styles there's going to be a layout section this one is so incredible so if you're struggling with a layout so for example this is quite an ugly design there's not really good balance this is far too close to the bottom this is clear too close to me that this hierarchy isn't great what I believe that it's going to do is if you click on this design and press layouts it's going to the AI is going to generate alternative layout options for you that are designed well it's going to think through better things like the alignment and the balance and all those different things and it will give you some options so hopefully that's going to come really really soon and I might do a video on that I'll definitely post about it when it comes onto my Instagram so if you're not already following that please head over to White dear GD and you can see that as soon as it pops up but in essence keep an eye out for the layout feature because I'm so excited for this one especially for just everyday people trying to use canva frustrated that they can't get the design right and they can just click this layout feature and see the design transformed the next one I want to show you is canva drawer now this has been around for a little while but in its beta mode and it's not been that great but it's now been fixed and it's so so wonderful so if you go down if you can't see it here but I think it's pretty much been popped here for everyone so for me it's on this left hand panel you click on drawer and it pops up with this little thing down the side here and you can use any of these drawing tools to draw so for me I love this one here and what you can do is click on it and then what you can actually do is hover over this line section and click on that and you can change the thickness of your lines you can go like 36 thickness which is quite thick or you can go anywhere between that you can just manually adjust that to whatever you want so I'm going to choose this one here for the sake of ease obviously going to change the color I'm going to do that to White and then you can pretty much draw so if I just go what I like to do and what I think is so so fun is just kind of doing like Doodles over a design if your graphic style is quite Whimsical and playful and scrapbooky then this is going to be your best friend like you can just do a little squiggle down the side here you could do that was a really bad squiggle squiggle at the top here um you can do like for me I like doing like little like or like pretend like I'm kind of drawing over the image this is just so so cool the slower you draw just for reference the thicker the line will be and a bit more um like this is a little bit wobbly it's not perfect um but you can kind of see the kind of the quicker you go the more beautiful the line is to be honest with you um and you can even actually pick these up so if I actually can actually just pick these up move them around scale them as needed which is so great these kind of become my own elements I can even go up here and edit their color I can even put my gradient into it you know like there's so many things I can do here um so these pretty much become your own little elements that you can change move around and edit as kind of needed so you've obviously got these other features as well like the more highlighter one the more thinner pen one um so have a play with that canva has also said which I haven't worked out yet I'm going to try it now their example was that if you draw a star it would be actually become a proper star so I think that's a feature I haven't got around yet or it hasn't quite been released yet but in essence keep an eye out for that too and use that if you're wanting to but yes but for me I think it's actually just easier to search for a star you can either go to elements or you can use canvas thing over here and press star not that hard to type it and it just pops in a star there for you so have a play with that enjoy that feature because it's so so fun really playful if you're a little bit more creative then have a play with this want to enjoy this feature alright the next one I want to show you is the brand Hub so canvas always had the brand kit but I've kind of stepped it up a notch this is particularly useful for bigger corporations but I still think this is really important for just small business owners I'm going to show you the parts that they think are really really important so if you go to your home here you'll see the brand Hub here so if I just get out of this for a second you'll see your home and there's this brand Hub option again a canva pro feature if you click on this you can access your brand kit your brand templates and your brand controls I'm going to go I'll go into brand kit at the end because that's where I want to really hang out but you can kind of also add brand templates so if you have like a social media template for a quote or in a social media template for a testimonial and a flyer template or a business card template you can add them in here to really access them really quickly and really on brand you can also add brand controls here so if you've got team working for you you can restrict the colors that they can access you can restrict the fonts they can access you can even ask for a design approval but for those of us who don't have teams you can actually just go into brand kit I've got mine here and if you click on this you can add in your brand logos you've always been able to do that you can own your brand colors you've also always been able to do that you can add in your brand fonts what's changed here is the array of fonts usually you can only add in three and you can see here my three have Auto populated to here here and here but I can now re-add in a title subtitle section header body quote caption there are so many more options for you to add text in now don't get overwhelmed you have to pick a different font for all of these I teach my students that three fonts Max for your designs is really helpful you might choose to do a larger version of your heading for the title you might choose to do a medium version for the subtitle excuse me you might choose to do different kind of sizing different kind of like play with the sizing and the capitals or lowercase or bold or thin for these rather than adding in new fonts you don't have to add in heaps and heaps of new fonts there's also sections now to add in your brand photos your brand graphics and your brand icons these are incredible because you can add in all of your brand photos I previously have had these stored in folders which is a wonderful solution so if you see down here I've got my photo shoot photos and they're just sitting all in here for me to access as I need I'll show you where you can access them now so you can add those in and you can also add in your brand Graphics your brand elements so all my brand elements I've always stored in this folder here so I just click on this you can see here I have a list of all my different brand elements so I'm now going to go through and add those into this Graphics section to be easier accessible you can also upload brand icons in here too which is wonderful and so once you're inside canva the way that you access your brand kit is by going up to the top here and pressing brand Hub and you'll see here that you can have your templates listed here you've got your logos here you've got your colors here you've also got your fonts as your your heading subheading which will also be accessible via the font section here and you can see you've got my brand fonts are listed down here and then you've also got a figure bracket brand Hub the Fritos are all here and the graphics rule here so everything's kind of sitting there ready for you to use ready for you to access you don't have to think about it you don't have to look twice it's all just there I want to show you this colors one really quickly so if I click on a design I've already created if you're not happy with the colors but you've got your brand colors all sorted what you can actually do is have the design open and click on shuffle you'll see here just slowly slightly tweaks my colors into something different and I can just keep pressing Shuffle until I'm happy with it and I just think that's such a fun way to kind of cycle through your brand colors and try a different design if something's not working for you and then finally I want to show you a bit of a fun one this isn't really that necessary and I haven't found a way to use this but if you've the time that you would use this if you've been looking on canva elements and you're trying to find like a photo that perfectly suits exactly what you're after and you're like I can't find a perfect photo say I want um to use sunflowers with tulips tulip and you just can't find the right picture that you're after you can use this text image to generate it so I'm going to go to apps here and you'll see it's up here text image now this has also been around for a little bit longer but it's improving improving all the time so if I actually go in here and I'm going to type in I've already given myself a prompt modern flower collage using sunflowers and tulips I can then choose this style do I want filmic or dream like or watercolor or all these different options I think there's even more there's so many options here for me I'm going to press I'm going to do one that I haven't done before so I'm going to go for 3D model I think that'd be fun you can also choose if you want a square image a landscape image or a portrait image so I'm going to press create your image again this is going to take a little bit because it's creating an image from scratch but I think you're going to be pretty astounded at the results that it creates how cool is this look at this and what is it created I flip and love all of these so if I insert this image like it's got that's a poor excuse for a tulip but good try I guess this one here is probably more accurate to which we'll have here but like this is just what it can create with you just pop in a prompt so imagine all the things that you could pop in here um have a go have a play and see what it comes up with for you another feature that you may or may not want to use is the animate feature and gee whiz I love this one so for me I love doing a couple of little videos particularly because um video is becoming more and more popular particularly on Instagram Tick Tock everywhere and so if you want to add a little bit more interest to your designs canva has always allowed you to edit the whole animation so I can just do something like what's a fun one that I love party and it just pops it all in and does cool things like that but I'm going to remove all of those because what I want to show you is a brand new feature that I think is so so fun so for me I have a little brand mascot this little dude here her name is Mulberry duffle duffle fluff I keep forgetting to be honest I'm still getting to know her but you'll see when I click on her as an element there's a create animation option so I click on this what I can actually do is grab her and move her around and it will animate it to move that way so I'm going to grab her I'm going to pretend she's jumping on the laptop and I want to jumping over to my text like so and watch look she's jumping around how cool is this you have options now to speed her up you have options to smooth it out to steady it out to orient element to a path all these different things and so I'm going to press done and now I've got this cute little moving animation if I just move the timer back to the start that took me so so quick like this is just Next Level being able to create this so quickly in such a program like canva so those are the updates that I wanted to share with you there are plenty more so feel free to go and watch the canva create um like that the video they kind of did like it was like an hour-long kind of conference and they give you all the updates in there but just keep an eye out on your canva play around with these experiment with what's available to you and learn to embrace these changes to help your business to be creating Graphics even faster more beautifully and more professionally for your business so I hope you enjoyed that one if you've got any questions feel free to hit me up in the comments um but also if you're one of my students inside DIY design ideas or the co-creation club I'm hoping to go into these in more and more detail and if you've obviously got heaps of questions in there post them in there and I'll give you some full tutorials on how to use these in more depth if you aren't in my world at all yet please join me on Instagram at Whited hit that subscribe button I've got plenty more coming out for you very very soon thanks for joining me [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Jacqui Naunton // White Deer
Views: 125,204
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: canva, canva tips, bulk create, whitedeer, branding, graphic design, jacqui naunton, diy design, graphic design basics, canva tutorial
Id: bXkVlyVeYHc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 23sec (1163 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 24 2023
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