10 Canva AI Tips to Create Websites Faster

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in this video I'm going to answer two critical questions the first one is how can you leverage canvas new AI features to create canva websites faster and the second pressing question I'm going to answer in this video is Ronnie dude do your glasses even have lenses what is up guys Ronnie here welcome back to another tutorial today we talk about creating websites with canva in doing so by leveraging all of the new AI features that canva introduced at canva create so the way we are going to do this I have prepared a little website for you right here about my legendary glasses and I'm going to show you how I came up with this website in about two hours by leveraging the new AI features in canvas so this is the final outcome we're not going to recreate the entire website from scratch this is not so much a tutorial about creating a website from scratch but rather how can we build websites faster in terms of writing your copy creating the right images creating the perfect structure for your website all of this meaning on this new AI features that canva now has and before we get started I just want to warn you that I will be using some of the pro features and it's going to be a mix between Pro and free features so three users won't be able to follow every single feature but there's a lot of things you can already do with the free version of canvas so let's jump into the editor and start building that website [Music] all right we are now in the canva editor this is the document where I built my website so it is a website document and you can see here at the bottom of my screen that this website has seven pages so what we are going to do before we start really getting into the breakdown of every single page and how I built it I want to show you an overview of this website so to do this I'm just going to publish the website all right click on continue right here publish canva is going to prepare my design and give me a link from which I can actually experience the website so I'm going to click here this is what the website looks like it's for a brand called free frame non-reflective eyewear for content creator premium style a little bit of explanation of what it is who needs lenses anyway Ronnie Hermosa that's me the OG free framer the free frame specs so we can see kind of like the product detail right here then we see that there are three different versions of free frame free frame free frame plus and free frame Deluxe a couple of customer reviews and a call to action to pre-order your free frame glasses today all right so this is actually not an e-commerce website it is a one product landing page a couple of things before we get started this is a dummy website I created for the sake of showing you these features not trying to sell you my glasses I only have one pair but yes canva is not an e-commerce solution as of now this is a question I get a lot you could link this buy button to a product to another website to maybe a WhatsApp Messenger but there is no native way for you when people will click on that button to direct them to a shopping cart that would be hosted on canva so there is no such functionality as of today maybe they will be in the future that would be awesome awesome that we can sell product on the canva website but as of today first semester of 2023 we cannot do that so this button right here is not gonna lead you to a shopping experience so if I come back to the top of this website I can see my brand right here gonna come back to my document right here and click on edit design again so if I click on this little arrow right here I will actually have my one scroll down landing page so what we are going to do I want to kind of like decompose this website for you and show you how I got there all right so for this I'm gonna go back to the home page so from the canva homepage I started my project from this header right here and I chose website so let's do that let's click on website and then I chose a specific type of website you see all of these Styles right here are different types of websites like a Business website a portfolio website event website etc etc you can use a little arrows right here to really discover are all the different types of websites so I chose the retail website I didn't click straight on that tile because if you do it will open a blank website in the editor what I did is that I clicked over the little magnifier glass right here that says browse templates started by browsing templates so when you do this you'll see something like this so the first feature the first AI feature I used to create my website was magic design okay which is still a better feature it is available to anyone from the desktop experience magic design will pretty much avoid you to start from a blank page or in this case a blank website so the way it works you have to insert a media okay we are already in the retail website template category or sub category so it's not just any website templates it's retail website so that's important so I started with the media I inserted a media and what I inserted was actually a photo of my my glasses to be completely Fair it's not a photo I took of my glasses I was a little bit lazy so I just found a pair of glasses that looked like my glasses on the internet and you will understand why in a second I don't recommend you do so I always recommend you use your own photos or photos you find in the canva library but this is what I started the website from okay so I inserted my glasses next I chose a style okay so you can choose between different kinds of styles right here Kanda call this a Vibe or theme so I browse this and I think I went for modern okay so like so then click on see the results and then canvarian propose to you couple of templates already so from a simple glance at them I kind of liked this one but then I came back to the style button right here and I picked an actual color palette from here so you have a choice between couple of different color palettes here so let me see if I remember which one I picked it was one in the kind of like earthy Stone yes I think it was this one right here so I'm gonna click on see result and canva will automatically adapt your website template with this color palette so what I did I chose this one right here that was the first AI tip I wanted to show that you don't have to start from a blank website so from here you see it's been generated by Magic design white and brown photographic books retail website don't worry too much about the title just click on customize this template so this is what you will have at this point like a huge photo of your glasses right there which is way too big so you can easily resize that and you can also stretch it a bit so you have the entire photo showing here because a little bit was cut of this photo so there you go this is the base of my website step number two was to use canvas copywriting AI tool called Magic right to generate the structure for my landing page so magic right is kind of like the equivalent of chat GPT but within canva and it is accessible via the little canva assistant button right here that should be in the lower right corner of your screen so if you click here you should see magic right magic right is a pro feature but free users will have 25 prompt to try this feature so even if you're a free user given that you haven't yet exhausted your 25 prompts you should see that feature in your account so let's try it so magic right so when you open Magic right you will have a box like this one asking you to prompt something so this is just like your typical copy generator AI tool you have to start with an input or a prompt to get some sort of output all right so I'm gonna paste my prompt and read it to you you are a conversion copywriter this is me giving the AI some content next asking the AI to act as a that in this case conversion copywriter you are a conversion copywriter generate the structure of a landing page selling a single product mention how many sections the landing page should have and what would these sections be so once you have written your prompt just hit enter and canvas magic right is going to start generating that structure for you so it's right here it's great I'm gonna click on add a page and actually move this page up and just simply drag this text over here so I'm going to read some of that to you not the whole thing so the first thing is a headline a clear and attention grabbing headline that communicates the main benefit of your product a sub headline a supporting statement that elaborates on the headline and provides more context product image or video product description social proof like testimonials call to action or CTA with a button that encourages visitors to take some kind of action if you want some additional benefits an FAQ question guarantee or statement like badges that assures the customer of the quality of the product closing arguments on the last page now this is great it gave me a great structure for my website I'm not gonna use the entire information that is suggested to me here but I have some great ideas like headlines sub headlines product image this is probably what's going to come on my first page and then I will have some information more about the product what is it for the benefits of using that product social proof definitely call to action with a button at the end and maybe a closing argument so I have to say that having this structure generated for me is saving me a bunch of time now I know which type of pages or sections I need to create for my website so let's move on to the next step and create these sections so the way I'm going to generate these other pages of my website I'm not going to make them from scratch but I'm going to Simply kind of like shop around in the canva template Library so for that just head over your first tab right here that says design and I'm going to search for a product retail website this is my recent search but these keywords are going to be great for finding more pages okay so for example this first template right here I'm gonna open it to see all of its six pages so I'm gonna click on add a page and I'm going to add this page right here kind of like the about section it looks nice I have kind of like half half text and a photo on the other side is there anything else I like here not really so I'm gonna collapse it add another page right here continue browsing so this website right here has eight pages and I see something that I like here kind of like a product which is obviously not my glasses but it has like three main features of the product and some lines that kind of point at different parts of the product so this is nice I could use that with my glasses so I'm Gonna Keep it here I'm gonna continue adding pages this page right here kind of like pricing tables I think I could use this so I'm gonna keep it for now and then add another page I think I'm done with this one template and I'm going to continue scrolling finding something in the same tones so maybe this one right here yeah this one is nice I could probably use this page right here Yep this is good so now I'm gonna click on the preview right here I can see one two three four five pages okay is there something else that is missing maybe let's come back to some of these templates yeah I have an idea of a page that could be me just a quote from me and that page would be nice right here so this one right here could be something I use now let me quickly check again if something is missing so this is my hero my products why does this product exist the main benefits and main features of that product pricing table kind of final statement this will be probably need to come over here so that would be the quote it seems like I have only one page missing based on my structure and that is social proof so I need to find kind of customer reviews customer testimonials okay so again gonna come back to my product retail website let's click on this other website right here see if it has customer reviews yes I see it right here so for that I am going to add a page right here before my closing statement and insert my customer reviews okay so one last time checking if I have everything I need I have my hero page or my home page I have the about section probably could move my testimonial right here then product breakdown of the main benefits pricing table customer review final closing statement that is good so that is in a nutshell how I use canvas template library and shopped around in different templates to grow grab the pages I needed based on my structure now you can go one step further if you come back to your design button right here and come back to this menu right here I was on the templates tab okay but if you click on Styles canva will generate some color palettes for you and these styles are based on different things like you see some recently used Styles my brand kit Styles but also some Styles based on the photos I have included in my document right here so you see different photos with different color palettes so this should allow you to really stay on brand for all of the pages of your website I kind of like already the look and feel because I kind of was searching within the same color palette so it does look nice and I will probably tweak this a little bit as I go but what needs to be harmonized is definitely the fonts so I'm gonna do this manually instead of using the styes right here but just know that you have that option with the click of a button to change the entire colors and font on your website I'm not gonna use it here because I have a specific ID in mind but just know this is available all right moving on to the next step in this step I'm trying to come up with a name for my brand of glasses so I'm gonna go back to Magic rights canvas copy generator to suggest me to help me brainstorm some brand names for my eyewear for my glasses okay so I have this text right here this is where I want to generate my brand this should read my brand name okay so with that text box selected I'm gonna select the canva assistant and use the feature edit with magic right so there you go uh hammock bookstore can delete that I have this one word okay Lighthouse this is where I'm going to start I'm going to hit my shift key on my keyboard and enter so I can not launch the prompt but just make an extra line right here where I will prompt something else and that prompt is going to be the following so let me paste it for you and read it out loud you are conversion copywriter still that hasn't changed this worked well for the first prompt please suggest 10 names for my brand of reflect action free glasses that actually don't have lenses the lens free frames are for video content creators who want to avoid the light to reflect in their glasses so there you go guys my best kept secret all right so uh let's see how it does with this prompt I don't even need the lighthouse part here so I'm just gonna leave it here and hit enter so canvash would generate and it did right here A bunch of different names here I'm gonna reduce the size of this and actually bring that to my first page right here make it a bit bigger so this is what I have 10 names I don't really like this font right here so Rana so let's select everything and choose a different one I'm just gonna go with Organic for now so big font so reflection Shield glasses Clear View frames lensless light blockers anti-glare frames reflection free Shades Video Vision frames no lens specs light blocking glasses reflection banishing frames filmmakers glasses alright so there's nothing that I love at first sight right there but a couple of interesting idea Clear View frames something with frames lenses light blockers anti-glare frames reflection free so there's a lot of vocabulary I could probably use in the copy of my website but not precisely as my brand name So based on all of that kind of like got things turning and churning in my head and I like the word frames I kind of like the feeling of freedom because these frames give me a lot of freedom I can wear them and I don't have to worry about these big lies that are right there reflecting in the lenses that would be a nightmare so that is why I chose to have lens free glasses because they still look nice they look cool they give me a style but they don't disturb me as a content creator so that is on the one hand The Secret of my glasses and on the other hand like kind of the essence of this brand I'm trying to reflect here so I came up with the word free frames okay free frame is a cool name for this kind of glasses so I'm just going to create a text box right here I'm going to position that in the corner and use the assistant grids right here to just stick that right there in the corner and call this free frame I actually use two different text boxes and I made that 50 something 56 I believe it was it's just 56 change this font for my organic font there you go free and then I copied this so I'm holding my option key right here to copy this other text box and I'm going to call this one frame okay so why am I using two different text boxes here well that's because I wanted to give a specific effect to the second part of the word frame okay I want to use the effect right here the Holo effect so this is what I have free frame in two different text boxes I could not have achieved the same effect for the entire word with only one text box and then now I could just easily group that I'm just going to add the little trademark here to show people this is actually a brand name all right this looks great I have this little button here that I don't particularly need and I need a sub headline right here so the sub headline I decided to go for this one right here non-reflective eyewear for Content creators I feel like this sentence really describes my business my product and I was inspired by this list of words here non-reflect active reflection banishing or reflection Shield reflection free you see all of these words help me generate this one tagline I would say for my product all right now that I have my brand name figured out and my main hero page ready it's time to move on to the next step the next step is actually doing more of the same and this time I'm gonna fine tune the entire copy of the website so all of the other Pages I'm going to be using magic right to come up with some taglines to come up with some short paragraphs and actually describe my product so it is going to be a lot of the same thing so I'm going to step forward in the video and show you all of the text already kind of like created and what it looks like we're going to read through the text but basically what I'm doing is simply selecting one of the text boxes for this you need to ungroup them so you select one of the text boxes and then you call Magic right like so you edit with magic right and you just prompt in specific ways so the way I prompt is always kind of like the same you are conversion copywriter please come up with a tagline that is a sassy that is funny that is smart that is witty I use these adjectives to kind of describe the tone of voice I want the AI to use on my website and always be using the same keywords to describe my tone of voice if defining your tone of voice using AI is something you're interested in I recommend you watch my tutorial where I reshaped my entire About Me section on LinkedIn with chatgpt because I Do cover tone of voice and how to generate one how to describe tone of voice based on a specific piece of content you have already written I go over all of that in that video so watch this video next the link will be in the description but back to our website right here I'm gonna skip forward and show you all of the copy that I generated for the website so there you go guys I finished prompting magic right couple of times for different text boxes and this is what the website looks like so the first page hasn't changed it was already ready this is what the second page looks like it says frame your style and this tagline was generated by Magic right so I really love that and this entire paragraph as well attention all content creators say goodbye to distracting Reflections in your glasses while filming and hello to practicality with our lens free frames at free frame these frames are a game changer for those spending long hours in the studio look like a bus and stay focused on creating content that rocks I really love how magic right came up with this one paragraph right here so I'm going to give you the exact prompt I use so you can get inspired by that alright so launching magic right I use the edit with magic right so I use the original size of paragraph so that it keeps approximately the same length and this is the prompt I used okay I'm gonna read it to you you are a conversion copywriter rewrite this paragraph to describe our lens free glasses these practical frames from free frame are the perfect fashion accessory for Content creators who need to shoot videos and don't want to be bothered with the light reflecting in the their glasses use a ton of voice that is smart witty and Sassy okay so that is the prompt that I used it came up with this great paragraph then if I scroll down this is just a little quote that I invented and I'm gonna add my photo right here it reads huni's lenses anyways okay so I'm gonna have my photo there Ronnie Hermosa OG free framer so here I added the three product benefits I will read them to you once I swap this photo for the actual glasses the pricing table didn't change much here just kind of customize the offers and the names free frame free frame plus free frame Deluxe different prices customer reviews I change the title here left these ones as this not gonna change that and then the last page which is kind of like the closing argument remember pre-order yours today so that is for the copy of my text it is fine tuned now let's move on to the next step the next step is to make your photos pop with background remover now background remover is a pro feature a unique canva Pro for that or you can use websites like remove.bg which belongs to canva anyway so yeah you can go ahead and do that so here I need a photo so I need a photo of myself for this page right here so I need a photo of myself to start with so I'm gonna just head over this tab right here which is already open this is a folder that I have under my projects I'm going to scroll down some of them already removed the background but I want to show you from the original photo I actually used okay so this is the photo so this is how I used it simply use edit photo with your photo selected and click on background remover this will remove the background of your photo in just one click if you didn't know this feature well welcome to the wonderful world of canva pro my friends this is what the final result looks like so what I did here I kind of like make it big enough so that it covers a little bit of this title right here not too much but just a little bit I think I made it even bigger something like that and then I move the photo in front of the title so for that use the position button and the brand new layer functionality right here just grab your layer put it on top of everything else and there you go looks great on my website can move it a little bit more like so so it doesn't cover too much of the lenses word but I can still see my hand and this one as well okay perfect so that is it for this page I'm going to replace this Glory Kettle right here Italian Kettle for my lenses for this coming to my uploads bring my frames right here I'm gonna rotate this 90 degrees like so I'm gonna take that okay so I need to make sure maybe I need to rotate this some more like so yep this looks good let's see comfy yes so I need to bring this over here I guess kind of like that and I'm gonna push this photo again position and take that bring it all the way down so that these little arrows actually point to the right places of the glasses so something like that okay so I have lens free technology right here for a glareless studio experience I have Ultra Chic turtle shell frames that guarantees comments on your YouTube videos and that uh last part right here the actual leg tips comfy and adjustable tips for long recording sessions so your glasses need to be comfortable because you're going to be wearing them quite a lot if you're a content creator so yeah this is what this page looks like maybe I can push this to this side a little bit more to give the title a bit more space a bit more room to breathe all right so this is for the photo right here is are there any more photos I need to adjust yeah the background of this last page right here could be replaced okay so I'm gonna delete this there is a solid shape behind it I'm gonna delete this as well or maybe replace that color for this color right here now I need to find another photo to replace my background right here so moving up to my elements page I used this photo right here I'm not gonna replace the background with it just gonna stretch it you will see why in a minute so stretching it all the way here I want to flip that photo okay so I'm going to use the flip button horizontally like so and I want to stretch it as well so for that I double clicked on the photo and I grabbed one of its corners and just stretch it why am I doing this I'm gonna use the lower words right here to align the eyes of this guy with my upper third like so and then when I'm done click on done the reason I'm doing this is because I want to keep the pre-order yours today which is right in the middle in kind of like an empty spot on my photo I don't want anything to kind of interact with that sentence and the button don't see my button so it's probably behind yes it is right here now my button is back and the last thing I'm going to do is to style this photo okay I'm gonna change some of its style to make it much more of the earthy colors the pastel tones of the rest of the website okay so the way I did this simply just edit photo went to my adjustments first and I reduced some of the Vibrance and saturation as well so kind of make it black and white not exactly black and white but somehow and then went to my effect see or for the filters and I looked for something called latte yeah latte is right here missed it and then the last thing I did is to add some transparency to this photo by just clicking on the transparency layer and just kind of like reducing maybe all the way to 60. all right so back to the grid view right here is there any place where I'm missing photos Okay so right now I am in that part where I'm kind of like adding all of my photos I think I could do something here so let's see these two girls right here uh maybe I should have a content creator here wearing my glasses so I'm just going to show you how I found this image I searched in the element category for a vlogger female with a ring lights that's actually how I search for that photo and then I filtered by photo and I believe I used one of these so yeah it was this one right here so what I did is just simply to swap the photo in that frame right here okay for this one and then I obviously added the three frames on top of that lady here so for that I went to my uploads found my free frames so this one right here but you would see it has a Warby Parker kind of brand here that I need to raise and also I need to put these glasses on This Woman's face and kind of like make them as if they would be fitting there so obviously there is a little bit of tweaking going on here I can zoom in I can collapse my panel here I want to make this look good [Music] gonna be something like so but I need to make a couple of parts of these glasses disappear so that this looks more real okay so how do I do this well this is actually the next step [Music] so I'm going to be using a new AI feature called Magic Eraser to erase certain parts of these glasses right here so for that I need to select them first then go to my edit photos and use Magic Eraser there you go so this will open my photo on full screen mode I'm going to increase the size of the brush kind of like delete this entire leg right here from here so I just need to brush over this part of the photo release my click and it should be gone so that is what magic eraser is all about maybe I also kind of delete this part of the photo because that would be kind of like hidden in the lady's hair alright so I think I'm good with this I'm gonna click back and now it's all about fine tuning this part of my design right here okay so needs to look kind of like Pro something like this alright so let's continue tweaking this slightly it still needs to be on top of the lady's nose to kind of look real gonna leave it like so when it's reduced to a smaller size it won't look too weird but we can still see that she has the glasses on so yeah this is good I'm gonna group both images okay by selecting them both and click on group and I think I'm ready to move on to the next step the next step is to add a little bit of fun to this photo okay canva recently shipped another AI feature called drop and that is that little guy right here in the object panel so I'm going to click on that and you should see three different pens here that you can use to create some hand-drawn Doodles on specific images so that's exactly what we are going to do I'm gonna use this pen right here select a color I'm gonna go for a white kind of color maybe this cream color right here okay back to my pen and the next thing you need to do is to decide on the size of your brush of your pen okay so I'm gonna go for maybe 20 and I'm just going to start drawing that's too big so I'm going to use the Eraser here so 20 is too big let's reduce let's select the pen and reduce the size to maybe even 14 and try again okay I just want to create little bursts like so maybe I can use this to hide the imperfections of my product placement here so tag tag tag all right so that's not too bad let's leave it like so selecting everything again and I'm going to group now I have one in only one design right here so that is just to show you how you can add a little bit of fun to your design I could add some more here like I could kind of create the same thing like running not happy not gonna do this kind of distracts from the main message here so I'm gonna delete them but I think you get the point you can easily use the draw features here to add a little bit of customization to your website to your images so that is a neat little feature that canva has offered us recently with the draw feature all right there are two more AI features I want to show you this next one is called text to image and it will help me turn a word prompt into a custom photo in order to find text to image you need to head over your apps tab right here and then it should be the first one called text to image so simply click on that and this is how it works you will have a prompt box okay so you should basically describe the photo you are hoping to generate I'm going to be replacing this photo right here for the customer reviews so you are going to be describing the photo you want to generate with words and then specify a style that you want to be using so if you click on see all you should see like photography Digital Arts Fine Art so there's a bunch of different outcome styes that you can go for I'm gonna go for a realistic photo okay photo and I'm going to show you the exact prompt I have used on my original website to generate that photo I wanted a photo of a happy big customer using or wearing my product so for the customer review page that is kind of like the perfect photo so for that this is the prompt I have okay I said I want a close-up of a Nation woman looking happy soft natural light coming from the window 50 millimeter lens F 1.2 aperture lots of details cinematic look so I use some of the prompt engineering technique that you would normally use on image generators like mid Journey not as complex but some of the rules that I would use there so I mentioned things related to the camera that was used to take that specific photo I said that I want a 15 millimeter lens which is a great lens for portrait I said that I wanted a 1.2 aperture which is a really wide aperture that gives us that nice bokeh background for portraits I mentioned keyword like cinematic look hoping that this would generate the right photo and I'm gonna set the aspect ratio as portrait okay so I'm going to click on generate image and see if text to image is going to be consistent and generate a similar photo as on my original website yeah so I'm pretty much done here with the photos and these look quite similar to what I had on my original website indeed so I'm gonna get rid of this one right here I'm gonna use this photo right here and I can scale it so that it fits my entire page all right great now all I have to do is to bring my lenses so again my uploads can probably go for this pair right here this looks pretty good I'm gonna use it like so maybe a bit bigger still yeah this looks great I still need to get rid of these legs right here because they are in the way so I'm going to use the same technique edit photo magic eraser and this time I just need to get rid of the entire leg inside the rim right here so let's start with the left one get rid of it great can fine tune a little bit yep now moving on to the other side let's see yep I'm gonna move on to this other side right here it's starting a similar way so being very careful here not to touch too much of the frame and there you go and this doesn't need to be super perfect just showing you how to use this feature yeah this looks good this looks clean so once you're ready just click back on the little arrow and this is what the final result should look like okay so there's a bit of the frame popping out here but that's actually kind of a cool effect I can scale the entire thing up and make sure this still looks good okay so I'm gonna grab this alright so this is what it looks like it's not as nice as on my first website which probably show you this is the original website I had this lady right here so it really depends on which photo you generate this one actually looks better I wanted to show you the process of kind of reconstructing this image and yeah now that I am here there is a couple of things I would like to do for example this photo right here still has the Warby Parker brand right here because remember I grabbed this on Google so yeah don't do that but for the sake of this exercise I want to show you how you can also get rid of that brand just use the Magic Eraser and what you're going to do is to just highlight the brand here and it should be deleted and replaced with the original background like so that worked very well again I'm gonna do so here perfect worked great here so I'm gonna go back and I can probably do this on my first pair right here as well there you go I did the exact same thing on this pair right here on the hero page so yeah we are getting very close to the end of this project guys the last thing I want to show you is that you can use another AI feature on canva to magically translate your entire website in a couple of clicks if this is something you want to do if you want to localize your website in another country in another language you can use the new translate feature and to do that you will need to head back over your apps right here and find a feature called translate and the translate feature should be right here okay so I'm going to click on it and this is how it works so you can translate from I will leave that on automatically detect to another language and I'm going to select Spanish okay I want this website to be translated into Spanish apply to page so you can select one of the pages for example let's start with a page that has a bunch of text let's say page number number three well I could probably delete this first page right here okay so I'm gonna get rid of that so page one page two yeah I want to translate page number two okay translate the AI of canva is going to do its thing and this is now what it looks like so because I had two different frames going on here for this text effect I do have two different frames here but the effect is kind of lost so I'm just going to delete this and if I read this little paragraph here attention to continue this is correctly translated into Spanish so it respected the name of the brand free frame didn't translate that so that's good this is Marcos yeah so this is correct translation so you could just like that translate your entire website and you see it says Spanish so you could move that out of the way or you could just simply translate every single page I think canva had a feature to translate all of the pages but that kind of went away but yeah I mean you will have to translate all of your pages one by one and then what you can do you simply select all of your Spanish Pages you will select them all command C or control C to copy them all and then open a new website and command V to paste them all there and you will have your website in another language so guys this is what I wanted to show you again this is the final result the final outcome of the project let me quickly show you with the preview button how this looks when I am using canvas preview free frame the websites the little handmade Doodles the photo with the custom frames that I added on that lady I used Magic Eraser to erase part of these frames the AI copy generated text both for the tagline and the product description right here background remover to remove the background of my photo again the copy generated by AI for us here more copy generated by canva text to image photo that I generated based on my text prompt and again the shades right here that I cropped with magic eraser and the last page if I look at it on mobile also looks good on mobile free frame everything is kind of like where it needs to be so yeah this is pretty much how you leverage the new canva AI features to create your website faster I hope you enjoyed this tutorial if you did leave us a like this is always welcomed on the channel it will help us gain some visibility on YouTube and if you really love our content and want to support us as content creator we just launched the first tier of our membership right here on YouTube you should see a join button right underneath this video so if you want to support us every month you can click that join button see what the membership is all about we will be adding more tiers with some more perks in the future but right now this is the first step check it out if this is something you are into otherwise thank you for watching this video I'm Gonna Leave You here with another interesting video you should probably check out next
Channel: Design with Canva
Views: 29,011
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: website canva tutorial, website in canva, create a website with canva, canva website builder, Canva, website creation, AI-powered, Magic Write, Magic Design, Background Remover, Magic Eraser, Text To Image, language translation, website design, website building, website templates, website tools, online tools, website tips, website development, website features, website hacks, website tricks., website canva, canva ai, how to use canva, Create a website using canva
Id: d6lPM9VzYRc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 46sec (2626 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 11 2023
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