Discover the Magic of Canva's New AI features | What's HOT in Canva🔥 [Ep. 27]

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canva unwrapped approximately 30 new features this year at canva create and that's a lot of features so how do I present them all to you and how do I present them all to you in only one video and gonna happen so instead of one video I'm going to create a series of three what's hot episode that will be dedicated to the features announced at canva create 2023 and in this video we are going to focus on 12 new features 12 features that are all AI powered so this is 12 AI new features just announced by canva let's go discover them play for us sit in for a long time science fiction author Arthur C Clarke once said that any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from Magic and at canva we have always taken this to heart so let's talk about that canva magic starting with the very first AI powered feature presented at canva create I'm talking about magic design magic design is a feature that you will access via the canva homepage and this feature is really about avoiding writer's block okay so when you're staring at a blank page and you don't know where to start magic design is there to avoid all of that so how does it work well there are two main entry points to access magic design you can start from the search bar so from here what you're going to do is to Simply start by typing what kind of design you would like to start so let's say I want an Instagram travel posts okay Instagram travel post I will hit enter and this is where I will land try magic design inspiring templates crafted with your media so the first step to using magic design is to insert a media so you need to start from a photo that you might have somewhere on your computer already uploaded in canva I'm going to use this photo of Diana and I in Madrid where we had the chance to go last week to attend the canva create event so let's start with this one I'm going to click on the image or you can upload your own image as well and canva is going to automatically generate some templates for you based on your media you see my photo is here it's here and you have a variety of different templates I would say I like this one that is kind of mixed and matched from existing canva templates with your media so how do you fine tune this well the second step is to select the style box right here so I'm going to click on that and I can add a buy type or theme so modern minimalist holiday colorful let's go for colorful and you can also pick a style so style is a combination of a color palette and text combination like a font combination so unfortunately at this stage but this will probably come in the future you cannot select a style from your very own brand kit so you're limited to these pre-selected I would say Styles but that's fine I'm going to select this one right here and then you just click on see result so now the templates are going to be adapted with this specific color palette and the specific Vibe I mentioned okay so these are now the results that I have here I can scroll through them travel to Bali it's time to travel I like this one right here so the last bit of fine tuning is to add your very own headline okay so I'm going to click on the last button right here and I'm gonna say weekend in Madrid weekend in Madrid add to result these will be automatically adjusted and now if I click on this style right here I can start customizing this template some more and we can see that the template the original template is based on a template by massillar okay so this canva Creator right here will be attributed the use of that specific template even though it has been remixed sort of Speak by Magic design so this is how magic design works by click here I will access the design just like you would in normal template and I can start tweaking some more magic design is going to be available for all users So Pro and free and it's going to be working on all devices so mobile and desktop and then the last thing I want to show you about magic design let's go back to the home page because I told you there are two main ways of accessing magic design the first one I told you was the search bar right here and by the way I love this new animation right here with all the Stars this is pretty cool the second way of of accessing magic design is simply by clicking on the upload button right here choose a file you can upload any file from your computer let's upload this photo right here okay beautiful photo of me add to a template so that's how you access magic design and there you go you are in the magic design which is still a better feature from canvas so this is gonna get better I've seen that there is a tendency to serve me the same templates so be patient with this feature it is still the beginning but I do think it is a useful feature because it really helps you avoid staring at that blank page starting from scratch that could be intimidating for some new users so kudos to Magic design and let's move on to the second new feature the second new magic feature is called Magic edit and this feature will allow me to edit any part of my photo by brushing over a certain object in my photo and then replace that object by another one powered by AI let me show you how it works with two different photos that I have right here in this document the first one is this photo of Diana holding hugging a coconut water okay Diana loves coconut water and that was her favorite drink when we were on holiday in Bali so the first step you will need to select your photo so click on that photo and then click on the edit photo button right here now you should see magic edit student beta by the way magic edit is a free feature so that is a real gift from canva this could easily have been a pro feature but it is a free feature and so every canva user will have the possibility to edit up to 100 photos per day using magic edit alright so I'm gonna click on magic edit right here so it says one brush over the image this highlights where the image will be edited okay so I have a slider right here with the size of my brush so what I'm going to do is to Simply brush over this coconut right here okay I'm gonna choose maybe 10. I'm gonna try to be precise like so you don't have to be super precise I'm going to take the plate with me I want to edit all of that out but I'm not touching Diana's hand that's the difficulty right here and you see I I release my click here which is okay it doesn't immediately start the process so I can release my click if I want to and reduce the size of my brush I'm going to do this in a second just trying to cover as much of this coconut before reducing the brush okay let's reduce this brush to be more precise all right so I think I did a good job with this when you're done highlighting or brushing over the object you want to replace just click on continue okay so continue now what do you want to generate in the brushed area I know that Diana would love to have a little Chihuahua so why not ask canva to give her that Chihuahua because I don't want a Chihuahua all right so replaced by a cute generate okay so now is where the magic is really gonna happen canva is going to generate four versions of this cute Chihuahua and let me choose between one of these four versions so there you go I have my four versions of a Chihuahua here the third one is a little bit weird it seems like the chihuahua has some sort of a spongy texture on his face maybe it's new style of Chihuahua but I like the first one right here but it's still a sponge going on here but I think this is good so I'm just gonna click on done and there you go my photo has been updated let's zoom in on this Shiva it's actually pretty cute it does have a little yeah sponge going on right there but it is cute and I think this is pretty mind-blowing magic or AI technology going on here really like that all right the second photo I have for you guys is this photo of both of us in front of don't remember what that is I think this is plus size spania here in Barcelona so yeah I just want to replace this building and put something else so again select the photo first edit photo magic edit okay and now this time I'm gonna go much faster I'm gonna do a much poor job at simply taking the monument right here out of the picture I want something else okay all right so continue and I'm gonna write right here I want the Taj Mahal okay I want to pretend this is at the Taj Mahal okay so I wrote Taj Mahal now generate let's see if magic edits can reproduce the Taj Mahal behind ourselves and there you go the Taj Mahal magically happened with its Garden not just the Taj Mahal the Taj Mahal and the front garden that you can see in these traditional photos from the Taj Mahal now this is good this is actually very good I wish this guy right here cleaning or painting the floor not sure what it's doing there was not there is there any magic feature that would help me remove that guy well the good news is that yes there is such a new feature it's called Magic Eraser but this one is a pro feature so I'm telling you that from the get-go you will need a pro account if you want to use Magic Eraser let me show you how this works okay so I have my photo right here I would love to delete this part to remove this guy from the photo because at the end of the day went to the Taj Mahal and this guy has no business being in my photo right so similarly you'll need to select your photo edit photo and you go to your magic eraser right here use Magic Eraser instead yes use Magic Eraser I am now in the Magic Eraser which has a similar technique you will need to brush over specific parts of your photo that you want to remove but this time if you release your click the process is going to start so unlike magic edit where you could release your click when you were brushing over the element here with magic eraser you cannot do that if you release your click the process is going to start so make sure you do not release your clip all right so I'm going to start painting over the first the circle right here making sure I'm not touching Diana's head I'm going to delete all of these people as well like I don't want none of these people in my photo all right so just release your click canva is going to work its magic magic eraser and remove this photo and reconstruct like pixel by pixel what is supposed to be behind this is pretty bluffing guys now these people are completely gone let's try with these people right here this is a little bit more complex because you have a little bit of the stairs going on so let's see how canva handers that so I'm gonna remove all of these and there you go this was pretty neat so this was one last guy right here and then remove this guy as well wow so they are all gone from this photo so now I can just click out of my photo because this is correctly cleaned up pretty happy about this so I can now save this photo and I just noticed now that my Taj Mahal is gone so I have applied a new effect which is Magic Eraser which sort of replaced the previous effect so let's try one more time from this photo to apply magic edit to see if it works okay so I'm gonna just use magic edit here see it seems like I cannot accumulate both effects right now if I use magic edit the people are coming back yes so this is a little limitation right now that you cannot apply both effects like back to back but I'm sure canva will change that in the near future or there are some workarounds like downloading your photo re-uploading it to canva and then using the second effect but yeah would be nice to be kind of like chain using these different magic effects to really have complete Freedom over your photo retouching but it doesn't take away that these two features are pretty amazing so well done canva the next new feature I want to talk about is called translate and this feature will help you translate anything that is text based in your design into any of the 100 plus languages that canva can deal with so let's try it out I have the perfect template right here that I prepared for you so let me zoom in on it and let me collapse this panel for now so this is my template it has a bunch of different text boxes okay a call to action a website and four little text boxes right here time to relax time to travel okay I'm in the traveling mood recently I don't know why all right so where do you find translate well translate is going to be tucked under your apps right here so you'll need to click on apps and then you scroll down a bit and you should see a button right here that says translate so click on that so the first thing I want to say is that you have two different tabs so make sure you check the settings once you are pretty good to go with the first menu right here the first part of the UI right here I would say the first box is translate from so you can let that to automatically detect especially if you're working in a language like English because it will know what it is but you can specify which language your origin language is in okay and then you can choose which language you want to translate to okay so this option right here I am here in Barcelona so I want to try Catalan okay Catalan is the language spoken here in Catalunya applied to page okay so I can select different pages of my design I only have one page here so I'm just going to select page number one and now translate canva is going to run its magic create another page you see it created another page with every single text boxes translated into Catalan I didn't have to select any specific text boxes it just recognized all of the text on my design and translated it also it didn't translate the URL because it recognize this is not something that needs to be translated so I think this was a very smart translation of my design and by reading it not fluent in Catalan by any means but this sounds about right now one way to know if this is right is to translate in a language I actually understand which is probably something I should have done from the beginning but just to pay tribute to the people of Catalunya wanted to respect that and translate into Catalan alright so let's do this one more time translate this into French okay French please page one yes let's go so supposedly it's going to be creating a third page yes it did where is my page oh no it actually added my page in between the two other pages so what is the original text time to relax yep I would say instead because travel is like the verb to travel Voyage so this is almost perfect I let's add R to this little thing right here like so okay Reserve not now yeah this is correct yeah perfect this could be a little bit more centered but overall this is a very good feature this is going to save so much time especially if you're working with different audiences different locales if you often translate your design or just like us if you have different YouTube channels in different languages different Instagram accounts in different languages this is going to be a Time Saver also this is a free feature so available to all users free and pro and also available on every device mobile desktop it's everywhere so thank you canva for this amazing international gift let's continue to explore these magic AI features from canva and this time we are going to look at a specific feature that is going to be awesome for making videos this one is called beatsync beatsync will allow you to skip the manual editing when you're making videos and match your video footage with a soundtrack with the click of a button so let me show you how it works foreign [Music] that was an amazing video that's actually the one canvas showed at canber create now I kind of want to try it myself so let's jump into a video project that I pre-arrange for you and try it out so what we are going to do is to use one other project that I have created right here so this is a video project you see different video clips right here on uh this project that I have laid out okay so there's a bunch of different video clips here some of them are repeated and some of them are just like text get moving so this is just a couple of Clips I have aligned there is no soundtrack as of now so I'm going to start by finding a soundtrack so you can upload your very own piece of music or you can find a soundtrack in the canva audio library which is what I'm going to do right now let me just close a couple of things here yes so for this you can go to your apps and then find the audio now this is a pro feature so meaning if you are going to use this you will also have access to all of the pro soundtrack in canva I'm going to be using this one right here hushed which is a hip-hop beat I'm going to click on it and canva is going to position it on the timeline right here so with the track selected I'm going to click on bitsync but before I do I'm going to show you what it looks like without syncing okay so what you notice is that the images they're not perfectly synced with these little bit drops like with these little white marks here on the audio they're kind of aligned but not perfectly aligned and especially here when we start going further down this timeline right here we see they're not aligned at all so what bitsync is going to do is to realign all of that so let's turn this on okay now it's kind of perfectly aligned and let's see the difference oh [Music] okay so I could see here really the effect of bitsync helping me assisting me in really changing the visuals based on the changes that I can hear in my soundtrack this is quite hard to explain really what it does with words because it's something you kind of have to listen to and feel to really have a good feel of what it can do but here I really noticed that my audio track was synced with the changes of the visuals so this is bitsync again it is a pro feature it is kind of magic because it is AI assisted in order for them to kind of recognize the peaks in the music in your soundtrack and to align to create a marker and then to align your footage on the timeline with these markers so that's my interpretation of how it works and for having edited a lot of videos myself syncing your footage to a beat is something pretty hard like it's a very tedious and manual process now with beatsync it makes it a lot easier this will work in video document types and also social media document types it might not work in your presentation and other document types at the moment so thank you canva for beatsync the next magic feature I want to talk about is called Draw okay this one is a revamp it is an improvement of the draw feature which was an app and now it's kind of like right there in the object panel you have access to a series of different pens that you can use to hand draw hand sketch on any document type for those craving just a little extra sprinkle of magic here's a taste of what else is to come in the next few months you'll be able to use straw sketch to graphic mode to sketch out ideas and Find Your Perfect Graphic match from the canva library getting from scribbles to Slick visuals has never been so magical this is pretty cool let your ideas take a shape try it out so I'm gonna try it out in a canva whiteboard document okay I have a test whiteboard document right here let me collapse this so yeah this is our whiteboard let me zoom out slightly okay it's called our new awesome app and you can see a wireframing here of this app different workflows I didn't create that this is a template in that whiteboard all right so how does it work the draw feature should be right there in your object panel so when you click on it you have three different pens you have one eraser you have the possibility to come back to your cursor and show you why in a moment you have a color button and then a drawing settings okay and you can collapse that panel back into the object panel so let me show you how it works I'm going to take this first pen right here I'm gonna customize the color so you have access to your brand kit colors right here which is quite cool let's take that color green right here and immediately you can start drawing on your whiteboard so you see right here if you don't like that you can just get the Eraser and erase that thing okay I'm gonna use a different marker this one right here and this time I'm going to choose a different weight for this marker okay I'm going to draw in size 20 let's do something like this our new awesome app something like this I don't quite like the three little sketches I made on this side so I can again easily very easily delete them with the Eraser and try again until I get them right something like that I can underline whoops this was not so good again eraser erased that's it I want to change the color very easy can take this pink for example and then I can do another underline not good not satisfied no problem you can erase all right let me show you what happens when you click on this little cursor thingy right here now you can select any of these sketches you've made and you can change their color one more time okay something like this you can select the three of them change the color of the three at the same time so this is pretty cool again here select all of them change them at the same time something else you can do you can group them I'm holding my shift key right here and I'm just selecting all of these little Doodle I made here and so what I can do is to Simply group all of these together see group right here and now I have this one doodle simply grouped together and I can change the color of all of them at the same time using my color button so this is pretty cool but that's not it you can do more with your draw button because there is something called shape assist let me show you how that works let me grab my pen again this pen right here let's say I want to draw a rectangle around one of these phones right here so I'm going to draw my basic rectangle right here I'm gonna do so and keep my cursor right here and you see what happened it created a more perfect rectangle it's not perfect it still has this Vibe of hand-drawn elements you see the corners are a bit rounded but it is much better than the ugly rectangle I drew so again you can select that rectangle move it around you can resize it you can stretch it from one side it's really cool it transform this element into an editable element that I can use it I can rotate I can change the color I can also scale it this is still looking good you see like the straight line the resolution of this thing is pretty amazing so yeah this is basically in a nutshell and the shape assist will work with a bunch of different shapes it will work with a circle for example like so see this is not a perfect circle but it kind of respects what you try to do it will work with a star like so it will work with the line there you go so basically straightens up anything that you do create now the last thing I want to show you is the highlighter so if you want to highlight a piece of text for example and this will work in every single document type or almost all of them it is a free feature so all users will have access to this and it will also work on every device now the only thing I haven't tested yet is does it work with a pencil like an apple pencil for the iPad I suppose it would so that could be a very useful thing for taking notes for example though I think there is a limit to how many elements you can draw with this on one single document so maybe not so great for note taking yet but definitely great for enhancing your designs for drawing over a photo for highlighting text in a presentation and this is what I want to show you right now like how do you highlight text well very simple you choose the right highlighter this is not big enough so I'm gonna delete this I need a much bigger stroke for this so let me grab my highlighter and here let's say I want something 65 now this yeah yeah this is much better you see I'm highlighting this I'm going to use my cursor right here select it you see I'm selecting the yellow highlight and then position I'm going to push this backwards so it is now actually behind my text so my text is still kind of like crispier because that black color is on top of the highlighted part which looks uh absolutely great all right so this is what I wanted to show you again you can find it right here under the object panel and the draw tab you have all of these features and it is pretty amazing in my opinion all right let me talk about another Pro feature that is going to be hitting your canva accounts should be there already it is called Magic replays again Pro feature this one is going to save you a bunch of time especially when your company or your brand gets a new logo or if you want to quickly replace one specific element in a series of different designs so that's why I used the example of a logo because yeah when a company does a logo redo a makeover then you have all of these documents with your old logo you kind of need to change them one by one or you need to recreate your invoices or whatever document using the old logo so canva has just shipped a new feature to do that very conveniently very easily so you will need to go to your brand Hub okay you will notice that the brand kit is now called the brand Hub I never talk about that in video number two not this one this one is about all the AI stuff so go to your brand hub select a specific brand kit that is kind of affected by this change I'm going to go to Team Randy okay our main brand kit let's say we are ditching this old logo and replacing it for this one without a background okay so what you will do you will select the three little dots right here on your old logo or the old photo this will work with photos as well I don't have any photos in my brand Hub but if you do it works with photos as well so click on the three little dots and then replace across designs this is the feature it's still in beta so when you click here it will find all of your documents here I only have four which contain that specific logo or that specific image and once you have this information once canva has generated this list of different documents you can select all of them select them all and then hit the continue button and this will allow you to replace that logo for another one now there is a little condition position attached to this is that the new logo needs to have the same aspect ratio as the old logo because it needs to fit perfectly in all of these designs okay so here I have this logo same Dimension 5000 by 5000 so if I select it and then go ahead and click preview I think I can do that preview canva will show me in my different documents what it would look like okay the replacement of the old logo by the new logo you see it's right here on page number 10 and if I'm happy with this I could just hit this button right here replaced in the four designs and then all the all logos will be gone and the new logo will replace them so that is Magic replace again it's a pro feature will work with both logos and images so go ahead and try it out especially if you're kind of like brushing up your visual identity this is a real Time Saver the next new feature we need to talk about is called create animation create animation is one of the gifts that was unwrapped at canva create and it is right here so let's click on that tile it says make your own animation now this feature which will work with any video document type or social media document type will allow you to position an element on your design and grab that element and with your mouse just draw a trajectory a path and this path will be automatically recorded and then after that canva will generate an animation just following this path this is pretty amazing the good news is that create animation is a free feature Yes you heard correctly it is a free feature canva could easily have put that into the pro category but hey I guess they must love their users a lot because this is a free feature and it is a powerful one let me show you how it works I do have a document right here to show you right here once you do have your element could be a still element an animated element like this bird click on it then click on the animate button and then here on top you should see create an animation drag elements around the canvas to create your own animations okay so a couple of guidelines you can hold your shifts button your shift key while dragging to create straight lines if this is something you want to do you can control the speed of your animation by moving the element faster or slower also pretty cool and then when you stop dragging the element you complete the animation so I'm going to click on it and there we go let's go creating this animation alright so this is what it looks like accelerated here and then the bird comes here now it is done I have a couple of options like movement Styles I can go from original so this is the original one I could go smooth everything would be smooth and up or I could go steady which actually looks better I'm going to stick with steady I can also toggle this slider right here that says Orient element to path and for the bird this will look very cool because it will kind of do some loopings right there so this is great I can also adjust the speed of the animation all right I'm gonna stick with this this is great I'm gonna click on done and now I do have my animation going on if I go full screen right here this is what it looks like and I have created an animation in the simplest way possible like no keyframes no like setting a bunch of numbers and creating different layers no this was as simple as it gets like in pure canva fashion I really love that feature I think it's gonna be magic and it's going to work with a bunch of different applications this also works with text like you could take a text box let me grab a text that is bigger than this this text right here you can delete this one uh what it says doesn't really matter let's put animates let's make this all caps like so make it bigger okay so I'm gonna take this text box bring it here and again I'm just gonna go to animate create animation this time I'm going to create these straight lines holding my shift key okay so going from here and then doing these little step thing is going on and coming back to the middle so obviously this is not a great animation I did whatever when I was holding that animate text so I'm going to delete this path and try to do something a bit better okay so I'm gonna go from here to here fast yeah this is actually much better and I can do smooth like so let's try this okay now I could play with this I could animate this again so custom yep okay I'm gonna delete the path and I'm gonna try again so again animate create animation I'm gonna hold it hold my shift key and I'm going to start moving like so much faster okay let's now see this this is pretty good let me go click on smooth and then done and then full screen and see and no I guess steady would be better okay steady is actually not better because we are losing sorry I'm learning as I go here but original is going to be much better in this case so yeah I think if I want to keep the speed yep I need to stick with my original path all right so this is called create animation I think a lot of creativity is going to come out of this feature playing around with text playing around with elements playing around with maybe background switching and again it's free and available on all devices the next AI feature that was announced at canvac create is Magic right everywhere okay you we already knew magic right in the canva docs so that is canvas text generation AI tool that was only available in canva documents but now it is available in all canva doctypes and I'm talking about websites I'm talking about social media documents talking about presentations anywhere we really need it so let's try it out I do have a whiteboard right here so yes Canberra right is also available in whiteboard so yeah in order to launch canva right you'll have to locate this little canva assistant right here which is also a new feature which I'm going to talk about in video number two because we can only do so much in a video so click on the assistant locate canva right okay so show more I want canva right obviously it's not showing because the photo is selected so make sure you're not selecting a photo then magic right should be right here and I'm going to prompt describe the Mona Lisa in three simple paragraphs okay describe the Mona Lisa in three simple paragraphs I'm going to give Mona Lisa capital letters okay Mona Lisa hit enter magic rights we'll create my three paragraphs one two three okay I'm gonna just adapt this text right here to my document right here so the Mona Lisa is a famous portrait painted by Leonardo da Vinci in the early 16th century blah blah blah blah blah there's a bunch of information about the Mona Lisa okay so that is Magic right is that good yeah it's pretty good it's kind of like chat GPT within canva so that is pretty cool is it fast yes it was pretty fast is it free well yes and no free users will have 25 prompts lifetime so you can try this for 25 times before you kind of have to pay for it via the canva Pro Plan okay canva Pro users will have access to this I believe you have access to 75 prompts per user per day but yeah you can try it 25 times for free now another novelty that was announced at canva create is when you hit the little canva assistant again you have a bunch of preset prompts right here you can summarize the text you can expand on the text meaning develop and create more than three power graph you can rewrite or you can edit with magic right which is pretty cool so let's try first summarize this text okay so I'm going to summarize this and normally yeah there you go let me write this bigger you should have less text so I made it bigger so it seems like there is more I can summarize again so I should have less and less and less text so let's summarize one more time to see how small it could get out the Mona Lisa is a portrait painted by Leonardo da Vinci depicting a Serene looking woman so it's still like very accurate information but with these simple prompts right here just have to select it then hit the assistant you can summarize expand rewrite or edit with magic right now let me show you something else that you can do I'm gonna edit with magic right so I have this text right here now I can ask it I'm gonna hit my shift key so I'm not launching The Prompt okay I'm gonna put some brackets here because I want magic right to rewrite the following but make it rhyme rewrite the following but make it rhyme I'm going to hit enter and let's see what it comes up with Leonardo da Vinci brush did paint a portrait now a great acclaim Mona Lisa are searing them here name was Lisa just the same her smile is much debated still but subtle color and light do feel this masterpiece of Renaissance skill iconic image Western cultures thrill okay so it does Rhyme it is pretty impressive that was lightning fast and I love having this AI text generator right there straight into canva this is going to be so useful for creating websites for example I have this headline right here which is my hero headline I could launch the assistant very quickly and then for example summarize this text the favorite have returned okay something else we can do here on page two if I move this button down a bit kind of want to expand on this one I'm gonna group I'm going to click on this one find unique tees designed by artists from all over the world okay I want to expand this a little bit expand let's see what it can do discover unique okay that's a bit too much but I do have the choice here discover unique one-of-a-kind t-shirt support artist so it gives me a list of features that I could easily work in my page right here maybe not all of the 10 but I could use maybe one two three and have something like this right there I should obviously style this to match for example this right here coffee style you can copy the style right here and still keep my DOT points okay so I could have something like this could make this maybe a bit smaller and give it a little bit more spacing between the lines but yeah I have generated copy for my website in an instant also artist Hub if I'm not happy with this I could also rewind this with magic right so I could prompt it and say find another funny way to say this okay and I'm going to use brackets so that it understands that it needs to change what's in between these brackets creative commune yeah that's not too bad actually so I could use that obviously a little bit of tweaking the arrangement of the text right here but yeah this is in a nutshell what it can do for you when it comes to website quickly create different taglines quickly expand or summarize text or give it a special twist based on a specific tone of voice so most of what chat GPT can do right here baked into canvas so that is Magic right it is available for free for 25 times so you can try it across all document types and then it becomes a pro feature all right let's move on to the next new feature the next new feature is called Magic presentation or magic Design Within a presentation so it is this style right here I am here in a presentation document type when you click on it from your presentation it says describe the presentation you want and we will write and design a draft for you instantly so what this does is that it will create a presentation so meaning a template but also populate it with relevant content not just dummy content like most of the templates do have on canva but relevant content according to your topic so I'm really thrilled to start this so magic design use five or more words to describe your presentation topic okay so I want you to design a let's say 10 page presentation on the rise of sneaker collecting big sneaker head so let's see what it can do here so it's creating the presentation now it's giving me options you see the rise of sneaker collecting a fashion phenomenon so this is one of all of the templates I could go for so there are like different template Styles and my style okay so see more I could see more Styles and I can see that it has already populated kind of like it created a title introduction statement the history of sneakers what makes sneakers collectible okay sneakers are more than just shoes they're controlled phenomenon that reflects our individuality and creativity the culture of sneaker collecting most expensive sneakers ever sold the future of sneaker collecting tips for starting your sneaker collection so this content is actually very relevant I could choose different templates to start with and these are pretty amazing so I'm going to create my presentation from one of these templates and now all I have to do I have my base I don't need to start from scratch I do have a base with placeholders etc etc you could start ideating on this I can start adding my own photos I could go to my elements and type sneakers and filter by photos and I could just drop some sneaker photos in there and adjust them and really play around with this I do have a great base to work with and that has been created in a couple of seconds so if I click on all of them I can see I have 10 pages filled with relevant content not all photos are relevant but I mean I can do something to create my presentation but I do think this is gonna make a lot of people's lives easier because the text that has been generated gives us a nice starting point by no means I am saying to just generate presentation like this and that's it and present it that would be stupid but this is a great way to start to have ideas and you can regenerate these presentations from the beginning so canva will give you some other ideas and just like any other sorts of AI today is the day this technology is going to be at its lowest point it's only going to go up from today because it's only going to learn from thousands and millions of users using the technology this is going to be available to all users free and pro users and on all devices so really looking forward to see what you guys are gonna come up with using this technology to create amazing presentations all right let's stick with this presentation to introduce the next improved feature this one is not a new feature it's text to image but it's an improvement on text to image okay remember text to image in your apps you have to find the text to image right here so this app has recently received and launched app canva create a bunch of new improvements so the novelty is that the app now has three different set of filters for three different types of outcomes you have filters and styles for your photography okay you have all of these filters for the photography you have your digital art okay so here again you have a bunch of presets or filters or Styles and then you have fine art more like painting color pencils etc etc ink prints so I love that you have all of these styes for the rest you still have your aspect ratios I covered this in the previous episode of what's hot and you have your prom box right here so let's try it out let's take a page here without anything I'm gonna not use an example but I'm gonna type a prompt so give me a hyper realistic and detailed face of a robot wearing glasses let's see I didn't put any filter here I'm not sure what it's going to generate so there you go I have different faces right here a hyper realistic and detailed face of a robot wearing glasses I'm going to copy this prompt and now I'm going to start playing around with the styes you see this one was a default one with no Styles applied to it let's try something like vibrant and create again here we go we have more photos of ladies right here let's see what else I can do let's go for 3D create that again okay I like these specifically this one right here so let me show you another way text to image has been improved it's resolution has been improved it now has a four time higher resolution than before before the maximum resolution of your text to image output was 512 pixel by 512 except it is now four times bigger at 2 2048 pixels by 2048 so yeah you should do the math that is four times higher and we can see that by stretching this photo all the way across my presentation here it does look much crisper than if I had scaled an image with the previous version of text to image so I love that I love all of the filters obviously the better you prompt right here the better the outcome you will receive so do not hesitate to give canva some detailed prompt and we might create some other videos about how to correctly prompt text to image let me know in the comment section if this is a type of video you'd love to see maybe some shorts with Diana covering different ways of prompting text to image also talking about shorts Diana will be creating shorts almost daily on the channel covering the different features from canva create so make sure you subscribe to the channel to see the shorts check out the short tab on the channel because there's a lot of new things going on there as well alright back to the video I have one last feature to talk about and this one is called layouts and styles layouts and styles is also not a new feature but an improvement on an existing feature it is also related to presentations so we are going to continue our same deck right here in order to find the new layouts and styles or the improved version of them you'll have to go to your design tab right here okay locate your layouts and styles right here let's start with layouts so what you'll have here is basically layouts in suggested layouts is still in its better version it might look like this is something we had before but it's actually not let me show you why because when you throw some new things at a slide for example let's say this slide right here it will give you different layouts based on that particular slide and if you add more stuff so for example if I copy this one photo right here and I paste it here and make that smaller like so and I put it wherever it will actually suggest me some layouts that will make sense okay this is a bit all over the place let's say I have these three things right here give me some good layouts for this okay so I could have something like this for example it transform into this something like so you see it arranges my slide using a layout and the more elements I will throw at this Slide the more layouts will be suggested to me for example I could use some pattern let's say pattern for my background right here I could use this put this position to the back of everything click back on my design layouts and now see what kind of layout could be available to me all right I could have something like this for example we'll move this on the other side and I do have something pretty good to go I could use something like this so my pattern has been Incorporated you see here it suggested some even like more subtle details that would match my pattern they were not here before these little Graphics right here so this is how layout has been improved the more you kind of throw things on your slide the more options it will generate for you so this is where the AI kicks in now Styles this other button right here also has been improved so typically you would have your color palettes your color combinations and your font sets but now you have a stuff that could be taken from your recent designs okay so for example we could use the style of this website I just showed you demonstrating magic right could just do that and it will copy the style of this okay again for this slide you could use this specific style so that is something new also it gives me a palette from the different images included in my presentation which is pretty neat for example this robot right here it extracts the color palette so if I want to make that match I could easily select one of the colors from one of the photos right here so yeah this is the improved layout and improved Styles in a presentation all powered by Ai and I think I covered everything guys so I'm gonna leave it here because this video was already pretty long now I'm Gonna Leave You guys with two additional videos because I didn't have time to cover all of the 30 announcements made at canva create the first one right here on top is all of the non-ai features announced at canva create thank you for watching until the end I will see you in the next video
Channel: Design with Canva
Views: 87,159
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: new in canva, canva tutorial, design with canva, new canva features, new canva update, new features in canva, whats hot in canva, whats new in canva, ai, ai canva, ai canva features, artifial intelligence, magic photo edit, photo editing, ai photo enhancer, ai photo edit, magic write, how to use canva, canva for beginners, canva create 2023, canva create, text to image, magic eraser, presentations in canva, canva presentations, edit photo canva
Id: TwZPjRu0Vus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 41sec (3221 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 30 2023
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