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what's up guys jazz here and welcome to my first ever playthrough for youtube i'm really excited to get started with this we're just gonna play it on let's see i'm gonna do we'll do strive to survive on cass um this is probably my favorite difficulty i tend to just stick between adventure story and blood and dust and randy i know a lot of people love randy personally i'm not a fan of the random part so we're gonna go with we're gonna go with my uh my gal pal cass here and for our seed let's do youtube and i've kind of have it in my head that i want to land somewhere really cold because i have this vision of creating an ideology that's like a super cold high tech research oriented standoffish group so i want a super cold map tile um however that being said i do want to add some nudist tribes some cannibals and i don't want to deal with insects i'm really sick of them uh and oh and let's make the globe coverage more as well i just like to have more choices of where to land wow okay i forgot how much of this globe is covered when you do that i swear the 30 is less than 30 if this is 50. like this feels like a lot more okay we want cold so is there anywhere i don't want ice sheet though i'd actually really like to land on like a like a tundra island that's touching [Music] the coast not an archipelago though okay let's see oops oh my god i'm gonna make myself nauseous wait this is perfect this uh okay here's my concern do we think this is too far from anywhere else it's gonna be really hard to do caravans from here i'm feeling the urge to do it though i think i want to do it it looks like we got large hails let's just check we got large hills we got granite we don't have marble but we do have slate i'm doing it all right let's create our ideology so i do want arkists and i've put a little bit of thought in this already definitely collectivists this idea of the community being more important than the individual kind of fits in with this like transhumanist idea kind of a little bit borgie almost so definitely transhumanists all right so we're going with arco collectivism and we have the memes collectivist transhumanist and proselytizer and the precepts that i'm going to go for let's approve body modification okay age reversal i'm kind of nervous to do all of these i haven't done any high tech stuff yet with ideology so we'll have to see execution okay well respect of guilty i think we're gonna not care acceptable i think we just won't care about the plight of humans i know we are humans but i feel like we won't care about execution we won't care about slavery we won't care about organ harvesting we don't care about cannibalism diversity of thought i think i want them to not i think they're gonna not like outsiders they really believe that their way is the one way here research speed i'm gonna give them fast physical love prohibited no we don't care um okay these leader things i've got to change i hate it let's regenerate the high chair okay no like the high arc or something no what sort of cap do i want i want something scary yes like this skull cap that's freaky to me okay our moral guide converter of arkanotechnics this is gonna be our binary guide a bowler hat absolutely not no siree you are gonna wear oh what do i want you to wear just a shirt the research specialist idea head should we leave it as that just because that's [ __ ] funny or focus in our thinker the grand thinker the mind hand mind flame oh my god wearing a crown can you imagine i'm just gonna call them neuros i feel like that's a like that's like a cool one okay now our relics i think it would be cool i want to do cool stuff fear nowhere that's really scary um these are both stupid i'm very picky with my relics all right hair and beards here's the thing every single person shaved head okay no beards allowed for anyone nothing we're all completely bald baby face all right we can have face tattoos we can have x's and we can have stars and for body tattoos we could have power and this looks kind of technic okay i think we're ready let's go oh god now we gotta pick our pawns here okay so i think i found my um top three here i'm gonna bring jojo uh i don't need to cook because i'm gonna have them use nutrient paste so no big deal but so we got jojo good with construction really good that's really the main thing that i care about we have good with shooting and our kind of our researcher could also be our trader and a doctor and then we have another good construction you know really promising with shooting and this can be my crafter as well so we are a little bit low in cooking and plants but where we're going i mean plants are basically just going to be grown in hydroponic base they're going to have to be because we're in a super cold spot we have no growing period and then of course the cooking we're just going to use nutrient paste and i think the animals will help because i'm playing with vanilla fishing expanded and i'll probably have them fish a lot because we are landing on a tundra island see what we have yay we landed with a dog all right first up we're definitely going to be training that dog i want to set priorities get going with this all right let's look at our map we haven't even looked okay so this is a tundra island oh this is kind of a sweet map i kind of like this like crescent i hope we have geothermal though okay we got one at least hang on all right so we have three basically split in all corners of our islands this is gonna be hard to defend [Music] i think we should go up here and make our little home in here it's gonna be kind of a trek but i feel like we could build a little perimeter wall right here and then start digging into the mountain from this way so i'm just gonna that's where we're gonna get started let me just get there a zone and just quick weapons and then i'll just wait for them to all haul everything um okay who's [Music] oh yeah you're my bolt action for sure you are my i guess you're my knife that's unfortunate and sam you're my revolver also we'll get set up with just stone cutters bench and some initial shelter for the night which is unfortunately gonna have to be it's gonna have to be wood which i don't really like using wood but we just need something to like stay warm you know so while they're building this um if you didn't happen to see my video the other day about the biomes islands mod um they come with like pretty cool different animals for the different biomes so let's see it looks like we have like a great white shark off the coast here that's a predator so like it will hunt me sometimes if it's hungry if i go out here uh the deep water is passable with this mod on but at a really really slow speed of course the shark moves rather fast in it so i have to be careful what else we got we have an omega dodo seems to be going for a swim we have trout and that's it for like new animals on this map sometimes we get like a pot of whales off the coast i hope we get to see one of those oh i love the techist style look at these tables i'm excited about them i wish the beds looked different in the different styles though like that would be really cool all right it's getting to be a cozy temperature in there i'm gonna put a dog bed in there as well and then we really gotta get started with why did i build this out of steel always a disaster what do we have granite yeah okay we're gonna get started doing granite and dropping it forever on the floor all right we've settled in for our cozy first night in our island shack here oh my god joanna's bad at mining oh god if i have anybody good at mining please oh my god i think i forgot i was landing with large hills okay well they're taking forever to mine this um i do want to get some electricity going to power our nutrient paste dispenser that i'm gonna have to set up so i'm gonna put a wind turbine on the beach i know i could put it like here but it just appeals to me to put it i feel like it would get more wind by the water i don't know if that's true so and then i i could run a subsurface conduit but honestly no we don't have time we're just gonna go like this sam is really all over the place here all right another day another dollar okay that's very satisfying when people go to construction lay power conduits and then i'm gonna have sam start cutting stone blocks for us and then i'm also i need i need these ibex i need them hunted swimming through the water hunting the ram huh look at all this cool wreckage that we have ancient shopping carts we got some good stuff here steel silver [Music] ancient fence i love these these creep me out a little bit but i love them at the same time i love these too the ancient generators there's another geothermal war walker torso that's so cool we got some gold okay yeah and then where's our other oh our other geothermals right here this is a pretty good i like this map a lot we got a little walkway back to the mainland right here i don't actually know what side it's at but we are touching the mainland we're just like a short a short swim from the mainland so i typically i don't really plan out my colonies before i start building them so we're just gonna kind of wing it here and i'm gonna go like this i'm a little bit nervous about steel like i kind of don't want to use steel for anything except for stuff i need to use steel you know i don't want to build anything out of steel that could be built out of stone or wood just because i feel like steel is probably what i have the least of on this map which is going to be a big problem later game when they really have a lot of high-tech desires but cross-separation we come to it i guess i like these columns these techist columns a visitor justin well well well justin you have come quite far to trade with us the ends of the earth who's my social i can never remember it takes me so long to remember like who's who at the beginning of a new colony okay i'm thinking sam [Music] all right anything good we might as well buy every component we can get because we don't know when we're gonna get more i kind of feel the same about medicine that's all i'm doing sam please hold this wait i've never heard this song is this new with ideology you hear this i have never heard the song i'm gonna turn it up for this part but that's it okay okay so this is kind of a weird layout but bear with me [Music] joanna how are you feeling about the stone cutting back breaking labor i'll let you go oh my god she just was stone cutting all night sorry joanna i hate using nutrient paste like i typically i like cooking but if there's ever a biome to use it in and an ideology to use it with it's these guys so i'm just going to roll with it no i don't want to mind you one of mine this angie i need you to come do this ah production i guess we do need to build a butcher table just cut some trees what only one person signed a plant cutting why would i do that every one plant cuts in their free time thank you oh my god she's so bad at it this is not a good landing party i always have regrets about my landing party how are the moods by the way recreation deprived uh your horseshoe pins right there so sounds like a you problem all right where's the snow hair at it's to cause problems although you're not going to help that's what i'm talking about i don't want to deal with you you have such better shooting than that can you please just hit it because i can just tell this person's not going to be useful there we go thank you who's my doctor sam self-tending right way out at sea here oh a dead trout please watch out do not be hunted by something while you're out here god that makes me nervous yeah there's a shark in between you and home who's this oh it's in a mega dodo what happened to you oh my god the shark attacked you are in treacherous waters sam please look how slow look how slow she's moving 4.2 percent her normal speed his normal speed oops joanna take a load off what sort of all right we are actually going to have sam 10 to you with our normal medicine and because we can't i don't want you to get an infection you have a bad back oh no oh joanna is good as new okay joanna in that case you can cut this tree down for me and then that one how long do i have 20 days 20 got a good amount of time with all these animals honestly it's kind of cozy so far isn't it when you zoom out and look at it i've been playing and my dorvan colony darkness is one of their core memes and so i have to use dark lights and they look really cool but it's just not cozy it's not cozy the same way this is and i love the little spike core torches that's my secondary style for my ideology wow joanna's spending the whole night cutting one tree i need you to know angie rise and shine build a butcher table what is this fish food okay i'm not used to vanilla fishing expanded i forgot i can fish oh we're gonna be fine with food we are gonna be a-okay who's my chef god oh god the pressure's on constitutional compact of thela no what's our religion called i've already forgotten arco collectivism or forbidden um okay so we are like on the absolute south pole i think i want like like something that has to do with being at the south pole like south we're gonna be south keep because i can't think of anything else i'm also kind of now regretting the placement of this my thought was like it's a short distance to walk from like when we're fishing out here cargo pods give me food give me food give me components and it's agave okay it's fine that's that's food where's engie oh my god angie get on land immediately okay [Music] oh my god yeah you [ __ ] thought jaws we better be careful i need to be so careful because i'm absolutely screwed like there's nothing i can do against the shark in the water no more going out here whales and some swimming rams okay you know what we're not gonna hunt you guys look how nice look how graceful let's see if they were making any noises for us [Music] i heard some okay not a pleasant noise of something else the shark hunting a ram god that was so stressful we're not hunting any more animals thank you okay we're back to working on this i don't want to do a wood floor but i feel like that's the best if we could do granite granite tile i would prefer concrete it's so easy but and it's so quick to put down it's so satisfying look at that okay it's our first raid it's just this guy named chimpanzee uh um he's got an uncovered groin i mean that's on you what else can you do for us we'll find out is he attacking immediately yeah okay we have no defenses yet he's so slow he's like swimming oh head shot what was that okay it wasn't a head shot this guy's getting [ __ ] up instantly i don't know if i want to nurse him back to health i kind of hope he just dies damn it we don't have a prison cell i mean this whole weird room could be a prison cell i think that's what we're gonna do you ever resort to that prison courtyard capture hopefully no sharks hunt me while i'm dragging his bloodied body out of the water all right he needs a real spot to live all right so this is something i'm not particularly proud of which is that this is about to be the prison cell um just truly a horrific a horrific thing to make anyone live in there we go not the best it's really not the best we're gonna give him a torch in there too nice and cozy what's everyone up to playing horseshoes hunting trout hauling trout sleeping wait you're hauling a trout oh no forget it forget the trout forget him sam there's that shark it's just not worth it you know i i can't i can't lose a colonist that quickly to shark attacks now okay this guy now that he's been tended we would like to convert him to our religion [Music] put a little light in here what do you say a little lamp and then um we're gonna have to do wood even oh this is such a cool looking table i love it okay it's too bad the chairs look like this though they gotta have stools the chairs look really like that chair looks ridiculous do i have a better chair no i don't have better chairs with gloomy you know it's funny this map seems smaller than a map on the land doesn't it just mine in maybe we'll discover like a new area or something i don't know okay not if we're mining at that pace though glacial absolutely glacial this is coming together though dining room it could be worse it could be worse so this is the research bench from gloomy furniture and we're just gonna slap it down in here area revealed whoa okay this changes things i guess well it really just saves me a lot of time an old car in here huh we're gonna have to destroy that well let's go ahead and build a roof i want the bedrooms to be as central as possible um just not only to reduce their walk time but also to make them less appealing if we get sappers already okay the raven men just andre watch out andre these are shark infested and whale infested waters apparently uh i mean it would be nice to have somebody who's actually interested in mining are you attacking immediately yes go for it got him i'll tell you what chimpanzee's not gonna be happy about this new addition or maybe they'll have a prison break and beat the crap out of everyone in my colony i don't know sam you have to finish tending people sam's on an insulting spree oh my god sam why is sam like ultra sensitive emotionally oh my god he's a night owl um this is me really not paying attention to my collards okay a nice healthy eight hours of sleep there you are buddy [Music] forgot all about that sam are you just in here insulting the prisoners that's not the way you're the warden so i'm gonna need you to grow up all right how's our bedroom looking okay i have to admit this area revealed has really thrown me off because i don't know like where i want the bedrooms to be we might mine this way because if we have heavy overhead roof over here i'd rather have like my core base stuff like um my laboratory and my bedrooms basically and like in good storage over here and then in this middle area which will have the shallow ceilings i can do like indoor growing um and like stockpiles of low value things saving mantis mavis can i read first of all there's if i can make it to mavis's position dream on mavis uh what what does the storyteller think is going on in my colony that i could make like a seven day caravan to go get mavis right now all right so back to mining out this bedroom we can just do it like this for now it doesn't need to be huge and we can always expand it later it's gonna be barracks for all of them i think i already said that but okay chimpanzee joined l-e-s where are you sleeping are you just gonna pass out on the ground somewhere malnourished this is how you guys calm your prisoners because this is how i do there we go the beatings will continue until morale improves chimpanzee has gone berserk things are going really bad for me okay he's attacking a rabbit okay joanna we're gonna have to stab chimpanzee now how is he not down oh my god he's on death's doorstep is he on drugs why is he like this um meanwhile we are going to hunt some muffalo oh my god they're out in the ocean doesn't quite make sense but that's fine do we have any sharks that would eat me okay now oh my god run for your life oh my god these things are gonna run me down as soon as we get on the land i'm hoping my head start will help because they're still okay everyone else is in joanna is in a daze so she might leave at least that kind of brought them all up here for easier hunting should we chop up chimpanzee and eat him i we just don't have a lot of other options i want just one muffler to come in because there's too many buffaloes coming in oh my god oh my god the dog joanna's okay so it's kind of been one thing after another so far just trying to set up the colony here rescue ally please all right and i think this is probably where we will leave it for episode one uh with our blood drenched entryway to our base let's hope that we have a better handle on things next episode so if you stuck around to the end let me know down in the comments um and i will catch you guys next time you
Channel: Jadziax
Views: 148,462
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rimworld, rimworld lets play 2021, rimworld ideaology lets play, playthrough, ideology, rimworld dlc, twitch streamer
Id: fI6sfJs3lCk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 32sec (1772 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 29 2021
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