RIMWORLD: Bedrooms vs. Barracks

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what's up guys so one of the questions that i get asked a lot on stream is why i've set my base up the way i have whether it be the kitchen sleeping quarters workshop storage whatever so i thought i'd make a couple short videos giving my best tips for how to make an efficient base so in this video i'm going to talk about sleeping arrangements and what i think is most efficient especially early game now why should we care about bedroom design a bed is a bed right wrong ponds will have 24 7 mood buffs or debuffs depending on their sleeping arrangements so setting up your rooms right can really hurt or help your colony especially early on when you're probably just struggling to maintain a positive mood so before we really get into this i just want to mention that for this video i only chose pawns that do not have any traits that affect how they feel about their living quarters so for example a trait like jealous greedy uh aesthetic or the tunneler meme as part of an ideology which i'm not even playing with ideology on all of those will affect how your pawns feel so i specifically chose pawns that do not have any of those traits so we've just landed and i built these two rooms here just to kind of show you guys which is better a coffin size bedroom here or you know a slightly larger barracks if you turn on your room stat overlay down in the bottom corner when you hover over a room it will tell you the overall impressiveness and that is what determines how your pawn feels about it and that impressiveness is calculated by combining all those other factors down below wealth space beauty and cleanliness now space does matter but it only matters when your pawn is awake and in that space so for example even though this is like a very cramped interior in here where ore is sleeping if you actually go into her needs she thinks it's spacious a pond will always have a plus five spacious interior buff when they are asleep i do not know why that is but i have just found it to be the case she doesn't even have room to be awake in this bedroom because it's so tiny so she's never gonna be getting that debuff for a cramped interior now here it says it's rather tight but if we check on rhodion we'll find that once again he also has that spacious interior buff so size only matters to the degree that it is affecting the overall impressiveness of the room all right so now that everyone is asleep let's take a look at what the actual moodlets are and how they actually feel about their sleeping situation now or has a negative four for an awful bedroom now let's look at how anessa feels about her awful barracks you can see she has a negative seven from an awful barrick plus a negative one for disturbed sleep when rodian came in and woke her up um so overall that is a negative eight for sleeping in awful barracks compared to negative four for sleeping in an awful bedroom and the disturbed sleep can actually stack i've only seen it stack up to three times but it could be even worse than a minus eight if europon was interrupted a lot all right so an awful private bedroom is better than an awful barracks but let's see what happens if we spruce up these barracks a little bit so now that we have spruced up this barracks a little bit they're now mediocre which is two tiers above awful it goes awful dull mediocre decent slightly impressive somewhat impressive very impressive and unbelievably impressive so we are on the third tier up right now and ines is currently at a negative one for disturbed sleep when rhodion got up plus that negative four for the mediocre barrack so she's at negative five total for her sleeping situation even though these barracks look pretty cozy pretty nice to me um but compared to this coffin sized no floor bedroom um they're actually worse off in these barracks in fact the awful bedroom will remain superior to barracks all the way up until you have a slightly impressive barracks where we finally only get a negative two debuff for being in a slightly impressive barracks the reasoning being i got to sleep in a pretty nice barrack but i really don't like sharing a room with others but keep in mind you have to add at least a negative one for disturbed sleep usually it will stack two to three times depending on how many ponds you have staying in that room so this is kind of the point at which these barracks become equal to this awful bedroom so we've established that early game private rooms are always best so what's the best way to set them up to avoid that negative four awful bedroom debuff well the minimum size threshold to not be awful is six tiles so i've made a two by three room and floored it so right away we can see that the room quality has increased to the next tier dull and there is no debuff for a dull bedroom you can see right here that she has no bedroom related debuffs anymore she just doesn't care and also even though this is a cramped interior because she's asleep once again we only have a plus five for spacious interior so the size of the bedroom does not matter past this point unless you are trying to make a super duper impressive bedroom the only risky thing about using this bedroom size is that even like one speck of dirt or trash in this room will torpedo your impressiveness back down into awful so you really have to stay on top of keeping it clean that's why i love to use the mod cleaning area it just keeps your bases loads cleaner by allowing you to specify exactly what areas you want cleaned so i highly recommend that mod if you don't already use it so what about if we spruced up the room even more um you can see now i've built a mediocre bedroom um so i'm one tier up from dull over here mediocre i've added in stone tiles of course they're granite not marble you know a dresser a potted rose an end table the bedroom is mediocre let's see how ore feels about it shockingly she feels no differently about this bedroom than she does this one there is absolutely no difference the only tiny difference is that she's extremely comfortable uh plus two more in this bedroom but only because i added an end table you can also add an end table into a room this size uh for the same result so i would actually argue that making rooms that look like this as i've been doing for most of my rimworld career is actually pointless either go bigger or go home or stay two by three side note you can speed through tears quite quickly if you're making a mountain base and smoothing all your walls and floors smooth walls smooth floors are extra pretty and add extra wealth so even like a modestly decorated or like no decorations at all four by four room ends up being decent and with decent we finally start to see a positive mood effect instead of it just being neutral let's see yeah we have a decent bedroom plus two so that doesn't take up too much space if we're just a three by three we're still mediocre but as soon as we bump up that space all that smooth floor adds enough beauty and enough wealth that it ends up positively affecting your pond's mood so it's clear that the 2x3 floored clean dull or mediocre bedroom is the most efficient way to keep ponds happy or at least neutral about their sleeping arrangements a dole private room is even roughly equal to an unbelievably impressive barrack which gives plus three but then can give minus one two or three nightly for disturbed sleep which would cancel out completely so in summary europons will basically always be happier sleeping in a private room regardless of quality than they would be sharing impressive barracks this was news to me as i've long been operating under the assumption that a decent shared sleeping space would be better than awful individual spaces so i'm glad i looked into it i would love to know how you set up your sleeping quarters and your colonies so let me know down in the comments and if you enjoyed this video please leave a like and consider subscribing as always thanks so much for watching and i'll catch you next time
Channel: Jadziax
Views: 135,690
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rimworld, rimworld tutorial, twitch streamer, rimworld lets play 2021
Id: bOx6RouZPio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 51sec (471 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 27 2021
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