Tumblr Awards v11

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hearing people say I can see you doing that after telling them what you want to do in life is honestly the best thing ever one of the most encouraging things you could hear I walk into the bedroom and I see Katie being the little spoon there is no room for me popular up in a mint ice cream and other mint flavored foods taste great and y'all can't change my mind Opie do you accept constructive criticism choose your next words carefully beer sushi min-suk I was playing around with my camera night of this and I can't stop laughing like this post and I will instantly teleport to your home and gobble up your shower curtain my shower curtain is glass well crunch a tee munchetty then you think that will stop me I just had the absolute worst realization glee would have covered disperse it oh this is so sad Rachel Berry sing dispositor children terrified after theatre plays insidious instead of inside out the best thing I have seen all day my teacher if you didn't understand why didn't you come ask for help me scary it's too scary barf arks whoo scary by far I was scared a [ __ ] could use an embrace just be activate your blog if your auntie Franz if you can't handle folks doing their little Skippy people do down the pond then you're not ready for the internet yet can they like release new vegetables I work at Whole Foods and I'm here to tell you that they do some lady the other day puts this on my conveyor belt and I'm like man what is this and she has the audacity to say I don't know the legality of paradis is so funny if you take a bit from someone's work without their permission it's illegal unless you make fun of them you know what's really fuel and in style right now making others feel loved and valued friendly reminder to do that thing your mum told you to do before she gets home reblog to save a life honestly thank you so much [ __ ] it's all your fault Ann we found this in the cemetery this bearded dragon enjoys dressing as a real dragon here is a corner of a room that has a penis and balls I have truly posted some things online to the window to the walls to the corner dick and bones is there a word for like poison daddies and heals you medicine Oh me I literally couldn't care less about what people think about me also me was are annoying today I just want to know me after a quiet day time for a quiet night in you ever just like wow that's my voice people listen to this clown on a daily basis people laughing three blocks away from me me it's me they're laughing at me is that a birth delivery guy mermaid Christmas ornaments because I've been looking for that my whole goddamn life so every morning I get off the train and start my 20-minute walk to work and there's this guy who's always like three steps ahead of me and always beats meet at the street corner because I get stopped by the light and he passes it but today I was ahead of him for the first time and he runs in front of me turns around and goes I've been winning for two months now can't stop now have a good day see you tomorrow tomorrow I swear I'm wearing running shoes to work my Google do worms breathe and it suddenly went into first person first were plv and it threw me off so far worms do not have lungs but I breathe through my scrip I take in oxygen through my skin and it goes right into my bloodstream my skin must stay wet in order for the oxygen to pass through it but if I'm in too much water I will drown just keep me damp moist slimy just keep me damp moist slimy local man and coma after eating 413 Red Lobster biscuits we Google Jesus suited me the real big frighten this is my favorite picture Polish man mistake sign for telephone Polish man lost in sight say Oporto Airport for 18 days Polish man finds bullet and had five years after party Polish man tried rafting to Australia Polish man electrocuted while peeing Polish man tries to very wife alive Polish man tries to rob bank with spoon man sometimes I'm so proud to be polish I touched a dick once and it was the scariest thing in my life because it had a really cold head and I don't know it wasn't fun sometimes the ions you shouldn't be so close on the keyboard I've seen this post umpteen times and I've always thought that if you switch the you and I around it wouldn't make any sense like you touched and I literally just realized you meant duck and not dick I swear to god I'm the biggest [ __ ] idiot she literally got a drink of water and then walked over to my boobs and spit the water in them was it revenge for the braids do you ever think of how weird it would be if from the key mouse's real name was actually Michael and how weird it would be if one day Minnie called in Michael Mouse because she was upset with him because I think about it sometimes I have just been informed that NICUs full name as Michael Theodore Mal's and that ministers Minerva Mouse I don't know what to do with this information but I feel like I know something forbidden now I feel like this is a good time to share the fact that gun all ducks middle name is for Laurie that red thing is called Harry I made that red thing as a member of the royal family so we were supposed to have an all-school assembly about global stuff but it was a trap and the teachers flashmob das and the head of the math department just zip-lined over the crowd and through candy oh my [ __ ] god what type of school do you even go to when I was in high school my AP English teacher told us we weren't allowed to eat in class so I took that as a personal challenge to see what the most ridiculous thing I could eat in class without getting caught more so I started bringing soup to class and as soon as I'd crack the lid of my thermos the tiniest bit this football player that's at like three rows in front of me would go in I smell meat someone has soup and no one ever believed him when you get a lousy grade even though you studied sad violin ten hours when you don't study and you get a good grade PMON heyyyyy song for 10 hours pancake animal smell it found him screaming screaming screaming hot brownie alive and well smell it my man who is crying when I was like 9 my neighbors asked me to watch their fish and cat while they went on vacation and I was like lol K and while they were gone the [ __ ] fish died so when they got home I apologized to the mom and she was just like no need to apologize I turned the filter off so they would die because they are too much work you did nothing wrong and she gave me 20 bucks and that is a story of my first contracted murder first me watching Disney Princess movies as a kid maybe she's in love now she's 50 fat friend you can come to me getting invited places oh boy sura proper punctuation is everything people you not me an intellectual boy syrup today someone came into the cafeteria and ELT there are free bagels in the Student Center but they're running hours I stood out immediately and just ran apparently half the cafeteria had the same idea because soon I was sprinting alongside 100 college students desperately making their way across campus in the name of free bagels god bless she's beautiful I would not touch her watermelon who the heck thought this would be a good idea I thought these were flesh lights oMG that's cool AF it's like a kiss and a sip of coffee in eighth grade we thought it would be funny to scare our algebra teacher so when she was writing on the board we all put on Dora masks and when she turned around she screamed you'll are the spawn of Satan what kind of school has giant posters of their students that's just weird I saw this and just kind of assumed that's how things are in America is that not how things are in America it is not how things are in America so I meant to say oh crap I left my phone in my car but what I almost said was oh no I left my cone in my far and damn wouldn't have at been embarrassing but I caught myself and what I actually said was are my fart cone so anyway this was a thrill from start to finish I was so very product of in digital art class and made these soda applause enjoy I live for this kind of content tbh the moment my dog and husband realized I was in the car beside him your dog and husband looks so happy who the hell is that guy with the glasses though stay away three my boys serious I think we really [ __ ] up this time reblogging for that comment this does not look like me random offended that you think on it like this rules to learning English 1 there are no rules this makes me feel so uncomfortable China duck warg ducks March in orderly lines through the city of chazar look at all those ducks there are at least 10 well you're not wrong blizzard warning 4 a.m. Saturday 2:00 on Sunday the reptilian overlords are finally coming to take over the East Coast ok so I see people talking about suits and shorts but did anyone else ever encounter this pencil is made from recycled denim gentles proposal instructions I'm not getting married until some man proposes to me using the last illustration offer the dog your hand in marriage while I've never seen a bird drink before that's a snake dogs are incredible while Janus I sure do love the rodent doh what the [ __ ] are those those are children watch ass a historically accurate depiction of the dual of 1804 she's cozy turtle while your shorts are like especially gold today my mom uses color safe bleach go Carol I'll tell her the dialogue in this movie kills me what if the bumps around your nipples were actually Braille and everyone had a different message like fortune cookies turn off this is a giant cucumber that we found hanging from a tree on the side of the road I tried it and it was disgusting so I throw it in the neighbor's hot tub this fruit is called kijiji handed his poisonous good job kiddo what's the cheapest meat their balls because they're under a bark what do you call a flirty Greek philosopher Socrates get the [ __ ] out of my face I like this picture because at first as you're scrolling you see dog nose and it's very cute and then all of a sudden there are many noses and it is the cutest thing in the universe a celebrity you aren't doing it wrong if no one knows what you are doing I mean my mom has been saying my new dog looks like a tat etat and then today she texts me this everybody remain calm in investigating this mysterious object cat what did you find out after many careful sniffs I'm have determined that this is a frog gtfo get your own peach you little [ __ ] this is what I'm getting an art history degree for just landed in Sydney it's beautiful while Chris is a really good photographer cat today my boyfriend bought me a label maker she loves me they love me I love me Buster is a true advocate for confidence and self-love - happy outlets Opena covered in snow so they're moist towelettes Jackson Jessel approached by goat his life was never the same please do not touch Japanese dog I'm gonna touch the Japanese dog no how can I delete somebody else's post female washroom meh male washroom I was confused so I held it in delicious finally some good [ __ ] Food Kitchen Nightmares / ratatouille crossover we all deserve smooch spirits of hell and heaven judging your soul in afterlife okay but how found it it was right there the whole time s MH squab forced meat with CEPS anise kimbab a juice none of these words array or forcemeat sounds so threatening [Music] you cow belly let's go the monetization is drunk going to to stop the migration of top innovation and content creation and others at rise alone these states at hand got inspiration to drop a new cake on top of your faces of mock interfaces a clock is still racing there's impatient long stories later not just escape news rod like to paint you to be brave thought she would make a toast all the creator who want to get paid for their awesome creation so take the advice of a god in the bank oh my god - says calvetti TV gets more traffic than a metropolis
Channel: Cowbelly Studios
Views: 1,057,903
Rating: 4.942719 out of 5
Keywords: comment, awards, memes, kek, edgy memes, fortnite memes, cowbelly comment awards, new memes, comment awards, graham the christian, dank meme compilation, best memes, meme, meme compilation, fresh, memes 2017, cowbelly, dank meme, funny meme, dank compilation, memes compilation, instagram memes, dankest, funny, edgy, dankest memes, fresh memes, new dank memes, dank memes 2017, best, lol, laugh, friendly
Id: l1RZt8_Juis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 55sec (835 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 19 2018
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