Tulsa | Heartwarming, Tearjerker, Family Movie with John Schneider, Livi Birch, Cameron Arnett

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(slow music) (slow music) (slow music) (slow music) (slow music) (slow music) (slow music) (slow music) (slow music) (slow music) (slow music) (slow music) (slow music) (slow music) (slow music) (slow music) (slow music) (slow music) (slow music) (slow music) (slow music) (slow music) (slow music) (slow music) (slow music) - [Foster Monster] You little monsters, can you not hear me? Are you deaf? (slow music) (slow music) You're not listening to me. Can't you hear me? Listen to me, now stop. (slow music) (slow music) (slow music) (door banging) - [Male Police Officer] Police, open up. - [Foster Monster] Why are you here? - [Male Police Officer] You're under arrest for assault and battery of minors. - Ma'am. - I didn't do anything. Get away from me. Tell them the truth. I didn't do anything to you kids. You hear me? I was your last chance, nobody wants you. Your family didn't even want you. - [Police Officer] You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law. - [Foster Monster] I have some rights you know. - Don't worry, I'll make sure you're taken care of, I promise. (slow music) (slow music) (slow music) (police car siren whirling) (slow music) (slow music) - Have a good night Kerry. - Oh, Jaylene I got another case for you. - What's her story? - Mom was killed in a motorcycle accident two years ago. The little girl called the cops when the foster mom went after the foster brother. - And where is he now? - They found temporary placement for him. Her name is Tulsa. You need to find a replacement before you leave tonight. - Kerry, you know that's impossible. I mean, all of our beds are full. - Try Michelle at the Atlanta Mission. Sometimes she's willing to foster kids for short term emergencies. The sooner you find her placement, the sooner you can start your weekend. - Have a good night Kerry. - See you Monday. (bags thudding) (door clicking) - Tulsa, hi, I'm Ms. Jaylene. I'm gonna be your caseworker. - How's Michael? - He is staying with relatives in South Georgia, for now anyway. - They should know he's scared of the dark, and sometimes he wets his bed but if you read to him, it'll calm him down. - You two got pretty close didn't you? - I know Jesus will take care of him. Do you believe in Jesus Ms. Jaylene? - Yes I do. You know, you are pretty mature for a nine year old. Well Tulsa, it is my job to find you a safe place to stay. - Oh, you don't have to. I'm going to stay with my father. - Your father? - [Tulsa] Mmh. - I don't seem to have any information on your father. Do you know where you lives or his name? Have you ever met him before? - No, but I found his picture of him in my mama's Bible. That's mama and that's my father. - Is your father's name Tommy? - All right boss, we're out of here. We'll see you on Monday. - Hey Tommy, you good? - Yeah. ♪ How on earth did it all go down like this ♪ ♪ I've got no words to make sense of it ♪ ♪ My shield my fight for righteousness ♪ ♪ Could not protect me from myself ♪ ♪ I'm looking for the higher power ♪ ♪ To be my mighty tower ♪ ♪ Save me from myself oh yeah ♪ ♪ 'Cause I'ma fall seven more times ♪ ♪ And it ain't nobody's fault except mine ♪ ♪ There's only one way out ♪ ♪ Please Lord forgive me ♪ ♪ I'm down on my bended knees ♪ ♪ And I need your love ♪ ♪ Mercy is your medicine ♪ ♪ Help me turn around again ♪ ♪ To you my friend ♪ (soft rock music) (soft rock music) (soft rock music) (soft rock music) ♪ How long did I fool myself ♪ ♪ Believing I I didn't need nobody's help ♪ ♪ A fool trusts in his power and his wealth ♪ ♪ Until he's brought down low ♪ ♪ Unto a shadow of himself ♪ ♪ The arrow was sent to intervene ♪ ♪ It pierced my bones and shook me from my dream ♪ - [Jaylene] Tommy? - Yeah - Tommy, hi, it's Jaylene. I'm sorry I know it's late but we need to meet up. - Now is not a good time. - I have your daughter. - You said I have a daughter? - I'm fine by the way, thank you for asking. And yes, like I told you, this little girl claims you're her biological father. The only proof she has is this photo. She doesn't even know your name. - Sandy? What happened to her? - A motorcycle accident two years ago. You didn't know that? - No. Wow, we had some crazy times. - Yeah, I know. - She wrote to me for a couple months after I deployed, but that was like 10 years ago. - Tulsa is nine - Tulsa? - She has no other family. Her most recent placement was a really bad situation. - So what do you want me to do? - I'm not saying you're her father, but if you're willing, we can do some tests to confirm that. As for right now, she just really wants to meet you. - Then what? I don't even like kids I am in no position to be a father. - Then just be her friend. So, that's Tulsa. - [Tommy] What's she doing? - [Jaylene] Praying. - For what? - Probably for you. (kids chattering) Come on. (kids chattering) (kids chattering) - Are you all right? Be careful next time, okay? (kids chattering) - [Jaylene] Tulsa, sweetie, this is Tommy Colston. - My father. - Tommy wanted to meet you. - Yeah. - You look different than your picture, you're scrappy. - Tulsa sweetie, Tommy has agreed to do some tests to see if he's your father. - He doesn't have to, he is. It's time for me to go home now. - Look kid, I wouldn't be good for you right now, trust me. - It sounds like we've got a lot of work to do. I'll get my things. - What's happening? - Let's just take her to your place and show her. (garage door clanking) - So this is my garage. (lighthearted music) (lighthearted music) (lighthearted music) - It's filthy. - It's a garage. - You own this place? - No, I rent this place. I live in the apartment upstairs. - Is this it? - Hey, kid wait. (suspense music) (suspense music) (suspense music) (suspense music) (suspense music) (suspense music) I wasn't expecting company. - Forever? - Okay, I'll stay. - She can't, I mean you wouldn't? - Tulsa sweetie, it's not that simple. - No. - You don't have a place for me to stay, but it's okay now, I found my father. - Sweetie, it's much more involved than that. - That's right, yeah, tell her. - I mean, there needs to be meetings, interviews, background checks. - And I'll definitely fail those, all of them. - I mean, this place needs to be cleaned up and inspected. - We'll be ready. Don't worry, we'll fix you. Is my room down there? - Don't. You can't just leave her here. - She's right, we don't have any place for her to stay. Just for a little while until I figure this out. I know you, you'll take great care of her. - Are you serious? What do I do with her? - The Tommy Colston I know is a charmer, charm her. - Charm her? (door banging) (lighthearted music) - You left her with him? - There was nowhere else for her to go. Besides, he's her father. - You don't know that for sure. A non emergency DNA test takes six to eight weeks, maybe even longer. There's not even anyone who can vouch for this man. - I know Tommy. I will vouch for him and I will constantly check on them. - If anything happens to this child, it's your license on the line or worse. Jaylene, Jaylene did you hear me? - Yes, I hear you - I'm all unpacked. - Great. - Where you in the Army? - The Marines. - What's the difference? - How much time do we have? - You know, you shouldn't smoke or drink? It'll kill you. (beer bottle clinking) (Tommy gulping) - So will children. - Can I ask you some questions? - [Tommy] Do I have a choice? (chair scraping) (chair scraping) - Are you a criminal? - No. - What's your favorite color? - Black. - What's your favorite movie? - "Black bear." - What do you do for fun? - Yoga. - Do you have a girlfriend? - Nope. - Do you want one? - Nope. - If you weren't a mechanic, what would you be? - Life coach. You know, you're a little Didi you know that? - What's a Didi? - So what you got there? Ooh, I get it, that's yours, that's cool. - It's mama's Bible. All the answers you'll ever need in life are in this book. Did you love my mama? - Yeah. Me and your mom had a lot of fun. - She called those her wild days before she found Jesus. - I didn't know He was missing. - Everybody needs Jesus. He's needed here. - Yeah, well, it's getting a little too crowded in here if you asked me. Well, I'm going back to bed. You think you can find something to do? Wake me up only if the place catches fire, and do not touch anything, anything. (lighthearted music) (lighthearted music) (bottles clanking) (lighthearted music) (lighthearted music) (lighthearted music) (lighthearted music) (lighthearted music) What are you doing? - Getting ready for the inspection. (cabinet doors banging) (cabinet doors banging) (cabinet doors banging) - They're all gone. - What's gone? - All your alcohol and cigarettes. I threw them out. - What the hell? - Language, you should have your mouth washed out with soap for that. - Whisky's stronger. Look little Didi. - My name is Tulsa. - I don't care. I told you to stay out of my stuff. - It's time to get clean and organized. Are you gonna help or not? (laundry soap pouring) (metal clanking) - [Tommy] What are you doing now? - Laundry. - What do you know about laundry? - As much as you know about being a parent. (metal clanking) I told you, I got rid of all your alcohol, including everything you hid. - I gotta go. - You don't need that stuff. (slow music) (slow music) (slow music) (slow music) (slow music) (phone ringing) (phone ringing) - Hey Jaylene. - [Jaylene] Hey Tommy, how's Tulsa doing? - She's upstairs probably sprinkling Holy water all over the place. - She's trying to make a home. - Can't she stay with you? - Unfortunately no, she can't. Besides, I believe every girl needs a father. Call me if you need anything tonight, I'll check in on you tomorrow. Tommy, Tommy? - Yeah I know this must be a shock, but you got this. - Yeah. (somber music) (somber music) (somber music) (somber music) (somber music) (somber music) - "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. "He makes me lie down in the green pastures. "He leads me beside the still waters. "He restores my soul. "He leads me in the paths of righteousness "through His namesake. "Yea, though I walk through the valley "of the shadow of death." (Tommy coughing) - Are you okay? - Yeah, I'm awesome. (slow music) (slow music) (slow music) ♪ Amazing grace ♪ ♪ How sweet the sound ♪ ♪ That saved a wretch like you ♪ - [Tommy] Quiet. - It's time for church. - There are no churches in this town. - You're lying, now get up. I made breakfast. - I'm not going to know any church. - And take a shower, you stink. - [Tommy] You stink. - And shave that scruff. - I'm gonna drop you off at the orphanage. So, from now on I do the laundry. (slow music) (slow music) - I told you I got rid of them. - Of course. (slow music) (slow music) (slow music) (slow music) (slow music) (slow music) (lighthearted music) (lighthearted music) - Since you're not going to church, I made a list of chores for you. You can start by mowing the grass. (lighthearted music) (lighthearted music) I may have saved one pack of cigarettes. If you mow the grass, I'll tell you where I hid them. - I'm not playing your little games, understand? (lighthearted music) (lighthearted music) (mower clanking) (mower clanking) - Come on, there's still some left. - Gimme me my cigarettes. - This and that. - What? No, just give me my cigarettes. - You'll get the rest once you do that. Don't forget to do this part. Hold on, I'll give you a ride. (motorcycle engine revving) (motorcycle engine revving) Hop on. - No. - What's wrong now? - It's not safe, you're not wearing a helmet. - You even know where you're going? - [Tulsa] God will lead me. - God will lead you. (Tulsa chuckling) You can't just walk in there, it's not your church. - That's the cool thing about church, it's for everyone. Come on, you'll see. - No thanks. Hey, I'll meet you out front after the service, okay? (worship music) (worship music) - How's Tulsa this morning? - Oh, she's great. She's just giving Jesus honor. Jaylene, I don't know how much longer I can do this. She is the most stubborn, arrogant, hardheaded, know it all I've never met. - It sounds like someone else I know. That reminds me, we need to register her for school tomorrow. - Wait, does that mean she's staying? - Just for the time being. Try to make the best of it. (slow music) (slow music) (slow music) (slow music) (slow music) - [Male Congregation Member] Goodbye Tulsa. - [Female Congregation Member] You keep praising the Lord. - Tommy. - My dear, you were a gift from my heavenly Father this morning. - Thank you Bishop Franklin. - Are you the father of this wonderful little girl? - That's what they tell me. - Well sir, you have a little angel here. - Yep, my little angel. - I hope to see you again. - Not so fast, get on. - I told you it's not safe. - Trust me. Ta-dah. (slow music) Put your bible. (slow music) All right, throw it up here. (slow music) (slow music) (slow music) (slow music) All right, you hold onto me real tight. ♪ I'm holding on to the hope that one day ♪ ♪ This could be made right ♪ ♪ 'Cause I've been shipwrecked ♪ ♪ And left for dead and I have seen the darkest sights ♪ ♪ Everyone I've loved seems like a stranger in the night ♪ ♪ Well I'm sailing home to you ♪ ♪ I wont be long ♪ ♪ By the light of moon ♪ ♪ I will press on ♪ ♪ I wanna hold her in my arms ♪ - We still have a lot to be before the inspection. - It can wait. - Can I ask you a question? - More questions? Go ahead, shoot. - Why are you so scared to go to church? Are you like Godphobic? - Godphobic? Is that a thing? - It seems like your thing. - Listen Didi, I'm not scared of anything. I just know it doesn't work. - [Tulsa] How do you know? - I just know. - Maybe God's at work right now and you just don't see it. - Okay, can I ask you a question? - Go ahead, shoot. - That foster mom, did she hurt you? It's okay if you don't wanna talk about it. - Michael, he's my foster brother. He had an accident in the bed that night. We tried to wash the sheets before she found out, (somber music) but she caught me. (somber music) - You did the right thing. This Michael, he means a lot to you? - He's very special to me. (somber music) (somber music) You want some more? (somber music) (somber music) - Maybe we should go home. - Good idea. (somber music) (somber music) (somber music) (somber music) (somber music) - Let me help. There. It's a really sad painting. - You should go to bed, you have school tomorrow. - Who's Lisa? - I said go to bed. Look, you wanted a dad, well I'm being a dad, go. (somber music) (feet thudding) (somber music) (somber music) (somber music) (somber music) (somber music) Listen, if anyone comes in, get payment. I'm bleeding here, and now with Tulsa. - Someone shows up, says you're a daddy and you believe 'em I mean, I'd want proof. - Yeah well, they're doing tests. - How long have you known Tommy? - My entire life. - How old are you? - 35. (lighthearted music) - ID. (lighthearted music) (lighthearted music) (lighthearted music) (lighthearted music) You ever done time? - I'd rather not talk about it. (lighthearted music) - Who's the lady? (lighthearted music) - She's my sister. (lighthearted music) - What's her name? (lighthearted music) - Trixy. - Well, if you are a nice brother, you'd buy Trixy some clothes. (lighthearted music) - Come on Tulsa, time for school. - We'll continue this later. - Man, who is that kid? - What's wrong? - It's just, do I have to go? - Well, if it were up to me, I'd teach you how to rebuild a carburetor and I'd put your butt to work. What now? - I've been in five different schools since mama died. The girls can be kind of mean. - Mean like, mean how? Like they beat you up? - Yes, but with their words. - Well, you may not wanna tell everyone at the lunch table they're going to hell. Save that for your second day. Okay, look kid, you gotta treat school like prison. Go up to the biggest, baddest girl, and punch her in the face. Okay, no, not really. But, yes punch her in the face. It's all in the attitude. You know I got an idea. We've got to make a quick stop before we go to school, okay? (bell ringing) - I do have other appointments Ms. Sanders. - Mr. Colston's a new father. I'm sure he just wants to make sure everything's okay for Tulsa's first day. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) Principal Workman, this is Tommy Colston and Tulsa. - What's up? - What's up? I mean good morning. - Good morning. Well, let's go ahead and get started. Tulsa, this is Riley. You'll be shadowing her on your first day. - Hi Tulsa, I like your jacket. - [Tulsa] Thanks. (slow music) (slow music) (slow music) (slow music) (slow music) (slow music) - She's gonna be okay right? - She will. You're doing fine Tommy Establish a routine, pick her up everyday at the same time, help her with her homework. Foster kids like her are really sensitive to anything that triggers feelings of abandonment. - I clearly don't know what I'm doing. (phone buzzing) - I gotta get this, one second. (heels tapping) - I can't believe it. - You guys, by the way, did you guys see that new girl in the leather jacket? - I hope she doesn't get grease all over us. - I know right? (girls laughing) - Hi girls. You better watch what you say. That little grease monkey is my daughter, and the last three little brats who teased her mysteriously disappeared. I know right? Like they disappeared, disappeared. (girls screaming) - Psychopath. - It's nice that you're defending Tulsa, but let's try not to threaten any more minors okay? - It was just a pep talk. (machine keys clicking) (machine keys clicking) Tulsa. (shoes tapping) (shoes tapping) (shoes tapping) (shoes tapping) - Forgotten. - Oh, it's so sad when that happens. - My ride is just late. - Maybe your dad got arrested. - Yeah, he's probably in jail. - I'll tell him to say hi to your mom. - Oh, I got the cutest dress for the daddy, daughter dance. - We're going shopping this weekend. Are you and your dad going? - Of course not, her dad can't even remember to pick her up. (shoes tapping) (shoes tapping) (car engine revving) (car engine revving) - Tulsa, Tulsa, (car door banging) Tulsa wait up. I'm sorry, I was working. Time just got away from me. - Just say it. - Say what? - That I don't mean anything to you. - That's not true. - Then why didn't you look for me? - Look for you? I knew you'd be here. - Not here, when I was born. - I didn't even know you existed. - You didn't want to know. Fathers are supposed to be there always, no matter what. They're supposed to protect their kids, play with them, teach them things. I can't even ride a bike. - Hold up. - I had this stupid dream that I knew you would love me and take care of me. I feel so stupid. Just go and ask Ms. Jaylene to take me somewhere else. - [Tommy] What? - I know I'm a lot to handle and a pain. I get it. Just tell me the truth. - No, I want you to stay. I'm sorry kid, it's my fault. I'll do better, I promise. - That's easy to say. - You never got a chance to be a kid, did you? (somber music) We're gonna take care of that. (somber music) (somber music) So how was school? You knock out any bullies? (upbeat music) Arg, school is overrated. You know what they say? C's get degrees. - Ms. Jaylene went a different way with her advice. What's that? - Some daddy, daughter dance at your school. What do you say? You and me, let's go. - Mama says dancing leads to fornication. - Fornication? Do you even know what that means? (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - Okay no, but I know it's bad. - Well, not all dancing is bad Didi. You gotta have a little fun. - No I'm not going. And why do you keep calling me Didi? - You can't dance. That's it, you can't dance. Listen, I'll teach you. You will be the coolest kid on the dance floor, I promise. Come on. - We still have a lot to do before the inspection. We should hurry. - Yes ma'am, but just remember the rhythm is gonna get you. No, seriously, it is going to get you. (upbeat music) - Tommy, what's the capital of Alaska? - What? - The capital of Alaska? I need to know for homework. - Let me think. (pills clicking) - You okay? (Tommy sighing) (Tommy sighing) - Give me a second. (toilet water flushing) (toilet water flushing) (door knocking) (door squeaking) Yeah, I'm okay kid. I'm clean. - So you say Jesus, He's always with us? - Yeah. - So is He here with this now? - Right. - Like right here? - No, right here. - Wow. - Colston. - Mr. Garcia. - Mr. Garcia? I thought you forgot about all my name. I mean, I haven't received any rent check in the last three months. What's up with that? - You'll get your rent. I just need a little time to collect on some invoices, that's it. - Who's that? - That's my kid. - Tiny, can you? - Tulsa, let's take a break and go out back. - Listen, you have until the end of the month or you're out that's it, okay? - You'll get your rent. - You better. - [Tiny] Hey, watch what you're doing. - Tiny, when's the last time you washed your hands. - What's today? Last week. (lighthearted music) (lighthearted music) (intense music) (intense music) (intense music) (intense music) (intense music) (intense music) (machine keys clicking) (slow music) (slow music) (slow music) (slow music) (slow music) (slow music) (slow music) (slow music) (slow music) (door squeaking) - Tommy, dinner's ready. (door banging) Dinner's ready. (door squeaking) Tommy? Tommy wake up, wake up. (somber music) - I'm sorry Lisa. (somber music) - It's me Tulsa. Tommy, wake up. (somber music) (somber music) (somber music) You've got to beat this Tommy. You were doing so good. (somber music) - I'm sorry. - Promise me you'll get help. I don't wanna lose you Tommy. - I'm not gonna lose you either. (somber music) (somber music) (somber music) (somber music) (somber music) I didn't deserve that. (somber music) - No, no you didn't, (somber music) but it's what you needed. (somber music) (somber music) (somber music) - Tommy Colston, good to see you again young man. - Bishop. - What's a little grease among friends. - Hey Tulsa. - Actually, I'm here to see you. You know, I've been exactly where you are right now. - Yeah? Where's that? - Lost, we're all in the same boat my friend. When I was in the Army, I was a mess. I used to get so drunk and I'd wake up in some nowhere bar and walk half the day looking for my car. - I would too if I joined the Army. (Bishop laughing) - All right (laughs). - With all due respect Bishop, I believe there's a God, I do. I just don't trust Him. Life, it's just a big storm. There's no lighthouse. - There once was a man who was shipwrecked in middle of the sea. He was in a fierce storm and he just knew he was gonna die. So he cried out, "God save me." And all of a sudden, his ship caught fire. He jumped overboard and clutching to a piece of a hull, I mean, angry and scared. And he cried out again, "Why did you abandon me? "I asked for help and you burnt my ship." And all of a sudden, this huge ship just cuts right through the storm and pulls the man to safety. And the captain said to the man, "It's a good thing that "your ship caught fire "'cause if it hadn't, "we never would have seen you." God's ways are above our ways. His thoughts above our thoughts. Who can know the mind of God? God could have wiped us all out, the whole human race. But instead he said, "No, they are worth it." God doesn't need us, He wants us. That's why Jesus came and died on the cross. We're saved by love Tommy. It doesn't always come in the form of a lighthouse or lightning in the sky. Sometimes our ship needs to burn before we're rescued. And sometimes the answer just may come in a small voice. - I really need to get this car done, if that's okay with you. - I'm gonna leave this for you right here, just in case. I recommend you start with the book of John. (Bible thudding) - Tulsa, Tulsa. Sorry kid. (slow music) (slow music) (slow music) (slow music) (slow music) Hey kid. (slow music) - I'll take care of you. (slow music) (slow music) - It's what I'm afraid of. (slow music) (slow music) (slow music) (slow music) (lighthearted music) (lighthearted music) (lighthearted music) Practicing your moves? - I wasn't dancing, I was. (lighthearted music) (lighthearted music) - How do I look? (lighthearted music) (lighthearted music) (lighthearted music) - You still have your scruff, but you look good. Like a nice criminal. (door knocking) - [Tommy] I look GQ Didi, GQ. Don't forget that. (door knocking) (door squeaking) (door banging) - Hello Ms. Murray. - Mrs. Murray. Mr. Colston, Tulsa. - Hello. - Now, Ms. Jaylene has given me a little background on your situation. How's everything been going? - Everything's great, right Tommy? - Of course, we are blessed. Just so blessed to be here with God in our hearts. - What Tommy is trying to say is that we are very blessed to have found one another. - Yes, yes, praise Him, praise Him. For we are blessed. - Shall we sit? Please, my chair. - Yes ma'am. - Thank you. - Yes ma'am. (lighthearted music) - Are you hot Mr. Colston? - Yeah, yeah, I'd like to think that I am. - No, you seem flushed. Are you nervous? - Yes. - No. - No - Yes. (lighthearted music) - Tommy's not been feeling well. The flu maybe. - Or something I ate. I'm sorry, excuse me. - Perhaps I should reschedule. - No Ms Kerry, I know this place is not normal, and Tommy's really nervous right now, but he's a really good father. Sure, he's far from perfect, but each day he wakes up and works harder than the last. Please, give us a chance. - Tell Mr. Colston, I hope he gets better really soon and I mean really soon. - Yes ma'am, he will. Thank you Mrs. Murray. - Ms. Jaylene will be in contact with you until I'm able to do a good home study. - Goodbye, for now. - Bye. (door squeaking) (door banging) Tommy. (papers flipping) (phones keys clicking) Oh hello, can I please speak to Mr. Chainsaw? (lighthearted music) Oh hello, my name is Trixy at Colston Customs. I know, I sound a lot younger than I am. I just wanted to let you know that you have been entered in a chance to win a custom bike. Yes, yes that's right. We're having the drawing here at the garage, but you need to be here to win. Bring two forms of ID, oh and a credit card. Thank you, thank you, thanks, (keys clicking) thank you, thank you very much. - What's all this? - Oh, it's a drawing they're having for a custom bike. - Drawing? - Mmh mmh. - Excuse me. Okay, I don't know what's going on here, but we are not giving anything away. - Where's Trixy? - Yeah, Trixy will know. - I am Trixy. - Tulsa, what are you doing? - Getting the rent money. - You lied? - No, Trixy lied. Tiny, help me up. Thank you all for coming, but I must confess, there's no drawing. - This is bull, I'm leaving. - You can't leave. I have all your keys, but you'll all get them back once everyone here has paid their bill. - What are you talking about? - [First Biker] I paid JB when I picked up my bike last week. - Me too. I paid him in cash. - I always pay my bills. - JB, you stealing from me? - I gave you the money. You were just so strung out, you probably don't remember. Is everyone lying? - Search him Tiny. - Come on dude, hey. - Yo, I was keeping this place running before that little brat showed up. - If you ever talk about my daughter like that again, you will leave here on a stretcher. - Okay, this ain't over Tommy. - Give them their keys back, Trixy. - Take your keys. (keys clicking) (keys clicking) - Tulsa, you can't do that again. - It worked, didn't it? I'll make dinner. - Wait, it's been a great week. First the inspection, now the rent, we're going out to celebrate. - Can I invite someone? (slow guitar music) - [Tommy] Was your pizza good? - [Tulsa] Yeah. - [Tommy] Do you want another piece? - [Tulsa] No. - Kerry wasn't 100% convinced, but you are safe for the time being, which is good enough. - To good enough. - Cheers. - To good enough, cheers. (glasses clicking) (slow guitar music) - What's wrong? - I think the ice cream's spoiled. - Mine tastes fine. - Smell it. (slow guitar music) (Tulsa and Jaylene laughing) - I can't believe I fell for that. - Rookie move Tommy, rookie move. - What was Tommy like in high school? - Oh, here we go. - He was a renegade, always cutting it up in the parking lot with his friends, challenging authority. - Okay, she's heard enough. - But, this one time after school my truck wouldn't start and your father saw me crying, and he came over and he asked me to pop the hood. He fixed it in like two minutes. - The red silver auto? - Mmh mmh, it was my father's. He had passed a year before. - I remember that. (slow music) Didi, this song, it's time for your first dance lesson. - No. - Come on. - No way. - Whoa, whoa, what is all this? - Tell this one here to go to the daddy, daughter dance with me. - I don't wanna go, okay. - She doesn't wanna go because she can't dance. - Oh well, I would've loved to have gone to a dance with my father. - Come on, let's show her how it's done. ♪ I feel it inside my soul ♪ ♪ Oh oh oh ♪ ♪ Something was missing but now I'm whole ♪ ♪ I found my family ♪ ♪ When I'm with you I know I'm home ♪ ♪ Ooh oh oh ooh ♪ (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (door squeaking) (door squeaking) (door squeaking) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - Dear Michael, I miss you so much. I can't wait to see you again. I pray for you every day. Always remember Jesus loves you. I'll try and call you when Ms. Jaylene gives me your number. I pray one day we can be together as a family. I love you very, very much, love Tulsa. P.S., remember, don't eat the crayons, they give you diarrhea. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (intense music) (intense music) (intense music) (intense music) (intense music) (intense music) (intense music) (door banging) - There you are. Tiny needs your help. - Why did you lie to me? - Lie to you? What are you talking about? - I haven't had a drink, no cigarettes, no pills. - No, why did you lie about me? You knew about me all along. - Wait a second. Where's this coming from? - I found this in your desk drawer. - I told you to stay out of my stuff. - You knew I was out there. You didn't care one bit. - This isn't you. - [Tulsa] Then who is it? - This is my son. (somber music) (somber music) - I have a brother? Where is he? (somber music) - He's gone. (somber music) - Where'd he go? (somber music) (somber music) (somber music) - I told you to stay out of my stuff. This is none of your business. - Tommy, stop. (somber music) (somber music) - [Lisa] Hey handsome. - Hey. (somber music) (couple smooching) (somber music) So what'd they say? - Well, I figured out what's wrong with me. - And? - I'm pregnant. - Pregnant? - Yeah, the clinic thinks I'm about four months. It's a boy. She said he looks healthy. I mean, of course I have to go see a real baby doctor. You should come. Yeah, you should definitely come, if you want to. Hey, tell me you're happy? Tommy, I need to hear you say it. Okay look, we'll stop everything. We'll get clean. I've already got my meds adjusted. I can get my moods under control, I promise. - Really, just like that? - Tommy, I want this. I want it with you. This is your son. - Is it? - What? What do you mean? Tommy, talk to me. - Get rid of it. (Lisa sobbing) - You don't mean that. (somber music) (somber music) (somber music) (somber music) (somber music) (somber music) (somber music) (somber music) (somber music) (somber music) (somber music) (Lisa sobbing) (Lisa sobbing) (Lisa sobbing) (Lisa sobbing) (phone buzzing) (phone buzzing) (phone buzzing) (phone buzzing) (suspense music) (suspense music) (suspense music) (suspense music) (suspense music) (suspense music) (suspense music) (suspense music) (suspense music) (somber music) (somber music) (somber music) (somber music) (somber music) (somber music) (somber music) (somber music) (somber music) (phone buzzing) (phone buzzing) - Lisa, it's me. I'm sorry, I was stupid. Please just come home. We'll figure all this out. Just come home, please. I love you, just come home. ♪ Come on home ♪ ♪ Home to me ♪ ♪ And I will hold you in my arms ♪ ♪ And joyful be ♪ ♪ There will always always be ♪ ♪ A place for you ♪ ♪ At my table ♪ ♪ Return to me ♪ (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) ♪ Wonder where I might begin ♪ ♪ Hear a voice upon the wind ♪ ♪ She's singing faint but singing true ♪ ♪ Son there ain't nothing you can do ♪ ♪ But listen close and follow me ♪ ♪ I'll take you where you meant to be ♪ ♪ Just don't lose faith ♪ ♪ Come on home ♪ (upbeat music) (upbeat music) Hey kid. - Are you okay? - [Tommy] I'm okay Didi. - [Tulsa] Where are you? - I'm out looking at orphanages, but no one will take you. What are you doing? - I'm looking at nursing homes, but no one will take you. You're not getting into any trouble out there are you? - No trouble, I'm just taking care of some things. I'm coming home Tulsa, I'm coming home. ♪ There will always always be ♪ ♪ A place for you ♪ ♪ At my table ♪ ♪ At my table ♪ ♪ Return to me ♪ - Hey kid. - So, where were you? - I just had to get some closure. - You wanna talk about it? Please? - A girl named Lisa painted this painting. She always said it was a portrait of me. The ship in the middle of the storm. A man without a home. - Who is Lisa? - She was my girlfriend, and the mother of my son. - So what happened to him, your son? - I wasn't ready to be a father. And Lisa, she was fragile. And I pushed her. I pushed her until she broke. I'm still not ready to be a father. Let's be honest, I'm no good. I'm no good for you. - You're perfect for me. Tommy Colston, you're the best dad in the whole world. And I love you. - I love you too kid. - Whatever happens, you're home now Tommy, you're home. - Now, about this Jesus thing. "For God so loved the world, "He gave his only begotten son that whoever it is." ♪ I won't fear the wind and the waves ♪ ♪ My eyes are fixed upon your face ♪ ♪ I'm safe in your love ♪ ♪ You're the God that anchors me ♪ - Remember, punch 'em in the face. (worship music) (worship music) (car horn honking) - Oh, score. All right Tommy, you ready? - Let me try, I wanna try. - [Tommy] Are you ready? - This better not be a joke. - No joke, you ready? (worship music) Ta-dah. - A bike. - But I don't know how to ride. - Well, that's what a dad is for right? Okay, ready. ♪ Oh you're the God that anchors me ♪ - Kick that back. - You won't let go? - I won't let go, I promise, okay. Pedal hard, good job. All right ready? There you go. ♪ And I will I'll trust in your promises ♪ ♪ And I know you are God ♪ ♪ You are God ♪ (worship music) - I'm gonna be late for school. - Calm down Didi, just give me a minute. - School is just a few blocks, I can walk from here. - That's not a good idea. Just wait in the truck. - I'll be fine, please? I'm not a baby. I can walk three blocks on my own. - Okay, but look both ways twice, and don't ride with any strangers. - No one stranger than you? - [Tommy] Ha ha. - Bye. - Be careful. (phone chiming) (truck engine revving) (truck engine revving) (truck engine revving) (truck engine revving) - Oh my God. Oh my goodness, oh my goodness, oh my goodness. Don't move her, don't move her. Don't move her. - Sweetie, sweetie, how did this happen? - [Minibus Driver] I didn't see her. I hit her. - Sweetie, come on, open your eyes. Come on, come back to us. (ambulance siren whirling) (slow music) - Tommy. What? Where is she right now? (truck engine revving) Tulsa, Tulsa. - [Female Medic] Please stay back sir. - That's my daughter. - She was hit by that bus. She's alive, but unconscious. We're sending her to Children's Healthcare of Atlanta. - Tulsa, daddy's here. Are you okay? Tulsa, daddy's here okay. I'm here, daddy's here. Tulsa wake up. - Daddy? - We're gonna get you taken care of okay, okay? - [Tulsa] I hurt. - I know you hurt baby. I love you. I love you Tulsa. - There's no room. Head to the hospital. (ambulance siren whirling) (ambulance siren whirling) (ambulance siren whirling) (ambulance siren whirling) (ambulance siren whirling) (ambulance siren whirling) - I should have never let her walk to school by herself. - Tommy, it's not your fault. She's gonna be fine. We have to believe that. - Tulsa's family, Tulsa's family? - How is she? - Come here. Right now Tulsa is in a medically induced coma. She's in critical condition. She did sustain several injuries, now the least of which is the one to her head. Now, that's the one I'm concerned about. She has a major subdural hematoma. - What is that? - It's bleeding inside the skull, around the brain. It causes a lot of pressure. We have to relieve that pressure. - I wanna see her. - Yeah, and you can but not now. What your little girl needs right now is a lot of rest. What she doesn't need is any sort of stimulation, okay. So I want you to wait here and I'll keep you posted. - All right. - Hey look, I'm sorry that this happened. - Thanks Doc. - Yeah. - Is everything okay? (ambulance siren whirling) (ambulance siren whirling) - Mr. Colston, you may go in and see your daughter now, but just so you know, she's still not awake, okay. - Thanks. - You're welcome. Right this way. (hospital monitor beeping) (hospital monitor beeping) (hospital monitor beeping) (hospital monitor beeping) (hospital monitor beeping) (hospital monitor beeping) - I'm here Didi, daddy's here. (somber music) (somber music) (somber music) (somber music) (somber music) (somber music) - Excuse me sir, could you give me a moment? (somber music) (somber music) (hospital monitor beeping) - Come home Tulsa. (hospital monitor beeping) (hospital monitor beeping) (hospital monitor beeping) - Okay, she's finally awake, but she's a very sick little girl, all right. But she's demanding to see you. Now, before you go in there, I want you to know that your daughter has a very long road ahead of her. So, take it easy on her, all right? - All right. - Sure. - Thanks Doc. - You're welcome. (hospital monitor beeping) (hospital monitor beeping) (hospital monitor beeping) (hospital monitor beeping) (hospital monitor beeping) (hospital monitor beeping) - I missed you. - I looked both ways twice, I did. - It's not your fault. - My head, it hurts really bad. - I know it does. We're gonna get you fixed, okay. - I don't know if I can. - Yes, you can. You're a fighter Didi. Here, we're in this together Didi. - Why do you call me Didi? - I'll make you a promise, when you get out of here, I'll tell you. Deal? - Deal. (hospital monitor beeping) (hospital monitor beeping) - I'm gonna take care of you. - That's what I'm afraid of. - I love you. - I love you too. (hospital monitor beeping) (door knocking) - Hey there. - Bishop Franklin. - Tommy. - Bishop. - You up for a visit? - Good, 'cause I brought some friends with me. You liked the song so much the first time you came to our church, I thought that we'd come and sing it for you today. Ready family? ♪ It is well ♪ ♪ With my soul ♪ ♪ It is well ♪ ♪ It is well with my soul ♪ ♪ When peace like a river attendeth my way ♪ ♪ When sorrows like sea billows roll ♪ ♪ Whatever my lot thou hast taught me to say ♪ ♪ It is well it is well ♪ ♪ With my soul ♪ ♪ My sin oh the bliss of this glorious thought ♪ ♪ My sin not in part but the whole ♪ ♪ Is nailed to the cross ♪ ♪ And I bear it no more ♪ ♪ Praise the Lord praise the Lord o my soul ♪ ♪ It is well ♪ ♪ With my soul ♪ ♪ It is well ♪ ♪ It is well with my soul ♪ ♪ It is well ♪ ♪ With my soul ♪ (door squeaking) - Hey. - Hey. - Sorry I'm late. How is she today? - Her head, she's still in a lot of pain. - You think that's what Dr. Holden wanted to see us about? - I don't know. - This is for you. - Mr Colston. - Doc. - Let's talk. Okay, Tulsa is not responding to treatment. The pressure is not being relieved in her brain as we had hoped it would. The pressure is just too great. Now, if this should continue, she is going to slip into an actual coma. - Yeah, but she seemed to be improving last week. - I understand that, but sadly it's not uncommon for a patient to rally right before a major setback. - So what do we do? I mean, there's gotta be some options. - Yes, there's a procedure that we can do to relieve the pressure, but I need to tell you that this procedure can be fairly risky. - How risky? - I'd give it a 50% chance of healthy recovery. - And the other 50? - That would be either permanent paralysis or worse. - So what you're saying is, if we do nothing Tulsa dies. And if we have this procedure she could also die. - I understand that this is not good news, but it is what we're dealing with. In the meantime, what we'll do is we'll manage Tulsa's pain as well as we can. We'll do everything we can to relieve the pressure on her brain and we will hope for the best. But, right now I do recommend that you have a serious conversation with Tulsa, thank you. - I'll do it. - Tommy. - She's my daughter, I'll tell her. We need to pray for a miracle. ♪ He's always there with me ♪ ♪ Even if I don't see ♪ ♪ He'll catch me if I fall ♪ ♪ He'll be with me through it all ♪ (children clapping) (children clapping) ♪ He'll catch me if I fall ♪ ♪ He'll be with me through it all ♪ - [Tommy] Do you understand? - [Tulsa] I think so. - It's okay to be scared. - I'm not scared. I mean, I wanna see Jesus and mama. I really do but. - But what? - I don't wanna leave you. Will you forget me? - Forget you? Are you crazy? Forget my own? I would forget my own name before I forget you. Besides, we're gonna beat this. You're not in this alone. - I just wanna let you know, you're the best dad in the whole world. I love you Tommy Colston. And I want you to remember this moment, remember me, right here. - I know I don't deserve you. You're the most precious person God could've ever brought into my life. I wish I could make all this go away. I love you. (somber music) (somber music) - Pain management seems to be going fine, but Tulsa is really not responding to the treatment, so if you're gonna opt for the procedure, you need to tell me sooner rather than later. - I've talked to Tulsa and she's willing to risk it. - Okay good. I'm gonna schedule her for Saturday - What can I do? - What you can do young lady is you can make sure this one goes home and get some rest, that's doctor's orders. - He's right, when's the last time you were home? - Tiny has got the garage under control. - I'm not talking about the garage, I'm talking about you and your health. You need rest. - When he gets my daughter to be okay. - You heard the doctor said to go home and get some sleep. - I will. Tell me, if you could do anything in the world right now, what would it be? - That's easy, I'd go to the daddy, daughter dance with you. - I wish we could, but you know we can't. - She's asleep, why don't you just go home for the night? - My home is when I'm with her. - Yeah, but you're no good to her or anybody else if you go down with exhaustion. Now, come on and get yourself up out of here. I'll call you if anything changes. It's okay. You gotta take care of you too. It's gonna be okay. - [Tommy] Thanks nurse. - Get some rest Tommy. (motorcycle engine revving) (somber music) - What can I get you to drink? - Whisky neat. (somber music) (somber music) ♪ Farther along we'll know all about it ♪ ♪ Farther along we'll understand why ♪ ♪ So cheer up my brothers ♪ ♪ Live in the sunshine ♪ ♪ We'll understand this all by and by ♪ ♪ Tempted and tried I wondered why ♪ ♪ The good man dies the bad man thrives ♪ ♪ And Jesus cries because he loves em' both ♪ ♪ We're all cast-aways in need of ropes ♪ ♪ Hangin' on by the last threads of our hope ♪ ♪ In a house of mirrors full of smoke ♪ ♪ Confusing illusions I've seen ♪ ♪ Where did I go wrong I sang along ♪ - Tommy. - What do you want JB? Where's your little brat? ♪ Some will courageously escape ♪ ♪ The seductive voice with a heart of faith ♪ ♪ While walkin' that line back home ♪ ♪ There's so much more to life than we've been told ♪ - Hey, let him go. - Stay out of this Tiny. - My friend, my business. - [Second Biker] Tiny, it's time to go. - Tommy, come on, come on. ♪ Go down to the river and let it run ♪ ♪ Wash away all the things you've done ♪ ♪ Forgiveness all right ♪ - Colston, free to go. - How'd you hear? - Tiny called. - I gotta get to the hospital. - Tommy wait, you can't. Social services have been notified of your arrest, Kerry dissolved your placement. - They can't do that? - Unfortunately they can. Tulsa's still award of the state. - Can you come with me and supervise? - I would, but I've been placed on indefinite leave. - Tell me what to do? - I don't know. All I know is there's a sick little girl who needs her dad. (garage door clanking) (somber music) (somber music) (somber music) (somber music) (somber music) (somber music) (somber music) (somber music) (somber music) - I trust you now. She's just a little girl. (somber music) (somber music) (somber music) (somber music) She's so good. (somber music) (somber music) She loves you. (somber music) (somber music) Just take me instead. (somber music) Why her? (somber music) (somber music) (somber music) What can I do for her? (somber music) (somber music) (somber music) What do I do? (somber music) (somber music) (somber music) (somber music) (somber music) (somber music) (somber music) (somber music) (somber music) (somber music) (somber music) (somber music) (somber music) (somber music) (somber music) (somber music) (somber music) Thank you. (somber music) (somber music) - Mr. Colston, I'm sorry, you're not allowed to visit. Mr. Colston! - Don't you dare! Let that man see his little girl. - I'm not gonna break the rules. - Girl, if you don't put that phone down, the law won't be the only thing that gets broken around here. Put the phone down now. - Please God, please. Hey you. - What's going on? - I'm here to take you to the daddy, daughter dance. Will you go with me? - Are you serious? This better not be a joke. How? - Don't worry about that. I'll take care of it. You sure you're up for it? - We Colstons, we go big or we go home - That's my girl. - Knock, knock? - Ms. Jaylene! - Tommy, if you'll excuse us ladies, we have a dance to get ready for. - Roger that. Thank you - You ready? Mr. Colston, your date's waiting. - You look so beautiful. Just like your mom. You ready? - I've waited for this my whole life. - The only problem is how are we gonna get out of here? - Why don't you try the side door? You have her back by midnight, and for the record, I don't know anything about this. (slow music) (slow music) (slow music) (slow music) (slow music) (slow music) - I'll lift you up, okay? (slow music) (slow music) Nice and easy. (slow music) ♪ I'm holding on to hope that one day ♪ ♪ This could be made right ♪ ♪ 'Cause I've been shipwrecked ♪ ♪ Left for dead and I've seen the darkest sights ♪ - All right, I got you. ♪ Like a stranger in the night ♪ - You ready for this? Good, let's do this. ♪ I'm sailing home to you ♪ ♪ I won't be long ♪ ♪ By the light of moon ♪ - [Tommy] One, two, three. ♪ Until I find my love ♪ (slow music) (slow music) (slow music) (slow music) (slow music) (slow music) ♪ Trouble has beset my ways ♪ - Hey, play this. - No way, I have my own playlist. - Now. - Yes sir. - How are you doing kid? - I don't know if I can. - Just step on my feet. I'll lead you, okay? - Okay. - You can do this. Get ready, put your feet. Okay, okay. There we go. All right, okay. ♪ And to you I hide and take my cover ♪ - I think this is what heaven feels like. - You're crushing it Didi. I told you the rhythm was gonna get you. - I'm officially out of the hospital, so what does Didi mean? - Didi is short for devil dog - Devil dog? - The Germans in World War I, gave the Marines the nickname devil dog, because they fought so fiercely. It's a badge of honor. You fought for me. You fought for my soul. You fought for us. I love you Tulsa Colston. - I love you daddy. ♪ I know you are good ♪ - You okay? You okay? - We should go. - Okay, I got you. I'm just gonna pick you up. I got you. - [Crowd] Tulsa, Tulsa, Tulsa, Tulsa, Tulsa, Tulsa, Tulsa, Tulsa, Tulsa, Tulsa, Tulsa Tulsa, Tulsa, Tulsa, Tulsa, Tulsa, Tulsa. - Everything's gonna be okay. What's this? - This is for later. - [Male Doctor] It's time sir. - [Tommy] I love you Tulsa. - I love you Tommy Colston! And I'm proud of you. (somber music) (somber music) (somber music) (somber music) (somber music) (somber music) (somber music) (somber music) (somber music) (somber music) (somber music) (somber music) (somber music) (somber music) (somber music) (somber music) (somber music) Dear daddy, we both know that life is not fair sometimes. But, we can always trust that God is good. Spending time with my daddy was the best dream come true, only better. Kids need a great dad you know. You must stay strong and not blame yourself for what happened, it's okay. By now, I'm in heaven with mama and Jesus. Don't worry, I'll find your son too. Tell Tiny I miss him and he needs to wash his hands. Also, you need to take Ms. Jaylene out on a real date. And I know you like her. One more thing, please, please, please adopt Michael, promise me. I'll see you on the other side. Until then, I love you and I'm proud of you Tommy Colston. Your daughter, Tulsa Colston. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - Did Tulsa have everything figured out? - She always did. - I stopped in at work today. - You're back from leave? - No, I stopped by to officially resign. - I'm sorry. - Don't apologize, you're a good man Tommy. - No I'm not. - Yes you are. You risked everything for that little girl. You loved her and you cared for her all the way until the end, even though you knew she wasn't your daughter. I saw the test results. - That test means nothing to me. She will always be my daughter, always. - So what's the next chapter of your life look like Tommy Colston? - I don't know. (lighthearted music) (lighthearted music) (lighthearted music) - Hey bud, how are you doing? How are you doing? Huh? - Good. - [Jaylene] Ready, one, two, three. - Ta-da. (slow music) (slow music) - There you go. - Good job. ♪ The sound of laughter in the house ♪ ♪ Light the fire gather around ♪ ♪ Join together sing it loud ♪ ♪ Raise the glass and joyful be ♪ ♪ Hold the last word family ♪ ♪ Ooh ooh oh oh ♪ (slow music) (slow music) (slow music) (slow music) (slow music) (slow music) (slow music) (slow music) (slow music) (slow music) ♪ Farther along we'll ♪ ♪ Know all about it ♪ ♪ Farther along we'll understand why ♪ ♪ So cheer up my brothers ♪ ♪ Live in the sunshine ♪ ♪ We'll understand this ♪ ♪ All by and by ♪ ♪ Tempted and tried I wondered why ♪ ♪ The good man dies the bad man thrives ♪ ♪ And Jesus cries because he loves em' both ♪ ♪ We're all cast-aways in need of ropes ♪ ♪ Hangin' on by the last threads of our hope ♪ ♪ In a house of mirrors full of smoke ♪ ♪ Confusing illusions I've seen ♪ ♪ Where did I go wrong I sang along ♪ ♪ To every chorus of the song ♪ ♪ That the devil wrote like a piper at the gates ♪ ♪ Leading mice and men down to their fates ♪ ♪ Some will courageously escape ♪ ♪ The seductive voice with a heart of faith ♪ ♪ While walkin' that line back home ♪ ♪ There's so much more to life than we've been told ♪ ♪ It's full of beauty that will unfold ♪ ♪ And shine like you struck gold my wayward son ♪ ♪ That dead weight burden weighs a ton ♪ ♪ I go down to the river and let it run ♪ ♪ Wash away all the things you've done ♪ ♪ Forgiveness alright ♪ ♪ Farther along we'll ♪ ♪ Know all about it ♪ ♪ Farther along we'll understand why ♪ ♪ So cheer up my brothers ♪ ♪ Live in the sunshine ♪ ♪ We'll understand this ♪ ♪ All by and by oh yeah ♪ ♪ La la la la ♪ (slow music) (slow music) (slow music) (slow music) (slow music) ♪ But still I get hard pressed on every side ♪ ♪ Between the rock and a compromise ♪ ♪ Like truth and pack of lies fightin' for my soul ♪ ♪ I've got no place left go ♪ ♪ 'Cause I got changed by what I've been shown ♪ ♪ It's more glory than the world has known ♪ ♪ Keeps me ramblin' on ♪ ♪ Skipping like a calf loosed from its stall ♪ ♪ I'm free to love once and for all ♪ ♪ And even when I fall I'll get back up ♪ ♪ For the joy that overflows my cup ♪ ♪ Heaven filled me with more than enough ♪ ♪ Broke down my levees and my bluff ♪ ♪ Let the flood wash me ♪ ♪ And one day when the sky rolls back on us ♪ ♪ Some rejoice and the others fuss ♪ ♪ 'Cause every knee must bow and tongue confess ♪ ♪ The son of God is forever blessed ♪ ♪ This is the kingdom and we're the guests ♪ ♪ So put your voice up to the test ♪ ♪ Sing Lord come soon oh yeah ♪ ♪ Farther along we'll ♪ ♪ Know all about it ♪ ♪ Farther along we'll understand why ♪ ♪ So cheer up my brothers ♪ ♪ Live in the sunshine ♪ ♪ We'll understand this ♪ ♪ All by and by ♪ (slow music) (slow music) (slow music) (slow music) (slow music)
Channel: Deep C Digital
Views: 1,564,492
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Movies, Full Movies, Entertainment, Deep C Digital, Tulsa movie, Tulsa full movie, Tulsa 2020 movie, Tulsa 2020 full movie, Tulsa 2020, Scott Pryor, Livi Birch, John Schneider, Ty DeMartino, Gloria Stella, Cedric Greenway, Hannah Alline, Kylie Delre, Adelle Drahos, Arnett
Id: q4-vMp77Z8o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 39sec (7179 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 12 2022
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