The Storyteller | Full Family Fantasy Drama Movie | Family Central

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(gentle instrumental music) (insects buzzing) (thunder rumbling) (fairy buzzing) (gentle instrumental music) - Abby, oh, come. It's alright. Well, where have you been? Come. Oh, you hungry? - No. - It's just gonna go to waste. They told me you were dead. I knew you weren't. How long has it been? - I'm not sure. - Well, we were just girls. It seems like yesterday. - I guess I was a little hungry. Thank you. - Do you remember that beautiful, yellow sundress? - [Abby] I don't know. - It was so lovely on you. (thunder rumbling) - I wanna show you something. This is my favorite thing. - All children grow up. - (laughing) Except one. - True. (laughing) - [Nurse] Who is this? - Oh, you mean you can see her this time. - Rose. - This, this is Abby. - [Nurse] We usually ask that visitors sign in at the front desk. - She doesn't have to sign in. She's family. - I only have Margaret and Jen on your visitor list, Rose. - Oh, for heaven's sakes, she is my big sister Abby. Can't you see the family resemblance? - [Nurse] What's your name? - Like she said, I'm Abby. (gentle instrumental music) - Excuse me. Carol? - Hello, Maggie. - She's from social services. - [Maggie] Yes, I know who she is, Grandma. - Do you know this child? (thunder rumbling) - [Maggie] No. - [Nurse] I knew it. - Oh, don't be absurd, Maggie. This is your Great Aunt Abby. (gentle instrumental music) - I see. - She says she's a member of your family. - [Rose] Oh, of course she is. Tell them, Abby. - That's all we needed to hear. Thank you. Come on, young lady. It's time to go. - [Rose] She's tired. She needs clean clothes and a place to sleep. You have a guest bedroom. - Grandma-- - We need to figure out where she came from and if anyone is looking for her. - No one is looking for me. - [Rose] Maggie. - You don't even know who she is. - Margaret. (thunder rumbling) Some things simply cannot be explained all in a rush. Now please. - When we last spoke, and granted it was a while ago, Michael had mentioned that you might have room for an additional child. - Did he? - [Carol] It's late. The office is closed. What if you take her home just for the night? - I don't know, Carol. - She can't stay here. - Just for one night. - Alright. (thunder rumbling) - [Rose] Abby. It's my birthday soon. - Happy birthday. - [Rose] Will you come? - I'd like that. Thank you for being so kind. - It's so good to see you again. I love you so much. - I'll come back as soon as I can. (gentle instrumental music) (rain falling) Sometimes life grabs us and pulls us to places unknown. (rain falling) All we can do is hope that where we end up is better than what we leave behind. There you are. (rain falling) (gentle instrumental music) - Here, let me take that. - [Abby] Is that your husband? - Yeah, let's get you a hot shower and some dry clothes, yeah? - [Abby] Is he famous? - In certain literary circles. - Is he here? - [Jen] He's dead. - [Maggie] Jen, this is Abby. - Are you homeless or something? - Show Abby to the guest room, okay? - Come on. - It's okay. It's just upstairs. Get settled in, and I'll check on you in a second. (thunder rumbling) (gentle instrumental music) - Was that your cat? - Nothing here is mine. - Hey, she's just staying tonight. She had nowhere else to go. Hey, it's a school night. (thunder rumbling) A bathroom is down the hall, just use whatever you need in there. Just make yourself at home. I'll be downstairs if you need anything. (gentle instrumental music) (thunder rumbling) (cat meowing) I like your lantern. Looks like Gizmo does too. (laughing) Peter Pan? Oh, I love that book. Looks like it's a really old copy. - Yeah, it's the oldest. - [Maggie] You getting settled in okay? - Yes. - Do you want to talk at all about-- - About what? (thunder rumbling) - [Maggie] Who you are, how you ended up in my grandmother's room at the nursing home? - How long ago did your husband die? - A year ago, almost exactly. - [Abby] I'm sorry. - Thank you. - [Abby] You still wear it. Everything happens for a reason, don't you think? - Gizmo never lets anyone touch her. What's your name? What's your real name? My grandmother, she gets things confused sometimes and-- - She wasn't confused. I'm Abby. - Alright. (gentle instrumental music) - [Abby] You mustn't tell them. - Tell them what? - About me. - Honey, what are you talking about? (gentle instrumental music) Get some rest, okay? And we will talk more in the morning? - Good night, Maggie. - Good night, Abby. (gentle instrumental music) (thunder rumbling) (phone ringing) - [Jen] Hey, it's Jen. I'm not around. (electronic beeping) - Jen, it's 2:00 in the morning. Where are you? Don't do this to me. It scares me to death. (thunder rumbling) (murmuring) I'll be back after my morning classes to check on you. - I'll be fine. I like libraries. (gentle instrumental music) (murmuring) (electronic beeping) (laughing) (bell ringing) (murmuring) (gentle instrumental music) - [Abby] Sometimes I feel like I'm sitting beside a rushing river. I try to dip my feet in, but the tide is so strong, I'm afraid I'll be carried away. (gentle instrumental music) (indistinct classroom noise) (a guitar plays from down the hall) (fairy buzzing) - Class doesn't start for 40 minutes. - [Abby] I'm not in your class. - Where'd you come from? - I'm Abby. What's your name? - Mr. Griffin. - Will you keep playing, please? - [John] Is there someone looking for you? - I'm waiting for Maggie. She's in class. - How do you know Maggie? - [Abby] She's looking after me today. - Well, is there somewhere you're supposed to be? - [Abby] The library. (laughing) - A rebel. (guitar playing) - That's beautiful. - [John] It's not finished. - I've had a few lessons, but that was a really long time ago. (laughing) - Alright, show me what you got, kid. Wow. (guitar playing) Not bad, I think I can work with that. - Pages to read, things to write, things to do. (bell ringing) Oh, there's the bell, saved by it. Have a great day (murmuring). - You just have to stretch your fingers all the way right there. (guitar strum) (laughing) (footsteps) - I told you to stay in the library. - I'm sorry. - Let's go. - Okay. - Thank you for keeping an eye on her for me. - Not for you, she wandered in here. - [Maggie] Fine. - Maybe she got tired of waiting. - John. - [John] I gotta get ready for class. - Abby, come on. - See you around, kid. (instrument chiming) - Did you know that Mr. Griffin teaches private lessons? - Yes, I did know that. - Where are we going? - To talk with a social worker. - So you're trading me in. (Jen humming) (car engine running) (metal clanging) - Hi, Sam, I'm running a few minutes late. You can wait in my office. Maggie, we can step in here. So here's the situation. There's no record of her in the system. I have nowhere to place her until I find a more permanent solution. I know that you brought her here because you were planning to bring her back, but I'm gonna ask you to keep her just a few more days until I find a more permanent home. I know it's more than you asked for. I think it's what's best for her, just a few more days. - Would you like to stay with us for a while? - Really? - Yeah, I mean, only for a little while until Carol gets things sorted. - [Abby] Yes, I would. - Okay, good. We'll just have to, we'll schedule a follow up appointment with one of their doctors. - But why? - [Maggie] Oh, standard procedure, I think. - I don't need to go. I'm fine. - Well, it isn't up to me, so, it's nothing to be worried about, I'm sure. Stay here for a minute, okay? - Are you serious? - You would prefer I just leave her here to be put back into the system like you were for all those years? - It's not even like that. It's like you don't even ask me. You don't even tell me what you're going to do. You just do it. - Okay, I don't have to run things past you, Jen. - Michael adopted me. I'm a Stevens too. Does that mean anything to you? - We adopted you. - Okay, if that's what you need to tell yourself. - And what is that supposed to mean? - Forget it. - What? - [Jen] We don't need to add another member to this screwed up family, okay? - What do you want from me, Jen? - Nothing. Honestly, I wish Michael were here instead of you. - You hungry? - I didn't mean to cause problems for you. - Oh, no. No, you didn't. No, she and I had problems long before you showed up. We'll figure it out though. So now that you are officially staying with us, I thought it might be fun to set up some guitar lessons with Mr. Griffin. - Really? - Yeah, it looked like you were having fun with it. - Yes. - Okay, and Jen, I'm gonna sign you up for lessons too. - [Jen] No thanks. - It's not optional. - I don't wanna learn the guitar. - Oh no, not guitar lessons, voice lessons. - Why? - Well, you like to sing don't you? - That doesn't mean that I want to be a singer. - It's this or summer school, your choice. You sure this is where you wanna spend the morning? I can't promise a good time. - I'm sure. - Okay. Is she doing any better today? - Not that I can tell. Are you sure this is a good idea? (murmuring) - [Maggie] Hi, Grandma. - Ah, hello. - [Maggie] How are you feeling? - Oh, I can't complain. - You remember Abby. - Now that is a silly question. I have something I wanna show you. Are you staying, Margaret? - Oh, no, I've gotta run into school and grade the kids' finals, and so I'll be a few hours. - Oh, that's fine. - Are you sure it's okay to leave her here? - I'm not crazy, Margaret. - No, I didn't mean-- (electronic beeping) - We have a lot of catching up to do. - I'm sorry. It's just been an insane few weeks with the finals and Jen just challenging everything I do and-- - Well, that's okay. We've got help now. - Oh, yeah, yeah. (electronic clicking) Okay, well, I'll be back soon. Bye. (laughing) (electronic beeping) Okay, well, I have to run, so. I love you. - I love you too. Okay. - Is that you? - During the war, a lot of us gals had to pitch in when the men left to fight. We built those bombers. - You look happy. - Oh, I was. We were doing our part to save the world. Now that, that was Greg. I wish you'd known him. He died in 1945. He was shot down in Germany. He was very handsome, and this, this was Harry, and this was little Benjamin. - You raised them on your own? - Well, they relied on me. All I could do was rely on myself. Look, now that's Maggie's mother. That's Helen. - What happened to her? - Well, Helen got pregnant when she was 17, and she died in a car crash when Maggie was three. - So you raised Maggie as well, all alone? - Well, anyone would have done the same. - That hasn't been my experience. - Well, anyway, that's not what I was gonna show you. This. (gentle music) - Of course. - This picture was taken a week before you disappeared. Mother didn't come out of her room for weeks. - I'm sorry. (gentle instrumental music) - Why did you wait so long to come back? - I couldn't remember, so I just kept moving. I'm happy I found you. (instrumental music) Can I keep this? - I thought you might want to. - I'm staying with Maggie. They placed me there for now. - Good. - She doesn't know about me yet. I don't think I'll be able to keep it a secret for long. - Oh, she's a good girl. - I like her, but most people aren't like you, Rose. They don't understand. - Abby, I need you to make me a promise. - What? - I need you to take care of her and sweet Jen too. Can you do that for me? - She can look after herself, just like you did. - Well, perhaps. - And I might have to leave again. - Well, do your best as long as you can. - You can see her, can't you? - Her? - My fairy. - I knew it. Oh, I just knew it. Oh, Abby, Abby, show me. Show me. Help me see. - Okay. (fairy buzzing) (instrumental music) (laughing) - John, can I talk to you for a minute? How are you? - Come on, Maggie. - I'm doing the best I can. - What do you want? - I want to sign up the girls to take lessons with you this summer. - [John] Why? - Well, Abby was really taken with you, and Jen needs something to keep her distracted. - Distracted? - And I trust you with them. - I gotta go. - I will pay you for your time. Just tell me what you charge. - 40 an hour. - Fine. - Great. - When would be good for you? - Whenever's good for you, Maggie. - Tuesdays and Thursdays at 2:00, and we'll just do them back to back. - Okay. So, who wants to go first? - She can. - Sure. - Okay, Jen if you wanna wait out on the porch. You have something to entertain yourself? - I think I can figure something out. - She's cheerful. (laughing) So, the guitar. - Can you play that song you were playing the other day? - [John] What song? - You know, the one at school. - [John] Ah, yeah, that, that's just something I've been playing with. It's not finished - I don't care. - Okay, but this is your lesson, not mine, so once I play it, we work on chords and finger placements. - [Abby] Sounds good. - So how's it going over at Maggie's? I guess you're staying. - For now. - [John] That's good. (tuning the guitar) - Why are you so mad at her? - I'm not mad at anybody. - [Abby] Grownups always say that. (guitar picking) (humming) ([Jen] singing scales) - [John] And let's do one higher. (singing) - Okay, look, I don't wanna sing like opera or anything. - Fair enough. - How much longer? - The warmup's really important, just a few more exercises. (sighing) But it's good to start thinking about what kind of music you'd be interested in working on. - I don't know, like good stuff. - Good stuff, specific. Okay, (singing scales). - Okay, like the stuff you used to sing. - Which stuff? - [Jen] In your band. - Didn't realize you knew about that. - I know a lot of things. - Right. Okay, so, we'll focus on some rock, maybe some bluegrass. - Cool. - Cool. (song intro instrumental) ♫ I am a poor wayfaring stranger ♫ Traveling through ♫ This world alone ♫ There's no sickness ♫ No toil or danger ♫ In that bright land to which I go ♫ I'm going there ♫ To meet my mother ♫ I'm going there ♫ No more to roam ♫ I'm only going ♫ Over Jordan ♫ I'm only going over home (music continues) ♫ I know the dark clouds ♫ Will gather round me ♫ I know my way is a rough and steep ♫ But beautiful fields lie just before me ♫ They lie just before me ♫ And souls redeemed their vigils keep ♫ I'm going home ♫ To see my mother ♫ She said she'd meet me ♫ When I come ♫ I'm only going ♫ I'm only going ♫ Over Jordan ♫ Over Jordan ♫ I'm only going ♫ Over home ♫ I'm only going ♫ I'm only going ♫ Over home - That sounded great. - Right on time. See you guys next week. Good work. - John? - You should get going. They're waiting for you. (gentle piano music) (murmuring) Okay, so you keep working on that. You're doing such a great job, both of you. Okay. (laughing) (gentle instrumental music) (guitar playing) - Woah. (playing guitar) (gentle instrumental music) - You should come in and listen. (dog barking) (car engines running) It's amazing how people can make themselves feel invisible right in front of your eyes. They don't realize how lonely it is to not be seen. (gasping) (knock at the door) - [Maggie] What's up? - I couldn't sleep. - Are you nervous about going to the doctor tomorrow? - Could I sit in here with you and read? - Sure, sure, climb on up. Do you wanna read out loud? - Okay. "Mrs. Darling first heard of Peter "when she was tidying up her children's minds." - Oh, no, no, no, no, no, now let's hear a proper British accent, child. This, this is Peter Pan. - "It is the nightly custom of every good mother "after children are asleep to rummage in their minds "and put things straight for the next morning, "repacking into their proper places "many articles that have wandered during the day." Your turn, Mum. Oh, I mean Maggie. - "If you could keep awake, "but of course you can't, "you would see your own mother doing this, "and you would find it very interesting to watch her. "You would see her on her knees, I expect, "lingering humorously over some of your contents, "pressing this to her cheek, "as if it were as nice as a kitten, "and hurriedly stowing that out of sight." Okay, your turn. (gentle instrumental music) - "When you wake in the morning, "the naughtiness with which you went to bed "has been folded up and placed at the bottom of your mind, "and on the top, beautifully aired, "are spread out your prettier thoughts, "ready for you to put on." - Jen? What's this? I've seen this before. - One night, I heard my parents talking about what I was to be when I grew up. I didn't wanna grow up, so I ran away to live with the fairies. I thought that time would pick up where it left off, but it hasn't. It just keeps whirling by without me. - Your secret is safe with me. - Thank you. - You think you can get some sleep now? (fairy buzzing) (gentle instrumental music) Goodnight, sleep tight. - Don't let the bed bugs bite. - See you in the morning light. - Where we'll do our best with all our might. Never say goodbye because saying goodbye means going away, and going away means forgetting. - Abby? - This won't take long. Are you okay? - Hey, sweetheart, tell me your name. - Abby. - [Dr. Gordon] And your last name? - Just Abby. - Okay, Abby, I want you to know that you are absolutely safe to reveal anything within these walls. - What if I don't pass? Will you send me back? - Back where? There's nothing to pass or fail. I just wanna talk with you a little bit. - They all say that. - [Dr. Gordon] Will you tell me your story? (fairy buzzing) - Alright. (gentle instrumental music) - [Dr. Gordon] It must be quite a lonely life moving around all the time, not being able to share the truth about who you are, and for so many years. - Yes, it is. It can be. - You look worried. - [Abby] I'm not ready to leave. - What if you didn't have to leave at all? - But that's impossible. - Do you ever wish you could grow up like everyone else? - I wish always to be a girl and to have fun. (laughing) - There are wonderful things you can only do when you're grown up. - What about the terrible things? I should be able to fly. I just never got the knack. Sometimes I have to run instead, as fast as I can, so fast it almost feels like flying. - Did that hurt? - No. - I'm going to need to take you over for some X-rays, okay? - It's nothing. - It's not nothing. (office sounds) - You shouldn't be in here. - Sorry. What happened to her? - The doctor will come out and explain everything, but you need to wait out here. (murmuring) - Yeah, okay. (apprehensive instrumental music) (car engines running) - Somebody should have been watching her. - Okay, why don't you take the car and head towards home, and I'll walk around for a bit and see if I can find her? (music begins to build) Hey, woah, man, you walk fast. Slow down, Speed Racer. Okay, home's that way. Let's get some ice cream. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, it's hot as hell out here. Come on. Okay. I'll text Mom, okay? - [Abby] Okay. (electronic beeping) - Let's get some for Rosemary too. - What? - I think she likes chocolate. - Rocky Road. She likes Rocky Road. - Can we get a pint please? - Who did that to you? Was it Michael? - No, that would be foster dad number two, and then yours truly, the cuts, I mean. Michael was the first decent person. - How did you end up with Maggie and Michael? - Turns out my deadbeat birth parents are second cousins to Michael or something. He found out after the fact that they'd abandoned me. He tracked me down. He even became a foster parent just so he could bring me home. He adopted me. So like I said, decent guy. (gentle instrumental music) ♫ Shoo, fly, don't bother me ♫ Shoo, fly, don't bother me ♫ Shoo, fly, don't bother me ♫ 'Cause I belong to somebody (laughing) How are the music lessons going? - Good. You should hear Jen sing. She's wonderful. - Well, I'd like that very much. (gentle instrumental music) Well, look at you. Come here. Now that's my Maggie. The girls brought me ice cream. - [Maggie] Oh? - And we have been discussing my birthday. - Right. - I want to have a party. I haven't had a party in years. - Sure, sure, I'll speak with the staff. - No, no, not here. Somewhere far away from this stuffy old place. - We thought we could have it in the backyard. - Yeah, with music and dancing. - We could decorate with lights and candles, reaching all the way down to the woods. - And right into fairy land. (laughing) - Well, if the girls will help me plan it. - We'll take care of everything. - Except for paying for it. - Oh, right. Grandma, are you okay? - Maggie, I wanna come home. - [Maggie] We talked about this. I can't offer you the proper care, and then what if your heart gives out again? - It's okay. I'm ready. I wanna be with my family when my time comes. - Please don't talk like that. - [Rose] Tell her, Abby. (knocking on door) - Yes? Thank you for taking care of Abby today. I really appreciate all you did. - Someone messed her up pretty badly. - Are you okay? What is it? - I miss Michael. I could talk to him, I guess, the way Abby can talk to you. - I'm sorry. I miss him too. What? - [Jen] It's kind of hard to believe. - Why? - Nevermind. - Jen, what? - I know about the affair with Mr. Griffin. - You read my journal. - I had just started feeling like I had a family. Did you even love Michael, or was it always a money thing? - [Maggie] Oh, that's not fair. - What? He was like 20 years older than you. What was I supposed to think? - [Maggie] It's complicated, Jen. - You think I'm not smart enough to understand? - [Maggie] I loved him, but I was too young, and I was just starting my writing career. - What writing career? - I'm trying to explain that to you. You know, we never had much in common, and we grew apart over the years. I was invisible, and he never took me seriously, and I lost track of myself, and then I met John, and he saw me. I messed up. I messed up. - Michael was good to me. - He adored you. You know, when Michael was first trying to track you down, he didn't tell me, and then he came home with you, and he said you were staying with us and that he wanted to adopt you, and it was just like he dropped a bomb on me. - Kind of like when you brought Abby home. - I guess so, yeah, yeah. - I didn't know all of that. - [Maggie] No, of course not. How could you? - I didn't mean to ruin your life or anything. - I didn't have a dad either, and I know what that's like, and I should have known how much you wanted that. It's not your fault, any of it. I'm so sorry. - I like Abby. I'm glad you brought her home. - [Maggie] Me too. - Mr. Griffin still loves you. It's obvious. - I don't know about that. - But you love him, right? You haven't moved on? Well, if he loves you, and you love him, it just seems pretty stupid to not be together. ♫ Shoo, fly, don't bother me ♫ Shoo, fly, don't bother me ♫ Shoo, fly, don't bother me ♫ Cause I belong to somebody - Two, three, four. (guitar picking) Okay, sorry, we'll slow it down a little bit. You play the exact same strumming pattern that I showed you, and then I'll figure something out. Two, three, four. (slower guitar picking) Good, really nice. What's this? - Lyrics. - Did you write this? - It wasn't me. (slow guitar picking) ♫ Feels like a million miles between us ♫ A wall we can't break through ♫ I want to say I'm sorry ♫ Find a way to make it up to you (song continues) ♫ I should have had an open heart ♫ Moved out of my own way ♫ For too long we've been apart ♫ Let's find our love today ♫ Hearts broken, hopes shaken ♫ You needed love to help you heal ♫ I was only thinking of myself ♫ Wrapped in emptiness and fear ♫ My heart is here for the taking ♫ Together we will be okay ♫ I will always be here for you ♫ I will always be here ♫ I am here to stay ♫ I want you to know ♫ You're not alone ♫ You can always count on me ♫ I'm reaching out ♫ With open arms ♫ How can I help you to see ♫ Trust doesn't come easily ♫ But we'll have to take a chance ♫ I'll be here when you're ready ♫ For us to begin again ♫ Hearts broken, hopes shaken ♫ You needed love to help you heal ♫ I was only thinking of myself ♫ Wrapped in emptiness and fear ♫ My heart is here for the taking ♫ Together we will be okay ♫ I will always be here for you ♫ I will always be here ♫ I am here to stay ♫ My heart is here for the taking ♫ Together we will be okay ♫ I will always be here for you ♫ I will always be here ♫ I am here to stay ♫ I am here to stay ♫ I am home to stay (gentle instrumental music) You kept it. (laughing) - Mr. Griffin. - John. - John, I have a favor to ask. My great grandmother is turning 90 next week, and we're throwing her a party, and I'm in charge of the music, but I thought I might surprise her by being the music. - You wanna sing at the party? - If you'll sing with me. - I'd be honored. - See you soon, John. - It's a good day, Jen. - Yeah, I bet. (gentle instrumental music) - So, I got you pepperoni. - Oh, hi. (murmuring) - Hey, do you guys, do you want pizza? - Yeah. - [Man] Yeah. - Here, just help yourselves. (murmuring) (gentle instrumental music) (laughing) Thank you. (gentle instrumental music) - [Abby] All children grow up except one. (gentle instrumental music) (murmuring) They all know that they will grow up, and the way that Wendy knew was this. One day when Wendy was two years old, she was playing in a garden, and she plucked a flower and ran with it to her mother. (laughing) I suppose she must have looked rather delightful, for Mrs. Darling cried, "Oh, why can't you remain "like this forever?" (water flowing) - Are you okay, Grandma? - I'm fine, just a little tired. (gentle instrumental music continues) - [Abby] This was all that passed between them on the subject, but henceforth, Wendy knew that she too would grow up. (gentle instrumental music) ♫ Of all the money ♫ That e'ere I had ♫ I have spent it in ♫ Good company ♫ And all the harm ♫ That e'ere I've done ♫ Alas it was ♫ To none but me (phone ringing) ♫ And all I've done ♫ For want of wit ♫ To memory now ♫ I can't recall ♫ So fill to me ♫ The parting glass ♫ Goodnight and joy ♫ Be with you all ♫ Of all the comrades ♫ That e'ere I had ♫ They are sorry for ♫ My going away ♫ And all the sweethearts ♫ That e'ere I had ♫ They would wish me one ♫ More day to stay ♫ But since it falls ♫ Unto my lot ♫ That I should rise ♫ And you should not ♫ I'll gently rise ♫ And I'll softly call ♫ Goodnight and joy ♫ Be with you all ♫ A man may drink ♫ And not be drunk ♫ A man may fight ♫ And not be slain ♫ A man may court a pretty girl ♫ And perhaps be welcomed back again ♫ But since it has ♫ So ought to be ♫ A time to rise ♫ And a time to fall ♫ Come fill to me ♫ The parting glass ♫ Goodnight and joy ♫ Be with you all ♫ Goodnight and joy ♫ Be with you all (party goers murmuring) - [Abby] I wonder sometimes that eternity can feel so short. Before things really start, they are already over. - Hi, Grandma. - Hi. - [Maggie] Happy Birthday. - [Rose] Thank you. - [Maggie] Welcome home. - Happy birthday. - You must be John. Well, it's nice to finally meet you. (laughing) - (murmuring) Excuse me. (jazzy instrumental music) (laughing) (jazz dance music continues) - Happy birthday, Grandma. This one's for you. (John's guitar introduction begins) ♫ I felt alone and in the way ♫ You said everything will be okay ♫ You took that step and shared your heart ♫ We finally had a place to start ♫ I was here waiting for you - Look Abby... They're everywhere. ♫ You were there waiting for me ♫ No more waiting ♫ Our lives away ♫ Joyful hearts come out to play ♫ It's time to be fearless ♫ We don't need to run away ♫ Let's live in the moment - Happy birthday, Rose. I love you. ♫ Lead the way ♫ We've gone through the fire ♫ And it's made our love strong ♫ We can bend, but won't be broken - Run away, dearest. Fly away. ♫ This is our time ♫ And our story to tell ♫ We're still holding on (insects chirping) (song continues) ♫ No longer on the outside looking in - Sophie. - Sophie. ♫ This is where I'm meant to be - Abby. ♫ Meant to be ♫ Because you love me as I am ♫ You are my family (insects chirping) ♫ We were looking for a way to be strong ♫ But the strength was within us ♫ All along ♫ You found a way to make a change ♫ And showed me I could do the same - Sophie. ♫ We've gone through the fire ♫ And it made our love strong - Abby? ♫ We can bend, but won't be broken - Which way do I go? ♫ This is our time and our story to tell ♫ We're still holding on ♫ That bolt of lightning we were waiting for ♫ Turned out to be a whisper in the dark ♫ From someone ♫ Reaching out in love ♫ Compassion in their heart (fairies chiming) (song instrumental continues) ♫ This is our time ♫ And our story to tell ♫ We're still holding on (guitar continues) - [Cop] Sophie. You found her Ranger. Sweetheart. - Sophie. It's okay. We're not gonna send you back there. You don't have to run. - Abby? Jen and I talked, and we'd like to adopt you. (insects chirping) We were gonna tell you after the party. - [Abby] Life isn't solid when you get up close. Everything blurs together. Things you thought were real become insubstantial, and when you aren't made of the stuff of this world, it's easier to leave it. You just flicker out. (piano music) (fairy buzzing) To live would be an awfully big adventure. (upbeat instrumental music) (murmuring) - Oh, Abby, Abby, you're back. ♫ Happy birthday to you ♫ Happy birthday to you ♫ Happy birthday, dear Rosemary ♫ Happy birthday to you (gentle instrumental music) (laughing) - Death is nothing at all. It does not count. I've only slipped away into the next room. Everything remains as it was. The old life that we lived so fondly together is untouched, unchanged. (gentle guitar music begins) - Call me by the old familiar name. Speak of me in the easy way that you always used. Put no sorrow in your tone. Laugh as we always laughed at the little jokes that we enjoyed together. Play, smile, think of me, pray for me. Let my name be ever the household word that it always was. (upbeat Celtic Tin Whistle music) All children grow up, except one. (whistle music builds) (fairy buzzing) (upbeat Celtic Reel continues) ♫ Feels like a million miles between us ♫ A wall we can't break through ♫ I want to say I'm sorry ♫ Find a way to make it up to you ♫ I should have had an open heart ♫ Moved out of my own way ♫ For too long we've been apart ♫ Let's find our love today ♫ Hearts broken, hopes shaken ♫ You needed love to help you heal ♫ I was only thinking of myself ♫ Wrapped in emptiness and fear ♫ My heart is here for the taking ♫ Together we will be okay ♫ I will always be here for you ♫ I will always be here ♫ I am here to stay ♫ I want you to know ♫ You're not alone ♫ You can always count on me ♫ I'm reaching out ♫ With open arms ♫ How can I help you to see ♫ Trust doesn't come easily ♫ But we'll have to take a chance ♫ I'll be here when you're ready ♫ For us to begin again ♫ Hearts broken, hopes shaken ♫ You needed love to help you heal ♫ I was only thinking of myself ♫ Wrapped in emptiness and fear ♫ My heart is here for the taking ♫ Together we will be okay ♫ I will always be here for you ♫ I will always be here ♫ I am here to stay ♫ My heart is here for the taking ♫ Together we will be okay ♫ I will always be here for you ♫ I will always be here ♫ I am here to stay ♫ I am here ♫ To stay ♫ I am home ♫ To stay
Channel: Family Central
Views: 644,684
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Animated Movies, Faith movies for families, Family Adventure Movies, Family Safe Movies, Free Family Movies, Free Kids Movies, Full G Rated Movies, Full Movies For Free, Full PG Movies, Latest Family Movies, watch free family movies on YouTube, Constance Towers, Kristina Wagner, Brooklyn Rae Silzer, Joe Crump, fantasy movies, drama movies, family movies, full movies, free movies on youtube, family central, kids movies, free movies, full movies 2022, the storyteller
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 0sec (5400 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 26 2022
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