Miracle At Manchester (2023) Faith Drama | Eddie McClintock | Daniel Roebuck

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foreign [Music] [Music] I Don't Wanna Wake up you ready yeah bro oh wait that's good man that's good you ready no no no no I mean my batting average has been terrible these past always grows you've got this all right all right all right dude you're awesome all right whatever all right Hey listen I gotta go class I'll see your practice right oh my goodness hello well well what okay aren't you excited Oh you mean excited for the Vegas baseball game of my entire life yes y'all still want to walk into class I Don't Mind If I Do let's go [Music] so uh here we are so I have to say goodbye time for class awesome hello I'm inside the Toyota slow oh hey hello how are you buddy doing good um I understand you work on Veterans cars for free I do yeah I do um I do I've got a Mitsubishi that needs brakes and maybe rotors ah man I want to help you brother but I got five cars ahead of you you know I I'm busy all right okay wait hold on hold on all right how about this come Monday early Monday and when I say early I mean 3 A.M will that work for you yeah okay 3am right here I'll be here come quietly let's not wake up the neighbors all right okay thank you you're welcome very much yeah yeah no worries sorry uh but we'll do it we'll get it done okay thank you thanks buddy thank you [Music] who was that oh that was a guy who uh needed a brake job yeah well he's gonna need rotors too [Music] so honey tell me what did you learn at school today so see it's like a butterfly and it has all these pretty colors and these swirly antenna things and they're so pretty they come from like caterpillars I think yeah we learned about it in school today and it's so pretty right honey they learned about butterflies today tell your dad how butterflies born um so basically it starts out as a caterpillar then it goes into this Nest thingy it comes out as a beautiful butterfly like a miracle [Music] a what a miracle Daddy there's no such thing as Miracles honey it's okay okay [Applause] first and second and number three [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] all right [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay [Applause] thank you [Applause] [Applause] [Music] it's just a headache I mean ice your foot I think but your head too is that worse than the foot do you want to lean on me sweetie and more water I think you didn't drink enough water I'd probably use more watermelon Bryce and check out this truck goodness this is sick incredible isn't it can I take it for a try oh no what are you encouraging here you can hug your old man come here I'm proud of you man thanks son well I'm going with Dad uh no am I taking my my bag yeah I'll call you later yep get some food showing you trucks like that anyway and what crazy oh it's stepping on a rock we're just gonna no it's fine okay guys settle down all right let's get back into catechism 162. here we are reminded to live and grow and persevere in the faith until the end we must nourish it with the word of God and beg the Lord to increase our faith it must be working through charity abounding in Hope and rooted in the faith of the church what it means is that we must stay close to the word of God and depend on it the Bible right so by working through charity we can encourage others and guys this doesn't just happen in this classroom or when you go to church on Sunday it happens when we go out in the world and we leave the building let's look at Hebrews 12 1-2 therefore since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses let us Thomas I'm sorry what's going on just gotta Bryson you okay uh I just got a nosebleed here we're on to the restroom get cleaned up thank you all right okay guys can I tell you something back in the day I would have taken them all off your hands it just Georgia doesn't seem right you know apparently this place is an embarrassment to the city you gotta get rid of everything by the end of the month listen if I don't get rid of them they will I only have allotted with the fire department to practice on dude I would help you out but Maryland would kill me wait a minute what what is this are you kidding me is this a 67 are you kidding me 67. you like her do I like her yeah George this was my dream car I'll tell you what taker my gift to you come on you're kidding she's yours okay just don't tell Marilyn all right you got it come on you ready that was pretty good what getting out of class dude what are you talking about nosebleed hey did you pick one out just to get out of class [Music] seriously Bryce are you okay man it just slipped out of his hands it's okay [Music] check out these shirts I'm gonna get the boys why does it say touchdown with a baseball player Well because most of the boys play football and baseball and I thought that'd be fun yeah how about something that says state championship baseball well I already ordered them oh [Music] Bryce are you all right okay foreign [Music] just wondering if I could help you out well I'm working tonight I do yes I do of course that's why I'm that's why I'm trying to help you you know what are you doing putting stuff away you know so that you can get out of here faster and uh what are you doing me tonight I have a very calm night plan I'm gonna relax sit down watch a little TV good to see good and just work on that car that George had to get rid of hat together Ed Hansen do I need to remind you that you've had major surgery two major surgeries in the past month you know what as you know just a couple of repairs for friends perfectly okay with that but this come on in Maryland what honey it's a 67 Mustang no 67 that's my dream car you've heard me mention it a million times and you now hold on you being an oncology nurse should consider this as my own cancer project what in the world are you talking about rust no rust is the cancer of the automotive world it's terrible it eats away at the engine at at the organs of I love you oh and don't forget to take your medicine yes Mother [Music] [Laughter] you call Mom I did I did I texted her hello Mr Newman the nurse said you blacked out at practice yeah headaches are you getting plenty of fluids you know what this heat uh no doctor it's it's not the heat I mean this this kid's been playing baseball since he was eight and if it's not baseball then it's been football it's not the Heat his files are good strong heartbeat I'm not hearing anything to worry about you know when the body gets dehydrated sometimes the brain shrinks from lots of fluids you know why don't we try some Tylenol you know get plenty of fluids and if um it continues make an appointment with this pediatrician sound good yeah okay you're a healthy kid you'll be fine thanks okay let's go let's go get you some food okay I'm starving make it but okay [Music] um Dad yeah my head is killing me yeah so was it did you just get dizzy or what's hurts hurt you're back yeah yeah we're back look doc uh I know my son okay and and there's definitely something wrong with him Mr Newman migraines and young people is very common at his age the sports puberty puberty did he take anything yeah yeah I gave him a Tylenol I can order some tests take some blood but I really think that this is just where does it hurt in the back give me a minute I'll be right back I'm gonna punch her no I'm gonna punch her puberty I got a kid was here earlier okay okay Dad's over concerned he's complaining of headaches blacked out of baseball practice yeah sounds like he's actually I mean let me take a look that's what I said all right let's uh let's get him some fluids can we start a DHE drip and if it persists then uh let's order a CT scan we'll go talk to him [Music] and I I don't know about this Bryce that I'm feeling better the doctor said he wanted you to get some rest I did no sitting on the couch playing Xbox for two hours is not getting rest I can't miss practice if I miss any more than that I won't be allowed to play we got to stay Champs in what like two weeks fine fine just don't be be careful well don't worry all right you say Jack um be careful yeah okay sounds good so what time does he get home then okay um yeah this one make sure he stays there oh thank you not a penny brakes rotors he even tuned her up yeah yeah so as soon as I get out of here tell them to come pick him up he said he's just a veteran that wants to help people out yeah okay so all right bye now hey excuse me [Music] how's Bryson oh sorry I already passed out at practice he pretty much spent the whole night in the ER oh my gosh is he okay migraines that's basically what they said the heat exhaustion would they give him for that no they gave him you know some fluids Tylenol they run a CT no no uh they said that wasn't necessary he started to feel better okay Richard I'm not trying to get all involved here but a good friend of mine is the head of neurosurgery Neurosurgery what no no yeah I'm just saying I know I don't know he's he's feeling better thank you sue yeah crying yeah [Music] I just get it right there [Music] [Music] hey bud are you all right man what what happened they said he passed out at school and what did the doctor say they don't know [Laughter] [Music] hey it's Rick I need your help okay let me see I can't just find that part I just thought of a few other things because when I told you to come by I forgot that uh and I um one of those don't come cheap I understand yeah uh and then I had uh okay there you go there you go there you go buddy a dollar why a toddler because I do what I can for my veteran brothers and anyway you know the the money can't hug you back right see look check that out that's a work of art sir thank you sir God bless you and Semper Fi okay take care and remember if you hear the knocking just call me yes sir I did the best I could with my limited resources how you doing hey so you're the guy that does the repairs for a dollar yeah for veterans did you serve no no sorry sir uh my name is Miles himmel I'm a local news reporter okay wait Larry your dad yes sir sorry to hear about him thank you good man good reporter hard to hear what happened to him yeah thank you sir thank you yeah so you volunteered to work on Veterans cars yeah when I can hey uh do you think that maybe I could ask you a couple questions miles I I I I don't really think uh that uh I'm much of a story you know what I mean anyway it's nowhere near as important as what these guys have done for our country maybe I could ask them a few questions well you know um sir thank you sorry to waste your time oh no worries thank you take it easy thank you Mr Newman yeah hi I'm Dr Getty I'm the chief of neurosurgery I'm the one who's going to be operating on Bryson I'm sorry wait what did you just say the scant showed that he has a large tumor in his head isn't cancer well well we we hope not but I do think you need to prepare yourself prepare myself for the possibility of this is serious oh it is it's serious he you think so yes sir Mr Newman I'm sorry I'm sorry doc I just uh did that did Sue Wilson yes she's a she's a dear friend okay um this does Bryce know can I see him yeah of course he's being prepped for surgery right now um and when I told him he he just said that's fine just sew me up tightly I've got a plane to catch in two weeks for the state championship so I can't let my team down that's him yeah he's a tough little bugger you know gotcher I'll take you to him okay show me something positive anything come on hey there got anything for me yet hey Kurt um yes yeah um working on this I think it's I think it's a good one yeah yeah I'll let you know as soon as it's done maybe a little more time and send it your way all right Mr Newman I can assure you he is in the best of hands thank you doc yeah I'll give you a minute hey guys um I'm I'm sorry do you think there's a chance that we could get a just a minute alone thanks there he is my main man huh I love you I love you Dad so uh looks like they're gonna have to operate all right don't worry dad it's just a brain tumor I just want them to get it out so I can be on that plane to Sacramento what a plane that came dead I love you too Mom excuse me you're ready [Music] I love you boy I guess [Music] look at you you are a filthy disgusting mess I know what you think you think I'm gonna change every spark plug every gasket every hose but I'm not I'm gonna rip you out of there and I'm gonna replace you and then you will be gorgeous [Music] foreign 's parents can I speak of the police [Music] so I want to let you know we got it but it did turn out to be a cancerous tumor I'm gonna do a little blastoma and he did very well so I think he's going to be all right we'll see yeah I'll be speaking you guys tomorrow [Music] they got it oh [Music] honey couldn't sleep I had the car is an eyesore is it really your dream car well I'll I'll be honest with you it's more like a nightmare car right now because I found a lot of rust under there but but it is it is going to be Cherry I promise sure I know you Ed Hanson you got all of these and probably a dozen more being delivered in the middle of the night honey you would do anything for anybody you know I love that about you but you need to take care of yourself too okay please how can I tell these soldiers have given so much how can I tell them no you know and I know it doesn't make sense but you have to understand that it doesn't matter if you fought a nam or you fought in in Bosnia or Iraq Afghanistan if you weren't married or had kids the thing you talked about all the time where's your car it's a car you're gonna buy the car you're gonna fix up the car you're gonna drive around and see the world I know it doesn't make any sense sometimes the car was the thing that kept you going kept you alive made sure you got home safe [Music] Mr Noonan hi right Dr Getty said the surgery went well right good how's he sleeping uh it was a little rough as we expected oh this color looks good Mr Newman Bryson's latest blood test indicated he's got a staph infection it's probably from the surgery we're gonna have to clear that up before we get into radiation so it's going to delay it just a little bit radiation you said you got it there is a small area of enhancement but it looks like leftover scar tissue to me really I don't think it's anything to be worried about all his vitals look great he's doing well he should be waking up soon okay stop well if you need anything at all just give me a buzz thank you I'm here thank you thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign cool you know cool would not be the word I would use well no one else has one like it yeah that's because no one wants one like it I know I'm kidding I'm kidding seriously though man um that I I love you and I'm I really appreciate your friendship well I love you too man how's Bryson doing oh man I don't know it's surreal you know when I was a kid you get a staph infection it's like a little bump right and it goes away that thing almost killed him but he's he's better now well I want you to know I've been praying for you for me yes you and Bryson of course well I appreciate it Mike I do man um I'm just glad that it's all behind us now you know what I'm I'm gonna go listen to this voicemail okay okay dude all right all right take care been trying to get a hold of you um it's important that I see you in my office tomorrow afternoon to discuss Bryce's latest scans hey if we get everyone to come over here we got some awards to give out all right so we have several Awards tonight but I want to start with a really special award uh this is called the coaches award uh and this award is given every year to a player that shows tremendous courage really puts the team before himself um and I couldn't be happier that this young man was able to join us tonight um this year's coaches award goes to Bryson Newman [Applause] you got it buddy thank you coach congratulations [Applause] thank you coach all right all right foreign there was an area in Bryson's brain that had what I believed to be scar tissue nothing about it indicated that it was cancerous however it is a tumor and it's growing I'm sorry I'm confused because I remember you coming downstairs and saying that you got it do you remember that yes that that was you right and and and and one of the kids in in the waiting room got it on video and right said that it it's gone a virus on Tick Tock I know I did get the area that I wanted out but this is a very aggressive form of cancer no no doctor no no butts no Mr Newman no no no no [Music] I'm sorry uh so what now radiation or no I have to go back in and get it what come on Doc look I'm not putting my kid through that again look I I want a second a third and a fourth opinion I understand but whatever you decide it has to happen rather quickly I mean would his body even be able to take that Bryson is a very strong kid maybe people are unbelievable [Music] it's Bryson Newman who's back and his prognosis is not very good God bless them yeah and [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] I thought you were asleep got a headache are you okay it's coming what's what's wrong I didn't get it all no way so quick um what's next they want to go back in ah I'm so sorry son I can't I hate this is happening to you and I I wish I could trade places you know I mean I I pray I pray every every day that every day Dad so they they have to do it again with that yeah [Music] okay buddy you're the strongest person I know okay do it together okay [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign dude I know what am I missing at school nothing coach has us conditioning for the season you know it's not too late the formal dance is coming up and you're my date no you're my dad I am so sorry to interrupt Mr Newman but there are a couple of people here who would like to have a word with Bryson if that's okay who are they they're from the Make-A-Wish Foundation price uh yeah okay I'll send them in lady hi Bryson it's so nice to meet you my name is Heather and this is Linda and we're from the Make-A-Wish Foundation and the hospital has been sharing with us about some of the struggles you've been going through so we're here to see how we can help maybe Grant a wish a wish yeah I couldn't wish for whatever I want mm-hmm yeah dude to get an island you can get your own Island I don't know man do a movie all right make them cast you in some like chick flick and you get to kiss a celebrity like Selena Gomez okay okay calm down dude um you should wish for an autographed Tom Brady football or what about a skate trip dude for 20 of your closest friends do I have to decide now no after the surgery and we'll be here I hate to break up this party folks but I'm gonna have to ask you all to leave I have to get Bryson ready bye guys [Music] hey God [Music] it's me Rick Bryson's not in the room but you know who is the god that we believe in I mean these are the moments right we have to ask ourselves what do we actually believe where the rubber meets the road for our faith and we we can't heal him but we know the one who can Philippians 4 13 says we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us in other words what we cannot do he can do and what does God do well this book is filled with stories of Miracles and signs and wonders and miraculous healings in Hebrews 13 8 says Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever that means this is either a book of stories or The God Who did it then [Music] he wants to do it again you guys we need a miracle let's pray God I don't know if you can hear me and I don't know why you did this to our family but I'm asking you to please please be with my son in the name of the father and the Son and the Holy Spirit we come to you right now we ask you to move we heal Bryson from the top of his head to the bottom of his feet we ask for a miracle right now in the name of Jesus please be with [Music] there he is my beautiful boy [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] hey hey how you feeling you know we miss you at school hey okay I miss you at school okay I don't know about okay I want you to listen to me when I say this we are going to that dance and if you think cancer is going to have anything to say about that you better think again I know I promised you the first dance I think cancers saying no well then I guess we're just gonna have to get a higher power involved let me guess my mother no I'm calling God yeah he trumps even your mother the kind of kid he's always been you know sports cars yeah yeah yes Mr Newman how's Bryson feeling yeah well we're gonna have to start radiation and then after that several months of chemotherapy is this tumor ever going to go away you know you say you got it you don't got it it's shrinking it's growing his numbers are good his numbers are bad I I just don't know what to tell him you know this is a sports kid he he needs to be outdoors all we do is sit around here and it's killing him I understand it's it's frustrating but the hospital where he's going to have the radiation that's a different hospital than this so he'll be leaving this hospital at least once every single day so he can leave for treatment it would mean the world to him if I could just take him to a game I just just one ball game please I'll set it up thank you thank you hey let's work on that form a little bit over there hey good job right there hey guys let's get serious stop screwing around oh boy let's go let's go let's go come on come on [Applause] hey I just got a text all right he's coming tomorrow Bryce dad says he's coming to the game listen all right guys listen to me I want to do something special for my friend here all right but I'm not gonna do that unless we're all in oh [Music] [Applause] thank you tonight we ride let's go fellas bring it up [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Applause] good you shaved your head no man we all did [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] coach Doyle tell us a little bit about what was happening here tonight uh Bryce Newman incredible athlete I was a linebacker wide receiver for us ah so devastating he has brain cancer yeah it's really an unfortunate situation as you may recall coach my father passed from brain cancer so I really understand the fight I'm very sorry to hear that best of luck tonight thank you hey Eric see you next week right all right see you later guys come safe hey you Richard Newman I am miles himmel a local news reporter just wondering if I could get Bryson on camera for a quick interview yeah ask him yeah yeah awesome right here okay yeah great perfect let's do it together and we asked if you watch over price and me asking everyone knows that St Joseph was a carpenter and the father of Jesus what you may not know is that he was descended from royalty his great great grandfather was King David that same royalty belongs to you because each one of you boys is a child of King God created you and you are his child well now this is a real treat glad I could come hi oh help yourself I'm the one of burning down here I appreciate it hey who is that that's Richard Newman everybody in the hospital knows who he is unfortunately he has a a sun here that's not doing too well there's only 15. it's really sad it's a Cape Cod brain cancer God bless him I gotta go I gotta deliver y yeah I bet you do I can't believe I told you that take care for lunch hey Bryson can we come in yeah sure where's your dad uh he's getting lunch I think what are you drawing I have like to draw cars very cool hey Bryson saw you on the news at the game really cool yeah it must be nice to see you again have you had a chance to think about your wish yeah can I give away my wish to who my dad that's a really thoughtful idea and I'm very sure that he would rather you have something maybe it's something you guys can do together about a Ford Raptor a what it's a truck I don't know told me to think big I'm sorry lady jeez um it I I if I'd have known you were here I'd have brought you some food I can go back I don't mind I'm good thank you okay are you sure okay thank you yeah so um Bryson has given us his wish oh and uh what pray tell would that be a Ford Raptor ah okay yeah uh okay honestly I I can't promise you that we can get you a brand new car but I mean stay on that wave we'll put the word out you know see what we can do yeah yeah that's good okay yeah that's good thank you it's very generous thank you very much um we'll talk to you soon Bryson it's great scene thanks you guys bye-bye bye-bye a Ford Raptor are you out of your mind what you said it was a good truck well I know but you know Bryson when I was your age man I had a 300 Chevelle yeah and you walk to school in the snow uphill both ways and uh it was a tundra okay wise guy Wise Guy oh hey sorry guys hey Bryson can I borrow that sketch path uh yeah I guess I promise you I'll bring it back thanks see you guys later it's great seeing you let me tell you something it was tough when I was growing up you know we had we had like one thimble of rice every two weeks okay that's how we ate uh you know how your grandfather was look what he's been drawing that is a cool car what kind of car do you think it is maybe a Corvette I have no idea that ladies is a Mustang an old Mustang huh we've been married a long time right and I know when you go oh it doesn't mean home like another person might say oh it means oh there's something I'm thinking that's going to change your life so what is your home today your cancer project because of the rust was that right yeah there's a lot of rust as you can see that's for sure well do you remember that kid I was telling you about with brain cancer okay yeah yeah yeah Bryson Bryson yeah well um the Make-A-Wish Foundation was in his room today yeah what did he wish for he wished for a car now he gave them a drawing of I guess what was his dream car and uh whoa that looked a lot like this just saying [Music] Jesus [Music] I love you I trust you I want you to know that no matter what happens I Will Always Love You I pray that my faith and salvation is strong guys and if I should die that I be there in heaven with you your name I pray [Music] Mr Newman hi my name is CEO here at General Valley Hospital I I have someone here to see you hey oh I'm Ed I'm a nurse Marilyn's husband she may have told you I was coming by it's in Bryson yeah do you recommend yeah please please thank you it's nice to meet you I didn't want to wake him up hey Bryce buddy hey hey uh I got someone here who wants to meet you hey Bryson I'm I'm Ed Hansen you know your your nurse Marilyn the pretty one I'm her husband hey you're not hitting on her are you a little bit I have this car I want to give you it's a 67 Mustang and and I want to fix it up I want to make it perfect for you for me where is it it's at our house speak of the devil impressed she is pretty hey watch it keep your hands off so uh I got this car to junkyard and it didn't make the boss happy but uh I was tinkering with it and she told me the other day about you and your situation and so we were kind of thinking that it might be a good project for us like I'll fix it but I want your input it's going to take a while but I kind of figured that'd give us something to look forward to yeah okay okay we gotta do something for me you've got to get better okay okay I'll let you sleep hey thank you so much take care of yourself thank you all right dad oh is that incredible what how cool is that you know when I was your age I had a 300 Chevelle I got you love you buddy [Music] I think you're going to be very impressed I had a lot of help though yeah yeah you're gonna love it it's it it's Cherry it's so great yeah anyone you pick any one you want uh how about this one how about something a little like something more like that okay you don't go with that not bad at all Mason oh hey guys good to see you don't we got something yeah we know the treatments have been a little much and they're taking a toll on you so we got something to hopefully make it a little easier yeah oh cool yeah you can make drawings on that thank you so much to see you okay thank you take care [Music] thank you [Music] all right Alex you okay yeah yeah no practice today no I took the day off there's nothing else they can do a good tumor um they've tried everything so they're sending him to this experimental trial in Florida I've never had anyone die in my life when we can't God can right yeah that's that sounds great but um no offense why hasn't he I don't know but I didn't know this God is still in control he still sits on that throne and he is still in the miracle business Alexander how many times have you sat right here and cheered prayed for a miracle that's what we need to do [Music] it dad yeah buddy would you be mad if I gave the tablet to Kimmy who's Kimmy the the kitten award well I don't know if we have enough money to buy a new one that's okay Dad it's the right thing to do she gets bored and she doesn't have one okay dad yeah boy am I gonna die what he's not gonna make it that's what I heard the doctor say about Jason lines the other night am I not gonna make it am I not gonna make it dead am I gonna die no no no Bryce I don't want to ever hear you say that again you understand me Bryce we're gonna beat this together okay me and you okay we're a team purity are we a team or a team and we're gonna beat this thing together today I put my trust in God you're trust in God I trust God okay tell me more about this Kimmy person it's harder how to spell your name with fox hey [Music] okay oh that's great thank you yeah he'll he'll be so happy to see all his friends again before he goes to Florida so [Music] let's hope so [Music] all right thank you so much bye-bye back [Music] what are we doing if I told you it wouldn't be a surprise [Music] thank you okay you guys can all have a seat so now that our guest of honor has arrived we are gathered to support Bryson Newman our fellow Dawn in his fight so I've asked father Martin to come and pray with us for Bryson it's so good to have each of you guys here today listen the kingdom of God is never meant to be a spectator sport Bryson you'd be the first to tell us the only way you win a game is by actually getting on the field and fighting and this is our field of Faith you guys this is our moment to believe that what we read is actually real that his word is more real than what we feel you and I have a chance to put God's word to the test in fact the Book of James says that if someone's sick like Bryson we're to lay hands on them and God will heal them I mean that's either real or it's not but I say we find out right now in the name of the father and the Son and the Holy Spirit [Music] God we just thank you for what it is you accomplished on the cross we thank you God that when you said it is finished you were talking about Sin and death [Music] in the name of the father and the Son and the Holy Spirit amen it is done [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] okay buddy transport should be here any minute to take you to the airport but you're getting your own plane yeah are you mad at God what no yes yes I am don't you think he has a plan jeez Bryce I don't know I uh I like to think that he does I I I hope that he does but I'm just not so sure where are these guys father thank you for my dad thank you for his love thank you for allowing me to have this wonderful man in my life God please calm his heart let him know that you are with him and pray this in your name amen all right um now we got all your bags ready I just wanna oh hey are those the scans you want us to take with us uh no they're not here who who's not here Transport oh look we are going to be late for the plane no I I canceled them what the tumors corn what do you mean we double triple quadruple checked and tested everything Bryson's tumor is gone are you sure 100 percent not only that the area around it has healed Sun yesterday you got a probable death sentence today God's given you another chance at life congratulations what about what about Florida no need to go to Florida plenty of beaches right here in California [Music] oh my God oh my God [Music] I knew it no it's great okay thanks for calling Lucy can you move your head to the left a little bit yeah that's pretty good all right on the count of Threes ready one two three wait guys guys guys guys guys hold up hold up I what is it somebody's on the phone for you Bryson they they said they're pulling up the hill what oh it is [Music] this it's just for you buddy for me oh my goodness this is the car this is your car this is our car oh my God I love you I love you too all right what do you think Buddy I think it's amazing I think get in yeah you got it sir hey I love you Jake hey you hear me I love you too Dad have fun [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] what's going on what's up boys [Applause] it took some time but I found the story you see the Miracle at Manchester wasn't just about Bryson Newman being healed it was so much more than that it was about reminding us that Miracles are real and how when we love and give and believe we all become part of making Miracles real again it's about putting on a show for him about giving our best and showing that we're going to fight while he fights and just that he could be out here shows us like he's out here in the hot sun with cancer and we got to keep fighting and get better and we can't quit out there it's going to mean a lot we got to get that victory for him young man is the most courageous kid I know he's definitely an inspiration for us to go through whatever struggles we're going through whether that be on the field or off the field [Music] and all those things [Music] Donald [Music] that you can beat it said you can beat it there you go buddy fight fight right yeah you can beat it fight I love that I'm so sorry having to go through this at one point the tumor was gone but it returns his friends were asked to report to the school's bleachers in red shirts to show their support as about 1600 kids and uh I mean they all put their hands over me like like that over my head just afraid [Music] he believes in that day he was saved I said I'm done I said I'm good so I I'm good three weeks later we went back to the hospital he did another MRI and the the enhancement they call it it shrunk they've never seen the doctors couldn't explain it uh they just say it's a miracle and you kind of know what it was [Music] [Applause] if you walk down I mean the oncology floor at the hospital and you see all these children fighting and going through pain and they just want to be cancer-free and so we're selling these t-shirts to help the researchers find a cure for cancer so those kids make cancer free I might only have one match but I can make an explosion this is [Music] [Music] who's got the Elmer's Glue no I've still got a lot of fire left in me [Music] like a small boat on the ocean sending big ways and emotion like I was single word can make a heart open I might only have one match but I can make an explosion and all those things I didn't say were wrecking balls inside my brain can you hear my voice this time this is [Music] [Music] believe cause I've still got a lot of fight left in me [Applause] losing friends and I'm chasing sleep everybody's worse [Music] than two years [Music] and this is my fight song [Music] like a small boat on the ocean sending big waves and emotion like I was single word can make a heart open I might only have one match but I can make an explosion this is [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] like a small boat on the ocean extending big ways and emotion like I was [Music] I might only have one match but I can make an explosion and all those things I didn't say wrecking balls inside my brain [Music] can you hear my voice this time this is [Music] [Music] please cause I've still got a lot of faith left in me losing friends and I'm chasing sleep everybody's worries [Music] and this is my fight song [Music] like a small boat on the ocean sending big waves and emotion like I was single word can make a heart open I might only have one match [Music] but I can make an explosion this is [Music] my powers [Music] in me foreign
Channel: EncourageTV
Views: 406,125
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Full Movie, EncourageTV, Movies, Christian movies, Faith, encouragetv movies, Family Movies, Drama, graduation, miracle, brain cancer, terminal illness, healing, healing journey, teen, high school, teen drama, high school drama, faith, family, faith & family, family movie night, Miracle at Manchester movie, Miracle at Manchester full movie, Miracle at Manchester 2023, 2023 new movie, 2023 new full movie, dean cain movies, baseball movie, fight against cancer
Id: -xDbV2DdL4s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 54sec (5274 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 01 2023
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