The Mystery Of Her | Inspirational and Moving Drama | Andrea Figliomeni | Winter Andrews

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(light music) - Still feeling dizzy? - Not really. - We're almost there. (door opens) (door closes) Ready. (gentle music) - How long have we lived here? - Going on ten years. C'mon, honey, your room's this way. Let's get some light in here. - It's so clean. - Are you hungry? - Actually just kinda tired. - yeah of course. We can do all this later, okay? (gentle music) - [Julia] That's exactly the wrong thing to do. - [Ben] And your suggestion? - [Julia] My suggestion? We keep her GPA up, we get her used to doing the things she's used to do, and we get her back to normal. - [Ben] She don't want them hearing through someone else! - [Julia] And risk losing the scholarship? That would be a disaster. - The disaster already happened. This gets her in front of it. (sigh) - Are you gonna pay the tuition once she loses it? - That's not fair. Hey. - Hi. - [Julia] Thanks for bringing the food. - [Ben] Of course. - So, how long have you two been divorced? - About four... - Four years. Honey, we have a lot of time to go over all this. It's been a week since the accident. I know you're overwhelmed. There's a lot to process. - It's okay, I was just asking. - We're here for you. - We love you. (upbeat music) (door closes) - Was that Ethan? - Yeah. He brought your phone. - He doesn't seem my type. - There are about a hundred girls in your school who would be thrilled to hear you say that. This is toast, honey. Won't even turn on. What do you say we go get you a new phone? That's your school... - Look straight head of me, please, You still have the ringing? - Yeah, sometimes. - Well, physically, you're doing great. That being said, I'm sure the memory loss has to be very disconcerting for you. - When will it come back? - Wish I could tell you with certainty how long we're looking at and to what what extent it will come back. - So when you say 'to what extent'. - I'm not trying to be an alarmist. Could this be permanent? I highly doubt it, but I can't completely rule it out. (voice fades out) (door closes) - This mine? - Hm-hmm. - Am I a good driver? - It's debatable. You remember the code? - Yeah, we literally just set it up. - Okay. (Julia chuckles) - I'm gonna go for break right after dinner. - If that's okay. Not too far, okay? And wear a helmet. - Maybe I shouldn't. Then if I get knocked on my head again, everything will come back. (soft music) (knocks) - Hey, you got visitors. Lexi and Heather. You remember me telling you about them? - Hi. - Hey. - They were wondering if you felt up to hanging out tomorrow. - Yeah, we have practice and we thought we'd go to the lake. - Honey, no pressure. That might be good, you know? So, which one of you is Lexi and which one is Heather? - I'm Lexi. That's my hoodie you're wearing by the way. You took it the last time we hung out. (chuckles) - Lexi's always stealing our clothes. I'm Heather. - Sorry I don't remember you guys. - It's okay. Do you wanna come with us? - Yeah, honey. It'd probably be a good. (indistinct chatter) - So, how's Lexi's and Heather's experiment going? You don't really know me, do you? - Ethan. I saw pictures. - You remember any of this? - Heard you were at the hospital but they wouldn't let you see me. - Yeah, yeah you were really confused, Ali. I think everyone was nervous to throw too much at you at once. That's all. - They said another car ran a stop sign. Is everyone okay? - Yeah... yeah they're good as far as I know. They're probably relieved, we're not pressing charges or suing them or anything. - Could you tell Lexi and Heather I had to go? - Yeah, yeah, you want me to give you a ride back home? Listen, I get it. I get it if you don't. - Yeah, I kind of just wanna walk. - It's about two miles back to your place, Al. - I'll be okay. - Okay. (gentle music) - Ali, you okay? - Hey. I'm not sure. Actually I think I got my directions mixed up coming from the soccer field. - Where you trying to go? - Do we know each other? - So it is true? - What? What's true? - There's a rumor... - I'm Cameron... And yeah, we sort of know each other... - My phone died. Do you know where I live? - Yeah, you're kind of heading in the wrong direction. - Oh. - Come on, I'll show you. So um... what's it like? If you don't mind talking about it. Well you can clearly walk and talk so you've got that going for you. - Yeah. And I can also chew gum at the same time. Amazing, right? - Okay. Okay.. Sense of humor. Another plus. - We're still trying to figure out what I know and don't know. But I can add, subtract, do calculus, tie my shoes... and execute pretty much any normal task with efficiency and even style. - Nice. - I seem to know a lot of things but I'm extremely limited in the knowledge of one thing. - But that one thing is sort of the main thing, isn't it? - Yeah. Hmm hm. Me. So, you in a band? - No. Just practicing. I do my own stuff. You know I read about these Buddhist monks who believe in a sort of dynamic emptiness. No past. No future. Only now. They'd probably love to have what you have. - They can have it. (car honks) (tires screeching) Hey, Ali, are you okay? We talked to Ethan and he said you just walked away. - Yeah, come on. We'll take you home, okay. - Thanks for helping. - [Lexi] You really should have waited for us. - [Heather] And that kid you were with, Cameron Reed, he's not someone you should be talking to. - He seemed nice to me. - [Heather] Just let us help you get back to normal. We don't want you snapping out of this and then realize you've damaged your rep beyond repair. - Cameron's sort of a loner. - He got arrested over the summer... - Well that's a rumor. He's doing court ordered community service at the park because he got caught tagging at the Grove... - Again, a rumor. - Yeah, but climbing the towers at the Grove is kind of announcing you have some insanity streak. He's trouble, Ali. Next thing you know, you'll be bumping shoulders in the back of a cop car. - Just let us take care of you, Ali. - And please don't tell your mom we got separated. She hears that, she definitely will not let us tutor you. (guitar music) (door knocks) - Yeah. - How'd it go? - Ethan was there. - And? - I don't know. When I asked him about the other people in the accident, he said they're probably happy we're not suing them. Thought that was an odd thing to say. - Yeah, well, he's right. And he's nice. And the two of you were always happy together. - I guess. - Honey, I'm glad you're making an effort. You have really great friends... and they just want what's best for you. - So you like my friends? - Yeah, of course. Why would you? - Nothing... - No? What? - Nothing. (Julia sighs) - This came in the mail. I think it's your Letter of Intent. It's due the second week of November. - Don't they know what happened? - Yeah. They know that you had a minor head injury and it's kept you out of school. That's it? Honey, scholarships to elite schools are very fragile. - Just like the human brain, huh? You don't think we should tell them the whole story? - I think we should give it a few more weeks. State has an excellent pre-law track. And that's something you're quite interested in. - So, what's with this? - You brought it home one day. - And I never said why? Did I want to learn how to play? Or... - Never said anything to me. I just thought you liked the way it looked in your room. (playful music) - Good morning. - Morning. - Lexi and Heather will be here after their morning classes. So, make sure you're caught up on your reading and started the worksheets, okay? - Okay. - And um, if you need anything or you're not feeling well, hey, call me. Okay? - Okay. Um, hey, do you mind if I rearrange my bedroom? - It's okay. Just um... school work first, then decorating. Okay. And I was thinking, maybe you could uh, mix in a run later. Get that body going again. (gentle music) (soft music) - Hey, I was in the neighborhood. Just thought I'd check in on you. Hi, I'm Cameron. We met the other day... - Yeah. I just thought you were my tutors. - No, I'm in PE and we're running cross country, so. Looks like you survived the ride home the other day. So, I guess I'll uh... see you around. Hey look um, I know this place isn't kind to those who are lonely or lost. So just... track me down if you get feeling like that... - Okay, we've got AP Calc. AP Chemistry and AP Lit... - And... don't forget. AP Russian. First lesson, how to make kick-ass screwdrivers. - That's a horrible idea. - Since when? Have you had that in your bag all day? - Yeah. I've got a whole new way to reintroduce you to yourself, Al. - Of course you have. - You love this drink. We have so many crazy stories of you and this drink. - Did we actually take AP Russian? - No, honey. - Alright, ladies. To unlocking Ali's brain. If you're uncomfortable you really don't have to. It's a de-stress device. Woo. Come on. Loosen up so we can get to work. [Lexi and Heather laugh] (gentle music) There we go. [Both laugh] - This picture's from Spring Break. - Last year. - That was crazy. - The hotel was so bad. Heather found it on Yelp. Three stars. I told her we shouldn't go, but she insisted on it. I did. Okay, so... Tell me the backstory of that picture... (all laugh) - That is so cute... Oh my gosh. I remember doing your hair for that. That's actually my shirt. (gentle music) Okay, that was good. Yeah. I got it. (panting) I was good at this? - Yeah. Come on. Let's go again. - Okay. Did I ever talk about writing with you guys? - What? Like... Poetry? - [Heather] Why? Do you have an urge to drop some rhymes or something? (laughs) - What about guitar? - [Lexi] You bought it as a joke. There was an estate sale over on Ambassador last summer and you really wanted to go in. - So, what was the joke? - I don't really remember. But I think it was about you take lessons. - You had so much on your plate, you barely had time to breathe. - Yeah, Student Council. National Honor Society. Soccer... track... - Mock trials... Tutoring. The list goes on and on for Ali Spencer. (phone beeps) - He's here. - What's going on? - Field trip. (rap music) Sit upfront. - What's up ladies? - He'll be extra careful, right? - Yeah, I promise, Al. Come on in. Yeah, this is my parents pre- graduation, graduation gift. - For real? - Yeah, I got custom plates on order too. - Let me guess, "E-Man"? - No Lexi, not E-Man. I was thinking - It's Lit. But I spell it all one word, I-T-S-L-I-T... - Clever. That's really beautiful. - I don't know. I could have went with "ETHAN" or E-Man but I just want to be incognito some times. - I'm not really an expert but, I think that's probably as incognito as a train wreck. - Shut up. It's gonna be sick, okay. - Where are we going? - Heather, you didn't tell her? If we told her, it might mess up the impact. - Seriously? - Okay, Ali, so I read that people with memory issues a lot of the times visit places from their pasts to try to reconnect with things. - Okay, so what does that mean? - Ali, we're going to the crash site. We landed right there. Next to that fire hydrant we took out that whole section of corn. Heather, you really should have told her. - She'll be fine, okay. I don't know guys. Hey, Ali. I'm sorry... this was a shitty idea. Come on. Let's go back. - Can I see the car? - I can't believe you climbed out of there with barely a scratch. - Well...kind of... - You'll be back soon, Ali. (somber music) - I wasn't sure the right time to do this. You don't remember but, you used to love wearing this. I got it for our anniversary last year. - Wow. - Yeah the chain broke during the accident. But one of the EMTs found it on the floor and gave it back to me so I had a jeweler give it a resetting. - Thank you. - May I? - Yeah. - Do you remember it? The accident? - Every bit. It all happened so fast but when I look back on it now, it's like slow motion. The car came out of nowhere. I swerved to try to avoid it but we ended up in the field. The airbags exploded and hit you in the head pretty hard. You blacked out. We finally got you awake you were really confused. It was a freak thing, Al. - Look, I'm a little off my game today. I don't know the first thing to say to you. Or anything for that matter. I'm sorry, Al. - No. Don't be. I don't think there's a playbook on how to connect with your girlfriend who has amnesia. [Ethan laughs] - It's just... I don't know, something just doesn't feel right about us. - No? - I mean a lot of things since the accident haven't felt right. - How so? Did you know I wrote poetry? - No. - Yeah, I found a journal hidden under my mattress. - Serious? - Why couldn't I trust you with something like that? - [Heather] Guys, it's freezing, can we go? (upbeat music) ♪ How do you think you'll die. ♪ ♪ I ask you point blank on Tuesday night. ♪ (bright music) - Dad. What's up? - There was a great song on the radio. - So great it put you to sleep? - Landslide. - That is a great song. - Yeah. - You work another double? I used to do them standing on my head. Doubles feel more like triples now. You just getting back from school? - Uh, no. Put in some time at the park. - Thought you wrapped that up. - Almost. Got a few more hours left. (soothing music) Hey... - Oh, hey. You uh... Need directions? - I'm good, actually. You work here? - Uh... Community Service Learning. Actually, it's my last day. So, riding a bike. Your tutors seem to be doing effective work. - My tutors have tried to bring my memory back through various methods, there's soccer, vodka, bringing me to the scene of the accident and showing me the wrecked car. - How's that working out? - Vodka gives me a headache. Soccer makes me feel like a complete klutz. And the car lets me know I'm lucky to be alive. - Yeah, I'll bet. - What you said yesterday, about feeling lost? Why did you say that to me? - Just... Um. I've been there. And sometimes it feels like it isn't allowed. Like being lost is a sign of weakness or something which sucks 'cause it's not true. And look, I cannot even begin to imagine what you're going through or how you must be feeling right now. - Yeah, I'm just trying to find myself, who I was and who I am, I guess. - Anything you've uh discovered that's really surprised you? - Yeah. A notebook that I write poetry in. - What kind of poems? I don't know. Just... poems... Teenage stuff, I guess. My friends don't seem to know that I write poetry. - Have you shown anybody? - No. - Well, what are you waiting for? - I guess I haven't really thought about it. - And yet, here we are... - You know, Lexi and Heather told me to be careful around you. - Oh, you were talking about me. And they said it's not a good idea if we hang out? Maybe you should listen to them. - Hey, wait. They told me that you would be here doing Community Service so I... (Ali laughs) I um... Do you really wanna see? - The better question is, is it even worth the effort because there could be tons "I"s dotted with hearts and like unnecessary exclamation points and unicorn stickers. - There are a few hearts, but no unicorn stickers. Not yet anyway. I found this one poem on a page with a ticket to the Art Museum. So I went there and found this gorgeous painting with the same name. - Over Blue? - Yeah. It must have meant something to me. - Ali, you know what this is? It's a treasure map. - I don't understand. - It's full of clues that may lead you back to yourself, to parts of you hidden from the world that need to be rediscovered. I mean you what we need to do now, right? We have to decipher this thing. - No, no we don't. - C'mon, you cannot put something like this in front of me and then just leave me hanging. - That's not why I showed you. - Then why did you? Look, I meant what I said, okay, if you want some help navigating... any of this... - What if I don't like who I find when I get to the other side? - Then I'd say you'd be pretty normal. (light music) - I cannot believe I was ever good at this. - It'll come back. Don't think so much. Clear your mind, your muscles know what to do. That's my girl. Now we just need to straighten it out. - Alright. Twenty more of those and I may actually be near the hole. - Don't sweat it. (phone buzzes) - Hey. - Hey. Did I catch you in the middle of something? - AP Lit. - Ahh... The Slaughterhouse. How's that going? - It's hard to say, just started it. - Hey there's something in your poetry book. I didn't think about it until this morning. The page with the dried flower. Emily's Rock or Emily's Stone' or Emily's something. Do you know... Do you remember that? - Yeah. - I think I know what it is. Can I swing by and pick you up? - I don't know, I've got study group in a little bit. - I promise to have you back in time for soccer and shots. - Cameron! Come on. Just tell me! - I think this really should be experienced. Come on. I already pawned one of my guitars to get a new tire for my bike. - Okay. Oh, when you said bike ride I thought you meant a bike. - - I brought you a helmet. - I'm not going on that thing. - It looks bad but it's perfectly safe, I promise. It's my dad's. We're fixing it up. Haven't gotten very far but it's sturdy. And I'm a very responsible driver. - I'm sure you are. But uh... - You know, I read a quote recently, once you become fearless, you become limitless. - Not funny. - We'll take it slow. You get uncomfortable, we'll stop. What do you say? (gentle music) I think it's over this way. Yeah... Here it is. She went to Mendon, which is a school across town. And then to B.E. on a soccer scholarship. Our schools are big rivals so I'm thinking you guys played against each other a few times. - Oh my god... I knew her? How'd she die. - OD. Pretty big deal around here. I'll go wait by the bike. - Cameron, wait. I can only hear myself breathe as I stare at the stone. I'm trying to see her face trying to find her, but she is gone. Swept away by the winds of perfection... Around her... a lonely patch of bright white filled with tiny blooms, trembling under a windy onslaught. I tremble too... as I bend and sometimes break. But those blooms whitened with lost innocence, remind me that I am free. I am very much alive. And life is still awaiting me to live it. - I'm not sure I was very happy. - Well you're still here. And life is still waiting for you... (somber music) - You have been engrossed up there, I was calling. - Emily Harris. - Oh... - How well did I know her? - Not well. She was a couple years older. You met at soccer camp when you were a freshman. - Seemed like she had a pretty perfect life... - Yeah, it was a shock. It was very sad. - Do I like soccer? - Of course you do. Ever since you were little, it lit some internal fire in you. Your drive and your focus... - I just don't feel connected to it, and shouldn't I? Shouldn't it be part of my DNA or my muscle memory or something? - It'll come back, honey. This is just stressful. You know what isn't stressful? Is your favorite double chocolate brownies since you were like two years old. Good, right? - Hmm hm. - Thought you had work. - Needed to get out of there for a few minutes. - Rough night? - It's Friday. And a full moon. I saw that you put a tire on the bike. - Got it at the scrap yard. Got a new rim too. Still won't pass inspection. The brake pads gotta be thin. - Yeah, I was thinking maybe we could work on it together. Also thought maybe we could paint the house. What do you thing about that? - Hours are crazy right now. Cam, it's not a good time for a tantrum. - Nothing's gonna get better if we don't put some effort into it. (door opens and closes) (light music) (players chattering) - The town abandoned this in the seventies and ever since it's become like a rite of passage for any knucklehead looking to leave their mark somewhere. - Did you leave your mark here? - Do I look like a knucklehead to you? What do you think? - I don't know. The sign says no trespassing. - Your poem is about facing your fears. I think this is symbolic of all the things you're afraid of... - Cameron, you just finished your community service. If we get caught-- - I did, but this is something that was clearly tormenting you. And I have an obligation to assist you on your quest. - I don't think we should. - I think you really want to. - Out of my way knucklehead. (gentle music) What is it you're afraid of? Afraid of falling? Flying into the unknown. Afraid that if I show my whole self, the world will turn its back on me. - Be careful. - That once I am open, I may be left standing alone. Like I am now. Resisting all risk, even as it rumbles, even as something hits my heart with ferocious might, like a war between what is and what could be. And my fear that I may never be free. (gentle music) - This is The Grove... Come on. (bright upbeat music) ♪ I wanna find myself ♪ ♪ But I dunno where she went ♪ ♪ I wanna find my value ♪ ♪ But it seems that I've been spent ♪ ♪ I wanna dance in a clouds ♪ ♪ Like I used to in my dreams ♪ ♪ I wanna step over the edge ♪ ♪ Just to see if I have wings ♪ ♪ I know where I wanna be ♪ ♪ I know where I'm supposed to be ♪ ♪ So I can't I get there ♪ ♪ Why can't I get there ♪ ♪ I know who I wanna be ♪ ♪ I know who I'm supposed to be. ♪ - No way. - I think you should... I'm pretty sure I was not an artist. - These walls are for everyone... You made the trek, now leave your mark. - I've never lived outside the confines of my mind. And I suppose I still don't. It's like the world is a picture. And the only way for me to be in it, is looking at it from afar. (players shouting) So until that picture becomes my reality, and not just this constructed image now imprinted in my memory, I will stay on the outside looking in. (players cheering) - So, my prince, wherever you are, hold me close. And whisper in my ear your fear of letting me go. I wanna see the world. And when I do, will you come with me? So, my prince, all I want are, simple little things. All things sweet. All things love... And in return, I will love you. All the way. Crisp air and chilled bones. Light laughter crunches through the autumn leaves. New desires are beginning to take ahold of me as I see them wisp through every skeleton in the patch They stand there bare to all of us. and when I look into their funny faces, I wanna be bare too... I want to be stripped of this old skin and slip into one that feels most like me. Baring my soul to the world. Does she ever really see me? Or does she only see what she wants to see. Her eyes always keen on what could be for me. But my vision lies elsewhere. My eyes veer off into countless other directions. How could I just ignore all these melodies soft and subtle as they ring a beckoning call into my curious ears. And into my earning heart. I can hear music in the making. I can feel life in the making. - Okay... Go? - Yeah. - So my prince, wherever you are, please come with me. I won't ask for much, I promise. All I want are simple little things. All things sweet... all things love... and in return... I will love you all the way. (guitar music) - Nice. Okay, try it with the thumb. No, F-sharp... that's the G. Yeah, right there. (guitar strumming) Yeah see... that sounds better, right? Try the lick I showed you. - Uh... (guitar strumming) - There it is. (both laughing) - Nice. - So, can I ask you something? - Sure. - But you have to be honest. - Well that might take the fun out of the answer. - Seriously honest. - Got it. - Was I nice? - How would you define "seriously honest" actually? Look... I'm sure if you polled the student body, the majority would say you were nice. People like you. They like being around you. You have this sort of momentum, this energy, like you're gonna lead the charge and rip through a banner and lead the team onto the next playing field or something. But uh...I won't lie, there'd probably be some people who said you're maybe not so nice... - Keep going. - That you have the ability to look right through people... even if you're looking right at them talking to them. Wasn't always that way but in the last year or so, yeah. You know people who have that power might not understand it, but for those of us who it's been used against, we know it very well. - I uh did this to you? - Does it matter? - Well yeah we were friends, right? - Last time we talked was freshman year. Excuse me. - You're not giving me much here. (guitar strumming) ♪ Not much to say ♪ - I don't believe you. - Come on. What aren't you telling me? - Nothing. - Tell me something about us. - There was no us. - Oh no. You thief. You thief. This is my guitar. (both laughing) - Ali. - What the hell's going on here, Reed? - Like what are you even doing here? - What are you guys even doing here? - Looking for you, you're not returning any of our messages. - Look, Ali, if you wanted to break up with me, you could have just said it to my face. - Ethan, please. - Dude, you really should chill. - And you should really leave her alone, not get her involved in your shit. - My shit? - Oh, you wanna say something, dickhead? - Seriously, dude? - Alright guys, stop it. - Ali, I don't get this. - Ethan, get out. Guys get out! - Get out of here. - Ethan. - Ali, hey, we were just worried about you. - You totally ghosted us, okay? What's with you? I'm just... I just need some time, you guys. - With Cameron? - Heather. - No. Okay, you can't do that to Ethan. That sucks, Ali. - Whoa. - I'm sorry. - Alright, just... I just wanna be alone. - Maybe you should talk to Ethan first. - I don't know what you want me to say, Heather. - You don't have to say anything right now. It can wait. - Lex I think she should-- - It can wait. - We'll call you later. (soft piano music) (phone buzzing) - Hey, Ali, it's Cameron. Um. Look, I'm sorry about earlier, that wasn't cool. I shouldn't of engaged with Ethan at all and um... I'm sure that was really stressful for you. Hope you're okay. Yeah, give me a call. Okay? - What's going on with you Cameron Reed? - What? - What's going on with Cameron Reed? - Nothing. We're friends. - Have you been riding on his motorcycle? - Who told you that? - Have you been? Ali, you cannot do that! You will not do that! - Oh okay, so now you're telling me what I can and can't do? - Uh... yes. Last time I checked I was your mother. Feel free to step in here any time now. - Let's just all take a breath here. Honey, sounds like Cameron has his own issues. - Oh. Okay well maybe one day I'll find some friends without issues. 'Cause Lexi, Heather, Ethan, they're perfect, right? - This sounds a little different. - Honey, maybe he's not the best support system for you right now. - You're amazing. - Look, we know you're going through something difficult right now but maybe leaning on Cameron isn't the best way. - No. No. No. Nobody knows what I'm going through. Not you, not the doctors, not the specialists. Okay, nobody has an idea what I should do. And now you guys magically know what I shouldn't do? - We want you safe, honey. We want you happy. - It's a little too late for that. - Okay. Terry Hughes called, from State. She wants to know when you're gonna sign. - I don't think I should. - We have to consider unintended consequences here. You'd basically lose everything you've been working towards for seventeen years. - You do realize that I may never be that person again. Okay, I may never be that "Ali" again. - How about giving that Ali just a little more time. - She really is a wonderful person, you know. - I'm sure she was great. - Look, Ali, the truth is, things have been tight lately. And if you want what State has to offer you're gonna need that scholarship. - Honestly, I don't know what I want. - Do you wanna start from scratch? Get a new passion, maybe get good enough at it to set you apart... - Stop. - Try a new college, get another scholarship maybe? Or maybe you want to try community college. Honestly, we did not raise you to be this way. - You happy now? - Thank you very much for the support. (light music) - Hey... You found me. You good? - I've got to take a break, Cam. I'm kind of over all of this mystery stuff. - I thought you were excited about what you're finding. About the you no one knew existed. - I don't know if she's real. - She's real. She's just kind of afraid. And why wouldn't she be? - I don't know, I have to get back on track with college. And et back on track with finding Ali. - I thought that's what we were doing. - You know what I mean. (somber music) - [Coach] That was much better guys. It's very important to keep working our angles on the ball... okay... Pass and move. (players chanting and cheering) Let's go again. ♪ Doesn't matter where you go ♪ - Cold? - Oh, you don't have to. - Yeah, but I'm gonna. - Thanks. - I'm really glad you came out tonight. - Yeah, me too. - It sucks not having you around. My mom misses you. (both laughing) - Really? - Oh yeah. Look, I've been thinking about what you said the last time we were here. About us not making sense. - Look, a lot of things have been coming at me-- - I know... hang on a second. I really wanna tell you this. I don't know if... I don't know if I appreciated you enough. Well, I know I didn't. And now with everything that's been happening. We're at this weird ground zero. I wonder if we have a chance. I mean I know you, I know our history. But you don't know me. Is that even fair? Can there be this... this different version of us. You know that gets to what we had? - You mean, a different version of me. How was it? Were we happy? - Yeah. I mean we had our moments but, yeah, we were happy. We had the whole wide world, Al. Just want to get back there with you. - That sounds really nice. - Yeah? Okay? - Yeah. - What's wrong? It's just... I just don't feel like it. - Yeah. Yeah, okay... - I'm gonna get going. - Come on, why? We were having a good time, Al. - Look, I understand if you want to break up. It's not fair to you to have to sit around and wait for whatever we had to come back; it might not. - Al, I'm gonna wait as long as I have to. - Maybe you shouldn't. - No. - What do you mean, no? - I mean... I mean... no. It's not happening. Ali, we're not breaking up. Come on. Ali? (bouncy music) (light music) ♪ Those who used to love me ♪ ♪ Don't love me anymore. ♪ ♪ And those who rooted for for me ♪ ♪ They've left and close the door ♪ ♪ Is it who I became ♪ ♪ or did I lose sight of who I was ♪ ♪ Either way I lost it all ♪ ♪ And don't know who to trust ♪ - Hey... welcome back. - Hey. It's good to see you. Ali, right? - Yeah. - You're just in time. Potluck Saturday. Grab a plate. Is everything okay, honey? - Yeah. Yeah, thank you. - How's the poetry going? - Oh. Um. It's... - We have open mic next week if you're up to it. I'd love to hear what you've been working on. - Yeah, maybe... - Well fill up and I'll stop by in a bit. (members clapping and cheering) Hey, everyone. I'm so excited that you came here tonight. It means a lot to me to see everyone here. I'm far from the first person to tell you that growing up is hard. The friendships, the pressure to be perfect, anxiety, feeling like you're not good enough and having to keep up grades and extracurriculars and make a million different choices about the rest of your life. It's heavy stuff. The pressure is daunting. But we're here to help you carry some of that burden. And you're not in this alone. (phone ringing) - Ali Spencer. (Ali sobbing) You there? - Yeah. - Everything okay? - Everything is not okay. - It is so not okay. - What happened? (Ali crying) Ali? - Cam I don't know who I am. - Ali, where are you? - I don't understand why. I'm not who everybody wants me to be. I'm not who my mom wants me to be. I'm not who my dad... (Ali sobbing) I'm sorry. - Ali, tell me where you are. (motorcycle engine roaring) Ali! Ali! Ali! Ali! Shit. You really like testing fate, huh? What happened? - I feel like the walls are closing in on me. - I've felt that. I've been there. Sometimes I'm still there. - How do you make it stop? - Wish I had the answer. My mind gets very crowded. And there are things that I can't get past. Things my dad can't get past. But... here I am... still going. My mom died a few years ago. Cancer. And um... I don't know... It was pretty brutal up until the end there. And uh... my dad and I have been sort of out of it ever since. So, I know. I get it. There are things that are really hard to get past. But, Ali, you just do. Just one foot in front of the other. - I got a lot of free space up here, Cameron. If those memories ever get too heavy, I'm happy to help you carry 'em. - Hey, what are you doing up here? No registration. No insurance. Three years un-inspected. - Really? - Congratulations, your bike's going to the pound. - Ali, what is this? Is it Cameron? - No it's not . Okay, it's me. - No... this is not you. Climbing into The Grove, criminal mischief, do you have any idea how close you came to getting charged with something? That would have certainly taken any scholarship off the table. Oh maybe that's plan? I have no idea who you are right now, Ali would never do this. - I'm so sick of you talking about this flawless version of who you think I used to be. Okay, that person's gone. - Not to me she's not. - Well then you're delusional. - Your father doesn't think we should let you come and go right now by yourself. Until we can trust you with your own safety. - That's not gonna fix it. - Allison! Keys! - Thought we had a deal. You weren't gonna give me any more trouble. - Clearly I'm looking for your attention. - Well, you've got it now. Little bit late, Dad. Hey... wait up. You know, I've forgotten what your smile looks like. And you know it sucks losing mom. But it kills me to see you wasting away inside. - Cam! Cameron! (door knocking) - Ali, you awake? - Yeah. - Can I come in? - Sure. Did she make you come over? - Wasn't her idea. The Grove, huh? - I'm sorry. - You know, I remember bringing you home from the hospital when you were a baby. You fit in the crook of my arm. We were terrified your mother and I. Always so worried we were going to hug you too tightly or drop you or... when you slept, we would sit beside your crib for hours just listening to you breathe. Honey to see you know with no genuine knowledge of the love you come from... it hurts to tell you the truth. But that's not your problem, you've got enough to worry about. What we worry about is that at least you're going to be okay. - What if I'm not though? Like what if this is as good as it's gonna get. - Sweetheart, you happy is the only thing we care about. - If you really mean that, then there's something I'd like to show you. (light music) - I was having doubts before the accident. About a lot of things and... I don't think I felt I could talk to you guys about it 'cause I was afraid that I'd disappoint you or... I don't know. But... I'm hoping that maybe we could figure it out together. - Yeah. You bet. - Hey, she doesn't know who she is asshole, don't you get that? - Back off, dude. - Ethan! - Knock it off. The Grove, Cam? Told you to leave her out of your shit! - Ethan! (punch thuds) - Stop. Get inside. - Ethan, stay right there. - Hey. Cam. Are you okay? - Cameron, you okay? - Yeah. - No, stay down. - I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine. - Cam, you're bleeding. (door bell rings) - Pretty sure you're not the tutor they're sending over. - If I am, you're in trouble. - More trouble. - Heard you got suspended. - Yeah, it was stupid, Ali. - Yeah. Look, Ethan, this has to stop. Okay, it's over. And I feel like it has been, for awhile. Hasn't it? - Yeah. The accident. We were arguing in the car. You were saying you needed to make changes. You were breaking up with me. I was driving really fast. Proving all your points. I don't know, if I had it together, maybe I'd have seen the car coming sooner. Avoided it. Avoided all this. I'm sorry that I hurt you, Ali. I'm sorry that I'm the reason your old life is gone. - Hey, it's not all on you, okay? I played a part too. But... maybe it's for the best. - Yeah. - Thought your parents had you on lock-down. - Snuck out. - You're heading down a dark path, Ali Spencer. - I'm sorry you're back here. Actually, it's okay. I'm seriously thinking about a career with the Town Parks Department. - Oh yeah? - Hm. Hmm. - Yeah, nice try. I feel horrible about Ethan. - Well, maybe I had it coming. - No, no way. That was all him. - Still... we should chill. At least until you get it all figured out. - Come on, we don't have to let things get awkward between us. Did you get your bike back? - Nah. Look, I really gotta get back to this. - Okay. I'll see you around? - Definitely. (engine revving) - I'm sure it wasn't easy to talk about certain things with you or with anyone really. - No, I get it. I know you guys are really important to me. And I truly appreciate you. I just think it's gonna take some time to get to where I need to be, you know? So I'm sorry if I seem a little distant. Or if I try some shit that seems a little out there. (laughing) - So what's the deal with Cameron? - He just seems to get me. I know this sounds stupid but we just kind of connect. You know? - That's not stupid. That's nice, I'm glad you have that. I just... I really want you to be happy. - I know. I see it. Thanks for showing me this. It means a lot. - How much did they hit you up to get it out of impound? - Every cent I had. - Probably more than it's worth. - Yeah, maybe. - How bad is it? - Won't pass inspection. - Do you have any idea what you're doing? - Yeah, I saw a video. - What are you trying to do? - Trying to take the tire off so I can switch the brakes. - Okay, let me uh... show you a trick my dad taught me. (Dale grunts) Go ahead, take the brake assembly off. Okay. Yeah, now we're cooking with gas. Okay. See here, you take this. - [Ali] Small steps. Small. Small. Small steps... And with each passing day she becomes more victorious. So many small steps yet to be taken. But every day is new. Every day is possible. And one day she will rise... like the sun... beautiful... different... Fully alive. - License and registration please. - Just passed inspection. She's completely legal. - Congratulations. - So, I heard you're coming back. - Next week. - So back on track with the scholarship? - Actually, all that's on hold, for now. - Well, I'll let you to it. - Hang on. I'm just want you to know that I'm done hoping my memory comes back. Trying to solve the mystery of who I was. I'm just creating my own memories now, and whatever happens happens with the old ones. But I'm gonna create a pretty big memory on Saturday and I'd really like you to be there for it. - Okay. - I'll text you the details. I think you'll like it. I hope you will. Cam, I meant what I said. If you ever need someone to help you un-crowd that brain, I'm here... - Cool. (engine revving) - I'm Ali Spencer, so they told me. Uh... a while ago I got into a pretty bad car accident and my long term memory is totally swiped. It could be temporary but it could be permanent. And I still don't know everything about who Ali Spencer really was but I'm not freaking out about it. I'm just moving forward and trying to find out who I am now. And so, this is a poem about all that. It's about a girl who lost herself and maybe she never will find the person she once was. But maybe she will find the one she's suppose to be. It's called "The Mystery of My History" and I'd like to dedicated it to my friend, Cameron . It's easy to love the light... and what can be seen in plain sight. It's much harder to embrace the dark, no idea if you'll ever hit your mark. You claim that the past is known and the future can't be seen, but I say history is a mystery and the future is where we come clean... (gentle music) It's easy to love the light... And what can be... (soft guitar music) Dear Future Me... I know sometimes you're probably feeling like things are overwhelming but I've got great news for you. Have faith. Just remember, you are capable of so much more than you even realize. Take the risks you're afraid of taking, paint your picture boldly across the universe. But most of all, love. Love exactly who you are, an amazing future is awaiting you. (bright music)
Channel: Deep C Digital
Views: 799,353
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Movies, Full Movies, Entertainment, Deep C Digital, The Mystery Of Her movie, The Mystery Of Her full movie, The Mystery Of Her 2022, The Mystery Of Her 2022 movie, The Mystery Of Her 2022 full movie, 2022 movie, 2022 new movie, Andrea Figliomeni, Winter Andrews, Nicolette Hart, Nicholas DiBella, Paul Root, full drama movie, 2022 drama movie
Id: KHwQK7J6Ovw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 32sec (6512 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 13 2023
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