TUESDAY MORNING SECRET 2021 | Apostle Joshua Selman Sermon

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if you can trust a man that is mundane and can change in a moment i can like you today i hate you tomorrow and if you ask me why i will say it's my choice is that true i can hate you tomorrow and like you the next tomorrow when you put your arm your strength on men it is so unreliable the best of any man can change overnight i can promise to give you more and say i can't remember and just because my memory failed me you will be punished but the bible says this word has been tried seven times listen carefully it's not just a book that makes people spiritual it's more than that this is a compendium of the mind of christ listen carefully the bible is a compendium of the ways of god this is the ancient secret of an unbeatable life the ancient secret behind strange results those who can be foolish enough foolish enough childlike enough brothers and sisters this is the book that turns a poor man into levels of stupendous wealth this is the book that taunts his sinner and makes a man of god out of him listen to me this is the book that turns a man who cannot pay a rent of 10 000 to now own an estate this is a that can make a confused young man not knowing what to do with his life to become one who will govern kings and nations this book has led many we are not the first to hold it there are many ancient hands that held this book they were stupid enough to read everything there and they believed god they believed him that's the point it's not just reading it they saw it and they believed and god performed wonders in and through their life today we have come in the midst of history we're not starting anything new we just have followed them who to faith and patience when they taught us they taught us to trust the world and so we believe the word listen it may not yet look like everything is appearing but let me tell you the truth your destiny is too small to make the word of god fail for the first time no sir no sir no sir god used this word to humble the pride of wicked kings who their confidence were built upon divinations that had been tried for a long time yes the word of god brought them to their knees if i trust any other thing in life and i do not trust the word of god i am a foolish man praise the lord this is the secret i have a name that i call the bible i don't call it the bible it is my road map to accessing the mysteries of the kingdom i studied the bible like an archaeologist like someone who has lost a treasure and is looking for it i keep saying it that the secret to the future is in the past when you can go behind the ancient part is not the part of a nomination the ancient participate where you open what did jacob see what did the psalmist see and if the spirit of revelation opens your eyes to see it ah brothers and sisters you create your own reality and walk in it as if satan does not exist this is what makes those who don't understand these mysteries they think that you know when men of god talk like this they are arrogant your reality is based on what your eyes have seen you must believe this your reality is based on what your eyes have seen it's important for you to understand please let me have your attention it is very important there is nothing that is built by magic there is nothing that is built by givings this is it your spirit opens to me the treasures of your word and i will forever see your spirit opens to me the treasures of your work and i will forever see the hope i will sing i will sing of the wonders of your work i will see i will see all the wonders of your work and i will forever sing i will sing and i will forever listen if i ask you to stand up now and i tell you what is the basis of your confidence somebody will say my father is coming out for election and some person in presidency promised him that this stone is his turn to eat that is complete nonsense is human beings that vote somebody in and out and they can change their minds overnight another person will say his brother is the manager of xyz and because he's sitting on money he will bless him here what the bible says he says for by the arm of flesh did you hear that by the arm of flesh shall no man prevail no man prevail you know i have become addicted to this book it's not because i'm a preacher jesus gave a parable i did not understand for many years he said the kingdom is like a man who is looking for a treasure the treasure is missing and then he lights a candle and goes around the room the treasure is not the word the treasure is the result you are looking for but he tells you how to look for it you light the candle you carry an empty candle you you keep roaming around an empty candle is a bible you brought from zondervan and you drop that's an empty candle but when the illumination of the spirit is upon it you carry it and move around when you find it he comes life to you then you communicate a dimension of results that will confound principalities and powers let me tell you don't ever doubt a man whose confidence is based on something he has caught in the wood you will be angry forever you will drink forever anything that is not a derivative of the word i don't trust it because i don't have control over it the bible says he upholds all things that includes my destiny he upholds all things by the word of his power we need to be a confident people listen not just believers people a debt of conviction and persuasion that is brought about by this the illumination of the spirit upon this world so you search for it climbing scriptures is not just it's not the key to understand the world that's not just how it works many of us have memory of scripture which is not bad in itself except for the fact that it has no ability to empower you just like that it's like carrying ground seed and choking it in your pocket do you have a harvest will it grow sir the word is the seed that's what jesus said the soil is your heart the rain is the holy spirit you can plant a seed and dry season will kill it into nothing the seed is not wrong but the anointing you see that the rain that comes upon the sea brothers and sisters please i want you to pay attention for every time god gives us the privilege to converge like this it is not the advancement of a man's agenda it is the progression of your accessing the mysteries that will cause you to command dominion let me tell you something there is a dimension of light that we are going to project to the world that will confound principalities and powers yes a dimension of light young people will rise up with a level of strange prosperity that people will say no no no are these guys cameras are dead fraudsters we say no we found an ancient secret that can allow men to be blessed and focus on their assignment you see that you will rise with a strange level of the anointing that will make even her valleys to wander and say i may have ballis but this is strange it will happen i am an archaeologist i search it i don't read the bible to finish it i read the bible to find what i'm looking for and sometimes you can find one verse and stay there that's where the goal is so if you are all you are doing is just to finish i read psalms 5 today you came close to the gold mine and carelessness took you away and you go somewhere it is scripture but it's not the word of god the word of god is that part of scripture that gives you life so many people brag religiously i started studying the bible by january and now i'm in revelations 20 to call the person and how many treasures did you find even one one the only thing they find is an accolade that i searched the scripture but someone come with an honest heart and open one scripture you heard what that gentleman said he used the way the truth the life alone imagine what else we can find i've shared with you my vision years ago when i was caught up in the spirit and i saw a big gate and that gate was made of small small doors you know they were opening and closing and light was emitting from every one of them and then i kept looking and i noticed it was zoomed to me and i saw scripture written on every door and the doors were opening and closing and i was asking the lord what is the meaning of this and the lord said every time you catch a revelation the light component that is the performer of that revelation anything you claim you have caught and you cannot bring it to the scene it's a lie you have not gotten it yet please pray and say lord by your mercy open my eyes today this kind of prayer you must add the mercy of god in it because what else will you say by what lord i cry by your mercy open my eyes to see you have spoken great things but until my eyes see it there is no possession it says as fast your eyes can see are we praying open my eyes show me where the anointing for the next level is open my eyes show me where the key to my lifting is open my eyes show me where the river is in the desert open my eyes oh god many people will be hearing many things but show me my own and the word of the lord came and the word of the lord came the word of the lord has always been around the word of the lord came let my word come the word of the lord came hallelujah listen let me teach you something about the mercy of god every time you want to access the spirit of revelation ask the lord to release it by his mercy there is no known formula i know for receiving the spirit of revelation it is by the mercy and the grace of god that the eyes of a man be open in scripture the eyes of a man was open when he said thou son of david have it is a doubt son of david don't pass me by he would have remained there crying till jesus that was the last time jesus would pass jericho but i saw a relationship between the mercy of god and the spirit of revelation is thou son of david will i remain blind like this forever have he never said i want to walk the walking is a subset of the mercy when illumination come oh i want to see i want thou son of david have mercy is a language god cannot pass by no matter what you know to do at once god hears mercy he remembers the blood and he turns what should i do for you you didn't call me correctly i hope you know yes that's why i said mercy i don't even know your name i said son of david whether you are carpenter or jesus i added mercy to my confusion have mercy on me that's how you can see someone will be bragging around i went to theological school and teaching nonsense and dragons and someone will sit and say lord i came from the village there was no light in our community but lord i know that i've been seeing myself in dreams ministering and raising the dead approaches can you open my eyes by your message and the spirit of revelation comes one scripture he may not be able to quote everything one scripture and with that scripture you will do exploits i'd like you to prepare your spirit because what i want to share with you will bless you in no small way people come to the house of god for many years jimmy and you find out that they are not growing how do you grow there are two indices for growth isn't no confusion number one is the degree to which you are conforming experientially to the image of christ number two your comprehension of the mysteries of the kingdom if you are not understanding the precepts of the kingdom you are not going sound whether they ordain you pastor apostle deacon once you are not accessing the midst of the kingdom you are not growing it's as simple as that because that's how we read in this kingdom on the strength of mysteries what do you know now that took away fear from you the fear you had in january what entered you that can give you confidence to look at it and say no way not again if your fear of january is still your fear of today you made the word of god unfruitful in your life someone entered this year one dream and right now the person is just laughing at the same situation as they say no no that one that was that was last year's challenge you won't talk that nonsense with me again because you know what to do not bold face for nothing for jesus himself knew what to do my assignment in this ministry is that by the privilege of god's election and grace i will continue to show you what to do the result you desire versus the mystery that cuts it that's my assignment to continue to show you that the kingdom is a compendium of possibilities but accessing them are predicated upon your knowledge of the mystery allocated for that result not the mystery available the mystery that is allocated you want to be blessed anything in the body will not bless you anyway you have to find the one that is allocated for you you don't put rice in a pot and when it boils you lift it up and see beans you will see food but not beans if these beans you want to cook you better find out one where to get beans to how to cook it correct so anything in the kingdom is not what you are looking for there are people who are blessed financially but this sickness will kill you you go to the hospital and treat it to refuse to come brothers and sisters there is an allocation you have to find out there are pastors who are so anointed they can raise the dead but you they will never have up to 30 members there is a mystery that keeps men people are not stupid to just come and sit down sit outside and do all kinds of things no sir my assignment is that by the agency of the spirit that i communicate to you the mysteries when you gather them together like this it's like a chain that connects you in heaven when you move in life the moment a challenge comes you smile because you understand the key to address it here and ignorance and pain is a revelation of your bankruptcy of your understanding of the mystery that is tied to a result you are looking for there are things i used to fear years ago i don't fear them again i didn't cast out the spirit of fear understanding took me out of that realm you see that yes so please i want us to focus when you see us cry for the spirit of understanding this thing is not just even this anointing because you see many people especially ministers this is what we're all looking for anointing anointing is not just a generic oil that comes on your head this anointing you see has dynamics it doesn't just work anyhow how many people are you going to lay hands on on your life won't he kill you there is a system there are many means of transportation there is bicycle there is jet if you want to arrive lagos with a bicycle you may die before you are right there that's how the dispensing of the anointing is you will meet people there are knowing the vehicle is not just enough you must understand the system of helping it reach people there's somebody seated outside another overflow there's somebody online in another nation how do you if all you know is just to lay hands on people how do you bless those who are far please pray before i start teaching one minute and say lord change my level insist please pray change my level paul said i went up by revelation show me something lord where i am is a revelation of my limited knowledge i take responsibility and i admit open my eyes satan can't be that powerful there's something i am not seeing lord have been falling under the anointing but that anointing has not healed one sick body there is something i'm not getting i have been sowing seeds but the harvest has not been coming what is blocking it what more do i need to know hallelujah please sit down the bible says when you read ephesians chapter 4 verse 18 it says having their understanding darkened paul is teaching here and then he says being alienated from the life of god to the ignorance that is in them ignorance alienates a man from the life of god the experience of that zoe life are we together now that their understanding is darkened that's the issue then it says that as a result of that darkened understanding they are being alienated from the experience of the kingdom so they may have semblance of what should be but never enter into the experience of it most people are not in ignorance of what their life should be they know what they should become but the power to make it happen that is a derivative of light you know you should be more anointed than now you know you should be more prosperous but what is the limitation it says having their understanding darkened and then alienated from the life of god on the strength of the ignorance that is in them i came angry my spiritual will be we'll pray i trust god for grace so that we'll finish fast and just have some few minutes to pray first peter 5 10 just one scripture there is a level of rest i began to perceive in my spirit that many of us were ordained by god to enter this year that we have not entered and my assignment is to insist that these months left we must force something to happen the bible says but the god of all grace listen who have called us into eternal glory by jesus christ after you have suffered the what suffered there is endured enjoyed with certain things a while what will he do make you perfect establish you strengthen you set to you give you stability these four things must happen to someone's life between this november and december listen i really want you to believe me because believers are the ones who are possessors are we together he says after you have end you are put up with certain things for a while put up with poverty for a while put up with pain for a while put up with disappointment listen it can be forever no sir a book has many pages when you stay on one page forever is a course after you have suffered a while the bible says weeping and joshua a night if you cry to the next morning cry in the afternoon cry till another night that crying has violated god's ordinances he allows people to only weep in the night after you have suffered for a while make you perfect establish you establish you then he says strengthen you all kinds of my financial might intellectual might then he says said to you said to you you are unmovable you have gotten to a level where you are not afraid the lord declared that this is a year of triumph i believe this so when god gave me this scripture it entered my spirit and the lord began to communicate to me and said son you have not hit my expectation for the year this triumph there is there is something there is there is a dimension of testimony that is not yet rampant here and there like rain people are getting it but it is in a ministry of thousands of people if only four people testified as a man of god not failed four over thousands is zero round the top is zero so there is a dimension the services that remain for this year will be very strangely prophetic services i tell you there are services meant at pushing people to force the reality of this world because brothers and sisters god cannot lie god cannot lie god cannot lie god cannot lie so the lord showed me this scripture and it really really blessed me tonight i'm going to teach very briefly on the mystery of divine intervention the mystery of divine intervention what is the spiritual secret behind calling god in the time of trouble and let him show up and bail you out what is the system in the kingdom that has been built where men when you need the help of god when your life is faced with an emergency and you need to call heaven brothers and sisters there are emergencies in our lives that require access to this system the mystery of divine intervention the bible is full of near near shame experiences where god got up shoulder for individuals showed up for the nation of israel god turned the lives of people around overnight let me show you one scripture you will want to know second peter chapter two verse nine learn this scripture add it to your spiritual arsenals you will need it i guarantee you second peter chapter 2 verse 9 i want us to run up tonight read it with me please one two three the lord knowing how to deliver the godly from temptation or oppression or calamities and to reserve the untrust unto the day the lord knows how to exchange experiences that he looks as child and says from my name say come promise that he looks at this person who calls upon his name and watches that this guy is getting into trouble he says god knows how to exchange people and carry this person out and drop the wicked for the punishment that is allocated for the righteous is called intervention there is a system in god listen please there is a system in god where god can plug men out of the fire remember the story of the three hebrew boys the bible says they found the fondness seven times that those who threw them inside the furnace listen they threw them inside the furnace and the heat killed them and when four of them were inside the king was not a believer but the king had had strange encounters and he saw a face in that fire he had seen in his dream he said i i look and i see four people and the appearance of the force is like the son of god and the bible says they came out they could not even smell fire what of daniel that was thrown in the den of the lions because of his prayer life the bible says the lions were at peace with him and when he came out and they threw those other fellows the lion shots before them brothers and sisters there is a mystery there is a hidden code of operation allocated to the saints in light to help them deliver them out of all the troubles and the vicissitudes that satan puts because you see your destiny is a function of many things and sadly it includes the lives of others and that also includes your carelessness there are times you will get into things you necessarily did not cause but you will suffer the consequences if you don't know how to exempt yourself this is like an extension of the mystery of exemption the mystery of divine intervention where men called upon god and god showed up and turned the lives of nations around turn the lives of individuals around there is a way you call upon god for your personal prayer life but brothers and sisters there is a way you call upon god to intervene on a matter that if he does not intervene sometimes it may be that you are finished there was a time death was killing people in israel killing people there was a way they called on god divine intervention is real all through scripture we see that god is able to arise psalms 102 verse 13 he says doubt shall arise and have messed your ponzio for the time in god's calendar there is a time oh there is a time to favor joshua sermon there is a time to lift me and you see the bible says in emma chapter 3 verse 9 that god does not do anything but to reveal his secret to his servants the prophets so when god is about to do something in a territory he captures his thoughts in words in in similitude in in all kinds of expressions communicated to his servants to deliver to the people so that their faith will be connected to what he wants to do in the season and god has declared that it's a season of triumph i believe god it's not just a cliche that a man of god comes to move ministry forward knows her thou shall arise and have mercy upon zion for the time the time to favor her time to lift her the time to honor her for god's sake the time to wipe her tears the time for zion to say i am also the bride of a good man it says the time has come thou shall arise and have mercy upon zion for the time to favor her yea the sad time has come many people want intervention intervention is the supernatural is a supernatural visitation over a man's situation that brings a radical transformation supernatural visitation of god supernatural visitation of god all of a sudden god steps in overnight and changes a man's situation overnight he says have you had this proverb that a city was born in one day he said but as soon as zion travels in one day she shall put forth a son why do we need divine intervention because of our imperfection as human beings the first reason that necessitates divine intervention is that we are inaccurate as human beings our inaccuracy as human beings inaccuracy of understanding and obeying the precepts of god will necessitate god to create that provision are we together if a young man drinks and smokes and gets to a point where he now repents when his liver is quartered to die he has repented but the liver is still going to live that gentle man doesn't just need a healing he needs a divine intervention when somebody repents in the prison and is supposed to say 80 years and when they are 40 you see that he's going to die in the prison he needs divine intervention he's born again but he's in the prison our families are in desperate need for divine intervention is that true father not working more than not working 13 children 10 of them not working all of them graduates however there is need for a strange intervention how about human agents that will sit on your destiny and vow and save for as long as we are here we fraternize with darkness to jeopardize your confidence about god i wish there was no such reality but brothers and sisters the bible did not leave us in the dark as to the wickedness that lies in our world i was talking with a young man on phone who sent me a text i think they worshipped one kind of idol and the father has been calling him i should come back there's something he's supposed to do the guy said he's not coming back after graduating from school they are asking you to come they will buff you put something on your head like a cup and one kind of ritual like this after that they will say you can go the guy said it's not coming and the man told him that that thing whatever it is will pursue him and look for him with his blood father the boy was speaking to me and i said let me tell you my brother if you go there and carry yourself and go and sit down under that whatever it is and they buff you with the blood of an animal and do those rituals god is able rather than wasting your time paying transport use the money buy a book that reveals a mystery that you you keep the enemy at bay because what that shrine is trying to prevent him from will look for him if he doesn't have the mystery allocated he can make bold faces and say i won't go but you will soon find out that it will happen to him first child dawn second child very tall that child very tall and the person i'm brilliant my wife is brilliant that he sees that thing in the dream he say i i told you 10 years ago you would have rescued your children see don't reject darkness without having the light component don't just say i reject darkness every sun in my village god forbid he said joke you must have the life component otherwise i tell you to haunt you and tear you into pieces there are forces of darkness we need divine intervention because of our inaccuracy we need the intervention because listen the pace at which darkness attempts to destroy us versus our level of spiritual growth will require divine intervention at some point now look at me listen let me tell you something in the next 10 years there are things that i will know then that i don't know now but satan is plotting all kinds of schemes over my life based on the knowledge i need to know 10 years to come i need intervention by the mercy of god to give me victory before i enter that level of understanding if my victory is purely left to my level of understanding alone it means that i will be punished on many grounds before i come into that knowledge you need divine intervention is god speaking to someone here let me tell you this i am very outspoken about results i'm not man of god i would like to say results don't matter i say life is a lie if results don't matter why do you go to work why do you wait for salary at the end of the month is that true results matter to god matter to the devil matters to everybody on earth whether we agree or not results are consolations to your christian experience whilst it is true that we do not serve god just for results but brothers and sisters let me tell you even jesus saw a fig tree that was receiving nourishment from the principle he programmed in the earth and was not yielding the results you caused it in annoyance so god wants us to bear fruit but there are keys that we must understand please look up there are many of us here and there are many of our family members here have they known that there is a mystery that controls divine intervention many tragedies we now whip over would not have happened listen carefully are we together now yes somebody looked at you and vowed and said pastor alpha i would destroy you he said no problem you wouldn't destroy me but you did not understand the component the revelation component and eventually it caught up with you i pray for a lady she probably may be following now online married loved her husband all of a sudden the husband just changed and became a very very funny man doesn't even stay in the same room with her and all of that and she could not take it again and she called me do you know i prayed with that lady and just this morning she sent me a text she said she woke up in the morning and just saw her husband sitting by her bed something brought him listen listen this is what you see men are slaves to the mysteries that control them you can program things like a bomb in the spirit and just go and watch it the same way i can put a bomb and i program blow by eight o'clock and then i just move somewhere and i'm laughing at everybody around here because it must blow except another agency superimposes it this is how you can program results in the realm of the spirit and watch like a movie as they unfold in the frame using things you call circumstances or incidences but you know that they are intentional results that were programmed by mysteries this is how i want your life to be that you can sit down and program growth program speed program breakthrough and watch everything like a movie and day after day you watch someone get up and say sorry elijah i i hope this is a new keyboard i bought for you and you laugh something was programmed your house that has been 10 years refused to be completed you program something by understanding and someone comes to say assam i don't know do you mind me complete this house and you will say yes because it was intentionally done you don't say i'm surprised i'm not surprised you were called that are we together that's why when people die in the villages the herbalist don't cry have you ever seen them crying no something they programmed they programmed somebody from london and tell him where to come and die when he dies other people cried at the guys as well just to let you know that we are not children you can program things from the foundations of the earth some things were programmed and the intelligence of the father he watched everything unfold through redemption no power could stop it satan tried he entered he went when jesus was fastened now came and entered peter now came and entered when he entered judas i'm sure said and thought he was smart paul was watching it like a movie and saying had they known this so this was the caricature that god was making out of satan he thought he was smart but he was god was using him as a slave because you see when you kill a man according to scripture his blood will haunt you so god made sure it was satan that killed jesus now go and read your bible blood is a mystery it remains on the head of the killer forever paul was watching this whether he was in a hole in a cave in prison i don't know but paul was saying satan couldn't you see jesus casted you out of peter and left you in judas you didn't ask why you just continued until you became a fool that's the reason why when we in the blood something really happens it happens to whoever was the killer when ken killed abel blood cried against him cried against him i need divine intervention you need divine intervention samaria needed divine intervention please sit down they got to a point scripture says come that they got to a point where women can you imagine brothers and sisters that you get to a point where you are not just eating goats you are not just eating clothes women you have your child i'm telling you there is a strange grace this year for fruitfulness and miracles in this ministry we have seen very dramatic manifestations and and all of that their mothers all around with their children moving right and center now imagine pastoral alphas that little baby imagine annie holding this a child and saying look there is so much poverty passover travels somewhere to go and look for food and she lashes with a jimmy's wife two of them they carry jail and carry david and two of them stand and agree and they say we are eating jail this night you eat it what sort of hunger makes you eat a whole human being now watch this then the bible says they ate the first one then the next day it was the turn to eat the other one and the mother said no and the woman said no you ate my child listen while that confusion was happening the king started passing and they went they said king you can't leave us like this and when all of that happened the king said look for elisha for me look for eliza for me because he had that elijah program from him he said i'm sure elijah has a hand in this trouble go and look for this this this guy was mentored by the troublemaker of israel go and look for elijah watch this while all of this suffering was happening the bible says elijah and the sons of the prophet where he didn't say they were hungry when he saw the king coming he said this son of a mother wants to now come and kill me oh yeah you should stop him and because of that it's okay now it's called my attention let me actually do something about what is killing a nation by this time kabba koto sakatya by this time tomorrow by this time tomorrow listen he didn't tell you how it will happen if you understand the superiority of the realm of the spirit you will never ask how results manifest you see let me say something when people argue and say how did this thing happen they are not wise the raw materials that create the earth are resident within the realm of the spirit he said by this time tomorrow by this time i'm worried enough i would have given you scriptures but i really want us to pray that by this time tomorrow please help them this will cause this and that and then a foolish man like many doubters that insult man of god he said what are you saying i mean i'm the minister of this and that i read this and that even if the windows he knew that much that heaven had a window with what did they build the window he never asked if god will open the window will these things be and the prophet said me you will see it but they will kill you in front of that breakthrough then look at how the mirror could happen the prophecy had been programmed in the spirit now it is up to the world this is where the wisdom of god starts is that searching for scenarios in the earth that can bring what is in the spiritual manifest are you seeing how prophecy comes to pass watch this look at this let me teach you something watch this look at me and let if i prophesy to you a mecca and say by tomorrow if it is really by the spirit i said by tomorrow money is coming to your account i have placed that word in the spirit hold on the word manifest by the wisdom of the spirit let me tell you what the wisdom of the spirit is it will start searching the earth to look for the scenario on earth that is capable of bringing that word down then connect it to the individual listen the wisdom of god will move to a rich man if he's not open it will move to somebody who god had instructed to sue if he would keep moving like that that's how they anointing god to mary to be the mother of jesus the bible never said the name of the mother of jesus will be married the prophecy started searching for a virgin when he found one and she said i'm available it brought her out listen there are too many activities on earth that can mirror what is happening in the heavens for god to be bankrupt in terms of manifestation when god says i want to bless you coin is already speaking to millions of people to sow is just that he has not told them who to sow the wisdom of god can just connect one of them you see how prophecy works i'm helping your faith so that when god says i would do this you will now sit with your limited mind and say i only know uncle a and b and i already know a promise you will never see me and god they say no we're talking about the wisdom of the creator look at what happened four left past everybody said four lepers four lepers were sitting quietly and the wisdom of god the spirit of wisdom because the word of god must come to pass the man of god had declared it and the anointing came on the lepers they thought they were just tired but they didn't know that at that point they were under the influence of a man of god and the word started programming that result they say why sick yeti we die even that talk was by the spirit they thought they were juicing and they said look let's just get up and go to the camp of our enemies and tell them kill us but let's eat first the bible says the moment they began to go god changed their people they began to hear the sounds of chariots and all of listen where they're not warriors is in no fight they fought to get those things couldn't they fight again when god wants to bless you he will move your enemy in a way that you will not even know how things happen i know i should not graduate but there is a mystery that can be programmed a man is watching your results 37 over 50 you need 50. something comes on him and he does not even know listen listen people some people hear the testimony of some of our some of the people who wrote jam here that jam changes from 100 and something to two and you hear them talking nonsense talking stupid things and saying how can it happen and i said look at this foolishness how does a boil come out of your stomach where did the mass accumulate from that projected out did any part of your body reduce for it to come out didn't ask where it came from then when it disappears you say where did he go to you see how we think son of man can these bones leave again immediately or not after 10 years not gradually can these bones leave again he said god i've seen many miracles but i've not seen this time that a dry bone is not like a dead human being i believe in raising the dead but dry bones and he said okay i want to show you something that when i show up i compress time and make things happen and he said prophesy prophesied and things began to shift listen it is too late when mysteries have been programmed in the spirit take it from me the moment a man program something in the spirit you better find a way of countering it in the spirit otherwise it must manifest this is what our baggies do they control things they conjure spirit and then they tell the person go it is done at the point they said go it is done you didn't feel anything go with shabby we put your husband in a bottle and you saw it go it is done the woman will go home and still see her arrogant husband come back and she'll be laughing here already in a bottle two days later physical things start happening in the earth to force him to conform to what has been programmed after one week the man becomes a toy to her because the realm of the spirit must so you look at a woman who is buried it may look like you just touched a stomach but it's more than that mysteries were programmed in the spirit they said how shall these things be seen that i know not a man it says the power of the highest brothers and sisters i came to prophesy to someone it will be a quick walk over it will be a quick walk it will be a quick walk i tell you accept is not the god i told you that the remaining services don't miss them they will be help them please there will be strongly prophetic services strongly prophetic services it will be a quick walk there is a mystery that can push men force prophecy bushmen it is possible that in one day something can happen to you and you will turn and say god i'm sorry for doubting you when it was time for the animals to enter the act of noah he didn't call one of them something was manipulated in the spirit all the animals started lining up regardless of their hostilities they lined up and came quietly listen let me tell you something the day i learned the vanity of the physical realm compared to the spiritual realm i stopped wasting my time about physical things trust me i really mean it i saw how helpless the physical realm is that a body without a spirit is dead i stop wasting my time those who do business do it in the spirit realm they program things in the spirit realm and just watch like strangers how things manifest you program favor and you come and see strangers bringing blessings and people say how is it happening you see what is happening in this ministry submit to you it was programmed it's not a coincidence something took you from where you were and brought you here it's not just that you like a man no it's a mystery that is the same thing that will put a baby in the barren womb it's not when a man meets his wife that she gets pregnant to a man meets his wife to give the child physical form do you believe what i'm saying because let me tell you something one of the things we are going to do tonight is to change some things there are results that are wrong something programmed it it may be our ignorance it may be something i bring to a message of hope the realm of the spirit is still there that means there is still an ability to access it please sit down i'm just trying to compose myself my spirit is boiling this night listen listen i have experimented this thing too many times too many times too many times you can program favor you can program breakthrough listen you can program judgment on the wicked you can program speed the word of god is an instrument of creation you can create realities that were not there when you hear people testify it's not like the testimony was waiting somewhere a word created it when you are programming mysteries you don't attach a face to it the wisdom of god will create the actors of that mystery in the physical realm you don't say god bless me through my uncle i have access the principles that brings the blessing it is god that will start sourcing for the men that will act the movie that will bring your breakthrough he can use a donkey he can use stone it doesn't matter the most important thing is that let it come are we together i tell you believe me brothers and sisters when i tell you there are more angels on this ground than people sitting there are more angels angelic presence i don't know if it's because of what i'm teaching tonight but i prayed for strange intervention angelic interventions and the lord is just opening my eyes and i'm seeing that there are numerous angels battalions of angels every time god opens do you know why when i speak like these people start manifesting under the anointing because you see when you are open to the realm of the spirit bottle is created immediately do you understand and when that portal is created there must be an effect remember when paul saul now saw jesus those dead did not see but there was an effect from the realm of the spirit i'm explaining it because it's nothing strange but i stand and i see angels inside outside like this i'm even on that fence you are seeing i'm seeing all kinds of things happening and this is by the power of the spirit i believe that not all the angels are the same they are according to their ranking and their functions according to what kind of intervention must manifest because see our challenges are not the same i know some of you may not have issues but let me tell you there are people the issues you have require recovery restoration judgment on somebody so there are angels that are allocated for that kind of thing was he not an angel that used hailstone and killed hundreds of thousands of people overnight please help them separate lamb breakfast okay strange ministry of intervention by the authority of the most high angelic interventions of our lives and families it must end tonight in the name of jesus is the year of triumph it must end tonight thou shall arise god is arising over a family god is arising over a family hallelujah listen brothers and sisters let me tell you something you see but when you come before god's presence the bible tells us that upon mount zion many things happen the innumerable company of angels these things are not fables the bible is not a book for religious people it is life it is true it is our own belief that has made it look like a storybook that you come to his presence and there is a strange intervention i say it again in the name of jesus as i begin to teach i have not finished but in jesus name i release the ministry of angels i release the ministry of angels that once the teaching is going on let intervention start in the name of jesus christ strange interventions strange intervention please sit down if you can please help those outside very quickly i will give us four keys let's use ten minutes sorry i will not be explaining it in depth i want us to pray i want us to pray i want us to pray i feel the spirit of prayer here scala bro this cardiac outside there are four keys to provoking divine intervention every time you are in a situation where you need the help of heaven urgently do these four things and you will change the tides in a way that will surprise you listen brothers and sisters as you lend these mysteries please use them don't be too big to use them be childlike and apply them you will be surprised these are not cunningly divine fables these are things that i do myself they're not necessarily things i'm just telling you just for for you know just the sake of it the first thing to do when you are in need of strange intervention is engage in the ministry of prayer number one please quickly prayer i will give you two scriptures and then we will be able to look at two write it down please acts chapter 12 from verse 5 to 11 talks about peter don't don't project it i just want to hurry up in acts chapter 12 from verse 5 to 11 the bible tells us how that james was caught by herod he was beheaded and when he pleased the jews he now caught peter unlocked him and then the bible says the brethren began to pray whilst they began to put an angel came into the prison brought peter out peter even thought he was having a vision until he took him out and then peter was free we see that prayer was part of the instruments that were used was used to bring strange and divine intervention acts chapter 12 from verse 5 to 11 please write this down acts chapter 16 from verse 25 to 34 it's a long reading don't project it just write it down acts chapter 16 from verse 25 to 34. this was um a scenario where paul casted out the demon from the lady that was using divination to prophesy and then the people got angry and they mobbed them you know and then the bible says that they chained them and they were kept under the custody of a jailer then the bible says paul and silas prayed and they sang and the bible says everyone in the prison had them all of a sudden there was an earthquake and then the bible says the thing's broken all doors open i like that all doors it is in some doors when the chill broke all doors the doors of the prison of other people connected to them also open all doors open prayer can open doors james after five are starting maybe you can project that he said is any of you afflicted let him pray prayer is the biblical recommendation for affliction if any of you are afflicted he said let him pray so whenever you are afflicted the key is to pray you may not know what to do i'm teaching you what to do now but regardless of what the situation is pray especially engaging in the spirit the most the most sound way to engage warfare prayers especially is to pray in the spirit first as you pray in the spirit the holy spirit begins to construct the scriptures in your mind you will not alter them just as words you will utter them as prophecies that's what we live to bring the result so the first key is not just to start talking uh you take out time and pray in the spirit that's why it is important to be filled with the holy ghost with a clear evidence of praying in tongues it's not a phenomenon for pentecostals there is a dimension of victory you will never be able to command are we blessed is any among you afflicted has any of you received a bad report has any of you been told that you have so so so time to leave has any strange spirit appear to anybody and said you will not see christmas so when others are rejoicing don't join them the key is not to get up and cry has any stranger come to you while you sleep and try to molest you and you just got up and say this thing has come again no sir has the door foreclosed towards you so the people who used to help you suddenly have changed the people who used to like you suddenly have changed the doors that used to bring you blessings have changed something is suddenly happening to your spiritual life prayer zero word life zero you need an intervention prayer the scripture i want us to read now is psalms 18. never forget this scripture is one of the asanas that i have for my personal um is a scripture that has blessed me i have prayed this scripture if if this scripture was a shoe by now i would have maybe the soul would have eaten into pieces i'm giving you a piece of my secret place psalm 18 don't ever forget that scripture don't ever forget it for as long as you live if you are a leader going far this is a chief tool that you need we're going to read from verse one to six then i'll pick for you the verses we're reading is a long verse ready please give it to us one to six i will love thee oh lord my strength the lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer listen my god my strength in whom i will trust my butler and the horn of my salvation and my high torah i will call upon the lord i will do what call upon the lord in prayer who is worthy to be praised so by calling upon him shall i be saved from my enemies verse 4 the sorrows of death come past me this man in trouble and the flood of ungodly men made me afraid the sorrows of hell compassed me about the snares of death prevented me in my distress hallelujah i didn't discuss it with people who cannot help me i caught upon the lord and cried upon unto my god he heard my voice from out of his temple and my cry came before him even to where even to his ears there is a kind of cry that enters the ears of the mighty god let's jump to verse 14 then to 17 then 40 to 45 say quick reading verse 14 yeah he sent out his arrows god has arrows so he is look up i learned this i was taking arrows you know arrows are fly by day and then i found out that it's not only the devil god the bible says yeah this is him intervening for me these are part of the forces from his cabinet of judgment that he can release he says he sent out his arrows and scattered them and he shot out lightnings and discomfited them 17. please give us 17. he delivered me from my strong enemy and from them which hated me for they were too strong for me verse 40 thou has also given me the next of my enemy that i may destroy them that hate me they cried but there was none to save them even unto the lord but he answered them not 42 were really reading to 48. then did i beat them small as the doors before the wind and did cast them out of the dirt in their streets 43 oh dear media thou has delivered me from the strivings of my people and thou made me the head of the hidden a people whom i have not known shall serve me pastor you need this for your ministry when you open a branch in a locality that you don't know there are people who need to comment as soon as they hear of me they shall obey me the strangest shall submit themselves to me 45 verse 45 the stranger shall fade away and be afraid out of their close places now 47 to 48 is a scripture i don't want you to ever forget ready go ahead give us what go to 47 go to 47. it is god that have vengeance me and subdue the people under me who did it who did it he says it is god that abandoned me and subdued the people under me 48. he delivered me from my enemies yeah thou lifted me up above those that rise up against me thou has delivered me from the violent man divine intervention as a man of god there are wicked forces day and night to destroy you as a leader there are wicked forces but when you catch this and catch the revelation you will walk through the valley of the shadow of death and the lord will be with you mysteriously you will not travel and sit down be shaking will a cat jump me will he break my leg will he break my head no sir rest and quietness on the strength of scripture everybody say prayer we need to learn how to call upon the lord listen do you know most people don't know how to call upon the lord they know how to lament you are not calling upon the lord you are shouting a lamentation a strategy for lovation that you inherited he said unto dear lord do i lift up my soul oh my god let me not be ashamed though let not my enemies try on for me there is a way you can pray with god sometimes like anna you can't even shout it's not something you you just lie down and say oh god oh god deliver me from the shame of the wicked there are enemies that are waiting to see you fail so that it will be their prophecy fulfilled lord confound that their counsel and god will say go to my ear i had it i'm on my way coming prayer number two the second key when you want to activate the mystery of divine intervention is to engage praise with understanding praise praise praise as an instrument of warfare and praise as an instrument of faith praise as an instrument of warfare but that you are blessing him in advance listen this revelation is first becoming a national anthem in the body of christ people are suddenly coming to the realization that priests can walk wonders you know people don't know why the presence of god is still mighty in africa is because africa is a prison continent yes yes sir yes sir they laugh at us and think that when we are dancing is nonsense praise is a mystery you want to turn around your situation no matter what you do if you have not praised there is no lord believe me lord give us understanding psalm 22 verse 3 it says towards only doubt that inhabitants the praise of zion god makes the praise of men his habitation but thou art holy all thou that inhabitants the praises of joshua sermon listen i've taught us how to praise you don't praise god without dancing that that is nonsense you are you are singing a national item is when you are reciting national anthem that you stand and put your hand on your chest moving your body is not a sign of he's not you are not you have problems you can cry but still praise are we together this this is a it's a powerful mystery i want you to learn our father bishop david when he almost had a few weeks ago he almost had a plane crash that would have taken his life as soon as that happened they declared praise i said oh dear spiritual intelligence let me tell you what other people would have done they would have organized a cocktail party and said you know we and is one of the most powerful ways to disgrace the devil because you see let me tell you one of depression is the absence of laughter and joy satan using when people are about to die there are few people who die smiling most people are depressed then they keep quiet it says that the joy of the lord shall be your strength so when there is no joy your spirit becomes broken and the bible says a broken spirit dry yet the bones you don't praise god when things are going well you praise god to make them go well listen you don't praise god when when things are going well and you praise god it's called thanksgiving thanksgiving is the dance you give and the testimony you give when things have manifested but before they manifested is called perfected praise praise with understanding lord you are so good you are worthy of all my praise lord you are so cool you are exalted as the lord most high hold on listen let me tell you what satan will tell you the moment you sing that he will tell you is he not your sister that just died is he not five carryovers were seen oh god did they not just suck you ah the gentleman that has been promising to marry you is he not by 8 am this morning he said it's not doing again the devil brings it because he knows you see satan knows that we function in the realm of the flesh the senses are we together now so he brings things that resonate with your senses when you see them you are now depressed but that's the time any time you are praising god satan says why are you praising him no reason i'm praising him to create my testimony you see that listen corporate dancing and praising is good but you must learn to do this thing alone if it means you trusting god to get one small room for yourself for the purpose of praise is what he told is what it reserve the 40 000 for shoes and use it to pay for a small room put worship wake up in the night because there is personally me i don't have time to do that dance and praise in the afternoon all kinds of calls distracting in the night oh dear oh dear ask god what i do in the night yes sometimes i carry coin on your documents drop it on the ground pants before it and shame the devil i carry my phone put it there i'm not dancing before then i say lord you are great i dance before you people are coming from everywhere rain or no publicity or no publicity and god says you are doing this for me i said lord who else will i do it for and you are celebrating him lord you are faithful and you are worshiping him you are sweating like a fool and while you are doing that god is dispatching angels okay make sure you wake that guy to transfer money to his account that hundred thousand i gave you i didn't tell you who to send it to send it to you oh his mother is at home for giving back to him send an angel there too my innocent mother is lying down she wake up in the morning and say mama where are you so who are you saying just come take man please this our big manism has cheated us beyond imagination this pride that you don't have results and you are still talking you know ah okay i agree that you can't you think i can dance look at me you think no no god i don't have that gift of dancing it's not a competition this is your destiny this is breakthrough if a thief puts a god and say you should dance won't you do something some of us when we were in the world you know the kind of dance demonic satanic dance that you did for the devil for free that destroyed you you got drunk dancing it a spirit and that you dancing it i'm not saying you should dance of nonsense dance in the house of god what i'm saying there are times you need to learn to sing and dance alone listen listen most people dance you can turn your dancing time to a nightclub and god will look at you and say you are wasting your time it is the revelation that makes the singing and the dancing profitable don't just move your body around just because you are happy that's that's entertainment brothers and sisters there is the kind of dance that you dance with tears in your eyes but you are doing it with understanding don't think you will only always be laughing are you hearing what i'm saying yes no job for you no job for your wife no job for your five children they are all graduates you are pray though nothing happened brothers and sisters try singing and celebrating god everyone in their room rejoicing jesus you are full and you are just dancing let me tell you what will happen the lord will start bringing testimonies remember when a cow would have killed you in 1995 and you say lord i remember and you start dancing you are you are compressing doubt because something is about to be created you will dance and dance till you fall under the anointing there and get up and clean yourself and be tired and sleep and wake up and drag yourself brothers and sisters you have programmed something in the spirit you will get up in the morning and just dress and say father thank you and get a phone call who is this i'm seeing a document that has been here four years on my table who are you so i finished what did you read anyway it's not what you where you come quickly i like you you just know that praise is working praise is walking let the people praise me psalm 67 verse 5-7 let the people praise me it's an instruction the earth has been programmed to deliver certain results but let the people praise thee oh god let all the people praise thee verse 6 then shall the earth yield her increase and god even our god shall bless us you can stop there zephaniah it may be difficult for some of us to find but just right media please give it to us zephaniah chapter 3 let's read 14 to 20 i hope we can just quickly hurry up zephaniah chapter 3 zephaniah chapter 3 and verse 14. we're reading two verse 20. listen it says sing o daughter of zion he's not talking about a lady he's talking about human beings you must read the bible prophetically when he says daughter find out what he means there are times in the bible all people are sons there are times all people are daughters are we together so don't think he's talking to ladies sing or daughter of zion shout o israel be glad and rejoice with all the heart or daughter of jerusalem we're reading to verse 20 the lord had taken away thy judgments and has cast out thy enemy the king of israel even the lord is in the midst of thee thou shalt not see evil anymore in that day it shall be said to jerusalem share thou not unto zion let not thy hands with slack we're reading to verse 20 give us 17 the lord thy god in the midst of thee is mighty he will save he will rejoice over thee with joy he will rest in his love he will join over there with what singing singing i will gather them that are sorrowful for the solemn assembly who are of being to whom the reproach of it was a burden verse 19 behold at that time i will undo all that afflicts thee and i will save her that halted and gather her that was dripping out i will get them praise and fame in every land where they have been put to shame at that time i will bring you again even in the time that i will gather you for i will make you a name and a praise among all the people of the earth when i turn back your captivity before your eyes say the lord you read that scripture and say lord whether i understand it or not i am dancing with this revelation that you are turning something i can see everything foreign one more time fancy everything turning around listen now when you go back home continue continue continue apostle i don't have a house find a tree find somewhere it is a place that will give you a house my brother i'm staying with neighbors i don't want to disturb them find somewhere behind one rock you don't have to shout and disturb the neighborhood just engage in praise glory fruit you may be tired but it's called a sacrifice of praise brothers and sisters do this and see how things will turn in your life there's nothing the devil can do with someone who is full of joy and glory this gloominess that you see people tied their face around it doesn't bring breakthrough it adds to your sorrow you're losing up and say father you are faithful you are tying your face around and people say why you why should i not tie my face i will you pay my rent for me my brother is praised i will pay that rent so you turn everything and rejoice let me tell you what many people will say who see you engage in this because they don't mind all these men of god they are 20 people to be stupid you see that but when you meet them for rents they won't give you if you want god's results follow his methods number three quickly the third key to activating the mystery of divine intervention is called seed faith self-time is seed faith listen i know that giving has been abused listen carefully please outside online listen carefully i know that giving has largely been abused because it has looked like some manipulation and journalists and bloggers have not done justice because they have mixed everything and made it look like giving and sacrifice is some gimmicks to corner money and give a man of god brothers and sisters let me tell you something something i do all the time including today every time you are in a situation listen please every time you are in a situation that only god can step in with understanding haven't prayed packages seed speak to that seed and give it an instruction and sow that seed release if you just saw money it's bribery it's not the money revelation the bible is full of the potent power of seed faith connecting your faith with the seed and a sacrifice to provoke god's hand for intervention i've done it countless times on behalf of this ministry i've done it countless times on behalf of myself my family my friends people i love seeds the seed that is in your hand can create a destiny that will surprise you if you know what to do with it please listen to me don't think i'm asking you to give me money no there are people who when they hear this they just frown their face not at all not at all god has been faithful to me are we together listen there are people who have turned their lives around overnight if there is one thing i know in my little walk with god is that your seed can bruise the head of the serpent i promise you i have seen people quarter to shave everything was against them it was obvious they are finished and they used their seed and toned the hands of life in a way that you cannot imagine my life is full of sacrifices psalm 126 don't turn their verse one to six you write it that when the lord turned again the captivity of zion you said we were like damn that dream the first six verses the la the sixth verse ends by saying they that sow in tears the whole verses are connected verse six is connected to verse one god turning away the captivity of zion like a dream he says that they that sow in tears will rip a joy he that weakness bearing precious seeds the bible says shall doubtless return rejoicing bringing in the shoes it's not every seed to be cheerful does not mean to laugh to be cheerful means that there be a merriment in your heart there are some times you will cry for the seed you sow hallelujah someone came over to my place today and the lord instructed him to bring me a seed and quite a very serious seed just you know a military officer just came dropped the seed and when i saw it the seed was in dollars i said wow in this recession this seed and the lord told me no no no no make sure you don't touch it this is your seed for something and the lord told me i started dancing i said thank you jesus this is it when god gives you seed to sow his intervention getting the seed to sow is an act of god's mercy that you say lord i must provoke this but i have no seed then he gives seed to the sower those who know only know how to eat anything plus their destiny they keep getting bred but those who want to create a future brothers and sisters i have created realities in my life with sins i believe in the power of a seed listen don't let people because of their cynicism the imbalance when a man creates an imbalance in scripture you don't avoid that truth because it has been abused you bring into context and teach people brothers and sisters a seed can change your life believe me i have done crazy things in my life i thank god that is only god that reveals that that is only god that knows the heart of man there are things if i tell you that i have done with seeds some of you you are not related to me but you will be angry you will remove your swans totally with it and say you are very stupid in this recession there was a year i've said it again and again that god gave us an instruction we were just resuming coinonia and god gave an instruction he said so everything everything everything i don't mean small so everything let it go i said thank you jesus you are ready to lift us that is revelation by faith a bell offered you offer by faith you don't offer by by tricks and all kinds of no no no and we release it brothers and sisters 187 days seven days more than 10 times that amount see i'm not saying you should give carelessly no but brothers and sisters the seed that is in your hands can silence a spirit that has destroyed your destiny for years nobody is moving forward in your family you are just sitting down and god is saying look you have to provoke heavens with a sacrifice one day you get angry and say lord i am tired of this anna did not have money to keep what she said lord let's do it give me the child i've given the child already as a seed and god said is it done deal there was a king in the bible who they wanted to slaughter and defeat it was very clear the nation of israel would defeat them and he carried his son his future and slew the child the bible says an indignation rose up to heaven battle ended when god wanted to redeem man it was an issue of urgency god carried jesus the lamb upon the throne slew him jesus cried and god said that's not the issue man must be saved this great over the little we have is what has destroyed us get used to money leaving you to go and wait for you in your future get your spirit you may not have a seed but brothers and sisters let me tell you there are many ways to give money is not the only seed it's just the seed that can easily be exchanged that's why there are times that people have made radical sacrifices do you believe what i'm teaching you principles of divine intervention trace your life at the moment where god gave you specific instructions that you did things that almost brought tears from your eyes and watch what happened you just did not study it enough to know how to keep it going i hardly share my testimonies i stopped because i found out that it annoys a lot of people and i'm not ready to attract unnecessary um you know people once they hear preachers talk there are people who just get angry just like that it's nonsense brothers and sisters learn to sow seeds but the most powerful part of sowing seeds is to give them instructions this is the mistake many of us have been making you package the seed some of you come and join the line apostle here is a seed i'm sowing i always ask people what is this for and we will say for nothing just i just feel like seeing you that's a donation that's a donation brothers and sisters all seats are not the same there is a seed you give to the poor there is something it does to you there is a seed that you give to widows and orphans there is a kind of result there is a seed you put on the ground because you are tired of where you are if the word of god were alive i would have died since because the risk of taking with this world it would have killed me since when i believe him i believe him when i saw that see today i was happy the joy that filled my heart i await the testimony that comes from it wanting a harvest that you have not scheduled through sowing is a waste of time it's imagine now somebody who didn't go to the farm he has a land somewhere he just carries his wife and his children and carries a truck and he jumps to an empty place he will find wheat there but whoever saw january february down to april he's smiling right now because he knows his harvest time brothers and sisters i pray for us may god kill greed from our life this attachment to money listen these many people think wealthy people are the ones who are attached to money say lie wealthy people in the kingdom have become wealthy because they have conquered it your seed is an instrument that creates your future hallelujah learn to release it learn to release it learn to release it i'll never forget a gentleman who sent me a text he saw the seed i remember it was when he sent me the text truly speaking i remember they saw seats and i was opening the envelopes most times it takes it honestly it's a while maybe some days before i even open the envelope to see what is there and pray on it and i opened the envelope and i saw five naira and a letter the guy said this five naira was his isaac i know you will laugh and say hey this stupid boy no i respected that because that that thing i knew would create a harvest and the guy i opened it and wrote some things like that and then i just felt led to pray for him do you know he did reach two weeks the guy sent me a text and said i have never in my life seen favor like this five naira it's not about the money it's about the heart somebody was tired of where how many jobless people have not sown anything and they keep moving around with cv what must tell you the devil is fighting you you carry a seed and say god please i'm married with three children no job this morning must end i drop this tithe to my job and then press around that seed praise around the seed and your brothers and sisters say so this is what they are teaching you this is how these stupid men of god keep eating your money and none of it sodium the heaven opens breakthrough upon breakthrough you are praying to buy land oh lord please give me two million nara to buy land i now have 150 000 just stop it up for me and god says you mustn't buy it just let let me show you and all of a sudden someone stands up and blesses you i think it was you a jimmy i was showing you was it yesterday i was showing him the document of a property that was given to me recently i said god what is this what is this for as long as you so whether you like it or not the law is that you must reap so if you have not stop stop saying god where is my harvest and he said what are you saying a woman who does not take in is she expecting a child no sir no sir shadow season so breakthrough in your life your seed is a weep on not just your prayer your seeds your seed is a weep one mamma called me one time i was led by god honestly i felt so i didn't know how to talk to her because she sounded like an elderly woman and she was praying for divine financial intervention i said mama please i want you to sow a seed not to me and i would never have the f1 tree to tell that woman to sow into my life i'm sure that woman will be older than my mother i said please try connect with a seed and the woman says she doesn't have anything i say it's not true mama there is something you have what do you do she says she farms yam i say carry four or five two bars of yam find any church i said which church is close around your area she said there's living faith i say go there find four two bars of yam singing any song in your language you know while you match to the pastors um what do you call it the pastor's office whether the pastor is eating the yam or not is not his business only a stupid man of god resents the seed of a desperate believer it's not whether you are more than 50 percent of the things people saw into my life i don't need it it's not for me i recognize what it is is god speaking to someone seek faith learn to connect learn to connect learn to connect learn to connect it first king 17 when our time is gone just write it we don't have to project it first king 17 from verse 7 to 6 from verse 7 to 16. first kings chapter 17 when you read from verse 7 to verse 16 the bible talks there about brook cherith when he drive during the famine and the bible says that the lord told elijah to go to a place called zaraphat and he said there was a widow there god wanted to intervene in that widow's life when the prophet got there he said give me water she was running to go and bring water and he said please and make some bread for me and the woman said i'm sorry man of god i respect you but honestly this is the last one i'm about to eat with my son so that we just wait until we die and the prophet said no no when you give it does not end when you give you extend the life of whatever it is the prophet was teaching her he said make it for me first in our generation they said that's a heartless and weakened devilish prophet but the moment she did that the bible says she lived off what was there until the famine was over you can change your life november december is too short a time no november december is too short a time brothers and sisters god can step into your life and do something in your life that you cannot imagine don't be surprised that you'll be celebrating new year in your own house whereas right now you don't even have land i'm talking to believers don't be surprised that you can give away up to 510 million by december whereas what you have in your account now is not up to ten thousand listen i'm not talking nonsense i'm not stupid don't be surprised that after 10 20 years that your wife has been buried that she's going to celebrate new year two months pregnant you do every calculation you know it's not up to two months but she's two months pregnant don't ask where the child came from that right now you are not even sure where your certificate is because you are tired you have thrown it somewhere but don't be surprised that you will be managing a business by the end of this year this is not god we are talking about is he not the god of heaven we are talking about number four the fourth key is the power of prophecy the power of the prophetic weapons of supernatural intervention the power of prophecy second kings chapter seven verse one to eight we've already discussed it just write it down second kings chapter seven from verse one to eight the story of elijah and samaria and the abundance that came to an entire land because there was a divine intervention by prophecy jose chapter 12 number 13 please give it to us the bible says i'm by a prophet listen carefully and by a prophet it says the lord brought israel out of egypt how did they come out of egypt by a prophet not by god you would think god would say oh by me yes it is by god but the instrument that he used was a prophet and by a prophet the lord brought israel out of egypt and by a prophet was he preserved listen there are challenges that people go through in life that is totally needless if only they can locate a genuinely anointed prophet of god you can come out of a situation overnight some battles are totally needless they are products of pride and ignorance take note of these things i'm saying pride and ignorance some battles are totally needless there is enough grace and anointing to bail people out of it a gentleman had been writing i think it was why i called neco i can't remember for over maybe six seven years i remember one time he came and he was crying i didn't align to finish i said that's all right let me pray for you it is done and he just went and the guy testified that truly speaking he answered nonsense in the exam because his brain had he had stretched the thing he has passed the age that he should be concentrating to be reading for work and yet it came out he had all credits like that and he said truly this is my result i say of course it's not your result god gave you to help you move forward of course it's not your result where other people are celebrating their intelligence you go to god and say thank you this one you gave me there are things when other people are saying i got you turned to god and said this one came from you prophetic intervention brothers and sisters god still has anointed men yes an anointed man is not a man who speaks well an anointed man is not a man who trusts people under the anointing there are people who are privileged by the election of grace that god has put ancient ancient possibilities within them for the sake of the body your own price is to believe they may not look like it but they carry it what you have you have it was given to you are we together i truly believe that someone tonight i told us the remaining services for this year will be very strongly prophetic services and it will start from tonight just the five minutes or so we have to pray and then i speak over your life when prophecy comes receive it receive it you can reject it but you can receive it do you know i listen to every coin on your message this message now that has been preached it's not joshua sermon this is the man of god teaching joshua salman will listen to the man of god later in the week and when it's time to prophesy i will lift my hands and receive and pray in tongues otherwise i will keep blessing and the anointing that came from the throne through me through me i must also receive it by faith prayer point number one father i am tired of where i am i am tired you are a change of people's lives lift your voice and begin to pray father i am tired of where i am truly speaking lord this year will not end like this i have not yet seen any notable testimony in my life and the year is about to end oh god of heaven arise arise those online prayers i am yet to see it manifest and it is november the prosperity that you said i will walk in lord i believe you i still believe you so name is we want people it's gotta be more than this it's gotta be for desperate people do desperate things and we presenting gotta be more self-come in the name of jesus shout it say in the name of jesus i decree and declare over every mountain that stands between me and my resort hear the word of the lord be crushed into pieces lift your voice and pray in the name of jesus hear the word of the lord i speak over every mountain mountain of witchcraft mountain of delay i crush you by the god of heaven shakka takata foreign those outside pray online pray i declare and declare hear the word of the lord who are down mountain before joshua sermon i command you become play foreign hallelujah say in the name of jesus i decree and declare that every promise hanging in the realm of the spirit i prophesy by the mystery of divine intercession you must manifest now lift your voice and pray find expression i give you a body my breakthrough find expression my lifting find the expression my advancement find the expression i give you a body manifest in my life pray find the expression i've seen you in my dreams i've seen you in my bishops i command you to manifest in the name of jesus everything i have lost say it again in the name of jesus everything that should not have left me but was taken away from me i decree and declare return back to my destiny lift your voice and pray please be serious be serious pray every relationship that should not have left every finance that should not have left every favor every breakthrough i call you back every access every platform in the name of jesus the son of the living god please lift your hands in the name of jesus i prophesy to you i decree and declare by the anointing of the spirit of god i push you to the next level of your life i push you to the next level of your life and hear me i decree i don't know what stands your way i come tonight in the name of jesus and i crush it into pieces the same way the red sea was divided i command every obstacle to be divided in the name of jesus every physical scenario that must be created in the earth to force what is in the spirit to find expression i schedule that event now in the name of jesus hear me i decree and declare in the name of jesus christ the son of the living god what has tied you and let me tell you that's how you thought breaking will come last year it didn't come i declared to you in these two months left entire rest and tie your rest enter your rest entire rest lift your hands i want to prophesy over your finances there is there is the power to prosper listen there is a grace that helps men prosper in the name of jesus believe me as i pray this prayer for you by the grace of god who has shown me mercy and grace i prophesy to you beginning from this night faithful after favor strange financial favor i speak it to your life i speak it to your destiny i speak it to your life in the name of jesus any man sitting on your glory jacotos catapulter in the name of jesus i declare the earth opens up tonight and swallows them the spirit that eats your blessings when it's almost coming to you it comes to others when it's about your thought something cuts you off this is not for everybody but i'm prophesying to someone if your i saw it in the spirit i command your hands to hold it if you saw it in your dream i command your hand to hold it if you saw it in your visions i command your hand to hold it hallelujah now listen i pray for everyone here who is a student and you are not you have already celebrated graduation but the truth of the matter is that what is in the factory will not graduate you i stand before my god who myself and i decree and declare strange intervention for you now listen if there is anyone here god told you that by december you should have a job until now no job has entered your hands in the name of jesus the son of the living god wherever your job is from the realm of the spirit that connected to your life i connected to your life and if there is anyone sitting there now i overturned i overturned until it gets to your tongue listen there are people god has instructed to bless you but they have been disobedient i take sleep on them tonight they must obey god on your behalf in the name of jesus christ please hear me i don't know what has not been working in your life i'm prophesying to you by the anointing i decree and declare as a master we have told all night some of you you have told from january you have submitted the same prayer request miracle service after miraculous service it comes to an end now in the name of jesus it comes to an end now by the anointing of the spirit give me one minute to speak over your family members i don't know what is plaguing your family members that god must step in if not you will still cry again i change that situation now please help them help them i change that situation now may the angel of the lord's presence in the name of jesus go to every home and begin to correct things now i command correction correction correction if there is anyone here with a health challenge that has refused to go i don't care what it is i stretch my hands to you and i command that the power of god comes upon your body now and let that sickness go i terminate that infirmity whether it's a blood disease whether it's witchcraft buriness whatever it is i dominate it now listen please believe me whatever you have seen in your dreams ambitions that you know it is of god i release my faith you i pull it to your destiny don't be foolish and say how will it happen no we are talking of the god of heaven the anointing for divine intervention this is the anointing that will be functioning all through this week i declare thank god with this sunday i'm sure that's why god made it sunday i prophesy monday tuesday wednesday thursday until friday i command them days of divine intervention days of divine intervention i speak it to the lamb of the spirit angels of intervention moments of intervention in the name of jesus every male man that your favor is tied to sakoto barakata between now and friday i connect you to them all kinds of favor believe it i declare and declare if that man is alive on earth then between now and friday let there be a strange connection wave your hands to jesus and tell him thank you thank you lord we give you praise we give you praise we believe you we give you praise psalms 50 verse 15 and 16. if it's possible for us to have amplified that's great otherwise no problem you are immersed in a strong atmosphere of god's glory because of something you will hear brothers and sisters god is not playing games with us i want us to believe him everyone read just be sensitive to what the spirit of god is doing inside and outside those outside please i want you to understand that there is no difference as far as the reach of the anointing is concerned want to read and call on me in the day of trouble and i will deliver you and you shall stop there 15. stop there go back please 15. so it's a two-way thing you have your own role to play your role is please keep it there honor and glorify me then he says call on me in the day of trouble and i will deliver you the shocking scripture that the lord led me to is verse 16 read if you're a christian 16 please go ahead and read are we bible students if god does not open your eyes to this thing but you won't see anything believe me revelation is his spirit if there is no amount of coming scripture and bible study that gives you the spirit of revelation god has to open the eyes of men but unto the wicked the word wicked there is no sinners the idea there is on to those who are determined not to walk with me he say what right have you we're talking about right here we're talking about a legal access what right have you to recite my statute i shall not die i shall not die i will i won't be poor i will be rich and say what right have you to recite it everyone is talking just talking i won't be sick and you are dying i won't be poor it's clear you are getting poor there is a mystery confession is a powerful provision but under certain conditions see let me tell you something half truth can destroy you like a lie it can do the exact same thing a lie does to you that's why satan is not afraid of using half truth because it makes no difference to him it says what right have you to recite my status so everyone is confessing wealth and riches are in my house everyone is confessing oh i can't get into trouble i i can't have accident it's impossible and you are watching yourself die per second per second what right have you what right have you that's the point you should circle media not the wicked what right have you to recite my status or take my covenant or pledge on your lips talk his chief brothers and sisters but you see the reason why many believers mock themselves in the presence of the world is we do not understand the systems of the kingdom say the systems of the kingdom so we come around the dimension of reality and we mock ourselves and the painful part is we are doing what is right but the result is not there because it's not complete god is obsessed with completion having the readiness to judge all disobedience if and only when your obedience is complete what right have you to be exempted when there is a plague that is released upon people what right have you to be exempted this one is not free what right that means there is an authorization based on certain things that are done are we together now what right have you to say a bike will not kill me what right have you to say tomorrow i will still wake up alive you know many made boastful statements like that and they are no more today many have said in the name of jesus if by the end of this year i'm not rich except god has not called me the years have passed nothing has happened exemption is a possibility that can be accessed by the saints exemption exemption the quality of being prevented from experiencing wars the quality of being prevented from experiencing the pain the tragedy of people the quality of being exempted or being taken away from defeat the quality of perpetual triumph not necessarily the quality of not being in trouble but the quality of an assured escape as guaranteed as god himself is there such a provision in the kingdom if yes what are the keys to working in such a reality i have taught us here again and again that our lives are defined by the mysteries we have access to so two people can walk upon the earth and their experiences will be the same remember the scripture i read to you the problem is never the foundation the problem is never that you are not born again but the quality of our life the same way you have two students in a class taught by the same teacher so the problem is not the teacher in the same institution so the problem is not the institution under the same condition the problem is not the condition but then their results will differ and sometimes sharply that's how it is in life two believers two individuals two families two personalities can be within the same environment yet their results will differ why because the bible says that you will rise and shine only when your light comes the light is available to everyone but those who are interested in accessing it and complying with the conditions and the terms if you're with me say amen what right have you you are making a boastful statement whereas you are seeing what is happening in this nation and you dare have the gods to say it's your year of trial what right you're watching kidnapping and assassination happening you're watching you're watching people being poisoned just air killing people you can't sue the air to court you're watching demons sit on people's destinies you hear people tell you they went to bed and look at the testimony of that dear lady went to bed and woke up with physical marks not spiritual max physical marks on her body question what what stops you from being a victim i want to ask you a question what if as you are sitting down right now somebody is chanting your name in the shrine you can't stop them from saying it but the question i have is what right do you have to say i will not be a victim of it what rights do you have to claim that you will prosper i'm doing business it's a joke it's a big joke i have an uncle who is rich another big joke the mystery of exemption job 22 verse 19 i'm a student of the bible i love the bible i don't read the bible to feel spiritual i am very serious about my work with god and my study of scripture i have found it to be the most reliable book i've read many books in my life it's so disappointing to know many of them are useless to my destiny and now that i've found the one that is useful say i found your word and i did eat it right and it became a joy and a rejoicing to my soul 29 19 job 22 29 i want to share with you a few things from the depth of my heart that can exempt men go ahead and prophesy to yourself as you read this scripture want to read when men like they are saying now across the nations of the earth when men like they are saying now across the continent of africa in nigeria even in this city when men are cast down the bible didn't say they say they are they are not confessed it is their reality when men are cast down something you will engage will bring you to a point where for you there will be a lifting of a difference an exemption a separation write this down please everyone it's important to come to the lord's house not just with a bible please always have a bible but always have a good material to write or whatever device you are using but make it serious when you take god seriously he will surprise you when you play games with god and make him look like one of those many things in your life then you will not get results so i'm challenging all of us online those outside doesn't matter when you are coming to the house of god go as though you are going to be mentored taught trained built equipped don't go as if you are going to a museum to watch watch artifacts or watch a zoo to watch animals no you are going for a life-changing encounter are we together so exemption write is down exemption from evil exemption from defeat is a provision in the kingdom that can be accessed exemption from all of those things i mentioned is a provision in the kingdom that can be accessed that means it is within the power of god to cause men to experience exemption but like everything in the kingdom as we have been taught here everything in the kingdom including salvation the cheapest expression of god's grace and love there will always be a condition attached please train yourself into an understanding that every time you desire something in god know that there is a condition attached your condition is a demonstration fulfilling that condition is a demonstration of your trust in god and your authorization to commit you to deliver the results expected without condition there is no guarantee whether you are interested in what god is saying watch this if i drop a piece of cake on this table right and i don't give you a condition to pick it how else can i get and test whether you are interested i drop it here and say if anyone is interested come and pick it your coming to pick it is a demonstration to me that you are interested are we together you will find people who will not come i don't have to be angry with them they are only sending a message to me that i'm not ready to eat cake the same way other people are sending messages i don't want to prosper i don't want to rise i don't want to walk in the anointing i do not want to walk in the fullness of the reality and the possibilities contained in god obedience commits god obedience not what you want you can't set rules and obey you obey the conditions prescribed by god you can obey the conditions prescribed by a man and still sail you must obey the conditions prescribed by god hebrews chapter 1 the bible says god will in sundry times and in diverse manners speak to us through the prophet had in this last days spoken to us through his son son god who in sundry times and diverse manners he speak to us through different people but in this last days among many other things his chiefest means of communication is his son the word that he has appointed to be heir over all things so it is important to trust the word of god don't just believe it trust the word of god and respect the word of god say amen there are conditions that if you and i keep we will render the devil helpless and we'll find out that we can work in the reality of triumph not as a cliche but an experience that will cause many to wander and see the hand of god and then give him glory and i want to share with you two deep kingdom mysteries that are responsible for compelling triumph number one is what i call the mystery of putting god first matthew 6 33 the god first principle you can write it like that god dash first principle the god first principle matthew chapter 6 let's start from verse 31 if you will media 31 let's look at 31 god first principle wherefore take no thought other person say don't worry saying what shall we eat or what shall we drink or where without shall we be clothed 32 for after these things these things what to eat what to wear the house you will get the car you will get listen carefully the children you will have etc your career whatever it says after these things to the heathen the gentiles seek notice the bible never said they get it he said after these things they seek it didn't say after these things they get it's a cause to seek those things because number one seeking them will never give them to you that's not how to get them the gentiles are getting it wrong they are playing by a wrong formula they seek those things and they never get them it looks like they get them but then you look at what else is taken from their life and it doesn't add up to nothing are we together then it says for your heavenly father your earthly father usually will forget that you need these things so god was comforting you there are many fathers in your life but the surest one the dependent your heavenly father knows that ye have need of all these things 33 but seek first everybody say seek first didn't say sit together seek what does it mean to seek first if i organize his speech on price sam get ready to stand up and i say sam you took first come out do you join him he comes out alone topmost preferred so the bible says among the many things go back to your seat among the many things in your life i want to marry i want a job i want my enemy to die my i must buy a car this duplex is mine i must possess it i must receive a miracle a lot i'm not saying those things are wrong it says among them come seek seek isolate god out of the group bring him out and pursue him listen carefully i'm showing you a very deep mystery let me tell you what many of us are doing we are seeking together so we say god come child come civil service where's come we gather them like this and say god just hold my hand but jesus said my bonding is easy and my yoke you see that and so god says where do i stand here and say just be be blessed that you are my life and god says no my jealousy cannot allow me fight with rent fight with whatever you are so obsessed about getting land you will miss a service thinking about land you will never get it that's the secret to high blood pressure are you listening to me now it is the secret to all this frustration that people drive themselves and fall inside a gutter and not even know there are so many things in your life then it says seek first give us that scripture again the kingdom seek first the influence the sovereignty make god first in your life and his righteousness the word righteousness is not just the one imputed by faith understand his systems amplified says his way of doing things so if you seek the kingdom alone your obedience is still not complete he said rather than looking for money seek to understand principles seek god when you find him and his kingdom pay attention while others are running trying to look for money while others are running trying to look for breakthrough he says stay with god and understand his systems what is your reward how many of these things will come this is jesus talking please tell me how many oh it is a song then you now use the money you have and get the rest he said if you seek god isolate god and seek him and stay with his word learning the systems of the kingdom not just religiosity bible study just to crime scriptures understanding the systems of the kingdom it leaves you with a guarantee one guarantee that all these things remember these things of verse 32 what you eat will run after you what you drink will run after you the cars the houses the children instead of flying from pillar to post finding out and said look look i have to do something i'm tired of being buried the bible says seek the kingdom and when you begin to study the systems of the kingdom you will find a mystery that is responsible for fruitfulness it says and when you are founded it shall be a joy and a rejoicing to you do you know why many believers never rise up it's not that we don't read the bible believe me we don't we are not interested in understanding the systems of the kingdom there are many pastors looking for crowd looking for membership yet they will not understand the mystery of growth from the word of god they just they run around how are you doing it you how are you doing like a time like a genie no sit down there is no man wanting to to build a tower the bible says who first sit down you know life makes it look like the moment you sit down you are being delayed you you get it now so people can come and meet you and say oh god till now you are not working every day you are just searching scriptures look at the foolish person who is talking to you ask him how much is his salary combined you are about to get it now the bible has you to be added i'm not saying getting a job is wrong but you are settling down no i'm not just interested in a job i'm interested in favor why have i graduated three years and no job because of that i would not just study on the job i was studying on favor i'm seeking the kingdom other people are running around and sweating watching football and you are there saying lord how how is it that men rise with favor ruth came with her mother mother-in-law and just went to a land with nothing and within 24 hours they left provision for her boy us say leave it as you clean some you think it's just because boys like her there was a mystery a woman who was even begging her mother to give back to other children and she will wait her desire of maybe 25 30 years was answered in 24 hours and you are searching while you are searching your passion is attracting the holy spirit don't think you will just come foolishly because no no no the holy spirit responds to passion and hunger he will watch you reading it like a storybook first that's why you will not see revelation and you shall not be discouraged i have to find this what happened to abimelech that made him carry gifts and just gave abraham he wanted to carry abraham's wife and then just showed up and said if you eat you would you are dead if they say you will die you touch this woman you are dead so as a husband you are now afraid whether to kidnap your wife and you go back to scripture and say instead of running around policing my wife like a fool let me find out what is the mystery a kidnapper is coming and that same angel will say i've been here for a long time you touch this woman don't say it's happening to others you don't know what they believe you define your reality by what you believe i keep saying it is when we will go to heaven that god will show me how many goats were slaughtered because of me how many rams were dragged to another house how many bottles holy god my picture is everywhere somebody would download it and took that picture till he enjoys himself when you surround your life with mysteries you will laugh you will laugh and laugh and laugh at a foolish devil you are everything everything is you you are everything everything you are everything is you listen do you know satan has a system the economy of the devil is such that he is obsessed do you know if you work for satan you will still not be idle satan is the master of occupying people with things the only difference is that they are useless antichrist and they have no bearing in terms of producing results the devil will occupy you with issues that will stop you from paying attention but hear what jesus tells matter he said matter matter you are worried and obsessed about many things but one thing how many things one thing is needful to sit at the master speech not to sit down and worry you must be listening and you must be understanding you know let me share with you a little testimony i hardly talk about all these kinds of things i remember years ago when god was starting out with us that time zarya was not the way it is now that time there were so many people pastors reverends apostles prophet i mean everybody was called it was it was zarya was on fire everybody was doing something i remember clearly there were some gentlemen who would come and meet me and say man of god why are you always sitting like this you are always writing studying the bible one evil offer to sponsor a radio program for me he said no at your level i mean you are supposed to organize healing meetings organization and i laughed you know what i was doing i was searching the mysteries of the kingdom i didn't want to gather people and be full and waste their time and now be resentful of those having results i knew it would take time brothers and sisters asked those who knew me then i spent my life studying scripture i could sit down a whole day just searching the mysteries you see this horri hurry in life is a very bad thing god is a god of speed but he does not rush people he teaches you the presence do you know i say it with all humility over 90 percent of those people today they are not even in ministry they were passionate about fame my god passionate about pas passionate about briefcase and suit the few times i spent with them irritated me you sat down with them in 10 minutes they were talking about their suit i couldn't afford it i could afford to study the world so i stayed on what i could afford god made it cheap enough for me to stay there there were so many people just they all this fake and false life oh my shoes this my dad and i just ignored them with all their nonsense and i'm glad i did just like some of you now while others are running god is saying sit down you are saying god for how long god is saying if you knew where i'm taking you you will start rejoicing because one step in knowledge will cover up 10 years of foolishness 10 years of wallowing in trouble you know this money thing god has said it's a year of wealth listen carefully to me most people believe that god cannot bless them they really do that's why they don't listen to him if you were having a job some and you were paid let's say hundred thousand how much is that in one year please help me one point assuming nothing changes in 10 years how i was going to say how old is that how how much is that 12 million because of 12 million you rubbish your 10 years rubbish your 10 years fighting quarreling hating and living foolishly whereas god is saying if you will pay attention to me i can do something to you and bring your ten years to six months to two months to one month to one week and maybe we are god don't just leave me or i know what i'm doing you know for many people the apex of fulfillment is when they get a job so i mean when you are talking like i said please get out i have a job a good job what is a good job what is your definition of a good job when you are employed my definition of a good job is a good job that i have absolute control of if i cannot control it it's not a good job because somebody's wickedness can affect me correct i'm not saying get a job is bad no no we prophesied jobs here there are many disciplined diligent employed people don't be lazy and think i'm endorsing you i'm about to attack you from the other side you know me i will have to balance it don't think it's not an endorsement for irresponsibility for whatever reason but i'm i'm showing you the vanity of trusting in things these are the things that destroy us to an extent that they now give somebody a job ever the devil does it in such a way that every day you go to church or fellowship that's the day you will be needed most that's a useless and nonsense job i repeat that is a useless award nonsense job the job that has to make you leave god to do it is a stupid job if you are involved leave it now let men insult me no problem leave it listen i've worked with god small he's reliable listen to what i'm telling you are we together now that's why they get angry when god blesses people because they come and say ah pastor alpha abba what happened three cars two duplexes then the painful parties he didn't build any of them say no this this is no i can't i don't like this whether you like it or not it's a mystery everybody's a mystery that's why i call it a mystery a mystery of exemption that where others have to do a lot of things i've said it listen if you're a businessman here listen to me and don't think i'm deaf as i speak stop wasting your time to save money to buy land in the kingdom you don't buy land through saving you provoke favor listen i know what i'm saying if well god bless you you can you can save and god will annoy it i will even pray on it but you are you will be ready for frustration satan that i know will cost something you must eat out of that money no matter how disciplined you are when you are pushed to the wall you must withdraw something you don't get land you don't get properties by saving psalm 44 verse 3 give it to us please read that scripture and never forget it's just a digression and i'll get back to our subject of discussion and we pray i want to separate tonight help us please psalm 44 verse 3 you are a christian please read it with all your heart one to read uh-huh so how did they get the land now teach somebody this thing and watch him insult you and say you and that you're stupid man of god in canada you should continue this nonsense you will beg for bread beg for bread see i'm teaching what i'm teaching some of you is very hard even you you are trying to believe it but what they have told you you are now wondering i hope it will work it's like leaving a rope you are about to fall around saying leave that rope and just come and you are saying show me the the turn and say just leave it if it be doubt beat me come what i'm sharing many of you i can't you see i'm a spiritual man i receive a spiritual feedback i see how many of you are struggling to believe and agree with what i'm saying it's not like you want to doubt it by yourself ah apostle is hard to somehow foolishly says because you're a man of god you are enjoying was i born a man of god you you join the junk that journalists carry and talk about people and say you are enjoying people give you tights and give you offerings i'm showing you how to be happy that's how to be happy that you can carry your wife and be happy you can see jimmy and his wife you can see there are happy people you can see errol several personal alpha there are other angry people you see them and their wives and stress that guy is 35 but even you you would you would think that he's maybe 50. life life squeezed him disobedience updated his weight on top and the devil sat on it that's his destiny don't laugh take very seriously what i'm telling you there are people you see them with their wives happy giving god glory giving god praise because they are they are they are accessing the mysteries of the kingdom they know what to do with their children they know what to do with the enemy i mean you know what to do it's a disaster to be confronted with something you do not know what to do the bible says but she himself jesus now knew what to do look at the brother that shared the testimony the one who tracked from um this is the police station or somewhere now you see can you see that in spite of the trekking he now climbed the bike and the devil wanted to kill him it's not fear it's a mystery listen when you trust god you commit him let me tell you something about believing god watch this if this is the door watch this this is a big revelation for someone call this place i'm standing the door to your destiny are we together if you turn around following this door with total sincerity believing that it is god that is leading you god will remove this door and keep it here to make sure you don't miss it let this be a deep word of comfort to somebody stop being afraid who said it was remainder he said i am the dog when he moves the door moves so listen listen that's why god protected that brother and brought him to share the word the devil may have planned god does not give men doors he's the dog once you are following him i tell you in your sincerity even in your error he will still say i am the doorpass i'm no longer a slave to fear i am a child hold on when you see god doing the great things that he's doing through my life and through many great men is not because we got his instructions hundred percent is because our hearts are sincere so while based on what you saw in the vision i'm supposed to die god shifts the door and say pass let the enemies keep prophesying themselves into truth they were right but god was god did you know what i said they were right their predictions were correct i shouldn't have made it but god is god choose which part to follow right of god i follow him i follow him are you hearing what i'm saying i don't walk with god with fear since god revealed this to me i mean i live a very happy life to hell with satan i live a very happy life my heart for god is the chief requirement he will take me to the place of destiny if this is the path god emac for me and i followed this part but with a heart of sincerity knowing that i seek god my sincerity puts pressure on his reputation he will change that destiny and carry it and bring it here believe me i have worked with him that's the god we serve that's the god desire that's the goddess that's the reason why when a man gives you prophecy is still not the highest thing you can change it he's speaking based on what he saw but there is something between you and god that can change it have you not heard that there were people who somebody saw a doctor saw that woman had lost a child they saw this guy had lost him whatever and the man who looked and said it is true i'm seeing blood you have lost the child but i bring a sincerity between me and god and after nine months a child comes out where did he come up from i am the dog don means access the door to everything don't let men fool you and make it look like you have missed it you have missed it you hear people make that arrogant statement you have missed it means what god my god you are joking he will navigate that door hear what i'm telling you this is why restoration is possible he can take it and turn the direction and bring it listen he is god he does not submit to any man you be god you one more time listen let me tell you a big secret the key is not perfection the key is sincerity landis is not sharing god 100 percent that guarantees your victory is the sincerity of your heart are you hearing what i'm teaching you tonight god first you touch a man addicted to god you are in trouble i'm telling you you touch a man that has carried himself and said god i belong to you i seek you first when you seek other things and leave god behind you authorize darkness to tear down your life when you say people think you are stupid they think it's just a talk for preachers no sir god first god always and you are free the first key to exemption hear me is when god occupies every space in your life you will watch trouble come before you like this and pass you receive your spirit god first it's not about koinonia it's not about being a civil servant or a businessman there are many foolish career people who threw god away they loved god while they were on campus the moment they graduated they became too mature for god they drew him away and say now we have we have become you know i read i read engineering i read marx i read i read whatever it is lower levels of knowledge they throw god the truth is what they throw everything you never find them talking about god they are even embarrassed you come to their house you mentioned what they say you have come with this god got in pastor run away from such kind of people going on you hear me i love you too much i'm training you to become a wonder run away from anybody who does not prioritize god i don't care whether he's a politician whether he's a businessman if he's your husband or wife you have a work to do start interceding seriously you know when people come and meet me and they say they are ready to marry even if you hold hamper for me is a joke do you love god are you serious you don't bribe me with wine and hump i'm not an idiot do you love god because when all else feel that one thing will bring you back job lost everything and the one thing left the wife said leavitto leave god again i lost everything and you are now saying i should leave god why do you speak like one of these foolish women and god had him in pain i hold on to you oh i lost my job but lord i hold on to you how can i lose you are we together my finances crushed but i hold on to you god first the marriage didn't work out still god first the miscarriage happened god first i thought i would not need to go for a surgery but i went for a surgery god first everybody shout god first before that brother god first before that sister let the brother come and meet you loving god don't move around and be saying i'm 30 years keep quiet go first don't sit down moving around and say why wouldn't i get a job let the job come and meet you with god inseparable how can i leave him what will be my reason that he's not faithful i never see anyone like you i never see anyone like you may i never see anyone like you i never see please help me do you know some of you are looking at me strange as you rise and you see many cheap victories you will know why we praise god we gave an instruction here hold on that people should dance their way to the next level there were too many big people big ceos arrogant people who felt too big why why would i make myself a small child please this coin on you make people look stupid the kingdom is for children when you become too big for the kingdom you are too big for breakthrough too big for what you think i like dancing have you ever seen me dance do you think i like dancing but at his word you become foolish enough to step into that realm are we together god first that you foul a vow tonight and say lord listen brothers and sisters you know every time i come here i watch this little children and their parents i see how many wrong things they do in 10 minutes and i see how their parents go i hear edu calling his child the wife is there everybody doing all they're doing and i'm saying that's it that's the message god first they don't run to me they run to their parents god first we hate god that's why we run to him last we claim we love him the moment people are in trouble you run to your strongest point of deliverance which is your uncle and you run and he told you the money has not come yet you insulted him and left angrily you went to another auntie to one extent that you went to a stranger on the road i said if i die now is it fair and god hold on god is watching we pray in tongues we roll around i we cry we do a lot of emotional things but in the midst of real life situations let me tell you god is my weakness you are spiritual people listen the every issue of my life my first point of reference is god i have convinced myself that whatever god cannot do in my life cannot be done are we together the moment there is trouble you are calling an apostle it doesn't work you call prayer department leaders it doesn't work college me doesn't want corpus to have a collaboration they are wicked no god is with you in the room there you don't believe it and you are not even interested how many people once sit down in the offices of men from morning till evening they sit by seven till ten then the man just come and say i'm tired can you come right no problem how can i be angry because you think that the man can wipe your tears and you spend ten minutes in the presence of god you are grumbling around and talking nonsense oh god you are ma you now see why i sing that song and i will never praise you listen do you know brothers and sisters if not for god the troubles i would have entered the fulfillment of the prophecies of the enemy coinnonia would have crashed like a plane but for god but for god you will keep watching this ministry rise mysteriously like an edifice it's not because of perfection it's because of god when you know this you will be outspoken about god you think your business will rise because you have capital and so you will keep struggling with it there another ignorant person who respects god will come from nowhere and rise that's why you see when listen listen carefully when men are clapping and saying ah apostle did this i thank god for it for me and god we we we know take god out of my life i'm as useless as this table you are seeing in the presence of anyone i'm not ashamed of it i say it everywhere because every time i declare him i bring joy to his heart and he says son you are sitting down on so much power yet you are telling men it's not you most of you will not do it let me tell you there are many of you here looking at me if you carry one tenth of the kind of anointing god has put in my heart people who worship you you will put your name on your shoe you will by now they would have made rapper with my face by now you would have done everything but for him how can i dear claim that i'm responsible for these results will i be honest i need to deceive you and you will believe me but i know listen after great meetings like this when i go back home i have my small chair i just kneel down and sometimes you just see me hold the chair and i'm just laughing i said god boy you said look at how these people are clapping sometimes the seeds that they sow into my life i wait till this my boys are walking for me when they go home i scatter it on the ground and i keep looking at it i said but god you know this it doesn't belong to me abby it really belongs to you why would somebody walk and you pay someone else and god says is yours that's your price for believing me god first who deceived you that god is only for preachers who deceive you that god is only for pastor's wife please hear me there are people here inside outside online you are not determined to be passionate about god they ask you say me i take my things easy i don't overdo anything you better overdo when it comes to god because life will so crush you into pieces life is spiritual when i worship god i make sure satan sees me worshiping god is a love affair and he is not invited he is absolutely not invited i sing this song not because it's a special number it's a revelation to me he is my god the way hope can hold her husband and say my husband you don't claim what is not your own this water is my own right the welfare gave me if you come to touch it now i said you are you are a word what are you thief thief there is a name for that when you claim he is your god you prove it through your intimacy is not talk what right have you to stand and say let the power of god move what right have you you know most people think it's just by talking now the power of god will move move move you guys you're a big joker not with god not with god you must have a track record not of perfection of person believe me if you do not have passion for god forget about doing business with god in this kingdom i want to ask you a question when was the last time you took a day off to spend time with god don't tell me you love him let's examine it you see why it is better for some people to not get jobs because god is having the attention now that they are idle they can spend time but the moment they get up they are now in a hurry making money hurry making whatever and then the times that they now have to spend with god that they will now occupy them with something else don't look for what only god can give it's not missing stay with the door the one who has it and he will give you many preachers come to me and they say man of god i want grace i want to see results in my ministry and i look at them i say so what do you expect to happen and they just bring out of a bag you see like four or five different anointing oils and i'm not against it they bring it as a man of god just breathe on it i will carry it back and i look at the messy i love i almost want to tell them get out of here they are joking you breathe a relationship is that how you grow your relationship time intimacy spend time with god no spend time with men yes spend time with liars and psychophones who will clap for you now and betray you and betray you unreliable as they are they will clap for you as if they love you as soon as you turn they will stab you listen i stopped trusting men's sins men are as unreliable as the devil i trust god so it doesn't matter what men what they do to me everybody say god first say god first bless you let's look at the second part very quickly our time is gone the second mystery that commands exemption aside from putting god first in everything is the mystery of kingdom service write it down the mystery of kingdom service i'm going to be very fast please write it and we'll pray kingdom service is promoting the interest and the purposes of god on earth promoting the interest and the purposes of god on earth is an extension of your love and your passion for god kingdom service what is kingdom service serving god for a living serving god for a living kingdom service is not just cleaning chairs no no serving god for a living there are three dimensions to kingdom service maybe we'll just touch one and then next week we can take the other one i wanted us to finish because we'll start a series let's see how god will help us number one the first proof or the first index to measure your kingdom service is soul winning and establishment soul winning and soul establishment daniel chapter 12 verse 3 soul winning and soul establishment brothers and sisters is a jackpot of breakthrough look at me anybody who tells you walking for god does not pay is lying to you and there that be wives shall shine like the brightness of the firmament and they that turn how many many to righteousness they shall be as the stars that's their reward for turning many to righteousness soul winning is not for evangelists proverbs chapter 11 verse 30. please give it to us quickly proverbs 11 verse 30 soul winning as a demonstration of your service to the kingdom it says and the fruit of the righteous is as a tree of life and he that we need souls very clearly he that we need souls is what wise and the bible speaking about wisdom says with me are riches wealth and honor yeah durable riches unrighteousness long-lasting riches not 10 years and you are down forever wisdom wisdom that when you win souls it is a service to the kingdom that compels god to bless you second corinthians chapter 5 from verse 18 to 20 very interesting scripture second corinthians chapter 5 quickly please verse 18 to 20 the bible tells us that god has given us both the ministry and the word of reconciliation two things both the ministry and all things are of god who had reconciled us to himself by jesus christ and have given us was the first thing it's an assignment he didn't give pastors he gave all men the ministry of reconciliation next verse to which that god was in christ reconciling the world to himself not imputing their trespasses to them and had committed unto us what the word he did just give you the ministry he gave you the word what to say how to get men saved not just the passion and the assignment but the ministry and the world look at me one of the biggest secrets to the growth of any flourishing ministry is soul winning not revelation i don't care how deep that ministry is a ministry that realizes soul winning will never grow go and search your bible such modern history such today i say it without any sense of shame find out a ministry no matter how deep they are the things of god healing deliverance prophecy revelation whatever if soul winning is not an outspoken priority you never will find god trusting them with people most people think so winning is a basic thing in christianity it's for people who don't have anything else to offer is that true what jesus died for everybody says soul winning there are some of you who can win souls and win your way out of every trouble you watch people who have not turned to righteousness you watch people you are coming for koinonia you move around and you watch lives and destinies languishing and going to hell and it doesn't bother you because you feel a person will come and do it your passion for souls there are people here who god has lifted in strange ways they make it as a point of contact to both win souls and draw them to the house of god where they will be saved shortly i'm going to make an altar call and almost everyone who will come out here was invited by somebody you have won a soul let me tell you every time you bring a soul to god as he's getting born against that clapping it's like taking a check to a bank while you are clapping for his eternal salvation clap for yourself too because the devil is watching you have saved the soul and authorized yourself for exemption a woman can win her way out of barriness that you sit down and say satan you claim you will not give me a chance i need three children i will win five souls for every child and you go out and you read five and said that's my first bone let's see the devil that will stop your womb from taking it if you don't have room the baby will grow anywhere after all germs grow anywhere fire blood grows anywhere growth grow anywhere it doesn't matter where the body grows the most important thing is that he comes out after nine months are we together koinonia is heavily protected among other things were the mystery of soul winning i have passion genuine passion for souls not fake that person just do and cry genuine passion for souls you are talking to somebody he said somebody else has talked has spoken to me saying it doesn't matter it doesn't matter that somebody spoke to you does not mean you were born again i'm still talking to you koinonia hear me i challenge you begin a serious project of soul winning instead of gossiping on facebook discussing matters of people that are not your business writing things about man of god somebody i was i was i was shown somebody who tried to write some things about me thinking he knows me and i said look at do you see this foolish you would have used that time and that unit to win a soul do you know the joy in the heart of the father when one person comes to stand before jesus listen every time we pray for crowd god sees my heart it is never for a name it is never to build an empire i'm smart enough to know how to be famous i'm intelligent enough to be able to write books souls souls that when you win souls is on your record the bible says there is joy in heaven since you got born again let me tell you you say shame as a believer if right from the beginning of this year till now you have not contributed in anyone's coming to the kingdom is a shame you are doing the same thing an irresponsible man does to not bring food to a house the same way we say a man is stupid for not bringing food to his house imagine a man married and comes home empty-handed and the wife he said honey where's the food food for what that's exactly what someone does if he doesn't win souls you watch people go to hell the primary assignment god has given me is not just to build and equip believers you have to save them first before they are established facebook text messages you can find a way of reaching a soul genuinely don't just say i think he's saved and talk to him and say well you see you have to be serious with god think about it then you go back smiling you didn't save him you only informed him that his life is not going well it's a different thing if he rejects but give people a chance preach to your parents preach to your loved ones you see how we celebrate so winning here many of you when people give testimonies of cast i got a car i got a plane you clap but they say someone got born again somebody just knows oh that's all right let's hear the real testimony which one is the real one the car that will perish have you not grown spiritually enough to know how the the mundanity and the vanity of the things of this life that's why we pray for souls that's why as much as possible as much as god grants us grace we keep making altar calls even if nobody comes let there be a witness in heaven are we together some of you that's what you did that god lifted you that's how this ministry started we would pray for people those times before they got admission when people came big that was before they started post ume i remember as soon as people come we're like holding them and the next thing they get born again they get filled with the holy spirit and we create room for them to be established if you heal men and don't save them they are going to hell are you hearing what i'm telling you if you give if i give you money and you are not saying where are you going to don't say heaven don't let anyone lie to you you are going to heaven you are you don't have jesus in your heart please don't let any of your lodging deceive you you are going straight to hell say hell there is a real place like that people left this morning they are there right now don't let people fool you and make it look as if the moment you're a nice person you go to heaven be nice does not take people to heaven if you cannot live your lifetime you deserve to go to hell if you live your lifetime without acknowledging the one who brought you you spent 70 years of your life and paid no attention to god this night i want to challenge you your phone is full of many names that are not born again you are looking at them and you are watching them god has given you access and influence over their lives many of our loved ones are on their way to hell we know it we know they are on their way to hell our roommates are on their way to hell our work people are on their way to hell our friends your husband is on his way to hell your wife some of us stop on children on their way to hell you can start interceding don't say any man cannot be saved that's the talk of the devil i have seen impossible people get saved there's nobody i i don't believe that can be saved do you pray for souls or do you pray for money some of you are surprised we're supposed to be talking about wealth i'm showing you a jackpot of financial prosperity god is not a journey that you crack like a charm souls for as long as there is breath in me i will keep leading people to jesus preacher or no preacher i will make sure they love him i will make sure they love him stop discussing other things with people and don't prove their salvation people come to you and say we want to marry you talk about every other thing there is a way you can discern all these guys saying but they say when you know this brother is not saved and he's about to marry a lady he's inviting satan officially to be the lord of that hope you have to save it you are not just saving a man you are saving every child that will come you know believe us don't be too western to be obedient take the foolishness of the word of god and be serious on tuesday you are coming for prayer department prayer band meeting is the only department that allows other people to join them you come alone you will leave and you are going and you know that somebody he may not be born again dear boy can be a starting point it takes a while to save souls you may not save them overnight but start introducing them to the atmosphere of god's presence the same way some of you now introduce someone here doesn't matter what religion doesn't matter what age doesn't matter what rest what what race i have little respect for any man of god that does not pay attention to the simplicity of soul winning i don't care what you have the greatest people when only said and done he that we need souls is once you have no authorization to prosper and to be exempted from the the ills and the perils that will keep languishing men when you are not a winner are you blessed we'll stop here next week we'll take on the others but listen to me very carefully tonight one of the many prayers you'll be praying is to cry for grace to have a personal revelation of soul winning i don't want to just get emotional over what i'm saying you don't have to get tracked and move around it is your lifestyle huh there are certain businesses that in nigeria when the businesses came out people were too grateful to keep quiet they run to people by themselves have you heard about this ah my life is changing and eventually i'm not only saying was listening i'm not going anywhere i love you too much to leave you that's the same way that's the same way you talk to somebody are we together the person is laughing and say see you and this your god we did it before we did this god thing before and tell him you need to go back god is not a project that you do before and leave many of the people you preach to will tell you they were once safe there was no follow-up system and no structure for establishment so when the cares of life came upon them in anger if god was god why did he allow my wife that if god was god why did he allow me to fail if god was god why did he allow me to do this i left god's sins and they said explain the gospel to them let them know that there is a difference between an encounter with god and understanding his principles many people think the moment i come to jesus christ everything will change and be careful how you win souls the basis of willing souls is not just to prosper them it's a submission it's a covenant of surrender and submission two people are getting married they ask them serious questions will you be there for one another whether things go well or not they answer yes to everything and they mean it don't don't lie to people of course in christ you have access to these things but train people to love god more than things and situations don't don't make people think immediately i run to god everything will change and then an attack starts on account of their decision and they no longer can stand there are many people who have been of other religions here some of them are here listening to me they have made bold decisions for jesus and some of them we have had to come in even as a ministry to shield and help them because they they have gone and some are still going through heavy pain they deserted them financially left them for whatever reason but because they were saved well they were safe to love and live for jesus i love you jesus i worship and at all i just wanna tell you that i love you more than anything before i make an autocall while everybody is seated i want you to cry pray while you are seated cry to god with every person in you and say lord i am sorry for ignoring souls i've been trying to do ministry and i've watched people go to hell there are people who if i had spoken to them last week last month pray lord you gave me an anointing have been joking with it just throwing people on the floor and not paying attention to their salvation you gave me a ministry i've been playing games with it watching people look warm and unserious with god brothers and sisters let's be sincere with ourselves that's not how we started that's not how we started with god we started with the simplicity of passion for souls pray talk to god they called you pastor's wife and you were ashamed and you stopped they insulted you and embarrassed you and you were ashamed then you stopped outside are you praying lord fresh passion to engage the mysteries that will exempt me from trouble from the grip of witchcraft from destruction that my life will cause men to love god my life will cause men to be on fire how can i be in an environment no one is changing no one is serious no one's prayer life is rising no one's word life is growing never transfer the message to anybody you've never bought a bible for anyone never done anything to contribute to the salvation of anyone you're not acting as a genuine christian believe me brothers and sisters yet you want the anointing yet you want to be invited for crusades do you want the name or do you love god do you want the fame or do you love god do you just want the prestige and the persona or are you genuinely passionate in this place here and now lord your kingdom reign your kingdom right in our lives in our hopes your kingdom race your kingdom race through my life through my life i let your kingdom ring your kingdom ring through my life through my life tonight i let your kingdom away your oh listen forget about fame and go for souls and watch the one that god will do with your life forget about complaining for a husband or a wife and go for souls forget about the witchcraft in your family i know you were born with witchcraft i know there are practicing people who are manipulating your destiny leave them alone and go for souls and let me see the charm that will tie you down souls don't just pray tight don't just saw seeds wind souls wind souls wins hoes you are too big to win souls you are too big to be exempted you are too big to turn many to righteousness you are too big to receive the defense of god against the vicissitudes of life but apostle i'm a shy person that's why there is grace for you but apostle i'm not a man of god the great commission is not for men of god my friend prayer point number two lord every soul appointed to be saved through my life in the name of jesus i begin to seek them and pursue them every soul appointed there is somebody that must escape hell because i am alive lord where are they reveal them to me and give me the grace to haunt them lift your voice and pray lift your voice and pray calling on you who have you appointed to be saved through my life lord what you are appointed to be saved through koinonia who have you appointed to be saved to be serious with god through our teachings jesus said all that you have given me i have kept and none is lost except the son of petition that scriptures may be fulfilled and none is lost and none is lost hallelujah before i make the altar call i want you to take two minutes find somebody that is serious and i want you to intercede for your family members and say i stop them from going to hell lord they can't go to hell i know as that now my father is not yet a christian but lord eternity in hell have mercy pray my brother my husband my wife pray for those who are safe too and are not serious there are people safe but not serious safe but not passionate foreign save them oh god we release angels angels of salvation draw them to meetings draw them to crusades throw them to meetings we release angels of salvation lord give them please may they have encounters with jesus in their sleep may they have an encounter with jesus in their offices and for their salvation hallelujah hallelujah we're rounding up we're going to pray for salvation to encounter us that's the strange dimension the spirit of god is moving right now where men by themselves are in a room all of a sudden they are caught up an encounter that will wrap you every stop on us lift your voice and cry lord will release encounters this night dreams these nights seashops these nights encounters in the peer parlor encounters in public places encounters in business for meetings encounters while it's preparing to go for armed robbery encounters on the road encounters with jesus the last prayer point you are going to pray and say lord i have made you first in my life and i'm committed to serving you therefore i invoke exemption upon my life i no longer will cry there cry prophesied i no longer will go through their pain no glorious exemption from poverty glorious exemption from sickness glorious exemption from failure are you praying may that mystery be activated in my life may that mystery be activated surely they will gather but by this mystery they will scatter they will come in one way and the lord will disperse them in seven ways lay your hands on your head i want to speak to you i prophesy upon everyone here as you are laying your hands the same way a mark was put by god to care and said by this mark you anyone who sees you will leave you in peace he did it to a sinner then he put a mark right now in the name of jesus as you are placing your hand on your head i place a mark of exemption upon you in the name of jesus christ the name of jesus christ tell me if the devil is looking for men to kill in a car accident it will not it will be minus you in the name of jesus christ hear me when the devil is fermenting trouble to destroy families god stand out between husband and wife god scandal between pastor and whatever in the name of jesus minus you you are exempted in the name of jesus hear me the same way god has exempted this ministry from financial turmoil and recession i pray upon you beginning from this night every time a man is looking for who to favor i command them to find you keep your hands i'm still praying if there is any mark just keep your hands if there is any mark upon anyone's life that brings bad luck that brings enemies that brings the wrong people that brings the wrong situations the wrong atmospheres i'm speaking to you right now that mark is erased forever forever forever erase forever erase forever that mark upon your ministry that misrepresents you that mark upon your life every sincere thing you want to do men see it in another way that's the mark of the devil every time you are doing things genuinely but people keep misunderstanding you i can't sue that much from your life now put down your hands the second dimension of kingdom service that we must engage for supernatural exemption is service in the house of god write it down kingdom service service in the house of god exodus please exodus 23 and then we'll look at 25-26 please make sure you write it down and you follow carefully service in the house of god very few believers have been taught that service in the house of god is a system created by god for men to experience supernatural exemption exodus chapter 23 25 and 26. okay let's read it one two go and ye shall serve the lord your god uh-huh four things he will do four things i want us to understand what is your own part of the deal you shall and then when you do serve him he shall bless your bread and your water that's number one number two he shall take away sickness from the midst of thee number three verse 26 there shall nothing cast her young or be boring so we see the blessing of fruitfulness and finally the number of thy days i will fulfill all these and more just for serving in the house of god now listen carefully most believers think service in the house of god is a way to help the man of god and help his vision or help the church grow it is a very dangerous understanding part of the kingdom responsibility of any and every believer is to contribute actively to the advancement of his kingdom and that involves making sure that every structure and platform he has put together finds an atmosphere and an environment where people can be saved built equipped and empowered to represent his purposes and that includes service service in the house of god as prescribed by god in fact when the lord was sending moses to pharaoh this is what he said go and tell pharaoh let my people go that they may go and serve me sadly there are many people who have gotten more results than even their personal spiritual lives because they have subscribed to the foolishness of kingdom service are we together now many people do not know that service in the house of god brings blessings many people pity the man of god i said there's nobody holding camera kai let me not waste my nigerian tv college certificate let me just come and help them the moment you have an idea that you are helping a man of god or helping a ministry you have destroyed your potential for blessing through service are we together now every worker in the house of god is an employee by god you have to understand this every genuine worker in the house of god is an employee by god what a privilege to be in the labor force of god you work for people you don't trust their integrity you don't trust them there is no guarantee of their reward and here comes the king of the ages recruiting men and women to make sure that his house is served properly do you believe who lied to you that you will serve the king of kings look there are men who serve god for a living i'm not talking of pastors they serve their way into unimaginable breakthroughs as good as soul winning is do you know is a terrible thing and this has been the foundation of our teaching even in this ministry that you are born again and not actively useful your energy your wisdom your creativity is not contributing i cannot sit down in a place and be comfortable that the grace the gifts the creativity the the energy that god has given me is not participating in the building of the lord's house that when souls are saved you cannot say my energy contributed my wisdom contributed to making this happen i was part of those who set the sound for those outside to share the word of the lord and be saved i'm part of those who clean the altar to make it conducive and part of those moving around when someone fell under the anointing as that demon was flying out of his life i held him if your energy cannot be accounted for has been used to serve god you qualify for disaster it's not a threat it's the truth job 36 verse 11 read with me people of god job 36 verse 11 job 36 please give it to us job 36 verse 11 one to read if they obey and serve him they shall spend their days in prosperity and their years in pleasure what's the condition if they obey and so if bill gates money it will get energy if bill gates institute is contributing if zuckerberg's facebook is contributing to advancing the kingdom he qualifies to profit more than a tongue-talking christian whose energy are we together now if they obey and serve him the moment your energy you remember the bible says love the lord with all your heart with all your might all your strength everything about you must contribute in that process you can't say i love god no no no no the worship songs that lived the spirit of men did they come from your secret place or are you just a recipient you came to the house of god and saw cheers cleaned and you argued and fought with people and sat down and god is watching when i was falling down why didn't you catch me you just allowed me to fall down like that and god is watching listen you can serve your way out of any course and any joke i've said it yes yes and i will repeat it again i i don't want to use the word fear like dread but i have a great respect for people who serve me in christ and serve god because i know they are walking their way to an enviable dimension service malachi chapter 3 17 and 18 house i'll serve i'll serve you lord forever outside i'll serve i'll serve you lord forever i'll do my best i'll do my best i'll do my best for you i'll do my best i'll do my best i'll do my best for you my best lord is everything i have my best lord i give all i have to you you made me great you made me special these guys don't know the song you made me great i give all i have to you yeah you made me great you made me special you made me great i give all up to you my best lord is everything i have my best lord i give this used to be our national anthem those times when we're preparing for crusade we would sing it and dance as we walked ourselves out like fools it was a song i wrote as a love song to god a declaration of my surrender how could i give him less you know when you go to buy clothes you'll tell me there's this time but if you really have money let's climb up there is a section i don't have that kind of thing with god everything he finds is all of me service malachi chapter 3 verse 17 and 18 let's read it one to read and they shall be mine in that day when i shall make up my jewels i will spare them read on as a man spirit his son not that loves him that serves him next verse then shall he return and discern between the righteous and the wicked between him that servant god and him that served him there is a difference so sister don't let anybody fool you and say keep serving all these stupid people that's how everybody will marry and leave you just hold on god will give you a man that is equivalent to your salary of 30 years while the rest are there using what's up to connect and arranging you are serving do you know sometimes people can mock you as you serve god don't say you are serving god so that you get husband is that not a good reason is that not a good reason is it not better to serve god and be sure of what he gives now come on now many workers in the house of god are turned to be fools because they spend their time they spend their energy and when people who don't understand spiritual things look at them they say but you are under utilizing your potential that's what they say simply because in many circles maybe the people are not staff of the ministry and may not be receiving anything like a salary and so men you see newspapers insulting men of god and said the labor force they should have employed they now get people in many churches while they are building you will see wealthy people come and they are trying to put it and they insult the men let me tell you certain things about your service that makes it fruitful number one your service must be willing if you serve god out of compulsion you will never receive a reward from me please understand this this is why as a ministry we never could ask people you don't manipulate people using courses and say if you don't say no no no no that's that's manipulation if there be first a willing mind willing mind service it must be willing number two it must be with joy it must be with joy you don't serve god with joy forget about your reward believe what i'm telling you grumbling all around say oh today is tuesday again we're just going to pray only god knows where apostle is we're just suffering to pray for him and he's enjoying let me tell you you speak like that god will punish you and the covenant i have with him will punish you two things against you very bad statement and when you stand blah under you see people pray all their heart and say why are they doing this did they charm them that's the same way when they are enjoying the blessings and you talk god you say keep quiet thank god you saw them when they were praying like shoes brothers and sisters i show you the 21st century investment serving god serving god banks will not teach you this serving god whole heart deadly with all your heart you are giving god everything you are sweeping the house of god and you know sometimes i watch these people when the power of god begins to move and sometimes people are around under the anointing coughing all kinds of things and you see all those ushers coming and i'm saying my god look at this sometimes they are there scrubbing the toilets cleaning the toilet people with dignity and respite and their reputation they throw it on the ground just because of the house of god if you were god will you leave them like that please answer me if you being evil no i think i'm compassionate enough to see someone who is serving sincerely and not let him go hungry let me tell you something if you know you are serving god especially in this ministry wholeheartedly you have a right to claim a reward i teach the leaders you can go before god and say lord i am in your payroll no witch no devil no darkness i'm serving lord i swept your house with sincerity lord i was cooking the food this is the evidence of the firewood this is it this pain is the sky is a testament lord when i was given an assignment to lead prayer i did it with all my heart unto you when i was serving as a head of department is not i service with joy the bible says shall you draw there are many angry preachers when they come on stage you know they are angry as though the members are not blessing me i'm here blessing you and you're not pleased pastors don't harass any member they didn't call you go and meet the person who called you don't harass any member with money and all of that do you know let me tell you something let me digress and talk about this money thing if you manipulate people to bless you number one that money will never be useful to you and you rob them of your blessing the secret of being blessed from people raise them raise men not money raise men empower people pour your heart and teach them everything and they will surprise you some of you will build me houses in the future no no you will you will it's not whether you like me or not you will be too blessed to forget about me it's a programming something is happening to you i know you think i'm just motivating you and then tomorrow someone will be angry and say what is it about this guy you know let me tell you let me teach you a secret of greatness find people who are weak and start investing in them grow with them you can change their future but you can't change history your name is already imprinted in your starting of this not that you see somebody who you reinvest in just because he has a car you say is my son i used to be what did you contribute in his life that's why nobody calls a blind person his son nobody calls a deaf person my daughter because they are looking for privileges but there is a way you will bless somebody and pour your heart and they say lord bless me let me find something to do to this person true wealth is men the result of their impact and their gratitude to you for changing their lives all these run around one two you have not said anything you are saying some i've been seeing you changing clothes and have not eaten off your your reward that that's that's that's a that's a lot of foolishness no god is my witness and i say it in the open that i don't have any special person that i corner and say please you are an enlightened group of people you are the ones who will be servicing me that's why i walked the word for myself you see why it's good to be blessed so that you can preach and not depend on anybody who tells you preach on on enemies then they change your message simply because they are buying generators you carry your generator and go away with it never mix money and ministry you will be doing a very foolish thing and not every seat is collectible some seats are your best right please don't be foolish pastors i don't know why i'm speaking to you now not every seat is collectible some seeds are you are collecting your dignity you are you are trading away your dignity and your destiny you must discern not everything is worthy of receiving bible says a man of honor who does not know will die like a beast in the field let's continue service in the house of god it must be joyful god is my weakness i know god be my witness in the midst of your people i have never i have never since god began to walk with me way before coin onion this i have never for once turned and complained and said god this ministry friday again or this day again those who are close to me know that my worksheet you will take the grace of god otherwise you fall down die one day and i do it joyfully tomorrow and gombe preaching again and casting every devil out and we're happy i do these things not because any man is freeing me i do it first because i love him but i know that it's a mystery do you know let me tell you something do you know what people call job is simply the right race of trying to make ends meet when god really blesses you you find out that there's not much to do in life truly truly there is not much to do in life i think it was during the leaders training i was teaching them this when you are really blessed if your salary is hundred thousand let's even be fair 200 000 per month in one year that's 2.4 million in 10 years that's 24 million right all things been equal in 20 years that's 48 million so you are working and that's what you plan to get if god gives you 60 million now you will get up in the morning when people are walking you just be scrolling and saying what exactly do i do today so you see that listen this occupancy we claim to be busy is simply we are trying to look for money to build so you have a 10-year project to build a house and you get it one by one but you can serve your way to a god who does not pay a fixed price he pays according to his riches not a god your boss spends listen listen don't think i'm flattering you when you are in god's payroll life love for be happy service there are many people who have cheated themselves to serve your way into that child i've been buried for five years and you sit down and all you do is just come and sit down be pulling your mouth and say why is the house of god hot today and the devil says continue he's the kind of people we like there is a way you can sweep any nonsense out of your life as you sweep the house of god and people are looking at you and saying all these guys are possibly standing there standing how about even the ladies are standing do you know even during night vigils they stand what kind of punishment is this they say look at how church has turned your head and god here you know god hears people yeah lord i do it as unto you i'm tired but i carry the cheers yes i'm tired but i carry the cheers i was i sometimes i look at the ushers and they are so trained in my opinion i think our ushers are one of the best trained ushers in terms of sensitivity truly speaking and response to the spirit i have traveled to many places great churches big churches and it's surprising when the power of god begins to break up because most times the power of god breaks out at special events so the people know in koinonia anything can happen i can be talking now and somebody somebody's flying up before you know there's an usher there they have the sensitivity it's a training all that training just one usher that's the training of a pastor when you finish that training should you be an usher to be that sensitive to hold people what he's watching brothers and sisters hear me i remember and i always share this there is none of us today that just got up and started ministry every one man of god that i know especially those who came out of zarya you can trace their history to times of dog kingdom service i jokingly used to tell people i think 1994 95 there about i used to play keyboard for a man called reverend demand when i met you honey power praise trouble they started it would have a local assembly and i would trap with my own keyboard i would carry it and go there and i'm just playing little did i know that one day that little shepherd will also become king because that's how he watches you are being eyeing the throne you better leave it and stay and focus on on on making sure the sheep of god is healthy many of you just eye every throne you see that's why you keep fantasizing the secret to the throne is in your servicing the sheep i remember i would play keyboard for them afterwards they would just come and hug me bless you and on my way home trekking i always say this only two things i received only two things from that ministry wonderful people don't have any i don't even know where they are today during the launching of the man's cassette no cds there they gave me one bottle of fanta and one free cassette that's all i got for laborious service i carry my keyboard by myself i walk like a madman and i get one bottle of fanta and and uh and cassette he was into prisons ministry but god was watching you see that many of you just see before you start admiring people find out their track record they have a track record of service it's a new service when people come they throw away their golden crown nobody comes to do any big man you are either serving god or you sit down there don't come and say i mean you don't come here outside and say please prepare a special seat if you are special we know once they don't know you find someone sit down you don't come and say look i'm here together with my kid no no we don't do that kingdom service you want to experience triumph you must be willing to serve god and serving the house of god your energy your time your zeal your gift joyfully not complaining and say i don't like my head of department tells everybody thank you except me he didn't employ you no he should say so but if he doesn't turn to god and say lord you are the one i'm serving i serve you with all my heart lord you see every time i pray here lord you see every time during the rehearsals i spend hours and hours do you know let me tell you something and i want to submit to you i consider myself to be one of the most privileged man of god of my age range and my level i truly believe so god has given one of the best sets of workers in koinonia i've told them too many times i think you should clap you really should clap hallelujah it is difficult to find a ministry where men are very anointed gifted and yet very loyal and sincere and true you don't find it you'll never find arguments going on during the leaders meeting total submission total loyalty to god there are departments i don't visit so much and they never bend to the standards they are giving the leaders serve with sincerity and truth is one of the secrets to my ministerial efficiency because most of the time is spent in prayer and the word and general oversight not going around to monitor because you suspect that these are no no no faithful people are we together and among other reasons is because we saw that seed of faithfulness so we are not surprised do you serve god joyfully and have you been indoctrinated and laughter sisters i speak to you particularly because there is this madness that flies around the moment they see a young lady serving in the house of god people just look at her those who say ah she's just serving because of husband others are saying she's just serving because uh all these ladies is just wasting away jerry look at a friend girl like this will now come and make yourself an idiot in church who told you the house of god is a place where destinies are wasted who preached that to you where did you get that indoctrination that the house of god dries up the potentials of people let me tell you the future some of you what you are doing now is already the price for the future when you see men running around god who say i forbid you you have served too much to serve men i'm speaking to you from my heart tonight how can i bow down before hey how can i kneel down before you and then kneel down before a man you must stop somebody in life either god or your shrine where you are coming out from that you are supposed to be the next priest you left carelessly at the altar still crying for a servant you better secure yourself serving god there are many people who do not know that service is a mystery of exemption you can't be idol on an idol on earth a master will occupy you you don't have god you serve sickness you don't serve god you serve pain you don't serve god you serve a father wicked and foolish and stupid man you don't serve god you serve another demonic roaming around your family let me tell you any arrow sent from anywhere will come and meet me serving it will bounce back a thousand times because there is a system there is an insurance system in god for those who serve him he says he suffered no man to do them wrong yeah he reprove things for their sakes saying touch not my anointed and do my prophets know him he said i shall not die but live and declare as i am serving i immune myself from death i think i was discussing with a few people a few days ago look at me let me say something dominion dominion is not running away from things because of fear of satan is prevailing over them and triumphing over them are you getting what i'm saying let me give you an instance i think a discussion came up and then um someone was asking a question and then i tried to clarify it if i'm supposed to go and preach now and you have a vision or a dream a true vision that my car is having accident i will still go you see i will not allow that vision stop me from preaching my limitation is only the voice of god not the fear of death dominion is to change it and go anyway that's dominion if you allow fear destroy you you will not do many things are we together yeah there are too many people being governed by fear they claim to be working in dominion they have the money for flight they will never fly because every time they're about to fly they see something in the night let me tell you something brothers and sisters you are not glorifying god if you live an escapism life you are always escaping i just saw some that there will be an accident and then some says i'm not going again let's just be careful one day that you've not seen people sit quietly in their houses and a truck came and killed them the name of the lord rather is a strong tower the righteous enter so as i'm driving them in the name the boss collides with the name before it collides with me this is my understanding you know i travel a lot we're about traveling tomorrow now i'm saying these demons are hearing me the spirit of death is hearing me they are probably going to stand in the road to kill me tomorrow and i'll be back on friday now you imagine that kind of frustration of course you don't speak like this so a person will love you don't don't trouble them and they don't drop i troubled them big time that's where i'm alive don't trouble them you don't fear two people if you fear god that's enough how can i bow down before you and then bow down how can i sing a song before you then sing a song before because you were my god he's not our god he's my god it's a revelation of him that i have who is listen a fish never fears plane crash because it has no business with the air are we together so when the bible says i am father both i have no business with certain realities they only affect you when you dwell in that realm i don't know how to make you believe this thing listen i speak not only because god said it i speak because i found what i have to do to make it work when you make boastful statements like this without knowing your part you will die like a chicken the very next day the cow so butcher your leg and head together and scatter you i've seen the spirit of death i have told you yes i wish i were an artist i would have drawn it for you he said let me tell you something brothers and sisters these spirits no man they know those who know them it's like somebody who's from your neighborhood and goes somewhere where they don't know him and says my father is the ceo of guaranteed trust bank and all of a sudden you just come and say oh now let's go home and say you are following my hand that's how spirits work when they enter a place they search for who knows them when they don't find they start roaring but when others stepping they say oh you give us where we have a kingdom business to do kingdom business to do having the readiness to judge all disobedience when your obedience is complete see let me tell you if i were faking this thing you would have known now i have laid hands on too many people with cancer to not have received it myself i've laid hands on too many people with communicable diseases not to receive it myself i have done this ministry work for a while medical science gives us a time range when exposing yourself to certain things will destroy you this thing is in your presence i do all of that no it's called the way the life of god there is a record that we have it while rising gradually to walking in the fullness of it but it's no excuse for darkness when we see them we stamp them say amen but are you serving your way because not everybody qualifies to enjoy this thing we're talking about there are people who your service your service cannot rise as a memory a long time isaiah 18 let's walk this and go to the next one quickly we have to pray isaiah 38 sorry isaiah 38 media help us isaiah 38 let's look at a very interesting story here about a death sentence over a man by a true prophet isaiah 38. are we there let me read it when i get to a place where all of us will join out let us know in those days was hezekiah seek unto them seek unto what new living translation don't understand modern day translation is an incurable disease an incurable disease is a disease unto death it says in those days was hezekiah seek unto death and isaiah the prophet the son of amos came unto him saying listen god said who not a demon the lord set thine house in order for thou shalt and not leave isaiah was not a false prophet he spoke from the mouth of the lord let's see something that is verse 2 then a psychiatrist turned his face to the wall and prayed unto the lord let's see the content of the prayer verse 3 and he said remember now oh lord i beseech thee how i have walked before you in truth and with a perfect heart and i have done that which is good in my sight when you read about as as a guy you find out that he served god with his life his resources were coming to that and hezekiah worked so lord is this how you reward your servants will i serve you and now die that man will say i served you and you killed me verse 4. then came the word of the lord again to isaiah saying go and say to hezekiah thus saith the lord god of david thy father i have heard thy prayer i have seen thy tears behold i will add unto thy days 15 years six i will deliver thee and this city out of the king of assyria and i will defend the city he reminded god do you have the petitions that you take before god and say lord look at the devil destroy my family i'm a faithful servant in your house lord last week 100 people got born again and oh god i was part of those who let them outside remember and god arises and say no you are putting pressure on my integrity i must arise and act for you hallelujah it must be willing it must be joyful and you must serve god with diligence diligence you don't serve god with laziness and slackness you don't serve god with slothfulness you serve him willingly you serve him joyfully you serve him diligently let's go to the next one the next dimension of kingdom service so there's soul winning and establishment there is service in the house of god and then number three kingdom investments god with your resources kingdom investment one of the strangest mysteries of exemption kingdom investment it literally is an investment serving god with your resources serving god with your resources zechariah chapter 1 verse 17 popular scripture we all know it it says cry yet saying thousand not zephaniah cry yet saying though saith the lord my cities he says true prosperity shall be spread abroad and i will yet comfort zion cry yet see though saith the lord my cities through prosperity shall yet be spread abroad and the lord shall yet comfort zion and shall choose jerusalem my cities shall prosperity listen i want you to know that financial resources and other kinds of human resources play a major role in kingdom advancement don't mind those who tell you money is not important in kingdom advancement no that's not true that's a wrong theology we have money among us and we have those who are frustrated with the issue of money both of them are wrong money is important just like the anointing financial resources are important for kingdom activities and god's system is such that listen men wholeheartedly commit their lives their resources and everything to the building of the kingdom by faith in obedience and total trust and they in turn schedule seasons of untold breakthroughs and blessings is how the system of god works my cities through prosperity shall be spread abroad so whoever contributes with his resources to making the house of the lord built to making sure that the activities of kingdom advancement keep on going that person qualifies for certain blessings please give us some one one two verse nine niv if we can get it psalm one one two verse nine i love the rendition the niv puts if we can have that psalm 112-9 this is the reason why many people some did i say one one two one twenty two i beg your pardon one twenty two psalm one twenty two verse nine i like us to read one to read for the sake of the house of the lord our god i will seek your i seek it not just to buy jeeps and cars houses vacations that's too small a reason to subject yourself to the stringent laws of wealth but it is for the sake of your house i will seek your prosperity i'm trusting god to bless me with resources oh god so that i will contribute in getting your activities done listen please the message of prosperity is not a demonic message there is such a message called the message of prosperity and it is not a demonic message it may have been taught selfishly it may have been taught inaccurately but that does not stop the fact that there is such a message and it is part and parcel of the truth of the gospel that believers must learn and know is god's economic system where people empower the advancement of his kingdom and receive rewards listen listen kingdom investment has nothing to do with just tights kingdom investment is not tithing kingdom investment is not worship offering kingdom investment is a a sacrifice between you and god to commit your resources on a continuous basis to seeing that his house is built to seeing that his kingdom is advanced the gospel is preached lives are said this is a commitment it is not a special thing that you gather believers and say okay right now all of you bring one one thousand error it is the inaccurate understanding of the things of god that sometimes will have to necessitate those special events listen part of the financial system of my life every major money that comes to me i know that investing in the kingdom is part and parcel of my spiritual growth process no special event if x amount comes to me my tight god's portion is going i will never come to the house of god empty-handed i come with my worship offering joyfully there is a portion for my parents to bless their life there is a portion to bless people and improve on their lives but then there is a huge and i mean huge truly for the advancement of the kingdom i have a list of men of god i have a list of ministries that i sow into their life perpetually continually some per week some per month continually accept resources don't come not because some of them don't even know me kingdom investment without humiliation and i say this just to let some of us know not just to brag or make noise there are many programs that have happened in this city many programs that have happened around this nation and parts of the world that i just keep quiet i just carry a seed as god directs and i say you want so one give that man of god sometimes i say just tell him no problem there's no need announcing it sometimes i say don't even tell them just go on so they see and i'm happy to see that my seed is saving souls i'm happy to see that someone's life posters are printed through my seat i'm happy this water now is probably someone's seat you see that this pulpit right now is someone seed a commitment to contributing resource wise to seeing the kingdom you don't have to wait i keep challenging believers listen i wish i'm not the one teaching you this but i love you too much i have a scriptural obligation to teach you the truth and that i will do regardless of how you feel i will teach you the truth don't think this is some system to call us money no no no no i fear god too much to do that but i have to tell you the truth because it's what i'm also doing a true kingdom investor finds a need in the house of god he's not told about the need you find it the same way you find a need in a rich man's life out of psycho fancy to get project i said honorable i've seen that you'll be wearing only two shoes and he says you will believe that i have only three he said i brought five you see that you brought five because you are hoping that you will buy relationship and it will work for you hallelujah find a need in the house of god look three of us let's come together cornonia needs more cameras how much is it x amount let's come together let's do an inventory consult with these people the house of god oh i think that i have two thousand era and my two thousand era can buy three cheers in the house of god you come on friday dancing with three cheers three breakthroughs in your life as you drop it a sinner sits on that chair and the fire from heaven falls on him as he's getting born again let me tell you god is issuing a warning he sat on that chair to be blessed find a need don't wait until you are told you find the need i look at this what can i do but many believers don't they just sit down you need to see how offering time is is one of the most irritating time in many churches offering time and somebody just brings out something and tells his wife or whoever do you have they bring out one thousand they put it back they bring out 500 they put it back they bring out 200 naira the new one they put it back then they carried over and saw shall come and drop it and god is watching as soon as they finish they move straight to chicken republic and born five thousand take ice cream for starters take all of this and call friends sometimes who are not godly let's come and enjoy and god sees your passion and then you lift your voice i love you lord god he said you're a liar that's not true you don't love me god so loved the world that he gave is that same attitude that follows men in marriage is the same attitude that follows in everything when you love without giving you a liar and a hypocrite true love comes with giving passionate sincere giving let it be a sweet sweet sound in your ear when i lift up my seat before god as i saw those seats i am happy it is my joy that i want to live my life in such a way that every month i'll be buying a box for a church somewhere what a joy to get to a church and see and say what is your budget and they say we need a new cathedral how much 20 million and you say okay let me just have a private discussion with the pastor and say pastor just give me the plan send your engineers to supervise in three months that church is lifted quietly noiseless contribution you think god will allow me to will if you have a helper like that will you allow me and kill you if your job is to pray for that person and the dev and god wakes you and says the devil wants to take his life oh no come on you will get an energy you never knew you had you will pray and say god it's better to take one of my legs and kill that man but apostle i don't have much you will never have much you give your way to that much you give your way to that match you can sit down and say look what can i do for the worship team we have just hundred thousand sam this is for the dressing of the worship team so they look good this is to buy time for the media department you don't have to come and say make sure apostles knows i'm the one you have you have killed and scattered and destroyed your potential we live in a very political christianity where people like announcement and accurate we are now announcing that chief a and b is the one who gave that golf outside pl you have destroyed everything he says you give let your right hand not know what you i'm not saying there's no place of honor don't get me wrong what can i do for it's not a question of what you can do for me but what can i do for my love by the grace of god let me tell you and i said with all humility i don't want you to do it for me there are people here people here i know they have committed themselves with resources to say joshua sermon it should never it should never happen that you are looking for water and my seed does not come see let me tell you i said without humility i'm a blessed man i'm not talking about your money at all i don't serve god because of money not at this level god has been faithful and you get what i'm saying now so don't think it's some question so that somebody will just bring an envelope no no but i'm telling you you don't practice this you will not be exempted from the walls where the heavens of men will be brass and they are earth iron sacrifice don't listen to these jokes that people have been warning you about people who don't share god and don't know anything about god to be carnally minded the bible says is death but to be spiritually minded is life and peace can help people come and discuss all kinds of things you don't serve god with your resources you will have sickness you will serve trouble you will serve divorce you will have pain i think i've shared that testimony here how that there was a particular uh man of god it was years ago he gave this testimony a very true one him and his wife god is my witness they were in a meeting and i think they needed to roof a church or something like that and whilst they were there the man of god preaching was challenging people to sow into the work of god you know genuinely not out of eye service and manipulation genuinely and the lord just spoke to the man clearly that he should give up his house his real house real estate his property to give up his house and moved to a rented house can you imagine that costly instruction he didn't know how to tell his wife so according to him he said as soon as he held his wife's hand she started crying because the lord had told her the same thing too brothers may you marry a wife like that too that will allow you to obey god you marry a bad wife you will not be exempted may you marry a wife if all you are looking for is we got it and you don't open up your spirit to pick signals that god can say this is what we are doing and your wife will say i may not understand but i trust you i trust the word of god upon your life say amen and be serious about what you just had go around and choosing nonsense and destroy your life because to be carnally minded is what then you won't know now by the time the euphoria of young life is gone you will start seeing what it means to live with a man or a woman who does not hear god god says go left you know we are going right god says go right and you perish like jonah hallelujah i believe i have had a chance to repent had he not married jezebel because he looked like a camp king she looked like a wicked demon that would not allow him i was he looked like a cam person but her presence there so he held his wife's hand and they agreed the will of god be done how many of you know that if god gives you and your wife that kind of instruction relatives will kill you even christians don't say which church first are you going to give the house that man that is already rich you people will never stop becoming fools in nigeria because to them giving is healthy then they will now tell you we have the poor and they need in the villages you don't give a full man to be rich you give a rich man to be rich learn this principle you bless poor men to secure the help of god he says to answer you in the days of trouble but when you want to rise the law of honor you sow to a man that has attained the dimension you desire don't give poor people expecting to be rich all that superstitious thing that they say meet a leper and drop one error is witchcraft you drop it you will be broke i tell you you sow into an anointing to rise i didn't sow to people less than me to be where i am you so higher the queen of shiva knew that's why she carried this and came to solomon do you bless a rich man that's why you are swimming to the anointing the very anointing that god has so you rise up to his realm people do foolish things in the body of christ with no spiritual intelligence and then we are doing serious things but they don't bring results to us giving is helping so many people say they're poor and they need it jesus said the poor you will always have with you you will always have don't be a hypocrite you will always have with you the person who is writing that junk journalism he did sell his ipad to give the poor he used an ipad of 200 000 to write nonsense about man of god you see that be careful how you hear don't let people make the truth the simplicity of the gospel become just a social discussion a spiritual man is not just a homo sapien a spiritual man hails from above with another life and another economy you have to understand this they obey god and they gave up the house according to him all hell broke loose everywhere went haywire you know people will insult the woman you mean you cannot advise your husband what a stupid woman the man look at your wife and children and when they went to a rented apartment gave up that i think they sold it and with the church oh i hope i'm getting the story right and then i think he said that god made a vow to him that he will never need to buy a house again in his life never and that man at the time he was speaking i think he was saying he had well over 10 houses none none none came from his money one not packed and then you complete it built a house furnishes it and said god instructed me now you see people operating at such a ramp you don't know what they gave up you give up things to go up you give up things to go up you don't carry luggages to go up spiritually financially leadership you when you see people rising find out what they left behind nobody rises with luggages you must be willing to give up some things to rise in the anointing you must give up some things to rise in ministry you give up some things to rise serving god with your resources there are instructions today i don't like talking about my personal life and the instructions that god has given me but those close to me know my life is like a madman i am a reckless giver if you are close to me and we are sharing accounts you will take me to court because the lawyer will even be tired because you will not know what to say again i don't know how many times i have emptied my accounts at the instruction of the law to zero zero i'm not talking there is one secret one somewhere sincerely god is my witness as a ministry we have done it there was a year god gave an instruction at the start of the ministry to empty everything i told the finance department oh yeah god said it let it go it was less than one week how many days less than one week almost 10 times that amount came back do you believe this into the kingdom lord this is for your glory there are times and i say this without humility the finance department will send budget of another department and i tell them don't bother what a joy it's not because this is this is not my ministry this is god's ministry right i only leave this ministry by the privilege of this election but it is god's ministry but what a joy i tell them don't worry don't worry sometimes i see the concern in treasurer's face and i'm lucky i will never pity myself as to remain at my current level now what are you willing to give up to go on god is speaking to somebody what are you willing to give up to exempt you let me tell you there are people's seeds i know is a covenant with god darkness will come and loom around them they will come out like smoke before the fire nothing will happen because the investments they have made for the kingdom is like it says it is like the blood of abel crying there is blood through their sacrifice that is crying to the heavens you try to walk against me you are you are a joker i tell you i say this with all humility you are a joker it's not even me that will fight is the altar that is full of sins when you hear people cry say my altar that thing is not some superstitious thing an altar is a place of sacrifice it's a thrashing flow bishop i think it was him or somewhere living faith a story was being given about i think it was a woman who was a titan or a giver in the house of god an armed robbers came they were knocking i think they were about to shoot the man or the woman something like that and i think is it the giving booklet or the tight booklet the person brought and dropped it on the ground and said the ambrose should cross it and come and kill them and they could not do anything when you engage them they walk when you imagine them they don't walk when you sit down wish that they walk they don't walk they must be engaged there are things i have prayed for once that came into my life with spirit there have been times in my life where i cried that god defended me and i prayed once over it because god said no problem if god discovered your sins do you have a sacrifice like hezekiah in this time of exemption lord i want a job lord everybody my family is not making it accept me thank god i'm a christian have you forgotten that your elder one is a pastor and still his wife has not given back his his willing souls and his wife has not given birth sacrifice sacrifice hannah gave her home before the child came and said god look this is not about me this is about you before the child arrives i've dedicated him and god says does it i give it to you i know people here who have sacrificed please come to me let me tell you something about me when we were preparing for crusade the among all of us sorry i'm having to say this i know he may not like it he was the only one among us that time that had a computer a desktop right then he used to make the poster of the first crusade he decided by himself with joy as a sacrifice and then i remember when we that time we needed a lot of money and you know we're trusting god you know people were swimming but he was in need and he did two things now i'm not saying he should do it but he did two things that i will never never forget number one he carried his laptop is his computer i was just passing suleiman and i saw notice and i saw the description of the laptop and i met him i said why with jesus joy you know my laptop must go we need the money i've told you about our ladies who would climb trees they were members of the worship team they were members of welfare they were members of everything the ladies because there was no money to buy fire with them join they would sing we still have the videos that time people like victor and aaron aaron was then please stand up errol aaron was in charge of protocol this hero you see victor that you see the head of protocol he wasn't technical then that time they would carry wood on their head and then dance hey that was the song they used to sing dancing my season has come i remember hold on 11 years ago 11 years ago pouring their heart to the kingdom are we together see brothers and sisters i remember his mother dear mother of blessed memory one silver watch the most expensive watch then i had ever used remember when his mom went to london and bought it and said they should give me the day god asked me to sow that and i wanted to die but i still gave it hi god but i gave it i mean it worked i'm glad it went glad it went it would have been the only one i still have till now the mother alongside other women in lagos mobilized welfare packages remember and they brought all of that i remember that time era we went with two luxurious bosses when we were going to for the for the crusade in abuja how they mobilized it i do not even know we're praying and planning bless you and thank you jimmy so don't be surprised when his children are intelligent and happy he served his way to that his children will never beg for bread not when i'm alive even if he decides to be challenged with his life it's too late not when i'm alive if he decides today that i will never do anything kingdom again together with his wife i said i i agree for you to be an extra luggage in my life let's keep going when we are talking about koinonia ten years from now will your name be mentioned no no no this is not the issue of amen i'm asking you a serious question will you say will you say listen listen will you say this speaker came because my seed was there oh i remember the time that this gentleman used right people giving their hearts and their lives graduate standing as if they are foolish you think these guys are idiots for just standing like this working some of them have come from their various workplaces and it's evening there are people who come in every week from other states this is sacrifice see let me tell you the moment you find yourself complaining about the house of god know that that spirit is there to destroy you because everything god designs in the kingdom is for your good not for his good he's already self-sufficient don't forget el shaddai he said if you will not praise me it is within my power to raise up stones god don't replace me i'm still available and i'm willing there is such a thing like replacement because now i neither hot or cold i will spew thee from my mouth for as long as i live i will not only praise god my resources must join me and praise god what use do i have having cars when the house of the lord is not advanced real estate real nonsense the real estate is a kingdom estate traveling on vacation spending a million dollars over a week no except i've done something satisfactorily for the kingdom there is a minimum of amount of offering that i cannot give i will be wicked and unfair to god and to his faithfulness in my life if at this level he has brought me financially i give god certain levels of offering no there is an amount i trust god to get to a target of an amount that i give god never less than it if it is in your heart god will bring it to you if at this level i squeeze one thousand i squeeze two thousand give god as an offering i'm a wicked person how much do i eat with how much am i close and then the house of god two thousand three thousand me no there are some of you as you are sitting here god has lifted you what you're giving has remained so you're giving bring you back because it said your giving told god you were not yet qualified and god said if your giving says remain i can't say you should rise remain i have given dangerous seeds in my life i have sown seeds on behalf of my parents for their longevity i have sown seeds on behalf of my children unborn i have sown seeds on behalf of this ministry as those who know me this ministry is a given ministry the economic system of calinonia is a crazy system that's why many times i thank god for the way church runs because it is america i'm sure they would absolutely say no no no no you sow that seed and god gives you faithful people he may not give you money back but he will give you one person that will reduce headache there has not been any case in this ministry that has stabbed me of sleep to say somebody just came and is coming parents you can use sacrifice to bail every nonsense out of your children when a woman gives birth a man buys a jeep for her which is wonderful right when a child takes first position they fly into hawaii rather than doing that invest in his future first and say lord this is for my child i buy this kicker for the house of god not nonsense not change not carry torn clothes and say lord i give it in your house you don't give god rubbish no you give god i will not give god anything that will not cost me i look forward to times oh god sees my heart when if i hear any church make noise they want something before they say anything is provided and god will open doors for you beyond your imagination if your if your purpose of financial prosperity is just to wear designers and fly private jets is too small a reason for god to rent the heavens and give you a blessing that you will not have room enough lord if you're healing someone in this city don't do it without me that's my prayer lord don't do it without me oh lord if you're changing someone in this nation please don't do it without me don't do it without me oh man make me it never come to a point in my life when my seed stops advancing the kingdom please tell me what else will i be doing with it servicing sickness servicing poverty as i'm speaking to you you see your greed rising you are trying to believe what i'm saying but your greed is fighting you i wish you would push this thing away no sir god wants to help you i show you the mysteries of blessings that people just rise of god has said is the year of triumph because you are still going to see people rise up in strange ways you will see it's already happening to people you are hearing testimonies of people and i said what exactly are they doing that they are rising because in the world system you have they have to show you the boss and the salary sleep but this one does the boss is invisible the business is by faith but the reward is the only thing you see don't do it without me don't do it without me sacrifice of your life your resources sometimes when i'm going for administrations i'm so tired sleeping in the car or sleeping in the plane and i'm asking myself why why am i doing this do i have to do this and i just remember it's a privilege i take pleasure in worshiping i take pleasure in worshiping i take pleasure in worshiping you alone take my body my soul my money and breathe for me just to take everything take my body my soul my spirit breathe on me listen if you give god your spirit you give god your brain and leave your pocket you are carnal and a liar because where your treasure is that's where your heart is are we together my life my finances and every part of me is open for his scrutiny his probing and his instructions any day anytime without prior notice belongs to him we are going to pray you want to be exempted there is a price i know many of you just believe i will just tell you be exempted in jesus name brothers and sisters there is a price i won't lie to you i fear god too much to deceive you what is the disadvantage of not being exempted write it down the disadvantage of not being exempted was in the scripture we considered with king he said all who see me will slay me he didn't say all men all things that see me will slay me the disadvantage the major disadvantage of not being exempted is that you become a victim of anything and everything write it down you become a victim of anything and everything although redeemed although potentially speaking you should not be a victim of those things but you become a victim of anything and everything without hope for recovery the bible says these people have been alienated from the life of god through ignorance it says having their understanding darkened they have been alienated from the life of god alienated from the life of god to ignorance listen it's a risk to give back to a child and not know whether that child will live long or not is too risky if you've lost a child i i my heart goes out to you don't feel bad but i'm telling you there is a way out please listen to me it's a risk not knowing that you come out today and go back remember there are those who have done it we are not the first to do it remember our song we are surrounded by many they have crossed this river there are men who have lived that long i looked at my father and my mother one time that i went to greet them and i was just smiling do you know one thing i know will keep my parents long thanksgiving if there is anything i've learned about my father my father is a man who can thank god in a way that will know you he will tell you know how old people thank god they thank god for things you consider to be seen we young people say please if you say the air you breathe is baby thank god until the day you breathe through it you for one moment you stay and breathe in and out you will say thank you i've had the opportunity to go to hospitals and to see people i remember the most recent i think it was sometime last year want to see went to see one of our ladies and i went there close to her bed i watched somebody die i watched it the process at that point all your greed follows you to the grave all your seeds that have refused to be given like the rich food the consequences of not using your resources he said this day he sat down and built a ban and put the money and said my soul you have money in gt bank you have money in zenith you have real estate you are a millionaire find rest and god says down fool your soul today today will be required of you money does not follow men to the grave i hear what i'm telling you pay attention and leave can you know that your life will be great oh i'm standing today now one shoe one bag one room one stuff one pot but i'm so in my way is there a guarantee that tomorrow this loss will work for me and then i will be the one to be able to turn back and be a blessing ask me i have the answer that's how we rose that's why when people are bragging and saying we are peace we are the intellectuals however this we went to this some of us know how we came we served our way through the mercy of god and look what god has done today do you know why it is marvelous in our eyes because it is the lord's doing if he's a man's doing he's too small to be marvelous in your eyes you are my velocity you are my velocity that's what men will begin to say about your life that you you want my velocity never allow any man despise you you may not have it now but you are walking your way sister you don't need to prove to anybody you can buy nothing the word of god will prove itself continue you may not have what it takes wear your one shoe honorably don't borrow anybody's shoe and try to prove any point there's too much struck load of proofs coming in the future i know you're a man of god you have only one type iron it with honor and soul sow into the kingdom don't buy suits you are not wise if you do that no i want to package myself so that i will look like a person you are cheating yourself you won't look like me soon let me just tell you the truth you will between me and you is a ladder of obedience you will have to climb it diligently and by the grace of god my job is to shorten your journey not take it away that journey is there you will walk it that's why i don't pity people when they cry sometimes it's good to let the tears roll i love you but i cannot stop your journey i can only reduce it so sometimes people cry and say apostle nothing is working and they think i will clean the tears i say no let it flow because if it does not flow you will not clean somebody's own it's not wickedness there are times i've seen people in situations i want to bless them and the lord said no don't interrupt what i'm doing in their life i'm showing them something and i'm saying lord but they know i can't help them say no no i'm teaching them trust just like it's happening to someone right now every door of your helpers have closed god is saying is deliberating don't even try to pray for open doors because i'm the one closing it to teach you i'm teaching you how to rejoice in the song i'll praise you in this storm remember i will lift my hands you are who you are no matter where i am every day that falls you hold in your hands listen let me tell you something i'm preaching a message to you now koinonia don't be ashamed of your tears let it flow let everyone see you cry so that when you rejoice they will say you cheated you followed the loss you cried mommy you may cry but cry in faith cry honorably as you saw the seed there is heat that we have bearing precious seeds i remember the day the lord asked me to sow 80 percent of my clothes everything 80 percent 80 percent of everything before then he had asked me to give everything i've shared with you the testimony 2007 in portugal i carried everything i had home and i brought plus the rechargeable lantern that was all i had laid my hands and prayed on me for three hours dragged me to church then god decided to disgrace me i was in the overflow outside when people were giving god said i should sit down when people were now giving cars and lands when they finished god said you can now go i was moving ladies were looking at me guys were looking at me but i was looking at my future oh yes i was oh yes i was and i went and dropped that thing the bug was not i don't even know what they did with it when they dropped that back i went back and sat down i did it for his house and the lord spoke to me and said my son from today you have entered wealth men walk by mysteries my mother is one of the happiest people around it's not just because we are alive it's because of the quality of the children she has we're discussing with him today i bless my parents till the day jesus comes till the day jesus comes without saying whether they obey scriptures or not i am obedience to them the same way the priests that they receive tight on behalf of the levites have received it for them may you do that for your parents so may your obedience today make your parents live long so that you will take away this stress that is killing parents young now you see a parent 17 years they can't walk because the son at 40 is still coming mommy please can you borrow me hundred thousands how much is my pension he said just give me are you determined to be exempted am i going to pray sister take my message seriously barriness is still real barriness does not just come on bad ladies who live wayward lives there are sincere people you can start examining yourself now don't wait until the day you get married and try and try and try and nothing happens gentleman don't wait until the day landlord harasses you you say i'll start giving start now don't wait and say apostle but i'm not even in a relationship that's the good time to start sowing that seed your seeds can go ahead of your future lord i carry this sacrifice it's for you through you ask a jimmy he's a witness what did i do with all my scholarships not once did i i was on two scholarships i was a mobile i was on total health then they used to call it then there was no gt bank in zarya who go to kaduna and cash it ask him he's a witness everything went for the kingdom other people were buying laptop they were buying this i used my scholarship for the kingdom behind every story every glory there is a story don't just sit down desiring men's results this is what this covetousness in the body of christ oh god i like it to miss watch i like this i like pastor i've heard you stop those things that that's not how to claim you claim to obedience obedience we're really going to pray seriously because i want you to be exempted listen to me brothers and sisters the danger that looms around there is real danger psalm 91 tells us there is danger on your children born or unborn from the womb now children get mysteriously sick father does not have that sickness mother does not have that sickness from that period of conception to delivery the child comes out with one kind of nonsense i remember one of our ladies who gave that to one baby he later died you know i remember them meeting me they gave her to the baby the baby was an investor you know nothing neck will not move handle no move nothing and i remember the pain the mother used to go through i went back to god and i said lord what happened what happened and then i told them i said look sacrifice is the last boston in this when all else fail your sacrifice is a master key it will take that heaven open i show you a mystery there are times i've come to certain places that i know some doors will not open i prayed they didn't open i fasted they didn't open and i reached out through intelligence i took seats that shook heaven and i swung those doors open and solomon loved the lord and solomon said gather me one thousand animals they said sir are you dashing people he said don't ask me any question bring knife slaughter them number one number two he says feel the blood there was a field god kept watching he said let's watch how far he will go when he got to 500 he didn't stop god said my god what is this who is this man who gave him this kind of heart to sacrifice immediately god came to him and said solomon you called me sacrifice has a voice it can call god i'm telling you a mystery some of you are in situations right now your education cannot bring you out it will not bring you out you are in a situation where you are about to break through something the pastor in your family with all this anointing did not was not exempted from that trouble bad luck people rise to certain levels the moment they reach there they crash you are number seven out of tapping people nobody is walking and you say i got first class you better switch there is a mystery of exemption everybody that married in your family the lifespan of the marriage was four years they prayed in tongues the marriage is scattered because there is a spirit covenanted authoritatively it takes sacrifice i have done this for myself i have done this for calinonia hi brothers and sisters you are sitting on blood you are not just sitting on chairs you are sitting on tears you are sitting on sacrifices that brought you that's what brought you here it's not joshua sermon's revelation sacrifice many people cannot do this thing it's hard that's why very few are accepted i never told you it will be easy i won't lie to you there is he that weapon there are things this man has done there are sacrifices i remember one time i'm sorry i'm having to say he carried a seat together with his wife and i knew this was a serious scene there are people here who have done it sacrifices unto death a kind of sacrifice that when you finish you say god i hope this thing is right i hope it works i told you about my mother my mother almost brought tears out of my eyes i think it was the end of last year she said her death will my mother said if she dies any benefit that will come they should transfer to calinonia a woman alive covenanting her will for god where is the devil that will kill her that's the realm when you say for me to leave jesus christ and to die listen we rise in this kingdom to sacrifice we exempt ourselves through sacrifice strange sacrifice i have watched it open doors for me i have watched it open doors for people great men that you see in this nation the secret is not just the sacrifice of prayer their seats have gone if i tell you i don't practice this those close to me no i am a bank of walking seats nothing justice i do i send it to my future i send it fast i may cry sending it hallelujah i was talking to a jimmy and i was telling him i said i have so much in charge card in my phone i don't know what to do he asked me how much i said 41 000. what will i do with a chat card my phone loaded with 41 000. one naira is not for me one naira is not for me what will i do with it you are not ready for blessings give your sins oh you mean you are enjoying no no when blood touches the earth heaven must answer who said your family will never be rich there is this cause of poverty if you have been given you just give 10 10 000 give 10 error you are not ready to move let me tell you the truth there is a day you come and say lord my children i served idols my father self idols it was in idolatry i gave my life to christ i have not even stabilized my stand i know these altars are fighting me therefore i lift up a fortification gather unto me my saints psalm 50 verse 5. please give it to us they that have made a covenant with me by sacrifice a covenant with me by sacrifice listen you are at a face in your life where you should not pity money listen listen to me wasteful spending is bad but fearful spending is demonic you don't spend your money by issue spend your money breaking altars spend your money breaking covenants leave all those shoes don't be foolish they will come prove any point to anybody lord i have watched my elder brother rubbished i watched my elder sister she got married and got mad this first day this will not happen oh i know it will not happen because i'm in coinonia if you don't do what koinonian people are doing you'll be surprised i'm showing you the secrets brothers and sisters let me tell you they will sit with you like this and tell you they are coming to jail you coming to take you to prison coming to take you to this you cannot pay your rent your sacrifice that's when you see that sacrifice is powerful there is a lady i don't know if she testified i have the text message in my phone i shared it with you to me two days ago her mother practically died and the girl said no no no no way and she caught i think she may be a workout or so she sent a text i told her to come and share it by herself i don't know if she was a walker whatever and do you know this lady said she said kai i can't use my faith again everything went bad and she sent me a text you know what she said she said apostle i can't use faith i use the covenant you have with god do you know what i did i put the text i told you to know what i did i put the text and i threw it on my bed i said no look at what this lady say her mother came back to life yesterday yesterday the text is healing my phone take over take over the end of greed hallelujah hallelujah i have come listen listen till today they serve adults in my village till today they serve idols in my village with the reign of christianity you are not the first to have curses i told you demons used to oppress me as a man of god anointed healing the sick i went to pastors i said what is this thing that demons come to press me in the night they said i don't have faith what is faith i've done everything they define faith to be brothers and sisters there are certain altars that after you have prayed i wish what i'm telling you is a lie i know you are in christ but i show you the mysteries behind the pain of men there are some seeds that will break some others and smash it to pieces and in one year one year when it was time to save man jesus christ god did not make a pronouncement he dropped his son when the son went to god god when his blood did that's why no power the only power that can overcome god is the power that can give a son with that same condition any other deity that can punish god to become a son and sacrifice him will have more power than god he looked around the heavens and found no one greater and he swore by himself the seed shall bruise the head the seed please look at me look at me if i have preached and i have told you a lie may your cause come upon me and my children that i'm born if i've manipulated you for any game listen i don't care who you are how old you are what you read if you want to rise above witchcraft in this life you want to rise and match the head of the devil it's not just your prayer and your voice there is heat that weakness you don't just drop money like that the sacrifice is not in the money is the value on you and tie it with an expectation lord they say my womb will not open you have seen three of your sisters bury you are there jumping up and down and saying i am yeah they are not buried because they are devils they just do not understand the mystery of exemption coinonia is sitting upon this mystery that's why you see us rising by his grace those who don't understand we just think oh these people are just lucky there's no luck in this demo there's no lock in this thing you were engaged there is a mystery there is a mystery that exempts men from all of these persistent of life please i want you to believe it in the name of the lord god of heaven and open up yourself because we are going to do some serious prayers this night is not a night we just joke around we came to pray within the few minutes we have to pray i'd like you to pray remember we're exempting ourselves rise up on your feet and in the next five minutes i want you to blast in tongues as to one who is ready for exemption lord he can't continue like this lord my family cannot continue like this foreign foreign the lord will honor you you are in the presence of the mighty one you are accessing secrets that will exempt you hallelujah hallelujah self-taught me lord jesus say it loudest and serious please be serious say lord jesus the yoke of suffering say the yoke of suffering the yoke of hardship upon my family and upon my life i command that he believeth tonight leave your voice and pray lift it out of your life there is such a yoke upon families doesn't matter whether you are working or not doesn't matter whether you are in business or not you keep blaming other people whereas the trouble is from exceptional hallelujah hallelujah now listen i want you to play three major areas in your life where that exemption must show immediately listen there are many areas choose three areas in your life and pray this is an instruction pray it with your heart mention it lord this unfruitfulness this peace this my family mentioned them if it's your finances i'm blasting tongues and said mostly in muslims are over prophesied his ears are open prophesied his ears are open prophesy holy ghost hallelujah hallelujah i want you to pray and say lord the attachment i have to money the attachment i have to material things that will not let me sacrifice take it away from my life please pray you really need that separation carnality carnality canality attachment to money attachment to material things that will not allow you release without resources the fear of luck the fear of resources finished cross it causes it does not diminish everything given to god multiplies it does not diminish hallelujah hallelujah now i want to challenge you to do something this is not my culture but i want to challenge you whatever seed you have anything maybe some financial resources you can help somebody with it if you have more it's not about you always hear me say this is not where very blessed ministry i say with all humility we are a very very very blessed ministry his grace has been faithful so this is not about money but if if you have something that you can connect with please that no matter how small no matter how little connect with something i want to pray a prayer i want to pray a prayer connect with something help somebody don't sit down greedily saying i don't know him take over turn over myself take over hallelujah praise the lord finance department somebody a representative should stand for calinonia in this prayer we're praying because we're also a ministry that believes the world so we are not just telling people to do it stand on behalf of the ministry we are all going to so i want to pray and the seat shall bruise the head of the serpent i want to pray please listen don't give anything foolishly don't give anything emotionally are we together don't just carry your phones and give emotionally and carry praise make sure everything you do is based on understanding you don't have a seat you're not going to help are we together if you don't have a seat you can touch make contact with somebody who hasn't seen that way at least it can help it's not it's not about money brothers and sisters this is one of the biggest mysteries behind the life of this man you see standing before you my life is a fountain of blood that keeps you don't kill a dead man a sacrifice already killed me i have enjoyed the blessings of god in my life i have seen those open in strange ways i have seen access many people think it's because i'm a man of god no it's because of the principle of the world i want to pray for you lord jesus we stand before you tonight in total faith you are teaching us in this house the mystery of exemption and lord you have taught us how kingdom service can exempt man we are not doing this emotionally we are not doing this to call us ourselves but lord in the name of jesus christ in the name of the lord jesus christ we decree and declare that by this seed i prophesy upon lights upon destinies from tonight a dimension of breakthrough you have never seen i release it upon you right now in the name of the lord jesus christ i declare that any term any altar any pronouncement any joke i don't care how long it has lingered around your life you have prayed it has refused to go you are fasted it has refused to go you even danced and it refused to go i prophesy may your seed answer tonight may your seed answer tonight lord according to psalms 50 verse 5 he said gather unto me my friends they that have made a covenant with me by sacrifice i pray if i descend of god i stand up god upon this altar in the name of jesus as you are holding this seed i command judgment in the camp of the enemy judgment right now in the camp of the enemy may the fire fall on your seat may the fire fall on your seat may the fire fall on your seat may the fire fall on your seat the god of elijah that descends upon the sacrifice in the name of jesus as he burns his sacrifice it bonds every altar as he points his sacrifice it points every child in front every pronouncement brought every pronouncement therefore by this seed i prophesy be exempted from death be exempted from luck be exempted from struggling be exempted from disabled be exempted i don't care how it has been in your family by this field i change the patterns tonight i change the patterns tonight i change the patterns tonight everything called dead in your life everything that has refused to resurrect in your life everything keeping you at the same level you are growing older but you are not moving the truth is you are not making progress the last three years you have been at the same place i push you forward now by the power of prophecy i push you forward now i push you forward now anyone here already marked for death ken said this punishment is too much i don't care what law you broke i don't care what access you gave the devil it was king that said my punishment is too much he said any man that sees me any property that sees me anything that sees me will slay me and god said i put a mark i prophesy upon you right now let me tell you some of you will feel a physical hand a physical hand upon your forehead putting a mark in the name of jesus i invoke the covenant of this office that i stand upon i invoke the covenant of this office that i stand if i be a man of god at the count of three let that mark come upon me one two three take it take it that mark of exception that mark of exemption over death over poverty over the people i shall put a separation between those that serve you and those that do not serve you where your personal faith has has failed and is limited where your prayer life is limited i boost your result by the sacrifice upon this altar in the name of jesus christ may you receive results you know are bigger than you in the name of jesus christ therefore i declare whatever close the heavens over you so that nothing to celebrate comes you are serving god but there's nothing to say god has been faithful i declare and declare in the name of jesus before miracle service next week as surely as the god of heaven lives return with laughter return with strange laughter return with strange laughter hallelujah i pray for every family represented here let me tell you listen whenever you pray never forget our families because many families are in big trouble is only individuals that have been exempted no matter how you rise if things are not okay for your people you are still in trouble are we together because their envy will kill you and throw you down if out of a family of 15 people you are the only one who rises alone gets set for trouble you are ready to pay the spookies of 14 people you are ready to take care of children that you cannot account for therefore i pray as the seed speaks for you let it grow wings and extend to your family members let it grow wings and extend to your family members in the name of jesus christ on common favor on common unction on common anointing on common health receive it in the name of jesus you
Channel: Salvation TV
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Keywords: online sermon, apostle selman sermon, apostle joshua selman sermon, new sermon 2021, apostle joshua selman new sermon, youtube sermon, sermon on youtube, apostle joshua selman messages, apostle joshua selman nimmak messages, koinonia, apostle, joshua, selman, nimmak, prayer, apostle joshua selman, apostle joshua selman 2021, koinonia messages, download apostle joshua selman messages 2019, how to grow spiritually, god, how to desire greater glory, powerful prayer, prophetic prayer
Id: hs4eenuLIM4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 333min 55sec (20035 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 13 2021
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