MONDAY MORNING SECRET 2021 | Apostle Joshua Selman Sermon

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so many believers continue to battle with unfulfilled prophecies here and there men and women of god all over the world continue to speak the counsel of god the word of god to individuals but then we notice that people receive these prophecies and most now let me tell you sincerely most of the prophecies we receive never come to pass and it's an attempt to very quickly show us what may be wrong and then also to reveal to us the place of the prophetic listen very carefully and the place of the word of god because there are people for instance who have seen things in visions in dreams or have received prophetic words from anointed people genuine people filled with the holy spirit and these prophecies may not have been consistent with the dealings of god some of them may have been negative prophecies and they have remained helpless believing that just because a man anointed by god accredited by god made a pronouncement and utterance to them it meant that nothing could be done about it and then they sit down and allow those prophecies happen so we're dealing with the prophetic today and i pray that god will grant us understanding so let's go very quickly our time is gone read with me verse 18 everyone want to read this church i commit unto thee son timothy according to the prophecies which went before on thee that thou war a good warfare stop there paul is speaking to his son in the gospel timothy and he's saying that some prophecies were released to go ahead of you now understand what he's saying he's encouraging him he's saying mr man be assured of this that we have released prophetic words to go ahead of you but he tells him that by them those prophecies that have gone ahead of you you will war a good warfare hallelujah so it is possible that prophetic words can be sent ahead of a person please listen very carefully whether in ministry in family life business career whatever it is that the prophetic is real now let me balance this up front even before we continue our discussion there are people here and there who probably because of their religious affiliations their denominations or the kind and the structure of mentorship they may have received may have been trained by well-meaning sincere men and women of god to ignore or despise the prophetic to despise prophecy we find people some persons have been very vocal about the fact that the prophetic is not useful in today's church and all versions of sarcasm has been communicated as regards of prophetic the bible says very clearly and i think that i will just um solve that once and for all in first thessalonians chapter 5 and verse 20 let the word of god speak once and for all first thessalonians chapter 5 and verse 20. if you're a christian please read with me one to read despise not prophesying one more time this is a warning do not despise prophesying do not despise the place of the prophetic in your journey to knowing god and living a meaningful life that means that the bible recognizes that there is a place for the prophetic okay so we establish that upfront that there is a place for the prophetic and the bible says to not despise it that means that if you find yourself in an environment where yourself or the leaders around you continue to despise prophet signs you don't have to fight anybody you don't have to create trouble but let it be a settled conviction within you that in the journey of a believer there is a place listen carefully there is a place for the prophetic there is a place for prophesying are we together when it comes to the prophetic the bible lets us know that even scripture is prophecy do you agree with me second peter chapter 1 and verse 19 please second peter chapter 1 and verse 19. second peter chapter 1 and verse 19 it says we have also a more sure word of prophecy when you read in context coming down you will know that he was speaking about scripture as a more sure word of prophecy he says where unto you do well that he take heed now listen very carefully so he's telling you that there are prophesyings that have to do with the speakings of men under the influence of the holy spirit are we together he's telling you that there is another kind of prophesying that is the revelation as captured in scripture it says to also take heed as well so do not despise the prophet sayings that has to do with the speakings of men and that you do not despise the prophesying that has to do with the authority of scripture the prophecy of scripture we call it are we together now yes the character of these two dimensions of prophetic operations are not the same please listen very very carefully so the bible is prophetic the words that are written in scripture are prophetic the words that are spoken by a man under the influence of the spirit of god to you real time is also prophetic but in terms of superiority please listen they are not all the same although engineered by the spirit of god the bible lets us know please look at me that the prophecy of scripture and the prophecy that comes from a vessel they are all together to the edifying of the saints but they do not hold the same weight in the spirit you have to learn this the word more so means more reliable more dependable are we together it attempts to show you the excellency of the prophecy of scripture that means that if given an option for both of them the bible gives you its recommendation in terms of reliability and certainty it tells you to depend on the prophecy that comes from scripture are we together there are many reasons for this and that's that's not that's not where i'm going tonight my goal is to show you why prophecies fail and then to connect a few things and we pray the bible in many expressions tells us that scripture has been tried seven times the word seven there means complete that the truths of scripture have been vetted again and again and has been found reliable listen the bible is not the only book that contains the cease of the wisdom of god listen carefully here and there god has dealt with people here and there different religions have tapped into the wisdom of god through the understanding of his principles and they have captured details that are consistent with god's operation are you getting what i'm saying now chances are that you can pick a book that is non-christian you can pick any religious book on earth and read it and you will find communications that are consistent with the way god would have spoken and how god would have acted and the results even in those books show you that the agency that supplied that result was not of the devil it's not an endorsement to the books the advantage of the bible is that as a singular compendium it contains the wisest perspective in all matters are we together now listen very carefully now it contains the wisest perspective why because they are god's opinion among all of the books that have been arrayed for the edification of man the bible as a compendium of 66 books has been recommended by the spirit of god that it can guide men to know god it can guide men to become victorious when you study theology you will find out that there are many other books they are generally called extra biblical texts there is what we call the annals of the king that's what we call the dead sea scrolls that's what we call the books of joshua all of these books are extra biblical materials that were written are we together now but then in the wisdom of god and through his predetermined counsel he has found out that the truth contained in this compendium we call the bible is sufficient to be the limit of the jurisdiction of your knowing god you will find many books that contain certain information that may not be captured here and god is telling you within the context of your civilization any knowledge about me that is not in this volume is not required for life and godliness in as much as you're walking with me is concerned so the bible becomes the coordinates if you allow me use that word the bible becomes the defining jurisdiction for your knowing god listen very carefully i'm showing you the reasons why the word of god is called the most sure word of prophecy god has vetted the truth here and found out that any believer that settles with scripture as contained in this book under the influence of the holy spirit there is no dimension of god required for your knowledge that the truths here in partnership with the holy spirit cannot bring you into so it's called the most sure word it has predicted your life already more than any man can predict more than any man can prophesy are you getting what i'm telling you now the vessel that speaks to you is limited by many factors number one the accuracy of his or her perception number two the accuracy of his or her interpretation number three the atmosphere that became the influence upon which he spoke are we together number four the level of renewal of that vessel as at the time he spoke all of these are factors all together that can interrupt the purity and the quality of the speakings it doesn't mean the person is fake these are the things that water down the efficacy of the prophetic are we together and then the mental development of that prophet or that speaker also matters chances are that if naturally speaking i'm a person that detests excellence if god is giving me a prophetic word that relates to excellence my my prior fortitude for trivializing excellence will make that prophetic world not come with the gravity with which it left heaven because in my person i don't find excellence to be something that is needed if i'm someone for instance who does not believe finance and prosperity is useful are we together if a prophetic word comes that god is going to make sami millionaire remember i've trained myself to be embarrassed to even talk of melania because i've interpreted it as canality chances are that i would just say you are going to be blessed you see that now so the efficacy of that prophetic word was corrupted by the limitation of my spiritual understanding but then let's assume for instance that i was accurate enough to deliver it to be fair enough and you now receive it now remember i'm not sick remember i'm anointed remember you two you are not fake you see that now yes the giver and the believer have to be real for it to work so we agree that two of us are not fake are we together and now you receive that word and then it never comes to pass and you go back to god and say lord what happened i got a prophetic word by a man of god and according to the word he said by june i will have a car remember he called my name it was accurate he called the name of my wife it was accurate every other detail was accurate so it supported my believing him yet it did not happen i even fell down you can add it and it didn't happen he prophesied to me that as i returned back my ministry will expand he described in detail my ministry called the name called everything i went back and after five years were worse than even before i came for that consultation what is the reason why do prophecies fail this is a question that even men of god apostles and prophets themselves have not seemed to find an answer to so usually as men the obvious answer is to transfer blames so i come to you and i say it has to be your fault you didn't have faith you didn't believe me my track record is there to show and then the other person says well i may have my track record but i don't know what happened to yours at the time you are speaking to me i know that it was not god and then we read scriptures like god is not a man that he should lie not the son of man that he should repent are we together now when you read the scriptures it further confuses you because you are now looking and say that means that it is within god's power to bring his word to pass the reason why many people are confused over spiritual things is because we don't read our bibles we listen to people but we don't study scripture we do morning devotions we listen to messages online profitable and wonderful but we don't stay with scripture for the purpose of building understanding building conviction so most of our convictions are outsourced and borrowed our convictions are hardly intrinsic something that came as a result of a revelation given by god most of our convictions are outsourced we borrow the confidence of someone we respect just because the person said this is it we say this is it too why do prophecies fail hallelujah are we blessed so many people have relaxed and crossed their legs so many people have even written the prophetic words that were spoken unto them barring women have received prophecies you will have a child and is five years gone no child sick people in the hospital receive prophetic words do you have a loved one in the hospital yes sir is he sick yes sir about to die yes sir thus saith the lord you shall not die isaiah 38 mighty god we give you praise give us understanding and be glorified isaiah chapter 38 under in those days look up please was hezekiah sick unto death and isaiah the prophet isaiah the what the son of amos came unto him and said help me read those sayeth the lord stop there so we agreed that it was not the speakings of isaiah thought said who the lord set thy house in order why for thou shalt die and not leave don't call anybody fake again because the prophecy is negative who spoke negative here don't say it who now talk to me i mean well christians don't just begin to the man was a vessel i brought you junior package you opened it and saw a gun and you arrest no you don't i i was sent i'm a messenger just said the lord set your house in order he says for thou shalt die who are you going to beg who will you beg to help you beg god that god sends a prophet and he speaks put your house in order you are going to die verse 2 then he say kaya turned his face to the wall and prayed unto whom he turned and prayed unto the lord verse 3 and said remember now o lord i beseech thee how i have walked before thee in sanctified them by thy truth thy word is truth and with a perfect heart and i have done that which is good in thy sight and he said kyle webb saw verse 4 then then hold on the first time he said don't say it the lord now he's saying the word of the lord came to isaiah saying verse 5 go and say to hezekiah tosait the lord the god of david thy father i have heard thy prayer i have seen thy tears behold i will add unto thy days 15 years listen what was wrong oh god with your understanding couldn't you see the end from the beginning again you sent a prophet with your reputation on him and within minutes prophecies changed this is a discussion between god and a man a man goes to god and said god what did i hear that you said you said i'm going to die let me do something to you that will make you change your own word please listen i have added now 15 days to your to your years for six and i will deliver thee and this city from the king of assyria and i will defend this city next verse we're ready to verse 8 and this shall be a sign from the lord that what you now hear is more superior than what you had before because the god for and against me came from god so why which one should i believe remember don't say the lord before came from god don't say it the lord now also came from god you have kept me in limbo and god is saying i will give you a sign to show you which is superior please go back seven seven that the lord will do this thing that he has spoken which one which one didn't he speak verse 8 behold i will bring again the shadow of the degrees which is gone down in the sun this and that and that backwards so the sun returned 10 degrees by which the greece was going down he gave him a sign so by the time the guy saw the sun going down he said ah this sign was tied to the second prophecy and based on it i know now and i have confidence that something i have done has made god to override the first prophecy there is now let me tell you some interesting things here number one god never admitted he made a mistake so it was not a mistake god ah sorry is he you are isaiah you know how busy i am i have to speak to this and that no god acted as if he didn't talk before listen to this he would have said okay go back and say it's okay it's okay don't you don't need to cry i'm god am i still not your father he just changed as if he's not the one imagine if you were that prophet it's as if god just denied you now and left you in trouble imagine if isaiah came to your church hezekiah came to your church miracle service are you now prophesied and said this what i see you the same way it moves from positive to negative i can also stand in the name of the lord and prophesy to you that by next week five of you will be in america and by next week one person is in jail the other person is in the hospital and you will come back and say mr man come and arrest this man because he's fake between the first prophecy and the second prophecy man did something listen to me very carefully between the first speaking of god and what he changed man did something that means between a positive prophecy and a negative one that happens there is man in between that does something that can turn prophecy please listen to me and learn this all personal prophecies write it down please all personal prophecies spoken by any servant of god all all personal prophecies spoken by any servant of god have conditions that must be adhered to for their actualization all prophecies there is no prophecy spoken by any man of god on earth that happens on his own are we together listen the prophecy of scripture is a revelation of the present principles of god that has already been attached to his speakings notice notice how the construction of scripture is for every speaking of god there is a condition are you seeing that now the moment you satisfy that condition there are some of them you don't even have to pray the moment you satisfy that condition it happens are we together now look at this i don't need to speak to your ground your farm and say in the name of jesus except i'm not a man of god corn you must come out this year no already a word had been sent while the earth remains see time and harvest that means if i never saw i would not know whether that word is still valid or not so my sowing gives the world an opportunity to prove itself and then it grows that the word of god is more so because already for everything god says the principle to actualize it has been added as a man of god i can receive prophecy for you and not be able to be aligned enough to receive the principle that makes that prophecy come to pass i can tell you god is going to lift you but the limitation of my prophetic reception does not allow me to tell you what you must do to make that prophecy come to pass so i just tell you this is what i see you are great the word of god says this is what you must do you are great too choose which of the two that if you never meet a physical man who speaks to you you can go to jesus the prophet i am the way the truth and life jesus the prophet and look at the scripture and lift that scripture as jesus speaking to you and say jesus i hear you i've heard you say to me that it shall come to pass if i diligently happen to the voice of the lord to observe and do all that you command me this day that you will set me on high above all the nations of the earth and that these blessings will come upon me and overtake me there is no witch in hell hear me if you prophesy to me and say apostle i see failure you are not wrong but i have i know that there is a motion word of prophecy for as long as i walk in keeping with what jesus the prophet said there is no divination and there is no enchantment from the pit of hell that can override the authority in the creator of authority the prophecy of scripture stands superior to any human prophecy man of god and women of god are gradually pushing prophecy outside of the jurisdiction of his relevance and members are today becoming slaves to men and women of god a man seems to be able to own the souls of people because you can just speak to anybody anyhow and they go back saying this one has spoken apostle joshua salman has spoken no prophecies can fail to the negative or to the positive i can speak to you and say god will bless you you will eat well don't obey the principles of scripture that make for increase and you will be surprised when men say there is a casting down you will join them and say there is a castle why because you violated the principle there is no truth of scripture salvation is the freest thing we know and the condition is that if thou shalt believe with thy heart talk to niconia and thou shalt confess with your mouth that means you can stand around a preacher and he can preach a powerful salmon and you will still go to hell you heard the word but you still went to hell this action part this condition part is why many prophecies failed the prophet spoke in scripture that a virgin shall be with child he didn't say a virgin called miri he said a vege there were many women who qualified for that prophecy but one woman aligned herself enough so the angel came to say madam we have found you favored and i've taught you that favor does not happen automatically mary was understudied from heaven there were many other ladies but heaven looked at mary does she sustain please help them does she sustain the character will mary be able to stand the embarrassment of getting pregnant from a ghost the way mary is if pressure is too much are you sure she's not going to corner joseph and run away is this woman is he liable to receiving a bribe from a rabbi mary was not just favored she was studied her alignment was making her partner with prophecy and you get what i'm saying now and then the angel came back and said mary we have found you favored and the favor is that based on our examination you are the most fit person among the virgins here to carry jesus she said well um i don't want to avoid prophecy how shall these things be seen that i know not a man and then the angel explained that okay this what will happen you will not need to meet a man the holy spirit is going to come upon you your stomach will just start bulging out don't find it strange don't do anything don't shout don't worry it's okay and she said be it unto me be the word unto me i receive the word be it unto me according to your word mary would have sat down and said no this deal is not fair the ghost has to come with you and explain to me and let me understand if i see him and i think he's really a spirit and that do you know it would have delayed the birth of jesus heaven would have had to now go back and start looking for another person again are you getting what i'm saying now this is very powerful so god has spoken great things over our lives many of us received the word we didn't receive the conditions we left the conditions on the ground when we fell down we got up we received the word but we left the conditions as a result our lives are a shadow of what god said should be because we received the word but did not receive the conditions the angel comes and tells joshua that this city will be defeated but then he gives him the conditions immediately and demands that the conditions be adhered to in total so he began to go around jericho once every day the seventh day he went seven times and they shouted and prophecy came to pass there is no prophecy that happens on his own there are few prophecies in the bible that are called written judgments there are verdicts already that have been declared one of which is the eternal doom of lucifer there is no prayer retreat that will happen to beg god to change his mind about the condition of satan so if you have a dream and you see satan coming back in heaven to join the seraphs you know straight up that you are under attack because based on the truth of scripture written it's a written judgment are we together another written judgment the eternal doom of those who reject christ the antichrist and his cohorts these things are written the only thing you can do is to exempt yourself from it but you cannot stop it number three the reality of courses and yokes on earth is written ordinances were intentionally put the only thing you can you can't stop causes on the edge no they are there the only thing you can do is exempt yourself from it you can say mine was me and my family but to say my nose eat out of the earth no sir it is not given to you you can cast out demons from your life from a church from your vicinity but not from the earth there is nobody who will stand and gather all the demons on earth because he said i behold i give you power remember scripture power so i have that authority i've been risen with christ above all thrones dominions and every name that is named you gather all the demons in one place catch them and let there be peace on earth no that does not happen i don't know if you understand what i'm saying yes the number one reason why prophecies do not come to pass is because people receive the word but do not receive the condition the condition for actualizing the prophecies the other side of this is that you can change any prophecy write it down please don't let anybody tell you there are prophetic words that will not change and cannot change that is against the character of scripture the bible shows us again and again that it is within the power of a believer shabrakatu's capatia to change prophecies that means if your father looks at you and says you are caused you are a foolish stupid son i know a woman years ago when i was in secondary school there was a woman who was tired of her son stealing she will make her little money and this naughty boy would come and carry continue to fish the money out of the mother's wallet and one day she was angry and she looked at him and caused him she said he will stop stealing only when rat stops killing let me tell you this guy as soon as he's going out of the cell he won't reach two weeks he's back again they know they just open the door there's nothing to ask what happened just walking we know do you think that boy does not have a way out imagine that that boy is in a place where he never meets a man who can speak to him is there hope for that boy yes sir there is jesus the prophet that he can look at it that even the lawful captives is it in your bible a more short word of prophecy even the lawful captives can be delivered so you can find this truth and believe it but you just get up and say wow i found it even the lawful captives shall be delivered i'm delivered hallelujah you are not delivered you are only informed about deliverance that is possible are you seeing how we mock ourselves we just find out i receive it in the name of jesus hallelujah i'm done and right after them you will see what they said should happen happen there are conditions what made the captive lawfully captive and what is the condition for that person to be delivered the biggest hit of this prophetic inaccuracy is in the area of financial prosperity many poor people in the church today the years they have spent waiting for prophecy is the same time they would have activated the blessings of god upon their lives they have sat down lazily and carelessly some foolishly waiting for a prophetic word by an accurate man and members continue to harass men of god around and say you have spoken is not working i bless you i bless you you are correct but you go and read and study everything the bible says about the blessing how it works and how it is activated and you find out that many people are hoping in futility it's true charismatics this is where charismatics are failed the excitement that comes with revelation has swallowed up the need for compliance people just jump here and there things will happen he shall keep the imperfect peace yes and no evil shall come nigh thy dwelling you go and look for trouble and see what happens it will look as if angels are no longer there so what happens i i get what i'm saying now yes you can choose to end your life now today right now you go and stand you go and stand on the road let me be prophesying in jesus name you will live long i stand under the oil god has given me while you stroll foolishly you use your will that is more powerful that's the same will that brought jesus into your heart jesus stood at the gate of your heart and would not enter until that we let him in and you stand in front of a door and a truck the spirit of death is an opportunist he looks for a scenario that makes his ministry possible so he's scouting around zarya and here he finds someone about to stand near a t-junction carelessly he will heighten the drunkenness of the driver and we speak he will not see you he will come and clear you you are dead now resurrection is a different law altogether we can now start but as far as that seed is concerned you are dead hallelujah let me tell you something that happened to a young man i'm sure he may be listening or maybe he's here it's a big mistake that the boy made he had some carryovers and he saw me in a dream according to him i appeared in a dream and i told him i said everything is all right now watch this now everything is all right very consistent with what god will say are we together the same way god looks at the paul said let the poor say i'm rich they said i'm reached till they became old nothing happened and then the gentleman got up and didn't even do anything he refused to take the carry over refused to do anything and he just said and he called me and was sending text messages and was telling me look i'm not trying to jail the gentleman or not at all i'm just trying to use it to correct now you see that word was at the mercy of a condition are we together now is you know when your lecturer sees your script now you have done your own part to at least right the spirit of god can now move upon that man to show you mercy mercy is not possible now because the condition to activate the mercy was not granted the same way the bible says that you will build houses and you keep looking at your land that house will not be built someone will look at you and say speak to me say the same thing i told you last year is what god is showing me again the day you take a step of faith and you buy sharp sand one deeper and pour there by feet what happens that's your five loaf and two fish you are ready for a miracle a destiny helper can now come and say what's going on here see i'm i'm starting life i'm pushing this thing by faith i really come to my office tomorrow now your obedience has allowed prophecy to find expression are we together yes your marriage shall be a blessing your children surround your table you will see your children's children you are a bad gentleman and you're a bad lady god will never that prophecy will never come to pass are you getting what i'm saying now there are many guys that just crossed their legs i saw myself i saw my children i saw a jeep here i saw a resort center here you are dreaming let me tell you this prophecy will never come to pass because god demands diligence and productivity for wealth to happen you have ignored that law and so that prophecy will never come to pass are we together your marriage will be a blessing if you know what it takes for a husband and a wife to live together if the only thing you take to your marriage is prophecy you are in trouble you must take understanding you must say what understanding so that when your wife shouts and says i hate you i hate you i hate the damn married you just know that she doesn't mean what she's saying if you carry that that straight line prophetic thinking and slap her that's the end of that marriage in spite of the fact that the bible says you will see your children's children prophecies can fail when men do not satisfy the conditions that make for the actualization of that prophecy it will fail the same way negative prophecies can be adverted i've told you i've said this with you once and again that people continue you know here and there people can have dreams about me over trips that i'm taking whether by road or by air and they can send the text and say apostle i got up i saw a very dangerous dream very dangerous dream and this is it and i saw a ghastly motor accident oh i saw a plane crash and you are there now they are not fake truly it may be that that's the plot of the enemy it will be stupid for me to think satan is going on break for me no there are many people who think the devil is attacking them the devil is not attacking them do you know what it takes for satan to attack you you to be honest if you were satan will you attack everybody it's not strategic what have you done that justifies being attacked the level of investment you think satan is making on you is this is flattery most of what we are getting is the enough of prophecy just sitting on your life and not moving because you have refused to do something about it take satan out of the earth people's condition will only improve a little only do what improve a little you'll be surprised you think if satan is taken out of the earth suddenly the poor will be rich suddenly you in fact let me tell you there are many people who that god uses the way the devil pushes them to help them understand god you will be surprised to see that some people's situation will be worse when satan is out because there's no basis for pain again to bring conviction some of you right now are sitting down waiting for prophecies to happen by themselves some of our parents received prophecy since 1980 1972 today that prophecy has not come to pass and we continue to carry disappointment in our hearts i am showing you right now listen very carefully that more than the speakings of any man you must find a place there are many men of god who people look and say i see a grace on you say somebody has told me before confirmation i see that you will be a powerful man of god yes sir i'm seeing that grenade bunker see right now the other one said that you would never be like me do you know what reinhard banker did to be right in that donkey talk about the times of prayer talk about the times of fasting listen to me talk about the times of engaging the world talk about the disciplines that it takes to host god's power you ignore that there is no rain advantage for you the worst in fact let me even take it a step further before we pray the worst one is that hands were laid on you one prophet escaped and you just believed that because hands were laid and i fell down i got up with condition satisfied automatically no you were embraced by that falling the real anointing for the result has not yet been given that anointing for the result is waiting when your obedience is complete that's when it comes on you the anointing you received i'm telling you is the grace to work in keeping with the conditions that bring that prophecy are we together it's a simple message but it will work wonders in your life you will call your brother very quickly and say sir please come i already know that this your journey is heading nowhere just sit down let us discuss why is this family like he said don't worry prophecy just came last week and you will know who to drive away from your house respectfully by the time he comes again singing all kinds of songs and saying that's not workable let's walk again bring 200 000 bring one chicken bring one bag of rice and then success will imaginarily happen no sir whether a man is fake or real the result in your life will be the same if you don't engage do you know what i said whether a prophet is fake or a prophet is real once there is no engaging the conditions that make for actualizing that prophecy your result i guarantee you will be the same it's why many people don't go to church they went to a harbor list and the habalis prophesied to them and then they got born again and went to a real man of god he prophesied to them the result was the same zero and they said i don't there's no difference there will not be difference because the defining factor is not god not the prophets but you the recipient of that prophecy if god tells you you are going to marry a multi-millionaire what are you supposed to do thanksgiving yes thanksgiving but what what do you do else where you finish thanksgiving you go back and start saying god help me a millennia means many people who hate him a millionaire means that he may not have time to rest a wise person begins to war with prophecy you god tells you now you will be a millionaire how do you behave buy new clothes no sir that's not how to conform to prophecy you go back and follow them who through faith and patience once you don't see faith and patience don't follow them even if you see the promise you must see faith and patience to qualify followership anybody you see the promise and you don't see faith meaning there must be a god equation in their life there must be something in their equation that force them to need god are we blessed there are many things today that god has brought this ministry into that god did not directly prophesy to me i'm not one of those men of god that would lie to you that everything we're seeing is what god there are things god did not tell me i went to the word jesus the prophet i looked at the truth of scripture i understood the truth of scripture and i saw the conditions attached to it because the testimony of jesus is the spirit of prophecy i read and studied how jesus increased in ministry jesus increased the ministry because he first increased in wisdom in stature and in favor with god and with men that means for anything to increase around you something must increase within you that's a revelation so i don't move around with the brain of 50 members and the prayer request of 5 000 members it doesn't work that way i must upgrade myself spiritually intellectually to be able to host the kind of increase that i trust god to bring we only know that a crowd came to jesus but jesus christ at age 12 when his mates were running around jesus was at the temple lying learning are we together there were a few times in scripture where we saw jesus around feasts there were a few times in scripture where we saw jesus just enjoying himself that's the portrait of a serious man of god you god has called you to ministry every movie that comes out you must see it and watch it it's all right if you are called into the movie ministry but if you are called into the world ministry with power and signs and wonders that's too much luxury to host the anointing are we together listen let me tell you this sincerely i i tell you the truth as a man of god i stand from the standpoint of the knowledge that god has given me and i look at many people and respectfully i can tell you there are people that results are far from them i hate to be a bearer of bad news but even when people stand for me to pray for them i know that what i'm i'm doing is not the final solution to that problem and it is painful as a man of god not many people will tell you this truth because sometimes you see men of god who are victims of manipulating the ignorance of people the ignorance of people can be used to the advantage of the man of god there are times that people stand with seats here sincerely and i look at them and they say apostle i just emptied my account and my heart is bleeding what is this for now you see a person i know things can turn around in my family i know the answer is yes and no yes a breakthrough can come but sustainable financial open doors no sir there are truths you muslim so i tell the person okay go and get caught on your teachings there and sometimes as i'm talking they start shaking the moment they fall they stand up and just laugh you see some of them calling their loved ones is done no it's not exactly done honestly you see let me tell you something brothers and sisters you must you must you must love god and love people to be dishonest there are very successful people in this ministry in business career and so on and so forth every one of them can tell you the different units the different dimensions that construct themselves together to spell success were adhered to where the prophetic was needed they opened themselves to that dimension where prayer was needed they opened themselves where diligence was needed they opened themselves like the ingredients of of a meal everything was combined together to equal success this is what i'm teaching you handing over the responsibility of your destiny to the prophetic alone as the ultimate determinant of your success and not staying with the word of god to understand the conditions will end you in futility and in pain there were many things that i did not see in my life in spite of the prophetic words i kept receiving i had to study prophecy and say look i have to look at this thing and examine it very carefully and i began to find out if thou shalt diligently deuteronomy 28 please give it to us deuteronomy 28 if thou shalt diligently harken look up please this is prophecy the correct approach to prophecy and it shall come to pass if thou shalt diligently hack unto the voice of the lord thy god to what observe and to faith is not just hearing what god has said faith is doing what god says should be done to see that result when the rich man came to jesus he said good master what must i do to be saved apostle the devourer is coming every time i can't hold ten narrow like this i see there's a bug now let me tell you this i can stand as a man of god please watch this we're going to pray shortly i can stand as a man of god and god can show me a revelation i can look at for instance come some he's looking sharp and smart now watch this you see how sharp and smart sam is looking imagine that god opens my eyes now the way prophetic things are interpreted you have to be spiritual and be grounded in the word to interpret them properly because god will open my eyes now you know what i will see i will see this i will see some holding a basket and i will see water being poured in that basket and going down that can be a template that god is showing me to mean that there is loss and wastage in his life are we together now so he uses because god speaks in pictures the bible calls his similitudes it is not only words god speaks in pictures so when i see that now watch this i can say ah sam all that i see your finances going down say yes it's true everything going down yes you don't cover that basket just with a prophetic word no remember the going down of the finances is a product of many decisions that he's taking so the real captivity is the financial decisions his understanding about god's methodologies as far as increase is concerned that affects and influences the decisions he's taken that now authorizes this opportunity called the divora to destroy him so to really help son after prophet saying to him i'll say sam i need to show you the conditions provided for by scripture to stabilize your finance number one let's look at the spiritual laws you are breaking number two let's look at the understanding let's look at what you are doing you are not producing anything you are not you are not diligent you are not exchanging anything for value number two your reputation is making you to make bad decisions that are above and beyond your financial level now you are closing that door permanently remember that knowledge and on wisdom are stabilizers of destiny when some goes back now number one he will pray and rebuke that spirit but number two he has now received a dimension of intelligence that teaches him that patience is godly are we together that teaches him that it is all right to move small in life if all you have is a shoe of 300 naira it is not a mockery on your reputation an understanding you had before called it shame what you have now received conscious process because of that now when the devorah comes as usual a fortification has been built to knowledge now the prophecy of some god is changing your life can now happen because favor can now come a system of preservation has come this is how sam is warring with this prophecy otherwise some can kneel down and say yes sir i will speak to him the destiny helper will come and pour the same water into the same basket so here's what happens in church and i say this to churches and ministries like us here that are apostolic and prophetic because many times we have little value for the executives of the world bringing understanding to the saints bringing illumination because of the charismatism around the demonstration of the spirit and the prophetic many times we we feel embarrassed even as much as men of god to settle down and mature believers through the teaching of the world we would prefer to just begin to move imagine that i i i come here now and the power of god begins to break up i mean it's easy for you to see that this is that joshua salman you know the bible said this is that so when you bring a visitor he said i told you if you reach 10 minutes when it comes up you'll be flying like you doubted me now you see it happening but sometimes when you sit down you see the way believers are embarrassed and ashamed when the word of god is taught you you see that each i need something when someone shouts they start laughing you know it just it's like it just eases off because many people do not want to grow we have thought that prophecy is a shortcut to destiny no prophecy is part of the requirements listen very carefully is part of the systems that were put by the wisdom of god for the building of the saints prophecy was not designed to replace obedience to god set order if i give you a book and i say study this book on church growth and success and leadership and administration chances are you're going to throw that book away if i say come to me and i will receive just one touch how many touches one one touch you go back your cathedral will enter another dimension that prophecy will work if you have prepared your way like daughter before you go dotan prepared his way before the lord if you are prepared your way you have done your assignment oh with with jesus joy that oil will come and set your life in order before the fire came there was already a sacrifice prepared already the fire would not come the fire cannot come and be hanging in the air oh yeah quickly prepared you prepare the sacrifice first there are some of you the prophecy on your life requires a requisite level of transformation for it to come and since your rate of change is slow it will take a long time so when you say god help me god says i'm ready to do it today if you will change to that dimension what do you understand about pastoring thousands of people what do you understand about the diplomacy of conflict management what do you understand about leadership and administration what do you understand about finance what do you understand about impact and influence what do you understand about preparing sermons what do you understand about about giving people an expression growth just anoint me oh god don't worry about anything let me tell you what you you will produce a place with so many miracles that will depend on you they will never be able to rise this is the tragedy of the prophetic and the apostolic ministry if i speak to you son and by tomorrow someone give some a house a car do you think next week someone will come for coinonia some will speak even sit down there you will see down the altar are you seeing that now and then the day let's assume that this is a branch church the day they now want to transfer me to go to the u.s what do you think god will be telling sam at that point sam who almost died that he had god no the emotional connect that comes by reason of the breakthrough he received through my life has made my voice look like the voice of god to him and most often than not god did not speak and tell him to go anywhere he just examined the other replacement they brought and the lazy nature of the man greeted the congregation i said no i will say to that disgrace not at this strategic point of my life and then he will get up and now begin to travel and go and meet me in the u.s this guy's destiny has been wrongly attached to me are you seeing that now to the point that this man can never know god by himself because the definition of christianity and breakthrough as proposed by me is that if you do not receive a prophetic word from me you are grounded you are dead you are finished my name is joshua selman and i'm telling you it's a lie if you take the word of god and believe it and walk within the principles that are kept in the word i repeat to you that no divination and no enchantment if you are reading the word properly there are places in the world that will lead you to go and look for men to pray for you so you don't have to be afraid of being an arrow are we together i continue to watch with frustration sincerely speaking as prophecies continue to be aborted in the lives of people and they blame men of god and continue to make negative prophecies to come to pass in their lives i told you respectfully so that in my entire paternal lineage sincerely i think aside from my dad by the grace of god i'm the most successful person entire draw the life from anywhere till this can you imagine that kind of thing i saw the spirit of failure and poverty and hardship in my family you can be the greatest of anything but live long enough you must be the least when i saw it number one i didn't deny it i knew that if you deny that's another delay you are causing for yourself the quicker you admitted it the better for you just sit down and look at it and say ah okay this is it i see that there is problem here but i made up my mind i i love the word of god i found it all i found it see i have set thee above thrones dominions above all of this thing every name that is named i started seeing something here jesus the prophet started speaking to my destiny and i had the foolishness to believe him the child likeness to believe him i believed him so much so that i disbelieved every other thing i saw and then the holy spirit guided me enough to know what are the conditions what does it take to actualize this and then he began to show me step by step and i said it may be painful oh god i may not be able to go through this myself but supply the grace and he says my strength is perfected in your weakness look what he has done today apostle is lucky i remember when they were prophesying that day was he not two of us they prophesied over everybody they meet him that's what many people say that's what many parents say they look at many great men of god as they are this guy he was just lucky i knew the meeting he got born again the same altar call was made for everybody one person responded another person wished please make up your mind extraordinary fruitfulness will remain a dream did you hear what i said there are people who are engaging with understanding and the results are showing extraordinary fruitfulness is not just it december will come and for many people they will find out that nothing like extraordinary fruitfulness happened but if someone makes up his mind like timothy that i'm going to work good warfare prophecy has been sent ahead of me lord what do i need to do show me your greatest prayer in this season can be it's not just show me your ways lord show me the part i have to play show me what do i have to do oh god to change my financial story i've desired fresh oil i have fasted and i have prayed what is the key to the anointing what is the key to a mighty supply of the spirit upon a man i found out the key to keep the holy spirit close to a man because i knew that the nature of the ministry that god had committed to me would require a depth of intimacy and i didn't want theory lord show me what keeps the holy spirit close to a man think of the risk that happens when he becomes far from you and don't let nobody lie to you that he cannot be far from you no spirit of the living god i found him as the secret that he's an ever-present help in time of need but what do i need to do as the recipient thou shalt hear a voice from behind saying this is the way walking it let me tell you this i trust god's way one of the secrets of my life is that i trust the way of god most of us have allowed education intellect to corrupt the potency of the ways of god i believe god i believe god i remember when the lord gave instructions here for miracle service foolishly and childishly did it everything he says to do you do when god declares anything here we go after him foolishly i remember by jimmy he will tell you when the lord said to put some of the coin on your messages online audio audio message that is not very clear people online those of you who are social media experts know that people cannot spend two hours listening to something they don't have that time you break it into sections and someone sits down for two hours 30 minutes listening to volumes and volumes of a message my brothers and my sisters it is not let me tell you you you will be shocked at the power of god that is released and the energy that prophecy carries when you align with it somebody a man who has received a word from a prophet of god or has received a word from scripture and obtained grace from god to understand the requirements and do it i show you a man who you're speaking against you're cursing against your wishing against is a waste of time my confidence today in life and in ministry is on my determination to keep doing the things that allow to host the presence of god my confidence today is to keep doing the things that continue to bring increase in my life and in the ministry that way you can stand and beat your chest under god and know you have entered your sabbath satan can come challenges can come but you are as as short of victory as you are short of christ sitting on his throne my life has no fear i sincerely mean it because i have found out i found how to commit god you commit god in the affairs of your life by obtaining grace to know what to do jesus himself knew what to do buy the ingredients for jollof rice and bring somebody who does not know how to mix them you have potential for rice that's prophecy but that rice will never never be prepared there at best you are going to have nonsense prepared at rice but then bring somebody who has taken our time to learn how to prepare rice and then bring the ingredients and within a short time as short as an hour you will see a delicious pot or plate of rice god is not withholding financial blessings from you the word has come if nobody ever spoke it to you scripture has already told you god is not withholding increase and influence from you something about your not understanding his ways may be responsible the irresponsibility of allowing prophecy work itself thinking it is spiritual is very dangerous from the foundations of the earth the lamb was slain but when jesus walked upon the earth they tried to distract him and he said no no no my meat is to do the will of him that has sent me jesus had an option to abort salvation when he was at dead 70 he cried and prayed can you take this cup of me but he said nevertheless my will not my will but yours be done and when he took that cross he was not an angel carrying it he was carrying it feeling the weight the moment he wanted to try he remembered he remembered man will not be grafted to me to be seated if i throw this now i cannot call many sons to glory let me tell you this and i confess to you there were times in my life when i would be walking through the night and sometimes i would just stop and the joy of the spirit will come over me because i saw the days coming i knew that there were days of joy and rest and no pain at that point sustained an ability to interrupt my focus i knew i was trying to know the holy spirit knowing the holy spirit is hard sometimes you want to sleep and he will just tell you to stroll you will think you are going to pray for one hour and you will just return to six in the morning it's the price while i'm doing that someone is seeing a vision that a young man is going to arise from the north and it will carry the world and the life and the power of jesus that prophecy can remain in the realm of the spirit when you do not partner with prophecy it's god's beginning what have you not done that is making prophecy to not manifest in your life what have you done to allow a negative prophecy come to pass in your life something was said you saw it in a dream that the devil wants to oppress you you saw it in a dream that an attack was coming to you and your children you just got up and wrote it down usually that's what we do i had a dream 3 22 am in that dream i saw knife i saw all of that and you didn't do anything about it until six months after that time watch this it would not come as a physical robber your prayer life goes down your finances goes down all helpers leave you what was walking stops walking that was the dream prophecy seeking expression in your life like hezekiah there's something you would have done about it yes everybody in this house turn every plate upside down i have seen something that is an evil and we can stay the power away and then you get up and pray there are many things i see that the devil wants to bring upon people upon the ministry upon my life there are people who send me text messages sometimes apostles this is what i've seen pray about the ministry i don't sit down and cross my legs while you are sleeping and snoring i'm awake with god crying and praying lord worshipped him lord prayer department lord this there must be increase people are coming you are opening up those prophecy you see i saw it too i saw that by this time cornelia would have increased yes you saw it but it was engaged is someone getting the teaching this night because we are going to pray you will never see the outstretched arm of god with the assumption that prophecy will work itself out now you have a dream and you see people dying in your family that means there is a world that is bringing death what do you do about it you don't wait till somebody dies ah and you know i had the other day i told you you're a witness what kind of weakness is that you can get up and fast fasting is powerful yes listen to me our our adjective generation fasting is important for a man's destiny you will never be able to do business with god if you cannot turn your plate upside down there are times you need to sit like elijah said you write the list of all the nonsense you saw that must change one by one you are praying what is this i saw about my wife what is this i saw about my husband what is this i saw about my business i saw an attack i'm sleeping and all of a sudden i have a dream and in that dream i see chains everywhere in that dream i see people crying you don't need an interpretation the character of scripture shows you that mourning is not associated with glory so already let the bible interpret that for you that is trouble you can call somebody i pray that you have a good friend that when you need to change prophecy he will be available with you are you hearing what i'm saying that you have a good friend i say please can you stay awake for three hours with me today i'm sensing the spirit of death over my family i don't know but i've been sensing it and the person says you know coincidentally i had a dream of death it shouldn't put here your consolation is that the motion word of prophecy has an ability to super impose everything planned and you can get up in the night and agree and both of you are praying how do you pray you engage the truth of scripture you don't pray and say god why now where are you is it are you still there that that's not prayer that's just lamentation you begin to pray when you engage the truth of god's word i choose life i'm the head of this home my children may be too small to choose life but i stand as a covering i choose life cycles when they are in school i choose life are you getting what i'm saying now i've taught you this thing listen if you are married in this place young or old you are a man if you don't go around praying and laying hands on your children you are not a very good ambassador of this ministry the children should be sleeping no god you are not a father because they serve you plate and you are sitting now you get up and carry that regardless of priesthood you are changing negative prophecies your child comes back with a result from second position to 12 the other one from fourth to 18 you don't just flock them no psalm 112 blessed is the man that feared the lord this is prophecy now that delighted greatly in his commands his seed shall be mighty this is not might lord you have said my seed shall be mighty practical while you are speaking that word there are powers let me tell you that reciting the heavenlies you speak and command your mourning he told you has thou commanded thy morning you sleep and wake up with a dream someone injects you with hiv and tells you this is hiv you get up and say and you know i'm feeling the spot you get up and see marks on your body physical marks from a dream and you sit down and just laugh laugh no matter how mad a man is he does not enter fire by mistake as mad as he is he comes near fire he will move i'm not that mad we want to see you like a mighty russian ring we want to dwell under the shadow of your wings we want to see you like a mighty rushing wing we want to dwell under the shadow of glory or by every challenge in my life blow blow blow like a mighty wing spirit play listen everything you see in your dream is prophecy seeking manifestation good or bad everything you see in your dream in your vision is a prophecy seeking manifestation you can allow it you can change it you can stop it inaction is a disaster to a believer is what you don't want that you will see happen can you open your mouth in one minute and just blast in the streets foreign hallelujah listen listen please look at me one of the demands of priesthood get my message on priesthood is that men become man of prayer not just prayer in terms of petition but legislators of spiritual reality everything you sit and watch will happen you do you know what i said listen there was no record of joe praying for himself there was no record of any man praying for job the devil came to him and through his covering to afflict his family he prayed for his children it's true that he shared god it's true that he ensured evil but that's not the seed for deliverance you must know how to pray and engage listen let me tell you let the devil get used to you not keeping quiet when negative things come don't say i'm not a member of prayer ban i'm not a member of this and that the times that we live in let me tell you it requires man with the spirit of issachar is a man who had an understanding of the times otherwise you can confess i shall not die and that will sweep you like a chicken you must have the eyes at sea lift your voice and begin to pray i change everything that is not consistent with the counsel of god concerning my life my family my finances please pray pray i change everything in the name of jesus christ every prophecy that is not of god seeking manifestation through my life i reject you by the power of the holy ghost i reject you i speak the word the word short word of prophecy i shall not die play red hallelujah now listen i'd like you to find someone to agree with you everything god said or you have seen in the spirit that is consistent with god's will and has been handed by any power of divination within the second heavens leave your voice and cry i command that it must come to deck i pass pay i want a good warfare in the realm of the spirit i declare my declare the joy the peace the prosperity the blessing the anointing upon my ministry upon my life i declare the powers of the heavens holding everything that belongs to me i command the release by the power of the word of god pray few minutes and we're done you are enforcing prophecy play my oh oh verily i say unto you whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth it says shall be bound in heaven whatsoever doubt shall lose binding and losing thoughts of allowing and disallowing are we together now please listen to me please listen listen that everything that belongs to me and has been held by any power it must be released now not tomorrow now lift your voice and begin to pray on your prayer pray prophecy to manifestation pray prophecy to manifestation paper in the name of jesus christ base hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah last prayer and we are done tonight psalm 91 psalm 91 he that dwells in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the almighty verse too i will say of the lord he is my refuge my fortress my god him i will trust continue please surely he shall deliver me from the snare of the fowler and from the noisome pestilence fall he shall cover me with his feathers and under his wings shall thou trust his truth shall be thy shield and butler five thou shall not be afraid of the terror by night nor for the arrow that wasted or fly it by day listen very carefully look at what the bible is writing here next verse six not for the pestilence that walketh in darkness not for the destruction that wasted at noonday seven a thousand shall fall by thy side and ten thousand by thy right side it shall not come nigh the eight only with thy eyes shall thou behold and see the reward of the wicked listen that means every time you hear of negative things someone is dying they are kidnapping someone this is happening in as much as you sympathize with people you don't do them at the detriment of your own conviction are you hearing what i'm saying now if joshua salman dies today does not mean that the truth of scripture giving life is a lie so in as much as you symbolize with people do it lovingly but not at the detriment of the immutability of god's counsel let god be true and let every man be alive until you rise up to possess your possession you will never never possess your possession jesus was in the wilderness praying and fasting for 40 days satan came to tempt him when he defeated him he returned in the power of the spirit and his fame went abroad let me tell you something my brothers and sisters i hate to be the bearer of bad news but there are controlling powers that continue to see that negative prophecies continue to be enforced in our lives and until the saints understand how to legislate by the spirit we will continue to be victims of the speakings of men last prayer father every prophetic word that came through your word or through your servant upon my life this year i stand in partnership i call it maranatha let that prophecy manifest in my life lift your voice and pray the conditions to make it happen i obtain grace to understand i obtain grace to walk in keeping with it praise every prophetic word about my spiritual life about my finances about my marriage about fruitfulness i received by the spirit i obtain grace i obtain understanding i obtain grace i obtain understanding to know what to do to know how to partner with prophecy hallelujah hallelujah isaiah chapter 2 verse 2 and 3 and it shall come to pass in the last days that the mountain of the lord's house shall be established in the top of the mountains and it shall be exalted above the hills and all the nations shall float with verse 3 and many people shall go and say come ye they will not be invited they will go and say come ye let us go up to the mountain of the lord and he called it the house of the god of jacob and he will teach us his ways and we will walk in his path for out of zion shall go forth the law and the word of the lord from jerusalem scripture number two number 33 from verse 50 numbers 33 from verse 15. we read to verse 53 and the lord spoke unto moses in the plain of moab by jordana jericho saying speak unto the children of the household of david and say to them when you have passed over jordan into the land of canaan then you shall drive out all the inhabitants of the land from before you and destroy all their pictures this is why i did what i did here and destroyed their molten images and could plug down their high places and we shall dispossess the inhabitants of the land and dwell daring someone received this for i have given you the land to possess it scripture number three joshua chapter one from verse one joshua chapter one now after the death of moses the servant of the lord it came to pass that the lord spake unto joshua the son of none moses minister saying moses my servant is dead now therefore arise go over this jordan thou and all these people notice you are not going alone you and all these people now that the former is dead now that the former level has gone it says arise go over this jordan thou and all these people on to the land which i do give to them even to the children of israel we are reading two verse four every place that the soul of your feet shall tread upon that i have given unto you as i said unto moses verse 4 from the wilderness and this lebanon even to the great river the river euphrates all the land of the hittites and onto the great sea towards the going down of the sun it shall be your ghost it shall be your coast father help us tonight in the name of jesus hallelujah just to share with us very briefly a few principles one of the things that i have learned about god is that god is a god of patterns working with god does not require creativity when you walk with god your creativity in terms of your alignment with him is not required it is when it has to do with your legislature within this realm then you will need creativity inventing a path and asking god to honor it is the way to tragedy there is always a path to follow the bible says to ask for the ancient parts that when you find them work bearing are we together now yes there is a system by which god leads men in the kingdom there is a way by which territories are allocated to individuals in the kingdom these things are not inventions they are not discoveries they are pathways to follow and that anyone regardless of background regardless of whatever it is you can believe you can understand you can engage and then you will find out that your life begins to become what prophecy said should be kingdom advancement is not only spiritual it is territorial please understand this the advancement of the kingdom is territorial that means that god is not only interested in establishing his spiritual kingdom across the hearts of men please understand he is also interested in taking over the social economy of a place the cosmos the landmass he wants his influence to also find expression there so in as much as his priority is to reach the hearts of manifest it does not stop there he wants territory to come under the influence of his government are we together so that kingdom advance is not only spiritual it is territorial god is a god of territories he wants to institutionalize himself and his government within a physical landmass more than christ finding expression in the hearts of men he desires that territories be allocated this is the reason why god does not only give us spiritual blessings he will allocate portions even on the earth please you have to understand this every time god wanted to meet with a man on earth he would ask him to find a territory that was conducive for that encounter you didn't meet god anywhere you wanted he would define a territory consecrated hallelujah praise the lord and so you must understand that kingdom advancement like dominion is territorial believers for many years did not understand the power of territory is the reason why many nations today have been subject to governments and spiritual systems that are antichrist because the territorial dimension of kingdom advance was not part of the the scope of evangelism it was largely the gospel as the message enshrined in the hearts of men but the idea of territory was seen as canal so when people had the opportunity to occupy territory they ignored it because they felt it was a spiritual kingdom and now they have risen many pharaohs in africa who did not know joseph it is important for you to understand that the name of the lord is not only protected when you hallow it is protected when the territory the territory also hallows the name a territory can reject the name of the lord hallelujah and so today you find churches you find several places and the name of the lord is lifted but there is no there is no territorial weakness the earth is a witness the earth is a worshipper and when the sound that comes from the earth is strange then the name of the lord is not glorified please understand this the f has a voice and the earth echoes the voice of its occupant if the occupant bows to bell the earth will speak a strange incense to the heavens god is a god of territory please understand this god is not only the god of men he's a god of territories it's a very big mistake that we have made even in this country many of the denominations respectfully speaking ignore the place of territory in kingdom advance and so many continue to pay for it again and again we need to understand the territorial dimension of the dealings of god the territorial dimension that god is institutionalized to the degree to which a territory receives him land is a mystery it's not about real estate it's more than that are we together praise the lord but there are principles that can bring the influence of christ over a territory and these are principles that we must understand and i want to share a few of them tonight just two really and then we're going to pray do you know do you know dubai and many parts of the world today that seem to be virgin areas occupied by water and all of that the men came and created territories there are we together they put earth on it and the earth called men to eat this is very powerful i'm just thinking about the power of territory that so many people have ignored do you know if you don't own land it's not about being a bad businessman is a message it's a spiritual message it has nothing to do with business territory see we we must be spiritual in our approach most times we think about things just from the standpoint of investment and business and all of that is more than that it's more than that the earth is the lord's so there must be a witness from the earth that he is lord and the only way the earth can testify is when the saints are able to occupy a landmass so that while you are singing your earth is also singing are we together now did the bible not say thy kingdom come thy will be done in ed first you the earth but also god wants to see the earth as an element of the supernatural lift up a sound and say we have established your dominion within despair is very important if lagos ignores territory one day the earth will ignore god any city and any place that cannot exercise a level of territorial dominion is about to lose the mandate of god allocated for that territory this is true i come from the north and this is one of the things that happens a lot in the north you would hardly find people they would sell you anything but not land why because they understand that land is more than business are we together they would sell you anything but not land you are not an owner you are not invited to any territory until land receives you please hear me you remain a stranger in any territory until a lands peace receives you is that not true that's why we pray for people to have the grace to have their own properties is more than business if you see just from a business standpoint you will just say oh amen i'm tired of paying rent is more than that you can be in a territory for 50 years if you don't have your space the territory still sees you as a stranger so when god honors a man he gives him three things number one a message number two an anointing number three territory he will allocate a territory spiritually and physically when god promotes you he increases the anointing but he also increases your territorial reception that means that a territory continues to receive you please let's understand this i'm taking out time to just float this out so that we will get this territory is very very important a territory can reject you a territory can reject you so there are principles of territorial influence two of them that i will share tonight number one to exercise dominion and to take territories the first key is the power of prayer please write it down the power of prayer there is a warfare dimension of prayer that must be engaged by a believer if you are about to possess territories why because there is no territory that is empty just because men may not be there does not mean it is empty are we together there are spiritual forces please listen now and controlling powers that sit upon every territory these are the spirits people of god that control the minds influence the culture of a place you can know the controlling powers within a territory by seeing the patterns that cut across the people that live there there are territories where the men never become responsible this is not some village thing anywhere the moment you enter that city there are cities the moment you enter even with money money goes down many years ago i took a cab in abuja up to 10 maybe 11 years ago and the man made a statement that surprised me we were talking and he said sir do you know that all the money i make in abuja i never seem to do anything useful with it he said so i came up i think he went to inquire from a medium or something like that and the man told him you would never be able to do anything with your money in abuja when you take your money go out quickly out of abuja and he said right now i built a three bedroom flat because every time i collected money i would go out of that territory you notice that there are territories that carry certain patterns please understand whether you believe in what i'm saying or not just pay attention you will soon believe it is true there are territories where you only survive there by becoming a slave when you are within that territory you are forced to serve provided you are not domiciled within the earth the soil of that territory it takes warfare to dislodge these controlling powers mark chapter five let me show you something mark chapter five if i make me say reading that is a bit long we start from verse one please follow this these truths are scattered all through scripture and they came over to the other side of the sea in fact let's we'll get back to matt chapter five let's start let's take the account of luke luke chapter eight let's start from 22 so that you will understand the context luke chapter 8 22 now watch this now it came to pass on a certain day that he went into a ship with his disciples and he said to them let us go on to the other side of the lake and so they launched forth they wanted to make advancement and the first thing that happened was as days as they sailed he fell asleep and there came down a what help me please a a storm of wind what kind of description is that he didn't say there came a wind a storm of wind on the lake and they were filled with water and were in jeopardy 24 and they came in and awoke him saying master we perish and he arose and rebuked the wind and the raging of the water and it sees and they will come you would think jesus just spoke to the wind he knew what he was speaking to are we together now now let's go to mark chapter five and verse one it's still the same rendition but i just want us to see the account of mark match up to one five sorry mark five one and they came over to the other side of the sea into the country of the gatherings and when he was come out of the ship immediately who came they met him out of the tomb a man with an unclean spirit question the bible says the man dwelt in mountains who told him jesus was coming as soon as jesus went to the other side the first person to meet him was not the mayor of the city the first person remember there was a boy's terror storm they were the controlling powers over the territory knowing that a man was coming to the other side to dislodge the gates of darkness understand the spiritual progression the winds you would call it a situation the same way you plan to relocate to lagos and lost your job what is going on here what suddenly happened controlling powers we take territories when we understand the warfare dimension of prayer there is the intercessory dimension of prayer there is prayer commanding petitions but there is the art of spiritual legislature we call it warfare manipulating spiritual possibilities to align themselves to god's will verse 3 the bible says who had his dwelling place among the tombs and no man could bind him no not with chains because that he had been off bound with fetters and chains and the chains have been plugged asunder by him and the pet has broken in pieces neither could any man tame him and always night and day he was in the mountains and in the tombs notice this look at how satan destroyed gathering number one the controlling spirit found the spiritual voice that would later be the evangelist over that land and captured him and the legion dwelt in him took him to the mountains and kept him there controlling powers jesus says let's go to the other side and situations begin to happen in a strange way and he rebukes it and then as soon as he arrives he meets a madman and hear what the madman says verse 6 but when he saw jesus he ran and worshiped him seven and he cried with a loud voice saying now listen please what have i to do with thee jesus thou son of the most high i adored thee by god that thou torment me not eight for he said come out of the man you know the unclean spirit and all of that nine and he asked what is your name and he said legion for we are many ten and he besought sorting much that he would not send him away out of the territory territory jesus do whatever you will do but don't take us out of this territory we dwell here we have grown with the people we manipulate their minds we are responsible for the widespread poverty we are responsible for the women working for the men who are responsible for the inexplanable patterns i ministered in a crusade some years ago quite a while in shiroro and i saw a situation that disturbed me i saw many women at least i'm not exaggerating i'm not exaggerating sincerely at least 16 or 17 death and dumb and they said the moment they gave birth like a woman goes to the labor room and gives birth she becomes deaf and dumb in a strange way so the pastors were trying to bring their members to just sit down and when i prayed for one two i said no this is not a an issue of healing there are controlling powers listen when you see similarities in outcomes stop focusing on the individual cases there are controlling powers responsible for that the warfare dimension of victory believers do not understand this there is no gate there are gates that don't open they are broken he has broken the gates of brass and caught the bass of ajon in sunder as any man who has attained a level of influence in any field if he's honest with you he will tell you he knows what he did whether it's in music like like person nathaniel whether it is in business they will tell you you heard him just talking about um um you know zenith bank and all of that now you will not see that part on tv i walked for more than one hour on the streets of zarya from a point in town until i get to another town i was praying in tongues and speaking over the city jacobska branda caduze qatar i command the forces the forces that come with the north and boy they are strong forces let me tell you this anybody who has risen beyond the level because you see it's like a spiritual meter in the realm of the spirit once you oscillate within a particular threshold the realm of the spirit will not disturb you but hit a mark and let your voice rise and they know that this voice is becoming global someone will visit you from gathering and say where did you say you are going to i remember when when i started ministry in zaria a number of people called me and said man of god your grace is more than this city what is where is lagos abuja i mean us uk which one is zarya i said god just told me this is where i'll be in this season and they said nobody will hear you i say so you say ah but the realm of the spirit is powerful listen if you know what to do my brothers and my sisters your life will become an unending wonder i am telling you stop focusing on just the physical things that are happening things are controlled from the realm of the spirit it was the gods of the medicine the persians that ruled over babylon it was not nebuchadnezzar and when they saw that daniel was becoming a threat the way this man would rise they use the parliament to say the only thing we want you to stop is prayer for 30 days that's it don't stop any other thing just make sure prayer how can a parliament come together to meet to stop one man prayer they didn't say who attacked daniel they just said this is our deliberation as the politicians in babylon we have observed but it was the spirits of the medicine the passions and let me tell you what daniel did i love daniel the first thing he did was to open the window towards jerusalem listen there are times that you have to pray connecting to covenants let me teach you something about the warfare dimension of prayer there are three ways to receive from the anointing of god listen number one is through a personal encounter your personal encounter with god allows you to receive certain dimensions of his anointing number two there are your obedience to principles and shrine in principles is a dimension of god's power but number three your alignment to covenants this is the third way we access very strange dimensions of liftings god has sworn with certain men on earth and put his integrity upon their lives and you can leverage on the covenant that speaks remember when the temple in jerusalem was being dedicated are we still together this night solomon prayed a prayer after they offered the bond offerings and he said oh god whoever prays facing jerusalem he didn't say if the prayer is accurate the moment they face jerusalem my covenant is that please hear them daniel knew that he was in a state of emergency there's no room for trial and error of spiritual accuracy he said open the window let me face jerusalem because this issue requires an alignment to covenant are we together goliath was not a giant goliath was the bodily representation of his spirit and so when david came to fight goliath saul didn't say where were you trained he said whose son are you in other words let me see the tribe you come from because i understand that like minerals there are spiritual allocations to tribes when a man went to discuss with his wife about his embarrassment in the palace the wife asked him one question she said what is the name why are you fighting he said esther he said you are finished esther is a jew her man your doom has come in other words didn't you have the brain to know you don't fight them are we together when when satan and archangel michael began to fight over the body of moses notice that satan looked at lucifer and said the lord rebuke you he didn't say rebuke you he didn't fight because the rankings you see the realm of the spirit i hope you know that lucifer's office was the son of the morning are we together he was the custodian of the mysteries of the kingdom and even in his falling state that there is a regard for that ranking that's why the bible says jesus is the head of principalities he recognizes their existence he says he's ahead of them they are there you cast demons you don't cast principalities go and read your bible that's why you cannot cast it before no you don't cast it by saying go there are principles these are the times you overcome by the blood not every time listen watch this please come come sir are you following me this night let's assume god forbid just an example let's assume this guy's a thief are we together trying to boggle my house the moment you hear the sound of my voice what will you do you will run away because you are a thief but let's assume someone sold my house to you and you paid will you run away when i'm coming no it will take a lawyer to settle the matter there are things that don't go just because we say in jesus name now these are the forces that we engage with intelligence jesus did not cast sin out of you as powerful this is the word becoming flesh and yet he did not cast that nature in his name listen there are mysteries behind territories there are controlling powers where i come from you don't last in ministry up to three years there are many great voices that have come from my region but you don't last up to three years a scandal or something terrible must bring you down three years is a lifespan of impact there are music ministers in this country who do not understand this and you see that they rise and respectfully speaking they go down never to rise again for some reason new songs never come again for some reason what makes me celebrate one album and then i ignore you all day they know not neither will they understand there are preachers you see this thing happen for five six months everybody's placing a demand on your grace you are everywhere and then it dies that's it you fade and look like the city because you see these controlling powers have a bodily reflection of themselves on a city so when you come they turn you to look like the city there are people who come into cities millionaires in six months things begin to happen until they look like the city they will tell you have been in the us for 25 years and you say you look like you've never seen how an airport looks like see i've been there i actually see the photos the city turned them so listen there are controlling powers when i stood here and i was speaking to the gates and it was not just some ritual there are real forces there was a father in the faith bishop that said one time when the church in kaduna was not growing i told you that there are territories for some reason he came out and was praying and said god why is this happening and according to him he said the lord asked him to come out and then he looked up when he looked up he saw that there was a thick layer over the place he said this is the blind folding layer that misrepresents you and then he prayed and did something over it he folded and the ministry opened whatever happens on earth is the receipt from what just happened in the realm of the spirit transactions happen in the realm of the spirit jesus is about to wield the dimension of dominion and satan mix him and says three temptations number one was the issue of hunger you are hungry turn this stone notice that every time men were to take territory like the madman in gadara satan left the whole earth and was fasting with jesus he was there jesus didn't fast alone satan was there with him as soon as he finished satan said i'm here you are hungry turn this stone to bread and then he overcame that temptation then he took him to a holy city and said fall and then the third temptation he said look i know you are here for territory let's negotiate let me show you the glories of the world i place all the men there bow to me will finish it here but you will see the result when you go down bow to me we will negotiate it in the realm of the spirit and then you will see the result down please listen to me if the forces that stand against your destiny are not dealt with a territory will not receive you now let me say this and i say it with all humility i say this without humility people look at me and say apostle there is no territory that has rejected you you are loved in the east you are loved in the west you are loved in the north even in my own home where they say prophets are without rewards there is a reward in my own home and i said you think it just happened no is someone learning something today we have been focusing on the wrong things the story behind this place is more than the intelligence of a man it is the power of subduing spiritual forces i believe this with all my heart the warfare dimension of prayer someone needs to take out time after tonight and say lord why the moment your voice is silenced let me just tell you what to do so you don't waste your time just know there are controlling powers stopping your voice and you are going to have to pray your heavens opened and dislodge the forces that command the nations to not hear you was there not an instruction hearing him that was why i was declaring i said lagos house of david there are people here who have businesses that this country should hear but your business is only accepted within your local territory even a bell cutter here it will push your products back to lagos it is not receiving you because the forces that control these territories need to be dislodged we together notice that the only reason why they invaded jericho was to destroy a move they didn't take anything they didn't fight anyone why would you destroy a land can't you just pass them and go because jericho was not just a building it was an altar and they brought it down and continued moving if someone gets what i'm telling you this has nothing to do with being a minister being a business but if you are a minister your land is in lagos but you may never get it why because there are controlling powers your house is in lagos but you may never get it your there is space for your business in lagos patching out is not the solution insist until your space is giving you hallelujah territory the power and the warfare dimension of prayer ephesians chapter 6 and verse 12. paul was teaching in ephesus and this is what he had to say ephesians chapter 6 and please verse 12 he says for we wrestle not against flesh and blood paul now is teaching a very balanced gospel we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities he said against powers against rulers of darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness that operate from the heavenlies please they are real listen to me my brothers and my sisters let us not fool ourselves they are real it is true in as much as there is a system in the kingdom to stand in victory above them you you will be joking to ignore this reality and satan is very patient he can allow you to be flattered by your ignorance for many years and strike you in one day to return to your past it's too risky to not know some things territories territories territories territories territories hallelujah so it's important for you to understand tonight that both physical and spiritual territories are contended for there's no time i would have shown you how they possessed all the lands that god gave them you have to study these things in the bible the bible says the things that are written are fourth time they are up for our learning so that we through the comfort of scripture might find hope we study these things not just to preach but to understand the systems of god that when you are about to take territories the first thing is not to look for the owner of the land the first thing is to dislodge the principalities because the real owner of land is god the earth is the lord everybody met land your landlord is his keyword that is at the mercy of your intelligence are we together yes he told jeremiah let's read from chapter one and verse five and then we're done with this we touch one more and we are done for this night jeremiah 1 and verse 5 before i formed in the belly i knew thee and before thou came as forth out of the womb i sanctified thee and i ordained you to be a prophet to territories a prophet to territories six verse six now then jeremiah began to talk and say ah i'm a child and then he rebuked him and said do not say you are a child but whatever i instruct you to say it says that which you will say go to verse nine now and then he says to not be afraid of their faces verse nine if you can find it there for i am with thee to deliver the self the lord verse nine the hand of the lord touched my mouth and he said i have put my words in your mouth we're reading to verse 12 see makato's kabrandagatushi someone received this he says see this day i upset thee i have set thee i have set thee not later see this day i have all disadvantages i have set thee over nations and over kingdoms we don't just rise in this kingdom we are ordained in two dimensions it is true see i have set thee god is allocating land as if two people are playing a chess and discussing you i increase your spiritual border take this take that see this day i set thee over nations over territories oh fearful is a man who has sorted this out in the realm of the spirit you will pray for his fall and you will waste your time for nothing you will find reasons and it will look unfair but you will continue to rise as if satan does not exist why because the controlling powers have been settled jesus i know paul i know who are you there needs to be registered you must sign in the realm of the spirit as proof triumphant you have to learn to pray you pray your way out of mediocrity otherwise sentiment will kill you tribal affiliations will bring you down all those things are puppets the real things are the controlling powers they will say is because you are not another man because you are not a sauder because you are not an eastern and who said so when the man's ways pleases the lord there is a grace that defies rejection apostle my product does not go out of lagos is a nice product it can go far because you are only a businessman when you become a spiritual man the gate will be open lift up your heads his head all ye gates and be lifted all ye incent doors the doors were not made by carpenters the doors are spirits let the king of glory leave this realm of hades back to the earth and the gate said who is this king of glory why should we open the gates you speak to those gates open up because it's time for a territory to hear my voice and they will reply you why are you the only person in lagos are you the only peace are you the only graduate why should they open have you not seen 12 graduates in your family queuing up for relevance please i want you to understand what i share with you tonight and you will surprise yourself there will be no limits to your rising there are real forces there are real forces influence is not accidental influence is more than principles you must subdue controlling powers they use men they use systems they use structures they use religion but they are spirits they come in different form but they are spirits did you hear what i said the person hating you in the office is not the issue it's your is you're not understanding that men are puppets they are victims of the spirits that manipulates them so when david stood before goliath he was nodding at a mass a mass of human size and says mr man you are already dead you are just standing before me you are representing a spirit i dealt with already you come to me with your balls and spares but i come to you by a covenant that already killed you any part of goliath that stone hit would have still killed him it was not about the forehead please hear what i tell you this world is a wicked place nobody will just like you by intention our world is selfish our world is sentimental i i i i don't mean to be a bearer of bad news but wake up and understand the world we are living in nobody will just light you for nothing the u.s receive you who do you think you are uk receive you billy graham was allowed to preach in north korea he said grace someone needs to get that grace this night lord why is it territory rejecting what i represent why is my son not rising to the nations why are my products not going far why is my certificate returning back because you are only sending a certificate you keep printing pieces of papers that recycle pain around your life let the forces bow and you will see how cheap life can be i tell you sincerely there are forces that must bow in ministry you see a lot of innocent sincere wonderful men of god they love god with all their heart you listen to their message and you're like my god and their voices can never be heard listen to me you must trust god for the grace that subdues territories by understanding the warfare dimension it's not just random chalice prayer an exact spiritual legislature with intelligence you paved the way and right for your family in the day you come out and people say ah what is all this why are you rising like this but it's not fair people don't like me i don't know why i know why there are forces there are forces there are forces i desired once again to come to you but satan hindered us your favor desired once again to come but satan hindered us psalm 66 was three there is a dimension the warfare dimension when i say warfare i understand it's been abused here and there people say all kinds of things in the name of warfare psalm 66 and verse 3 say unto god how terrible are thou in thy ways through the greatness of thy power shall thy enemies submit themselves to you listen the nation of israel in egypt is a lesson we muslim pharaoh was only a figurehead watch this do you know that everywhere the plague struck was a mystery because they were controlling powers but let me choose one of them the bible says do you know how the sea became blood let me tell you look up the bible says that moses stretched forth his road watch this and the fish of the sea died no fishes the fish one fish died and his blood turned a whole nile to become red is that a fish the nile people have people who have died in sheep and their blood together could not make the night red but one fish one goes down and the river becomes red my brothers and my sisters this world is more than what we see it's more than what your news tells you champions are also warriors champions are fighters champions are winners champions are men who know how to stand up on their watch like habakkuk someone needs to stop giving excuses this night and stand up and say no whatever grace was upon pastor shalom this house i received it's time to shake up this nonsense otherwise you will sit forever and no job will come my uncle said i'm just waiting for my uncle to come back from brazil it's been slow you will be disappointed except those spirits are not there let me tell you this god is called the father of spirits is because you have pegged your miracle to an uncle let god choose the actors you manage the spirits that things must shift things must change number two let's end the time is gone the power of faith the second way we possess territories by the power of faith hebrews chapter 11 and verse 33 who through faith subdued kingdoms who through faith subdued kingdoms please back down to verse 6 hebrews 11 verse 6 it says but without faith please look up it is impossible to please him because whoever comes to god your first assignment is to convince yourself that god is alive your first assignment is to convince yourself that he is that he exists and then that he is the rewarder of them that diligently seek him let me tell you this faith is powerful faith is not a christian theology faith is a technology it's a system of transporting spiritual realities from the realm of the spirit let me define faith for you it is the name of the action you take based on the conviction you have over who god is and the integrity of his word but i know whom i have believed and i am persuaded faith is the name of that conviction there is no guarantee anywhere in life please hear me nobody is going to allow you to just walk on a padded ground with roses all around that's a dream it is faith that will make that way you see when god talks to men he talks to men like he's talking to himself he does not talk to men like he's talking to men so god can say pastor sola please go and get the place and that's it where will the money come from where will the negotiation come from and while he's saying that the owner of the property can vow and say go over my dead body let me get used to the pride of men let it stop surprising you get used to the pride of men men are arrogant people they will talk like god but they are not god give yourself lack of sleep because a man bowed as long as i'm in this office you will not rise god in the beginning god in the beginning of anything god john said um how did he put it john chapter one verse one help me was the word and the word was with god and the word was god he said it was recorded in the beginning and through him were all things made without him meaning you dissociate with yourself from him nothing will be made that was made and a man sits down in his office a man that was once a baby in the hand of a woman one day now grows to become some years old and sits on some money and make noise that act never kidneys are what god did to him god is still a jealous god oh the jealousy of god is like the jealousy of a woman stay clear because it's dangerous elijah are threatening the king and jezebel carried her jealousy and said elijah you threatened my husband let me show you what a jealous wife can do i would take your head the prophet had to run away not pray the prophet never fought jezebel he fought prophets but ran away from jezebel it is in that similitude that he says god is a jealous god who is that taking my place and speaking like me and it's not me there is nothing that god says to give you that cannot enter your hands listen there is nowhere god said he can take you to now you see let me tell you sincerely thank god for this place but this is not all of it you hear what i tell you by the spirit thank god for this place oh but this is not all of it when you see this place in its glory alongside the allocations of the space that god gives you will know that this one is the finger of god he is the god that dwight wonders faith faith the substance the tangibility of the things hoped for the evidence of the things not seen it says for by it elders obtain good reports through faith we understand that the walls were framed by the word of god please shake away unbelief in your life if god said it it is within his power to do it your assignment is to agree lord i agree lord i believe show me my role in that equation there is no mountain that cannot go down mountains are relative let your faith deflate it please i'm challenging you tonight there is nowhere there is nothing that god cannot give you whatever god tells me i say yes sir let's go i like joshua let us go up at once at once tell them let us go up at once they said we were like grasshoppers the people did not send them they didn't say go and tell moses you are graspers they prophesied to themselves we were like grasshoppers archbishop pension either hosa said if your faith says yes god will not say no it is true i believe god i believe god we subdue kingdoms by faith not by budget we subdue kingdoms by faith we obtain properties by faith you sit down calculating budgets you will calculate the equivalent of your lifetime you will need faith you want to build a house and you are just trying to just i'm not saying you should not save but you are joking how much is one block psalm 44 verse 3 please give it to us let me show you how we possess territories in the kingdom read it please want to read by their own swords neither did their own arms save them but thy right hand and i arm and the light of thy countenance because thou has a favor unto them that is true it is true we possess things that way pastor this is why many young men are depressed the cost of living in the flesh is too expensive for any human being to try it it's too expensive how much does it take to marry how much does it take to have a house how much does it take to have to manage a child nine months later then two years later he will kill you by 10 years so you see depressed people talking to themselves all around the street fifteen plus seventy ah no no i removed five thousand and i said sorry it's not a it's not a wise way to live i know whom i believed god is too honorable to dishonor me on earth he loves me he's jealous he protects me you have to believe that about god when you come to god believe that he exists god is not a god is not a a president of a country he is the god almighty that's why spending time with god is very important it will spiritualize your understanding sometimes this nonsense we continue listening to is what dampens our faith on your way to the office a ghastly motor accident in your office the threat of downsizing you get to the market the price of things you get to the barbie saloon you are listening to someone singing that the world is going bad you hear those things by the time you get back home you are almost dead so you create your own atmosphere for the sake of your destiny you refuse i choose god i choose victory i choose my perspective about the world it's a choice i refuse to bend a reporter cannot manipulate my understanding i honor him as a newscaster and has a newscaster but no there is a god in heaven there is a god in heaven i feel sorry about the plane crash that happened somewhere around the world but i still believe that i remain above i feel sorry about the tragedy happening the plagues here and there i feel sad and i'm sympathetic to them but that's not enough to manipulate my consciousness that god is alive he is mighty they did not say a thousand shall fall by my side and ten thousand by my right side he didn't ask me to laugh at those falling but did he ask me to stop trusting him either i trust him you're about to pray i came tonight you shake your feet territories are not gotten by luck your influence does not multiply just by desire there are forces and your faith must be released today we stand here to celebrate a man and his dear wife and a group of people who have believed god and the results show you see the end of faith is a real result there may be waiting but it is not for a lifetime if it's for a lifetime it was not faith someone came here tonight to be inspired while you watch pastor nathaniel minister you sat down there in the congregation and said lord but you also told me that my voice will go to the nations wishing is not the way you get it asking people to sing your songs is not the way you get it you you clear the powers lord you told me just like pastor scholar that i will rise to become a great man of god why is it that people do not want to hear me the spirits in gadara say we can leave the man or spare us the territory notice that the first sets of people to be affected when the spirit went away was a finance the business people they entered peaks and the people lost immediately and when they lost they said leave leave you are causing that means it was the same spirit that empowered the economy of the place no shadow you wouldn't light up a mountain you would coming after me no wall lie you wouldn't tear down coming after me coming up to me please hold someone's hands around you and unlike us to pray you are going to declare the bible says declare ye that ye might just be justified you are going to declare that it is a new season and no force khali parus ka barandakata reykja bros kabarata lift your voice and pray make decrees in the realm of the spirit the lord is my light and my salvation of whom shall i be afraid of by you i can run over a troop by you i can leap over a wall my influence remains multiplied no going down in the name of jesus is someone praying grace for territory grace for territory hallelujah prayer point number two that in the name of jesus that every name that is not of christ and every ordinance that is not of the christ that attempts to wrestle prophecy in my life i want good warfare with the prophecy that has been given to me lift your voice and dislodge every power every installation of hell over your ministry over your destiny i stand upon my feet and i make decrees in the name of jesus i speak over the spiritual climate of my destiny hear the word of the lord i break through obstacles i break through controlling powers i declare the heavens are open open open over your business pray over your ministry pray over your children no tragedies no coincidences that bring trouble the rod of the wicked shall not rest upon the lord of the righteous unless he dips his hands in the liberty household of david pray parantha scala yes years ago the lord opened my eyes to see something that then i didn't hear it was not something that was shared did you know the first person god called was not abraham it was his father abraham was not called by god god called his father it was the failure of his father that transferred the mandate the same way the failure of baby transferred the monday to solomon it says blotting out every handwriting and every ordinance that spoke against us see i'd like you to declare i've been called out of every tribe and every tongue and every nation and every ordinance that is not of the christ i thus i dissociate myself from the ordinances of the past i disobeyed myself by the blood of the eternal covenant i declare and declare i may be an evil man but in the name of jesus the power of territory will not affect me i may be a europa man but the power of territory will not affect me i may be another nun i may be from whatever part of the nation i've been called out called out called out of every tribe every tongue every nation hallelujah hallelujah i was in abuja for a meeting on wednesday thursday it's been a busy schedule for me truly busy all through this year really but i was praying for a woman pastor now i by the privilege of god's grace i pray for people with you know all kinds of issues they believe that when i pray for them things will change and this woman came to me pregnant and she said apostle this is one year i said so why have you not given back she said well this kind of pregnancy is the day you have money that you give birth because she said the baby was not the baby didn't grow in the fallopian tube i don't know if you understand what i'm trying to say outside of where the baby should grow and it will cost quite some amount the cheapest hospital in abuja that would do that would charge you know in the millions and so she didn't have the money and the baby's destiny must remain there one year and that baby is not out because there was no resource was it not because one baby was born that other babies died one moses is born thousands die jesus is born thousands died i have seen the attack of darkness in my life i didn't have the privilege that many of you have today i know what victory is i know what it is to win that's why i don't take victory lightly many of you have enjoyed covenants that have bailed you out of things and shielded you from the reality of what life is about but i can tell you this i didn't come from that background it's been that you have to stand on the truth i learn scripture not because of a desire to preach but a desire to live please listen to me forces are real i have watched them rubbish people i will never forget i apologize i'm rounding on i will never forget a man of god son he came to me very wonderful man of god and as soon as he came in i just saw a black figure just come with you and the man stood he said ah you are the apostle i said yes sir okay i was going to counsel him and when he shared with me his challenge i said sir i don't know if you would believe this but i want to pray for you because i see a hindrance in your life and i see that this is demonic and the man just shot me down say please get away with all those things i don't believe all that i said wow he said okay i respect you i honor you i believe in the body of christ i've read my bible thoroughly i know the boundaries of error but i also know the boundaries of ignorance and i told him something is wrong with you and he said well i should just pray for him i said okay just allow me pray for you and then you can go i barely lifted my hands when the man started shaking and rolling and coughing and doing all kinds of things he got up after 10-15 minutes this man was embarrassed for three days he was not himself he said what have i learned what is this i respectfully i'm called to the body of christ but i can tell you this pastor there is a blindfolding deception that is eating the destinies of men that just like that everything will work out in their lives my brothers and my sisters please hear me even your salvation did not happen just like that at the expense of your going to hell you were still allowed to make a decision every other thing in your life will not happen automatically i was a preacher for many years ministering to people and i was still oppressed by demons i had read the books believe me i'm a student of history i read the books am i boring you this night i apologize that you are standing why would i minister so much under the anointing and i go back and for me you've heard my story i'm saying this to comfort you so that you go back and get balance to truth this is why i love this ministry there are many truths in the kingdom that are they are uncomfortable but they are true just create space for them in your heart because ignorance is costly in this kingdom i because of my prophetic inclination i would see these spirits pastor the first shock i mean i fasted i prayed listen let me tell you the truth i'm not a rebel i'm not too proud to admit what i don't know i shouted jesus i prayed these spirits did not even look at me they just passed us if i was not talking to them how can i call the name of jesus how can i declare in jesus name i'm a child of god and while i'm chanting that thing that i know the same way you said jesus over the unemployment and it did not change the same way you said jesus over the tragedy and what they said would happen still happened when the obvious does not happen there is something you are not seeing now i know why i would argue in my arrogance those days but now i know what was wrong i prayed and prayed they would come and oppress me i could hear people talk but i could not wake up and yet there are invitations on my table see you have to be honest sometimes with yourself the same way many of us have all kinds of issues we're just hiding quietly no don't assume away tragedy deal with it until victory is established hallelujah i made up my mind the day light came i ran ran to my room then i stood and i said satan i found the light i will not cast you you are invited this man has not honored my invitation till tomorrow don't assume light get light don't assume light get light i will not leave the ministry to chance i would not leave my destiny to chance don't leave your children to chance assuming everything is all right laughing at people when they stand to engage the truths of god's word because it only be a matter of time life will bring you down in a way that will surprise you even jesus was about to give up and he said no nevertheless not my way but yours be done isaac laughed at abraham until his wife refused to give birth jacob laughed at isaac until he was surprised victory is certain but not automatic the truths are established prophetically it will take understanding and the application of spiritual intelligence alongside your faith to make it your reality i will bless the night yes blessed be the name of the lord from everlasting to everlasting you are god father i pray tonight that this word that has come will challenge your people to go back and confront status quo it will challenge your people to go back and confront the walkings of darkness i pray that this teaching tonight will plant dissatisfaction in your people that they will go back and study the word for themselves that the grey areas in our lives that have refused to answer will be corrected from this conference in the name of jesus christ may the lord bless you may the lord increase you amen and amen god bless you we began to consider the subject of taking territories and um i think that this is very important it's not just to help us in terms of land but then spheres of influence and i spoke about three things that i'd want to do a quick recap over number one that there is a territorial dimension of kingdom advance it is not enough for the purposes of god to be established in our hearts we must be able to influence territories then i began to share a few principles number one yesterday was the power of prayer please do not forget if you were not here yesterday that there is a warfare dimension and by warfare i mean engaging the principles of prayer to establish the prophecy that is upon your life and to dislodge the controlling powers that sit over territories it's important for us to appreciate the fact that there are controlling powers that sit over destinies that sit over families that sit over territories it's an uncomfortable dimension of the christian life we usually don't want to have anything to do with demons principalities and and you should not except for the fact that they will not let you be and so you will have to engage the word of god with intelligence and command victory are we together and then we spoke about the power of faith the only guarantee you have in life is your confidence in god the only guarantee you will have in the pursuit of destiny and relevance and influence is your confidence in god the bible says without faith it is impossible to please him for he that commit to god must believe that he exists and then he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him so we take territories by faith number three for this morning service who take it off from there is the power of transformation the power of transformation please pay attention this morning the power of transformation you will never be able to capture a territory until you prove that you have what it takes to transform men this is very important and i'm glad that there are men and women of god here and following online i believe the power of transformation the ability you see the bible says in isaiah i believe chapter two it was repeated again by prophet micah isaiah chapter two let's let's look at verse two and three that it shall come to pass in the last days that the mountain of the lord's house will be exalted on the top of the mountains and the hills and all nations will flow to it they will tell themselves come let us go to the house of god are we together and he will teach everybody say teach teach they are coming because they want to be mentored they are coming because they want to be discipled on the ways of god and then we will walk in his path for out of zion will proceed not noise the law principles the methodologies of the kingdom you will never be able to influence a territory if you do not sustain the technology to transform men to transform means to change states that you can bring a man and turn that man into his future you can bring a man and translate that man from the former version of himself into the prophetic version of himself transformation mark chapter 4 and verse 19 jesus made a very serious proposition mark chapter 4 and verse 19 4 and verse 19. i hope i got it right matthew sorry matthew matthew 4 and verse 19. this is jesus about to recruit a few people that he would raise and he said unto them let's read it together one to read and he said unto them follow me and i will make you forget about what you made them become follow me and i will make you this is the language of leadership this is the language of a transformer follow me it is within my power to make you follow me come as you are but i will not leave you as you are nobody will be loyal to any leader any system any organization any church that does not sustain the ability to transform men into the prophetic version of themselves follow me jesus said an audacious proposition follow me and i will make you let me tell you something i discovered sincerely nobody leaves what works provided it works and works consistently people will stay follow me and i will make you let's see the result of that acts chapter 4 and 13 acts chapter 4 and verse 13 acts chapter 4 and verse 13. let's read together i like us to participate one to read now when they saw the boldness of peter and john uh-huh they perceived that they were on land and ignorant men they marveled and they took knowledge of them why because they had been with jesus something you did not have yesterday on coming to house of david suddenly is in your life a dimension you should not have worked with yesterday but because you followed a man a system an organization you became as many as received him he gave them power to become men can become this is good news that means the former version of me does not have to remain i i should not remain in my yesterday's version i can be translated into another dimension of myself transformation this for me is the hallmark of ministry it is the highest measure of success the ability to be transformed yourself and then through the influence of your result bring other people into a life of transformation the many churches all over the world many preachers all over the world many leaders all over the world many propositions all over the world but many of them lack this one ingredient the capacity the intelligence to transform them i will never be part of anything that does not transform while seated on his throne transformation still happens holy holy holy is the lord god when they lift their head they don't see the person they saw before they bowed again see what is this now the unfolding of his glory that transformation happening even whilst on the throne when john saw him in revelation he could not believe that that was the same young 33 year old man that walked upon the earth i was banished in the isle of patmos and then he says i was in the spirit on the lord's day and i saw when he saw him in his brilliance he began to describe him meticulously the transformed and the glorified christ the church is a place of transformation much more than fellowship it is a place of transformation where men and women can be changed from one dimension to the other now the lord is that spirit he says and where the spirit of the lord is there is liberty then he says we all the first miracle is that our faces become unveiled because the assignment of the god of this world is to blind their minds to cover their perceptions so we all with unveiled face now beholding him as in a mirror we are changed we will rise in your name i don't know you reign we are changed in your name i am changed in your name so moses is with the lord for 90 days upon the mountain and then the nation of israel is scattered somewhere hungry complaining grumbling and a man is with god and he did not even realize that meeting god can change man moses comes back from the mountain and the people cannot even behold his face he had been transformed i know the quality of the encounter you've had by the transformation that shows if you are not transformed then you did not meet him nobody meets god and remains the same nobody hears the word quality life applicable truths the principles and the methodologies of the kingdom let me tell you this please listen you don't change men by teaching opinions you don't change men by teaching personalized dealings you don't change men by teaching what is popular there is an exact body of knowledge are located for specific results in the kingdom you have to understand this everything does not produce every result there is an exact body of knowledge it is it is the the knowledge of god as a person that is infinite success progress leadership influence has an exact body of spiritual information are located for it please you have to understand this the truths that make men great are finite they are not infinite you can test them and hold them like keys and know that this is the body of knowledge that can take me from my yesterday into my tomorrow so i can meet a weak person please come sir can i use you i can meet this my brother as weak as it is i'll show you a scripture shortly and do something to this man transformation is a miracle next time you record miracles at transformation more than healing the sick that the former version of me unqualified naive can pass through a process like a machine and i become the wonder version of myself they learned that he had been with jesus so he will come to mount zion and sit with his pain with his confusion with the gaps in his spiritual understanding not knowing what to do just knowing that there are keys in the kingdom but not knowing which is allocated for what result and by the ministry of men a pastor like yours this man is mentored into his glory brought through transformation run away from a man that cannot transform don't hate don't fight but run transformation is powerful i should see the superior version of you as you encounter the world as you encounter god this is very powerful because listen where god meets you does not matter where he's taking you is what matters so you can meet me at my worst stage it doesn't matter transformation is a system that can veto my background and bring me to a point where you become a sign and a wonder shout transformation shout it again there is no territory that can ignore a man who can transform because you see a territory is a reflection of the quality of the spiritual information supplied a territory will always look like the preachers there a territory will always look like the mentors there a territory will always look like the leaders there the limitation of a territory is a limitation of the information supplied you change your territory by changing the information it's the reason why wealthy people and wealthy organizations make sure that they own media houses they make sure they control the newspaper why because a territory is subject to the information that is believed and received this is the message we have received from the beginning the message the message is what transformed who have believed our report there is a body of knowledge allocated for my change please relax what you could not do yesterday you can do tomorrow something can lift you higher we must be passionate about transformation i am passionate about searching for the areas of ignorance in my life because i understand by the privilege of god's grace that there are so many people there is a generation looking up to your life for correctness and you cannot afford to be wrong and say sorry tomorrow so you must content for transformation to supply an information that is balanced accurate and true because you can be careful it says the bible says to be careful lest what you call light be darkness you can advocate darkness for many years believing in this light when a territory is poor something the preacher is saying is bringing poverty when a territory does not have favor something the preacher is not saying is responsible for that when there is general spiritual lukewarmness it's a reflection of the value system of the men of god with respect to the pursuit and the passion of god whatever is emphasized by the spiritual leaders becomes the mainstay within a territory please say transformation changing a territory is not difficult that's why when god speaks to people he doesn't waste his time on the congregation he brings the leaders does something to them and sends them are we together transformation so that you come to church this morning did you know i i always say this and you may have heard me say i think it is evil to have people sit under the influence of a man of god for three hours six hours multiple times every week for many years and you cannot trace the evidence of the handwriting of god no the laws of the kingdom are more powerful than a magnet you can't stay there for so long and then nothing changes i understand that it takes time but the time is not a lifetime when you plant it doesn't grow the next day but it grows there is a time allocated if i cannot see physical results i should see the transformation in your understanding i should see the correct the adjustment in your perceptions this is what the word of god does if you're with me this morning please say amen thank you sir thank you so much transformation let me show you two more scriptures first samwell chapter 22 first samuel chapter 22 the first two verses first samuel 22 first samuel chapter 22. we're going to read verse one and two reading concert ready one to read david therefore departed friends and escaped to the cave abdullah take note and when his brethren and all his father's house heard it they went down tether to him 22 and everyone that was in distress uh-huh and everyone that was in debt and everyone that was discontented guarded themselves unto him and he became captain over them and they were with him about 400 men please keep that scripture there look at the kind of people that came to david a man is running for his dear life and hides in a cave called abdullah and his brethren here and they inconvenience themselves and come to him the bible describes their state men who were distressed men who were in debt men who were dissatisfied discontented they came to him david transform us i mean that that's why i came to church i'm distressed that's why i came to church my marriage is about to tear apart that's why i came to church so it should not surprise you when you see me you said this is a place of transformation and i came prove the quality of the god you serve and the information you propose by what happens to my life second samuel 23 from verse 8 to 12 second samwell 23 from verse 8 to 12 second samuel 23 from verse 8 to 12. these be the names my god of the mighty men they came as men in death they came as men distressed they came as men discontented look at what they be turned out of them these be the names of the mighty men whom david had are we together the tatmunites that sat in the seat chief among the captains his name was ardino the s knight he lift up his fear against 800 whom he slew at one time they feed the mentor turning weak men to mighty man next verse we're reading to verse 12 and after him was elias are the son of dodo the aha height one of the three mighty men with david when they defied the philistines that were gathered together to battle and the men of israel were gone away next verse he arose and smote the philistines until his hand was wary and his hand cleaved to the sword and the lord wrote a great victory that day and the people returned after him only to spoil eleven and after him was shaman the son of aggi the hara right and the philistines were gathered together into a troop where was a piece of ground full of this and that and the people fled the last verse 12 but he stood up in the midst of the ground and defended it and stewed the philistines and the lord wrote a great victory remember once upon a time these men now were men who were weak in debt and they came and met a man in a cave not a throne a cave of abu lam what did david tell them can i hear david's message what did david preach what did david tell a weak man that would make him stand before the philistines and say come i have been too mentored to fear you could you be told something that will make you run back to your challenges and say last week i did not hear this information but now that i'm aware come i have learned that the lord is my light and salvation of whom shall i be afraid of i have learned a door weeping and just for the night that when i see the morning i rejoice i have learned i was that mentored that although my past my beginning may be small but that my end will increase exceedingly i have learned what you learn matters the quality of the spiritual information i have learned that many are the afflictions of the righteous for the lord delivered him from them all i have learned that time can be restored i have learned that with god all things are possible for by you i run over a troop for by you i leap over a wall i have land when the lord came to eve in the garden of eden adam adam where are dao adam said i heard your voice what i hid because i was naked the next question was who told you which other mentor is in this garden that you listen to he changed your perception you don't have to put chains on a man put chains on his understanding and he's in bondage are we together transformation is very powerful you can't turn anyone to anything by the power of transformation it was said in those days that before hitler would destroy people the media would carry messages negative messages that that brought fear brought terror and the entire territory will be under so much fear and he would strike the thing that i feared most had come upon me job said i choose transformation only transformed men can transform a territory only transformed men can transform a territory i believe in the power of transformation please hear me 21st century ministry will require the proof of transformation i should see the life that was changed you know one of the mistakes we make sometimes even as leaders is that we search for what we call ready-made people ready-made people are some of the most dangerous people a leader should have because a gifted rebel is not an asset anyone that does not have a track record of loyalty a history of growth is a dangerous person and jesus we become by growing and anybody who ignores growth is dangerous even if he becomes are we together i found my way out of mediocrity i found my way out of misery by knowing i can grow so i'm not embarrassed about what i do not know once my mind can receive it and my perception changes i'm gone gone someone is growing this morning as a man of god i may be weak not having the requisite knowledge for the results that i require but i can subject myself to a system that transforms me and i become another version of myself a sign and a wonder man can change this is why we teach teaching is useless if men could not change there is the fortitude for transformation in man and it comes by the power of accurate spiritual information tailor-made for growth tailor-made for victory not random information with hope that it will change no information whose end is already known that while you are receiving this like a drug i already know what it will make you we will transform our society that way one of these are precious banks had um a little program that they floated i think a year or two ago remember gt bank it is i remember when they called a few people and sang a song and that song became an anthem and even people who didn't go to school could sing it and they would not their head i said my god look how power transformation comes how powerful transformation can be do you know that those people have never seen the gt bank manager they've never even seen the composer of that but they received the true information and believed and i hear it was one of their most successful packages information is powerful information is powerful something you heard may be why you are not rising or something you have not heard may be why you are still down but the people that sat in darkness have seen a great light a great light a great light many times pastor i i feel bad when i learn the things i learn now and i just say oh dear i wish i had the privilege to know these things earlier than now i wonder what my life would have been but i thank god all the same for his mercy church should be a place where you should look forward to when i sat here just five minutes of sitting here the worship and everything i said this is church church should not be a place where you are checking your time say kai people are wasting my time this he may gain this announcement i talked with jose stanza one why should we repeat it i thought this was if you just finished this song now the pastor is coming up again what does he want to say i thought he finished preaching you see that kind of thing is proof that there is no reception let me tell you the power of transformation should keep you spellbound time should fly that when they share the grace you are saying can i get the tape i know i had it but i didn't hear it i i want the tip again you don't have to tell people pay attention you just have to make sure the information is powerful they will pay attention see the human mind was not destruct to ignore truth except it is not true when you bring it intelligently presented you will hold your people spellbound they will listen they are seeing the applicability of the truth you are communicating how could they ignore it remember they are in distress remember they are in debt how could you teach me something free knowing the gravity of the issue in my life would i ignore it ignoring our information is proof that we are doing something wrong when jesus came to the people nobody could ignore his message even those who hated him were at his crusade they listened first before they fought him because they needed the information themselves transformation when you bring an information that kings need they will listen to you when you bring an information that nobles need they will listen to you the challenge many times and i say this respectfully and honorably of course you understand that when i teach like this is beyond the walls of the church that i'm ministering to is that we have a lot of information whose applicability we do not verify we bring all kinds of information many times that are completely useless just because it's spiritual does not mean it is applicable to our context i should be able to leave church and win on monday and win on tuesday and and look forward to wednesday or sunday to say pastor thank you one key open five doors i how many other keys and people come early and defy the rain and defy every other thing they come like spiritual archaeologists they are searching for peace the moment the pastor comes up they begin to rejoice my destiny gets ready to rise the man who has a track record of transforming me is on stage again i made up my mind that i will never waste the time of god's people that any opportunity given to me i should do something to the listeners you should go back inspired challenge angry happy at the same time you should go back with an impartation you should go back with a body of constructive knowledge that is applicable to your life this is ministry are we blessed this morning we take over territories by proving to the territory that we can produce a better version of that territory and then when you begin to transform people one life after another the powers that be will begin to trace the results there's a particular school um down where i come from and it's one of the best schools there and most of the people that work there are people that are part of our ministry and it's not it's not a believer the director is not a believer but is my very good friend and the relationship started because he noted that all the people who came from a ministry had a culture there was a way they behaved there was a level of intelligence there was a standard there was a dimension of sincerity there was a culture they didn't come at the same time but all of them you could almost predict and say you are from koinonia apostle you say yes sir and he said okay this is it i must know this man you say let me tell you this kings will look for you when those you mentor continue to represent you well kings will not look for you with no result no they will they will search where did you say you came from household of david you household of david i'm in the u.s where are you well i'm not there but this is the man that i listen to i must know pastor shula now you can receive greatness at your times your results show we search for kings when there is nothing that welcomes us to their presence the souls the lives that you change are like your trophies they are your report card that you qualify to talk to kings is god speaking to us yes when you see a man greatly used by god you know the glory goes to god god so this is what you can do with a man when a member acts in a way and manner that brings glory to both god his church and his pastor the pastor stands in awe and joy and gratitude and all those who have been influenced by that member will communicate their honor to the same pastor transformation is powerful as a man of god it gives you rest it takes away shame from the gates because you raise men that raise you is god speaking to us this morning i assume your silence is that this thing is entering you this is what short should be raise men who keep you on top if you don't raise men you will go down this is for sure a territory should not ignore you and you don't do it by making a lot of noise you make it by letting those you have raised do the speaking your honor is in their representing you well why does god have to come bodily to this service his glory is here and why does he have to appear when i'm here makes no sense he's counterproductive he is here is true but i'm here this is what it means to be an ambassador a promoter of an interest you're a representation of an ideology and you sustain the grace to prove its validity please go back home and begin to probe the body of knowledge you have received do not be ashamed when you find out that you have constructed your understanding falsely and don't hate anybody doesn't matter who is responsible re-transformation is possible you can change you renew your mind the bible says receiving the end of your faith even the salvation of your soul are we blessed this morning transformation i'm i'm spending time to speak this year because this is the key listen let me tell you we're all gathered today to honor a man his dear wife and the leaders because there has been a track record i believe if i if i give the mic to the workers the members tell us who you were and tell us what you are now you will hear testimonies testimonies testimonies is the reason why i don't celebrate bad days is the reason why i run away i'm a shy person well not by nature by by choice i don't know if it's by choice now or by but i just know that i'm not a spotlight person at all i'm not i'm not i don't i run away um you want to bring tears off out of my eyes is not an alert no thank god for my life but it doesn't bring tears it's not a shoe it's not a dress apostle thank you look at what happened to my life thank god you came ah thank god you came and someone said thank god you are in lagos or can someone say god take this man out of lagos so that we will rise that one day we'll be able to say thank you lord for household of david the reason why lagos has become its future that kings will come to and treat your favor and say we are here because the five people changing this city come from this church the quality of your ideology is compelling we cannot ignore it you believe what i'm telling you you do this and your life will be a wonder last month what was my birthday and um let me say something little i'm not on social media and you know there are so many people that i keep relationship but i just i just run away from anything that tries to bring me to the spotlight although it's impossible to do that now at this level but i'm grateful anyway and i got all kinds of calls right from the state house the presidency different places apostle you changed my son you changed my life you changed my ministry i've been listening to you for five years every day you may not know me but this church was a prophecy from your teaching and i remember just kneeling down and saying lord look what you can do to a man you don't have to see men before you transform them you just have to be transformed there are people today who have been blessed by what god is doing and have never had to see them words transcend time they immortalize your impact by going where you cannot go the message is more important than you this is the message so you listen to a message you forget the face but you cannot forget the message it was here i found out that there is he that scattered and yet increase it but they receive that withhold that modern is meet and tends to poverty remember speaking now it was here that i found out that favor is not unmerited favor can be merited it was here i found out that when i love the lord there are blessings it was here i found out that a transformed mind is a transformed destiny pastor thank you for changing my life thank you for changing my children when people are really touched they become too grateful to keep quiet let me tell you a paper will never do what men can do you can print billboards and posters but billboards don't talk transformed lives can talk they will gather their kind and say you look like the yesterday version of me come let me take you to a place that can turn yesterday into tomorrow this is what i believe this is my this is why i do the things that i do i believe men can change i believe men should change i believe men must change provided they are under the influence of not just your person but the information please do you understand what i'm saying this morning i'm taking my time to just flock this out we can change a generation by changing what they believe we can change a generation by probing their understanding we don't change a generation just by organizing programs no we don't change a program just a generation just by exciting people the target is the mind the target is the information supplied the target is that we must make a culture we must make an institution out of a body of knowledge and program it like a software honor can be institutionalized such that even someone who is not a christian will now begin to greet this is how many people were raised remember many of us were raised you would sing the national anthem you would pledge your loyalty to the nation you didn't know what was happening to you we have disloyal people today because the tenants that produce loyalty were ignored at a point and it was subliminal we didn't know it now look what it has produced thieves doubts armed robbers all kinds of people embarrassing the nation national transformation is a product of people transformation when you transform men the society is not some it's not just physical land it is men for god so loved men listen when jesus came he started a series of mentorship we call the beatitudes he was mentoring them you say this in your law but this is what i now say you say this but this is what i introduce a new system and he he called the system of transformation repentance repent why for the kingdom is at hand the influence the government of heaven is now within your reach and so your role is for your heart to remain open and to be willing to be changed repent repentance is not for sinners repentance is how we realign until our lives become like christ and you may have heard me say it let me say this and then we'll move to the last point and we're done for this morning service you are transformed to the degree to which i cannot associate any earthly culture with you i should be able to look at you and you do not look like your physical culture because you have embraced another culture especially the negative aspect of culture i shouldn't look at you and say uh-huh what tribe are you you you are behaving like an abu man you say yes i'm a nibble myself you see i told you oh you are behaving like another man this is your attitude you are from where say hi i told you no i should i should be confused to match you with any ugly place because the dexterity of your understanding cannot be traced to any every place what culture forgives when you are hot what culture loves in spite of the person the kingdom of heaven is now within your reach it's why i love the body is why i love territories no prejudice no biases for any tribe any whatever it is apostle without idols you are welcome apostle i'm a witch no problem you are welcome if i cannot change you i should i should not be ministry apostle i'm a devil no problem if we can open a ministry in hell we will oh yes we will may not be allowed but if you can open if i can open a branch of our ministry in hell give me a chance to rehabilitate those people and i'm standing here only because you and i'm speaking here only because your cause wants to fall and there is nothing that's impossible you made a wind let no man despise you because of this version of you tell them i'm growing you may not look like your future now but you can get there listen let me inspire you the key is not to run around looking for tomorrow tomorrow is not missing the key is to stay until you become the version that attracts tomorrow running around to look for tomorrow is a waste of time let me help to redeem your time stop looking for tomorrow stop looking for the car that is in tomorrow stop looking for the honor that is in tomorrow tomorrow is not missing is kept somewhere that only your growth can reach i never search for the future the future is preserved in the hands of god and transformed into the future so when i look at you i know that there is a future i know the thoughts that i think towards you said the lord jeremiah 29 and verse 11 he said they are thoughts of peace and not of evil to bring you a future an unrespected end my assignment as a man of god begins to be to guide you come i show you the way by the spirit of wisdom i show you the way through my pain i show you the way to experience i show you the way through my own transformation and then i guarantee you by the integrity of the god that called and anointed that if you follow this way you will get there i've said it audaciously that nobody and this is my goal and i say it with all humility that nobody who settles down to listen to the teachings that i communicate who will fail in life you will not fail they are not opinions none of you will listen to your pastor and listen sincerely and truthfully that will fail most times members add variables to the question that did not come from the mentor don't alter any question when you don't have results if i cannot cook there's a song that says some can eat but have no food some can eat but cannot cook so when the chef is speaking keep quiet you can only eat not cook you tell the shepherd why i mean i scramble egg you do it this way and the chef says come on do he say no no i'm just adding no walk with what you are giving first when you fail then you can insult the mentor until then it is wise to be silent i don't argue with results are we blessed this morning let me talk about the last and then we're done can i still have five minutes of your time the last way to influence a territory and to take a territory is through the power of results the power of results consistent results show that there is understanding there is mastery and there is obedience the glory always comes to prove that the patterns have been followed god is a god of patterns please understand this the moment you see consistent results is proof that patterns have been honored is proof that understanding is secured is proof that mastery has been established john chapter 4 and verse 48 jesus was teaching and he said except you see miraculous signs and wonders john 4 48 it says you will not believe read it with me please one to read then jesus said unto him except ye see signs and wonders you will not believe we need results to compel a territory to pay attention to what we are saying consistent results the end product of expectation is called results men need to see results that this journey has an end that a financial journey can have an end that a journey to greatness can have an end or at least plateau at a point that is worthy from a global standpoint mark 1 32 will read to 37 i show you the secret that makes men to look for you mark chapter 1 will start from 32 down to 37. it's a long reading i get somewhere and then we'll read together and that even when the sun did set they brought on to him all that were diseased remember now a similar case with david in the cave of adullam and them that were possessed with devils next verse and all the city everybody say all the city one more time see all the city all the city were gathered together at a location that was not conducive but they still came gathered at the door let me tell you when there are real results men will inconvenience themselves in ways that look embarrassing sometimes they will defy all kinds of things an excessive cry for convenience is a replacement for lack of results when men really really really have results they will take inconvenience with joy now this is not this is not this is not a call to mediocrity but i am telling you that you put results and inconvenience men will defy any kind of condition provided they know that they will get results it is true 35 okay he healed many that were sick of diverse diseases and cast out many devils and suffered not the devils to speak because they knew him two verses and in the morning rising up a great while before day he went out and departed notice this into a solitary place to pray so jesus left them and just went to spend time with the father 36 and simon and pete that were with him followed after him who does not follow results and then 37 now we read this together one to read and when they had found him they said unto him all men seek for thee all men seek for thee there are results that only bring poor people to you there are results that only bring educated people to you there are results that only bring your tribal people to you there are results that only bring africans to you there are results that only bring people along your industry to you but there are results that will make all men sick for you politicians governors young and old you know a lot of people say that um there are men of god that only young people love there are men of god that only old people love there are men of god that teenagers love it depends on who they are i know men who are loved and received and pursued by everyone there is a kind of result that can make all age ranges to co-exist without controversy because you sustain the ability to represent the results they all desire may you be like that in the name of jesus christ may you be like that the kind of man of god the kind of leader that sustains the ability to be relevant to everyone our relevance should not end when we drop the mic no what then is the excellency of the workings of the spirit in our lives results it's amazing that there are people who trivialize and down print down play results they make it look like oh there's some what is there what is there results jesus cost a victory for one single reason not because he did not grow the tree grill it had leaves but no results jesus cost the tree because it had no fruit acts chapter 4 we read verse seven then we jump to thirteen and when they had set them in the means they asked by what power this is a miracle that happened to the man that gets beautiful are we together and the bible says when they had said them in the midst they asked by what power and by what name have you done this but starting now when they saw the boldness of peter and john they perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men and they marveled and took knowledge of them that they had been with jesus 14. this is the proof we're reading 216 and beholding the man my god which was healed standing with them they could say nothing against it 15 but when they had commanded them to go aside out of the council they conferred among themselves listen to the testimonies saying what shall we do to these men for that indeed a notable miracle has been done by them is manifest to all them that dwell in jerusalem and we cannot deny it there are results that cannot be denied even by enemies there are results that cannot be denied nicodemus comes to jesus by night and says rabbi we know that that what a man sent from god he said for no man this result is not within the realm of man no man can do this except god be with him except god be with him in john 15 jesus was speaking let me show you how passionate god is about results john 15 i am the true vine and my father is a husband man next verse every branch in me that buried not fruit he'd take it away and every branch that buried food a project but it may bring forth more food for stream now here clean through the world that i've spoken to you let's just jump to verse 8 it says hearing is my father glorified that ye bear much fruit so you will validate my mentorship upon your life you will prove that i mentored you by the results you produce meaning if you do not bear fruit you make men you misrepresent my mentorship household of david hear me your pastor has proven that he is a man of god again and again and even by this results it's time for you to prove that you are truly connected to that grace by your own results your own territory your own impact the rich within this territory a validation of the same the victory of christ is not in question but the victory of the church experientially is still under contention and it will take the church rising in the similitude of the christ to subject creation to come under the influence of the christ therein the victory of christ through the church will be made manifest experientially please listen to me you must cry life is hard when there are no results ministry is hard when there's no results you will not find those who will come to partner with you no they will not come for nothing you know i said it i think the last conference we had sir that everybody is a giver is your resource that ton greedy people to give us it's amazing how please come sir please come anyone let's go watch this i can meet this brother now and say bros please help me with a hundred thousand ah a hundred thousand are you okay you mean you've not been in nigeria in 2019 how can i give you hundred thousand where will it come from the same person who will not give me a hundred thousand will hear that a great man of god is in town and take five hundred thousand and wait in the queue for a long time and say man of god i'm just here uh this is the first time i'm seeing you would you grant me the honor and the man says well i'm about to enter my car what do you want he said may just forgot as okay may god bless you and the person leaves rejoicing a torch and 500 000 gone whereas this brother is still in lagos begging for only 20 percent or thereabout so is this man really greedy he's not your results can turn anyone to a giver anyone your results can force the hand of your boss to sign your promotion it is true your results can make you pewler and helps you you become a delight men have not yet received the grace to ignore results it is not yet a privilege that men have let me tell you the truth you see men are arrogant people they will act like the results there's nothing there but nicodemus revealed that even kings observe results they only come by night their pride will not allow them to come by day but they will come either ways they will come by night and say rabbi forget what we do in the day we know not i know we know that you are a man sent from god for no man to eat these things except god be with you signs and wonders results when i came into this place and i just walked around and my protocol showed me on the google map i looked and i said ah pastor sharla you're a man of faith you're a man of faith it takes a wicked man to not acknowledge you it takes it takes more than a sinner you must be a wicked person to see this and not acknowledge it is the lord's doing it is marvelous i don't know lagos very well but i know that space is gold in lagos and when god gives a man this within the side of town you should praise god are we together i believe in results pat robertson the founder of cbn one day i heard his documentary i'm rounding up and he said when he was about to start ministry he cried for three things he said lord give me wisdom lord give me favor lord give me the anointing of the holy spirit i need results and i remember going down my knees i said lord give me wisdom lord give me favor lord give me the anointing of the holy ghost please listen to me everything in your life is at the mercy of the results that follow nobody will follow you if you don't have results your family members will follow you because of solidarity but the day will come you will know they are only walking with you they are not following you it takes results to break the pride of men the fallen man is arrogant by default it will take you demonstrating a dimension of the wisdom the creativity the power the glory of god to dumbfound principalities and powers it is true when the supernatural comes through your life when there are dimensions of the walkings of god when you become a living miracle let me tell you this man will follow you i tell you this nobody can advise them against you they will just listen to the person say okay i've had i will think about what you have said and they will follow influence works with results taking over territories work with results not just results of digging boreholes not just results or buying sewing machines thank god for that not just results of you know buying boss and giving taxi drivers these things are wonderful but my brothers and my sisters bring god to a territory let men see let the world become flesh let the weak become strong are we together now let the poor become wealthy let the spiritually depraved become men of fire place something upon the destinies of men like the foxes of samson set them on fire and let them go results results will bring the enemy to his knees results will glorify god over a territory i desire to see god glorified i desire to see a generation that will hold the fire just like our fathers deed it cannot fail in our time we need real results signs wonders the transforming power of the world we need to know that god can turn around the lives of men that is not just a story we need the truths that are written here to find expression it is true that a 60 year old woman although baron can have triplets where is the god we talk about i believe in miracles i really do i believe in science i believe in wonders i believe that god can invade the world of man and turn things around like he's doing this morning i believe that someone can come to church jobless my brothers and my sisters by afternoon he's on his knees saying who applied this job for me they said how did you get the job he says i came to church you came to church to get a job then i must go to church now it is true that his motive may be corrupted but let him still come can we pray results you're going to cry this morning and ask the lord i need results genuine results it's a knowing results i needed testimony i need an evidence you see if you are not angry this morning to pray i can't be escorting others while they give testimonies i can't be holding the might for others while they are talking there is a god in heaven when ministry pray lord there has to be results in business there has to be results you cannot deny results no you can help a man but you cannot hate his results please pray this morning service i will not give you a prayer point let your hunger create one this morning i'm tired of this level oh god stretch me take me to another dimension i want to take over my territory i came to church this morning has i desire to stop shaking results i desire to stop using the social media to plot what is not there give my life genuine results results of power results of growth results of influence results of movement pesticide household of david pray few minutes this morning and we're done lord i put pressure upon your integrity results results of transformation results of the anointing results miracles signs wonders testimonies possibilities activated hunger created do this for your glory do this for your glory i cry do this for your glory take away buriness from my life take away affirmations from my life take away getting from my understanding close the gaps in my spiritual understanding from the front to the back left and right breathe all i wants is for you for you to be glorified for you to be lifted all i want is for you to be all glorified want is for you please mention the areas of your life where results must land upon in this conference mention them if it's your finances cry if his ministry cry lift up your voice to the god of heaven lord i need results shanewie results send newest results my family take away shame take away reproach take away financial hardship you a man of god pray lord multiply my membership i'm not ashamed to cry i'm not ashamed to say bless an anointing upon my life that my speakings will become the miracles of men i'll give me a job in lagos preserve my honor in this city praise just a minute more you are praying you are crying to the god of heaven the lord is nigh them that call upon him the lord is nigh them that call upon him hallelujah can i give you one more prayer point father if you are searching for a man who will bring you glory through your lifting him i'm available i'm available lift your voice and pray lord i hear you are searching for men that you will make a praise out of don't pass me don't pass me if someone pray don't pass me you're searching for a man searching for a man that you will get glory out of you get the glory you get the praise you take the honor i just want to say thank you you get the glory when all is said and done you get the praise my life be glorified be global in my life be glorified sing it with understanding through my life through my life be glorified in my life come on house of baby it's a covenant you are making with god restraint not your hand from lifting me oh god i doubt that you will be glorified let the job come oh god let the wealth come let the anointing come let the influence completely the territory i found that it is for you in my life we vow this morning that as you lift us oh god we will cause the world to see you we will cause our territories and our generation to acknowledge that there is a god in heaven we hide behind your grace but we cry sincerely give us culminated in the loyalty of men make our lives easy give us real evidences undeniable evidences we vow that forever you will be glorified in the name of jesus you
Channel: Salvation TV
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Keywords: online sermon, apostle selman sermon, apostle joshua selman sermon, new sermon 2021, apostle joshua selman new sermon, youtube sermon, sermon on youtube, apostle joshua selman messages, apostle joshua selman nimmak messages, koinonia, apostle, joshua, selman, nimmak, prayer, apostle joshua selman, apostle joshua selman 2021, koinonia messages, download apostle joshua selman messages 2019, how to grow spiritually, god, how to desire greater glory, powerful prayer, prophetic prayer
Id: ywR_z50DhlY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 253min 59sec (15239 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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