POWER OF MERCY OF GOD | Apostle Joshua Selman Sermon

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[Music] hallelujah praise the name of the lord mark chapter 10 i'll just establish one or two things and then we'll pray mark chapter 10 i'll be teaching along the theme would start from verse 46. this was the story of um the man that jesus met on his way out of jericho called blind batimeo and it will be a basis to introduce the teaching and they came to jericho the bible says and as he went out of jericho with his disciples and a great number of people the bible says there was such a man called blind bartimaeus it was not a name blind is a condition but timu means son of temules are we together now blind bartimius the son of timmy sat by the highway side begging 47 and when he heard that it was jesus of nazareth he began to cry out and to say jesus you are the son of david have mercy on me jesus david messi very powerful all in one sentence when he heard it was jesus he said jesus there is something i know about you my condition may not allow me the luxury of being around the temple because i am declared unclean but as men kept passing by this street there was something that they said about you that i picked you are not only the son of god you are the son of david and because you are the son of david there is something from david it says thou son of david he didn't say prosper me no that would be wrong he didn't say thou seed of abraham bless me but it says you are the son of david because what i need now is mercy let me let me start my session by introducing the fact that in our dealings with god please pay attention in our dealings with god we must understand the platforms that are available for the saints to interact with god and also to interact with the realm of the spirit essentially there are three major platforms if you're writing please write this down there are three major platforms can you just reduce the volume a bit please yeah thank you three major platforms that make for our interacting with the realm of the spirit number one which is the weakest of the three is called emotions emotions are a very powerful platform [Music] that can help us relate with the realm of the spirit emotions but it has such a tremendous side effect because emotions vacillate are we together now we see a display of emotions in the bible people who will make declarations right now like peter and all of a sudden turn that was just emotions many people who would make declarations i will follow you i will walk with you so emotions is the weakest level but it is one of the levels that a man can interact with the realm of the spirit and even with god the second is called reasoning based on principles now reasoning is more superior to emotions and the reason why that is is because reasoning is based on principles and principles are fixed so even if you vacillate as an individual principles force you to be consistent i i don't know if you are following now so remember what we are dealing with emotions and then the reason why emotions cannot be trusted anytime you are dealing with people if the platform for that relationship is purely emotional you know that you are in trouble isn't it because emotions vacillate do you know why emotions are not fixed on facts they are fixed on feelings please understand our discussion three levels by which you can relate with god the realm of the spirit and even men the weakest of them and the third is emotions emotions is based on feelings and it can vacillate the margin of error walking emotionally is very high too high to guarantee predictability god never relates with men emotionally because he knows he knows the man he built one moment you can say lord i love you and the next moment you are running away so he will not relate with men emotionally the next level is called reasoning and that by principles when you reason you are making use of your mind but then you are guided by a reference the references are principles either universal laws spiritual laws no matter how it is so that even if you yourself may want to bend to the left the principles have been fixed is that true yes jeremiah chapter 6 and verse 16 it says you stand in the way and you ask for that part that ancient part and it says if you have found it that you walk in it and you will find rest you have to understand this foundation so number one emotions based on feelings the weakest platform for interacting with god interacting with the realm of the spirit and even interacting with men second to emotions and higher than emotions is what reasoning based on logic so you can reason your way out the bible says it come let us reason together so it is a way that you can relate with the realm of the spirit reasoning and reasoning is based on principles it's not based on feeling so there is some level of predictability you've heard people say use your common sense is that true that means apply your mind to existing principles as the basis for your decisions so that even if you don't trust yourself you can trust the predictability of those principles you can use reasoning to gain some level of results in your life why because the reasonings are not principles and the principles are fixed but the highest level of interaction with god the highest level of interaction with the realm of the spirit and the highest level of interaction with men is called covenant are we following now already so i started by listing three platforms for interacting with god [Music] the realm of the spirit and man the weakest being emotions based on feelings then reasoning based on principles the third covenants why are covenants powerful if you do not understand it you may not understand the theme of this conference the show mercies of david remember the scripture we read you now understand why blind bartimaeus when he had it was jesus it says jesus you are not only savior you are not only the seed of abraham there is something i know about you you are the son of david show me mercy and jesus would dare not pass him and ignore him if jesus ignored him he would prove that he was not messiah because there was a covenant but timos was not just calling a man for help what bartimaeus was doing was deeper than just calling for help hallelujah covenants why are covenants powerful what is a covenant generally speaking a covenant is known to be an agreement between two or more people an agreement between two or more people that seeks to provide mutual benefit to the parties involved [Music] and also has well-defined terms then it also has benefits and advantages if adhered to and it has consequences if violated generally speaking that is a covenant so the whole idea of a covenant is that two or more people come into a non-emotional agreement non-emotional it is very important you understand that are we together and the goal of the agreement is to provide mutual benefit that means both parties have something usually to benefit from and then there are there are times terms that bind both parties and if adhered to there are benefits that come from it and if violated there are consequences that follow now notice that the highest level of interaction with god with the realm of the spirit and with men higher than emotions based on feelings higher than reasoning based on principles is covenant you see that covenant has from scripture provided the greatest platform i hope you know that covenant was god's invention god's invention to remedy the emotional state of man versus the desire for the consistency of his program so it was an invention by the intelligence of god i have to create a way of binding man to ensure that even though man vacillates there must be something that keeps him consistent and out of that need came the understanding of covenant that there are certain levels of dealings that you can never have with god there are certain graces over territories and nations that you can never carry when you are in an emotional relationship with god when you are even just living by principles it has to move deeper than that you must enter a realm called covenant this is the same principle that is used in the occult you don't relate many occultic groups they don't do emotions you can make up your mind and say i'm part of this fraternity now and by the time you see the sacrifices involved you say no no i'm not part of this i've changed my mind is that true or you can sit logically and say what do i stand to benefit and they say you have some financial benefit or political benefit but then by those principles you can still run away but notice that when people bring all these fraternities around the first thing they do is to bind you with a covenant ratified by blood before they start showing you what you have done so that by the time fear grips you all these elements of emotions you know that you are already bound by a a faculty of relationship higher than emotions it is the reason why marriage is also a covenant because the day your wife does not cook something tells you running when you remember no way you are not running anywhere there is a covenant greater than feelings greater than principles anything god wants to take serious in the life of a man he ties it to covenant are you following me now there are different kinds of relationships on earth there are general relationships be good to all men you meet a driver you go to a supermarket or a mall you meet people and then there are seasonal relationships god connects you you have classmates you have schoolmates and for the time that you people are pursuing the same goal you are friends but there are relationships called covenant relationships covenant relationships are non-emotional relationships they are relationships that move beyond what you feel that means in doing business with god if you have not entered the dimension of covenant there are certain things that god does not take you serious about the highest honor god can give man is to tap into anything that binds him with that man and when god binds himself with that man he proves that it is a covenant by naming that dimension after that man the god of abraham the god of isaac the god of jacob the son of david now you understand what that is yes [Music] if i stop here alone i have brought deliverance for someone anything in your life you want to take serious there must be a covenant platform for dealing with it it is the cure for the emotions of men it is the cure for vaccinations all around do not trust people when they say oh this and that human beings are very that's why god does not take them seriously but when god sees you coming into that realm of covenant are you saying what abraham why what abraham did touch the heart of god abraham i want to enter a covenant with you but the first test is take your son let me see how serious you are and abraham carried his son and god said you did this for me i swear by my name that in blessing i will bless you so even if today god forbid if israel stand as a nation and look up to god and say god we hate you you are terrible even as he looks at them he will still honor abraham till he returns this is the implication of covenant you have taken emotions out of it it has nothing to do with what you feel you are bound by an oath you take your reputation and put upon that oath covenant is a risk there are two testaments in the bible one is called an old covenant or the old covenant and the other is called the new covenant or testament it's never called the old discussion it's not called the old suggestion it's not called the new advice they are called covenants because the truth there cannot be left through emotions are we together now yes [Music] so there are three platforms you have to understand this malachi chapter 3 and verse 6 just building on this and we pray is god helping us already please read with me if you can see projected ready one to read for i am the lord i change not therefore one more time [Music] another interpretation for i am the lord and i don't walk by emotions otherwise if i allow my feelings to direct my power the sons of jacob they will be consumed you see that i am the lord and even though you annoy me all the time i am guided by a covenant higher than what i feel the bible is clear as to the fact that there are times that god gets angry there are times that the bible says the the word i change not does not mean i don't change my decisions many times it changes decisions here it means my patterns are fixed because i bound them with the covenant i am the lord i will not bend my patterns no matter how i feel that was why when jesus was on the cross not even the son of the living god changed the heart of the father he saw him there and he still let him die because without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins it's not a statement it's not an advice even jesus when he wanted to negotiate it he said if it's possible let this call pass what he remembered this thing did not come about just by discussion nevertheless not my will but yours be done you thought god would say wow what a faithful son because of that you will not die again he said well i understand still go and die just be on your way to the cross you will still die hallelujah spiritual patterns if you understand this about relationships then you are ready to step into deep levels with god you will now see the reason why god seems to honor certain people as if yes we are all christians but what is it about others that makes god they can make statements as if they are bragging but they are not just talking nonsense there is a basis upon which they are speaking how could abraham dare tell us that god gave him the head is that not pride the head not israel god will the edge to one man as if there is only one man he created he didn't even give the edge to adam he gave him dominion now he comes to find a man from all of the chaldeans and i don't worship her and carries the whole earth as if he didn't know we are coming gave it to one man and you ignore that man and see how you will suffer to you and to your seed to the point that even when jesus came he submitted to that covenant himself galatians chapter 3 and verse 29 and if he be christ he says then are ye abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise are we blessed yes isaiah chapter 55 now where we got the text from let's start from verse one isaiah chapter 55 [Music] these are the categories of people that i'm interested in this morning so that we'll pray he says everyone that thirsted come to the waters he that has no money oh dear nigeria come and buy and eat ye come buy wine and milk without money and without price so why is he saying buy in economics you don't say buy without price and here he's now saying bye but even if you don't have money come but it will be recorded that you still bought it verse 2 wherefore do you spend money for that which is not bread and your labor for that which satisfied not harken diligently unto me and eat ye that which is good and let your soul delight itself in fatness verse 3 please give us verse 3 let's read together one to read incline your ear and come unto me and hear and your soul shall leave and i will make an everlasting covenant hold on hold on hold on hold on everlasting covenant everlasting covenant means a covenant that will be honored even if the earth is not here again everlasting covenant there are covenants whose validity is only whilst the earth is here for instance while the earth remained see time and harvest there's no seed time and harvest in heaven it is wild at remaining so the covenant was tied to the earth the day there is no earth that lord does not walk again you cannot take the law if you go to any planet where you don't find earth you can't apply sea time and harvest you will need to look for another law see time and harvest was tied to the earth that means if you get up in the morning and find out that the earth is still there then know that the only way to get harvest is to plant seeds is that true but here he says i will make an everlasting covenant with you then he says even the sure mercies of david the sure mercies of david what was this about really let me begin to introduce it now david was a very interesting man he was a man who loved the lord quite an interesting king he was he was the son of jesse as you know and he was the one who succeeded saul the first king of israel it was not god's desire for israel to have a physical king he always intended that he would be their king but they made a demand for a king they wanted to see a ruler who they would see and relate with and so in honor to their request god now raised a prophet the son of hannah is that true called samwell trained under prophet eli and when he became a prophet the bible says none of his word fell to the ground and this was the man who anointed saul the son of kish to become king remember when his father's donkey was missing and they went and he met the seer called samwell and someone said is it not because the lord has anointed you to be captain over his army and he anointed him saul became king one thing led to the other he broke the the ordinances of priesthood is that true by coming to offer sacrifices whereas it was not his office i'm just giving you a theological background and people pressured him he could not wait for samwell to come because samuel was late he did offer the sacrifices and when somewhere came he said no no no you have done foolishly you would have allowed me to come and god would have established your throne forever but now because of this you have desecrated priesthood and the throne is taken away from you he didn't live immediately the same way adam did not die immediately but then somewhere kept praying and interceding for saul and one time the lord told him saul samwell why will you keep whipping seeing that i have rejected saul as king he says take on your horn go to the house of jesse and go and anoint the next king is that true he now goes to the house of jesse they gather all the sons including elia well built handsome gentlemen and he almost made a mistake as a prophet and god said no and they called on that boy who was at the backside tending sheep and he came and then the lord anointed him one thing led to the other eventually david becomes king and um when david became king so many things happened he fought wars he had episodes of all sorts of things david was quite an interesting man he was seen against god and writing singing his his scene in a song and tell the music director sing it let god know that i'm not hiding this thing god says what do i do with such a man hallelujah yes and then god himself said this man is a man after my heart now that is a very superior commendation from god moses was called a mickey's man but never called a man after god's heart not even jacob who had an encounter was called a man after god's heart how do you call such a man there is nothing to be done that david did not do is it killing is he stealing is it destruction everything you think about that can be done david did and one time second samuel chapter 7 please let's start from verse 12. this is where this is the story that leads us to this covenant that we call the shore messes of david second samuel chapter 7 and when thy days be fulfilled and thou shalt sleep with thy fathers where do we start from verse 11. it says and since the time i hope i okay let's take it from there and see and since the time that i commanded judges to be over can we can we start from verse um let me look at verse eight let's start from verse eight say long reading just be patient okay now the whole story was that david was sitting in a very beautiful palace and the ark of god was in a tent is that true and david became concerned and he said no no no i i cannot sit here in a beautiful palace where there is no house for my god the the the the ark of god was in a tent and he said no it's in my heart i have to build a house for god this is how much i love him and i honor him because he considered the goodness of god the mercy of god over his life and he said i can't let this continue like this and then he now discussed it with prophet nathan and he told nathan he said this is what i intend to do and nathan said this is good do whatever is in your heart for god is with you is that true and so he made up his mind that he was going to build god a house and then the lord sent prophet nathan thank you thank you very much i think that's from verse one now um so let's let's take a let's let's just read from verse from verse one please be patient with me it's a bit long let's just take it i was thinking of cutting somewhere so we'll save time and it came to pass when the king sat in his house the king been david now and the lord had given him rest round about from all his enemies too the king said unto nathan the prophet see now i dwell in a house of cedar but the ark of god dwelleth within curtains right verse 3 and nathan said unto the king go do all that is in thy heart for the lord is with you and it came to pass that night that the word of the lord came to nathan the prophet saying go and tell my servants david thou saith the lord shall thou build me a house to dwell in whereas i have not dwelt in any house since the time that i brought up the children of israel from egypt even on to this day but i have walked in a tent and in a tabernacle in all the places wherein i have walked with all the children of israel respect the world with any of the tribes of israel whom i commanded to feed my people israel saying why build ye not me a house of siddha now therefore so shall thou say unto my servant david god is talking to nathan thought said the lord of hosts i took thee from the ship coat from following the ship to be ruler over my people over israel and i was with thee we thought so ever that went test and have caught off all thy enemies now follow all the things that god did to david to help him to rise to become king number one i took you and i lifted you and i knew that every lifting comes with enemies so i went with you and i cut off your enemies out of thy sight and have made the a great name may this happen to someone everything written here in the name of jesus christ i just felt to stop and declare over you that the same way god took david from the backside and look at this is god god remembers how he lifts men it's only men that forget how they are lifted god himself is telling a prophet i'm not confused as to how i lifted him from the ship court i took you and made you a ruler over god's people let me speak to someone here you may be the least in your life your family your destiny but in the name of jesus here at this conference i declare that god who lifted david the one who shows man mercy and kindness may he lift you to become ruler over much i hope you are really receiving it and then he says i was with you aha now you understand when he says yeah do i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i fear no evil the cure for fear is divine presence sometimes you don't need the storm to become for you to be at peace just verify whether jesus is in the boat and then he says i have cut off all your enemies out of your sight and i made thee a great name like unto the name of the great men that are in the earth verse 10. moreover i will appoint a place for my people israel and i will plant them that they may dwell in a place of their own and move no more neither shall the children of wickedness afflict them anymore as before time eleven it says and and i since the time that i commanded judges to be over my people israel and have caused thee to rest from all your enemies also the lord tellethy that i will make the house my goodness do you know what he was saying he said david you want to build me a house and he laughed it's like a little boy coming to meet a rich man with maybe a little lollipop and says i want to bless you and then the man says you mean i want to take this and he says because you are doing this me too i want to do something you understand what is going on there now and i will establish it says and when the days be fulfilled and thou shalt sleep with your fathers i will set up thy seed after thee which shall proceed out of your bowels and i will establish his kingdom next verse we're reading he shall build a house for my name and i will establish the throne of his kingdom forever let's read to 16 i will be his father and he shall be my son if he commit iniquity watch this because as kings when you default you are gone that's what happened to somewhere to solve now he says because i'm introducing something that binds me and you if he commit iniquity i will chasten him with the road of men and with the stripes of the children of men but my mercy paris collie braga to scatter my mercy shall not depart away from him as i took it from saul whom i put away before thee 16 he says and thy house and thy kingdom shall be established forever before thee thy throne shall be established forever go and tell david thousand the lord nathan goes to meet david and says david i don't know what happened between you and god but right now there is a word from god god has brought this that no matter what you do i may punish you i may allow men to afflict you but as far as replacing you and bringing you out of relevance it is no longer there that every time i have bound myself with you that as far as your relevance and your dominion and your rising and remaining is concerned there is nothing you can do provided you have made up your mind to honor me this much i'm now reciprocating so blind bartimaeus knowing he was in trouble he had been hearing that discussion from sermons he now said jesus if i call you the seed of abraham you would think what i need is arms but right now i'm tired of this condition i don't know what i did wrong i don't know what my father did wrong but remember you are a seed of david i is mercy have mercy on me and jesus said stop stop stop somebody is saying something here that i cannot ignore mr man you are blind but who taught you this all i know is that you are the son of david a covenant was made that from david and his seed god is going to create a platform for dealing with men that will be beyond what they can do or what they cannot do are you not that seed he never asks blind batimus do you have faith read it everybody he spoke to he required faith but the moment a man said son of david he said leave it i don't care whether you believe in me or not there is a covenant that commits my integrity the only people who are not asked for faith are dead people you don't ask a dead man do you have faith and now he looks at a man who says i know you are the son of david i may not know much but this i know about you you keep covenants i'm here there were not many people that said things that struck jesus in the bible one of them was a centurion he showed him the power of authority and he said i am a man also under authority and because of the authority that i represent i can tell one go and he will go i can tell one come and he will come i can tell one do this and he will do jesus you don't need to come to my house i don't want to insult you i recognize your authority speak the word only and jesus said who taught you this i have not found his faith not in israel noun a beggar who is blind surprises jesus by saying jesus you are the son of david have mercy on me what exactly is the covenant of mercy that god entered with david you see the idea of mercy there most i i i love your pastor because he's i think he's one of the few men of god i know who has really stretched the subject of mercy helping the body of christ understand the mercy of god i have told you again and again that the mercy of god is not just limited to sinners the mercy of god is a platform for relationship you see that [Music] so when the bible talks about the short messages of david he's talking about a covenant a covenant that came through and from the desire of a man to see jesus lifted david knew that one day jesus was going to come he didn't know he would be called jesus the lord said to my lord sit down at my right hand until i make your enemies he knew and he did not know that he would participate to make that happen the star that represents the flag of israel today is not called the star of abraham it's not even called the style of jacob and isaac is called the star of david because it was a covenant you will never lack dominion you will never lack the sight of mercy within your family within your time i will raise up your seed that seed was not just solomon because solomon did a lot of things when you read the bible you will see solomon started well but towards the end of his life he married all kinds of women he did all sorts of things as at the time theologically speaking as at the time solomon was writing the book of ecclesiastes it was said that he had written as a fallen man everything my eyes saw i desired solomon is confessing you see that kind of man and because of that he caused the kingdom to be turned into two you see that but the god of heaven who keeps covenants remember what i taught you about relationships it was not just emotions it was not just by reason it was by covenant he bound himself that david as far as your relevance is concerned you will never go out of place and i connect something eternal to you the covenant of david is one of the platforms i hope you know i hope that we'll be able to deal with that if if if there is a time the salvation of men rode upon certain covenants it didn't just happen there had to be legitimate grounds upon which jesus would die for people one of it for instance is the covenant that god had with abraham jesus came as a fulfillment of scripture if he was messiah then there would have to be certain things that he came to fulfill are we together now so there had to be certain covenants in place to be able to allow jesus die legally one of it was the covenant that he had with abraham that in thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed otherwise we will have the right to say jesus who gave you the authority to die for the whole world where did you get that authority from because even though you are god you've now passed through the womb of a woman so you are man also what makes you believe that you have the power that covenant indeed so he came and identified himself as the seed of abraham the bible says even though abraham had a physical seed isaac but the real seed that was talked about paul explained it in his paul line epistles that it was jesus and the bible says now we are being grafted into christ that every time we believe the gospel we also are grafted into that seed it now gives us the authority to say we can be blessings also to the world i can know that i can bless the world today not just because i'm a preacher because number one i am grafted to christ who came and grafted himself into this abrahamic covenant now same with david what is the basis of our obtaining mercy because number one we have been grafted into christ who came to honor the covenant that he had with david listen i will show you three things hopefully that this covenant carries one of it is the mystery of transgenerational relevance if you understand the covenant of mercy that god had with david you will never say it not in your lifetime it's a mystery here in the bible no matter what you do with david he still remains the epicenter of not just the gospel the jewish people because there was a covenant god had with him and he would not ignore it can i tell you this when we go to heaven you are still going to see structures that honor those covenants for instance when the rich man remember the story of the rich man and lazarus where did they find the lazarus abraham's bosom why was it not called god's apartment wherever it was abraham's bosom so even when we get to heaven rewards will not just be given like they share food during weddings they just put it in one big basket just speak whatever you have there no no no no there are people who god will honor based on certain covenants there are certain covenants that are not everlasting the law of seedtime and harvest the covenant that was spoken to the earth that means if you plant something in the earth and it does not bring forth you have a right to question it [Music] because there is a covenant thieves today plant and they still reap people keep insulting god while they are farming and by this time now many people are harvesting because it's a non-emotional contract i am the lord and i change it not therefore the sons of jacob are not consumed are we together so when we talk about the short messages of david we're talking about a covenant that god entered with david and then through christ we all have today become partakers of it it is not just limited to salvation but it has become the platform for the administration of his mercy and i pray that god will open someone's eyes to really understand the full import of being a benefactor of god's mercy [Music] the older you leave you will begin to understand and comprehend the depth of god's mercy and what happens to a man outside of god's mercy saul was one man who never had the opportunity and the privilege did you hear what what god himself told prophet nathan he said i took the mercy away when you understand this you will know why we sing that song your messages are new every morning this was the covenant that created that basis if the messages of god are not new we'll be in trouble because yesterday's mercy would not speak over to this situation he tied his messy to the morning i hope that you know that not every creature of god has the privilege of partaking of his mercy for instance the fallen angels for instance satan there is no record of scripture that the mercy of god has spoken over satan and over these creatures in the book of esther which is an adoption of jesus christ himself and the church there are two people there who never had the opportunity to partake of mercy one was vashti the other was her man there was no mercy for them so the mercy of god does not just work arbitrarily for everyone no there are conditions the first condition to really come into this covenant of mercy is salvation in fact any covenant that comes to the believer through christ can only be released through salvation theologically speaking whether it is the blessing of abraham whether is that encounter with jacob the god of jacob is that true yes or now whether it is the short message of david it must come through salvation that you can experience mercy even when you are not saved but you cannot experience the covenant of mercy that god had with david giving us an advantage to the saints when you are outside of the fold so you see when you bring people to jesus christ you are doing many things to them saving them from hell is just one of the things you are connecting them to a platform ah it is on the basis of peace that paul says for we know killa baruch there is something there is a contract there are layers of truths that give the believers security in this kingdom for we know that all things all things he does not even care to know what story he tells you if you can there coming to christ there is still a way out somebody shout hallelujah now watch this the healing anointing the healing anointing really flows out of this contract they are anointing for miracles and signs and wonders genuine miracles flow out of this contract there is a covenant that god had with david whatever will fight you to bring you down that's why i said notice what he told david he said david there was something that was responsible for your lifting from the ground up there was something that was responsible for your defense in the midst of enemies there was something that was responsible for rest round about now i showed you but i want to make a covenant out of it so that people can follow that pathway to also rise that means when you access this covenant of mercy there are many benefits that come from it number one it sustains the power to take you from wherever you are wherever you are and make you ruler over the mercy of god it is the message of god that secures divine presence i hope you know in ancient times they could not see god the reason was because of their sinfulness and that if they saw god in that state they would die today he can give you the holy spirit and not ask what you did yesterday and what you did tomorrow david even prayed that prayer cast me not away from your presence he said take not your spirit from me because i know the condition it takes for your holy spirit to live in me and he says no there is a covenant that covers you that even in the midst of whatever nonsense the holy spirit is there why is he there because there is a covenant a non-emotional covenant that he can guide you and bring you back what a wonder do you know if this covenant was not in place the day you give your life to christ the first sin you commit you will die immediately because of the implication of what you received you didn't just receive a letter from a government congratulating you you receive the holy spirit the first word there is holy [Music] so the moment you shout at someone in annoyance you desecrate that tabernacle immediately you should die there's no issue of discussion but look the things that people do and still goes caught free with because there is a covenant that shields him this is why if you really understand what he has done that's what paul said can we continue in sin are you saying now if you are aware of the full implication of the blessing that this brings it looks like a license for licentiousness but he said god forbid however the truth still remains the truth the covenant of god's mercy so that covenant is at work in you and there are times you may not open your bible and study and based on the legal system of the realm of the spirit if you were to be marked based on your spiritual consistency you would not be where you are now but some of the days when you are lazy spiritually is the day the vision comes that opens the next level of your life because there is a covenant that is beyond your personal consistency you have to understand this you look beyond me you look beyond me you look past my sin my guilt my shame and poured your love you look beyond me you look beyond me i'm the one you have shown mercy you have shown me mercy [Music] you have shown me mercy healing if you are too deep to compartmentalize the administration of the power of god listen to me everything that makes for healing and signs and wonders come under the department of his mercy this is the reason why everybody jesus healed was still a sinner and yet they were healed how much more when you now have that covenant that you are in christ you see the reason why we can hold a miracle service it's not just because a man of god is powerful it's not just because there is power there we know malice capra katuscata when jesus hung upon that cross and said it is finished there was an implication to that statement when that blood came upon the earth there was an implication so you can stand with a doctor's report it doesn't matter how it got there you know there is the sure message of david listen if you understand what i'm telling you some of you right here right now will be healed i know what i'm telling you healing is not just more than more than the consciousness of anointing anointing is simply an enforcer it's a system of enforcement but we're talking of the basis for which it happens thou son of david have mercy on me and he says what do you want for a long time i thought that it was quite an insulting statement why would you look at a blind man and say what do you want and one day when i was studying in the holy spirit minister to me jesus was not just asking him what do you want he was saying let me know all that you want he was not just asking him for that miraculous what do you want there does not just mean the obvious what else that is hiding in your heart the since you called on that covenant the covenant does not only heal the covenant lifts the covenant defends the covenant protects so when there are arsenals of darkness that fight your lifting there is the short message of david you can stand secure knowing that even though i came from this village i came from a place where i watch people die what becomes the basis oh i know that god forbid i didn't trouble anybody you would die in a way that you'll be surprised you see that there is the covenant can anything good come out of nazareth think well that gift came out of david worthy is the lamb that was slain david is also connected to the end of weeping in the book of revelations there was a lamentation he says worthy is the lamb that was slain is that true remember we've not he said for the lion of the tribe of judah hold on the root that means this is founded in david has prevailed if you are founded in that covenant you must prevail is a covenant that empowers men to prevail please understand what i'm telling you this is why you can keep someone in a position where you will even conclude how are we going to bury this person now and while you are talking there is a covenant that lifts the same way it carried david and you are wondering i thought you should be finished not with the way i saw your family and you tell them oh there is a covenant greater a non-emotional contract my brothers and my sisters that's how some of us came on board ordinarily by the normal route of success we will not even be near here oh but there is a covenant the short message of david for his mercy is endure forever this covenant of david eventually became a weapon that was used in war that every time they were fortified by enemies any defeat was imminent they would raise that song you are good and your mess is endured forever what was the basis remember david remember the covenant you had lord will you allow us die like this we know we do not have the power to war by ourselves but we invoke the covenant that you had it's called the short message of david and you will watch god stand up and say who is it that wants to desecrate the covenant and move people left right and center have you learned something this morning see these are the truths and the mysteries that define the possibilities of people in this kingdom the one you find is the one that sets you above so two people can be born again and yet they are results whether as ministers whether as individuals because some people find these truths and they tap into it they don't just discuss it they tap into it with truth and you find out that they are invincible now you can see why fathers of faith like baba de boye bishop david oyedeco you can see them shout and roar and sometimes you may mistaken their confidence for arrogance you hear them shout and say there is a covenant they have proven it long enough look at kenneth copeland at this age [Music] you see all these people [Music] i know it there a dead bishop a great father in the faith this man is 83 years old yet if he runs with you he'll run faster than you there are people who have tapped into this living your life without this understanding you will keep punishing your destiny using different tools of ignorance the shore messes of david i came in here and i sat there and i rested my head down because i remember the first time i came to household of david where you were in the other place and i said look at this you know what this is called this is not called power this is called mercy there are results when you see your first mention is not power your first mention is mercy thou son of david have mercy on me can we pray this morning this afternoon please rise up on your feet thou son of david [Music] let your covenant speak for me hallelujah psalm 5 7 please remain standing if you can psalm 5 and verse seven one of the reasons why we come into the house of the lord is because we know that we will find mercy it says but as for me i will come into thy house in the multitude of thy mercy and in thy fear will i worship towards your holy temple i will come in because i know there is multitude of mercy can someone pray in one minute lord show me mercy tonight go ahead and pray show me mercy even the short messages of david [Music] even the shore messes of david [Music] in the name of jesus father this is your night there are people gathered here expecting a touch from jesus there are people gathered here expecting healings miracles lord you have called tonight a miracle service and whatsoever adam called it that was the name thereof lord we pray that tonight will be a night of signs and even of wonders let there be manifold displays of your mercy even in the midst of your people let the sick be healed let your press be delivered let age long captivities bow to the name of jesus and i pray tonight that he will give everyone a new song in the name of jesus christ i'd like you to please be seated god bless you and be very sensitive i really really sense a very strong manifestation of the power and the grace of god in this place the lord has brought us not to waste our time at all when we appear before him the bible says they go from strength to strength as many as appear before the lord in zion praise the name of the lord we began discussing the mercy of god in the morning the little introduction that we had and i did share with us please you can go online and watch and listen again very intently to the teaching i told us that there are three platforms by which men relate with god and with the realm of the spirit that the first is emotions the weakest of them all based on feelings the second is reasoning based on principles the third and the highest platform for relationship is covenant hallelujah then we did explain a few things i'm not doing so much of the teaching tonight because it's a miracle service but i just felt very stared in my heart just to read out a few scriptures and then we begin to pray that is really my assignment the lord just put a few scriptures that again remind us of the mercy of god do you know that it was an ancient jewish practice that they would sit down and listen to it as though a chant of the word of god and as they listened to it the life and the power therein would come upon their spirit it is powerful to hear the word it is powerful to listen to what god has to say sometimes you may not necessarily need a salmon what you just need sometimes is scripture direct scripture speaking to you hallelujah i used to watch benny hinn do this many years ago he would just have videos with a strong atmosphere of worship and just continue to read scriptures read scriptures and there would be such a dense manifestation of god's presence signs and wonders will break out and now i understand better tl osborne of blessed memory used to do that a lot in fact when you read his books his books on soul-winning his books on healing the sick when you read most of his classics that man one of the reasons why this man excelled so much was the value they had for scripture hallelujah this probably may be a message already for someone you know when the apostolic and the prophetic in the 60s into the 70s when there was that move of god especially across parts of europe and then the west most of them because of the gifts of the spirit and the manifestation of the power of god they ignored scripture they focus so much on manifestations and power the prophetic the apostolic and then men like hagin and a few other people said look administering the gifts of the spirit will lead us to errol superstition if we do not stick to scripture and then i remember hagin said he told them that many of you will fade out and i will leave you not necessarily because i have better gifts than you i have better respect for scripture than you so this may be a call the greatest encounter that anyone can have is not the prophetic it's not the apostolic it's not even miracles and signs and wonders the greatest encounter that gives you balance continuity sustainability in your christian experience is an encounter with scripture all will fail there are imbalances with gifts but not scripture all scripture was inspired by the holy ghost but the bible says when it comes to the prophetic we see in part when it comes even to the apostolic there are times paul will say i speak as a man but when it has to do with scripture i have said it again that scripture was written so that it could not be changed the historic and geographic aspect of scripture was written by men having all kinds of imperfections but the spirit and life that is contained here came from the breath of god and it is still able to build i commend you he says to god unto the word of his grace which is able to build you up and to give you an inheritance among them that are sanctified i'm saying this so that in as much as we celebrate gifts we celebrate anointings mantles where generation that is hungry for the power of god the move of god mantles all kinds of things the jurisdiction and the coordinates of balanced continuity is when all of these gifts and these attributes of the spirit submit to the authority of scripture the moment you go out of the jurisdiction of scripture in administering spiritual things you will eventually no matter how sincere you are you will delve into different shades of error and imbalance this is part of what the body of christ is suffering today it may not necessarily be falsehood in many regards it is just that there is no regard for scripture as the basis and the guide for our administering the power of god scripture represent the boundary of god's commitment to the believer god cannot be committed to the believer out of the provisions of scripture that means everything you're about to experience tonight if there is no allowance permission or basis for it in scripture it is not a possibility that should happen to you even though it can happen to you there are many things not written in scripture that can happen to you but they will harm you because they do not have god's defense on them there are many ways to open your eyes in the realm of the spirit the realm of the spirit is a vast realm and any spirit at all any spirit is able to route you through and open your eyes but all of them come with various effects it is only the holy spirit who is the representative he is the only one who can open you in a way that brings glory to jesus you can have visionary encounters by different influences demonic human and all of that but only that which is a derivative of scripture and the ministry of the holy spirit will edify you and edify all who listen to you are we together now i need to say this because many times when it has to do with a miracle service we just feel okay all we need right now is the power of god all we need right now is the prophetic all we need is healing just begin to speak and let things happen the anointing is useless until the world goes before it you have to understand this the ministry of the anointing is only activated when the word preceded the anointing is a confirmer if there is no word the anointing has no ministry the assignment of the anointing is to insist that the word becomes true in the life of the recipient that is the anointing so the anointing does not stop until the world stops looking like a lie in your life the reason why the anointing is still on you is because there are still things yet the reality of scripture is yet to be established practically in many aspects so the anointing still has a ministry in your life and then through you to others are we together so if the word says be healed the anointing moves in that direction to insist that that word does not fail it is amazing that in a miracle service like this there are people seated here looking at me right now under all kinds of yokes and oppressions and as i'm preaching both you and the spirits oppressing you are hearing me and yet they have not left you [Music] why because the word has not been sent to that effect are you seeing that now yes there are people here who are sick and in a few minutes you are going to be celebrating miracles i say we are acting and why is that so because once the word comes the anointing of the holy spirit the anointing is a system of authorization in the spirit it legitimizes an operation the anointing is proof that what was spoken had god's endorsement if you speak and the anointing does not follow the anointing is like a spiritual immigration officer an accreditation system that says this one came from god so let it be [Music] are we learning you must respect scripture i have found this in my experience because of the privilege of the apostolic that opens you up to the realms of the angelic visions encounters i have found this to be the most secured platform to stand as you dispense and minister the gift the margin of imperfection inaccuracy error becomes very very small and even smaller you become transformed but the moment you ignore this the devil will slip through the sincerity of your heart and now begin to produce all kinds of extra biblical activities you will be carried away by the results that is coming from them until you are swept away listen to what i'm telling you i didn't even plan saying what i'm saying now i believe that is the holy spirit speaking to someone many of us are here to receive mantle's impartations and you will receive but let me tell you your greatest zone of safety is to stand within the jurisdiction of scripture this is what our fathers handed down to us it's the reason why men like t.l osborne reinhardt bunker they would go from nation to nation regardless the foundational issues regardless the demonic things they would minister with power with signs and wonders and they will return back but right now many of us you can finish administration and almost not wake up the next day because scripture has not brought you that fortification that system of defense against the onslaughts that come on account of the gospel and that from a child thou has known the holy scripture which is able to make you wise is that true yes if we want to see the power and the glory and the grace of god we must know that it is best seen at the instance of scripture and then faith which is very important the bible says now it says faith cometh by hearing not hearing your problem your problem does not give you faith it's not anything you hear that gives you faith there is a content that produces faith just because you are hearing something being said does not mean faith is being imparted in you faith comes by hearing the hearing that brings understanding and that by the word are we together yes so we want to see the power and the mercy of god find expression tonight and i want you to walk with me please as we look at a few scriptures number one psalm 102 verse 12 just a few minutes psalm 102 and verse 12 very powerful powerful powerful scripture psalms what did i say i'm not sure i got that right maybe i made a mistake there let's go to psalm 136 now be patient with this because this is powerful psalms 1 36 oh 13 now i think that was where psalms were okay you have it already let's read it one to read thou shalt arise it says and have mercy upon joshua salman your name is not zion your name is not zion you are in zion but call your name with confidence thou shall arise and have mercy upon joshua salman why for the time to favor him one more time someone prophesied to yourself thou shalt arise and have mercy upon joshua salman for the time to favor him yay someone say my time has come prophesied with understanding my time has come in the name of jesus christ my time has come he says thou shalt arise and you will have mercy upon zion for the time for the time to favor her you see let me tell you in this kingdom most times what the bible calls set time is the day you have understanding and you have faith today if you hear his voice he says today is any day you have understanding next verse psalms 136 let's start from verse 1. now do you know that this was a chant this was a song an expression of the mercy of god for the next 26 verses almost recite the same thing all give thanks unto the lord for he is good he says for his mercies remember what we discussed in the morning the covenant of mercy with david his message and your how long number two it says give thanks unto the god of gods uh-huh so he's not only god he's the god he's not even just a god of men he is the god of gods that means any other god that has been responsible for oppressing anyone every animal can roar like the lion until the lion roars any animal can mimic being the lion but when the lion roars the entire jungle knows that this one is king god of gods he's mercy endured forever verse three give thanks to now the lord of lords there are many people who are called my lord on earth george's my lord la lords landlords landlords my lord [Music] some of you that's the name you don't want to hear because of the situation right now that you are in oh thank god you came for a miracle service because there is one who is called the lord of lords for his mercy endures forever number four to him alone who do it wonders so are you seeing all these attributes because you will experience it tonight he is not just the god of gods not just the lord of lords but to him who do it wonders bishop heredical defines wonders whatever makes you wonder it's called wonder whatever stops you from acting as if you did not see anything spectacular it's called a wonder for his mercy and just forever verse 5 he says to him that stretched out the earth above the waters his mercy and yours forever to him that made great light jesus man of god he's the one who can make light to shine in a man's eyes this is not just sunlight illumination not just light physically god is responsible for the administration of light and in this kingdom we rise on the strength of the light that we have that same god all these things happen by his mercy he is showing you the credentials of mercy what mercy is able to do that all these possibilities happen at the instance of god's mercy verse 8. he met the son to rule the day and all that by his mercy next verse he made the moon understands to rule in the night jesus this is a revelation there are lights that rule in the day but even when there is darkness there are still lights that rule that means whether you are in your morning or your night you still have dominion because he has made lights for you to rule if you are in the morning there is light that rules when there is darkness and chaos he still made the moon and the stars to rule and all this happened by his mercy be patient and follow me is god speaking to you already to him that smote egypt in their first born [Music] he smote egypt all by his mercy he brought israel out from among them so what can he not bring you out of egypt 430 years under that wizard called pharaoh and in one night this one by his mercy he brought you out creator of the universe what can't you do [Music] what can't you change jesus [Music] his mercies and your forever next verse please with a strong hand and witness an outstretched arm other person say for his message endure forever next verse very quickly please 13 it says to him that divided the red sea into parts red sea means trouble god can tear like a young boy is tearing a piece of paper god can hold what stands as a mountain and tear it into pieces so that it never comes water is the hardest thing to tear but god has a hand that can tear even water you try tearing water but there is a mystery by which it can hold the red sea and part it heater until for his mercy and just forever 15. if you have not found your case in all these stories yet i don't know where you are coming from because i'm reading this because everyone you are going to find your situation here are we together and made israel to pass through it can i tell you this is one thing to pass the sea but it's another thing to help you pass through it it takes mercy for you to arrive there 15. he overthrew pharaoh and his host in the red sea for his mercies and your forever to him who led his people through the wilderness to him who led his people to nigeria to him who led his people to the pandemic i don't know what else to do the mercy of god can bring direction you can guess what to do and be punished for a wrong decision but when the mercy of god guides you to him who led his people to the wilderness the wilderness is a dangerous place you have heat hunger and animals wild beasts that's what you find there but when god leads you you can pass through it as if it's not a wilderness for his mercy endured forever next verse to him who smote great kings for his mercies endured forever verse 18 he slew famous kings that means anybody who beats his chest and says over my dead body for you and your family to rise tell him god has had people like you before you came noise makers have appeared like you men who made all kinds of boostings he has a track record by his mercy that splits that slays even famous kings 19. scion king of the amorites this is a part of demo all those giant kings you will soon see oh the king of bashan he was part of them 20 and og the king of bashan this man was a giant he still smote them next verse we're reading to 26 and we stop he gave their land for an inheritance a heritage he's mercy and just forever 22 even and in a heritage unto israel his servant prepared blessings we call it god will slay someone clear the way and say go there there there is such a thing as prepared blessings 23 by his mercy who remembered us in our lowly estate this is already a place for someone where you have been forgotten so that everyone who should help you has forgotten you if god remembers you that's the most important thing he will force anyone who has forgotten you to remember you the king forgot mordecai but when god remembered him he forced the king to remember him again 24 by his mercy again he had redeemed us from our enemies redemption at the instance of his mercy two more verses who giveth food aha food to all flesh food to all flesh the animal kingdom has never had to run around wondering how are we going to eat this year that god does not just give wisdom to find food there are times he gives food directly he gives food to how many all flesh give us this day our daily bread there is such a thing called daily bread if you have not been collecting yours ignorance can punish you this miracle service insist and say lord according to the reality of redemption there is a provision that is daily daily bread is not daily money daily bread is daily provision all give thanks unto the god of heaven for his mercies and forever listen i want you to see that almost everything that happens to man that needs the attention of god comes at the instance of his mercy you have to understand this the mercy of god is very powerful can we look at a few more scriptures are you tired psalm 6 and verse 2 let's look at a few more psalm 6 and verse 2 for those who need healing it will happen by the mercy of god it says have mercy upon me o lord why for i am weak he says heal me for my bones events so every healing miracle that you celebrate tonight and you see in your life know that more than a display of power it is a display of the mercy of god the mercy of god the mercy of god psalm 9 and verse 13 psalm 9 and verse 13 the mercy of god also brings people out of trouble it does not just bring healing have mercy on me o lord consider my trouble which i suffer of them that hate me that thou lifted me up from the gate of death somebody said lift me please shout it again say lift me the mercy of god can save you from trouble by lifting you above the realm where that trouble exists psalms 18 and verse 50 even deliverance to kings and nobles come by the mercy of god please read with me it says great deliverance giveth he to his king and showed mercy to his anointed even to david and to his seed say as for me and my family and my children and mention any other person close to you that this deliverance is not only for you tonight because it says when the mercy of god comes he brings deliverance to kings to the anointed and to his seed even forever in the name of jesus christ popular one now psalm 90 and verse 14 psalm 90 and verse 14. oh satisfied household of david ellie with your mercy that we may rejoice and be glad in our days have you seen hungry people laughing please talk to me there is a saying that a hungry man is an angry man when you see people laughing it's not only a sign of joy for nothing it's a sign that their needs have been met he that told you have asked for nothing he says ask that you will receive that your joy may be complete someone said lord satisfy me early i found one scripture that i thought was really very powerful second corinthians chapter four and verse one this is for everyone but this is particularly for servants of god this is the secret for sustainability one of the secrets for continuity it says therefore seeing that we have this ministry as we have received mercy we faint not it's one thing to have the ministry and the assignment between the ministry and continuity or the ministry and fainting is mercy therefore seeing we have this ministry this business this family if we must continue it will happen because we have received mercy mercy therefore listen to me is behind almost everything that the believer receives in this kingdom every dimension of blessing prosperity redemption deliverance impartation at the back of it you will find mercy as part of the equation that makes for that possibility to cry and content for mercy is wisdom indeed it may look like weakness we run away from the idea of mercy because mercy looks like it is something for weak people when you're talking about mercy it looks as though no no you are just some sinner somewhere but mercy is a formula that makes for victory thou shall arise he says and have mercy upon zion for the time to favor her that means even favor only follows when mercy leads if mercy is not leading favor will not go hallelujah every one healing every one miracle everyone breakthrough people have come with their prayer requests and we are going to be praying for these requests and you will be watching the wonder walking power of god that god will arise in his power and his grace i want you to know that behind all of those things is the display of the mercy of god as you see the results that happen in your life after this conference when people ask you what is how did this happen be wise and be careful to not draw any self-righteousness and self-confidence let them know that above and beyond everything i did i am a product of that mercy the sure mercy of david why are we gathered tonight we're gathered tonight as proof that we are recipients of god's mercy and that we want to see that mercy come to pass manifesting in our lives in experience how do the sick know they will be healed tonight not just because of joshua salman not just because of household of david it will happen because there is a covenant the mercy of god is more than a desire the mercy of god is more than a gift it is a covenant he has bound himself with that covenant from david through jesus to me and to you one more time from david other people had received mercy but it was david that institutionalized it that it became a covenant between god and him and his seed now also being christ the son of david and now because we have been grafted into christ we become partakers and benefactors of the sure mercies of david what gives you confidence that you will finish this year well oh my uncle just returned to nigeria no no the show mercies of david yes it is true that there are arrows that fly by day it is true that there are noise some pestilences it is true that there are enemies left right and center but it was the same david who said many are they that rise up against me many are they which say where is my god it says but thou o lord that same god of mercy you are a shield for me he says my glory and he says you are the lifter up of my head i lay me down he said and i slept i wait he says for the lord sustain me can i tell you this sincerely this man standing before you is a product of god's mercy i know what it means to be a partaker of god's mercy you will step back and watch things happen in a way that you will marvel you will wander and say what kind of a god are you and he says a merciful god indeed many of us have seen different dimensions of god but you have never really come into an awareness of the covenant of mercy the covenant of mercy is not just something that happens just at redemption and stops there is a system of advantage that you should have in your life and that with it you will walk wonders by the spirit of god you see when you understand the mercy of god when people are clapping for you and doing all of these things and you just back up a bit it's not just some false humility it's an awareness of what your life would be or look like outside of the mercy of god i cannot even imagine my life outside of god's mercy there are people i know you may have heard me say it in my teachings thank god for the grace who fast and pray and most people think that those things are the only things that control the power of god i tell you there are parts of the equation of a man's success that even him cannot complete it any man who can complete the equation of his results is a liar there is a part of that equation that only god can complete yours is to walk in obedience according to the integrity of scripture but then at the same time you will look at it i told you most times when people are fasting i round up that fast with them i know a gentleman who fasted for 400 days six to six i wrapped up the last day with him i'm not sure he has raised one person from a wheelchair as i know i prayed for an elderly woman in canon many years ago when he went for a crusade she finishes her hausa bible every to two weeks to two weeks i wanted to kneel down there to say pray for me first before i continue ministering a woman who is an intercessor finishing her bible two weeks yet the same people will sit down and hear you teach mysteries that they could not find as diligent as they were shout mercy some of you it was your coming late that gave you a job is that fair everybody who came early did not see the director just when you were coming late you were colliding with him something that should have been for your punishment [Music] there is a side to a man's life that only messi can explain there are results that when you see it's not power that brought it it's mercy you can have money but if you do not have the gift of men money does not have legs it does not work it is only useful because of the men that receive it the mercy of god that can take a young boy called david tending sheep smelling with sheep many years later this will be the king that today the nation of israel is represented with that star is not called the star of moses it's called the star of david as for me i have found a place of refuge the mercy of god my life is the mercy of god every time i'm alone with god i say lord i thank you sometimes i roll from left to right and i say lord thank you even the grace to obey you is still your mercy you know how hard obedience is ask yourself why you have learned so much and yet obeyed so little because until god shows you mercy it is not of him that willeth nor of him that run it but it is of the lord that showed mercy household of david is a product and a real genuine expression of god's mercy one day i was talking with the man of god who seemed to have been frustrated in ministry and i was asking him a few questions and honestly by god pastor i will tell you everything i know that makes ministry work the man was doing it with sincerity of heart honestly is it character is it godliness is it diligence all of these principles but this thing was not just answering mighty person yet doors would not open and the only thing that came to my mind was let's just pray the prayer of mercy it was a story that i heard years ago that there was a pastor's conference and a father in the lord barbara de boy was there with a lot of other pastors and well it was time for prayer you know everybody cried to god men of god were crying lord i must reproduce this campground i must do you know people were praying all kinds of prayer and someone who had the privilege of lying down close to our father in the lord as he just laid down to pray he said for close to two hours all he was hearing was mercy mercy lord mercy mercy lord mercy you can see the land to bible this message that brings the resources home you will stand in front of that land till they buy everything in your presence shout mercy [Applause] you can preach correctly and never have partners to support you there are good people suffering in ministry nobody to arise and help them the mercy of god tonight you are not only encountering healings and all of these things you are stepping you are bringing your consciousness into that covenant lord i don't expect my life to be the same after today because i know now that i'm not just a recipient of redemption but in need there is the covenant of mercy i expect exemption every day always and by all means refuse to expect things to happen the way is happening for everybody this is not just some pentecostal motivation believe me when i tell you this when you are aware of the power that is contained in the mercy of god your life will always have exemptions always one day a pastor called me a dear friend lovely man of god i love him so much and he said apostle this is unfair i said what is it sir and he said how can someone call me he kept calling me for days and he said can you help me give me your account i want to transfer money for you to help me send to apostles what's what sort of a thing is this you are calling i'm not talking about money forgive me but i'm just saying the man was saying i'm here i'm a man of god i love god you are calling me for a long time not just to find out as though you are not aware i have ministry and you're saying you want to transfer money let me help you take you to the apostle and he was laughing i joked with him i said let's share it i mean the bible says but those who keep the spoil and go for all of them should eat from it mercy mercy will make someone sit down like he's looking for a job what are you waiting for he's you he's waiting for from morning till evening it says god sent me to wait for you and to see to it that you'll never cry again first you would think they are armed robbers until you see that they are people who love god it is fearful to see a man who god has shown mercy their lives become an awesome wonder believe me i know what i'm saying and one of the things i'm praying is that all the benefits of mercy will land on someone's life this night you see brothers and sisters christianity without proof will frustrate you the gospel is very hard when you don't have evidences you will preach and shout and people don't believe you results are like a lubricator to the gospel it makes the message powerful cutting edge it makes it easy and people come and say no this is the jesus that i serve some of you here are men and women of god some of you are younger ministers coming can i tell you this when the lord shows you mercy ministry you will step back and people will look at you one day and say i hope you've not started using charms you say no no no no i still fear god as before i only came for house of david conference the higher ground conference and my consciousness about the mercy of god came afresh again again i testify i testify that your goodness is real i testify i testify that your goodness is real your goodness is real i testify your goodness is real [Music] your goodness is real i testify [Music] that after tonight ladies and gentlemen when they are trying to teach someone messy and it's not understanding they will just hold your hand and say just look at his life i'm tired of talking just look at the life now do you understand what the message of god i've been trying to explain it to you and it looks like there is difficulty in understanding so instead of giving you stories after story let me bring a living epistle a representation of the mercy of jesus david god entering a covenant with him to say no matter what it is i will establish your throne and your influence forever believe me mercy is powerful wonderful merciful savior [Music] who would have thought that a lamb [Music] just that first part wonderful merciful save your precious redeemer and friends [Music] [Music] the oh of men the day jesus came to me i was not fasting i was not praying no when he came to me there were people who were already fasting and praying why he left them and came to me is something i cannot explain i know people who have been fasting jesus if you if you will not reveal yourself just kill me they have not died and he has not come and here is a man who is lying down quietly and this visitor steps in in his majesty when i started seeing angels i was not praying for my eyes to be open when i started having encounters with the saints of old those you read about in the bible i don't just read about them i have seen them it is the mercy of god thank god for all of these principles it is the mercy of god what the lord continues to do today in my life in this ministry i'm saying it in the open thank god for the principles we keep and we honor god for the grace to do so but there is a part of it that we cannot explain there is a part of it that we cannot explain there are things that if you see if you are honest you should be unashamed to tell people this one is the mercy of god this one and a few minutes i'm going to begin to minister i want your heart to be open there are many things that when i started seeing results from them i had not really understood their dynamics yet i was still getting results from them it is the mercy of god most people would not admit this because we like being superstars we like showing like we were in control of everything i will tell you sincerely when the prophetic came upon me it was the mercy of god signs and wonders the mercy of god [Music] that's why when people are clapping and saying other things i step back and i say i don't know who you are talking about but i know the mercy of god some of you you have ignored the mercy of god your whole attention is on your gift your whole attention is on your charisma that's why it's not working [Music] you need to understand that there is a covenant of god's mercy can i tell you this there is nothing you can do about a man who god has invested his jealousy upon they will not look like it but they will keep producing the results there is nothing absolutely nothing absolutely nothing we had a miracle service on sunday many of you followed when i stood and i was hearing the testimonies and i saw these guys from bed stammers from bed in a moment i stood there and i could imagine people looking at me oh this man powerful is it powerful if i stand before his camera one-on-one you think i would just pray and say lord you said lay hands on the sick [Music] this is why we give god glory unashamedly sometimes men will seek to clap and say no no you can't be all god now it's all god it's all god you're in ministry here let me tell you the more people see you acknowledging god as the basis of everything they will not demean you rather they will see jesus magnified and glorified and then god says you did this through me you had the opportunity to push me and stand and enjoy the stage but now that you have done this it's not only grace and wisdom that is multiplied mercy also can be multiplied god can multiply mercy over your life for some of you you have tasted of a dimension of his mercy but it's time to dive deeper into that river and watch the wonder of what the power of god can do [Music] as for me i've made up my mind that would never go out of the jurisdiction of his mercy like i'm standing guarded by this cup at this ground i stand there lord others may trust in horses others may trust in chariots i don't know how they do it but i came from a background where i don't even i cannot make any books demographically speaking oh but the mercy of god the mercy of god i'm preaching to you like this so that you can understand the place of god's mercy and tap into it and shake all the limitations when people are saying can anything good come out of this family like a plane you just rise from the ground and say where are you coming from and he said do you know this foil called mercy the same way you have fuel that powers a jet before a plane lifts he's moving slowly as if he's afraid to fly just keep watching sometimes in less than a minute i sense in my spirit that someone here what has been happening to you is like even you you don't understand the pace but at this conference there is this grace that is coming on you and you will move with such speed you will marvel and wonder in the name of jesus christ am i wasting your time can i tell you this everything you have admired in any body at all god is able to give it to you at the instance of his mercy the same lord is rich unto all but many do not know that there is a covenant of that mercy but let me just say one thing before we pray listen carefully david triggered that covenant and that mercy through his passion and his desire to see jesus glorified i have to tell you this remember we said this message is a covenant and that in covenants there are times david said i am staying in a palace beautified by cedar and yet the ark of god is lying behind curtains in a tabernacle somewhere he says no i will not find rest nobody asks me to but my heart because of my love for jesus because of my love for god i cannot allow the act of god to be lying outside in the cold why i'm here enjoying the beauty of loyalty no prophet nothing this is what i'm doing i'm going to start a project and build god a house immediately god himself walked the prophet and said nothing stand up i need to send you to david even though i don't need a house heaven is my throne the earth is my footstool but because this man has put it in his heart that you will exalt me more than your reputation you are okay with your palace you have security can i tell you this the covenant of mercy is only activated in experience in the life of men who desire jesus lifted and glorified more than their ambition the covenant of mercy is not some cheap route to just find fame and push god out this is why many many people do not experience it all the lusts that are locked up in our hearts we pray and we fast but we are just hoping let that anointing just come so all the pastors know i'm not an ordinary man and god says nonsense i'm not a politician there is one condition tonight you want to stand in reality hear me you are a minister of the gospel you come fast you can pray but more than that the sincerity and the purity of your heart the desire to see jesus lifted i stand before the god of heaven i have never looked for an ambition to want a name to want all of this if i die today god forbid but after seven days they will bury me and the program of god will still continue please call labor us in the gospel let's get ourselves to order this chasing after mundane ambitions of ministry wanting fame competition fighting those are the things that take people to hell our assignment is to see jesus revealed and jesus glorified all the blessings that come once we are doing that we receive with joy but never to be distracted never to be distracted you want to see the mercy of god in your life or shelve away all those desire to outshine desire to compete desire to be the leading voice desire to be this and that john said i must decrease i'm sharing with you a simple but powerful secret you can fast you can pray you can study scripture you can run around with oils and hands are laid on you have not been sarcastic but if your heart condition that desires to see jesus lifted more than your name lifted more than your fame lifted more than your ministry or your church if he becomes an idol forget about genuine spiritual power forget about grace over nations and territories a territory will not just listen to you because you can teach greek and hebrew there are many intelligent people who understand scripture and still wonder why they are not rising are we learning this is the one thing we need to bring back to the body of christ this carnality of search for fame and power many of us may have failed from our backgrounds and so we try to use ministry as escape god for fame let me prove to people there is nothing to prove except jesus crucified jesus glorified that's it whoever does not believe in you does your cup of tea whoever believes in you glory be to god for them jesus [Music] so more than joshua sermon more than your pastor and his wife the angels over this house for all the miracles and all the signs and wonders and all the things that happened can i tell you this sincerely your heart must be to reveal jesus do not be glorified do not be ashamed if the uploads for jesus looks louder than yours be happy because that is your safety by the time they clap for me more than they clap for jesus i'm in trouble trouble run away from it the man standing before you is not stupid i've stood before kings i know what it means to be honored i tell you sincerely by god i counted but dong for the excellency of the name of jesus the excellency of the name of jesus let fame go where it will go all these funny things never forget where god brought you from these are the keys david will say it again and again i was in the wilderness many of you have forgotten little anointing little revelation and people will not rest again repent while we are praying for the sick so that you get yourself back to order some of you younger ministers who are coming be careful where you lend your mentorship from don't let rubbish and don't let nonsense humility and acknowledging god has been the key that lifted our father still today it will not change i am the lord i change and not thank god for joshua salman thank god for pastor scholar thank god for household of david but tonight more than men it is jesus it is of the lord's mercy if you have the health to preach it is god's mercy there are people who are alive and their brains are not working that you can read and you can understand this of the lord's mercy that you can fast and pray and get results as a man of god you can say be healed and someone is actually coming i was healed even if it is headache it deserves club so we're going to pray this is the real miracle service the praying for the sick is not an issue within minutes now god it the power of god this is the kind of atmosphere the holy spirit likes the atmosphere that glorifies jesus it is easy for him to move but when we come and take the center stage and waste the time of god's people it becomes difficult for god to that's why we act like sometimes i think we'll have a list on stage it is very hard because jesus has not been revealed just reveal jesus and step back and watch the holy spirit confirm the fact that he's alive and he's merciful honestly i didn't plan to say all these things so this is the thing about the holy spirit i just plan to read my scriptures as god directed me and to start praying for the sick but i'm sure the holy spirit has targeted someone he made sure you came for this meeting because he loves you so much it is still messy that you are hearing this thing instead of making 10 years mistake this may look little but god may have delivered you from 10 years of mistakes [Music] hallelujah let us return as the body of christ to a place where we genuinely not stage pretense lord be glorified whereas we are full of pride and full of ourselves it must be genuine it must be sincere receive the honor there's nothing you can do about it can you take that revelation to your office can you take that revelation to wherever you go to that you are seeing miracles happen in your office people are going down and yet your company is rising they ask you what is the reason and you smile and god said you had that message you had that message on saturday how you step back thank you lord for the wisdom and the intellect but jesus be glorified it is of your mercy and people say is it true and god says let me show you it is true let's go to the next level and god just takes you from glory to glory when it looks too easy it is messy pushing it every time it looks too easy it is a messy of god pushing you please rise up on your feet two prayer points and then we'll pray for the sick and just minister please if we can have the prayer requests so that will be very fast tonight is a night you will not forget in a hurry in the name of jesus who is the son of the living god prayer point number one lord every idol in my life and my heart that will not allow me cg or allow me reveal jesus through my results in the name of jesus i dethrone that idol right now lift your voice and pray please lift your voice and pray idols of pride all kinds of idols flesh [Music] the desire to be known to be seen more than the desire to reveal jesus household of david are you praying [Music] following online from whatever nation please pray lord let that circumcision tonight happen in my heart let that circumcision happen [Music] go ahead we dethrone every idol every ulterior desire remember it is you and jesus tonight such my heart oh god i'm not ashamed in this conference my heart is open if someone pray i am the lord i search the heart i try the rings [Music] search my heart [Music] come and make my heart your horns [Music] search me sing it one more time with understanding i know tonight in this for conference very powerful search me through one through till my heart [Music] such all those ambitions such all those desires i am not ashamed i am open before you search me through [Music] pray it one more time lord my heart is open before you there is no pretending search me through and through to my heart becomes a home for you this is the key that i know [Music] when a man opens up his heart and say lord search me genuinely more than all these desire for things it is that you'll be revealed in my life galatians 1 24 and they glorified god in me and they glorified god in my business and they glorified god through the work god has given me and they glorified god through my children [Music] prayer point number two now you're going to pray now that your heart is all right with god i'd like you to pray and say father afresh i step into this covenant of your mercy consciously from david through jesus christ now with understanding in my life and my children i make up my mind that from today and for the rest of my life i walk with this consciousness that i am a a part of the benefactors or the recipients of this mercy the mercy that is called the short message of david lift your voice and pray oh by this message fight my battle oh god by this message continue to lift me and all who are connected to me [Music] by this covenant like jabez enlarge my coast by this mercy bring me into prepared blessings [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh on behalf of myself one more time [Music] hallelujah now listen the next 10 or 15 minutes the lord is going to be bringing visitations to our lives inside outside now that you have listened and you have understood the counsel of the spirit you have given him room now to breathe upon you to step in and change your life and let me tell you when it has to do with god it is quick in a moment a twinkling of an eye burdens lifted yolks destroyed you are my hiding place you always fill my heart with songs of deliverance whenever i am afraid i will trust in you [Music] i will trust in you [Music] oh i will trust in you i will trust in you let the [Music] is there someone called blessing blessing trusting the lord for the fruit of the womb as i just raised that song i had blessing i want to pray if there's someone will be very very fast i'm going to pray for the sick trusting god for the fruit of the womb place if there's some place very quickly we have to just walk with time [Music] the name of the lord is a strong tower what's your name blessing how long have you been trusting i want to pray for you look at me you believe in jesus and you're a walker in this ministry amazing let me pray for you father even as you called her in jesus name we stand by the mercy of god let a reproach of all sorts let it live right now we declare that according to the time of life you return with this miracle of fruitfulness in the name of jesus christ in the name of jesus christ in the name of jesus christ i want us to shout hallelujah three times at the third shout please bring everyone under the anointing out here this is what i just heard in my spirit listen to me at that that shout what i just saw was doors with ropes like tying those doors there are people who have whose destinies have refused to move completely no matter what they've done those doors are short just three times this is the instruction god is giving i tell you inside and outside the power of god that will rest upon you for many of you it will be a dislodging of the gates of darkness are you ready for that usually i just call one two three but what god gave me said hallelujah three times are you ready don't drive that woman there is something mighty god is already doing look at me young lady look at me lift your hands bring out here may that fire and that grace come upon you now take that grace right now bring her in the name of jesus christ are you ready [Music] when i shout one you shout hallelujah the third time please be ready my goodness one [Music] now get ready get ready get ready bring them out household off baby something is about to rest those doors that have refused to open are you ready now please bring them out please whether you're an usher or not help them help anyone under the anointing close to you don't wait for the ushers hold that lady please don't wait until you are on usher bring them out please open your mouth begin to pray every door cross over my destiny now it opens bring them out will be very fast is [Music] shakespeare is the lord wants to crush the spirit of delay there are many people it looks like those are not opening in your life in the name of jesus i want you to bring them out i decree and declare anyone whether in ministry in business in family every power that has held you down that you will not move forward here at this higher ground conference at the count of three may fire fall from heaven one two three release them now release them now release them now release them help them please release them now in the name of jesus christ wherefore god has so highly exalted him and given him a name that is above every other name hallelujah wrong care i'm hearing the name wrong care who has the name wrong care we have to hurry up tonight i'm hearing a name wrong care wrong care [Music] where are you coming from man where are you from please if it's not your name don't come let's let's hurry up god is visiting i just saw light towards this direction there are two people the power of god is coming on them now bring them out i stretch my hands right now in the name of jesus even as i've seen in my vision that grace is to shift you i'm about to pray for speed this woman help her take that grace in the name of jesus christ hallelujah who are mongooses from open states ogun state ranked from ogun state who is that mama stand up where are you from ogun state you're a member of this church okay you are not you are not yet a member i want to pray for you because i'm seeing the lord is telling me look at me the dream you had the lord is saying he wants to cancel everything that represents delay in your family this is what i'm saying please i like you to be sensitive be sensitive i'm about to pray right now that every power that is not of god sitting on any man's destiny by the mercy of god it must give way mama please stand up in the name of jesus i declare that by the power that raised christ from the dead let that demonic thing that siege over your life let it come to an end right now in the name of jesus the power of god is coming on one of you in front here right now i just saw like fire coming on you help them in the name of jesus christ i decree and declare even by the power of jesus he said all hell the power of jesus crown him lord of lords i declare over you my dear look at me look at me two of you hold your hands together i saw fire coming on you take that grace help them please that fire on two of you in the name of jesus you will never be the same never be the same now i want to pray there are spirits behind families there are spirits behind destinies i want to cross those spirits by the mercy of god hear me at the count of three i want you to shout jesus accept god is not god or any spirit behind the tragedies and the patterns of your life it must give way right now father i declare and declare spirits connected to foundations and ancestry my bible says we have been called out of every tribe and every tongue and every nation at the count of three let there be a separation are you ready now one inside outside two please shout jesus i command your spirit go now help this woman release your help this woman please release their families in the name of jesus every planting that is not of god we are rest right now in the name of jesus christ [Music] hallelujah adams who is adams i'm hearing a name adams adams is there someone with such a name adams please come very quickly i'm hearing a name adams we have a few minutes i want to pray for the sick now [Music] i'm hearing adams because god is bringing a visitation to others [Music] is that somebody called adams you are wearing a t-shirt or something like that this is what i'm seeing in my vision adams [Music] what's verified what's your name adams come you're a member of this church sir i want to pray for you your life is about to change look at me what do you do you walk with the film god is lifting you to be a savior over your family look at me you believe this i want to pray for you your life will so change you will be surprised father in the name of jesus you have shown us what your message can do therefore i pray by the power that raised christ from the dead hold that lady on red i command i'm seeing something look like oh there let her go now i release now the name of jesus christ let her go now my friend all these gentlemen release his family now now the lord is that spirit he says and where the spirit of the lord is i'm seeing a woman among the ministers i'm not seeing her physically i don't know if she's there in a vision she tied her hair i'm seeing it i i'm just seeing a vision i don't know if she's gone out but just this role i don't know if there's such a woman because i want to pray the power of god is coming on that person in the name of jesus who is the christ of god baller is it baller or balani something like that baller it's a gentle man you are wearing like a black t-shirt it has like white is it white stripes something like that is what what's your name ah no i'm seeing written on your head baller day what's your name come on stand up my friend we are not herbalists we fear jesus christ not everybody is faking this thing let me just say very straight to the point with every sense of humility i know that here and there there have been corruptions and perversions but please let us not mistaken what god is doing to me maybe some no not everybody has bowed to bear there are still people who fear the name of the lord sincerely my friend i want to pray for you god is about to turn your family around where are you from hold on please stand up where are you coming from you're from understand but you're coming from a good state i want to pray for you tell your family members the month of november it's a strange month of breakthrough for them amen the month of november in the name of jesus and that the lord is bringing restoration to your family supernatural restoration i'm seeing the number 11 as soon as i mentioned restoration i just saw light coming on 11 people i believe that this is the same word i don't know where they are for right now 11 people i just saw that life wherever you are in the name of jesus help them get their brand negative 11 people restoration enough is enough that the things that has been stolen over your life that you even thought has been forgotten by this grace and dysfunction in the name of jesus let there be restoration now that lady on blue the power of god is coming upon you restoration now in the name of jesus christ of things lost of time of relationships in the name of jesus [Music] hallelujah praise the name of the lord respectfully sir i don't know who this man of god is but look at me your life is about to change can i can i talk to him sir pastor is it or can i talk to him please stand up sir you're a pastor with a ministry i need to pray for you the prayer you were praying on your knees with what i'm saying god is about to answer it now you're a pastor of a church i want to pray for you please don't be embarrassed i have honor for ministers it is by the election of grace i'm doing this it's not in any way at all any sense of superiority but i want you to believe there is a grace that is coming on your life and honestly in the name of jesus christ you will begin to see signs and wonders in a strange way in your life and your ministry can i pray for you sir please stand father i pray for this man of god you have opened up your heart in public this is the same way god will honor you in public look at me sir like fire from heaven grace is coming on you take that grace now you will never be the same in the name of jesus i shift you and your ministry i stand by this office of the apostolic and the prophetic let a new chapter be opened by god and by the spirit in the name of jesus christ that every limitation let it be run away like smoke before the wind in the name of jesus christ madam can i talk to you are you a woman of god please come if you're a person i want to pray for you i want to pray for you the opening of a man's eye is mercy from god my friend shout jesus as loud as you can you [Music] help them you will never be the same in the name of jesus christ there are activations happening am i wasting your time praise the lord please let your heart be open we have a few minutes will respect the time but make sure that your don't come for meetings like this and go back the same there is no reason for it there is no reason for it i pray for you man a thousand cubits has been measured for you in the spirit is a deeper level of the prophetic that god is bringing to you eyes that see and ears that hear even your hands the lord is saying that you will begin to use your hands to walk miracles father in the name of jesus let this happen for this woman right now i shift you by the power of the holy spirit step into that dimension in the name of jesus christ in the name of jesus christ the lord is showing me someone you are part of the ushering the ushering team in this church right now wherever you are no ushers are scattered inside and outside you don't have to come but the power of god is coming on that person the lord is telling me that there is a separation for you because of what god is going to be using you to do in your family i don't among the ushers here at household of david god has been dealing with you he has been showing you this i don't know where they are but in the name of jesus right now i know you have been helping others but in jesus name wherever you are whether inside or outside may the power of god locate you right now let it locate you right now let things begin to change and even shift in your life in jesus name i pray now please i want you to lay your hands you're trusting god for a miracle everywhere we're going to do this very fast hear me many of you are already getting healed [Music] some of you have already been perfected i want to pray for you and rebuke that devil we have just a few minutes we have to honor our time the moment i pray for you somewhere in the prayer i'm going to ask you to check yourself the moment you find out that the miracle has happened run like this fire on the mountain i want to come and stand here maybe if we can have one or two of the pastors one or two people to just help confirm them let's take a few testimonies proofs of the mercy of god and then we'll be praying over this request we'll leave the final impartation for tomorrow's service press the name of the lord so there is still a balance of this that is left but for now we have to walk with the time lay your hands where you are trusting god for a miracle i truly believe in miracles my sister this lady you lift your hands i'm seeing oil coming on you and the lord is saying he's taking shame and reproach forever now i decree and declare share my reproach let it leave her right now may that grace rest upon you in the name of jesus christ in the name of jesus christ [Music] a lady is going to shout now under the anointing the lord is saying the embargo of limitation over your family is coming to an end now [Music] the wonder working power of jesus please lay your hands we want to pray for the sick don't forbear with sickness don't forbear with sickness no matter how little when you give the devil a little hole he will make a door out of it fight it there's anything wrong with you right now i'd like you to believe god for a miracle i believe in miracles i am a miracle myself inside outside all the overflows following online just lay your hands it is a part of your body you cannot touch just make contact with your chest you can also stand in for others agree with me as i pray father in the name of jesus your amen can be louder than that father in the name of jesus my sister wearing is it green or blue now the lord is taking something out of your stomach right now i'm seeing a miracle happening immediately after that check yourself a miracle is happening to you right now i decree and declare that every spirit that is back of infirmities of all sorts the bible declares wherefore god had so highly exalted him and giving him a name an office that is above every other name it is by the power of that office that we decree and declare every spirit that is back of your infirmities we command it to give way right now we command it to give way right now we command it to cabba we command it to give way right now right now in the name of jesus be healed now be healed now be healed now [Music] migraine headaches be healed in the name of jesus be healed in the name of jesus the lord is healing my grace every bone condition you came with a crotch you cannot walk well lift it up and begin to walk now in the name of jesus christ in the name of jesus christ any blind eyes here we come and be open now death ears be open now born conditions of all sorts be healed in the name of jesus hear me every blood condition right now that is your crotch is that what you came with lift it up mama walk come come just do what i'm asking you to do come come walk don't be afraid just walk are you celebrating miracles here [Music] look at me in the name of jesus help us stand behind her i bring you life now leave her now let there be healing for her now i bring life by this kingdom that we represent let there be healing i straighten your bones i bring you life by jesus christ are you celebrating what god is doing look at another miracle walk come lift it up and walk move madam don't worry is this how you're celebrating miracles here at household daily lift your legs look up look at this look at this look at this ah look at this [Music] are you saying look at this woman she's dancing oh goodness oh goodness oh goodness look at that hallelujah now hear me there is someone here you have severe pain around your back look at the woman has thrown her crotch goodness highway mama how was it for you before you came here if i walk this leg we are safeham this leg is paralyzed but right now do what i'm doing do what i'm doing do what i'm ah [Music] hold on how was it for you before you came here you had raw food what a drunk food yes that's what i'm having this was your give me help this this is yours you came with it yes walk let the devil see you in the name of jesus look at this [Music] now in the name of jesus every other condition the power of god is still coming on people i'm seeing asthma the lord is healing asthma right now in the name of jesus be healed now in the name of jesus back pains severe back pains be healed right now conditions of pile in the name of jesus let there be a miracle for you right now there is someone you are not using a crotch but i'm something happened around your knee cap and you've not been able to walk well check yourself now the power of god has come upon you i'm seeing someone your left ear i don't know if he's completely deaf or partially deaf but there is a miracle happening to you now check yourself check yourself whether i mention your case or not for the sake of time be healed in jesus name be healed in jesus name inside and outside be healed in jesus name we change genotypes now in the name of jesus christ and i decree and declare that everything just give them seeds let them sit everything that is not of god roaming around your body we command its eviction now in jesus name [Applause] now hear me i want you to check yourself some of you when you came under the anointing it was the power of god was bringing you miracles check yourself very quickly we have our time is up you'll find out that the miracle has happened to you i want you to leave your seat okay i want you to run whether you are inside outside are you seeing miracles happening run and come and stand here right now let the devil see what the mercy of god can do here at household of david check yourself they are coming celebrate them miracles are happening god is able to do just what he says he will do [Music] don't even oh oh [Music] my goodness are you seeing what god is doing here tonight don't sit back we'll still have room for testimonies tomorrow i believe okay let's take a few testimonies who is with the mic okay very quickly come stand here so we see you very quickly straight to the point go ahead very quickly i've actually been praying and fasting for an encounter with you sir there's something that only should walk through my body like something is going through my body tell me this young boy has been healed of something my goodness my god let him stand here i would like to hear his testimony don't hate children if children run away from you it's a sign that there is a wicked spirit around your life because children are very innocent children you can literally use children to learn and get your spiritual growth it's true yes something always good for my body something goes through your body where are you from what happened to you now when you asked me to shout jesus i felt something left to me something left you wave it goodbye you because it will never return to you again my friend look at me in jesus name may the power of god come upon you new season in jesus name yes please very quickly let's coordinate them so we can make it my name is please sit for a moment sit for a moment we're about to pray on the request someone can you help me is it all right if i turn the request down we'll put it back okay so maybe some of the protocol help us if you are yet to submit your request while while just waive it someone will pick it up very quickly and we'll have it here yes sir my name is money before can you turn a bit so that they will see maybe stand sideways so that yes go ahead my name is before the apostle began to minister i was having a very severe pain severe pain where is that yeah yeah around your neck and my waist also and your waist but after the prayer now i'm relieved run check yourself check any pain bend down bend down down up down up any pain are you celebrating jesus where are you coming from sir lagos here because in the name of jesus it will never return to you by the power of the holy spirit yes please very quickly what oh it's a whole family what happened very quickly um dude today was just weak and um because he had genotype was excess and was weak very very weak oh his essence yes i see and as a ministry then the lord i know jose getting strength and he says he's strong now the boy what's his name how are you my name is samuel oh now these are the kinds of smart children we should have samwell look at me look at me i want you to run to that uncle and come back go ahead run one on your mark said go look at this oh this one is following him also oh yes now watch this any pain at all come let me pray for you in jesus name not only just leave him to run around you soon go with in the name of jesus hold my hand my dear i bless you and we change your genotype here by the power that raised christ from the dead i decree and declare be healed now completely for this one in jesus name we bless you for this entire family strength never depletes from you in jesus name let's celebrate jesus [Applause] bye bye god bless you yes my name is pastor did i have a pastor yeah okay a kneecap for like almost three years now your kneecap yeah i was coming out from the bedroom and i fell down the leg like squeezed it twisted yeah my goodness i'm taking a lot of medication but pain is today but while you are ministering the power of god came upon me well those pastors will testify and you mentioned it that there is someone in your cup that didn't just let the devil see you ah household of david come on are you celebrating miracles jesus [Music] i never see anyone like you i never see anyone like you i never see anyone [Music] yes please very quickly [Music] my name is victoria i was sitting right at the airstream there okay i was praying about destiny i had a sharp pain here i was crying back there but immediately i said in the name of jesus it's out and it's disappeared completely in the name of jesus christ it will never return never return in jesus name yes please do you know i love it when workers receive miracles you know most times workers have had issues with pastors why don't we get blessed and strangers come in the name of jesus workers will receive miracles here in this ministry by the power that raised christ from the dead yes yes ma'am my name is while the service was going on i had my tooth was aching me badly i almost went out to take panadol to relieve it but even before the administration started it completely went it completely died off in the name of jesus christ let it never return to you by the power of the holy spirit yes please my name is joseph shaibu i have a witness here prominent please come one no no don't worry just stand where you are while you came up apostle yes my left ear closed i've been having this air condition where my ear opens and closed so sometimes it feels like water opens and closes yes because i was for years now because when i was young i you know i used to swim a lot and water entered into my ears so i've been having the condition so it's been affecting me so while you came upstage the left ear closed completely and while you were preaching gradually it was opening and suddenly it busted open open line and now i am hearing very clearly place your hand there in the name of jesus it never returns to you again the same way your ears has opened may your destiny open up like that my goodness are you seeing these miracles this whole testimony line we'll find somewhere to break it and then all of them let's have someone in front so that maybe someone at the back already saw that um tomorrow we'll have a section i believe just for the testimonies it's important for the nations to know what the mercy of jesus can do hallelujah god bless you my friend quickly please yes please my name is emmanuel chiamaka i've been having back back pain for almost a month now but when daddy was ministering he asked us to touch where and right now it's gone completely it never returns to you again in jesus name yes please no no no no no don't hold the mind there'll be some child yes have been having your problems and when you were praying my left ear have always been paining me though i'm having issues with the two yes okay only the left here have been painting me yes so as you were ministering i was touching it it was pinning me yes until you declared and now completely completely the pain is gone my god you know miracles come my friend you know miracles have messages attached to them if god can open ears he can open doors you see that in the name of jesus christ your miracle remains permanent in jesus name very quickly yes please my name is let's just have one or two or three more notable ones and then i came into this program with every pound in my head for almost two weeks i've taken drug it didn't go but now your head was pounding you in jesus name we declare that this miracle remains permanent in your life in jesus name yes please for some of you the miracles you are seeing here go back to your ministries you will go and reproduce the same results in the name of jesus christ yes please my name is adesh akwa oko for over three years i've been having severe pains around my neck to the shoulder and down to my back and what happened this night as you were praying i felt a very warm sensation from my neck downward shake your neck check it any pain in the name of jesus you will never return you are free and free forever yes please all right my name is iobami and three thousand days ago i traveled to ibadan so i had an accident everyone had scratched on my hand and you had an accident yes so my left leg there was a laceration on in my food so during the course of the program i fell under the anointing and it's disappeared right now completely check yourself check yourself any pain in the name of jesus i use him as a point of contact and pray every manifestation of the spirit of death waiting for anyone on the road or waiting for your children waiting for your family members will stand by this altar and in the name of jesus you are exempted from death you have no covenant with death it will not find you in jesus name i pray and for you in jesus name let there be perfection for you now let's have two or three more people my name is gabriel i'm the one concerning the power the man of god made mention how do you want but immediately he said it it vanished pile okay so you can go to the hospital and check it out in jesus name it leaves you never to return in jesus name yes please god bless you come my dear my name is amrit and when i met jesus he revealed to me that in the family of ameri they were covenanted to the spirit of the mananatri and anyone who does not have that brother either blind die or anything he's about to reach his place of destiny struck with sickness and ailments even my father is struck with glaucoma the result of that was you prayed i felt that covenant's been broken and all of us being released and all the destiny tied to the banana tree were released and the banana tree just caught fire job said in six things you will be delivered one of it is the scorching tongues of men he said that because you have a leak with the stones there is a covenant you have with the elements of creation they cannot be used to make enchantment against you not only because you have dominion but there is a covenant of peace that you have i pray that one day god will grant us the grace to deal with it the covenant of peace is more than restfulness you see that that no element of nature all manifestations of witchcraft must use a medium the supernatural expresses itself either in light in fire in the earth in water or wind the supernatural cannot manifest in this realm outside of these elements and you can have a covenant of peace with them it is based on that that it says no enchantment against jacob you see there is an understanding that sponsors that this is what this our dear sister is trying to say in the name of jesus we minister to you be delivered now you want your family forever forever and any any bondage that has tied anyone you inclusive let there be deliverance for you right now in jesus name god bless you celebrate jesus yes please my name is pastor shergon goes glory i've been having this excruciating pain at my lower abdomen for the past three weeks and all of a sudden about four weeks ago i also noticed that having pains in this my jaw the right right jaw but tonight why the prayer was going on what i felt all completely gone it never returns to you in jesus name let this one be the last person come my friend what will happen is after him i'm going to pray please do not feel embarrassed i'm going to pray what will happen is if if um there should be a way maybe one of the pastors can guide them so that you know how to testify tomorrow during the testimony time at the church service you can come and and declare will that be fine sir yes so that we can just redeem the time but you hang on please until i pray for you yes please and those of you following online following from whatever nation you have been healed you have received a touch from god i believe that there is a management system online they let them know that god has touched you from whatever country let them know what jesus has done by his mercy yes please i'm joined by name before i came for the meeting i was feeling serious weakness but i said i was calm during the prayer i felt infusion of strength and my the nose that was running was completely dry supernaturally in the name of jesus it never returns to you now all of you who are standing out here please lift your hands as an act of faith father thank you for all of these miracles we declare to you be all the glory they are expressions of your mercy let the nations know that you still are a merciful god and that your covenant of mercy indeed the short message of david that is still in force i declare that these healings these breakthroughs these miracles will never never leave you they remain with you to the glory of the name of jesus and i bless you i decree and declare you have come out to testify it will never return to you again in jesus name i pray now please if you don't mind i like you to stand and just stretch your hands towards this prayer request unto thou that answers prayer shall all flesh come just stretch your hands in one minute and begin to declare even by the spirit declared by the spirit father everything i have written here i drop it down like the alabaster box every trouble that has um perfected my life my family my children if there are more requests just bring it those following online you can connect by faith right now here at household of david we're agreeing by faith in one minute i'm going to bow my knees you don't have to kneel let me do the kneeling and we'll call on the god of heaven in one minute to visit this request i want you to believe you will be surprised to see what happens go ahead pray in the spirit stretch in your hands let's receive answers to these prayers in the name of jesus who is the christ of god we decree and declare miracles even by the spirit are you praying declare in the name of jesus lord turn situations around thou shall arise and have mercy upon zion for the time to favor her yeah the second time [Music] let there be miracles oh god impossible situations by the spirit of the living god impossible situations by the spirit of god lord let there be healings for families let there be open doors salvation for loved ones deliverances from all kinds of yokes the release of supernatural blessings activations of graces in the name of jesus the christ of god are you praying decree and declare sheikh te because here at this higher ground conference we agree as the body of christ we agree as the church of the lord jesus christ that this requests will never never never never never have to be written again [Music] a few more seconds you are praying sunday corporate anointing we are declaring [Music] hallelujah hallelujah now our time is gone but if you will allow me pastor would i just invite the angel over this house to just come and stand he's going to make it declare over a declaration over this request receive by faith and then we'll seal it and wrap up please come sir let's honor him as he comes hallelujah i truly believe in the power of prophetic prayer he will make declarations over this and over you until you receive by faith yes sir thank you hallelujah let's stretch our friends lord jesus we thank you concerning what's everything written here in the name of jesus christ all requests here hereby receive answers amen [Applause] the world is a double-edged sword some that have to do with things that should stop that should never happen again with the korean declare an end has come to everything written here as a pain it is written every tree that is not planted by my father shall be uprooted whatever is in any of these requests that reminds any family or anybody of pain of disease misfortune calamity anything rejected on this list by individuals within it in the name of jesus christ of nazareth they are rejected [Applause] never to happen again in the name of jesus christ and again i straightforward my hand towards this list everything that is a request to be granted we say amen to them in the name of jesus christ every desire is met in jesus name it is done it is settled in the name of jesus christ if under the old covenant even in his back leading states eli said to anna the request you have made said the god of israel grant to the requests which are made now i stand with apostle and we stretch our anger over this and we speak by the spirit that in the name of jesus christ all requests here are hereby granted what follows after these are testimonies in the name of jesus christ you will never make this request again because it is settled once and for all in the name of jesus christ thank you father we give you praise lord in jesus name you know i see some of them catching fire oh thank you lord we give you praise hallelujah in the same vein i decree and declare that this egyptians you see today by the power that raised christ from the dead the power and the message that brought pharaoh down may you not see them again forever in the name of jesus christ that everything you have written here just like the angel over this house has declared i stand in faith with him and we declare receive answers to these prayers we turn every prayer request here to a testimony in the name of jesus christ the same hands that wrote the request will be the same hands that will receive the testimonies in the name of jesus and for all of you here tonight we decree and we declare over your lives before you return home some of you will meet testimonies of mercy waiting for you in the name of jesus christ in the name of jesus christ i saw in my vision individuals and families and i saw garments garments that represented reproach this is what i saw being taken away from people some whole families zachariah when you read zechariah chapter 3 he said he showed me joshua the high priest and satan the accuser came and began to point an accusing finger and then he said verse 2 says the lord said to satan the lord rebuke you o satan even the lord that has chosen jerusalem rebuke you is this not a brand that i have plucked out of fire and then verse 4 verse 3 says now joshua was clothed with filthy garments and stood before the angel verse 4 and he answered and speak unto those that stood before him saying take away the filthy garment from him and unto him he said behold i have caused your iniquity to pass from you and i will close you with a change of ramen let me declare according to the vision the lord showed me there are families here that the garments that is upon you is why the devil keeps taking advantage of you circles and patterns of pain and failure and shame you came to the house of the lord this morning and in the name of jesus christ who is the son of the living god even the god of david we declare let there be a change of remnant now please be serious and receive it let it be from the depth of your heart and if there is anyone here the accuser of the brethren has been standing over your family standing over your destiny and declaring before the justice system of heaven that you have no right to advance you have no right to rise because of something your father did because of something your mother did in the name help them please help that man in the name of jesus christ i decree and declare right now [Music] we bleed the blood we bleed the blood we plead the blood we bleed the blood we bleed the blood the saving blood we bleed the blood we please [Music] [Music] hallelujah i still sense in my spirit and pray you came to church we're wrapping up there are people here there are voices of accusations against your family ordinances of darkness that will not let you move forward again i'm declaring just help those under the anointing by the power that raised christ from the dead there is an altar that is greater than any other altar there is an altar where the blood of jesus himself was shared kalis satya parus kathy balakatuya megadebarus kyota the handwritings and the ordinances can you bring them out please the handwritings that have been written against men handwritings handwritings against destinies handwritings that have been written against the breakthrough of people to demand that you will not move forward writings ordinances in the name of jesus here at household of david again we come before this altar that is greater than any other ordinance or any other altar in the name of jesus let it be lifted right now please bring them out let it be lifted right now [Music] the lord is opening my eyes and i'm seeing graves opening like a coffin and that body is just coming out this is what i'm seeing i believe that this is a prophetic word for someone and a prophetic word for a family help this woman my god can you help that man please graves i'm seeing graves opening this is what i'm seeing and body is coming out i stand in the name of jesus anyone appointed to death here anyone already that from the realm of the spirit there are conclusions that have been made over your life over your family and all that concerns you say in the name of jesus by the fire that comes from his troll let there be a miracle for you now [Music] baba i declare over this man you will not die i'm seeing this man inside a coffin i don't know who came with this man but in the name of jesus who is the son of the living god we declare leave now leave now leave now leave now leave now [Music] you see let me tell you something about god there are times when you provoke his presence and his power and then he just comes in the midst of his people just to rest upon them like a hen resting upon her eggs resting upon them this is what the lord is doing please be patient be patient comment i'm still praying over this garment thing i'm saying listen the bible says the hell of a woman is her glory the lord is opening my eyes and i'm seeing people there is no hair on their head this is what i'm saying of course it's a prophetic thing but the lord is saying he's restoring you know what happened to something it's an adoption of what can happen to men as soon as they caught something two things happened number one they plucked his eyes the symbol of vision number two they removed his hair i pray the glory upon anyone here marquette schedule [Music] i'm telling you i see fire falling on people please bring them anyone here whether by divination or by any satanic means the glory upon your family the glory upon your life exchange for shame i stand here in the name of jesus christ please bring them out let there be a restoration now [Music] many of you will be surprised restoration now for your shame i declare receive double double double double double double double double in the name of jesus [Music] when the glory of a man is hidden you can be around people who can give you jobs and all you hear is excuses every day you can be in the place of plenty and never experience the grace of god again i'm praying for someone who came to church this morning everything that has stopped your glory from arising i prophesy to you according to isaiah 60 and verse 1 arise arise shine for your glory the light has come to you and the glory of the lord is risen upon you mama this woman waving her hands i'm seeing oil being poured upon her head and the lord is saying he's visiting your family help her please bring her out there is a visitation coming for that woman listen i want you to open your mouth in one minute and say lord by your mercy restore everything i have lost in my life just go ahead and pray lord restore lord restore oh there is a voice this morning that says restore restore restore enough of shame enough of reproach restore oh god the dignity and honor that comes with my connection to the god of devi [Music] lord restore [Music] prandtl they are taken for a prey a non-say at restore non-say at restore non-say at restore [Music] chalet [Music] hallelujah hallelujah i'm seeing i'm seeing maybe not i'm not sure is the security people outside but i'm seeing a vision and i'm seeing a man it's like you are dressed in is it a military uniform with a red cup is there someone like that there is somebody god wants to remove witchcraft is that some maybe outside you can check the overflows too where is he coming where are you coming from my friend he was inside what's your name sir huh who is cursing what's your name kazeem khan come here the lord wants to turn your family around you are not alone who came with you my wife your wife i'm seeing a woman near you are you married yes where did she come [Music] oh she went to breastfeed okay that's all right please stand up so i want to pray for you listen let me tell you this truly there is power in the name of jesus there is power in the name of jesus you see why it's good to come to the house of god you may not know when your word will come he sent forth his word and his word healed at them and delivered them i want to pray for you that everything that is not a planting of god i hope you are not embarrassed is this the wife okay this is in the name of jesus christ so look at me what do you do i'm are you coding i want to pray for i thought you're a military man wearing this thing because this is what i saw in my vision in the name of jesus i want to pray for you listen everything that is an embargo over your life and even your family we stand as the church of the lord jesus christ and we declare it comes to an end now it comes to an end now [Music] i'm seeing a vision axe i'm seeing the vision of this man at the beautiful gate this is what i'm seeing right now and i believe that god wants to take away there is a kind of reproach that is almost a mockery to the name of the lord you are close to good things but you will never eat from them this was the cause that came on the man who caused what god said in samaria read the bible right at the gate where he was going to step into plenty they trampled on him and he died there and there are people like that they are around the corridors of power but they never rise they are around men of god but they never receive a word that lifts them they are around christian homes but they never are on fire they are around destiny help us but they never rise i'm seeing the number seven i pray right now if there is anyone who is under that kind of condition where you are around things that should bless you you are around people who should lift you and announce you but it looks like there is a dark cloud over you that never allows people to identify you help this man i'm seeing the power of god coming on him now in the name of jesus i decree and declare right now may that reproach be rose from your life [Applause] may that reproach be wrote from your life roll from your life who is dockers dockers i'm hearing a name dockers is there someone like that here dockers am i wasting your time this morning your members of this church the one i'm seeing tied ahead like red or maroon or something this is the one i'm seeing i will pray for you don't don't feel embarrassed okay madam you're welcome what's your name doctors please stand here the lord wants to turn your life around he says you have torn my morning into dancing and you have turned my sorrow into joy where are you coming from again again i want to pray for you please stand up madam honestly i stand by the god of heaven what will begin to happen to your life from this sunday because this reproach you see i don't know why god is addressing this issue of reproach i am praying for you man in the name of jesus christ this garment i'm seeing on you we tear it to pieces now we tear it to pieces now in the name of jesus christ i'm praying for you but i'm seeing the power of god falling on someone else bring the person now just this wrong i just saw light and the power of god just falling on someone bring the person i'm praying for a woman here but i'm also seeing the miracle happening to someone in the name that is above all names mama we pray for you as a church move forward move forward by the spirit of the living god in the name of jesus christ please don't be embarrassed i usually will not do this except that god is insisting that i do there is a woman here you've been trusting god for the fruit of the womb but the issue is that you take in but it never stays this is multiple miscarriage it's even affecting your health now i have to pray for you where is that person i hope you are not okay how long have you been married madam i'm seeing how many years 10 10 years no fruit of the womb i keep taking in but it never stays you see people of god the reason why god reveals this thing is not to embarrass people i hope you understand is to show this is the mercy of god this is what we are talking about there are things money cannot solve let me tell you sincerely there are things intellect cannot solve it takes the grace and the mercy of this god we're talking about i will worship you forever love you forever [Music] i believe in miracles i really believe in miracles i want to pray for you all of you to don't cry you see we may never understand what it means to stay this long and you know because of the kind of country and the region that we live in once something does not work in your life what what even what becomes the pain is not what is not working is what people will say are we together now [Music] on account of hannah's childlessness the bible says peninnah will mock her day and night until she went to god in chile and said lord this is this is enough when a miracle happens like this i told you it's more than just showing that the man of god is powerful god is stepping in to meet the needs of his people in the name of jesus christ who is the son of the living god madam place your hand on your stomach you in jesus name i stretch my hands i declare and declare reproach be over now now in the name of jesus christ [Music] every devil of miscarriage that will not give you rest and allow you to enjoy be fruitful is a command it's not a suggestion be fruitful it's a command and any spirit let me use them as a point of contact because fruitfulness is not just giving back to children alone you keep opening your shop in the morning closing it by yourself in the night is is still barriness i use them as a point of contact and in the name of jesus standing in faith with the angel over this house any life that has refused to produce results in the name of jesus we reenact this command again be fruitful be fruitful be fruitful in the name of jesus my sister i decree and declare lay your hands i'm seeing the power of god on you you see the thing about the prophetic is you just walk as a holy spirit at the last conference i came i prophesy i should come back with my baby and for the past three years and nine months i've never been pregnant and i got pregnant like about 10 days after you know two weeks ago i went for a scan and the doctor said that they couldn't find the baby that should go for another scan so i went for another scan and they said they could find the baby thursday i went back to the hospital because they asked for a follow-up the doctor said blighthead ovum i went for trans vaginal scan and they said they can't find any baby i i didn't go back to the hospital i said god this is not you're supposed to be pregnant now i am still pregnant oh you are pregnant yes lay your hands there this is why we are here i mean lay your hands this is hold on when your chair spoils who do you go to when you are sick who do you go to when you are hungry where do you go to the house of god is where these kinds of issues should be solved [Music] you don't go to the hospital when you are hungry you go to a restaurant father i pray in the open over this lady you have given us the grace baby leave now baby leave now [Music] everything dead in anyone's life here in the name of jesus by that power that raised christ from the dead i declare me that resurrection power land upon your destiny now in the name of jesus christ [Music] hallelujah listen we're not negative maxine but at the same time we will not ignore the power of god there is something called the power of god [Music] hallelujah mary said how shall these things be seeing that i know not a man and the angel explained to her he said the power of the highest that means the way you know to do it is not the only way to do it there is still another strategy the power of the highest madame lay your hands anything in your stomach that is not a child we take it out now [Applause] i'm praying again anything in your stomach that is not a child doesn't matter what name it is called we stand here as a family of faith and we declare let that devil leave your body now [Applause] and according to the time of life we declare unto you in jesus name may you celebrate the miracle of fruitfulness for my sister here i also pray for you in the name of jesus celebrate the miracle of fruitfulness in jesus name i pray in jesus name i pray in jesus name i pray god bless you i i honestly i don't know what dimension god is what is it all right can i can i feel free to just do what god is asking me to do there i'm seeing at least four people don't be embarrassed you are business people sincerely you love god and you are serious business people i don't just mean people who are looking for money it looks like you are sitting there it's an embargo and it looks like mysteriously this year has been one of the worst seasons for you for reasons you cannot explain please come and stand here i want to pray for you i saw this in my vision and the lord wants me to pray for you now [Music] these are not just people who are starting please listen to the prophecy obedience to instructions don't be embarrassed this is the house of god [Music] while they are coming everyone please pray father my visitation i have come i have tabana called in this place the name of jesus [Music] please come and stand here [Music] your grace has found me just as i am just [Music] forever i am changed by [Music] don't ever believe anybody that tells you the church should not prosper is a doctrine of demons what we teach is that we don't place our faith on prosperity and money as against our lord for jesus nothing should ever take his place in our lives but to advocate the fact that god's people should not be blessed is signing up with slavery the bible says the rich who led over the poor and the borrower is slave to the lender there is a there is a way that believers across a territory become slaves is true economy are we together now we must teach the whole council of god the whole council of [Music] god even before god gave man an instruction to be serious with him he said be fruitful that was the first thing man had from the mouth of the lord i'm saying this because sometimes when you see us do things like this we can confuse it for some kind of thing that people do and just feel there are more serious things to talk about talk about salvation don't talk about your empowerment it's wickedness to watch people love god and go down and their children every time there is hunger israel goes to egypt there is only one reason why israel goes to egypt hunger when there was farming and there was hunger the bible says jacob called his sons and said why do you look at one another genesis chapter 42 it says i hear that there is corn in egypt it says go down theta and buy for us that we may eat live and not die believers have no business going down to egypt but when there is hunger and you hear that only egypt has bread even if you are a prophet you will send your children to egypt hallelujah number two the empowerment of the people within a ministry and within the body is how god provides financial resources for kingdom activities there's no need to hide the devil there's no need to act as if the money is just jumping from the sky it comes from people who have been blessed by god that means that if the devil wants to frustrate the advancement of the kingdom he will economy in the hands of those who have a heart to give it listen believe me when i tell you there is a grace that prospers yes there are ideas there are all kinds of things there are connections it is true but in this kingdom there is a grace that prospers [Music] many of you are in business some of you are veterans in business but the devil is fighting you not because of what you do but because of the heart for god that is connected to what you do he knows that in your prosperity is the prosperity of the house of god so he will not let you rest bring you to reproach so that people will say where is that your god now since you refused to compromise where is that your god now answer them and say he's still here god is still here i want to pray for you you came to churches don't cry you see some of you crying because you know the pain that you've gone through everything is increasing except your own resources how many pastors today have left the things of god because of hunger and it's easy for us to judge people and point fingers at people and say this and that this is why we're discussing a messy conference [Music] are we together now yes a man of god will never truly be able to stand on stage and teach and preach and help people know jesus his children are in trouble there's no fees paid maybe there's rent there's all kinds of issues he would not have that focus to do the work of the ministry [Music] i want you to believe there is such an anointing that will come on you listen the only thing i would tell you is may your heart never be on your money when your heart is on your money is no longer business it's idolatry when your heart is on anything other than jesus christ this is the only thing that we teach anything god gives you let it stay out of you the only thing that should be within you is your heart and your passion and your fire for god father you have anointed and commanded us to bless in jesus name i pray for you there's such an anointing that will come on you people now at the count of three lord may this anointing bring supernatural one two three take that fire now take the fire i declared on your business on your life carry this fire i prophesy to you every thought that has refused to open hear the word of the lord i decree and declare by the road of a higher priesthood we break that door and we open it now for you in the name of jesus christ some of you here are having legal cases legal issues connected to your business we overturn we overturn we overturn until the mercy of god speaks for you in the name of jesus and everything connected to witchcraft that is keeping you bound to say the only way you eat is by begging in the name of jesus we crush that spirit now help this woman i toss that spirit out of her now out of her now [Music] i was glad when they said unto me let us go to the house of the lord you see people just going through things you may not understand what is behind what they are doing sir where are you from [Music] i want to pray for you you're a businessman what do you do huh i'm seeing buildings what do you do please just give me let's hurry up let's say that one ah project management contract you're a contractor i want to pray for you because [Music] i'm hearing restoration for you [Music] this is what the lord is telling me that is bringing restoration sir name of jesus who is the son of the living god [Music] i'm not a prophet of doom don't misquote me for evil but we rebuke death over a commissioner in this city in lagos state and i just saw an obituary and it's like someone who is i don't know if he's a past commissioner or somebody who is a servant i hope there's no one here like that um don't misunderstand we need to be clarifying things like this because some of these social media people sometimes they don't join the service so they don't even know what we're talking about they just capture everything that looks like it can drive traffic and mislead people and make it look like you are saying what you are not saying we are ministers of life and you understand what we are saying we are ministers of life so when god gives a message like this we are not prophesying doom no we're ministering life is only a system of identifying and relating with what the lord is saying so i'm saying this so that we will be careful let's not keep putting the body of christ and man of god in trouble by misrepresenting what they are saying it's important to understand the context with which many communications were made and discuss it correctly but in the name of jesus we agree as the church of the lord jesus christ if the lord revealed it is because he has given us the power to do something about it let death be averted now let death be averted now let that be averted now oh death where is your sting and oh grave where is your victory we have fought it in the name of jesus christ so i pray for you as god has revealed let there be restoration for you in the name of jesus weep not for the lion of the tribe of judah even the root of david has prevailed he is worthy to open the book and to unlock the scrolls in the name of jesus go and excel go and prosper go and excel go and prosper go and excel help this man go and prosper we release you the shame of yesterday let it never follow you into tomorrow here at this higher ground conference you will never forget it in a long time in the name of jesus christ please return back to your seat rejoicing god bless you return back to your seat rejoicing return back to your seat rejoicing [Music] hallelujah the lord is showing me a family please be patient if this is all i do no problem i'm just obeying god and responding i'm seeing a family where the children in that family hardly finish what they start this has to do with academic issues like admission or graduation people are there for a long time no advancement is there a family like that the lord is instructing me to pray for you please make sure you are telling the truth this is this is god's holy altar don't call me and tell lies make sure you think about what you are saying before you come if you are standing in for someone let us know please if you belong to that category i want you to stand here pastor is it is it okay is it okay to minister [Music] moses tell the people that they go forward go forward go forward go forward while you're standing here please be praying if you are the one who is directly affected i'd like you to pray because it's time for you to move that spirit leaves her out now out the name of jesus christ sometimes it's not about being tall or being brilliant it's just that certain people are victims of some of these evil demonic things do you know i had a true story sir a man of god in this nation was given the story there was a gentle man one of the brightest within a family he went for a job interview very serious company in the midst of in the middle of the the interview he forgot every information his registration number that he came with simple questions they were asking him and the guy it was as if his mind was blank and in anger they told him get out of here you're not serious that's how he lost a job when he came out he's like what was on him just lifted sometimes this is what may be happening to people you see this is why many times parents must be discerning it's not everybody who is on serious there are times that these things are just demonic look how many people are coming out for this call [Music] come out if you have this problem don't sit back there and be in trouble working miracles i worship you i worship you you are here turning lights around i worship you i worship you we call you we call you is [Music] please look at me those in front here the lord brought you out here at this mercy conference because there is the sure message of david it does not matter how it has been i want you to know that things are about to change hallelujah why does god call you number one because he loves you number two he wants to show you that his messes are real with not their ones for the lion of the tribe of judah even the root of david has prevailed i know some of you are standing in for yourselves some of you are standing in for your loved ones but i want to pray there is something called the finisher's anointing he said the hand of zerubbabel that began that walk that same hand can complete it and want to pray father in the name of jesus here at household of david [Music] we pray whether it is for students or people in projects that doesn't seem to be able to finish right now every power that is responsible for this wickedness and this evil against your life against your academics we command them go now go now go now go now go now out of their lives out of their destinies out of their lives out of their destinies in the name of jesus by the blood of the eternal covenant we cut you away from any time that will not let you go he must go for you now in the name of jesus christ and now i decree and i declare over you in the name of jesus who is the son of the living god hear me go forward now go forward now i place that prophetic word upon your head let it follow you in the morning let it follow you in the afternoon let it follow you in the night let it follow you in the city let it follow you in the village go forward go forward academically go forward in your career go forward and everything you've started and yet you've not been able to finish i place the finisher's anointing upon you in the name of jesus christ where you have failed and failed and failed is a master we have told all night but he said nevertheless i decree and declare at this world that has come from the mouth of god go back to what we're doing and exhale go back and finish in the name of jesus christ god bless you please return quickly just return rejoicing just return rejoicing those under the anointing just help them just two more cases something serious god is ministering to me now we're dealing with the mercy of god look up please i want to pray for people here um i i would not do this except that god is leading me and i don't want you to be embarrassed are we together i'm praying there are people here some of you are new people who are coming here and the lord is asking that i minister to you this is the house of god all kinds of addictions that want to destroy you don't be embarrassed all kinds doesn't mean you are bad there are people here who are struggling with all kinds of addictions you have tried you have prayed you are fasted you have done everything you know to do it just will not leave you you need the power of god please don't be embarrassed any kind of addiction you are tired of run and come and stand before god here there's no need pretending it run like this fire on the mountain stand before god and say it must come to an end i'm tired of this thing once and for all [Music] while they are coming everyone please be in the mood of prayer let's pray there's no looking around just pray this is between you and your maker [Music] i'm yours i'm yours i'm your [Music] it's yours forever pornography masturbation drunkenness theft all kinds of things lying spirits come please come i just sense there is fire falling here let's just allow the lord to deal with these issues i'm telling you again don't sit back when there is salvation for you there's no such thing as i'm a big man listen we are all products of god's mercy we are all product of god's mercy and those of you following online from whatever nation you are saying apostle thank you for bringing this issue i am tired of all of this some of you there is nothing you cannot steal provided it is there you give the demons walk like giving you word of knowledge even if they had money on that under the carpet you will they will tell you where it is it's a spirit it doesn't always mean you are bad it's just that you need help [Music] whatever you ask me whatever you ask my surrender whatever you ask me [Music] hallelujah can i tell you this i don't mean any condemnation but you get 10 people 8 out of ten people have some kind of addiction that they are fighting with but we live in a society where when people are wounded like this everybody is quick to point hands and yet nobody prays some of these things are wicked satanic demonic altars that sit on the destinies of men because there are spiritual implications to these things i want to pray for you there is [Music] [Music] lose all their beauty hallelujah just look at me the power of god i tell you i sense such such a demonic presence as i'm standing here like intense oppression [Music] this presence that i sense there are some of you sometimes you are in the room alone and this demonic presence just comes on you a crippling paralyzing feeling you just know there are demons around spirits around at that point you are not yourself again [Music] you know what i'm talking about i want to pray for you call me na na yes [Music] me [Music] right now in the name of jesus lift your hands all of you who have come out every spirit barracados cathedral i tell you i'm angry in my spirit man that is responsible for any kind and any form of addiction that would not let you rest young and old at the count of three may fire come from heaven and consume those devils forever one two three take that fire take that fire take that fire be delivered now be delivered now be delivered now every addiction comes under arrest comes under judgment in the name of jesus christ please help them every dominion of addiction over your life destroying your christian experience destroying your relationships destroying your finances here at this higher ground conference i declare again the spirit behind it i cast them out of you now i cast them out of you now i cast them out of you now from today and forever we declare the church of the lord jesus christ you are free now free to serve the lord acceptably free to serve the lord with sincerity in the name of jesus and let me speak to you as a result of these demonic addictions many of you have lost many good things you have lost destiny helpers you have lost resources you have lost opportunities what can i prophesy to you everything that was lost shall be returned to me everything that was everything that was shall be responded to me everything that was [Music] and i pray for you even as we sang it my friend look at me shout jesus as loud as you can this gentleman go ahead just do whatever eyes [Music] in the name of jesus christ for some of you this addiction is a pattern everybody father mother siblings everyone some of you may be ministry but this thing has not left you some of you may be in business but this thing has not left you even as we have declared here you will never see it again for the rest of you will never see it again for the rest of your life everything god gives man he gives man authority over it and control whatever controls you and dominates you is demonic [Music] if god gives you the ability to make money so that you can use it for yourself and for the kingdom the day money dominates you you are no longer in business it has become an addiction it has become idolatry everything god gives man he puts it under control good things without control are evil things it is the control factor that makes everything good no matter how good a thing is the moment there is no control it becomes demonic hallelujah can i tell you this and as i'm ministering to you every lie the devil has spoken to you that you will never rise as a result of these things in the name of jesus let the blood purify your conscience let the blood of jesus purify your conscience the bible says if we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us it says but if we confess our sins that god is faithful and just to forgive us from our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness this is what the scripture says i declare to you your conscience let it be purified by the blood in the name of jesus christ please return to your seat rejoicing one more set and then those under the anointing just let them be when they are strong will pick them up is god helping you [Music] [Music] hallelujah let's let's just allow them go so that our minister to the last set of people that the lord is putting in my heart the lord is showing me i'm seeing well i'm sure that it may be more than that but i'm seeing two people almost every night you sleep you must see dead people like people who have died and gone but they will not let you rest once you go to bed this interaction with dead people dead people who is that person i want to pray for you what does the living have to do with the dead i don't care whether it's your father or your mother i'm not we're not just talking of sins that have been perfected maybe bringing revelations [Music] you know pastors are sometimes sincerely god's people go through things and just keep quiet and box it and suffer and keep dying like that this does not happen every time if you have a service and this is all you do people will not grow i hope you understand it is a communication of doctrine that establishes people and brings growth however there are moments where god will just stay and bring visitations to these people so that it can give them the comfort to now listen to scripture you have tabanacula in this mountain from fossil was it friday listening doctrine after doctrine truth after truth now it's important to experience the power of god [Music] come see if the dead die they are dead we love them but let them go in peace but where demons will use their faces to come to you because of your emotional connection with the dead you see that most of those people you think are your loved ones are not your loved ones because the bible says according to the authority of scripture it is appointed unto men to die once and after that the judgment there is a gulf that separates this realm from another there have been unique instances as revealed from scripture where people have an opportunity is rather an exemption not a norm are we together remember when lazarus prayed the the rich man prayed and said okay father abraham i have a request can you bring someone from the dead to come he said no they have the law and they have the prophets he didn't say i would not grant the request it only said that the major platform is that there are principles of scripture and there are men and women of god they suffice to teach them doctrine so some of these things that people call encounters all the time are demonic interactions a man i believe in encounters but the principal encounter is an encounter with scripture and that from a child thou has known the holy scripture we must restore god's people to doctrine so that we don't get into all these various confusions there are young people today who do not even know whether jesus is savior again because they've met too many spirits in the realm of the spirit every night they are somewhere one planet one place like that and they return back with all kinds of evil encounters they are not pure christians again hallelujah dead people i know a lady one time who would see the face of supposedly her mother not when she's sleeping physically kill yourself or kill you and she started misbehaving and people will start seeing all kinds of things misbehaving have you seen people like that they get up and just start walking maybe to a sea or a river and they tell you someone is instructing them strange voices the bible says when he the spirit of truth is come he will guide you you know he's the one guiding you because he guides you to all truth and then in that truth he reveals jesus any spirit that does not reveal jesus is not of the christ and let me respectfully say this i hope i'm not i i hope you don't feel insulted again let's be careful the kinds of materials and references that we expose ourselves to in a bid to search for revelation and remember many people do not yet have the kind of spiritual maturity that can allow them delve into extra biblical materials they don't have the spiritual stability for that now many people go and buy all kinds of books expose themselves to all kinds of videos in the internet and receive impartations of strange spirits we have to guard these things i commend you to god and to the word of his grace the bible says is that true it is god and then the word let me pray for you now father every communication help at least every communication with the dead dead spirits it is the grave calling you or sometimes that woman who is near this gentleman i command that spirit that coffin out now of her life in the name of jesus i speak anyone here who has an embargo of the spirit of death looking for you we come as the ministers of life all great where is your victory in the name of jesus the one who has been exalted both as lord and christ we take authority right now in the name of jesus and we declare liberty for you now liberty for you now i separate you from every demonic encounter with dead spirits in the name of jesus christ not in dreams not in visions they will never come to you again for your loved ones who have died those who have died in christ in the name of jesus we thank god because they are celebrating in heaven but anybody who wants to leave the realm of the spirit and tamper with your efficiency in this life in the name that is above all things will declare your eyes blind to their impulses and all the spirits that come to visit and disturb your sleep the bible says i lay me down and i slept i wait for the lord sustain me therefore i declare help this woman everything because the lord is revealing to me there are so much help this woman are you seeing what we are talking about they don't sleep they go to sleep and here comes this wicked evil spirits [Music] i'm praying again in the name of jesus this woman wearing green let that spirit leave her now out now in the name of jesus christ [Music] i decree and declare by the power that raised christ from the dead look at me my dear stand up stand up can i tell you this what you have is not just sleep apnea it's a demonic thing these spirits that will not let you sleep not let you rest if you dare wake up in the night no sleep again do you know sleep is a gift he gives his beloved one of the ways that god shows you he loves you is not just salvation is sleep the only person who does not sleep is the keeper of israel if you don't sleep as a human being you will die doctors are here no matter how hard walking you are you must sleep the inability to sleep is a cause [Music] when jesus was a man did he sleep yes sir remember when they were going to the other side where they would meet um the land of the gatherings he was sleeping the demons come to disturb him no as my father has sent me so sent are you in the name of jesus again i pray for you by the power that raised christ from the dead every interaction you have with demon spirits that will not let you rest coming to you to interrupt sleep just when you return tired some of you even sleep but you wake up in the morning more tired than you were when you slept have you have you had that kind of thing that you go to bed and all kinds of demonic dreams you wake up with the pain you had in this sleep is for rest anyone having such experiences we come against that spirit right now we come against that spirit right now we come against that spirit right now we come against our spirit right now and in the name of jesus who is the son of the living god i release you right now help that baba my god god has been bringing deliverance to this man may god bless whoever invited this man to this church who's whose father is this or whose uncle also but by god god bless you you see why it's good to invite people to judge one encounter you will give them what a million dollars cannot give you see what god has been doing in the life of this our father and our uncle [Music] not inviting people to church is wickedness it's not just lack of spirituality because it means you do not care about their growth one encounter can save them i'm sorry for sounding mean but it's true some of these people now were invited and may god bless those who invited them and you too now that they've invited you you will invite others too so that there never is an empty space as far as a soul to be saved to be healed to be delivered is concerned in jesus name enjoy your freedom my friend look at me shout jesus this man wearing suit please go back to your seat god bless you what is that don't worry just give the ushers god bless you my dear thank you hallelujah i will share one scripture don't worry we'll open the bible for even if it's 10 minutes i with this fire that is here can i make an altar call [Music] please look up everyone you strike the iron when it is hot is that true yes when it is hot you strike the iron that's how you bend it there are people here in this very holy and powerful atmosphere the holy spirit whilst you watch what's happening that in itself was a message for you and god is speaking to you and saying that your life for you what you need the first encounter with god's mercy is that which leads to your salvation whether you are giving your life to jesus for the first time or you are saying a person sincerely all through the course of the conference or just coming here as a first invitation you're saying i know that i need to make things right with jesus and i heard you made an altar called the last time i was not privileged to come or i was there but i had not thought about it right now before i share one scripture and then we pray i want you wherever you are outside the overflows please leave your city for the sake of jesus for the sake of your children and your children's children with every sense of honor like you are coming to receive an award walk here come and stand here please let's celebrate them now please make sure you if there is anything valuable you have please come with it don't leave any valuable thing behind when there is nobody there with you can we encourage them as they come young and all together please come please come please come from beginning to the end it will always be it's always been you jesus i don't believe this is all of them there are many more people coming inside outside stand up win the war come come to jesus come to jesus let him give you a new beginning is someone coming to jesus apostle i want to come but i came with my friends they would not allow me to come what kind of friends are those leave them alone and come in the name of jesus christ apostle i want to come but i'm not sure if i'm saved join them if you are not sure join them if you are not sure god bless you please if you are coming just double up come [Music] from my heart to the heavens jesus [Music] i'm not a bad person but i'm an idol worshiper join them join them join them there is no other thing under heaven given unto men by which we must be saved apostle i love jesus but i mix it with other things join them join them let's celebrate them as they come there is nothing like you add jesus and add another thing jesus and a charm jesus and one one arrow that was given to you somewhere join them receive genuine salvation gideon said why have we not seen the power of god the way it is he said this there are idols you destroyed please come please come [Music] i have decided to follow jesus no turning back decided to follow jesus no turning back i salute you for this great decision it is a noble and an honorable thing to come to jesus can i tell you if this entire conference was put just for you it is worth it nothing compares to one genuine soul who meets jesus christ the hymn writer says must i go an empty handed with not one soul with which to greet him when you are going to greet the lord you don't buy a food basket you don't buy bananas and oranges what you carry to greeting my souls these are the ones you died for and i want to salute you for coming some of you are making this decision the first time some of you have made this decision before but one thing led to the other your life has gone haywire jesus is giving you another opportunity i want to pray now if you are joining them please join quickly join quickly i want to pray in case you are sitting down and you just thought about it and you're saying do i stand up am i not ashamed come wrong join them please lift your hands those of you who are in front you are lifting it to jesus not to joshua selman not to household of david you are lifting it to the one who died for us when he hung upon that tree he hung naked and he died for us we were worth his shame we were worth his pain jesus even the son of the living god as you make this declaration let it be from the depth of your heart no pretense mean it jesus is here please shout it loud let it be from the depth of your heart say lord jesus today i believe in you that you are the son of god i believe that you died for me i believe that you rose again for my justification this morning i hand over my everything to you in exchange for your own life in me i receive eternal life into my spirit i declare you my lord my savior and my king i receive the abundance of grace even the gift of righteousness and i reign through christ the power of sin satan hell and the grave is broken over my life from today i walk in newness of life i go for whatever and backward never amen keep your hands lifted please father we thank you and we love you such an honor again to receive this harvest those who have come to jesus they have come truly to acknowledge and to declare your lordship you are able to save to the uttermost by the authority of scripture i declare unto you every one of you standing here that your sins are forgiven and in the name of jesus we declare that you are recipients of this life of god the power to live above sin satan hell the grave that power is released upon you i commend you to the ministry of the holy spirit and the ministry of the world may you be built and established in righteousness in jesus name i pray amen and amen again like we did yesterday please i'd like you to turn back there is an official who is holding the new convert placard please just follow them let's celebrate them follow them they will just talk with you briefly and you'll be back to your seat briefly and you'll be back to your seat can you spend five minutes let me just charge us with a scripture my god i couldn't even share what i came here to share again hebrews chapter 4 and verse 16. let's let's just even if he's just to touch it and then to declare i was glad when they said unto me has god blessed someone today [Music] it says let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy everybody say obtain mercy another word for obtained mercy is receive mercy and find grace to help in the time of need there are three words that i would have discussed number one is obtain mercy that mercy is a gift it's a gift that can be received it's a gift that can be rejected number two the bible says there is a point on a period in a man's life called the time of need [Music] the time of need what time is that in a man's life that the bible calls the time of need and then number three the bible tells you where both mercy and grace reflects it says the throne the throne when you come boldly before the throne you encounter mercy you encounter grace that helps in time of need what is the time of need the time of need is any time you are buffeted by and with situations and circumstances that defy the word of god in your life the moment of sickness is a time of need the moment of frustration is a time of need the moment of spiritual degradation is a time of need listen carefully the moment of prayerlessness is a time of need the moment of national chaos is a time of need the moment of an onslaught of attacks from all kinds of spirits is a time of need it says to come before the throne of grace that you may obtain mercy to receive mercy when you come no matter what your prayer request is god answers you by giving you mercy and giving you grace it's amazing are we together now now [Music] some of you have children and it will soon be december and even though they don't do it so much again that's what they call for the christmas that man that sits down whoever it is just wears a regalia and he has all kinds of gifts is that true some may be bald all these glasses that children use during christmas this spiderman kind of glasses they have all kinds of gifts now as soon as they come to greet him there is a reward he gives to them and then they pass through the other door there are others who don't even care about him they walk straight to the gift they first direct them to him is that true he's the one who gives it just because you see where it is does not mean you pick it they come and they greet him he smiles with them and he picks it and gives to them sometimes they give the children and they cry that they don't like what they were giving because their eyes are on something else but here is a scripture that blesses us i just use that as an example that every time there is need when you come to jesus before the throne he does not have so many things he gives you the only thing he will give you regardless the need is mercy and then when you obtain mercy you will say take grace to go it is done this is a powerful mystery so for those who are sick when you come to the throne lord i am sick it's not really healing that he gives you he gives you mercy and then he gives you grace and as you go just like water was turned to wine the mercy the grace now is interpreted as healing for those who feel ministry is not going i'm not doing anything that is a time of need and when you come before him god does not give you strategies you think you receive strategy but what you really received is mercy and then grace that helps you it helps you by now becoming what you are really looking for that mercy and grace can translate into wisdom and now bring you direction that mercy and grace can translate into ideas that bring wealth so the bible leaves us with an instruction the first thing you need to ask is am i in a time of need if you are not in a time of need you don't have any business with the throne but when you have this season in your life called the time of need the bible says to come boldly with confidence knowing that there is a covenant remember our discussion yesterday knowing that there is a covenant a covenant that binds you and god a covenant that insists that you do not fall you do not falter you don't fail it is called the short message of david and here paul is teaching the hebrew church let us not let me so this blessing is not for priests this blessing is not for men of god this blessing is for everyone let us therefore in conclusion learn to come boldly to the throne and that we will obtain mercy the first thing you obtain from god is mercy mercy when you obtain mercy then you will find grace that means grace remains missing until mercy opens your eyes to see it are we together now the bible did not say obtain grace he says find grace [Music] so mercy is like it's like a a google that you wear and then you will find grace this scripture was adopted in the life of heger when she left abraham is that true when she was banished hega and ishmael she was in the desert there was an oasis there to quench her test but she could not see it and the bible says she cried on to god and the young lad cried interestingly god had only the voice of the young god why because the young god was connected to abraham and there was a covenant so it was a covenant that god had not just the voice of the baby a baby christ an adult christ god only hears the baby and now he comes and says hey god what is it and he said she ran away from her mistress etc etc and then he now says she should go back and submit to her mistress and she will prosper and then as a result of that encounter she found mercy and all of a sudden she saw an oasis grace that she went and got water even in the wilderness the same thing happened with abraham himself there was a lamb there and yet he could not see it but when he obtained mercy he says look and he found it one of the things that the mercy of god does is to open the door for you to find grace if the mercy of god is not administered in your life you may never find grace i wish i had the time to teach what i had planned teaching this morning i would have taken you to the book of revelations 5 and i would have shown you something very powerful there but my my church as we pray our time is gone is that every time there is a time of need in your life for some of you now is that time of need there's all kinds of catastrophe around your life there's all kinds of financial needs spiritual needs all kinds of needs the moment you find out that you are in a time of need please leave it for us again hebrews chapter four that's my final church the moment there is a time of need in your life the bible says to come boldly before the throne of grace what do you do receive that gift of mercy bound by a covenant but it is a gift to you and every gift must be received to work for you i can give you something and you can reject it jesus offers the gift of himself the holy spirit offers the gift of himself god offers the gift of his mercy he says to obtain mercy when you obtain mercy you can find grace grace that manifests as wisdom grace that manifests as speed grace that manifests as greater anointing grace that manifests us all kinds of things and i promised us that we're going to wrap up with an impartation our time is up i will just speak over our lives but it is because of this time of need that men like david sought god they understood that every time you were in a time of need you would see david oh lord you are my god see some 63 only will i seek you my heart that is the time of need my soul longs for you it says my my my soul test for you to see your power and your glory as i have seen in the sanctuary psalm 89 when you read from verse 20 21 down to 24 it says i have found my servant david i found him he says and with my holy oil have i anointed him he came to me declaring his need he found mercy but mercy was not where he stopped mercy opened the door for him to find this grace called the anointing and he says 21 it says with whom my hand shall be established my arm also shall strengthen him he says verse 22 now the enemy shall not exact upon him why he has obtained mercy he has found grace nor the son of wickedness afflict him 23 i will beat down his force before his face and played them that hit him next verse but my faithfulness and my my faithfulness and my shall be with him and as a result in my name shall his horn be exalted this was where my message would have come from that the covenant of mercy is also the covenant of dominion he says worthy is the lamb that was slain to receive for us and then there was a weeping i wept for no man was worthy to open the book and unlock the scroll and then he says weep not for the lion of the tribe of judah the root of david had prevailed and i looked upon his throne and he said i saw a lamb and though it had been slain having seven horns there is dominion connected to mercy by being slain he had seven horns perfect authority and seven eyes but we are going to pray [Music] the next two minutes i should be out of here your one prayer whilst you are seated is lord let me obtain mercy afresh and find grace because i am in a time of need the anointing is not just an empowerment alone is a response it's proof that god has shown you mercy and you have found grace lift your voice and pray in one minute lord i obtain mercy i obtain mercy like the bible says i come before you by faith i am in a time of need in my life i am truly in a time of need we prayed over the requests yesterday i am in a time of need i need help in time of need therefore i come to obtain this gift of mercy that i may find the anointing this grace called anointing this grace called faith this grace called favor this grace called speed it is your mercy that helps me find it without your mercy i will not find it hallelujah very powerful it was last year's conference i remember the messi conference last year and i believe it was all year before last and pastor poju was sharing here and he shared a very powerful scripture about lot in sodom and gomorrah teaching about the mercy of god and then the bible says how that when the angels came to visit lot and to warn him about the impending judgment on sodom and gomorrah the men wanted to lie with the angels and lord said no don't do this abomination i will even give you my daughters and they say no it's the man we want and the bible says the angels drew them to the door and struck them with blindness and then the bible says that they stood and wearied themselves in the in front of the door the door was there but they could not find a way to open it because the mercy of god was not there you now understand what it means to find grace if the mercy of god does not open your eyes you will not know where your favor is you will not know where your helpers are you will not know where your lifting is you will not even know who it is that should connect you to the next level of your life it is as you obtain mercy suddenly that blindness will go away and you will be able to find grace let me declare over your life because you have obtained mercy in the name of jesus who is the son of the living god from tonight and all through the remaining part of this year find grace in time of name find grace to help in time of need for some of you after this service find this grace called speed for some of you find this grace called restoration for some of you find this grace called favor for some of you find this grace called the gift of man [Music] for some of you find this grace called the healing anointing for some of you find this grace called influence and visibility [Music] for some of you find this grace called wisdom for some of you find this grace called longevity for some of you find this grace called ease for some of you find this grace called fruitfulness for some of you find this grace called fire and hunger for god for some of you find this grace that activates the gift of the spirit in your life for some of you find this grace called divine health hear me every expression of grace that you need in this time of need i declare may the mercy of god open that door for you to see it may the mercy of god open that door for you to find it and for everyone who is a walker and everyone who is part of this god-given vision that god has given his servant and the wife i stand in agreement with your pastor and i declare your labor of love fasting all through and praying and preparing in the name that is above all names i decree and declare obtain mercy find grace obtain mercy find grace in the name of jesus may that grace manifest our supernatural jobs may that grace manifest as supernatural opportunities may that grace manifest as open doors in the name of jesus and for us many of you who have come because the lord sent you here and told you that this is the place of your planting my bible declares that day that be planted in the house of god that they shall flourish in the court of our god that even in old age there will be fat and flourishing i decree and declare that as you plug yourself to this vision may the god of all grace who is able to make sufficient the grace that you need even in time of need may he show you both mercy and grace in the name of jesus christ in the name of jesus christ the lord bless you sir the lord increase you in jesus name [Music] you
Channel: Salvation TV
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Keywords: online sermon, apostle selman sermon, apostle joshua selman sermon, new sermon 2021, apostle joshua selman new sermon, youtube sermon, sermon on youtube, apostle joshua selman messages, apostle joshua selman nimmak messages, koinonia, apostle, joshua, selman, nimmak, prayer, apostle joshua selman, apostle joshua selman 2021, koinonia messages, download apostle joshua selman messages 2019, how to grow spiritually, god, how to desire greater glory, powerful prayer, prophetic prayer
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Length: 269min 3sec (16143 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 07 2021
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