ABLE TO LIFT YOU ABOVE ALL | Apostle Joshua Selman Sermon

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lift your voice in one minute and cry to the god of heaven visit me tonight give me an encounter with praying by the spirit of the lord move upon my life reveal your power once again [Music] someone is praying [Music] either to you have asked for nothing acts that you will receive that your joy may be complete for everyone that ask it receive it ye have not because he asked not hallelujah blessings to you please be seated [Music] we believe in miracles where ministry of signs and of wonders we believe that the power of god is able to provide supernatural solutions to the needs of men the god that we serve is not a theoretical god he is able to make himself real make himself alive in our midst hallelujah very quickly a charge before we get into the ministration we have to discern what miracles are about you know many times when we encounter the power of god we get healed we get blessed but we are unable to sustain that experience because miracles more than supernatural acts come with messages and we must discern what god is saying very quickly we must learn to discern miracles not only to receive them but to discern miracles number one miracles are a revelation and a confirmation of the father's love revealed in and through jesus christ you must understand this every time you see a miracle a supernatural manifestation of the hand of god upon a life a people whether it comes as a healing miracle whether it comes as deliverance whether it comes as breakthroughs open doors financial miracles liftings of all sorts the first message behind a genuine miracle is the love of god [Music] the apostle said the grace of our lord jesus christ he called it the love of god and even the fellowship of the holy spirit he says to abide with us now and forever 31 and verse 3 jeremiah 31 and verse 3 god is unashamed about his love here's what he says the lord has appeared of hold on to me saying yeah i have loved thee with an everlasting love therefore with loving kindness have i drawn you if we celebrate miracles and they do not draw us to understand the love of jesus then we failed to discern the miracles are we together the first revelation behind miracles it's not just that the man of god who was used is powerful it's not just that god is powerful but that god is love and the character of love john 3 16 is that it gives for god so loved the world that he gave his one and only begotten son is not the only thing he's given he that did not spare his son the bible says but offered him will he not much more with him so it's not only his son he gave alone there are many other things bless the lord o my soul and all that is within me bless his holy name bless the lord o my soul and forget not his benefits there are benefits jesus is the highest of the object if i would use that expression of the love of the father but it's not the only expression his many kindness mercies breakthroughs liftings favors these are expressions of his love in a few minutes now we're going to be celebrating the hand of god healing people delivering people lifting people but in the midst of that more than coinonia more than joshua salman see jesus speaking to you i have loved you with an everlasting love are we together romans chapter 8 and verse 35 paul was speaking and he said who shall separate us or what shall separate us from the love of god he begins to list several things shall tribulation or distress or persecution you know why he's saying this look at me every time we are played on every side whether financially whether in our health or whatever it is these things have a way of speaking speaking to our lives if god truly loves you why should he watch a family go through this if god truly loves you why should he allow your political career nose dive why the barriness satan is expert he knows how to use negative situations and circumstances to speak to the saints spiting the love and integrity of jesus so he says what shall separate us from the love of god shall tribulation or distress persecution or famine nakedness or peril or sword and then he says for your sake we are killed we are counted for this and that and next verse says it says me nay in the midst of this in all these things we are more than conquerors not just by enduring them but by triumphing over them you are not just a conqueror when you end your pain and hardship you are conqueror when you triumph over it now thanks be to god which causes us always to triumph are we together in ephesians chapter 3 from verse 18 paul was mentoring the church in ephesus and he had this to say to them that they may be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breath the length the depth the height 19 and to know the love of christ the bible says that love surpasses the realm of knowledge [Music] are we together the love of jesus [Music] the epistle of john 1st john chapter 3 and verse 1 john the apostle said behold what manner of love look at the extent of love the father had bestowed upon us that we should be called sons of god behold what manner of love so when he heals when he delivers when he opens closed doors when he opens closed wounds when he promotes when he silences the voice of evil man speaking over your destiny when he overrides the nay sayings of ill speakers in it he is saying i love you the message is my love more than signs more than wonders there's something about the love the revelation of the love of jesus when you are aware that he loves you [Music] it does something to you it takes away fear because perfect love casts out fear the moment you do not dwell in the love of jesus you are afraid could it be god's will that i'm going through this could it be god's will he does he find joy watching me go through this pain but when you know that he loves you he loves you means that he defends your interest he loves you means he insists until your life becomes a reflection of his glory there are implications to love love is not an empty word love has consequences is risky to be in love there are consequences [Music] when you love you give when you love you sacrifice when you love you defend when you love you promote so when god says i love you he places his reputation on the line i love you means i can go so far to defend you carla bacociata i love you means i can go so far to protect you [Music] i believe in the love of jesus if there's one person i believe is loved by the father i can tell you i believe i am the one oh yes he loves me so miracles reveal the love of jesus you walk confident knowing that this one who is god ancient of days minister dunsin calls him yah is also my father and the lover of my soul committed to protecting me committed to seeing that no matter what comes my way eventually my life will sing his praises it's a powerful revelation he says for we know that all things all things work together for the good of not christians them that love the lord and those who are the called according to his purpose [Music] once there is love there here's one more information about love love never fails say it please one more time [Music] business people here's a correct formula add it to your understanding of business i think everybody wants something that does not fail [Music] there are strategies that we say never fail there are people we say never fail but the lord is teaching us anything that is failing in your life add love to it you have changed the equation love never fails [Music] love never fails why because god is love love never fails so when i dwell in love i am secured because i can never fail [Music] as you lift your crotch as you lift your wheelchair as your eyes open as your ears open as god restores finances supernaturally as god gives a job as god opens up doors as god connects you to your destiny helpers as god opens up your political career your business remember there are messages in those miracles so whilst you thank him for doing that thank him also for revealing his love jesus i see the handwriting of your love in my promotion [Music] i'm still interested in you in my lifting the man of god here when god brings increase multiplication to you he's saying i love you when god supplies for your needs he's saying i love you are we together the love of jesus is very powerful there are people tonight who will be saved who have never met jesus christ others will rededicate their lives to jesus it's a proof of his love looks like a simple message but is powerful the absence of the awareness of the love of jesus christ will give room for all kinds of oppression [Music] are we blessed the second revelation very quickly miracles reveal the lordship and the power of god miracles reveal the lordship the lordship psalms 24 and verse 1 says the earth is the lord it lists four things and it says it belongs to god psalms 24 and verse 1 the earth is the lord's number two the fullness of that earth that means the resources pay attention the earth the physical territory is the lord's [Music] the fullness you can rent a house the house is the landlord's but what is inside can be your own so just because you the landlord has the house does not mean he has what is in the house so please keep that scripture there let me explain something here the bible is taking time to explain everything that is god's own on earth so that you find out when satan says something is mine you verify from this list and ask him where did that come from so the earth is the lord the earth means the rocks the wind so if he's using it for an enchantment against you you have a right to say based on what the earth the elements the elements are the lord's khabarovsk so when you use a stone or a rock or water or any enchantments against me you are making a mistake because i know the owner there is a relationship there is an understanding between me and the owner get what i'm telling you you have to understand this the earth is the lord's this is a manifesto here number two the fullness this earth is full there are resources it says out of the earth comes bread [Music] the fullness the resources the natural resources this does not just mean the resources alone the opportunities that are in that place belong to god many of you do not know the older the you don't know that opportunities are commodity in the spirit opportunities are access for a new season there is someone who holds it like opportunity like holding a card an atm card he can give men the fullness thereof the walls and then them if he only had the fullness the walls and he did not own them will still be in trouble because the them that are in the earth this human species they are the real source of most of this trouble so we need to know if he also has control over those men because there are men who are gatekeepers they can sit down and say nobody from this family will get a job they would have been right except for the fact that there is one called the father of spirits do you know what that means every spirit on earth is subject to his back and call when he calls you you must hear him [Applause] ask pharaoh what came upon him after 430 years that charm-like effect on pharaoh he caught up and said take gold take silver it was a miracle enough to let them go but god said let me show you that just because you own his place in my property the earth is the lord and he commanded pharaoh and pharaoh gave the resources and them that dwell there in his oh [Music] miracles validate that jesus is lord the lordship lordship means he's his owner you will never get a job in abuja you'll never get a contract you will never get that political position there is a way we do it you may be right but don't let the lord speak because when he speaks let me tell you this [Music] he is able to overturn anything you say before he speaks you are wasting your time [Music] because when he speaks if one plus one is supposed to be two it is two only when god has not spoken [Music] one plus one plus god is equal to the answer he puts there whatever he puts there he can make one plus one plus him equal to one million because he's called i am [Music] so your small effort plus your little or no connection now you are adding god to it this night you wait and see what the answer becomes oh yes sir oh that warm jacob weak person yes you are weak yes from a weak family but add god to that equation and watch what the answer becomes the lordship of jesus revealed through signs and wonders you don't clap for people when things happen naturally do you clap for me for walking it is natural to walk why should you clap when i'm walking it's human to walk but when an agency leaves me beyond that which is affordable as far as the world of men is concerned then he is glorified many of you by the power of the holy spirit this night the holy ghost will pick you on a flight [Applause] [Music] and distinguish you in a way that by the time you return when men are saying what happened you will also join them and say honestly if i tell you i know the entire calculation i will be lying the only thing i know is that in the midst of my effort my confusion and whatever god stepped in and changed the answer you know we just finished a series on the mysteries of the kingdom so we are not ignorant people we understand the laws of the spirit however in the dealings of god there is peace for his sovereignty he can choose [Music] he can choose as an act of his sovereignty to veto whatever is happening or not happening and just say i have decided that in this family i have come to them and he will lift you [Music] god is able to do that listen listen listen listen principles are powerful and will continue to honor principles but whilst you honor principles keeping space in your mind that the god we're talking about is not a robot el shaddai listen let me tell you how powerful god is this may be the road to your miracle the road to your result are we together now and others are following it you may follow this sincerely believing you are right god will take that thing and bring it here to make sure that you get it right he does not only lead you to the right place he can bring the right place to you listen when the bible says for we know i hope you know when you miss a road you are in trouble you are in trouble because of the destination there are times god moves you to the destination but there are times he moves the destination to you [Applause] he's still the same god [Music] i believe this about him because many of you already if god is to turn you back from where you are it will take another five years to catch up with where you should be so he will take it whatever you would have met he will come and put it this is what speed is about this is what restoration is about [Music] the lordship one more time we need to let this our arrogant earth know that jesus is still lord because sometimes just because he's quiet men make a lot of boastful statements politically economically [Music] when a great man keeps quiet you should find out why so god keeps quiet for many years while people make noise and beat their chest and said over my dead body if anybody rises in this family and then one day god says are you done with your rubbish let me show you that i am god he will pick the weakest and lift that person you will not even know while you are rising you will be finding out as you rise because you are not sure you see when others are clapping and saying i know how i came here for you your only answer would be your knees to say lord i can't say i truly understand how this happened i only know i started and then i was preached by the wings of the spirit listen this is how some of us got here [Music] there are questions we cannot answer we replace the answer with yeah every time we are confused how did you rise like this i just know that i believe scripture but there is a there is there is a complicated calculation that i do not know [Applause] war betrayed a man who can explain everything about his lifting is not god that lifted you whether political there must be a gap that only the size of god can feel in your story there must be if it's god no matter how you calculate it there must be a space where you will tell people honestly this is where i stop i don't know how this one happened [Applause] [Music] he does it like that so that men will fear him the sovereignty of god should not replace our loyalty to principles but let me tell you this the best of us in obeying these principles will still default because we are humans so while he's watching you his his power is trailing you and when he looks at you and he sees that time is going and the unit of destiny is time he will say son let me pick you and this is how he will carry you let me speak to someone this night already in the name of jesus who is the lifter of men i declare and declare in no time your world will look at you with shock and wonder may the lifter of men lift you may the lifter of men lift you please sit down we're going to pray shortly one area i know where only god can truly explain is the lifting of men there is a science to wealth and prosperity you can sit down provide value here and there and then you just have resources but when it has to do with lifting the variables are many you can do everything right and you are ready for promotion and someone says because you are this tribe or this gender i had a problem with your father because he died since he's not around you are the one who paid the price and god says who is who is who is attempting to be me there do you believe what i'm sharing tonight because you see sometimes believers become so afraid just because of the things men say oh you won't rise oh come on we're talking god every one of us seated here respectfully speaking and i mean i do not mean to insult your pedigree in any way but every one of us seated here was once a baby in the hands of a woman [Music] none of us here is an ancient of days even satan is older than us but there is an ancient monarch he's been sitting for a very long time he has watched proud kings rise and fall he has watched humble people from their lowly assets he's lifted he has watched this thing he's seen poor people lifted in one day he's seen men in samaria say if god opens his window so when god says by tomorrow monday you will return rejoicing be careful to not make the mistake that was made in sumeria [Music] listen to me believe us the god we serve is not a governor the god we serve is not a president and there's nothing wrong with this the god we serve is not an ambassador of a place the god we serve was not given land to occupy he was not voted into power you have to understand this about god the bible says in the beginning not from the beginning we don't even know what happened when moses was writing he said where do i start this from he just said in the beginning he couldn't have said from the beginning in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth where was he before he created them because he was not in the heavens he was not in the earth the word eternity means the summation of infinite dispensations we do not even know which one we are with respect to his blueprint the devil that you are talking about read your bible there was a time when he was not part of the equation [Music] this is how genuine bible faith comes when you take away your eyes for as long as you keep looking at that cancer you are going to see a legitimate medical report you will see testimonies for as long as you look at that financial situation the three uncles that will help you have vowed that is better for them to die than help you so already you know that nobody is coming to help you there [Music] then you come to god and god says please i have spoken once i don't speak twice one here again [Music] [Applause] [Music] the monarch i have watched how we celebrate kings on earth i've had the honor and the privilege of meeting a few and i am amazed at the skill and the energy that is invested to force us to believe that they are great people some people can use the skill of a shout [Music] held the king and they push and slog you away no matter who you are clear the way for the king whether it's euro by evil or in the north here the emirates systems we watch the way we celebrate kings nothing matters when they are coming you get out of the way or they deal with you decisively and whilst the man is watching they find him held the king and he's smiling this is a human being not a spirit and we fund them and then he looks at people and says by tomorrow give these people rice and everybody is jumping because a man spoke [Music] bless you they know he's rich they don't even know how much yet the man himself is still looking for money the man himself may still be having problems in his house but just with respect to what he has we celebrate before you receive from god find out who is talking to you find out who is saying i will bless you find out who is saying i will exalt you above the nations of the earth did he not know that visa is hard when he spoke did he not know that your loved ones may have gone and left you alone hebrews 11 and verse 6 he that comment to him must come believing two things number one hebrews 11 6 please give it to us that he is that means he exists some of you are yet to be shot this god is he really alive he wants to answer you tonight because you've been asking that thing for a long time number two he exists but he's also a rewarder he wraps himself in lines and darkness tries to hide they tremble at his voice how great [Music] is [Music] abraham [Music] come out of your father's house as a visionless idol worshipper and all of the chaldeans come i will make you great i will make your name great bless them that bless you cause them that cost you indeed shall all the families of the earth be blessed and that farmer got up not knowing where he was going i believe you one step after another until he truly became the father of nations he met a little village girl called hadassah wondering what to make out of her life and she just heard that the king was looking for a queen and the uncle said you try who knows but while she was there other women were talking about what they thought would qualify them but she went to hey guy the keeper of the king's virgins he said you know the king what does he want and he said do you want me to tell you there is an oil i will give you rub on your body for one year after that you go and stand if it has to do with the king it cannot be natural let this oil smell it on yourself and yet there was a king who built a statue of ninety feet and said when you pass blow the trumpet everybody bow worship me and three hebrew boy said king we are not lawless citizens we only have a superior revelation when it has to do with this matter king you are great but you are a great man [Applause] and they made the fire seven times hotter when they jumped into it all of a sudden they saw four men the appearance of the fourth was like the son of the living god where they know three people who were here [Music] and they came out and because of that a decree was written a king wanted to be god he turned into an animal a king wanted to be god he died and maggots came out immediately in his body god knows how to bring men down but god knows how to lift men up you can choose what group you want to belong to and let me tell you the formula you want him to bring you down the secret is pride the arrow can't refuse to acknowledge that he's the given and then you he will know how to teach you a lesson there you want lifting there is a key to humble yourself to humble yourself means to acknowledge [Music] you are lifter every time i have the opportunity to thank to talk to the lord i spend my time thanking him and say lord look what you can do with those who fear you with those who trust you with those who believe you for some of you i'm not wasting your time we're going to pray this is a word for you some of you you came here and you think you are just a number in the crowd but watch the god who lived i don't know why the holy ghost is speaking about lifting this night you hear me say it again lifting do you know what it means to lift to take you above your current realm of existence above your current realm of realities if you don't believe god is a lifter you will really suffer in this life everything that is alive grows [Music] lift her [Music] god can lift he can change levels when it happens in our world we have all kinds of cliches we say mr man you are no longer what you used to do you are now richer or better or whatever it is i have told you here we don't serve god because of all these things but to believe that it does not do them it's another kind of falsehood [Music] you are not holier than the god who wants to lift and prosper forever our passion is to seek him for who he is not for money not for lifting but your heavenly father knows that you need these things if you don't know it he's informing you now that you need it you need financial resources brothers and sisters at greater levels [Music] you need lifting you need favor of all kinds of prejudices there has to be a spiritual advantage it's one thing to have what to give but until the lifter lifts you the reason why all of you can see me is because this platform has lifted me i will never stop at this level i am nobody will preach me to believing it is the will of god to remain here no the path of the just is as a shining light [Music] it shines brighter and brighter [Music] you should not come and find me where you met me yesterday i shouldn't come and find you where i met you yesterday listen let me tell you this we're going to pray shortly there are territorial spirits that operate in our regions and their assignment is to make people look like the city have you seen people like that they go to school they do everything but the same way these things are old the same way the buildings are old you go back to that city after 15 years no growth and the city the spirits in those regions turn you to become like that let me tell you a testimony many years ago i was in this city and i took a cab and we got talking with the man true story the man was driving me and i engaged him in a conversation and he began to talk and he he said something that i thought was very interesting he said oh god that there is a spirit in this city that makes money not stay in the hands of people so that he went somewhere also and someone gave him an advice that every time he receives money he should run out of abuja and that now he has built a house it was not what he was saying i was saying ah so there is a spirit that can make you keep earning five hundred thousand every month and at the end of the year your life looks like yesterday it's a spirit a true church must preach christ including his desire to empower men including his desire to lift man including his desire to bring acceleration the only thing we need to do is to reprioritize our focus so that in the midst of it jesus is exalted above all but to ignore these things in an attempt to say jesus is above all is a costly mistake that we spend our lifetime paying for but this night the lifter wants to speak the lifter wants to lift man and when god talks of lifting there are forces that make for lifting one of them is humility the other is favor [Music] favor can lift let's start chapter 2 and verse 15 then verse 17. ernesto obtained favor in the sight of all them that looked upon her verse 17 the lifting power of favor and the king loved esther above all the women and she obtained grace and favor in his sight more than all the virgins so that he set the royal crown upon her head and made her queen instead of vashti are you ready to pray [Music] i made up my mind that i'm not the one who will stop any good thing god wants to do in my life lord if you want to bless me religion will not stop me from receiving it if you choose to honor me glory be to your name my only vow is that in it you will be glorified and you will be seen but to reject it because of foolishness and ignorance i will not be part of that everything that comes from god is good it is perfect if it kills you it mingled with flesh it's not because it came from god if money destroys you it's not that money is bad is that your unrenewed mind and your lack of surrender mixed with that money and it became something else that god did not give there is nothing in itself that kills the state of your heart is what makes any good thing kill prosperity does not destroy [Music] many people preach against prosperity for instance and yet they are looking for money yet they have needs yet they have children we are not talking about self-aggrandizement no there are more important kingdom things what of the lifting imagine that god leaves you now and you become captain over a parasite imagine how many people will be blessed because of it you see the moment you are selfish you will never see a need to do more and be more but when you become selfless you will know that god you have blessed me but is this all i can be [Music] he's anointed me and i'm grateful to him but i continue to tell him lord if ever you are looking for someone to carry a greater level of grace for the nations you have helped me but i still am available i am not available so that people will come and say joshua selma no no if 10 people are sick and seven are healed what if your relative is part of the three that are not healed imagine returning from a service i heard you came for coinonia what happened i'm sorry we celebrated miracles but i was not there because of those three we will celebrate and then return back and say lord there is still more there is still more hear me perhaps last miracle service you came and you celebrated what god was doing in the lives of people healings and miracles and you went back and it didn't seem like anything happened now it's another opportunity but you must be very very discerning [Music] you must be very very discerning are we together now discern make up your mind that i will not be careless no i will be discerning you can be in the presence of god and it will be like genesis 28. the lord was in this place and i knew not this is holding my trouser again praise the lord are we together when it is time to pray you must pray from the depth of your heart lord i desire more power more grace you have called me to the ministry of kingdom wealth i make up my mind thank god for what you have given me but i have not yet been able to give a billionaire for the gospel i'm not there thank god you have made me a politician i thank you for my political career but i'm unable to serve to the degree that brings you glory in this position exalt me more so your desire is now sincere and god says for me let's go and while he's saying let's go many people are saying be careful if you rise we keep telling people be careful and the devil keeps lifting people who when they go there they force us to serve god wants to exalt people god wants to if you are not interested there are many others who are genuinely interested as for me and my house lord everything that you can give me that will bring you glory my hands are opened to receive it and it is for your glory you are in ministry refuse inferior levels of the anointing thank god for it but it will only lead you to a level of struggle one headache per year no you are in business thank god going up and down tomorrow balloon success you before you finish celebrating you are in trouble again you have to trust god for grace to be consistent to enter into a sabbath where you can become a blessing are we together yes i vow the vow to god that i will never lead a people who are just spiritually sound i believe in influence influence is the ability to compel a territory to buy into your convictions based on the excellency of the results that come from your life [Music] influence is powerful we can make jesus lifted unknown through influence there are two tools that bring for kingdom advance one is evangelism and thrones christ in the heart of man the second is influence it institutionalizes god consciousness across a territory nobody will follow people without results you've heard me say that people love you but they love themselves too if you are not producing results nobody is going to waste this time and i cried to god i said lord don't send me with only a salmon the world that that needs you needs more than a salmon we need to see a demonstration of the power the grace of god ladies and gentlemen i want you to know three things number one jesus is lord number two he trained us well number three sit back and watch the wonder working power of god tonight as he heals as he delivers oh we dare to say it with every sense of confidence as touching the grace that has been given to us please rise up on your feet you will never be the same you've touched his grace your life has changed you will never be the same [Music] in one minute let your expectations rise to heaven please go ahead jesus is here jesus is lord all over the nations follow with hunger in your heart please lift your hand everyone lift your foot up a god hallelujah genesis 21 from verse one and two the last prayer point and we pray and the lord visited joshua salman as he has said and the lord did unto joshua salman as he has spoken the bible says sarah conceived you don't have to be a woman to conceive this kind of conception there are visions there are things you can carry your mind is a womb too and bear abrahamic son even in old age at the set time which the lord god has spoken further as you have spoken to to me as you have spoken to me tonight hallelujah press the name of the lord i'm seeing people laughing in the spirit hold on hold on hold on hold on the power of god is going to come on those people this is very strange but i want you to carry them and bring them out like an outburst of holy laughter there is a prophecy for them bring them out this is a ministry of signs and wonders there is nothing superstitious here it is the mighty act of god in the midst of his people bring them the bible says the shouts of joy and victory shall not depart from the tent of the writers please bring them [Music] an outburst of laughter is not something you can control [Music] god of heaven [Music] these people are not this is not just a some canal manifestation god is establishing great victories in their lives hallelujah victoria i'm hearing the name victoria who is victoria i presume there may be many people with that name but i want to speak to you now hold on please don't don't run for yourself [Music] where are you coming from mama where are you coming from i am from carduna i want to pray for you the power of god is coming on one of you here help them please please don't come out carelessly don't come out carelessly if you don't have any business coming out please there's order in the house of god inasmuch as these are manifestations don't worry god is going to visit you we're not wasting our time [Music] i'm hearing the name olusegun or lucia gundy say your robot name olusegun you are wearing a short dress a short-handed dress is that someone like that or luchago who is that what's your name from where from i want to pray for you what do you do sir i want to pray you heard what i was teaching about lifting this what is going to happen to you [Applause] my friend believe god god is the lifter of man hallelujah mama please lay your hand on i hope you're not embarrassed can i talk to you [Music] i want to rebuke bp high blood pressure high blood pressure i want to rebuke it in the name of jesus christ now something is about to happen here now please look at me everybody pay attention let me explain before it happens you see the apostolic and the prophetic call if and when administered within the boundary of scripture and with spiritual intelligence outside of superstition and rubbish and nonsense when it is administered within the boundary of scripture can work wonders and you have to be flexible when you are in an apostolic and a prophetic atmosphere in as much as scripture remains the basis of all that we do the dynamics of its operation the bible says there are diversities of gifts are we together now there are diversities even of operation now i confess to you the world is watching and i want to say something before i pray there are certain gifts and manifestations that god has put upon my life [Music] that i was almost tempted to shelf them for a while until i studied through scripture or in the life of day that have gone ahead of us so that would not bring arrow in the body but i said such such and i did not really find anyone i know operating this dimension of what what is about to happen and because of that i went to scripture and then i found out that there were things that were hidden that were not known in time past but that in these days god had revealed them who his apostles and prophets the lord would open my eyes and show me the map of a nation or the map of a city and i would see light will point a particular region and the moment i announce it all the people from that region the power of god begins to touch them this is a sign and a wonder when it started in my life i said what is the meaning of this are we together now and i'm saying that because this is what i'm seeing i'm now seeing that vision right now of a map and the light of god is touching kogi state it's what i'm saying listen help them please you see what i'm saying kodi state kogi state bring them out [Applause] kogi state god is bringing deliverance there are foundations there are altars that have tied the destinies of men down in the name of jesus i come by the apostolic and the prophetic here are these miracle services kogi state doesn't matter what local government in the name of jesus by the power that raised christ from the dead we arrest everything please don't come out on your own police [Music] in the name of jesus [Music] hallelujah these things are manifestations of the spirit it is to profit the believers hear me accept god is not god everything that followed you here this night to turn your destiny i declare by the power of the holy ghost [Music] help them please he must let you go now he must let you go now covenant he must let you go now yokes of ancestry he must let you go now in the name of jesus christ hallelujah now there is someone here in politics the power of god is coming on you i'm not i'm not a politician i don't play politics i'm a man of god but i love politicians i love great people i don't run away from them who are sent to minister to them but there is a politician right now i'm talking the power of god is coming on the person just hold the person i want to prophesy if that is a woman just hold that i want to speak to her because i'm seeing her climb a ladder there is a strange political door that is about to open up for her listen this is the house of god it's impossible to come here and return back minister duncan already told us here i am that i am let me use please just rest you don't have to just take it easy with her [Music] i don't know who she is but just help her please that's all right we are hold out there please don't worry you don't have to just keep her there you don't have to lift her just keep her there madam we respect you we do not insult your pedigree in any way is just to speak over your life in the name of jesus christ i come i use as a point of contact i don't know why god is speaking to those who are politicians if you are in politics here and you are being grounded by any reason i stand in the name of jesus you see every state rises based on the king priest prophet formation the king priest prophet formation i declare in the name of jesus everyone here politically may my god lift you to the next level may my god lift you to the next level by the power that raised jesus from the dead [Music] and now job ana or joe is there a name like that ojo what's your name ah gift is the mic working what's your name from where kogi state stand here i want to pray for you you believe in jesus where are you coming from [Music] in the name of jesus christ i pray for you every door that has been closed over your family i'm speaking to you now in the name of jesus who is the son of the living god may that door be open now all of you who are standing here my dear shout jesus as loud as you can you [Music] that's the name that is above every other name i pray for all of you who are here everything holding you down right now i speak in jesus name let it let you go now he must let you go by the power that raised christ from the dead the lord wants to set a family free i'm seeing that the men in that family keep dying this is what i'm seeing this is a pattern all the men something continues to happen to them remember that happened to the widow at name her husband died her only son died please return back to your seat rejoicing madame can i pray for you yes hold on please where are you coming from [Music] oh i see god bless you man you're welcome this is koinonia in the name of jesus i stretch my hands i'm seeing chains around your chest and your hand in jesus name help her please look at this out of her now [Applause] give jesus christ it's over forever mama god bless you you return back hallelujah sir can i talk to you this man on black wearing the nose mask please come i hope you are not embarrassed where are you coming from sir i want to pray for you i'm seeing you trying to climb the ladder and the ladder is breaking i'm bringing you down and the lord is saying to prophesy to you so that he will rise this is what i'm seeing you believe that in the name of jesus i stretch my hands i decree and declare the power that lifts by the god of heaven may that grace come upon you may that grace come upon you and you will rise in a way that will surprise you in the name of jesus christ in the name of jesus christ now i want to pray the bible says even the lawful captives hold on do you know what it means to be a lawful captive to be a lawful captive means there is a legitimate ground upon the which the devil is taking advantage of you but he says even the lawful captive this is strange there is a man of god you're a ministry you're going to run out now by the power of god just hold the person and bring the person here you're in ministry we're going to pray there will be a massive deliverance here right now deliverance means a separation between you and the obstacle that stands your way it doesn't have to be a spirit it can be a mountain once it's an obstacle it must go where is the i just want to speak over the i'm seeing a man of god that it takes more than sincere desire to do ministry it takes the power of the holy spirit father help him grant him the grace to do ministry with integrity and in the name of jesus look at me sir you love god and i love you but your spirit man is very weak in the name of jesus strength for you strength through prayer strength through the word strength through spiritual exercises receive an impartation now of fresh grace you will return back and the work will begin to speak in the name of jesus christ as powerful as jesus is he needed john to open his heavens even if you're a midwife there are times that you will not be the one to give back you will need somebody to help you are we together now let's pray at the count of three i wanted to shout the name jesus inside here following online at the overflow when we shout this name we let the nations know that he's the doer of these things now the moment we shout that name listen to me there are chains and there are yokes that have tied people down some of you as you are standing you are representing families at this shout the fire from heaven will fall upon you please i want you to bring them out bring your various overflows just bring them outdoors and the balcony please be careful so that you don't just fall from there are we together now father you anointed us and you call this a miracle there are men and women who have been under yokes of bondage all kinds bondages of delay bondages of retrogression the ill speakings of people and the bible declares for this purpose was the son of god made manifest that he may destroy the works of the evil one therefore lord as we lift up this shout the healer the same way the walls of jericho fell let everything that does not name the name of christ give way are you ready now at the count of three one two three shout jesus i command every power i command every force bring them out every yoke of ancestry holding god's people down in the name of jesus the son of the living god be broken now be broken now be broken now be broken now my god wherefore god are so highly exalted him and given him a name and office above every other office above trolls above dominion i declare every power holding you down bring them out that power is dislodged now what you pray please bring them out here some of you are representing families god is asking me to pray the power of god is going to come upon you but it's not just for yourself it's for your entire family lord every family represented here marcatoscaper that is under any kind of yoke i declare by the spirit of god in the name of jesus christ that york is broken now broken now broken now broken now there are people here every time good things are about to manifest you keep walking but just when it's about to happen you may go back and have dreams and encounters and wake up and you will have bought precious things shaba katakata embrace basically anyone here that experiences failure just at the edge of breakthrough may fire fall upon you now may fire fall upon you now may fire fall upon you now in the name of jesus christ [Music] who is like him lion and the lamb seated on the throne mountains bow down every ocean road to the lord of lords we will pray heart of night from the rising of the sun to the end of every day hallelujah elijah [Music] i'm hearing the name elijah elijah we're going to pray for the sick shortly please stretch your hands towards me i just saw something in the spirit if you can just stretch your hands towards me i saw a vision and i'm seeing what looks like a bag being given to people and the lord is telling me this is i'm seeing written on it good news i'm seeing the number 71. just stretch your hands towards me father hold on please from my left to my right everyone who must receive this inside outside right now i stretch my hands may that anointing come upon you help them please in the name of jesus sounds of good news sounds of good things sounds of good help them some of you knew that you have been waiting for for many years many years suddenly certainly god is breaking it by the power of the holy ghost certainly what do you do you are elijah what do you do you're a pastor where you have your own church can i pray for you you are elijah [Music] hold on please don't mr man i'm seeing fire coming on you now take that grace in the name of jesus you will never be the same again in the name of jesus christ pastor can i pray for you listen we are co-laborers and god granted us grace to help one another are we together now i stretch my hands towards you by the power that raised christ from the dead in the name of jesus may the lord anoint you may your ministry step into profound dimensions of signs and wonders in the name of jesus christ hallelujah my god please look up i'm seeing a very interesting vision the lord just opened my eyes and i saw a grave and i saw it open and i saw things not people things that are there coming out i'm declaring to someone [Applause] this is not just restoration this is the resurrection there are some of you they've concluded things about you about your family about businesses i call upon my god everything that has been buried over your destiny that you will not rise conclusions made kappa over your family i call upon my god who is your god talitakumi that which is dead come back to life salita kumi that which is dead come back to life help them please every family dying businesses dying families come back to life by the power of the holy ghost hallelujah i'm hearing your name sign up i pray for all of you in the name of jesus christ may the power that raised christ from the dead rest upon you my dear this lady shout jesus as loud as you can [Applause] my friend what do you do sageboard you're a sales boy yes where equal boy i'm selling guys you're selling guys will you believe what i will tell you yes go and register a company god is taking you into oil and gas stand up my friend we are not entertainers so we fear god i will not stand here and rubbish myself in the presence of those people i want to pray for you it will not happen now but it's going to happen be faithful this is 13 years even if it is three months in the name of jesus baroness dies now very nice dies now gary ness dies now in the name of jesus christ [Music] madam i pray for you according to the time of life in the name that is above all names go and tell your husband that he had this miracle service the lord has brought visitation for you in the name of jesus christ help her please praise the lord why is she here your name is enough you too huh i'm a muslim you call me last week you're a muslim it doesn't matter you're welcome this is god's house huh there's no prejudice god bless you whether we love everyone buddhist muslim whatever you are you just come one guarantees that you will not go back the way you came that's the deal but you are welcome you come the way you are i want to pray for you zainab in the name of jesus christ may the lord bring a visitation for your family a supernatural visitation everyone trusting god for a job i just saw something now please believe you are trusting god for a job wherever your job is in the name of jesus christ may god take you there right now i decree and declare by the power that raised christ from the dead some of you by this time next week i stand by the god of my covenant and i declare by this time next week may god surprise you you will come and stand here and you will testify of the marvelous hand of god in the name of jesus christ hallelujah we're going to pray for the sick shortly i'm hearing the name pious who is pious pious you are pious you're a walker here you're a new security here it's still the same thing all this ministry doesn't whether you're a walker you know most times people have a cliche in churches that walkers don't receive anything only other people know this once jesus shows up including me who is speaking every body you will swim in that river and you receive are we together i want to pray for you in the name of jesus christ i declare by the power of the holy spirit no the pious i'm seeing is wearing white like me like this this is what you are wearing you're surprised this is the place of this is the place of surrender sir don't worry i'll still pray for you if we love our workers you are faithful how could i'm just trying to say that this is what's not the word you understand but it means that listen whether god gives you a prophetic word in your ears or not the prophecy of scripture is valid you can use the prophecy of scripture and prophesy to yourself and it will happen the same way prophet spoke to you no matter how accurate what we say is we still see in part the word of god scripture must be exalted above every gift and every prophetic word this becomes your comfort that even though we may not have the time to mention everybody's name and even if there is time we do not have the bible says do i speak with tongues of men and angel do i understand all visions and all of that were limited but it's for you to believe sir i want to pray for you where are you coming from sir abuja here can i pray for you god is lifting people this is what i'm seeing god is lifting people [Music] god is showing me someone you work in civil defense it's time for your lifting this is this is civil defense [Music] civil defense now [Music] madam you walk with civilians i will pray for you but is there anybody on the balcony that works in civil defense this is what i'm seeing this is a lady or not a man is that someone like that balcony hope find out find out first where where were you sitting come come understand this is the place of encounter [Music] hallelujah dear in the name of jesus christ i don't care what is the issue that is on the table according to the word of the lord if god could locate you i declare and i also pray for you also civil defense madam i want to pray for you where are you from i want to pray for you in the name of jesus christ you will come and stand both of you you will stand here before the people of god and you will testify of strange liftings in the name of jesus receive that grace now by the power of the holy spirit son i pray for you in the name of jesus christ her please [Music] daddy i don't know why you are standing outside here but i want to pray for you we're going to pray for the sick i'm going to pray for you is it husband and wife madam i need to pray because i hope you're not embarrassed can i talk to you ah we have to pray i believe in miracles god is taking sickness sickness i'm looking at you and i'm seeing many things i'm seeing a thermometer go up and down up and down up and down this is bp two people will start running in the overflow outside outside now we may not have time to bring them out outside i'm seeing the power of god outside the overflow outside just bring them to the front of the projectile screen i want to pray for them because the lord is taking away the yoke of delay over those families this is what the lord is showing me sir may my god bless you in the name of jesus and for you sir may my god please stand up you're a walker what do you want god to do for you look at a wise man you heard what he said he said i want to know him more [Music] is it no relationship that brought this privilege now don't you think relationship has other privileges too the greatest prayer request is relationship you can have a man's hand but when you have his heart you have access to everything are we together and i truly pray that god will help you to know him more the holy ghost that was given to us to help us know the lord but in addition to that the fringe benefits of that relationship let it speak in your life in the name of jesus christ i bless you in the name of jesus christ [Music] i don't know why god is visiting the workers one of you ushers here the power of god is coming on you er you i know you are ushers you are doing your work but let god visit you first then you continue doing what you're doing i'm seeing the power of god on the ushers now we're going to i'm seeing a strong anointing sir there is something the devil put on your truth sir this is what i'm saying i don't know you sir let let the wife talk madam please talk to us i'm not i'm not sure i got it this is what i'm saying [Music] they were pretty many i had an operation three weeks ago he said i'm going to do another one next week in fact by saturday he says i don't know if i'm running around forgot to help me every human agent in partnership with dark powers over your husband madam or over your wife sir or over your children or over your parents i found my knees to the god of my covenant and i declare in the name of jesus that thing is destroyed now destroyed now destroyed now help them destroy it now please stand up let me tell you this you see one of the ways that god helps you to dispense the anointing is he plants compassion in you over the lives of people this is somebody's father and grandfather now he's saying that look doctors are a miracle they are instruments of god's mercy without them will not even live to even learn the ways of god but look what is happening to this man now we're about to pray for the sick shortly i'm sure there's a reason why the lord left him here that he came together with her mother here and now i don't know what kind of surgery they are going to do now but that he will never be able to speak again [Music] sir come again either life or death don't worry madam you're in the right place [Music] you're a man of god here please listen to me you see the reason why we must keep contending for the anointing it's not enough to say i'm apostle joshua salman i am this our alignment there are destinies tied to our obedience there are destiny tied to our prayer our fasting our diligence the miracle that happens to this man and this family can bring many to jesus so no matter what level you are in ministry please let this thing plant a genuine hunger all these celebrity things that destroy us push it one side and settle with god carry genuine fire ever increasing fire yesterday's oil may not solve today's challenges you will need fresh fire for the season and if you are not ready to stay with god don't ask god to give you members what will you be doing with them it's evil to ask people to come and gather people everywhere and then waste their time share the grace and go back please don't be offended i'm not i'm just sharing with you a passion i'm looking at this man's situation [Music] daddy we're going to pray for you and i believe jesus that he will do a miracle for you i don't know what it is that he has put and then god will heal you of bp because i saw a thermometer going up and coming down can we pray for the sick now in the name of jesus please no stand up sir god bless you my people have prayed for you you can go back to your seat let's pray for the sick now it's important you see i know that we live in very challenging times and the devil has complicated matters by bringing all kinds of sicknesses on people i was touched and broken when a woman came who had showed me they were doing dialysis for her it's a family that is not well very well to do and then in the midst of it now i'm not a doctor but medical people who tell you here i don't know how much it costs to do dialysis but it's a very serious thing hallelujah but jesus still heals and right now please listen we have to do it very fast because i know your prayer request yeah by the way if you're here to write it please make sure that you do so quickly but i'm going to minister to the sick right now and when i pray for you all the overflows outside following online maybe some of you are following from hospitals on a sick bed that sentence about to go i want you to believe jesus hallelujah as soon as i pray for you listen please the power of god will come upon you already miracles have started happening now this is what will happen as soon as the power of god touches you and i ask you to check yourself i want you to run out here please whether the overflow one two three down to the basement or outside those online you can register your testimony online i want you to come out use either this place no no you don't have to bring them out i'm praying for them right from there so whether you come out from here or here once you are healed then you bring them out you don't have to bring the sick out they'll crowd this place i'm just going to pray for you this is just because our father came out and stood here are we together now lay your hands very quickly everyone if it's a part of your body you cannot touch just make contact with your chest he touched me the master touched me and all my choice fills my soul something happened he touched me there'll be a loud shout of a gentleman and a lady the moment that shout happens the healing power of jesus will begin to move a gentle man and a lady now we're ready to pray please i'd like you to believe with a loud amen as i pray in the name of jesus christ in the name of jesus christ my god the healing anointing is flowing here in the name of jesus christ every devil behind infirmities you don't have to bring them out right now miracles are happening i command those devils to give way now give way now give way now now in the name of jesus christ from the crown of your head to the souls of your feet be healed in jesus name be healed in jesus name my grand headaches be healed in jesus name also be healed in jesus name all kinds of growths and lumps around the body i command them to disappear now bone conditions be healed now those on crutches those on wheelchairs in the name of jesus be healed now be healed now and you try to stand up you're on a crush leave the crush and start walking in the name of jesus christ in the name of jesus christ death is partial deafness complete deafness be healed now blind eyes open now [Applause] all kinds of cancers and ulcers like our father here now i'm praying for you sir in the name of jesus christ i stretch my hands to you and then as a point of contact to everyone having any demonic death sentence in jesus name be healed now be healed now the lord is showing me people having severe abdominal problems all kinds of abdominal problems here the power of god is touching you right now in the name of jesus christ there's someone what you have looks like what we call parkinson's i think i'm right that thing that makes you to just shake your body shakes in the name of jesus i declare may the power of the holy ghost touch you now may the power of the holy ghost touch you now be healed in the name of jesus in the name of jesus christ i'm seeing a lady here you don't have anything cancer but your hair falls because this is this has been a very demonic thing right now the power of god is touching you be healed now be healed now [Music] please don't don't you're punishing this man just keep him somewhere when he's healed he can stand up and come huh the man is trying to stand now don't be embarrassed i want to pray for you you don't have to come out the lord is showing me a woman you are not um what you call it now you are not a nursing mother yet you are lactating now i hope i know what i'm saying praise the lord but this is what is happening in the name of jesus christ let there be a miracle for you now i don't know what the medical condition is but in jesus name we stop it now there's someone your left is this your left eye you don't see very well with it after this prayer check it right now a miracle is happening to you i'm feeling pains here literally at the left side of my uh what they call this your kneecap this is somebody's condition right now the power of god is touching you supernatural miracle right now supernatural miracle right now in the name of jesus christ back pains all kinds of back pains in the name of jesus christ be healed now the lord is showing me at least eight people you have to take pills to sleep you can't lie down normally and sleep i think there's a medical condition there's a name for it you are not able to lie down and sleep you must take a lot of drugs one of you the power of god is coming on you now that demonic thing we commanded to live your life in jesus name in the name of jesus and then i'm seeing someone until now i think you have a problem with your shoulder i don't know what it is you cannot lift it as soon as i pray just lift it check yourself do what you cannot do you'll be surprised that the power of god has touched you right now supernatural miracle and then i'm seeing someone you can't walk like walk outside for a long time you become unusually tired you are not a very old person but then you walk no matter how even if you you rested the whole day once you walk out just for a few minutes you become extremely tired the power of god is touching you now you know you don't have to come out you check yourself when it's time to take miracles we take them in the name of jesus christ i'm seeing multiple breast lumps the lord is healing them right now stranger in your body that has not been planted by god i command you to go out now [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] i'm seeing you've been feeling like you are pregnant but you are not pregnant and yet it looks like the symptoms of pregnancy is with you dear this is a demonic thing in the name of jesus i don't know who that that kind of occurrence you have dreams and you see all these ugly spirits come to molest you and this thing you you feel as if you are pregnant physically but then you are not really pregnant in the name of jesus anyone in fraternity with that powers that they are taking advantage of you to spy upon your liberty i declare be released right now [Applause] sugar diabetes be healed now hepatitis be healed now [Applause] [Music] the lord showed me someone is it that you fell down from a bed or you fell down from a building or something and your rib area is like you fell down right there and from that day till now there's been severe pain around your rib area but right now as i'm spraying the power of god is touching you be healed in the name of jesus now whether i mention your case or not in the name of jesus be healed now creator of the universe what can't you do what can't you do jesus creator [Music] keep coming keep coming all the overflows just allow those who are here to you're the name you are [Music] hallelujah this is a very prophetic hour right now our time is gone but please be patient this is a very critical part of the miracle where we get to pray over the requests [Music] just stretch your hands towards me as i agree we have a covenant of answered prayers with the lord if there are still more please bring it quickly so that we have it here please begin to pray and decree and declare these egyptians i see today i see them no more forever [Music] please make sure you pray god of angels has fight my battle for me [Music] god of miracles has won my battles for me i'm a wienerman i'm a wienerman he has won my battle for me i'm a winner man [Music] please stretch your hands in one minute and let's pray father god of heaven please pray you are receiving by faith who are crying to the god of heaven just pray [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] in the name of jesus why do we pray over our requests because the bible says in philippians chapter 4 and verse 6 to be unjust for nothing it says but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving it says to make our request known let your requests be made known this is the most accurate representation of our desires our frustrations our constraints no matter how we prophesy we are not able to reach as many people but this is everyone's genuine desire nobody reads it this is between you and your maker but i stand in the name of jesus by the privilege of priesthood and i declare over this request that these egyptians you see today may you see them no more forever [Applause] [Music] every shame and every disappointment written here represented here by the power that raised christ from the dead it is turned to joy every closed door that is responsible for this request here we command those doors to be open now father i pray and call upon you who is the god of all flesh who has sent us standing in the midst of your people i decree and declare lord let every one of these prayer requests be turned to testimonies in the name of jesus christ in the name of jesus christ in the name of jesus christ and for those who are not here but you wrote for them may the angel of the lord's presence right from this place go to their homes their nations and bring strange miracles for them please lift your hands to receive the blessing father i want you to believe right now the anointing you need for the results that your destiny needs to command i pray for you you don't have to bring those under the anointing outside now in the name of jesus whether in ministry whether in politics in business there are parliamentarians here there are people from everywhere they are business people veterans in business civil service i pray the function required for the next level of your results i stand here and i declare let it come upon you now [Applause] i decree and declare you will check all these requests and you will not find any left [Applause] and the king sent for joseph and they brought him out of his dungeon whoever must send for you in this season i decree and declare by the power that raised christ from the dead may the book of remembrance be open now [Applause] [Music] if there's anyone here that the spirit of death is trailing or trailing your family members whether death through the air by sea by land in the name of jesus we speak to the spirit of death you stay clear of them now hallelujah every long-standing issue that has refused to answer to the name of the lord i agree with you in the name of jesus christ let it be answered tonight [Applause] hallelujah whatever has failed in your hands in the name of jesus go back and succeed [Applause] whatever has refused to walk in your hands i declare go back and succeed for those of you in ministry fresh fire for the new season those of you in business fresh connections and illumination those in politics parliamentarians supernatural grace in the name of jesus [Music] and then i pray for your spiritual life there is always an emphasis on our relationship with jesus christ our passion and our hunger i'm going to make the altar call shortly but let me pray for your spiritual life you go up today you are down tomorrow you pray today then you ignore the prayer altar you study today then you ignore it the grace for consistency take that grace now grace for prayer fasting what study worship may that grace rest upon you now [Music] can we pray over favor [Applause] father upon your people the proof of favor is not just money the proof of favor is loyalty to the hearts of men i pray for you everybody who must consider you in the name that is above all names find favor with them find favor with systems find favor with structures find favor with government find favor with captains of industry find favor with death keepers in the name of jesus christ and everything you came with tonight as a point of contact i declare by the spirit of the living god whether i say document your credentials whatever it is i release my faith and i agree with you even as you have lifted it up you remain lifted in the name of jesus christ save and reproach we call it by name and we punish it from your life in the name of jesus christ very quickly there are people here who are saying apostle our time is gone but we need jesus please if you can i know that we've been standing for a long time let's minimize movement let's just honor these ones the overflow outside goes in right to the basement and those within this auditorium there are people saying apostles haven't seen what the lord has done in this place i know that my relationship with jesus needs to be mended i need to start a relationship or i need to rededicate my life we have just two minutes for you aside from those outside those inside and then the overflows outside there please i want you to quickly take a step of faith and come and stand here you want to give your heart to jesus you want to rededicate your life i want you to leave your seat right now let's celebrate them someone has to someone that courage to come and stand here cornonia is this the best you can do [Music] keep coming quickly my soul says yes says yes says yes my soul says yes says yes keep standing one minute please quickly come and join them my soul says yes says yes says yes my soul says [Music] i salute every one of you for the courage to come to jesus the bible says as many who will come please join them quickly if you are joining them please those coming from outside allow them to come very quickly so that they join the bible says as many who will come to him he will in no wise cast away lift your right hand to jesus and say convincingly let it also be from the depth of your heart say lord jesus say it again say lord jesus i believe in you that you are the son of god tonight i declare that jesus is my savior i declare that jesus is my lord i declare that jesus is my king i receive forgiveness of sin i receive the life of god i declare that i go forward ever and backward never in the name of jesus keep your hands lifted father thank you for these ones they have come in response to your love and i commend them to the ministry of the word and the ministry of the spirit i declare that you are partakers of the life of god you are benefactors of the gift of righteousness the abundance of grace and you begin to reign from tonight for whatever and backward never in the name of jesus christ the lord bless you the lord honor you in jesus name now very quickly i wanted to follow the gentleman waving his hands with the placard please follow them very quickly let's celebrate them calling on you amen praise the name of the lord have you been blessed tonight please rise up on your feet father in the name of jesus we declare that this week beginning we call it a week of victory in the name of jesus christ everyone who came here today you'll return next week a sign and a wonder in the name of jesus christ the bible says as they went they saw the miracles the ten lepers now i declare that as you go everything you have not seen here you will see it before you get home and you'll see it before you return here next week the lord bless you the lord honor you in jesus name you
Channel: Salvation TV
Views: 13,415
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Keywords: online sermon, apostle selman sermon, apostle joshua selman sermon, new sermon 2021, apostle joshua selman new sermon, youtube sermon, sermon on youtube, apostle joshua selman messages, apostle joshua selman nimmak messages, koinonia, apostle, joshua, selman, nimmak, prayer, apostle joshua selman, apostle joshua selman 2021, koinonia messages, download apostle joshua selman messages 2019, how to grow spiritually, god, how to desire greater glory, powerful prayer, prophetic prayer
Id: J8QfRoC8Zug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 10sec (6850 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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