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and tonight is no exception god will so visit you tonight in a way that will surprise you you will never never return back the same listen i want you to insist tonight that whatever you came with must leave you here tonight [Music] do you believe that so pray in one minute and say father i know that there is a crowd here but i'm alone here with you i insist something about my life and destiny and ministry must change this is the ninth month and the bible says as soon as zion travails she shall put forth a sun [Music] hallelujah hallelujah i'd like you to walk up to 20 people and tell them confidently you are in for a surprise no really really mean what you are saying [Music] [Music] you're in for a surprise like a dream that genotype will change [Music] like a dream that mountain will give way [Music] you do mighty things you do glorious things you're a faithful god awesome is your name [Music] lord one more time [Applause] hallelujah may the lord bless you please be seated god bless you bless you bless you in the name of jesus [Music] we we take our time to stay in god's presence so that he will speak to us specifically for every season alleluia praise the lord and the lord laid something very simple and profound in my heart that i think will set the pace for what he will be doing tonight and i want us to pay attention hallelujah [Music] psalms 107 please psalms 107. [Music] [Music] i like us to read just verse one together if you're there say amen right let's read one to go all give thanks unto the lord for he is good for his mercies and you're read forever one more time oh give thanks it is it is part of our human nature please listen carefully it is part of our human nature to desire the best in life to desire the best of everything you know we have all kinds of teachings and many of those teachings have come from this platform where we challenge mediocrity where we challenge an average life we spoil people among other things into excellence that they excel in every area of their lives and so if at any point we see that you are under utilizing your potentials and you are not becoming all that god desires we challenge you to strive higher to rise higher and especially in our context of civilization there is this craving for more craving for more somehow we always believe that there is more is that not true no matter how great we accomplish things whether academically maritally spiritually something in us tells us there is more for instance thank god for the way he's honored the ministry thank god for the testimonies and the wonderful things he's doing within this region and around the nation and beyond the opportunity he's given us to contribute our quarter towards kingdom advancement and giving people an opportunity for encounters and transformation but then we know that there is more is that not so that as great as what we have seen is is only the beginning of greater yes we even sing songs like we're on our way to better days and so on and so forth but then um that kind of lifestyle also has a side effect and that's what i want to deal with very briefly if we are not careful and we do not check balance it we can get to a point in our lives where perpetually there is a craving for more more money more reputation more prestige more anointing more grace more children for some more wives you know we want more more of everything even in our world today if you come up with a product after one year people want more is that not true you have to catch up with the pace there seems to be a desire every year we produce new cars so if you come up with a brand this year in just 12 months people communicate their tiredness and they want the latest we call it in our generation the latest the latest of everything when you meet people you tell them what's the latest what's the latest fashion that is very important except for the fact that it can have a side effect and the side effect is that in an attempt to pursue more we many times fail to calm down and begin to take inventory of what god had done so far you see when you desire more that hunger in you can push you to a point where you cannot even see what is what is happening at the current level because you are hoping for more are we together now so you are trusting god for a house of your own a three or four or five bedroom flat and sometimes you can so desire it that you may not even see a need to calm down and say but come to think of it at least i have a house i have somewhere to lay my head you can strive and you are trusting god you know for a master's degree a phd and all of that and sometimes you can forget to say ah at least i had the opportunity to be sponsored by someone to go to school are we together now and so the psalmist in an attempt to help us maximize the workings of god in our lives creates a pause and says o give thanks to the lord he said for he is good and his mercy endures forever the revelation of the goodness of god and the fact that even in our mistakes even in our setbacks the mercy of god has the capacity to cover he said give him thanks for it because the bible says it is of the lord's mercy that we are not consumed [Music] when a ministry like this starts and after a few years it is still standing and making impact is because of the goodness and the mercy of god are we together now when a lady gets married and in nine months she can celebrate a child a brother came and gave a testimony at the beginning of the year the loved ones were trusting god for a miracle after 10 years and just submitting a prayer request about nine months there about the return with a testimony of twins now it's easy to enjoy that and the man said look prepare for another one we have to cover grounds ten years is not a joke [Music] praise the lord [Music] sometimes we are caught up in i call it a sin the sin of ingratitude the inability to pass through our various activities and reflect on the faithfulness and the mercy of god i'm a very creative thinker i think very very intricately i think in between the lines and it has helped me as a person to periodically take inventory of my life and while i began to seek god for this miracle service there was one word that came from the lord and he said tell my people to take out time and thank me and communicate gratitude for what i have done for them so far it may not look like much compared to what you want but brothers and sisters every one of us is here tonight because we are alive if a dead body was seated close to you is only because you are alive that you can trust god for a life partner it's only because you are alive that you can't even trust god to heal you of cancer are we together we can fall into that trap of forgetting the faithfulness of god lord you did this for me today can't you do more and we keep pushing at god and using every spiritual principle to die down his hand lord i keep my tithe you should increase me lord i did this i saw the seat for a husband what is happening i call him wherever he is from the realm of the spirit up here now i must marry and so on and so forth and then we don't take out time to say but lord i'm grateful if you never do anything for me again you don't owe me anything i owe you thanks for the rest of my life you passed a road where you saw them bringing out pieces of dead bodies and at the point you passed the road you were insulting somebody yet the mercy of god kept you you would have been a cheap victim for the devil it was never about our righteousness and holiness are we together now you can get up in the morning and say i'm going to do this and that that is only a factor when you are alive listen let me tell you something god is so wise he created life and made himself the ultimate custodian of life if life were given to the hand of man to give another person you would see the wickedness of men at its apex and so god subjected every man no matter how stubborn to the law of life and death so that no man will claim in his heart that there is no god it was pharaoh that got up and made a lot of noise and bragging about the nation of israel and in one night god brought him to his knees listen brothers and sisters there are unseen battles that god has fought for us are we together while we sleep we just wake up in the morning and move around he never gets to reveal to us the way that he has fought all kinds of battles for us there are many of us by the plan of satan you are not supposed to see this month it is a shock to the devil that you are still alive because according to the plan everything should happen and based on what satan saw there was nothing that would stop it but they forgot about a factor called the mercy of god at the point where hell had concluded like it happened to job in the heavens that today make sure this person does not return back you return back and we're enjoying yourself and never thought to give him thanks you know people send me all kinds of text messages oh apostle you are this you are that look at the mighty things god is doing when i read those text messages i just nod my head i said don't be mistaken don't let this body fool you i'm a product of god's mercy he trained me well enough to understand that if there is ever any reason for men to celebrate anything in my life is because of his mercy i'm not embarrassed about it i have mastered the art of taking advantage of the mercy and the goodness of god are we together now oh god you can do this for me oh god you can do this we are a generation of complainers and grumblers and our civilization has wired us that way there is always a loss for more lord you gave me a husband but we are staying in a one bedroom flat and the lord is saying remember the same person who was saying oh god if you give me a husband i will be grateful now you have a husband then he gives you two bedroom flats and he said lord we need another place where there are no neighbors i'm allergic to noise it's amazing listen in deuteronomy chapter eight don't turn there when you begin to read from verse 14 down to 18 the bible says let it not be that when you have built houses when your crops are increased and et cetera et cetera you said that you tell yourself my power and the might of my hand has given me this world he said but thou shalt remember meaning it is in our human nature to forget i will not forget lord your feet how can i forget how can i forget lord your benefit we will never forget we will not forget the [Music] one of the greatest secrets of my life is not just prayer and fasting it's not just the word but i learned this from my father is one of the most priceless lessons i've learned from him my father is a grateful man i have never met a man in my life as grateful as my father and i checked the psalmist and i found out that what that was the key the bible called him a man after god's heart the psalmist knew how to touch god in an area where he would have to respond to him [Music] gratitude the ability to pause in the busyness of life in the business of wanting to be successful and say lord i acknowledge you you are the faithful one and then to begin to remember the days when you were nothing and to remember how he took you there are people for instance who have graduated now remember how many times you had to write jam and write it again and how many people looked at you at that point in your life and found that you would not become anything and you had no right to explain to them because the truth is you were a victim of what they were saying yet in a mystery you cannot explain the hand of the lord to you and brought you to a position where today you can stand and rejoice and say i've written my last exam how about many of us who are arguing and insulting around for promotion and we forget how that we kept running from pillar to post and by his majesty you were not praying you were not fasting you were not even expecting it god just opened a door and wiped the tears of our family our generation is a very ungrateful generation it is always easy to pick up the things that god has done and say yes lord what is small do something major for me so that when i testify i will give you thanks and god is saying if you cannot thank me for my finger you will not see my hand and if you cannot recognize my hand you will not see all of me [Music] gratitude the ability to say lord i thank you there is listen listen listen when you thank god you not only thank god because things are nice when you thank god because things are nice you are carnal you are sensory you are thanking god because of your sensory perception the bible says give thanks in all things for this is the will of god the will of god is that no situation in your life can stand your thanksgiving and your gratitude to god oh i remember i remember where he brought me from how could i forget there is no level of the accolades of men that will make me ever forget where god brought me from [Music] i look around and i see my colleagues and contemporaries and i look at many people and i see how much by his faithfulness he has granted me the privilege to go ahead to do so many things i talk to pastors and leaders and i see their frustration over ministry how they struggle they they try to get their messages free of charge for people but nothing works and yet we see the glory and the grace of god it's a reason to thank him it's a reason to thank him there was a time in my life i was diagnosed i've shared it with us fungal infection right there was no hospital i did not go to they checked around checked around did everything it was obvious my head was literally becoming rotten literally becoming rotten they banned me from going to the dining hall because they said i was irritating other students and so i would stay behind and when the students were about to go i would beg somebody with a plate to please help me collect food and sometimes in a bid to get their own they forget my own the mercy of god the faithfulness of god [Music] i walk around and i see people who are old enough to be my parents old enough to be um um elderly people and they see me and you say good afternoon sir and i'm like ah please don't embarrass me don't embarrass me listen one of the keys to getting the hand of god upon your life and frustrating the counsel of satan is the recognition of everything god does gratitude is the key for more in the spirit you never are qualified to see more of god until you thank him generously lord i'm collecting hundred thousand are you not faithful can i not collect 200 000 and god is saying you go outside and stand in the street and watch people who will jump at 100 naira they will jump at 100 naira with gratitude with tears in their eyes they will come upon the altar and testify because somebody gave them a seed of hundred naira and here you are holding hundred thousand and say lord i thank you but you can do something more i choose to be a grateful person i choose to recognize his faithfulness at all times that you thank god you weary satan when you thank god because see let me tell you something satan understands the principle of increase in the spirit that when a man can settle with god and thank god most of our prayers the thanksgiving we give before our prayers are only preambles to give us room so that we now start petitioning god so we come to god like this father thank you thank you i'm grateful what we're trying to do is oh god you directed us to come before you with thanksgiving i'm doing it be watching now you finish it quickly and say god let's settle down now this is what i [Music] have there are men who have walked this earth and they have mastered the art of holding the hands of god thanksgiving is like a magnet gratitude is like a magnet god cannot resist gratitude sincere gratitude especially when what you are thanking god for is really not something that humanly speaking should warrant thanksgiving there are people who pay attention to every detail every detail oh god did this lord i recognize it every time i do this specifically for miracle services the moment i am done with miracle services i return back the moment i get home one of the few things that i do either immediately or later is to go down on my knees and i just hold the chair and say lord i thank you for proving yourself i've seen men of god come on stage and say the power of god is going to move 30 minutes later they are still speaking stories don't worry did you people fast today the power of god is going to move just take it easy and all kinds of things yes he has honored us with his presence brothers and sisters as a family of faith we have reason to thank god there are churches that love god but they have been victims of bomb blast never for once we transport people every week from here to congo to shika around and we've not had any issue of a car capsiding and all kinds of things we've had people here escape the hands of armed robbers is god speaking to us i know you came with prayer requests i came with mine too i know that you came with sincere needs but brothers and sisters we are going to take a few minutes and thank his majesty for many of you just that thanksgiving will be the key to releasing your miracle that the heavens will never open you have not thanked god for what he did you are not married but at least you are in a relationship a godly relationship with a brother whose head is correct and he loves god that's a great blessing listen never treat trivialize anything in your life that god has done it will destroy you and it will keep you at that level if nine things go wrong in your life look for the one thing that is right and say father i give you thanks the truth is there are nine things that are wrong in my life but for this one it's undeniable i have seen your hand and god says you can thank me i see that you were believed you lost somebody in your house yet you are thanking god that it was not your whole family members that died and god would say such faith such faith see brothers and sisters when you see certain people stumble into repeated cycles of breakthrough there is something they have done it didn't just happen are we together when you see god focus on certain people and arise like a mighty warrior and visit them is because they have done something that has touched him it's more than swinging seed it's more than money it's even more than praising and dancing praising and dancing are only expressions gratitude is from the heart you use praise dance your seed and etc as an expression is god speaking to us [Music] i have learned the danger of refusing to thank god when god gives you a thing and you do not thank him that thing starts diminishing in your life i don't care what it is whatever you do not thank god for will start diminishing mysteriously from your life because it means that you do not qualify to have it i will not forget lord your faithfulness [Music] how can i forget lord hallelujah [Music] i remember we meet we meet once in a year as a family everybody comes from everywhere and we sit down on the 1st of january to just thank god for what he had done in the family and to speak into the year and every time all my father does for for more than 30 minutes we're going to thank god when is his session to leave prayers we know that we're ready to sit dear because he's going to mention everything and then he will pass the button to my mother and she will pick it up from there and you know women lord i thank you my son came all the way from zaria he even said he went to abuja the other time he went to this are you not faithful this is how my mother prays oh lord the other day was it not here in this house you did a miracle for us we thank you and all of us are quietly while growing up we did not understand we felt it was boredom you know these elderly people you are thanking god thanking god go straight to the point lord we thank you do this for us amen but the more you advance in life you will understand this ancient wisdom of parents that they spend time saying thank you like fools and while we young people are feeling bored they are saying it's because you've not they've gone through things in life that can eat them up and they have mastered the art of thanking god for everything it's one of the unbeatable secrets of longevity that you get up in the morning and say lord i thank you statistic tells us that eight people die per second eight people including christians including pastors there's a gentleman that sent me a text i don't know if his brother is in this place he will be coming out of prison in december i shared it with the leaders and he'll be coming here to testify he was a ruffian and a hooligan and his lifestyle got him into prison and he's been there i think for the past three years it was while he was in the prison he remembered that his younger brother or thereabout used to listen to my message and then he was able to get some of the messages they allowed him to have some of the messages he got born again he got serious with god he's even one of the people in the chapel the prison chapel and he said his time will be due by december and i don't know how he was able to get access to the phone to send texts he said thank god for bringing me to this prison because it was that i used to hear my brother listen to coinonia messages and i would scone him but in this place i found god when lasted you thank god for all the mountains and the challenges in your life that have made you wiser and stronger and better and matured and a better leader when lasted you thank god for all the gates you have to confront when you are a man of gratitude you frustrate satan because there is no way he can come the goal of satan's attack upon people is to bring them to a point where the faithfulness of god is questioned in their lives and through them to god so people say god where are you but when you get to a point where you say lord let me tell you in advance if nothing in my life ever moves forward i cannot stop thanking you when satan hears that is a nightmare because you are wearing him you go to the hospital they check you and they say the bp is still there the bp in fact is even worse than it was the last time you said no problem lord i thank you because i'm alive i know that you gave me a word your bibles your word says by your stripes i am healed you tested yourself ss or a s and they said the marriage cannot hold and you go and check it again and you come out and you sing before god and you thank him do not get into this lifestyle that many people live i hate complainers it irritates me i i cannot i cannot i honestly cannot stand it when i stand around people who are naggy and complaining five minutes they are talking about something somebody somewhere i run away from those people because they have the ability to destroy my progress they are not bad people but they are violating a spiritual law for advancement and i intend to move forward [Music] so god helps you he gave you 10 error to buy a tie and you leave the tithe before god and say lord this is your faithfulness i never imagined i would get a now you have added a tie for me he adds a tight clip and you say lord i just noticed that you added a tie clip and god said what sort of person are you you mean you are doing this to me let him have a greater supply and he gives you a shoe and he said lord who am i who am i i ask you for a pam sanders and you gave me a shoe i'm grateful and while you are saying that people will look at you and say you are thanking god for entirely pam sanders are you stupid what about the admission what about the job how long will you marry or will you stay before you get married you are 37 are you aware you say i'm aware of that keep that one aside lord i thank you i thank you for the fact that i started a small shop and people are coming to eat i know that my desire is that i will have a restaurant in the future but for this small shop two people came today and eat as a pastor you are crying and asking god for members and seven people come and you don't just yell your anger on all of them and shout at them or you say lord i thank you because these people who are coming are not yet members these are my leaders and so i will train them and i will be serious my faithfulness with seven people will bring a crowd i remember our first crusade we were very few a handful of people god did great things but we were very few but i remember thanking the lord for it we could not even afford a video camera or we thank god for it [Music] do you realize that for some of you this is the word of the lord to you tonight you have allowed in gratitude listen god knows we are humans brothers and sisters i taught us last week it is true that the physicists of life have a way of pushing a man to a point where you are so overwhelmed i know i know that you need to pay the school fees of your children i know that nobody sponsors you i know that you have hiv and the anti-retroviral drugs are beginning to fail i know that the infirmity has remained here i know that the devil has attacked your family there are families here that have come from different places they have come literally as whole families to come and cry before god i understand [Music] i will be a fool to deny the presence of that we are humans it's okay to be human i taught us last week it's okay to cry it's okay to express your pain but remember remember the things that he has done in your life not the things he has not done if there is one testimony in your life it's a sign that more are coming if god gave you one testimony remember david when he killed the lion and killed the bear when he stood before goliath he went to the archives of his testimonies and said the god who gave me the lion the god who gave me the beer that same god will deliver me that's how to confront challenges in life you look at your body and they tell you you have fibroids or of variances and is increasing yes you are you are going through pains and you are bleeding but you say i remember there was a time i used to have a wound that would not heal and the power of god healed it the god who healed that will do the same for me please i'm teaching you how to frustrate satan don't let the devil have a toll on you don't let the devil mark you for ingratitude when the devil marks you for ingratitude he will keep orchestrating events in your life that will keep you angry complaining do you know how many people die of high blood pressure and hypertension and all of those things are caused by frustration that you give god thanks god gives you a job while you are rejoicing they suddenly call you and say sorry something has happened uh we may not be able to take the people again and you've got to testify in the house of god and you turn back and say lord you are faithful i give you praise pastor jakes always says he's a faithful god all give thanks unto the lord for he is good your situation irrespective he is good everybody say god is good say it god is good look your challenges to the face and say god is good say my god is good yes my god is good my god is good i don't know about yours but my god is a good god my god is a good girl i'll never forget one time when a car hit me many years ago i ran to go on by was it gary or chinchin or something and then i was about to take my life i think i was gary or something i wanted to horribly soak it and help myself in a bit to cross back the devil just orchestrated it because he knew that there are millions of lives that must be changed and blessed [Music] and he just came and the car it was i was i was in the middle of the road i didn't know what to do all i had was there was sound of a break and there was it was as if i was dreaming i just saw myself at the other side of the car and i heard people shouting hold him hold him they said if they don't hold me i would stand up and i'll be mad i just looked at them i looked at my guardian i picked it i told them i said give me yes i said i'm fine i'm fine i'm okay that night my leg there was it it swung up for days there was intense pain but god is my weakness i said i have met death and i overcame that's why i don't fear death i've gone through too many things in my life i've slept on speaker i've slept on amplifier i've come on now [Music] [Applause] [Music] lord i give you i give you i give you the highest praise i give you i give you i give you the highest breaks i give you [Music] very soon i'm going to give us room about 10 minutes and it's going to be exclusive expressions of gratitude it's going to be you alone i know you came for a miracle service but father mother brother sister you're going to forget about whoever you came with i don't know how you are going to express it but i will give us room shortly you are going to begin to count your blessings and say my god was it not just last month i had an accident i never gave you thanks for it lord i'm i'm grateful i started small but see what you have made out of my life lord we started from two members and now we are 35 i thank you i thank you when a situation overwhelmed me i did not know that morning will come yet you have kept me that it has become 20 years i remember when they said i had a heart disease for instance oh lord see what you have done in my life they said people die in our village they don't get to 20 now i am 60 years i give you thanks expressions of gratitude we forget many times we forget we are asking god for more lord do more for me but you are alive but you are healthy you go to the hospital and see people hanging their legs hanging their legs for six months and you hear them singing praises there night with your legs hanging if you can be grateful not just tonight if you make it a lifestyle i guarantee you there is no arsenal of hell against you that will prosper you will you will you will thank your way to the throne you will match through your challenges through thanksgiving until you get to the throne it's an unbeatable secret of greatness i thank god all the time i thank people all the time gratitude a simple but powerful secret that opens the heavens for a man hallelujah [Music] every everywhere that i go [Music] that's my testimony yes [Music] [Music] [Music] everywhere that everything that i do for the next 10 minutes you alone with your maker lift your voice and cry in whatever way you can and say my god i give you thanks my god i give you thanks go ahead you and your maker for the next 10 minutes for the next 10 minutes cry before him for the next 10 minutes bye [Music] baby [Music] hello [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] count your blessings count your blessings oh god you are good at your mercy and just forever if the lord had not been by our side now the coin on yourself thou o god at the shoot for us you are glory the lifter up of our head you are our glory the lifter up of our head for the things that you have done for the battles that you have won for the things that you have done for the battles that you have won only you alone are worthy lord we magnify your name thank you jesus protector redeemer provider defender announcer lifter sustainer we thank you we thank you that the council of darkness has not prevailed over your people we thank you for the miracles we thank you for signs for wonders for food for shelter we thank you for your faithfulness for exalting our heads like the horn of the unicorn we thank you for miracle jobs we thank you we thank you we thank you thank you for our families oh god you have been good oh god you have been good three more minutes give three more minutes so [Applause] hallelujah i want us to thank god in one minute thank god in one minute for e and i and coinonia i like us to thank god for the awesome things he's doing let's tell him we are grateful people for giving us a platform where the seat can be healed where lives can be transformed go ahead and thank him lord we give you thanks [Music] so thank you lord thank you jesus we are grateful people who are not ashamed to let the world see that you are the mysterious factor behind our advancement we are not ashamed to declare to the world that you are our sustainer defender protector our hope our uncle we have no other god we have no other place you all not god deserve the glory [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] when you learn when you learn to be a child and fall before you say you are faithful you will command unprecedented levels of grace and the anointing if it ever embarrasses you to thank god then you will never see his glory if you are ever ashamed and so conscious of your reputation you are so conscious of your emoji man of god i mean great this and that all those things are nonsense when you come before his presence you throw them aside it's a faithful god [Music] hallelujah for the things you have done and the battles you ever wanted only you are worthy of our prayers we magnify [Music] is psalms 107 i already sensed the power of god we just read this and go straight into the ministrations psalms 1 07 we're going to read verse 6 and then we'll read 28 to 30. i want to show you another mystery two mysteries one is gratitude the second listen is a mystery i've seen this thing many times in the bible i want you to read it one to read stop just the apart one more time [Music] it says then they cried unto the lord [Music] there is a mystery when a man cries to the lord i used to think it meant just lifting your voice and be loud until god opened my eyes every time you see them say in their distress they cried onto god in their distress crying unto god is more than talking crying unto god first starts with a revelation that lord if you don't help me in this issue i am finished it's a revelation for as long as you have options you will never see god arise in your life until you exhaust all your options and you come to a point where you say lord they gave me the drugs in the hospital but i acknowledge that is crying unto god that you say lord you are my priority if you don't give me a husband i cannot get one if you don't give me a job there is no job for me crying to the lord is more than just saying oh god help me blind bartemios cry and this was his cry thou son of david or knock down miracle walker i know you i know your power will you pass me by and leave me in my distress like this i'm blind but i've heard about you that you are the god who can wipe the tears of people i've heard about you that you're the one who makes the burden to sing i've heard about you that you are the one who raised job back i've heard about you it says they cried unto the lord whenever you're in trouble stop discussing the key is to cry unto god we have prayer requests here many of us are standing trusting god to touch us the key tonight is to cry unto god and the bible says he delivered them out of their distresses 28 28 very quickly one more time let's read one to read again then they cried on to the lord in their trouble and what did he do he bringed them out of their distresses next verse he makes the storm a calm so that the waves tear off the waves that are killing you that looks like you would not survive it says god has the ability there is something he can tell that trouble he must hear his voice next verse it says then as a result they are glad because they be quiet so he brings them where unto their desired heaven listen god knows your intentions god knows your desire he has the ability to bring you to where your desired heaven for the key after gratitude you are authorized to cry to cry to the lord is not an embarrassment when you cry you are saying oh god let your goodness and your mercy speak at this point is not because of what i have done at this point is if it is with my intellect if it's with my money if it's with my connection i have failed i cry to you in my distress in the next one minute before i minister we are going to cry to god listen i told you crying to god is a revelation a revelation that acknowledges him as your only source tonight you are going to say lord you are the only one you are the only one who can heal me i know this and tonight i cry to you the bible says he can calm the storm he can calm the storm oh yes he can lift your voice and cry to your maker thou son of david let your goodness and your mercy speak over me tonight pray lord there is nothing new about my situation you have done it before the bible is full of records of your faithfulness how you patted the red sea before people how overnight you turn the captivity of men and women pray lord i don't know how you will do it but i know you can do it they cried unto the lord in their trouble he said call upon me in the day of trouble cry to the lord my rent has expired i'm not walking i have no idea but i cry to you i have multiple carryovers i don't know what will happen to me but i cry to you thou o the lifter up of my head the one who is able to change my story i have not come to an idol it is within your power to help me oh thou ebenezer arise for me you are my ebeneezer the helper of men god can help you listen to me god can help you god can help you they cried unto the lord in their distress [Music] [Music] lord you are my only source i cry to you break it take about our reaction my only hope is oh [Music] lord stepping to the impossible do the impossible lift your voice and sing inside and outside [Music] do the impossible do the impossible come on let your faith rise tonight [Music] stepping [Music] one more time lord stephen hallelujah [Music] the lord is healing a lady right now please check yourself and you just come out to testify before we continue i'm seeing a lady you came here with severe pain on your neck check it now check it now the lord is touching you the lord is touching you i'm seeing an elderly man in this place you've been having pains towards the lower abdominal region the lord has just touched that man right now he's an elderly man i don't know where that person is please testify check yourself and immediately you find out you are healed make your way to the front make your way to the front god is touching people right now i don't know who i'm seeing and here god is touching someone's ear it's like i don't know if it's an air issue but god is touching it right now god is touching it right now god is touching it right now please check yourself and make your way right now right now let's just have two or three of those people god is touching it right now right now doing a miracle for somebody um i'm seeing somebody that has i don't know if it's um i don't know what to call it but it's like a serious stomach issue it comes and hooks you literally you are gasping for breath when that happens to you it's like it literally holds you check yourself now you'll find out that the lord has taught you make your way to the front very quickly you can make your way right here miracles are happening come on give jesus praise miracles are happening miracles are happening god is touching people right now can you give jesus christ god is touching people [Music] god is touching people right now i'm seeing someone with an eye problem you see like a black object it comes and goes it's like a it looks like a needle like a black object you'll be looking at people and then you'll see it this has happened for a while but god has taught you right now who is that person make your way to the front right now i'm seeing someone's left leg outside in the overflow there is someone with a left leg issue left leg is like you came towards the the this area where i'm holding i'm seeing the power of god touch that area check it right now check it right now and confirm your healing and make your way to the front check it right now confirm your healing make your way to the front hallelujah have they checked themselves you've checked yourself okay so quickly we'll just take two or three you can turn please come up come on let them come up when you come you can stand please come up man come up sir go ahead just tell us quickly straight to the point praise the lord uh i have an ear issue and it normally scratches me sometimes okay and i'm feeling better completely give jesus praise hallelujah jesus christ it never returns to you in the name of jesus yes sir please let's celebrate jesus celebrate what he's doing awesome yes for some years i have been experiencing pain at the lower abdominal region yes you know i gave a word of knowledge that there was somebody lower and how about now in the name of jesus christ lord we declare that it is perfected wow the power of god is coming on you it's perfected right now never to return to you in the name of jesus please check it out check it check it right now check it okay it's getting better yes i'm feeling better you will be perfected in the name of the lord jesus christ give jesus christ praise the lord for the past two weeks now i've been having ear pain yeah pain it's an attack okay i have called i have cutter so didn't block my hair i don't used to hear very well so now i'm okay completely yes madam what the lord is bringing increase for you i'm seeing attack i'm seeing a serious attack your money has gone down yes because this this i'm seeing this as to do it i don't know if you sell hair or you are doing something i have salute people are not even coming the way it used to be before again is that true the lord is saying i should tell you in this miraculous service a restoration comes for you in the name of the lord jesus christ the restoration comes for you right now in the name of jesus give jesus praise god is visiting situations right now visiting situations right now go ahead please quickly i want to thank god because i've been having serious pain on my neck at times neck pain okay the lady i said with neck pain how long it's like it's four months it comes and go at times it's like my entire head my ear it affects my earbud when you're speaking i i you felt it was gone hallelujah now there is a lady while they were giving a testimony there's a lady here you felt like a cold sensation something just came upon you right now it's a miracle that god has given you who is that person come out you are in this room where you come you felt like a cold sensation something just came over you come come this night god is bringing restoration oh father in the name of jesus let your anointing bring restoration to her right now right now in the name of jesus christ tremendous restoration i'm seeing a crown being put upon your head are you together are you together i'm seeing a crown oh you felt the same thing i'm praying for you madam the lord is averting cs the lord is about himself because you see the anointing is on you the lord is a advertised i'm seeing a spirit standing by the theater and i'm saying that this is even supposed to destroy this baby now they said this baby comes out and is affected but the anointing of the spirit is upon you right now as i'm speaking and i release the power of god right now let that demonic substance out of her now out of her in the name of jesus christ i see miracles everywhere miracles everywhere miracles everywhere right now is your family here is the time for the visitation where is our family please come there is a whole deliverance for a family that god is doing here right now i see that family please where is our daddy and our mommy please appreciate them as they come enough of the nonsense of darkness please celebrate them as they come miracles everywhere prime records everywhere lord we see miracles everywhere right now right now hallelujah sir i'm looking at you and i'm seeing a cause this is what i'm saying as i look at you the lord is showing me this is a cause number one it has tied down your finances completely down this thing is so embarrassing it has tied down everything i don't know who is it in your family that has dreams i see dreams of someone chasing somebody i don't know which of your children or who now but i'm seeing one of those people have dreams that's their daughter you see the power of god touching her she's their daughter she's the person with this case i'm mentioning i'm seeing dreams and it's like people pursuing the person this thing started right from your family and this is already following this lady because i'm saying now that the devil wants to put fibroids in her stomach he started now as pain i i remove that fibroid right now in the name of the lord jesus christ i curse that seed of fibroid by the power of the holy spirit i'm seeing this woman crying before god in prayer this is what i'm saying this woman has been a defense i'm seeing her crying before god and say lord will you not wipe our tears in this family but tonight we see miracles everywhere miracles everywhere miracles everywhere right now right now everywhere right now there are many people who can help you but every time they want to indicate helping you something just comes and nobody is willing to help you because i'm looking at you in the realm of the spirit i'm seeing a body but i'm not seeing a face this thing has covered your glory whoever is supposed to help you misunderstands you and for some reason they that they don't help again hallelujah who is adam i'm hearing the name adam at the moment i'm hearing something that has to do with adam adam please help help those adam i'm hearing adam who is that adam adamu where is your father the person i'm talking about his father's name is the one that is adamu so father son god is giving adam a miracle he's your father right where is he a national stages because this enchantment that is done against your family enough is enough is part of your prayer requests right number five six number two and three number two and three prayer requests look at it number two and number three that's what you wrote read it read it miracle in your family that's what i'm reading what you are writing and god is giving a miracle a everywhere [Music] the spirit of god is ministering to me i'm seeing the anointing of the spirit i'm looking at a map and i'm seeing the spirit of god going to yola yola a miracle is happening in yola and it's going to this lady's family this lady right i'm seeing a miracle but there are two other people from yola from yola i see the power of god moving two people from yola it will come like a tornado upon you it's a miracle that god is doing right here there is a lady's elder sister who has been buried i'm seeing the number three three years barry barry help them that lady is from yolanda she's an usher she's walking but the spirit of god i'm seen as a wicked demon this is what i'm seeing that has been oppressing her family i don't know if she's from yola or not but i'm seeing that god is doing a serious miracle sir i'm going to pray for you mommy i will minister to you madam the lord is saying i should tell you that the crying is over the crying is over right now as i speak the power of god is coming on you the lord is saying i should tell you the crying is over right now the angel of the lord is pouring something that looks like oil upon your head pouring it right now in the name of the lord jesus christ by the anointing of the holy spirit pouring what looks like vials of oil now i curse this spirit i address you by the power of the holy spirit let this family go now now now now this course that has tied down the family even the lawful captive shall be delivered etcetera i will contend with them that content with you right now the power of god is touching people i see deliverance deliverance deliverance deliverance fire lift your hands everybody let's just interrupt this deliverance fire right now it will start touching people at the count of three father the angels of god there are many angels in this place bringing deliverance for families at the count of three let that fire come right now one two three receive it right now right now right now right now my capacitor check it bring them out let's get deliverance for families [Music] outside i'm seeing the angels of the lord go outside outside the power of god is moving it's like fire coming on families it's like fire it's like fire it's like fire it's like fire we see miracles everywhere miracles everywhere miracles everywhere right now right now we see miracles everywhere hallelujah lift your hands father where are those families who showed me in the place of prayer that from the village now i'm not one who just talks so much about village but this one is from the village i see an attack at the count of three one two three from the village those arrows back to sender shakata lake attack from the village i see enchantments from the village i see altars i see covens i set them on fire i set them on fire i set them on fire they are calling your names from the village from the village enchantments witchcraft death outside outside fire is falling but fire is falling fire is falling from the village speaking of death breaking take everything judgments of death foreign [Music] the name above all names oh daddy i'm ready to pray for you now i didn't just leave you i need to pray for you my god there is massive deliverance going on in this place my dear lift your hands where you are an angel of the lord is touching you right now right now mama an angel of the lord is touching you he's doing something in your husband's life your husband's life there is a miracle that is happening [Music] your time for a miracle has come come this woman this woman wearing pink no no no i'm that one the one turning back yes you madam come your time for a serious visitation has come let's stretch our hands towards daddy bring her be delivered now i cause that spirit go stretch our hands towards daddy and mommy let's pray for them father this plague must stop i saw a cross it was looking like a hollow over your head it follows you everywhere you go and brings bad luck to your life father in the name of jesus is over by the power of the holy spirit i announce a new season i announce a new season mommy the spell is broken broken broken broken broken broken in the name of jesus christ sir i hold your hands in the name of jesus and i announce to you that is a new season you will go back and experience dramatic in the name of jesus christ don't think it will come from all the channels you are planning unusual sources of breakthrough in the name of jesus christ god bless you madam i want to pray do you have a daughter is she here i'm seeing one of your child here where is the person a girl a lady a lady where she please call her name let her come daughter where are you who is the person she's wearing something like traditional dressing who is that [Music] this has been your desire that god will visit your family right it's been your desire it's been your prayer that god will visit your family and tonight god has chosen to step in see it's an awesome thing when the light of god turns to you then you know that your situation has come to an end i mustn't call you it's not just by word of knowledge it's not just by word of knowledge [Music] this lady is going to vomit something i'm seeing something that looks like a snake moving in a stomach this is like i don't know if it's poison this is something that has been put to this lady i caused that devil i curse you back to hell back to hell from where you came from [Music] hallelujah mommy please stand up let me pray for you man [Music] you can stand up please i want to pray for you god is going to bring dramatic breakthrough to your life please i want you to note it dramatic breakthrough it will so surprise you hold my hands father in the name of jesus christ let captivity come to an end in the name of jesus captivity comes to an end i release supernatural breakthrough supernatural breakthrough supernatural breakthrough in the name of jesus and for you supernatural breakthrough mama i pray the lord told me that the tears have come to an end is wiping your tears father thank you for your word in the name of jesus christ i pray in the name of jesus christ i pray in the name of jesus christ i pray remember not the former things the lord says i should tell you in this season he is doing new things he will change the heart of your husband in a way that you never imagined he will do this for his glory the spell of bad luck over your life is broken bad luck there's something about your life that makes people hate you it's a spirit and there are people here lift your hands everybody i'm praying for you whatever makes people hate you for no reason i want you to know that it's not normal you will see what will happen right now there are people here i know that people have those kinds of things but there are people with those things it's like an hour on you as i was ministering to how the lord said minister to the house father where are they right now in the name of jesus let the anointing locate them inside and outside that spell of bad luck right now right now in the name of jesus right now in the name of jesus right now in the name of jesus right now in the name of jesus justina the lord is bringing miracles to your family miracles to your family i'm seeing a lady from is it occur okay that should be eastern orca is anyone from like that i'm seeing a lady our minister generally will pray for the sick now but i just want to flow [Music] okay okay is there someone like that please if you are like that you can make your way to the front the lord wants me to pray for that family my dear you with a white hair tie that lady you turning back lift your hands where you are i don't know what it is that i'm seeing but god is destroying an embargo over your life and family lord jesus i destroyed right now in the name of jesus where you are standing are destroyed by the power of the holy spirit you are from there you are from occur where is that an embarrassment an umbra state yes i'm going to pray for you you're also from there huh make your way to the front you're from there too three of you [Music] look at me you cannot be a victim you are your sisters of the wickedness of people in the village again what i'm saying hold my hands father it must end this must end it must end by the anointing of the holy spirit this is this is unseen enchantment this is this is witchcraft to produce consistent failure in life you and your sisters i pray for you father you are going to visit them in this season you are going to visit them in this season in the name of jesus i want to minister to you you are from there too come stand the lord gave me that word and said to minister to the people as i lay my hands and minister to you i want you to know that everything that does not represent god ah and everyone pursuing you in your dream and disturbing you it must end in the name of jesus christ for you that is there is i'm seeing something that looks like a crown in your head we must remove it because it's not god that put that out in the name of jesus christ that devil is a liar take it off of her in the name of the lord jesus christ where is your mother my dad [Music] we're going to pray for you tell your mother that your deliverance is coming for her then a breakthrough deliverance first then breakthrough for the deliverance you will see it in a dream it's like something will be chasing her to catch her and she will see somebody who will snatch her out is a dream collecting deliverance father visit this family out in the name of jesus christ here huh we must pray for you so that the spirit that destroys men when they are about to finish in your family we must stop it in the name of jesus christ glorify yourself for god i cause this spirit in the name of the lord jesus christ in the name of the lord jesus christ lift your hands everyone [Music] before i begin to minister to the sick god is bringing deliverance to families right now we are going to shout jesus at the count of three this is not just to you but god is stepping into families some of you never knew that what is happening physically in your family is as a result of all kinds of things devils lift your hands everybody at the count of three you shout jesus at the top of your voice and the power of god will move mightily in this place further in the name of jesus christ i pray that you step into families and end every oppression and every captivity right now i pray by the power of the holy spirit every family shakka tata under any demonic siege my goodness the power of god is already touching people right now at the count of three let that shout be like a code in the spirit one two three be delivered now now now now all tests be broken all past be broken over families over families inside and outside and those following online i break it right now every family under any spell every family that's right kappa takata bring them out shaka tata every family under any spell or you must leave them you must leave them i speak to those spirits hear my voice in the name of jesus there is no hiding place for you you must go you must go you must go it's time for the deliverance you must go [Music] hallelujah my goodness god is doing miracles right now god is help that lady please help them sisters lift your hands i want to pray for joseph sisters something remarkable will happen right now remarkable there is a spirit that puts women in bondage because when one woman is in bondage it can affect a thousand men there are ladies oh my goodness the fire of god will move not small sisters lift your hands lord by fire as the sisters cry that spirit that sheriff that follows ladies and causes them visiting them in dreams as you shout jesus my goodness i pray that those fallen spirits that will not let you go that did not keep the original estate they will be judged right now father locate every one of these sisters right now one two shout jesus right now right now right now right now right now those spirits go go go go go go go go go lift your hands there are people here strange dreams strange dreams in the night you sleep in the night and you have all kinds of strange dreams from men or women or animals coming to sleep with you or people tying your legs and you see what is happening in the day whether you believe it or not is not the issue i want to settle those things right now lift your hands lord where are these people from the dream realm from the realm of the spirit as you shout the name jesus anyone under this condition some of you that's what is responsible for masturbation some of you that's what is responsible for pornography some of you that's what is responsible for delay lift your hands father those spirits that use the realm of dreams and visions and manipulate destinies manipulate the stars of your people at the count of three we set them on fire fire comes upon you now many guys will be affected one two three [Music] oh i bring you deliverance in the name of jesus i cost your spirit because in delay you must leave now now now now [Music] go go that spell of delay muslim hallelujah lift your voice in one minute i'd like you to pray and cause delay from your life in the next one minute open your mouth and say enough is enough i must move forward [Music] pray please pray take it seriously it's called the miracle service it's called a miracle service pray lord i'm tired of delay [Music] [Music] oh yes yes yes prophesy i'm moving forward this is the ninth month by the blood of jesus i'm moving forward i'm moving forward under this anointing hallelujah hallelujah i'd like you to shout after me say in the name of jesus every gate and every obstacle standing between me and the next level by the blood of jesus i bring those gates down open your mouth and begin to pray kids of limitations standing before me and my desired heaven gates of limitation standing before me in the name of jesus christ of limitation standing before me and my desire in heaven outside make sure you are praying pray you will return with your testimony you are praying under a corporate anointing hallelujah hallelujah [Music] serve them in the name of jesus everything that belongs to me and it's not yet in my life in this season by the power of faith i command them to manifest open your mouth and begin to pray open your mouth and pray come on coilonia everything every lifting every glory that belongs to me and has refused to manifest by the power of faith even god who quickened the dead and colored those things that be not i stole the world hallelujah hallelujah serve them in the name of jesus every legal access [Music] every claim the devil has over my life over my family by the blood of jesus i declare that i'm free by the blood of jesus i command my liberty i declare that the price for my freedom has been paid therefore satan stay off my life open your mouth and begin to pray stay of my life the price has been paid by the death of jesus every course every yoke every spell every enchantment [Applause] by the blood of jesus prayer oh hallelujah i want you to listen to me carefully i'm doing this by the spirit listen many breakthroughs are happening to people just from this simple prayer i wish that god could open your eyes to see the things that are happening to people you are this is not just your normal prayer you are under a heavy anointing listen human beings have prophetic atmospheres the arc of god came into the house of open edo and brought him good jonah entered a boat and made people to be destroyed listen some of you are good people but you are carrying a spiritual atmosphere that brings bad luck to you and everybody connected to you that's what prophets sometimes will see and because they don't have discernment they call people witches and wizards they are not witches and wizards they are sincere people but they carry a spiritual climate that everywhere they go it makes certain things to happen do you understand now some of you are sincere people but you are carrying atmospheres that makes everything around your life to fail we are going to pray self-time in the name of jesus [Music] by the blood of jesus this is strong prayer this simple prayer you're saying you will see the result instantly i'd like you to plant every atmosphere [Applause] that i carry that does not come from god and is responsible for bad luck and misfortune in my life tonight i declare let that atmosphere change lift your voice and pray seriously [Music] lift your voice and pray seriously every negative atmosphere pray miracles are happening pray every negative atmosphere pray that brings bad luck i may be a sincere person but it brings repeated misfortunes i challenge it whether ancestral weather territorial i challenge it i change my spiritual climate by the blood of jesus [Music] hallelujah [Applause] two more prayer points and we'll pray for the sick hallelujah [Music] we're going to pray a prayer of restoration do you believe in restoration [Music] nothing is ever truly lost it only leaves your presence [Music] i like us to pray yeah that's the song everything that was lost shall be returned unto me everything that was stolen shall be restored unto me everything that was love shall be returned to me everything that was stolen one more time forget about your situation just prophesy just prophesy you may not know how it will happen just prophet sad one more time prophesy everything that was lost shall be returned to me shout it say in the name of jesus all the years [Music] all the fortunes every opportunity every access that has been lost in my life by the mercy of god i command them to come back to me go ahead and pray this is a serious prayer point all the years all the fortunes all the opportunities all the access that have passed your life pray like samson pray like hezekiah pray let there be a restoration of the caterpillar hallelujah [Music] hallelujah we're going to pray the last prayer point listen there are spirit entities that challenge and haunt the destiny of people in the realm of the spirit when jesus was born certain men saw his star from the east and they started following that star and the moment they announced to herod a king is born harold said ah a king he said please find where he is and tell me so that i will come and worship him but his intention was to kill him you are going to pray over your destiny please take this prayer point seriously [Music] shout it say in the name of jesus i declare that my destiny is secured by the blood every act of witchcraft that has tied down my destiny right now by the blood of jesus release it now pray pray release my destiny release my destiny my prophetic potential [Music] release it release it [Music] [Music] hallelujah after me say in the name of jesus this is my year of the reign it's a new dimension for me i'm breaking every limitation say it again i'm breaking every limitation and i declare that in this remaining part of the year [Music] an anointing comes upon my life that causes me to triumph that causes me to excel go ahead and pray lord is my year of the ray an anointing comes upon my life a speedy walk by the holy ghost a speedy walk of restoration a speedy walk [Music] hallelujah [Music] we're going to do two things at the same time right now listen if there is any trace of sickness and inflammation in your body it's time for it to die are we together now are we together now please just address these people who are going to have all those people come and line up while that is happening please i beg you if you do not write anything in your prayer request please if you need papers maybe the ushers can pass it we are going to be praying on everybody's request those on facebook some of your loved ones you are permitted to switch off your switch on your phone and tell them please send in your prayer request because god is about to do something right now while you are doing that be praying in tongues everybody be praying in tongues while sick people all those who brought sick people make your way to the front very quickly please very quickly all those trusting god for healings and miracles please just line up everything that was lost shall be returned unto you everything that was told everything that was lost shall be restored unto you everything that was stolen [Music] the devil is a liar he must let you go tonight [Music] we don't just lay hands on people i know that it takes a lot of time but it's the way god is directing us it's not just ordinary handling is a prophetic point of contact some of you are coming out for sickness but the truth about it is that there is an oppression of darkness is that the mama with cancer okay no no problem no problem she can come if she cannot stand just give her a seat let her sit down please those who are weak and cannot stand please you can give them a seat so that they don't collapse the woman with cancer if she cannot come just our minister everything that was lost make sure you are writing your prayer requests please everything that was stolen hallelujah all of you that are coming out i want you to know that we are patient enough to minister to us there are all kinds of ministries this ministry is like a spiritual factory it's like a spiritual workshop it's where we dirty our hands on the job and as a minister to us please i want our hearts to be open don't just stand watching the power of god touch people the moment i lay hands on you and minister to you i want you to receive you can go back to your seat some of you will be under the anointing it doesn't matter as i pray for you you don't have to scrounge i will lay hands on everybody it's going to be a quick walk it will take time please when you write your request pass it to the ushers in case there are things listen listen let me teach you how to maximize this prayer point don't just write things carelessly while you are writing be praying in tongues because the spirit of god will bring into your mind bring you into remembrance it may even be a matter that is not your own you heard the story of the gentleman dropped a prayer point and nine months later they are coming with twins there is nothing god cannot do father in the name of jesus i pray over your people there are powers tying down their destinies but you have put this miracle service as a prophetic platform let there be miracles go ahead all of us we can join praying in tongues while i pray for these people occasionally worship team you will help us lord we give you praise in the name of jesus christ in the name of jesus christ the name of jesus christ look at this i don't know they can't see it on screen it's not clear this is a leg that is bent father do a miracle they didn't fix it well in the name of jesus right now let the power of god do a miracle on this leg in the name of jesus almighty god you know you know oh know in the name of jesus christ [Music] know [Music] prayer point number two lord i take full delivery of everything you package uniquely for me tonight lift your voice i will not miss out on anything hallelujah who brought this woman please what's the issue what's wrong hallelujah we'll soon be rounding up let's just hear no no no keep asking what's wrong paralyzed mama can she talk yes mama for how long because i'm paralyzed yes i went to the house she can't walk on her own she can't walk very well mama in the name of jesus christ i curse this spirit it's okay in the name of jesus mama look at me in jesus name lift your hand lift it go don't look just lift it put it down lift it again paralyze hand look at this look at this mama clad away for her in the name of jesus christ walk [Music] [Music] come on give jesus in the name of jesus i break the power of paralysis it never returns to you again in the name of jesus you are the son that brought her [Music] to god she is not your mother or you brought her yes i pray for you may you never like help us in your life because you're a young man you are not related to her yet you carried my mind out of compassion this miracle is because of you i'm laying hands on you and i prophesy to you all the days of your life may help us be around you like peace in the name of jesus christ for as long as your eyes can see the sun you will find the helper in the name of jesus christ god bless you celebrate my my god bless you [Applause] [Music] miracles [Music] everywhere right now everywhere with a miracle [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] be [Music] so [Music] [Music] if you are in ministry i want you to come out i don't mean you want to do ministry you are actively minister come and stand here it's time for you to take fresh fire please if you come out and you know a minister i will send you back i assure you don't embarrass yourself if you're a minister and you know not just that you sense the call of god please don't embarrass yourself we're going to pray for everybody but if you're a minister come go ahead don't be afraid when a season of god's glory please listen when a season of god's remarkable grace it takes signs and wonders not just grammar and story the bible is not waiting for the explanation of the sons of god for the manifestation please i like you to believe i'm going to do this very fast the lord has instructed me immediately after we do that all visit us visit us alone i'll only answer on you but i'll pray for you and then we'll pray for the request prophesy and i will do all this within the next 10 minutes so that we're done [Music] father i pray it's not by might is not by power lord as i lay hands upon your servants let something new tab something divine my god i pray activate the gifts of the spirit in them activate the operations of signs and wonders shkabalata let utterance be given unto them let your lives of god produce results results of god results signs wanders miracles by your hand take the fire take the fire take the fire take the fire take the fire take the fire take the fire take the fire take the fire take the fire take the fire take the fire take the fire take the fire take the fire take the fire take the fire take the fire fresh fire fresh fire fresh fire fresh fire fresh fire fresh fire new levels fresh fire fresh fire fresh fire fresh fire new dimensions fresh place my goodness fire is falling fresh fire fresh fire fresh fire fresh great fresh fire fresh fire fresh fire fresh fire fresh graves fresh anointing new anointing new dimension gift of the spirit vision three prophecies multiplied graces i prophesy to all of you let it be a new season in the name of jesus new season new season new season i empower you for a new dimension in the spirit i empower you fresh grace fresh praise please stretch your hands towards the prayer request unto me that answers prayers shall all flesh come please stretch your hands is a prophetic instruction god gave us we have seen amazing testimonies if there are still people left please let them come let them drop it very quickly in one minute i'd like you to begin to pray lord it's time to turn my story around my goodness as we pray miracles begin to happen to people right in the crowd right in the crowd as i'm touching the request something is happening to you something is happening i'm seeing angels lightning all over all over all over shabbat [Music] father in the name of jesus we pray go ahead and pray everyone [Music] hello [Music] [Music] testimonies i activate angels not solve problems solve problems be removed i activate angel i activate angels shall all flesh come we cry [Music] hallelujah i tell you mighty miracles are happening i see all kinds of miracles happening in the realm of the spirit father turn these requests into testimonies the way i walk on them oh god these problems remain under our feet forever in the name of jesus christ under our feet forever in the name of jesus christ all our visitors please come out quickly if you're a visitor here visible this is your first time [Music] hallelujah the lord spoke to us last year he said we should prophesy and pray over the visitors some of you have traveled kilometers you have traveled from different states of this nation risking yourself through the night please make sure you come clear the way for them you are a visitor this is your first time you are coming here make your way to the front let's celebrate them [Applause] hallelujah you see what i'm saying people the number of visitors that are trooping every week into zarya for koinonia is getting so much we have to find something to start doing around your regions so that we save some of you transporting yourself maybe we'll open a branch of koinonia in all those places maybe we'll come to your village hallelujah but seriously we're trusting god for instructions for the next level and i'm sure that very soon he's going to speak but i perceive that very soon there's going to be a lot of expansion because of what god is doing hallelujah are you glad about that let's celebrate jesus god has brought you here your life will never be the same please lift your hands father you have brought these people all the way some of them with burdens some of them coming to catch fire i stretch my hands towards you my goodness i see impartations happening to people those of you standing i'm seeing impartations it's like rain rain touching people that's what i see these are showers of blessings showers of miracles i prophesy to you from tonight help them help them help them help them please i prophesy to you step into new levels in the name of jesus christ step into new dimensions this is koinonia a place of encounter is not just the name of a meeting is the name and the dimension of the operation of the spirit we bless you with hunger for god we bless you with passion for the things of the spirit i'm praying for you you will go back with such fire you will go back with such passion you will not recover from i pray that everything that has not been working in your life let it be activated tonight in the name of jesus christ hallelujah i welcome all of you thank you so much for coming this is koinonia a meeting put together by eternity network international we're here every friday this is not our usual venue our venus christ gospel church at new extension but we thank you for coming i bless you in the name of jesus and i'm praying for you from the depth of my heart and on behalf of everyone in this ministry and the many who are joining us online that you will return with a strange miracle in the name of jesus you will return with a strange miracle some of you even before you get home your miracles will be waiting for you some of you this night you will have dreams and encounters and the veil over your eyes will be open some of you this night god will show you what has been happening in your life god will show you direction i see god giving a lot of you direction direction for the next level you will hear his voice very accurately in the vision of the night in the vision of the night he will show you in the name of jesus christ we bless you for those of you who have never been here i want you to follow the gentleman waving his hands they'll have your details outside very quickly and then you'll come and join us those of you who have been here and we have received you you can just go back to your seat with a blessing but those of you who have never been here you've not put down your name we need your names and details i want you to make your way in the name of jesus everybody rise as we receive the last prophecy for the meeting now you begin [Music] you know [Music] two more times [Music] oh [Music] hallelujah praise the lord [Music] tomorrow morning we're off to kogi state we're going to be tearing down the walls of darkness [Music] trust god to set that territory free pray for us and if you come from kogi stand by us and tell and let's trust god to really do something apostolic in that land in the mighty name of jesus christ now please this for me you always hear me say this i consider this to be the most important part of the meeting because this is where everybody gets to receive the creative power of the spoken word the creative power of prophecy this is where the word of god comes into you like a drug and literally literally alters you and so i want you to receive with your heart open hallelujah please receive with your heart open in the name of jesus christ as i pray for you i want you to receive by shouting a resounding amen no more tears in the name of jesus [Applause] no more tears in the name of jesus i prophesy no more tears in the name of jesus no more tears in the name of jesus no more tears in the name of jesus no more tears kabbalah no more tears in the name of jesus these hands that are lifted i prophesy may a supernatural anointing come upon it let it begin to produce extra ordinary results in the name of jesus christ extraordinary results i pray for everyone you for promotion and every of your loved ones you for promotion in the name of jesus we cause the embargo stopping their promotion and we prophesy promotion there will be testimonies of promotion the power of god is touching people everyone and every family called jobless shabbat monday graduated i feel like fire on my hands as i'm about to pray this please help them i feel like fire on my hands everyone represented here and every family called jobless right now in the name of jesus i release an anointing for supernatural jobs receive it receive it receive it help them please receive it receive it testimonies of jobs testimonies of jobs testimonies of jobs [Music] every delay in your life that has stopped you from entering where you should enter now [Music] the anointing that came on elijah that he gathered his loins and ran my bro total picketing receive that anointing right now i cost delay in the name of jesus i cross delay in the name of jesus [Music] everyone who has found that over their dead body for you to rise and your family to rise i declare that to their shame my god will lift you before them my god will lift you before them my god will lift you before them everyone who says can anything good come out of your life i prophesy to you in this season god will use your life to answer them god will use your life to answer them i pray for you in the name that is above all names whoever needs to come into your life in this season no let's start it this way whoever needs to go out of your life this season in the name of jesus if their presence has been causing you pain and setback capacity i break you free from them now wrong associations be free from them now wrong relationships we break it now soul ties we break it now wrong connections we break it now wrong fraternities we break it now we break it now we break it now i command them out of your life out of your family listen some of our parents the trouble in their life is because they have wrong friends they will never leave they keep influencing them to make useless decisions i pray for every family any stranger manipulating the destiny of any family through the council of akitopha today we send them packing from their homes packing from your homes in the name of jesus until samwell appeared the destiny of saul remain covered [Music] until jesus appeared 12 years of hemorrhage continued whoever must appear in your life whoever must appear margaret operator you hear me talk of destiny help us all the time your next level comes from god but through the hands of a destiny helper from the realm of the spirit destiny help us i call you from the north from the north from the south from the east from the west wherever you are locate god's people come into their lives in the name of jesus [Music] every academic challenge you have tried and done everything you know to do but you need a miracle in the name of jesus i release my faith upon with you receive academic miracles now now now now now they're prototyping we activate angels to faculties angels to departments angels to faculties faculty of arts science environmental design medicine engineering [Music] administration education we release them now miracles in the name of jesus that favor anointing that makes men wrong to look for people to bless them i pray for you when the favor of god came upon my people said so look for him and blessed him receive favor right now unusual favor on common favor on common favor in the name of jesus [Music] before i pray the last prayer point listen if you're here and you've not given your heart to jesus christ please i can't pray this last prayer point without making this show because i want to pray something dangerous if you're here you've never given your heart to the lord please listen inside and outside all you once gave your heart to jesus christ but for some reason you see they're already coming out follow them you found out that you need to make your ways right please our time is limited in one minute inside and outside you're welcome make your way to the front god bless you bless you they are coming on you celebrate them don't sit back don't sit back this is a family this is not all of you i believe there are still some people outside clear the way for them please declare the way god bless you sis bless you sirs celebrate them jesus is calling you god bless you ma calling you to give you a new beginning please if you are coming clear the way for them so that they don't become discouraged motivate them clap for them thank you jesus come run to jesus christ he will give you a new beginning if the holy spirit is telling you to come out come out don't sit back there don't sit back there many of you are hearing the nudging of the spirit he's saying why are you sitting down don't argue with him make your way [Music] hallelujah thank you so much for coming out brothers and sisters i want to lead you in a prayer of salvation it's not a poem it's not a special number it's a it's a genuine prayer of dedication god bless you hallelujah lift your right hand hi to heaven and say this very passionately please you are not reciting a poem this is not an article you are praying to god this is a prayer that is going to save your soul and redeem you and empower you to be great say lord jesus i believe in you and i love you with all my heart i ask you to forgive me my sins i receive jesus christ into my heart be my lord be my savior from today my past is gone it's a new beginning i receive eternal life into my spirit the old is gone and the new has come in the name of jesus christ i pray for you right now i stretch my hands father these ones have come to make a decision for you i pray that this decision will be permanent they will never backslide no going to the world no going to the flesh i release grace upon you to live the victorious christian life in the name of jesus christ every wrong association every company of wicked and senseless people you will not have any appetite and desire to be close to them again you will love them but you will not associate with them again i receive grace for you to edit your friends wicked and unreasonable people are far from you forever in the name of jesus christ i bless you congratulations in the name of jesus it's a new beginning please follow the gentleman waving his hands and they will have your details will follow you up in the name of jesus please lift your hands for the last prayer point i want to pray for the gift of the spirit to fall upon your life this is why i said we have to pray for them please lift your hands just a quick walk in one minute some of you have passionately desired certain things some of you have had dreams but you cannot understand god is speaking to you there are many of you that have longed to hear the voice of god you are praying and somehow you hear it but there is no clarity and direction there are some of us that are trusting god for newer levels of the anointing the gifts of the spirit please lift your hands in one minute i'm going to pray there will be a great impartation upon you all the gifts of the spirit the nine recorded in the bible and every other one that is available in god father i'm praying right now as your people shout i receive let there be mighty invitations there are people here who will carry strange fires strange place at the count of three shout i receive one two three receive it right now right now right now right now gifts of killing impartations visions visions bishop prophetic encounters [Music] receive it right now in the name of jesus word of knowledge word of wisdom gift of leadership administration dreams visions entrepreneurship every gift available receive it now now please help that lady so she doesn't enjoy herself i pray for you what you could not do by the gift of the spirit go and begin to do it where you could not enter by this new one launching go and enter nothing dies in your hands in the name of jesus christ you
Channel: Salvation TV
Views: 30,800
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Keywords: online sermon, apostle selman sermon, apostle joshua selman sermon, new sermon 2021, apostle joshua selman new sermon, youtube sermon, sermon on youtube, apostle joshua selman messages, apostle joshua selman nimmak messages, koinonia, apostle, joshua, selman, nimmak, prayer, apostle joshua selman, apostle joshua selman 2021, koinonia messages, download apostle joshua selman messages 2019, how to grow spiritually, god, how to desire greater glory, powerful prayer, prophetic prayer
Id: x6FcFSxQXvw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 142min 16sec (8536 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 09 2021
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