WEDNESDAY MORNING SECRET 2021 | Apostle Joshua Selman Sermon

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first john 5 19. if you're there let's read together one to read and we know that we are of god and the whole world the whole world lied in kindness brotherly affection it says the whole world lie yet where in wickedness this is the truth that many people have refused to accept this world we live in is surrounded by wickedness and tonight briefly we examine the mystery of wickedness hallelujah very very important ephesians 6 12 to let us know that there is an operation of wickedness that is present in the earth and because we live here today and now and we plan to live here for a very long time it's important to understand the realities that are here and how to exempt ourselves ephesians 6 12 for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against what against against the rulers of the darkness of this world finally against spiritual wickedness spiritual wickedness in high places some versions say in heavenly places the heavenlies i told you that there are many planes of heavens is that true remember our teaching the reality of what heaven and hell get the teaching i told us that there are many dimensions in the realm of the spirit many when you say the heavenlies you're not necessarily talking about the heaven of heavens where god dwells or the third heaven there are many planes in the spirit and the bible generally calls it heavens are you getting my point and i told us that this is where some people have gone to and come back and say they went to heaven they went to astral realms they went to different kinds of realms hallelujah the bible says that there are entities that are called spiritual wickedness it's even a name spiritual wickedness and they dwell in the heavenlies they operate from that plane hallelujah so the whole world lie yet in wickedness how come we are not taught that this world we live in from the moment you are born you are born into a system that is fabricated and doggedly into wickedness and until you exit this realm you are going to live with the reality of this predicament so knowing how to exempt yourself and your loved ones and exempt all that around you is the reason why we are taking this topic are you getting my point you are not going to stop the world from being wicked are you getting my point because the bible calls satan the god of this world the god of this system the one who fashioned a system that does not honor the values of the kingdom someday every knee will bow experientially is that true and every tongue must confess that jesus is lord to the glory of the father but i said now we do not yet see all things remember our teaching last week we do not yet see all things that's the reason why there are a brother who was saying armed robbers came and wanted to enjoy him think about it why will somebody sit down in the night while you woke up in the morning he was thinking i'm going to wound somebody this night how can a man think this is his goal for the day i must want somebody this night it's called the mystery of wickedness how many of you say oh why are they treating us bad who did i offend in my village that they want to stop me from marrying welcome to the reality of this world you you don't dr paul and nature says this this the earth realm is not a playing ground he said is a battlefield whether you believe it or not as you grow the realities that will confront you will make you to reconsider whether it is a joke or it is true that wickedness is real many preachers listen to me many preachers in a bid to magnify god and demagnify satan have while that is a good intention they have lied to people are you getting me lies to people that there is the concept of wickedness it does not exist please get this once and for all wickedness is real are you getting me somebody just gets up and looks at you and say bengal i don't like you why i i choose to hate you and my life's goal is to prove to you that i hate you you buy a nice car and take it home somebody just begins to frown how old is this boy 25 25 i was 40 when i bought a bicycle and because of that listen listen listen many of us grew up in the cities we grew up around we watched all kinds of of of deceitful films that have covered us from the reality of the fact that wickedness is real a number of us here are not working but for those who are working you know that when you get a job for one single space of promotion there may be a number of people and everybody's eyeing every other person is that true the day your director calls you they call you and say so what did he say the next day you come back and your director said don't be stupid me i spoke to you something happened somewhere that you are not aware of but you are paying a bitter price those who understand that wickedness is real and have equipped themselves with the revelation and the spiritual asanas will keep soaring as if satan does not exist and they will leave others crying and languishing there are many of our loved ones who don't go home some of you have not even gone home since you were born because they told you one scary story they say nobody goes there and comes back the same hallelujah the weapons of our warfare occultism is real witchcraft is real yokes are real bondages are real even jesus said he was sent to deliver those who have been locked up in prison they didn't see the prison physically but they are in prison moving but in prison hallelujah this is what is affecting a lot of families a lot of families and i prophesy to you that in the name that is above all names as we are teaching just as the teaching is going on many of you will suddenly find out that liberty you are just liberated from this nonsense that the devil wants to tie you in the strength of evil is ignorance the strength of evil is ignorance that's the highest weapon satan uses against the people of god ignorance the bible says in psalm 82 he said they know not neither do they understand they know not and then a few of us have gone a step further to know the name of jesus oh jesus jesus jesus jesus and is not producing any result at all so we are going to be examining these things praise the lord so wickedness is real what is the goal of wickedness why wickedness what is the goal of the evil that we see in our society what does satan want to achieve with armed robbers and terrorists and wicked people in the villages and around witches and wizards necromancers people who try to project wickedness to people's life what is the goal we must know where satan is going why is he doing this hallelujah what is the whole idea behind the set that the devil trying to turn the heart of your father against you or your mother against you or your loved ones or your employer or your boss or your pastor whatever why does satan enjoy wickedness what does it do to him hallelujah wickedness or evil generally is brought to attempt to achieve three things number one to discredit god to discredit god in your life to discredit god if there is anything satan is obsessed about is bringing you to a point where the credibility of god drops to zero in your life how many of you have had people say i used to trust god but right now i trust anything that works god or others have you heard people speak like that they say i remember i trusted god from 17 years till 40 years god didn't bring a husband right now i trust any other thing whether i stick it can do fire once it produces result i trust it that's exactly the goal of wickedness when armed robbers attack you and you are shouting jesus jesus and they still enjoy you and they wound you when certain things happen they attempt to discredit god discredit the word never forget this the mystery of wickedness was put in place by satan first in an attempt to prove that god is not as great as we claim he is so when a man has been victimized so much that that that pain becomes a stronghold in his mind how many of you have seen people that when you are praying your eyes are even open they are just looking at you say in jesus name amen while you are praying they feel like slapping you once you just round up the prayer they just move you know they didn't believe this at all the mystery of wickedness at work in their lives hallelujah are you getting my point when you tell your parents oh i'm attending koinonia god is doing great things and then the devil orchestrates something terrible to happen are you getting me your father has an accident or something like that and he returns back and he said daddy i just wanted you to know that i dropped your name in the prayer request he will give you a dirty slap and say you and all the liars and every man of god is a liar the mystery of wickedness number one to discredit god do you not see that that was exactly what lucifer tried to do in the garden of eden he came and met eve read his conversation with eve he said did god really say if you eat of this fruit you will die now you know that you use half truth right it was not he just patched it up he said but do you know that there is a story you do not know and that's why that's what you will know when you eat of this fruit and truly when the earth of the tree the eye their eyes were open and they began to have a sense of the knowledge of good and evil so number one to discredit god number two number two to weaken and possibly destroy your faith in god to weaken and destroy your faith in god the bible says being not weak in faith speaking about abraham now being not weak in faith the bible says he considered not so wickedness is orchestrated by satan listen please wickedness is orchestrated by satan to weaken your faith when you really see wickedness you will need to trust god to stand that's what philosophers are using why can a loving god allow children to be dying in sudan is that not what people say how can a loving god allow this and that to happen and it weakens your faith this is why jesus says if the son of man returns will he find faith in the earth hallelujah are you getting my point especially for many of us who have been taught that when things go wrong in your life it's a sign that something is wrong with you it's a sign that something is wrong satan capitalizes on the inconsistency of that message and when anything happens you just believe that this trust you've been having in god this is why job said though he slay me satan you won't achieve what you are trying to achieve though are you saying now job's wife came to a point where she was tired she said job meo i don't think god is faithful again cause god and die when your wife tells you to cause god and die that's a level of discouragement because she's supposed to be the last person that will stand by you are you getting my point now so to discredit god to discredit god number two to weaken or totally destroy your faith number three what's the goal of the mystery of wickedness to perpetuate listen please very important to i'm thinking of the best way to put it to to become a channel through which the program and the evil agenda of satan for nations will continue let me explain what i mean how many of you have heard that word covenant why will the devil want our forefathers to go and bow to him an entire covenant on behalf of people yet unborn what what is what is his passion about people that are not born yet are you getting what i'm trying to explain now because satan is trying to secure a channel through which he can pass a transgenerational channel do you understand what i'm teaching you now are you getting my point so although it will take 30 or 50 or 100 years for this generation to be born satan will say you since you are representing them and i'm going to explain this to you i will explain to you i hope if i can remember the mystery of reproduction and you understand that reproduction is not just about sex and giving birth the bible says by one man not one woman sin was transferred are you getting me by one man through the blood press the lord so he now enters a covenant and says all right in this family we will worship you give us children we will worship you give us protection deal is that true now he can go and give back to 30 children no cs with his wife no cs no hospital but there will not be any complication because a part had been entered are you getting my point fast forward two or three generations somebody comes up and says i believe in jesus christ i'm not going to involve myself with all of these things because you see i'm going to talk about the mystery of blood blood does not have time it speaks it will raise and a lot in the realm of the spirit something is being compromised here and the next thing that will happen is that these people because they are trying to breach a contract are you getting me so it will activate the mystery of wickedness the devil will now come to say who is trying to stop this and if you have authority enough you will be the one who will break that cycle and enact a new one are you getting me and if you do not sustain enough knowledge you will die and then the devil said this is an example of what i can do with anybody who plays with me and the other person say i'm willing are you getting my point now i don't know how you are going to write the third point but that's what i that's what the third point is praise the lord to become a channel through which transgenerational wickedness will be perpetuated god bless you the mystery of wickedness look up how many of you know that if there are no human beings in the earth wickedness will be unfruitful it will yield any result is that true when you understand this you will know that wickedness will not cease in fact the bible says it this way the bible says um how did he put it now it says ah end time matthew 24 how did he put it how that people will be offended is that true paraphrasing like wickedness will increase the imaginations that are in the hearts of men will increase look at me those who are praying listen and i want you to get this those who want to solve their family problems by just saying in the name of jesus christ wickedness will not happen to me when i finish with you you will know that there are certain things that if you do not do that prayer is incomplete because there is already a seed like a gene are you getting what i'm saying do you believe what i'm teaching i know this is wrestling a lot of our theology oh i'm in christ calm down where where we're heading somewhere because many of us have been cheated oh therefore if any man be in christ is a new creation i will show you that your personal salvation does not change your territory are you getting my point that i am born again does not automatically make my mother brother sister and father born again if that were the case everybody would just kneel down on behalf of their clan and just accept jesus once and for all and let's rest from this nonsense hallelujah is that true so wickedness is real and the goal is to discredit god to weaken your faith every single arsenal that satan launches at the believer is aimed at discrediting the faithfulness of god because he has a name and he is called faithful and true that means he does not lie that means he cannot lie that means he's ever he's he's he's um ever faithful through all generations but when things begin to happen in your life that negate what the word of god is saying that's satan attempting to discredit god in your life say amen a mystery of wickedness wickedness is real brothers and sisters this operation is working in our government this operation is working in our families look at me look at me how many of you have heard the stories of parents who will put something hot iron and carry it and press it on their children is that called discipline that is the mystery of wickedness hallelujah or a mother look at her own daughter and say i curse you you won't marry you won't move forward this is an is a spirit it's not just an attitude are you getting what i'm saying please and if we do not understand this and deal with this it will limit us in a very mighty way thank you jesus thank you for opening our eyes so the whole world lies in wickedness the whole world your village your house the job you are trying to look for that office is in the midst of wickedness you may be born again but are your fellow employees born again hallelujah and you are going to have to live with them you do business with wicked people you go to buy rice and buy gary from somebody who went to a herbalist you bought it you ate is that true so you're not going to say me i'll only work with christians it's impossible you live in a world where everyone is permitted to believe what he wants to believe and because of our interrelations you must find yourself relating with people so you must know how to keep satan where he belongs praise the lord are you following me so far hallelujah now the next thing i want to talk about is the realms and jurisdiction the boundaries of demonic operation i won't stay too long in this aspect because i guess that this is the part that has brought sheer and confusion and this is one of the most unscriptural areas of spiritual warfare in terms of its explanation this is where you have people um write accounts in an attempt to show us the structure and the organogram are you following me now i know that there are many books hundreds and probably thousands and even millions on books of books on spiritual warfare deliverance and so on and so forth and there are many opinions are you getting me the bible tells us something very interesting he said do not be ignorant of the devices i told you the word devices is the word stratomy his strategies so we are just concerned about his strategies we are not necessarily concerned about the kingdom and what the organogram of the satanic kingdom is are you getting my point i personally believe that an extensive study into the organogram and the structure of satan is not really necessary especially in light of the fact that we know that in christ he has been defeated are you following what i'm saying so i'm just guiding us just to bring awareness there are many books and i've read some of them you have read some of them hallelujah they begin to tell you all kinds of things the least physical territories in the earth where there are headquarters of demonic activities and so on and so forth now i'm not i do not have enough authority to dispute the things that are being written are you getting my point especially for those that do not compromise the written word of god some of these things were written by people who allegedly said they were part of the demonic kingdom and for some of them they were deep into occultism there are lots of books are called grand master now in christ there are books by rebecca brown mary baxter um dr olukoya who is considered to be an authority in the subject of deliverance and spiritual warfare there are a lot of others you know different brothers prophets people and so on and so forth who have written books others went to heaven others went to hell others died and came back others just studied the bible so we have this extensive um description level one one one level nine nine nine level six six six level you know this and that and that and for many people we have rather than concentrating on the strategies the methods of satan and understanding our victory we have paid attention trying to study and research on the organization of the demonic kingdom let me tell you something if you do that the danger is that everything will suddenly become demonic around you have you seen people like that why are you looking at me like this is just a kai this lady on because of something they read they say okay in our kingdom when we want to say you say man we look at him like this so a lady is quietly she's even feeling sleepy and just looking at you just say kai in jesus name don't blood of jesus you are putting sign of the cross so we don't want to see this kind of immaturity in the body of christ that's why there must be a balance are you following me there are people who don't wear black on friday on sunday because they read a book and they say every time you wear black on friday notice check left you will see a star that's a sign that we are coming out you know and all kinds of sex come up with now i hope you understand that i'm not condemning anybody you get my point i'm only trying to explain to you that it is quite counterproductive to spend all of our time and energy trying to understand the entire organization listen how many ceos maintain the same structures they change so that you were delivered from occult in 1980 does not mean the organogram that used to exist still exist it is logical for any leader to be dynamic are you getting my point so when you come and say okay there is a demon his name is luke is the one in charge of zarya he's the one appointed to stop koinonia his name is luke what if luke what what what if luke was promoted or demoted and they now brought another person and you are still advocating and you say look i'm speaking to you now you are hearing my voice looking somewhere saying me i'm not even in nigeria again and now you're shouting you see there is a lot of spiritual ignorance a lot of it and most of this has come because we have uh not necessarily gone out of scripture but taking other materials and use them as the ultimate template to help us understand the realm of the spirit i think sufficient enough is the information the bible gave us about satan i believe it is sufficient enough praise god you get my point if you're in the occult before and you were delivered and you wrote a book please don't feel sad if you wrote prayer point that your book should increase it will increase we pray for you hallelujah but at the same time don't go about sitting down teaching people and saying okay in the realm of the spirit red means danger white means this yellow means this so don't wear yellow shirts if you really mean business with prosperity keep yellow shirts aside this is part of the teaching that has moved from church to church and place to place so we have brought religiosity and a lot of forms of religion in an attempt to keep satan there is nowhere in scripture listen or you say ah don't take products from procter and gamble they are freemason and all of that what do they make how many of you have used that in ela it in your nose and your eye did you go to hell did demons come to disturb you you see i'm saying this thing because we are touching on this topic and i'm trying to clear the air there are many of you who say i know somebody is a bad person he sells meat me i know this guy goes to the habalis who eat his meat question the one you have been eating before who told you that that meat was not taken to a herbalist are you getting my point rather than allowing sheer put religious rules why don't you rise up in revelation and realize that the bible says a thousand shall come by your side only god knows how many poisons i've eaten in my life because the bible says when they serve you just give thanks and eat hallelujah many of us don't eat certain people's food just said this lady is always frowning i won't eat our food i don't know what i've entered right now and then many of us listen i have had other teachings aha let me even talk about it i've had other teachings that say somebody can come to you come he can just come and hug you and he has initiated you listen let me balance something very quick was that how you got born again you think listen i want you to understand that the will of man is a powerful force even jesus stood at the door of the heart and was knocking until man agreed to open are you getting my point if you are not in christ or you are ignorant of the principles of the kingdom it is possible are you getting my point but to now come and say oh because i'm just sitting down and you came to put with one on my head suddenly i've been initiated except you don't carry fire the witch doctor together with his fire he will burn into ashes there there's a time people were complaining that a particular woman in just she was doing some kinds of funny things and then getting power to make people come and eat her food you know how many people eat that food when they told me the restaurant i laughed i said oh lord i don't know whether i've eaten here or not but it cannot have power over me unto thee oh lord do i lift up my soul unto thee oh lord do i lift up my soul let me not be ashamed let not my enemies triumph over me i pity the person that will go to a covenant call my name that's the last time you have the opportunity to shout it believe me see i'm rushing myself because let me see if we can get to weapons of victory except you don't know the spiritual asanas you carry let me tell you satan can bow this is the sweetest part of this jesus that's why i want to rush all these things so that we'll get there self timing satan can bow i hate the way satan has been so magnified there are many people who teach they say do you know that these classes of demons are so powerful not even you can't stand them there are people who believe that i don't believe that absolutely i don't believe it the bible says god gave him a name that is above every other name he said a dimension of that name every knee not some every knee must bow hallelujah let's rush so jurisdiction number one number one the realm of the spirit territories of operation or realms of operation number one the bible says that they operate in heavenly places so that is a realm of demonic operation please write quickly can you put strings hallelujah wickedness now these are the territories that exactly upon government remember that the bible says there's no time to show you this the bible says when daniel was praying remember the story the bible says that principality that was operating over the territory of persia the prince of persia withstood the prayers of daniel is that true when gabriel was going to bring him the answer he said when when gabriel arrived he said from the very first day that you set yourself to pray your prayers were heard okay and while he was coming the prince of that territory so there are powers that station themselves across territories that's why you can see that certain geographical territories exhibit similarities of certain character is that true you find out that certain people certain territories the men are irresponsible certain territories you know they are they are given to anger certain territories they are given to irresponsibility and all kinds of things you find out that is a common trait because of this operations of darkness in the heavenlies second is the air please take notes this is very important notice that it is the features that the holy spirit uses to manifest himself that satan also operates there the air the bible talks of the prince of the power of the air these spiritual forces of wickedness are the ones who manipulate and control people because the media is through the power of the air are you getting my point now they are they are the ones who initiate mind control systems and this is probably one of the most disastrous manifestation of darkness deception and ignorance are you learning something now so the air the prince of the power of the air second scriptural proof that there is one jurisdiction of operation remember when jesus was going to meet the madman in gadara what happened the bible says suddenly the winds and the waves became boisterous but jesus looked and he knew that this was not just about wind this was not just about the storm look at the tsunami that happens is it not wind wind these are spirits it's just that we cannot see it with our optical eyes they are spirits hallelujah are you learning something so the air number three water water this is very important this is where we talk about the marine world or marine spirits this is the jurisdiction of darkness that is responsible for prosperity for lust for seduction and all kinds of perversion every kind of immoral perversion is associated with this dimension of demonic operation water very important are you learning something tonight water and this one is very important that's why you find out that territories that are covered around the river run areas exhibit attitudes of lost are you getting me lost on faithfulness in marriage and all kinds of you see it rampant are you getting my point this is spiritual intelligence i will give you sufficient to the point that you need that i believe you can research more but i think that explaining to you what i'm explaining to you is giving you intelligence so that when you are talking with people it's like a doctor diagnosing a patient with this spiritual intelligence you will understand you will know how to act hallelujah praise the lord there was a time i remember at the bar beach it was a popular issue that i think a particular bank or organization built a glass house is that true they built a glass house and the witches and wizards around the marine they wrote a letter to them they said you better do something about those buildings before we scatter it you are interrupting us water very important very important job began to talk of the deep sea creatures he called it leviathan the steep creatures that arise from the water you read the book of revelations and it tells you you see the interaction of water and all of these things so i've told you the realm of the spirit the air the atmosphere the water this water one is very serious do you know something i will show you from scripture something that may surprise you do you know everything you see in existence the animals and the rest do you know they came out of water they came out of water genesis let me show you very quickly there's an army rising up there's an army rights enough there's an army they're rising up they'll break every chain break every chain break every chain help me search for it genesis 2. but what 21 yeah beautiful thank you good bible students verse 20 and 21 genesis 1 are you there i just want to show you that the water is a very mysterious object and god said let the waters do what bring forth abundantly so there is a mystery of abundance and water are you understanding me is it in your bible he said let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that have life where did they come from he said and the fowl that may fly even the fowl came out of the water it's in your bible above the earth in the open firmament of the heaven verse 21 and god created great sea monsters and every living creature that moved which the waters brought forth abundantly are you seeing now is it in your bible the water very very important this is why satan associates himself a lot and there are many demonic diabolic things that happen with water hallelujah the next medium of manifestation is fire notice that these are the same expressions of the spirit fire almost everyone here of most of our villages have festivals there is no festival without fire how many of you have seen diabolic people put fire and keep putting it around them what are they trying to achieve it is a realm of operation of demonic substances see let me tell you something fire is a big mystery big mystery you can't hold it it doesn't share anything but it consumes everything that comes comes around it hallelujah fire very important even the world will be judged with fire the first judgment was with water the second judgment will be with fire hallelujah number what now four number what five i'm going to give it to you now the fifth one is the earth dust earth look at me how many of you have seen people in your village get angry at the carriage sand and spoke to it and dropped it back oh like the evil people do when they take small drink they post more on the ground and say to our ancestors what is it about the earth the prophet looked and said all earth the word of the lord that means the earth is not non-living like we teach in biology it was in the days of moses the bible says the people rebelled against god and the earth opened its mouth it has mouth it swallowed them till tomorrow we cannot find them hallelujah do you believe this these are jurisdictions of operation that's why priests and the rest put their shrines on the ground and then they sit down even if you give them 1 million the one build a luxurious house that earth they must associate themselves with the earth hallelujah these levels this medium these realms of operation every manifestation every single medium of manifestation let me give you one more are you ready human beings human vessels as far as satan is concerned this is the best medium of manifestation why because every other thing i've listed does not have a will they don't have willpower as it were are you getting me and they don't have souls only human beings have souls please are you learning something so satan entered the madman remember the madman in gadara do you know that the entire spirit across those territories they were resident in that man he stayed in caves he was alone he caught himself but the moment jesus was coming without any publicity he came out and went to wait close to the water and was waiting for jesus to arrive immediately jesus arrived he began to talk to him he said we know who you are have you come to destroy us before our time what time what time did satan teach them let me tell you something about the powers of darkness that you must understand when they say their time has not come what that means is this listen you cannot cease their operation from the earth but you can cease their operation from your territory are you getting this please understand this that's why we can all sit down right now and say satan leave the whole world go to venus or mass relocate there after all is empty go and build a new kingdom leave us in peace so says the apostles and the prophets no you can't do that what you can do even jesus while he was on earth he didn't cast satan out of everywhere wherever he met with him he told him mr man go listen jesus himself answered one request of demons they said please cast us to the peaks what did he say in other words he knew that as far as exiting this realm is concerned they are not going to leave what we can do are you getting my point so that there are certain prayers we will stop praying at once are you getting my point many people pray and what they mean by their prayer is to tell the devil bye bye pack your load and go let me not see you and don't even go have you had that prayer i cast you into gehenna have you had that kind of prayer don't come out again uh is that really an accurate prayer no no don't feel bad believe me with the kind of prayerful people on earth if that prayer were answerable by now there would have been some clear air that shows that sufficient demons have gone down to gehenna gehenna is called the place of the dead are you getting my point listen he said resist the devil there are people that pray all kinds of prayers oh we cast you and we lock you up across the forest just stay there those kinds of prayers are not accurate prayers please please listen don't be offended if you are used to praying those kinds of prayer but i want you to know that we cannot cast satan and demons out of the earth we can only secure our territory are you getting my point because the bible says satan is like a roaring lion he's like that he moves to and fro praise the lord say i'm learning something water wind the atmosphere i just want you to know that these are operations of darkness every time a native doctor or a herbalist wants to do certain things one or more of these elements must be in place yet these are the same elements that the holy spirit associate himself with what does that tell you discrediting god you see that thank you jesus let's touch on weapons of victory i'll just use one and then we'll stop where what's the time oh this time praise god don't look at the time look at me the clock is not preaching to you praise god hallelujah okay before we talk of the weapons of victory let me just speak very quickly on the strategies of satan the strategies the strategies this is i think this is the one that is very important strategies there are three main strategies from scripture they will not change this is the one you can bank on they will not change do not be ignorant of the devil's stratomy his strategy his way of doing things it can come in different forms but it is one of these three number one i shared it last week ignorance ignorance ignorance second corinthians 4 verse 4 ignorance are you there okay i thought it was projected let me turn there second corinthians four verse four in whom the god of this world okay second corinthians 4 not chronicles sorry second corinthians no problem let's continue in whom the god of this world or this age the word age there is aeon in whom the god of this system the thinking pattern of this system has blinded the minds of them who believe not lest the light of the glorious gospel of christ who is the image of god should shine upon them is that in your bible it says satan did what blinded their minds everybody say ignorance the number one and hear me as sophisticated as satan looks his greatest strategy is to maintain ignorance in the lives of believers or across territory say ignorance notice every manifestation of wickedness in the earth realm has been strengthened by the ignorance of the people because the moment they know they will revolt until victory comes every bad government in the world has been able to execute its agenda by enforcing ignorance are you getting that that's the spirit of the power of darkness say ignorance ignorance now come any other guy again come i need two gentlemen stand here stand here i want to explain something stand here stand here now please everybody look at me i want you to understand this and i pray you get this revelation in jesus name there are two sides to the understanding of the kingdom please don't forget there are what two sides the first is understanding the passing of jesus christ the person of jesus christ the second is the principles of jesus christ and that's what we call the principles of the kingdom is that true are you following me please so the person of jesus christ when you come under the lordship of jesus christ when you surrender to jesus christ you have embraced his person but that does not automatically mean that you have knowledge of the principles of the kingdom are you getting my point the person of jesus christ secures your eternal destiny and secures your peace the principles of jesus christ secure your victory in this earth realm so there are many well-meaning believers who know the person of jesus christ in terms of their loyalty to him but they lack sufficient understanding of kingdom principles are you getting my point for instance there are many well-meaning christians who are poor and broke and they may remain like that forever and they believe that just by being close to jesus christ automatically prosperity comes no there there is a kingdom principle that governs it is that true there are many people although they are close to god many people hate them because the kingdom principle for access is unknown are you getting my point now so whether you are a christian or not when you dishonor people you will never have access are you getting my point so there is ignorance what satan tries to do is to take this first level of ignorance to stop you from seeing the light of the gospel to come to jesus christ in the first place but if he does not succeed and by any means you surrender your heart to jesus christ this becomes the second face of the ignorance he stops you are you getting my point now so there are many well-meaning christians who the devil have lost it on them as far as the person of jesus is concerned but he has shielded them from understanding the principles of the kingdom that's why when somebody gets born again the next mission is to subject him under a radical teaching ministry where the principles of the kingdom will be taught and then he will understand this is what spiritual growth is about growing in intimacy this is why we call koinonia intimacy and partnership intimacy is our knowledge as we progress deeper to know god partnership is our working with the world and with the spirit are you getting my point now do you understand this this explanation i've given you because the greatest tool that satan uses his number one strategy is what ignorance so a non-believer comes how many of you have seen a lot of unbelievers who understand bible verses they understand a lot of bible verses you say something they ask you this okay let's turn to the book of matthew i have this and that and the next thing they will not accept the simplicity of the gospel are you getting me to surrender to jesus christ then when they eventually surrender the devil makes them feel that there is nothing more in the kingdom so they remain in church and they think remaining in church is equal to spiritual growth so eventually they tell you i've been here 20 years and based on that there is nothing you would tell me ignorance of the principles are you getting my point this is the deliverance that is happening to some of you right now because you are born again but you don't know why things are not moving the way the word says should be could it be that you do not yet have the comprehension paul himself prayed in ephesians chapter 1 from verse 17 to the efficient church who were already born again he said for this course i bow my knees to the father of our lord jesus christ the father of glory that he may grant unto you the spirit of what wisdom and understanding of revelation the eyes of your understanding being enlightened flooded with light that ye may know so the bible tells us that according as his divine power has given us what all things but those all things are encapsulated in knowledge when you have access to the principles the door opens up to you at once that's why all things are not possible for everybody what is possible for me although we are all equal in christ but our comprehension of kingdom principles have created the divide so i can speak to a demon spirit and say go and he will go not because my born again is greater than your own but my i have a greater comprehension two students in the same class taught by the same teacher one gets hundred one gets fifty are you seeing that now it is the degree of their comprehension it is because of that that some will get 30-fold some would be 60-fold and some will bear what they all produce but according the bible says those who were on good sword were the ones who had and understood but the difference was their degree of understanding are you following me now say the person of jesus said the principles of jesus say the person of jesus said the principles of the kingdom the question i want to ask you is how many principles of the kingdom do you know this is the measure see listen listen this is very important healing for instance healing comes from the body of jesus by his tribes we are healed are you seeing that favor does not just happen automatically so when you understand the laws of the spirit then you will know how to navigate through life so whenever you you see a roadblock you go back and search out diligently what kingdom principle is responsible for the result you are looking for because if god did it then it is possible it is only the light that will open the door so arise and shine not because you want to arise your light access when that revelation comes and you understand it the door is opened at once if you understand what i'm teaching right now it's automatic you don't need to pray about it that's why i see the bible says while jesus was teaching the power of god was moving around waiting for those who will understand and believe so that at once it will be activated while peter yet speak these things the holy ghost fell under because they understood and they believed immediately are you getting the point now so when the word of god returns to him is because he did not find a believer praise the lord are you getting me bless you bless you weapons of victory let me just take one the name of jesus i will share revelation about the name there are many weapons of victory maybe let me just run to a few of them the name of jesus the mystery of the blood of jesus listen the power of praise the power of a seed i'm going to teach you the weapons spiritual asanas that will lock the hands of satan at once the power of prayer hallelujah the power of unity the power of love all of these are dangerous spiritual weapons that will keep satan where he belongs is this teaching benefiting you are you getting something so i'll just take on one of them the power of the name of jesus we sing that song there is power hallelujah rise up on your feet we'll sing that song one more time to the shame of the devil and then we just pray just pray in tongues for a minute or two and then you sit down i'm about to give you a revelation that will set you on fire there is power in the name of jesus there is power in the name of jesus there is power in the name of jesus break every chain to break every chain to break every break everything one more time in the name of jesus there is power in the name jesus break everything break oh that is hallelujah hallelujah please be seated god bless you take your bibles let me have your attention lord let our eyes be open show us something powerful let me tell you something there are many of you if you catch this revelation tonight you will be amazed this name will work for you yes ago i called this nemo nothing happened i shouted jesus i said it like a special number hallelujah thank you jesus open our eyes oh god i show you a mystery right now mark 16. break chain there are some chains that need to be broken break every chain break every chain break every chain verse 15 mark 16 15 and he said unto them go ye into all the world and preach the gospel take my value system to every creature he said he that believer and is baptized shall be saved but he that believe believe not shall be done seventeen if you are a believer please read it one to read is projected stop stop this sign shall follow them that believe they will do certain things when they have a revelation of my name he said in my name they will do what it tells you all the things that can be possible in the name in my name they shall number one number two number three they shall take up what hold on what is the meaning of that what is they shall take up serpents what is the meaning of they shall take up serpents i will soon explain it to you because jesus told moses i mean god told moses remember he said take the serpent from the tail i will show you what that means they shall take up serpents it doesn't just mean carry a physical snake remember at the burning bush when moses met with god i you remember are you getting my point it threw the road is that not true and he told him to take it to hold it by the tail i say not in your bible i will show you what that means to take up serpents it's a revelation it's a revelation i will show you a scripture that says the horn in a man's body is on his hands a horn is a symbol of power are you getting my point so he said with that horn you will take up serpents it's a mystery i will explain he said in my name that will happen he said and if they drink any deadly thing that means if they move in my name no poison will harm them so long as it is in my name he said they shall lay hands i will show you the mystery of the layman of hand it's not just about touching people the horn in a man's body is his hands the apostles said that you will stretch forth your mighty hands the right hand of god the bible says is the hand of power not his right leg he said they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover listen i want to explain to you the mystery of the name praise the lord hallelujah please if i call you come banger the first revelation of the name of a man is it invites his presence when you invoke the name of a man his presence is encapsulated in his name are you seeing this i called his name and what happened his presence showed up so the bible says and the lord walking with them confirming their words with signs it happened because a personality was answering to his name so they went in the name this is what it means to come in the name of the lord to come with the backing the presence of god weapons of victory that can kick any satanic asana out of your life hallelujah watch this i called his name and he confirmed that that name is true the name of a man is his identity every time see listen listen that's why when god met certain people he changed their names because the name of a man represents the prophecy of his life it represents his ability it represents the prophecy upon his life when he met jacob he said no you are not a cheat and a supplanter as a prince with god you have fought and prevailed i changed your name to israel and the prophecy started following him the mother of chavez bought him in sorrow and all through his life the name was following him name follows people a name is a spirit is a presence and jabber said all that thou would just bless me change my name hallelujah are you getting the revelation now so the first revelation is that the name of jesus compels his presence to show up in that scene listen now you understand what paul was saying say not in your heart who will ascend to heaven and bring god or who will go to the deep he said but the word is near you even in your mouth that means when it is uttered with revelation the presence shows up no time no distance are you getting my point this is a very very powerful revelation very powerful revelation you must believe this let me demonstrate something take this hold it this is ordinary handkerchief who brought this handkerchief are you seeing this this is an ordinary anchor if he's holding it right give it back to me what's the power of the name this is not just for jamboree thank you jesus in your name hold this hold it what is the difference he just held this is he not so he held this he held this you see the power of god there breaking out again see this is a revelation this is why saying in jesus name is not what will bring the miracle there is a revelation this is what i want you to know it will rattle from the realm of the spirit and it will affect you in this realm this is a handkerchief he held that's why i did it in your presence it's the name say not in your heart who will go and bring him from heaven he is closer to you this is what koinonia is about the reality of a personality that can be demonstrated here and now paul said we do not teach corningly devised fables these are not just stories that cannot be proven unbelief so you can be listen you can say jesus jesus nothing will happen the next thing i want you to know is what is really this name let's examine it what is the name we have said what the name can do but what is the name look up please i want to shock you listen the name is not jesus you see where people have been missing it this is a hospital there's surgery going on right now the name is not jesus he said in my name he didn't write the name there he just said if you can find what that name is what is the name the name is not jesus listen the bible says isaiah speaking he said you shall bear son they shall call him what emmanuel did they ever call jesus emmanuel but the prophet said that will be his name the name was a revelation that god is with us is that true he said they shall call him man well nobody ever called jesus emmanuel jesus was a name that was given to him in the earth realm there are mexicans that bear jesus today in fact in hebrew tongue and aramaic is not jesus is jesus that's what they call it so it's not in the pronunciation it's not in jesus before we pray tonight once and for all i want to reveal to you what this name is in my name is get this revelation a new dimension look at me look at me listen i want to explain something to you listen many of you think that it is an act of arrogance when i tell you all men are not equal we are equal in christ but something has separated people the bible says there are some bodies perez here some celestia not everybody you see is the same it's not pride this is why we are bringing us higher i tell you the truth you will shake hell this is how you will leave us if satan does not exist you are coming in the name hallelujah philippians chapter two zeke god doesn't care whether it's koinonia or anywhere anywhere his name is mentioned he shows up he doesn't want to know whether you are playing or you are taking it serious it's a law when you invoke it he shows up because every man answers his name only a dead man does not answer his name oh i believe the bible there is an angel standing close to this lady shabbat catapult breakthroughs are already happening deliverances are happening believe it deliverances are happening i kill the change falling the chain i every sickness oh every yoke every day wow look at me let me show you something that will surprise you hallelujah sam come watch this father let the sounds rise in your name watch what will happen as he sings just raise any song and sing this was the same person that ministered the same person that seemed many of you do not understand the power in the name jesus didn't lie to us believe me that name is powerful that name is powerful every demon and every spirit just the symbol in this place right now every foul devil at the count of three i come in the name go go go go go go go go go every spirit every demon every devil i command you in the name go out we will cast out demons i cast out demons now in that name go go go i'll day every problem you have come here with tonight it leaves you here now every problem you came here with every problem every problem in the name of jesus please sit down if you can we have to finish this please sit down sit down balakata brother kosha sit down if you can if they can't sit down just leave them please we have to hurry up i'm teaching you this because god is depending on you the goal is not to watch a man of god do this the goal is to show you that this is a possibility here and now take that name go and dislodge powers in your house let the people of god know that you're coming for koinonia is not just a religion without a demonstration of the kingdom they will doubt you go and change the things they say cannot be changed see you don't need to care how it will happen just go in the name just go in the name philippians chapter 2 let me reveal to you what that name is that's why i told us to pray in tongues something special something listen god gave us power to solve problems if you are not interested in solving problems you will never get the power of the holy spirit solve problems philippians chapter 2 let's hurry up there are many weapons of victory but i'll talk on one philippians chapter 2. let's take it from verse 8. and being found in fashion as a man he humbled himself and became obedient unto death even the death of the cross verse nine wherefore kabbalah god had so highly exalted him stop i taught us last week that until jesus died and rose again he was not yet exalted is that true listen i want to surprise you the name was not yet given to man officially until he was coronated are you getting me because as it were when jesus was on the earth his name was limited why was it limited because he was a man and he had not defeated death so the last enemy to be destroyed death still had power over him are you getting my point this is the reason listen please this is the reason why when he sent the 70 he begged them not to go to certain places because the power would not work there but when he resurrected remember mary wanted to touch him and he said no don't touch me you will corrupt a coronation that is about to take place this is what the psalmist saw and he said the lord said to my lord sit down at my that was a coronation service of jesus the moment that happened he returned to earth and he said all hell now all power has been given go therefore no boundaries no limitations you just go anywhere it will work because a coronation had happened are you getting a point now so he begins to give us by revelation paul said wherefore god exalted him and gave him that means before then it had not been given he gave him a name what is this name that we have been looking for he said which is above every other name vasten whatever that name is whenever that name of jesus is said at the name of jesus the name is not jesus every knee should bow at the name that was given to this person called jesus you get my point every knee should bow of things in heaven and of things in the earth and of things under the earth ready for the name let me show you 11 and every tongue should confess that that jesus christ has now received a name that is called lord that's the name that's the name that was given to him look at it that's the name lord psalm 24 quickly psalm 24. psalm 24 verse 1 psalm 24 verse 1 are you there everybody read one to go stop did he say the earth belongs to god do you know what lord is lord means master lord means honor ma lord means authorized legislator authorized so the earth belongs to whoever will bear this name called lord the name was reserved no one had taken the name yet when jesus defeated death god said you now qualify take the name so you now become the literal possessor of the earth are you getting me now the earth is the lord so the bible says if you want the name here is the condition the name is upon a mountain but who shall ascend to that kill and who shall stand in his holy place this is the requirement he that has clean hands and a pure heart no man qualified to ascend that hill but jesus was as a man tempted like us yet without sin so he ascended the mountain that's why the bible says before he led captivity captive he first ascended he descended after that he ascended he took the name and he came back and he entered the room without the door and he said all hell all authority has been given to me listen this is what jesus said listen he said whoever believes in me i will give the privilege to share my name you get the point that name lord so just like me he will become an authorized legislator so in my name he will cast out devils so that it will not make any difference whether it was jesus speaking physically or you or a hunker chief whatever comes in the name brings the presence of jesus directly that's why whether you speak english or hausa or greek demons don't hear those things they didn't speak english in bible days all you need to do is come in the name so hank achieves and aprons were taking handkerchiefs and aprons they contacted the name lord it says and the fullness thereof the world and all day that dwelt hearing listen listen listen listen please the lordship of jesus is the revelation that when you come under you have carried the name it's not jesus it is a revelation that this man god has made him both lord and christ he's not just the anointed but he has become the owner are you listening to me so if i look at this sister for instance i come in the name because she belongs to god i have the authority to cast out whatever is molesting her because i come in the name are you getting the revelation hold on many people think it is j-e-s-u-s do you know why we shout jesus we want unbelievers to know that the owner of that name is jesus are you getting my point when you tell demons go is go j-e-s-u-s is go l-o-r-d they search in the spirit to see whether you have the revelation of that name once you have it they will obey you so after this night you will go back home in the name many of you you will go and look for what you left and say where is it i need to say i left because the person who left was not the person who came back you came in the name remember there was a certain time even the disciples could not cast out devils from the epileptic vision because they did not have the name they thought it was just jesus doing a lot of things now when they heard the name peter was angry in acts 3 said now it's my time to shine he saw the man who was lame and the bible said it says silvan gold i don't have but i have something you can know you have something he said this is what i have in the name you see that that was his treasure he said this one no man can take it from me i may not have silver and gold but i have something that can solve your problem in the name of jesus christ of nazareth rise up the man was still looking at him and peter said you don't know the power of the name i mean he held him and the bible says he literally stood son of man he said can these dry bones leave he said i don't know he said all right now you prophesy he said i prophesied as i was commanded that's the secret when god gives you his name he has authorized you to legislate on his behalf as many as received him he gave them power the power is not falling and rolling on the floor the power is the ability to share in his lordship hallelujah this is what makes ordinary men to become something else so that you see an ordinary man moving but you don't try him when he calls on a government that is bigger than you see that we are going to pray i've been hearing that there are many people that molest people on their way home who are going to pray let me tell you the truth i pity the next person that will try to molest anybody here is the name is the name listen please i want you to believe this believe this years ago they stole my laptop tips came to our house were all sleeping they just carried the laptop and my brothers were running to chase them and honestly when i got up i just had commotion and i was laughing my own was not that i lost i was just laughing i said oh god i love you if my laptop doesn't return give me money to buy another one and an angel appeared before me and he just did this and that was the end of it seven hours later the laptop was back on my table hallelujah some people from nowhere mobilized themselves and made up their mind to look for the teeth they went and caught him in prison i was busy counseling the name see the name of jesus is powerful don't let secular humanism or the things that you that did not work for you before make you think it does not work are you getting me you say ah but i use the name i told you they stole my wallet but the wallet didn't come back but that does not ever mean that the name is not powerful this is the problem with a lot of people we are too our our faith is too small the moment something does not happen we just conclude this thing doesn't work you think so hallelujah praise the lord let me stop you i will continue next week rise up i feel the spirit of prayer hold your hands together so brad hold your hands and pray in the spirit just for five minutes all the instruments coming up very quickly we take three prayer points number one listen let me tell you why this name does not work for many people there is a little secret in the bible that many of us ignore the secret to resisting the devil the bible says submit to the mighty hand of god submit your degree of submission is your degree to which his authority will flow many of us have not yet submitted to the lordship you have given your heart to the lord that's true but you have not come under his influence tonight you are going to pray and say lord i willingly submit to your authority to your government pray and watch the wonders foreign foreign foreign listen the centurion surprised jesus christ he gave jesus a revelation that touched him jesus said let's go to your house he said no you don't need to go for i am a man under authority i'm under the authority of the roman government and by reason of being under that authority i tell one go and he will go i'll tell you all that come and jesus said what i've not seen this kind of faith this kind of revelation in israel submit yourself to the mighty hand of god then resist the devil hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah in the next five minutes i like you i don't know how you are going to pray leave your hands praise god i know we are men of prayer listen you have been confronting darkness but you tried now in the name you you see the revelation david met goliath he said you come to me with your spares but i come to you in a name in a name you come to me with bow and arrow but i meant i may be small but there is a name an office i invoke the power of an office hallelujah praise god is there anything too hard for me to do i am that i am that's what the lord is asking you tonight is there anything too hard for me to do i am that i am what is it that he cannot do is there anything too hard for me to do i am that i am the god of wonders that can change situations that is too hard for me to do i am hallelujah now listen the issues that have been affecting your life and your family in the next five minutes tell it i confront you in the name that sickness in the name come on prayer warriors come on prayer warriors secretary classes the lord foreign foreign lord the lord rebuke you shall the lord miracles foreign hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah brad point number two please listen we're going to pray and this night you're going to say i take my eyes away from every challenge whatever the devil has used to discredit god in my life are you hearing me there are many of us that cannot trust god because of the things that have happened or the things that are happening the bible says abraham wavered not at his faith through unbelief he considered not the deadness of sarah's womb although she was close to a hundred years he counted him faithful faithful god cannot lie satan can be tired your faith can weary the devil listen right now i want you to lift up your voice and begin to prophesy and say i take my eyes away i don't care what is not working or what is working god you are faithful and your word must be passed come on foreign foreign is foreign foreign foreign hallelujah yes i see a lot of testimonies coming my two testimonies believe me mighty testimonies hallelujah praise the lord the last prayer point i'm led for us to do this hallelujah you're going to hold hands with somebody if you compare yourselves into three that will be excellent you are going to pray for the finances of the people in that cycle provoke the heavens to be open the lord in this month if there are no enough people just hold two or three anybody come on pray now we command it we command it in the name of jesus let there be testimonies breakthroughs in the name of jesus testimonies pray it will happen pray it will work pray expect a parable to the end and men ought always to pray and not to faith shake hands support god visit families oh god visit your people in mighty ways visit your people in miraculous ways gentiles come to your life kings to the brightness of thy rising your guests are continually open to receive the forces of the gentiles you will call on one person and the nation will answer you hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah i bless you with the favor of god i declare over your life that you are well favored you are like a well-watered garden whatever looks like mockery in your life i cause it now in the name of jesus christ i speak over the works of your hands i instruct them to prosper i instruct them to prosper whatever project you are having i speak to it grow in the name of jesus christ everything that is alive grows therefore i command it to grow i speak and i pray over your life all the destiny help us that are required to take you and to lift your hand and to introduce you to those who will take you to the next level i call them into your life now in the name of jesus christ i declare that the name works for you the same anointing you see in this house carried and do wonders with it change destinies affect lives heal sick bodies the same way the devil runs here he will run in every area of your life speak over your life whoever you bless is blessed whoever you anoint is anointed whatever your hand touches it prospers i bless you above every curse i bless you above every limitation i prophesy let rupen leave whatever is dead in your life whether in your organs in your system whatever should be there and is not there we create it now now now whatever should not be in your body and it's in your body at this moment as i speak i command you to live now and never return again i bless your finances where i prosperous people and i declare that prosperity follows you you are blessed in your health your mind is blessed in the name of jesus wisdom is at work in your life you are men and women of character you are men and women of power you hear the voice of the holy spirit you are men of faith you are women of faith return with amazing testimonies whoever has mocked at your god i pray this night that may the god i serve may he step in like a warrior in your life and surprise they that have not god in your life whoever's laughed at your christianity i pray except it is not the god of heaven that wrote that inspired the writing of this world i pray right now be lifted above your equals may they see your lifting you do not merit it but let the grace of god take you may the grace of god take you i command the words of your mouth from today may they carry power you will solve problems with your mouth as you speak it you will see it i prophesy as you speak it you will see it the bible says and god said it and he saw and he said and he saw as you say may you see hallelujah i agree with you right now whatever you are fasted and faster than prayed about in the name that is above all names i introduced the fate of the son of god in your situation and i compel that mountain to fall now that dagon that attempts to speak against your life i come with the rod of a higher priesthood and i command that back on that devil you bow now in the name of jesus thank you jesus and any man that wants to molest your life whether as an armed brother as we can see listen can i tell you something i don't believe in killing people but the prayer i'm about to pray is dangerous i don't care who right now whoever is tying down your life and destiny hear me this night if i be a servant of god i don't care who the judgment of god this night locates that one and brings them to poop now now i don't care who in the mighty name of jesus whoever says you will not go he will go for you now whoever says you will not leave he will die for your sake whoever says you will not prosper i curse their word i curse their prophecy i shared with you about the mystery of wickedness let me tell you wickedness is real wickedness exists i'm praying again this night i whoever has fouled that is not with his eyes he will see your progress this night this night i pray just as an angel of death went around egypt i command let there be shifting i don't care who i don't care where i release judgment judgment judgment judgment judgment this night in the name of jesus christ please be seated for a while few minutes and we're back on our feet hallelujah we reign in this kingdom on the strength of the mysteries that we know a mystery is simply a hidden code of operation there are certain things that are not given to mere men it says it has been given to you to know the bible calls them the secrets jesus called them the mistress of the kingdom hallelujah grant us grace in the name of jesus please listen carefully we're going to pray we have prayed that's why we have some sessions to pray before i come up just be patient just just flow gently elijah and i want you to listen overflow one two three because what i'm going to share is going to open your eyes to many things genesis chapter 3 please sit down i'd like us to look at scripture for a few minutes and let's let's let the lord open our eyes to a very deep mystery this was after man fell the bible says that the lord they had the voice of god walking in the cool of the day please follow me carefully and then the bible says that he he came to man adam now and said adam where are you where are you the first question was was he missing that means god kept there was a position in the spirit where god could always see him from heaven are we together and god found out that seat was and he said adam where are you and adam said i heard your voice but i hit because i was naked remember our teaching yesterday that satan dominates men by transferring an information and he said who told you where did you hear this from i never gave you that information you allowed a stranger to give you an information and then he said the woman this is where my teaching starts the mystery of the serpent and the woman he said the woman you gave me is the cause of my problem and it's a woman what is this that you have done and then she replied back she said the serpent there was a stranger that always visited me he never caught me but he kept telling me things and on the strength of the information he gave me he beguiled me and he turned to the serpent and he crossed the serpent now let's follow he said listen now this is god speaking not angel michael not angel gabriel god your god he said i will put enmity between thee who is the the serpent and the woman then he says now listen so case one is that you and the woman will be enemies we can take that but please read carefully it says i'm between thy seed who seed your offspring your descendants and her descendants this enmity is not just you and the woman serpent you are going to reproduce yourself and have a generation and those people they will coexist in the same territory it says this enmity will not only be between you and the woman are we together now your seed and her seed and he said he shall bruise the head and you shall bruise his heel this is god speaking now watch this have you seen the child of satan anywhere remember he's not talking about those possessed this is not demon possession here he's talking of people who are giving birth to an offspring i will put enmity between you and the woman listen let me tell you something the first thing i want to tell you here is that if you are a woman a lady just for being a woman there is a war on your life whether you're a baby woman or old woman or adult woman there is there is a vendetta between satan and women and i will show you women are not just figures with wounds there is there is a deep mystery about them follow me carefully so this is god speaking i will put enmity between you and the woman and then between her seed of course we know theologically speaking that that seed is christ but it's not just christ alone because christ came as a person and there is an implication just like the seed of abraham being christ galatians 3 29 says and if he be christ then are ye abraham seed and heirs according to the promise so we are talking about something that is both prophetic here are we together now question where is the seed of satan that means on this earth there are several kinds of people we claim there are 7.2 billion people on the earth human beings we are so wrong because there are people on this earth that are descendants of the serpent satan are not they are not possessed salvation is not for them because salvation is for men these people we are not talking of evangelism i'm born again are we together that in your head now your territory there are people just the same way satan cannot receive salvation the same way satan can be saved can't be born again there is a descendant there is a generation of a specie of people not in the spirit not in planet mass not in pluto on earth now they walk around your environment but they are not humans just follow me it is not hidden in the bible that we are not alone from genesis to revelation you see that there has been an interference human beings have at several points encountered angels encountered jesus is that true encountered spirit if you listen some of you if you understand what i'm saying before i finish talking you will see that certain diseases will just leave this thing is an old story just follow me are we together now theologically speaking give us genesis chapter six those of us who have god has granted grace to do a little study you would have learned hallelujah the bible says it came to pass look up please when men began to multiply remember multiply was a command god gave men so men were doing what was correct men began to multiply how through reproduction so it is all right for a man to impregnate a woman and have a child god designed it that way are we together now listen carefully and then the bible says daughters were born unto them next verse that the sons of god now hold on carefully that there were a group of people who were watching what was going on on earth where men were reproducing and it the bible calls them sons of god this translation in itself is an error because it has created problem in the body of christ are we together because people think these sons of god is the same that jesus says as many as received him i hope you know that the translation of the bible was not done by angels it was done by human beings with their imperfections who were also influenced at several it is the potency of the scripture that is unbendable but the the linguistic of it you need the spirit of god if not by itself it can deceive you because human beings wrote it down are we okay now the sons of god saw that the doctors of men were fair so whoever this group of people are we know they are not men do we agree look at it the bible says those whoever they are that they saw on earth that they were a group of women the word fear that just means they were beautiful so these people had emotions they could see a beautiful woman and be attracted to her are we together now and then the bible says and they took them wives of all that they chose question do you think the women will see a beast waving his hands sister if i came to you with wings and dropped with life flashing and i say i love you would you run the bible says they took wives if they said they raped them there was something satan told the women those descendants and made them follow and became wives and then the bible says the lord said my spirit and all of that go to verse 4. and then he says they were giants in the earth is now telling us the products of this union between these entities and the daughters of men that they were giants in the earth on those days and after that he said when the sons of god came into the daughters of men they bear what please talk to me children now children is a human term you don't use children for angels you don't use children for all of this so something had happened between these spirits and these women and the result is physical children just like your child are you seeing that now and the bible says the same became mighty men which were of old men of renowned stone where are these children today giants are just a side effect but not that's not the only thing the union produced because the bible says they were children are we together the word sons of god there they gathered theologically speaking many of you have studied it one of the class of these offsprings were called the nephilims are we together now yes the nephilims here talk about that aberration the original word natalie means the fallen ones are we together now rebels that were a product of this union and the bible says they gave back to physical children meaning you would see them and say good morning sir you will think he's just another human and another human but the bible says these people you see are not pure human beings this bet did not happen in heaven now there are many theologians i don't want to waste our time tonight but this has been an argument between teachers of the gospel for many years that it cannot have been angels why because two scriptures that the bible says to none of the angels did he said thou art my son i told you there is a mistake the word yes benign elohim the word that is translated there is not just a word son like an offspring of a person i hope you know that lucifer was not the first to throw down angels there have been angels that have fallen but it was not under lucifer's leadership there are angels that are bound in chains now that lucifer has nothing to do with they are not his offspring he was not the cause but they fell the lake of fire did not start now it's been there it's a system of god's justice angels have their wills they can choose to rebel are you listening to me now please understand what i'm teaching you and then the bible says these men came come and got wives the women i don't know whether they thought they were married human beings or money whatever but one thing the bible tells us clearly is that the children that came from these women were strange now listen carefully and then the bible tells us go to verse five let me see where we can stop and god saw notice the mention of wickedness happened the moment this offspring came listen listen men were already bad but the wickedness did not touch god but when these angels mix with a human race the offspring that came they came with a level of wickedness that a pure human being cannot produce that is true that men fell but it was not so wicked here what the bible says that god saw that the wickedness of man now was great in the earth and every imagination of the thought of his heart was evil continually these guys had done something to the race and hear what god said god oh your god and it repented god that he had made man on the earth and he grieved him in his heart what kind of wickedness did these nephilims introduced that make things so bad listen you look at our world today and see certain levels of wickedness and in human activity a human being cannot do it have you seen where there is an accident and you see people it's not whether they are christians or muslims they run to help the person those are men because no matter their differences they still have that sense of sympathy but there are men whose behavior is not human so we're discussing something here that is a very very serious subject that he said woman there will be something between you and this happened you are going to have offspring christ being the chiefest of them but make no mistake this guy you see is going to find a way of bringing an offspring too so eventually to be a clash of offsprings that satan has his own offspring on earth the angels that did not keep their original estate and they came down when angels came and visited abraham abraham's wife made physical food please talk to me is that true did the angels not eat it they ate it they swallowed it it entered their body it's only because the bible said they were angels that's why we know if we just saw them in a drama we think they were human beings but they act are we together a lot of people say spirits and angels cannot give birth they can't produce that's an error how did mary get pregnant when until gabriel came to mary and he said you are highly favored madame you are going to be pregnant she said no no no no i was not taught this way it is impossible to be pregnant without a human man and the angel said let me tell you there is something that is a reality in the realm of the spirit the spirit can come upon you and then you will have a physical child not a spiritual child a spirit in this case is the holy ghost but is a character that is possible with all spirits that it can come upon you and without a man hold on but the seed that that spirit puts is still compatible with your wound and it can give back to something are else together now so satan shares that instruction and then the bible leaves a very serious gap that i'm not going to discuss this night and all of a sudden all that the bible tells us is that if became pregnant and then gave birth to king follow me carefully and then she gave birth to ibel and we see two people come up and we see a behavior that was not in adam was not in eve are we together now we seeking manifesting his strange behavior and he kills his brother abel notice from genesis there is nowhere in the bible where the genealogy is given and you hear cain and abel mentioned again seth the son of adam the son of god whether they throw king and evil were there no children too it's not for tonight's discussion but there is a long story about that king and evil you see because paul borrowed that story in the book of romans to teach about the man of the spirit and the man of the flesh are we together paul said just like a woman just like eve was pregnant there are two people walking in me one man is the spirit so that i serve the lord with my spirit but i see another law like a woman carrying children and all of them are behaving as though they came from different men the fallen ones give us john chapter 8 let's hear something that jesus is saying from verse 43 john chapter 8 if you're a christian just look up john chapter 8 jesus now comes many years later and he's teaching us why do you not understand my speech this is jesus now he says even because he cannot hear my word who is he talking to he's talking to a group of people who are making his ministry difficult some of them were scribes some of them were pharisees remember we're talking about the offsprings listen carefully jesus shows up and the people opposing him are not the prostitutes the people opposing him are not the drunkards there was a group of people with unusual influence remember yesterday i taught you that satan called jesus and said don't bother all the people in position are mine i own this system now these guys are making life difficult please read for me what jesus says one to read stop you are who who is talking now what did jesus call the pharisees and the services he said you are offsprings i look at you and i see your behavior you guys are not humans you look like you are humans you are of your father the devil he's not just saying you are listening to satan like i look at pastor alpha son and i said this is pastor alfa's son and he looked and discerned he said you are among men caring regalia in the temple moving around like priests but i look at you you guys are not pure human beings the real human being among them broke his pride and came to jesus by night and said rabbi i'm too i can't hide it this thing is touching me but there were some hardened guys that were just moving it didn't matter what jesus did you are of your father the devil and the lost desires of your father you will do are you seeing that now so they are not in that temple to please god they were sent on assignment although wearing a priestly regalia look we are discussing the bible now is there anything i'm saying that is not in the bible you are not here as human beings just raising children and being a nice father you are on assignment and the lust of your father he will do then he gave them an information for them to know he knew what he was saying why would jesus tell them this extra information if they didn't know anything about it he said he was a modeler he took them back he was a murderer from the beginning and about not in the truth because there is no truth in him when he speaks so satan is a speaking spirit is not only god he said he is speaking of his own for he is a liar and the father of it give us 45. and because i tell you the truth you believe me not jesus meets a group of people he kept studying their behavior and looking at them and say no are you not seeing how heartless these people are that for 18 years a woman was too bound is he not in your bible crying every day for 18 years yet these guys were in the temple and the day jesus comes and heals us everybody is happy except this group of people they say what is the meaning of this and jesus said ah what sort of people are you this heart a human being cannot have it there are some of the people in our villages that we think are just relatives they have manifested characteristics that human beings cannot be the ones having there is a way a man speaks you will know that this is not demon possession this one is a specie that is even jesus was not a pure human being even jesus was not a pure human being yet he moved to the disciples he slept with them he got up in the morning and he looked at them and at a point you surprised them before your father abraham was i am 33 years they said don't play with our intelligence he said continue your rubbish i'm telling you this when the demons saw him they said no no no jesus have you come to destroy us before our time jesus said be silent look at how they were talking you see a 33 year old man and you are talking something ancient and the disciples that's why the disciples got angry they said look you better tell us who you are this thing is painting us now today you are this we're eating bread we know your mother is alive next tomorrow we are seeing something else again remember the bible says mary kept these things to herself so mary did not share with people it was just a scandal that ended that mary was pregnant oh and joseph said is not the one and after a few years i say well joseph just take it so most people did not know because mary kept it i will put enmity between the serpent and the woman and between his and her seed can we look at something else before we pray now watch this we have established the fact that a spirit is under constant watch over a woman the most important part of a woman for satan is not her figure it's not her face it's her womb that womp is a serious issue for satan listen carefully so that the next time you see that a woman cannot get pregnant you know that is not just the issue of the man there is an old story this womb of a woman is a threat to satan because it is the mechanism god designed are we together now yes do you know why the angels came and started sleeping with the daughters of men in an attempt to plant a seed because they thought mary was part of them she thought at least mary has to be among these beautiful women and they started coming at random to have affair with the women every child that was born they studied the prophecy behind him the moment they had something unusual they said attack him so they looked for moses they looked for everybody the moment they heard that there was something unusual when john the baptist was born they kept coming to say who are you john it was the spirit of the antichrist manipulating people they wanted to act son john kept confusing them who are you john where did you come from we just know that they said you're in the wilderness eating locust and wild honey are you a human being at all john your father is zechariah yes we know your mother is elizabeth but human beings eat food they eat fish they eat bread what kind of a person are you that you are in the wilderness alone and all you are eating is locos and white honey john said i'm the voice of one crying he said what is this one again that genre we'll talk about him one day because that john you see the bible says many of you think john was a normal human being no sir a man that was born filled with the spirit it's in your bible and then jesus told them if you come gay that is elijah you have been looking at he says if you have the faith to receive that guy wearing all those things is your elijah this is where the people of our traditional villages studied what they call reincarnation it is where they got this operated concept that they said people can come back to life and re-manifest having another body hallelujah now listen carefully this generation this generation of god's people have a battle that they do not even realize that they are fighting are we together there is an intentional offspring of satan that is on rampage to destroy everything that is christ there are men who are possessed there are men who are manipulated but there are people who are not human beings these ones cannot receive salvation you i pray that one day the holy spirit will open your eyes to see and believe this thing are you getting what i'm saying now yes when paul and barnabas did something extraordinary the people looked at them and said you guys are not pure human beings they knew they called one zeus and they called another hemis they were not surprised this way when you studied critical greek mythology this were these were greek gods they were also part of these offspring the nephilims were not the only people there were many other classifications and let me tell you this there are still those species on it you have been looking for giants there are some who are not giants but they are devils satan has made sure that they occupied strategic positions i hear what i'm saying now you are of the father the devil jesus is talking to the men of god of his days who go to church every sunday and preach to people jesus stand look and say no way you guys are not your scribes you are not just pharisees i look at you and i see that you are of your father the devil now let me tell you where this gets serious and where it applies to us tonight we'll still continue i'm just touching this whole thing just to give us do we all agree with me so far i want to explain a few things that will surprise you now the bible lets us know you know that everyone who is born and it is a spirit entity or not a pure human being that child comes with extra characteristics is that true either they are gigantic or some unusual strength or something it has been an age-long experiment that satan wants to corrupt this race because when men become too corrupted god will have to destroy he knows that his time is short are you getting what i'm saying this is what has led to some of the incurable diseases that we have today this the origin of these diseases was not a virus roaming around it's an experiment women where do you find five broad in a woman's body on a head talk to me the same place where a seed should be a woman goes to bed in the night and a stranger comes watch this she thinks she's dreaming and that stranger is having all kinds of union with her she gets up in the morning knowing that somebody slept with me and then all of a sudden something begins to happen to her system that should not be and if for any reason that five blood is there and you try to put your seed as a man it will kill it and survive are we together then comes cancer a disease that comes upon you with its own life and starts growing independent of the nutrients of your body because everything that is drawn from your body should grow at the same pace but this one comes with is life multiplies and tries to kill every other good cell you call it unicellular yet it is so intelligent it knows its assignment it breaks down your immune system and destroys you you getting what i'm saying now and then all of a sudden it happens too a man will go to bed in the night to sleep and all of a sudden you find out that there are all kinds of unholy union this man will get of knowing that although he went to sleep you know preachers don't talk about this because it looks like an ugly part of this symbol i want to explain to you a mystery and all of a sudden that man gets married and becomes impotent and cannot explain what is going on look at how satan is passionate about sins jesus explained this in a parable because the people did not have the acumen to understand he said there was a man who had seats and wanted to go to the farm is that true the bible says he planted wheat correct he says while men slept another person who was holding seeds waiting for nights to come also came to the same farm that farm is the earth and planted tears among which and the bible says he went his way is that true the bible says both seeds grew it is a one died both ships grew and then in the passage of time the people started noticing that these seeds they were all looking green but at this point their characteristics something is different and they came they said sir was he not wheat that you sawed here and then he looked and smiled he said an enemy has come this breed is not your something someone came to the end that when men sleep in the night on planet earth there are entities not that they come from mass they move around they enter the dream life of people they come physically and try to sow seeds remember that's all they come to do they don't come to discuss they come to sow seeds and walk away our generation if we don't have intelligence we're in trouble because as at the time the bible was written this experiment had not been advanced to discover fibroids or hepatitis the same way the seed of the woman is growing in advancement this is how satan is experimenting of making this corruption effective you don't find fibroid in the bible you don't find hepatitis in the bible because that that level of civilization had not come until one day you find out that that thing you call fibroid now has a head now has a hand now is a human it can come out that thing does not stay for nine months use your brain to think of what it is that after nine months it is not willing to come out there are people today with hiv it's not that they slept anywhere i remember praying for one woman years ago and this woman told me that someone came in the night i've told you who that someone is there is a generation it's not always satan whether they meet you in the realm of the spirit or in the physical it makes no difference came with a syringe and said this syringe is an hiv virus and injected her with it and she woke up in the physical realm and then started getting sick went to the hospital you will look at that woman now and think madame you are not faithful to your husband but that's it that virus the best medicine can do is to administer and through to virus but the cause of that thing you see is not human the cause of cancer is not human ah doctors lend this when you understand this you will see miracles in the hospital that will surprise you cancer hiv now you see all kinds of diseases stem up there are all kinds of names and people just know that they found the first person with the disease they don't know where it came from the only thing they can ask the person is what village are you from they want to study the trees and the plants is there lion in your village is there monkey did you ever live with it did you give me forget all those things i'm telling you where this thing came from it comes from the spirit something about this seed of the serpent does something to the womb of a woman does something to the race of men and it will continue to advance until the people who will arise because there is still a prophecy there and this is the prophecy that will be the basis of our prayer the seed of the woman shall bruise shall bruise shall bruise that the only entity on earth capable of stopping this agenda is whoever proceeds as the seed of that woman are we together now yes so jesus proceeded as that seed but then in him now his offspring that's why he said in luke 10 19 he said behold i give you power to tread upon i didn't say upon witches i give you power go back to genesis and see what the power should do there is an old story serpents and scorpions and over all the powers of the enemies why would jesus use serpents and scorpion the disciples understood they never said jesus what has happened what is scorpion he's not talking about that thing you catch he knew what he was saying he said there is an agenda there is a generation of the serpent anywhere you see them there is an anointing upon you you can crush them the seed of the woman satan has already bruised the heel of the church enough because there are people who have died there are people who have suffered casualties but god is dependent on the seed of the woman to fulfill this prophecy is a mystery in revelation that mystery was reacted again that a woman was pregnant with a man child and satan left everything that dragon and was waiting to see the child so that he will eat the child and the bible says that that the will carried the woman to a safe place so she can give birth to that man child safely and that man child is christ and the bible says in galatians 3 29 that if ye be christ then are ye abraham's seed and heirs heirs part of those who will crush his head part of those who will crush him in your family listen you will be fooling yourself to imagine there is no representation of that generation in your lineage it will be it will be a joke and flattery beyond your imagination they are everywhere are we together they don't die fast they don't get old when they are getting all the exchange human beings who elongate their own life they sit down and keep watching the rising of men and the falling they are not human beings if they were possessed we can deliver them and intercede for them let me tell you this there are people you will sit down interceding for their salvation and god will tell you don't waste your time you don't know what species these people are coming from you will think that you didn't hear god well god would say look i am telling you this don't waste your time listen did you notice that jesus never preached to the scribes and the pharisees the only one of them he preached the gospel towards nicodemus why every time he met every other person he spoke to them about the kingdom the crowds the kingdom but when he saw them it was always insulted you pulled off five he started from john the baptist he never called them human being he said you are five past what is a viper is it a human being you appear as if you're human beings when he was eating with the people they were always in his crusades yet he never paid i saw the way it disturbed me for a long time how merciful jesus was to these people not once did he preach any gospel to any of them destroyers of his ministry every time they saw kindness everybody was happy except them notice they were the only ones who got angry at everything good it was a group of them we went to prayer are going to pray listen let me tell you i'm not a killer i don't care but i know that i've been instructed to crush the head of any generation that is not humans if you're offended you can go come tomorrow talk about favor later on and other things you like but this night if it is to rise ah if it is to rise in power and in life then let me tell you there is a generation it is not repentance it's not all god touch their heart if they don't repent no there's nothing about repentance there these are not human beings there's no preaching the gospel for salvation are we together when they saw jesus casting out devils they looked at him and said this is beelzebub the prince of demons and he said if you call me belzebel then by who do your fathers so there were other people casting out spirits by another agency not jesus there were strange people in the bible who were destroyed there were other people that god would go out of his way to preach to but there were others that land there was no salvation are you ready to pray tonight is a very simple prayer if you don't know what to pray just pray in tongues but we're going to pray listen to me listen to me there is a name that the nephilims are called two names that will constitute our prayer tonight one they are called watchers do you know what watchers are ah it is the offspring of peace that were called familiar spirits their assignment is to study the growth of people within a territory and make sure that there is a limitation as coffee mountain they are called watchers not watch men waters should i give you an example of those kinds of wicked spirits although in this case he was not one of the nephilims but they called him a madman but that madman went to stay in a strategic cave when jesus was going to the other side the spirit said one meeting who told the madman jesus was coming as soon as jesus got there he was a madman looking at him and the demons start to speak have you come to destroy us we know you are coming to liberate this territory but we are the watchers over this territory the moment jesus casted them out immediately somebody's business went down immediately and it made them to drive jesus out of town they said jesus live leave please leave you are making us loose here please please number two they are called gatekeepers you know what a gate is is the mystery of access that opens you up to a whether to to healing to grace to anointing there are families whose destiny are under the keys of gatekeepers they are not humans they sit down and manipulate the destinies of families please pray when it's time to praise a few minutes but pray are we together they are the ones who study all the graduates five people the only person that graduates they now kill him and you will think it's a mistake the gatekeepers but tonight rise up on your feet let's pray let's pray let's pray let's pray and the seed of the woman zeke hallelujah listen the watchers they make sure that the ordinance is spoken over territories remain so so they declare over this territory no woman marries a good man why because a good man with i will produce a good child and that child can be an evangelist that will change that land so they are watchers the moment how many of you have seen that somebody just says i love you something happens it's like a report sent in the spirit immediately and something happens immediately i want to give you a job and all of a sudden the watchers lift your voice and begin to bless in the spirit foreign foreign oh foreign in the name of jesus say it again in the name of jesus in the name of jesus i command i command the sword of vengeance upon every entity upon every enemy manipulating my destiny manipulating my family foreign foreign foreign i tell you every gatekeeper oh foreign foreign say in the name of jesus in the name of jesus every seed every seed in me in me that is not of christ that is not of christ i speak to you i speak to you your time is up your time is off my body now foreign oh sign the name of jesus in the name of jesus every covenant every covenant over my life over my life every covenant every covenant over my family over my father every covenant every covenant over my loved one over my loved one that is not of christ that is by the blood of jesus christ foreign hallelujah we are going to pray listen just pray what i tell you whether you understand what i'm saying or not the lord just showed me something now i was going to pray are we together say in the name of jesus in the name of jesus every door everyone that has given satan access that has given satan access to visit me to visit me in dreams and encounters in the name of jesus in the name of jesus i declare i declare that door is closed now prayer no something is happening you will see the testimonies that will come up why he praying listen they come to you in the night and try to molest you they try to sleep with you they try to press you they come as animals they use the faces of men you know they are not humans they are watchers say in the name of jesus in the name of jesus i declare and declare i declare and declare every stranger every stranger oppressing me at night no just two more prayers and we are done tonight listen one of the greatest areas hear me fire is burning in this place i tell you one of the greatest activities of these entities is to stop the gospel from reaching your home you can preach to others you can be holding crusades raising wheelchairs but if that gospel needs your compound here they come they are watchers you can preach to anyone else sing to anyone else but if that thing comes near your compound are you ready to pray in the name of jesus in the name of jesus i declare i declare that the gospel is the gospel of salvation of salvation of healing of restoration reaches all my loved ones right now right now oh now please listen this loves prayer point even if you have not prayed anything tonight i'm going to give you a few minutes to really pray shut up are we together aside from the gospels the greatest area of attack of these entities is marriage and family now listen to me if they cannot stop you from settling down they stop fruitfulness or they plant something in your child you give back to a child who becomes something else it's not normal we're going to pray listen every sister here when it's time to pray lay your hands on your womb listen i'm blasting tongues and pray i will not prepare to an entity that is another spirit lift your hands i decree and declare if there is anyone here having visitations of spirits coming to you in the night molesting you weather as animals as humans male or female i declare right now by the fire of the holy ghost i declare and declare let that fire separate you and death right now lift your hands and pray i prophesied over every family tree of which you are part of if there be any seed of failure any seed perpetrator of the prince of darkness in your lineage in the name of jesus i call upon the god of jesus and i declare and declare let fire last lift your hands what you pray the altars of impotency the altars of buriness the altars just keep your hands lifted of poverty the altars of untold hardship that have been programmed in lineage in many lineages represented here right now i decree and declare let the fire fall and destroy them let the fire fall and destroy them let the fire hallelujah lift your hands let me pray dangerous prayer apostle james said that when you want a body to stop functioning remove the spirit in the body these entities are combinations of spirits and bodies there is a strategy for stopping their function i decree and declare in the name that is above all things that if there is any of those entities please listen i'm praying now i'm seeing fire falling on people that if there is any entity whether in our villages or our homes that is not a pure human sent by darkness right now i cause a separation between their spirits and their bodies i command the earth to open up lift your hands let me pray for you if there is anything that your family should have handled today i don't care whether it's position of influence there are some of you where you are with your love for god you should not be at that level now but there is something programming your remaining there can i prophesy listen to somebody in the name of jesus tonight by this grace and unction i declare to you every entity holding you down may the graves swallow them now every entity holding you down may the grace swallow them now amen therefore i prophesy to you beginning from tonight rise to a level you have never seen rise to a new dimension of influence rise to a new dimension of power hallelujah can i prophesy over your finances yes sir do you believe it the bible says believe in the lord your god so shall you be established he said believe in his prophets don't mind this our arrogance generation that would not listen to the world are we together let me tell you something there is something called sovereign wealth wealth by the finger of god in the name of jesus i speak to you by this time tomorrow i'm saying if you have the faith to receive i stand in the name of jesus christ the son of the living god by this time tomorrow may my god surprise you by this time tomorrow i prophesy to you i shift things i shift well to you from the realm of the spirit i command strangers i seize their sleep may they bless you i instruct them i set it as an ordinance in the spirit in the name of jesus christ it's not by might it's not by power it's by the spirit listen you will be surprised at the testimonies you hear tomorrow some of you you will be minding yourself after the grace just walking home and before you reach home you're already crying for joy and saying what is this what is this listen if you can receive for your family i stretch my hands some of them think you are wasting your time coming every day for me my god give them a sign tonight may my god surprise them with a sign tonight a sign that will bring them by themselves tomorrow may my god give them a sign tonight if there is anything anyone has stolen from you i'm prophesying some of you will go back home and find it there nobody brought it in the name of jesus you will go back home and find it waiting for you in the name of jesus christ father bless your people tonight in the name of jesus ephesians chapter 6 and verse 16. theologically speaking we know that the book of ephesians was a demonstration of the apex of paul's apostolic ministry it was here that paul communicated the the revelations of god committed to him with a greater sense of balance six chapters divided into three portions that demonstrate the full stature of the believer ephesians chapter one and two begins by giving us a revelation of our position the positional advantage that we have on account of who christ is in chapter one it tells us what has happened to christ in chapter two we now find ourselves featured there that he's not only seated but we are seated with him hallelujah and then he begins to teach us the character and the lifestyle that is befitting for a believer and now he teaches us the subject of warfare and not just warfare he now begins to guide us on the spiritual arsenals that are available for the believer and one of it is what we are considering verse 16 above all this is the first revelation we want to see meaning he had said some other things that considers important for the believer but he says above them all above every other thing he said taking the shield of faith please follow me carefully taking the shield of faith wherewith meaning with that shield of faith you shall have an ability that faith can give you an ability and it says with that ability you can quench how many here is a big secret there are certain weapons that cannot do certain things prayer and fasting can cast a kind of spirit jesus said this kind there are spirits that are casted just by declaring the name of jesus there are spirits that you must engage prayer and fasting there are spirits that are casted through knowledge there are spirits that are casted through sacrifice there are spirits that are casted through covenants there are spirits that are casted through agreement but there is a mystery that can address everything it says wherein we shall be able to quench all the fiery darts not some the fiery deaths of the wicked above all i've taught you other principles but above all taking the shield of faith he said wherein you shall be able to quench all the fiery darts i want you to follow the progression of the revelations that we share day by day remember that when i was talking to you about satan day two we were discussing how that satan influences people by information are we together now that's it's not it's not satan's best when he oppresses people and afflicts them physically that's not where you get his best the best is he brings you to a system of servitude by selling an information to you that makes you his slave that's how he became the god of thrones and dominions and the kings upon the earth he supplied an information are we together and here the bible is saying that three things will happen one that a man he never said take faith take notes now he didn't say take faith he said the shield of faith and then he says you will be able to quench the fiery darts what a day it's not it will be costly for us to assume we understand what he's saying what is fire it does arrows are we together now yes and then he says you shall be able to quench the fiery deaths of the wicked so faith is many things a shield is one of what faith can become that's not all it can become but he's saying that faith has dimensions just like love the breath the length that there is a dimension of faith there is something you can do with your faith that can become a shield this is what he's teaching you already have faith but is it a shield faith can be an instrument of getting answers but not a shield the operation of faith as a shield is not the operation of faith that will give you answered prayers this is what i'm trying to teach you he's teaching warfare here not answered prayers he's teaching a defense system how a believer can use faith not just to obtain a good report like hebrews 11 no he's teaching warfare here there is how you can engage in faith and please god there is how you can engage in faith and receive things that god promised but there is how you can use faith like a defense this is not god now god is in heaven you are using your faith to defend yourself he's saying taking the shield of faith wearing you will be able to quench all the fiery darts let's look at what apostle john said first john chapter five and verse four first john chapter five and verse four is that for whatsoever is born of god remember we spoke about the seed of the serpent yesterday that whatsoever is born of god overcomes the world the greek word cosmos the social strata alongside the mindset that exists in it it says and this is that victory that overcomes the world even our faith so faith is many things an instrument for receiving answered prayer is just one of it unfortunately many people that's all they know about faith as an instrument that can bridge between you and what you want so every time we say faith our idea is just about receiving things are we together now that just an instrument to receive the bible says in warfare the shield is faith this is the victory that overcomes that there are fiery darts that can come for a believer and that when you know how to convert your faith like a shield it can shield all not some there is something you can do with faith that can shield all the fiery dance my first question is what is the fiery darts that's where i want us to look at because if we don't know what it is what is the fiery deaths of the devil that it says to quench now he was speaking to people in those days who were used to warfare and the shield he was talking about yes not some small shield that you see the way the the military people fought what the shield was as tall as them from head to toe they could hold it are we together now and in ancient times when they were fighting war because of how they were trained the tip of their arrows were deep sometimes in poison and when they fired it if it touched any part of you it could kill you so the goal was for the the arrow to touch any part of you and it will destroy you number two sometimes they could light fire on the arrows are we together now and with that arrow something that would be burning maybe like kerosene or something so that if he touched you whether you're clothes or whatever it could set you on fire and so it says that in that similitude satan throws things at people and that you can use your faith as a defense to quench all the fiery darts let's see what those pharisees are now when you study systematic theology listen um you come across a concept called the law of first mention are we together the law of first mention of first use and that means that when you want to examine a word a subject a topic an idea you go to the bible and find out where it was first mentioned either that word or that operation are we together now and see how it was used then that idea is what you use every other place that expression is used in the bible for instance every time you see doth in the bible is symbolic of the holy spirit so you see the first context of his usage satan has never been associated with the dove he's been associated with many things the vulture and so on and so forth like that are we together now so this when we go to the first recorded account of satan and man and the fall of man the warfare we see how satan used this fiery that in genesis chapter 3 and this is what happened let's stand there can we look at it briefly genesis chapter 3 and verse 1. we have some prayers to pray tonight genesis chapter 3 now the serpent was more what subtle than all the beasts of the field which the lord has made and he what did he use what is his arrow what is the arrow what does he send to men words listen listen listen understand what i'm teaching you the bible says he said to the woman woman yeah have god said so we never see him beating the woman we never see him molesting her like tiny hand but what left him to her were words did god say ye shall not eat of everything in the garden is a question he engaged the woman in a conversation he made her listen to him and she replied verse 2 and the woman said unto the serpent we may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden verse 3 but the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden god had said remember he is forcing her to tell him what god said and he did not say it by saying what did god say he just asked a question that foster to reveal he wanted to know what information god told her so that it will become the basis are you seeing that now when satan comes to you he doesn't talk he does something that makes you he wants to hear what did god tell you because that's where the faith is listen he said what did god tell you he said god of the fruit of um which is in the midst of the garden god had said ye shall not eat of it neither ye touch it lest you die so that's what god told her she memorized it and had it to her next verse and the serpent said unto the woman what was he attacking the woman no he was not attacking the woman he was attacking the information upon which her confidence was upon listen carefully this is a warfare of information he didn't say woman i want to attack you the woman was there and satan could not touch her because there was an information that became a shield how obedience to that information was what stops satan so when satan come and say i want to know not you the information is what i want to attack and here he's saying that this is what god said and satan said that's it my attack is not on you my attack is on what is keeping you in peace with god if i can attack that thing i don't need to attack you something about you taking away the shield of faith will expose you are we together now and the bible says and the serpent said to the woman ye shall not surely die in other words forget about that thing god is saying it's nonsense let me give you another information and this is what he said verse 5 let me show you how satan operates now satan on sharing what god has told her is trying to reveal something to her for god don't know that in the day he is thereof then your eyes shall be opened and ye shall be as gods knowing good and evil the fiery dance satan is creating a picture he's creating an idea that god is insecure he's just trying to tell you some things because he's insecure if you walk with the information i'm supplying you you will find out that you will suddenly become like a god six all that thing satan was saying listen to me was doing something to the woman it was taking away the shield of faith the proof that the shield had been taken was this when the woman saw that the tree was good for food and that it was pleasant to the eyes she had been looking at that tree all the time in in our idea of three as we know and the bible says and the three to be desired to make one wise this new information has entered her mind it's like a programming this woman had received another information he said then she acted what is faith conviction and the action you take based on it god told us something that was a persuasion as proposed by her husband and she kept acting on the word of god that for as long as she kept acting on what god said it was a shield satan could not touch her because god's integrity will make what she believed to remain and now satan says there's no way i can attack this woman i will give her another source he did not stop her from having faith he changed what she was having faith in now satan is not a fool many people say he's coming to attack your faith no satan has never had the business of attacking your faith he's trying to attack your faith in god you need faith to do anything even if he's to walk with satan because faith is about the persuasion that comes from ideas and the action you take based on those ideas guess what he did to the woman and the bible says she gave it to her husband who was with her you see that adam was with her he was not somewhere roaming around in the wilderness love kept him there that's the subject for another day the woman fell as a result of deception the man fell as a result of love apostle peter taught us adam was not deceived it was if that was deceived adam loved his wife and as a proof so the next time you say i love you till i die or fall inside a well or something this watch is a luciferian spirit that that statement verse 7 verse 7 and the eyes of them both were open now the people who came and led prayer here cried that our eyes be open but who opened it you see that another information had created another idea satan never made any physical contact in as much as we know but he kept firing that and that did something to the woman and forced god to take an action against them think about it you can't accuse it and i said where satan said what did i do i only suggested to you and you believed it and put you in a position where god himself punishes you are we together now look how serious this thing is luke chapter 4 quickly please we have considered that scripture luke chapter 4 and jesus been full of the holy ghost returned from jordan and was led by the spirit into the wilderness next verse please and all of that he was tempted of the devil verse 3 and the devil what did satan do you see now again so you know where do you think satan learns this the idea of firing that two words have you read anywhere in your bible that he sent forth his word that he released his word and when his word got to people he did certain things to them satan understands the value of words that in this kingdom dominion is true words and what words do to men that's why jesus is called the word of god the word of god if thou be the son of god notice that when satan comes to you he tries to say something to you that will force you to reveal something god has said he is not interested in you because he knows that you on your own you cannot stand so he wants to see what is that shield that shield i'm going to show you he said if thou be the son of god command this stone to be bred and then jesus answering him said it is written man shall not live by bread alone but by everyone and satan said ah you know this scripture let's look at the third temptation please go to verse six and he brought him to jerusalem and set him over the temple and said to him now watch this now if thou be the son of god cast yourself from hence verse 10. for it is written first time satan did not he just said if you are the son of god but now he said oh you are using scripture i know it too it is written he shall give his angels is that is that not true this is bible here satan is quoting the bible he shall give his angels church so jesus don't you no longer have faith in the father what has happened to your faith that you cannot draw ah don't shame me don't fall my hand he said i am aware that there are angels that protect you jump as a proof that you have faith if jesus jumped something would have happened to him that will change the course of history i know you are surprised that if jesus had jumped do you know what made him the living logos you know if you read the bible don't just read the bible for the sake of devotion what would have happened if jesus job i know many of you would have no matter what they would have come to catch them and all of that see they said we do not have a high priest who has not been tempted why would the bible use that word for jesus tempted like us yet without sin meaning there was a possibility it would have happened are we together now yes and jesus is therefore it is written so you see satan does not necessarily stop you from having faith because whoever gave you the shield is the one who defends it so satan just changes the object of your belief and your conviction and he leaves you there believing you have faith and destroy your life and wreck you he knows what he's looking for the shield of faith let me tell you this the bible never said having the shield of faith it says taking it there is something you are going to do to be do you know what the shield of faith is the shield of faith is not the written word logos the shield of faith is what god has told you that he's committed to defend over the issue you want what god has told you that god looks at you and says joshua no man will be able to stand against you that is the word satan is looking for not just the one you just finally have in scripture there is a rhema word there is a reviewed word for you that is the basis of your lifting for instance god can look at a woman and before you hurt your children god can say i covenant with you that none of your child will be wayward that's what satan is looking for no matter all your bible study was he will not bother because the strength of your children's remaining is your believing that word the day you stop believing it you have taken away the shield of faith and given satan room to wreck your children are we together god gives you a word and says surely surely you will have your children and there will be no barriers you will be surprised that satan is not into satan is not interested in what is written he's interested in what god said to you not to everybody let me tell you something the proof that god is ready to walk with you is that he gives you something that is the basis of believing him there is no body that rises in the kingdom without a revealed word from god that becomes the basis of your confidence you want to start a business you go to god and pray and while you are praying either the holy ghost speaks to you or you a scripture jumps out and that what you see is where the attack comes from satan will begin to use things to fight that word the goal is to bring you to a point listen brothers and sisters warfare much more than the war of spirits is the war of information because your conviction is based on what your mindset is carved upon are we together words this kingdom is a kingdom of words men fall by words men rise by words men reign by words when you see a woman on painting satan is trying to whip her family bad news when satan went before god listen he said satan have you considered my servant joke a man that feared god and ensued evil what did satan say he said you have built a hedge around him go and find out what that hedge is it was a secret that god gave job that he obeyed every time and as long as he obeyed that secret it was not a secret for everybody it was a secret that was uniquely given he said joke this is the secret of your prosperity someone else will do it it will not work it's a secret between me and you and for as long as job obeyed it satan called it a hedge no matter how he tried to attack job he didn't walk and he said lord please make joke to do something give me access to the hedge job lost everything only his wife was standing and satan now began to manipulate the wife so that the one last word that is left and job said no don't you slay me yet i would trust him and satan said my god i thought i would finish this guy i had reduced him down the one last string that would give me victory over job trump has refused he still held that shield like a man beaten and would not let it go and the bible says job had his life restored again you can frustrate satan by keeping what god said to you no matter what he says no matter listen every one of us here there are there are parents that god told certain things but the economic hardship is frustrating them now they are buying into another principle are you getting what i'm saying now the victory is always in what god said not just your action if you act by yourself you are on your own until god gives you the matching order you cannot take a step so every time we want to command victory in the spirit the first action is to build conviction not based on what god said to us what he said to you that you have received there are things god has said to me as a man of god and as a man that is the basis of my confidence there are things god has told me you see that he may not have told you that we have the bible generally that teaches us the character of god but i'm showing you a mystery just this on his own is not the shield of faith this is the whole ammo is something about it that becomes a shield just carrying the bible a move you are carrying an ammo but there is a way it can become a shield the moment the rimmer comes to you that's the shield god says use it use it carry that shield stand before the labor market and say when i was praying before i rounded up service god told me that i will always cause men to lift you that's the word that's the shield of street satan comes and says but if it is true that god said it don't you have an uncle that is an nmpc he's doing something to you he's not just challenging your faith he's challenging the word of god what he's doing is he's shifting the shield you are a sister and god gives you a word they shall obey and serve him you shall bless them and god said just serve me and me myself god this is not a word for every lady is the lord he gave you serve me and i will bring your husband that's what god says are we together now now look at this let me have your attention please this lady is serving god and all of a sudden satan comes with all kinds of gimmicks when satan comes and is looking at the workforce of that ministry he's not interested in the people what do they believe until you have revealed to say that what god has said he remains helpless so he has designed a way of finding out he because he knows that believers respond by confessing the word so he attempts to touch your life and hears what you say in response your speaking will tell him all this what god has said all right let's negotiate this is what god has said to me god said you will prosper did god say you will really prosper and then you say that and he says okay look at everything around you you have brain does it look like god and you say oh god you just took away the shield he will strike you in a way satan will never my bible says listen it says with the shield of faith if you refuse to bend it no matter what kind of that certain sense that shield that faith can quench it a spiritual man is not just the man that prays in tongues a spiritual man is the man that has mastered pleasing value on what god has said that you can hold it and say do he slay me madam you have all kinds of things the way we are looking at your case you may never have a child you say thank you doctor i understand you get back and say lord i remember i came for koinonian miracle service and you use the man of god to speak to me lord have you forgotten that you said i'm so before december i will have a child and satan uses a dream to try to change your mindset you have a dream and you see yourself losing a baby when you get up physically the devil now says how about that dream satan knows that images are the keys to killing men he will use images and rip your intelligence the bible says to be carnally minded is death so you look at your bank account and you look at it and you see that all you have is one thousand naira and god speaks to you and says son by the end of this year you own a house and then the devil now tries to be scientific the word of god has the potency for accomplishment remember it's a sent word it's not a red word it's a sent word the word has become a messenger and every messenger must be obedient to his master remember the word of god is living so we are not talking of just a thing the word of god sent on aaron the angels follow that word to find out where the world needs their help to cooperate with it until it comes to pass your assignment is one status you are the only one who can stop that word from coming to pass by taking away the shield there are many men of god who have taken away the shield of faith god told them things they saw things their eyes were open to revelations i've said it if i die today of sickness the last word that comes out of my mouth is by his stripes i am healed when we get to heaven god will either apologize to me for failing me or reveal to me where i missed it are you seeing that it says true faith time will fail me let me show you men who use this thing in the bible time will fail me to talk of gideon and chapter and barack i want to get he said man who threw these faiths from two kingdoms joshua look at joshua and caleb he said we are able to grow up at once yes there are giants but what did he tell us he said we are bringing you moses when you came from the secret place you said god says from from egypt the land of captivity to canaan to canaan not wilderness i wouldn't die here it's true we saw the anarchists it's true we know they are not pure human beings but he says the shield can give you an ability an ability and satan fires his arrows and human beings even pity you but when everything is gone you lift you ah and you say i'm still standing oh you thought it would destroy the ministry but i'm still standing you thought it would destroy my hope and satan says what do i do with this person now listen let me tell you this everybody you see lasting in the kingdom understands this how to use faith as a shield the word of god must become your new eyes tonight are you saying what i'm saying that the same way you have an eye pick what god said and let that become your system of interpretation that you can sit down in your room no gary and yet you are rejoicing and satan says let's let's cry together because you are making a mockery of yourself he will even use believers this is what is dangerous he will use believers that you better use your brain you are you are a stupid person you are just serving the lord like a fool you better settle down and he said no i know him i know him father if it be thy will but god already spoke to him he knows why you are coming to die nevertheless nevertheless i said no what do i do with you there is nothing satan can do with a man who will not find offense in god there is nothing satan can do to a man who will not blame god when satan pushes you and you do not charge god with guilt i think you are pissed let me tell you this i don't know if you have been taught or not but hear me i found out a secret about satan he can be tired you know how a man can be frustrated have you ever seen a man trying to do something and he's frustrated you are trying to kick a car and after one hour this thing is not working and you just don't be that thing can happen to satan a believer can weary satan that satan will see you and mind himself it is true jesus did it and he left jesus for a season he said i'm tired there's something he has told me god there is nothing on it that will drink to me the bible calls one who has fallen to the prey of satan a double-minded man he said let that man not think he will ever receive anything that means that person if there's no whatever it is that he thinks you depend on men satan will use them to manipulate your mind god will tell you start this business and the devil tells you look be careful he will use it is written i hope satan spoke to god he will speak to you and you will hear him so don't you think every voice that speaks to you just because it is scriptures is of god the fact that you just had a scripture that you can get the verse and chapter does not mean it is god satan is not a fool when it comes to you he says and you know that wisdom is profitable to direct and you say thank you holy spirit no no you need discernment discernment to know that although this is scripture this is against the revealed word to me something is wrong listen if you want to rise in life and you want to reign in life listen to what i'm telling you your dominion in the final analysis will be on the strength of your staying power to say i'm not bending if i perish here is that kind of statement satan doesn't want that's the kind of thing that drives him crazy when you say satan i'm angry says if you're are human you can change you come to church run dance up and down but when satan sees your tears and you say satan if you are expecting to hear from me tomorrow that i've given up you are joking are we together trump said do he slay me yet will i trust him all the days of my appointed time who told him the time was appointed i will wait until my change comes jesus said destroy this temple i'll build it in three days do you know why jesus resurrected it wasn't just because he was the son of god it was because the revealed word had declared that the grave would not be able to hold him there had to be jesus himself held on to a word in death and the word brought him back to life me believe us the starting point of your victory is holding on to something that has been revealed something that god has said something that god has said there are things god has told me if god said it's a year of signs and wonders it can be a general word for everybody but in your place of prayer you will hear something from that word that becomes your word it's up to you now to hold it and say lord i thank you it's a great peace i pray that that fear him in nothing in nothing in nothing do you know there's a revelation that i have and god gave me that revelation luke 10 19 he says behold behold this is god talking to me not not believers god is talking to me joshua salmon behold see conceive as a reality in your spirit i give you power upon snakes and scorpions to tread upon snakes and scorpions and every power of the enemy that's your revelation let me tell you my own and nothing shall by any means what is by enemies mention the means of transportation you have air you have life mention the means by which satan can use to afflict people covenant whatever it is your own faith level self the bible says by any means hurt you i can't believe this one for you but it's the revelation that keeps with me that's the reason a herbalist can call my name in the shrine and die for nothing reduce his lifespan while i'm sleeping i'm not even praying about it because even in my sleep there is a shield you see it's not something you wake up and hold listen i have said it for a long time there is no mortal man born of a woman that can kill me it's not pride i'm standing on something god told me it's not just i shall not die but leave that's a general revelation there is something god told you that you hold god told bishop go and build a 50 000 capacitor it cannot be done humanly but that was a revealed word and regardless of the odds he kept that shield of faith and in nine months that word came to pass satan notwithstanding god declared a word to us as a ministry declare the word over the teachings over the things we are doing and we have kept that shield of faith no matter what it is kept what you see today is a product of the staying power of faith tonight's call is a call to take back your shield do you know why i said take it back because for some of you you've thrown it he said take it take it take it take it apostle god told me by november i will be smiling take it i remember a lady that i i spoke to i can't remember we were joking with her and i told her i said by december this year you'll be heavy and the lady was smiling and all of that and i said you see that now he didn't believe it and we're cracking jokes with her now if i'm joking it will come to pass you see that because i'm human i can joke doesn't mean that everything i say is the word i'm a human being we can play and joke but when it is the revealed word of god and you hold it god will surprise you you hear all these maybe miraculous and all of that it's unfortunate for people who don't believe this thing can happen the word of god except it is not sent if the word of god is sent brothers and sisters once you hold that shield just be watching satan like elijah while they are crying on baal for morning look at elijah was mocking them his shield was there secured he knew what to do he knew the mysteries that would bring fire he was not guessing and he said call on your god you only mock satan when your shield is there and you look at him and say satan look at how elijah mocked them i said maybe he's sleeping call on him louder and when it was time he didn't say lord and you don't disappoint me no he said send me the altars i know what to do bring 12 stones put water on them put the sacrifice and he cried upon the god of heaven and fire came and lifted faith is not mechanical there is no faith when there is no revealed word there is no faith when there is no revealed word let me tell you something i'm careful when i'm sharing testimonies like this one day i was praying i was praying in the spirit very deeply and all of a sudden the word of the lord came to me and this is what the lord said he said i am sending one thousand titles to the ministry and one thousand titles to your life i said what is the meaning of this i wrote it down one thousand titles to the ministry one thousand titles in your life as people people in the ministry are more than that and then i went to sleep and all of a sudden in my eye i started seeing business organizations and individuals and all of that saying the lord spoke to us to come and be pain tied some to your house some to you and i got up i said lord is this it and the lord said if you believe it and you receive it i will surprise you you don't have to know where they will come from you see that and all of a sudden i said lord i'm a believer i take your word brothers and sisters it was like a charm hello is this koinonia this is so so swan so company lagos am i speaking to this and that um your apostle joshua salman please give us the ministry account number the lord instructed us as a business that the tithe of this company for as long as we exist should come to the ministry and god says keep counting i said one thousand not just people giving you see that listen um that's why i said i'm sorry if it sounds arrogant but i'm telling you you will reign by the word you receive you reign but when god sends it you can reject it a word was sent to gabriel to mary the holy ghost will come upon you should i say get out please and that's it the holy ghost would have gone to look for another virgin somewhere and said this this mary she has not but mary said be it on to me according to your word do you know the controversy that followed that word mary you are pregnant who got you pregnant a ghost you are joking it's either joseph or one rabbi she said no god told me an angel just appeared to me and god kept his word and jesus was born many of us would have birthed certain things if only you held that shield when it was one week for the prayer to be answered you gave in to satan and you killed the shield tonight my assignment in this prayer is that we are taking back that lord have become a believer again i remember what you told me in 1992 i don't know what took my attention away but lord i'm remembering it again some of you when you go back there are the old notebooks that you wrote things that god said god described your destiny but because it was too big you just close it quietly go back to knife take back that shield lord i may believe her take it and watch satan watch faith rubbish satan in your life listen in this prayer fasting i'm demystifying satan for you the honor that has satan is human satan is a man he's not just a spirit he was once listen satan was once the head of his civilization on earth what jesus was sent to represent there was a day satan was sent to do it satan one time was sent on earth to be the revelator of the love of god to the 10 inhabitants that's what gave him the authorization to capture the people and say this god up there have you ever seen him am i not the one representing him that's why roman said we shall say let's go up and bring him down for us the word is nighty christ himself came and said let it not be that god does not want to come to men now i have come not an angel i have come by myself the garden of eden was not created for adam and eve the first occupant of the gardener of eden is satan ezekiel 28 that was in eden the garden of the lord he was there because of our wrong believing we have given more power to satan than should be i told us yesterday i know some of you don't believe it that there are angels today that have fallen that have nothing to do with satan it was not satan that through them they were rebels another group of angels they are bound today in everlasting chains the devil and his demons are not bound in chains there are demons today now that are bound in chains the only reason why satan has not been bound is because there was a time given to respect his will for choosing to reject god when jesus was going to cast out the demons in qatar he said have you come to destroy us respect the rules there is a time but the time is not yet so what you can do now is to cast them and create a system of keeping them at bay the destruction as it were is something that there is a time appointed god respects it that's what makes satan looks powerful so he comes to you and says i am indestructible are you not seeing god's frustration and destroy me it is not god's it was michael that casted him down not even god you wait and see how god destroys satan it is fire that will come from his mouth and consume the creator flood will never happen on earth again it is not the ministry of fire are we together now it is with fire that lucifer will be destroyed so god's withholding him or withholding his hands from lucifer is not a sign of weakness but he takes advantage of our ignorance and makes it look like he's dominion is proof that god is weak there is a time he has been conquered for the saints but his ultimate destruction will be done by god's sovereign power when the time appointed has reached but with the power and the strength of the word of god you can keep him at pain you can keep him that's why i cast out devils here and i drive safely i go home and sleep otherwise they are supposed to appear to me and say since you casted us in colonia we are here in your house beg them to come if you ever meet them this is not just some bold statement back they said and please come you can know this thing and carry your shield and pass satan and he'll pass you and you will move brothers and sisters satan is not what we think he is he has used words he has sent fiery that into the minds of preachers into the minds of book writers and they have in error magnified him beyond the proportion of his two sides by light you are bringing him down to say look satan your only strength is in your ability to capture the belief of the saints and manipulate their understanding so the real warfare is not physical the real warfare is using the shield of faith to maintain the truth of god's word and that in maintaining it you force the integrity of god to appear in the scene are you hearing what i'm saying because we're going to pray tonight satan's greatest weapon is doubt unbelief he manipulates your mind he knows what your eyes can do he knows what your ears can do these are the gates to his dominion in your life he sends those fairy tales he uses dreams he uses your physical experience he uses the news you hear and they just tell you look in the world now it is racial four ladies to one man so the chances of a lady married he uses the media to sell you that information while you are reading the article you are imagining yourself four rows behind and then he tells you look just know that there is no marriage for you and if at all it happens you cannot have a child there are women who believe once they are past 45 50 they can't have a child again an information proposed it to a territory we have doctors here so based on what you is is an opinion but it's an educated opinion are we together yes so a man you go to the hospital and a woman and they say you are important and you are boring look at the reports and you look at it and satan steals into that conversation and says see you to use your brain what are you doing to go to school based on what they taught you what is the analysis but at that point you lift the shield of faith and say there is another report it's a who's report many many people will give you reports satan will give you reports science will give you report your culture will give you report well-meaning believers will give you reports but whose report will you believe i choose his report i choose his report i choose his report i know what he's told me i choose his report forever o lord thy word is settled forever o lord thy word is settled forever o lord thy word is settled told joshua no man shall be able to stand against you all the days of your life and so when an angel appeared to joshua joshua removed the knife he said you for also again so he would have killed that angel the word of god on joshua would have killed that angel if he did not explain say no calm down calm down because he was moving on a wall if he'd be down big nicole come and he started walking on the wall and the moment he satan did not take him out of the river he only took his face away and he started to sing listen let me challenge everyone my brother my sister it would take straight to be established in this life brothers let me tell you this there is no guarantee anywhere that is a job that will lead you there is no guarantee anywhere that is even your business that will lift you you will need to take a shield of faith the statistics are scary if you believe them you will never build the house forever if you believe them you will never own one land let me talk to my brothers first sisters we can come to you but let me talk to my brothers because the world is selling us a lie and we are believing those garbages i don't have any godfather anywhere i don't have anybody anywhere ah this god this god that can pick a man from the dungeon overnight when a young man prospers fast people get angry i don't believe in all kinds of wrong schemes and all of that but let no one fool you that god does not give people speed of lifting an establishment don't let anybody come and say take take it easy what they mean is be careful for something and the bible says be careful for nothing take it easy when you are 45 and you buy your first guy it's all right you can give god glory for your child can go to another school doesn't make sense doesn't matter what they teach as soon as you can afford is a proposition don't just see it as an information is it that but when you believe god's report we have been taught that everything in life you buy it so all you are looking at is money not god but the bible says they got the land in possession not by their own sword neither did their arms save them that the god of heaven can arise when you teach people superior spiritual strategies they will ignore it that's what makes people get angry once you see a young man with the blessing of the lord everybody starts getting angry and suspecting an impetu hatred because they they don't know what what formula did you route this possibility from no sir it is unto you according to your faith it is not unto us it is unto you blessed is she that believes for unto her not her and her neighbors unto her alone there shall be performance of boostings that were spoken spoken spoken we're going to pray i'm taking our time this is not a little issue at all you ignore it you will fail in life brothers and sisters listen the fierceness of today's world satan has captured the media he has captured every mechanism that transfers information to men you just need to go out and there's unbelief everywhere wake up in the morning the news is unbelievable go around the news is unbelief entire lecture hall unbelievable your job unbelievable no i reject that report i reject that report there are people today they said nigeria is in a recession they started going down they are not even working for nigerian government but just because they took they received the report they started whether or not there was a recession the truth is they are not even doing anything they just believed and went down i rejected the bible says there was darkness in egypt but in question the light when the angel of death was slaughtering people like animals there were people in goshen who were moving and enjoying you can exempt yourself not only by light not only by the sword of the spirit you can hold the shield of faith you can use your faith not just as an instrument to receive things but it keeps you until the word of god manifests hallelujah do you believe what i've shared with you rise up on your feet let's pray yeah yeah i see two more are you ready to pray the first prayer point is that you are going to pray and say i sanctify my eyes and my ears i command you to refuse any report that is not of the lord lift your voice and pray i command the sanctification that my eyes be poured with eyes out at the gates of my ear tonight that i am a believer a believer of god's word god cannot lie god cannot fail therefore every spirit of doubt of fear of unbelief i cast you out of my life now lift your voice is foreign hallelujah if you believe the word of god then let's spread three or four scriptures that can be for us as a remnant warthogs that we hold on to ready want to psalm 112 psalm 112 there is a prayer i want us to pick up from there and cry to god he said it's a year of signs and wonders don't mind the naysayers don't mind those who mock you he said praise he the lord blessed is the man that feared the lord that delighted greatly in his commands number two this is the first prayer point his seed your seed is not just your child your ideas your business your goals is whatever comes from him his seed shall be mighty to lift your voice and send my seed peace i i command my seed my children hey hallelujah do you believe what you just prayed because when i say seed let it say i don't carry the seed i only receive it so the devil will deceive you and not pray no seed is not just for many lord your sin is anything that proceeds listen one of the ways to command influence is through your seed you send your seed on assignment you'll get sent to seed on assignment zuckerberg sent a seed on assignment wisdom is justified by her seed her children listen in life if you are the only one who is mighty you are failed it is the might of your seed that maintains your position nobody rises alone you rise alone in your family and all those under you don't rise and watch them bring you down again by themselves he said he see we are going to pray it again lord the spirit of smallness the spirit of me joking that god gives me and everything that proceeds from me i cross it in the name of jesus is i want you to pray this scripture is the world and riches they are not the same thing wealth is different from riches he said both of them you can have wealth and not have riches when you have a great idea in your mind you have wealth but it has no money in your pocket you are wealthy but you are not rich you can have money but no idea no system of replenishing is a good wealth and riches will be domiciled there will be visitors that means wealth and riches are spirits you can call them and say you are welcome just like goodness and mercy lift your voice and call them foreign children the last verse is a prayer that many people don't understand is a waste in life if you spend your life building something that in one day just crashes there is a spirit that destroys the good works of man the bible says his righteousness and yours his righteousness his good works the testimony of your impact remains forever there are people who are in ministry for 30 years then in one month something happens around your life and crushes everything destroys the testimony forever you're going to lift your voice and say what the lord do what you do it forever in my life is hallelujah isaiah 45 please be angry and pray don't join the people who have kept people in impendingly and destroyed the heritage of the faith upon their life he says i will go before thee and make the crooked part straight he says i will break in pieces the gates of brass and cut in sunder the bass of iron verse 3 and i will give thee i will give thee the treasures the treachers of darkness brothers and sisters this is not a parable it's not a parable i will give you the treasures of darkness and the hidden riches of secret places that thou mayest know that i the lord which collected by name i am the god of israel and say lord the hidden riches that belongs to me i'm ready to receive it in jesus christ down my eyes okay and 12 powerful prayer isaiah 58 verse 11 i'm giving you shields that you stand upon and the lord shall guide thee continually there are people whose lives are suffering today because they lack divine guidance thou shalt hear a voice from behind everybody is running this way you run and crash with them it says the lord shall guide you continually and satisfy thy soul in recession that when there is doubt he will not only give you he will satisfy your soul and make fat thy bones and thou shalt be like a well-watered garden like a spring of water whose waters fail not verse 12 and there that shall be of death i see it again you see that now and then that shall be obeyed shall build all waste thou shall raise up the foundations of many generations thou shalt be called the repairer that in this family nobody ever rose but all of a sudden there is somebody called the repairer the fixture of the course the repairer of your projector is if i were you i will pray this next prayer with all men isaiah chapter 16 we're reading from verse 10 to 14 in fact 10 to 15. listen brothers and sisters believe everything you are about to read these things are not something that was written to some ancient people here what the bible says and the sons of strangers who will build toyonia who will build your house no you can choose to save for it you can believe that strangers can arise listen the sons of strangers the seed of strangers shall build thy walls their kings the word minister is so so into your life their kings shall minister unto thee for in my right is not thee but in my faithful i've had mercy on the next verse therefore thy gates shall be opened continually listen it says they shall not be shot that's why you can sleep in the night and still wake up with an alarm instead day night that men who are those who bring it man that men may bring unto you the forces of the gentiles and their kings may be brought well ready to verse 15 quickly for the nation and the kingdom that will not serve thee shall perish yeah those nations shall be utterly wasted next verse 14 it says that the glory of lebanon shall come unto thee the faithful the pine tree the books together to beautify where the place of my sanctuary and i will make the place of my feet glorious fourteen were reading to fifteen the sons of them that afflicted thee shall come bending unto thee and all they that despise thee shall bow themselves at the soul of thy feet they shall call thee the city not a person not a to me that you were born in a cave but right now you are a city is that the city of the lord the zion a one man becoming a city 15 whereas thou has been forsaken and hated so that no man went to thee i will make thee an eternal excellency a joy of many generations open your mouth and turn into your prayers in the oh we're going to pray just two more prayer points and we're done listen you're going to lay your hands on your head your head is the symbol of your glory listen the bible says arise is a command if you don't rise from disobedience it say arise do you know what arise means come out come out of limitations limiting beliefs in the next one minutes i'd like you to bless and prophesy that my holy life jesus is foreign the prayer point let me give you an assignment tonight as much as god grants you grace uh find like four or five scriptures tonight don't just snore yourself into tomorrow are we together one of the best ways to pray fit prayers is to pray scriptures directly just find the scripture and pray it in tongues till it leaches onto your destiny that's how i pray sometimes i just begin to speak directly lord this is what you said i believe it and you watch the god of wonders arise and surprise you are we together i began to feel strongly my spirit after i went back yesterday that the lord was leading us to pray especially along the area of this release from financial captivity we are spiritual people and we love the lord but let me tell you the truth there is no dominion if god does not free you and free your hand and free your children one of the greatest way to be a slave is to keep you a beggar are we together he said the rich ruling over the poor and the borrower the borrower believer the borrower tongue talker remains a slave to the lender this is not some money-monkeying ambition of people who don't love god these are people who understand the systems of the kingdom are we together now yes so we are still going to be dealing with these things i believe god grants me subsequently but for now we're just going to pray one last prayer one last prayer this is separate i'm sure that between now and father i don't know which of the days but god will grant us time to pray on it but the last prayer that i want us to pray is found in luke 6 38 the people that be part of luke chapter 6 and verse 38. good measure press down listen shaken together give us amplified look at what amplified rights very funny and very interesting good measure press down shaken together and running over shall be poured into the pouch formed or whatever it is and all of that it says so with the same measure you meet that's the same measure that will be given to you there's a version that says um shaken together to create space for more but for time sake he says shall men go back to king james the word men is what i want us to pray tonight good measure press down joshua sermon shaken together running over sal mel sal sal where will the alert come from the favor the breakthrough the job the access say in the name of jesus in the name of jesus i prophesy to the north i prophesied i prophesy to the south to the south i prophesy to the east i prophesy to the east i prophesy to the west i prophesy every man every man anointed by god by god to lift me to leave me to bless me to open a port for me tonight i call you into my life open your mouth and pray good measure is oh there are many challenges that our loved ones are in now is only a man sent by god not called by you sent by god that will take you out he said there was a man sent from god his name was john sent from god there is a helper sent from god to their biggest family there is a helper sent from god to social swan so there is a helper listen nobody helps you just because they know you don't let anyone fool you they can know you and say i'll see you tomorrow nobody just helps you like that in this wicked world that we live in but there is a man it can even be a cyrus sent from god listen everybody that has risen in life will tell you they met a man who fell in love with them and let me tell you how you know it is of god is that it does not make sense there is no reason why that man should be committed to you that's how you know this one is the finger of god what is house that god cannot send a man to give what is a car that god cannot send a man to give what is confused that god cannot send a man to pay what is house right honestly speaking listen to me shall make there was a man sent to joshua sermon from god like a man sent on assignment there were many widows in serapha but i don't know what that widow did that made god send elijah to her people have been sent to this ministry and my goodness they have done things in this ministry we will never recover from sent by god not even members of cainania there was a man sent from god hear me oh this is the antidote to a life of hardship and struggle you can call people but the day god sends a man it will not make sense he will sit in your house you are not around but you will remember till evening who are you sir i had a dream oh god sent me to you and he said i should help you that you must rise do you know my father sir that's evil the man himself the sandy is surprised he doesn't even know why he's coming to you all right listen we are praying and we're rounding up but i want to say this my prayer for you is that god will do something in your mind to make you believe it is men that lift men it is god that gives the instruction but the physical lifting is by man the position you need to rise to now there is a hand already that can lift it hallelujah someone was producing eggs real eggs just a woman started a business with poultry and was producing eggs and was crying that god would help her true story all of a sudden she was she was even passing and she felt like to entire church and they were praying or something when they finished she just greeted somebody who gave her a lift she did not know that that man was the owner of a hotel a new hotel that just started and from that time the man told that she would be the sole supplier of everything poultry to that hotel now you would think you are doing the same business with a woman that man is not doing business with her he's a millionaire he's helping her there are men who do things not because they want anything they want to help you are we together i have seen the help of men someone will look at you and say you have a company you say no sir you say why he said come there is something i want to make sure you are part of it so that you will get something you think that something is 10 naira until you see what comes out of it you will run home and see everybody rejoice they are crying say go cry for what rejoice god has answered us god answers men by sending men are we together you can be planning your marriage and somebody just gets up and says bring me the total budget how much is it it says size 3 million you see i'm surprised with recession is still 3 million i would do something about it you think he's going to give you cow of 120 000 until you sign a lot of 4 million you say sorry i couldn't do much look at me i want to be very honest with you you belong to this ministry how do you think we run this ministry have you ever thought about it be very honest there is a supply that can come from heaven there is a supply you see our our muslim brothers who come with their bosses and stay for hours they are not stupid to come and pack for 30 minutes and be watching and then carry you happily back if there is nothing coming to them that rewards all the time they are staying may get is one more time make your mom make lift your hands in the name of jesus i decree and declare over your life i prophesy to you in the name of jesus that everything that sways your belief about god every lie the devil is using to treat you i command that the shield of faith works for you in the name of jesus and because you have believed the word of the lord that he has declared i call men in the name of jesus i decree and declare that between now and friday wherever these men are if they are on earth i call them to you in the name of jesus christ i call them to your family tonight i release dreams to their lives i release visions about you to them i declare and declare they will arise tonight and surprise you in the name of jesus christ may the lord bless you may the lord increase you you
Channel: Salvation TV
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Keywords: online sermon, apostle selman sermon, apostle joshua selman sermon, new sermon 2021, apostle joshua selman new sermon, youtube sermon, sermon on youtube, apostle joshua selman messages, apostle joshua selman nimmak messages, koinonia, apostle, joshua, selman, nimmak, prayer, apostle joshua selman, apostle joshua selman 2021, koinonia messages, download apostle joshua selman messages 2019, how to grow spiritually, god, how to desire greater glory, powerful prayer, prophetic prayer
Id: UQdMbuhf9YA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 281min 53sec (16913 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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