HOW TO OBTAIN MERCY "The Parable Of Mercy"_ Apostle Joshua Selman Sermon

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of hearing your word will hear us where listeners who are doers in the name of jesus thank you for this morning bless our hearts let your word come with power let it lift us in the name of jesus blow blow blow like a mighty wind spirit of victory cover us with you low blow [Music] we want to see you we want to [Music] we want to see god like a mighty russian window we want to dwell under the shadow of your wings with your hands go like a mighty window [Music] praise the lord of mercy part one please be seated god bless you in the name of jesus we have to be very fast exodus chapter 34 from verse six parables of mercy part one we'll continue part two in the second service and then part three like pastor shared i encourage you please follow through the service there would be repetition it will just be continuation now scripture reveals to us the nature of god one of the ways that we know god is through the revelation of him from scripture scripture can help the believer to know god and in the revelation of scripture is the knowledge of the nature please follow carefully and the character of god so we can learn god as we study scripture and and the bible reveals the multifaceted nature of god and we're going to examine one of those attributes exodus 34 from verse six and seven and the lord passed by before him and proclaimed the lord the lord god merciful and gracious longsuffering and abundant in goodness and truth verse 7 keeping mercy for thousands forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin and that will by no means clear the guilty visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children and upon the children's children unto the third and the fourth generation next scripture psalm 145 from verse 8 and 9 we'll quickly look at a few scriptures psalm 145 from verse 8 and 9. [Music] it says the lord is gracious and full of compassion he is also slow to anger and great or plenteous in mercy verse 9 the lord is good to all and then he says his tender mercies are over all his works next verse lamentations chapter 3 from verse 22 and we're revealing the scriptures that attest to the fact that god is a merciful and a compassionate god the bible says that his mercies are new every morning he says great is thy faithfulness 22 and 23 22-23 it says it is of the lord's mercy that we are not consumed then he says because his compassions fail not they are new every morning and his faithfulness is so great two more scriptures maika chapter seven will start from verse 18 and 19. micah chapter seven shalom who is a god like unto thee that pardoneth iniquity and passed by the transgression of the remnant of his heritage he retained not his anger forever because he delighted in mercy he will turn again and he will have compassion upon us he will subdue our iniquities and thou will cast all their sins into the depth of the sea someone say amen psalm 89 please and verse 14 last scripture psalm 89 and verse 14. the bible says justice and judgment are the habitation or the foundation of your throne but then mercy and truth shall also go before your face so he's not only a god of judgment and justice he's also a god of mercy and of truth god is revealed from all these scriptures as an exceptionally merciful god and it is important we know the attributes of god because they will help us to relate with god and they will help us know what we should become because we become as we see him are we together believers are also encouraged like god to be people that show mercy and compassion the bible not only reveals the nature and the character of god as a merciful god believers are encouraged all through scripture to be compassionate to be merciful ready for those scriptures number one proverbs chapter three just laying a few foundations proverbs chapter three will read from verse three and four proverbs three three and four look up please it says let not mercy and truth forsake you bind them about thy neck write them upon the table of your heart it says so by being merciful and by being compassionate you will find favor and good understanding in the sight of god and in the sight of man proverbs 11 17 scriptures are good for edification it says the merciful man do it good to his own soul amazing that when you are merciful you are not only helping another but that you are doing good to your own soul but he that is cruel trouble at his own flesh matthew chapter 5 and verse 7 matthew chapter 5 and verse 7. let's read together it's projected ready read please blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy that means the reward for being merciful is that you will also obtain mercy so here the bible reveals that mercy is a harvest is a harvest that comes only when you saw that seed of mercy blessed are the merciful very very powerful scripture matthew 25 this will be a long reading and then i'll begin to teach matthew 25 will start from verse 31. now look at this very interesting scripture jesus is teaching here not another prophet not another psalmist he says when the son of man shall come in his glory we're reading down to 46 and all the holy angels with him then he shall sit upon the throne of his glory and before him shall be gathered all nations and he shall separate them one from another as a shepherd divided his sheep from the goats he shall set the sheep on his right hand but the goat on the left 34 then shall the king say unto them on his right hand come ye blessed of my father inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world 35 for i was and hungered and he gave me meat i was thirsty and he gave me drink this is god judging i was a stranger and he took me in look at that kind of risk naked and he clothed me i was sick and he visited me i was in prison and he came unto me then shall the righteous answer him saying lord when so with the unhungered and fed thee or thirsty and gaby drink 38 when saw with thee a stranger and took the in or naked and clothed thee or when so we sick or this sick or in prison and came to thee 40 and the king shall answer and say unto them verily i say unto you inasmuch as ye have done it unto the list of these my brethren you have done it unto me [Music] then shall he say unto them that are the left hand depart from me ye cursed into everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels for i was unhungered and he gave me no meat i was thirsty and he gave me no drink i was a stranger and he took me not in naked and he clothed me not sick and in prison and he visited me not then shall he oh then shall they answer him saying lord when so with this and that and that go to verse 45 and he shall answer them saying verily i say unto you in as much as ye did did not onto one of the list of this you did not do it to me also right 46 the last verse and this shall go away into everlasting punishment but the righteous into life eternal isn't it amazing the basis of the king's judgment that he sat on the throne and began to tell the people that your crime and your offense is that you did not acknowledge that life was to believed by the understanding of mercy and he presented scenarios before them where they did not show forth mercy very very powerful so not only is god a merciful god believers are encouraged from scripture again and again that part of the attributes of god we must imbibe it's not just faith it's not just um um diligence and so on and so forth but we must sustain the fortitude for being merciful jesus taught and mentored the disciples and all who listened to him using parables it was his culture to communicate heavenly realities using parables he would find um expressions that related to their context to communicate kingdom realities are we together and he taught many parables that reveal the mysteries of the kingdom to guide believers to a point of conformity to the nature and the character of the christ and i want us to look at three of these parables we'll look at one per service are we together number one the parable of the good samaritan luke chapter 10. let's start from verse 25 jesus is teaching now and he's revealing to the disciples showing them the system of the kingdom he says behold a certain lawyer so the the the the discourse starts with a lawyer coming to make inquiry he stood up and tempted him saying master what shall i do to inherit eternal life he said unto him what is written in your law how readers die and he answered and said thou shalt love the lord thy god with all your heart your soul your strength and your mind and then love your neighbor that's where the trouble began when he began to talk about another person love your neighbor as yourself he gives you a standard to loving your neighbor that means before you love anyone you have to look at yourself the way you love yourself that means that when you do not love people it's a reflection of a perception you have about yourself it says love your neighbor as yourself and he said unto him thou has answered right this do and thou shalt leave next verse but he willing to justify himself said to jesus and who is my neighbor story story let's go on now jesus is about to teach i love the way jesus you know he would answer you in a very intelligent way you say now come with me he will journey through your mind and make sure that he explains to you in a way that leaves you convicted and jesus answered and said a certain man now usually parables do not have the names of people they it just creates the personalities and then the lessons to learn except for the scenario of lazarus it was a parable uh well theologians argue that it was an event that really happened but then it's also classified as a parable and jesus answered and said a saturn man went down from jerusalem to jericho followed the story now and fell among thieves so this had nothing to do with the man's carelessness he was a man returning from a journey and he fell among thieves the bible says they stripped him of his remnant and wounded him and departed leaving him half dead and by chance there came down a certain priest not priest where after the order of aaron they were descendants and sons of aaron they were apportioned now the the priesthood had three categories there was the high priest then they were the priests that served and then they were the levites who were descendants of levi are we together now and so he's saying now that a certain priest went down his way and when he saw that man wounded so that was a pastor that was a man of god an apostle a prophet he was on his way to church and he saw a man wounded beaten half dead and the bible says he passed by the other side and was on his way going likewise the levite the levites are like walkers in church they help in the keeping of the tabernacle they help with all kinds of activities of dictionary activities all the auxiliary activities that support the walk in the house and here comes a levite a walker trained loves god committed to a church and when he was at the place he looked at him a man do you think the man half dead would just be watching them i'm sure he would beckon on them and say please what can you do and they left and said no no i need to run to church and they looked at him and passed by the other side 33 but a certain samaritan now you have to understand that in those days the jews hated the samaritans they were not they were they were act enemies they were rivals they would have nothing to do with themselves a certain samaritan as he journeyed he came where he was when he saw him hallelujah he had compassion everybody said compassion he had compassion and their next verse he went to him and bound his wounds did you know that was a risk number one it was in the night number two if someone caught him doing that he would believe he was the one who harmed that man and killed him this was a risk this man was taking his life binding his wounds pouring oil and wine and set him on his own donkey and brought him to an inn and took care of him that man suspended his journey he suspended he forgot about himself to attend unto a man that was wounded verse 35 and on the morrow that means he spend the entire night there an extra cost that was not initially planned he took two pens and gave them to the host and said unto them take care of him and whatsoever thou spend us more when i come again that means i will still come back i will come back and ensure that this man was all right he says i will repay you which of these three thinkers that was the neighbor to him that fell among the thieves 37 and he said he that showed mercy on him he that showed mercy on him now here is the instruction jesus said unto him go return with this revelation and reproduce that act in your life i have taught you something about living that you borrow from the samaritan and that you go and begin to show seeds of mercy do likewise that means your neighbor is whoever needs your mercy anyone at all your relatives whoever it is now this looks like a very simple subject but it is powerful in the sight of god because every time you show mercy you also show gratitude it's it's like communion you are you are reminding god that you are conscious of what he did to you through the substitutionary sacrifice of his son in the cross the parable of the samaritan go and do likewise to plant seeds of mercy go and do likewise more than anointing more than diligence more than faith and you know we live in a context today that is so self-centered we live in a context today that is so individualistic provided it does not come near your door it's none of your business are we together now and that is not the culture of the kingdom the bible says that we must go out of our way to sow seeds of mercy there are many people right now who are programming wars and disaster to themselves and their children did you know that there are people today in this nation who may not necessarily have any investments they may not even be successful personally but they took the risk of spending their youthful days sowing seeds of mercy and they are ripping off that harvest today the seeds of mercy the seeds of mercy that you find lives that need the mercy of god and you are there for people you help them stand you help them know god you help them love god let me tell you not everyone will be ungrateful you will find somebody who will remember you he will meet you and say 20 years ago you insisted i told you i did not have transport to go to church you said it's not a problem took me out for lunch you made sure i got born again you followed up with me and now look what i've become and the person will vow and say provided i'm alive you will never beg for food again the parable of the good samaritan that it is not enough in the sight of god that you are a priest it is not enough in the side of god that you are a levite did you know that some of the most anointed people some of the greatest preachers around the world sincerely speaking and respectfully so when it has to do with these issues of mercy and kindness and love some of the intelligent ceos some of the great people we are great in terms of our field our craft but once it has to do with human relations it's almost zero so you can have a preacher who can preach can cast out devils can raise the dead but after church he's walking and he sees a faithful member who have been cleaning the church and does not even bother this man is about to trek back home he can stop in his front and buy something worth one thousand and cannot say take a hundred naira don't worry your fate is working one day you will have a car let me encourage you listen edge yourself in the history of people let them rise knowing you were there don't come into their future and expect to be featured in your life if you were not there when people were at their down times don't expect to be invited at the table of greatness are you getting this now there are many of us today by the grace of god it is not really your certificate that will feed you it is not really um your intellectual investment as important as that is as the days go by you will find out that you want to take your child to a school and you look at the proprietor and he says i know you remember in 1999 somebody who was crying one day and you said you are the one he said this is the lord's doing your child will become head boy head girl doesn't matter whether they are taking first position or not they they become an eternal excellency because of something you did listen i want you to look back today if nobody can remember you as the arising is proof you are taking a risk you are sitting on a time bomb you must find people there are many of our elderly people today in their old age they move around i stole their cost and you are wondering what did they do with their youthful days who did you raise when you were director who did you lift every time god prospers you use your blessing to create the history of impacting the lives of people there are people who can never go down they've raised too many people to stop them from touching the ground again please listen to what i teach you in this conference it is the wisdom that makes for living in the cosmos the little children that we see and push today [Music] tomorrow will be the ones who come and hold our hands this individualistic living i am happy i have a job i have this i am comfortable no do not make the mistake of esther she was forgetting about the jews and mordecai warned her and says you are taking a risk one day they will find out you are a jew and when they find out you are a jew you will not have any support system listen the person you ignore today will become your strength tomorrow you must sustain the intelligence use your strength and invest it in the future by showing mercy to people after church you're on your way going you see someone trekking you can pick the person or have you eaten it doesn't have to be every day let me do something for you today who are you you're a member of household of david yes and you are playing a message now the message you are playing will make sense to the person because it's coming forth from a life that is true the purity of your christianity is affecting is making the person believe what is hearing and you leave the person with an impression what is your name sir my name is john he will write it in a diary and pray every day and after 10 years do you know that i had the honor and the privilege my principal many years ago sir one of the people who gave me a foundation of godliness i had to find a way of looking for him i searched for him and made sure that i blessed him and i told him i said that they should tell him that by god's grace you have not seen anything provided i'm alive just know that you made a very wise investment in believing in me and trusting me be careful who you don't believe in because sometimes you will be taking a risk when you don't believe in people and they still succeed sometimes they will go out of their way to teach you a lesson that you may teach your children and your children's children this is what you get when you come to church the wisdom seeds of mercy many people you will be merciful to will not recognize you many of them will not even appreciate you many of them will trivialize your impact don't worry the seeds fell on different kinds of soil not every soil is a bad soil there will be a grateful mother there will be a grateful young lady there will be a grateful young man who will stand up one day and say i must do this is there any man in the house of soul that i may show kindness for jonathan's sake and that became the breakthrough of mephibosheth let us make this sacrifice for the sake of our children and our children's children that you may not have any narang cupboard dollar and pound but you have the richness the investment of a history that has lifted people you cried with people when they cried you were there when they lost loved ones you didn't come asking questions where is your fate no you sit with them there and cry and say it's all right god will help you one day you will come out of this oh i lost my father i lost my mother and you run away and then when they make it you come and barge into their future no no blow low low like a mighty wind spirit of victory cover us [Music] listen to me many of our loved ones today would have had opportunities to be wealthy to be blessed but they misused precious opportunities that god gave them to sow seeds of mercy there are people today who cannot walk down the street with their heads lifted you know why because they misuse the access the opportunity that god gave them to lift others someone came and said please can you help me in school please help me my school fees i love god you can come and donate even a billionaire in church which i commend but then that person is your relative and saying please okay don't give me the money give me a job to do let me walk say no get out of here and because the same lord is rich unto all god will route another way then you find out for instance that your own children now don't turn out to be anything useful and it's that same person who comes and is standing by you on the sick bed and your life is full of memories of pain please do not die in pain don't go to your craving pain because of unwise decisions god is giving us wisdom this morning applicable wisdom that as you step out of here one day you can cook and just call everybody and say you know what i don't have the resources to do it every day but i can do it once and you you know people are so self-centered today pastor that anytime you are nice to people they begin to suspect there must be something what are you looking for that's how wicked and self-centered our world are you want to be a christian it's not only by praying in tongues you want to be a christian it's not only by priesthood of preaching of teaching of cleaning chairs in the church alone wonderful but something about your life the seeds of mercy i made up my mind that by the grace of god i will fill my life experiences with being there for people with raising not because i'm looking for something in the future but it is a beautiful way to live to to know that you were there when someone was crying it was on your hands that their tears dropped that you are there for them and you know let me say this respectfully is one of the blessedness of our foundations many of us grew up from families and religious contexts that they were not very open to the things of the spirit but they will be there for you someone dies in one hour you see people singing prayers and worship songs to your house they will sleep there they will cry there you will not even know who was who had the bereavement but our generation today the moment you lose your job you lose whatever everybody backs out when god grants you breakthrough here they come again where were the friends of job he was the richest man in the east for a while they were there with him and then eventually they left and only his wife was there and job prayed and prayed for his friends and god restored his fortune i think chapter 22 and verse 10 and there all those people began to come back again please be part of the history of people i give you a secret of living a fruitful life i show you an investment that does not fail invest in the life of people rising not people who have risen [Music] you are a man of god do not ignore the young people who are in your church those young people praying they may make mistakes it's better that they make mistakes in your lifetime you are correcting them you are seeing it there their pride their foolishness they are sealed you can call them and say look i love you but it ought not to be so yes the choir person is stubborn yes the osha is not listening it's better they make the mistakes in your lifetime [Music] are we together lend this from jesus mighty jesus emoji jesus comes to sit with little children and he says let the little children come to me there are adults that are hated by children because they have no sign of mercy they are anointed their ministry is only to adults when children hate you it's a sign from god that something is really wrong with your life i'm telling you this because they have the pure rest of heart if a child runs away from you necessarily go for a retreat you think i'm joking but what i'm saying is very very serious the purity of their heart something about you should draw them to you if children come here now they don't care who is preaching on stage they should be able to come and and hold you and hit you and you don't just hit them and say i'm serious i'm serving god you are like the priest and the levite how many people have we ignored in an attempt to serve god the parable of the good samaritan do you know let me tell you this for those of you in ministry many of the people who will love you will not just love you because of the accuracy of your teaching many people who will love you will not only love you because of miracle signs and wonders let me tell you a majority of the people who will love you and stake their life and their loyalty they will love you because of an experience you gave them in god something that you did in their lives that will make them vow and say you will be my pastor for life we die together we rise up together it is not just good preaching it is not just good singing let me tell you this [Music] it is not even just good character you must do something that touches people there are politicians today whether they are good or bad they have edged themselves in the history of people too much to turn against them how do you start fighting them there's somebody you can help today right from now you can begin to build pillars of mercy in your destiny listen this is an assignment i'm giving you that after service you begin to say this is intentional i will start doing this now hello how are you i know that um things have not worked well i would transfer a little ten thousand now please use that money buy food for mama and let her know that is with love from me the person will not say thank you and you say this is what i hate this why hate giving don't worry you will reap what you sow not where you sowed [Music] are we together because i know that many of us are saying apostle i tried it before you don't know my relatives you don't know where i come from seeds of mercy seeds of mercy the parable of the good samaritan was a revelation to us that no matter what it is that we are doing god looks at our show of mercy be merciful sow that seed of mercy find somebody who needs you and be there for them pastors don't just preach and use members to build churches love them sincerely and be there for them members are first human beings before congregants are we together many people will tell you i love this man but it is not his message i love that woman but it is not their message they look at that compassion someone asks me and say apostle you are always a busy person and what have you really missed with all this lockdown i said i have not missed the adults i thank god for them but they have my teachings to listen to the real people have mister my children that all these children just run and come as soon as you send me the grace of our lord jesus christ that's when their service starts the love of god the fellowship of the holy spirit rest on about what they just run they don't care whether you heal the sick you raise someone from wheelchair they will jump on you dirty you and you are the expression of jesus to them they cry coming to church because they crave for something about christ they've seen in your life while you are preaching they are sleeping they absolutely don't care but as soon as the service is over you are busy sweating they tap you and say daddy i want bobo and now you don't know is god is using them to remind you don't strangle compassion because of ministry don't be too adult that you forget the wisdom of the childlike living let me tell you this is god blessing us we're going to pray but that you should come for a church service and live wiser these are the prince you see the benefit of what i'm teaching you will not be shown in one year it will not be shown in two years it is a transgenerational mysteries you're passing on someone's car spoils and it's not like you are hurrying up going somewhere you pretend as if you didn't see it and you are playing a powerful worship song oh i will do anything for you jesus my jesus my jesus you died for me and you passed someone and and you see this is why sometimes when god begins to bless and lift people you can't really see why he's doing it but they have a history and they've made god to covenant with himself and say this family will never beg for bread because of this do you know no matter how powerful the salmon is that i teach after one year you may forget you may just remember a few points no matter what happens in a meeting and a conference even if all of you stand up now and float in the air and sit down it will be news only for a few months but the kindness and the compassion you show someone that's not something that leaves their mind they will go back home and think they will learn lessons they will make vows are we together so god is answering someone's question apostle why don't people like me nobody cares about me why should they what seeds did you sow is is fraud to go to a farm where you didn't sow anything and be complaining that there's no harvest when people run away from you and your personality is pungent to people is a message it's not always an attack who can love you enough to say thank you for your preaching thank you you are a ceo i don't love the ceo i don't just love the preacher i love the person if people love your office if people love your job alone if people love your talent and your skill alone you are in trouble because those things are transient they can come they can go but when they love you not just for who you are but the disposition you have you have so cultured yourself after the principles of the kingdom we love him because he first gave himself for us the love of god revealed in that while we were yet sinners in due season christ died for us go he said and do likewise household of david the body of christ listen to me it's an instruction go and do likewise that it should start right from this service now you can write a resolution that on this day at this window of mercy conference i make up my mind that no 24 hour will pass without me looking for someone to sow seeds of mercy and i do it because i love god but i do it also because it's a fail-proof investment my children will eat from it my children's children will eat from it when you invest in real estate you have done well but the land cannot say thank you someone can even collect the land from you right when you invest in shares and put your money in another company wonderful the shares can rise you can make money you can also lose money but when you invest in men they are like mobile atms everybody will not fail [Music] hallelujah [Music] so make up your mind this morning that by the spirit of god the self-centeredness the hatred the bitterness i will never forgive you till i die till jesus comes when you are even talking about heaven when i'm in heaven even when i see you how are you sure you are going to get there with that kind of attitude you see how we behave you want the gate of heaven to open for you with your attitude so that you will enter blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy are you ready to pray rise up on your feet you are beautiful in all your ways [Music] you are beautiful one more time you are beautiful [Music] two prayer points and we're done for this first service i'd like you to declare father plenty seed in me that grants me the grace to show mercy and compassion let that seed be planted in me are you praying lift your voice and begin to pray i came to church this morning to learn i came to church to receive wisdom that more than my priesthood more than being a levite i must become a conduit of mercy a country of compassion a conduit of mercy more than my gifts more than my job more than my skill go and do likewise go and do likewise go and do likewise go and help likewise go and support likewise go and be there likewise go and lift likewise go and invest in men likewise [Music] hallelujah now look up [Music] you are going to pray and say father take away unforgiveness take away bitterness all of these attributes that choke our spirits they don't look obvious but they are dangerous they will strangle the anointing from your life they will strangle the the they will create haziness in hearing the voice of god clean my heart oh god and let me be in a position where i can love and show mercy i'm desperate to experience the reality of the life of god and i take away these encumbrances that stand between me and my intimacy with the spirit lift your voice and begin to pray in the name of jesus in the name of jesus [Music] apostle i bless my family members they didn't appreciate me let it go let it go god is the rewarder god is the rewarder apostle i bless my members and they are not there to appreciate me in the name of jesus apostle i support my husband i support my wife i support my children they are not appreciative in the name of jesus continue that which you do the bible says to not be wearing well doing he says for we will rip in due season if we fail not hallelujah praise the lord we have five more minutes we have one more prayer and then i'll speak over your life you are going to pray some of us have made mistakes of neglecting to sow seeds of mercy in the past as it is right now there is nobody in your life who thinks you are a blessing enough for them to take their life to support you is a risk you cannot live into this world that way if you don't help yourself you are gone nobody can help you if your hands are tied you are finished nobody can say i remember you if no one can trace you to their lifting you are in trouble but the beautiful thing about seats is you can start where you are he told abraham from where thou art lift up your eyes so it's a lesson we are going to pray because if you look back there is no life you have raised there is no body you have helped you've not sown seeds to anybody's life nobody has gone to school because you are alive nobody has known jesus because you are alive no discouraged person has found strength because you are alive nobody could cop could complete his rent because you got a job it's too risky it's too risky you're going to pray lord by your spirit bring people who are worthy of help bring people who don't just pray and say send helpers for me be the helper first grace to raise people grace to sow seeds of mercy lord bring the people that i can begin to invest in it may not be monitoring it may be an advice it may be a revelation you help someone to strengthen their relationship with jesus you help someone to fund your skills you must edge the impact i show you a powerful secret this morning that your 10 years can be secured your 20 years can be secured because like the good samaritan do you think that certain man when he becomes healed when he becomes strong will he ever forget the good samaritan [Music] hallelujah listen i remember someone sending me a text one time and said apostle i don't call you father just because of your spiritual impact in my life i lost my father many years ago he was saying but you have held my hand and you have helped me and done everything a father should do i remember crying that night reading that text i'm not a very emotional person but there are text messages that touch me apostle you a mighty man of god lord take the glory and i turn and face my work apostle i got healed after your prayer wonderful but apostle thank you for changing my life while i was crying you were there now that is what that is what breaks me and i just sit and say lord thank you that if i die today my only regret would be that i didn't finish my assignment but let it be that i can still live in those who are alive like abel do dead yet speak it it is not just the longevity of your living but the quality people can carry you in their minds they carry you in their memories their books are full of your name they never say anything about your life without mentioning your impact truthfully so they will teach their children any day you see this man and see his children bless him i pray for you in the name of jesus the son of the living god the grace to walk in the wisdom that mercy provides may that grace be released upon you [Music] in the name of jesus that the lesson that we have learned from the good samaritan this parable that jesus gave may you not make the mistake of the priest may you not make the mistake of the levite in the name of jesus may your life be full of investments of mercy and compassion may your days be full of investments of mercy and compassion may your children eat from it may those connected to you eat from it in the name of jesus christ and i pray for you listen to me for those of you who have made the mistake of sowing trouble in your future by the way you have treated people in the past by the way you have treated families in the past by the things you have said about people the things you have done to people some of you they are your parents some of you they are your relatives some of them they are men and women of god some of them they are your pastors they are your leaders in the name of jesus the the tragedy that you have programmed to happen in your future we intersect with the mercy of god let it not come to pass that the things listen the things that people have said in anger because of something you may have done in the name of jesus christ may the mercy of god intercept for you your children will not be victims of any speaking that was against you and i pray for you there are people here who are suffering the wickedness the bible says that um the fathers have sinned and how did he put the scripture yes there are families here you even have to change your surname because the names seem to be padlocks and when they identify you with that name and that family it comes with memories they say which one which of these names the one i know yes you will not get this job again not when i'm alive i pray for you everything around your foundation that has come as a result of the ill doings of people and you have been connected through it by bloodline at this messy conference let the blood speak for you in the name of jesus let the blood speak for you every door that has been closed because seeds of mercy were not sown in the past we declare again may god give you a fresh start by the power of the holy spirit you leave this service and in the name of jesus you will begin to command extraordinary results in the name of jesus christ lift your hands and give jesus praise [Music] hallelujah praise the lord we're going to be seated shortly but the lord is healing someone as someone who has a severe i'm seeing a severe condition i don't know if it's something around this your side i'm i'm seeing the lord touch that person there is healing that god is bringing for that person this morning in the name of jesus and i'm seeing the lord is also healing a lady this is this is something that has to do with your circle i'm seeing the lord heal that person right now very supernatural healing god is bringing that healing lord we thank you in the name of jesus christ amen and amen please be seated again pastor thank you it's always an honor thank you i appreciate you and your dear wife praise the name of the lord [Music] we began in the first service teaching on the parable of mercy this is part two the parable of mercy is an attempt to reveal the nature and the character of god as it relates to his being compassionate as it relates to his being merciful and to draw forth an understanding from that nature applying it to our lives so that we will excel and so that we will reign remember we reign in this kingdom on the strength of the spiritual illumination that we have the light that comes to us is able to transmit us to higher dimensions of possibilities hallelujah and i did say in the first service that scripture reveals the nature of god that we study scripture among other things to know god to understand not just his methodology but his character and his nature so scattered through scriptures are the way god is not just the way he acts the way he is the bible says again and again that the lord is gracious and compassionate he is merciful and believers are also enjoined from scripture to be merciful and to be compassionate we looked at the first parable the parable of the good samaritan from luke 10 25-37 we'll go straight to the second parable matthew chapter 18 please we'll start from verse 21 matthew chapter 18. matthew chapter 18 then came peter to him and said lord how oft shall my brother sin against me and i forgive him till seven times peter is asking a question now it's amazing how jesus mentored the disciples did you know that it was at the later part of his mentorship he began to talk about issues of power and signs and wonders when he started his mentorship he started in what we call the beatitudes teaching them on the ways of the kingdom then he now started relating the culture of the kingdom helping them to connect to it and to build character in them so this was one of those sessions and he said unto him until seven times i say not until today until seven times but until 70 times seven there's a lot of theological debate as to what jesus was saying there we're not going into that 23 23 therefore the kingdom of heaven is likened onto a certain king here comes a parable now remember the foundation that led to this parable is talking about his relationship with the people around him and he says the kingdom of heaven is likened unto a certain king which would take account of his servants next verse and when he had begun to reckon one was brought unto him which owed him 10 000 talents but for as much as he had not to pay his lord commanded him to be sold it was it was very regular to sell people i mean they would be collateral themselves and you could sell them into slavery so to sell him and his wife and children and all that he had and payment to be made the servant therefore fell down and worshipped him saying lord have patience with me and i will pay thee all then the lord of that servant was moved with here comes the word again compassion and lose him and forgave him the death 28 but the same servant went out and found one of his fellow servants which owed him 100 pence and he laid hands on him and took him by the truth saying pay me that thou always and his fellow servant fell down at his feet and besought him saying have patience with me same word same expression same condition and i will pay thee all and he would not but went and cast him into prison till he should pay the debt so when his fellow servants saw what was done they were very sorry and came and told unto their lord all that was done 32 then his lord after he had called him said unto him thou wicked servant i forgive thee all that debt because thou desirest me should not doubt also have had compassion on thy fellow servants even as i had had pt on thee 34 and his lord was wrought and delivered him to the tormentors in other words just hang on here isn't it amazing he gave him a harvest of mercy and the man insisted and said the harvest you gave me is wrong because that's not the seed i sowed and the lord was happy to change back the harvest to look like the seed that he saw this man got the harvest of mercy and now he went to sow a seed of wickedness and the master said i gave you a wrong harvest and i will change that harvest to look like what you just did and the bible says he was delivered to the tormentor still he should pay all that was due unto him so likewise in that way by this method shall my heavenly father do also to you if ye from your hearts forgive not everyone his brother their trespasses very very very powerful scripture we really can just stop there the parable of the unmerciful servants they call it now look at this scenario jesus was teaching them on the issue of forgiveness brotherly love and kindness and he comes to a point where peter is asking him a question i'm sure peter had a pile of people and he needed explanations are you saying that all these wrongdoers and all these wicked people who oppress me while fishing are you saying i should just let things go like that and jesus would usually not answer directly he led him to a parable and he said let me paint a scenario there was a certain man so this this story has to do with a man who owed the king and the king called for the people and said why have you not paid me my money and the man knelt down and pleaded and said look i desire to pay but the wherewithal is not there he didn't even ask the king to forgive him he just said can you extend my time so i can go and and the king looked at him and realized that before i became a king i was once like you someone else showed me mercy let me extend that same message and he told him i forgive you and the man went with the joy of that pardon and quickly ran and met someone who had a by far lesser amount and said pay me my money and the man began to plead with him and said i'm sorry and instead of the man to remember please learn to remember learn to remember the bible says let it not be when you have built houses when you have done all of this you will say my power and my might has brought me this it says but thou shalt remember the lord that means you can forget it was bishop poetic that says if you can be thoughtful then you can be thankful it is true thoughtfulness helps thanksgiving thoughtfulness also helps be merciful when you think about everything god has done and you think about how he's lifted you now he looked at this man and he said no way there's no forgiveness you are paying me for sure but then there were other witnesses who were watching and they went back and told the king so and so happened and the king was angry he said sin for that man again i forgave you and you could not let this man go to forgive such a man this was a description of the heart of a typical man it is easy to see the fault in others it is easy are we together now you watch people spectators when footballers are playing and you see them quarrelling everybody why didn't you pass it simple free kick and you could not score and you see them arguing and saying all kinds of things and yet that person does not even have the money to buy a ball are we together he is revealing something about the human nature that we should avoid in his parable that the nature of men is such that until you are in the picture of reality it is usually easier said than done until you become a pastor you never know the burden that is upon a pastor you don't know why a pastor may not be able to eat and he's thinking and praying until you become a leader you may not know the burden of being a leader until you become a parent you may not know what it takes it is easy and it is more comfortable to stand from a distance and to judge to stand from a distance and to conclude over the lives of family members leaders and so on and so forth and he's using it to teach something here the king gave him all the pardon that he needed in fact it is even a surprising thing that that man had the f-13 to go back to someone and even demand his money you would expect that after such benevolence he would run back and say hey the king did something for me and i want to do the same thing for you please the 10 pence you owe me 100 pence god bless you and he would have given himself remember what i thought in this first service he would have given himself a memory he would have etched his impact has been merciful in the life of that person and the same witnesses who reported him would have still taken that report back to the king and said king he just did what you did to him and the king would have still called him back in any case he would have still appeared the second time before the king this time around would have been for greater or not are we together now because the bible lets us know that while that drama were happening there were people who were watching too while you are being merciful there is a cloud of witnesses watching even though you don't see them they are there and they take reports back to the king i was a witness i saw the way this man demonstrated mercy and kindness and you will not know but one day the king will send for you suddenly he says come i hear in your family nobody has risen not only pardoning you because you have shown mercy it is your season of lifting and for reasons you cannot explain everybody and everything including a fish starts bringing coin out for you and people will say what did you do they were witnesses watching let me tell you nobody is really alone the concept of being alone is as revealed by your eyes we are always surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses are we blessed but he went to the man who owed him so much and strangled him and said no way i will jail you a very powerful lesson everything that you are angry about before god you are also a victim of you are angry unforgiveness you are saying he'd even come to say sorry he cheated me in a business and he couldn't say sorry and god looks at you and says i can't remember the last time you even prayed not even to say sorry just to say that son good morning jesus good morning lord and yet you have the gods and the fun tree to come and report someone isn't it amazing you watch this happen with children isn't it they go and steal something and then when you try to collect it they are reporting someone and say he took my thing and you are watching that drama and god uses them to act yourself to you and you are watching what you do all the time partakers of god's mercy god trusts you with something and yet you cannot give it back to him god shows you mercy many of us have books where we write the the names of offenders and the popular saying over my dead body we say you know what a dead body looks like i've been to the mortuary a few times let me tell you the truth i have i have seen dead bodies if you see a dead body you will never say over your dead body you're quiet i believe you are meditating you are listening to what i'm saying seriously because it's a very powerful message that blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy you see looking merciful put you in a position where society treats you as a fool they look at you and say you mean this is how you are but the excellency of the lifting that comes to your life when you decide to be merciful that you have obtained mercy there are some of us who people owe us physically money and you know that those people may never be able to pay i'm not teaching you to be responsible and i'm not endorsing people to take you for granted but there must be times in your life where you will have to train yourself to overlook some things it happens everywhere even in secular societies there are times that they release prisoners to go in the dealings of god with the nation of israel there was a year called the year of jubilee after seven sabbaths 49 seven times seven years the 50th year they were giving instructions if you had a slave and someone who you bought release them to go if they say you have been too kind and merciful and they don't want to go then you punch a hole in their ears and they have become bond servants not people who are there because you force them they love you and they chose to stay but you release people this was god giving them in the old testament how come everybody who owes you must pay emotional debts spiritual debts many of us have a pile of anger annoyance pastors fighting pastors business people fighting business people husband fighting wife rivalry everywhere and we are believers this is something that happens all across the nations of the earth and jesus is teaching us here that everybody who has obtained mercy did you know the bible says it is of the lord's mercy help me that we are not consumed that because his compassion fails not it is of the lord's mercy it is not of him that we left it is not of him that run it the will of man is powerful but he said it's not just by willpower it is not even by running it is of the lord that showed mercy so that we were conscious of the fact that i'm alive today by the mercy of god in him i live in him i move in him i i have my being and that we need to unclog our lives many cares and many worries there are some of us who have wrinkled our faces people look at you and say you say guess my age they say you look roughly 55 say what 50 i'm not even up to 33. what happened we added certain luggages that did not come from god there are people who are angry in this country they walk around frowning and talking and you say good morning what is good about the morning and they move around and they are angry angry and you tell them why are you angry they say sit down it started when i was five years old now i'm not down playing people's experiences don't get me wrong but you have there is the excellency of being a christian what then is the excellency of the ministry of the holy spirit you cannot just be sociological there is an ability given to the believer to be able to rise above and beyond all of these limitations get to a point in your life where you can say i know that my father left my mother do you know many people today ask them why they are failing they will tell you when i was four years old my father left me my mother did this i would never forgive him for as long as i'm alive and you'll find out your life is not moving forward you keep complaining till you marry too and you start being irresponsible to your child and your child says daddy why are you irresponsible say ask my father you see that the same thing happening here many people cannot take responsibility over their lives they don't do well in life they fail they get angry they hurt themselves and others and they justify their experiences with something in the past and not that they are making reference to it because they are transformed it becomes their justification their refusal armed robbers who kill people everywhere when you catch them and sit them down say why are you doing this they say i came from this family and they they believed that in anger because they were ill-treated then they will treat others are we together yes blessed are the merciful for they shall be shown mercy apostle this person did not believe in me when i started and now that i've made it i will leave i will spend my life punishing the person to prove to the person you believe is unnecessary look at joseph when his brothers treated him bad and god exalted him he brought his brothers and he said eat god is speaking to someone this morning because many of us even though we are in church even though we are anointed we are wonderful people the truth of the matter is we are carrying luggages that jesus did not give us he said my yoke is easy and my burden is light god is speaking to you this morning in this second service it's time to take down certain unnecessary burdens everybody cannot be your enemy in the choir around some of you probably respectfully speaking maybe from the time you came till now you're already angry with two people this is my seat have you not seen my knock take it easy look let me tell you this if you die they will cry for you for just seven days and leave you and life continues you must learn to take life easy there is a childlike approach that gives you peace jesus said my peace i give you not as the world gives do i give our lives are too busy busy and filled with so many things that are unnecessary [Music] are we together did you know there are people you cannot sit with and have a meaningful conversation the moment you sit with them they are reporting someone or getting angry or there there's no meaningful kingdom discussion that leads to the mutual edification of someone the moment they sit down it is about a discussion you notice that ladies shoe i don't even know that this kind of shoe is still what is what why are our hearts tilted towards that level of evil after a powerful church service and you sit down you would expect to say oh glory be to god that worship was so blessing i mean the word came i was blessed someone said can you imagine that in the heat of that anointing somebody was sleeping is that all you saw is that all god did in that service i testify i testify that your goodness is real [Music] i testify i testify that your goodness is great your goodness is [Music] [Music] depression used to be something for older people maybe in the mid 50s but right now our society is full of young people who are depressed you measure a young man's bp and you are almost falling with with with your instrument there because you are saying what are you thinking about he says what am i not thinking about everybody doesn't like me just as the government hates me and everybody hates me and god too doesn't like me and you know people just complain and say all those kinds of things they hurt themselves and they hurt others a wounded person cannot heal others you will need to be healed yourself before you heal others the parable very simple teaching but i want you to have this understanding especially when you want to become a leader because until you program yourself to love people regardless to love people in spite of to forbid to forgive 24 hours is too is too long to have people let me tell you this you don't need up to 24 hours to be offended you just need to wake up in the morning and find out someone at your remaining food and you want to kill somebody that morning and you know the devil studies us and when he sees that good things are about to come he will use offense to cause you to abort everything have you noticed that when seasons are about to open it's like everything offends you you go to pray after fasting for six hours and praying you come out and the first person is your loved one and he says we've been looking for you are you the only one who is a christian don't be stupid that's the devil the devil is trying to rob you of joy because of something that is coming it is not the physical people talking to you no notice that when seasons are shifting and great things are about to happen there is agitation from the kingdom of hell everything seems to fight you that is the time to rejoice in the lord and again i say rejoice [Music] this clot you are wearing to church ah you are dressing as if you are a grandmother no problem you just laugh it away and create a joke out of it not are you stupid did you ever give me anything i've just been keeping quiet let me tell you what you did 10 years my turn is coming no no no no no no do you have the courage the stamina and the maturity to look at your yesterday and still smile at it apostle my father didn't believe in me i understand but maybe he didn't know better can you be like the king who called the man when people become broken and repentant and in need of mercy as much as it is within your power show them mercy what i'm teaching you is unpopular but these are deep kingdom mysteries that will make people vow a vow and say forever i will make sure that i bless you i will make sure that i pray for you mercy i've shared my story i think one of my experiences in this church a number of times how that many years ago i went to buy sugarcane remember the story and then i met these two women and they were trying to bring out money from their their rapper and i said please let me let me help you and they said no no i said please i insist it was not more than 100 naira and i bought the sugarcane for them i felt so happy and then they began to bless me and then one of the women said my son forever walk upon gold a woman who cannot was barely trying to lose there are times that you will be in kairos moments of your life and it will not just be prayer and fasting it will be the discernment to show mercy you will pick somebody in your car apostles they are armed robbers in nigeria i know but there are also angels in nigeria moving to bless people hallelujah one day you pick somebody in your car and he just gives you one message and drops and you did not know that you picked an angel you thought you picked a passenger [Music] many of us have ignored seasons of breakthrough because our hearts were not merciful do you know how many people who live today in regret because they had an opportunity to help they had an opportunity to show kindness they had an opportunity to show mercy they found and said no way like your merciful servant and years down the line the people they taught will never rise because there is still a god in heaven and god routed the lifting of those people through some other means and now the people have become great one day you open an office door and you find out that it was someone who used to sweep your house before who begged you one day and say it's true i'm sorry i stole i stole the money boy was out of pressure my mother was sick and i didn't have the courage to ask you i am sorry you say you are sorry you will first walk without salary number two i'm still deciding whether i will kill you or leave your life i want to sow seeds of mercy in my life to show people so much compassion that after many years i should be able to walk the streets of lagos without protocol without it doesn't have to be on only when you are preaching that you can be at the atm and someone says god forbid i will not let you take your five naira when i'm here and he said what happened your message you gave it free to me i didn't pay for it and that's what blessed me or you gave me your message and somebody just bought the whole cds and gave me as a gift i thank you for teaching that message what can i do for you i said no no just want to withdraw something say no is this your son yes please let me sponsor this child up till university give me an honor to do that a prayer point answered in one minute because you were merciful being merciful is a powerful seed it does not die please believe me this is a parable god this parable is a caution god is speaking to us and telling us that some of us are making mistakes you have obtained mercy from god and you have obtained mercy from men you must begin to live your life intentionally showing mercy intentionally sowing seeds mommy i know about this house help i know that she's been lazy she's not been a very nice lady but the other day i heard her crying and telling god to help her that means in spite of her misbehavior something in her loves the lord could we try to talk to her one day instead of saying you are a useless lady like your useless mother and your useless father who gave birth to you many people have done that and today they are biting their fingers in regret because that little girl will grow up and she will go to secondary school and join one small fellowship and encounter the holy ghost and then become a great lady and one day one man who is somebody else's harvest who just come and marry that girl marry her into blessings prepared blessings and they drive and come to your house with your own children watching god knows how to reward people and god knows how to deal with people as pharaoh god knows how to bring people to their knees and so this is a message for us to be merciful say i receive grace please shout it say i receive grace to be merciful grace to be merciful you're driving and someone who is careless just hit your car and it's not anything serious and the passengers i'm sorry i'm so sorry i'm sorry i will fix it sometimes you can just say it's all right god bless you just go let me tell you what will happen number one you will feel stupid number two you feel foolish number three you will feel weak and the devil tells you this is all this is how you keep being a full till the whole world cheats you oh dear but the day the king stands for you the day the king there are witnesses who are watching you while you do those things do you know that some of our loved ones did that for many years they raised people they helped people who later talked against them they sent people sponsored them through school they went back to villages and spoiled their names and said everything and god told the people be silent one day someone would just come and start rewarding them and you say mama why is everybody blessing you like this the king has sent for you let me tell you the king still sends for people man of god let me tell you the king still sends for people be as compassionate pour your all give your best serve with your heart be merciful to people we give from the abundance of that which we have received how many times did you go to bed without praying there were arrows that were flying by night to kill you and god disrupted the sleep of an intercessor somewhere and forced the person to get up and pray in tongues for hours not knowing what he was praying for that was the prayer that secured you to even have gotten the contract in the first place please let us know that there is more that has happened to us by the mercy of god than more that has happened by our strength it is not of him that we left only god knows the number of people who pray for apostle joshua salman every day so what you see may not be a true reflection of just my prayer it may be the intercession of silent people i may never see who are praying oh god grant him revelation and when i begin to have angelic visitations you would think it's just because i am deep in the things of god it may be there but you will be surprised someone with a covenant with god praying and say lord open the door for this my son let him see you more and god comes to you in honor of that prayer are we blessed the unmerciful servant that after this service there are people you are going to pick up your phone your mother you have not spoken to for 10 years and said over i will only come the day she's dead if i hear that she's dead simply because you said she's a witch no problem even if she's a witch no problem you are you are exalted above principalities and powers or know how for being the womb that gave birth to you my irresponsible father is a drunkard somewhere roman i'm not even i'm not proud to identify myself you have been calling him your uncle because he was not profitable some of you may need to do certain intentional things after this service just because your loved ones didn't treat you well some of us god has helped us financially and god has put us in a position of mercy have you thought of someone who was nice to you before somebody who led you that that mama who was a person who taught you in in bible school one day you can buy a bag of rice and take to her house and said i just came to honor you say why you say you may not know when i was 11 years i was a stubborn child even god revealed to me that i was stubborn you were the person who was patient with me until i gave my life to christ now i am pastor this this and that and the woman may look at you and say god be a witness to us even in my grave bless this person you will leave that place yet that record was written in heaven one day the king will send for you come is your time of reward and you will open doors of favor and those of grace that you may never imagine these are the systems of the kingdom please do not trivialize what i'm teaching you some of you while you were on your way coming to church someone paid your transport you have enough to pay someone's transport after service why don't you sow that seed you don't need to know the person and you don't need any announcement to go on social media and say there are three great people on it this my friend is the other you don't need all of that sometimes you can go to foil your car and tell yourself anybody who is after me i'm going to fall for that day learn to do the things that sow seeds of mercy you have obtained mercy from god your arrest was paid don't sit down and eat alone and die alone the way you know the way we say it in nigeria no your gate man is there he could connive with armed robbers to kill you yet he has been faithful for six years one day why don't you give him thirty thousand and say go and give your wife and say thank you for being faithful i remember i was once a gay man twenty years ago listen anything god delivered you from try to be an instrument of mercy to someone in that area too i testify i testify that your goodness is real [Music] i i testify [Music] that your goodness is real your goodness is real i testify your goodness your goodness is hallelujah we have obtained mercy from god god has been faithful god has been gracious there are times that god has honored you and blessed you beyond your prayer request even during your prayerlessness you kept seeing results of prayers you know you did not remember praying that is mercy and you can communicate the same to people make up your mind that no 24 hour will pass without me sowing that seed of mercy do it for your house help do it for your good man do it for everybody the seed of mercy once upon a time before you got a job you know what it meant to be to be in a position of luck now god has blessed you you have siblings i know many of them may be irresponsible towards you many of them may not even be grateful i understand it's not it's not teaching you to be under pressure but please make sure your life extends to somebody you have to do something to someone in the name of the lord and they don't just have to be your relatives in the first parable the first service we spoke about the samaritan who came to a perfect stranger i've had the privilege and the honor to do things for people that i do not know and i may never know in this life and i left them confounded wondering [Music] who are you some say you are ninjas no i'm not an angel not an angel i'm a human being i have my birth certificate i was born by a woman i just have subscribed to a kingdom culture a kingdom culture a kingdom culture never will it be that i will live my life and not be a blessing to someone and that if god has shown you mercy i say it again except you are not a recipient of the mercy of god if god has shown you mercy if god has shown you kindness if god has brought you deliverance remember where god picked you from do not allow the blessedness of the palace to erode the memory esther remember that you were once in shushan a village girl now that you have come to the palace the agenda has not finished don't enjoy the palace and forget that her man is plotting against the jews could it be that it was for such a time you have come if esther made a mistake and ignored mordecai i assure you something would have happened that will make the king deal with her i do not want to program walls in my life by reason of being unmerciful hallelujah i'll tell you one testimony and then we'll pray i receive a lot of calls and text messages and and i'm sure that um sometimes i don't even have the energy and the time to respond to them but i remember this person who kept reaching me and said apostle you must pray for me i mean these ladies send scriptures from the woman with the issue of blood the woman who told the the the uh um avenge me my adversaries all those scriptures apostles you must call and at a point she said you're a man of god god did this and that and i was so tired i don't know what took my eyes to that text and the holy spirit told me this lady is wounded and broken call her and pray with her when i called her she was first shouting for almost two minutes you would have said me my credit i'm calling you now after this thing apostle you called me and then eventually we spoke and i prayed with her i didn't know that she was related to someone that i would let her meet and she had gone ahead to tell that person very nice things about me and when i did meet that person he blessed me in a way that surprised me because of the seed of mercy do not ignore how far the seeds you are sowing can go for your future you can do something nice and kind to someone today and tomorrow it will speak in your life it will speak in the life of your children and your children's children are we blessed your pastor and his wife are two wonderful people they are so dear to me and we've built a little relationship for a few years and i can tell you there have been awesome people or some people i it's not just because of the church service i love your pastor i love his wife with all my heart and i'm telling you as far as it is within my power there is nothing within my power by the grace of god that i cannot do to show love and honor to your pastor believe me i'm careful with words [Music] i post what of me i don't know i can't make that guarantee about you it takes a while it takes a while even with god the same lord is rich unto all but there are people because of the depth of their passion god has branded his dealing with them he does not deal with them casually he has created a name for his dealing with them they call upon him he will show up are we ready to pray very simple service very simple parable the unmerciful servant which one of the two are you are you the king showing mercy because you have received mercy yourself are you the on profit the the the unmerciful servant who obtained mercy for so much and yet ran and went to another person and was glad and happy to strangle that person i will be an instrument of mercy i will be an instrument of mercy your father and your mother are fighting for whatever reason and you are happy to not be the referee you ring the bell and you stand back and you are happy to watch them box one another and while that is happening you are enjoying it you even did your camera right and you said wow this is amazing i never knew my mother was this strong there is a cloud of witnesses watching remember one day you have children isn't it amazing that most of the things we do not desire in others we we pray that it shouldn't happen to them for good they are also the things we desire you don't want someone to get a job yet you are praying that god will give you a job you don't want someone to get married yet you are desperately looking for a wife or for a husband you must sow seeds of mercy you cannot insult everybody's marriage tear them down hate them and go back in secret and say lord when will my husband come when will my wife come you are crying for a harvest whose seed you have not sown you want to start ministry yet you look at every pastor and insulting this one he's not very anointed this one is just an administrator this one has revelation this one is not very fine this one is he said this it is not and while you are saying that you say oh god where are my sheep where are my flock and god says me my sheep trust you with you will kill all the sheep everything you dishonor in god and in others you have programmed that that thing should never manifest in your life how many people see wealthy people and insults them everywhere this wicked man you should help me and the man has written a book that should help you to be wealthy you refuse to read it and say just keep giving me money and then you close the door of wealth then you close the door of the knowledge of god then you close the door of impact you close the door of influence [Music] please make up your mind from this service that everything god has helped you out of you will become an instrument of mercy to others are we together now yes once upon a time you were not doing well in school and god helped you someone was patient enough with you to help you walk you through walk you through everything and now you're a phd holder or a master's holder or a professor or you have your degree don't be too quick to look at someone and say you are so dull simple something you cannot understand remember remember and be patient remember this is also to lead us be patient with people listen the people we lead are also growing the people we lead are like children they will make mistakes they will do a lot of foolish things we must be able to extend the hand of mercy the excellency of leadership and maturity is having the understanding to be able to see people and descend their frailty and walk them through their growth process until they become strong and able themselves when i was a child the bible says i thought like a child i spoke like a child i understood like a child he said now that i'm a man i've laid aside these childish things so for bear with people for bear with them make up your mind that there are things that you will just be quiet about someone eats your food be quiet about it someone hits your car sometimes you just have to be quiet someone stole your clothes no problem it's not everything you talk about sustain the maturity to be quiet now i've i've told you it will make you feel cheap it will make you feel weak it will make you feel foolish but let the king send for you when he sends for you he will send for you to beautify your life he will send for you to bring you honor he will send for you to lift you the king does not send for people to bring them down provided they have sown the seed of mercy do not expect help when you don't help others don't call destiny help us when you are not one yourself don't be praying and say god bring the helpers of my destiny because someone has been calling you in his prayer and you have refused to answer that prayer too do not say lord send me people to lift me when you are not a lifter yourself do not say send people to strengthen me spiritually when you are not helping another do not say send me people to protect me and bless me when you are not there no it is what you are sowing that you pray for the harvest to come are we blessed yes sir [Music] don't ask that people should be committed to your company when you are not committed in church you are not giving your best you do what you do grudgingly and yet you are saying lord let my company expand no god on lindsay christ for the nations i say this in conclusion christ for the nations many of you would have studied him he's long he's going to be with the lord now that man lived very long and he lived an impactful life and the secret was because he was not interested in ministry he spent his life supporting the lifting of many if he heard that you were in ministry and he had the opportunity he would lift you he would help you he would lift you and one day god said no even though it may not be that you're interested in ministry your heart is too right for me to ignore you and he drew him and he started christ for the nations [Music] study the history of great generals most of them were not interested in ministry they wanted to be helpers they wanted to sow seeds of mercy lord where do i find tears use my hands to clean the tears where do i find joy let me join in celebrating where do i find the weak and the downcast let me sow that seed of mercy when jesus was hanging at the cross where were the people who ate his bread where were the people who drank where were the people who ate the fish where was the woman with the issue of blood when jesus was on the cross where was the woman who's with that hand was healed when jesus was on the jesus took a risk and blessed this woman yet he's hanging on that cross and only two people john and his mother and two thieves who were talking anyhow on the tree one of them was open and the other one was foolish and he told one he said this day you will be with me in paradise the question is where were they where was the 12 year old girl who was raised from the dead where were her parents didn't they hear the news that jesus was going to the cross let me tell you where they were they were part of those who stood and said crucify him and jesus was looking at them and they were looking yes you are looking at me crucify him let his blood be on our children they didn't know what they were saying and yet there was a man called simon of cyrene he said i may be a black man i may not be wealthy i may not have influence but jesus can i carry your cross with you may god bring this kind of people to your life and may god make you one and take to the life of others too in the name of jesus imagine the relief carrying that cross for jesus the bible may not have written it but i assure you i believe that when we get to heaven there has to be a reward for simon of cyrene for that which he did what of joseph of arimathea who brought the body of jesus down and kept in his tomb seeds of mercy seats of mercy do not be part of the pain of people do not be part of the bleeding of people make sure you become instruments of mercy and instruments of love you see your loved ones crying they are telling you my marriage is not working don't be the one to say i told you i said don't marry that wife you didn't listen i said he has already married what should he do about you you come down wrap your arms around them and say look we have we have we have also experienced this thing but now we are standing by you and we are praying let's pray thank you lord jesus christ listen if you don't succeed in any other thing in your life again and you can leave sowing seeds of mercy i guarantee you that you will not be a failure in life there will be people who will arise to plead your case there will be people who will arise to show you mercy my encouragement for all of us online listening and all who are seated here is do not be like your merciful servant the lord jesus christ has shown us mercy [Music] i didn't do an altar call in the first service if i can plead with you pastor to just let me two minutes i just felt stared in my spirit i'll be praying for people in the third service but right now you are seated there are two categories of people i'll call you quickly number one there are people who are saying apostles have not even received this mercy from god i am here to truly make a genuine commitment i've been attending church i've been doing a lot of things i've ever been involved in helping to organize crusades what i really want to mean business with jesus the second category of people they are saying apostle i'm carrying loads that i'm not interested in again bitterness unforgiveness pain in my heart is obstructing my christian experience and like the woman with the alabaster box i came to church this morning and i want to lay it down wherever you are if you do come out please do your best to maintain the social distance but i need you to come out quickly one minute please leave your seat and come very quickly leave your seat and come quickly someone is bold enough to come stand here if you're if you're making a decision for jesus come stand at my right very quickly very quickly household of david is this the best you can do [Music] keep coming don't mind who is looking at you and who is not looking at you blow blow blow like a mighty wind spirit of victory cover us with your home low blow say no no blow like a mighty wing spirit of victory [Music] one more time [Music] no no no like a mighty wings listen ladies and gentlemen i appreciate you some of you are crying don't be ashamed of your tears listen to me everyone must have a day in his life where he comes to jesus genuinely and sincerely the bible says whoever calls upon the name of the lord you will be saved it's like calling you to come and receive an award you are not coming to a funeral you are coming to receive what silver and gold cannot buy i want to pray that prayer for those of you who are surrendering your heart sincerely i like you to pray this prayer let it be from the depth of your heart even if you are rededicating your life say lord jesus i love you and i believe in you that you are the son of god today i receive of your life i receive the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness i also receive forgiveness of sin [Music] wash me cleanse me give me a new beginning i declare that from today and forever the power of sin the power of satan the power of the grave is broken over my life i declare that i walk in victory from today and forever forward ever and backward never in the name of jesus now let me quickly pray for those who are here trusting god to just throw away burdens in the name of jesus listen to me there is a participatory effort you are going to have to summon the courage some of you may need to just have that courage to say in the name of jesus i don't have room for unforgiveness again i've been shown the mercy of god i've been shown the grace of god i don't have room for resentment and any of this i am a partaker of god's mercy and i will extend the same to my family my mother my sister my brothers my co-workers at work in the name of jesus i release the grace is a painful decision but i prophesy to you let the grace of god that helps you in the name of jesus there is an empowerment coming from the spirit the same grace that made stephen to look at the people stoning him and yet forgive them the same grace that made jesus even on the cross to be able to look at the people and say father forgive them for they know not what they do i release grace upon you to walk past the limitations the foolishness the childishness the immaturity of people in the name of jesus and that at this wind of messy conference let this be a decision that starts a moment of victory in your life for some of you is towards your husband for some of you is towards your wife some of you towards your parents in the name of jesus i break the spirit that is behind unforgiveness i break the spirit that is behind bitterness i break the spirit that is behind limitations and every seed that has been sown in your life here at household of david we release you right now in the name of jesus experience victory supernatural victory in the name of jesus experience victory ex help that woman please experience victory in the name of jesus i release you by the power of the holy ghost you will never be a victim please help this man i'm praying for you we're wrapping up in the name of jesus let the anointing of the spirit break the spirits that are behind unforgiveness the spirits that are behind bitterness the spirits that have tied your destiny down in the name of jesus be released from their influence i declare that from this service enjoy the newness of life from this service let your health be restored in the name of jesus christ [Music] someone praying pray let it be from the depth of your heart [Music] brenda the last day of the feast that great day came and said if any man test let him come and drink father give me an encounter by your mercy hallelujah praise the lord now because of the timing the first and second service we couldn't pray you know have some time to pray and all of that so we just combine it in this session for those who attended the first second service you are still following online just connect your heart the concept of distance and time is only something that is just for the physical effect but the realm of the spirit um from wherever you are god can visit you so don't feel that because i'm not in the first service or second service open up your heart from everywhere you are and connect and god will give you a visitation in the name of jesus now i don't know how we're going to do it but um we still do our best to observe the social distancing let me say it in advance and so please do well if someone is under the anointing close to you just make sure that if you're going to help them please help them so that we don't violate anything at all just do the best that you can work cooperate with the ushers cooperate with all the people who do our very best we are responsible people to see that whilst we minister the world and the life of god we do our best to walk within the provisions aloud praise the lord before i spoke a word you were singing over me you have been so so good before i took a [Music] lift your hands and sink of god [Music] is [Music] hallelujah i'd like you to open your mouth in one minute and begin to mention the things that by the mercy of god must get out of your life in this season are we praying when people of prayer begin to pray from the depth of your heart father by your mercy [Music] our god is a merciful god you can arise and shake up things and bring liberty someone is praying let it be from the depth of your heart you following at home following your office your car wherever lift your voice and pray participate in this prayer session no shadow you would light up mountain you would climb up coming after me [Music] up [Music] [Music] i'm hearing in my spirit strength for your weakness god is imparting strength there are people you this journey is overwhelming you you need strength the bible says and if you fall in the day of battle some of you are in ministry some of you your family lives and i'm hearing strength in my spirit strength in the name of jesus receive the strength of the spirit the stamina capacity in the spirit capacity in the spirit lift your voice and receive that strength father i receive it strength for the journey in the name of jesus christ strength in ministry strength for my business no shadow you will light up [Music] there's no shadow you would light it up hallelujah i thought i'd be able to share the last parable and just establish it but this is the last session and we just have to let god do the things that he wants to do i'm still the lord is imparting strength and i'm going to pray many of you don't know the power of strength in the spirit paul said that you'll be strengthened in your inner man you need capacity in this journey you need stamina it is it is strong men that retain wealth it is it is strong men that finish strong desire is not enough you will need strength to ward off all the onslaughts the assaults of darkness you need capacity capacity in the spirit hallelujah now i'm going to minister to you by the spirit we'll sit down shortly but but please just allow me do my thing we'll do our best like i said to observe the social distancing but we need to pray there is there is there is a need for that infusion of strength and for some of you what you are receiving is not just for yourself alone you are receiving it for the journey ahead you are receiving it for families you are receiving it for ministry that capacity the strength to pray the strength to travail i'm praying for you right now the power of god is going to come on some of you i don't know how we'll walk with the ushers let's just have them in the name of jesus i'm seeing that strength first for prayer the strength to travel the weakness in the spirit and the flesh in the name of jesus may that grace and that anointing rest upon you now take that strength take that strength i release upon you is coming like fire upon you in the name of jesus bring them out that strength in the spirit capacity the strength to pray the capacity to travel until things shift in the spirit the ability to look away to look away please bring them let's have some of the ushers help them in the name of jesus receive strength capacity the minister of prayer i revive it in the name of jesus whatever has killed that stamina in the spirit metallis that wind of the mercy of god blowing away spiritual laxity blowing the word limitation in the spirit no shadow you will light up [Music] there's no shadow you won't light up let's bring them out the bible says it is not of him that we left that there is only so much willpower can take you i'm seeing fire coming on this brother take that grace now i release that anointing upon you shifting you by the mercy of god please bring them out so sorry for the commotion we're causing but just bring them out and arrange them here it's time for you to access the mercy of god that shifts you into dimensions in the spirit have that lady in the name of jesus i bring you the ministry of the spirit in a dimension that will open up doors of mercy whether you are an usher or not please help them [Music] it is not of him that we left intention is not enough to bring you victory in this kingdom you can want to do good you can want to live right you can want to be kind you can want to be responsible but the forces that contend against men are not human it is not of him that we let i want to preach i want to evangelize i want to win souls i want to change lives but it is not of him that we live the bible says it is also not of him that run it you can have the ability to run you can have the creativity to run the bible says it is faint to wake up early in the morning and to sleep late in the night only to eat the bread of sorrow but it is of the lord that showed mercy intention is not enough desire is not enough you can make your plans i want to be great i want to build a house i want to start a great ministry your desire can only take you so far it is not of him that will it it is not of him that run it everyone who is in ministry will tell you that they started ministry with several people who till today still have a desire but desire is not enough the physicists of life will beat your desire to death if that is the only thing you have there are people who desire to build there are people who desire to have children there are people who desire to have things that are what they are living but desire is not enough it takes the mercy of god behind every strange result is the mercy of god supported by his jealousy backing men producing extraordinary inexplanable results [Music] we're still praying there is a serious impartation that god is doing very serious impartation that god is doing just falling on people god is not telling me what is for what i'm seeing fire is a very strange win this is an ignition in the spirit please also bring them out if we can in the name of jesus fire i'm seeing the number 11 11 people there is a fire from this altar that is resting upon them for various reasons some is ministerial fire god jacking you back to the call you have been running away from god is saying i've been calling you god is saying i've been anointing you what is keeping you from that hunger that passion a restoration of that spiritual fire [Music] okay in your homes that fire from household of david coming upon you igniting you setting you a place finding that desire once again [Music] the mercy of god it is not of him that we left listen do not let your pride make you remain defeated in life it takes more than desire to rise there are many sincere people who will the will of man is powerful but the will of man is limited [Music] the lord is releasing a grace that is bringing multiplication over the works of people's hands and i'm seeing fire come on people's hands right now as i'm praying some of you you are jobless now but as that fire comes on your hand something strange begins to happen some of you have businesses that have refused to hear the word of the lord i bring you again by the spirit the ministry of the spirit i release you by the mercy of god everything that is of your hand i command you to begin to walk everything that is of your hand hear the word of the lord your endeavors ministry business let it be blessed carrying the fire that burns away delay that burns away every chaff [Music] hallelujah says the lord is showing me a vision in the realm of the spirit and i'm seeing what i saw with something in the bible i'm seeing someone's hair just grow back i know it doesn't mean physical hair because your hair is a symbol of your glory and by this i believe god is saying no matter what you've lost dimensions in the spirit you once walked in and something happened in your life prayer dimensions dimensions of power you walked in dimensions of grace at the count of three like a tornado may that wind sweep away everything that looks like limitation one two three take that fire take that fire take that fire i ignite you like it happened to something step into a new dimension like it happened to samson here at household of david speaking to the nations returning power returning grace return with the energizing of the spirit [Music] no shadow you will light up mountain [Music] there's no shadow i just saw a miracle happen to someone you have a lump on your breast but check it now check it now you will find out that the power of god has touched you i just saw this in a vision in the name of jesus christ you call it the wind of mercy this is not just the name of a program it's an experience that should bring you into a superior dimension of spiritual conviction [Music] hallelujah who is jennifer jennifer i'm hearing a name jennifer is there someone with that name jennifer we have to just be very fast i'm hearing jennifer and the lord is bringing restoration to the family of jennifer this is what i'm hearing in the spirit in the name of jesus we speak it we declare it by the spirit of god by the spirit of god there is someone you are sitting on a chair now you are watching from kenya you are following from kenya you are a woman your son is sitting by your side in the name of jesus i decree and declare that god is bringing supernatural restoration to that family from kenya you are watching you're following from kenya your son is sitting by your side i bring you the power of the spirit right now in the name of jesus we command seasons of dryness to come to an end in the name of jesus christ comes to an end now there is a family god wants to deliver from the spirit of death and the anointing of the spirit is going to come upon that two people with a loud shout sometimes you see that god does these things please i want you to bring them i need to rebuke the spirit of death because i'm seen between now and december i'm seeing obituary but not when the mercy of god is here bring them out a loud shout the spirit of god is coming upon two of them they don't even know [Music] you see brothers and sisters the ministry of the spirit comes to the root of the issues in your life and solves it once and for all you don't destroy a tree by removing the leaves when you cut it from the root not some of these families you are seeing i'm not a prophet of doom but you just sit down and hear that somebody has just died no this is where the ministry of the hearing ear and the seeing eye becomes a blessing to the body all death where is your sting an old grave where is your victory i come in the name of jesus and i declare now i command by the spirit the plague of death that should happen to this family between now and december in the name of jesus by the spirit of life we declared cancer forever come on household of david agree with me cancelled forever can suit forever can suit forever in the name of jesus godwin godwin i'm hearing a name godwin who is that godwin i'm hearing your name is godwin you are wearing like a jacket something that looks greenish with a jacket with a zip or something like that who is that [Music] what's your name godwin stand up my friend no shadow you won't light up what do you do my friend this man yes [Music] you are a student you love jesus please come and stand here i don't know who this gentleman is what's your name [Music] okay no problem hold on i'm looking at this man and the lord is telling me to ask you the name of the person who spoke to abraham in the bible someone who spoke to abraham he was a priest not melchizedek when he was i think when he was going to go and get his a wife for isaac that was eliezer right who was eliezer ah the ah the servant abraham servant what's your name eliasa that's what i'm saying i'm just sharing with you what i'm seeing my friend god is going to use you mightily you hear what i don't know you from anywhere huh god is going where are you from uh you are evil there is god is going to use you to tear down altars you see what i'm telling you your family is in real trouble and god is raising you to be a very strong voice i stretch my hands the grace that makes for power with god in the spirit may that grace rest upon you that you will never forget this conference at household of david i impart that grace right now upon you receive that anointing step into new dimensions in the spirit you will never be small you will never be small i empower you with the grace of god go and do exploits tear down the altars of bell that continue to frustrate people within your vicinity in the name of jesus christ my friend what's your name i can't even remember what i said god win where are you from i want to pray for you are you all right you are from uyo i want to pray for you because i'm seeing the lord saying that he's showing mercy where's your mother huh tell mama that the month of october is a strange month of breakthrough for this family in the name of jesus i declare by the spirit may that grace rest upon you rest upon your mother in the name of jesus christ rest upon your mother you are here you had the dream of this conference this the dream of this conference you had it a few days ago this is what the lord is telling me who is that person you had it like a dream don't tell lies so we're in the presence of jesus christ you had a dream where they were ministering in this conference and that it was a revelation that came well wherever that person is the lord wants to do something in your life that you saw been done to you in the dream this is this is why i'm asking you sometimes spiritual things i'm not in your room talk you had a dream you had a dream this morning what time did you have the dream and you saw you saw his ministry in the morning where you remember in this church you started a dream and that's what brought you here i actually registered for the program sir this morning i saw it and i saw that it was i knew this church used to be somewhere around ireland avenue side so i saw that as i was heading there they not directed me data they have moved from this place so i said i didn't know about this the program i'm going for that's what brought you here lift your hands in the name of jesus i don't know you but i pray for you my friend by the power of the holy spirit the grace that must move you from where you are to where you need to be in the name of jesus i decree and declare may that grace rest upon you now help him i release that grace upon you in the name of jesus who is this guy hold on where are you from [Music] what do you do you're a pastor you're about to step into a new dimension in ministry you didn't come alone who did you come with you came alone because i'm saying i'm okay i'm seeing a woman standing by your side are you married where is she there is an impartation that that woman is supposed to receive but well let her follow she's watching her you you receive your own what what church your your church your ministry christ ambassadors ministry that's the name of your ministry you believe in the anointing you believe in impartation lift your hands i shift you by the spirit the limitations you've had in ministry let it dry up now in the name of jesus step into new levels of possibilities and i release the same grace for your wife in the mighty name of jesus christ in the mighty name of jesus christ in the mighty name of jesus christ my dear who's this lady [Music] where are you from because i'm seeing something connecting me and you huh what's your state ah from jaws no shadow you won't line up mountain you won't climb back [Music] her lay hands and pray on you just go and do what i'm asking you to do in the name of jesus christ i like you to pray everything that has challenged you from january till now i'm releasing my faith with you open your mouth and begin to pray in the name of jesus we release our faith here this mountain before the rubber bell you shall become plain if someone lifting their voice to pray father this window messy conference [Music] lift your voice and pray you are in church you are in church be serious let's pray [Music] praise the name of the lord i'm hearing in my spirit the cry of a baby that means someone who is barring is about to rejoice i'm hearing the cry of a baby this is what this is what i'm hearing and of course i'm i'm just going to pray but it seems to me like there is a particular person here that came trusting god for the fruit of the womb the fruit of the womb the fruit of the womb please wish that person is there someone like that is there someone like that hold on i know there are people who well [Music] come you're the one come and stand help our please [Music] presence of god is mighty my dear rejoice you will stand on this altar with yours your baby in the presence of everyone the bible says children are a heritage from the lord you see when when when a miracle meeting is happening like this take your mind away from report and some of if if you allow those things they will plant unbelief in your life there is another system of routing possibilities my dear stand up don't cry it's a weep not for the lion of the tribe of judah the root of david has prevailed he is worthy to open the book and to unlock the scrolls you are a member in this church come where are you coming from you mean the church no no no church weird location or lagos yeah you're not a member of this church but you believe in what god is going to do you came alone are you married where's your husband husband [Music] this god then this god is a mighty god let me tell you the truth sir you believe in the lord jesus christ you believe he will do a miracle for you how long have you been married five years now [Music] was it a boy or a girl you saw in your dream [Music] i didn't say what do you want to remember there's a difference between what you want your desire and what you saw in the dream my dear stand up let's pray i hope you don't mistaken what you are doing for pride nobody has the power in himself to work this out however with god [Music] with god that when the spirit of god empowers you you cease to be normal you cease to be a pure human being the same way people meet with spirits and no longer become you may have a normal flesh but don't be mistaken there is a depth of power that supports this thing that we do sir look at me my first prayer is not even for fruit of the womb my first what do you do i want to pray for you between now and november write it down the way you will so shift people will even think you went to collect a charm i i don't know why people think that god cannot lift people let me tell you the prophetic is powerful just because it has been abused does not mean that there is no power in it that when you meet the grace sent to you by this time tomorrow the prophet said i speak to you sir in the name of jesus here at house of david i release you within now and november step into strange dimensions of possibilities and for you my dear lay your hands on your womb in the name of jesus father you are the one who gives children who are praying for this woman in the open i don't care what the medical report is in the name that is above all names according to the time of life like eli spoke to her i declare carry your children carry your children i change what needs to be changed i remove what needs to be removed in the name of jesus and by the spirit of grace we release you i pray for the other woman help this woman i curse the spirit responsible for buriness i'm seeing like a chain around her womb area this one on the floor in the name of jesus i rebuked that devil i rebuked that devil two of you will be a sign and a wonder to yourselves in the name of jesus my dear you are going to have a baby boy this one on the ground in the name of jesus christ [Music] shout jesus as loud as you can [Music] in the name of jesus christ [Music] they call you bookie bukola [Music] where are you coming from you're a member of this church you came for this conference your life is about to change huh what do you do what are you doing with injection i'm seeing you hold the injection help out with your mind you're a nurse i'm seeing you hold injection that's what i'm saying i hope i hope there's someone who knows her so that you don't go around saying people are cooking up huh okay you're a member of this church okay i want to pray for you where you are walking soon you are going to live there to what do you do are you walking yes sir where am i i'm seeing you live there to a higher place god is lifting you in the name of jesus christ greater pay greater conditions this thing will surprise you i stand upon the grace of your pastor and we release you into that dimension i release you into that prophecy in the name of jesus christ i release you into that prophecy god will start giving you dreams this lady on white there is a grace coming on you you will start seeing things in dreams and as you see them they will happen the way you have seen it is a dimension of the revelatory grace i lay my hands upon you and i release you into that dimension in the mighty name of jesus christ in the mighty name of jesus christ you will step into that level by the spirit of god you will step into that dimension you will never never be the same in the name of jesus christ and my dear for you i pray in the name of jesus christ everything that is tying your progress i release you now i release you from it you're a very sincere lady but i'm seeing a lot of things tie your progress i release you from it right now in the name of jesus christ i don't know who it is but the lord is saying you're not going to use your money to pay the rent i don't know this is not making sense to me but i'm saying it the lord is saying you will not use your money to pay the rent what you will use for the rent is coming it is not going to be from your savings and your resources i release that word for you in the name of jesus christ i release that why is she out no no you don't have to come out in the name of jesus you are blessed you you pay god will pay your rent in jesus name let her go back if i don't ask you to come out you don't have to come out huh in the name of jesus christ i don't know what has stood before you and has refused to let you move i sense that god wants to move people right now i hope i'm not wasting your time in the name of jesus lift your voice say father shout it again say father i decree and declare by your mercy every obstacle standing before me let the wind of mercy blow it out of my way lift your voice and begin to pray lift your voice and begin to pray online pray everywhere pray let it be from the depth of your heart [Music] let the window massive blow it away please pray from the depth of your heart [Music] [Applause] hallelujah can i talk to you [Music] please stand up stand up we are men please stand up where are you coming from what's wrong with your wife she had five people and she lost my baby oh just don't worry i want to pray for you madam you believe in jesus as surely as the lord lives you hear what i'm telling you two children you went miscarriage we lost my just last month oh my god [Music] how did you get to know about this program and i told her that we must be here today listen do you know the blessing that you bring to families when you invite people to church it's not just that you are trying to look at this look at this family look at this family look at a a woman who has come with her husband madame look at me please don't cry sir when you see a matured man crying with his wife they are not acting remember what i taught you put yourself in people's shoes you know what it last last month your son died your child every day your daughter please cheer up listen hold on before we minister to them i think we need to comfort them you just lost a child one month ago listen it's okay we're bringing you the comfort of the spirit listen i stand on behalf of pastor sholan the body of christ to let you know that we love you do not think it is lack of your faith walking and do not think that god is not faithful i want you to know that god is faithful and even though your children may have gone but god can find a way he will always find a way of repaying you so i just want you to know that we love you because you see when things happen like this to people they can be discouraged i believe you prayed i believe they did all kinds of things so sometimes you just need to minister comforts to people it's not just the issue of miracle these people are wounded emotionally to have lost a child please don't cry sir father can we stretch our hands to these people the way you will pray for your own son your own daughter your own brother your own mother please pray from the depth of your heart father restore restore [Music] restore [Music] now madam i release your children now in the name of jesus christ please help her carefully i decree and declare the same way job lost only sons lost all his daughters lost his estate and the bible says god restored to job twice we stand as the church of the lord jesus christ with the authority fested upon us and in the name of jesus we proclaim and we declare restoration restoration in the name of jesus for your shame you will receive double in the name of jesus and even the things you did not pray for i asked my god to give it to you in the name of jesus christ in the name of jesus christ god bless you please carry your wife gently it is done huh in jesus name i curse that fibro please carry her carefully and i declare that devil and that spirit i cost you out of this body in the name of jesus christ in the name of jesus christ [Music] please stretch your hands towards me anybody holding what should have entered your hand now in the name of jesus christ the god of heaven the giver of all good things i stretch my hands back to you and i declare that everything god has destined that must enter your hand whoever will be used by god to release it i compel them to release it to you now i compel them to release it to you now i compel them to release it to you [Music] [Music] in the name of jesus christ [Music] and that night a hazardous could not sleep and he said bring me the chronicles and he opened the chronicles and found where mordecai had done something good and was not rewarded and he said who is in the chamber there and her man came he said what must be done to a man who has done this anyone you have shown mercy to in the past everybody whose life you have been part of and yet a reward has not come for you as this wind of mercy blows to your life i provoke strange rewards strange rewards in the name of jesus financial rewards rewards of lifting we open the book of remembrance by the blood of the lamb in the name of jesus [Music] and when mordecai said what should be done to the man he said quickly go and do the same for modekai and they put him upon the king's chariot and he wore the robe of royalty and began to go around the city and they said about the knee that everywhere you see him listen while in strange seasons where god is marking his people and bringing a level of beauty and glory god is proving a point with his people to show that he pays to serve jesus because it looks like believers are having the same result with unbelievers unless the people in the world make the mistake of believing that god is a user and not a blesser god wants to move in this season everywhere there is darkness that's when the power of god begins to move it says and darkness was over the face of the deep and god said let there be light and isaiah said arise and shine even though there is darkness that gentiles will come to your light their kings to the brightness of your rising [Music] it is not of him that willeth it is not of him that desires it is not even of him that can run but it is of the lord that showed mercy a scripture that pastored what you shared here earlier this year very powerful scripture [Music] how that in sodom and gomorrah when the people came and were beckoning on the angels that they wanted to have the angels to themselves and lord was willing to give his daughters and the people said no it's these angels we want the bible says the drew lord shut the door and struck the people with blindness and they wearied themselves in front of the door there was a door before them but the eyes to see it was not there one of the blessings of the mercy of god is the miracle of open eyes the grace to see what others are not seeing the grace to see what others are not seeing father every blindness that stops your people from seeing opportunities seeing relationships [Music] access to materials and resources that make for supernatural encounter i declare right now in the name of jesus may their eyes be opened supernaturally [Applause] [Music] in the name of jesus i pray for you that as a result of this conference between now and the end of the year december step into dimensions you never thought you would step into dimensions more than your physical efforts in the name of jesus dimensions more than your qualification in the name of jesus the final thing i will do here i like us to stretch our hands and let's pray for lagos state let's pray for the government let's pray for all who continue to fight the pandemic we are responsible citizens and believers and the church are an advantage we are not antagonistic to what happens in society we are responsible contributors to nation building and we can lend our contribution with our voices we can lend our contribution as we ask the lord to step in so wherever you are in one minute lift your voice and pray pray for all the members of ncdc pray for everyone are you praying lift your voice and cry to the god of heaven lord empower them some of them do not have the time to spend with their families some of them continue to go round to see to it that this pandemic comes to an end let's lift up the cry of mercy father while we trust you and thank you because you are putting an end to this we pray we bless the legal state government we bless all of the the people appointed for this noble task we pray that you will help them in the name of jesus as they go around doing their best as they go around ensuring that the purposes of god are established as far as the wellness of the citizens are concerned empower them keep them from sickness and lord we agree in the name of jesus that this pandemic is on his way out in the name of jesus we agree we continue to pray and enforce as the church of the lord jesus christ that you will not only bring this to an end but everything that people have lost the opportunities the time by your spirit you will restore in the name of the lord jesus by your spirit you will restore in the name of the lord jesus christ amen and amen and i pray for you every challenge you left at home to come here for this conference i agree with you standing on the grace of pastor sholan his wife and i decree and declare you return back and you encounter strange testimonies in the name of jesus christ fresh desire and passion for the things of god in the name of jesus fresh desire for prayer fresh desire for the word of god i pray for you for the gift of spiritual sensitivity you will know what the spirit is doing part time and you will not miss out on the program of god for any season everyone who is not a member of this church a pastor you are an ordained worker somewhere and you left all to come and stand and worship with this church may the grace upon this ministry rest upon you the honor you have shown the lord the honor you have shown pastor scholar i decree and declare that god himself will reciprocate that honor to you your businesses your ministries in the name of jesus and finally i pray for you that the grace to continually show mercy the grace to be compassionate the grace to be tender-hearted the grace to forbid let that grace be released upon you in the name of jesus christ pastor thank you again may the lord honor you in jesus name
Channel: Salvation TV
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Keywords: online sermon, apostle selman sermon, apostle joshua selman sermon, new sermon 2020, apostle joshua selman new sermon, youtube sermon, sermon on youtube, apostle joshua selman messages, apostle joshua selman nimmak messages, koinonia, apostle, joshua, selman, nimmak, prayer, apostle joshua selman, apostle joshua selman 2020, koinonia messages, download apostle joshua selman messages 2019, how to grow spiritually, spiritually minded, mercy of god, parables of mercy, recieve mercy
Id: SkIg585M8xg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 163min 50sec (9830 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 25 2020
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