bedwars but i cant use the generator | challenge

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what's up everybody its gamer boy to here and I'm bringing you guys the latest and greatest bed Wars challenge this one is called the no generator challenge and it's a little bit tough to explain so pretty much what you have to do is just not use the generator at all while playing bed Wars so yeah I'm just kind of standing here I normally would be soaking up some sweet resources but can't be doing that well let's see if I was gonna bridge over to us well things aren't looking good they left the game so prio they reconnected thanks gay one 7:07 welcome back to bed wars pretty much if I kill someone and they have resources on them I can spend those resources right so if someone's carrying around gold I can use that and buy I don't know sponges whatever normal bed horse players would buy I can't actually go in the generator on my own and then this also counts for diamonds and emeralds I can't go in those either but say I punch a guy into this generator and he picks all that up you know if I kill him I get all that resources so there's a ways to work around it I just get to patiently wait until somebody comes to my base and gays gone again well for some reason there's only three teams left being me red and pink I don't know I mean the game has been going on for about three minutes and I haven't done anything and somehow every team is missing luckily we got this person flat bridging over to me and that is absolutely perfect please have a lot of stuff on you yes actually that's super good so I can spend all that also picking up blocks this is totally fair game I can take whatever blocks are placed around the map and use those as well I'll defend my bet even and that's all I'm gonna do no more than that did someone say sharpened swords I think so okay so I spent 26 iron and four diamonds let's let's move towards the middle of the map blocks are huge though because now I can actually get to every base let's just hope that I don't find end zone or I will have some trouble but doing literally anything with that okay let's go to red base seeing as they I'm pretty sure they're ready took out two teams but being blue and green so if I can take them out that would be pretty swag wait Pink's on the way over - this is awesome I will stand over on this bridge - just chill for a little bit and pink will do all the work for me foolproof and they're gonna get distracted by pink so I'll sneak in and break yes keep going pink to stand there looking real good over there and a whole bed gone that's right pink now you now it's your time to shine actually Pink's destroying no wait no they're not wait yeah they're okay good cool and they had to for prot and they had a tall by I don't know an iron sword maybe normally I wouldn't but I guess I'll do it this time more damage more power and to be honest I don't think I think no matter what I bought I'd be fine cuz I already had a sharp stone and anyway let's just go take out this wool bed defense and everything should be amazing they do have iron gear night don't I don't know if that'll make a huge difference though it'll probably just be a knockoff kill anyway like most of them okay why did you do this I thought there would be stairs now I have to take like half my health and fall damage because you King Otis um let me just bridge over use up some of my precious blocks that I didn't want to have to use okay and I'm just gonna punch you off okay why am I not using my sword I'm dumb there there goes all my resources again okay you know why use my sword everything would've been fine but either way I can't use my generator but we should still be okay I did flat bridge everywhere so I'm pretty sure I can get back to pink face without damaging myself too much well I guess I didn't flat bridge here but either way I don't know I don't even need a generator to get back to his base so we should still be able to win this game and yeah so what what would be smart is he'd bridge over to my base but he's not doing that he's going around the entire map to get back to my base so things are great see now this is annoying because I don't have blocks to counter that so I'll just stand here wait for him to peek over and do something like that some people in there their confidence after placing some blocks or like yeah that's right I just covered up this staircase with my colored wool and you know what you won't be able to know what to do anymore cuz you can't get up the stairs haha alright you're going I will use my sword this time but I that time I didn't even yet I could have used blocks that time to kill him and didn't know okay whatever I'll to stand here and wait for the game to be over I again I've brought in sharp and I don't think this has either and also let's win there's a first try challenge right there I didn't think it would go so well seeing as there were three teams left pretty early but either way let's do another one well welcome back to round 2 where I will awkwardly stand here for about three or four minutes not being able to do anything this will be a great time hopefully blue won't disconnect and actually come over to me flat bridging now if I sound just a little bit sick it's cuz I am just a little bit sick you see i I gave up washing my hands for New Year's and it's catching up to me apparently that's a thing where we have to wash our hands to stay healthy also that was a joke and also that wasn't funny at all blue please flat bridge oh my god I'm getting so lucky why is everyone flat bridging no he he ran out of blocks he only rushed with eight that's unfortunate well wait again good defend your bed with wool that is the best bed defense for me because I can't actually have tools unless you give me a lot of iron you know maybe I'll give me a lot of iron so I can buy tools but I'll probably prioritize blocks and a stone sword and he's on his way over come on just keep bridging no don't go up no no no stop you don't want to go up you don't you don't you really you really don't want to go up no this is annoying he bought a knock-back steak I kind of remember myself oh my god I just lost hang on one sec I take it back okay let's pretend that didn't happen speed wise probably the best map to do this maybe Orchestra just because everything is so like filled in in the middle does that make any sense where you know other maps like like air show what I just was a where I was just on there's a lot of void speed awaits a lot of flat ground that you can just run around on so that's real good but I remember myself saying something about being lucky at the start of a last game but little did I know I was rushed by somebody who built up and also used a knock-back stick so that kind of sucked and it's looking like bad news again seeing as this pink player did build up a little bit although gray is rushing do I see gray blocks over there what wait why well there's gray about to break pink bed for some reason uh-uh and then red is diagonal bridging from their base to gray that's not supposed to happen either okay well either way I'll just wait here and spectate this whole mess you have no grey beds gone because of red and pink beds gone because of grey can somebody's coming to my base maybe you can I mean you can take my bed just give me iron in return and I'll be okay with it no okay pink lost their bed and did kill grey however they're not gonna give up coming over to my base which is real nice okay my bed's gone now and he actually did almost kill me let's see what do I want to do here okay uh-huh I'll buy a golden apple and and wood planks that that is that is my choice of uh cuz that's all I need a way to get back to middle and also to every other base let's let's do this okay I'll eat the gap I'll start heading over to yellow team maybe um yellow stone the game without a bed wait where are they or do they rush my base oh they did okay so here's what needs to happen right I see yellow and aqua over here they are their final kills I just need to kill them and take their resources I don't have any gear at all those this could go a little bit poorly yes let's just I need to kill you alright we're here on waterfall I didn't step in the generator despite what you think either way I'm losing confidence in my ability to win doing this challenge I lost like about five six in a row I don't know how many now I'm cutting most of them out cuz they're all really boring just me sitting my sitting my base and tell it's me and one other person left and then I just end up dying to them because they have a lot of gear and I don't and everything said but hey I think my chances have a increased by 50% seeing as this first person is flat bridging slow bridging to the diamond Jen this is real good I just need them in a flat bridge slow bridge over to me and things will be amazing okay I've been thinking of strategies and here's my final genius strategy because I understand bed wars players so much what's gonna happen is I'm gonna let them break my bed they can have it whatever I don't care then I need them to step in the generator of my base once they do that I'm gonna jump them wait they're not it what their don't break my bed okay that worked out way too well see what's supposed to happen there is I'm gonna put this away because I can still use that right I just I don't need it right now okay let me just build up a little so they take a while coming over to my base so what what suppose happens they break my bed and go in the generator then I kill them but looks like what happened is they didn't even break my bed one in the generator and then I was able to kill them now if I can just push you back real quick real nice thank you now there should be a nice little bed over here I am blinded just give me one sec once this wears off which this is lasting a little bit way too long a little bit way too long okay and stand near the edge for me that would be real nice please and thanks okay that worked out well Gigi's let me just get some more blocks I guess and I'll head middle okay I think I'm gonna go over to Green Team because pink and red are fighting at the very moment so I'll go take out green then it should leave me with one person that doesn't have a bed as long as I can kill green I'm already at half health yes just do whatever you were just doing right I don't know what that was but whatever you were doing do it this is good let's do sharpened swords let's do an iron sword and I'll go middle hopefully because I didn't buy a gap so I'm gonna be a little bit low hopefully I have enough time to regen and as long as I can catch red and middle you know this should be an easy breezy game yes please e easy breezy please PLEASE e oh yes oh this is so good I just start bridging to my base just just start bridging okay they're not going to do that they're gonna run up here would either way you have a sharp no you just have a regular iron and leather armor tnc jump but that would have been really cool if it worked actually it kind of did do G that's a good game second win of this challenge and I think that's going to do it I can't do any more of this this is so whirring dude the first five minutes of every game is just well I guess that's a little ironic because I just want a game in five minutes but generally the first five minutes of every game is just me sitting doing nothing anyway if you guys enjoyed this episode of bed Wars make sure you smash that like button and if you didn't enjoy smash that dislike button because that's what they dislike buttons for and also subscribe bye
Channel: gamerboy80
Views: 795,268
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bw, bedwars, minecraft, mc, gamerboy80, gb80, challenge, hypixel
Id: jPlwd3wWO48
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 27sec (687 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 22 2019
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