The LARGEST Obsidian Bed Defense in Bedwars

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in today's video it was myself and gamer boy 80 duplicating some items in bed wars to be able to build the largest obsidian bed defense in bed wars it was it was really unfair basically we went to middle we got a bunch of red lucky blocks and a ton of emeralds and then also got our hands on some blue lucky blocks there's a chance when you break blue lucky blocks that it'll copy someone's inventory basically our goal was to copy the other person's inventory on our team so that we would double the amount of items we had we did this over and over and over and ended up with somewhere between 10 to 20 stacks of obsidian and then we also got a placeable bed hidden inside on a completely different island and then just mess with the remaining teams we had tons of iron golems lots of fireballs we literally gave them a bet at one point it was just absolutely ridiculous if you guys do enjoy all the trolling and shenanigans along the way make sure to subscribe turn on notifications and if you haven't already follow all my social medias they're up there at the top of the screen and they're linked down in the description i would very much appreciate it anyways that's all i got so let's hop into it there's some gold there's mine all right all right we're taking it serious let's go let's take him out we're sweat mode we're sweat mode let's go we try hard lucky blocks i'm rush i'm rushing the knockback right cool i was right they are just breaking lucky blocks because nobody sweats this game except me i guess all right well goodbye well oh sorry here you here take all that those poor guys i'm jumping in the void all right cool um maybe go for yellow some stay rush too but but i think we're okay for now poor team they just had bed in their name they had bed that's it that's something i haven't been in their name if if you're on theme with the game mode you gotta go all right i'm up to three blue lucky blocks oh my that's our bad start cut it out yeah yeah take one take one take one hey welcome to the video welcome to a new round well what's your call should i take out yellow or not yeah probably i mean his name is basically sweaty but he doesn't know how to spell so i think i think like he's even got a q in his name like qr and x you know you know yeah [Music] it's like a call sign like it's he's part of the group it was a mission success in that sense that's good and he's dead oh he had seven emeralds thanks buddy if you want to rush a base i have a magic toy stick i can just like blow up a bed defense of a base you're rushing okay sounds good if i don't die right now oh oops okay i died right now you could keep gray because he's so low now true yeah that might be a good idea i'm just gonna mine his bridge to mid i will get a team upgrade i will oh it was the very first one i broke okay that didn't work he's trying to fireball me back and really he's just helping me mine his bridge got it got it oh let's go somebody stop him oh my gosh he's going in all right we maxed it is that max let's go all right cool so do i want to kill blue or should we leave them alive should we leave as many teams alive as possible so they don't lean on us that's that's kind of a good point um the thing is like we need to get a lot of blue blocks and i don't know if no please come down here please cuz before we open blocks we need there to be just one person so that the odds are 50 50. but oh true um i mean you don't have to like rush kill everybody but by the time it gets to emerald three everyone needs to be dead except for one guy i think i'm just gonna i'm gonna join blue's bed oh great team just just wait is blue bad uh blue's not great okay well great team's teammate just reconnected okay so what are we feeling killing killing gray yeah probably all right blocks aren't placing hello there we go thank you server appreciate you going desperate on the ice bridge do it okay great teams running the middle oh great man i did not realize there was a second one at our base and then he voided all right i think i think we're fine i think we're fine what i just lagged through what okay it's fine this is annoying there we go i suppose i can go attack pink but what's likely that i die here probably unlikely oh yeah i have this sort of justice too so i i just heard the lightning i was like oh he's dead how many reds should we start duping or not i got four now we still got time we don't have a lot of i don't have any blues yet oh yeah i've been on these guys these guys aren't gonna leave i don't think since yeah they just seem to be chilling opening blocks hanging out just the kind of player we need we need them to not be aggressive so that we don't kill them over and over and then they get upset yeah but also i'm guessing they're in the mindset that they're gonna win so that probably means they're not gonna leave it's good yeah that's that's what we want oh hey there's a guy on the other side of mid if you want to chase him down oh i'm on it oh there's a guy under under youtube poor guy now it's really like a uhc fight it's another dude he's going up i don't blame him well that would have been sick if you actually hit him down from that hold on we got this oh oh my gosh he has punch five be careful wait am i able to place blocks at my feet i am we're going up what's this fight how am i missing him [Laughter] you need like another block under you oh god he's jumping in slow motion but all right i'll go after him those poor guy didn't have a chance i have 21 blue by the way sweet i got 10. so doing pretty good i think if we can get up roughly 50-ish i think we'll be set as long as our luck is not absolute like i can't even finish the sentence oh my god my brain just stopped working songs our luck is an absolute garbagio that's what i was going for thank you very cool thank you garbagio that was the word oh they're both here in middle oh hey guys i'm not with you just see your way okay someone put down a nice bridge is that you nope that's them why you shooting be careful yeah see that oh oh geez oh my god oh geez he almost took you out with him oh man hell out okay dude before and honestly if that wasn't a rush pro i probably would have died because i had to throw my pro like straight up to survive oh jeez that was a normal problem i probably couldn't have done that i think we have like 49 blue blocks so so we're we're good enough good enough i need to do a url 39. i have 19 and then you have 31 right yeah yeah oh then we're right at 50. all right cool okay so basically what you do is toss me any reds blues or anything you want duplicated that's everything i have except for the blue blocks stop these so i have room for stuff um all right okay so toss me toss me the blue blocks as well yeah yeah all of them and then i'll place them one at a time and you'll break them because if not you'll lose them yeah all right okay oh there's one coming hold on i'm honestly scared now wait yeah yeah yeah yeah come on come over this way come on run away from those guys here we go we're starting with we're starting with 44 emeralds 12 miracle blocks and 49 blues oh you got it that early let's go okay okay drop me the stuff and then we do it again there's that wait so this could just be an endless chain of blue yes yes okay okay um oh that's so lucky now fire oh you got it we got it again you got it let's go we gotta kill this thing okay okay now drop the emeralds blues reds oh my gosh i have over two stacks of gapples what i don't even have room for the emeralds what the hell reps are not that useful but you can toss out yeah i'm tossing out all that stuff keep one stack i have almost three stacks of emeralds now okay just start just start breaking the blues okay i'm just gonna start placing them like all over i still have stuff i should probably give to you but who cares oh we got stasis on them let's go slow him down dude i have 84 blue blocks not counting what's on the ground already oh my gosh you got it again we need to kill these guests we need to kill the gas there's so many okay here i'm i'm gonna place down as many of these as i can and then just start breaking them and then at that point once we get through most of them oh my goodness okay no we don't need it we don't need it we don't need it but at that point m's are totally a stack and a half of red blocks wait wait wait throw me throw me the emeralds that you don't want if you don't want them the emeralds that i don't want well yeah cause you said we don't need it after i threw your m's if you no no we need we need to go buy all of it as obsidian oh yeah that's right that's right and then we gotta open the red blocks and get a bed true all right okay just gonna buy obsidian oh my god oh this is insane this is insane okay we're gonna have to build this fast okay i have two stacks of obsidian i copied blackjack you copied me again i got i got three four stacks of obsidian i'm coming back to you because i i don't want to do this anymore oh my god all right now we just um start start doing this also by the way i have almost six stacks of obsidian and you should have a lot too we just need to get a bed all right oh we got a bed got a bed so practically all with obsidian yeah so what we need to do is we're here so after gone does it break our bed uh like our yeah yeah replaceable no place to place it after yeah exactly okay okay i got another bed okay oh we have an extra one then okay then we can just uh well we need the team chest to be able to get all the obsidian right okay true i'm gonna place one now just just in case uh wait wait hold on hold on okay well we gotta give them a bed so that they don't jump off the map or something while we're building this all right no big deal just gonna outline this a little bit nothing to see here guys don't worry about us nothing to see here you imagine playing one of these games and running into something like this uh yeah and my nightmares oh they got a bed there themselves they placed it right now worst timing oh yeah that's true crap that's destroyed okay there you go the perfectly centered bed here i'm gonna go oh wait should i have placed it better no it's fine you can only place beds a certain direction i just didn't realize it was one of those maps and if so can i have it i'm gonna go do a delivery to blue if that's fine with you we have a bed for you that way they won't panic when they see you um okay gave black jaguar a bed i can only hope he goes back and places it down okay one can only hope we could probably do this thing solid no that's what i was thinking like we have so much all right i'm just gonna just make it so they can never get to our bed because i still have two stacks on me i oh my i didn't realize i had this much i would have made it bigger holy lord we should have done this at mid we could have had so much yeah crap i'm just fine oh this is a mess i'm just spamming it right oh no way hey i think he could tell because we gave him a bed i do that in a lot of the videos that go well so i have time to set up stuff wait when do we end this game yeah after we acknowledge our uh our great building dude look at this hey i have uh five more stacks of obsidian if you want to expand it we can here's uh i mean here you go neither should i just start spamming it down uh i mean just like add one layer to the outside you know just expand this thing don't mind us this is ridiculous this one thing if it's hollow this thing's solid like should we tell them to try to get our bed i mean we might as well and like have them just sit here and mine through it this whole time well i saw like three stacks on me so oh my gosh we could have made it so much bigger oh you're trying to keep it as neat as possible potentially i may have screwed up a little bit uh this one up here as well you just like what do we do now build big pixel art that says break me out of obsidian yeah you wanna smite there wait can i if you don't magic toy stick up city and it will break oh really yeah i'm gonna smack up their bed a little bit hello oh there he goes try to break our bed here he comes on a horse should i toy stick him or not nah all right so tempting oh he is mining fatigue too just let him try to mine in put some withers down on top of our bed that's a good idea there i put all six on top here i got two more there you go got eight withers up there oh he's going in from the side that doesn't have enough smart man you know you're gonna mine in mine in come on do it before the dragon does it no don't use a wood pick he's using a wood pickaxe are you serious i have a stack of gold uh just give him the stack of gold just do it i already did he has it i gave him two stacks of iron a stack of gold he has a wood pick upgrade your pickaxe man upgrade the pick he threw me a single iron golem here yeah look i had oh oh god oh oh wait they're not even they're bored we're friends now they're friends wait let's see we'll hit this guy oh yeah they will oh he he was not a proud forex he's taken down you know what we could do what's up is we could spawn all of the golems in their spawn point all right well i'm killing this guy then a great idea hello all right well i have some obsidian i'm just gonna [Music] yeah oh i can't place blocks here for some reason oh that's fine oh you want to attack me that was a mistake enjoy the golems all right i'm knocked out can we just get back nice um a few golems just a few just i got two more two more there we go perfect [Music] oh no wait did you die the skeleton oh yeah no skeletons were attacking me i was killing them outside because i was having so much i walked out the back door to block out the backside of it uh that's what i get you're one million percent zyfe oh they know now i don't know i why why is it just me that would do this what million percent one million percent as soon as i spawn in golems in their spawn point oh the dragons are just gonna eat all the golems aren't they i'm still getting kills and i'm on the other side of the map let's go where uh one of them made it out yeah he's in middle okay buddy go and bring him back bring him back it's time to go back to your home bye the columns are going crazy oh there is a gallon uh a dragon nose dive so this is a massive hole here hang on actually there's golems everywhere there's columns that's it this is what their their island looks like oh they're just both oh they're just both having a bad time oh god oh the dragon it just killed so many golems you have golems too i have 12 more i have 12 months all right all right we gotta get a reinforcement reinforcements let's go all right then we just uh encase this a little bit just build a little wall around it there we go no that dude oh man man he's touching the roof dude that sounds not nice just a pro tip oh smith [Laughter] dragon just yated me off the map all right should we find their bed then do you think i mean we can or we could watch them die to gollums for eight entire minutes and then break their bed well all the goals are gone now oh sadness and now they're just shifting at us because they want a screening uh okay yeah hey our bed defense is still intact really i guess there's no over there yeah the dragons just fly near the players so oh oh he's critting me out oh he's angry now oh i wonder what caused him to be angry could it be the golems why did he get so angry i don't know could be any reason really oh i think he's given up they're both afk they lost their minds oh no oh we're good no we're not i just see you up here and then immediately disappear that's so upsetting oh wait we we didn't even build the pyramid at our base yeah it was just some random base oh i was responding like where's the pyramid i got a bed pointer all right i'm on my way oh oh he's stabbing me now i was just chilling that's fine if you want to die hey man what's up you having a good time no had better days just staring into my soul oh god just place two explosive chickens the dragon just came by and killed the chickens this guy keeps attacking me oh he's gonna die yeah oh bye bed pointer where'd it go oh it went towards the diamond gin to their left okay oh oh he hid it under the map in one of these little obsidian boxes oh yeah that's definitely a viewer i did this last week is it is it a breakable better now um yeah we need a diamond pick no there's there's a there's a weakness on the side this piece of wool here that uh yeah i have both guys here yeah they're running the obsidian pyramid i think they're confident i kind of want to watch them try to mine it that'd be really funny oh the dragon almost got him actually oh the dragon oh no the dragon's gonna open it up oh oh should i break it uh well one just died so the guy trying to break our obsidian pyramid got flung off by dragon so it worked out you guys responding they they didn't expect the dragon bad defense they never saw that one coming through the best part yeah exactly dude your luck with copying inventories was ridiculous oh he's gone i don't what happened there uh wait was that the guy in the middle with me yeah i saw him fly up into the air and then he landed and died so well i saw him and then he just i didn't you know oh the dragon's swooping down uh-oh [Music] oh oh okay well he broke a hobby i heard that oh oh the bed's exposed uh oh he's going for you oh no he's not going for us very well oh yes i wouldn't smack me a little oh okay with the wither and me eating gaps he's not actually doing any damage to me wait you went up in health oh god that chicken's gonna kill him he just shouted uh and he's dead no don't do it that was my 25th kill i passed you on the kill leaderboards let's go nice i also got 1400 xp from there [Music] you
Channel: Zyph
Views: 589,919
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The LARGEST Obsidian Bed Defense in Bedwars, The LARGEST Glass Bed Defense in Bedwars, The FAKE Dirt Bed Defense in Bedwars, Bedwars, bridge, the bridge, minecraft bridge, breezily, god bridge, moonwalk, bedwars zyph, zyph bedwars, hiding spot, bedwars hiding spot, funny, laugh, zyph, Zyph Knockback, best bedwars player, mc, Bedwars Bed Defense, MASSIVE Bed Defense, The UNBREAKABLE Bed Defense in Bedwars, NOTEBLOCK Jumping in Bedwars, Zyph and Target, gamerboy80, LARGEST, gb80, obsidian
Id: 65qcUKceSyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 12sec (1392 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 23 2021
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